The Treatment for Blue Pill Overdose
- 3 years ago
- 33
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A hard rain was falling down on the crime-ridden streets of San Alvaro. I’d love to tell you that it was washing all the scum off the face of this city. Unfortunately, that was my job.
The rain was hitting my costume hard. The added body-armor padding, which had seemed like a great idea when Phil had suggested it to me, was getting soggy and heavy. It was like running while wrapped up in a full carpet. I drove through a puddle, splashing the brown-ish water back onto the diminutive woman running behind me.
“Hey!” Pixie shouted. “Watch where you’re running.”
Despite my fatigue, I still found the energy to yell at her. “We’re chasing a criminal! I’m not going to avoid the goddamn puddles.”
“Artemis would have jumped over it!”
“Artemis can fucking fly!”
Pixie was, in case you’re wondering, my sidekick. I hadn’t wanted a sidekick, but she hadn’t given me much of a choice. She had shown up one day with a form-fitting pink costume, an admittedly much better-chosen superhero name, and never really left me alone since. Pixie had the power to shrink, you see, so she figured that teaming up with another size-changing hero would be a natural fit. It hadn’t been.
“He’s getting away!” Pixie said. “Quick, let’s use our special attack!”
“We haven’t practiced--” I started, but my “sidekick” wasn’t listening. Pixie hopped onto my shoulders, at first a somewhat heavy weight that caused me to stumble. But she quickly began shrinking, her custom outfit shrinking along with her. Before long, she was sitting on my shoulder, no bigger than a baseball. Which was good, because she was about to get thrown.
Pixie scampered down my arm until she rested in my open fist. I decided to grow my hand just a bit, to ensure it went far enough, and tossed her up in the air. She was supposed to land on top of the criminal, and rapidly grow back to her normal size to take him down. Unfortunately, I way over-adjusted, and sent her flying off somewhere into the night. I didn’t hear her land, but I did hear a car alarm go off the next street over.
“Oops,” I said to no one in particular.
Fortunately, the commotion caused our thief to turn his head sideways. He stepped on a wet piece of grass and twisted his leg. I was on him in a few long-legged strides.
I twisted the crook’s arm behind his back in the way Changeling had taught me. “You’re fast,” I said, panting just a little bit. “What, are you on the track team in between purse snatchings?”
“I didn’t steal anything,” he whimpered. “Please don’t hurt me.” The rain was still pouring down on us. I flipped my prey over to get a closer look at his face. Could he be telling the truth? He didn’t look like the guy I had spotted grabbing the woman’s purse. I was pretty sure that guy had a moustache. But then again, it was dark, and we had run through some twisting alleyways. Who could be sure?
Pixie could be sure. I knew, because I felt her boot in my back, and it was a boot that conveyed an awful lot of certainty. “You asshole,” she said. “I almost broke a leg.” Her cheeks were covered in mud, and I noticed a tear down her suit that revealed her pale, bare back.
“Hey, Pixie. Does this look like our guy to you?”
My self-proclaimed sidekick squatted down on the ground to get a better look at the man I held prone. “Nah, that’s not the guy who took the purse. That guy had a moustache.”
“Oh.” I let the innocent man go and stood up. “Sorry about that, sir.”
“Sorry?” The man rubbed his wrist. “I should sue you assholes. This is what happens when you let any idiot who lifts weight become a superhero, I guess.”
I felt like giving the man an equally sarcastic rebuke, but nothing was coming to mind. So I just let him up with a mumbled apology. He brushed himself off, gave me a stare that said everything, and shuffled back off along the rainy roads.
Whoever had grabbed that purse, he was long gone. Now all that was left was to figure out why I was still such a lousy superhero.
Pixie was okay, in the end. She had shown up with shards of glass in her hair, and cuts in her costume that revealed her pale skin underneath. Somehow, she never ended up physically hurt. Maybe it was part of her powers, or maybe it was just dumb luck.
She hadn’t seemed too bothered about the mistaken identity. I think that for Pixie this was all recreation, and any greater sense of justice was just a bonus. That was fine for her, but I needed to show results if I wanted to keep getting funding. She had wanted to keep patrolling, but I was too disspirited and waterlogged to continue.
I slunk into my apartment after changing into my civillian clothes in a desolate park bathroom. It was 3 AM, and I just wanted to go to bed. My body was having a hard time adjusting to the nocturnal lifestyle of a costumed vigilante.
“Have a good night?”
I nearly jumped out of my skin. I had just stepped through my apartment door, and everything was still black. I instantly hit the light switch.
Hanging from my ceiling was a lithe but shapely woman dressed in a tight-fitting black costume. She hissed and covered her face. I recognized her instantly as Arachne and flipped the light off. I knew she was a little sensitive.
“That’s better,” Arachne said, her voice resuming its usual sultry tone. “So how did the patrol go?”
“Lousy,” I said. “The one guy I got my hands on was completely innocent.”
“Well, no one’s completely innocent,” said Arachne with a throaty chuckle. “Speaking of which ... we missed you this evening. Changeling had to go and fetch some guy from a bar, and I hate to say it but he wasn’t quite up for the task.”
Ever since my first night as a superhero, I had spent the time just before dusk with the Three Furies. Artemis, the iconic heroine of seemingly endless virtue, was apparently cursed to require the seed of a man regularly to retain her powers. And her teammates, Changeling and Arachne, liked to get in on the fun as well. Needless to say, it was very enjoyable, but by the time we were all supposed to go on patrol we usually ended up as an exhausted puddle of limbs.
But unfortunately mortal life occasionally intruded into our superheroic hedonism. “My parents are in town,” I said. “I was having dinner with them. You know, I could tell you guys about this all if you had phones. Then you wouldn’t have to hang around your apartment in the middle of the night.”
Somewhere in the imperceptible dark, Arachne shifted closer to me. I could smell her distinctive scent, a tropical tang. “I do have a phone. But it’s for my alter ego.”
