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People think I'm crazy. Ok, maybe not crazy but they think something is definitely wrong with uh guy who lets a woman treat him like Ame treats me — in public, no less.

She tones it down when we're around the family — her active ordering me around, at least. I still have to follow the rules of behavior when she's there. And she won't go to church with us because she is not a believer an' won't be disrespectful. But if you catch us at home, and I'm naked, that's your lookout.

That's not everyday — Ame's not completely insensitive to Granddad so on days when he's actually up, I stay dressed — but so long as this is her home, I follow orders.

I sleep on the floor. Two years ago, she gave me a dog bed for Christmas. Everybody figured we'd be getting a big dog soon. I still laugh when someone asks about it. Ame gets the whole queen-sized to herself most nights. Once every other month or so, the occasional holiday, my birthday, other 'special' special occasions, I get to sleep with her. I get to be Dom and she submits to any filthy, disgusting thing I want. Of course, usually all I want is to eat her out and fuck her hard, but we don't do that often. Normally, it's whips and muzzles and electrical charges up my dick.

Pain. In as many ways as she can think of without out leaving traces that get the police involved.

So, people think I'm crazy but mostly, I think they're jealous. I have the perfect life. I have a job I love, a home near a close family I adore, plenty of money and a woman who makes me believe that God is good and thank him every day for bringing her to me.

This is not to say that it's flawless. Working the fishing dock even for the family business can be hard and stressful. And Granddad has reached the final stages of Alzheimer's. We've had a live-in nurse for years but now the family has to decide if we want to put him away. I hate living with him like this but I can't stand the thought of his last years being with a bunch of strangers. Ame, gracefully, has left the matter in my hands — although that may be because it causes me emotional pain and any pain is a good thing to her.

But on balance, my life is good. I think about all this on my way home one summer afternoon. The business is doing well and the family is doing well. The only thing I don't have is what the evening mail reminds me of.

A wife.

A wedding invitation from one of my high school buddies. Not a big deal. But it reminds me that Ame has said no for four years straight. No marriage, no kids, no ties. She wants to be available to walk out as soon as she gets bored. But she's not bored. And she makes just as many long term plans as I do. She's the one who wants to remodel the basement and install a pool out back. Those are not temporary or cheap. We argue about who forgot to pick up the dry cleaning and who goes to the ATM too often and other married stuff. Hell, we have a joint bank account. All I want is a ring and a photo to go with it. And a son.

I get to spend the first hour of my nights with Granddad. I'm rarely alone — my family drops by often and without warning — but Ame again is very gracious about the whole thing. I won't bore you with the details of my visits with Granddad but imagine watching the strongest man you have ever known slowly wasting away to less than nothing and you pretty much can fill in the details. If I didn't have to pull myself together and do things for Ame, I don't know how I would keep from curling up into a fetal ball and crying every night.

But, I do have to. So. I undress. And put on something house appropriate — leather collar and leash, ball-gag, anything that leaves most of my body bare but shows that I am someone else's property. Then I cook dinner. We eat together and discuss our day. Then, after I clean the kitchen, I do something to pamper her. I went to cosmetology school for like two semesters — on the very QT — to learn how to give her a manicure and a pedicure. She likes me to paint my toenails the same color as hers (which is a fucked up thing to explain at family outings). I also give her deep tissue massages, wash and condition her hair, give her facials and — very, very rarely — enemas to keep her clean and happy and comfortable. And lovely — which she would be even if neither of us did a damn thing.

Then later, after we watch a little TV or whatever else needs to be done in the evening, we go upstairs and she causes me pain. I came so hard once, I threw my back out.

Tonight, as I lie in my dog bed and revel in the ache and pains still lingering down my body, I have to ask again. "Ma'am?"

She doesn't respond at first. I'm not actually supposed to speak at this time. "Yes?"

I sit up. "I want to marry you."

"We have discussed this and..."

"I know, I know. You keep sayin' no. But, I don't want Granddad ta pass without a great grand son. I don't want Mom ta keep sayin' 'I won't ask, I promise' when I know she really just wanna know if we ever getting' hitched..."

" ... we're not..."

"I know. You say that and I know but please, Amelia, do this for me. Marry me. Have one kid. I will never ask another sacrifice of you again. You can use me as a toilet from the second you say yes 'til they put me in the ground. I will do anything, to be your husband. You'd actually have paperwork that say you own me."

"No, you'd have paperwork to own me. Marriage enslaves the bride not the groom."

"We'll rewrite the vows. I'll love, honor, cherish, and obey. Hell, I do it anyway. I just wanna do it publicly; I wanna do it so that everybody in the world know how we feel about each other."

She looks thoughtful — which was a first for this conversation. "And would I finally be your only mistress?"

"You already are. Unless you mean God."

