Horseville Illinois free porn video

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This is Tony's harrowing story, and he ain't fond of lilly assed tranny Homos, but hey don't shoot the messenger. Andy. 20 September 2010.


I guess it was curiosity that led me to come to Horseville Illinois, I was watching the pornos that Gerry Frankel made with Harrie Bowvase and Amelia Timmins, and my girl Francine walked in on me, and damn it to hell if that girl didn't walk straight out on me out when she saw how Harrie was hung, "I ain't hanging around with a six inch cock when there's eight inchers out there to poke with!" she said and she just walked straight out the door.

She come back an hour later for some clothes and the car keys, 'cos she got mighty cold in her nightdress what with walking through the snow drifts and all that but she had her mind made up and she set off in her little Chevette to find Gerry Frankel and get famous or worst thing get laid.

I hunted round the place and found the parts to put the engine of my 68 Mustang back together, Francie had been washing dishes in the oil pan and the pistons were under the bed, I wondered why it was so lumpy, so it took me most of a week to do fixing it up and then I had to get it in the Parlour so I could hang the engine from the ceiling and slide the Mustang under it, and that meant knocking the wall out under the window, but as soon as that was done and I did the fire damage where the fuel line come off and sprayed gas all over the headers then I guess it was no more than about three weeks before I set right off to find Francine.

Trouble was she went to Hollywood by mistake while I headed north to Horseville Illinois.

Horseville had changed from when Gerry Frankel made his pornos, the derelict shops were gone and replaced with a great row of half built whore houses, none of them finished and most of main street was levelled to make room for a parking lot which was just about empty, and the whole place had this feel like Armageddon had been and gone, see everyone went to Hollywood after fame and fortune, because when it was famous there was no whorehouse and when thy had the whore-houses were near built all the whores was gone.

I called in the Garage, "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They all gone son, following the money," An older guy with a grey beard announced when he came in the office after ten minutes of me ringing his bell.

"I'm looking for a girl," I announced.

"Who ain't," he said, "Exceptin' Homos."

"Five five, blonde," I said.

"Nope, there ain't no girls left, whole dang place been took over by Homos." he said dismissively, "Might as well call it HomosVille, you ain't Homo are you son?"

"No Sir," I agreed.

"Whole dang place is dying," he said pretty sourly, "Hell even Gerry Frankel's gone west to join Disney corp."

"My girl came here to find some eight inch cocks." I explained.

"Hell, you better find new girl son cause I tell you when they had an eight incher inside of them you and me's going to flop round like a mop in a bucket in there." he eyed me up, "Walt Garfield," he introduced himself, "An you are?"

"Tony, Tony Meyer," I agreed.

"Hell we already got a Mayor, you lookin for a job son?"

"Yep I guess, long as it ain't ass fucking like some homo." I said, "I done farm work and I fixed up my Mustang, new pistons, reground crank new headers." I told him, never said about the fire though.

"Sam Regis needs a hand down his veterinarian place and I sure could use some help trying to fix some of the crap them Homo's drive hell I even got a MR2 out back."

"Right" I agreed, "I need someplace to sleep."

"You got tilt back seats in the Mustang ain't you?" he asked, and well he had a point.

"I'll tell Sam you're coming." he said and he wandered off.

I glanced around his yard, he had a shiny Chevvy 'Vette which I guessed was his and there was every lilly assed heap of crap from a VW microbus to a Nissan, I figured maybe helping the vet was a better career option than fixing some homo's Japanese crap.

Sam was sure as hell glad to see me, he had this long dead cow in his shop and every fly east of silicon valley was a queueing up to get a piece of it.

"I can't get in and I got a waiting list of Homos a mile long," he said.

"You want a tractor with a back acter," I said when I stood and looked, "Take the wall out and then you can get the cow out."

How was I to know the wall was all that held the roof up.

"Why in the hell didn't I think of that?" he said, "You get down Franco's tool hire in Clarksonville and I'll get the wall down."

I never got to the end of his yard before he smacked the end wall with his sledge hammer and the whole dang lot collapsed.

"Guess I should have let you do it," he suggested.

Luckily he'd been working outside so his veterinarian tools was ok but the shack was about finished.

"There anything valuable in there?" I asked.

"Propane cylinders," he said, "But we can get them out."

"Hell no burn the place down," I said "Claim on the insurance," so we did, hell you could smell the rotten meat and flies roasting in Clarksonville nigh on twenty miles away, how was I to know he never had no insurance?

Rick Nelson what owned the place came running, "Hell Sam I never meant it when I said burn the shack down."

"Shucks Rick, seemed the best idea," Sam agreed acting dumb.

"You better fix your kit in the blacksmiths shop." Rick says so we goes over there.

It weren't too bad, light and airy maybe where one of the roof sheets was gone missing but there was a forge all rusted and a great big bench and a huge vice.

"Got me a backlog of Homos," he said, "You any good at sewing son?"

"No," I said.

"You do the cutting then," he says.

"What if I get it wrong?" I asked.

"Do I look like I care?" he asked, "You got a knife?"

That's how I become an apprenticed plastic surgeon.

