Strictly Unprofessional
- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
Chapter 1
April’s POV
April, I’m sorry. I’m in love with someone else. I really want us to still be friends but I can’t lie to you anymore…
A text. That chicken shit Carter dumped me with a text. After six goddamned months together. I wasn’t sure what I felt more-sad or pissed off.
‘Bastard!’ I screamed as I threw it across my office. It hit the wall with a thud and broke apart and I realized how stupid I’d been. I was a professional, I couldn’t just go throwing things and screaming. Not if I wanted to keep my job.
I tried my best to hold back the heaving sobs that were fighting their way to the surface and got down to the floor on my hands and knees to gather the pieces of my shattered phone.
‘April?’ my boss asked from my doorway. ‘Is everything alright?’ Goosebumps formed all over my arms and I felt a surge of adrenaline flow through my body as I realized he must have heard my outburst.
‘Oh, yes, sir’ I said, quickly standing to my feet. ‘I’m sorry. I just…dropped my phone.’
‘Mmm-hmm’ he said. ‘And it hit the wall, did it?’
Shit. He knew. I couldn’t talk my way out of this one. I was lucky enough to land a six figure insurance sales job in my mid-twenties and now I had blown it by throwing a hissy fit over a stupid guy. ‘I’m sorry’ I said and it came out like a panicked whisper.
‘Sorry for what? For throwing your phone?’
‘It won’t happen again.’
‘Well, I should hope not’ he laughed. ‘I know we pay you well here, but I still don’t think that regularly smashing perfectly good smart phones is the best financial choice you could make.’
‘You’re not angry?’ I asked.
‘Don’t get me wrong’ he said. ‘It’s not a pattern I’d like you to repeat, but there weren’t any clients in the office. In fact, all of our employees have gone home for the weekend except for you and I so, no harm done. Just don’t do it again.’
‘I won’t, sir’ I said shaking my head vehemently.
He looked at me-really looked right into my eyes and smiled. He had big, blue eyes and a little scruff on his face. It wasn’t the first time I’d noticed that he was kind of hot, but there was something different in the air this time. ‘Is everything alright, April?’ he asked. ‘This just seems out of character for you.’
‘It’s only personal stuff’ I said. ‘Work is going great.’
‘Well you’re certainly doing a great job’ he said. ‘I’ve been in this position for years and I’ve never seen numbers as high as yours.’
‘Really?’ I asked. ‘That’s so great to hear!’
‘I’m just a little concerned, that you might be overworking yourself. That your stress might have contributed to that little outburst you just had-‘
‘Oh no, that’s not it at all’ I said. ‘I like to work, really. I’m not stressed at all. It’s just that my boyfriend dumped me and I guess I had a bad reaction.’
He nodded and stepped closer to me. ‘You mentioned before that your family lives in New York, do you see them much?’
Where the hell did that come from? ‘Um, no. Not really. I haven’t been back home since Easter.’
‘Damn’ he said. ‘This might be horribly unprofessional of me, but I can remember being in your position. You’re new in town, away from your family, and now you’re going through a breakup… Why don’t you have dinner at my house tonight? My wife is making chicken alfredo and I just know that she’d love it if you joined us. Fussing over guests is her favorite pastime.’
I took a deep breath. This might be a terrible idea. Spending hours with my boss and his wife. What if I said the wrong thing? I’d have to be on my toes the whole time. But I hadn’t really met anyone in Virginia outside of work…except for Carter, and it had been a long time since I’d had a home cooked meal, plus for some reason I really didn’t want to be alone that night. ‘I’d love to’ I said, before really thinking it through.
‘Great’ he smiled and every one of his movie star white teeth showed. He leaned passed me to grab a post-it note and I smelled his cologne. It reminded me of the cologne the first boy who ever fucked me wore and the thought made a blush creep up my chest.
‘This is our address’ he said. ‘Meet you there?’
‘Yeah.’ I said breathlessly. ‘Yeah, I’ll see you there.’
Chapter 2
Jason’s POV
I could hardly believe it when April told me her boyfriend had dumped her. What a fucking idiot. I’d practically had a hard-on for the girl since the moment she walked into the office for her interview in a tight red blouse that I could see her nipples through and a skirt that hugged all of her curves. I’d never admit it, but that was the reason she got hired over other candidates that were more qualified. That, and the certain spark she had that I thought would make her a great saleswoman.
