- 4 years ago
- 23
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I made the decision that I was going to sit and eat with her. All night I had asked about her, standing alone in the back, watching the band play. She looked gorgeous. Now she sat eating a small salad at a table, alone, in the corner. They all said she had a horrible scar on her face and was very standoffish because of it, very self conscious about her appearance. They made fun of her when telling me so I walked away from most of the other people there. Her dark brown hair was carefully brushed so it covered the right side of her face. She perpetually kept her head down as much as possible, trying to cover it.
It was only the second show I’d been to at this club but I could tell immediately the first time I wasn’t exactly fitting in. While I hung around with some other people and was able to be friendly with them, I never came with anyone, and hadn’t really gotten to know anyone that well. I had only been coming honestly to get out of the house and wasn’t even the biggest fan of the local music scene. Both times I was there I noticed her though. I decided to give being friendly with her a shot.
I sat down across from her at the table in the corner. I smiled and said ‘Hey! My name’s Jim. How you doing?’
She nodded slightly, and twirled some lettuce around with her fork.
I decided to try again. ‘I’ve been here twice now…it’s not bad. I’ve seen you here both times. I think I’ve at least said hi to everyone but you at this point.’ I said cheerfully.
She mumbled something. It sounded like ‘Hello.’
I chatted while I ate a slice of pizza, talking about the band that had just played and some mediocre song that they performed. I babbled on for minutes trying to strike up conversation, trying everything, until she looked up at me and I was a little taken aback to see anger in her eye. She was pissed, big time.
‘Come to see the scar?’ she demanded, her voice suddenly full of volume and anger.
‘No, I came to eat with you and talk to you. I’ve talked with everyone else, and…’ I started, but didn’t get to finish.
‘Bullshit! You want to fucking see it, take a look, take a good look at my fucking face. Mandy and her fucking scar, everyone wants to see it. Here!’ She pulled her hair back from her face exposing her scared cheek. Her scar was a burn scar and I thought immediately that it must have come from some type of accident. It ran from her deep, dark blue eye to her jaw line. Her eye appeared to droop because of it. I glanced at it and then looked back into her eyes together.
‘Well…Mandy. Scars…what are they? It doesn’t say anything about who you are does it? It just says about where you’ve been.’
She looked like she wanted to say something back but instead sank into a shocked, nearly surprised gaze. She lowered her hair and her petite hand, then her head, and stood up. ‘Nice to meet you…’ she said in a whisper as she moved off and out the doors. I didn’t pursue her, unsure of whether it would upset her further, and unsure of what I would say if I caught up to her anyway.
I left then, not really feeling like staying for the second band. For the next week I thought about her throughout the day. I just wanted to speak with her at least once more. I felt so guilty knowing I upset her, and even more horrible knowing she felt so poorly about herself because of her scar. I decided to go back for the next show just to see if she was there.
Sure enough I saw her as soon as I walked in that night as the first band was setting up on stage. She seemed to be watching the door more closely than normal. Was she waiting for me? No…that wouldn’t be. I waved though from across the room and she gave me a shy wave back, with a small hint of a smile.
I got a drink and walked over to her directly.
‘Hey! How are you doing tonight?’ I asked cheerfully once again.
‘I’m doing okay…how are you?’ Mandy said with a stronger voice than the one that had left me the week before.
‘Fine. No complaints so far, I just got here though.’ I said with a little bit of a forced chuckle.’You want to step outside? I’m not really into this first band anyway…sometimes I’m not sure why I come here.’
‘Oh…sure. To be honest I come to get out of the house, I only like a few of the bands that have played here.’ she said. We stepped out into the night air and I noticed her holding her head higher than normal, looking at the stars. I looked up with her for what had to have been minutes before she spoke.
‘Did you mean what you said about the scars not being who we are?’ was what she finally said.
‘Yeah of course. Sometimes I have enough trouble getting the facts out of my mouth, I don’t lie very well. Sometimes I’m quiet and I don’t volunteer information but that’s not lying. When I speak…all it is, is what I really mean.’ Did that make any fucking sense at all, I thought.
‘So you don’t think I’m a joke?’ she asked, her voice brittle and very thin.
