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This is Tony's harrowing story, and he ain't fond of lilly assed tranny Homos, but hey don't shoot the messenger. Andy. 20 September 2010.


I guess it was curiosity that led me to come to Horseville Illinois, I was watching the pornos that Gerry Frankel made with Harrie Bowvase and Amelia Timmins, and my girl Francine walked in on me, and damn it to hell if that girl didn't walk straight out on me out when she saw how Harrie was hung, "I ain't hanging around with a six inch cock when there's eight inchers out there to poke with!" she said and she just walked straight out the door.

She come back an hour later for some clothes and the car keys, 'cos she got mighty cold in her nightdress what with walking through the snow drifts and all that but she had her mind made up and she set off in her little Chevette to find Gerry Frankel and get famous or worst thing get laid.

I hunted round the place and found the parts to put the engine of my 68 Mustang back together, Francie had been washing dishes in the oil pan and the pistons were under the bed, I wondered why it was so lumpy, so it took me most of a week to do fixing it up and then I had to get it in the Parlour so I could hang the engine from the ceiling and slide the Mustang under it, and that meant knocking the wall out under the window, but as soon as that was done and I did the fire damage where the fuel line come off and sprayed gas all over the headers then I guess it was no more than about three weeks before I set right off to find Francine.

Trouble was she went to Hollywood by mistake while I headed north to Horseville Illinois.

Horseville had changed from when Gerry Frankel made his pornos, the derelict shops were gone and replaced with a great row of half built whore houses, none of them finished and most of main street was levelled to make room for a parking lot which was just about empty, and the whole place had this feel like Armageddon had been and gone, see everyone went to Hollywood after fame and fortune, because when it was famous there was no whorehouse and when thy had the whore-houses were near built all the whores was gone.

I called in the Garage, "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They all gone son, following the money," An older guy with a grey beard announced when he came in the office after ten minutes of me ringing his bell.

"I'm looking for a girl," I announced.

"Who ain't," he said, "Exceptin' Homos."

"Five five, blonde," I said.

"Nope, there ain't no girls left, whole dang place been took over by Homos." he said dismissively, "Might as well call it HomosVille, you ain't Homo are you son?"

"No Sir," I agreed.

"Whole dang place is dying," he said pretty sourly, "Hell even Gerry Frankel's gone west to join Disney corp."

"My girl came here to find some eight inch cocks." I explained.

"Hell, you better find new girl son cause I tell you when they had an eight incher inside of them you and me's going to flop round like a mop in a bucket in there." he eyed me up, "Walt Garfield," he introduced himself, "An you are?"

"Tony, Tony Meyer," I agreed.

"Hell we already got a Mayor, you lookin for a job son?"

"Yep I guess, long as it ain't ass fucking like some homo." I said, "I done farm work and I fixed up my Mustang, new pistons, reground crank new headers." I told him, never said about the fire though.

"Sam Regis needs a hand down his veterinarian place and I sure could use some help trying to fix some of the crap them Homo's drive hell I even got a MR2 out back."

"Right" I agreed, "I need someplace to sleep."

"You got tilt back seats in the Mustang ain't you?" he asked, and well he had a point.

"I'll tell Sam you're coming." he said and he wandered off.

I glanced around his yard, he had a shiny Chevvy 'Vette which I guessed was his and there was every lilly assed heap of crap from a VW microbus to a Nissan, I figured maybe helping the vet was a better career option than fixing some homo's Japanese crap.

Sam was sure as hell glad to see me, he had this long dead cow in his shop and every fly east of silicon valley was a queueing up to get a piece of it.

"I can't get in and I got a waiting list of Homos a mile long," he said.

"You want a tractor with a back acter," I said when I stood and looked, "Take the wall out and then you can get the cow out."

How was I to know the wall was all that held the roof up.

"Why in the hell didn't I think of that?" he said, "You get down Franco's tool hire in Clarksonville and I'll get the wall down."

I never got to the end of his yard before he smacked the end wall with his sledge hammer and the whole dang lot collapsed.

"Guess I should have let you do it," he suggested.

Luckily he'd been working outside so his veterinarian tools was ok but the shack was about finished.

"There anything valuable in there?" I asked.

"Propane cylinders," he said, "But we can get them out."

"Hell no burn the place down," I said "Claim on the insurance," so we did, hell you could smell the rotten meat and flies roasting in Clarksonville nigh on twenty miles away, how was I to know he never had no insurance?

Rick Nelson what owned the place came running, "Hell Sam I never meant it when I said burn the shack down."

"Shucks Rick, seemed the best idea," Sam agreed acting dumb.

"You better fix your kit in the blacksmiths shop." Rick says so we goes over there.

It weren't too bad, light and airy maybe where one of the roof sheets was gone missing but there was a forge all rusted and a great big bench and a huge vice.

"Got me a backlog of Homos," he said, "You any good at sewing son?"

"No," I said.

"You do the cutting then," he says.

"What if I get it wrong?" I asked.

"Do I look like I care?" he asked, "You got a knife?"

That's how I become an apprenticed plastic surgeon.

