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PRINCESS By Parker WARNING: This story involves forced tv and m/m sex. I can't put it any more plainly than that. If you think you will be offended by such things, don't read any further. I mean it! Copyright 1995 by Parker. Feel free to distribute (to appropriate places, of course) but don't alter the text. That would be bad. ============================================= I couldn't believe it! It went way beyond my wildest dreams. Here I was, Steven Murdoch, computer geek... nerd... dweeb - whatever you want to call it - in the pink and bow bedroom of Janice Sweet, the most beautiful and sought after girl of Greenwood High. Tall and slender, with short, dark hair and big brown eyes - Homecoming Queen... voted "girl most likely" two years in a row - she was easily the most popular and, in my opinion, the most beautiful girl in school. I'd been watching her for a couple of weeks now, ever since my mom lost her job in Point Hope and had been forced to take on a night shift at Bakersville Freight and Transport and I'd transferred to Greenwood. For all my watching, I'd never dreamed that anything would happen between us. I could say it's because we move in different circles, but the truth is, I don't really have a circle. I was new at the school and kind of shy. I didn't really know anyone. Janice though... you know the type. Girls like that don't have much to do with geeks like me. Sure, we're fine for helping out with homework now and then, but girls like that invariably go out with guys like football or basketball stars. That's what it had been like with Janice when I'd started school in mid- September. According to the grapevine, she'd been going steady with Biff Hammond, captain of the football team for over a year. They'd been a fairy tale couple, the most beautiful girl in school going out with the most handsome jock... Then he dumped her. In public, too. In the cafeteria. It'd been all over the school in minutes. That's why, when I saw her after school a couple of days later, sobbing in the woods behind the parking lot, that I knew what was wrong. And that was why I screwed up my courage and went to talk to her. She'd turned away at first, but quickly opened up and soon we were talking like we'd been friends forever. She really needed someone to talk to. I walked her home that afternoon. Some girls look great from a distance, but when you really get close and talk to them, they turn out to be a disappointment. Janice wasn't like that. Over the next four weeks, we spent lots of time together. Sure, a lot of it involved me doing her homework and stuff, but that was only to be expected. I thought it was developing into more. My hopes were confirmed when she invited me to be her date at Cindy Parker's Halloween party. I stammered out a "yes" and it was a date. A date! With Janice Sweet! It was almost too good to be true. It was like one of those movies where the-most-popular-girl-in-school-looks-beneath-the- surface-and-falls-in-love-with-the-geek. Like a fairy tale. Certainly not real life. But, when she kissed me that night, I knew it *was* true. It wasn't a very long kiss, but it promised more. I felt like a frog slowly being turned into a prince. We made arrangements to meet the next day to get ready for the party. She'd have to go early to help Cindy set up, but she wanted me to come over in the late afternoon so she could help me get into costume. "What costume?" I asked. "You'll see." She smiled. I was going to ask more, but then she kissed me again. Longer this time. The next day was Saturday. I was on edge all day, looking forward to the party, but scared at the same time. Even my mom, who's usually so far out of it from her night job that she never really sees me, noticed something was up. I tried to explain to her what it meant, me having a date with someone like Janice Sweet and all, but she just nodded and said "That's nice, dear." She didn't get it. Sometimes I wish dad were still around. So that brings me to Saturday afternoon. In Janice's room. As I said, it went way beyond my wildest dreams. In more ways than one. When I went over to Janice's at about 3:00 to get ready for the party, she met me at the door dressed as a man! Or a boy, at least. "J-Janice?" "Hi Stephen." She smiled at me. "Do you like it?" She turned around, giving me a full view. She may have been dressed like a man, but the way she smiled and moved... well, if she was male, then I was gay. Still, the costume was pretty good. Her dark hair was wet down and combed across her head with a part down one side. She wasn't wearing any makeup that I could see, and she had put on a pair of heavy glasses, which hid her eyes and made her look... I don't know, less female? They certainly de-emphasized her looks. The rest of it was pretty simple: a fake moustache; a guy's slacks and a jacket with covered her chest; and a pair of men's dress shoes. Not bad. "Looks good," I told her (and basked in her sudden smile). "But what about me? Don't want people to think I'm going on a date with a guy." She laughed. "Come see," she said, taking my hand and leading me into her bedroom. I saw at