A Scar free porn video

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I made the decision that I was going to sit and eat with her. All night I had asked about her, standing alone in the back, watching the band play. She looked gorgeous. Now she sat eating a small salad at a table, alone, in the corner. They all said she had a horrible scar on her face and was very standoffish because of it, very self conscious about her appearance. They made fun of her when telling me so I walked away from most of the other people there. Her dark brown hair was carefully brushed so it covered the right side of her face. She perpetually kept her head down as much as possible, trying to cover it.

It was only the second show I’d been to at this club but I could tell immediately the first time I wasn’t exactly fitting in. While I hung around with some other people and was able to be friendly with them, I never came with anyone, and hadn’t really gotten to know anyone that well. I had only been coming honestly to get out of the house and wasn’t even the biggest fan of the local music scene. Both times I was there I noticed her though. I decided to give being friendly with her a shot.

I sat down across from her at the table in the corner. I smiled and said ‘Hey! My name’s Jim. How you doing?’

She nodded slightly, and twirled some lettuce around with her fork.

I decided to try again. ‘I’ve been here twice now…it’s not bad. I’ve seen you here both times. I think I’ve at least said hi to everyone but you at this point.’ I said cheerfully.

She mumbled something. It sounded like ‘Hello.’

I chatted while I ate a slice of pizza, talking about the band that had just played and some mediocre song that they performed. I babbled on for minutes trying to strike up conversation, trying everything, until she looked up at me and I was a little taken aback to see anger in her eye. She was pissed, big time.

‘Come to see the scar?’ she demanded, her voice suddenly full of volume and anger.

‘No, I came to eat with you and talk to you. I’ve talked with everyone else, and…’ I started, but didn’t get to finish.

‘Bullshit! You want to fucking see it, take a look, take a good look at my fucking face. Mandy and her fucking scar, everyone wants to see it. Here!’ She pulled her hair back from her face exposing her scared cheek. Her scar was a burn scar and I thought immediately that it must have come from some type of accident. It ran from her deep, dark blue eye to her jaw line. Her eye appeared to droop because of it. I glanced at it and then looked back into her eyes together.

‘Well…Mandy. Scars…what are they? It doesn’t say anything about who you are does it? It just says about where you’ve been.’

She looked like she wanted to say something back but instead sank into a shocked, nearly surprised gaze. She lowered her hair and her petite hand, then her head, and stood up. ‘Nice to meet you…’ she said in a whisper as she moved off and out the doors. I didn’t pursue her, unsure of whether it would upset her further, and unsure of what I would say if I caught up to her anyway.

I left then, not really feeling like staying for the second band. For the next week I thought about her throughout the day. I just wanted to speak with her at least once more. I felt so guilty knowing I upset her, and even more horrible knowing she felt so poorly about herself because of her scar. I decided to go back for the next show just to see if she was there.

Sure enough I saw her as soon as I walked in that night as the first band was setting up on stage. She seemed to be watching the door more closely than normal. Was she waiting for me? No…that wouldn’t be. I waved though from across the room and she gave me a shy wave back, with a small hint of a smile.

I got a drink and walked over to her directly.

‘Hey! How are you doing tonight?’ I asked cheerfully once again.

‘I’m doing okay…how are you?’ Mandy said with a stronger voice than the one that had left me the week before.

‘Fine. No complaints so far, I just got here though.’ I said with a little bit of a forced chuckle.’You want to step outside? I’m not really into this first band anyway…sometimes I’m not sure why I come here.’

‘Oh…sure. To be honest I come to get out of the house, I only like a few of the bands that have played here.’ she said. We stepped out into the night air and I noticed her holding her head higher than normal, looking at the stars. I looked up with her for what had to have been minutes before she spoke.

‘Did you mean what you said about the scars not being who we are?’ was what she finally said.

‘Yeah of course. Sometimes I have enough trouble getting the facts out of my mouth, I don’t lie very well. Sometimes I’m quiet and I don’t volunteer information but that’s not lying. When I speak…all it is, is what I really mean.’ Did that make any fucking sense at all, I thought.

‘So you don’t think I’m a joke?’ she asked, her voice brittle and very thin.