First job I got was sorting silicon rubber tits, they come in pairs first off but Sam just had em all chucked in a sack, ok they all had sizes marked, like D, DD and Big, but some was pointy and some rounded and well old Sam never gave a damn.

"Ain't we supposed to sort of numb them," I asked, Sam nodded, "Stretch the skin some," he nodded, "Get scrubbed up?" he pointed to the horse trough.

"Hell what they expect for ninety nine, ninety nine?" he asked, "Anyway you set?" he asked.

"Sure," I agreed.

"Right here's the list you get on the cellphone and get em organised." he suggested.

"You got blood transfusion stuff?" I asked.

"Sure I got tubes, go get a porker off of Rick just in case." he suggested.

I was fixing to do as he said when a VW beetle full of Homos turned up, you know all yellow paint and lowered suspension and flower power stickers and that, this guy climbs out in platform soles and leather pants and that, "Hello, is this Mid West Implants," he asked and when Sam nodded he asked, "Can you fit my friend Nigel in please," he said like he was that Jonny English guy out the James Bond movies or something, "Only we would like to get to Hollywood before next year."

"Sure," Sam says, "You come back around five and he'll be ready."

This guy had been growing his hair like girl length to the shoulders, natural blonde, least aways it matched his beard and moustache, but he was a scrawny little guy, probably Mexican.

"What's it to be then son," Sam asked as the other guys drove away."

"Like medium?" he asked awkwardly, not knowing as Sam only had D, DD and real big sizes in stock.

"Okey Dokey, then you get your shirt off and come right on in." Sam said, "You got cash?"
"Yes, sir," The guy says and he hands over two fifties, Sam hands me one, sticks the other in the back pocket of his Levis and took his craft knife from his back pocket, and do you know the guy faints, yeah carump, right down in a heap.

We hauled him on the bench and Sam started cutting, "You got a pair of pointy DD's in that sack." Sam asked.

"Well there's two, wouldn't call them a pair though." I replied.

"Two was a pair when did my schooling," Sam said, "Hand em over."

The guy was bleeding all over the bench like a bad B grade horror movie, the flies started getting interested and Sam asked for the Tits, I handed them over and he sets em down in the oil and dust on the bench, and next thing he's stuffing one under the guys skin, "Hey Sam that's a right," I says as he forces the silicon rubber in place.

"Who cares, they splay out better," he said, "How you know anyways?"

"Marked R for right," I says all innocent,

"Dumbass, that's R for reject." he set me straight, "That's why we gets them for thirty cents a piece." he chuckled, and then he says "Get my fishing box I wanna finish up," so I went across and fetched the box he kept beside his fishing rod.

He chose the line carefully and taking a needle from the box he started sewing, it weren't neat cos the skin was too tight by a half but with me pressing pretty soon it come together and the blood stopped bleeding mostly.

"Hey Homo wake up," Sam hollered and he slapped that guy around the face.

"W'what," he says, as he sort of shakes himself, "Oh my christ." he wails.

"You want some cocaine or something," Sam asked.

"Yeah!" he screams.

"Well there's a dealer in Clarksonville, black guy, less they lynched him as well." Sam joked, "You fixing on being a girl?"

"I'm not letting you do it," he said, "You butcher!" he said as he hauled his tee shirt part way back on and he couldn't get it over his tits.

"Look guy, what the hell do you expect for ninety nine dollars," Sam asked, "Anyways you had your quarter hour."

"I was fixing on a sex change." he said.

"You done counselling?" Sam asked.

"No!" he said.

"Best not, might put you off," Sam says, "Look tell you what I'll put it on your tab ok?"

The guy stares at him through the agony, "How much?"

"Twenty dollars a month," he said but before he could answer his Homo friends come back.

I had a brain-wave so I went and told them their mate had had his tits done and was after the whole deal, except he was two hundred dollars short, they seemed real interested, and quick as that they flashed out a pair of fifties each and said they'd be back in a while.

I flashed the bills at Sam, "You set girl?" he asked.

"I guess," he said.

"Best get them pants off then." he said, "Hop on the bench." The guy slipped his pants and shorts down revealing a weenie about as big as your average rabbit has.

"Gee," Sam said, "Micro surgery," and he had the guy spread his legs while he found a wood block.

"Just put you out for a second son," he says and he fetched a sledge hammer down, slipped the wood block under the guys balls and smashed the hammer right down smashing his balls to a pulp.

"Aieeeee phut," the guy wailed before he passed out.

Next job was fixing up the blood pump, old Sam stunned the hog and we fixed some neoprene tube to a hand pump and stuck one end in the hog's leg vein and fed the tube through a hole in the shack wall to the hand pump and on into the guys arm.

Next thing Sam got started,I tried to see what was happening but there was too much blood and Sam set to work with his pliers and knife and little clamps made from clothes pins and some cat gut from his fishing box and somehow he fashioned that cock skin into a cunt while I kept pumping that hand pump pumping from that hog in the yard through about ten yards of tube and into the guy's arm to stop him bleeding to death.

"Hey, son get me a beer, will you?" Sam asked.

"What about the blood?" I asked.

"Nope rather have a beer," he said, and he grinned, "I'll pump you get a couple of buds," he said.

