Heroine Overdose free porn video

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“Can you grow everything?”

You have no idea how many times I’ve heard that line. Since puberty, I’ve been able to control the proportions of my body at will, growing and shrinking my limbs and head. It’s the kind of superhuman power that everyone and their brother seems to have developed lately. Ever since I first manifested my powers and started showing it off at parties, as you do, some wiseass implies that I can make my dick double in size just like my arms and legs. Well, I can, but I’d rather that’s not how I was known.

But I’ll tell you what. That question once lead me to the best night of my life.

It started out as a pretty bad night, actually. A few days earlier, my friend Phil and I had been at the bar deep in our cups. I had just been laid off, and was banging an oversized fist on the table. Phil had joked that I could be a superhero, what with my powers and all. These days, costumed heroes were so commonplace that the government gave them grants to focus on crime-stopping. Jokingly, we had started to come up with superhero names.

(“The Fister! No, Fist Man!”

“What about Big Boy?”

“Seth, that sounds like you’re talking about your cock.”

“Growth Man?”

“Still sounds like you’re talking about your cock.”

“You know, for someone who hasn’t been laid in six months, I get a lot of people talking about my dick.”)

That bit of conversation was the last thing I remember about that night. It had just been a joke. But when I woke up the next morning (okay, the next afternoon), I had put in an order for a blue bodysuit and had halfway completed a superhero grant application as “The Smasher”.

And so, I decided to become The Smasher. I had always been interested in superheroes, going through a particular obsession with the Three Furies, our local hero trio, in my teens. To this day I followed fan sites that tracked the activity of costumed heroes across the country, hoping to catch video of their latest battles. And Phil had been right about one thing: I did have the powers to qualify me. Hell, there were heroes that didn’t even have powers these days. How hard could it be? But before I could get my government cheese, I needed to establish myself as a hero and show that I was fighting crime.

The night I want to tell you about was my first night on patrol. I had squeezed into my new costume. It was a little too tight, and looked appropriately generic. There had probably been dozens of idiots, with powers or not, who had ordered a costume like this and gone on a night or two of crime-fighting. I took off the gloves so I could at least grow my fists. If they wouldn’t remember my costume, at least they would remember the beating.

So I did what superheroes do and took to the roofs. This proved to be a much more difficult way to travel than I thought. All of the buildings seemed to have different heights, or slanted roofs, or too large a gap between them for me to possibly make the jump. And forget about crossing the road. If I grew my legs I could make large leaps, but I also ran the risk of snapping my ankles. So there was a lot of climbing up and down ladders in alleyways. It wasn’t like I could exactly walk down the sidewalk.

It didn’t take me too long to find trouble. San Alvaro was a pleasant city during the day, but at night it was a hotbed of crime. I found a heavyset man clad all in black, including a ski mask, holding a knife to a diminutive woman. At last, here was my chance!

Of course, I had to get down from the roof first. As it happens, there were no ladders leading into this particular alleyway. So I had to rush down a rickety fire escape into the adjacent alley and rush around on the street. I hoped that the mugger was still there by the time I arrived. As it happened, he was just turning around to leave, purse in hand.

“Stop!” I said in my best dramatic voice. “Purveyor of crimes, prepare to meet ... The Smasher!”

The mugger blinked. “The Smasher ... that’s you?”

“What? I mean, of course that’s me!”

He brandished his knife. “Well, I don’t care what you call yourself, just get the hell out of my way.”

I grew my hands until my fists were the size of volleyballs. With a heroic cry, I swung at the mugger. The problem was that I hadn’t thrown a punch since playground spats, and had never trained in boxing or martial arts. This absence only occurred to me now. No matter how big my fists were, I had no idea how to use them.

Sure enough, the mugger dodged my clumsily thrown punch. His arm thrust forward in a much more efficient fashion, stabbing me in the gut with his knife. Pain shot through me, and I clutched the wound. The mugger kneed me in the crotch, and I sank to the ground. My eyes began to tear up with the agony.

“Fucking nutcase.” The thug stepped over me and made his getaway. The woman he had robbed was long gone, presumably having fled while I stood there talking.

Well. That had sucked. I felt blood trickling through my still-enlarged fingers, and knew I had to go to the hospital. Even if I didn’t have any insurance. Did the superhero grant program cover that? Or did Samson and all those other famous heroes wrack up medical debts like the rest of us? Most likely, they were just strong enough not to get beat up like a chump.

In my woozy brain, I thought that I had to get home and take off my suit before heading to the hospital. Couldn’t let the secret identity slip, after all. So I climbed up onto the roof. It was only until a little later that I realized how I had done it, stretching out my arms to grab onto the edge of the roof and then shrinking them to pull myself up. Why hadn’t I thought of that before? It did tear the sleeves of my costume off, but I wasn’t worried about that right now.

