Second Chance At LovePart 2: Katie free porn video

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When I started eighth grade I was average sized. I was about 5'-4" and was a little pudgy. I weighed about 130 pounds. I still had my baby fat. My growth spurt hit me earlier than most kids in my grade. I grew eight inches between September and February that year. Suddenly I was the tallest kid in class. But I didn't gain any weight. I went from pudgy to down right thin in six months.

I was never an athlete. I was considered somewhat of a brain in class. With my new height, I turned into a complete klutz. I was always bumping into things, tripping over things or knocking things over. I guess my brain didn't adjust to my size as fast as I grew. I would reach for a glass of water. My brain stopped my hand when my seventh grade hand reached the glass. The eighth grade hand was three inches longer. The glass was lying on the floor and I had made a mess.

I completely lost my confidence. I was always shy, but now I just kept to myself. I was noticing girls, but I couldn't put two words together into a sentence when I was around them.

Things started to turn around for me when I turned fourteen in February of that year. I had been active in Boy Scouts for three years and loved it. I was old enough to join the Venturer Crew and go camping with the older scouts. Their acceptance and support helped me start to get my confidence back.

I signed up to go on the two week camping trip to the Algonquin Provincial Park that summer. I was lucky to be in a crew with Justin Baer and Jon Miller. They helped me get comfortable around girls. That and the fact that Katie Landis was also in the crew.

I had a crush on Katie that went back to seventh grade. She didn't know. I never had the nerve to even talk to her. The trip gave me a reason to talk with her. Justin assigned me to share a canoe with Katie on the trip. Katie was so easy to talk to that I just forgot that I was nervous when I talked to girls. She made me comfortable.

Our crew did a training trip at the scout camp in June. I found out that I might be tall, but I wasn't strong enough to carry a canoe on the trip. I decided to start weight training to build up my upper body strength. In Canada I was going to have to carry a canoe by myself up to three and a half miles. I needed to be ready. I also started jogging. By the time we left for Algonquin, I was running at least three miles every day.

The trip to Algonquin was an eye opener for me. The second night all the guys on the trip shared a cabin. Justin stripped naked and went to bed that way! Then Jon did it too. Justin and Jon talked about their experiences with girls. Then Justin started describing the first time he had sex with his girlfriend Sherry Jones. Our cocks rose to attention. Just as Justin got to the part where they actually did it, Justin's older brother Joe, one of the chaperones, interrupted us. I expected him to chew us out for going naked. Instead he suggested that we jerk off! I couldn't believe it. I was too bashful to do it that night. But I watched Justin and Jon jerk off. I found out what blue balls were all about that night. It certainly was painful.

The next morning we started canoeing. Algonquin is awesome. Miles of lakes and trees. Wildlife everywhere. Justin kept assigning Katie and I to work together. For nearly everything. I was in heaven.

Jon and I shared a tent. We had set our tent up near Justin's. Justin was sharing his tent with his girlfriend Sherry Jones. That night Jon convinced me to sleep in the nude like he did. We were lying there naked listening to the sounds of the wildlife on the lake. The next thing we hear is the sounds of Justin and Sherry having sex ten feet from our tent. We could hear everything! Jon and I jerked off to relieve ourselves as we listened to Justin and Sherry.

The second day was Katie's birthday. We camped on Proulx Lake that day. I bought a maple leaf hat pin for her. I kept it hidden until dinner time. Joe made a chocolate cake for Katie's birthday. I gave her the hat pin after we sang Happy Birthday to her. Katie gave me a kiss.

That night Jon and I had to listen to Justin and Sherry have sex again. Then Joe started up with his fiancé Barb Williams. Jon and I had to jerk off again to relieve our sexual tension.

The third day we camped on Big Crow Lake. We got to camp before lunch. The whole crew played chicken fights when we went swimming. I got to carry Katie Landis! I was touching her. And she was touching me! A couple times when we got knocked down, I grabbed in the wrong place. I got a handful of tit. I expected Katie to chew me out or slap me. Instead she just smiled. After that, I got a handful every time we went down. I might not have tried as hard to stay up either.

After lunch Justin and Joe told the crew we could split up and explore around the lake. I had seen that the map showed a stand of virgin timber near one end of the lake. I decided to go explore it. I asked Katie if she wanted to go along.