We stood there enjoying a beer watching the Homo gurging away, while I kept pumping the blood.

"Say, won't he get sick?" I asked, "All these flies and dirt and that."

"Sure and some half million a year surgeon will fix him up on Medicare or Medicaid or some such, just as soon as he gets to the big city." he says, "You want first poke?"

"Nope, I ain't poking some bearded Homo even if he do have a cunt." I said firmly.

"Well I ain't neither, you seen Rick's hound dog around?" he asked. Gee my mind near exploded, "Only he likes left overs, balls and that."

The guy was still out cold as I shaved his face and do you know when I finished he never looked like a Homo at all, no he could have passed for a fifty year old washed up crack whore any day of the week.

Eventually we got finished. We chatted as we waited for the guy to come round.

"One time Homos was queueing up for me to fit them with tits and head off to be Shemale porno stars like Harry Bowvase," Sam said. "See I got licenses to practice as a gender re-assigner." he said and he pointed to a certificate in his fishing box.

"That ain't English," I said.

"It's Somalian," he replied, "I got it off Ebay."

"Right," I agreed, "So why?" I asked.

"I really hate Homos." he said.

"Any girls around?" I asked.

"Well, yes and no," he says, "There's Gloria, but she's mine." he said, "She come for a boob job and I fell in love right away."

"Right," I agreed.

"You wana come to dinner?" he asked.

"Sure," I agreed, wondering just how unsanitary his kitchen would be, but hell did I get a shock but first off we had to sort the Homo out, but with an elastoplast on his arm and a whole load of rag, old shirts mainly, round his crotch we fixed him up with an old mini dress and set him walking to meet his friends.

Gloria was glorious, as was Sam's house, I hardly could believe it, like it was huge, about a quarter mile from Rick Nelsen's place. and Gloria she looked like a movie star, all blonde and gorgeous and dressed like she was going to a film premiere.

"Gee Sam did you do Gloria's, ah" I asked.

"No way boy, you don't mess with perfection!" Sam announced, "See I been trying to retire for a year and more," he says, "Sam wanted bigger tits so she could pull a millionaire, so I showed her my bank book and she fell in love with my cash as much as I loved her tits."

"He's real sweet," Sam says.

"She's a fantastic cook, and real neat around the house." he explained while all the while staring at her tits.

"You get out of those work clothes right now Sam Regis," she railed, "And you," she said looking at me, "You better smarten up if you're coming in my Dining room."

Luckily I had a clean shirt and Levis in the car so I got myself smartened up, and headed right back.

"Walt said you was looking for a girl?" Sam said.

"My girl Francine, I said, "She come here looking for big titted Tranny Homos with eight inch cocks."

"Are you sure you want to find her, she sounds very screwed up." Gloria asked.

"I thought so," I agreed.

"Have you tried Facebook." Gloria asked.

It seemed ridiculously obvious, so Sam fired up his computer, and there she was, "Danged Chevette seized up, that Tony is as bad as a mechanic as he was in the sack." was one of the most polite comments, I wouldn't have minded except I never even checked the oil, maybe I should have, maybe that's why it seized up, but that was two and a half weeks ago.

Dinner was amazing especially since Gloria had no warning I was coming, roast duck with all the trimmings and a few pellets left in where Sam shot it with bird shot, "You're a lucky guy Sam," I said when it was time to go home, well back to my Mustang to bed down for the night.

I couldn't get no sleep every time I tried some big titted tran-sexual whore knocked my door and asked if wanted to poke it, it kind of got tedious after a while.

See ever since Harrie Bowvase topped the porno charts with his big silicon tits and eight inch cock, every wanna be big twitted homo in the US and most of Canada had come to Horse-ville to get themselves sorted out with Sam Regis's discount rubber Tits.

Chuck in his discount gender reassignment, for the Homo's what really wanted to be girls and the whole place was more Homo-ville than Horse-ville.

I helped Sam out next day, "Soon as I run out a rubber Tits that's it," he told me, "I tried everything, rusty knives, dead cow in the shack," he said, "I even pulled the ads in Kansas rubber world, and Jerkie Girlies, but they still stopped a coming.

"Why don't you get a swanky clinic and charge a bomb?" I asked.

"Hell no, have to be nice of I charged em up, only pleasure I gets is making 'em scream." he said.

We done six Homos before noon, one had C cup tits done down New York, real fancy sort of saline, anyway forty minutes on and he had the real big ones fitted, I reckon we fitted two left Tits but Sam never bothered, anyways something went queer because we ended up with five DD's and one big one and half a dozen D cup.

Still they kept coming, Sam put up a sign "Last Few DD's and D's $990." hell he near started a riot, all them Homos living in half built whore houses and trying to earn a few dollars ass fucking when there weren't no johns to poke them.

I got quite neat with the cat gut in the end, Sam said the stitches dissolved but he never said it would take maybe two hundred years, and then as time went on I booked in the Motel, the guy never had no one wanting a whole night before, and I got my stuff laundered and life weren't so bad.

Only thing was getting laid and Homo ass fucking don't do it for me.