And of course, standing on that roof was my worst nightmare.

He stood eight or nine feet tall, and was covered in jet-black hair. I wouldn’t have even seen him if it wasn’t for his glowing red eyes, whose glint revealed his canine features. Even injured, I remembered the stories in the papers about the new villain in the city, one who tore his victims limbs from limb. They called him the Black Wolf.

“Well well,” he said in a baritone growl. “What do we have now.”

I felt weak as blood continued to trickle down my leg. “Please ... don’t come any closer.”

“An ittle wittle hero, out here to stop us mean old villains?”

“No! I’m not a hero, I’m ... I’m nobody.”

The Black Wolf laughed. “It doesn’t matter who you are. You smell delicious. And you know, I love it when my food wears a mask. Makes the fear all the sweeter.”

So this was it. This is how I would end my short, largely pointless life. No best-selling novel, no reputation as a superhero. Just a mangled body in a cheap mail-order suit. The Black Wolf prepared to pounce, and I shut my eyes.

But the impact never came. After a moment, I dared to open one eye. A glowing gold arrow stuck out of the ground between me and the Black Wolf. The beast fell back on his haunches, growling at the projectile. Incredibly, I looked up to my saviors.

I saw three beautiful women, each in instantly-recognizable costumes. Any resident of San Alvaro, not just the superhero junkies like me, knew who these women were. There was Artemis, a perfectly-proportioned woman in a silver bodysuit and domino mask. She held a golden bow, which had fired the arrow. On her left was a busty woman whose hair and skin-tight leotard were the same shade of emerald green, the favourite form of the shape-shifter Changeling. And on Artemis’s right was a spooky looking woman with pale skin, an ornate black costume, and six arms: the mysterious Arachne. Together, they were San Alvaro’s top superhero team, the Three Furies. And they had just saved my ass.

Artemis’s regal voice cut through the smoggy night. “Playing with your food again, Black Wolf?”

The monstrous wolf-man snarled. “My hunt concerns you not, woman.”

“I am the protector of this city, and all who live within it,” said Artemis. “Leave this man alone, or my next arrow will fly true.”

The Black Wolf seemed to consider this for a while. I was still terrified. A big beast like that could rush forward and take me in my jaws before anyone could react. He might get shot full of arrows in the process, but that wouldn’t do me much good. So, with a snarl, he turned tail and ran.

I looked up to the Furies. They still seemed unreal to me. There was a kind of haze around them, like an aura. Or maybe that was because I was losing blood. I tried to think of something to say, some witty quip that would cause them to accept me as one of their own.

But instead, I passed out.

“Shhh, I think he’s coming around now.”

“About time.”

I forced my eyes open, faintly surprised to be alive. The last I remembered, I had been stabbed in the gut, encountered a monster, and passed out in a pool of my own blood on an obscure rooftop. I thought I had seen the Three Furies, but that might have just been a hallucination. They didn’t seem like people you would ever really meet.

But here they were, squatting over me.

I was in a penthouse apartment. I could see the night sky through the large skylight, so at least I hadn’t been out that long. I lay on a sofa in the centre of a large living room whose walls were lined with costumes and weapons. Above me were the faces of Artemis, Arachne and Changeling. They seemed even more beautiful up close. And not only was I looking at them, I must be in their base of operations.

“Where—where am I?” I said, stupidly.

“You’re in our safe place,” said Artemis.

“I call it the Henhouse,” said Changeling.

I realized that I wasn’t wearing a shirt, and that my very average physique was bared for these impossibly sculpted women to see. I sat up and groped for the spot where I had been stabbed. There was nothing but smooth skin there.

“Artemis healed you,” said Arachne.

So Artemis had some kind of healing power? I had a pretty good memory for superhero powers, picked up during my teenage obsession. Most heroes’ powers were very clear – Changeling could change shape, Arachne could spin webs, etcetera. But Artemis had always been something of a mystery. She clearly had superhuman strength and reflexes, and photos had been taken of her flying. Some speculated that she also had mind-control powers, based on incidents of her calming crowds. But if she could control minds, why would she ever need to fight? Nobody had mentioned healing before, but it was certainly possible.

“Cat got your tongue?” said Changeling.

I realized that I had been lost in thought. It still felt as if none of this could actually be happening to me. “Er, sorry. My name’s Se—The Smasher.”

“We’re not calling you The Smasher,” Changeling said.

“Well, Seth then. And, uh, thank you so much. You saved my life.”

“We know,” said Changeling.

Arachne scuttled away, seemingly bored of the conversation. Artemis looked over me with a maternal frown. “You did a very foolish thing tonight. If we hadn’t come by...”

I groaned. “I know. I don’t think I’m cut out to be a hero.”