First job I got was sorting silicon rubber tits, they come in pairs first off but Sam just had em all chucked in a sack, ok they all had sizes marked, like D, DD and Big, but some was pointy and some rounded and well old Sam never gave a damn.

"Ain't we supposed to sort of numb them," I asked, Sam nodded, "Stretch the skin some," he nodded, "Get scrubbed up?" he pointed to the horse trough.

"Hell what they expect for ninety nine, ninety nine?" he asked, "Anyway you set?" he asked.

"Sure," I agreed.

"Right here's the list you get on the cellphone and get em organised." he suggested.

"You got blood transfusion stuff?" I asked.

"Sure I got tubes, go get a porker off of Rick just in case." he suggested.

I was fixing to do as he said when a VW beetle full of Homos turned up, you know all yellow paint and lowered suspension and flower power stickers and that, this guy climbs out in platform soles and leather pants and that, "Hello, is this Mid West Implants," he asked and when Sam nodded he asked, "Can you fit my friend Nigel in please," he said like he was that Jonny English guy out the James Bond movies or something, "Only we would like to get to Hollywood before next year."

"Sure," Sam says, "You come back around five and he'll be ready."

This guy had been growing his hair like girl length to the shoulders, natural blonde, least aways it matched his beard and moustache, but he was a scrawny little guy, probably Mexican.

"What's it to be then son," Sam asked as the other guys drove away."

"Like medium?" he asked awkwardly, not knowing as Sam only had D, DD and real big sizes in stock.

"Okey Dokey, then you get your shirt off and come right on in." Sam said, "You got cash?"
"Yes, sir," The guy says and he hands over two fifties, Sam hands me one, sticks the other in the back pocket of his Levis and took his craft knife from his back pocket, and do you know the guy faints, yeah carump, right down in a heap.

We hauled him on the bench and Sam started cutting, "You got a pair of pointy DD's in that sack." Sam asked.

"Well there's two, wouldn't call them a pair though." I replied.

"Two was a pair when did my schooling," Sam said, "Hand em over."

The guy was bleeding all over the bench like a bad B grade horror movie, the flies started getting interested and Sam asked for the Tits, I handed them over and he sets em down in the oil and dust on the bench, and next thing he's stuffing one under the guys skin, "Hey Sam that's a right," I says as he forces the silicon rubber in place.

"Who cares, they splay out better," he said, "How you know anyways?"

"Marked R for right," I says all innocent,

"Dumbass, that's R for reject." he set me straight, "That's why we gets them for thirty cents a piece." he chuckled, and then he says "Get my fishing box I wanna finish up," so I went across and fetched the box he kept beside his fishing rod.

He chose the line carefully and taking a needle from the box he started sewing, it weren't neat cos the skin was too tight by a half but with me pressing pretty soon it come together and the blood stopped bleeding mostly.

"Hey Homo wake up," Sam hollered and he slapped that guy around the face.

"W'what," he says, as he sort of shakes himself, "Oh my christ." he wails.

"You want some cocaine or something," Sam asked.

"Yeah!" he screams.

"Well there's a dealer in Clarksonville, black guy, less they lynched him as well." Sam joked, "You fixing on being a girl?"

"I'm not letting you do it," he said, "You butcher!" he said as he hauled his tee shirt part way back on and he couldn't get it over his tits.

"Look guy, what the hell do you expect for ninety nine dollars," Sam asked, "Anyways you had your quarter hour."

"I was fixing on a sex change." he said.

"You done counselling?" Sam asked.

"No!" he said.

"Best not, might put you off," Sam says, "Look tell you what I'll put it on your tab ok?"

The guy stares at him through the agony, "How much?"

"Twenty dollars a month," he said but before he could answer his Homo friends come back.

I had a brain-wave so I went and told them their mate had had his tits done and was after the whole deal, except he was two hundred dollars short, they seemed real interested, and quick as that they flashed out a pair of fifties each and said they'd be back in a while.

I flashed the bills at Sam, "You set girl?" he asked.

"I guess," he said.

"Best get them pants off then." he said, "Hop on the bench." The guy slipped his pants and shorts down revealing a weenie about as big as your average rabbit has.

"Gee," Sam said, "Micro surgery," and he had the guy spread his legs while he found a wood block.

"Just put you out for a second son," he says and he fetched a sledge hammer down, slipped the wood block under the guys balls and smashed the hammer right down smashing his balls to a pulp.

"Aieeeee phut," the guy wailed before he passed out.

Next job was fixing up the blood pump, old Sam stunned the hog and we fixed some neoprene tube to a hand pump and stuck one end in the hog's leg vein and fed the tube through a hole in the shack wall to the hand pump and on into the guys arm.

Next thing Sam got started,I tried to see what was happening but there was too much blood and Sam set to work with his pliers and knife and little clamps made from clothes pins and some cat gut from his fishing box and somehow he fashioned that cock skin into a cunt while I kept pumping that hand pump pumping from that hog in the yard through about ten yards of tube and into the guy's arm to stop him bleeding to death.

"Hey, son get me a beer, will you?" Sam asked.

"What about the blood?" I asked.

"Nope rather have a beer," he said, and he grinned, "I'll pump you get a couple of buds," he said.

We stood there enjoying a beer watching the Homo gurging away, while I kept pumping the blood.