once what she was laughing about. It was all laid out there on her bed: a yellow dress... girl's underwear... a pair of yellow shoes with heels... a blonde wig... "Uhm..." I turned to her. "You want me to go as a... a girl?" She nodded, smiling. "You'll be my date," she explained happily. "It'll be perfect. We'll win first prize for sure." I felt my stomach begin to turn. Going out with Janice was a dream come true, but going as a girl? It was too much! Christ, I'd never live it down. Even with Janice... "I don't know," I told her. "I don't think this is a good..." Before I could complete the sentence, she walked up to me, took off the glasses and brought her lips to mine for a long kiss. Her fake moustache tickled a bit, but I wasn't about to complain... not as long as her warm, moist lips were pressed against mine and her tongue slid teasingly across my teeth... Finally, she pulled away. "Are you sure?" she whispered. "I..." She kissed me again. By the time the kiss ended, I was trembling and my cock was straining at the front of my jeans. I groaned as I felt her hand slide along the front of my crotch, rubbing against my cock through the thick material. "I really want you to wear the costume," she told me, smiling. "Besides, dressed as a guy, I feel pretty aggressive." Her smile took on a new intensity. "A 'guy' like me on a date with a 'girl' like you... who knows what will happen?" Her smile promised everything. How could I refuse. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. "Oh... good. I can't wait to see how you look." She took my hand and led me into the bathroom. "Let's get started. The costume has to be perfect." Maybe I would have protested more if I hadn't been so bloody horny. I wanted to complain... when she got me to strip down to my underwear and then smeared that white foam stuff all over my arms, legs and underarms, I wanted to tell her "no". But the feeling of her hands on my body - as well as the occasional rub against my still rigid cock and the special smile she gave me - kept me silent. I almost felt like crying in the shower when I washed the white stuff off and it left my arms and legs completely hairless, but when I got out of the shower, she was waiting with a towel, her eyes sliding up and down my naked body... licking her lips. How could I? I finally did object when she glued false nails on over my own - they weren't particularly long, but definitely female with their soft, pink polish - but she just laughed. "Don't be a silly," she told me. "They'll peel off with a bit of polish remover." She looked up at me from where she was kneeling by the chair. "They'll be the first thing I take off," she purred, "after the party." I swallowed and fell silent. I just watched as she completed my costume: a pair of girl's panties - not lingerie, just solid, tight underwear, which held my straining cock tight against my abdomen; stockings which came up to mid-thigh and were held up by a pair of garter belts; a light corset - at least, that's what I think it was - pulled tight so it held my stomach in and pushed up my chest; a pink bra - a "junior" she called it, smiling, with what looked like two pink, papery bags filling it out; a yellow dress, which came down to just above my knees; a pair of yellow shoes with heels - "three inch," she told me, "you'll have to practice a bit" - fitting snug over my stocking-encased feet; a pair of dangling earrings, clipped on of course; and, finally, the makeup. The makeup took forever. I kept wanting to take a look at myself in the mirror - curious, despite my distaste at what was happening, to see what I looked like - but she wouldn't let me turn around. "Just wait," she told me, concentrating as she applied... well, I don't know what it was... lots of stuff. "I want it to be a surprise." Finally, she seemed to be finished. Janice stepped back and gave an appreciative whistle as she looked at me. "Wow." "Lemme see..." I got out of the chair and tried to look at the mirror. "One more thing," she told me, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Don't look yet." I obeyed, sitting back down as she fitted the wig over my head and pinned it on. "Perfect," she smiled, stepping away. "Now you can look." I turned and looked at myself. At myself? I would never have believed it. I'm not the biggest guy in the world - kind of small and thin, really... my mom says I'm 'small boned' - so I was the right size and build for a girl. And, boy, did I look like a girl. The wig gave me curly, almost platinum blonde hair, which tumbled down over my ears and onto my shoulders. The hair framed what, I have to admit, was a beautiful face. I don't know what she did with the makeup, but it sure worked. My male face had almost disappeared behind blushing cheeks... high, thin eyebrows... delicately made-up eyes... hot pink lips... And it wasn't just the hair and face. The yellow dress fit snug across my chest, not showing any cleavage - no surprise there - but definitely highlighting what appeared to be my small, firm breasts. It narrowed over my stomach - which was quite thin due to the corset - and flared out over my legs, coming to a frilly end just above