Phoenix Ch 11 free porn video

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“Brie! Where are you?” he called out in a hoarse whisper. “Brieda?”

“Here!” Brie called back, her voice shivering with the cold. Argus found her cage a moment later and lowered it down to the cold dirt floor. He began slashing the entrance bindings with his blade. In another moment, the doorway hung half open. Goddess and ardent rescuer embraced fiercely.

“Hurry! There’s no time!” Argus whispered urgently. “Mare Calli’s guard will be returning!”

Brie allowed herself to be half-dragged up the dimly lit and narrow steps leading to the surface. They must have made too much noise or, more likely, her clumsy rescuer was spotted when he entered, because a guard was waiting for them with drawn sword. Brie pulled the prince to the side just as the guard swung at him.

Argus fell in the darkness and couldn’t see Brie as she stood proudly, daring the guard to strike again. The guard raised his sword, then slashed down. The girl twisted to one side and kicked hard, doubling the guard over while his sword clanged loudly against the walking stone. Gripping the guard’s fallen sword in one hand and Argus in the other, Brie led the way into the shadows of the surrounding trees. They were safe for a moment.

“Did you get the horse?” she whispered to the young prince who was the reason she’d been caged.

“Yes, but I couldn’t bring him close,” Argus whispered. “There were too many of Mother’s guards. I’ll take you to where I left him.”

Once past the first grove of trees, Brie could easily see the high stone walls of Caerlave Rock, even though there was no moon to light the night sky. It was another twenty minutes of creeping past guards and campfires before Argus admitted he was lost.

“What do you mean, ‘lost’?” Brie hissed. “How can you get lost in your own shire? Where’s the horse?”

“I don’t know!” Argus whined, quite upset. “Forgive me, Goddess, I’m not used to this. Maybe the guards found the horse or maybe he wandered off! I don’t know!”

Brie frowned. She was renown throughout this strange land for showing the locals how to smelt iron in the manner of the Romans. As a result, the primitive denizens of the area had insisted that she was the incarnation of their Goddess of Light, Brieda. Everyone insisted on calling her that, including this young son of a neighboring warrioress chieftain named Calli.

The young prince was the problem. He was smitten with the Goddess Brie and Calli was furious at this pretender for seducing her son, whom she needed to marry the daughter of King Godo so that the two neighboring shires could form a military alliance to fight the godless Romans.

She had her son followed until he met with the girl secretly in a grove near Dundonald, then had them both snatched and returned to Caerlave Rock, where her son would someday reign. The usurper goddess was imprisoned. A special wicker cairn was built and rubbed with pitch so that the fake goddess could be sacrificed to the real one in a ritual of fire at the beginning of the next quarter, two days from now.

“We’ll have to steal another horse,” Brie decided. “Once they’ve noticed I’ve escaped, we won’t get far on foot.”

She was rightly annoyed at the young prince. If they got caught, like as not, nothing would happen to him. She, on the other hand, would probably be burned alive if she weren’t simply sliced into pieces when she was recaptured. Both were practices these bloodthirsty people seemed to enjoy.

They continued on in a westerly direction until they encountered the next warrior camp, then carefully crept around the perimeter until Argus saw the line of horses.

As he approached, the line grew skittish and attracted the attention of the watch. Hiding in tall brush, they waited until the guard was satisfied his charges were secure. Brie was the one who then moved forward and soothed the nearest horse until he could be untethered and quietly led away.

It was an hour later. The sky was getting brighter. Brie clung with her arms tightly wrapped around her rescuer and bounced wildly around on the rump of the giant animal as they galloped madly across the fen, Calli’s troops in hot pursuit.

Fifteen minutes earlier, Brie and Argus had trotted right out in front of a line of charioteers moving out to chase the Romans off their lands once again. Now, the exhausted, stolen horse was stumbling more often as it raced over the uneven ground. Even though their pursuers were burdened with chariots, Brie could tell that they were drawing nearer. Arrows were starting to fall around them. The stolen horse was carrying double, and the swift chariots behind them were, except for the wooden wheels and frame, woven from grass and weighed practically nothing.

Brie gasped, then coughed as an arrow struck deep into her shoulder blade. A few seconds later, another struck her low in the back. Nearly fainting from the pain, Brie sagged sideways. The next bounce off the galloping horse launched her into the air. She landed in a heap on the soft, muddy ground as Argus reined in, terrified and furious. He was their prince and they were shooting at him!

Jumping off the foundering horse, Argus landed running and dropped down beside his fallen goddess, protecting her from any more arrows with his own crested tunic.

“Pull them out,” Brie gasped. “The arrows!”

“No!” Argus insisted. “You’ll die!”

“I’m a Goddess!” Brie snarled at her would-be lover. “I can’t die! But I can be trapped against the earth and cut into pieces if you don’t pull those arrows out of my back!”

The captain of the charioteers, recognizing the prince now, pulled up beside the pair.

“My lord!” the Captain cried out as Argus pulled the arrow out of the girl’s shoulder, concerned that the false goddess would perhaps die before she could be properly sacrificed to her namesake.

Argus pulled out the second arrow. A bright spurt of red blood followed the stone tip upward.

“Your mother will be displeased,” the Captain muttered sullenly.

“It doesn’t matter,” Argus whispered sadly, watching as his goddess’ life-blood slowed in its spurting. “She’ll be dead in a moment, and by your archer’s bow!