I wasn’t wrong. She was great at her job. And damn, if that didn’t turn me on more. The girl was smart and knew exactly how to get what she wanted. We were similar that way. Because what I wanted was her between my sheets and it seemed like I was well on the way to making that happen.
‘Siri, call Emily’ I said to the phone laying on my dashboard. It rang once before she picked it up.
‘You were supposed to be home ten minutes ago’ she said. ‘You better have a good reason for being late.’
‘I have the best reason’ I said with a shit-eating grin on my face I wish she could have seen.
‘I scored us a twenty-four year old brunette with the hottest tits I’ve ever seen in my life and the second hottest ass.’ Emily knew that her ass was my favorite quality of hers, as I let her know that often. In fact, it was her ass that first drew me to her when we met Freshman year of college. On a whim I asked her out and we’ve been together every day since.
Luckily Emily is bi-sexual (another one of her qualities I love) and she loves threesomes just as much as I do. We’ve had dozens of girls in our bed over the years, but I’d never been quite as pumped up to fuck a girl as I was on that night.
Picturing April’s face as I plowed my dick into her tight little pussy over and over and over again, or watching Emily fuck her with one of our strap-on dildos was making me hard. I knew I had to stop thinking like I was or I’d come in my pants.
‘Is she a sure thing?’ Emily asked, and I could tell her interest was peaked.
‘No. She’s definitely coming over, but I don’t think she has any idea that I want us to fuck. We do have to be a little careful with how we present that to her because she is an employee.’
‘Damn it, Jason!’ Emily said. ‘We can’t fuck one of your employees that’s a lawsuit and a scandal just waiting to happen.’
‘Em,’ I said. ‘She’s worth the risk. Trust me. You’ll be super into her too, I can tell. She’s this super submissive little thing. She actually calls me, ‘sir.”
‘Do we know if she even likes women?’ Emily asked. ‘Because I’m not just going to let you fuck the girl without-‘
‘I would never do that to you, Emily’ I interrupted. ‘Either both of us will fuck April or neither of us will.’
‘Okay’ Emily sighed. ‘She can come to dinner.’
‘Great, because she’s right behind me’ I said, checking my rearview mirror. Sure enough, April was there, reapplying her lip gloss. As I hung up with my wife I couldn’t help but imagine those lips wrapped around me, leaving trails of that pink, sticky gloss all up and down my dick.
Chapter 3
Emily’s POV
I could tell Jason had it bad. It was a good thing I didn’t get jealous because if anything would drive me to it, it was his reaction to this fucking girl. I could tell he didn’t just want to have sex with her. He had a crush. I was curious to see what the big deal was with her was.
I heard the front door open followed by Jason’s voice down in the foyer. A woman giggled in response to something he’d said and I knew it had to be April. The girl actually fuck
ing giggled and yeah, it was kind of hot in a girl-next-door kind of way. I unbuttoned the top button to my blouse and pulled my hair free from the pony tail I’d had it in. If I’d known to expect a 24 year old brunette my husband wanted us to seduce I would have spent a few minutes with my hair straightener beforehand, but it was what it was.
‘And this is my beautiful wife Emily’ Jason said gesturing to me as the girl walked behind him into the kitchen.
Jason wasn’t kidding. The girl was hot. She had legs up to her fucking neck. I could picture them wrapped around me as I licked and sucked at her into orgasmic pleasure.
‘Why hello April’ I said and reached out my hand. ‘I’ve heard so much about you.’
‘You have?’ she asked, visibly taken aback.
‘I’ve been bragging about your sales numbers’ Jason said. ‘I wasn’t putting you on, they’re impressive. You have a talent.’
She blushed, and I wondered if the crush my husband had on her was a mutual feeling.
‘Have a seat’ I said. ‘I’m just going to nuke our plates. Dinner has gotten a little cold. I didn’t time it well.’
‘It’s my fault’ Jason said. ‘I was running late-‘
‘I hope I didn’t make you even later’ April said.
‘No, not at all.’
‘Besides, it’s no trouble’ I added. ‘I’m a pro at all things culinary- even microwaving.’
‘Okay’ she nodded. ‘Good.’ She was a nervous little thing. Terrified of upsetting the apple cart. That was good, I thought. That, we could use to our advantage.