“Alter ego?” I ventured my hand forward and found Arachne’s silky hair flowing around my fingers. “I thought you were just an immortal, like the other two.”
“You really don’t know very much about me, do you?” Arachne said tauntingly. She was right. Artemis was a famous hero, with decades of stories and speculation about her identity and origins. Changeling couldn’t keep a secret to save the universe (which was concerning, considering that she was tasked with saving the universe from time to time.) But Arachne had always been quieter, more taciturn. Even when we fucked, she kept her utterance to quiet moans.
“I’d like to get to know you better,” I said, hoping it sounded seductive. It couldn’t have been totally off-putting, as a moment later her upside-down lips were on me. It was a strange kiss, our gravities uncertain, our tongues flicking up in opposing directions. My body expected another body in front of it, but instead it found only empty air.
With a pleasured hiss, Arachne spun her web out and moved down my body. I could feel the swell of her modest breasts as they slid over my face, and then her taut stomach. When she stopped, I could smell the musk of her sex directly in front of me, particularly as Arachne wrapped her thighs around my head. Her own head was nestled up against my growing erection.
We quickly disposed of the bottom portions of our sweaty, constraining costumes. How Arachne did that so eloquently while hanging from the ceiling I would never know, but I guess she had practice. A moment later, I had the superheroine’s tight ass in my hands as I pressed her snatch to my mouth. It was strange navigating the female anatomy upside-down, but her rich taste was the same any way you did it. I noticed her shiver when I ground my clean-shaven chin into the area of her clit.
Down below, Arachne was giving as good as she got. With the position we were in, there was no time for teasing -- she had simply swallowed my cock in one smooth movement and was bobbing up and down on it. Arachne rolled her tongue around the head of my cock, as she reached one of her delicate hands out to fondle my balls. It took every ounce of control I had not to hug her to my body and throat-fuck her until I came.
Arachne had a different plan. With gymnastic agility, she rolled forward until she was perched on all fours ahead of me. She kept a grip on my wrist, so she could guide me forward and into her warm depths. I thrust into her hot cunt, made slick with both my saliva and her own juices. Arachne let out a low, animal moan, and I took a moment to savour the warm squeeze of her pussy around my cock. No matter how much superheroic sex I had, that first moment of fucking would always blow my mind.
I reached around so I could feel Arachne’s lithe body against mine as we fucked. At some point she had lost her top, and the hot skin of her breasts filled my hands. As I began to pick up the pace of my thrusts, I reached down to rub her clit. “Yesss...” Arachne moaned, beginning at last to lose her cool composure. I took that as a cue to thrust my cock harder and faster into the superpowered woman.
By the end, Arachne had collapsed down on to the ground, pleasure quaking through her. “Si ... si...” she muttered under her breast. Mounting her, our sticky bodies pressed together, I thrust into Arachne as deeply as I could before my own orgasm took me and I shot my seed deep inside her.
“Damn,” I said, once I regained my breath. “That was, uh, amazing. Baby?” I was never really sure what to say after these sessions.
I reached again for the light switch. “Wait, don’t--” Arachne hissed a second before I flicked it on.
Squatting there naked on the floor, in the thin beige light of my apartment’s ceiling lamp, Arachne no longer looked like a mysterious and seductive demigod. Her black hair was slick with weat, and her body shook with small tremors. My pearly cum dribbled down her thighs. Most alarming of all, however, were the jagged red lines carved across her back, which now glowed with an eldritch energy.
I bent down to wrap an arm around her. “Rach? Are you okay?”
She grit her teeth, struggling to get the words out. “I’m fine. It’s just that sometimes when I start feeling too much ... human emotion ... the spider spirit decides to remind me who’s boss.”
I hadn’t seen this before, not in all the times we had been in bed together. Arachne’s bare chest heaved, and it was easy to tell that she wasn’t entirely in control of herself right now. I wasn’t the keenest observer of supernatural things, but the hairs on my arm were standing up straight. There were three presences in that room: me, Arachne, and something more powerful than either of us.
“Tell me about it,” I said. Maybe I could talk Arachne through it.
“I met this asshole on an archaeological dig in Mexico,” Arachne said. “Turned over the wrong ancient urn, and the next thing I knew I had spider powers and a voice in my head that gave me a migraine every time it spoke. It likes me. It really does. It lets me use its power to do what I want. But sometimes...”
“You’re not like the other two.”
“No,” said Arachne. “My name is Rachel Corcoran. I was born in the 1980s. I was a normal person. Maybe someday when the big guy gets sick of me, I’ll be a normal person again. Or I’ll die. Not sure which.”
I wrapped Arachne up in a hug. Her back felt searingly hot. “I’ve seen you charge into danger, Rachel.” She bristled a bit at the use of her given name. “Powers aside, you are way better than a normal person.”
Arachne did something I’d never seen her do before. She giggled. “Thanks, I think. But nobody calls me Rachel any more.”
Her body was beginning to cool down, and the symbol on her back was fading. “Why don’t you stay with me tonight? I’m exhausted, and you look exhausted too.”
She looked down at the floor. Perhaps she thought that she had already given too much away. “You go ahead. I still need a few moments to pick myself up.”
I meant to wait for her, I really did. But between the chase and the sex, I really was exhausted. I went out as soon as I hit the mattress. When I woke up, Arachne was long gone. If she had ever entered my bedroom, there was no sign of it.
After sleeping until noon the following day, I met up with Phil at his garage. Perhaps inspired by my irresponsible superheroics, Phil had quit his job at a big engineering firm and started his own freelance business. His garage was littered with various half-finished projects and inventions. Hanging in front of one of the blueprints was a hunk of metal in the shape of a woman’s torso, whcih I swear moved while it was in the corner of my eye. Another project was an old cell phone attached to a microwave with a bunch of extra mechanics grafted onto it. And hanging on the far wall was the latest protoype of my costume, half-finished.
