Kelly and Katie
- 2 years ago
- 41
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Introduction: A story about a woman confused and hurting. Her sexuality cant be contained in the narrow parameters people set for her. Warning There are no dicks in this story. Thats just the way it turned out. Just girls and vegetables. The story is based on a very troubled, narcissistic nymphomaniac I knew very well. She did me great harm, but she couldnt help it. The details have been so changed that Im not posting this in the true story genre. But, I will say, owed to that girl. I dont hold it against you, and you know who you are. Maybe, one day I can figure out how to write it as a true story without giving anyone away.
Also contains Female/Teen Female
Dont forget to vote. Voting shows who you like and dont like. If you get to the bottom and have read all of it, Im interested in your comments. As always, there might be some mistakes. I hope not many.
Quieting the Storms for Katie
Katie Walse stood breathless grasping the fat, bumpy cucumber. Why am I like this? Katie wasnt sure what launched her mind into this frenzy of perverted thinking. It might have been the bulge in that guys pants, or the way he stared at her ass? Perhaps, it was the way the warm summer breeze slipped under her skirt and fondled her bald vagina as she entered the Walmart? Or, it might just be the shape of the cucumber her fingers now molested.
Katie imagined what nasty things she could do right there. Katies eyes saw a fat carrot, but her memory saw the first thing other than her fingers, that had penetrated her pussy. Katies eleven year old friend had watched in horror, as Katie made the carrot disappear inside her body.
Katies eyes left the carrots and passed the butternut squash pile. She pictured her ass lowering towards that huge phallic object, while people pointed and gasped at her nasty act. I want to be as nasty as I can be. Why?
Katie spent at least ten minutes touching all the different penis shaped vegetables, looking for the perfect one for her hole. In her short skirt and missing panties, she could so easily impale herself with her fake cock of choice, right there in the store.
At different times during Katies life, she could have easily been classified a nymphomaniac because of her actions. The truth was, she was doing the only thing that gave her peace. Even if it was only temporary peace, it allowed her to feel okay for a time. Unfortunately, those periods of peace had been shrinking over the years.
Katie glanced around looking for people in the produce section. Her legs trembled with the thought of shoving a fat vegetable inside her cunt. Cunt was Katies favorite word for her vagina. Unlike most of the woman she knew, she referred to it as a cunt. The nastiest way she could describe her needy hole. She loved to hear herself say that word. Cunt! Fill my cunt! Lick my cunt, bitch. Conflict reared its ugly head once again. Why do I have to act like this? What the fuck is wrong with me?
Katies mind drifted off, trying to recall when her bodys needs started running her life. Her mind zoomed to her backyard in Pleasant Valley, Georgia, when she was seven. She stood over a sprinkler on a one hundred degree day. The memory of it caused her knees to feel weak and her juices to flow abundantly with her lust.
The sprinkler slowly rotated left to right, shooting two dozen jets of water from its shiny metal rod. It slowly inched up towards the sky. Katie stood over it giggling, while she waited to be cooled off. The inside of her left calf sent its goose bumps above the skins surface, as the cold water blasted against her hot flesh. Several jets of water were sending a cooling sting up the inside of her leg. The cold water sizzled against Katies burning, hot skin. Her whole body reacted with a tremble at the devastating contrast between the freezing cold water and the blazing heat of the August day. But, her left inner thigh was sending crazy signals as the water seemed to drill into her skin. Those signals registered deep below Katies belly.
Katie wanted to move away from the torturous streams of cold water approaching her crotch, but found herself frozen in place. For a split second, three beams of water violated the space between her legs. The same place her mother told her should never be touched. Katie had been given the talk about what to do if anyone ever tried to touch her there. She had also been scolded a few times for touching herself there. Thats a dirty place Katie. You go to the potty from there! You never put your fingers or anything else there, unless youre wiping after you go potty.
Her mothers words haunted her as the water penetrated both her dirty places and made her feel really funny. Her legs almost stopped working for that split second when the prickly cold went between them. One jet of water had actually hit her, number two hole.
Katie didnt remember her right leg being treated to the cooling joy, she was too focused on the return of the water to the straight up position. The second time the naughty water invaded her two holes, Katie tried to follow it, but it escaped down her left leg. Katie didnt understand what was happening to her insides, but she knew what felt good, and thats what she felt inside, good. She anticipated the third return of her new friend, the kind of friend she was supposed to tell her parents about right away. She squatted down closer to greet it.
Katie bent her legs and lowered her butt as the water ascended toward her juvenile crotch. When the shiny metal thing was shooting its water straight up, Katies legs were spread and the streams went between her puffy flesh. She followed the streams as far as she could without falling over, keeping them hitting her right where it felt best. What was happening in her tummy was beyond her ability understand. But, when the feelings reached their maximum potential, Katie started to pee. Having no other release, it was the only way her body knew how to express its pleasure.
Katie, what are you doing? Are you going potty? Kimmys voice drew Katie back from the place she didnt know how to explain. Her body had taken her over, and she couldnt make it do anything except enjoy the funny feeling. If she had been in the road and a speeding car was approaching, she wouldnt have been able to move. Not if it meant she had to leave that feeling.
Kimmy, stand over here with me. You have got to feel this, it feels so strange and tingly. Its good! Even though she was able to get her friend over the water with her, Kimmy didnt feel anything except cold water. Even Katie only felt a nice feeling between her legs. It just wasnt the same.
The two girls played under the sprinkler for a long time that day. However, Katie never forgot the nice feeling she had when the water invaded her private space.
Katies mission the next day, was a reunion with the friend that made her shiver and pee. She squatted over the sprinkle, but it wouldnt come again. Finally, in frustration she took her bathing suit off and let the water shoot against her naked crotch. It was even better than the day before. She wanted to sit on top of the sprinkler and stay there forever.
Katie! what are you doing? Her mothers voice sent a clear message, one that should have invoked immediate fear in her daughter. However, even a speeding car wouldnt have made Katie move, not by her own willpower. Her mother yanked her up by her arm and pulled her away from the shooting water.
Eighteen years later, Katie still enjoys the sparks that shoot through her fleshy butt tissue when a hand slaps her ass. That day, the first time her dads firm hand impacted with her bare wet ass cheeks, electric pulses shoot deep inside Katies body. The second stinging blow sent her over the edge. Finishing what had started ten feet away, when her new friend had touched her where nobody was supposed to touch her. The third sharp slapping sound was followed by the sound of Katies pee hitting the floor.