"Say, won't he get sick?" I asked, "All these flies and dirt and that."

"Sure and some half million a year surgeon will fix him up on Medicare or Medicaid or some such, just as soon as he gets to the big city." he says, "You want first poke?"

"Nope, I ain't poking some bearded Homo even if he do have a cunt." I said firmly.

"Well I ain't neither, you seen Rick's hound dog around?" he asked. Gee my mind near exploded, "Only he likes left overs, balls and that."

The guy was still out cold as I shaved his face and do you know when I finished he never looked like a Homo at all, no he could have passed for a fifty year old washed up crack whore any day of the week.

Eventually we got finished. We chatted as we waited for the guy to come round.

"One time Homos was queueing up for me to fit them with tits and head off to be Shemale porno stars like Harry Bowvase," Sam said. "See I got licenses to practice as a gender re-assigner." he said and he pointed to a certificate in his fishing box.

"That ain't English," I said.

"It's Somalian," he replied, "I got it off Ebay."

"Right," I agreed, "So why?" I asked.

"I really hate Homos." he said.

"Any girls around?" I asked.

"Well, yes and no," he says, "There's Gloria, but she's mine." he said, "She come for a boob job and I fell in love right away."

"Right," I agreed.

"You wana come to dinner?" he asked.

"Sure," I agreed, wondering just how unsanitary his kitchen would be, but hell did I get a shock but first off we had to sort the Homo out, but with an elastoplast on his arm and a whole load of rag, old shirts mainly, round his crotch we fixed him up with an old mini dress and set him walking to meet his friends.

Gloria was glorious, as was Sam's house, I hardly could believe it, like it was huge, about a quarter mile from Rick Nelsen's place. and Gloria she looked like a movie star, all blonde and gorgeous and dressed like she was going to a film premiere.

"Gee Sam did you do Gloria's, ah" I asked.

"No way boy, you don't mess with perfection!" Sam announced, "See I been trying to retire for a year and more," he says, "Sam wanted bigger tits so she could pull a millionaire, so I showed her my bank book and she fell in love with my cash as much as I loved her tits."

"He's real sweet," Sam says.

"She's a fantastic cook, and real neat around the house." he explained while all the while staring at her tits.

"You get out of those work clothes right now Sam Regis," she railed, "And you," she said looking at me, "You better smarten up if you're coming in my Dining room."

Luckily I had a clean shirt and Levis in the car so I got myself smartened up, and headed right back.

"Walt said you was looking for a girl?" Sam said.

"My girl Francine, I said, "She come here looking for big titted Tranny Homos with eight inch cocks."

"Are you sure you want to find her, she sounds very screwed up." Gloria asked.

"I thought so," I agreed.

"Have you tried Facebook." Gloria asked.

It seemed ridiculously obvious, so Sam fired up his computer, and there she was, "Danged Chevette seized up, that Tony is as bad as a mechanic as he was in the sack." was one of the most polite comments, I wouldn't have minded except I never even checked the oil, maybe I should have, maybe that's why it seized up, but that was two and a half weeks ago.

Dinner was amazing especially since Gloria had no warning I was coming, roast duck with all the trimmings and a few pellets left in where Sam shot it with bird shot, "You're a lucky guy Sam," I said when it was time to go home, well back to my Mustang to bed down for the night.

I couldn't get no sleep every time I tried some big titted tran-sexual whore knocked my door and asked if wanted to poke it, it kind of got tedious after a while.

See ever since Harrie Bowvase topped the porno charts with his big silicon tits and eight inch cock, every wanna be big twitted homo in the US and most of Canada had come to Horse-ville to get themselves sorted out with Sam Regis's discount rubber Tits.

Chuck in his discount gender reassignment, for the Homo's what really wanted to be girls and the whole place was more Homo-ville than Horse-ville.

I helped Sam out next day, "Soon as I run out a rubber Tits that's it," he told me, "I tried everything, rusty knives, dead cow in the shack," he said, "I even pulled the ads in Kansas rubber world, and Jerkie Girlies, but they still stopped a coming.

"Why don't you get a swanky clinic and charge a bomb?" I asked.

"Hell no, have to be nice of I charged em up, only pleasure I gets is making 'em scream." he said.

We done six Homos before noon, one had C cup tits done down New York, real fancy sort of saline, anyway forty minutes on and he had the real big ones fitted, I reckon we fitted two left Tits but Sam never bothered, anyways something went queer because we ended up with five DD's and one big one and half a dozen D cup.

Still they kept coming, Sam put up a sign "Last Few DD's and D's $990." hell he near started a riot, all them Homos living in half built whore houses and trying to earn a few dollars ass fucking when there weren't no johns to poke them.

I got quite neat with the cat gut in the end, Sam said the stitches dissolved but he never said it would take maybe two hundred years, and then as time went on I booked in the Motel, the guy never had no one wanting a whole night before, and I got my stuff laundered and life weren't so bad.

Only thing was getting laid and Homo ass fucking don't do it for me.