"You know who I mean." She sits down at her dresser and starts combing her hair — a stress habit despite how relaxed she looks. "Would I finally out rank Peter?"

The world goes silent as that name echoes out of my ears and across the state.

"Peter was never my..." I start but I cannot look in her direction and finish that sentence. She has never asked me directly. I wonder how long she's known. "You always have." I lie softly.

"Really?" She pulls a few more strokes. "What's rule number one?"

I pause then say, "Don't be late." Her reflection stares at me and I break quickly. "No running, no jumping, no swimming."


"Because it was the rule Peter set the day after he saved me." I whisper it.

"I will not marry you, because I will always be second. I cannot compete with someone who owns not simply your body but your actual soul." She counts another ten strokes. "Now, if he gave you to me that would be another matter. But it's taken you five years to admit it was him. I sincerely doubt he or little miss priss would ever hand you over completely."

"He would — he will." I rush, crawling halfway to her. "Far as he concerned, he gave me ta you back in college." I take a breath and control myself. "He has not taken advantage of my lingering issues. And Gwen has never had any authority. Hell, she lived with us for two years an' never figured it out."

"Did you cheat on me?" She asks, her hand pausing in mid-stroke.

"The night you meet Peter, the four of us went to dinner. You remember that?"


"You told me you ain't want me seein' any one else. Well, that night, me an' Peter had our last session. He said, I couldn't have two so I had ta pick one of you. And I picked you, Ame. It's been you since we meet."

I can see her considering this. She puts down her brush. "Braid." I crawl behind her and braid her hair into one thick loose braid to sleep in. I'm almost finished when she says. "I didn't know. I suspected. For a while, I mean. But at school, I really didn't know." I don't say any thing; my mouth is my weak spot she often reminds me. "You were just insubordinate enough to look like siblings not lovers. Beth, I suspected about and you as much let slip once when you were entirely too drunk. But Peter ... I couldn't quite confirm it." She got up and climbed in to bed. I did like wise as she turned out the light.

Then, in the darkness, she says, "Tell me about him. Everything."

There isn't much to tell. Peter was the Dom, I was sub. He said it, I did it. "He rarely do more-n spank me because he ain't into pain. But, I don't know, something 'bout the way he would look at me when he gave me an order. I just knew, if he wanted, he'd make me pay if I didn't do it. I fucked this married girl once — teacher — he 'bout killed me. Once uh year or so, we'd take uh boat and go out, just the two of us." I find myself unconsciously fingering the scar on my scrotum. "That's where he'd extract any real pain. You the only one ever made me scream like that. 'Course, you only one ever done uh whole lotta shit ta me."

She doesn't respond. I'm awake most of the night trying to figure out which of them I've just been more disloyal to. The next morning, I'm up and out by 5am. I'm just a touch grouchy, which most people presume is due to trouble with Granddad. I was the same way just before Grandma died.

Chapter 2

At lunch, my phone rings. "I want to meet him." Ame says.

"You already know him. We have dinner like once a week."

She's silent and suddenly, I realize what she means. She doesn't want to meet Peter, she want to met My Dominant. She wants to see him run me through my paces and humiliate me in front of her for his own amusement.

"We don't..." I start but I don't finish. It's true, we don't but even a look from him still gets me. "Gwen."

She hangs up.

After dinner, she goes to bed. I find my dog bed at the top of the stairs. I'll be honest; I can take this treatment from her for about two days. Then I will literally beg her to take me back. It's happened on rare occasion before. There is no point in me trying to prove I'm a man. With her, I'm not. I'm a pussy-whipped little punk who will take whatever shit she gives me and thank her for it.

The next night, I don't go home. I go to Peter's.

"Hey, what up?" He greets me at the door, still in his swim trunks. I can't help but take a glance around for Gwen then feel him up. He smacks my hand away, "Come on, dude," He laughs, "my wife's around here somewhere. Go on out back. I'll grab uh couple beers." He smacks my ass hard as I go past him. How Gwen doesn't know we used to fuck, I have not a clue.

I'm there for about an hour before I finally blurt it out. "Ame knows about us."

He chokes. "Come again?" he coughs out.

"I asked her to marry me and she asked if she would out rank you if she said yes."

He gets that hard, cold closed look. The one that made me start callin' him 'Sir' in the first place.

"What did you say?"

"Sir-" It slipped out and he glares at me. I gesture helplessly, "Peter, what could I say? She wants to meet you. I mean, 'you' you. Y'know..."

"I know what she means." He stops me before I get too wound up. He sits still for about another minute then he picks up the phone. "Ame. I guess we need to talk." He quiet for a long time. Then he looks at me. "Yeah, ok." He says. "I can do that. Let me check my calendar and get back to you." He hangs up and takes a deep breath. "Go home, Alex. She and I will handle this."