‘What? No of course not. You were hurt badly once…that’s what I think when I see your scar. It doesn’t say anything about who you are now. It’s not what says you’re a nice person. Your actions say that. It doesn’t tell the story of who you are at all, just what happened that day you were hurt.’ I said and looked her to smile as I finished.

‘Thank you. It’s very nice of you to say that.’ she said.

We stood in silence for another few minutes. Finally building up the confidence to ask I spoke up.

‘Mandy…I uh. I don’t know if you have plans, but I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me tomorrow. Or something.’

She was silent for more than a few seconds. I was wondering if I’d upset her again. I shouldn’t have asked, damn it, I though. Then she said, ‘You aren’t asking me out on a date are you?’ her voice again brittle.

‘I think I am. Uhh…yep. I am. I’m asking you out. If you’re not busy of course. If you are I understand.’ I said.

She looked at me directly in the eye. I looked back into her left eye and to the spot where I wish I could see her right. Instead I stared at her brown hair in contrast with the pale whiteness of her skin, still neatly brushed over that side. But on the left I could see a tear forming in that eye. I was confused and almost panicked…I felt a heavy dropping feeling in my stomach feeling I’d upset her again.

‘You want to do this again?! Do you all think I’m that fucking stupid? ‘Ask her out again…make her feel good. Then stand her up!’ Why??’ she sobbed at me.

‘No! No! Hey I’m sorry.’ I reached out for her but she stepped back, arms crossed, crying. ‘I was just…I wanted to take you out. I’m serious. I told you I don’t know a lot of the people here…I’m not trying to make fun of you. This has nothing to do with you scar or anything else other than trying to take you out for dinner. You and that nice behind’ I said. Immediately I wanted to hit myself in the face for trying to joke. So poorly. At this moment. Fucking idiot.

She stopped crying and looked mildly amused. And confused. ‘My behind, you mean my butt?’ she asked.

‘Uhh…ha. Yeah. You have a nice butt…and I want to take it out. Along with the rest of you.’ I said still feeling completely stupid.

She giggled at that, an innocent and utterly cute giggle. ‘Are you fucking nuts?’ she asked laughing.

‘Welllll…nahhh. I don’t think so. Why?’ I asked, now smiling, feeling better.

‘How many people do you think look at my ass and not my face?’ she said more seriously.

‘Well I do. And if you want to know how I think honestly I guess, it’s probably the first thing I noticed about you from across the floor.’

‘Ha…okay, okay. You’re joking with me though right? You want to take me out?’ she asked, her voice again soft and perhaps a little brittle, but not as thin and tight as before.

‘No. I’m being totally serious. My jokes are way worse than this and they usually offend some
one and I get a bloody nose and…’ I trail off and stop before I can fuck up again.

She didn’t answer at first. But then she pulled out her phone and gave me her number, scribbling it down on a little piece of paper. She said ‘Call me later, and we can talk about it, OK? I came here to see you…but I think you know that. I’m just going to head home.’

‘Sure. I promise.’ I said. We parted and both went to our houses.

I waited as long as I could, but I couldn’t wait long. I called her and we talked for a while, and we went out on Friday to dinner. We ate at a small place downtown, which is small enough in and of itself, in the area we lived. We took a walk afterwards and we both were at ease with each other. I felt so calm and happy with her. She seemed to feel the same, though her hair was still tightly combed over the right side of her face. The next few dates went nearly the exact same way. Movies, dinner, walks. We talked about where we were from, how we grew up, places we have been. We shared interests in music, TV, and more things than I thought were possible. The only major difference seemed to be our age, as I found she was 3 years older than me. Luckily she didn’t seem to mind. I took her back every night and would walk her to the door of her small home. I held off on moving any further, trying anything more. I was afraid to scare her off. Afraid to upset her. I was afraid to lose her, already.

After a few weeks and a few dates I learned she lived with her friend Sarah, when she stepped out to meet me one night. I shook her hand on the porch one night. ‘Your friend is amazing, you know that?’ I smiled. ‘Mandy I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?’

‘Okay.’ She said shyly, and then ducked into the house.

I went to the car, and drove off toward my own home.

I called her the next afternoon, Saturday, and we chatted some more. She invited me to dinner on Sunday with Sarah and her boyfriend at their house. I agreed. Almost too eagerly I thought afterward, nervousness building. I was so happy to spend time with her anyway. Why not spend time with her and her best friend?