Artemis folded her arms. “I never said that. Now drink some water – you’re probably dehydrated. I’ll get you some clothes and Arachne will show you out.”

I sat up. Part of me still expected there to be a pain in my gut, but there was nothing but a strange phantom twinge. Changeling was still sitting on her haunches, looking at me curiously.

“So, Mr. Smasher,” she said. “What was your plan, anyway? You got powers, or just planned to beat guys up by flailing at them?”

“I have powers,” I said. “I can make parts of my body grow.”

“I thought all men could do that,” she said.

I sighed. Always the dick jokes. “No, like this.” I held up my naked forearm and concentrated. It swelled and inflated to twice its size.

Changeling stepped forward and felt my grown arm. She patted the hard muscle, evidently a little surprised. “That’s useful. More useful for superhero-ing than my powers, if I’m being honest. Can you grow everything?”

That question again, with the same implication, the same self-pleased stress on “everything.” I had half a mind to walk out of here, wherever here was. But I was also in the home of three gorgeous women who I had long idolized. So I decided a little braggery wasn’t going to help.

“Yeah. I can grow everything.”

It was true. When I was a teenager experimenting with my powers, I had managed to grow my toes, my ears, and yes my dick at will. It felt good to stroke a big shaft, and it was certainly flattering for the ego. But none of my girlfriends had wanted anything to do with a twelve-inch cock. They had said, quite reasonably, that it would hurt too much.

Changeling thought for a moment, and then looked over her shoulder. “Hey, Artie! We got a stud for you here!”

Artemis turned on her heel and headed back towards us. She gave me an appraising glance. “Are you certain?”

Changeling shrugged. “Worth a shot.”

Artemis spoke. “Seth. You must promise me that you will never speak to anyone else of this night, or what I am about to tell you.” Her voice was ... different. Like, different in a cosmic sense than any kind of speech I had heard before. When she spoke, it was like a cloud sprung up in my brain. It was like that moment of drunkenness when everything seems so obvious to you. I knew that if I made that promise, I wouldn’t be capable of breaking it.

So I said “Yes.” When a goddess asks you to keep a secret, what else is there to say?

“I suffer from a curse, and have for a long time,” said Artemis. “My powers are great. But if I do not receive the ... seed ... of a man every night, they will fade.”

“She’s got a need,” said Changeling. “A need for seed.”

Artemis furrowed her brow. “I don’t see this as funny, Changeling.”

“Really? Because I see it as hilarious.”

My foggy brain was trying to process what it had just heard. “So ... what do you want from me?”

Artemis blushed, a strange look on her. “I want you to, er, make love to me.”

You could have knocked me over with a breath. “What? I mean, yes. Yes. Absolutely yes.”

Changeling poked my thigh. “I think he just came.”

“Can you go away and help Arachne with something?” said Artemis. “Seth and I need some privacy.”

Changeling raised her eyebrows suggestively, but turned and walked away. So I found myself alone and half-naked with Artemis. When people called her a goddess, it wasn’t just because of the name. She had blonde hair and bronze skin, but rather than a bimbo she came across as a classical beauty. Her hourglass figure was complimented by her costume, which clung tight to her considerable bust and behind. At the same time, her broad shoulders and thick thighs made it clear that she could crush you in an instant. I was completely out of my depth.

Artemis touched me on the shoulder, and I almost jumped up to the ceiling. “I understand it’s been a difficult night for you, Seth. If you wish to just go home, I would understand.”

“No, I...” My mouth had suddenly gone dry. “It’s just that this is a fantasy for me and...”

“I see,” said Artemis. She gave me a warm, slightly motherly smile. “I receive that reaction a lot, Seth. Take a moment to settle yourself. If and when you feel you’re ready, I’ll be in the bedroom to the right.” She got up and left me to my thoughts.

Just hearing her say my name seemed unreal to me. My hands were shaking, and I couldn’t get them to stop. I hadn’t experienced nerves like this since I lost my virginity. Then I had tried to hide my anxiety from my girlfriend, act like this was no big deal for me. There had been no possibility of hiding anything from Artemis.

This was a woman I had jerked off while fantasizing about, and she had just asked me for sex. God, imagine what Phil would say if I told him. Of course, I never could. I had made a promise.

The force with which I thought that was curious. What had happened when she had told me her secret? It was definitely something unusual, probably supernatural. I decided to go to that room. Not to fuck her – I couldn’t even start thinking about that – but just to ask her what had happened.

Artemis’s room was just as classically beautiful as she was. Paintings of gods and goddesses hung on her wall, between marble columns that I assumed had to be decorative. Candles were scattered around, their soft orange glow seeming to float in the darkness. At the centre of the room was a large canopy bed whose sheets were deep scarlet. And on that bed reclined a fully naked Artemis.