We had a bit of a celebration on Friday when we shoved the last pair D size tit rubbers in a girl what worked down the five and dime, Sam promised her he'd do her some time and he decided she would be the very last, hell he even scrubbed up and used a new knife blade and everything, he never even charged her seeing she was a girl, just done a deal so's I could fuck her a couple of times a night and four times on Saturday and Sunday for the next week which was real good of him, except she been letting eight inch cocked big titted tranny homos poke her so I was like a mop in a bucket when I was inside of her.

She was called Linda, her husband weren't too happy at me poking her but he poked her ass anyway so when he found out he was ok.

That was that, after Linda, I just helped Sam tidy stuff up, we pumped that hog dry and sold him to some Mooslimbs as Hallal meat, fixed the roof, cleaned the place up and we left a useable blacksmiths shop where Sam could play with his sledge hammer fixing stuff that weren't broke till he tried fixing it.

Walt Garfield had some work when Sam had to let me go, but hell fixing Jap stuff what ain't never been over 55 MPH ain't mans work, so I said my goodbyes.

There was about twenty Homos outside Sam's shack when I went for a look-see.

"Hey, what you gotta do to get Tits round here?" this guy in leather pants with a zip right around the ass asked.

"Ah," I said seeing a way to make a buck, "I got some places writ down, I'll get back to you."

I went round Sam's, Gloria let me in and she listened real hard.

"Sammy," she said, "We could do a franchise,"

I already said she could have her Tits on the advert.

"Look Sam, you been good to me," I tells him, "If you lend me your name I'll do all the work and split the profits fifty fifty."

"Yeah," he says real bored, "Who wants a ninety nine dollar Tits for homo's franchise."

"No." I says, "The horse-ville look, hell rich city slicker Homos would pay two, three hundred dollars for Tits."

"If you charged a thousand they would think it was a better quality," Gloria suggested.

"Hell five hundred basic, thousand silver and maybe fifteen hundred gold de luxe." Sam said.

I never hit the sack that night, I e-mailed every breast enhancement joint, thats Homo speak for rubber implant Tits, every one from Newfoundland to the Baja peninsula, even emailed the one out in Alaska Sarah Palin needs to go to, and then ping them replies started coming in.

Hell with no up front costs just a five per cent skim and as many pictures of Gloria's Tits as they could use those guys started signing up like flies round a dead hog.

"You best start checking those guys out make sure we ain't getting ripped off." Sam says. "Best get a better car."

"Better car, right yeah," I agreed, "I guess an Edelbrock and skim the heads." I says.

"Hell no a GT40," he says, "You know the LeMans racer." but hell me and that Mustang been through more than most marriages so no way was it getting dumped.

Gloria suggested I start checking joints in Hollywood, so when I figured that's where Francine had gone I headed right down, it took a while, dang car only done around eight to a gallon but in the end I cruised down the main street eye-balling the whores and then I booked a room and checked out the Tit joints.

They was easy enough to spot, what with Gloria's Tits on the posters, "Get noticed!" it said.

I guess it was fate but the first week I was there I saw a brand new porno flick and there was my Francine wearing a black strap on and nothing else ass fucking a big titted tranny Homo in a leather skirt.

I tracked down the studio next day and there she was on set where some gay director in leather pants was directing a scene with her and a big ugly Homo with Sam's rubber tits and his cock skin all filled with rubber was trying to poke her, "Oh it's too big!" as this big titted Homo tried to poke her with eight inches of neoprene or polystyrene or some such rammed under his prick skin.

"It's too big," she said, "It's too fucking big you rubber titted rubber cocked moron."

"Cut, stick to the script ducky," he says.

"Ass hole, if she says its too big its too big," I shouts.

"Get him out of here," the director guy shouts, "This is a redneck free zone."

Francine wasn't having it though "Tony, you came for me!" she wailed and she headed right for me, except her knickers were round her ankles and she went down, full length, splat.

I scooped her up pretty dang quick, "I missed you honey," I said and I kissed her.

"Tony," she said, "You wanna loosen me up maybe so I can take twelve inches."

"Sure doll, you stop them pills and throw away that coil and leave off the condoms I'll get you stretched so wide you'd get a hogs snout in there." I promised her, and I stuck my tongue down her throat.

"Action," that director shouted, he must have known we was going to fuck, but he never fixed that I hadn't hardly fucked for a week and when I pulled out after eight pokes I guess he was amazed at the spunk blob what splattered the camera.

He must have been impressed, hell he kept us busy near all afternoon, fucking this way and that still it weren't no hardship and when I was right out a spunk I lay quiet and told her.

"Hell if I could fix you a set of solid lifters I'd love you more than my Mustang."

"You already re bored me," she says, "I guess we better get married."

I thought a moment, then I pictured her mom snapping the hogs neck last thanksgiving and I agreed right there and then.

We go back to Horse-ville pretty often, they elected me Mayor on account of my name, and I was fixing to get the town name spelled right like Whores-ville, but no one don't care and we got a real swell place, it was built for whore house before the boom went bust so we got it for a song and fixed it ourselves with a real swell corrugated iron roof and that and also there's a real neat dungeon and hooks all over the place where junior can hang his aeroplanes when he comes along and now Francine just dreams of eight inch cocks while she milks my six incher like a pro.

To be continued? You choose, give some feedback ok.