“Who do you believe will be punished for it? You could have run us to ground in another few minutes and you would have her still alive! ’Tis better she dies this way than be burned alive in one of mother’s fiery cairns!”

In another moment, the bleeding stopped completely. Argus knew deep in his gut that the strange, exotic girl was dead, her wonderful heart stopped forever. He nearly jumped into the Captain’s chariot when she moved to push herself up and out of the mud she was lying in.

“She lives!” several warriors cried out.

At that exact moment, the sun edged over the horizon, casting its life-giving energy over the land and just incidentally lighting Brie up with an almost supernatural glow. Everyone immediately dropped down on their knees, finally acknowledging the divinity of the dark-haired girl they’d named after their ancient goddess.

Brie stood in the morning sunlight, her smooth, unscarred backside where she’d been wounded displayed for all to see as she stripped off her muddy, bloodied tunic. Underneath the shirt, her skin was smooth and unblemished where the arrows had pierced her. She rinsed off with some water a warrior brought from one of the chariots so she could better display the divinity of her healing power. Her naked body glistened wetly in the early morning sunlight.

“My Lady of the Land,” the Captain pleaded from his kneeling position beside his war chariot, “sister of the Lady of the Lake and of the Sky, what would you command of me?”

“I would take food if you have it,” Brie commanded of the kneeling Captain. “The blessing of your land with my life-blood is taxing.”

She looked around as she noticed a buzzing sound, wondering where it was coming from.

Jake woke up. There was a buzzing nearby. It was the hotel desk with his wake-up call. Stumbling over to the dresser, he pressed the button acknowledging their signal, then pulled open the front of the little cooler sitting there. Pulling out a short, stubby bottle of dark beer, he twisted off the cap and took a deep swig.

For several years after he’d lost Béla, he had relived her memories almost every night in the form of dreams. But as the years passed, the dreams occurred less and less often, as though she was moving farther away in death. If he still had them, he didn’t remember upon awakening. Maybe once or twice a year, though, he would remember one vividly – like the one he just had.

He snorted at the thought of ancient war chariots woven out of grass. The cage he… or rather, she… had been hung in was woven, also. Wherever that incident had taken place (most likely somewhere in the British Isles because of the medieval castles), they didn’t seem to have an abundance of iron, but they certainly knew how to weave grass.

He grinned, thinking that maybe that was where Béla thought she’d learned how to do it. She evidently missed a few steps of the process, never realizing she might need to weave it herself, someday.

The other thing he noticed was how easily Béla had stepped into the role of ‘goddess’ in that primitive society. In many of his dreams about her, she often worked her way into some divine position in whatever society she found herself. Whenever she managed that, she would set up for decades or even a century or two, using her ‘divinity’ to explain her continued youth and her ability to heal herself.

Plus, as a goddess or a priestess, she would invent excuses to display herself naked in public, often influencing that society’s viewpoint on public nudity (at least regarding religious sexual practices). She was probably the reason the Druids used to dance around nude to celebrate the changing of the seasons.

“Guten morgen, mein teurer schatz,” a soft, sultry voice said from the bed he’d left behind.

“Guten morgen to you, mein liebhaber,” Jake replied.

His terrible accent earned him a feminine chuckle from the bed.

“Not bad,” Leonie said, her own German accent barely noticeable. “I almost understood you.”

Then she laughed. “I’m sorry. In truth, you are learning very quickly – faster than I learned English.”

Jake smiled as Leonie's voice brought back memories of a magnificent night of lovemaking. It also helped him to remember where he was – Munich.

“English is a hard language to learn,” Jake informed her. “It took me years and I still make mistakes.”

Leonie laughed at his jest. “But Englisch is your first language, is it not?”

“Yes,” Jake admitted, smiling at her. “And I’m sorry to say that I’m stuck with it. It’s ruined my ability to learn other languages. I’m afraid I’ll only ever speak gerbroken German. Your countrymen will think I’m stupid.”

“You mean ‘gebrochenes’, not ‘gerbroken’, Liebchen,” Leonie said, smiling. “But ‘broken’ is the right word. And most people think Americans are stupid, anyway.”

“Ouch,” Jake laughed. ‘Tell me why, and we’ll see if I agree.”

He sat down on her side of the bed, half-lying down on her legs and hips hidden under the sheet.

“Don’t fret,” he said softly, leaning down to kiss her. “I’m not trying to start an argument. I’m actually very easy.”

“All men are easy,” Leonie said, kissing him back. “That’s why they fear women who are easy.”

“Oho, I’m afraid of you now?” Jake asked, sitting up and grinning down at her.

“Perhaps ‘fear’ is the wrong word,” Leonie admitted. “But men fear a woman’s freedom. They… dislike… Is that the right word?”

“Resent?” Jake asked.

“Ressentiment?” Leonie asked. “You know that word?”

“Yes,” Jake replied. “Resentment. It means the same in English.”

“Ach!” Leonie said brightly. “We have something in common!”

They both laughed. Jake said, “I revel in your freedom. I certainly don’t resent it!”

“You’d better not!” Leonie said. “I wouldn’t be here, ander… different wise.”

“Otherwise,” Jake said, gently correcting her.

“Don’t be so American, darling,” Leonie whispered, teasing him again.

“Oh, yes! You were going to tell me what you don’t like about Americans,” Jake reminded her.

Leonie shrugged. “It’s very simple. Americans don’t like anything that’s different than what they’re used to.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t say it more simple than that and still be polite,” Leonie said, bracing for an argument.