‘What? No of course not. You were hurt badly once…that’s what I think when I see your scar. It doesn’t say anything about who you are now. It’s not what says you’re a nice person. Your actions say that. It doesn’t tell the story of who you are at all, just what happened that day you were hurt.’ I said and looked her to smile as I finished.
‘Thank you. It’s very nice of you to say that.’ she said.
We stood in silence for another few minutes. Finally building up the confidence to ask I spoke up.
‘Mandy…I uh. I don’t know if you have plans, but I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me tomorrow. Or something.’
She was silent for more than a few seconds. I was wondering if I’d upset her again. I shouldn’t have asked, damn it, I though. Then she said, ‘You aren’t asking me out on a date are you?’ her voice again brittle.
‘I think I am. Uhh…yep. I am. I’m asking you out. If you’re not busy of course. If you are I understand.’ I said.
She looked at me directly in the eye. I looked back into her left eye and to the spot where I wish I could see her right. Instead I stared at her brown hair in contrast with the pale whiteness of her skin, still neatly brushed over that side. But on the left I could see a tear forming in that eye. I was confused and almost panicked…I felt a heavy dropping feeling in my stomach feeling I’d upset her again.
‘You want to do this again?! Do you all think I’m that fucking stupid? ‘Ask her out again…make her feel good. Then stand her up!’ Why??’ she sobbed at me.
‘No! No! Hey I’m sorry.’ I reached out for her but she stepped back, arms crossed, crying. ‘I was just…I wanted to take you out. I’m serious. I told you I don’t know a lot of the people here…I’m not trying to make fun of you. This has nothing to do with you scar or anything else other than trying to take you out for dinner. You and that nice behind’ I said. Immediately I wanted to hit myself in the face for trying to joke. So poorly. At this moment. Fucking idiot.
She stopped crying and looked mildly amused. And confused. ‘My behind, you mean my butt?’ she asked.
‘Uhh…ha. Yeah. You have a nice butt…and I want to take it out. Along with the rest of you.’ I said still feeling completely stupid.
She giggled at that, an innocent and utterly cute giggle. ‘Are you fucking nuts?’ she asked laughing.
‘Welllll…nahhh. I don’t think so. Why?’ I asked, now smiling, feeling better.
‘How many people do you think look at my ass and not my face?’ she said more seriously.
‘Well I do. And if you want to know how I think honestly I guess, it’s probably the first thing I noticed about you from across the floor.’
‘Ha…okay, okay. You’re joking with me though right? You want to take me out?’ she asked, her voice again soft and perhaps a little brittle, but not as thin and tight as before.
‘No. I’m being totally serious. My jokes are way worse than this and they usually offend some
one and I get a bloody nose and…’ I trail off and stop before I can fuck up again.
She didn’t answer at first. But then she pulled out her phone and gave me her number, scribbling it down on a little piece of paper. She said ‘Call me later, and we can talk about it, OK? I came here to see you…but I think you know that. I’m just going to head home.’
‘Sure. I promise.’ I said. We parted and both went to our houses.
I waited as long as I could, but I couldn’t wait long. I called her and we talked for a while, and we went out on Friday to dinner. We ate at a small place downtown, which is small enough in and of itself, in the area we lived. We took a walk afterwards and we both were at ease with each other. I felt so calm and happy with her. She seemed to feel the same, though her hair was still tightly combed over the right side of her face. The next few dates went nearly the exact same way. Movies, dinner, walks. We talked about where we were from, how we grew up, places we have been. We shared interests in music, TV, and more things than I thought were possible. The only major difference seemed to be our age, as I found she was 3 years older than me. Luckily she didn’t seem to mind. I took her back every night and would walk her to the door of her small home. I held off on moving any further, trying anything more. I was afraid to scare her off. Afraid to upset her. I was afraid to lose her, already.
After a few weeks and a few dates I learned she lived with her friend Sarah, when she stepped out to meet me one night. I shook her hand on the porch one night. ‘Your friend is amazing, you know that?’ I smiled. ‘Mandy I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?’
‘Okay.’ She said shyly, and then ducked into the house.
I went to the car, and drove off toward my own home.