Her nudity should have been expected, given what I had just been asked, but my jaw just about hit the floor. Artemis’s skin had the same bronze tone all over, save for her cherry-red nipples. Those nipples sat atop the most beautiful, perfectly-rounded, gravity-defying breasts I had ever seen. Thick thighs and asscheeks curved around a glistening bald pussy. She looked like a pin-up girl, but there was nothing of artifice to her pose. She was simply at ease, waiting for me.

Artemis cocked her head. “Yes, Seth?”

I futilely tried to hide my erection. “I was, uh, um, wondering how you, ah, did what you did to me earlier. When you made me promise.”

“Oh, that’s my geas,” said Artemis. “One of the powers I try to hide from the public. But since you’re already sworn to secrecy, I suppose there’s no harm.”

My eyes stayed fixed on her breasts. It might have been rude, but it was her fault for getting all naked in front of me. “How does it, uh, work.”

“I can command people to do as I like,” said Artemis. “Of course, as with all things, there are limits. It helps if the person has a weak will, or inwardly wants to obey me. Would you like a taste of it?”

I nodded, not sure what I was agreeing to.

“Many men do,” said Artemis. “Try to relax and open your mind up. Now... put your hand on your nose.”

There was something different about Artemis’s speech when she gave her command. I don’t think she raised her voice, but it had a slippery, hard-to-define power to it. My head got cloudy again. I found my fingers touching my nose, having never consciously decided to do so.

Artemis smirked. “Do jumping jacks.”

My arms and legs moved on their own, into wide and jerky motions. I should have been a little embarrassed by doing silly exercises in front of a beautiful naked woman, but I felt serene. Every worry was so far away.

She licked her lips. “Take your clothes off.”

And I did so. An electric tingle went through my whole body as I stopped jumping and pulled my shirt over my head. I wasn’t thinking about my physique, less than impressive for a would-be superhero. My thumbs, moving with that strange soft autonomy, undid my fly and pushed my pants down. I had gotten even harder since Artemis had started controlling me, and my cock strained at my briefs. Even without any use of my powers, it felt like a beast, the only part of me that was in full control of itself. When I pulled the waistband down and it popped up, the fog in my brain sent an intense wave of satisfaction through me.

“Do you get the picture?” said Artemis.

I began to think straight again. “Uh, yeah.”

“You want one more hit?”

I nodded. I didn’t know why, but there was part of me that really liked being controlled by her.

Artemis pursed her lips, and spoke in that ineffable voice. “Lick me.”

My legs lit up with a gentle tingling sensations, and began transporting me to the bed. I didn’t need any enchantment to obey her this time. Kneeling over this beautiful, nude woman, I licked Artemis’s face. She giggled, but the giggles switched to moans as my tongue drifted inexorably downward. I lapped at her neck and then buried my face in her generous cleavage. The fact that I was obeying her made it all the sweeter in my mind.

Soon I was nestled between Artemis’s thick legs, my tongue on her pussy lips. I bathed her clitoris in my saliva, to appreciative groans. Then I darted my tongue into her warm, wet slit. She tasted like honey. That sounds like a line, but she actually tasted that sweet.

Artemis reached down and grasped my hair. I knew that she could crush my skull in an instant, but somehow that just made me more excited. I redoubled my oral efforts, flicking my tongue up and down her pussy. With a shuddering cry, Artemis came beneath me. That sweet pussy juice surged out of her cunt, and I lapped it up eagerly.

I sat up, now kneeling in front of Artemis. She had looked like a Renaissance painting before, but now her image was something more pornographic: cheeks red, chest heaving as she breathed in and out, pussy sopping wet. She didn’t have to give me a geas for me to know what she wanted. And I wanted it a lot too.

I thrust my hips forward, burying my cock into Artemis. If her cunt had tasted great, the feeling of its velvety walls clenched around my shaft was otherworldly. And judging from her moan, she didn’t mind it either. So I began to thrust in and out. I started slowly at first, afraid of coming too early in this dream-like scenario. But Artemis was eager, nudging her hips up and trying to thrust as fully onto me as she could. So I picked up the pace, our desperate rhythm getting constantly quicker.

Artemis dug her glossy red nails into my back and wrapped her legs around my hips as I pistoned into her. The feeling of her rock-hard nipples against my chest was amazing. Our faces were inches from each other, and she looked more beautiful than ever. I kissed Artemis on the lips, and then licked her neck. With a scream, she again came beneath me, her pussy clenching down on my cock.

I kept thrusting into her beautiful cunt until Artemis held up a hand in the universal sign of “stop.” “Give me a minute. A little sensitive right now.” So I pulled out of her, my cock still glistening with her juices, and rolled to the side.

Artemis turned onto her front with a contented sigh. Arms folded under her chin, she had a feline glint in her eyes. “So, when you told Changeling that you could grow your, um, equipment ... were you telling the truth?”

