Heroine In Peril free porn video

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This story was written by a friend of mine. He has recently started writing stories with a theme on bondage, and the central character is based on me. He has given me permission to post his stories on the internet. In his stories, I am sometimes a trans girl and sometimes a GG girl. This is his third story, but the first where I am depicted as a trans girl. There are very little trans elements in the story, but I hope that it can be published here. It was meant to be just a short story. He is new at this and just doing it for fun. I hope that any comments posted will take that into consideration. HEROINE IN PERIL The ropes are tight. There is no play in the ropes, which just adds to the distress, as it is further proof that these are villains who have tied people before. They are confident enough to leave her standing there, in a semi-darkened room, without fear that she will free herself and take vengeance on them, as she has done to so many others. It is rare when a super-heroine is captured, alone and in a villain's power. Heroines are quick and resourceful, fully able to not only defend themselves, but to bring others to justice. Yet here she is, cruelly bound to this post, as helpless and defenseless as a baby. Power Girl looks down at herself. Her feet are together, in bright red leather boots that are almost to her knees. The heels are a good three inches high, and an inch wide. The zippers are on the insides, out of view. In these boots she is a full 5' 10" tall. But all that she sees is thin white rope expertly tied around her ankles, tight and firm. Then, above her knees, her bare legs are also tied in similar rope, her legs pressed together as tightly as possible. She finds herself equally horrified and interested, knowing something about ropes and tying-up people herself. It is a perfect job, with the knots hidden behind her helpless ankles and knees. Frustrated, Power Girl tries to twist and kick, but the ropes also circle the post behind her ankles and knees. There is no movement--she cannot even hop. The upper torso is more of a problem. Underneath her tight silver shorts there is a large dildo, inserted and left in order to remind her who is in control of her. It causes her to always be aware of it, her vagina both annoyed and tickled. Its presence is humiliating. Her waist is also circled in rope, and also circled around the post. Even more of a problem is the nipple clips, which no longer sting as her breasts became numb long ago. The heroine looks at them, almost trying to will them to fall off. Her bodice is also silver, tight-fitting and ending over her breasts, leaving her bare shouldered. At least it covered her breasts until the top was rolled down to expose her pink nipples. Another white rope circles her bare upper body, circling just under her armpits, then tightly circling the post. Three strips of red tape cover her mouth, holding her lips together, keeping her silent. Power Girl's red mask remains in place, her wide open eyes looking out through it, still in shock and distress. All of this rope and tape could be removed if the hands tied behind her back could be freed. Again, white rope circled around long red leather gloves, firmly holding her crossed wrists. Here she has fought and twisted. Opening and closing her hands, stretching her fingers, then making fists. Nothing becomes loose, and the heroine groans and again looks out at the room, frustrated. "Mmummph" is all that can be heard when in frustration she calls for "help". Taking a dep breath, the heroine struggles wildly from head to toe, pulling and twisting while groaning. Nothing. Power Girl drops her head forward and rests, planning to struggle again in a few minutes time. Where are all the people she has helped over the past two years? How about the couple who owned the corner store and were being extorted by a couple of local thugs. That stopped when Power Girl got them alone in an alley way, kicking them to the ground. Or the prostitute being beaten by her pimp? She now works independently while the pimp has moved to another town, still walking with a limp. Or the fireman who house was being burgled while He was putting our fires. He was very happily surprised to find the thief bound and on his floor as he returned home one evening. Or even the diamond dealer who was robbed at gunpoint of his diamonds by three masked gunman. He was surprised to later find his jewelry returned, reading the next day how shocked the local police were to receive an anonymous telephone call, telling them where three beaten thieves were bound and waiting for them. But where are they all now? She is in desperate trouble herself, and there is no one aware of this, or able to assist. "Help me," she again attempts to cry through her taped mouth. There is no one in the building but the four gang members who captured her. Two years earlier, Jacqueline Leigh was starting a new life as a woman. Finally, circumstances allowed her to become what she should have been all along, which is an attractive, caring female. At first she simply enjoyed her new life, but she also wished to share her good fortune with the oppressed. She was now a special package, with a female's cunning and empathy, while maintaining some of her previous strength and speed. Martial art classes were enjoyable, the skills came easily, and she wished that she could do more than simply defend herself. What she had now become did not happen overnight. At first she simply defended a female friend from another bullying female, shoving the bully up onto the hood of a car and telling her that she was never to come around again. Then it was a man\le that she put into a hold and almost broke his arm, holding it behind him until he saw the error of his ways. Soon Jacqueline found herself dressing the part in her spare time, wearing leggings and boots. It was not long before she became a neighborhood vigilante, secretly dispensing justice to neighborhood trouble-makers, arriving in the dark, masked