After I put out all of our plates and wine glasses and sat down Jason turned to me. ‘Emily, April is from New York.’
‘Is that so?’ I said. ‘The city or the state?’
‘Both…kinda’ she smiled. ‘I’m from Queens.’
‘Oh, did you like growing up around all of that hustle and bustle?’
‘Kind of, butI like the pace of this town a lot better. And it’s so beautiful here.’
‘It is’ I agreed. ‘Small towns are nice too. You really get a chance to know people, to get close to them.’
‘I’ll say. I mean, how many people get invited to their boss’s house for dinner!’
‘Well, you’re welcome anytime’ I said. ‘In fact, it’s so dark out and I heard there’s supposed to be rain tonight. If it’s easier for you, you could even stay the night if you wanted to.’
Jason shot me a look across the table that said I was moving too fast, pushing too hard, but I didn’t give a shit. If we were going to try to fuck this girl, we might as well actually try. There was no sense in pussyfooting around.
She shook her head. ‘I couldn’t put you out like that.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous’ I said. ‘We have a gorgeous guest bedroom, and you look about my size. I have plenty of clothes for you to sleep in.’
‘Well…alright’ she said. ‘It would be nice to actually have some of this wine.’
‘Of course!’ Jason said. ‘You’ve been dumped, if you ever have an excuse to drink it’s now.’
‘Oh no!’ I said, pretending her breakup was the worst news I’ve ever heard. ‘You were dumped?’ I of course didn’t like that the poor girl was upset, but I was glad they’d broken up because it gave me the chance to mend the pieces of her broken heart, and fuck her with my eight inch strap-on, until she forgot all about that scrawny boy.
‘Yeah, this afternoon.’
‘Oh, darling’ I sighed, and put my hand on her knee. I looked her right in the eye to gauge her reaction. She looked shocked at first but then something else came over her face. It looked like…intrigue. ‘I’m so sorry.’
‘Thanks’ she said. ‘I mean, I knew he wasn’t the one for me. It wasn’t like I loved him. I guess it’s just hard because he was really my only friend here.’ Her voice cracked and my heart actually broke for her. I could tell she was a sweet girl and when you’re young a break-up, even with someone you aren’t serious with, can seem like the end of the world.
My husband got out of his chair and came around to get closer to both of us. I think her confession affected him as well. He put his hand on her back and leaned into her. ‘You’re a beautiful girl, April’ he said. ‘The guy is an idiot for leaving you.’
She looked at both of us and I could tell the exact second she realized that our intentions in having her over for dinner were not pure. That was the moment the air really started to shift around us. There was no turning back from there so I laid all of the cards on the table.
‘We’re both very attracted to you’ I admitted.
‘You are?’ she asked.
‘We are’ Jason said. ‘But we don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. If that’s how you feel you can, and should, leave right now.’
She smiled. ‘I’m not uncomfortable.’
‘No?’ I asked, reaching over to unbutton her blouse.
‘No, not at all.’ She sat still as I undid her first three buttons and Jason and I looked at each other with matching shit-eating grins. She was consenting. She wanted to fuck us too.
She gasped when Jason reached around her chair and pulled the cups of her bra down under her breasts, exposing her nipples to the open air. As I continued to work her buttons out of their clasps, Jason played with them, pinching and rolling them. It looked almost painful how rough he was being, but April didn’t seem to mind.
‘Oh God’ she sighed.
‘Yes’ Jason hissed in her ear. ‘Feel it.’
‘Are you at all bi-curious?’ I asked her. She was going along with both of us touching her, but I wanted to make sure that she was fully into me being involved before it went any further.
‘God yes’ she gasped. And reached out to pull my face towards hers. She tongued me like my kiss was water and she’d been thirsty for days, moaning into my mouth and taking big heaving breaths.
‘Emily’ Jason said, breaking the kiss between the two of us. ‘Take off April’s skirt. Then pull down her underwear. I want to see her pussy. April, stand up so Emily can strip you.’
April quickly stood up and obeyed his command. Jason had been right, she was submissive. Very submissive. I felt a twinge in my pussy.
‘Do to yourself what Jason was just doing’ I said as I kneeled before her and grabbed both sides of her skirt. ‘Touch your nipples, baby.’
She obeyed me, and pinched at herself, squirming as I pulled her skirt past her hips.