my knees. The visible part of my legs was covered by the stockings, which ran down into the yellow shoes. Janice stepped beside me and looked into the mirror. She'd put the glasses back on and was wearing a cap. "What do you think, uhm... Stephanie?" she asked, smiling at our reflections. "Do we make a cute couple." Stephanie? I couldn't help but grin. She'd done an incredible job! I looked a hell of a lot more like a girl than she did a guy. "It's amazing," I told her, turning away from the mirror and walking towards her. "I can't believe..." "Uh oh." The smile left her face. "That won't do. We'll never win the prize with you talking and walking like that." "Like what?" "Like a guy," she said, rolling her eyes. She grinned and checked her watch. "We don't have much time, 'cause I have to be at Cindy's soon. I'll get you started and you can practice here before coming over." I started to say something, not happy with the way things were going, but she silenced me with another smile and my lessons began. Over the next hour or so, she taught me how to act like a girl: how to walk on the shoes; how to sit; how to talk - I had trouble with that last part, and we eventually settled on a low, breathe voice; how to move and... Well, it seemed like a lot to learn, and before I knew it, Janice was throwing on her jacket and rushing off to Cindy's to help set up for the party. I tried to kiss her as she left, but she turned away with a giggle. "Don't want to ruin the makeup," she told me. I frowned. "Besides," she said, slipping her hand under the dress and rubbing my cock through the panties, "there'll be lots of that later on." That was good enough for me. Over the next couple of hours, I practised on my own in Janice's room, determined to win the prize for her. As I practised my walking, all the time talking to myself in that low, breathy voice, I couldn't help but look around her room. I was a bit disappointed to see that there were still a few pictures of Biff around, but I was mollified to see one of them stuck up on a dartboard and another defaced with nail polish. He was definitely out. And I was in! By the time eight o'clock rolled around, I was getting pretty good at it. I was more or less used the walking in the shoes, and the makeup and clothing weren't quite so foreign. Not that I really enjoyed dressing like a girl; it's just that I really wanted to make things perfect for Janice. And, of course, the promise of things to come was a pretty powerful incentive. My mind kept going back, recalling the feel of her lips on mine... her hand on my cock... Time to go. I gathered up the purse Janice had thoughtfully left behind for me, through the white sweater over my shoulders - she'd told me to leave my clothing in her room - and called a taxi. I was a bit nervous leaving the house dressed and made up as a girl, but no one gave me a second glance. The taxi driver even called me ma'am. It was almost fun in a weird kind of way. Cindy's house was in the upscale part of Bakersville. I knew who she was from school - who didn't... she was part of Janice's popular crowd - but I'd never met her. Ah well... My stomach tightened as I walked up to the front door. I could hear music coming from inside and the front of the house was covered with Halloween decorations. At least I hadn't come to the wrong house. Bloody hell... *that* would have been a disaster. I rang the bell. The door opened and a girl looked out. It was Cindy. She wasn't in costume. "Oh, hi." She stepped back from the door. "Come on in." I entered with a growing sense of dread. Something was wrong. "I'm sorry," Cindy said, closing the door. "I don't know if we've met." She held out her hand. "I'm Cindy. Are you here with someone?" I nodded clearing my throat. Hesitantly, I reached out and took her hand, my pink nails gleaming. "I'm... uh... Stephanie," I told her, speaking in my girl's voice. "I'm here with Janice." Cindy smiled. "OK. She said she was expecting someone." She turned and walked down the hallway towards the music. "Follow me." I followed, remembering to walk as I'd practised in Janice's bedroom. She turned the corner and gestured me into a large room full of people. It was the party. No one was in costume. No one. "This is it," she said. "I'll go tell Janice you're here. Have fun." I stood, paralysed as Cindy walked into the room and disappeared into the crowd. A few moments later, Janice emerged and came running up to me. She wasn't wearing her costume and she looked upset. "Stephen," she whispered, grabbing my arm and pulling me into and through the crowd. "Come with me. Quickly!" I tagged along behind her as best I could, my heart pounding with fear. I was at a school party dressed and made up as a girl... and it wasn't a costume party. My short life flashed before my eyes as I tried to imagine what would happen when I got caught. "Through here." She shoved me into the bathroom and closed the door behind us. "I screwed up," she said, looking at me. "Cindy told me that it was a costume party, but she changed her mind without letting me know." She looked like she was about to cry. "I feel like such an idiot." "*You* feel like an idiot?" I