Postscript July 2015. No feedback so no part 2


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Karen wanted to cry. Prof. Erwin could see that, and he felt that it was a good sign. If they weren’t angry at this point or playing dumb but were instead crying, that meant that they both understood what was about to happen to them and they were going to do it. Yes, he thought, crying meant that they had given up. Karen knew it as well. Part of her still fought, but most of her realized that it was over for her. Prof. Erwin may not have said what she needed to do to save her academic career;...

4 years ago
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My sister, Julie, was in the shower, and I had to use thebathroom. I knocked once. No answer. I knocked again,harder. "What?" She could hardly hear through the rush of thewater. "I need to get in there. I have to go." "Sorry...You'll have to wait until I'm done." I was about to get mad and bang the door with my fistand tell her to hurry up, but I give a quick twist of theknob first. The door opened. I smiled, knowing this would make her mad as hell. Imoved into the...

2 years ago
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TwentyFive PairsChapter 9

I woke up slowly, without moving or opening my eyes. It was like falling out of nothing and I felt someone touching me. Playing with my breasts as I lay on the sofa. I'd been watching a movie with Dana and Ronnie and I guess I'd fallen asleep, and now... "What are you doing?" I asked softly and Ronald was touching me. He jerked and his eyes went wide. The young man pulled his hand out from under my t-shirt and the television was still on. Dana was sleeping nearby, on the big love seat,...

4 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 17

Through the winter months, Kathy found more and more evidence of Megan's desire to try and seduce Derrick. One Saturday morning while Megan was at her friend Ashley's house, Kathy logged on the Megan's computer and went through her E-mail sent files. One of the E-mails was marked "New Story" and Kathy opened it firs. It was quite a bit longer than the first one she posted, and more detailed. Kathy was totally turned on by the story; even though it was obvious Megan herself was the main...

2 years ago
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Sex With Hot Manager8217s Wife Part 8211 2

Hello everyone, myself Rakesh () from and working in the US currently. Today I’m going to tell the story how I seduced my friend’s wife and fucked her in her home. And this is the continued part of my previous story As you all know that how I fucked my manager’s wife in her home and how we both enjoyed. After having sex that night around 11:30 I came home and also got her contact details and I started to text her and the night was awesome and all she accepted that even her experience was soo...

1 year ago
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a naive girl at Borisovos pond

8th grader at Borisovo’s pond ch.1 ([email protected]) Spring arrived early in Moscow this year and everyone was happy to leave -30 C temperatures in the past. The warm days of spring brought a surge of activity to the city. The malls filled with shoppers looking for goods. The beach at Borisovo Pond filled with teenagers ditching school on the prowl for sex. This day in spring was particularly hot in Moscow and it seemed like only a few dozen high school teens had sense enough to enjoy it...

2 years ago
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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 13

The Buyan Palace was quiet again, finally, after all the celebrations for the return of the Princess and the recovery of the King. The two of them had stood hand and hand for hours, before the relieved crowd, until the King had proclaimed he wanted some private time with his daughter and chased us all outside. Alladin had disappeared as soon as we had left the caverns, probably to learn more spells. He had been terribly impressed by his new friend Blaster and awestruck by my wife's...

4 years ago
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Dirty little secret

It all happened I was at his house. I was there visiting himand I was staying at his place. One night as I was sleeping, I heard a door closed and I didn’t pay attention that it was my door. I kept my eyes closed so whoever was in my room knows I am still asleep. Or so they think. Then all of a sudden I felt my bed moving and my hands were pinned down and there he was on top of me; holding me down. “What the hell are you doing?” I said. “What do you think I am doing Jules?” “You are married...

Straight Sex
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Gabrielle by Callie Messenger Things were going well. I'd just turned twenty five, and I was ready to retire. I made my first million by my twentieth birthday, through sheer hard work, and since then I'd multiplied it ten-fold through shrewd investment. Sure, I'd made mistakes, but never with money. I got a girl pregnant when I was nineteen, but I knew that would hold me back, so I dumped her. Now I could have any girl I wanted, and my latest conquest, Sarah, was anything a guy...

4 years ago
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Empty Cups

Empty Cups She put on her bra, and sighed. It didn't fit, couldn't fit, because she had nothing to fill it with. She could still remember the first time she had wore one as a young boy. She had snuck into her mother's room and put it on. She realized she had the same problem now as she had then, nothing to fill the empty cups. The only outfit of her mother's that had looked "right" was her bathing suit, as it had a padded top. It took her a long time to acknowledge that she wanted...

1 year ago
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A whole new world1

I never really intended on acting on any of my feelings because I had girlfriends before and wanted more girlfriends later on in life, because I was what they called a “follower” so I just wanted to fit in. To this day, I would still like to be with a girl and will probably end up marrying one. However, I still wanted to become friends with more good looking guys to see where it might go. Who knows, maybe one of them might be gay or bisexual (I hoped!!). It turned out that I never really...

2 years ago
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The Day My Best Friends Dad Made Me A Woman

I was excited about just being alone for the week. I took some extra days off just to not do anything, after all I had just graduated high school too. Ricky gave me the key to his house on Monday morning and said his dad was leaving out Tuesday morning. So Wednesday morning I headed over to Ricky's with bags of food and a little weed to smoke. I walk down the long driveway looking for big Mike's truck, just in case he hadn't rolled out yet. He was gone, I unlocked the door and...