It's ok, little boy, mommy and daddy will make it all better. Run along and play.

I want to break something.

Chapter 3

I have one trump card in my house. When I get home, I play it. "Get dressed." I tell Ame. "We're going out." When I'm mad — really, truly, utterly, pissed off — we go dancing. I lead, she follows and we stay on the dance floor until I say we sit down. I take her to my favorite club and we salsa for a good two hours before I yield.

"Do you want to discuss it, now?" she asks as we find a table and catch our breaths.

"I don't appreciate you an' Peter treatin' me like I'm ten."

"But that's what you are." She states plainly. "A child being taken care of by a Dominant and a Mistress. You make no decisions for yourself. I do. Or Peter does. I don't know how often you turn to him instead of me."

"Never." I hit the table then pull my hand in before I go too far. "You are it now. Only you."

"But you never really stopped obeying Peter, did you? He just stopped giving you orders." I could claim that those are the same thing but they're not and I know they're not. "I can't marry you if he could countermand at any time. If I become your wife — if I give you that kind of authority — I want to know that I am the only one."

"Ame, what's the difference? Why are you making this so damn hard?"

"Once we are married, people will make assumptions. Man and wife. He finally won her. You will become publicly, the master. I don't want to place myself in a position where you might think you have some power."

"Ame," I laugh, "I have so little power. If you told me ta slit my wrist, I'd likely do it. All I want is to be able to show publicly that you love me as much as I love you. Give me that ring, and I'll do what ever you want 'til hell freeze over."

"I want to watch you and Peter together. I want to see what his hold over you is and I want him to give you to me." She looks away from me. "Do that and I might say yes."

"You will?"

"But I plan the service..."

" ... of course..."

" ... and I will not say traditional vows..."

" ... say anything you want so long it end with 'I do'..."

" ... And you will be collared."

I trip on that one. "At my wedding?" Then I let it go. "OK, sure. Whatever. You sayin' yes?"

"I'm thinking about it."

"If Peter give me to you and I do all the rest, will you marry me?"

"If. I am not making any promises."

"If. Ok, if. Amelia," I get on my knee beside her and take her hand. She hates these kinds of public displays but I can't help myself. "Amelia Da'o Wilson, if I promise to be a good slave and love and honor and cherish and obey you, will you marry me?"

She actually blushes. She looks at everything around us. She tries to pull her hands away but I won't let them go. "Yes." She finally whispers.

I don't stop grinning for two days.

Despite herself, I keep catching Ame grinning too.

Chapter 4

She won't let me make a big public announcement but a couple days later, she mails out very tasteful announcement cards. I know the family starts receiving them when my Mother jumps me on the dock as the boats are coming in. She's waving the card and yelling. "Why didn't you tell me!" She hits me hard after she kisses me.

"Mom! We on the dock —"

"I don't care! Oh, Baby, I'm so happy! When are you having the service?" She takes a breath and comes up short. "Or is this another of Ame's 'things'. Does she not want to have a service?"

"We're having a service." I grab the rope tossed at me. "Mom. Let me finish up here, ok? Ame and I will come by later tonight, ok? You two can figure out all the details. Ok?"

It was useless. In the next half hour, all of my aunts show up at the dock house pestering me and half the rest of the family calls.

I had to call Ame. "We gotta go to Uncle Julius' house tonight."

"We have to?"

"If Ima get any more work done here today, yeah."

She's silent for a moment. "Fine. I'll meet you there." She hangs up.

Since I was a ten-minute walk from the house, I beat her there by a couple hours and relate the edited version of how I proposed a good fifty times. All my cousins show up. A couple of them know how things really are with Ame and I and ask what Peter thinks of all this. I tell them if Peter doesn't like it, he can go fuck himself. I almost believe it.

Beth, Peter, Gwen and Darrell arrive together. Beth, Peter and I slip upstairs for a couple minutes.

"I owe you guy everything." I say. It was the only thing I could say. They just hold me.

By the time we make it back downstairs, everyone but Ame is there. "Don't make a big deal about it." I keep saying. They get some of Caesar and Willow's construction paper and put up a big congratulations poster.

Willow and Caesar are actually the ones who greet Ame at the door. Even she can't resist hugging them. "You two are wrinkling my suit." She complains but she doesn't push them away, I notice. "All of this is really unnecessary. I would hardly think this is unexpected. Honestly, how long can anyone live with him pestering them on a daily basis?"

"Not long." Peter agrees. "But still, congratulations." He kisses her cheek and whispers something to her.

Over dinner, the conversation never strays from where, when and how the ceremony will take place. Aunt Rachael offers the front yard and to my shock, Ame accepts. I'm getting' married under the traditional family willow tree. The colors will be peach and lavender. One bride's maid, one groom's man.

"Dude?" I say.