was almost angry with her now. "You're not the one..." "I did try to call you," she interrupted. "Over and over again. You didn't answer." I fell silent, my anger fading. The phone had rung a number of times. I didn't pick it up because it wasn't my house. She'd tried to warn me. "Now what?" I asked. "I guess we'll just get you out of here," she told me. "We'll go back to my place and you can change." I almost sagged with relief. And anticipation. We were heading back to her place. I remembered the feel of her lips on mine. "Come on." She opened the door and led me out of the bathroom and back into the main party room. The place was packed. Practically everyone who was anyone at Greenwood High was there, either standing around drinking and talking or dancing on the large dance floor set up in a corner of the room. I tried to keep my attention focused on Janice's back as she led me across the room, hoping and praying that no one would try to talk to me, but I couldn't help but look around as we waded through the crowd. That's why I saw Biff before Janice did. "Hello Janice," Biff sneered. He seemed to be a little drunk. Maybe more than a little. He looked at me. "Who's your friend?" Janice stopped walking and glared at him. "None of your business," she snapped. "Asshole." Biff just grinned. At 6'4" and well over 200 lbs., it took more than an angry ex-girlfriend to intimidate him. "That's not very ladylike," he mocked her. He turned back to me and I could see his eyes taking me in. "Your friend here's a bit rude, not introducing us. I'm Biff." He looked at me as if expecting an answer. I froze, unable to move or think under his gaze. What was I going to do? I felt like I was about to throw up. He was going to... "This is Stephanie," Janice answered, her voice dripping acid. "She's new in Bakersville... just transferred to Greenwood. And she's not for you." Biff shook his head, keeping his eyes on me. They were small and red; I could tell he was pissed. "Is that so?" "Yes," Janice told him. "That's so. Leave us alone!" Biff shook his head. "I'll leave you alone," he answered, "but I think you're friend here wants to dance with me." He reached out and grabbed my arm. I tried to pull away, but he wrapped his hand around my wrist and held firm. I would have yelled, but I was more terrified of causing a scene and attracting attention than I was of him. Almost. Janice quickly leaned in and whispered in my ear: "You'd better dance with him." I stared at her, horrified. "Just once... he'll get drunk wander off." I opened my mouth to say something, but found myself speechless as Biff tugged on my arm. "Just remember what you practised," she hissed. I just looked at her blankly as Biff led me onto the dance floor. What I'd practised. The voice... the movements... It was a medium tempo song, so we didn't dance very close. Thank god. He just held my hands and we sort of bobbed up and down more or less with the music. My earlier observation that he was pretty drunk turned out to be accurate and me... well, I wasn't much of a dancer. Still, even drunk he made small talk as we danced, asking me where I was from and how I knew Janice. Stuff like that. By now my head had cleared a bit, and I managed to feed him a story about how my mom had just been transferred from Point Hope and was just starting at Greenwood. Just like my real story, only with a Stephanie rather than a Stephen. Finally, the dance ended. I desperately looked around for Janice, but she was nowhere to be seen. I tried to break away, but Biff just put his arm around my shoulder and led me to a group of his friends, where he introduced me as Stephanie, a new girl at school. Having no choice, I played along with him, waiting for an opportunity to make my escape. A couple of the girls chatted with me, and before long I'd repeated the "Stephanie" story a number of times. The party continued. I kept trying to get away, but Biff was all over me, giving me his undivided attention. I even went and sat in the bathroom for about twenty minutes, hoping he'd lose interest and leave me alone, but when I emerged, he was waiting with a drink and a smile. I took the drink and, pretty upset, gulped it down. He made a joke about me being "his kind of girl" and left to get me another. After a quick look around for Janice - she was still nowhere to be found - I headed for the door. Biff was waiting with another drink. The party continued. After a couple of hours, I was a little drunk, having downed half a dozen drinks myself. I don't think Biff left my side and we had three or four more dances and I was slowly introduced to everyone the party as Stephanie, the new girl. I don't know whether it was the alcohol or just the fact that I hadn't been caught, but I was almost beginning to relax a bit in the role. I was still terrified of being found out, but it was looking like I'd get through it. The party was beginning to break up and soon I'd get away for good. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when, after Cindy announced the last dance - "Stairway to Heaven", of course (god, I hated that song) - Biff grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the dance floor. Up to then, the dances had been fairly chaste, but this was a different matter. This was a slow dance. Biff put his drunken arms around me and pulled me close as the song began. Terrified, and more than a little repulsed, I stiffened up and then, having no choice, relaxed and melted into his embrace. It was too easy. I was tired... a little drunk... and my feet were killing me. It was so easy just to lean into him and relax... it was almost... "Oops..." My foot slipped. I threw my arms over his shoulders to steady myself. "Stephanie," Biff said. Instinctively, I tilted my head upwards and looked at him. I saw it coming - I knew it was coming - but, almost hypnotized with fear, I didn't turn away. Besides, what could I do? It was too late to... He kissed me. I felt the gorge rise in my throat as his tongue slipped between my open lips and explored my lipsticked mouth. Dimly, I was aware that my arms were still wrapped around his shoulders, but I was too weak to pull them away. I felt faint and my head was spinning as his breath, thick and heavy with alcohol, flowed into my mouth, filling me up with his smell... his feel... When he broke away, I was panting and confused, staring up at him with my lips parted. My mind reeled with revulsion. I'd been french kissed by a boy... a great big, drunken football player... and there was nothing I could do! I was so weak in his arms. Powerless... The whole world seemed to shrink away as he leaned down and kissed me again. I think I moaned with fear this time, trembling helpless in his grasp. From a distance, I was aware of a flash and a bunch of people cheering... egging him on... making jokes about him... about us. Another cheer went up and I felt his hand on my ass, squeezing and pulling me even tighter into his arms as his tongue explored my mouth. He pulled his mouth away. "It's a bit public in here," he whispered, nodding over my shoulder at the jeering teenagers. "Come with me." My head was spinning. Helpless to resist, I followed as he took my hand and led me through the house onto the back patio. It was dark and a bit cool. I shivered in my light dress and he put his arms around me. "You sure are a fox," he mumbled drunkenly, drawing me forward for another kiss. "Much nicer than your friend Janice." What a jerk! I mumbled "no" and tried to push him away, but it was useless. And so, we began to neck out there on the porch at Cindy's house. His hands roamed freely over my body, squeezing... fondling... prodding... I was terrified that he would touch me in the wrong place and discover that I wasn't really a girl, and kept trying to back away. Eventually I ended up in a corner up against a railing, unable to move away as the necking continued and he began to grind his crotch into me. I almost threw up as I felt his stiff cock rubbing against my stomach. What was I going... *FLASH* The darkness of the night was broken by a bright camera flash. Biff broke away and looked at where the flash had come from. "What the hell...". Janice walked forward, carrying a polaroid camera. "Looked like a Kodak moment to me," she smirked. "You bitch," Biff taunted her. "I dumped you because you were getting so fucking jealous... but you're even worse than I thought." Then he grinned and looked at me, standing dishevelled in the corner. "I'll give you a 'kodak moment'!" He turned back to me and, before I could do anything, swept me into another embrace and brought his face forward for a long, passionate kiss. I twisted and squirmed in arms, horrified at the feel of his tongue in my mouth, as Janice snapped two or three more pictures. When he finally broke away, I slumped, gasping against the rail. "Like what you see?" Biff snarled at her. "Oh yes," Janice told him, smiling. "I like it." She put the camera down and walked towards us. "And now, I've got a surprise for you, lover boy." Biff looked puzzled at her actions. "What?" Janice grabbed Biff's hand. "This!" By the time I realized what she was doing, it was too late. She took his hand and shoved it under my skirt. Up to my crotch. My cock. "Fuck!!!" Biff stumbled backwards on the porch, staring at his hand like it had suddenly betrayed him. I was dead now, and I knew it. Biff would kill me. And if he didn't, it would soon be known all over school what had happened. And everyone would kill me. My life was over. Biff must have been thinking along the same lines. "You are dead, asshole," he growled at me. "You are fucking dead." He started towards me... "Don't be stupid," Janice laughed at him. "You beat him up and everyone will know what happened. You two were quite the couple at the party." Biff stopped, now more confused than angry. I think I even saw some fear in his eyes. He had a lot to lose. "And besides," Janice purred, "there's always the pictures. Soon everyone will know about you and... him." Biff sagged against the railing. She had him. "Unless..." Biff and I both looked at her. Was there a way out? She laughed. "Unless you two do exactly what I say." Janice walked towards Biff, staring him in the face. "I can get you out of this, and the whole thing will stay my little secret." "What?" Biff asked. He looked