This again. Well, I wasn’t about to deny a superhero. “Yeah. I just have to concentrate for a minute.”

I focused on my still-hard shaft. The process of changing my body is strange, and one I still don’t fully understand. It’s like there’s some energy that’s always flowing through me, and if I try I can concentrate it on one part of me and make it grow. I shut my eyes and tried to focus only on the sensations of my cock. That wasn’t difficult, as Artemis had started gently stroking it.

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-------------------------------------------------- -------With my husband Daniel get along pretty well. Only one thing bothers me. I do everything to satisfy you, try, while it makes me queasy to. Whenever I want to kiss him after I blowers, he pulls his head away. So what would happen if you kiss me? One day, finally getting sick. And he skroih scary number ...Once his boss organizing a small corporate party at home. We get ready to go and as always Daniel insisted to wear something sexy. He...

4 years ago
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A Very Romantic Sex With A Girl I Fell In Love With Sunburn

Hi. I am Arch and i am 20 years old. I am from Mumbai. And i am a regular sunburn goer. I attend all the dance music concerts in Goa & Mumbai. And i met my love Shrushti at one such festival recently. Speaking of Shrushti, she is also 20 years old. And she is smoking hot. Anyone guy will want to fuck her if they see her. Even i wanted to fuck her. But i fell for her finally. She has a very curvy figure. She has nice round boobs and a little bit big ass in contrast to her body. She have this...

1 year ago
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Becky and Her Son Chapter 5

Becky wanted to hold John off until the weekend to insure that he had plenty of sperm for her. However, that was easier said then done and not just because of him, but because she found she could barely keep her hands off him. It didn't help any that they were running around the house mostly naked all the time. Even seeing his soft cock made her want it. And it wasn't just about fucking. She loved to suck him too. In fact, after an incident in the kitchen she began to wonder if she was...

3 years ago
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Wild Child

For as long as I could remember the forest has been my home. I was always moving and now, I looked at the strange things in a strange clearing. The ground was very hard like a rock and animals walked or ran on two legs. They made funny sounds and calls and even chased me. I was waiting for the brightness to end so I could explore. I spun at the hint of sound and tried to leap away. Strange vines caught me and I struggled and roared and fought to get free. One of the two legged things appeared...

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The Bible Tells Me So

{ or Things They Never Taught Me in Sunday School } Why Boaz Married Ruth I remember my mother telling me that Grandma Coit had once said that the Bible was the dirtiest book she had ever read. At the time, when I was in high school, I took that to mean that my maternal grandmother had been conservative in her choice of literature. But later, as I studied the Good Book professionally, I came to realize that anyone who reads a great deal of Scripture will run into some very human people. Which...

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Lois Pt 1

Introduction: This is my first story. I cant say its true but it is based on real events in my life. Hope you enjoy it. Lois cut my hair for years. She had a shop in her home. We always flirted with each other. mostly just rubbing her boobs on my neck or her pussy on my elbow. I would say You better stop that or youll have a mess to clean up. She laughed and said If your that horny you need to get laid. I Know. Its has been awhile. I tried last night but Cindy wasnt in the mood. Cindy is my...

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The Office Boy

The Office Boy Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name was Mike Grant, and I say was, because it's different now. I have two years of college and I'm taking classes at night to finish with a degree in Business. In order to support my school expenses and have some spending money, I found a job working in an office as sort of a glorified office boy. I'm 5' 7" tall with soft brown hair and blue eyes and I have never weighed more than 140 in my entire life. Valerie Hooper,...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Delirious Hunter Bangs Her Idol

When a girl loves a mans music, she generally would love something else from him as well. Blonde babe Delirious has been worshiping Eric’s music for a loooong time. When she finally gets her chance to meet him she couldn’t be more excited. Eric only cares about one thing though…He wants to fuck a groupie. When Delirious shows up its not long before she realizes what the situation is, and she is more than ok with it. They fuck like its the last time they will ever meet and it...

1 year ago
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My Wife Was Fucked By My Friend In My Front Of Me

Hi friends, here is our real story how I started to enjoy sharing my wife with other guys Once my wife and I took few drinks and she was a little over. I took her to our bed room and laid her on the bed. I was watching a porn movie the in the drawing room. A few minutes later one of my business friends came and rang the doorbell. He was coming from a far area and wanted to stay with me. I served him drinks and food. Because of tiredness of traveling, he took three four pegs and got inebriated....

2 years ago
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At the beach with Grampa

I went to spend a month at my grandparents place in Naples,Florida.They lived in a beautiful apartment complex that was complete withswimming pool. An added plus was that it was only a few blocks fromthe beach and the Gulf of Mexico. My Grandfather and Grandmother weremy father's parents so I felt comfortable with them, although I hardlyknew them. The last time I had seen them was when they moved here.They had moved to Florida five years before. when he retired fromthe civil service. I had very...