“Hey Seth,” said Phil, removing a pair of industrial goggles. “How’s it hanging?”
“It’s ... hanging,” I said. “Rough time out on the streets last night.”
Phil’s face furrowed in concern. “Anything I can do?”
“Can we make the costume waterproof? I got soaked last night.”
“Good idea. Actually, let’s take it one step further: what if we made it so that you could function underwater.”
“Phil, how much underwater crime do you think takes place?”
He shook his head. “My friend, obviously you haven’t heard about the terrible crime spree of Captain Pacific.”
“Captain Pacific is a hero now.” He had been for a decade: I even owned his trading card.
“That’s exactly what he wants you to think!”
I looked at the half-finished suit Phil had been crafting for me. Most of the top was done, with the navy blue shade I liked fading into half-finished black plating before trailing off entirely. The key decision, Phil had told me, was the balance of lightweight flexibility with protective armour. I could have all the cybernetic bells and invincible whistles of the Mechanical Turk, he told me, but that guy couldn’t move without six rocket blasters on his back.
Phil nudged me in the ribs. “So ... how about you and that Pixie?”
“She’s a pain in the ass,” I said, deadpan.
“No, I mean ... are you guys, y’know...”
Phil had no idea that I was fucking the Three Furies on a nightly basis, but for some reason he was convinced that Pixie and I were an item. “Phil, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her without her mask on, let alone ... anything else. She might be fourteen or something. You know, I never asked for a sidekick. It’s way too early in my career for that. Hell, I should probably be someone else’s sidekick. But she just. Won’t. Leave. Me. Alone.”
“Aww. Sounds like someone has a crush.”
I slugged Phil in the back. He was lucky it was with a normal-sized fist.
“But seriously,” I said. “Any word on the suit?”
“I’m thinking about incorporating a headset, so that you can listen to the police scanner on there,” said Phil.
That was a good idea, which had somehow never occurred to me before. “Well, that would beat running around on rooftops hoping that I stumble across a crime.”
“Exactly.” Phil nodded. He seemed to hesitate before the next thing he wanted to say. “You know ... I was listening to that scanner last night. As I was working. And I mean, uh ... they were talking about wolves.”
“Wild wolves?”
“No. It was ... the Black Wolf. He’s back in town, and apparently he brought a pack. From what I could gather, they went ham on a group of students out late at night. They all ended up in the hospital.”
I tensed up. The Black Wolf was, in all these weeks of vigilance, the only legitimate supervillain I had come across. And, with my luck, I had encountered him on the first night and nearly pissed myself with fear. This guy was not your ordinary scientist who gets deranged, builds a ray gun and puts on a funny suit. He had been causing trouble across the West Coast for decades, and rumours said his history went back to the big bad wolves of European folklore. Whoever he wounded became another soldier in his werewolf legion. That is, assuming he didn’t rip their throats out first.
I was scared. But there was a part of me that was excited. I liked to think that if I encountered the Black Wolf again, with all the training I had received at the hands of Changeling and the other two Furies, I wouldn’t be as helpless. This could be my chance to prove it.
Phil had known me long enough that he could see where my train of thought was going. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
I managed a grin. “Do I strike you as someone that would do stupid things?”
Most of my afternoon was spent trying to work out a plan to take down the Black Wolf. I read everything I could about him, from old news article to sketchy friend-of-a-friend stories on message boards. Nothing suggested an obvious way forward. People had tried all the traditional werewolf remedies against him -- silver bullets, wolfsbane, holy water, you name it. Nothing had worked. And in a straight-up fight, his size and speed made him nearly unbeatable. Ares had defeated him once, in ‘96, but they had levelled a few city blocks in the process.
The pack was another concern. Not only would I be outpowered, I would be outnumbered. But I couldn’t stop thinking about how good it would feel to show Artemis and all the others that I had grown, that their faith in me wasn’t misplaced. To show the world that I was a real hero, not just a klutz who couldn’t catch a pickpocket. In other words, I wasn’t thinking very clearly.
But before I could commit to my terrible idea, I had an errand to run. A very enjoyable errand.
I had long since learned how to get into the Three Furies’ hideout in an upscale apartment building. You had to press the right sequence of buttons on the elevator, then pull a lever that was almost invisible to the naked eye. Once you got to the front door, you needed a key as well as another code. Changeling had also suggested to me that there were some magical protections placed on their penthouse to keep prying eyes away.
They had only given me the first code, understandably so. I was a boy-toy, not a member of the team. I didn’t really mind the slight -- I was halfway sure that if I screwed up the code for the door I would be sent to another dimension. And, like I said, there were a lot worse gigs than being a boy-toy for three heroines.
I knocked on the door, hoping it wouldn’t bite. Changeling opened the door. She was her usual curvy self, but her hair was a radiant green -- until the second time I looked, when it was a deep red. She liked to do stuff like that.
“Hey Artie!” Changeling hollered back into her hideout. “Milkman’s here!”
Inside, Artemis was sitting cross-legged with her fingers clasped in some sort of meditation pose. She was floating about two feet off the ground. Artemis was always engaged in something mystical -- if I ever came in and found her eating a bag of chips while watching daytime TV, I think I might have a heart attack.
“Hello, Seth,” said Artemis.
“Where were you last night?” said Changeling. “The poor schmoe we got lasted about three seconds. Not that I blame him. I mean, look at us.”
She wasn’t wrong to be confident in their looks, but it was just a little bit offputting. “I had a rough night,” I said.
Changeling snorted. “Yeah, Arachne sure looked like you gave it to her rough last night. She’s still in her cocoon, recovering.” I had no idea if she was joking about the cocoon part. “So how about it, Artie? You ready to go to the bone zone?”
“I just got in the door. Am I just a piece of meat to you two?” I said, joking.