I called her the next afternoon, Saturday, and we chatted some more. She invited me to dinner on Sunday with Sarah and her boyfriend at their house. I agreed. Almost too eagerly I thought afterward, nervousness building. I was so happy to spend time with her anyway. Why not spend time with her and her best friend?
I struggled to focus on anything until Sunday night when we had out dinner. The time passed surprisingly quickly and the chatter was light and friendly and everyone seemed to get along as far as I could tell. I saw a small nod from Sarah about half way through dinner. I must have passed some sort of test. I smiled inwardly and kept staring at Mandy. She was so beautiful. Her dark brown hair, even as it was brushed over her face, always caught my attention. The color of her eyes, that deep blue, was so perfect. Her defined jaw line and mouth with lips a soft pink color naturally, small, fitting the rest of her body. She couldn’t have been more than 5′ 4′ and no more than 120 pounds if that. Sarah’s boyfriend, Rick, broke me out of my trance with a question about baseball. He was nice but I wasn’t really interested in talking to him more than necessary though I tried not to let it show, being polite as possible. I really just wanted to talk to her.
We went outside onto the porch and sat staring at the stars again as we had the night I asked her out. I finally decided to kiss her, feeling 3 weeks was long enough. I had to try some time. She didn’t respond. Her lips gave no response at all. I looked at her eyes, and saw the tears forming again.
‘Oh shit…Mandy I’m sorry. I’ve wanted to for so long now but if you’re not ready or…you don’t want to or…whatever, I just…I understand…’ I said softly, trailing off.
‘It’s okay…Jim it’s just that I haven’t even done this since….’ I knew what she was referring, she needn’t go on.
I stroked her left cheek. ‘Do you want to tell me about it?’ I asked her. ‘I mean, only if you want to tell me about it. I am here to listen, always. But you only have to tell me if you want to.’
She looked and I could see her mind working. Then she said ‘I guess I do want to tell you about it. You should know. I was driving home from a friend’s house, at about two in the morning. I, uh, I reached down to the floor to get a CD I wanted to listen to and when I looked up I saw a deer in the road right in front of me. I swerved…which I know is dumb. I just couldn’t help the reaction I guess. It hit the windshield and I ended up in the ditch upside down.’ she paused and I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her as close into me as possible. Her head rested against my shoulder.
She continued her story. ‘I don’t know how long I was out, but when I woke up the car was smoking. I was confused as fuck. Didn’t know where I was, you know.’
I nodded and said ‘I can imagine. What it was like having to wake up like that, just…disoriented.’
She nodded, head brushing against me, and continued saying ‘The car caught on fire, I was struggling with the seat belt trying to get free, I was so scared.’ She paused again. ‘A man who was going by stopped when he saw the smoke. He kicked in the window, and was reaching for me. The fire was inside now, and…burning my jacket. I was wearing one of those denim jackets. I was just…screaming in pain and fear. I was so fucking scared I would die. When he finally got me out through the window the burning jacket was up against my face…and I got burned…pretty badly. Obviously.’ She was crying softly now.
I stroked her head and held her closer. I kissed her forehead and whispered ‘It’s okay…it’s okay.’
‘The ER doctors told me I was lucky to have just this injury on my face. A plastic surgeon said he could minimize the scar, but I can’t afford it. Our insurance doesn’t cover cosmetic surgery…or anything much for that matter. It pissed me off that he said I was lucky when I looked in the mirror. I look so horrible.’ She said.
‘Nooo…shhh. It doesn’t matter, the scar isn’t who you are. It tells the story of how lucky you were to survive, it shows how close you came to not being here at all.’ I said knowing that wasn’t exactly what I wanted to say…but I couldn’t find any better words.
‘You think I’m lucky?’ she asked.
‘Yeah, I do. Because if someone hadn’t come and helped you out of the car you probably would have died right there. But instead you’re still here. And…I’m happy you’re here with me.’ I said.
‘But I look like this. I’m disfigured…’ she sobbed harder and my heart sunk further every moment she kept crying.