2 years ago
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Luck and Love V

Introduction: Im glad you all liked the story. The format is difficult to fix and i have had trouble trying to make it more aesthetic. Michael endured his classes until lunch, the smile from the mornings events lingering at the edges of his mouth. He talked animated in his classes, drawing the attention of several teachers. Once lunch came, he went about his normal schedule, sitting at his lonely table and surveying the crowd of students. Halfway through his lunch he was surprised to see one of...

2 years ago
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Dressing room

It was a month after my first sexual encounter with Manisha – a lot has happened. We had the kingdom to ourselves cause we shared a dorm room, she was my roommate, my lover, my sex toy, my everything at that moment. We had sex almost every day, and today was not going to be any different. I don’t know why, but that day I was extremely horny. The kind of horniness I was experiencing was the kind you don’t experience often in your life. It’s the kind you just need to satisfy as soon as possible,...

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Deep in the Night Ch 06

This is one part of a longer crime/romance story that is connected to the other parts. To fully appreciate the story, please start at Part 1 and read through. Thanks. Part 6 Jordan Falls for Raven and They Take a Ride Jordan slept fitfully the rest of the night. She was alert to every noise and awoke every time she heard something. She thought someone else was in the room, but other than crickets chirping and an occasional car on Main Street, the remainder of the night was quiet. As dawn...

3 years ago
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Husbands Fantasy Comes True 1

It all started one day when I was at work when I started to receive some text messages from my husband Paul. We texted a lot so it wasn't out of the ordinary. We started chatting about sex and our fantasies. Kind of makes the long boring day at work a bit on the bright side. We have a healthy sex life. We are very open and express our desires and wants and needs and we have sex a good 3 times a week. Not bad for a married couple who has been married for 24 years. I just turned 45 and my husband...

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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 8 Saturday Night 1007PM

“Holy shit, she can really sing!” Kay exclaimed, looking at him in amazement. “And what the fuck is that, a choreographed dance? Will bobbed his head along with the rhythm of the upbeat song, watching his girlfriend dazzle the club with her singing and her astonishingly slick dance moves. I thought she said she’s never done karaoke? This is almost like a stage performance. The song ended, and the audience erupted into applause, cheers, and whistles, with a number of people even standing up...

3 years ago
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Two Doors Down

August 5th, 2007:After Mitch turned thirty, he was experiencing a lot of the same emotions that most people feel when they reach such a milestone birthday. Am I going to be doing this job forever? Is this where I’m going to live for the rest of my life? Is this all I’m going to amount to? Those types of things. As his mind considered these thoughts, he made the decision that maybe it was time for him to buy a house. He’d been renting a house and was not a huge fan of his landlord, a fairly...

3 years ago
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Vegas Weekend

Summary: mind control, Mf, some ff, incest, some preg Aahh, time to head with the family to Vegas for an exciting weekend, to sink into the pits of sin with the one-armed bandits and the slut machines there, finally emerging as shiny, freshly-minted whores and cuckolds to carry a little more sexy joy back to the mundane world. Compliments from Vegas. See No Evil: Contains sexually explicit and politically incorrect material. If you shouldn’t be reading this, or if it might offend you, simply...

3 years ago
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Secretary Bondage

office bondage by stHell66 (d/s, humilation, m/f, incest) A dirtier version of "the secretary" I'm in pain cloths pins on my nipples and one on my clit, rubbing against my master's desk, as he rubs his cock between my bare buttocks. He grabs my hair and curses at me, "STUPID CUNT." As he cums on my back side. "Get dressed Mr Jones is waiting." He zips up his pants and straighten up his clothes ready for his client. I rush, knowing never to wipe his cum off. I quickly put on my black skirt, and...

3 years ago
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Nauka Vihar 8211 The Erotic Boat Sex Ride 8211 Part 6 Marrying The Driver

We were traveling back to Siliguri in the car. We chatted for some time. For the first time, we came to know that the name of the driver was Arun. He was also educated. He was a graduate. We asked him to drop us at a place, a bit far from our home. From there we took a rickshaw after he left. This was again done for security purposes. So that he does not come to know about our whereabouts. Before getting down we took his number because somehow we liked the guy. He was decent and kinky at the...

2 years ago
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Island Prey Ch 03

Note: Please read Island Prey Ch. 01 and 02 to get up to date. So far the women have taken to the game with open legs and with a whole day and a half to go will the men be able to keep up? All rights reserved. * Jack’s eyes were weighted down with weariness when he felt fingers and then a warm tongue cover his limp tool. He tried to turn over to escape but her body prevented it. Soon her lips closed around the sore head until it expanded enough to fill her mouth. ‘Please let me sleep.’ ...