We had a bit of a celebration on Friday when we shoved the last pair D size tit rubbers in a girl what worked down the five and dime, Sam promised her he'd do her some time and he decided she would be the very last, hell he even scrubbed up and used a new knife blade and everything, he never even charged her seeing she was a girl, just done a deal so's I could fuck her a couple of times a night and four times on Saturday and Sunday for the next week which was real good of him, except she been letting eight inch cocked big titted tranny homos poke her so I was like a mop in a bucket when I was inside of her.

She was called Linda, her husband weren't too happy at me poking her but he poked her ass anyway so when he found out he was ok.

That was that, after Linda, I just helped Sam tidy stuff up, we pumped that hog dry and sold him to some Mooslimbs as Hallal meat, fixed the roof, cleaned the place up and we left a useable blacksmiths shop where Sam could play with his sledge hammer fixing stuff that weren't broke till he tried fixing it.

Walt Garfield had some work when Sam had to let me go, but hell fixing Jap stuff what ain't never been over 55 MPH ain't mans work, so I said my goodbyes.

There was about twenty Homos outside Sam's shack when I went for a look-see.

"Hey, what you gotta do to get Tits round here?" this guy in leather pants with a zip right around the ass asked.

"Ah," I said seeing a way to make a buck, "I got some places writ down, I'll get back to you."

I went round Sam's, Gloria let me in and she listened real hard.

"Sammy," she said, "We could do a franchise,"

I already said she could have her Tits on the advert.

"Look Sam, you been good to me," I tells him, "If you lend me your name I'll do all the work and split the profits fifty fifty."

"Yeah," he says real bored, "Who wants a ninety nine dollar Tits for homo's franchise."

"No." I says, "The horse-ville look, hell rich city slicker Homos would pay two, three hundred dollars for Tits."

"If you charged a thousand they would think it was a better quality," Gloria suggested.

"Hell five hundred basic, thousand silver and maybe fifteen hundred gold de luxe." Sam said.

I never hit the sack that night, I e-mailed every breast enhancement joint, thats Homo speak for rubber implant Tits, every one from Newfoundland to the Baja peninsula, even emailed the one out in Alaska Sarah Palin needs to go to, and then ping them replies started coming in.

Hell with no up front costs just a five per cent skim and as many pictures of Gloria's Tits as they could use those guys started signing up like flies round a dead hog.

"You best start checking those guys out make sure we ain't getting ripped off." Sam says. "Best get a better car."

"Better car, right yeah," I agreed, "I guess an Edelbrock and skim the heads." I says.

"Hell no a GT40," he says, "You know the LeMans racer." but hell me and that Mustang been through more than most marriages so no way was it getting dumped.

Gloria suggested I start checking joints in Hollywood, so when I figured that's where Francine had gone I headed right down, it took a while, dang car only done around eight to a gallon but in the end I cruised down the main street eye-balling the whores and then I booked a room and checked out the Tit joints.

They was easy enough to spot, what with Gloria's Tits on the posters, "Get noticed!" it said.

I guess it was fate but the first week I was there I saw a brand new porno flick and there was my Francine wearing a black strap on and nothing else ass fucking a big titted tranny Homo in a leather skirt.

I tracked down the studio next day and there she was on set where some gay director in leather pants was directing a scene with her and a big ugly Homo with Sam's rubber tits and his cock skin all filled with rubber was trying to poke her, "Oh it's too big!" as this big titted Homo tried to poke her with eight inches of neoprene or polystyrene or some such rammed under his prick skin.

"It's too big," she said, "It's too fucking big you rubber titted rubber cocked moron."

"Cut, stick to the script ducky," he says.

"Ass hole, if she says its too big its too big," I shouts.

"Get him out of here," the director guy shouts, "This is a redneck free zone."

Francine wasn't having it though "Tony, you came for me!" she wailed and she headed right for me, except her knickers were round her ankles and she went down, full length, splat.

I scooped her up pretty dang quick, "I missed you honey," I said and I kissed her.

"Tony," she said, "You wanna loosen me up maybe so I can take twelve inches."

"Sure doll, you stop them pills and throw away that coil and leave off the condoms I'll get you stretched so wide you'd get a hogs snout in there." I promised her, and I stuck my tongue down her throat.

"Action," that director shouted, he must have known we was going to fuck, but he never fixed that I hadn't hardly fucked for a week and when I pulled out after eight pokes I guess he was amazed at the spunk blob what splattered the camera.

He must have been impressed, hell he kept us busy near all afternoon, fucking this way and that still it weren't no hardship and when I was right out a spunk I lay quiet and told her.

"Hell if I could fix you a set of solid lifters I'd love you more than my Mustang."

"You already re bored me," she says, "I guess we better get married."

I thought a moment, then I pictured her mom snapping the hogs neck last thanksgiving and I agreed right there and then.

We go back to Horse-ville pretty often, they elected me Mayor on account of my name, and I was fixing to get the town name spelled right like Whores-ville, but no one don't care and we got a real swell place, it was built for whore house before the boom went bust so we got it for a song and fixed it ourselves with a real swell corrugated iron roof and that and also there's a real neat dungeon and hooks all over the place where junior can hang his aeroplanes when he comes along and now Francine just dreams of eight inch cocks while she milks my six incher like a pro.