3 years ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 4

Brenda was sitting at the kitchen table looking at me like I had lost it. "You expect me to believe this?" She asked me with an incredulous tone of voice. "I know it sounds impossible, but it actually happened. Look, I can prove some of it," I said, taking an apple from the fruit bowl. I cleared my mind, and crossed mental fingers. I tossed it up in the air and concentrated on stopping it at the top of its arc. I failed, but did managed to halt its descent as soon as it started its...

4 years ago
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Dancing to His Commands

I enjoy being a submissive to my husband, Alex. Our sex life is fantastic when it’s just the two of us, but several times a month he takes me out somewhere to find someone else for me to fuck. I never know where we are going. He chooses what I wear, and I never know the gender of the person I will be fucking, or the number of them for that matter. He does not demean me while doing this, instead he chooses a scenario that I have had a fantasy about, or that he has envisioned. It is meant to...

1 year ago
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BellesaHouse Nikki Hearts Leigh Raven Real Love

Nikki and Leigh are the first married couple to be hosted at the Bellesa House and they do not disappoint. They both share their side of the story of how they first fell for each other – in the most queer fashion with prolonged flirting via Instagram, traveling a significant distance to meet in person, Leigh going back to Nikki’s place and just… never leaving. Which was obviously the right call because years later, they’re still very much in love and here now to give us...

2 years ago
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Love At First Email

Big thanks to MissBoePeep for helping with her amazing editing skills and friendly perosanlity that made it so easy to do this. Thanks This is my first post but all feedback is welcome. I have changed the name of the other person mentioned in this to protect their identity, this is a true story it’s my story. I’ve written it so that other people out there can read it and hopefully it will help some people find their way and help others decide but also to say that everything you hear should...

3 years ago
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highschool girl BRA HEAVEN

so i went to my girlfriends parents cabin again for a whole week this time, and her whole family cam out including her aunties, uncles and cousins. and 2 of her cousins are so hot. one of the girls is 18, shes kinda nerdy looking but shes thin and has big tits. and her younger sister is 16 and she such a hot little slut. thier moms is also pretty hot for her age. so anyways for the first 2 days out their it rained so we just sat in the cabin drinking and playing card games. and the whole time...

2 years ago
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Mohalle Ki Ladki Ko Choda

By: Faisalwk Hello readers, this is Zain welcoming you in the heaven of sex a little intro about me. I am 5’10” guy jiske paas 6”mota aur 2.5′ chauda lauda (lund) hai. Main her waqt ek kunwari kanya ko chodne ki talash me rehta hoon. Ab main kahani per aata hoon ye baat 2 sal pehle ki hai jub main allahabad me posted hua tha mere baghal me ek khoobsurat ladkiyon se bhara ghar tha jisme 4 ladkiya rehti thi jinme jo sabse badi wali thi uska naam aanchal tha wo bala ki khoobsurat thi. Aur jaisa...

2 years ago
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An Uneven Christmas

By Christmas, Sarah and I had been ‘dating’ for a few weeks. If you could call it that. I had been spending a lot of my time with her, but I often felt more like a servant than her boyfriend. Most couples might curl up together to watch a film, I was more used to curling up at her feet. Worse, I was sure my friends realised there was something odd going on. Mark, who had the room next to mine often smirked knowingly at me. The others were always a little cold around Sarah and had started...

1 year ago
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Novembe the Beginning of my Addiction

November: now wanting cock more and more!I had just experienced incredible sexxing with AzassMaster two days prior to being admitted into the hospital for emergency surgury on my stomach, resulting in complications requiring a two and a half month stay at the hospital.  Wouldn't you know it? First time i have ever been fucked by a manly man weilding a rock hard beautiful cock, ramming me-i k** you not-for four hours straight before He marks me as His by releasing His cum way deep inside me! I...

3 years ago
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Lonely Julie Chapter 8

By 10 o’clock Timmy urgently needed his shit. Sally and Julie were watching the beach through binoculars looking for the 52 year old woman they had told Timmy about. At 1020 she arrived at her favourite spot and lay face down on a big towel to sunbathe. The girls started Timmy off to the each and watched the woman through the trees. Betty was 52 years old and had two grown up children by her husband – a tall black Nigerian called Ken. They were staying in another cabin half a mile from...

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Ayesha and Accounting class

well dear readers, this is my first story which i am posting online for all of you to have a go through. i am not an expert in writing stories like i have seen and gone through of others here. But still i would give it a go. Now coming to main point, this story which is real not a fantasy which happened during my bachelors study in university located in naval area. So as i was one of rich,intelligent and reserved student so i had always gatherings of people around me for studies and roaming...

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Hot Wife Hotel Olivias Live Audience Gang Bang Part Thirteen

Olivia took Monday and Wednesday off to give her body a chance to rest and get ready for this Saturday’s gang bang event. She grinned wickedly. Adam, Ian, Jay, Ray, Daryl, and Steve were all slated to be part of her Hot Wife Hotel Live Audience Gang Bang. She was so glad that she had convinced Steve to be part of the action, rather than a spectator.“If all you do is watch, you’ll be stuck trying not to stroke your cock in front of Darko’s friends. You know all of the guys who are gonna fuck me....