Jason came up behind her and grabbed her by the hair. ‘First time I met you, I went in the men’s room to jack off. I thought about you and your tight little ass the whole time.’ He spanked her ass cheek, which was now exposed and I reached up to pull down her thong. ‘We’re going to let you chose’ Jason whispered. ‘Who do you want to eat you out first, me or Emily. We won’t be upset by anything you say. Just tell us honestly.’
‘Emily!’ she gasped, reaching out to grab his arm and putting it back on her breast. ‘I want Emily to eat me while you play with my nipples.’
‘Yes!’ I said, breathless. ‘I like that answer.’ I pushed my finger in her to start, and felt around at her, pulling at her labia, and rolling her clit.
‘Ugh’ she moaned.
‘She’s wet’ I said to Jason. ‘Soaked.’
‘Good girl’ he whispered in her hair. ‘Emily and I make you hot?’
‘Uh-huh’ she said.
‘And you want Emily’s mouth on you now.’
‘Uh-huh’ she repeated.
I started lapping at her, beginning just under her clit and working my way down into her slit. She gasped when my teasing was over and I finally started sucking at her clit.
‘Anyone ever do this to you before?’ Jason asked. ‘Anyone ever eaten you out?’
‘No’ she admitted. ‘No, I’ve gone down on guys, but…’
‘They didn’t return the favor?’ he asked. ‘That wasn’t very nice of them.’
As they talked I formed a shaft with my index finger, middle finger, and thumb and shoved it into her, all while continuing to suck on her clit.
‘Oh God!’ she screamed.
I pumped in and out of her while Jason got down on his hands and knees behind he
r. ‘Anyone ever do this?’ he asked, as his tongue darted into her tight little asshole. ‘Anyone ever eat your ass?’
‘Oh God!’ she gasped.
‘Want me to stop?’ he asked.
Her breath was getting shaky and her legs started to wobble. ‘No!’ she said. ‘No, don’t stop!’
He pulled her ass cheeks apart and started sucking at her ass in earnest, while I kept up my sucking at the other side.
The double-ended assault was too much for her. Her breathing got shaky and I knew she was close. ‘I’m going to come’ she whispered, and I reached up to pull on her nipple.
‘Ah!’ she screamed. She creamed in my mouth, and hot liquid that slid past my lips and onto my chin. I could feel her contracting around my fingers but Jason didn’t let up his assault on her asshole.
‘God’ she sighed as her contractions slowed down. Her knees started to buckle and her face was flush.
‘Jason’ I said. ‘Jason, stop, she needs to sit down or she’ll fall over. We’ve made her weak in the knees.’
He pulled his mouth away from her ass and sat on one of our kitchen chairs, pulling her into his lap, right on top of his hard-on. She was completely naked while Jason and I were still fully clothed. I wondered if that embarrassed her at all. I hoped it did. The thought gave me a thrill. I wanted her humiliated, submissive, below us.
Our dinner plates were still on the table, hardly touched.
‘Are you still hungry, darling?’ I asked, looking at April.
She shook her head. ‘No, I just- I can’t believe that just happened!’ she giggled.
‘Believe it baby’ Jason said. ‘Because the night is far from over.’
Chapter 4
April’s POV
April’s POV
I could hardly believe what had just gone down. My boss rimmed me and his wife ate my pussy until I came all over her face. Now as I sat naked on my boss’s lap, in his kitchen, I could feel his hard-on press into my ass. I’d never felt so alive in my life, so close to other people, so turned on.
‘You never got the chance to see her pussy like you wanted to’ Emily said to Jason. ‘Not up close anyway.’
‘Damn it, you’re right’ he said. ‘Emily, can you hold her up while I take a closer look.’
I stood up and Emily held my arms tight to anchor me. They acted as if I were about to fall over at any moment, which wasn’t the case, but I wasn’t about to stop them. It was nice that they wanted to take care of me.
Jason got down on his knees and I wondered if he was about to eat me too. I was still soaked from the orgasm I’d just had, and even I could smell my musk as he pulled my lips apart. ‘Such a pretty girl’ he said to himself. ‘With such a pretty little pussy.’
‘It’s amazing, isn’t it?’ Emily agreed.
‘Oh, yes’ Jason said. ‘The coloring of the labia is such a bright shade of pink and the length of her lips is just perfect, just long enough to pull on.’