Katie looked across the apple bin at the lady standing just on the other side of it. Katie smiled at her imagining the look on her face, if she saw the twelve inch, English, cucumber punishing her wet cunt. The nasty freak side of her brain was wagging war against her hearts desire to be a normal married woman. Why am I like this? How come I cant be normal like my friends?
Katie often had remorse about the way her life was going. The feelings had been exacerbated by going to Kimmys wedding last week. However, remorse was never enough to make her change. That is, if she could actually change. She wondered if maybe this was her lot in life? Some people are made for marriage, and some to be sexual deviants. Thats what my mother said I was, a deviant. Katies tormenting thoughts fled as her hands gripped the long cucumber, and she imagined it penetrating her hot hole, right there in the store. A sigh escaped her lips at the image.
Katie was supposed to go to Kimmys wedding with Richard, but she went alone instead. She and Richard had dated for six months before she agreed to move in with him. After a year, they had been talking about getting married. Katies life seemed as normal as it had ever been. She loved Richard more than anyone she had ever loved, and was sure that love would always be enough. He was so good for her and to her. She was sure he was going to ask her to marry him soon, and she would say yes. Finally, all her inner disorder would be settled.
The early fascination with her sexuality had created some gray areas for Katie, but still the dark clouds only lurked on the horizon. That is, until that day she crossed the proverbial line in the sand. The storm clouds of inner conflict pushed in that day, when she was fifteen years of age.
Kimmys hands came around Katies back and touched her breast as she hugged her. The two girls embraced, or really Kimmy squeezed Katie in a bear hug with her arms around Katies fifteen year old chest.
Its so good to see you, I missed you. How was your trip? Kimmy fired all her excited questions at once, while holding her best friend. Katie gleamed knowing her friend was so excited to see her after her long family vacation. They rarely spent time away from each other, but when they did it normally wasnt for more than a week. This time, Katie had been gone for almost four weeks. The two girls had a long standing friendship that had only grown closer over the years. They were so close they werent even sure when they had become friends.
Long after their reunion that day, Katie still couldnt shake the feeling her friends hand had left on her tit. Was it because she wanted to feel me up and chickened out, or was it just a chance touch? But, if it was by chance why did she hold me so long?
Five minutes later, Kimmys tits passed over Katies arm. First the right, then the left. Katie was sure Kimmy must have wanted her to feel her swollen chest. Maybe, theyve just grown so fast these past weeks, that she doesnt realize theyre getting in the way? Katie had noticed as soon as she saw her friend that day, that her breasts were growing freakishly large for her age. But thought, maybe she was just jealous because hers were smaller?
Kimmy stepped up to Katies side and whispered in her ear. Kimmys words tickled Katies ear and her hard nipple pressed into Katies arm. Katie thought that Kimmy couldnt be so unaware of her mammary glands that she would let them fondle her arm. Why is she touching me with those things? Why do they feel so nice?
Kimmy, do you realize your tits are too big? Before Katie finished her question, she placed a hand on each of her best friends breast. Way more than a handful! Katie said, still holding on to Kimmys tits. By the time school starts again, youre going to have bigger tits than Karen tits Zimmer.
Kimmy smiled ahead of her next words, at least Im not a carpenters dream!
Katie looked curiously at her friend, still holding her breasts. Kimmy laughed out loud, placed her own hands on Katies chest and said, flat as board and easy to screw!
You bitch! You know Im not easy. Katie spoke those words as she squeezed her fingers on both large tits, making a honk, honk sound effect.
The two girls stood chest to chest, looking into each others eyes, Are you really jealous of them? Kimmy asked, looking down at Katies comparatively flat chest. You know yours are going to grow, your mom is huge, right?
Kimmys hands took hold of her two ample tits and squeezed them together. With a self-conscious look, she asked, do I look like a freak? They dont fit any of my bras anymore. You have got to see them.
With that, Kimmy closed her bedroom door and lifted her tight teeshirt over her head. Katie watched her sexy friends flat stomach come into view, followed quickly by her packed bra. Kimmys tan upper chest was severely contrasted by her extremely pale tit flesh, which was squeezing out the top of her plain white bra. Her teen appropriate bra was being taxed almost to a breaking point, trying to hold back Kimmys overflowing chest.
Katies eyes bulged from her head as much as Kimmys tits were bulging from her bra, as her friend unhooked the stretched strap. With a silent flopping sound, her massive jugs fell to their comfortable place on Kimmys body. The very dark brown rings around the nipples glared against the white flesh around them. Gradually, their color lightened as their height increased at the center. But, the very center was as dark as the outer edge. The highest point was a full inch higher than the outer edge and looked ready to feed a sucking child.
My god Kimmy, what happen to them? They are, well, theyre gorgeous! Its unbelievable how they grew this summer. What does your boyfriend think?
Katie had seen Kimmy completely nude many times, but for some reason this time it was making her uncomfortable. Not embarrassed, but concerned about how she felt a need to touch her friends nude flesh.
Stepping closer to her friend, Kimmy asked, do you really think they look good? They now stood so close only a piece of paper could pass between them. Katie wanted to pull away when her chest almost made contact with Kimmys protruding nipples. She wanted to hold Kimmys chest and taste her sexy nipples. Why am I having these feelings?
Katie wished they were her own, so she could taste them anytime she wanted to. With her knees trembling, she allowed her chest to touch Kimmys. Were touching! This is wrong, beyond anything I have done wrong.
Without either girl speaking a word or knowing who initiated the contact, Katies lips softly pressed against Kimmys face, just below her eye. Kimmys cheek bone rose with her smile, and her nipples pressed against Katies body. Katies lips accidentally released a soft sigh.
As Katie tenderly kissed the end of Kimmys little button nose, she felt a sensation on her own nose. Kissing Kimmys other cheek had the same effect, so she placed her lips to Kimmys lips. Its like kissing myself. She thought, as her tongue tip lightly touched Kimmys lower lip. Kimmys tongue tip met Katies between their lips. Kimmys piercing green eyes sent the clear message. Both girls understood they had started something neither girl would be able to stop.
