Phoenix Ch 11 free porn video

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“Brie! Where are you?” he called out in a hoarse whisper. “Brieda?”

“Here!” Brie called back, her voice shivering with the cold. Argus found her cage a moment later and lowered it down to the cold dirt floor. He began slashing the entrance bindings with his blade. In another moment, the doorway hung half open. Goddess and ardent rescuer embraced fiercely.

“Hurry! There’s no time!” Argus whispered urgently. “Mare Calli’s guard will be returning!”

Brie allowed herself to be half-dragged up the dimly lit and narrow steps leading to the surface. They must have made too much noise or, more likely, her clumsy rescuer was spotted when he entered, because a guard was waiting for them with drawn sword. Brie pulled the prince to the side just as the guard swung at him.

Argus fell in the darkness and couldn’t see Brie as she stood proudly, daring the guard to strike again. The guard raised his sword, then slashed down. The girl twisted to one side and kicked hard, doubling the guard over while his sword clanged loudly against the walking stone. Gripping the guard’s fallen sword in one hand and Argus in the other, Brie led the way into the shadows of the surrounding trees. They were safe for a moment.

“Did you get the horse?” she whispered to the young prince who was the reason she’d been caged.

“Yes, but I couldn’t bring him close,” Argus whispered. “There were too many of Mother’s guards. I’ll take you to where I left him.”

Once past the first grove of trees, Brie could easily see the high stone walls of Caerlave Rock, even though there was no moon to light the night sky. It was another twenty minutes of creeping past guards and campfires before Argus admitted he was lost.

“What do you mean, ‘lost’?” Brie hissed. “How can you get lost in your own shire? Where’s the horse?”

“I don’t know!” Argus whined, quite upset. “Forgive me, Goddess, I’m not used to this. Maybe the guards found the horse or maybe he wandered off! I don’t know!”

Brie frowned. She was renown throughout this strange land for showing the locals how to smelt iron in the manner of the Romans. As a result, the primitive denizens of the area had insisted that she was the incarnation of their Goddess of Light, Brieda. Everyone insisted on calling her that, including this young son of a neighboring warrioress chieftain named Calli.

The young prince was the problem. He was smitten with the Goddess Brie and Calli was furious at this pretender for seducing her son, whom she needed to marry the daughter of King Godo so that the two neighboring shires could form a military alliance to fight the godless Romans.

She had her son followed until he met with the girl secretly in a grove near Dundonald, then had them both snatched and returned to Caerlave Rock, where her son would someday reign. The usurper goddess was imprisoned. A special wicker cairn was built and rubbed with pitch so that the fake goddess could be sacrificed to the real one in a ritual of fire at the beginning of the next quarter, two days from now.

“We’ll have to steal another horse,” Brie decided. “Once they’ve noticed I’ve escaped, we won’t get far on foot.”

She was rightly annoyed at the young prince. If they got caught, like as not, nothing would happen to him. She, on the other hand, would probably be burned alive if she weren’t simply sliced into pieces when she was recaptured. Both were practices these bloodthirsty people seemed to enjoy.

They continued on in a westerly direction until they encountered the next warrior camp, then carefully crept around the perimeter until Argus saw the line of horses.

As he approached, the line grew skittish and attracted the attention of the watch. Hiding in tall brush, they waited until the guard was satisfied his charges were secure. Brie was the one who then moved forward and soothed the nearest horse until he could be untethered and quietly led away.

It was an hour later. The sky was getting brighter. Brie clung with her arms tightly wrapped around her rescuer and bounced wildly around on the rump of the giant animal as they galloped madly across the fen, Calli’s troops in hot pursuit.

Fifteen minutes earlier, Brie and Argus had trotted right out in front of a line of charioteers moving out to chase the Romans off their lands once again. Now, the exhausted, stolen horse was stumbling more often as it raced over the uneven ground. Even though their pursuers were burdened with chariots, Brie could tell that they were drawing nearer. Arrows were starting to fall around them. The stolen horse was carrying double, and the swift chariots behind them were, except for the wooden wheels and frame, woven from grass and weighed practically nothing.

Brie gasped, then coughed as an arrow struck deep into her shoulder blade. A few seconds later, another struck her low in the back. Nearly fainting from the pain, Brie sagged sideways. The next bounce off the galloping horse launched her into the air. She landed in a heap on the soft, muddy ground as Argus reined in, terrified and furious. He was their prince and they were shooting at him!

Jumping off the foundering horse, Argus landed running and dropped down beside his fallen goddess, protecting her from any more arrows with his own crested tunic.

“Pull them out,” Brie gasped. “The arrows!”

“No!” Argus insisted. “You’ll die!”

“I’m a Goddess!” Brie snarled at her would-be lover. “I can’t die! But I can be trapped against the earth and cut into pieces if you don’t pull those arrows out of my back!”

The captain of the charioteers, recognizing the prince now, pulled up beside the pair.

“My lord!” the Captain cried out as Argus pulled the arrow out of the girl’s shoulder, concerned that the false goddess would perhaps die before she could be properly sacrificed to her namesake.

Argus pulled out the second arrow. A bright spurt of red blood followed the stone tip upward.

“Your mother will be displeased,” the Captain muttered sullenly.

“It doesn’t matter,” Argus whispered sadly, watching as his goddess’ life-blood slowed in its spurting. “She’ll be dead in a moment, and by your archer’s bow!

“Who do you believe will be punished for it? You could have run us to ground in another few minutes and you would have her still alive! ’Tis better she dies this way than be burned alive in one of mother’s fiery cairns!”

In another moment, the bleeding stopped completely. Argus knew deep in his gut that the strange, exotic girl was dead, her wonderful heart stopped forever. He nearly jumped into the Captain’s chariot when she moved to push herself up and out of the mud she was lying in.

“She lives!” several warriors cried out.