Katie and I paddled up the Crow River to the first portage. We pulled the canoe out and had to go cross country through the woods to get to the virgin tree stand. It took a half hour to reach them. I don't know why the loggers missed these trees, but the trees were magnificent. Huge pines that seemed to reach to the sky.

I found out that Katie loved biology too. We talked about the trees and the other wildlife we had seen so far. Eventually the conversation switched.

Katie said, "Will have you heard all the noise at night?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the sounds coming from Justin, Sherry, Joe and Barb's tents."

"I know. It's driving Jon and I crazy. I wish I knew what sex was like. But I'll never know. Who would want to go out with some nerd like me."

Katie gave me a funny look. "What are you talking about. You look good. I love the way your muscles show on your chest." I gave Katie a surprised look. She traced her fingers across my chest, tracing the outlines of my muscles. I looked down 'Damn, I do have muscles. Where did they come from?'

My spine tingled and I shivered from Katie's touch. Then Katie stepped closer and kissed me. On the lips! My brain went into sensory overload. Next thing I remember was Katie's bikini clad body pressed against mine while her tongue tried to pry its way into my mouth.

I opened my mouth. The tip of my tongue met Katie's tongue as she pushed it into my mouth. My brain blanked out again. I think we traded spit and explored the insides of each other's mouths. I know my cock was pressing my swimsuit out. I wrapped my arms around Katie and held her close to my body. We finally broke our kiss after five minutes.

Reluctantly, we headed back to the campsite. I was in a state of shock. Katie liked me. Maybe more than liked. I wasn't a hopeless klutz. That night, Jon and I had to listen to another night of teenage sex. Listen, but not participate. We jacked off again.

The fourth day we canoed to Lake Lavielle. It was a long hard day of canoeing and portaging. When we set up camp, Justin assigned Katie and I to find trees to hang the bear bags from. There weren't very many big trees near our campsite. We searched in the woods pretty far from the campsite. We stopped and rested for a minute after walking for awhile.

"Will, did you like what we did yesterday?"

"Ummm... uh, yes." I said, finally spitting out the answer.

"Let's do it again." Katie and I embraced and kissed. Our tongues pushed together and explored and stimulated each other. I wrapped my arms around Katie and pressed her against my chest. I could feel her nipples pressing into my chest. That got my cock's attention. It stood straight out from my body. The head was pressing into Katie's belly. I turned red from embarrassment. I expected Katie to pull away. Instead she put her hand on my erection and rubbed it.

I was so excited that my cock shot off as soon as she touched it. "Unnh... Ooohh... Nooo..." I groaned.

"What happened Will?

"I made a mess in my shorts."

"Did you shoot your sperm?"


"Can I see it?"

"What?" I said in shock. My face was bright red now.

"Can I see your sperm?"

"Oh, I thought you wanted to see my penis."

"Well, I wouldn't mind seeing that, but I was asking about your sperm."

"All right. I'll show you the sperm." I pushed my hand down my pants and got a finger full of semen. I pulled my hand out and showed it to Katie.

"That's what it looks like. That stuff can make a baby. Wow."

"I guess that's right. At least that's what I've been told."

"Are you sure I can't see your penis?"

I considered my answer carefully. My horniness was making me daring. "I guess you can see it if I can see your tits."

"Sure" Katie untied the string that held her bikini top and pulled it off. Her breasts weren't real large. They looked like a nice handful. I wanted to see if they fit in my hand.

"Well, it's your turn." Katie said impatiently.

'Shit! What did I get myself into?' "Uh, OK. Give me a second." I turned around and untied the string that held up my swim suit. I pulled my shorts down to my knees and turned around.

Katie stared at my cock for a minute. "Can I touch it?"

"No! No, I don't think so." I pulled my pants up again and tied them shut. Katie put her bikini top back on. We walked back to camp.

"Will, would you be my boyfriend?"

"Umm, Yeah, I guess, ummm... sure." My chest swelled. I had a girlfriend! We walked back to camp holding hands.

At dinner I proudly announced that I was going steady with Katie. I spent the evening talking with Katie getting to know her better. She wanted to be a microbiologist. I was comfortable around her. We could talk about science, camping, almost anything. I sat by the campfire and talked until dark. We kissed just before we went to bed. She even let me feel her tits through her T-shirt.