“Then don’t be polite,” Jake encouraged her. “You won’t hurt my tender feelings. I’ll still think you’re sexy. I might not want to talk to you, though.”

“If you don’t talk to me, my price goes up,” Leonie promised.

Jake chuckled again. “You’re charging me?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

“That depends,” she replied. “How… gl?ish… you can make me feel, mein Edelbrusche.”

“I have no idea what you just said,” Jake replied, pulling the sheet down and exposing her bare breasts and soft stomach, “but I shall do my best to get you there.”

He bent down and kissed her soft, warm stomach, then bit her gently while running his hands down her sides.

“Is this what you want?” he asked, looking up at her when she didn’t answer.

Leonie’s eyes were closed and she was smiling to herself. The intoxicating aroma of last night’s sex wafted up from where the sheet still covered her. Jake breathed the scent deeply into his lungs, then moved one hand down beneath the sheet to stir her up a bit.

At the first touch of his fingers, Leonie’s sharp intake of breath and the arching of her back let him know how ‘gl?ish’ she was feeling. He would have to look up what kind of ‘boy’ she’d called him. That is, if he remembered to, later.

She was wet and sticky between her legs, having fallen asleep after their last lovemaking session. She smelled used, and it was Jake’s use of her he smelled. He slid his face down her belly, moving toward that wonderful aroma hiding just beyond that dark mound of hair his lips were even now brushing against.

Leonie’s hand in his hair, lifting his head up and away from her body, surprised him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, twisting around and looking up at her.

“You slice me with your face!” Leonie exclaimed.

Jake looked down at the white scratch marks and the redness of her skin when his whiskers had been digging into her soft, lovely stomach.

“Sorry,” Jake apologized. “I thought ‘au natural’ was what you were all about.”

“Au natural, ja,” she said, frowning. “But you make sushi out of me!”

Smiling, Jake forced his head down and gently kissed her reddened stomach. Leonie let go of his hairy head in a gesture of forgiveness and lay back on her pillow again.

Jake lay quietly, not digging his prickly chin into her stomach this time, and just caressed her furry little slit with his fingers, making it more slippery as another moment went by. After another minute or two, Leonie sighed deeply and relaxed, letting herself enjoy his caresses once again.

Not sliding his day-old beard along her stomach this time, Jake kissed his way farther down to her pubic mound and brushed his lips back and forth in her fur, blowing gently as he did so.

Foreplay with a woman like Leonie was much different than with a girl who shaved herself bare. There were more things a man could do with a hairy pussy, like blowing on it, or pulling gently on the hairs with his teeth. In addition, Leonie’s scent was richer and much more intoxicating than the shaved-naked girls he was used to.

He wondered if shaving was one of the ‘differences’ that most Americans complained about. If so, then Leonie was right; Americans were stupid. It would be a really dull world if everyone were the same. Jake loved the subtle differences he found in the women as he traveled from one country to another.

He could hear Leonie’s quiet sigh of pleasure and smiled to himself as she spread her legs wider to give him better access. Jake got up and went around the end of the bed to get between those beautiful legs rather than just roll over her. She smiled and watched him down the length of her curvy body as she stretched out on the bed to make herself more available for his use and pleasure.

Once positioned with his face an inch away from her sweetly aromatic cunt, Jake pulled the sheet up against her inner thighs so her sensitive flesh wouldn’t become irritated by his unshaved whiskers, then he blew gently on that pleasure center right in front of his nose.

Leonie reacted instantly, tilting her pelvis and raising up, trying to match her pussy lips up with his own lips, wanting more of that wonderful, breezy sensation.

Jake accommodated her by delicately kissing her vulva, moving his lips gently back and forth against her sensitive flesh. Leonie’s body responded automatically – her pussy lips suddenly quivering and opening up slightly as though she was trying to kiss him with her cunt.

After another moment of torturing her with his hot breath and gentle kisses, Jake felt her hands in his hair. Then he was pulled forward, his face mashed up between Leonie’s legs. Her thighs squeezed the sides of his head.

“Eat me!” Leonie cried out. “You make me crazy with your playing!”

Taking a deep breath, Jake blew hard into her pussy, filling it with air. Then he began running his tongue up and down her pussy lips as the strongly scented air bubbled back out with each tiny motion she made. In revenge for his little prank, Leonie pulled Jake, by his hair, up a little further so he could tease her clitoris with his tongue. Jake didn’t hesitate and attacked her little pleasure nub with more enthusiasm than she was expecting.

“Yi!” Leonie yelped. “Das biest!”

Tightening her legs hard against the sides of his head, she twisted sideways. Now she had him in a serious leg lock. One good twist and she could break his neck.

“Urk!” Jake gurgled. “I give up!”

Leonie rolled completely over, forcing Jake onto his back, as well. Now, she could force his mouth against her hot, ready pussy and there wasn’t much he could do about it.

“Verdammt wiesel!” she scolded playfully, then pressed down against his face with all her body weight.

Jake got the idea and properly began to suck on her clitoris.

“Jawohl,” she sighed, “much better…”

After a moment, Leonie lifted herself up off of Jake’s face, then turned around, wanting to suck on Jake’s cock while he licked her pussy. He was nice and hard and ready. She lay down on top of her American lover and began kissing her way up and down the length of his cock. Jake reciprocated with a sensuous lick from her clitoris all the way to the end of her slit. She shuddered and moaned at the erotic sensation and did the same to his cock, licking it all the way from its tip to his balls.