I raised her head up to look at her face. Her cheeks were puffy and tears streamed down them. I reached up and brushed her hair back from in front of the right side of her face. She tried to turn and hide her face. I held her head, firmly, hoping that it wasn’t too hard to scare her or hurt her. I leaned in and kissed her scar, her cheek, gently, but again and again. Her hands came around me hesitantly, and then with more feeling. Soon she was gripping me tightly, hands clawing into my sides as if she was holding onto me for life.
‘I wish…you could look past it and see what I see.’ I said and then pausing for a moment, continued, ‘I see nothing but how…pretty you are when I look at you. How beautiful you are. I wish I had the words to make you feel better….’
She looked into my eyes. This time when I kissed her she kissed me back. Our tongues met fleetingly, and then introduced themselves properly. We kissed for a long time, standing together in our embrace on the porch. I was very careful not to move my hands below her shoulders and upper back. I knew that I didn’t want to move too fast with her, still. I wanted to be patient and move slowly. Unless she gave any indication otherwise I would think going as slow as possible was what she needed.
The next night after work we went into town and took a long walk along the river that snaked through town, listening to the sounds of birds and nature mixing with cars and the traffic of people going home for the night. We held hands, kissing now and again, taking our time.
I stopped her by the end of our walk as we neared m
y car. I put my arms around her and looked into both of her eyes, brushing her hair back. I looked at her and figured I would blurt it out, ‘I…I know we’ve only been seeing each other for what, three and half weeks, a month? But I can’t help but feel like it’s been longer. I can’t help but feel the way I do and…I like you a lot…but I don’t…I don’t want to put you into a position and into something you’re not ready for though Mandy…’ I trailed off as I often did. I was such a fucking mush mouth.
She looked right back into my eyes and smiled widely. She said words which to this day are still the kindest and most heart melting words anyone has ever said to me. ‘I think that you’re the sweetest man I’ve ever met. And whatever you’re ready for, I’m ready for.’ she then hesitated and a moment later said ‘I think I love you too you know.’
I didn’t even wait for her to follow me. I picked her up and ran to my car with her. She was giggling the entire way. I drove at what had to be an illegal speed to my house, but I don’t remember at all what it actually was. I was just focused on getting there. I pulled in quickly and hopped out of the car. I pulled her along to the front door and flung it open. She walked in a little hesitantly and looked around.
‘I think there’s some…wine in here…’ I said walking into the kitchen. I didn’t really know what the fuck I was doing at the time. It seemed like a good idea though.
‘We don’t need the wine. I already know what I want.’ She said it in a quiet voice, but looked right at me with her head up the entire time. Waiting to see what I’d do.
I turned to her with the wine bottle in my hand. I walked to her, attempting to place the bottle on a counter without breaking my gaze. I failed, horribly, and it fell to the floor behind me. I didn’t realize it at the time though as I took her into my arms and met her lips.
We kissed and my hands gripped her hips tightly. I moved her toward the stairs. We stumbled our way up, kissing, removing clothing, and pressing into each other. A trail of clothes lead it’s way to the bed and I was in the midst of the most lustful moment of my life to that point. I laid her down and her hair spilled away from her face revealing the scar in full. She didn’t try to hide it from me for a second. I didn’t look at it once, instead looking at her eyes, her mouth, her neck and on down. ‘You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen…’ I whispered to her, knowing it was cheesy, but not caring a for a moment. She replied back with what I thought I could only hope she would say and what she would feel. ‘You make me feel like it.’
I wanted her, only her, and right at that moment. I kissed her cheek, the scar, her lips that embraced mine and worked down to her neck. I moved to her breasts and took each nipple in turn. They responded and soon were small, hard little red points. They fit almost perfectly, if just somewhat smaller than my hands. She gripped my head as I kissed and caressed her.
I kissed, licked, and suckled my way down her body. I was already completely hard inside my shorts but I didn’t want to move to quickly, still. I wanted to do everything I could to make her happy, to please her. I moved below her waist and hopped down to her thighs. I ran my fingertips around in soft circles on each side, as I kissed the other. I moved closer to her center until with a gentle lap I moved my tongue up the length of her lips. It was so sweet already and her sent filled my mind with an insane need to be with her. I kissed her slit from the top down, gently, then harder, adding tongue each time. I lapped up and down, and side to side, careful to watch what she was responding to. Quicker than I expected she moaned at me. ‘Please…’
I pulled myself up on top of her and kissed her deeply. She responded by running her hands across my back, clinging to me almost as she did when we were standing on the porch kissing for the first time.