The fifth day was our lay over. We had the whole day free on Lake Lavielle. Joe and Barb let us sleep in. They made a big breakfast for the crew. After breakfast was over, Joe asked what everyone planned to do that day. Katie and I had decided to canoe back to the swamp at the entrance to Crow Bay in Lake Lavielle and study the flora and fauna. I explained our plans to Joe. We packed our lunch and paddled west to the swamp.

We spent most of the day poking around the edges of the swamp. We made sketches of the plants and insects we found. We ate lunch in the canoe floating at the mouth of the Crow River. I had thought I was pretty good at plant identification, but Katie was better than I was. I knew the insects better than her. We had a blast.

Around four o'clock we started paddling back to our campsite. I needed to go to the bathroom, so we stopped at a campsite part way back to our camp. Katie needed to go too, so I let her use the latrine box first. When she was done I used it.

Katie was sitting on a log beside the fire ring. Katie looked so beautiful and I was feeling playful. I came up behind her, wrapped my arms around her and asked, "Guess who?"

"Orlando Bloom?"


"Ashton Kutcher?"


"My boyfriend?"

"Yes" Katie turned around and looked at me. She was in a playful mood too.

"What a minute, you're not my boyfriend Jake. Who are you?"

I backed away stunned. Katie looked at my face and realized immediately that she said the wrong thing. "Will, I was teasing. Come here. You're my only boyfriend." Katie pulled me to her and wrapped her arms around me and hugged. She kissed me. Our tongues met. Stars exploded in my eyes as we kissed. I don't know how long we kissed, hugged and rubbed our bodies together. Time meant nothing.

"Will can I see your thing, uh, your penis again? I'll show you my breasts."

"Deal." I wasn't quite as bashful today. I untied the string and pulled my shorts off in front of Katie. When I looked up, I got a shock. Katie was naked! We hugged and kissed some more, but this time our naked bodies were rubbing together.

This had the predictable effect on my cock. It was rock hard. It was poking Katie in the belly as we made out. I used one hand to rub and feel Katie's tits as we kissed. They felt so soft and smooth. I brushed my fingers across her nipple. Katie moaned.

We took a step back from each other and looked each other over. We were flushed. Katie's nipples were standing up. I looked down at her pussy. It had a sparse patch of blonde hair over top of it. The lips were red and puffy.

"Katie, can I touch your pussy?"

"OK. Let me show you how." She took my hand in hers and placed it on her pussy. It was wet! She rubbed one finger up and down between her pussy lips. Then she moved my finger to the top. I felt a bump. Katie shivered. "That's my clitoris. I like it when you rub it. Be gentle. It's really sensitive."

I rubbed my finger over it again, barely touching it. "You can press a little harder." I did. This time Katie shivered again. I kept rubbing her clit. I used my other hand and rubbed up and down along her pussy lips. I wondered where the opening was that went to her vagina.

"Where does a boy put his penis if you have sex?"

Katie put her hand on mine and guided my finger. It popped into a tight hole. She pushed on my knuckle and my finger disappeared into her! Her pussy was squeezing my finger. It felt hot and wet inside.

"Pull it out and then push it back in Will." I followed her directions. I kept rubbing her clit too. Katie had a funny look on her face and was panting. Suddenly she shook and her pussy squeezed down hard on my finger. Then it relaxed, squeezed, relaxed and squeezed.

"Oh God Will, that was great. Thank you."

I was confused. "Katie, what just happened?"

"You gave me an orgasm. The best I ever had. Thank you."

"Your welcome, I guess."

"Will, can I touch your penis?"

"Uh, ummm... I guess."

Katie got down on her knees right in front of me. She looked my penis over and then reached her hand out to touch it. She wrapped her hand around it. "The outside feels soft, but the inside is hard. It weird, I..."

"Unh... unnhh... unnhhh..." It was too much for me. My cum shot out and hit Katie's face. The next spurt hit her chin. The next landed on her breast. The rest dribbled on the ground.

"I'm sorry Katie. I didn't want to do that. I'm sorry."

"It's all right Will. That's what I get for playing with a loaded gun. Lets go for a swim so we can clean up." Katie led me by the hand to the lake shore. We swam out about fifty feet and stood on the bottom. I washed the cum off of Katie's face and breasts. Her breasts needed a lot of rubbing to get all the cum off ;-). We kissed.