‘And she has the tiniest little clit I’ve ever seen in my life’ Emily added. ‘It’s like a pebble.’
They talked about my pussy like it was a work of art they were admiring and it was too fucking hot to take. ‘Are you going to go down on me?’ I asked, my voice a husky whisper.
‘That doesn’t seem fair’ Jason said, with a smirk on his face. ‘You get to come twice in a row when me and Emily still haven’t come at all.’
‘You’re right’ I said. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘So submissive’ he sighed. ‘You’re perfect.’ He planted a kiss on my mound, right above my clit and looked up at me with adoring eyes. ‘Are you curious about Emily’s body? Do you want to see her pussy? Do you want to touch it?’
My face started to burn and I felt myself nodding. Emily was beautiful and I’d never admitted it to anyone but myself before but I was super turned on by women. I used to steal my father’s playboys and lock myself in my room, teasing myself to orgasm after orgasm as I looked at the breasts and pussies of the women across the pages.
And yet, I was nervous. I’d never gotten a woman off before, aside from myself that is. What if I didn’t do a good job? What would Jason and Emily think of me then?
Emily walked up to me and pulled me into another kiss. Kissing her was different than anything I’d ever experienced before. She was so soft and tender. I couldn’t get enough. Shaking, I slipped my hand under shirt and started to feel around for her nipple.
‘Yes’ she whispered in my ear. ‘Take it, play with it.’
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Hello friends I am Aditya.. Ye mere life ki ek real ghatna hai.. Mai iss ka regular reader hu. Socha ki apko bhi apni sexy kahani batau.. Ye bat 2 saal pahle ki hai mai mumbai ka rehne wala hu.. Meri sister jo ki mere se 3 saal choti hai bahut hi sexy hai .. Wo aabhhi 18 tab 18 saal ki thi aur 12th me thi. Uska nam aparna hai… Uska fig 32-24-32 hai bahut hi sexy hai aur sweet bhi.. Koi bhi usse chodne ke liye razi hojaye aisi kayamat body thi uski.. Ek din maine aur mere frnds ne plan banaya ki...
Part 12: Brenda “Tell me again what we’re watching?” Brenda’s mom asked. “You know how sometimes you can’t sleep when you’re stressed?” Brenda asked. The sexy, blonde woman nodded, her perfectly styled locks bouncing subtly. “Yeah?” “This will help with that,” Brenda explained. “How?” “First they explain some breathing exercises and stretches that promote blood flow which helps you sleep. Then they take you through a meditation exercise. I tried it and it helped me sleep the night before a...
IncestThe young girl known only as Cinnamon kneels obediently on the rough wooden floor of the Sanctum Tormentum, the demon lord Duromast's personal study and torture chamber. She's a very small girl, toned and muscular like a gymnast with small perky breasts capped with dark puffy nipples. Her skin is a rich brown color, like cinnamon after which she was named. She was a gift to the demon lord, from some lesser demon attempting to earn his favor. She was raised from birth for exactly this purpose,...
FantasyLes and Phoebe have no real concerns about Mark and Brian. They know Brian from the Peacock and feel he is a gentleman. Mark, they only know about from what Grace, Tim, and Sam disclose to them Friday night. Grace, Tim, and Sam tell Les and Phoebe about what went on earlier. They mention the incident in terms of their concern about how it affects Abbie.Les and Phoebe hope it all has a good outcome. For themselves, they are more interested in what Sam can tell them about Les’s house...
TransI never really was one to complain that sex was lacking in the bedroom. My girlfriend kept me well satisfied and I felt that I did the same for her. Our sex life was very much on the active side, at least once a day as long as our everyday lives would permit it. We both knew that we have very busy lives outside of the home and our home lives had to work with that. With us both being very focused on our careers, we knew that things could not always be 100% on their game. Though our sex life was...
BDSMEmma the Lady walked into the offices of B&L Industries holding Tim's arm. She wore a pure silk floral print dress to the knees with a matching belt to show off her amazing figure and a white purse and white four inch high heels. Her long hair was pinned up held together by a bow made from the same floral silk. She received much attention from everyone. All were told that Tim Davis had married but no one near a woman of her caliber. Everyone thought she was Kate Beckinsale as the...