I struggled to focus on anything until Sunday night when we had out dinner. The time passed surprisingly quickly and the chatter was light and friendly and everyone seemed to get along as far as I could tell. I saw a small nod from Sarah about half way through dinner. I must have passed some sort of test. I smiled inwardly and kept staring at Mandy. She was so beautiful. Her dark brown hair, even as it was brushed over her face, always caught my attention. The color of her eyes, that deep blue, was so perfect. Her defined jaw line and mouth with lips a soft pink color naturally, small, fitting the rest of her body. She couldn’t have been more than 5′ 4′ and no more than 120 pounds if that. Sarah’s boyfriend, Rick, broke me out of my trance with a question about baseball. He was nice but I wasn’t really interested in talking to him more than necessary though I tried not to let it show, being polite as possible. I really just wanted to talk to her.

We went outside onto the porch and sat staring at the stars again as we had the night I asked her out. I finally decided to kiss her, feeling 3 weeks was long enough. I had to try some time. She didn’t respond. Her lips gave no response at all. I looked at her eyes, and saw the tears forming again.

‘Oh shit…Mandy I’m sorry. I’ve wanted to for so long now but if you’re not ready or…you don’t want to or…whatever, I just…I understand…’ I said softly, trailing off.

‘It’s okay…Jim it’s just that I haven’t even done this since….’ I knew what she was referring, she needn’t go on.

I stroked her left cheek. ‘Do you want to tell me about it?’ I asked her. ‘I mean, only if you want to tell me about it. I am here to listen, always. But you only have to tell me if you want to.’

She looked and I could see her mind working. Then she said ‘I guess I do want to tell you about it. You should know. I was driving home from a friend’s house, at about two in the morning. I, uh, I reached down to the floor to get a CD I wanted to listen to and when I looked up I saw a deer in the road right in front of me. I swerved…which I know is dumb. I just couldn’t help the reaction I guess. It hit the windshield and I ended up in the ditch upside down.’ she paused and I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her as close into me as possible. Her head rested against my shoulder.

She continued her story. ‘I don’t know how long I was out, but when I woke up the car was smoking. I was confused as fuck. Didn’t know where I was, you know.’

I nodded and said ‘I can imagine. What it was like having to wake up like that, just…disoriented.’

She nodded, head brushing against me, and continued saying ‘The car caught on fire, I was struggling with the seat belt trying to get free, I was so scared.’ She paused again. ‘A man who was going by stopped when he saw the smoke. He kicked in the window, and was reaching for me. The fire was inside now, and…burning my jacket. I was wearing one of those denim jackets. I was just…screaming in pain and fear. I was so fucking scared I would die. When he finally got me out through the window the burning jacket was up against my face…and I got burned…pretty badly. Obviously.’ She was crying softly now.

I stroked her head and held her closer. I kissed her forehead and whispered ‘It’s okay…it’s okay.’

‘The ER doctors told me I was lucky to have just this injury on my face. A plastic surgeon said he could minimize the scar, but I can’t afford it. Our insurance doesn’t cover cosmetic surgery…or anything much for that matter. It pissed me off that he said I was lucky when I looked in the mirror. I look so horrible.’ She said.

‘Nooo…shhh. It doesn’t matter, the scar isn’t who you are. It tells the story of how lucky you were to survive, it shows how close you came to not being here at all.’ I said knowing that wasn’t exactly what I wanted to say…but I couldn’t find any better words.

‘You think I’m lucky?’ she asked.

‘Yeah, I do. Because if someone hadn’t come and helped you out of the car you probably would have died right there. But instead you’re still here. And…I’m happy you’re here with me.’ I said.

‘But I look like this. I’m disfigured…’ she sobbed harder and my heart sunk further every moment she kept crying.

I raised her head up to look at her face. Her cheeks were puffy and tears streamed down them. I reached up and brushed her hair back from in front of the right side of her face. She tried to turn and hide her face. I held her head, firmly, hoping that it wasn’t too hard to scare her or hurt her. I leaned in and kissed her scar, her cheek, gently, but again and again. Her hands came around me hesitantly, and then with more feeling. Soon she was gripping me tightly, hands clawing into my sides as if she was holding onto me for life.