"Will, sit down over here." Katie pointed to a spot closer to shore. I went there, still holding Katie's hand and sat down on the bottom. The water was about 18" deep. Katie faced me and sat down on my lap! We started kissing and making out again. My cock became erect. It was trapped between us. Stuck nestled between her pussy lips. Our bodies rubbed together as we kissed and felt each other's tits. Finally the rubbing was too much and I shot off another load of cum into the water between us.

I noticed the sun was getting low on the horizon. It was late! "Katie, we need to get back to camp. We're going to be in trouble. We were supposed to be back for dinner by 5 pm." We scrambled back to shore and got dressed quickly. I looked at my watch. It was 6:30!

"Shit, we've got to hurry!" I exclaimed. I didn't even think about my swearing. I never said that around a girl before.

We hopped in the canoe and paddled as hard as we could. When we got close to camp I could see someone standing on the rock at the edge of the water looking for us. When we pulled into shore at camp, I said, "I'm glad we did those things today. I really like you Katie." I gave her a kiss. Then we joined the group for dinner.

After dinner, Jon pulled me aside so we could talk. Jon asked, "Will, would you be willing to swap tents with Amy? We would like to have some more private time together."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I might get to spend the night with Katie! I couldn't contain my grin. "I guess, if you really insist. I could. Does Katie know about this?"

"Not yet. Amy is talking Katie now. We'll switch tents if Katie is OK with it."

Amy and Katie returned to the fire circle a couple minutes later. Both were sporting big grins.

Katie said, "I'd be happy to share my tent with Will." Turning to me she asked, "Would you be willing to sleep with me?" She winked.

I blushed and said, "Ummm... I guess so."

Jon pushed me towards our tent and said, "Will, I'll help you get your things moved." Jon and I went to our tent while Amy and Katie went to theirs. In five minutes time, everything was arranged for the night.

After the crew put the bear bags up, Katie and I returned to our tent. 'The tent I was sharing with a girl!' My mind reeled from the events of the day.

When we got inside, Katie started removing her clothes. I hesitated a little. "Will, it's OK. I've already seen you naked. Go ahead."

"I know. I still feel funny about it though." I started removing my clothes.

When both of us were naked, we laid side by side. I put my arm over Katie. We kissed, intertwining our tongues. I pulled Katie tight against my body. We rubbed our bodies together as we kissed. My cock swelled from the stimulation. It was trapped between our sweaty bodies. It was all I could do to not cum.

We pulled apart a little. I mustered my courage and asked, "May I touch your tits?"

"I'd like that Will." I tentatively reached out and cupped my hand over her left breast. I squeezed it a little. It fit in my hand perfectly. It was firm. I rubbed my hand along the silky smooth skin. I massaged her breasts, taking pleasure from their feel.

Katie moaned as I felt her breasts. "Will, please lick them."

"OK" I tentatively touched my tongue to the tip of a nipple. Katie shivered. I licked around her nipple in a circle. Katie grabbed my head and pressed it into her breasts. I sucked on the nipple that was now in my mouth. I squeezed her breasts as I licked and sucked. Katie was moaning.

I pulled away for a minute to catch me breath. I rubbed my fingers up and down Katie's sides.

When we got quiet we heard Amy say, "Ohhh... That's good Jon..."

I whispered, "Jon and Amy are doing it!" Katie nodded her head.

We heard Jon plead, "Amy, try to be quiet,"

Amy was getting loud. "Ohh, yesss. Go faster Jon. Go... Go... Go... unhh... unhhh... Fuck me, Jon!"

Jon tried to quiet Amy, with no success, "Shhh... the other tents are close. Please be quiet."

Jon and Amy suddenly got quiet. I went back to Katie's breasts. I played with them for a few seconds before Katie whispered, "Could you play with my pussy the way you did this afternoon?"

I moved my hand down to her pussy. I rubbed my finger up and down her outer lips. I rubbed her clit the way Katie showed me in the afternoon.

"Will, please make love to me." Katie whispered.

"Umm... I... guess... I can." I answered hesitantly. Katie lay on her back and spread her legs. I hesitated.

"Will, slide between my legs" Katie said, motioning to me.

"Where do I put it? " I asked.

"I'll help you, Will" Katie wrapped her hand around my cock to guide it.