Jake firmly clasped his hands around Leonie’s rump, then gently surrounded her budding clit with his teeth. Biting down gently, he began to flick his tongue back and forth, holding her rump steady to keep her from trying to rise up and escape the overwhelming sensations flooding through her body.

At the same time, Leonie was lowering her mouth over Jake’s hard cock. She appreciated how well the curve of his cock matched the curve of her throat as she engulfed him as far as she could swallow. Forcing her throat to relax, she pressed forward, swallowing continually until her lips were pressed against his pubic hair. She didn’t choke until Jake bit her clitoris and began teasing it with his tongue, causing her to lose her concentration.

She pulled her face back off his cock as she started to orgasm, her slender body shaking with the wondrous wave of sensuality flooding through her. After that orgasm, Jake stopped, just holding her steady as she lay twitching on top of him. He was careful not to breathe on her sensitive pussy hairs and excite her any more than she already was.

Leonie lay on top of him and caught her breath after a moment, then noticed that nothing was happening. She blew gently on his still-hard cock, causing it to visibly throb. Jake was obviously still horny.

“Why do you stop?” she asked, finally.

“I was about to come down your throat,” Jake explained. “I want to come inside you and be kissing you when you have your next orgasm.”

Leonie rolled off Jake and sat up. “You are…” she sighed, then continued, “das beste aller zeiten!”

“Is that good?” Jake asked, pulling her down against him.

She smiled. “Ja, yes, my love. Are you sure you’re an American?”

“Well,” Jake said, kissing the end of her nose, “I’ve spent the last two years in Paris and Cannes. Before that, I was in Soho, London and Edinburg. Before that, I spent a year wandering through the Angus Glens. Before that, I spent a short time in Shetland – the home of the Vikings.

“The previous five years I spent walking across Canada,” he continued.

“I was right,” Leonie said softly, her eyes shining. “I did not believe you to be a typical American tourist.”

She kissed him passionately as she crawled up on top of him again. Gently surrounding his hard cock with her soft, loving thighs, she sank down and engulfed him with a sigh of pleasure.

They spent the next hour like that – coupled together, making slow, sensuous love. Leonie felt his cock start to jerk inside her as Jake finally came. His orgasm caused one final orgasm to cascade over her. Their lips were locked together and she moaned her pleasure into his mouth as she came.

Some time afterward, she slid off and lay half on the mattress, straddling his body with one leg and an arm, her head resting on his shoulder.

“What was her name?” she asked quietly.

“Who?” Jake said, not too surprised at the question. There had been a few before her who had asked him that.

“The girl,” Leonie explained, “the one who sent you on this magnificent quest across the world…”

“She was just a girl,” Jake said, not wanting to talk about it.

“You lie badly,” Leonie replied, raising her head and kissing Jake on the cheek.

She sat up on the bed then, knowing that there was no room in Jake’s heart for her, even though he was the best and the most considerate lover she had ever known. He was not for her; another already owned his heart.

She got up and began getting dressed.

“Are you leaving?” Jake asked.

“Ja,” Leonie replied. “I have to go to work.”

“Do you want me here when you return?” he asked.

He knew that he had somehow hurt her feelings and she might want him out of her life now that she knew she had no chance for a future with him. It always ended this way. He hoped that, someday, he would find someone who could make him forget.

“If you are still here, I will take you to the best dinner you have ever eaten,” Leonie promised. “If you are gone, then I will wish for you the best of fortunes on your quest. I hope you find happiness at its end.”

Despite the fact that Jake smiled at her, she thought he looked very sad. She sighed and turned away to continue getting dressed. She would leave it up to him whether he stayed or not, even though she realized that she’d be better off if he left. Leonie, like everyone else on the planet, had her own quest for happiness, and Jake, she was sorry to admit, was not the answer to her search. But he was the closest she had found for a long while. Perhaps there was still hope.

Standing at the door, she blew him a kiss, then started to leave. The fire alarm caused them both to jump in surprise.

“What’s that?” Jake called out, suddenly feeling anxious.

“I don’t know,” Leonie yelled back, frightened.

Opening the door, she peered out into the hallway. Several people were opening their doors and looking around like she was. He heard Leonie and another man speaking in German, almost yelling at each other so they could communicate over the sound of the claxon bell at the end of the hall. Someone else came out and yelled something at them. Jake heard the new voice say something about ‘das fernsehen’.

He didn’t know too many words in German yet, but he knew that a ‘fernsehen’ was a TV. By the time Leonie came back into her apartment, he had found the remote and turned it on. He flipped through several channels until he found an English CNN channel.

“Reports of a nuclear bomb exploding in Jerusalem have been confirmed. We have a satellite image that will be available momentarily.”

Jake and Leonie sat and watched as the news grew worse over the next few hours. Jerusalem had been the first city to be lost. Kabul, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Amman, Islamabad, Tehran and Baghdad, along with dozens of other cities were gone by the end of that first hour as the Sons of Abraham committed genocide amongst themselves, finally finishing what the first king of Israel had begun all those centuries ago.

When New Delhi was nuked, bringing India into the war, the destruction of the Semitic nations was assured. In six hours, it was all over, but the rest of the world still trembled in terror, praying to whatever deities they prayed to that the nuclear insanity would be contained and this wasn’t the beginning of the end of the world.