‘I wish…you could look past it and see what I see.’ I said and then pausing for a moment, continued, ‘I see nothing but how…pretty you are when I look at you. How beautiful you are. I wish I had the words to make you feel better….’

She looked into my eyes. This time when I kissed her she kissed me back. Our tongues met fleetingly, and then introduced themselves properly. We kissed for a long time, standing together in our embrace on the porch. I was very careful not to move my hands below her shoulders and upper back. I knew that I didn’t want to move too fast with her, still. I wanted to be patient and move slowly. Unless she gave any indication otherwise I would think going as slow as possible was what she needed.

The next night after work we went into town and took a long walk along the river that snaked through town, listening to the sounds of birds and nature mixing with cars and the traffic of people going home for the night. We held hands, kissing now and again, taking our time.

I stopped her by the end of our walk as we neared m
y car. I put my arms around her and looked into both of her eyes, brushing her hair back. I looked at her and figured I would blurt it out, ‘I…I know we’ve only been seeing each other for what, three and half weeks, a month? But I can’t help but feel like it’s been longer. I can’t help but feel the way I do and…I like you a lot…but I don’t…I don’t want to put you into a position and into something you’re not ready for though Mandy…’ I trailed off as I often did. I was such a fucking mush mouth.

She looked right back into my eyes and smiled widely. She said words which to this day are still the kindest and most heart melting words anyone has ever said to me. ‘I think that you’re the sweetest man I’ve ever met. And whatever you’re ready for, I’m ready for.’ she then hesitated and a moment later said ‘I think I love you too you know.’

I didn’t even wait for her to follow me. I picked her up and ran to my car with her. She was giggling the entire way. I drove at what had to be an illegal speed to my house, but I don’t remember at all what it actually was. I was just focused on getting there. I pulled in quickly and hopped out of the car. I pulled her along to the front door and flung it open. She walked in a little hesitantly and looked around.

‘I think there’s some…wine in here…’ I said walking into the kitchen. I didn’t really know what the fuck I was doing at the time. It seemed like a good idea though.

‘We don’t need the wine. I already know what I want.’ She said it in a quiet voice, but looked right at me with her head up the entire time. Waiting to see what I’d do.

I turned to her with the wine bottle in my hand. I walked to her, attempting to place the bottle on a counter without breaking my gaze. I failed, horribly, and it fell to the floor behind me. I didn’t realize it at the time though as I took her into my arms and met her lips.

We kissed and my hands gripped her hips tightly. I moved her toward the stairs. We stumbled our way up, kissing, removing clothing, and pressing into each other. A trail of clothes lead it’s way to the bed and I was in the midst of the most lustful moment of my life to that point. I laid her down and her hair spilled away from her face revealing the scar in full. She didn’t try to hide it from me for a second. I didn’t look at it once, instead looking at her eyes, her mouth, her neck and on down. ‘You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen…’ I whispered to her, knowing it was cheesy, but not caring a for a moment. She replied back with what I thought I could only hope she would say and what she would feel. ‘You make me feel like it.’

I wanted her, only her, and right at that moment. I kissed her cheek, the scar, her lips that embraced mine and worked down to her neck. I moved to her breasts and took each nipple in turn. They responded and soon were small, hard little red points. They fit almost perfectly, if just somewhat smaller than my hands. She gripped my head as I kissed and caressed her.

I kissed, licked, and suckled my way down her body. I was already completely hard inside my shorts but I didn’t want to move to quickly, still. I wanted to do everything I could to make her happy, to please her. I moved below her waist and hopped down to her thighs. I ran my fingertips around in soft circles on each side, as I kissed the other. I moved closer to her center until with a gentle lap I moved my tongue up the length of her lips. It was so sweet already and her sent filled my mind with an insane need to be with her. I kissed her slit from the top down, gently, then harder, adding tongue each time. I lapped up and down, and side to side, careful to watch what she was responding to. Quicker than I expected she moaned at me. ‘Please…’

I pulled myself up on top of her and kissed her deeply. She responded by running her hands across my back, clinging to me almost as she did when we were standing on the porch kissing for the first time.

I began to reach for the drawer to get a condom but she grabbed my arm and pulled it back. At the same time I felt her reach down and attempt to guide me into her at that moment. I knew it was stupid…but to feel myself naked inside of her was all my mind could focus on then. I needed to feel her that way. I had to. I pushed only the head of my dick inside her at first and moved it along the split opening of her pussy. The slickness emanating from her made it easy. It also made it easy in the next moment as I pushed myself inside of her entirely. Not more than average I was almost surprised at the type of gasp that she cried out with, and the strength and tightness she grabbed onto me with.