I began to reach for the drawer to get a condom but she grabbed my arm and pulled it back. At the same time I felt her reach down and attempt to guide me into her at that moment. I knew it was stupid…but to feel myself naked inside of her was all my mind could focus on then. I needed to feel her that way. I had to. I pushed only the head of my dick inside her at first and moved it along the split opening of her pussy. The slickness emanating from her made it easy. It also made it easy in the next moment as I pushed myself inside of her entirely. Not more than average I was almost surprised at the type of gasp that she cried out with, and the strength and tightness she grabbed onto me with.
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Hi.Friends my name mayur ye story mere pichle mahine kii hai.Jab mai nagpur gaya tha tab maine waha pe bahut randiyo ko choda.. Lekin muze maza nahi aaya.Mai soch raha tha ki maine aunty, ladkiyo ko choda lekin aaj tak maine kabhi kisi ladki ki chut ka seal nahi phoda to mai yaisi ladki ki talaash me jut gaya…4-5 din tak nahi mili phir maine ek din mere room ke saam ne rk 20-21 saal ki ladki ko dekha.Kasam se uska colour gora tha.Aur uske chehare pe pura oil bhra pada tha. Wo baar baar thuk ti...
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“Yes, its tradition,” she replied as she closed her suitcase and walked out of her room to bring it to my dad. She really didn’t care; my dad and she booked a hotel room for the night so they wouldn’t have to put up with the girls. They gave us money for pizza, pop, and movies and just hoped we didn’t trash the place completely. You may think I was crazy complaining about a night without adult supervision with 15 girls my age but I didn’t get along with the cheerleaders particularly. ...
Working with Trista Ch. 01byamberbmaid©Day 1:I had just started my new job; only a month in and so far it was ok. I was laid off months earlier and forced to start working in a temp firm. The hours were all right, the pay was reasonable, and I couldn't complain about the commute. I was told this position could potentially turn into a full-time role if all went well during the 3 month "probationary period." The marketing department I was temping in was made up of all women so that was a nice...
Swimming with My CousinIt was a hot summer day. I was about 18 at the time. My younger cousin had just turned 19. He was the spending the day with me, just hanging out at my house, while his mom was at work. Being a hot day, we were both sweaty from being outside most of the day. I asked him if he wanted to go swimming in the creek behind my house. He said sure, but that his swim trunks were at his house. He and his mom only lived three doors away, so we walked to his house. He had a key, and...
I was in a luxury hotel room when there was a knock on the door. "hello who is it?" i asked as i opened the door and there stood sexy blonde Shelley. "hi" she said with a wide smile. "wow Shelley hey how are you I wasn't expecting any company. "oh I just wanted to stop by and see you, can I sit down?" she asked. "honestly you shouldn't I was sort of checkin' you out" i joked she chuckled. "oh stop it silly boy" she replied but I wasn't k**ding she looked incredible in her white flowered print...
Merton pinched the bridge of his nose as Brash snored atop his head. “Run this by me again,” he said. “Okay,” Lisa said. “Dragons originated on Earth as weapons of warfare and magical creations made by human wizards. One wizard decided to use them against his enemies, and the resulting war devastated the planet. It’s probably what’s behind pretty much every ancient flood and story of Atlantis and why every human culture in the world has art and legends about dragons. In the end, the wizards...
"GET READY, KID ... HERE IT COMES!" the big trucker said just as his huge cock started to go off inside my mouth. The first thick rope of cum shot forth powerfully, the sperm-laden wad of cock-juice shooting deep into my sucking mouth. His monstrous cock twitched and I felt a second creamy strand of his milky semen splash over my tonsils. His hips flexed back and forth as he continued to unload inside my vacuuming mouth, my head banging rhythmically against the headboard as he fucked my face...