"On it." Peter answered.

As if there was any question.

"I'm sure I don't need to tell you all that I do not intend to have a traditional service or say traditional vows?" Ame asks.

"This is a family wedding." My mother starts but Dad cuts in.

"Ame, I think so long as you keep in mind that the children will be present, we can be very flexible."

"George!" Mom snaps, "Don't you men have something to do with yourselves?"

"Not if I'm cuttin' the check for this I don't."

"Dad, it's cool." I hadn't even thought about cost. "We got this. Right, Hon?"

"Of course." Ame looks annoyed — she always is by money. "The bride's family pays for the wedding traditionally. I would never dream of asking you to pay for it."

"Yeah, but yo' Daddy ain't here." Uncle Julius spoke up. "So we'd be please ta fill that roll in this case. An' although, I hate ta bring up such things, but ya'll need ta have yo' attorneys draw up pre-nuptials an' what not."

"Daddy!" Aunt Elizabeth got up and took his empty plate. "Now, you hush up all that foolishness! This is uh celebration. Thay can talk 'bout all that non-sense later. You just let them enjoy bein' in love fo' just un minute."

"He can't help it." Aunt Rachael laughs. "If there isn't a contract, it isn't true love."

"Hush up, woman." He grouses.

"Uncle Julius, I appreciate your offer," Ame wipes her mouth delicately. As soon as her napkin, fork and knife hit her plate, I'm up and clearing her dishes. "But he and I are quite able to afford what I have in mind."

"Ya'll can hush up with that foolishness as well." Uncle Julius booms over her. "Marcus an' Candice ain't here ta give ya'll uh proper send off. Least I can do for my brother is see his grandson get uh proper weddin' an' honeymoon. Now I'm not hearin' unother word on who payin' fo' what, you jus' best get with George an' Charles an' yo' personal attorney an' see ta them legal details. Hear?"

I go into the kitchen. Ame is stubborn but Uncle Julius always wins. He is not above playing dirty to get his way. By the time I return, Ame is thanking him for his generosity and Julius is looking smug.

"Thug." Aunt Rachael kisses him as she finishes clearing the table.

"My house, my rules." He says, settling back comfortably. "Now, you got any idea when you wanna have this here weddin' or you still workin' that out?"

"September." Ame doesn't even hesitate.

"Oh, the fall will be lovely." Mom's eyes light up. "But why so soon?"

"We met in fall. It seems appropriate." She sees the look on Mom's face. "Oh. No, there's only one announcement here — we're not with child."

"I never even thought that." Mom denies and snickers pass around the table.

"Oh, you so did." Aunt Elizabeth teases. The rest of the evening is taken up with discussions of proposals and short engagements — in my parent's case one week — and past weddings.

Chapter 5

We are on our way home when it hits me. I actually stop the car in the middle of the street — there's no traffic but Ame stares at me like I'm crazy.

"You ain't seen Peter an' me yet."

"No. So?"

"But you send out the announcements. You started planning."

"Yes." I stare at her, grinning 'cause for once, I think I won. "Peter stopped by my office a few days ago. We had lunch and discussed a few things. We will still have our private ceremony but Peter was able to convince me that his interest in you is ... familial."

"Private ceremony?"

"Yes. Sunday." She looks away; Ame's not good with emotional stuff. "We'll have a public service to satisfy your family in September. I'm sure that will keep your mother and my sister happy. But our wedding will be Sunday. Just those who need to be involved."

"You, me, Peter." I'm shaking. I'm getting married on Sunday.

The rest of the week is a fog. I'm getting married on Sunday. But I can't tell anyone that. The crews all give me shit about having cold feet three months before the wedding being understandable if you about to marry the wicked witch of the fuckin' east.

Chapter 6

Sunday, after church, Peter goes home with me. Ame is reading to Granddad when we get there. He doesn't seem to know who reading or what but we all take turns doing it anyway. She joins us in the living room when she finishes the chapter.

"How do you want to do this?" Peter asks her.

"I want to understand. I can never replace you. You'll always be right there. But if I understand what he gets from you, then maybe I can provide it." She looks thoughtful. "Part of it. I suspect some of it is the masculinity; I can never provide that."

"You could find him a boyfriend." Peter suggests. He's joking. I think.

"Or I could let him play with you once in a while."

"Me?" Peter looks at me. I don't say anything; she came out of left field with that one. "Gwen would never go along with that."

"Does she approve of today?"

"She doesn't know."

"Then why tell her about anything else?"

"She's my wife. Look, Ame, I'm only here because marrying you is Alex's favorite subject. If this is what it takes, then fine. But I'm not endangering my relationship with Gwen just 'cause you wanna watch two guys fuck."

"Eloquent." Ame purses her lips.