Katie moved her tongue around in Kimmys mouth, and Kimmys in hers. Suddenly, Katie realized her friend knew exactly how she liked to be kissed. She also knew exactly how Kimmy liked to be kissed. It was a perfect kiss. Each girls mouth knew exactly what the others needed, and exactly when. Their lips and tongues worked in perfect unison, while their hearts pounded in rhythm.
Katies pussy instantly soaked the crotch of her panties as her fingers fondled Kimmys erect tit top. What am I doing? Do I really want to do this with a girl? What will my boyfriend think if he finds out? All of Katies questions went unspoken as she lowered her head to Kimmys breast. While still trying to answer her own questions, Katies lips tasted her friends breast crown. All of her concerns evaporated as quickly as her saliva evaporated from Kimmys amazing nipple. Katie took the second nipple into her mouth, each of her hands worked from under the base of Kimmys tits out toward their tops. I wonder if mine taste this good? She thought, as her mouth savored the soft flesh. Katies own nipples tingled as if her lips were sending a message to them. Katies lips smiled, now knowing what her nipples already knew about being sucked.
Katie forgot her friend was even there while she seduced her defenseless chest. She found herself doing everything to Kimmys nipples that she would want done to her own.
The two girls didnt have to speak a word, their minds and their bodies acted as one. Kimmy eased back slowly towards her bed, Katies sucking lips following along. Kimmy sat down without breaking the union between Katies mouths and her tit. Then she laid back, releasing a wonderful sigh of pleasure as her head found her pillow.
Katie licked circles from the outer dark ring inward towards the high point. Then, she took Kimmys nipple between her teeth and stretched it out. Her aroused state caused her to bite harder than was appropriate and her friend moaned loudly, but neither girl said a word.
With one foot still on the floor, Katie put her knee on the bed between Kimmys legs. While sucking as much tit inside her mouth as she possibly could, Katie moved her knee right up against Kimmys crotch. Katie felt the burning heat through her pants as Kimmy plowed against the welcomed leg. Katie sucked and bit on her friends chest in a wild frenzy, as Kimmys body rocked on the bed.
Katie pushed all of Kimmys chest meat together. When both nipples met, she took both into her mouth and sucked as hard as she could. She held both nipples in her teeth, batting them with the tip of her tongue, while forcing her knee tight against Kimmys crotch. Katie punished Kimmys nipples while her friend drove her soaking wet pussy against Katies leg. Finally, with a loud groan, Kimmy clamped her legs tight together on Katies leg. She took hold of her friends hair and smashing her face into her chest. Im, Im, oh god Katie, I! Kimmys cries were too loud for their surrounding, but neither girl noticed.
To Katies amazement, her cunt flooded her pants with a powerful orgasm at the same instant that her friends body thrashed on the bed. It was like she had been doing herself and enjoyed it as much as Kimmy had. Her own tits tingled as if they had been bitten and sucked.
At the sound of Kimmys mother ascending the stairs, Katie kissed her best friend, forcing her tongue deep in her mouth. Then, she handed her a shirt. Both girls look in amazement at the red bite and suck marks on Kimmys tits. Kimmy quickly pulled the shirt on. Katie sat on Kimmy and covered the huge wet spot on her pants with a pillow, just in time. Come in mom, everything is fine. We were just goofing around. Both girls still breathing heavy with red faces and burning crotches, convinced Kimmys mom it was just horse play.
Now a beautiful twenty five year old woman, Katie Walse, still couldnt reconcile with her true inner desires. Although, Katie and Kimmy had indulged themselves a few more times throughout high school and college, they both had boyfriends, and neither would even admit to being bi-sexual. All these years Katie burned inside for something more, but never quenched the fire. Her mothers own words forced her in a direction away from what might fill her emptiness. Katie, you are a sexual deviant. You will burn in hell for acting on those desires!
Her mother had spoken those words during the conversations that followed her mothers discovery. Her mother had walked in on her while she laid spread eagle on her bed, convulsing in an orgasm. Kimmys hungry mouth devouring her pussy. The two sixteen year old girls were turned into paranoid heterosexuals, with an inner urning that would never be satisfied. Every time Katie scum to her true passion, she would plunge for a few weeks into self torment and fear. When the conflict in her head reached the verge of self-destruction, she went on a sex binge. The likes of which would make, Insatiable look like a love story. Even though her parents didnt know anything about this, she felt satisfied that she wasnt a lezbo. After all, she didnt want to burn in hell or make her parents have to hide their face in shame. Sure, if I fuck the whole football team thats okay, but eat one pussy, and theyll throw me out of the family.
Richard made everything seem okay. She loved him, he satisfied her, and they could marry. Finally, there would be no question in anybodys mind, except maybe Katie.
Katie would have never done anything to hurt Richard. That is, if she could have prevented it. She still has nightmares about that night and the look he had on his face is seared in her mind.
Katie didnt plan it, she didnt even want it to happen, but it did. It was beyond Richards ability to forgive, forget or even comprehend. Katie had fought against her thoughts that night, but her resolve had been weakened.
Jessicas 36DD breast bumped against Katies arm as it passed by. Is she doing that on purpose? Is she trying to seduce me? Katie thought that the night of the day Kimmy announced her upcoming wedding date. Katie had been genuinely happy for her best friend, who seemed to have all of her confusion resolved. A flood of emotions swirled all that day as the two friends chattered with excited talk of the upcoming event. Katie loved her friend deeply and resolved to be the greatest Bridesmaid ever.
Jessica, who had perceived Katies anxiety level that night, offered to help her relax. The eager teenager, with all her spunk and determination, couldnt be brushed off. So, for ten minutes she had been massaging Katies shoulders and stirring her hidden passion. Now, her warm chest rested on Katies shoulders. Katies heart started pounding from the emotions set ablaze by the beautiful teenagers touch. There were so many wonderful memories of Kimmy flooding through Katies mind. Katie took a deep breath, prepared to push back from the table and leave Jessica far behind.
Suddenly, Jessicas hands slipped under Katies long, silky black hair. She raised it off her neck and kissed Katie on her neck. Katie was taken off guard by the teenagers sudden advances and fought her off, without making a move. She knew she should have jumped to her feet, but she tilted her head forward giving the young girls lips a larger area to work.