Group Sex
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Runner Girl Ch 05

Amy stood in her underwear at the bench where she and Tracy had agreed to meet, as she scoped the crowd. Thousands of scantily clad people filled Central Park, ready for the ‘Underwear Run.’ Her own attire consisted of a sports-bra and racer-type bottoms designed to look like underwear by their markings. Amy had not run in anything so skimpy since her college track team days, but her outfit seemed modest compared to some of the brave souls baring their bods for charity in varying degrees of...

1 year ago
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3D Sex Anime

A few things can match the thrill of watching a couple of 3D whores get fucked. And, man, anything is possible with kinky 3D porn. You can certainly browse through vanilla stuff like a couple of busty lesbians scissoring or have some dude plowing pussy. But you can also get wild and wacky with big-dicked futa, tentacle monsters, gangbangs, crazy penetrations, and so much more. Seriously, with 3D content, anything is possible, and any fetish can be a reality. So if you want to jerk off to a...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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BDSM Slave For Neighbour Aunty 8211 Pt 2 First BDSM Gangbang

Hi guys, I am 23 years old and from Kolkata. I am still studying and working as a freelancer. I am 6 ft, chubby with a 5.5-inch dick. Without further ado, let me continue with my story. After I actually figured out a sexually thrilling  was about to begin! I looked in disbelief at my master, and she was smiling at me and the other masters in the room. All the masters were stark nude. They were all of an average height, and everyone was busty. They were having big boobs and wide asses, and they...

1 year ago
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ROJA The house wife

I went to Madras in the last week of December to conculde a contrat work. I tooka flat in a appartment on lease in the centreally located business area. My appuratment consists of 7 floors I am in 7th floor. Some time I used steps to reach my flat. One evining while the lift is bussy I took steps to reach my flat. On my way in the second floor I saw her, she is beauty ful with red sarry and rose clour blouse and with flowers in her headand with a smiling face she wes waiting for some one....

1 year ago
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Lusty Bhabi Boobbbbbbb

Hello to all iss readers, I am Vimal age 23 height 5.11 having very good body. I am the luckiest person in the world because my lust , my horny goddess, my bhabi(my boobiiiiiii) became my slut , my keep. Now coming to the story my bhabi is 5.5 inch tall pure white having perfect figure of 38 26 38. The most amazing part of her body is her boobs, the rigid mangoes, bulky milk pots with brown nipples. Any person in the world would certainly die to at least suck them for once, or press them and...

4 years ago
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Family Fuck 8211 Part 3

If you didn’t read previous part of this so go and read it than I assure that your cock and pussy will stimulate Ok so Maa: tune apni fui ko or aunty ko bhi choda voh bata kese Me: mom voh bahut lambi story hain muje bahut bhukh lagi hain pahele kuch kah lete hain to maa hamri nokrani ko khana leke bulati hain tabhi meri di apne b. F. Ke sath bahr ati hain or muje or maa ko nanga dekh leti hai or bolti hai sale gandu apni randi maa ko bhi chod diya tabhi mummy di kain boble pakdkar jor se daba...

2 years ago
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Genie 2010

"You say you are a what?" The smartly attired young woman who had suddenly appeared in my apartment sighed. Then, shaking her head, she repeated what I had heard her say the first time. "I am a genie. I am here to grant you one wish." Okay, I thought to myself, assess the situation. I was cleaning the antique bottle I got from the swap mart today. I hear something ... a tinkling, bell-like sound ... and look up to see this very pretty woman in a nicely tailored business outfit standing...

2 years ago
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Inner Workings of a Woman

To You; thank you… for everything…. meSittingthere at her desk, her long auburn hair flowing over her shoulders. Her hand holding up her head, her green eyes glaze over behind the brown metal frame of her glasses. Her chest heaving when she sighs. In her right hand, her red marking pen falls to the desk, breaking the silence of her class. Her full red lips curl into a knowing smile as she straightens her back, picks up her pen and resumes marking. Scribbling the teacher’s age-old response of...

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Toys dirty little surprise

Toy's dirty little surpriseRecently chatting with a man we had a MFM with, Toy remarked how much she had liked his last visit and what a nice person he was. That’s when I got the idea to really surprise her so I asked Dave if he'd like to help me. After telling Dave my idea I had no problem convincing him. I told him to come in the back door real quite so she doesn't know he's there and I'd have her setting in a chair in the play room. He agreed and it was all set. We like to play on sat...

4 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 60

I got up and went on my morning run. My outlook was pretty good, it was the 2nd of March only about two weeks or so left. Even with pushing myself, it was still easy to clear my mind and contemplate things. Finishing my run, my times had been improving steadily and I had brought it down to about 7 minutes. I got ready for a meeting with Ms. Daniels about graduating early. Later that morning, my meeting with Ms. Daniels went well and she gave me a packet of papers that I would need to fill...