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 30

Tolkien said it best: "Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling anyway." The trip to Sebewaing wasn't fraught with heavy seas and high adventure. There were no pirates, no secret rendezvous with a Nazi U-Boat, not even anything as terrifying as a strafing by black aircraft...

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On loan to my wifes oler friend

It was Saturday and my wife was dropping me off at her friends house. She had told her friend she could use me for anything. I was not happy and refused. Never like Judy, she was older, much, had some weight on her and could be very nasty. My wife used a leather belt on me to convince me of my need to do this. I agreed, then she trained me the rest of the week. Every night my wife would tie my hands on hook in the bedroom and lube my cock with her hand. She had me take a pill of cialis each...

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Missed Payment

Dimitri and Antov as well as two other men, Dimitri’s personal thugs, sat or leaned around Anna’s family room.  Dimitri was a large, well built man with close-cut hair and an icy stare that generally kept his people in line.  His first, Antov, was not as well built but made up for it with more than his share of fat.  He was a master of finance and brilliant business man.  The two had been friend for a long time.  The family room was small with a small old-style CRT television on a rickety stand...

3 years ago
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George Book 02

BOOK II – CHEERS Chapter 1 George was feeling pretty chipper by Monday evening. His business meetings earlier in the day had gone fabulously, the prospects for sales to at least two of the firms that he had visited today were all but assured. He had just finished a delicious meal at the Orion Room, a restaurant recommended by one of the day’s contacts. George asked a waiter at the Orion Room to recommend a bar. The waiter gave him directions to a place a mile away that had a large screen TV...

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My Friend8217s Sexy Wife

My Friend’s Sexy Wife Meenakshi Lost Her Glory Holes To Me – I Hai ISS readers. I am Seenu…my family and friends used to call me Raj…handsome guy. Many thanks for the readers for sending me their comments and views. This is my another real story I am going to narrate about the fuck happened years back with my friend’s sexy hot wife Meenakshi. Adding flavors is not avoidable in my story because the readers should feel the craving of the slutty house wife Meenakshi. I am not going to describe...

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Grown up step daughter

Note : This story is completely fictional! I'm a 48 year old divorced man who has lived alone with an occasion one night stand to take the edge off every so often. I was suprized when Sharon ,my 24 year old step daughter called and said she needed someplace to stay for awhile .Her idiot boyfriend had thrown her out when she confonted him about his drug use.She was very upset and I told her that her room was basically the same as it was when she left and she could stay as long as she needed....

2 years ago
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A Journey Through Porn Towards True LoveChapter 2

He'd still been sleeping in the morning when I'd slipped out of bed and got dressed, I'd left a note on his table with my phone number and a lipstick imprint of my lips on it but I was quite surprised when I heard my phone ringing while I was in the shower, "Hello beautiful" his deep brown voice was in my ear, "Hello handsome" I replied as I tried to secure the towel around me, "Did I disturb you?" "No, no of course not I was in the shower" His deep growl sent a shiver through...

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Life on Bedlow StreetChapter 6

After school, Bud and Thorny raced to Bedlow Street. Crouched behind the tree house wall, they were ready to see how far Kelly would undress. Thorny had brought his own binoculars, so Bud wasn't worried about missing anything. "Well, I did it," Bud said without taking his eyes off Kelly's bedroom window. "Did what?" "Asked her to the dance," Bud said as nonchalantly as he could. "No shit?" "No shit. Gonna borrow my Dad's old tuxedo, take her to dinner, and...

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When Two Souls ConnectChapter 16

After eating their second breakfast at the cafe they had discovered the day before, they drove to the town where Erin had lived as a child. She had wanted to go to the church where her parents had been buried and deal with some of the things from her past. Jack waited for her at the car and watched as she sat knelt on the grass and talked. When she came back to him, tears were streaming down her cheeks and he pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. "I'm free," she...