To be continued? You choose, give some feedback ok.

Postscript July 2015. No feedback so no part 2


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Part- II The hooked fish ‘Hey we’ll celebrate,’ he cheered and asked me, ‘give me your jacket honey’ I took out my jacket nervously and gave it to him. He stared at my bare shoulders, cleavage, at my popping nipples thru the top and down to my bare belly. ‘You have a more beautiful body than your sister Sangita. It will be great to see you nude.’ he told, ‘are you a virgin?’ ‘Yes’ I replied ‘great’ he smiled and asked me to give him the top also. I felt my ears turning red hot with shame. I...

2 years ago
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Book of Common Prayer Prayers For Weekdays Monday ACT OF ADORATION

ACT OF ADORATION Hail My King- My Masculine, Virile, Absolute Ruler, You are full of strength and worthy of ecstatic adoration. I am Your servant, Your devout servant Whom You have conquered with Your nipple And belly kisses And I am Yours always. In eternity. My navel, center of my femininity, Is Your delicate flower, Your supple May rose in blossom Whose mission is to send the message that I am Your property, Your exclusive territory and that I am pregnant with Your love and...

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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 14

Tossing and turning Lexi finally got up with a sigh of disgust, it seemed like every time she closed her eye’s she saw Tommy laughing as the girls shrieked or Tommy on the beach at the island, she could still feel his bare skin under her fingers but she could also hear his hurtful word. “no I guess I just expected a virginal magic lady, my mistake”, pulling on her bathrobe she went and took another long hot bath, laying in the bubble’s, the fragrance of roses filling the air she sipped a cup...

4 years ago
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Friends become lovers

Mike’s cock shot hot milky onto my hand and nylon covered thighs. He sighed a collapsed back on the bed smiling. His hand stroked my back. Mike and I were old friends and 6 weeks ago we had started playing sexually. My cock was hard in his mum’s black lace panties and his cum was drying on her black fully-fashioned stockings. We were both 17 and I was staying at Mikes as his family had gone away for a couple of months. Mike couldn’t go because of school and it had been agreed that I would stay...

Gay Male
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Educational Video

My name is Beth and I am 29 years old. I am 5'7" tall and I weigh 125 pounds. I have dark hair and dark eyes. I've been married for the last 11 years to my childhood sweetheart. His name is Billy. Billy and I grew up in a small town in west Texas. We were both raised as strict Christians, and I do mean strict. Billy and I were both virgins when we got married because that's the way we were taught it was supposed to be. When I was sixteen my mother sat me down to explain sex to me. Having...

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Pooja And Herself

Dear Indian sex story readers, NOTE: THE SEX EXPERIENCE WOULD BE BETTER IF YOU IMAGINE YOURSELF FUCKING POOJA. BECAUSE ITS A SOLO SCENE. I want to give you all a different experience. Hope you all like it. Pooja, a 25-year-old woman, Works at an IT company and earns well. She’s beautiful. Her eyes are brown. Her hair is Balck with a red streak on the left side. She is a modern girl but loves ethnic too. Pooja lives by herself in her apartment. This happens on a particular day after a stressful...

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MY sweet roopa

This story is about my aunty her name was Roopa (name changed), let me describe to you how she looked, she was about 5’9 in height, aged between 35- 40! She had very big breasts & her structure always made me horny. First I saw her in marriage function of my cousin with her from the first day she came. I am from Patna; this incident happened months before .I always use to stare at her big breasts and a very cute ass which looked even cuter when she use to wear saree. I use to accidentally bump...

4 years ago
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Oasys The BeginingChapter 7

Ohai sat quietly going over the events of the last eight days while the others slept. She found a family, she had a sister, she had taken part in the rescue of one of her new family, she had been given the chance to learn about and experience emotions. One thing she couldn't classify cleanly was her developing relationship with Marz. They would always be connected as long as they were alive. Marz and she had learned how to turn down and even turn off the constant flow of information between...

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what mom doesnt know ill fuck her pt 1

Dude, you know who I would really like to fuck?""Anyone who moves, I imagine.""True. But do you know who my most constant late night focus of my daily stroke-fest sessions?""Beth, the head cheerleader?""She's in the top five, no doubt.""Well, who would be number one then?""Promise you won't judge?""No.""Seriously, this is really embarrassing.""Fine, I promise not to ridicule you too bad.""My Mom.""That's not so bad. I was expecting Big Bertha or Old Woman Burgess. First, your Mom is...

3 years ago
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Supposed to be a chill night

“Waddup bro.” I said, walking into his backyard. He had a sick house, and had two connecting homes on the property which they used for parties and guests. We were gonna get the smaller one, we didn’t need much. He had a small studio on the bottom floor, which we used a couple times to hang out without the distraction of others. We actually recorded some music one time when we were high, and it was awful. I threw my stuff upstairs, and sat on the bed. “Dude, tonight’s gonna be sick!” Alex...