frightened. She took his hand and led him over to me. He didn't say anything; he just followed along. When he was standing directly in front of me, she put her hand on my shoulder. "Kneel," she ordered. I gathered myself to run, but Biff put his hand on my shoulder and pushed. "Do what she says, you little faggot," he growled. I knelt. Biff moaned quietly but didn't argue as Janice reached down, unzipped his pants and slid his cock out. It was enormous, long, hard and... and wet as it dangled inches from my face. Holding his cock in her left hand, she reached around behind my head with her other hand and pushed me forward until the head of his cock was resting against my lips. "Open," she told me. I shook my head, trying not to breath. "Do it," Biff ordered. I obeyed, almost retching. Biff immediately moved his hips forward and, just like that, his cock filled my mouth. Janice leaned down - "... there's a girl..." - and whispered lewd instructions about... about cocksucking. About how I should do it... about moving my lips and my tongue... bobbing my head... about sucking... In a trance, I did as she said. When Biff began to move his hips back and forth, moaning, she straightened up and began to talk to him, keeping one hand resting lightly on the head. On my knees, sliding my tongue across the underside of Biff's huge cock and sucking lightly as it slid in and out of my pink, lipsticked mouth, I listened as Janice told Biff how he was going to get out of it. "Feels nice, doesn't it?" she taunted him. "That's not so bad, is it? Getting your cock sucked by another guy." Biff grunted. Janice laughed. And, as Biff's cock grew ever larger and harder in my mouth, I listened in growing horror while she explained what she had in mind for him. For us. She explained how this was her payback for his breaking up with her... for how he'd humiliated her in front of the entire school. She told him how he'd be ruined at school if it came out that he'd been necking with a boy... about how everyone had seen us at the party - not to mention the pictures, which would soon be circulating - and that if anyone ever found out about Biff's "Stephanie" being a boy... well, he'd be more than a laughingstock. And so, she told him, her hand jerking my head forward, forcing me to take the head of his cock down my throat, his only way out was to keep me... as a girlfriend! His girlfriend. That was the price of her silence and, with respect to my end of things, her assistance. She would keep quiet about me and make certain I was able to keep up the masquerade. He would "go steady" with me for the rest of the year, not seeing any other girls. By the end of her little speech, Biff was grunting and thrusting his cock down my throat. I was gasping for air, and had put my hands on his thighs for support. Janice's hand kept me from pulling away and I was sucking and slurping at his cock for all I was worth, bobbing my head up and down in a frenzy. Anything to get this over with. Janice laughed. "You two are getting into it already. I'm doing you both a favour, bringing you together like this." Biff suddenly stiffened and grabbed the back of my head. Holding me firmly, he shot what seemed like gallons of warm cum into my mouth. I swallowed the foul stuff as fast as I could, but it kept coming up. I coughed as it bubbled over my lips, sprayed out my nose and splattered across my chin. Finally, he was done. Janice slid his cock out from between my lips and zipped him up as I knelt, retching on the patio deck. Biff, in no condition to say anything, just stood there. Smiling, she helped me to my feet . "Tch tch... what a mess you've made, Stephanie." She fussed over me, straightening my hair and wiping my face with a cloth. After redoing my lipstick, she grabbed each of us in her arms and led us back into the party room. There were still about dozen kids sitting around talking. The guys laughed and slapped Biff on the back as Janice led me into the kitchen where a number of girls were talking. Cindy looked at me, horrified. "Stephanie!" she said, taking a facecloth and rubbing a bit of cum which was dripping from my chin. "Really." Janice giggled. ***** That was three months ago. For the first few weeks after the party, Janice was really into it, overseeing every aspect of my conversion to a girl... to Biff's girlfriend. She took me to the mall the Sunday after the party and got my ears pierced for real... no more clip-ons, she told me, smirking as I tried to hide my tears. It hurt like hell. The routine started the next day. Every morning before school, I'd go to her place and she'd help me get ready, showing me how to dress and put makeup on for myself... laughing, as she explained to me about how I should act and talk. She'd decided that, with the platinum blonde hair and a boyfriend like Biff, Stephanie would be a bit of an air-head, so I was taught to talk and act like a blonde bimbo... lots of giggling and gum chewing... Janice's interest has since waned. She has a new boyfriend now and isn't really interested in getting revenge on Biff any more. But it's too late. Janice had a friend in the school administration. Stephen no longer exists at