Hi to all readers and I am Ashish 25 from Pune 5’9″ tall, athletic built, whitish. This is my first story on ISS and my first ever sex experience. I’ve been reading stories on ISS from a long time and I get very excited or rather sex excited reading stories in the incest categories. Therefore I decided to post my real life experience with you all. This story is about me and my aunt, my father’s elder brother’s wife who live at my home town in Maharashtra. I remember I was in 12th grade that...
IncestImee does not open the door, her daughter does. Where is your mother, Ate?(*1) She had to leave for the day. She is with my Aunts. Where is your brother? Mother took him with her. Why are you here and not with your mother. She said I should stay in case you came back. Did she say why that was important? She said she promised you that she would be here for you, if you come back in an hour. She cannot be here, so I am to be here for you instead. She says it is very important that we not...
Phyllis Dillerisms... Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age. As your beauty fades, so will his eyesight. -Phyllis Diller Housework can't kill you, but why take a chance? -Phyllis Diller Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing. -Phyllis Diller The reason women don't play football is because 11 of them would never wear the same outfit in public. -Phyllis Diller Best way to get rid of kitchen...
Hi Friends I ma back With my new Exciting Story Aapne meri story “Maine Apni Dost ki Badi behen Ko Choda” to padhi hi hogi Mujhe aapke bahut saare e-mails mile hai jo aap logo ne mujhe bheja tha main aapko apne bare mein phir se bata deta hoo mera naam Playboy(name changed) hai meri height 6 foot aur 4 inch hai aur mera lund bhi 6 inch ka hai agar koi bhi ladki jiski age18 se 26 saal ke beech ki hai aur koi bhi aunty jinki umar 30 se 40 saal k beech me ho Plz contact me on my e-mail aur apni ek...
Little Mall Princess"If that were me, I would have found a way to twist him up and then get him underneath my fucking foot."When I heard the girlish voice make this statement as I stood there transfixed on a brand-new HD TV on display near the entrance to the mall Sharper Image outlet, I ignored it, thinking that such a direct statement from such a pretty young voice must be directed at someone else.Afterall, I was a thirty-something dude in Saturday afternoon clothes who'd run into the mall...
Your name is John Doe. You are a high school senior that is attending Roseland High School. It is already the spring semester meaning that you will graduate soon. You want to make these last days of high school something that will make you feel proud of yourself. You calculate that you only have 141 days left until the day of your graduation. Day 1 begins on a Friday at 7 a.m. It is your 18th birthday and you’re dressing really nice, so you can impress the girls, especially Evelyn. You decide...
This is a very short part, intentionally so, adds to the feel of it.. After Steven had walked Jacie home, he ambled along with a huge smile on his face. He had always fancied her, but no-one had even gotten close to her because of Jack. ‘What a fool!’ He thought to himself. ‘He lets Laura steal him away from Jacie in one night. Ah well, his loss, my gain.’ “What are you looking so happy about?” The voice startled him, making him stumble. “Ooops, falling for me all over again?” Said Laura with...
ReluctanceThings were much the same with fifty-something Trevor Neil continuing his love affair with nineteen-year-old Kelly Simpson whilst Kelly's mum Fiona continued to get fucked by her twenty-one-year-old toyboy, Steve Taylor. Also continuing, although Kelly and Fiona were unaware of it, was Kelly's dad Chris's affair with a married woman at his work and in fact, he and the woman, Mary Longworth, were fucking much more frequently and were discussing setting up home together.Kelly's twentieth birthday...
Mature“May I cum aboard Captain?” she asks. “Why of course Miss,” says Popeye going to meet her at the gangplank., wondering why on earth she has that dress on. “Can I get you a drink Miss?” “Yes Pops, carrot juice please!” “Really?” asks Popeye. “No, you idiot! Get me a cold glass of wine.” As Popeye returns with the wine, he asks “Why are you wearing that dress? It looks like it has been sprayed on!” “I told Roger I had a matinee performance so I could sneak out to see you!” Why do you...
Gender bent – somebody’s bitchI woke up to the humming from Kandi as I popped open one eye and canvased the room. I let out a load “Ughhh” and turned over. I noticed my butt hurt while Kandi came over to me wearing a lace bra and panties and smiled “Looks like the sluts awake” she then giggled as her cock was out just standing in the wind. “What happened last night?” as I removed the bobby pins that kept my wig in place. “Well we got really, really, and I mean Really wild last night with me and...