Jessicas long blond hair draped over Katies right shoulder, hanging past her chest. Katies fingers stretched a curly lock of hair and then she watched it spring back. Jessicas lips and tongue worked their way around the left side of Katies neck. Jessicas right hand held Katies hair in a bunch on top of her head, while her left hand held Katies right breast.
Jessicas lips kissed behind Katies left ear, then nibbled her ear lobe. She breathed a soft breath in Katies ear as her tongue darted inside. A moan resonated in Katies throat as she turned her head left in a jerking motion. The two girls were now face to face. Jessicas huge hazel eyes filled with teenage lust looked into the sparkling blue green eyes of a terrified Katie.I cant do this, Im not going to do this!
Jessicas lips moved towards Katies eye, causing it to close. Jessicas soft lips tenderly kissed the closed eye. Then, she kissed her eye brow, the bridge of her nose and the tip of her slender nose. Right before Jessicas lips found Katies, Katies finger moved between them. With her finger against Jessicas lips, Katie spoke, we, I cant do this. This is wrong.
Jessica responded by taking the finger into her mouth. Katie just stared at the mouth sodomizing her finger. She lost all will to resist. Jessicas lips slowly moved around on Katies finger, while her tongue massaged the tip. Katie eased her wet finger from the sucking lips. Seductively, Katies finger tip moistened Jessicas round teenage lips. While she traced them, Jessicas tongue tip flicked at the passing finger.
Jessicas lips finally joined Katies, and the two girls shared a kiss with a finger still in their mouth. Each girls tongue explored the others mouth. Jessicas hand moved under Katies shirt, released the front clasp of her bra and touched her bare flesh. Katies heart thumped as her juices poured into her panties.
Katie burst to her feet and spun around to face Jessica. Placing her hands on Jessicas shoulders, she spoke slow, steady words, are you sure you want this? This is wrong, verywrong!
Jessicas eyes spoke her silent answer. She stepped towards Katie, who had no power to resist the young girls advances. Katies arms circled Jessicas neck and Jessicas arms circled Katies waist. Jessicas lips moved towards Katies lips, turned right and grazing her cheek. Jessicas youthful skin rubbed against Katies cheek as her lips found rest at the opening of Katies ear. With a tiny breath of air, its okay Katie, Richard will never know about this. I love you. I need you to do this with me. Please.
Katie melted in the puddle of emotions that flooded her heart, as her panties flooded in a puddle of her female juices. Her knees quivered as her nervous hands took both sides of Jessicas head into their grasp. Katie tenderly pushed Jessicas natural curls back past her ears. Her thumbs moved from Jessicas soft jaw line, over her cheeks, back to her ears. Katie turned her head slightly and moved her lips to Jessicas lips. The two girls kissed so passionately for the next five minutes, that they were both approaching an orgasm before they guided each other to the bedroom.
They undressed each other in a slow, methodical scene of beautiful passion. Never touching the others flesh, until each had carefully stripped away every stitch of material between them. They stood facing each other in their naked glory, each looking over the other and drinking in their sculpted figures.
Twenty five year old Katie, stood five inches taller with a true hour glass figure. Her slender waist line flared out to her proud hips and rounded ass. Katies medium, C cup tits stood at attention, still as firm as they were ten years earlier. Pink candy corn shaped nipples reached for attention.
Jessicas skin was perfectly smooth and tight, as only a teenager can have it. Her chest hung down from the sheer mass of it, but it still maintained an amazing firmness. Her huge dark nipples could only be compared to a light house summoning all approachers attention and drawing them in.
Jessicas tight stomach and tiny waist only drew more attention to her glorious melons. However, even with all the beauty above the waist, Katie couldnt miss the pure blondness of her curly pubic hair. It sat atop an exaggerated mound of flesh. Jessicas flat stomach made the rise up her young heap of baby fat stand out as much as her chest stood out.
A spark flashed between their lips as they were about to kiss. It left a sting on Katies bottom lip, but Jessicas wet tongue tip came to heal the sting. The tender crease on her stinging lip made her legs turn to rubber, and the two girls melted into a pile of human flesh on the bed.
Katie tasted her young lovers sweet pussy juice off her finger and shared it with Jessicas lips. Then Jessica removed her two fingers from Katies pussy and brought them between their faces. Both girls stretched their tongues out to taste the tangy juice. They licked all around the two digits. Two tongues colliding, flicking and creasing the other as each savored the sweet taste.
Jessica swung her hanging flesh over Katies face and Katie eagerly sucked it inside her mouth. Hum, nothing tastes as good as a young girl. Her mind clearly remembering her best friend and the first time she tasted Kimmys nipple. She wanted to shed a tear for the lose of her best friend to marriage, but Jessicas loving compassion forbid it. Katie took Jessicas nipple between her teeth and bit down until the girl squeaked in pain.
Jessica returned the nipple treatment to her older lover, sending a shape pain shooting through her whole tit. Jessicas teeth held the nipple tight and stretched it until Katies whole tit was elongated. When her teeth released and Katies tit snapped back, Katie flip Jessica over, rolling on top of her.
Katie kissed, nibbled and chewed her way down the young flesh until her nose rested in the curly hair of her pubic mound. Katie took in a deep breath through her nose and exhaled through her mouth, blowing a cooling stream of air across Jessicas swollen clitoris. Jessicas back arched and her legs squeezed the body between them as she moaned loudly.
Katies tongue darted against the bud before the first wave of pleasure even ran its course. As a result, the inexperienced girl blasted off into a powerful orgasm. Jessicas hands and legs both seized Katies head, but Katie knew better than to let the girl off easy. She forced her finger deep into the spasming hole and battered her exploding clit with her tongue. Jessica screamed, thrashed and pulled Katies hair while her body shook out of control. Her orgasm was the kind that makes a woman faith or blackout.
When the girls body stopped trembling, Katie slithered up it. She allowed her skin time to rejoice every inch of the way as it was massaged by Jessicas perfect texture. When they met face to face again, they shared a kiss laced with pussy juice. Jessicas lips broke the kiss, Katie, I love you so much. Im sorry I have been teasing you for the last week. I just knew we were going to make love, I could feel it. I felt it inside the first time I saw you.