2 years ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 19

The next morning, though they had eaten well at the barbeque and enjoyed the food the slave women served, everyone found that they were extremely hungry. Dale turned to the women of his family and said "Although the food here is quite excellent, I really enjoy the excellent breakfasts you ladies have been treating us to. If you don't mind doing some cooking this morning why don't we all get cleaned up and then head back to the house for our morning meal." At this everyone headed back to...

2 years ago
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The Spa

Looking back now it is unclear how I got into this situation. Life was good an unexpected inheritance had left us more than comfortable. family life was good and I even persuaded my lovely wife to adorn herself with stockings for some of our fairly average lovemaking sessions. In between these increasingly rare occurrences I took to surfing the net, nothing too outrageous, mainly so called hot wives and their exploits. At times I would fantasize about my own wife taking part, thoughts quickly...

3 years ago
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It started with a skirt Part 2

It started with a skirt. Part 2 Seeing me looking at myself in my skirt Rita seized the moment and said "Double or quits!" "What do you mean?" I replied. "If you win you get to remove your stockings, panties, suspenders and skirt. If I win, well you'll see, let's just say you'll get to feel complete." This was the point when I had an opportunity to walk back from the metaphorical cliff edge I was just about to jump off into the sea of femininity that I now swim in. I could...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 266

Their self-tour of the classrooms was an eye-opener for both Angela and Eric. They knew the Matthews were wealthy, and seeing the opulence of the Retreat certainly enforced that, but the classroom was something beyond wealth. As they stopped in one of the work areas, Angela dropped into the form fitting seat and just looked around her. "It's like ... sitting in a beautiful wooded glen, yet each study area is secluded from the others. My goodness. Even the computer screen seems almost part...

2 years ago
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Yes, today’s the day I’m going to have a complete check-up, 1 I prolonged for far too long.Nervously I sat in the newly refurbished Doctors Surgery pondering how much longer I needed to wait. And, since I didn’t have my own doctor I wasn’t sure what to expect. I only recall ever having 1 physical prior to my first job about 20 odd years ago; a strangely different experience.Well, it was time; I heard a husky male voice call out my name from behind me, and when I turned around, what should...

3 years ago
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The girl gets drunk and ends up busting into a lonely mans apartment

Over the years I’ve gotten my fair share of pussy, but none of it was anything really special — just a bunch of good, enthusiastic fucking. Maybe I was just unlucky or something, but the girls I managed to go to bed with were not really into the kind of free-form sex I would have liked. Money and power, maybe… but not true sex aficionados. Anyway, I was transferred to my advertising agency’s corporate offices in Los Angeles last summer. Rental rates for...

4 years ago
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Teachers Pet II

Teacher's Pet II Mrs.Taylor made a quick stop for some fish and chips at Long John Silvers for me since Mrs. Jenkins did not have time for cooking. On the way back home she told me that Gina had called around 5:00 to talk to me. She told her I was still with Mrs. Jenkins and that I would call her when I got back. Gina was going to have to wait. The first thing I was doing when we got home was getting these feminine undergarments off of me as quick as possible. By 9:00 I managed to...

1 year ago
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Friendly with his sister

I remember this story very well. I was around 16 at the time. Me and my best friend were having a sleepover, at his house and towards the middle of the night started talking about… I remember this story very well. I was around 16 at the time. Me and my best friend were having a sleepover, at his house and towards the middle of the night started talking about girls in our school and stuff as we were becoming slightly horny. We both admitted to each other than none of us had masterbated...

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Jeris Summer

Jeri laid in the sun in her bright red bikini working on her tan. She thought this summer was going to be the finest summer of her life. Jeri had just graduated from high school last Thursday, plus last week she received a scholarship to the college she wanted to go to. Her parents told that they were so proud of her for all her hard work that this summer was hers to do as she liked. No job, no choirs, just have fun and get ready for college. Jeri was smiling as she fell asleep planning her...

2 years ago
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My Humiliation0

A large crowd of older boys stood around the room watching and laughing. They drank their beers and cheered him on. "You going to take that?" someone said. I heard another voice say, "Yeah man don't let that little bitch handle you like that. Show her who's boss Cody." and he laughed. "Well, hold her down for me so I can do this!" Cody commanded. I screamed as I felt the boy sitting behind me on the bed grab my wrists and pin them down behind my head. "Scream all you want.I...

1 year ago
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Nikki Suxx Part One The Grab

All the other guys had been really jealous: the chance to serve drinks for Nikki Suxx, the internationally famous porn star, at her private party for New Year. Personally, I hadn't wanted to go, but couldn't turn down the chance for some sweet, sweet commission. Even as I stood there in the room, watching various famous and beautiful people from the world of adult entertainment mill about and quaff their drinks, I didn't want to be there. Something didn't feel right about being at the...

3 years ago
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My BBW ex wife part 3

I shot Beck a text "congratulations, you're a free women" Almost immediately I got a response "I suppose I should celebrate next week when I don't have the kids" "Sucks to be you, I'll be going full out starting with lunch today" I replied. When work was over I raced home, walked the dog and waited for my girlfriend to pick me up to go for dinner. After dinner a couple of friends dropped by the bar to begin the celebration. Shortly after my girl had to leave as she had to work...

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