and thorough. By this time, the raven haired beauty had become Jacqueline the head librarian by day, and Power Girl by night. The heroine outfit was bought in jest, for a costume party she never attended--but eventually she tried it one night and was exhilarated. Later she was in the outfit when she captured and bound a thief, who then, lying on the floor, looked at her wide-eyed and in awe as she stood before him, feet apart, hands on hips. He gasped, and she almost had an orgasm seeing his expression, feeling sexier than she had ever thought possible. Later he told the police, the court, and anyone else who would listen about the masked vigilante in the tight red and silver outfit. At first the police thought that it was someones imagination, but in time they knew that there was a heroine out there in the night, on their side. She could dispense quick justice where they could not, so a note was periodically left in the library for the unknown heroine, telling her where she might assist. And she always did. No one would ever guess that the head librarian in the sensible clothing and the black-rimmed glasses was this vigilante. Her hair was back in a bun, and loose clothing hid her toned, slim body. A name tag told everyone that she was Ms. J. Leigh, Head Librarian. Soft-spoken and very literate, she had become one of the many seemingly invisible people you will find in any city. While her intentions were always good, helping those who needed help or protection, it was inevitable that Power Girl in time began to make her own rules, and to exhibit some sadism. Or at least a fondness for humiliating those she caught. If Power Girl caught them, she tied them. First she would toss them around a bit, then put them in bondage. Handcuffs were practical, but not what she wanted. Wrapping them in thin rope or wire was much more humiliating and enjoyable. She enjoyed seeing them become more and more helpless and humiliated. Seeing an adult, free and arrogant, become bound and helpless was exciting beyond belief. Power Girl would tell them of their evil ways, and of the justice she brought, while they squirmed and grew red with shame. And she was always aware of how attractive she was in her outfit, especially when she was in power over them, whether they were male or female. For the life of her, she couldn't understand how they did not die of shame, bound and helpless like that. If they had an ounce of dignity they would have killed themselves before they became someones bound and pathetic captive. She would never allow it to happen to her, although there was no chance of it ever happening. The assignments left by the police were becoming more and more challenging, as they now involved hardened criminals. Many were never caught, but others did receive a nocturnal visit from Power Girl. A group of three counterfeiters' were plaguing the city. Two of the three were big fellows, and Power Girl should have simply notified the authorities--but she decided to apprehend them herself when she located their apartment hangout. Standing on a fire escape, she watches one of the two big fellows go down to the street, five stories below, to move the car. He will be awhile before he returns. Entering through a window, she moves thru two rooms, carefully checking each to be sure they were empty. They are in the third room, sitting in two chairs, without weapon. With her cord in hand, she steps into the lit room, announcing, "It is time to pay for your crimes. Do we do this the easy, or the hard way?" When they hesitate, she moves first, quickly and with purpose. She strikes the first man in the jaw, sending him reeling, then continues to the larger man, reaching him before he is fully out of his chair. A knee to the groin causes him to bend over, where an elbow to the jaw sends him to the floor. As Power Girl wraps her thighs around his neck, causing his to begin to lose consciousness, the second man has recovered and is staggering to his feet. Quickly tying his wrists behind his back before he regains his senses, she is able to sweep a leg out and trip the second fellow as he approaches. Jumping on his back and straddling him, he is also tied. It is more difficult to tie their ankles, and she has to get their legs between her thighs to hold them and tie the cord--which she does. When the third man returns he is shocked to see his partners on the floor, bound and trying to warn him. in a few moments Power Girl has hit him with a forearm, placed a kick to his chest, and tripped and bound him also. As she phones the police, she looks at the three, again thinking that she would die first before allowing herself to be bound. Finishing the phone call, she slip out of the apartment before anyone arrives. Much the same two weeks later as she locates an extortion ring, a young man and women. They are in the front of an office building as she again enters through a rear window, carefully checks the empty room, then appears in the office as if she had dropped out of the sky. "It is time to pay for your crimes. Do we do this the easy, or the hard way?" They choose the hard way, with much the same result as with others. Power girl handles him first, with some difficulty. Making it more difficult is the woman, as although she is in a tight skirt and high heels, attacks Power Girl as she is struggling with the man. Fortunately she trips twice in her heels, and by the time she realizes she should take them off, his wrists are tied and he is subdued. Pulling the woman to her by the hair, Power girl, very annoyed, ties the woman in a hogtie just out of spite. The police will enjoy this, taking pictures and studying the scene before untying and arresting her. There is nothing of interest for a few months, and she looks through the newspapers and waits for a written drop from the police. Nada. Work in the library is enjoyable, as literature have always been special to her. She remembers herself as a young boy, engrossed in tales of mystery and adventure. And unlike many other lads, tales of romance. Jacqueline enjoys assisting young boys and girls