“Uh, yeah dude,” said Changeling.
I looked to Artemis, begging for a respite. She understood me. The goddess unfolded her legs and stood up to her full statuesque height. She spoke in the way that she had spoken to me that first night, the language that was not a request but a command -- the gaes. “Changeling. Sit.“
The rainbow-haired heroine sunk to her knees quickly, as if gravity’s pull on her had suddenly trebled. “I’m not a dog, you know.”
“Quiet.” And Changeling’s mouth clamped shut. Among Artemis’s many talents, being able to shut up her teammate was undoubtedly the most impressive.
Artemis grabbed me by the wrist. Her touch still gave me goosebumps, like when I would accidentally brush up against Cady O’Neil in the sixth grade. She guided me to stand in front of Changeling. I had an idea of where this was going.
Changeling immediately started unbuckling my pants. I could see in my eyes that she was into this. Someone as magically powerful as her could probably put up at least some resistance to the gaes if she wanted to, but I knew from experience that obeying it felt so damn good. And hell, I wasn’t about to complain.
The shapeshifter fished my rapidly-hardening cock out, and immediately wrapped her lips around it. There was more than just the gaes-mandated sucking involved. Changeling flicked her tongue up to tease the head of my dick, and she reached a hand out to carress my balls. I groaned as pleasure shot through my body.
Artemis knelt next to Changeling, making a graceful motion out of it. When I saw the wicked smile on her face, my heart skipped a beat and my dick swelled in Changeling’s mouth. “Now let me have a taste. Changeling reluctantly surrendered my cock, and Artemis quickly took it into her beautiful mouth.
It’s a little corny to describe the demi-goddess’s blowjob as divine, but I really can’t find a better way to phrase it. I couldn’t even feel the strokes of her tongue, just an overwhelming sensation of wet, warm pleasure. As Artemis bobbed her head up and down on my shaft, Artemis continued fondling my balls, even sliding a finger up to play with my taint.
“Come on Art,” said Changeling. “Don’t hog him.” And, having wrested my cock from the other beautiful superheroine, she began blowing me again. Okay, sometimes my life is pretty good.
The shapeshifter pulled me out of her mouth and began stroking me, my shaft now slick with saliva. “Hey man. I didn’t know you were gay.”
“Huh?” I wasn’t quite thinking straight at that moment.
“‘Cuz you’re getting blown by a dude right now.” Changeling peeled off the bottom half of outfit and showed that, despite otherwise having her normal feminine form, she was currently sporting a thick dick and two heavy balls.
I groaned. “This is not really the time for gotchas.”
“Hey, I don’t have a problem with you being gay.”
Artemis turned to her teammate, strangely serious. “Changeling, you know that gender and sexuality are fluid, especially where you’re involved.” She had the tone of an elementary-school teacher who was tired of dealing with the biggest troublemaker in the class.
“Let’s go to the bedroom,” I said. “We can discuss all this later ... if at all. And Changeling, put that thing away.”
“I like my dick,” Changeling said.
“I like her dick too,” said Artemis, her wicked smile returning.
Well, I was outvoted.
Once we arrived in the bedroom, Artemis discarded her diaphanous white dress with one smooth motion of her hand. As always, I took a moment to marvel at her body, perfectly sculpted from the lift of her ass to the slight swell of her biceps -- and of course her large, full breasts. Changeling pulled off her clothes slightly less gracefully and hopped onto the bed. She had a pretty tight bod too, and had made her breasts even bigger. Her jokey confidence, as much as it annoyed me, was also a turn-on. And if she had a big cock hanging from between her legs, well, I didn’t have to look there.
Artemis lay upside-down next to Changeling, and quickly took her cock in her mouth. I continued staring just for a minute, trying to process my feelings about seeing the demi-goddess bob her head up and down on her teammate’s girl-cock. Then I slid off my shirt and crawled onto the head of the bed. I kissed Changeling, surprising her a bit, and then nestled my head in between Artemis’s thighs.
As always, her flavour was musky and pungent, but strangely enjoyable. It felt regal, in a way I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Artemis groaned around Changeling’s cock as I flicked my tongue inside of her and arched it upwards, looking for her most sensitive spots. She may have been divine, but there are some things that can bring even a goddess to her knees.
I turned my tongue away and began to thrust into Artemis with two fingers in a rhythmic motion. With my other hand, I flicked her clit, drawing a shiver from her shapely legs. I looked over to Changeling, who was beginning to react to Artemis’s blowjob. Her breasts heaved up and down as her cock vanished beneath the other heroine’s ruby lips. She gave me a wild grin, as if daring me to do better. So I did.
I stood up and pulled Artemis’s torso off the bed. The girls scrambled around to reposition, with Changeling now kneeling on the opposite side of the big bed as she face-fucked her prone teammate. I grabbed onto Artemis’s waist and slid my hard cock into her depths, giving it just a little size boost on the way. The heroine Artemis, who represented grace and beauty to the nation, was getting spit-roasted.
We managed a ragged, herky-jerky rhythm. Artemis would slide forward, taking Changeling’s cock as deep in her mouth as possible until the shapeshifter’s balls were resting on her lips. Then she would relax back, sinking her divine pussy back onto my cock until I hit bottom. I would thrust a few times, flicking the nib of her clit, and Artemis would lean forward again in her latest attempt to suck Changeling dry.
“Wait,” Artemis gasped after a few shifts of this. “I want you both at once.”
The logistics of this seemed complicated at first, but we all moved with an instinctual rhythm. Changeling lay down on the bed, and Artemis mounted her artificial shaft. Their bountiful breasts pressed together as Artemis pumped her hips up and down on Changeling’s cock. Then I slid in behind Artemis, prying her cheek apart. Normally saliva and pussy juice are not effective lubricant, but I suppose that a goddess’s bodily fluids can do whatever they want.