Peter's face gets that set look. Oddly enough, I realize that Ame has almost the identical expression. "Alex." He goes straight to 'command form' like he's never stopped. "Do you still have your collar and cuffs?"

"Yeah." They cost too much to toss but I have no idea where they are. "Somewhere."

"Get them." I head upstairs. "And your leash." I start with the most likely place and get lucky. All three are wrapped neatly in a protective case. I look at them for a moment. The leash we bought at Petco. But the leather collar and cuffs were handmade in Bangkok. They're beautiful. I hope to God they still fit — Peter will have no qualms at all with choking me today. I'm almost out the bedroom door when it dawns on my that I'd better get the metal collar, cuffs and chains that Ame lets me wear on special occasions. And I remember to grab her purse — she'll want that if we go out today.

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When Cousin Can8217t Control

Hello readers. Handshake to boys and boobs shake to girls. Writing a story after a very long time. I hope you enjoy. This story is for all the incest lovers out there. The story is long and detailed. Well this incident happened between me and one of my cousin Disha. It was another cousin’s marriage function and we were all in the wedding hall. I was particularly close with this cousin Disha since we almost grew up together. We went to same school and college and we had a good friendly...

2 years ago
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My surprise

I was out one night with a bunch of my guy friends and we were cruising around town looking for chicks. A couple of girls stopped to talk to me and another guy I was with and invited us back to their place. Well, only 1 girl lived there and the other decided that she had to go home. So there we were in the house, two guys and one girl. She was making out with me and ignoring him, which was kind of funny because he was always getting the girls. He ended up falling asleep and she started giving...

3 years ago
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Juhi Borrowing Her Boyfriend

It was our last week in this apartment as our landlord wanted to increase our rent. But Supriya and I had found ourselves a similar 2 BHK in the same building on the 8th floor, at a lesser rate. But there was just one problem. Supriya had to travel to Germany for a 3 months project. The packing, moving, shifting, and everything else was left to me. Supriya, while leaving, had mentioned that her boyfriend – Rishi, would help me in the shifting. So a week had passed since she had left, and I got...

4 years ago
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Cousin Hot for HorsesChapter 5

Mona sat up. Her tits bounced as she looked at the horny teenager. "Now, you'll be able to appreciate his cock," she said. Having sucked Beauty off and watched Mona get fucked by King, Barbi understood. She nodded. "Get Beauty," she moaned. "You get him," Mona said. Barbi staggered to her feet and stumbled over to Beauty's stall. Cunt cream soaked her thighs and her pussy pulsed. Trembling, she brought Beauty back to the center of the stable and caressed his coat. "You ready for...

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Mother Teacher Sister Whore

Although not speciffically mentioned in the story all caracters in this story are 18 years ore older. This is a piece of fiction and any resemlance to a real life person is of pure coincidence. My name is Jason and I am average in nearly every aspect you can imagine. My height is average, maybe slowly above, have short brown hair and brown eyes and though I am quite strong and muscular I am not ripped. I am an average student and average at sports. The only thing I am above average is having...

4 years ago
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Home Early from work

Introduction: Its been awhile, hope you like I am your typical middle aged mom. I was sexy once but after a couple kids my breasts had grown to a full D cup and were sagging a bit. My tummy was no longer flat and my ass was more than a handful as I weighed in at 160 for my 56 frame. My long blond hair was usually just pulled back into a pony tail because that was the easiest thing to do. I am, in a word, average. But I suppose I lost the right to call myself average a couple of years ago. It...

1 year ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 11 Arrested

The arrests were carefully coordinated. When Deacon Robert Ramsay arrived at his plant at eight on Monday morning two detectives were waiting. "Please come with us, Sir," the plainclothes policeman said, "so we don't have to handcuff you while people are watching." "What do you mean?" Ramsay said indignantly as soon as they were outside beside the police car. "Don't do that!" he added when they handcuffed him but he didn't fight. "We're arresting you for pandering and for...

2 years ago
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My Fantasy for A Nice Guy to do

I am at a local pub, I met a really sweet guy, we enjoy each others company. At the end of the night he walks me out to my truck and invites me to follow him home. I do, we go out for a cigarette and pop open some beer. The man start getting frisky with my breast, as I try to stop him, he controls a hand, and continue playing. Then he goes between my legs, squeezing up tightly. My shirt starts going up, then off, then my bra. He has my breast gently in his month, as he softly tongues my nipple....

4 years ago
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I Need to RememberChapter 4

Finding my way home was easy, I had lived there for fifty years after all. But I had a shock when I got there. I guess I must have been looking at the house with younger eyes somehow. God I had no taste, and boy did it need decorating. The rest of that day was spent busily sorting my finances and dumping all of my old clothes into a pile for giving to a charity shop, I wasn’t worried which one as long as someone would come and collect it. By early evening I was beginning to feel peckish and...