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A spiritual awakening the begining

Introduction: sexual awakening. further parts will be harder The outline of a petite female form lay peaceful, her outline accentuated by the bed sheets. Long Strawberry blonde curls cascading on the pillow, circling her pretty face. Pink beautifully defined lips separated revealing a glimpse of gently moistening tongue. The sheet laying over her, hugged her slender body, small pouting breasts visible as they swelled against the sheet as she gently breathed. A leg moved down the bed making the...

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Visitors while Naked in the Garden

Tess is my wife of 20 years and she loves to strip off all her clothes at home and tan in the sun around the pool or simply tend to her organic veg garden in the nick. The c***dren are out of the house and we are free to do as we please. We love stripping off on the weekends and spend all our time naked. This leads to some really sexy times especially when Tess has just shaved her lovely pussy, this I can’t resist. It is fortunate that we stay on a small farm in a peri urban environment.One...

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Bhabhi Ki Chudai Shidhiyo Par

Sabhi khde lund walo ko namaskar or chut waliyo ko khade lund ka salaam. Mera name raj yadav h. Mai alwar ke pass 1 gaon se hu lekin filhal delhi me rahta hu. Meri height 6 feet h and lund ka size average h. Mai 6 years se iss par kahani padh rha hu. Mai ab tak 9 ladkiyo and bhabhiyo ko chod chuka. Ye meri first story h agar koi galti ho to maaf karna. Aap mujhe apni rai par bhej sakte h. Ab mai kahani par aata hu. Ye kahani meri or mere tau ke ladke ki wife(bhabi) ke bare me h. Unka name...

1 year ago
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Lindas mom

100% fiction! I have a hooy of purchasing old cars, fixing them up a little and reselling them. I have a small shop behind my house with an overhead door on each end and a walk through door on the east side facing the neighbors yard. The other day I had my 1968 chevy short wide bed truck up on jack stands and I was under it installing a new exhaust system. The day was hot and that combined with the heat from the torch I was using made the shop very hot inside. I opened the walk through door...

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Sluts Night Out Ch 01

Mina’s fingers shook, partially from nerves, partially from disbelief. Her breath caught as she glanced at herself in the bathroom mirror — her dark hair held back in a ponytail, her lips a deep rose red with lipstick, her eyes darkly enticing, their already charming colour subtly enhanced by the merest application of purple eyeshadow. She was stunning. Her eyes flickered to glimpse her reflected body, and a lump caught in her throat. The two-sizes-too-small t-shirt squeezed against her chest...

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Making Mother a SlutChapter 9 Nightly Duties

John watched as his mother swallowed mouth full after mouth full of the cum coated spaghetti. He loved the fact that she was unknowingly gobbling down his freshly pumped out cum. His mind started to drift as he imagined her sucking down his creamy nut batter straight from his dick. The way things were moving she'd be his in no time. Janice looked up from her plate and noticed her son staring at her. He seemed to have a far off look in his eyes as he watched her. "John? John honey is...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 66 INTERLUDE THAURAN POLITICS

Midshipman Suppor or actually Namamir of the Suppor Clan was not at all pleased with the development so far. All the things he had done and all the preparation to be her at this event, had not lead to the result he had hoped for. The famous Diamond Ball was nearly over and many of the VIP’s had already left. Emperor Soron, the Fifth was still here and so were other important members of the ruling noble houses of the Thauran Empire, but he had no idea how much longer they would remain. He...

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Unreserved seating

After a hard day of meetings, I stepped on the train at York with a two and half hour journey back to London ahead of me. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself; the day had been long and productive but they'd be no more work today. No checking emails, no planning, just unwind on the train with the crossword and a couple of cans. My day had been going well but it was about to get a lot better. I made my way to my reserved seat, at the very end of the carriage; where to my delight, I...

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Visit to Aunt Aprils House

My story begins when my fam ily visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our fam ily’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s s*s ter and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last fam trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always enjoyed...

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Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov "Because you're the man and I'm the woman. That's why I'll never, never strap on one of those sick dildo contraptions. The very idea of it makes me sick. You make me sick." And that was the end of that. Asking Jennifer to fulfill a fantasy had turned to be a major mistake. And they had been talking about setting up housekeeping together, too. Ah well, maybe it was for the best. George figured he'd better clear up any misconceptions right from...