in locating books that suit their tastes--then talking to them afterward about what they have read, While she is invisible to many grown men, she is adored by the school children. Another month and finally a note is left by the police. they often wonder where she leaves the note, and if she knows or views the heroine that picks it up, but why would a heroine and a prude know each other? The thought of it makes them shake their heads and smile. The note is serious, involving a kidnapping ring, with three different attractive women already snatched and disappeared. Although Power Girl gets on the case immediately, this pursuit takes a long time, over three months, while two more women disappear. She is looking for two people, an Asian man and woman, and in time closes in on them. Finally, a warehouse near the docks, Power Girl again considers calling the police, but decides that she can handle two criminals. They will find her to be unlike the other omen in this city, and will be much more than they can handle. Through a back door she silently moves, through a dark room, and into the front room she comes, carrying her cords. When she enters the lit room, she stands feet apart, in her outfit. The man and tall woman initially seem surprised and concerned, then visually relax and smirk. "Oh, they will not be smirking in a moment," she muses. "It is time to pay for your crimes. Do we do this the easy, or the hard way?" "Wah, augh!" Two woman have grabbed Power Girl from behind, and quickly and professionally tie her gloved wrists behind her back, while the man and woman in front rush forward and are now standing against her, grabbing her, overpowering her. She is crushed between four people, unable to kick or move. That done, one of the two behind Power Girl drop quickly down to the floor and starts to wrap rope around her ankles before she can kick or make any move. One woman is holding Power Girl's hair above her head, while the man is applying rad tape over her mouth. Power Girl would have had more of a chance on the floor where she could move and kick, but she was kept on her feet while being quickly tied. In no more than thirty seconds she is bound and gagged. What she promised herself would never happen, and what she would rather die before allowing, has happened to the heroine. She made the foolish mistake of not checking the "empty" dark room she had walked through, unaware that two women, professional abductors, were napping with their ropes nearby. The four step back almost in shock to see their work. No one ever captures a heroine---you need to run from them, not try to capture them--but here is one, bound and in their hands. She is wild-eyed and twisting, but they KNOW that no one tied by them ever escapes. This heroine picked the wrong people to grow careless with. Power Girl is frantic and helpless while the four walk around her and taunt her. Those high red leather boots look formidable on those strong legs, but a simple strong white cord wrapped around the ankles negates them. She is trying to pick-up a foot and pull, but both ankles are tightly together. It is the same situation with her wrists. They are well wrapped, having been surprised and yanked behind her back, and bound, before she was able to resist. The kidnappers enjoy watching her gloved fingers twisting and trying to reach a knot. But she can't, they know their profession too well. Surprisingly, the leader is the tall woman, and it is she who instructs that the dildo be forced into Power Girls vagina, before tightly binding the knees. An arb is slipped between Power Girls legs as she stands, rendering her unable to close her legs, despite the bound ankles. One woman pulls her wrists bac slightly, so Power Girls fingers cannot reach her shorts; this allows them to pull them down. he inserts the dildo, expecting the captive to be dry, and pleased that the excitement has made her wet, easily accepting the long dildo and it is inserted, inch by inch. Listening to her screaming into her taped mouth makes it more enjoyable still for him. She is put over the man's shoulder and is carried to the beam, where all four secure Power Girl against the beam. The tall woman pulls down Power Girls top, and applies the nipple clamps, looking the heroine in th face and whispering that she is pathetic and helpless, but will bring a good price overseas. She then raises the mask, looking right into the horrified face of the beautiful and unfortunate Jacqueline Leigh. "Hello bitch. Things are not going well for you, are they now? Get used to being tied up and handled, it is now your new life." The ship captain is a rough looking man, and has come for his bound cargo. "Christ, you have a heroine! How the fuck did you get the best of a heroine?" He listens with interest as they tell him how she walked confidently into the room, cords in hand, unaware that two more abductors were behind her. "I'll be fucked, I didn't think they ever made mistakes or got captured." You have something special here. Let me get her onboard quickly and set sail. I'll be comfortable when we get into international waters. Power Girl knows that if he cannot get free, she is now on the way into bondage slavery, being a sex slut in a foreign land, handled and fucked by many crude men. Or perhaps on the way to an auction and ownership by a man who will isolate her and have her dress and perform for him alone. The only thing certain is that the city will wonder what became of their heroine, who took too many chances, became careless, and is alone and in the hands of cruel people. Jacqueline Leigh will need to learn to function while bound, and to survive in a tough land. The sun rises the next day, and the school children wonder where their favorite librarian is? If they were able to hear sounds coming from vessel far off and now out in international waters, they might hear the scream of a female, hopelessly bound and in a captain's bed, watching him undress and approach her helpless body with fire in his eyes. He has her for two weeks, and he plans on enjoying every minute of it.