Greenwood High; it's Stephanie now. Stephanie Murdoch. They registered me in 'home ec' and a bunch of courses like that. I'm now well known to all the teachers and kids as 'Stephanie'. For the first week after the party, Biff and I saw each other as little as possible, only meeting when Janice set things up so we had no choice. Then, the next weekend, I think he decided 'what the hell' and took me to a movie. Janice was delighted and dressed me up like a little tart for my first real "date". He was a total jerk about the whole thing, treating me like shit all night and then making me suck him off afterwards in the back seat of his car. I don't think he much liked going out with a boy dressed like a girl, but he seemed to enjoy what I did with his cock well enough. After that, we spent a lot of time together, almost as if we *were* going out. I got to know his cock real well. Biff and I never really talked about what Janice did to us. I tried to bring it up, once, speaking in my normal voice, but he just punched me in the stomach and told me shut up. Then he pulled out his cock and stuffed it in my mouth while I crouched, gasping at his feet. That was the last time I tried that. I think he was working real hard to convince himself that I really was a girl. That was the only way he could deal with what was happening to him... to forget that I wasn't a girl. To forget what Janice had done to him. And me... I could never forget that I wasn't a girl. Me fucking the other guys was Biff's idea. After we'd "gone steady" for about a month, he told me that he wanted me to start sleeping around with other boys at school. He thought it would protect him in case we were ever found out... that too many other guys would be compromised. I thought he was crazy. I complained, telling him that eventually necking and a blow job wouldn't be enough, and that I'd be found out. Things were dangerous enough as it was. Biff grinned a sick grin. "No problem," he told me. "I've got it figured out." "What?" I asked. He threw me over the back of the couch and showed me what he had in mind. Janice laughed when I told her. "So our Stephanie's going to be a bit of a slut, is she?" She seemed to like the idea. The next morning when I showed up at her house for "dressup", she had me bend over and forced a thick buttplug up my ass "to loosen me up for all my boyfriends". She'd also bought a new wardrobe and new makeup... "more appropriate for a slut like Stephanie." Biff's plan worked. He put out the word that I was into anal sex and was looking for action. Since then, I think I've had half the jocks at school between my legs or between my lips. It hurt like hell at first getting it up the ass - particularly from the black guys with the massive cocks - but I'm so loose back there now I can barely feel it. Not that I let on, of course... oh no, not Stephanie the cocksucker... the ass slut... the most popular slut at Greenwood since Stacy Richards. Biff let me know that I was to show his friends a good time, which meant lots of action. Moaning... whining... panting... yelping out fake orgasms... the whole nine yards. I got good at it. Anything to get the bastards off as quickly as possible. It's almost routine, now. I'd show up at a party and immediately attract all sorts of attention. I'd gulp down a couple of quick drinks to deaden my senses and, over the course of the evening, any number of guys would slip their arm over my shoulder and lead me into a bedroom or bathroom or whatever. Sometimes they'd be satisfied with a blowjob - I'd kneel down before them and, making the appropriate moaning sounds, slurp and kiss and swallow their cocks until they come in my mouth; sometimes they'd take me up the ass while I bucked and moaned like a whore. Whatever. As long as it was quick. Not that I like it. The taste of cum still makes me sick. I'm a cheerleader now. I get to spend more time with the football team that way. Biff says he loves the way my tight ass wiggles in the cheerleader outfit. He should. Janice made me practice it enough. And there's always the buttplug. So, now it's three months later and I'm still Biff's girl, although that ended really when Janice started going out with her new boyfriend and lost interest in Biff. I don't think Janice really cares much about us any more, but Biff won't take any chances. And he won't let me change back. Besides, I've fucked so many guys at school it'd be suicide to change now. I'm stuck as Stephanie the cocksucker... the ass slut at least until the end of the year. It's Valentine's Day, and I'm at Janice's place getting ready for my usual party date with Biff. He'll pick me up at Janice's house. I'll be wearing the appropriate "slut wear" (as Janice calls it): leather mini-skirt; pumps; tank top... no panties (just a harness holding my poor cock flat against my stomach) and, of course, lots of makeup. Maybe he'll have me suck him off in the car before he goes to get his real date... maybe not. It doesn't matter; there'll be plenty of that later on. Then he'll drop me off alone at the party. But I won't be alone for long. I never am. THE END =================================== All comments welcome.