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Carries Game part 1

My wife Carrie was beautiful. With a ripe apple on her head she still wouldn’t have been too many inches over five feet tall. She was lithe, slender and wiry.  She had long golden-brown hair that came to her waist and smallish teardrop breasts ending in half-dollar sized areolae and pert little nipples. They would swell when she was aroused and those areolae would get puffy and sensitive, so much so that you had to be gentle with them. She’d let you know quickly-and none too sweetly- if you got...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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The Chance

I’d been watching Gavin for several weeks. He was the new guy at work and was really good looking. I didn’t want to seem overbearing. So, I kept things light and friendly. I didn’t want to scare him off.Gavin was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. He had a great laugh and was a fun addition to the office. He fit right in and seemed to get along with everyone.I observed his interactions with the women in his work area and tried to get a feel for whether he showed any romantic interest in...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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London Journalist Girl8217s Erotic Massage 8211 Part 2

I lay on my back exposing my breasts and showing my clean shaved vagina by spreading my legs and with the lust of Nish touching me there. He looked into my eyes, came closer and asked, “How are you feeling, birthday girl?” “One of the best sessions I am having so far”, I replied opening my arms to hug him and cuddle him. When we hugged each other, our naked bodies were not ready to part off and we started kissing. Nish was a juicy kisser, we sucked each other’s lips, fought with our tongues,...

1 year ago
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Model Section 1

Model: Section 1 By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: The Stage Backstage was a whirlwind of action. Designers, hair stylists, and make up men raced about everywhere. Voices which were already raised increased in volume minute by minute to be heard above the din of the noise and chaos. Production teams dashed about shouting orders at lighting and sound crews - designers dashed about shouting orders at production teams. Scores of clip board holding bodies wove in and out of the rows of...

3 years ago
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Danny 2 Danielle Part X

Danny 2 Danielle Part X -Dani decides to attend school in a dress. Let's see how her day goes. "Oh honey, are you sure?" says my mommy. I am wearing my new jumper from Hannah with the embroidered blouse, stockings, and my white tennis shoes. I don't have any girl shoes yet. "Donny come down, we should talk about this as a family." Donny comes down, smiles, and says, "She looks good, I mean for my dorky sister" and sits on the couch. "You are being brave dear, I mean really...

2 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 36

Well, this was a fine situation I'd gotten myself into. I was back in charge of myself again, thanks to some mysterious mental manipulations by Grandpa Harley. That thought came later though. The first thing I realized was that I was locked on something, or rather we were locked on something. No slippery-slidey evasion, no fading in and out or around. We were locked on a molecule of something. "Good! Good!" Bud was screaming in my ear. "That's it! You've got it" I felt Harley's...

2 years ago
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Walos MistressChapter 6

Earl was thinking of Rachel while Rudy drove the Volks at a good clip through the pleasant night toward Mexico. The sea air bathed his face and whipped his hair exhilaratingly, wearing the pot effects thing. He smiled to himself. He was glad now that he hadn't killed Lynn... not yet, anyway. She might turn out to be of some value before he was finished with her, and he knew he didn't have to worry as long as the dum-dum was looking after her. Shit, Walo'd give up his life rather than...

1 year ago
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Just Another Confused Eighteen Year Old

This is a fantasy story that involves unprotected sex between two virtual strangers. Hey, guys, this is fantasy. Back in the real world, play safe.I was just another confused eighteen-year-old. And, boy, was I confused. I’d hang out with my mates but, more and more, we wanted different things. Most of all what they wanted was to chase the girls and, somehow, I just didn’t. Sure, I’d had one or two dates, mostly making up a foursome, but I couldn’t see what all the fuss was about and, unlike all...

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Rita Here I Gotcha Back

Finishing low school was a chore. Everyone had warned about the stress and I thought I could handle it. I had no social life. For three years, I poured every ounce of my soul into my studies and getting that elusive juris prudence degree. Graduation came and went and now the pressure was on to pass the State Bar exam. I was nervous but plunged into studying everything I thought I needed to study to pass it.I took it, with the same amount of nervousness that I had experienced in law school. When...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful Love

My name is David, David Armstrong. I’m a 39 year old with a head full of black hair that is about an inch and a half long and almost curly. I stand about 6’5” with a very muscular build. My occupation is framing new homes. That’s where the muscle comes from, swinging a nail gun around all day long. I have built houses that value up to about $400,000, but that says nothing about my own home, which is a relatively small cabin back in the woods about 10 miles from town. My truck is another story...

4 years ago
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Fuck Daddy 1

Introduction: Sorry if theres typos…Im still kind of new at this. I walked through the front door quietly, hoping I wouldnt wake my father. It was two hours passed my curfew and I didnt feel like listening to him yell at me. My mother had gone on a business trip the previous night, and she wouldnt be home until the next afternoon. So in her absence, my father had laid down some rules. My curfew being one of them. I tossed my purse onto the couch and walked down the hallway. As I passed my...