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Aunty Chudai Ki Pyassi Part 8211 2

Hi guys I’m sourabh thanks for reading my aunty’s last story & likes my story. Now I am gonna start next part, and new readers please read my previous part then you will understand this part. Ab deepak jane se pehle aunty ko jor se hug kar k kiss kar k chala gaya tab aunty ki chut se pani nikal k panty thoda wet ho gaya tha aur aunty door close kar k apne boobs ko bra k upar se masalte huye apne room me chale gaye. Aunty apne bedroom ka door lock kar diya aur main apne room se nikal k unke...

2 years ago
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"Give it to me, let me get a taste of your hard, fleshy meat," I heard from the bedroom, "Let me get a suck on Daddy's dick."It was my brother's voice, but I couldn't believe what he was saying, he sounded like he was begging to suck cock. As far as I knew, my brother was completely straight. He was 21, I was 19. He had had a string of attractive girlfriends in the past and I had never heard any rumour or suggestion that his tastes were for anything else. And yet here was clearly his voice...

4 years ago
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One Born Every Minute

With a sharp exhale, the red headed elf rises from her bed. Stretching her long limbs, the elf yawns, her bare feet touching the wooden floor beneath her feet. As she smacks her lips to get a taste of the morning, she looks down at herself. Her skin has a healthy tan from years of living in the wilderness, her body covered in freckles. "Perfect. Absolutely perfect. Worth every credit. I'll have to thank Gabs for designing this avatar for me. Ahhh!" The elf gasps, and tosses her covers off her...