Katie knelt over Jessicas face, waiting for the youngster to taste her cunt. Jessicas tongue parted Katies pussy lips and sank into her body. Katie licked her own lips tasting pussy and imagining she was eating herself. Jessicas inexperience didnt stop her from knowing exactly what a girls pussy needed, she drew Katie within reach of an explosive orgasm in minutes.
Katie held Jessica by the hair on the sides of her head, while fucking her mouth with her cunt. Poor Jessica, she had no idea that much fluid could pour out of another girl. She almost choked on the flood of Katie cum that poured into her mouth. Katie gave the girl no chance for air while her body used the girls face.
Finally, Katie uncovered the impaled face and let the young girl breathe. Then, she cleaned Jessicas face and neck with her tongue. By the time she finished, Jessica was breathing hard, and ready for more.
Not knowing how many hours or how many orgasms had passed, Jessica sat on Katies face. She rode it while fondling her own tits. What the fuck are you doing? Richards words boomed through the room.
Katies heart stopped for a second, but not her tongue. And, Jessicas thrusting hips never missed a beat. Jessicas orgasm was more important than anything else at that second. So, Richard had to endure seeing his baby sister ride his girlfriends face, with brazen disregard for his shock.
When Jessica finally fell in a heap on top of her first female lover, she was breathless. She couldnt even speak to mount a defense or explanation for her shocked brother. Katie hid in shame between Jessicas legs as long as she could, knowing there werent any words that were going to make this right.
Even Jessicas begging couldnt sway her brother. She explained how she started it and wanted it, but there was no changing his mind. I cant marry a woman without enough self-control to reject the advances of a teenage girl. My baby sister, how could you?
As Katie waited at the register, one part of her was extremely embarrassed as the attractive lady at the register lifted the cucumber by the end that had been inside Katie. Why couldnt I have at least put it in a bag? What if she smells my… The other part of Katie felt tranquility in the storm. Her nasty behavior allowed her to forget her life. She smirked knowing that something that had violated her cunt a few minutes ago, was now in that ladys hand. Im such a nasty slut, I should get therapy.
Katie sat in her car outside the Walmart pondering what she could do next. She was considering pissing outside the car, hoping someone would be watching her on surveillance camera. Her phone rang, Hi, Jessica! I cant believe its you. Yes, sure, Ill be there in an hour. A smile and a peace settled over the disturbed ladys face.
ALL ABOUT KATIE I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did.The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen. She was...
I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did. The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen. She was just a tiny little...
Introduction: Laura, a.k.a. The little Nympho.. Chapter 11.. Part 3..(Babysitting Katie) Laura, a.k.a. The little Nympho Chapter 11 ( babysitting Katie) Part 3 I went down stairs to find Keith on the couch in the living room and plopped down beside him. He rapped an arm around me and said. Nice dump, whos is it? My home room teacher, Mr. B. I take it that it was his daughter watching the live porn show in the kitchen? Ya, dont worry though, shes cool. And she has got the hottie hots for...
I remember the afternoon when Katie and John moved in as if it were yesterday. It was one of those mournful autumn days so common in our northern English city when the removal van drew up opposite our house, closely followed by the car containing our new neighbours.Susie was first to speak, "Do you remember the day we moved in? It was ages before we got to know anybody. Anyway it's a miserable day, so I'm going over to invite them in for a cup of tea while their furniture is unloaded."Over the...
When I started eighth grade I was average sized. I was about 5'-4" and was a little pudgy. I weighed about 130 pounds. I still had my baby fat. My growth spurt hit me earlier than most kids in my grade. I grew eight inches between September and February that year. Suddenly I was the tallest kid in class. But I didn't gain any weight. I went from pudgy to down right thin in six months. I was never an athlete. I was considered somewhat of a brain in class. With my new height, I turned into...
I was in my senior year of high school when my mother passed away, I lived with her in a small rural town. My parents were divorced and I had no other option than to move to the city with my father and his wife Katie.My dad was a great guy, worked long hours at his own paving business and his new wife Katie worked from home as a sales rep. I always got along with Katie as she was also from a broken home and I figured that she knew how it felt when parents split up.It was a difficult adjustment,...
"Shit!". Katie thought. "I'm supposed to be meeting my friends at the mall in half an hour". As she quickly packed up her things and went to leave, she thought she sensed someone watching her, but when she looked around there was no one there. "Weird" she thought, and put it to the back of her mind. Katie left the mall at 7pm, her and her friends had decided to watch the new Hunger Games movie. "Jennifer Lawrence is so hot" she thought to herself as she was walking home. ...
It was another Friday night at happy hour at our local bar. The place was crowded this evening and it was the weekend before another group session. I had met Jennifer and Jerry there, as well as a lot of regulars. Holly and Nick arrived a little later than normal. Holly had relatives in town and brought them along for dinner in the restaurant section of the bar before wandering over to the bar side and the music. Our group was feeling fairly descent by the time Nick, Holly, and her family had...
Group SexHe pulled into the driveway, parked the car before walking up to the front door. Katie opened the door just as he started to knock. She stood in front of him wearing a white tank top and panties. Jake’s jaw dropped, he quickly stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Jake quickly wrapped his arms around his much smaller girlfriend. He cupped her ass as he lifted her bringing her face to his. Katie squealed in delight as Jake lifted her off the ground, her legs quickly wrapped around...
Introduction: Part 2 of 3.. Laura, a.k.a. The Little Nympho Chapter 11 ( Babysitting Katie) Part 2 At about 10, I woke up with Katie jumping on the bed saying something about sleeping till noon just like all teen-agers. I hit her with a pillow and nearly knocked her off the bed. She was still in her sleep shirt and I was still in my nighty with nothing on under it. She rebounded and smacked the shit out of me with one of the pillows and I growled you little brat, and the pillow fight was...
Katie let out a soft sigh as she lifted her mug of hot chocolate to her lips, her breath sending small ripples across the dark surface. She placed the mug back on the glass table, leant back on the red leather bench seat of the café and looked aimlessly out of the window, watching as the late afternoon turned dark, the world seeming to run along without her. Around her feet were several bags containing cheap gifts for family and friends, presents she didn't really like giving but on an interns...
LesbianKatie and I began dating in March, shortly into spring sport season. Seeing her outside of school was difficult at first, but once I had my car it became easy as pie. We went to the beach several times that summer. Seeing her in a bikini drove me crazy and I could not hide the massive erection I got whenever I saw her in the waves or laying on the sand. Her well developed 36C breasts barley restrained by her top and the bottoms that looked like they were too small was almost more then I could...
Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she wore a grey flannel skirted suit which was very tight. The skirt was just above the knee and she wore very high...
InterracialIn the summer of 1969, I hitch-hiked from Laramie, Wyoming to Michigan. I needed to get away from the Air Force for a while. I went to visit my parents at their summer home on an island in Lake Huron. I went on a " double date" with my younger brother and his soon to be bride and a sweet and earnest young Christian woman who was a counselor at the 4-H camp next to my parent's "farm." Katie and my mom were friends, and she was at their house a lot. My mom was often there by herself, and my dad...
Katie Katie and Jeff were, at last, airborne from theirintermediate stop at Cairo, squeezed into "el cheapo" seatson a foreign airline that made BA, "Bloody Awful", seemlike luxury in comparison. Katie was glad she took so littleinto the cabin with her, just her handbag, with her passport,ticket, purse, lipstick and cigarettes. Of course, there wasno smoking allowed. She was dressed for comfort in thetropics, casual slip-on shoes, socks, not nylons, alightweight cotton dress, light green,...
This is a follow-up story to "Sarah's Friend." Please see my profile page if you would like to read the stories in sequence.--- Ever since Sarah had brought her friend Nadia to stay at my place for the weekend, she’d been finding new ways to keep herself entertained during her bi-weekly visits. As a divorced father, I knew that it wouldn’t be long before she stopped seeing me as regularly, so it was important to me to make sure that I accommodated her wishes as best as I could. I wanted her to...
AnalKatie’s best friend’s older sister Brittany had recommended the guy Katie was going to go see. Brittany had gotten knocked up by this guy when she turned sixteen and had a beautiful black baby boy. Brittany had even showed Katie the video they made, watching as Brittany and this older black man—Katie was pretty sure his name was Jamal—writhed together on the pull-out futon moaning in pure bliss. Katie had watched as Jamal’s hard black cock slid in and out of Brittany’s tight cunt. The young...
Be warned this story involves young girls and sexual experiences but it is total fiction and for your enjoyment only . I will take inspiration from this writer and try improve my own stories. It is, according to the bright red digits of the alarm clock, ten past five in the morning. Rain beats hard against the window. There's a warm presence to my left, too. For a moment I wonder who it could possibly be, but then memory comes flooding back. Katie, my favourite little niece, is staying...
Katie entered our world a couple years ago when she rented our studio apartment. At the time, she was about to start her sophomore year in college. Bob and I found her to be a bright, cheerful twenty-year-old woman and a diligent, hard-working student, but unfortunately rather naive and immature. We often tried to serve as mentors for her, and over time, she would begin to confide in us, seeking advice on troubling events in her life. Eventually, we grew to love Katie as though she were our...
MasturbationKatie was tired of sex. Almost twenty-one, she knew she had to change something about her sex life. Blessed with beauty, bust, and body, she’d started physical intimacy with the opposite sex at too early an age. Fortunately, none of the many billions of sperm had found its desired target. Some of them had been received as the result of a persuasive male, some as a byproduct of infatuation, and some just because she was horny. As she approached full adulthood, it was now time to do something...
Katie finished brushing her soft blonde hair and pulled it back in a ponytail. She stepped into her panties and then nestled her full breasts in their cups and hooked her bra. Hmm, I’m gonna have to get a bigger bra soon, she thought to herself; my boobies just keep on growing! Well, there are worse problems a girl could have, she thought. She finished dressing and checked herself out in her full-length mirror; she liked what she saw. Ready for the day! she thought, with a smile on her...
IncestALEX AND KATIE: A VALENTINE REDEMPTION Alex Denton tilted his head back and let the cold water from the showerhead batter his face and gradually he felt like he was coming back to life. The water cascaded down his neck and chest, then wrapped around his lower body and washed slowly to the stone floor and eventually down the drain. He massaged below his eyes in hopes some of the puffiness would be gone before he got to the office. He soaped up and watched the sudsy run-off spill clockwise into...
Katie walked into her condo after another amazing afternoon with Jamie. Her ass was still red and sore from the spanking Jamie had given her with a riding crop he had bought at one of the local adult stores. It had been a nice surprise to her that he had upped his game a bit. He even produced some padded Velcro restraints that he had used on her wrists as he had his way with her pussy and ass. She knew he wasn’t very experienced in this sort of play, but he was quickly learning, she thought.As...
ToysTagline: Will Erika's therapy save Tom Cruise's marriage? Celebs: Erika Christensen, Keri Russell, Katie Holmes, Alicia Witt. Standard disclaimer: This story is a satirical fantasy. It is fictional, even though its plot is based on actual events. All characters that mirror real people are fictionalized. All celebrities in the story are impersonated — poorly. I, the author, have no actual connection to any celebrity mentioned in this story other than being their fan, and I acknowledge that...
A movie night to remember. NOTE: this is my first story so please be nice (: also it’s slow at the start so if you wanna get off right away, it’s not the story for you! “Jack! Stop it!” Katie giggled. “Oh my god! You’re gonna make me pee myself!” She pushed him off of her and sat up, trying to catch her breath. “Jesus Katie, I was tickling you. No need to freak out.” He stood up and looked down at his best fried. Her black curls were cropped short, close around her round face. Jack supposed...
In the past, when I had gone out for the evening, I had recruited the services of my sister's friend, Emma to "dog sit" for me. My apartment had been skilfully and discreetly fitted with a top of the range indoor surveillance system which included a hi definition digital camera located behind the glass of a two way mirror. The mirror was suspended from the wall in the lounge, directly above the television with a perfect sight line of the sofa. There were also a couple of microphones which had...
VoyeurA movie night to remember. NOTE: this is my first story so please be nice (: also it’s slow at the start so if you wanna get off right away, it’s not the story for you! “Jack! Stop it!” Katie giggled. “Oh my god! You’re gonna make me pee myself!” She pushed him off of her and sat up, trying to catch her breath. “Jesus Katie, I was tickling you. No need to freak out.” He stood up and looked down at his best fried. Her black curls were cropped short, close around her round face. Jack supposed...
First TimeYour opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. If you're interested in editing, I have another 45000 words so far, and could use some pre-post feedback. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest,...