Same as Princess Videos

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Princess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...

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My 1st

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A young Chinese American girl visits her sister and her husband in Connecticut

My name is Michelle. I am a 21-year-old Chinese – American currently living in Los Angeles. I am 5ft 1in tall and weigh 95 lbs. I have long waist-length black hair. This past August I had broken up with my boyfriend of 2 years, an LAPD motorcycle officer, and quit my part time job teaching gymnastics to school age children, and visited my sister and her husband in Connecticut. I planned on staying for about a month. My sister Kim works at a local Indian casino as a dealer and husband Mike...

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The rain is pouring down. It clatters against the hood of your car and even though your wipers are on you can barely see out of your windshield. In the distance you can hear the occasional bolt of thunder and every now and then another car driving past. On the seat next to you there's a black duffel bag containing everything you need. In the bag there's a pair of black gloves, a bottle of chloroform, a length of rope together with some handcuffs and an unloaded gun. When you look at it you...

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339 a matter of coastal cuckolding 6

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Lost Days

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Blackmailed fiancee Part 6

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Pink and Wet The Corner View

I had been talking with Chris on-line for a few weeks. Although we didn't know each other well he brought out an insatiable drive inside of me that I was a slave to. We often played a game where I would describe how I would play with my pussy, he could type whatever he wanted, and I would do what he said. I would even send him pictures, but he wasn't allowed to touch that throbbing cock. Not until I said so, he would beg and I would get to decide when he would finally get sweet release. After...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Our first time having fun with friend

This is a story that happened a couple of years back when me and my wife had a little fun with a friend. Me and a mate had been out for a few beers but when the pubs closed we decided to head back to my bit and have some more cans. When we got home my wife was still awake and watching TV. Let me describe my wife she is about 5,5 with a beautiful figure 32e tits and an arse I could spend all day in. When we got back to the house she was wearing a sleeveless jumper and a mini skirt. She decided...

4 years ago
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Great Tribal Incest Saga 8211 Part 3

Queen Sujata tired of great sex with her son/hubby King Adil, desperately needed air. But her son who had fucked her like a man was lying on top of his mother’s erotic body like he owned the most beautiful thing in the world. Sujata was really happy about the virility of her son. But deep down she was guilty that she was fucked by her own son. Sujata excused herself and turned over, her back facing her son Adil. King Adil was still horny. He moved close to his mother on the bed throwing his...

4 years ago
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Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the WarriorChapter 12

"Excuse me, Madam Chairman," repeated Virginia Senator Russell several times before the din abated and he could finally be clearly heard. "May I suggest a recess so that the committee can discuss this situation? We could reconvene after lunch." Once again, an aide stepped forward and spoke into the still livid chairman's ear as she slowly nodded. "Very well, Senator Russell. We'll adjourn until one o'clock this afternoon. Ms. Anderson, Lieutenant Hammer, we'll expect you in your...

4 years ago
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Sharing my girlfriend with strangers

This is a true story, and happened over the past weeks. I have no doubt there will be many more stories to share with you. I have this kink with my beautiful partner of 2 years being with other men. I get so hard and horny to think of other tongue, fingers or cock making her cum. She is multi-orgasmic and curvaceously sexy with a short brunette bob, incredible green eyes and a gorgeous smile. Her hands are exquisite and slender. She hates her body and makes derogatory remarks about her body and...

Wife Lovers
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Off to see Brad and Susan

Number 30 of a series of individual stories. Off to see Brad and Susan By SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments) Chapter 1 - Travelling My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had many adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. We had met our friends Brad and Sue from America in Amsterdam when Brad had first let Sue know he liked to dress up as a woman. Sue was on the verge of leaving Brad when we met and we helped her...

2 years ago
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My Wet Dream Pt o1

I can't sleep. I slip my hand in my boxers and think about Coach Riley. You've gotta get some rest. Tomorrow is the football game, and the team needs you... I lay back. I know what was keeping me awake. It was Coach Riley. His muscles, his abs, his shorts, his cock-- Where did that come from? "Cum, cum, cum," whispers a voice. I sit up in bed. My hard on cock throbbing. It needs attention, but I have to find out who was up. I had checked all the rooms before masturbating, so it wasn't any of...

Gay Male
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In the NavyChapter 19 The Belle Isle

Lady Carter watched her husband as he gave orders to the officers of HMS Asia. She felt pride when she saw the undivided attention he received from those men. Nine years ago, when she was a girl of sixteen, the quiet authority of then eighteen year-old Anthony Carter had impressed her and had made her rethink her prejudice against that young man. Nine years, and what a change they had brought. Anthony Carter was a senior captain now, and a Knight Commander of the Bath to boot. Most...

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I explained how size is important and how I love being teased and licked and how around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. To be fair to my man we share another female sometimes which we both enjoy. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual,...

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