1 year ago
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1 November 2008Chapter 6

Dan went into the store to use his debit card and pay the bill. Lisa took out the money from her purse that Dan gave her. He touched her hand, stopping her from passing it to the salesgirl. “You keep it and treat you and the girls out to a movie or a meal when I can’t be with you.” “I can’t keep it, Dan, its 250 dollars!” she said quietly. “Please, for me. Put it towards gas for your car if you like.” “Okay, gas for my car and a treat for our girls. I love you!” “I love you too!” he...

2 years ago
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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P1 Frid

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::“How about your all mine for the weekend” read the headline to the message Kim received. 
“No limits. When you say no, you mean yes. You spend the weekend and you do as you are told. 68yr old grandfather, lives alone and can host” 

Intrigued Kim...

4 years ago
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Sharing Loris Stories With Kelly Part 1 of 2

It was August of 1998 and I was at my twentieth high school reunion. I had been dancing with my wife, Kelly, and her group of friends when Lori tapped me on the shoulder. I hadn’t seen her since high school and we started dancing.Lori was my second pussy. In between the time we had decided to go on a date and the day of the date, I met Kelly and that changed my life forever. But all through high school, and again that night, there was a spark between Lori and I. I think we both always wondered...

4 years ago
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From Lonely Unfulfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 6 re posted

True Story, Cheating Author's infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Sat 4th of August 2012 No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a casual informal non-participant in any fornication of any nature. This version was modified by Geo.Venereal...

1 year ago
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Christmas At The Salon

Back in October I introduced my friend Susan to boys that wanted to be girls for her beauty school.They would come in for help with their hair and makeup and her students could practice on them.Everyone had a ball and it worked out very well. Soon the girls realized that this was a dream come true for the boys and became more demanding of them.Keeping the place clean was just one of their many new tasks.They had to speak in a feminine voice when they were there and address each girl as...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 30

EARTH FOUR KILOMETERS WEST OF WICHITA The convoy of three large Heavy Lifters and half a dozen armored Lifters moved slowly along the transit path. This early in the morning and in this part of the country, other Lifter traffic was almost non-existent. Even though the reconstruction of Earth was proceeding better than anyone had expected, they had yet to reach out into the Wastes yet, mainly concentrating on rebuilding the many cities that had sprouted up, as well as building the defensive...

4 years ago
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Sanford E Xavier Institute Sexy Spring I

It was late April and the weather was getting warmer on the campus of Sanford E. Xavier Institute of Education. I had decided to return to college after burning out doing home remodeling and rehabbing. In just a few years nomading for different building contractors in the sunbelt, I had a hefty bankroll and a pretty nice tan.While there was quite a bit of opportunity to succumb to the sexy diversion of the house MILF while performing some suddenly necessary light bulb changing,  I was needing a...

College Sex
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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 30

He was not disappointed. The case contained a daily newspaper and a personal letter. The newspaper had a headline: TERROR GROUP ARRESTED: SCIENTISTS RESCUED. The story went on to claim that as a result of a tip-off, the FBI had stormed an industrial site at an unnamed location in Greater New York, where the terror cell were developing a plot to further their aim of undermining the government. The scientists were described as being held captive and made to work on a machine that the cell...

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Die Rache des Zuhlters

Ich bin die 39jährige Polizistin Sandra König; viele würden sagen daß ich bildhübsch bin, ich habe schwarze, gut schulterlange Haare die ich meist zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammen gebunden habe, schwarze Augen, ein sehr hübsches Gesicht, eine Handvoll Brüste mit kleinen Nippeln und Vorhöfen, eine Wespentaille, einen knackigen Po und unheimlich lange, schlanke Beine und das ganze verteilt sich auf 1,82 bei 66 kg. Vor 1 1/2 Jahren habe ich mich von meinem Mann getrennt, unsere Zwillinge Brigitte...