"Unnhhh... Unnhh... " I groaned. I shot my cum all over Katie's belly and pussy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Katie, I didn't mean to shoot all over you. I'm sorry." I used some toilet paper to wipe my semen off of Katie.

"It's OK Will. We'll try again in a few minutes. Let me stroke your dick." Katie held my cock in her hand and massaged my cock.

"Ummm. That's nice." I whispered.

It didn't take long for my cock to become erect again.

"Katie, are you sure you want to do this? Won't it hurt?"

"No, I lost my hymen about a year ago. Just slide your dick in. It'll be fine." Katie whispered.

"What if I get you pregnant?" I asked.

"You won't. I'm on the pill." Katie answered. Katie helped me put my dick at the entrance to her pussy.

"Katie said, "You're in position. Just push it into me, Will."

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Sweet Little Katie

Katie finished brushing her soft blonde hair and pulled it back in a ponytail. She stepped into her panties and then nestled her full breasts in their cups and hooked her bra. Hmm, I’m gonna have to get a bigger bra soon, she thought to herself; my boobies just keep on growing! Well, there are worse problems a girl could have, she thought. She finished dressing and checked herself out in her full-length mirror; she liked what she saw. Ready for the day! she thought, with a smile on her...

2 years ago
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Alex and Katie

ALEX AND KATIE: A VALENTINE REDEMPTION Alex Denton tilted his head back and let the cold water from the showerhead batter his face and gradually he felt like he was coming back to life. The water cascaded down his neck and chest, then wrapped around his lower body and washed slowly to the stone floor and eventually down the drain. He massaged below his eyes in hopes some of the puffiness would be gone before he got to the office. He soaped up and watched the sudsy run-off spill clockwise into...

3 years ago
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Passion 5 Free Katie

Tagline: Will Erika's therapy save Tom Cruise's marriage? Celebs: Erika Christensen, Keri Russell, Katie Holmes, Alicia Witt. Standard disclaimer: This story is a satirical fantasy. It is fictional, even though its plot is based on actual events. All characters that mirror real people are fictionalized. All celebrities in the story are impersonated — poorly. I, the author, have no actual connection to any celebrity mentioned in this story other than being their fan, and I acknowledge that...

2 years ago
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Jack and Katie

A movie night to remember. NOTE: this is my first story so please be nice (: also it’s slow at the start so if you wanna get off right away, it’s not the story for you! “Jack! Stop it!” Katie giggled. “Oh my god! You’re gonna make me pee myself!” She pushed him off of her and sat up, trying to catch her breath. “Jesus Katie, I was tickling you. No need to freak out.” He stood up and looked down at his best fried. Her black curls were cropped short, close around her round face. Jack supposed...

3 years ago
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Emma and Katie

In the past, when I had gone out for the evening, I had recruited the services of my sister's friend, Emma to "dog sit" for me. My apartment had been skilfully and discreetly fitted with a top of the range indoor surveillance system which included a hi definition digital camera located behind the glass of a two way mirror. The mirror was suspended from the wall in the lounge, directly above the television with a perfect sight line of the sofa. There were also a couple of microphones which had...

3 years ago
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Jack and Katie

A movie night to remember. NOTE: this is my first story so please be nice (: also it’s slow at the start so if you wanna get off right away, it’s not the story for you! “Jack! Stop it!” Katie giggled. “Oh my god! You’re gonna make me pee myself!” She pushed him off of her and sat up, trying to catch her breath. “Jesus Katie, I was tickling you. No need to freak out.” He stood up and looked down at his best fried. Her black curls were cropped short, close around her round face. Jack supposed...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Neighbourhood 01 20220615 Katie

Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. If you're interested in editing, I have another 45000 words so far, and could use some pre-post feedback. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest,...

2 years ago
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Kurts Surprise For Katie

Katie walked into her condo after another amazing afternoon with Jamie. Her ass was still red and sore from the spanking Jamie had given her with a riding crop he had bought at one of the local adult stores. It had been a nice surprise to her that he had upped his game a bit. He even produced some padded Velcro restraints that he had used on her wrists as he had his way with her pussy and ass. She knew he wasn’t very experienced in this sort of play, but he was quickly learning, she thought.As...