Leonie didn’t make it to work that day. She and Jake spent the day sitting on the bed watching the horrid news and holding each other tightly, hoping they would still be alive tomorrow. It wasn’t safe to go outside, anyway. There was violence in every major city – looting and rioting, fires and gun wars between armed gangs and the police. Many people believed that the end time – Revelations – was upon them, and maintaining any semblance of civilization no longer mattered.

After six hours, no more bombs fell. A quarter of the world was now a radioactive wasteland. Millions more would die from the vast cloud of radiation that was beginning to drift over India and would soon expand to cover China and most of the Asian continent all the way up to Siberia.

Japan would be spared when the jet stream changed directions and swept the deadly cloud of radiation out over the Pacific, instead.

In addition, hundreds of thousands were dead in major cities all over the world because of the rioting and the fires. Parts of Munich were in flames, but not where Jake and Leonie were. Martial Law was in effect for the next several days as order was restored and people, coming to realize that they weren't going to die in a nuclear holocaust, gradually returned to their daily lives.

There were, of course, food shortages and water pollution being reported from every city, and travel was not encouraged. Many unnecessary deaths were caused by an overzealous military as Martial Law was strictly and violently enforced. It didn’t matter if you were starving or not. If you were found away from your home and you didn’t have papers saying you were allowed to be where you were, you were shot.

The landlord’s family that owned Leonie’s apartment building forced all their tenants to turn over their foodstuffs, then strictly rationed it back to them, making sure, of course, that their own family was well stocked. After a week, all the food in the building was gone, but by then, Martial Law was relaxed somewhat and specific stores were available where a person could go to get limited amounts of food.

By the end of the second week, business was beginning to recover. It was determined that, though trillions of dollars of property damage had occurred in cities everywhere, not much of the food supply had been destroyed in the riots and fires.

When public transportation between Europe and the U.S. was resumed, Jake decided to return to the States. Leonie went with him to the airport, then returned home to her now empty apartment. The next day, she packed to go home and visit her family. They had a farm outside of Rostock and would probably welcome another hand to help with the chores, especially with winter coming on.

She smiled at the thought of cleaning out the chicken coop again. That was one of the reasons she’d left in the first place. Chickens were evil, obnoxious and dirty. Much like people, she decided.

Strange how things sometimes change in importance, she thought as she closed the door to her coveted Munich apartment for the last time.


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Moms white half slip

At this point, I was sleeping in Mom’s bedroom and wearing her panties, slips and even bras to bed. I loved masturbating in bed and mentally daring Mom to walk in and catch me. It never occurred to me that she was probably awake and listening on quite a few evenings. I loved getting in the best position, with my legs hanging off the side of the bed and my hands sliding one after another under my prone body, working myself to a huge erection and aroused to the point of being intoxicated. My...

2 years ago
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The warm glow that had illuminated our bonding event slowly faded as nightfall enclosed us with its cool breeze. The critters slowly wandered around aimlessly, and nestled into contented repose, as I placed some dry firewood in the fire pit I’d used to fry the hamburgers. Once lit, it provided a warming afterglow to the day’s activities. I snuggled next to my Ann, her delightful body trembling with anticipation and her warm ever inviting lips warmly receptive to my overtures. Harvey was...

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An Old FlameChapter 3

However, that same promotion finally started Carolyn's plans in motion. We first had some inkling that she was plotting something when two of the company's more infamous pussyhounds asked Brooke out to lunch on consecutive days. Janice and Brooke had a pact to remain extremely discrete at work and Brooke accepted both offers in order to help maintain the illusion that she was unattached. We worried a bit about the offers, because both men planned extended lunches at fine restaurants, and we...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 556

Canadian humour A young Vancouver woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean but, just before she could throw herself from the docks, a handsome young man stopped her. “You have so much to live for,” said the man. “I’m a sailor, and we are off to Italy tomorrow. I can stow you away on my ship. I’ll take care of you, bring you food every day, and keep you happy.” With nothing to lose, combined with the fact that she had always wanted to go to...

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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 8

Writing this glimpse into my sexual past has allowed me to better understand the sexual dynamics at the heart of my home life. It's also helped me come to terms with my love of exposure. The more I look back, the more I truly understand that my love of being unclothed as well as my overactive libido were manifested themselves very early, certainly from the onset of puberty, onward. As I sit here reminiscing about my erotic odyssey, a flood of memories is charging to the forefront of...

4 years ago
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My neighbour Kym and I had grown up together and gone from innocent playmates to lovers and explorers of sexual limits. We had experimented with group masturbation including jerk-off sessions where my male friends would stand over her well developed young body and spatter her from head to toe with semen.Her cousin Kay came to stay for a few weeks one winter while her mum recovered from an operation and she was the strangest looking girl I had ever seen. At 16 she was only 4 foot 9 inches tall...

2 years ago
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Cucked Isabelle Deltore Wimpy Husband Doesnt Deserve This Pussy

Isabelle just wanted to get her Husband a motorcycle for his birthday and his wimpy ass is afraid of it. He doesn’t deserve her love or her pussy for that matter. Thankfully Small Hands delivers more than the bike whipping out his large cock and giving Isabelle Deltore a ride she will not forget. She loves being bent over and fucked hard while her worthless husband watches like the pathetic man he is. Maybe he’ll decide to try the bike out once she witnesses Small Hands cum all over...