Artemis’s ass was both impossibly tight and perfectly accomodating. With a grunt of effort, I pushed my cockhead in pass her rosebud, and then gradually slid the rest of my shaft into her bowels. I felt a little discomfort (but perhaps a little thrill) as my balls slapped against Changeling’s, and especially as I could feel her thick shaft flex in Artemis’s other orifice. But that heavenly squeeze was powerful enough for me to dismiss it.
I changed my cock again, making it long and thin, perfect for anal pleasure. Once again, Artemis did most of the work, thrusting back on my cock and then down onto Changeling. We gripped her beween us, our hands ravishing her body and reaching every sensitive spot. “Gods!” Artemis cursed as her first orgasm shot through her. The second and third weren’t far behind.
After everything, I didn’t think I would be able to last long too. And Changeling was huffing and puffing, apparently not used to this side of having a cock. We looked at each other as we continued fucking Artemis. For a moment, there was a kind of contest between us to see who could last the longer. But all of a sudden, at the same time, there was to be no more holding out.
“Come on me!” Artemis barked, her voice hoarse. We pulled out and shoved her heaving body down to the bed. With a few strokes, both of us were coming, shooting ropes of pearly white seed across Artemis’s body. My cum splashed against her big round breasts, while Changeling defiled the goddess’s face. And then we both collapsed down next to her.
“Geez,” Changeling said, after a moment. “I have to be careful with a thing like this. I don’t know how you guys even think straight.
“Mostly, we don’t,” I said.
“That was ... great,” said Artemis. “I’ve always loved that feeling of double penetration. The first time I did it was with Ajax and Achilles, you know.”
“Oh, here we are with the name-dropping,” said Changeling.
Artemis turned and kissed me on the cheek, getting just a tad more of Changeling’s cum on me than I was comfortable with. “Hopefully that will last me for a little while. Changeling and I are going to be away for a few days. Top-secret extradimensional things, you see.”
I was a little disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to make daily rounds like this, but decided that after all of that I couldn’t really complain. “Well, if that’s the case ... maybe we should give you a second dose of mortal cum.”
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It was known as the burst event. It happened just over twenty years ago. Scientists were studying an artifact rumored to have the world's magic sealed inside. The scientists didn't believe that, but were very interested in the strange energy it gave off, which didn't seem to cause any of the harm ordinary radiation would, and it didn't seem that the particles were actually decaying. During a test involving electrical currents it exploded, releasing an untold number of lights that scattered into...
Hii all this is Aryan from new delhi . This is my first and real story sabse pahle main aap sab ka shukriya karta hun ki aapne samay nikalkal is site aur meri story ko time dia. Kasam se is story ko padne ke baad land walo ke land jhad jaayenge aur chutwaliyon ki chut mein khujli hone lagegi main ek gora chitta heigh 5’10 and 7 inch lode ka malik hun. Agar koi mujhse milna chati ho toh mujhe mail kare main delhi ka rahne wala hun 19 saal age hai mail karne walon ko main apni photo aur contact...
This is a collaborative story collection. Additions by other authors are welcome. Think Flash Gordon, Barbarella, Barsoom, or the covers of dozens of cheesy pulp magazines. It's space opera with lasers and lesbians and spaceships and space-monsters and most of all super-powered super-hot women in scanty clothing. Readers, please comment. Not just about whether you like or dislike what you've read (though if other authors are like me they crave your validation so please comment). You should...
LesbianLong ago, in the times of the ancients, a war was fought for control of the world of man. Known as Manna-Heim it laid in the heart of all the known realms. Control of it meant control over all other realms. Many vied for control. From the Snow Giants from the eastern world of Nifelheim, who planned to freeze it solid. To the Succubi that dance in the flames of the western world of Muspelheim, who desired to set it ablaze. This threatened the lives of all those that lived there. Knowing her...
Fantasy"Welcome to your new home, princess Diana." At the sound of the voice she turned to find Jared Grey or the Dark Emperor as he was called, a new Magical super villain at the cell's steel barred door, a smirk on his face. With a roar of rage she launched herself at the door, ready to tear it to pieces and kill her enemy. As she touched the door however, a green light flashed and she found herself thrown back. Of course, magical spells had been placed on the door to avoid escape....
From the outside, it looked like just an ordinary office building. It wasn't particularly old, nor was it run down, it was simply unremarkable. A plain unit in an area full of them, interesting only in how perfectly uninteresting it was. People came and went, as you would expect, mail was delivered, all the normal things that would take place in an office. To anyone who wasn't absolutely sure what they were looking for it was a perfectly normal building, in a perfectly normal part of the...
BDSMI have super powers. I've kept it pretty low key though, until now. I've always had a hard time defining exactly what my powers can do, but it's related to my sexuality. You see, I like to see women humiliated. I like to see them uncontrollably orgasm in public, in front of their friends and family. I like their conservative clothes to transform into garments that would shame a stripper. I like to see them desperate. And all of that, my powers can make happen. As you can imagine, I had an...
You are May Parker AKA Spidergirl! You fight crime and (hopefully) don't cause too much collateral damage when you're doing it.
I was on routine patrol when it happened. Let me back up. Let me introduce myself. My name is Mitch Williamson. You know me better as Mister Lucky, the superhero. You know, the guy who belongs to the otherwise all-female superteam out of Detroit. The luckiest guy in the world, some say. I did hit the Mega Millions jackpot for over 200 million right after I got my powers from those aliens. That was pretty weird in itself, but that is a story for another time. This story is about my first...
Mind ControlIt was a sunny Wednesday afternoon as Matthew Fisher returned home from the cemetery. His grandma’s funeral had ended earlier today and he spend the last 3 hours strolling the streets of his New England hometown. He had been thinking. For years he had hatched plans of what he would do once he was alone and had no one to answer to. With no living family members and without any close friends, Matt was determined to make his dreams come true. He entered the large house at the cities border that...