3 years ago
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Humiliated Part 2

Author’s note: I highly suggest reading Part 1 first, however this story should more or less stand on its own. The story is based on a chat-based roleplay between v-card and myself. The basic outline of the scenario was mine, but the actions and words of “Nikki” are by v-card and are used by permission. I have tried, as much as possible to present a consistent story without deviation from the actions presented in the chat. In some cases, however, I have elaborated on the chat to provide a...

1 year ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 7

Carla behaved for a few weeks after the Tommy incident. I think whatever occurred at the condo spooked her. I'm not saying that Tommy did something to her or threatened her in any way. Rather, I think that Carla's own desires and her capacity to go full-throttle into major taboo territory shook her up. In other words, she scared herself. The result was a strong attempt on my girlfriend's part to channel her desires into our own sex-life. Carla is the only woman I know whose libido matched...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary 9232016

We emailed back and forth a lot that first Friday night, well into the morning hours. We talked about his life, I shared some aspects of mine... almost nothing, really... privacy and secrecy is a well-ingrained habit. It turns out I actually am the first girl to ever make him cum, he hasn't even kissed a girl yet... and strangely, even though he came in my mouth, he still hadn't kissed a girl. He went to his bed and he told me he was going to dream about me.... sweet boy.... and I went to...

2 years ago
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Teen Katies humiliation

Cast of the story: Cast of the story: Bob ? father of Katie and Todd ? Bob is 50 years old and a single dad with full custody of the kidsKatie (13) Todd (15)Uncle Jim (40)Josh (15) ? Uncle Jim?s sonSam ? Bob?s neighbor and friend (Had a son Katies age named Kevin)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Story Line ? Bob, Katies dad is the leader of an all men amateur photography club who meets weekly with aprox 15 other men and a few...

2 years ago
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the new dark lord chapter 2

hermione had her face buried in a cushion, stifling the screams and moans that escaped her as yet another orgasm was ripped from her body. over the month since harry had made her utterly his, in more ways than one, she had been stretched out and fucked in nearly every room in hogwarts. on several occasions, they had very nearly been caught only to escape notice by the skin of their teeth. with a final shuddering climax from hermione, harry emptied his balls deep inside her womb. hermione...

4 years ago
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guide for prostate milking

Theodore Roosevelt once said "If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow", but an experienced woman knows that if you have got him by his prostate, you own his balls!For those keen to try prostate milking, a quick guide for him and her:1. He should empty his bowels and use a small enema to clean up before you start.2. He should also COMPLETELY empty his bladder before you start because he will need to relax his prostate in a similar way to urination to allow his sperm...

3 years ago
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Up the Chimney

Gina let out a quiet groan when she was awakened by the clock radio alarm. Blue Christmas by Elvis was playing, and the music merged with her feelings as she’d drifted off to sleep. The bed shifted, and she knew Brian was sitting up to shut off the alarm. In a fit of pique, she rolled over facing the wall. A quiet sigh let her know that the gesture hadn’t gone unnoticed. When he slipped out of the bed without a word or a touch, she knew that he’d received the message she was sending. Once he...

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After an evening reception my wife and I called for a taxi to take us back to the hotel where we were staying. We had had a few drinks and were quite relaxed and maybe a wee bit tipsy but not over the top. The taxi arrived and my wife and I got in the back and exchanged some pleasantries with the driver an athletic looking young man. He was very friendly and paid a nice compliment to my wife saying I was a lucky man to have such sexy wife we laughed it off. The road back to the hotel...

2 years ago
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Massaging mom

Joseph was 18 when his parents split up. He was an only child and his father ran away with a woman he worked with. So, he lived with his mother. His mother, Catherine was an attractive woman especially for a 40 year old. She had back problems, and went to physical therapy 3 times a week. The therapist recommended that she get back massages 3 times a day. A professional masseuse was quite costly, and she couldn’t really afford it. Joseph began massaging his mother’s back for her. He learned as...

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A Twilight KnockoffChapter 26

I did a crap load of make-up work for school over the next few days, trying to make up for the three weeks I was out. The teachers were really cool, though, mostly giving me worksheets and easy assignments. I also had Morgan's help, which made everything easy. Dad and Claire were impossible. Dad politely badgered Marcus until he allowed me to return to Claire's, fussing over me even as I fussed over him, which made for some really awkward moments and arguments. But he couldn't stay more...