Right after my divorce I got a promotion and relocated to Nashville. In a stroke of luck, or destiny, or whatever you want to call it, I met Christy about two weeks after I moved. Christy was everything my ex-wife was not. She is a big boobed German who also just got divorced. Sex was missing in our marriages and we did not waste any time making up for it. My job kept me incredibly busy during the week, but when Friday came along Christy would come over to my apartment. The weekend was filled...
Mama don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys Don't let 'em pick guitars and drive them old trucks Make 'em be doctors and lawyers and such Mama don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys They'll never stay home and they're always alone Even with someone they love. Cowboys like smokey old pool rooms and clear mountian moringin's Little warm puppies and children and girls of the night And them that don't know him won't like him And them that do sometimes won't know how...
Raipur jane ke liye jaise taise usne bus pakdi. Bheed jyada hone ki wajah se wo bus mein pichhe jakar khada ho gaya.shamsher singh mann hi mann bahut khush tha. 9 saal ki service mein pahli baal uski posting girl’s school mein huyi thi. 6 feet se lamba kad, kasrati badan roubila chehra; uska roub dekhte hi banta tha. 32 ka hone ke bawjood usne shadi nahi ki thi. Aisa nahi tha ki usko kisi ne dil hi na diya ho. Kya shadi shuda kya kunwari, shayad hi koi aisi ho jo usko nazar bhar dekhte hi mar...
Episode 11 of the 'cocksucker' series. The title has not limited the action.As I sat on the couch with my teacher, her husband Dave remained on his hands and knees in front of us. He was watching as I fingered his wife's pussy. Her encouragement was in the form of little whimpers as I rubbed her clit with my thumb as my four fingers went in and out of her cunt. Mick was behind Dave with his cock firmly in Dave's ass. It had slipped in easily, lubricated by the cum I had just deposited there....
The Matrix: Concluded By Gigi 1. Agent Smith was no more. The Source would have breathed a sigh of relief. But since it was composed entirely of machines, electronic circuits and software programs it did not ever breathe. The Source had managed the cyberreality known as the Matrix for many decades, keeping the minds of the human energy cells occupied and compliant. But a mere program named Agent Smith had quickly and mysteriously grown into a virus within the Matrix. Agent Smith...
Note: "Milton Armitage III" was played by Warren Beatty. The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis 4: May is Gone; Maynard is Back Created by Max Shulman Produced by Rod Amateau [1959-63] Parodied by Ron Dow75 Dobie Gillis, blond, crew cut, average early 1960s Working- Middle Class Dobie Gillis was at his usual marble bench in the park, bent over with his chin on his fist just like Rodin's statue, "The Thinker", a copy of which was just behind him. He rose, "I have a problem. I know...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae eros id nulla condimentum luctus. Nam luctus dui et urna varius egestas. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas posuere purus nisl, id suscipit ligula egestas at. Aenean non eros odio. Sed sed sem ut metus congue vulputate in eget mauris. Nulla suscipit mi in m*****ie sagittis. Nulla malesuada porttitor felis vitae tempor. Pellentesque et elit eu risus aliquet...
For the second time that morning, Locke splashed cold water on her face. For the second time, it did no good. Her hands were shaking; but she was not cold, nor frightened, not nervous nor weak. She stood upright, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Another. While she still felt a little disoriented – kind of a not-quite vertigo – if she had to put her finger on it, she'd equate this feeling with waking up from a long nap. "Wow," she exhaled. Locke, as she studied her pretty face in...
Hello every one this is Aftab! I’m regular reader of Iss, I really believe some stories in this site is too hot! So today i wanted to share one of my real happened incident to you guy’s hhmmm…… any one from Mumbai or Hyderabad want to know about more incident happened in Mumbai or Hyd so they can mail me on First little intro about myself I’m Aftab, Handsome guy from Hyderabad, 25 yrs of age, 6ft tall, and well maintain body, I daily go to gym… mmm.. as I want to be an actor, ( i even work in...
07:20 Sunday, October 6th, 1991 28910 Matadero Creek Lane Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 "Move over, Harry." Deb was holding the paper and a mug of coffee, and Harry was reading Newsweek. With a questioning smile, Harry slid over on the couch. There was time to read, he was sure, since they wouldn't need to be at the vineyard until ten, the first pick was nearly completed yesterday. Sliding in next to him, leaning firmly against his side in her bathrobe, Deb wriggled for a moment, trying to...