3 years ago
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Earlier this year I first noticed Katie. I could tell she was in her twenties. I've seen her in her sexy bikinis. And they wonderfully showcase what is a perfect body. Two strings and two small triangles joined to cover her perfectly shaped breasts. The bikini bottom is cut low. It is the view of her great ass, barely covered by these bottoms, and her long curvy torso that catches and keeps my gaze every time. Especially when she would lie on her stomach on a raft in the pool. I cannot take my...

2 years ago
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Even though Babs had promised to tell Katie all about our little ‘Adventure,’ in the end it had seemed to come to nought. I’d been both distracted and busy and it had been a week or so since I’d been back to my usual Café haunt and when I did so it had been to find that Katie had also moved on.My gentle inquiry was met by the information that she had moved in with her new boyfriend and they were now living in an apartment in a town close by. Such is life and it appeared that Katie was gone and...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Corner time for Katie

Corner time for KatieWarning- contains anal and other explicit sex.My name is Clyde and I am a dominant with a dungeon in my basement. Recently, a young woman contacted me via email and wanted to know if I would discipline her. She said she enjoyed being humiliated and scolded, corner time and anal sex. She also liked to be tied up and spanked hard, even with a cane.Her name was Katie and she lived near me. I first we sent emails back and forth, and I found out her likes and dislikes. Katie...

1 year ago
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When my wife and two daughters and I moved into our house a couple of years ago, the only thing we really knew about the neighborhood was the fact that it was outside of the bigger city, it was remotely quiet, and not a lot of traffic. It was a nice subdivision off a main road, with easy access to town, grocery stores, and about fifteen minutes across town to the local mall.It also was right on the bus route from the girls school, and it was less than a half hour drive to work as well as less...

2 years ago
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Corner time for Katie

Corner time for KatieWarning- contains anal and other explicit sex.My name is Clyde and I am a dominant with a dungeon in my basement. Recently, a young woman contacted me via email and wanted to know if I would discipline her. She said she enjoyed being humiliated and scolded, corner time and anal sex. She also liked to be tied up and spanked hard, even with a cane.Her name was Katie and she lived near me. I first we sent emails back and forth, and I found out her likes and dislikes. ...

3 years ago
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The Awakening of Katie

Introduction: This is a long story 3 hours reading time. Katie finds love. The Awakening of Katie. I m Katie, the older sister. Im 13, about 11 months older than my brother Michael, everybody calls him Squirt. Im about 5 foot tall and 80 pounds, Ive got dark brown hair and brown eyes. I m a city girl, we lived in a two story house with a small front yard. The street on my block is lined with about 12 houses on each side. The next block over is exactly the same. My best friend Tara lives in the...

4 years ago
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KATIE ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? KATIE???  Katie was my liiving wet dream. She had long curly hair to her shoulders that was brunette with lighter blonde highlights and shimmered with her every move.She nearly always wore skirts. Sometimes they were short and tight and sometimes short and full. Her gorgeous legs were always on display.Her tops were stylish and often open enough to suggest, if not always reveal, her ample cleavage. Katie...

3 years ago
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In the bath with Katie

"I'm so tired," I groaned to myself as I slogged up the last flight of stairs in front of my cabin. I walked inside and slipped off my shoes. It's a big cabin, and has four bedrooms that sleep six each. This was while I was on a high school trip in Japan. Every year my school sends ten seniors (five guys and five girls) to a small city in Japan. We stay in houses with families for the first eight nights, then in this big cabin for the last two before we fly home. Last year, I was one of the...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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My Sister Katie

My Sister KatieI look like a fucking Two-dollar hooker. Hey. My name is Sarah, Sarah Burkley. At the moment my sister, Katie, is pounding on the dressing room door for me to come out. But there is no way I'm going to prom in this dress. It has a plunging neckline that shows almost all of my cleavage, the bottom barely covers my red panties and it's the ugliest shade of pink I have ever seen. "Katie I'm not coming out in this!" I yell. The longer I have it on, the more I want to just rip it off....

3 years ago
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Seducing Katie

"Have I ever told you how much I used to absolutely loath New Years Eve?" Teri giggled, taking a near stumble as she stood out of the car. "Just every December 31st," I parried playfully, reaching out to gently catch her about the waist. She was fairly well swanked on Patron margaritas and the Moet the Tom and Lisa had been toasting with at their bash. " ... You do seem to have gotten over your aversion though." "Completely," Teri chortled, her eyelids sagging contentedly as I...