At that exact moment, the sun edged over the horizon, casting its life-giving energy over the land and just incidentally lighting Brie up with an almost supernatural glow. Everyone immediately dropped down on their knees, finally acknowledging the divinity of the dark-haired girl they’d named after their ancient goddess.

Brie stood in the morning sunlight, her smooth, unscarred backside where she’d been wounded displayed for all to see as she stripped off her muddy, bloodied tunic. Underneath the shirt, her skin was smooth and unblemished where the arrows had pierced her. She rinsed off with some water a warrior brought from one of the chariots so she could better display the divinity of her healing power. Her naked body glistened wetly in the early morning sunlight.

“My Lady of the Land,” the Captain pleaded from his kneeling position beside his war chariot, “sister of the Lady of the Lake and of the Sky, what would you command of me?”

“I would take food if you have it,” Brie commanded of the kneeling Captain. “The blessing of your land with my life-blood is taxing.”

She looked around as she noticed a buzzing sound, wondering where it was coming from.

Jake woke up. There was a buzzing nearby. It was the hotel desk with his wake-up call. Stumbling over to the dresser, he pressed the button acknowledging their signal, then pulled open the front of the little cooler sitting there. Pulling out a short, stubby bottle of dark beer, he twisted off the cap and took a deep swig.

For several years after he’d lost Béla, he had relived her memories almost every night in the form of dreams. But as the years passed, the dreams occurred less and less often, as though she was moving farther away in death. If he still had them, he didn’t remember upon awakening. Maybe once or twice a year, though, he would remember one vividly – like the one he just had.

He snorted at the thought of ancient war chariots woven out of grass. The cage he… or rather, she… had been hung in was woven, also. Wherever that incident had taken place (most likely somewhere in the British Isles because of the medieval castles), they didn’t seem to have an abundance of iron, but they certainly knew how to weave grass.

He grinned, thinking that maybe that was where Béla thought she’d learned how to do it. She evidently missed a few steps of the process, never realizing she might need to weave it herself, someday.

The other thing he noticed was how easily Béla had stepped into the role of ‘goddess’ in that primitive society. In many of his dreams about her, she often worked her way into some divine position in whatever society she found herself. Whenever she managed that, she would set up for decades or even a century or two, using her ‘divinity’ to explain her continued youth and her ability to heal herself.

Plus, as a goddess or a priestess, she would invent excuses to display herself naked in public, often influencing that society’s viewpoint on public nudity (at least regarding religious sexual practices). She was probably the reason the Druids used to dance around nude to celebrate the changing of the seasons.

“Guten morgen, mein teurer schatz,” a soft, sultry voice said from the bed he’d left behind.

“Guten morgen to you, mein liebhaber,” Jake replied.

His terrible accent earned him a feminine chuckle from the bed.

“Not bad,” Leonie said, her own German accent barely noticeable. “I almost understood you.”

Then she laughed. “I’m sorry. In truth, you are learning very quickly – faster than I learned English.”

Jake smiled as Leonie's voice brought back memories of a magnificent night of lovemaking. It also helped him to remember where he was – Munich.

“English is a hard language to learn,” Jake informed her. “It took me years and I still make mistakes.”

Leonie laughed at his jest. “But Englisch is your first language, is it not?”

“Yes,” Jake admitted, smiling at her. “And I’m sorry to say that I’m stuck with it. It’s ruined my ability to learn other languages. I’m afraid I’ll only ever speak gerbroken German. Your countrymen will think I’m stupid.”

“You mean ‘gebrochenes’, not ‘gerbroken’, Liebchen,” Leonie said, smiling. “But ‘broken’ is the right word. And most people think Americans are stupid, anyway.”

“Ouch,” Jake laughed. ‘Tell me why, and we’ll see if I agree.”

He sat down on her side of the bed, half-lying down on her legs and hips hidden under the sheet.

“Don’t fret,” he said softly, leaning down to kiss her. “I’m not trying to start an argument. I’m actually very easy.”

“All men are easy,” Leonie said, kissing him back. “That’s why they fear women who are easy.”

“Oho, I’m afraid of you now?” Jake asked, sitting up and grinning down at her.

“Perhaps ‘fear’ is the wrong word,” Leonie admitted. “But men fear a woman’s freedom. They… dislike… Is that the right word?”

“Resent?” Jake asked.

“Ressentiment?” Leonie asked. “You know that word?”

“Yes,” Jake replied. “Resentment. It means the same in English.”

“Ach!” Leonie said brightly. “We have something in common!”

They both laughed. Jake said, “I revel in your freedom. I certainly don’t resent it!”

“You’d better not!” Leonie said. “I wouldn’t be here, ander… different wise.”

“Otherwise,” Jake said, gently correcting her.

“Don’t be so American, darling,” Leonie whispered, teasing him again.

“Oh, yes! You were going to tell me what you don’t like about Americans,” Jake reminded her.

Leonie shrugged. “It’s very simple. Americans don’t like anything that’s different than what they’re used to.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t say it more simple than that and still be polite,” Leonie said, bracing for an argument.

“Then don’t be polite,” Jake encouraged her. “You won’t hurt my tender feelings. I’ll still think you’re sexy. I might not want to talk to you, though.”

“If you don’t talk to me, my price goes up,” Leonie promised.

Jake chuckled again. “You’re charging me?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

“That depends,” she replied. “How… gl?ish… you can make me feel, mein Edelbrusche.”

“I have no idea what you just said,” Jake replied, pulling the sheet down and exposing her bare breasts and soft stomach, “but I shall do my best to get you there.”

He bent down and kissed her soft, warm stomach, then bit her gently while running his hands down her sides.

“Is this what you want?” he asked, looking up at her when she didn’t answer.