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Auntys New Girl

This is the continuation of Tickets Please!  Shakily, I keyed in the URL from Trixie's card, my mind in turmoil, heart racing as her sweet gift seeped from my aching pussy and soaked into the lacy panties I was wearing. I was wedged behind one of the 'tables' thoughtfully supplied for the busy passenger. You know the ones, if you move a fraction either way you end up concussing your neighbour, or at the very least, be greeted with the very English insult of a shake of the morning paper and a...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Skye Blue Brooke Banner Every Minute We Have Left

It is the future, but all is not well. Brooke Banner and her stepdaughter, Skye Blue, are very sad because something is about to change their lives forever. They are in a sexual relationship… but at the stroke of midnight, their type of love will be outlawed, and a neural signal will be broadcast that will prevent them from having sexual thoughts about each other. Skye refuses to believe that such a thing is possible, but Brooke tells her that this technology has been used to change...

4 years ago
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Hot MILF coworker

We would chat in the hallway and I would see here around some, but never thought I’d get her alone, much less fget to uck her. One day she was walking down the hall rubbing her neck, and I asked if I could help. I’m pretty good with my hands, so I started messaging her neck. She seemed to be enjoying it and I said that if she came back to my cubical and sat down, I’d be able do a better job. She agreed and off we went. My cubical was very large with seven-foot walls and a door, which I...

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Pados Ki Chachi Ka Choot Choda

Hello dosto, mera nam Ashish hai aur main Bihar ka rahne wala hu. Mujhe 10th pass hone ke bad se hi sex mein kafi interest aane laga tha aur iski sabse badi wajah thi mere dosto ka porn dekhna. Khair inn sab bato ko chhod kar main aapne story par aata hu. Bat uss samay ki hai jab main 12th ka paper de raha tha. Mere ghar ke bagal mein ek sexy se chachi rahti thi jinka figure tha 38-36-40. Mere ghar ke log kisi relation mein 10 din ke liye ghumne nikalne wale the. Aur main ghar pe porn dekh dekh...

2 years ago
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Pol Sci Professor Ki Chudai

Friends myself ranvir singh mai abhi delhi me hu.. ye story tab ki hai jab mai 2006 me U.p. se apni graduation (b.a.)kar rha tha… Dosto aam students ki tarah maine b college me admisson liya aur suru me to maine socha tha ki achhe marks lauga aur jam k padhai karuga.. lekin college me aane k baad jab ek baar dosto ka sath milta hai aur ghumne firne ki ajadi milati hai to fir wahi jab exam ayega tab dekha jayega Main story pe aate hai Graduation me maine history, poltical science aur socoial...

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Emmas Gift

Tony sat a little nervously in the car awaiting the group of guys he had arranged to meet. He had been arranging this day, this meeting, this gangbang for quite some time. Emma was waiting patiently at home for him. He imagined her in the bath getting herself ready for the fun that perhaps lay ahead. Ever since Tony had mentioned to Emma that he wanted for her to have her fantasy gangbang, she had been like the cat that had got the cream! He sat their wondering what sort of sexy clothes she...

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Sex With Married Housewife

Dear Readers,I am Vijay born and bought up in Tamil Nadu and I have been working in MNC for the past 7+ years. I did not had any siblings so I had grown alone. So I always feel shy in the presence of girls though I like them. I got rid of my shyness when I was doing my PG as our class was more of girls. After joining MNC, I was so happy to work with such beautiful girls and moreover they are very friendly. But as days goes on, my lust for sex keeps on increasing even by the friendly touch and...

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Taking Care of Ranger4

“Hello Mr. Hopkins.” I said petting Ranger which he likes making his tail swing fast. “I was wondering Carl if you’d mind watching Ranger for three weeks while we go on vacation. I’ll give $25 a week for your trouble.” My mind raced with the amount he was willing to pay me. That would make $75 more than I’ve ever had at one time in my life. “What I need you to do” Mr. Hopkins continued “is to feed him daily and also make sure he has water. That might mean checking in on him two or three...