2 years ago
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Katie Gets What She Wants Part 2

Katie's hand flew up over my mouth, even though I was being dead silent. We listened for a few moments as our seemingly drunk mother stumbled around the kitchen. I heard the fridge open and close, but nothing was put in or taken out. Luckily, though the couch is visible from the kitchen, it is facing away and the back of the couch blocks visibility of anyone laying down. This was obviously especially lucky, since her son and daughter had just been fucking! After a few more moments of her...

3 years ago
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Naruto Lemon Series Part 9

You heard your alarm go off as you groaned picking it up while you threw it across the room and flipped over. You heard the alarm go off again as you growled and flipped the covers off grabbing a baseball bat and whacking at it until it was in pieces. You rubbed your eyes and looked at your handy work as you sighed. Guess I went to far this time...You sighed picking up the pieces and throwing them away as you took a quick shower to wake up then got dressed. There must be a reason I was suppose...

2 years ago
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Ravishing Malvika Aunty

Hi people. This is my first story. I would like to narrate the story the way it happened exactly. Here is a brief background. My name is Shashank and I stay in a decent locality in Mumbai. I am 26 years old and both my parents are working and they are out mostly. I have a neighbor whose name is Malvika aunty. She must be in her late 40s. She is very pretty and her face resembles the Miss India contestants of yesteryear. She always wears a salwar kurta and ties her hair back with a clip or...

4 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 4

Ariel had finished most of her cider. “I think I’m ready. Where are you taking me?” “This way.” Hulda stood and walked toward the bar. “Wait. Shouldn’t I put on pants?” “Nah, ya’ll be taken it all off right quick.” With some trepidation, Ariel stood to make her walk of shame. But as she stepped out from the table, nude from the waist down, she realized that any shame was only in her head. This was her triumph, not her shame. She had conquered her fears and earned the right to strut...

1 year ago
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Fornicating with Jas

Jasmine woke up with an excruciating soreness between her thighs. Lifting the blanket off her naked form, she eyed a trace of semen dripping out of her cunt. Starting to feel wet, she licked her lips whilst she proceeded on to stimulate herself. Taking care not to touch her sensitive inner thighs, she grabbed a soft-toy from beside her bed and began to caress herself with the soft furry toy, coaxing in her a clitoral orgasm that flooded her mind with euphoria as images of yesterday’s marvellous...

4 years ago
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A complete Change in life ndash Sex was everything

A continuation of the fantasy of my wife as a cuckoldressPlease note this is just a fantasyDuring the week after the record breaking gangbang my wife was in regular contact with the guy who had organised the gangbang. His name was Gary and everytime I came home my wife was either on the phone with him, skyping or wanted to talk about him and their thoughts. A week after the gangbang, a week during which she had no sex, allowing her pussy to recover, my wife announced to me that she was quitting...

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The Long Hot Summer Part 2

We snuggle close while you catch your breath. Your hand cradles my cock loosely, the fingers of the other hand stroking gently up the underside. Your pussy is drenched with your wetness and my mouth, and the look on your face is hard to describe… one part satisfaction, one part dreamy and one part wicked grin. ‘That was amazing,’ you say finally. ‘I don’t know who taught you, but I want to shake her hand – and maybe eat her pussy, too.’ I give you a strained smile. My cock feels like it could...

2 years ago
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A Lesson in Philosophy Chapter 1

Agonizingly slow, the clock ticked on. Seconds turned to minutes, and eventually, the hour passed. Alas, the period ended and the usual rush of “busy” college kids began. Busy, I snorted, their biggest concern is the massive kegger going on this evening. What better way to spend a Friday night than with some loser, who tastes of stale beer, attempting to stick his tongue down your throat. Yeah, no thanks.“Claire!” Julia hollered from across the lecture hall. “You’re coming tonight, right?...

College Sex
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BrownBunnies Jaymee Green No Reason Not to Fuck

Jaymee Green came home from college. Only her step brother Lil D was home. He was amazed how much her body bloomed. Jaymee went for a shower. As she was slowly spreading soap over her stunning body Lil D sneaked up and peeped on her through the door. She got out of the shower, spread some oil on her skin and only then realized she was being watched. She realized Lil D’s dick got bigger too. Since they were only step sisters there was no reason not to make out. So she sucked his dick. He ate her...

4 years ago
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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 5 Fuck Buddies

I recommend reading "Memoirs of a Bisexual: Chapters 1-4" to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. This story is based on true events. Fuck Buddy: n. A sex partner to whom you have no special attachment. A person you occasionally have sex with who is not your significant other. Chapter 5: It was about noon when Felecia came knocking on the door. She gave her signature 2 knocks, then walked right in. I just got back from an 8am class and was cleaning up the kitchen. "Hey,...

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John turned me into a woman

Now coming to the main part. My grandfather visited our house, he hadnt seen us for years. After he met me he sounded concerned i might turn out to be gay. He thought i would be bullied. He talked to my oldest sister, he asked her to send me to go live with a distant uncle so he can make a man out of me. Now it didnt bother my sister if i was gay, but she couldnt deny my grandfather. My sister told me that i needed to go live with my uncle, John. She didnt say much but she said he will help...

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Damn CDs

Those damn CDs! There was a whole stack of them spanning the top shelf of my bookcase. Why the hell couldn't I stop listening?! I knew why. It started as a tool to help me lose weight. My roommate made up a few hypnosis CDs for me. They worked great, and then they worked too great. I became a twig. I couldn't stand to eat. And I was addicted to those damn CDs. Something in them made me want... NEED... to listen to them each night. Then the content changed. My roommate must...