Kyler Quinn is hanging out on the couch when she hears a suspicious sound behind her. She turns around and spots a creepy leprechaun jerking his willy as he stares at her. Kyler runs to her parents, Sebastian Diox and Crimson Morningstar to try to tell them. They brush her off, telling her there’s nothing out there and that she imagined it. Later, Kyler sees the leprechaun as she admires herself in the mirror after a shower. She freaks out again, but again her parents discount her claims....
xmoviesforyouLife in the Sleepy Village went on. Katrina spent her days helping Ichabod with school and letting him play with her afterward. His favorite activity was laying her on the table in front of the classroom, crawling up under her skirts, and tasting her, until she swooned in blissful orgasm. Then he would flip up her skirts, drop his breeches and fuck her to another one, pulling out at the last minute, and ejaculating all over her blonde bush. Even though she could not seem to gain control over...
HistoricalMt Dragon was the highest peak of the three mountains on the island. It stood a good 600m higher than Ricky’s plateau, (2.2km) and the top 400m was snow-capped all year round. Mind you, you had to go back down around 250m or so, to get to the effective base of the mountain. It was roughly a 40km trek from Ricky’s treehouse to the base, due to the terrain in between. It also had to be done on foot once you left his plateau due to the steep slopes and cliffs. Typically, very few people who...
CHAPTER 5: SHARING I had just agreed to being Mr. Cornell’s Personal Assistant despite not having the courage to apply for it and followed that with bringing Mrs. Cornell to her first girl-girl orgasm. Mr. Cornell rose from the couch where he had been holding his wife while she orgasmed on my mouth, tongue, and fingers. I stood with him, leaning over to give her a kiss on the lips before gathering up a couple of the glasses and joining him at the little bar in the living room. “Thank you,...
Morning was tough to get started with all the time zone changes in the last few days, but morning it was. Breakfast was fried ham, eggs, coffee, and biscuits - a lot better than tea and muffins. My mates entertained the wives of a group of high level politicians while I was in meetings with the politicians. We had a good meeting while talking about the progress on the agreements and other things of interest. A committee had been formed with American businesses in the search for suitable...
Kelly had been working so much lately that she hadn’t had time to go do any of the things that she truly enjoyed or made her feel like a woman. She thought about canceling her gym membership and her fiancé hadn’t tasted her in ages. She had even been so busy that she hadn’t realized how much pent up energy she had. Kelly was working late as usual, and after finishing a major project, feeling proud of herself, Kelly began to relax and revel in her small victory. That’s when her body started...
ReluctanceIntroduction: Bath lesson Twin Japanese Nieces Pt19 Belgium is a nice place to visit in the summertime. With the cooler climate and temperate weather, I strongly suggest it to anyone who is thinking of a trip over seas. And Brussels has a lot to offer for the international traveler, I just wish I could have seen more of it. With a full schedule of daily meetings and presentations, my business duties swallowed up almost every second of the 6 days I spent there. I did, however, get to check in...
This was the third time we had met, gradually innocence was lost and desire began to control our actions. The first time was in the park, in public with a gentle walk and lots of talking, a few brief touches, holding hands and a couple of stolen kisses. The fire being primed and fed with enough fuel to blaze a path to who knows where. The second meeting was more discreet, both knowing our desire to be alone desperately smouldering but unsure about where we wanted this to go. We chose lunch in...
She wanted this soon so I am in a hurry to finish please forgive me for any mistakes. Friends this happened a while ago during those hot summer days. I completed my days work and began walking out of the building. As I started walking out I saw a slim, tall and attractive women walking towards me, she was in her late thirties. I said to myself I am seeing this lady for the first time here. She was walking slowly and less confidently. I could immediately understand that she is a new recruit. As...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! When our daughter reached her teens, she started giving us trouble, she would go out and not tell us she was going or where, when she did say, we would tell her what time to be home, but she was nearly always late, by an hour, sometimes even longer, and she didn’t seem to be bothered. We would stop her allowance, ground her, take her computer right’s away, remove the TV from her room, but she slipped back into her ways after a week or two. One Sunday...