3 years ago
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Relic Hunter Ramifications

Relic Hunter: Ramifications By Caleb Jones Nigel helped Sidney pull a chest from burnt ruins. The Egyptian statue of Ram was rediscovered! The media wanted interviews. Nigel and Sidney held the figurine higher for photographers. The assistant professor grumbled. He always pulled his weight but department head Sidney always got the glory. "I'd like to change places with Sidney and get the praise!" Sidney hated the press. She wished she were the assistant! Let Nigel deal with...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 861

These are compliments of Allan B. An anthropologist heard of a tribe in the center of New Guinea who followed the English legal tradition, so he went to investigate. After a trek of a month he finally reached the tribe. He conversed with the chief, and asked how it happened that they followed English law. The chief explained that once a month a plane flew over the village and dropped a load of London Times, and they followed what was written in the newspaper. In fact, the chief said,...

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First Sex With Neighbor Aunty

Hi ISS readers. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sarath(name changed), 24 years. This is my first story, so please forgive for my mistakes. I am basically from Kerala, currently staying in Pune. I am working in a MNC, have a 6’ cock. Actually this story is about a real incident happened with one of my neighbor aunty about 3 months back. She is around 45 now. Her name is Moutima, Hyderabadi. She is also from a MNC. Her husband stays in Hyderabad. She stays with her mother here. Her daughter...

4 years ago
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Cattlemans LamentChapter 4

Molly woke, shivering. There was a horse blanket draped over her upper torso, which helped, but her legs were cold and her feet leaden. The fire had died down, and the two logs smoked, above red embers. She levered herself up on one elbow and looked around. The boy was right beside her, covered with another horse blanket. She was between him and the fire. ‘He must be freezing, ‘ she thought, but his breath came softly and steadily from under his hat. She reached out and threw several sticks...

2 years ago
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Caroles Story 01 Growing Up

I, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, written from Carole’s perspective, with some...

3 years ago
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Transfamily pt 1

Introduction: Transgendered daughter needs families support As Susan crawled into bed with her husband, 34 yr old Eric was struggling trying to concentrate on his book. He would read several lines and then realize he had no idea what it was that he had read and have to go back and reread it again, sometimes still to no avail. He sighed and put down his book, resting his head against the headboard of their California king bed. Susan propped up a few pillows and settled herself comfortably on her...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 8 Two Days

“My ship?” Roy repeated the question. The Wurgus made the confirming gesture again. “Yes, Masterun. The All Patriarch has gifted you a Pod ship. You can’t be a Patriarch without a Podship.” Roy sighed. “You Wurgus value honesty right?” “Yes, above all,” “We humans like to be asked about things like that. This should go both ways you know. I want to become a Marine and I don’t need a ship or want to make a career out of becoming a surrogate Wurgus. I think you guys are very nice and go out...

4 years ago
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Of Slaves Lost and Won

It began, as many of the best adventures do, with a card game in the back room of a seedy New Tortuga dive bar."No, you're bluffing."Captain Lucretia Roath narrows her glittering green eyes at her opponent as she gazes over the battered baize. She draws on her vapouriser and then with pouted lips expels a fine plume of nicotine vapour. It mingles with the pall of shisha smoke clinging to the ceiling.Captain Elias Watts, his fine white shirt rakishly unbuttoned to mid-chest, is leaning back on...

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Fucked my secreatary front and back

Hi i am a lady killer (name nt discolosed) from mumbai have my own office with all lady staff. I am the md of the company i often travel a lot due to official reasons with my secreatry accompaining me. Once we had to go to goa for a conf purpose in taj when i told her that we r going to goa for conf purpose she was very happy and excited to hear that. We started making preparation for our trip and we were going by car audi a6 my fav personal car. Now the day came when we were about to leave in...

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Uncles LighthouseChapter 4

She woke up the next morning, coming into wakefulness with a strange glowing feeling about her. She thought she was dreaming as her body stretched, feeling like she could reach ten feet away, and that her bones were made of rubber. She sighed, snuggling back into the bedclothes. Her mind reflected on her memory of what had happened just before she fell asleep, and the first thing she thought was how impossible for what had happened to be classified as “bad” in any way. She didn’t feel any...

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Helping My Maami

Hi friends, I am sam from Nagpur.I am 5,10” ,with average body and fair skin.i am 18 yrs old and recently gave my 12th board exams. This story is a true incident and not a fake one as most of the people think.Now on I will continue in Hindi. Ye baat aajse 12 din pehle ki hai.meri exams khatm hui to maine socha kyu na mama ke ghar ho aau,mere bohot sare friends hai i took my bike and went to my mama’s house.wo mere hi sheher me kuch door rehte hai.mere mama ke ghar 3 log rehte hai mere...

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Wind of Change Circa 1975

Whitehall Primary School was in the last week of a mid-term break and with only a few members of staff on the premises and no obstructions from interfering children, it should make his survey a lot easier to complete. The car tyres crunched in the deep snow and the windscreen wipers squeaked across the windscreen as he manoeuvred the car carefully through a pair of black metal gates before pulling to a halt in the school car park. He waited until Lou Reed had finished singing ‘Perfect Day’...