2 years ago
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Office Exchange

Office Exchange by: Anne O'Nonymous Heads turned as she walked across the workroom floor, floral perfume giving warning of her approach, tapping away on 3" heels, with taffeta petticoats rustling under a full skirt and long, shoulder-length hair gently swaying rhythmically to and fro in time with her steps. The few men working there admired her legs, encased in seamed black hose. Their admiring eyes followed her across the floor and up the stairs leading to the main offices. They...

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Fucking A Virgin Girl In Haridwar

By : Sexyboy1989 Hi all ISS readers this is sexy boy here. I am a regular reader of ISS this is my first story on ISS my mail id is let me tell you about myself. I am 5ft. 9 inch long good looking guy with perfect face cuts girls told me about that now come on the story ye baat tab ki hai jab main chuttiyon main apne mama ke paas haridwar gaya tha mere mama ka haridwar main ek restaurant hai jo ki unka beta sambhalata hai wo bhi meri hi umar ka hai mere mama restaurant main neeche to...

3 years ago
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DIY Teens ptI

I had been a bit of a frumpy chubby girl, but as happens sometimes, I suddenly blossomed soon after my 14th birthday in 1975 and grew three inches taller in four months. I was still no model but I caught the eyes of a few boys on the beach in Great Yarmouth during our Summer holidays and even let one boy feel my enormous new boobs on the last night. I had also taken to wearing very short mini-skirts which emphasised my long muscular legs (I played regular hockey and netball at...

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TheRealWorkout Katie Kush Pull Up Pussy

Blonde beauty Katie Kush is looking killer in her workout outfit as she gets ready to put her nose to the grindstone and get fit. Just take a look at her round ass poking out as she waits for her new workout equipment delivery. But when the delivery man shows up, Katie is not tall enough to set up her new pull up bar! Our stud helps her out, lifting her by the ass to get her workout started. Katie is so impressed that she pulls out his cock and shoves it deep down her throat for a hot blowjob....

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Mixed Doubles

“You cannot be serious. Dean Bradley wants me to partner him? But he’s the world number 6.” “Yes, but he was number 1, remember. He’s slowing down now, he’s started playing more doubles, and he’s looking for a new partner. Apparently, he’s seen you in action and his coach thinks you two might just work well together.” Jennifer still couldn’t quite believe what her coach was telling her. Okay, so she’d been doing better on the circuit during the past 18 months, reaching the finals of a couple of...

Straight Sex
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BackcountryChapter 10

I stopped my bellows and looked around fearfully. The only weapon in reach was the big stone mallet I beat the bloom with, but I knew that to reach for it would be death itself. The Indians closed in, forming a tighter ring around me. Beyond, I could see two braves stand near Mataoka and little Harvey, too. “Hello,” I tried to greet them in Indian. They stared at me, then turned and talked to one-another in a language I did not understand. One of them reached for where the bloom I had been...

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Twenty four year old Kelly peered into the mirror to give one last look before heading out to the dance floor. It had been three years now since she had began dancing at the all-nude club. She was down on her luck and about to be evicted from her apartment when she passed the gaudy club and saw the advertisement for exotic dancers. One year after, she landed a part time job at a call center some 35 miles away, but closer to her apartment. Since the call center job was morning work, she kept...

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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 19

Gwen and Steve were up early the next morning. Gwen was going to attend school while Steve planned to take the rest of the week off to recuperate. He expected to return the following Monday. He hoped that his face would be back to normal by then. As she gently washed his back, Steve heard Gwen begin to sob. He turned and asked, "What's wrong, Gwen? Why the tears?" "Seeing these awful bruises makes me realize how bad your ordeal must have been. Look at these marks, and these stitches in...

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EvilAngel Rebel Rhyder Rim Job Anal Squirt

Adventurous porn star Rebel Rhyder looks adorable in tiny Daisy Duke shorts and a skimpy top. The busty butt babe strips and shows off her luscious tits. Dominant director/stud Bryan Gozzling gives her a rundown of the nastiness to come. He chokes her and feels her up, stretching Rebel’s sweet holes for the camera. She moans and makes out with him. The deviant dude stuffs his hard cock up her ass. Raunchy anal sex leads to immense rectal gaping and a throat-fucking blowjob. Dirty Rebel...

4 years ago
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The Ballet Mistress Part 2

Hello again it’s Anna here, it had been an eventful day so far in my dance studio let me briefly remind you what had happened, I was teaching three students, 2 girls and a boy they were all 16 years old and were doing final dress rehearsals for an important dance competition. They all looked good in their dance costumes the girls in shiny blue lycra leotards, white tights and white tutus, the boy in shiny blue lycra tights and a tight white lycra top. As is usual I had been present when they...

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Totally Unexpected Too

My head was all over the place after that first night with Linda. My ex hadn't been that naughty even in the months leading up to us moving in together. In fact, it may have got worse after we got the flat !!Many days had passed since I had seen either Linda or my ex and then, on my way out one night, there stood my ex wanting to discuss furniture, bills and all the usual shit that must be sorted. I double backed into the hall and into the kitchen where, after two or three hours, we struck a...