BDSMRumors have been circulating that the intrepid reporter has agreed to investigate the very latest, and most controversial, trend of all. Bestiality School. Here is a quick description in case you are unaware of the peculiar nature of this trend: Bestiality School is the name of an innovative new company. Taking advantage of the recent countrywide repeal of the laws against bestiality, the upstart company has designed incredibly detailed and immersive sets where clients can, for a fee,...
September/October 1980, Milford, Ohio On Sunday after I called Karin, I had my weekly ‘play date’ with Debbie V, and she helped me pick out a gift for Karin, as her birthday was coming up and I wanted to send it so she could get it in time. I spent the rest of the day with Beth, working on computer dating and programming stuff. Bethany had come over for a few hours in the afternoon and hung out with us. I also let Beth know that the following Sunday we’d only have a short day because I had a...
Once I had most everything under control with the other telepaths I had one more important task to complete. My former friends and family deserved to know what had really happened and that Danny and Melody were not missing, but were in fact, dead. They also needed to be protected. I called Sam, my former father, and told him I needed to talk with him, Matty and Betty about Danny and Melody. I asked him to ensure Sarah and Jason were there. I arrived at my old home, knocked on the door and...
I was beginning to feel very uncomfortable. How could nuns and monks whip and spank people the way I had seen and the way Mother Superior was describing? I thoughts kept flashing back to the naked bodies of that boy and girl I saw getting whipped with the strap by that smiling nun. As I was lost in my thoughts and trying to think of more questions to ask Mother Superior stood up and went to a bookshelf. She chose a book and returned to her seat.NUN- This a record of those punished at this...
I sat in my car waiting for Cara. It was New Year’s Eve 1998. I was parked in front of a strip mall a few blocks from her high school. She was performing in a concert with her school orchestra. She’d told her parents that she was going to stay with a friend afterward. In reality, she was spending the night with me.I’d known Cara for most of my life. She was my cousin’s step-sister. A few weeks earlier she had walked in on my jacking off. She could have run and told everyone what I was...
TrueA few days ago I told the story of my wife getting caught in the bathroom with a neighbor by his wife and another neighbor lady had invited me to help her with some household chores while her husband was out of town. Cammy was going to cooperate by making sure their kids were not going to be home while I was helping. This is what happened. When I arrived, Julie was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt but had a bra on (unlike when she accosted me in my yard a few days ago). Nothing too provocative...
Hello dosto mera naam happy hai. Mai Rajasthani hu but born and brought up in Chennai. I’m wheatish color height 5ft 10″ average looking banda hu. Aaj mai aapko mere aur Facebook friend k sath hua desi hot sex experience share kar raha hu. Vo ek Hi profile moti shadi sudha marwari ladki hai. Uska naam Shriya ( changed name for privacy) Mai Facebook par hamesha active rahta hu. Baat kuch 3 hafto pahele ki hai . Mujhe Shriya ne friend request bheji aur maine accept karli. Vo on line thi hamare...
Hey it's Rose again. I'm 21 now, and still my hormones rage on, but at least I have full control over my body. I'm still a hermaphrodite. I decided to keep my penis, I guess you could say my life wouldn't be as fun without it, but lets not get dorky, I'm not gonna name it. I'm 5'11" tall now, my red hair is still waist length, I've only cut it once since high school, but just to line it up with my hips. I'm very happy to say the most that's changed about me is my penis grew a little bigger,...
I’m in need of going to get books from the library downtown. I beg you to come to the library with me, and after much debate, you agree to come. You’re still grumbling about it as we pull up to the library. As I walk in, I stop and look up where the books are I’ll need to study with and tell you that they’re upstairs. We walk up and I begin to go through the rows. The last book I need is way in the very back of the old library, in a corner. I reach up and start to look through them, running...
February 1999 – Something for the Weekend?The Tangled Web is a story spanning several years and is based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories. It was a cold Friday evening in February. Sara stood waiting outside the main railway station swaddled in a long dark winter coat and bright woollen scarf. She felt the cold light wind on her legs. Trousers, she thought....
IncestHe stared in utter disbelief at the Council of Ten. "Pardon me?" Preliator asked in a harsh tone. "Exactly what do you mean by, 'we can't spare the resources?' We aren't talking about a god damned business deal here! In case you have forgotten, the particular topic of discussion is the Earth- a planet with intelligent beings living on it that is about to be attacked! Humanity is a pre-interstellar flight civilization, do you expect them to have the technology to fight effectively by...
I made the decision that I was going to sit and eat with her. All night I had asked about her, standing alone in the back, watching the band play. She looked gorgeous. Now she sat eating a small salad at a table, alone, in the corner. They all said she had a horrible scar on her face and was very standoffish because of it, very self conscious about her appearance. They made fun of her when telling me so I walked away from most of the other people there. Her dark brown hair was carefully brushed...
I’ve always considered myself lucky to have been able to grow up in the same house with an imperfect, but stable, family. My parents have the types of careers that allow them to stay in one place. Dad owns an insurance agency in a suburb of Madison, Wisconsin, and Mom owns a beauty salon. I always felt bad for the kids in school who were uprooted every few years while their parents chased their nebulous corporate dreams.After I graduated from college I married a beautiful girl that I met there....
TabooNote : This story is completely fictional! Tara and her older brother had always been exceptionally close; so that I guess what happened that day in November could have been expected. Though three years separated them, as children they played together. When he turned ten, because both their parents worked during the day, Kaspar was given the job of looking after his baby sister when they both came home from school. Without complaint and with tremendous care he would make her a snack, help her...
IncestMyself and my ex in the back of a cab ! I'll start by telling you a little bit about myself and my ex girlfriend at the time, we were both 20 she had long brown hair and a body like you've never seen, perfect pert tittys and a round scrumptious ass with a tattoo going down her left side from her ribs and stopping at her pantie line. And I'm 5ft 11 gym fit with full sleeve tattoos dark wavey sort hair, now to the good bits :) We had been to a friends house for a few drinks and a take away on a...