2 years ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 50

Iain saw his men following MacRae towards the shore and broke from cover. Screaming as loud as he could and waving his arms, he hoped his brother, or one of the others would hear or see him. Grayson joined him, both waving their arms and yelling the MacLean motto and then more voices joined in. Stuart MacLean was riding with his clansmen in the last half of the charge, when his arm was pulled by one of his men and told to turn and look at the two men on the battlefield. Iain was instantly...

1 year ago
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I want you

I want you. I have for a while now however I have been able to control these strong feelings; until now. Your leg brushes against mine. I can't take the tension any more. In one swift move I grab your hand and place it above your head against the wall behind you simultaneously kissing you hard on the lips. Caught off guard you resist – but not for long. Soon we are making out, passionately French kissing. I ease of you “Lets go some were more private”. You can only nod in response. We fall onto...

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I knocked on my son's bedroom door and opened it without waiting. I admit that I wanted to catch him doing something naughty, and I almost did. Evan was sitting at his computer, and minimized the window he was looking at in a hurry. I didn't see what it was, but I had a good idea."Is it okay if we talk?" I asked him."Sure, Mom," he mumbled, obviously annoyed at being interrupted. I picked my way into his room, biting my tongue to keep from saying anything about the mess, and sat on the bed. It...

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What Sandy Was Not Told Ch 04

I massaged his balls and nibbled on Mary’s aroused clitoris and then licked down again, not just happening to rub his moving cock, licking below where it was disappearing in her pussy, but just as nice and wet from it. Rick took a deeper stroke – in both directions. His cock sprang out of Mary’s pussy with a wet noise. Did he want me to?! Suggest that he thought I did? At least, he seemed to be suggesting that he wouldn’t mind if I did. I did! Licking back up the length of his cock, my lips...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Eliza Ibarra Office AssIstants

Eliza Ibarra is doing her best at work, but she can’t help making mistakes, which really upsets her boss, Tyler Nixon. He warns her that her job performance better improve, and walks out of the office. But as much as Eliza wants to do a good job, she’s so turned on by Tyler that she can’t focus, rubbing her little pussy underneath her desk. Later that day, Tyler comes back in. Horny out of her mind and eager to make up for her poor performance, Eliza bends her juicy ass over...

2 years ago
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 30

Lunchtime the same day - Monday, 14-June - [Susan] Lionel came back into the office after showing Robert and Sarah out. I stood by my desk waiting for Lionel to say he'd finished, so I could start my lunch and think over the bizarre story that I'd just heard. It was hard to imagine Lionel plunging madly on penny shares, or carrying out extravagant acts of philanthropy. I found the sight of two people in love and happy rather depressing. My recent love life had been disastrous in all...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Computer Student

Hi all to ISS readers and thank you all for giving responses. This is Kkb from Lucknow. This is my second story in ISS, hope you all will enjoying. Hoping you have read my first story ‘Sex in Computer Institute’. Here is my second real story. Yet another with my one of student. This instance occurred few months earlier my previous instance in Computer Institute. I was a computer teacher in my first institute. I am directly coming to the point. There was a student girl and having interest in me...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Promiscuous Past

This story starts off with reconnecting with a girl I knew from childhood. She was always the hot one! Everybody wanted her. She was a cheerleader, homecoming queen all the stuff that goes with being one of the popular girls. Problem for me was she was one of my good friend's older sisters. He didn't like me looking at her or even mentioning her. I moved away and that was that.Fast forward thirty-five years. Yes, thirty-five years! We saw each other at a class reunion and she was even sexier...

2 years ago
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The Magic Phone Box

The Magic Phone Box By Donna Dee It was, by any standards, a luxury apartment. That it was located in the centre of London and had secure underground parking for two cars would have been enough to guarantee a huge selling price, but that was only the start. Scarcely a sound penetrated the triple glazed windows and soundproofed walls; the lounge was large enough to hold a mini convention and both bedrooms had king sized four-poster beds that swallowed you up at night. The kitchen was...

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