Leonie’s eyes were closed and she was smiling to herself. The intoxicating aroma of last night’s sex wafted up from where the sheet still covered her. Jake breathed the scent deeply into his lungs, then moved one hand down beneath the sheet to stir her up a bit.

At the first touch of his fingers, Leonie’s sharp intake of breath and the arching of her back let him know how ‘gl?ish’ she was feeling. He would have to look up what kind of ‘boy’ she’d called him. That is, if he remembered to, later.

She was wet and sticky between her legs, having fallen asleep after their last lovemaking session. She smelled used, and it was Jake’s use of her he smelled. He slid his face down her belly, moving toward that wonderful aroma hiding just beyond that dark mound of hair his lips were even now brushing against.

Leonie’s hand in his hair, lifting his head up and away from her body, surprised him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, twisting around and looking up at her.

“You slice me with your face!” Leonie exclaimed.

Jake looked down at the white scratch marks and the redness of her skin when his whiskers had been digging into her soft, lovely stomach.

“Sorry,” Jake apologized. “I thought ‘au natural’ was what you were all about.”

“Au natural, ja,” she said, frowning. “But you make sushi out of me!”

Smiling, Jake forced his head down and gently kissed her reddened stomach. Leonie let go of his hairy head in a gesture of forgiveness and lay back on her pillow again.

Jake lay quietly, not digging his prickly chin into her stomach this time, and just caressed her furry little slit with his fingers, making it more slippery as another moment went by. After another minute or two, Leonie sighed deeply and relaxed, letting herself enjoy his caresses once again.

Not sliding his day-old beard along her stomach this time, Jake kissed his way farther down to her pubic mound and brushed his lips back and forth in her fur, blowing gently as he did so.

Foreplay with a woman like Leonie was much different than with a girl who shaved herself bare. There were more things a man could do with a hairy pussy, like blowing on it, or pulling gently on the hairs with his teeth. In addition, Leonie’s scent was richer and much more intoxicating than the shaved-naked girls he was used to.

He wondered if shaving was one of the ‘differences’ that most Americans complained about. If so, then Leonie was right; Americans were stupid. It would be a really dull world if everyone were the same. Jake loved the subtle differences he found in the women as he traveled from one country to another.

He could hear Leonie’s quiet sigh of pleasure and smiled to himself as she spread her legs wider to give him better access. Jake got up and went around the end of the bed to get between those beautiful legs rather than just roll over her. She smiled and watched him down the length of her curvy body as she stretched out on the bed to make herself more available for his use and pleasure.

Once positioned with his face an inch away from her sweetly aromatic cunt, Jake pulled the sheet up against her inner thighs so her sensitive flesh wouldn’t become irritated by his unshaved whiskers, then he blew gently on that pleasure center right in front of his nose.

Leonie reacted instantly, tilting her pelvis and raising up, trying to match her pussy lips up with his own lips, wanting more of that wonderful, breezy sensation.

Jake accommodated her by delicately kissing her vulva, moving his lips gently back and forth against her sensitive flesh. Leonie’s body responded automatically – her pussy lips suddenly quivering and opening up slightly as though she was trying to kiss him with her cunt.

After another moment of torturing her with his hot breath and gentle kisses, Jake felt her hands in his hair. Then he was pulled forward, his face mashed up between Leonie’s legs. Her thighs squeezed the sides of his head.

“Eat me!” Leonie cried out. “You make me crazy with your playing!”

Taking a deep breath, Jake blew hard into her pussy, filling it with air. Then he began running his tongue up and down her pussy lips as the strongly scented air bubbled back out with each tiny motion she made. In revenge for his little prank, Leonie pulled Jake, by his hair, up a little further so he could tease her clitoris with his tongue. Jake didn’t hesitate and attacked her little pleasure nub with more enthusiasm than she was expecting.

“Yi!” Leonie yelped. “Das biest!”

Tightening her legs hard against the sides of his head, she twisted sideways. Now she had him in a serious leg lock. One good twist and she could break his neck.

“Urk!” Jake gurgled. “I give up!”

Leonie rolled completely over, forcing Jake onto his back, as well. Now, she could force his mouth against her hot, ready pussy and there wasn’t much he could do about it.

“Verdammt wiesel!” she scolded playfully, then pressed down against his face with all her body weight.

Jake got the idea and properly began to suck on her clitoris.

“Jawohl,” she sighed, “much better…”

After a moment, Leonie lifted herself up off of Jake’s face, then turned around, wanting to suck on Jake’s cock while he licked her pussy. He was nice and hard and ready. She lay down on top of her American lover and began kissing her way up and down the length of his cock. Jake reciprocated with a sensuous lick from her clitoris all the way to the end of her slit. She shuddered and moaned at the erotic sensation and did the same to his cock, licking it all the way from its tip to his balls.

Jake firmly clasped his hands around Leonie’s rump, then gently surrounded her budding clit with his teeth. Biting down gently, he began to flick his tongue back and forth, holding her rump steady to keep her from trying to rise up and escape the overwhelming sensations flooding through her body.

At the same time, Leonie was lowering her mouth over Jake’s hard cock. She appreciated how well the curve of his cock matched the curve of her throat as she engulfed him as far as she could swallow. Forcing her throat to relax, she pressed forward, swallowing continually until her lips were pressed against his pubic hair. She didn’t choke until Jake bit her clitoris and began teasing it with his tongue, causing her to lose her concentration.

She pulled her face back off his cock as she started to orgasm, her slender body shaking with the wondrous wave of sensuality flooding through her. After that orgasm, Jake stopped, just holding her steady as she lay twitching on top of him. He was careful not to breathe on her sensitive pussy hairs and excite her any more than she already was.

Leonie lay on top of him and caught her breath after a moment, then noticed that nothing was happening. She blew gently on his still-hard cock, causing it to visibly throb. Jake was obviously still horny.

“Why do you stop?” she asked, finally.