“It reminds me of Circle Bay or Valara,” Leena said, gazing at the whitewashed buildings surrounding the market square. “I think settlers from Circle Bay built up Kitish after they drove the pirates out a hundred years ago,” Boktar said. Leena nodded. Kitish was one of the larger islands in this part of the Gilded Sea, and the only one with a deepwater port, making it a frequent stop for ships heading between Tyrsall and Nysa. There were other islands where ships could stop along the way,...
Chapter 02 — The Next Day ‘Wake up, sleepy head, time to get up!’ Startled, JP sat up and looked around the room. Vicki was gone, but sitting on the other bed in the room was Marketa in all her splendor. Her hair was pulled back and fashioned so that it hung over one shoulder and she wore eye liner and shadow for the first time since JP had met her drawing his attention to her sparkling brown eyes while her lips were an enticing red that begged to be kissed. Sitting on the edge of the bed...
The bedroom door was party open as the sound of old bedsprings creaked and whined echoed into the hallway. Karen was fucking her foster son again..hard. The 47 year old was grinding back and forth bouncing rhythmically on top of her 22 year olds rock solid dick. Grunting noises and ecstatic moans could be heard as they both pummelled their respective bodies. As Karen occasionally shrieked and screamed into the air she yelled to her son “Paul I want your cummm deep in my womb.Paul aggressively...
Zelda was amazed at how good she felt when she woke up in a nice bed with no lumps and sags in it. She took a fast shower and put on yesterday's underwear and Jack's tee shirt and shorts. She wrinkled her nose. She remembered Jack promised her an advance on her salary, however he was paying her. This meant she could get something better to wear than what she had now. She felt great all over as she walked out of her bedroom and stretched her body. She came into the living room and gave her...
The Experiment by Pippa © I had been out clubbing these last few weeks, trying to screw my name into the record books after the break-up of my marriage. I had been lucky on this last occasion and had met twin sisters. They were both extremely beautiful, 5’4′ tall and exuded an air of permanent sexuality. Claire was the youngest by about six minutes, she was a real tearaway and, seemingly up for anything. Rachel however, although extremely pleasant, was much more demure, the professional...
Lonely Night Turns Into Something SpecialM If you like this story and think I should keep it going then by all means, let me know. Thanks to everyone that has sent me comments on my other stories. And I appreciate your comments bad or good. * * * * * One lonely evening while surfing the internet I happened upon a site that seemed fairly interesting. I checked it out and decided to join hoping to find something to do to kill my time. What ending up happening was something I never had...
Flashback – Jack – Dodging Banzai certainly got the attention of whoever was commanding the BTR 80. The bastard wound up the damn tank and came flying forward like a bat out of hell. There was one big problem - the fucker was headed right at me!!! I did a quick tactical retreat (ran my ass off) at a 90 degree angle to the path of the BTR 80. I couldn't resist firing at the fucker as it passed but then I was reminded of the gun ports on the side as the fuckers inside returned my fire. I...
Our first class was successful beyond anyone’s expectations. I had originally planned that in the first class I would verbally lay out the preliminary groundwork for what was to take place in future classes where more hands-on instruction would take place. But somehow those plans got derailed and we immediately got into the hands-on stage. I masturbated the boy to a spectacular orgasm, then I proceeded to gratify him orally. The son had an extremely attractive large penis with an amazingly...
I have always enjoyed looking at pornographic photos, and watching pornographic videos. The reason I have always enjoyed this is because every women is different and you can never find any that looks the same. I am married to a beautiful woman with a great body and who has the perfect natural and perky 36 C tits. It always turned me on when she would lay with me at night and rub my cock while looking at porn on the internet. During these great times we would always talk about our fantasies and...
Our Hotwives! If you’re looking for a completely new form of adult entertainment, then you hit a goldmine today, my friend. As you all know, I like exploring all kinds of niches and fetishes when it comes to porn, even if they come in the form of a porn forum with not that much content on it. Today I’m looking at one such site that just has a bunch of porn forums on it and they have to do with the hotwife and cuckolding sex lifestyles, and if you have never heard of those before, then you’re...
Interracial Porn SitesWe meet at a hotel around midday, we enter the room and as soon as the door is closed I push you up against it and we start to kiss.As we are kissing you slowly start to take my clothes off. I am wearing a suit so you carefully take my jacket off and lay it over the chair. You undo my tie and then unbutton my shirt and you caress your chest with your hands and then start to kiss it. You feel my trousers and you can feel me springing to life and beginning to bulge through my trousers as you...
Straight SexHi ISS readers, i am Bhargav back again. I really thank for the response to my real experiences . Already i told my real experiences in my last 8 stories. Now i am coming before you with my another experience happened last year. I lost my father in the last April and i was in some sad mood. One i was sitting alone on the terrace and i was lying on the floor and looking at the black sky and stars. It was 8-30 pm. Suddenly my phone rang. I lifted and said hello. I heard a sweet lady’s voice. She...
Dear Indian sex stories readers this is Akshay from Chennai. This is the first time I’m narrating my experience so please pardon me is I have done any mistakes. I’m 21 year old guy who studies final year in Chennai at a well reputed college. I’m virgin with 5’8 inch average dick. This story is about my aunt Priya who is 37 years old with assets 34-36-36 who got married some 7 years ago and still hasn’t given a birth to a child since his husband is physically challenged and due to which his...
When I was a student in Jerusalem in the mid seventies, I was sharing an apartment with Etty. She was studying ceramic arts and I was going through my life science studies. She had to take complementary courses, one of which was photography. I also liked taking photos. It was my most serious hobby. It was different then. No digital cameras were existing. SLR was the norm, with mostly black and white films. It was expensive to shoot a lot of photos, so each one shot, had to be planned carefully,...