3 years ago
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Ravishing Katie

Even after the divorce i was still quite well off! I had recently been made the vice president of the advertising company i worked for. Katie was the daughter of my friend Harry from work, she was 16 years old and baby-sat Alex for me. She Was amazingly beautiful, with perfectly formed breats, i'd guess about a 36 D, she had long red hair and she always dressed rather provocatively. Anyway, as i said i had finally gotten over my wife and was taking new women out to dinner, but none of...

3 years ago
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Who caught the Katie

Who caught the Katie? It had been an ordinary day in my dull life. The sun had just set on my tube journey home from work and when I left the tube station it had just got dark. I noticed a butch looking guy waiting outside the tube station. He obviously worked out. When you have dated as many men as me you get a feel for who is and who is not boyfriend material. He was an obvious heterosexual so although I fancied him I knew I should keep on walking. I remember that I was...

1 year ago
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Even though Babs had promised to tell Katie all about our little ‘Adventure,’ in the end it had seemed to come to nought. I’d been both distracted and busy and it had been a week or so since I’d been back to my usual Café haunt and when I did so it had been to find that Katie had also moved on. My gentle inquiry was met by the information that she had moved in with her new boyfriend and they were now living in an apartment in a town close by. Such is life and it appeared that Katie was gone...

1 year ago
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Flying with Katie

As we lay there in the early morning sunshine closely together, intertwined on our sides facing each other, Katie roused from her light slumber raised her face and lips to mine - and we shared a deep kiss as I continued to slowly, gently and smoothly fuck her as I had most of the night. She wiggled, changed position slightly, moving a bit more tightly against me, wrapping her upper leg a bit more tightly around mine, and gave a few small playful thrusts back against my dick with her hips -...

2 years ago
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Katie grew more and more excited. It was Halloween once again and her favourite time of year. She couldn’t wait until it got dark so that she could go out, she had been looking forward to this for such a long time. Finally, the sun began to set. She watched it through the window as it disappeared behind the buildings at the other end of the gardens at the rear of the house. The light began to fade rapidly and the darkness descended, removing the last vestiges of the day. It was time. She...

1 year ago
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Disobedient Katie

She wakes up early on Friday morning, her laptop laying on the bed beside her and her smallest dildo still clutched inside her pussy. She trembles when she sits up, the dildo moving further inside her again. Signing onto her Yahoo, she groans, seeing that he tried to message her multiple times the night before and she didn’t answer not once. ‘Good morning, Sir.’ Katie sends the first message, wondering exactly how much trouble she’s in for not answering last night. The first question confirms...

3 years ago
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Kalee and Katie

Kalee and katieThis story is completely true. All the has been changed is names for confidentiality. Have fun ;).I got a new job this summer, working at a local park. I'm only a booth person, but I love my job. I myself am short with a fairly average build, and a decent size cock. Since I started working at the park I am at I've been riding my bike to work everyday. 4 miles to and 4 miles from.Kalee and Katie looking at them and seeing how they interact you would assume they are twins. Kalee is...

1 year ago
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Disobedient Katie

She wakes up early on Friday morning, her laptop laying on the bed beside her and her smallest dildo still clutched inside her pussy. She trembles when she sits up, the dildo moving further inside her again. Signing onto her Yahoo, she groans, seeing that he tried to message her multiple times the night before and she didn't answer not once. "Good morning, Sir." Katie sends the first message, wondering exactly how much trouble she's in for not answering last night. The first question confirms...

3 years ago
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Identical Opposites Katie

Identical Opposites, Katie She had money, lots of it, she'd just finished making the deal and handed off the suitcase. As usual she'd spent the last three days getting the money deposited into her accounts. Just one more thing she had to do. She had to give Peter his blood money, as she referred to the Support payments he was extorting from her for taking care of the son she hadn't wanted. Had he been a girl it might have been different, maybe. But then she'd be tied down with a...

3 years ago
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One Helluva DayChapter 4 Katie

Tom finally managed to make it home safely. He plopped down on his couch, still overwhelmed by everything that had happened. He tried to take a nap, but his brain was still in turmoil, attempting to come up with an explanation. Still tossing and turning when his doorbell rang, Tom welcomed the distraction. He paused just before opening the door. What if it was another sex-crazed woman? Resigned to his fate, he opened the door anyway. He sighed with relief when he saw who it was, Katie...