“I was about to come down your throat,” Jake explained. “I want to come inside you and be kissing you when you have your next orgasm.”

Leonie rolled off Jake and sat up. “You are…” she sighed, then continued, “das beste aller zeiten!”

“Is that good?” Jake asked, pulling her down against him.

She smiled. “Ja, yes, my love. Are you sure you’re an American?”

“Well,” Jake said, kissing the end of her nose, “I’ve spent the last two years in Paris and Cannes. Before that, I was in Soho, London and Edinburg. Before that, I spent a year wandering through the Angus Glens. Before that, I spent a short time in Shetland – the home of the Vikings.

“The previous five years I spent walking across Canada,” he continued.

“I was right,” Leonie said softly, her eyes shining. “I did not believe you to be a typical American tourist.”

She kissed him passionately as she crawled up on top of him again. Gently surrounding his hard cock with her soft, loving thighs, she sank down and engulfed him with a sigh of pleasure.

They spent the next hour like that – coupled together, making slow, sensuous love. Leonie felt his cock start to jerk inside her as Jake finally came. His orgasm caused one final orgasm to cascade over her. Their lips were locked together and she moaned her pleasure into his mouth as she came.

Some time afterward, she slid off and lay half on the mattress, straddling his body with one leg and an arm, her head resting on his shoulder.

“What was her name?” she asked quietly.

“Who?” Jake said, not too surprised at the question. There had been a few before her who had asked him that.

“The girl,” Leonie explained, “the one who sent you on this magnificent quest across the world…”

“She was just a girl,” Jake said, not wanting to talk about it.

“You lie badly,” Leonie replied, raising her head and kissing Jake on the cheek.

She sat up on the bed then, knowing that there was no room in Jake’s heart for her, even though he was the best and the most considerate lover she had ever known. He was not for her; another already owned his heart.

She got up and began getting dressed.

“Are you leaving?” Jake asked.

“Ja,” Leonie replied. “I have to go to work.”

“Do you want me here when you return?” he asked.

He knew that he had somehow hurt her feelings and she might want him out of her life now that she knew she had no chance for a future with him. It always ended this way. He hoped that, someday, he would find someone who could make him forget.

“If you are still here, I will take you to the best dinner you have ever eaten,” Leonie promised. “If you are gone, then I will wish for you the best of fortunes on your quest. I hope you find happiness at its end.”

Despite the fact that Jake smiled at her, she thought he looked very sad. She sighed and turned away to continue getting dressed. She would leave it up to him whether he stayed or not, even though she realized that she’d be better off if he left. Leonie, like everyone else on the planet, had her own quest for happiness, and Jake, she was sorry to admit, was not the answer to her search. But he was the closest she had found for a long while. Perhaps there was still hope.

Standing at the door, she blew him a kiss, then started to leave. The fire alarm caused them both to jump in surprise.

“What’s that?” Jake called out, suddenly feeling anxious.

“I don’t know,” Leonie yelled back, frightened.

Opening the door, she peered out into the hallway. Several people were opening their doors and looking around like she was. He heard Leonie and another man speaking in German, almost yelling at each other so they could communicate over the sound of the claxon bell at the end of the hall. Someone else came out and yelled something at them. Jake heard the new voice say something about ‘das fernsehen’.

He didn’t know too many words in German yet, but he knew that a ‘fernsehen’ was a TV. By the time Leonie came back into her apartment, he had found the remote and turned it on. He flipped through several channels until he found an English CNN channel.

“Reports of a nuclear bomb exploding in Jerusalem have been confirmed. We have a satellite image that will be available momentarily.”

Jake and Leonie sat and watched as the news grew worse over the next few hours. Jerusalem had been the first city to be lost. Kabul, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Amman, Islamabad, Tehran and Baghdad, along with dozens of other cities were gone by the end of that first hour as the Sons of Abraham committed genocide amongst themselves, finally finishing what the first king of Israel had begun all those centuries ago.

When New Delhi was nuked, bringing India into the war, the destruction of the Semitic nations was assured. In six hours, it was all over, but the rest of the world still trembled in terror, praying to whatever deities they prayed to that the nuclear insanity would be contained and this wasn’t the beginning of the end of the world.

Leonie didn’t make it to work that day. She and Jake spent the day sitting on the bed watching the horrid news and holding each other tightly, hoping they would still be alive tomorrow. It wasn’t safe to go outside, anyway. There was violence in every major city – looting and rioting, fires and gun wars between armed gangs and the police. Many people believed that the end time – Revelations – was upon them, and maintaining any semblance of civilization no longer mattered.

After six hours, no more bombs fell. A quarter of the world was now a radioactive wasteland. Millions more would die from the vast cloud of radiation that was beginning to drift over India and would soon expand to cover China and most of the Asian continent all the way up to Siberia.

Japan would be spared when the jet stream changed directions and swept the deadly cloud of radiation out over the Pacific, instead.

In addition, hundreds of thousands were dead in major cities all over the world because of the rioting and the fires. Parts of Munich were in flames, but not where Jake and Leonie were. Martial Law was in effect for the next several days as order was restored and people, coming to realize that they weren't going to die in a nuclear holocaust, gradually returned to their daily lives.

There were, of course, food shortages and water pollution being reported from every city, and travel was not encouraged. Many unnecessary deaths were caused by an overzealous military as Martial Law was strictly and violently enforced. It didn’t matter if you were starving or not. If you were found away from your home and you didn’t have papers saying you were allowed to be where you were, you were shot.

The landlord’s family that owned Leonie’s apartment building forced all their tenants to turn over their foodstuffs, then strictly rationed it back to them, making sure, of course, that their own family was well stocked. After a week, all the food in the building was gone, but by then, Martial Law was relaxed somewhat and specific stores were available where a person could go to get limited amounts of food.