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Me mom uncle

Hi friends. My story is a bit twisted. Let me introduce the characters, Me-a little fat boy(20 years) my mother-village and old fashioned type who still know nothing of sex other than something done by a husband resulting in a son. I am the only son. The incident so happened that like usual my mom used to play with me her silly village games like hide and seek, stone game etc. That day the game was hide and seek and I was tying her eyes when my leg unknowingly touched her ass. It felt very...

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A Day in the Life of a Horny Bitch

I see Aragorn chasing me in the woods. It is me, only with one of those beautiful filters applied. My hair is smoother. Eyes are wider, brighter. Lips are plumper and the perfect shade of pink. Not a line on my face. You know what those filters do. Oh, and I have pointy elfin ears.He is almost upon me as I quiver with anticipation. The ruggedly handsome, long-haired, bearded ranger will fuck me when he gets his hands on me. How will he ravage me this time? Throw me on the ground? Pin me against...

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A Rainy Day for Alex

Shit! Alex cursed under his breath as he realized that he had left the key to his apartment in the laundry basket, under his last load of laundry. He cursed the fact that the small apartment complex had only two washers and dryers, cursed the fact that it was raining out so hard, causing him to rush and to subsequently forget his keys, and cursed his downstairs neighbor, the fat, mid-fifties woman, for doing seemingly endless loads of laundry before him. But most of all he cursed himself for...

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Over the road trucking1

It was a night I will remember till the day I die, it was time in my life I will always remember. Until you get a chance to drive an 18 wheeler you will never know the feeling you get in something that big in your hands rolling down the highway. And with today's advancements in the tech world if I had to do it again I might just jump at. As the saying goes anybody can drive a Big Rig, The challenge is backing it up to a loading dock with other high priced trucks around you. Trick is...

3 years ago
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Orkut Friendship Lead To Romantic Relationship

When facebook was not so famous, everyone busy with orkut, one day when I open my orkut there was an alert saying suman want to be friend with you. It was a new face to me but I went through her profile and I observed my wife and my brother already in her friend’s list. I thought she might be our far relative, whom I don’t know personally. I accepted her request, later in the evening I asked my wife, who is this suman, she said she also doesn’t know, and she accepted her request blindly. One...

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The Dance

Thanks to Barney R for the editing. As always, I had to mess with it some more. Therefore all mistakes and omissions are on me. The final big argument ended when she told me her dance card was full. My name is Robert Foster. I am 39, once widowed and married to Janice Susanne Foster (nee Wilcox). I am an even 6’ tall and weigh around 180 give or take 3 pounds. Jan is 32, petite, about 5’ 4” and probably weighs 105 lbs. with a brick in each hand. We met when I needed to sign up for some...

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PMQuest Chapter 03 04 Throw Eevee off or Try using the Crystal

Chapter 03 - Throw Eevee off My boxers nearly slipped, and the Eevee clamped her jaws down on my breastbone, making me wince and drop the crystal to better grab her by the back of her head. Some rock isn’t going to help me here. To stop her, I had to use force. “That’s enough!” I forcibly barked, grabbing her with both hands and hissing through my teeth as I forced her off of me, her claws and teeth leaving red marks on my chest as she landed a few feet away from me. I quickly stood, trying...

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Roomies The French Teacher

Kim McCall shifted her body slightly, scarcely aware of what she was doing. Her attention was focused on the sight in front of her. She watched the bounce, now slow, now quick. She watched the dangle and the recovering. It was as though she was hypnotized, or perhaps had become some little animal mesmerized by the predator before her. The soft, soothing voice that reached her ears seemed to be in a foreign language she couldn't understand but yearned to know. All in all, she was completely...

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It Started in an Adult Theater

When I was married in 1985, I used to enjoy occasionally going out at night by myself and frequenting my favorite adult theater. I would always watch a couple hours of porn and then jack-off in the restroom before returning home. It used to be that guys in the audience were discrete in the theaters; nobody ever exposed themselves. However, it had been a year since my last visit and I guess that in that time, things had changed drastically. When I went into the theater this time, the attendant...

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Seducing And Fucking My Innocent South Indian Maid

Hello, I am Vihayas and I am from a town area in south India. Later, I moved to Delhi for studies. I am a girl of 20 years of age but I am going to tell this story in a boy’s perspective. So, this hot story is about me. When I used to be in my hometown, I used to be a shy guy and I used to have a good boy image. We had a servant whom we called Pushpakka who used to clean our house. She was almost 36 years, same age as my mom. I was 19. Pushpakka was with us from childhood. She had a bad...