2 years ago
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The Sissification Act

Nobody knows why but for some reason the birth rate of females began to decline. It got so bad that mankind was threatened by the decline of females. The Governments of the world tried to force women to have multiple children but that barley helped, and then passed many laws that let men basically fuck women whenever and wherever they want in hopes to increase the rates pregnancies but the declining rate of women still continued, not to mention the treatment of the women during these times were...

3 years ago
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East Coast West Coast Part Six

We ended up getting out of the cab at Scott’s hotel, simply because it was closer than my apartment. Everything felt numbly sexual. The people in the foyer. The art on the walls. The mirror in the elevator. The smooth, cold handrails. Scott’s fingers were tight around mine and I kind of liked that he was holding my hand. People looked at us, a little confused, a little jealous. Some smiled.Once we were in his room, the door was locked and we were alone. Totally alone. I could hear the faint...

4 years ago
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Steady Partners

Once a week for more than a month, my boyfriend and I have been enjoying the company of another couple. This couple is unique, because they are a 62-year-old woman and her 40-year-old daughter. Both are married, and both (like my younger daughter and me) are bi-sexual. Both are married, and neither husband knows that they play with other women. I met the daughter first, while she was waiting for her mother to finish a tennis lesson at our athletic club. My boyfriend was taking a spinning class,...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Engorgement Charm

Harry was laying on the spare bed in Ron's room at the burrow and was staring up at the ceiling. It's finally over, he thought. Voldemort is finally gone, maybe now Ginny and I could be together, forever Harry began to think of her naked body, which he had actually seen during his sixth year and immediatley got a hard on. Harry tried to jerk off, but he just didn't have the feel to do it. Lately, he noticed, his boners just weren't very large. He had, unfortunatley, seen other guys...

2 years ago
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MommysGirl Aliya Brynn Lilly James Just Play Along

Lilly James is relaxing at home when her stepdaughter Aliya Brynn comes in. They greet each other pleasantly and Aliya asks for Lilly’s permission to go to her first concert tomorrow night. A group of new friends is attending and since she has never been to a concert before – along with the fact that she is excited to get to know these new friends – she was hoping she could go along. Lilly shakes her head firmly and says no to Aliya’s request, saying that she’s too...

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not so much in trouble

Her pussy touches my chin and I feel her shiver her ass millimeters from my nose is clean and sooo so inviting. I push my tongue out licking over her tight rosebud and she shakes involuntarily then pushes down a little inviting me to lick her again. I oblige her pushing my tongue harder this time and making sure I staret to enter her ass. My cock is hardening already but I can feel something being pushed onto it covering it and pinching a little at the base. I continue to lick and suck on...

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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 18 Dinner and Discussions

Ki Jung has had plenty of experience dealing with people who underestimated her, which has led to her seemingly becoming a cold hard bitch when it came to such people. Bullies in school, individuals at martial arts competitions and exhibitions, the list goes on. Master Chen is just the latest in their numbers, and she already understands the fact that with such people, “Might Makes Right,” and “The Strong Thrive; The Weak Die,” are their watch phrases. One cannot act weak with them. This is...

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Living in Cockington part 19

I was sat with my shorts around my ankles in the middle of my living room, rubbing my cock as I sat watching some porn and thinking about my cousin Zoe who I had just fucked up the ass.Then Bridget my neighbours twenty something housekeeper came wandering down from upstairs, where she had just been fucking my teen daughter and sat next to me.We had in fact fucked a couple of times previous so I didn't bother covering up but continued rubbing my cock."Here let me" she said taking over, her soft...

4 years ago
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Penny and Leonard finally made up and were a couple again. Sheldon had reluctantly gone to a conference at the University, so they thought they had the apartment to themselves for the day, and were making love in Leonard's bed. Leonard still couldn't believe his luck that he had scored with a girl as hot and sexy as Penny. Her body felt so good against his as she rode on him, slowly pumping her hips up and down, her hairless pussy sliding over his rigid cock. He softly sucked on one of her...

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Michelles New Boyfriend Ch 1

Tuesday evening after dinner, Michelle and I sat down in our living room to discuss her relationship with Shaun. “How are you feeling about Shaun? Are you going to fall in love with him?” “I think I already have. He has something about him that’s pretty irresistible.” I have to admit, just the tiny bit I saw of him I could certainly understand what she meant. It was pretty scary to me, especially as close as I’d come to losing Michelle a few months ago. I had to ask her, “Enough that you’d ever...

Wife Lovers
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SpaceChapter 37

"A glass bottle of mustard." He went on and I said, "Another can of Coke. Your knuckle is beside an open box of baking soda." Larry kept moving his hand and I kept talking. "This is weird." "It sure is now go to your bedroom and touch things with the cane." "I don't have to. You could have broken in but you could not know what I touched. There were too many of them. What do you want?" "You're direct. That's a good leadership quality. I have a small shallow box. I'll hand...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 2

‘Where are my fucking legs? ‘Fuck, I’m bleeding all over… Can’t back up… fucking bomb is behind me – Shit! Just like last time! ‘Mom! Help me! I need… to… nuugh… can’t… flare… Got… Go forward!’ ‘I am really, really fucked…’ Lisa reached toward a face she knew and pushed as hard as she could against the expanding white fire she had pulled into the teleportation zone with her, then the white fire consumed her. As she blacked out, her shield failed and the nuclear explosion pushing...