By the end of the second week, business was beginning to recover. It was determined that, though trillions of dollars of property damage had occurred in cities everywhere, not much of the food supply had been destroyed in the riots and fires.

When public transportation between Europe and the U.S. was resumed, Jake decided to return to the States. Leonie went with him to the airport, then returned home to her now empty apartment. The next day, she packed to go home and visit her family. They had a farm outside of Rostock and would probably welcome another hand to help with the chores, especially with winter coming on.

She smiled at the thought of cleaning out the chicken coop again. That was one of the reasons she’d left in the first place. Chickens were evil, obnoxious and dirty. Much like people, she decided.

Strange how things sometimes change in importance, she thought as she closed the door to her coveted Munich apartment for the last time.


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Well what can I tell you . I knew I was gay the first time I saw a Big Dick online surfing for straight porn.I Just got so into gay porn I didn't leave my room for weeks and weeks . My big sister Rachel had to take away my computer , that's when I decided to go looking for my first BIG COCK .I had a friend name Patrick who really wanted his dick suck so I said to him "First send me screen shots maybe even a video"I so enjoyed his cock and company . My sister Rachel wanted me to stay away, but...

3 years ago
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Danny and Jenny chapter twelve

"Fight?"I looked at his face, he'd really meant what he'd just said."I'd fight, Dave. Oh yes, I'd fight all right, but not how you mean. I'd just kill and I'd do it without any thought at all, unless - "I grinned at him in an attempt to lighten the mood, the sheer intensity of my words!"If I really thought she wanted to go, I wouldn't stand in her way, not for one second. But I'll tell you this much Dave, I'd have to wait a bloody long time before I could find a girl who even came close to...

2 years ago
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Rob and JanChapter 2

I met with Kent Brockman this afternoon, and he told me that I really needed to start working out. He was one of the people I talked to about Simpson and Flanders, and he had been divorced about three years ago and had found a very nice divorcee he was serious about, but they were both taking it slow. He said that women today, looked for fit men in their late thirty's and early forties. He found that being fit made a huge difference in being able to connect with today's single or divorced...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Tenant8217s Hot Daughter

Hello everyone ! I am Siddharth, I live in Delhi and this story is about how I fucked my tenant’s hot daughter ! Starting with my description , I am 5’8 Tall , fair complexion and I am a student ! The girl in the story is Kanika who came to live with her family in my house as a tenant ! I had hots for her since I first saw her and later on came to know that it was mutual. About Kanika , she was 25 when it all started ( 5 years elder to me :D ), she is a bit chubby but her assets are extremely...

4 years ago
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Teachers PetPart 2

Devan skipped her classes for the day, a little surprised when Lauren offered no scolding whatsoever. The older woman had simply said, "Everyone needs a break now and then," before leaving. After feeding the mouse, Devan sat down to study the new spell. Only taking breaks to relax her eyes and for a quick meal, she felt the warm tingle that signaled she had mastered the spell in late afternoon. Although tempted to try the spell out immediately, she knew that a brief rest would help her...

2 years ago
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Sampling Some ItalianChapter 2

Thomas made sure to ram Claudia once again after he painted, and she did her best to take as much as his cum as possible this time around. He partly did it because he enjoyed her, but also partly because he didn’t want to rush home and catch Marilyn in flagrante delicto with her own lover. That was not a confrontation that he wished to expedite by any means. On the contrary, he preferred to delay it as much as possible. Despite his best efforts, however, he still found them in bed together,...

2 years ago
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Betting On My FamilyChapter 16 Bad Ass Motherfucker

Babs was doing squats. It was the best of times; it was the worst of times... Tight yellow-on-black spandex clung to her buns as she lowered her frame to the floor with impeccable form, that gorgeous ass winking to the mat before flexing and inflating to drive her body back skyward. Her shorts seemed unreasonably tiny this evening, not even reaching her hip line. When combined with the much tinier top that it matched, I was confronted with what seemed like two solid feet of uninterrupted,...

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First Time with a CD

I was having a drink in a pub way out of town when this beautiful girl started talking to me, she had shoulder length dark hair, wearing a blue top with a short white skirt and ankle socks, she had a small chest but she made up for it in the fact she was pretty. As we talked she came across as confident as well as sexy. It was time for me to go and she said “Can I get a lift” I said “Sure”.As we walked towards the car she told me her name was Davina. We got in and I said “Where do you want to...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Hot slut is introduced to the world of BDSM through rape, and loves it. Submission She breathed out slowly. It had been a stressful day at work. Her jackass of a boss had given her co-worker the raise that she had been working her ass off to get. The bitch had probably fucked him to get it. She pulled her sleek red mustang into the driveway of her condo. Daddy could buy her anything she wanted, but shed rather work for it. She unlocked the front door, slipping out of her black...

3 years ago
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The Smith Family Part 2 Austins First Lay

Sandra grabbed Austin’s hand and placed it on her left breast. ‘Play with my nipple,’ Sandra said. Austin did as she told him, and felt it get hard. He quickly realized what was happening and got into it, putting his right hand on her other breast and playing with that one too. He felt his cock growing in his shorts and precum forming, getting him even more excited. ‘Go ahead. Lick them,’ she told him. Austin was happy to oblige and shoved his face into them. He began to motorboat her then...

1 year ago
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Gone to the Dogs Part 3

It's been awhile so I will refresh the characters; Lindsay – my sister 2 yrs older Mom – Becky Dad – Roger Possible g/f – Tanya Craig Tanya's bestie – Lisa Pride My buds – Kent, Troy Steve, and Jay The shower was relaxing and I used it to wash my 'excitement' of the coming night away. My phone was ringing as I jumped out of the shower to catch it before they hung up. Not recognizing the number I answered with an apprehensive, “Hello” “Hi Kevin I had seen your job posting on...