2 years ago
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The girlfriend saga meeting katie

"so whats your name?' i asked. "my name is katie" she said as she smiled. "well katie your one hell of a dancer, how old are you?" "i just turned 21 today" "21 ehh? how come you arent out celebrating with your boyfriend?" i asked hoping she was single and hoping she wouldnt say he was in the bathroom and would be out soon to kill me. "well we recently broke up, got into this stupid fight. but oh well, so" she smiled. "wheres your girlfriend?" "ahh, well see me...

2 years ago
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This story is true and it happend not so long agoOne night i was laid in bed after a hard day at work, just about to go to to sleep, and my moblie starts ringing it was Katie a friend for school.Me: hi katie Katie: Can i talk to you (crying)Me: whats wrong, why u crying Katie: me and Rob split up Me: whats happened?Katie: he cheated on me, can i come over?Me: ye sure give me a text when your near. 5 mins later Katie sends me a txt I am Outside x. I opened the door Katie looked hot, she was...

2 years ago
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My Sister Katie

My Sister Katie I look like a fucking Two-dollar hooker. Hey. My name is Sarah, Sarah Burkley. At the moment my sister, Katie, is pounding on the dressing room door for me to come out. But there is no way I’m going to prom in this dress. It has a plunging neckline that shows almost all of my cleavage, the bottom barely covers my red panties and it’s the ugliest shade of pink I have ever seen. ‘Katie I’m not coming out in this!’ I yell. The longer I have it on, the more I want to just rip it...

3 years ago
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A Weekend with my Niece Katie

Now let me get the prelims out of the way. My niece Katie was 18 when this took place and she is enjoying just being a teenager who does date guys but prefers to be with women, she is 5’ nothing and approx 90 lbs and 32b tits and brown hair and gorgeous bedroom brown eyes and such a sweet tender mouth and thin lips. (oh man do they feel nice wrapped around my cock.. opps getting ahead of myself.) She has an ass that is barely a handful and has such a great old soul in a young girl. She loves to...

2 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Katie

The circle of friends in our neighborhood that is into swinging and lesbian flings is getting bigger and bigger. I’ve only come around a couple years ago to the new lifestyle, and have enjoyed every bit of it. One pleasant surprise to our group is Katie, a local hairdresser that must have got sick of gossiping about us, and joined in the fun. The cute sandy-haired blonde with chipmunk cheeks and a nice round ass was about ten years younger than me, but seemed to follow my pattern of behavior by...

4 years ago
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The HR Lady Katie

At my work there is a lady in the HR department that is sexy as hell. She has chin length hair worn kind of loose. She wears stylish button up dress shirts with no under shirt covering her bra outline. Her breasts are quite large, probably a D, and I could only imagine that her nipples are somewhat large as well. She usually wears skirts about knee length, but typically has these sexy black boots on that go up to her knee. Her ass fills her skirt up easily, as it somewhat larger, but she...

2 years ago
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Catching Katie

HEYY READERSTHIS IS MY FIRST STORY , HOPE U'LL LIKE IT When we agreed to take in Katie for a few weeks before she started college, I cleaned out my work shed. We sometimes used it as a guesthouse, but, in between stays, it was my personal workspace and temple of solitude. It had electricity, running water and heat. It was small but comfy. I took out my tools, I brought my laptop into the house, I removed two half completed novels, three porn magazines and my personal papers. I left the spy cam...

1 year ago
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In the Car with Katie

I ran into her at a bar around 1am. Her name was Katie and she was a 5 ft 6 in brunette with a fantastic ass and B-cup breasts that made my mouth water. She had recently broken up with a friend one mine, who she had dated for about a year. The entire time they went out she was constantly hanging around our fraternity house and I had gotten to know her pretty well. The two of us had always had a certain chemistry, and we flirted often when she was hanging around. This was the first time I’d seen...

Drunk sex
1 year ago
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Nicole n Katie

I was finally trying to control myself, when all of a sudden, i feel Katies hand on my thigh, moving up close to my panties. I jumped, startled. And i layed on my back, looking at her. "What are you doing, Katie?" Katie, turned beat red, looking away from me, "Im sorry, Nicole, you just looked so beautiful. And i couldnt help myself. I wont do it again." Then, for some reason, i go so turned on by it, i looked into her beautful eyes, kissing her on the lips, hard. I then climbed on top...

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