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Sweet and sour

Hi readers, I am a big fan of ISS and I read stories regularly but never written one myself. this is a true experience which I am going to narrate to all of you and I hope u all will like this. Firstly I would like to tell bout myself. I am Rahul from Solan (H.P.) now staying in Mumbai, average built and sex starving. this incident happens with my own bhabhi 6 yrs back when I was 19 yrs old. My brother was married for 2 yrs that time and my bhabhi Salon was 26 yrs of age. She was fair, tall and...

4 years ago
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Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. WITH NOTHING ON MY TONGUE Part One: THUNDER/STORM From Leonard Cohen’s song, “Hallelujah” Maybe I’ve been here before I’ve seen this room, I’ve walked this floor I used to live alone before I knew ya I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch Our love is not a victory march It’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah. . . . . . . . . . . . And even...

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Nurse Demoness Chapter 4

Mina swooped onto the balcony of her apartment, soaked form the rain. The balcony was on the top floor, the fifth floor, and located at one of the corners of the building. Always left unlocked, the screen door provided a way to avoid her annoying self-righteous neighbor. The man had a crush on her and Mina would have eaten him already had he not been her neighbor. She tired to avoid any demonic actions that would cause alarm near where she lived. The screen slid open, and an assault of rotten...

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Indian GF Videos

Looking for real user submitted amateur Indian girlfriend videos at IndianGFVideos? There are many different porn sites that you can check out and they all have their little niche to them. Now, there are certain themes are more popular than others and it comes as no surprise that the Indian niche is one of the most popular ones on the internet. The reason being is that there are just so many damn Indians out there and you won’t be able to get away from them and their needs when it comes to porn...

Premium Indian Porn Sites
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Bad girl returns with the chav lads

Hi My computer fucked up so have not been online for ages. Sorry about this. Will be on msn again too. Anyway I am back and here is another true story about me and this chav crew I go with. I went to Jason house as well I wanted some sex and a cool time. Anyway when I got there all the other lads were there so Jamie 19, Mickey 18, Nicky 18 and Cris 18. They were on their way to get me as they had not seen me for a few days so were getting the urge for a shag and wanted to just chill out with me...

2 years ago
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Possessed Part IV

The door slammed against the wall and the two alphas entered. Nathan hadn’t heard the click of it being unlocked and it made him jump. Evidentially his captor was also taken by surprise as his body jolted. “Right slut, second go.” Said the bigger one. Nathan felt himself being manoeuvred into position and realised with a start that he could feel more of his body. Why and how? He needed to find out. * * * I was delirious. My fantasies were becoming reality. They used handfuls of my hair...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 531

The Retreat By 1:00 P.M. the women, as well as the Prime, were cold, tired and frustrated, but the pallets of frozen foods were unloaded from the trucks and stored in the main freezer. None of the drivers had given Diana any trouble as she told them where each pallet should go – it was just a lot of work unloading and arranging everything, and ... most of it couldn’t be done standing outside the freezer. Each truck had arrived with its own forklift hanging on the back, and as each driver...

3 years ago
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I Missed My Daughter Her daughter returns from a year in Europe

I waited at the Airport, excitedly awaiting the arrival of my daughter, Sophie. She had been away for a year in Europe, taking a gap year off to travel after completing high school and before starting University. I had spoken to her on several occasions, but after a year I really wanted to see her in person, I had missed her so much.The arrival board had said her flight from London had landed, but still no sign of her. I suddenly spotted a large group of new arrivals, and then I spotted her....

2 years ago
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Caught by my sons wife pt 3

A new twist that I think EVERYONE who has read to this point will enjoy!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tamara opened her eyes and glared up at the dark gray heavy cloud that was stealing the warm sunshine from kissing her nearly naked flesh. Aside from the small triangle of cloth covering the bare naked slit of her pussy, almost none of her brown flesh had not been kissed by the sun these days. Now that she owned the family jewels of both men in the house, she just ignored Barb or...

1 year ago
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What Kate wants

"You forgot about your drink Kate, please drink it." Man forcefully pointed at the drink in front of the woman.Kate got chills from his serious, dominant voice. As if seeing herself from third person`s view, she took a sip of a drink she was offered. A white stain appeared on her upper lip after taking a sip of cappuccino. The man wiped it off with his thumb. Kate was turned on by his touch. The man then slipped his finger into her mouth. Woman licked his finger while looking into his...

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The four of us

The four of us all headed back to deans place after work for some drinks and dinner. We have been friends for a while and Beth and me have been seeing each other for a long while now. I love her so much and the sex is great. Dean and Julie have been seeing each other but it’s not as serious as what Beth and me got going on but they both enjoy each other’s company and they are great friends of ours. Julie got out the wine and I the whiskey. Dean pretty much drinks whatever I do now but he...

Group Sex

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