3 years ago
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This year I've had time to start a few new stories but no time to finish any. Yet, I don't want 2011 to end with none posted. So here's a short one. Jeanne by Vickie Tern Hi, Charlene? What do you mean, so early -- it's past noon! No, I'm just calling to tell you that you were right! Absolutely right! Yes, it was marvelous, and there's lots more coming, I can't wait to tell you just how much more! He's...

3 years ago
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Mami Bani Meri Randi 8211 V

Hey, indian sex stories dot net friends. Before starting the story .Let me tell you about myself. I’m shiv . 21 years . Doing engineering. Height 5.9. Any auntie’s, bhabhi, newly married girls can contact me on my mail id for some kinkiest, dirtiest fun . Privacy and satisfaction guaranteed.And let mi specially mention avantika and shruti (iss readers from nasik) hope u enjoy service . Before reading this part plzz read previous parts. So u will understand story . This is the fifth installment...

2 years ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 5 Come in But Lock the Door Behind You Please

I got in a few "licks" with the guys at our daily Football clash at the park. Most days, 12-15 guys showed up to kick some butt -- there were some highly competitive games. This whole type of thing was later to be called "male bonding" – HA! I walked home with the usual bruises, and brushed by my Mom quickly, hoping she might not notice my dirty jeans, and any scratches I brought back from battle. It was now fully dark, and she was watching TV ... not a word was exchanged between us the...

2 years ago
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Tissues Ticklish Mom Goes ShoppingChapter 5

I was having a hard time keeping up with Ms. Connor as she led me through the mall. Only a minute or two before, I had a massive orgasm on Tommy’s little dick right in front of Ms. Chelsea. My sweaty body was making my thin white swimsuit-cover-turned-dress cling to my body and I didn’t dare look down to see how transparent it was. I was practically naked, and I knew it. People were staring and the humiliation made me horny. Another issue was quickly becoming more urgent, however. I really...

2 years ago
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Improving the Golf Game

Heather was a casual friend that lived down the street from my wife and I. She was the vivacious wife of Ted, a golfing buddy of mine, Ted and Heather had a rock solid marriage, or so I thought. Heather was a former beauty queen, and even though she had managed to birth two kids, she still managed to retain her girlish figure. Ted could easily have made the cover of GQ and Heather, well, she could make a potato sack look sexy. I knocked on Ted’s door. We were running late for our 8am Saturday...

2 years ago
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Poonam Ko Choda Office Ki Parking Mein

Hi ISS Readers. Mera naam Gaurav hai, aap mujhe to jaante hi ho to main mera introduction fir se nahi de raha. Main Panvel me rehta hu aur Andheri me job karta hu. Is incident ko 6 months ho gaye hai. Jab main Matunga rehta tha aur job Andheri me hi tha. January chal raha tha, aur kaam ka pressure badhta hi jaa raha tha. Main subah 5.30 ko gym jata. 7 am ko ghar aata aur 8.30 ko tayaar hoke office ke liye nikal jata. Yeh tha mera routine. Kaam ka pressure din ba din badhta jaa raha tha. Main...

1 year ago
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One Enchanted Evening

One Friday evening, I had been around town scoping out different hangouts without much success. I was feeling a bit peckish so I decided to go to the local Returned Serviceman's Club. Their restaurant had a steak to die for at a reasonable price.I went into the dining room and there was only one other table occupied. There were five women, well dressed, all about 45 - 55. I gave my order and idly scanned the room. My eyes settled on one of the ladies, just as she looked up. Our eyes met, and...

3 years ago
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Ghosts of the Past Ch 03

Charles Richards rejoined his friends at their table in the nightclub toward the end of the Christmas Party on Friday night, December 14, 1956. His wife Diana was onstage again for her last set. He had called his and Tom’s boss at the FBI and told the Assistant Director about the night’s developments. Peter Woods was going to call it in to Washington. But he was worried because they’d gotten this information through a social situation. He was sure headquarters would still require some other...

1 year ago
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letting her take me again true

well here we are again... a few weeks ago my wife and I went for a trip to celebrate our aniversery..after a night all about her the night before we started out our evening at the hotel watching some porn, that I slowly hinted at getting the strap on out,started out pleasuring her to some hot girl on girl strap on porn.To a short vid of a girl giving it right to a guy this got her hot!!(to my pleasure!) she went out of the room and came back wearing her sweet strap on and carrying lube in one...

2 years ago
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Galo onko korte phirlo chodon kheye

Ami class xii er chatri, ei bochor higher secondary porikhya debo. Kintu school test porikha te onke fail kore boslam. Ekta subject-e fail korei school theke test-e allow kore na. Kintu ei bochor amar hs pass kora ta khub-i joruri. School er record-e amar boyes du bochor komano thakleo amar boyes 18 periye jachhe. Tai onker master mosai sadhon babu ke giye dhorlam. Sadhon sir school er managing committee-r member-o. Thaken school er pechone ekta bari te, ekai thaken sekhane. Dorja te knock...

4 years ago
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A New Beginning

First thing she did was decide to go back to college and get her nursing degree, that way she could support herself and live on her own. During this time, she bought a computer to assist her with schoolwork. Not only could it help her with college, she could use it to communicate with her children. Never in her wildest dreams did she think it would improve her love life. Kandy used the computer for her studies, and soon found other ways to utilize it. The internet was a virtual walking...

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The little special pill 2

It was the most happiest day in our house hold when my stepdaughter Marie told us she was going to get married.I had been married to her mother Susan since she was about five, and I saw her as my own incredible young gifted c***d, and when she asked me if I would walk her down the isle, I was so happy and agreed immediately.So the months quickly flew by, and hours of planning and checking every detail became the only thing talked about in our house until finally the big day arrived.Now as...