1 year ago
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Chrissys Deception Pt 01

Christina Michelle Stanton sat in the airport terminal doing one of her favorite things – people watching. As usual, she had arrived at the airport with way too much time to spare. Her flight didn’t leave for another hour and she had already been at the gate for almost that long. She sighed and berated herself for her overly serious approach to life. ‘When will I ever learn to take life less cautiously?’ she thought to herself, as she watched the other passengers milling about through the...

2 years ago
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SoulStar The Beginning

* Eric Soul can’t wait to marry his fiancee, a talented R&B singer from Brooklyn. But when she mysteriously vanishes, Eric has absolutely no time to lose, before she falls into the arms of another, forever. * In the master bedroom of a high-rise condo, an explosive allegation had been revealed to Ariel Starr, a gorgeous, rising star of an R & B singer, recently signed to Hype Entertainment. Up until this moment, she had had it all- talent, world-class beauty, support and a loving fiancée. One...

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Just treat her like another slut

When the phone rang, Kathy was looking down the street from her living room window, at the teenaged boys carrying beer into her neighbor's house."Is Jeff home?""No," said Kathy. "Is this Randy?""Yea," said the voice on the phone."Randy, I thought Jeff was with you.""No, he said he was going to Kurt's house."After Kathy hung up the phone, she thought, "Jeff is going to Kurt's house! Kurt's house is the one down the street that the beer just went into! My teen-aged son is going to a party with...

1 year ago
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Bolted On Tits

Reddit Bolted On Tits, aka r/BoltedOnTits! Men have been staring at women’s breasts since time immemorial - the very sight of a titty or pair of titties can drive a man to do incomprehensible things, especially if he’s an incel. We all know that as good as all tits are, they’re not all built the same. Some are floppy, some are split apart, some are pointy, some are way too small, and some can be way too big. Finding a nice, firm D-cup to play with and fondle that also has decent nipples is a...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 6 Checkups

Dave sat in an easy chair in the home of Cory and Lean Donaldson, two members of the Atlanta Group. The home was on newly acquired private property on a large plot of land about halfway between Atlanta and Macon, Georgia. The land owner was Owen Bennett. Dave, Alice, Owen, Julie, and Cricket had flown up in Dave’s jet on Friday afternoon to see how the group was progressing in becoming more like the Circle – their group’s espoused goal. Everyone in the room was naked, and mostly they faced a...

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An Accidental Love God Ch 01

Chapter 1: How It All Began I really had not meant it to turn out this way. It just happened and it was accident. I suppose that is not really a good way to start this. I should begin at the beginning. It started when I decided that I had enough of being the fat guy with the great looking wife. You could just see other people thinking ‘What is she doing with him?’ whenever we were out together. My wife is tall and lean with fantastic long legs and a very shapely ass. Her soft blonde hair is...

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MadeleineChapter 2

The next morning I awoke late for breakfast because it was not a school day. Usually, my Grandmother rings a bell, and I am punished if I am not dressed, washed, and ready for breakfast. This morning I heard many bells jingling downstairs as I awoke and washed up in the washbasin. My mother was on her hands and knees, scrubbing the floor. She had a very sheer nightshirt that was as translucent as my own. It really didn’t matter because while she was on her hands and knees, I could see her...

2 years ago
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Repeat PerformanceChapter 9 Moving Along

I didn't date for several weeks as a consequence of Sandy's hurtful admission that I was just being used for "information purposes." I was wary of the women who approached me, even if their motives seemed innocent and directed at school work rather than personal. As October ended, I attended a Halloween mixer at the SUB, and although stag, I had plenty of opportunities to dance with several pretty young girls. Some of them asked me and I was happy to oblige, not having any plans further...

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CD at truck stop with three men

Went to a truck stop last night after a party around midnight in my sexy short dress, got out and bent over looking at my tires for assistance. Gave a nice view to whoever was watching of my smooth white ass and sexy black panties with pink trim with half of both cheeks exposed. A nice older (63 yo) black guy (Ted) asked me from his truck if I needed help. We talked and then thanked him and asked if I could help him for helping me. We walked over to his truck and got in his sleeping...

1 year ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 59 Finally

“Wonder if I have to become a Mormon again?” Melissa asked as she stared down at the blue water. “What on earth does that mean?” Holly Danvers asked her bodyguard as their small plane circled the small island below. “You, of all people, would appreciate how Master PC is able to jack people around,” said the former cop. “As best as I’ve been allowed to remember, I’ve been a whore to a horny cop, a secret agent, an undercover bimbo at a bachelor party and God knows what I’ll be when we land...

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