When I married at 20 years of age I thought as most girls my age that it would be for life. However as in alot of cases it didn't last like that. Four years after we were married he left thinking the grass was greener on the other side. This left me with 2 kids to raise on my own. My daughter who was 5 when he left and a son 2. My daughter was born prior to meeting my ex and getting married. After he left I set about getting on with my life by working and taking care of the kids. As they grew...
IncestThree weeks before school started, Kim and Jan, identical twins from Germany, were scheduled to arrive. Carol and Bill Baker offered to host the twins, believing that it would give their daughter, Melody, a chance to learn about another culture and to share the spotlight before going off to college next year. As an only child, Melody was always the center of attention. Sharing the house with a couple girls would teach her some good skills about the real world of dorm life at college.While...
TabooIntroduction: We go to a midnight beach party with the beach boy We woke up around midnight to the alarm clock. We were a bit frazzled from our activities at the yacht club earlier in the evening. You had fucked several men and wanted more. We took a shower and freshened up. You put on a T-shirt and your white bikini. We went out on the deck and could see the glow from the fire a little further down the beach. We walked to the beach party. There were about 30 people there, most of them...
I want to thank Farmgal who’s sexiness inspired this erotic and steamy tale. Thank you Farmgal, I enjoyed writing my sexy fantasy of seducing you. Stephanie was attending the check out register at Victoria’s Secrete when an extremely sexy woman strolled into the store. Stephanie’s heart beat faster and her eyes locked on this sexy woman as she sauntered towards the display of the new line of sexy panties and bras. The woman’s eyes locked with Stephanie’s for more than a few seconds. Stephanie’s...
It was the best sleep I’d had in years. Looking back, I attribute it to exhaustion, coupled with the feeling of satisfaction and complete safety. What’s remarkable is that I felt completely safe in the arms of a young man I had met less than an hour before. We slept until nearly noon. When I awoke, I was spooned with my new lover. His arm was protectively draped across my waist, my own arm covering his. I lay there enjoying the warmth and safety, the feeling of a man next to me for the first...
Some romantic moments can be quite erotic, just as some erotic moments can be very romantic. Although a quick or hard fuck can be fun and at times can even be erotic, it is certainly not romantic. What I am about to relate is a personal experience that started out as a fun, little adventure and ended up being a very romantic and erotic moment in my life. It all happened on a bright June day. It was a perfect day for a walk and since both my girlfriend and I were adventurous, we decided to go...
Brandi backed up against the corner of the room. She’d outrun the demon for as long as she could, but - unable to find an empty classroom - she had finally been caught. The Protector had been unwilling to bring her foe into another occupied classroom - too much blood had been shed already, and there was no way that she could anyone else witness what she’d been forced to. She couldn’t risk losing another innocent. She just couldn’t. Harry realized he had her trapped, and his cruel leer grew...
Larry Craig was the US Senator from Idaho who was arrested in 2007 for lewd conduct in a men’s room at the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport. It was Larry Craig, not the devil, who made me do it…..My boyfriend and I were driving down the highway when the news of this incident came on the radio. He began to laugh. I had no idea what kind of lewd conduct a man would enter into in a public restroom, so I asked him what was so funny about it. When he began to explain the whole...
Thanks to all the ladies & guys who mailed me their response of the Story Mammi & her Bhanji And I had promised all the readers that I will tell as what happened the next day after fucking the Bhanji ? Was I able to fuck her Mammi? Or did I fucked some one else.. Well to the new readers let me tell you that I am Vineet Smart looks and a nice cock of 9 inches long.New ladies can also contact me at sorry no phone numbers…. Any ways I had told in my previous story that how did I a manage to fuck...
IncestThe Golf Weekend: Part three From the end of part two: I fell off his lap and undid his shorts. I couldn't wait to suck his dick. He let me suck him for a little while and stopped me before things go out of hand. He picked me up and carried me into my bedroom, telling me that he was going to spank me first, for being such a naughty girl and then he was going to fuck me. Part Three: He was right, I had been naughty and I wanted him to man handle me, tan my back side good and...
Clara Mia is enjoying a morning coffee while staring longingly at her girlfriend, Eveline Dellai. Eveline sips her own morning beverage before smiling and strutting across the room to Clara. Sliding into her lover’s lap, Eveline lets Clara remove her robe and suckle her nipples to hardness. It isn’t long before Eveline finds herself laying back on the table with her thong shoved aside and Clara’s tongue lapping away at her meaty twat. Relieving Eveline of her underwear, Clara...
xmoviesforyouWhen it comes to gambling your hard-earned money away, you have plenty of options to choose from. You can go to the local convenient store and buy a scratch card and hope you win more than the card is worth. Or you can go to a local casino where if you don’t catch COVID, you might catch food poisoning from the complimentary seafood buffet.Why go through all of that fucking trouble? You have a mobile device and/or a desktop. Gamble there!That is precisely what One Spin Casino provides for you....
Betting SitesI stared in shock at the stack of hundred-dollar bills. They hadn’t been on my dresser that morning when I left for work. Fear made me back out of the room. Was someone still in there? I didn’t have anything of value. More questions tumbled through my brain. None had answers. I ran to the kitchen where I set my purse when I got home. Expecting to see my cell phone in one of the pockets, I felt the panic build when it wasn’t there. ‘Is this what you were looking for?’ I screamed at the...
September 2020s sexy hot Cherry of the Month Jewelz Blu joins us in the studio for her LIVE show! This babe is adorable and such a treat to have here. She is excited to be live with you and loves how you admire her in her sexy little mini skirt and tight blue bodysuit. She is joined by Nathan Bronson who takes care of her just like she deserves. Her nickname on set is Drools Blu; and you may find out why as she gets nice and sloppy sucking on Nathans hard cock! He fucks her hard in doggy while...