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The Class Project Chapter 17

The Class Project by Janice Dreamer Chapter 17 "Robyn!" Peeps called from behind the bar. She looked up, shocked. He never called one of the girls by her first name. Something must be up. She hurried up to the bar with a worried look on her face. "Yes sir?" "There's someone in my office who wants to talk to you," Peeps said. He looked embarrassed, then added, "It's a policeman. If you're in some kind of trouble, you know you can tell me about it anytime." Robyn's face...

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The Conscripted Bridesmaid

The Conscripted Bridesmaid What would you do if you were threatened with disclosure of your covert crossdressing activity? How far would you go to keep it secret? Especially if it involved crossdressing in public! Well, I yielded, and it had a lasting effect on my life. Background My real name is Alan, but to my family and close friends, I've always been called "Ali," an abbreviated version, an acquired childish name that never left me. "Sis," as I refer to her, is my older...

2 years ago
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A new kind of cuck

She walked into our bedroom like she was familiar with it. Strolling across the floor in her lace black teddy and red 5 inch heels. I stood there licking my lips in excitement,wanting and waiting to see what was next. She was an ebony beauty. Her cocoa skin glistened from her oiled up body. She smelled of fresh exotic fruit and her body was curvy and oh so sexy. As she walked over to me she released her ponytail and let her hair cascade to her shoulders. Looking at her had my cunt all juiced...

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Caroles Story 12 Our Sons Wedding and Honeymoon

I, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, with some alterations like names and dates. ...

2 years ago
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Giving my boyfriend his first blowjob

Introduction: Girls first blowjob on her boyfriend This is the story of when I gave my first ever blow job to my then-boyfriend. We were both 16 and had been together for 3 or 4 weeks, and although I didnt feel comfortable enough to offer him my virgin pussy, I certainly begun to wonder about experiencing the physical side of love. Wed been in the park one summers afternoon with some of our friends, just hanging out and having a fun time. Terry was 16 and a half, and I found myself becoming...

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The Demon and the three nuns

Desiree always had a curiosity with the occult and black magic despite being a nun and on this night, she was determined to perform a Halloween ritual she found in an ancient book, even if it meant going against tradition. She drew a pentagram on the floor, lit candles around her and chanted a phrase in Latin she found in a book. She chanted it three times and said in English: “O, spirit of the underworld, appear before me, and make me one with your essence.” Nothing happened; she assumed...

3 years ago
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The night I fucked my sisters friend

It was just another normal early winters weekend, I was 19 at the time. I think it was around early November. THe dark nights had really drawn in now and it was one of those miserable Friday afternoons. I was driving home from work and thinking about the weekend ahead. Sould I go out tonight I thought, maybe I will go out for a few beers. Anyway I got home about 5pm and cracked open a beer and sat in front of the Tv.My mum was cooking in the kitchen and my Dad was in his office, then I...

4 years ago
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The Long and Winding Road

I never saw it coming, but I probably should have. My lack of attention may have been a contributing factor. Last April, on a rainy Saturday morning, my wife revealed to me just how unhappy she was. We had been married five years, and I thought things were great. I was 29, and she was three years younger, at 26. Sherry was a beautiful woman with a great figure and a beautiful face. On top of that, she was smart and capable. I was still amazed that she had agreed to marry me. “Jim, I feel like...

1 year ago
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Freshmen Year Part One The Creep

I slipped my hand under his blanket and felt his warm fuzzy stomach.He was just so handsome, I had to know what he was packing. Nothing too perverted, just alook.I could hear his soft shallow breathes, and it made my skin creep with excitement.His skin was so warm, he was like a space heater, I wanted to just crawl into bedwith him, and tell him I came home drunk... But he wouldn't go for that. I was freshlyshowered, I smelled of body wash.He let out a little gasp and I frozen. My heart leapt...

2 years ago
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Babysitting for Married Men 2

When I finally built up my courage to make something happen, I dressed for the job "to the nines," short skirt, silky blouse, black underwear including a garter belt and stockings. I stuffed a strip of condoms in my purse. Toni was far away in Minneapolis. By the time I came over, the day-sitter had left and Toni handed me the baby. I love babies and I let Eric watch me cooing over the baby and make baby talk. "She's so cute," I said. This gave him a big smile, but he had to rush off...

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Savita becomes a Sexy Secretary Comic Video

  Savita worked hard in her office, but worked harder to impress her bosses. At last, she receives a call she has been waiting for so long. The big boss, Bade Saheb, has called her to become his personal secretary. Savita is very happy with the offer. But who is Bade Saheb and why does he want Savita as his secretary? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 31 – Sexy Secretary. Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video by going to and search, ‘Savita bhabhi...

2 years ago
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A Weekend in the Blue Ridge Part One

Emily stood from her perch on the low garden wall, and waited as the motorcycle came to a stop at the driveway, a few feet away from her. The powerful machine rumbled in the mid-morning air, its red-painted body gleaming in the Georgia sun. She watched as the rider shifted into neutral and kicked out the stand. He let the bike idle and stood, swinging a leather-encased leg over the body. Standing at ease by the purring motorcycle, he removed his gloves revealing strong, well-shaped hands that...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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A Spanking Good Time

This story rose unbidden from my unconscious mind during a heated exchange with an on-line lover. We were roll-playing an evolving Dom/sub scenario in which I had been a very bad girl. During a rest break I skimmed the text of our ping-ponging messages, and suddenly I felt a strong urge to type, so I began. The core of this story then appeared on the screen, line after line without pause, pouring out of some dim recess in my brain. I found myself typing almost error free, a rarity for...

3 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

I had taken a brief break to step outside and enjoy some sunlight. A warm summer breeze warmed the air and the fragrances of springtime filled my nostrils. It was another day in paradise I thought as I zoned out on my little stroll towards the back of the office building. As I came around the corner of the building I noticed you, a total stranger, sunning yourself on the stairs a short distance away. Damn, I thought to myself, admiring your boldness. Your dress straps were off the shoulders...