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An Idol Fantasy

I was watching Playboy channel last night, and I decided to tape one of their movies. It was called "Hung Jury", and starred Raquel Darien and Savannah. I think it was Savannah who was the one with the gorgeous, long blond hair. I have to admit, I usually don't think too much of Playboy channel movies. They're usually censored/edited, and they definitely don't have the full climax cum shots I've grown to get so hot and bothered over. But I was intrigued -- the movie...

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The Young Waif the Old Man and His Dog

Tulsa’s low growls woke Robert. He looked at the bedside alarm clock. 1.18 am. He slid out of bed and put on his dressing gown. It was summer and he slept naked, but had no desire to meet a burglar without clothes. Tulsa looked up for instructions. Robert ruffled his long ear as he grabbed his cricket bat. He’d seen enough American films to know a baseball bat was a good defense weapon when woken in the early hours, but he knew his English equivalent would more than suffice. ‘Walk, ‘ he...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 8 Rosa

Nine-year-old Rosa Castillo woke up in a cloud, wearing no clothes. The bench was hard and uncomfortable, so she sat up. She heard sounds of her mama having sex. She got up very quietly, and padded across the room, and spied on her mother. She was at the base of a bench, lying on top of the nun, Maria. She was licking the nun's privates, and the nun was licking hers. This startled Rosa. Her mother had only had sex with men, in their little one room hut. Rosa had always stayed quiet, like...

3 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 29

When Denise walked into The Firm's reception, she gave Elaine a peck on the cheek and went off to make coffee. It was still a good fifteen minutes before most of the staff would arrive, and before Denise would normally have started, herself. She brought the coffee through to Elaine, and soon the two were sipping coffee, just contemplating the events of the previous night, and what they would mean. Again. "You know Laney, when we were together I'd thought of a threesome, fantasized about...

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Two Thousand and Ten Ch 04

Author’s Note – Well dear readers, here it is – the next instalment of Two Thousand and Ten. Apologies if you have waited a long time for this as I have been busy with other projects, but hopefully you’ll enjoy this new chapter. Please feel free to comment or send reviews (as long as they’re positive!) Disclaimer – I am not a legal professional, so apologies if the upcoming scenes are inaccurate procedure-wise. This is after all, meant as a fictional story, and I reserve the right to use...

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Fairly CAPableChapter 21 New You Two

Sophia entered next, but Calix still wasn’t over what Julia had said. He looked at Sophia with his eyes wide and his face startled – like a deer in the headlights. Sophia couldn’t help but almost double over in laughter. “Oh, my god. Oh ... my ... god. She did it, didn’t she? She said she was going to melt your brain and she did. God ... the look on her face when she came out ... and the way she was wiggling her hips as she walked! And now the look on your face. God, I wish I had a camera so...

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Guild Promotions

Guild Promotions By: Lyrissa "Hey Nyrenna, I love your new outfit" The tall, imperious night elf woman turned her head slightly with a distinct sneer on her pretty face. She knew that voice better than she wanted to and as such didn't slow down or stop on her way to the door. "Mmmmm-mmmm, appreciate the view!" another voice chimed in. "How about as an officer you give us a little 'training', huh?" "Maybe a little bit of an exercise?" As Nyrenna huffed and stomped off out...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 36

More from dorsetmike‎ many thanks to him and all who submit Jokes. An elderly married couple was at home watching TV. The husband had the remote and was switching back and forth between a fishing channel and the porn channel... The wife became more and more annoyed and finally said: “For god’s sake! Leave it on the porn channel. You already know how to fish!” I opened my bedroom curtains very early this morning and to my astonishment saw a fox having a fight with a hedgehog. The...

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South of Bikini Travel for Friends and Family

South of Bikini Episode 5 "Travel for Friends and Family" 1301hrs, Five miles west of Tuba City, Arizona, August 10th, 2026 The banner stretched across the two-lane pavement in the distance read 'DARPA 20th Annual Fully Autonomous Solar Vehicle Ecological Challenge 2026'. "We're here! Welcome to the next millennium!" I said with excitement. "Where are we, Alex?" Ma said confused by the instantaneous...

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