IncestHi there. This is my first work on this site. Though it is a bit lengthy, I can assure you it is worth it. For all those who like it soft and erotic. All constructive criticisms and praises are welcome at Hope you like the story. She rang the doorbell with full determination. It was her last chance to convince Mayank to stay back. And she was in no mood to fail at this. Mayank had recently earned an offer from a well-renowned firm in Paris for the job. Being an Architect, it was like a dream...
My mother, rest her soul, died when I was seven, so for half my life the only family I had was my daddy and the dogs. Daddy worked as a trash collector in the city, so most of the time it was just me and our four dogs: Fudd, the youngest, a droopy basset hound who seemed to be unable to do anything other than sniff things; Townes Van Zandt, named for the singer, whom everyone knew as TVZ because he was a common sight on anyone's porch; the old hound Po, who had been my mother's favorite...
I had always grown up well, and in good care. My parents always told me to do good in school and watch out for those senior boys. I didn't even think I had a chance until middle school came around, and things started looking up for me. My chest began to grow, and boys started to notice me. I didn't know if I like the attention or not. All I knew is that when high school started, things really started to change. "Sarah, what do you think I should wear for the dance...
Ok so Jenny was 15. She lived across the street from mefor quite sometime. I had noticed she had become quite a beautiful girl. She had shoulder lenght blonde hair and the most adorable eyes, baby blue. big round cheeks with the cutest dimples when she smiled. She was about 5'4'', and very slender. Nice lil B cup titties just budding through her lil bikini she wore mowing the yard. Her legs were well muscled and nicley tanned. She was a very curious girl, always at my place whileI...
she was for it the moment their bodies slid into each other on the dance floor. She exuded need and readiness like a finger greeting moisture in an eager pussy. Jacob knew she was for it the moment their bodies slid into each other on the dance floor. She exuded need and readiness like a finger greeting moisture in an eager pussy. He remembered of all things in this particular moment his grandmother’s sage advice: ‘good things come in small packages.’ This woman defined...
HardcoreFinals were over, my last one was 2 days after his as he was a part time student and I had a bigger course load. I'd been back home where I lived with my mom for 3 days, when she called to me and said I had a visitor. It was Bean, at my door. "What are you doing here?" I asked, my brain not quite wrapping round the idea that I was seeing him here, at my home, and not at school. Before he could answer I continued, "Your parents let you come here?" And then over it all, "And how do...
SRU: Changing Private Ryan By JDCopyhack Dateline: June 6, 1944 It was dawn as the Higgins landing craft plowed through the choppy seas. The air was thick with fog and the skies were overcast. The Allied High Command couldn't have asked for better camouflage to begin the European invasion. Aboard one of the craft, Private James Ryan stared blankly out to sea. Around him, many of his fellow soldiers were in various stages of prayer. And those who weren't were vomiting over the...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The week passed slowly...but not without incident! When I got home Tuesday after work, I found Mindy standing in the kitchen with a note in her hand. That was her only adornment, she was completely naked! "Mom's gone to a meeting," she grinned, rubbing her deep slit with a fingertip, "and she took Polly and Suzy with her. She says we are to take...
I wake up flushed, my hands buried deep in my panties as I often find them when I wake up nowadays. I need to get laid. Since my boyfriend has gone away I have found myself engaging in new and exciting fantasies in my sleep, unable to focus on anything aside from the thought of my normally sweet and innocent boyfriend fucking me. Hard. Violently. I have found my appetite for thinking about it insatiable. This has led to the need to finger myself in the toilets at work, in the library, in all...
SpankingI slept quite soundly that night. Turns out that the Emma snores, but not too badly. At one point, I woke and found that I had gotten hard and my erection was rammed hard into her butt crack and I was cupping her left boob; a bead of pre-cum was on the end of my penis and, I assume, smeared against her ass as well. I rolled over onto my back. I didn’t know if she had felt it. I recall dreaming at one point of taking her from behind (obviously, Jess had planted that image in my head) while...