Quickie Sex
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Maa Chudi Mere Doston Se 8211 Part 2

This is the next part of the series. Agar apne abhi tak pehle part nahi padha toh please padh lijiye ur fir age yeh padhna. Toh main vahi se start karunga jaha se end kara tha. Fir 2 din bad maine mummy ka Facebook dubara dekha to mummy ne un 2 ki bhi request accept kar li thi. Par abhi tak unse chat nahi ki thi. Ek din jab main bhi ghar aa raha tha to dekha samne se Manu aa raha hai. Woh mujhse mila aur bola ki main tujhse milne aaya hu. Fir hum andar gaye ghar mein aur mummy bhi andar thi....

2 years ago
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The Lion King Simba and Kiara Part 1

"Ouch...." Kiara moaned as she felt tender around her left hind leg. Kiara walked up the promontory of Pride Rock and into the cave, where she was surprised to find her father Simba, taking a nap. "Kiara...." Simba awoke sensing the presence of his daughter as she walked inside the cave. "Hi daddy..." Kiara said. Simba then noticed the cut on one of her legs. "Hey, what happened to you?" Simba asked. "Oh, I'd rather not say..." Kiara started, with a vague feeling of...

3 years ago
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Play Ball

I recently returned from a Brewers road trip, during which I watched a couple of games at Miller Park. As a baseball freak, I travel to many stadiums to enjoy my lifelong passion of baseball.At one of the two games, during the 4th inning, I went to use a restroom at the stadium. As I approached a urinal, I arrived at the same time as a young dark-haired guy - appeared to be in his early 20s or so. It was fairly busy in the restroom, for by now many attendees had swilled a couple of beers. The...

3 years ago
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My Paradise with Bella

You could say it started my junior year of high school. She had recently transferred from a rival school. That’s how I met her Yes I remember the day like it was yesterday. First day of school, 3rd period, she walked into our science class and into my dreams. She was a stunning girl, and wouldn’t you know it. We ended up being sat next to eachother. I was nervous from the start. But soon it wore off. And we became great friends, that went on for ages it seemed, because deep down, I wanted her...

1 year ago
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UnconqueredChapter 12

The past week had been quite possibly, the most sex heavy, debauched weeks in my life. I would have complained, except, uh. No. I wouldn’t have. During the day, Princess Jaqueline was an insatiable as the rumors and legends about redheaded said – to the point I had to ask her several times if she was sure she wasn’t half fox spirit. Each time she had laughed, tweaked my nose, then shoved me into a darkened corner of her palace to ride me raw. During the night, I was roused from my bed by...

3 years ago
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The Professors DaughterPart I

THE PROFESSOR’S DAUGHTER-Part I I saw the email from my old engineering professor asking me to give him a call. I looked to calculate the time difference with the east and decided to call him the next day as it would be too late in Princeton now. I hadn’t seen Dan for a couple of years now. He was my favorite professor. He was a really cool blond “quarter back” looking guy who had stayed single till late in life and had numerous scandalous affairs with grad students and students till he was...

First Time
2 years ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 8 Just the Facts Marsquoam

RILEY PICKED UP MAIZIE AND ME in the morning and we went to vote before we got to the office, which meant that I missed my morning espresso again. Riley dropped us off at the office and said she had a couple of new leads that she was following up today. If I needed her I could reach her on her cell phone. She’d prefer if I text messaged her as she’d probably be in the library. Well, that was okay. As soon as she left, Maizie and I went up to the Market and got a cup of coffee at the Eye of...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Lana Rhoades Sydney Cole On Point

Lana Rhoades and Sydney Cole are getting all dolled up to hit the town. They compare outfits, looking sexy as fuck as they apply makeup on each other. When the girls decide to have a session before the party, Sydney suspects they might not leave the house at all. Lana tells her that they’ll text her friends later but they both know that’s not true. After all, they don’t need anyone else to have a good time and what a better way to do that than to stay home and fuck each other....

4 years ago
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Its Not Prostitution Ch 06

Angel’s meeting is not what she expected. Abbie pulls into the parking lot of Java Joes, a tiny coffee shop in one of the shittiest areas of downtown. I’m surprised it hasn’t gone out of business by now and I sit for several moments trying to figure out how it hasn’t, more to just distract my mind than because I actually care anything about this shithole. Abbie turns to face me from the driver’s seat, giving me that half concerned, half angry look of hers, wishing I would tell her what the...

3 years ago
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My sister Annie

She was my sister and I loved her. But when Mom called and told me I had to have her up to the school for 4 nights I was pissed. It was the 4 day weekend -- Founders Day into Memorial Day -- and I'd been looking forward to the college parties and particularly to getting closer to Sandy- my new girlfriend. I was a sophomore and woefully undernourished in the pussy department, but Mom doesn't take no for an answer. She and Dad were off to Barbados, there was no one else, she didn't trust Annie...

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Punked By Nextdoor Neighbor

‘What the fuck, Kevin?’ I said as I walked into my bedroom catching a friend of mine sitting on my couch completely naked masturbating to Mila Kumis going down on Natalie Portman in ‘Black Swan’. Making no effort to get up or stop what he was doing Kevin said, ‘How can you have this movie and not get horny man? This is almost a good as porn!’ ‘You can do whatever you want when you are in your own bedroom, but I don’t want your naked ass all over my futon! Can’t you go 1 night without jacking...

2 years ago
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Confusion of Tongues

‘The grub wasn’t always too bad, when it wasn’t spoiled and the creepy crawlies weren’t busy making their nests between bites. You know a few days worth of field rations can buy quite a bit on the streets of _______. & If there’s one thing you didn’t go lacking for, its entertainment. You’d be tickled to see the ease in which family men whore their nearest & dearest when the tables are bare- it’s back to god given commodities at such times, believe you me. I went several days without in...

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