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The BookChapter 9 Reviewers

Jorge had been a member of the Cabal for three months when he started to see changes in himself. At first the thought crossed his mind another Cabal member had been meddling in his mind. He dropped the idea when he realized the thought wouldn't have struck him if it was true. He kept asking many questions about the Cabal. Nothing about where they'd come from, but what they did. He got some pretty boring answers back from his contact. Mostly, the Cabal did nothing. One day a summons...

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ScoutPart 12

“Captain’s on the bridge,” Crystal announced. “Status report?” “Twelve minutes to the Navy base. Going to DefCon One as previously ordered. No other ships on scanners. Modifications to Shark are finished and we are ready to launch.” “Are all crew members aboard?” “Charlie, Bev, Agatha, Aurora, and Dawn are aboard Rampage to assist with organizing and training the bot troops. Aella’s projected image is aboard Rampage, “ Crystal reported. “Thank you, Crystal. What changes were made to...

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A Study in GraysChapter 9

Some minutes after Fran entered her period of quiet reflection, she was drawn back to the now by the obvious sounds of Josette and Stephen waking up. The toilet flushed twice and there was the whirring sound of electric toothbrushes doing their job. She thought about getting a jug of squash ready for them when they came down, but the moment passed and there was no sound of footfall on the stair. Fran remained quiet, thinking about her feelings for Frédérique. As the time went...

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VacationsChapter 21

When Jim got back to his daughter-in-law’s house, Frank helped him take his belongings back to his own house. Sue and Ronnie were each in their own beds, nursing monstrous hangovers. Frank hurried back to the house to watch football with his nephew, an activity considerably improved when Taylor came downstairs wearing her cheerleader’s uniform with nothing underneath. The guys decided she was a major improvement over the usual halftime activities. With Sue and Ronnie under the weather, Taylor...

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Rodeo Roundup

I was raised on a 1200 acre ranch where my dad and older brother raises and breeds horses. Our part time hobby is competing in rodeos. My dad only watches anymore. My brother competes in team roping and I barrel race. I met this guy about a year ago at a rodeo in Wyoming. We have been friends, meeting each other about 4 times a year at rodeos. That's the only time we see each other. He lives in another state so we keep in touch through social media.Last spring my family and I went to Huston...

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my wife doesnt mind chapter 7

I was surprised when Claire told me that Dave had cum inside her 4 times. He has only cum 2 times with my wife before and even then he struggled to keep hard. Seeing the amount of cum oozing from Claire as she went to take a shower was arousing. So arousing that I had to follow her with my cock in hand. “So did you like fucking Dave “ I asked “Cindy use to like it. I liked it as well ,especially when he would cum several times without stopping or going soft.I have always lasted a lot...

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Lady Libertine Ch 04 Like a Virgin

Angie called me in the afternoon to rave over the script for telephone sex. ‘I was so turned on that I decided to email my script to Taylor,’ she admitted. I voiced my alarm over her sharing it. ‘Don’t worry. I told him that I wrote it. Who else could have written it?’ added Angie. I attempted to defend my point of view, but Angie kept saying how it was so much better than she had ever imagined. I was surprised that I ended the conversation with a, ‘Thank you.’ Yet, it was not because of...

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Surely Hell

Surely Hell. This is surely hell. The bed is soft, but that is the only comfort, and for his benefit rather than mine. I roll a little to ease the pain on my arms, which are folded tightly behind me, secured together across the small of my back with cable ties. My legs are bound separately with more of the unyielding plastic, but with ankles tied to thighs, thus legs folded, I cannot move even enough to fall off this bed or out of the cloying sheets that cover me. The darkness is...

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Revenge of the SdrenChapter 5

Dammit! How could Catherine let things get so far!? She had remained talking like a valley girl for a few hours after leaving Chad’s place. In that time, she had taken at least 10 selfies for Instagram, judged the appearance of everyone she passed, and had bought a few new outfits for her to wear for Rush week. She had thought it was weird that Sai was calling her “Catherine”, but that wasn’t what ultimately snapped her out of it. It was when she sat down to do her homework, having...

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My Lover

Hai friends Im jeevan from kannur.Iwould like to tell my sex experiance with my lover. Actually i didnot love her because of her behaviour,whatever Ilike her for sex.her name was Suvarna, a slim beauty.This incident happens when I m stuiding in +2.. One day after class she waited for me in the class room,i entered the room with out closing the Zip of pant.I forgot to close it after mitchuration. She noticed and inform me with a smile.I become ashamed and turned to close it, that time she said...

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As the main course was served

Her hand crawled up his leg inching closer to the visible erection. Slowly she pushed the tablecloth aside affording her better access.   She reached up and undid his trouser button, freeing his erection from the material jail. Like a released prisoner, it jumped up, vibrating to attention. The head was bare and smooth. Blue veins along the side, throbbing. A small drop of pre cum glistening in the harsh auditorium lights. His pubic hair formed a collar around the base but it was the size...