This story is about a fun time that my husband Mark and I had many years ago at an exotic lingerie store, in which my tits played a key role. Mark is crazy about my tits, and though I don’t mean to boast, most guys seem to really love them, especially my big, dark nipples. Mark is always trying to pull my top down when we’re out and about, and he loves it when I flash my tits in public places. And I don’t mind his obsession with displaying my tits, since I’m not shy about my body and I’m proud...
Bhaag4.ya aadhi katheche aahiche tin bhaag jarur vacha>nantar ti mhatari nighun gelyavar aatyane nehmichi sadi nesli. Aaj tila kahi baaget kaam navte. Magchya kathet tumhi vachle asel ki aatya ganja chi pane vikat ase. Tichya ya kaamche phar paise milat asat. Dur gavavarun ek bhajivali sarkhi konitari yet ase ani aatyane kadhaleli phale bhajya yabarobar ti pane pan vikat ghet ase. Var tila malikamacha sarkari pagar pan milat ase. Mhanuntar tichi mulgi shahart mothya shalet shikat hoti. Atya...
NMT, April, 1902 Ruby and Roland had welcomed Cletus to their home without reservation. Cletus tried not to be too much of a burden, but Roland and Ruby were both getting tired of fending off questions about when Cletus could expect his first grandchild. At last! Ruby was pregnant and everything was going well. One of the greatest joys was that Cletus had finally shut up! The only problem now was that Cletus walked around as if the whole thing was his doing! Bobby was now 16 years old, so...
Mera Naam Vinod haa . (mail id: yunghel) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Mereee apneee hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee boys apnaa lund pakad lee aur hot gals apnee chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa aur jab story ekk garam...
I had been waiting for a follow up call from Iris my sexy old next door neighbour for some time and out of the blue a few days ago my phone eventually rang and a familiar voice on the other end of the line was full of apology Really sorry, she said that I havent been toucfor several weeks but been a bit busy. Thats ok I said I must say I have been missing our fun times, . Well im here now so do you fancy coming round this afternoon about five for refreshments and a chat, she said, of course I...
visit on to see more top rated stories like theseAwesome story and awesome mom.and i am Lucky boyI grew up living with just my mom, I never met my dad and my mom had told me he was an asshole who got her pregnant when she was 15 and he didn't want anything more to do with her. My mom was very open with nudity and things from as far back as I can remember so I had seen her naked many times and she would also have no problem peeing in front of me if I was in the bath and she...
Well this is my first time sharing this story with anyone, but I just had to tell it. A couple of weeks ago I came home a little early from work, it was a very hot day as it usually is in this area during the summer and I had just turned on to my street when I noticed there was a small k**s swimming pool in the front of my neighbor's house. I thought it was a little odd, I mean they had a couple of younger k**s, but even though I have none of my own it seemed a little reckless putting the pool...
F Machine Pro ReviewI was contacted by a gentleman called Ian and asked if I’d be interested in reviewing this machine having seen pictures of them I was more than happy to review them as they look amazing and I’ve always wanted to be fucked by a robot. Upon my interest he emailed me the machines image and an instruction package so I could read about it and get advanced knowledge before the set date. Ian was very helpful and efficient in providing answers to questions allowing me to feel...
By : Abhi.Bang1984 Hello guys I am back with my 4th part of the story. Who doesn’t have any idea about this part I will request them to go through my earlier part as it will make ur reading more enjoy full. Just as for recap I and my 32 years aunt was staying alone for few days as every one in our house went for a weeding. In the daylight everything was normal between us but in bed the story was opposite. We had everything but still everything was undisclosed between us. Everything between us...
IncestIts barley light and we meet at the dock and carry down a dozen different rods , and what seems like 20 pounds of the stinkiest bait .... And then there's the ice, sandwiches & beer (for you) dam salad , fruit and water for me. You look at me in my raggedy tee shirt and cut offs and your eyes say "really - that's it?" I go about stowing stuff neatly as you fire up the engines and soon we are out the inlet into the glaring, and already hot sun. A 25 minute run dead east and we are...