Corner time for KatieWarning- contains anal and other explicit sex.My name is Clyde and I am a dominant with a dungeon in my basement. Recently, a young woman contacted me via email and wanted to know if I would discipline her. She said she enjoyed being humiliated and scolded, corner time and anal sex. She also liked to be tied up and spanked hard, even with a cane.Her name was Katie and she lived near me. I first we sent emails back and forth, and I found out her likes and dislikes. Katie...
Corner time for KatieWarning- contains anal and other explicit sex.My name is Clyde and I am a dominant with a dungeon in my basement. Recently, a young woman contacted me via email and wanted to know if I would discipline her. She said she enjoyed being humiliated and scolded, corner time and anal sex. She also liked to be tied up and spanked hard, even with a cane.Her name was Katie and she lived near me. I first we sent emails back and forth, and I found out her likes and dislikes. ...
BDSMEarlier this year I first noticed Katie. I could tell she was in her twenties. I've seen her in her sexy bikinis. And they wonderfully showcase what is a perfect body. Two strings and two small triangles joined to cover her perfectly shaped breasts. The bikini bottom is cut low. It is the view of her great ass, barely covered by these bottoms, and her long curvy torso that catches and keeps my gaze every time. Especially when she would lie on her stomach on a raft in the pool. I cannot take my...
Even though Babs had promised to tell Katie all about our little ‘Adventure,’ in the end it had seemed to come to nought. I’d been both distracted and busy and it had been a week or so since I’d been back to my usual Café haunt and when I did so it had been to find that Katie had also moved on.My gentle inquiry was met by the information that she had moved in with her new boyfriend and they were now living in an apartment in a town close by. Such is life and it appeared that Katie was gone and...
Straight SexIntroduction: This is a long story 3 hours reading time. Katie finds love. The Awakening of Katie. I m Katie, the older sister. Im 13, about 11 months older than my brother Michael, everybody calls him Squirt. Im about 5 foot tall and 80 pounds, Ive got dark brown hair and brown eyes. I m a city girl, we lived in a two story house with a small front yard. The street on my block is lined with about 12 houses on each side. The next block over is exactly the same. My best friend Tara lives in the...
When my wife and two daughters and I moved into our house a couple of years ago, the only thing we really knew about the neighborhood was the fact that it was outside of the bigger city, it was remotely quiet, and not a lot of traffic. It was a nice subdivision off a main road, with easy access to town, grocery stores, and about fifteen minutes across town to the local mall.It also was right on the bus route from the girls school, and it was less than a half hour drive to work as well as less...
Taboo"I'm so tired," I groaned to myself as I slogged up the last flight of stairs in front of my cabin. I walked inside and slipped off my shoes. It's a big cabin, and has four bedrooms that sleep six each. This was while I was on a high school trip in Japan. Every year my school sends ten seniors (five guys and five girls) to a small city in Japan. We stay in houses with families for the first eight nights, then in this big cabin for the last two before we fly home. Last year, I was one of the...
Quickie SexKATIE ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? KATIE??? Katie was my liiving wet dream. She had long curly hair to her shoulders that was brunette with lighter blonde highlights and shimmered with her every move.She nearly always wore skirts. Sometimes they were short and tight and sometimes short and full. Her gorgeous legs were always on display.Her tops were stylish and often open enough to suggest, if not always reveal, her ample cleavage. Katie...
My Sister KatieI look like a fucking Two-dollar hooker. Hey. My name is Sarah, Sarah Burkley. At the moment my sister, Katie, is pounding on the dressing room door for me to come out. But there is no way I'm going to prom in this dress. It has a plunging neckline that shows almost all of my cleavage, the bottom barely covers my red panties and it's the ugliest shade of pink I have ever seen. "Katie I'm not coming out in this!" I yell. The longer I have it on, the more I want to just rip it off....
Lesbian"Have I ever told you how much I used to absolutely loath New Years Eve?" Teri giggled, taking a near stumble as she stood out of the car. "Just every December 31st," I parried playfully, reaching out to gently catch her about the waist. She was fairly well swanked on Patron margaritas and the Moet the Tom and Lisa had been toasting with at their bash. " ... You do seem to have gotten over your aversion though." "Completely," Teri chortled, her eyelids sagging contentedly as I...
Who caught the Katie? It had been an ordinary day in my dull life. The sun had just set on my tube journey home from work and when I left the tube station it had just got dark. I noticed a butch looking guy waiting outside the tube station. He obviously worked out. When you have dated as many men as me you get a feel for who is and who is not boyfriend material. He was an obvious heterosexual so although I fancied him I knew I should keep on walking. I remember that I was...
Even after the divorce i was still quite well off! I had recently been made the vice president of the advertising company i worked for. Katie was the daughter of my friend Harry from work, she was 16 years old and baby-sat Alex for me. She Was amazingly beautiful, with perfectly formed breats, i'd guess about a 36 D, she had long red hair and she always dressed rather provocatively. Anyway, as i said i had finally gotten over my wife and was taking new women out to dinner, but none of...
Even though Babs had promised to tell Katie all about our little ‘Adventure,’ in the end it had seemed to come to nought. I’d been both distracted and busy and it had been a week or so since I’d been back to my usual Café haunt and when I did so it had been to find that Katie had also moved on. My gentle inquiry was met by the information that she had moved in with her new boyfriend and they were now living in an apartment in a town close by. Such is life and it appeared that Katie was gone...
As we lay there in the early morning sunshine closely together, intertwined on our sides facing each other, Katie roused from her light slumber raised her face and lips to mine - and we shared a deep kiss as I continued to slowly, gently and smoothly fuck her as I had most of the night. She wiggled, changed position slightly, moving a bit more tightly against me, wrapping her upper leg a bit more tightly around mine, and gave a few small playful thrusts back against my dick with her hips -...
EroticKatie grew more and more excited. It was Halloween once again and her favourite time of year. She couldn’t wait until it got dark so that she could go out, she had been looking forward to this for such a long time. Finally, the sun began to set. She watched it through the window as it disappeared behind the buildings at the other end of the gardens at the rear of the house. The light began to fade rapidly and the darkness descended, removing the last vestiges of the day. It was time. She...