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The Threesome

The Threesome(c) Abe FromanThe following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature; if you are under 18, stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies involving the mental and physical control of others. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any further. This is purely a fantasy. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is consensual or purely coincidental. Thanks go out to Ashley for inspiration and feedback.Please send...

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Steamy Sex With A Reader

Hi, I am Yash. I am 23 living in Pune. My email address is Send your feedbacks and I will keep on writing the sex story. I am a horny man, so any girl, aunty can contact me. I have my own place. I especially love divorced aunties. This is a sex story of a wild sex between me and my reader. She is also from Pune. Her name is Priya, she is 22 and has a busty figure of 34-28-36. She is a killer in a tank top and shorts. Her boobs were peeking out and she barely covered round ass will make anyone...

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Barbaque 2

I grabbed my sister Sheila as she walked by where I was sitting and pulled her onto my lap. It was purely an impulsive move... or maybe not. I'd been obsessing about Sheila and my other sister Vanessa for a while. My name is Eric and I'm 16 years old. If you read "Barb-a-que" you know how I lost my virginity and acquired two lovers in one eventful day. That was almost a year ago. One lover was my own mother and the other was a friend of hers, Mrs. Alice Perry. I knocked up both women. Alice...

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Shemale Semen

I had visited a couple of my favorites on St. Pat’s day, a theater and an arcade. I was able to get 3 or 4 guys to go down on me, but nothing very exciting and not much for me to do in return. I jacked off and went home. But today was a different story. I really needed to take a leak badly and was near another favorite ABS; this one with the cleanest restrooms I’ve even encountered. So I went in that direction, drove up, and entered. There was one customer browsing DVDs along with the clerk...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 13

Eli and Duncan headed out of town with their wagon load of prisoners. Bud Parkins drove the wagon, Duncan and Eli rode their horses. “Eli, I already like this horse pretty good. He’s as tall and long legged as that big stud you got.” “Yep, you got a good’un, Duncan.” They turned south at the creek crossing, and rode right by Noonan’s ranch. “You could at least let me see my wife before you take me back,” Noonan said. “I’ll go see if she wants to see you... “Duncan, you keep them headed...

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The Occasional BachelorChapter 6

Greg thought the older you get the faster time goes by. It didn’t seem that four months had passed since his wife Jill had last made her trip to Dallas. He was now driving her to Tampa International Airport for her to go back to Dallas, Texas to spend four weeks with their daughter Beth, her husband and her three children. He was not a fan of her continuing to take these trips but after what had happened the last time she visited he had changed his opinion. If there could be a repeat of his...

5 years ago
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Finally She Came

Here she was, at the Beach Party downtown, and as she walked around with a friend of hers she wore a loose skirt which the wind was kicking all over the place. Theresa is her first name. We work together. She doesn’t know it but I have this huge, huge crush on her and I want to go out with her if she’ll say yes. However, I’m the type of guy who is considered a nerd. I’m scared of asking a girl out and I’m scared of girls in general. I always have been but as I’ve grown up it hasn’t been a big...

2 years ago
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Her eyes watered. Her mascara was starting to run at the corner of her eyes. Her forehead wrinkled. Her blonde hair was pulled back tight into a pony tail and my hands cradled her head, palms against her ears. My cock was deep down her throat, my balls resting against her chin. Her mouth was stretched wide around my shaft, her tongue struggling forward under it, the tip of it just touching the top of my sack. Her eyes looked up at me...pleading? I couldn’t tell. I could feel the subtle...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 419

From Pepere Puns For the Slightly Higher IQ! Those who jump off a bridge in Paris are in Seine. A man’s home is his castle, in a manor of speaking. Dijon vu - the same mustard as before. Shotgun wedding - A case of wife or death. A man needs a mistress just to break the monogamy. A hangover is the wrath of grapes. Dancing cheek-to-cheek is really a form of floor play. Does the name Pavlov ring a bell? Condoms should be used on every conceivable occasion. Reading while sunbathing...

3 years ago
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The New Girl

Introduction: A story I made up. It was a warm day, about 75 degrees out. I was shirtless wearing some light camouflage shorts. A new girl just moved in next door, I had a perfect view of her room from my window. I was sitting on my bed reading a magazine, it was full of naked women. I loved to masturbate to it whenever I could. I forgot to shut my blinds one day and my legs where in front of the window next to my bed. Next door the new girl just entered her room when I was masturbating. My...

2 years ago
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The Mall

The Mallyou know the day that opportunity knocks you have to take advantage of well this was the i entered the mall i noticed you there... walking slightly before me...your firm ass cheeks moved very seductively under your brightly colored summer dress.. as you walked your skirt flirted with your long legs... shifting up on one side exposing a tantalizing amount of creamy flesh....and then to the other side as your hips thought were...

3 years ago
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I love Masturbating

Masturbation has always been an important part of my sexuality. In fact I estimate, at a rough calculation, I've masturbated to orgasm somewhere around sixteen thousand times. Many of those consisted of a quick wank in the shower of a morning or a quickie at a public toilet somewhere when the urge struck. Now though I concentrate more on quality, taking my time and relishing the sensation and pleasure. My wife’s away for a few hours so I’ll take my time with an edging session.I strip completely...

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