We spoke only for a few minutes. What I desired from her would not be accomplished in a conversation. Then she agreed to meet me for lunch the next day. I woke early and dressed carefully. I wanted to make a good impression but not to come off as too preppy. I had made us reservations at a favorite restaurant where I knew they would not mind what I wore. So I slipped on a pair of Dockers and a navy cashmere sweater. I had my car pull up out front of her family’s Park Avenue apartment. The...
A fantasy story – all participants are over 18 years of age.It was on my 18th birthday, and I was still at school when we had our first sexual encounter.Susie my older sister, was 19 years old, and worked at our local post office. Dad was employed by a well known insurance company, and worked in one of their London offices. My Mum had some kind of desk job at the local council offices. Both Mum and Dad worked the usual 40 hour, 5 day week, but Dad in particular, spent a good part of his day...
Incest(In a previous story I introduced Serena and made mention of an incident that happened while she was on vacation at the beach. Several people have asked me to relate that story. I'm sorry its taken so long to get to it. I finished rubbing the oil over my legs and stretched out on my blanket. I had lowered the canvas chair, adjusting it to the point where it supported only my upper body. I wiped my hands clean on a towel, picked up my book and slipped my sunglasses back on. The sun felt...
Ye story me mene ek paise wale ladki ke sath kese romance kiya woh bataoonga. Mera name maddy he or me delhi ka rahene vala hu.Main handsome hu .Mere pass badiya sa hot tool he..Jise mene us ladki ko satisfy kiya. Chalo abhi story suru karta hu…. Bahut saal pahele me apne bike me kahi kaam se ja raha tha.Baarish bhi ho rahi thi thodi thodi. Rasta bahut shumsam tha aur raat hone wali thi…tabhi mene ek ladki ko uski scooter ke paas khada hote hue dekha…aur mene apni bike slow ki..Aur dekhne...
Introduction: Just a little fantasy I had and would like to share Its a lazy afternoon, and Im dressed in your (and mine) favorite outfit, little black boy cut panties, a tight corset, black stockings and black pumps, and of course my black leather collar around my neck. Today you also have my balls in their ball stretcher, so they look like they have a little leather corset pushing them down, away from my cock. Youve had me cleaning the house, dusting, vacuuming and some sweeping, all the...
MY Sexy Cousin, who was a few years old than me would kind of baby sitme when I was a young teen. She would love to play games with me!"I want You to be your Naughty horny s*s*** & M***** & we can play lots of naughty fantasies together, We would long just to be together, & we walk & we kiss & touch & then we find a place for us to rest & make love. I kiss & brush my lips upon her lips, "I can smell how excited you are!" I would say, & as she showed me,I...
Mom took her cup over to the coffee pot and got herself a refill, taking her time to make her way back. Jill was playing with one of the buns, pulling it apart into small pieces. Her plate was full of bits of bun that only a bird would enjoy. "I'll let you have tonight, but you know you need to talk to him, Jill. You can't hide from him forever. And I won't let you use my house to run away from your father." She seemed to concentrate more on the pastry in her hand. "I know. I just...
I was 18 yrs old and just moved into my dads and step mums house..Its a saturday night and my step mum was getting ready to go i approached the top of the stairs i saw her slipping into a pair of sheer black tights..her big hanging tits brushing against her nylons as she pulled her tights up to her waist..i froze..just staring at her huge purple nipples.she smiled reached for her bra,bent over and sat her perfectly formed tits into her bra,re adjusted herself and closed the door...we...
During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...
You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley develops his gifts further, and cements his relationships with his lovers. He also participates in a major agency operation that ends with mixed results. A talent named Phillipa is recruited but at a cost Stanley regards as...
After we arrived home Jill and I made appointments at the doctor's office. We wanted to be checked for sexually transmitted diseases. I didn't tell Jill I didn't use a condom. Instead I excused my examination by saying it would looked better if both of us were having physicals. Our tests came back negative so that was one problem out of the way. I looked again at the checkout receipt of the Couchs. They were from Akron, Ohio, and not Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He charged his bill as a...
We phoned each other during the week, of course, just the usual chit-chat, but each time we talked I visioned her on that day, and imagined that she was next to me, very much in my arms. The week dragged by, I knew it would! Saturday came….Hooray!… but the weather? ….the summer seemed to have disapeared, a light rain was falling but the temperature was still carrying over, being more warm and humid, rather than cool. Nip around to the local Deli, pick up ready-made sandwiches, fill up a...