She wakes up early on Friday morning, her laptop laying on the bed beside her and her smallest dildo still clutched inside her pussy. She trembles when she sits up, the dildo moving further inside her again. Signing onto her Yahoo, she groans, seeing that he tried to message her multiple times the night before and she didn’t answer not once. ‘Good morning, Sir.’ Katie sends the first message, wondering exactly how much trouble she’s in for not answering last night. The first question confirms...
Kalee and katieThis story is completely true. All the has been changed is names for confidentiality. Have fun ;).I got a new job this summer, working at a local park. I'm only a booth person, but I love my job. I myself am short with a fairly average build, and a decent size cock. Since I started working at the park I am at I've been riding my bike to work everyday. 4 miles to and 4 miles from.Kalee and Katie looking at them and seeing how they interact you would assume they are twins. Kalee is...
She wakes up early on Friday morning, her laptop laying on the bed beside her and her smallest dildo still clutched inside her pussy. She trembles when she sits up, the dildo moving further inside her again. Signing onto her Yahoo, she groans, seeing that he tried to message her multiple times the night before and she didn't answer not once. "Good morning, Sir." Katie sends the first message, wondering exactly how much trouble she's in for not answering last night. The first question confirms...
Identical Opposites, Katie She had money, lots of it, she'd just finished making the deal and handed off the suitcase. As usual she'd spent the last three days getting the money deposited into her accounts. Just one more thing she had to do. She had to give Peter his blood money, as she referred to the Support payments he was extorting from her for taking care of the son she hadn't wanted. Had he been a girl it might have been different, maybe. But then she'd be tied down with a...
Tom finally managed to make it home safely. He plopped down on his couch, still overwhelmed by everything that had happened. He tried to take a nap, but his brain was still in turmoil, attempting to come up with an explanation. Still tossing and turning when his doorbell rang, Tom welcomed the distraction. He paused just before opening the door. What if it was another sex-crazed woman? Resigned to his fate, he opened the door anyway. He sighed with relief when he saw who it was, Katie...
"so whats your name?' i asked. "my name is katie" she said as she smiled. "well katie your one hell of a dancer, how old are you?" "i just turned 21 today" "21 ehh? how come you arent out celebrating with your boyfriend?" i asked hoping she was single and hoping she wouldnt say he was in the bathroom and would be out soon to kill me. "well we recently broke up, got into this stupid fight. but oh well, so" she smiled. "wheres your girlfriend?" "ahh, well see me...
Prologue She was running down the street, fleeing for her life, the whistling man was behind her somewhere following her in the dark. She was running down an alley in the dark, she was completely lost and all she could see were a number of English style buildings on both sides of her. She came out of the alley and turned onto a sidewalk near a park, there was fog rolling in on the street ahead of her and a fence made of metal and rope lined the park to her side. The trees on the...
This story is true and it happend not so long agoOne night i was laid in bed after a hard day at work, just about to go to to sleep, and my moblie starts ringing it was Katie a friend for school.Me: hi katie Katie: Can i talk to you (crying)Me: whats wrong, why u crying Katie: me and Rob split up Me: whats happened?Katie: he cheated on me, can i come over?Me: ye sure give me a text when your near. 5 mins later Katie sends me a txt I am Outside x. I opened the door Katie looked hot, she was...
The circle of friends in our neighborhood that is into swinging and lesbian flings is getting bigger and bigger. I’ve only come around a couple years ago to the new lifestyle, and have enjoyed every bit of it. One pleasant surprise to our group is Katie, a local hairdresser that must have got sick of gossiping about us, and joined in the fun. The cute sandy-haired blonde with chipmunk cheeks and a nice round ass was about ten years younger than me, but seemed to follow my pattern of behavior by...
My Sister Katie I look like a fucking Two-dollar hooker. Hey. My name is Sarah, Sarah Burkley. At the moment my sister, Katie, is pounding on the dressing room door for me to come out. But there is no way I’m going to prom in this dress. It has a plunging neckline that shows almost all of my cleavage, the bottom barely covers my red panties and it’s the ugliest shade of pink I have ever seen. ‘Katie I’m not coming out in this!’ I yell. The longer I have it on, the more I want to just rip it...
Now let me get the prelims out of the way. My niece Katie was 18 when this took place and she is enjoying just being a teenager who does date guys but prefers to be with women, she is 5’ nothing and approx 90 lbs and 32b tits and brown hair and gorgeous bedroom brown eyes and such a sweet tender mouth and thin lips. (oh man do they feel nice wrapped around my cock.. opps getting ahead of myself.) She has an ass that is barely a handful and has such a great old soul in a young girl. She loves to...
Incest"The answer is 'yes' of course," she confirmed. "Thank you so much. Is there anything I can do to show my gratitude? Shall I be your subby little bitch? "No you don't have to do that, I'm not about to be another Mary or Lucy to you." Well you went with a girl in college, I like doing role play. If you tell me about the girl I'll be her and help you recreate the time with her. Or... yes I know. Sit down for a moment." "Why? What are you up to?" I asked. She guided me to the...
Scenes from a Kid's Life Group 4: Dances, Storms ©2006 by Jan S Dances: "By the foot prints in the butter," Josh said. "You know how to tell if your house has mice?" he asked next. "Which one do you want?" Sara Stern's mother asked Ally. "Could I have the one with the all red jelly beans? Thanks," Ally said. "Careful some of those are cinnamon," Mrs. Stern said as she put the cupcake on his plate. "Your elephant is afraid to come inside. I want that red one there....
At my work there is a lady in the HR department that is sexy as hell. She has chin length hair worn kind of loose. She wears stylish button up dress shirts with no under shirt covering her bra outline. Her breasts are quite large, probably a D, and I could only imagine that her nipples are somewhat large as well. She usually wears skirts about knee length, but typically has these sexy black boots on that go up to her knee. Her ass fills her skirt up easily, as it somewhat larger, but she...
I ran into her at a bar around 1am. Her name was Katie and she was a 5 ft 6 in brunette with a fantastic ass and B-cup breasts that made my mouth water. She had recently broken up with a friend one mine, who she had dated for about a year. The entire time they went out she was constantly hanging around our fraternity house and I had gotten to know her pretty well. The two of us had always had a certain chemistry, and we flirted often when she was hanging around. This was the first time I’d seen...
Drunk sex