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The StormChapter 32

After ten minutes with the heater turned up to full blast, the back seat of the Cadillac was warm enough for the two women to dispense with the heavy winter coats they had bundled up in again. They stripped them off and lounged against them, then Caroline scooted over on the seat to where she was sitting next to Anita. Reaching out, she put her hands under the hem of Anita’s bulky sweater and caressed the redhead’s soft belly. At Anita’s startled look, she commented, “Anita, shopping for fuck...

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Christmas Carol

Ben stepped from his BMW into the cold December night. His ears were immediately assailed by an incessant ringing from the guy in the Santa suit suckering people for donations."Merry Christmas," Santa called as he passed, trying to draw his attention."Fuck off," Ben grumbled. "Get a real job."As Ben entered the front door of the building, a group of carolers was waiting to be buzzed in. "Get back," he ordered, as he pushed past them, unlocking the door. "You stay here. I don't know you. I'm not...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 13

Chastity found Brock sitting at the table, half asleep, staring at a glass of milk. "I'm sorry this has gotten so out of hand," she said softly. He looked up and gave a half smile. "It's no problem," he told her. "I'd just be sleeping until noon and playing video games all day if this wasn't going on." "I promise I'll keep everyone out of your hair as much as I can today and tomorrow," Chastity promised. "I know you need a break as much as anyone. You've been on the road...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 2527

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Reginalds FamilyChapter 10

Reg returned to answer a barrage of questions, but each answer reduced the questions coming from all sides, until he had given enough answers to prevent any more. He took a deep breath as he finished. “I shall take it that you all understand what we have to do, and why. For those of you who have not taken any self-defence classes, we shall arrange for these shortly. My four wives and I have all done the short course, so we will be your designated bodyguards for the moment.” Fiona, standing...

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Seduced By Wife8217s Friend

Hi friends, i am vishal i am 35 years old from delhi, here i am again, with my new story, this is about my wife’s best friend ruchee and how she seduced me….I like to write stories in desi language hence now coming to the real story i will change from english to desi ………And friends dont forget to comment and mail me your feedback on .. Tow doston kahani shru karne se pehlay main aap ko ruchee ke baray main batana chahunga, ruchee ek 35 saal ki middle aged married lady hai, wo meri wife ki...

3 years ago
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Distorted Swamp Doll Ch 03

Several weeks had gone by since the rave at Carnelian beach and Victor Savage , a police officer with the Obsidian Police Department, was on patrol in the early morning hours, looking into the disappearance Fawnie Dimple. The beach had already been searched so he went to search around the young woman’s home which she shared with her brother in Hematite. As he walked down the road, the smell from the sulfur swamps would cause his to close. When he finally rounded the corner and arrived at the...

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Being A Blood Donor Has Benefits

For Natalie…I have been a regular blood donor for many years and have done it more than thirty times, so it doesn’t faze me in the slightest. However, on this particular occasion, things turned out differently.I turned up as usual at the local sports club hall, went through the prick test and paperwork checking before being led to one of the reclining couches. It was in the corner of the hall, a bit away from everyone else. The hall was very busy with people waiting to give blood, some in the...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 The Artefacts

Zinnia soon repaid my confidence in her abilities. She had discovered a document that presented Colonel Slade with the reason for having the appeal of habeas corpus refused. St Olave's is probably the oldest church within the walls of the City of London and over the centuries had been granted many privileges. In this particular case a Charter, from the time of Richard the Second -- or it may have been Richard the Third, I always confuse those two, allowed for 'miscreants and heretics' to...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 73

It was too difficult to want to talk too much in the cab of the GP-9, so after a while, the conversation died off. Josh slumped in the fireman's seat and stared out the window, thinking about the offer Bud had made to him. The question of college had been coming up all summer, and Josh had been kicking it around. Amy had something to do with it, of course; Josh had known from the first that she'd planned to go to Athens University, and it had helped him focus his thinking, a little. But,...

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Pyx 4 VacationEpilogue

It has been just over two years since Theresa moved in, and Pyx still hasn't gotten pregnant. Every month, when she's ovulating, Pyx gets an intensity to her. She tries to get as much of my sperm as possible in her. I told her, a few months ago, that if in a couple of years she still isn't pregnant, I'd go back and get my tubes fully restored. That has mollified her, somewhat. Alexander Woodward Jr. was born seventeen months ago. The name was my girls' idea. We call him Xander to avoid...

2 years ago
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All Dolled Up Part VI

By Missy Crystal All Dolled Up - Part VI Jamie wants his mother to buy him a doll for a birthday present. She does and a journey of discovery begins for both of them. On Sunday night, I told Jamie that we would be going to the hospital again. To my surprise, he asked me if he could wear Jamie's clothes. I understood him to mean Jamie the doll, so he wanted to go out as a girl. No, Ginny, not as a girl, but in girl's clothes. Whether he wanted to be a girl was a question I hoped...

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Allies Coming Out Part 1

Allie's coming out! By Robin Y. My life under the thumb...I mean guidance of strong women has been exciting, interesting and very fulfilling. I have learned so much that I feel like I have an advantage over most males....I have some idea what it feels like to be a girl....I am not female, so I can't ever know exactly, but compared to other males I am quite the diligent student of femininity. Some people might call me a sissy....but that is a label that only conveys a very small part...

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Becoming Sheffali The Slut 8211 Part 1

Hey guys! I’m Sheffali .Aap mujhe slut randi whore kuch bhi bol sakte hai! This is my first post on Indian sex stories about how I got used and discovered the real slut in me. I’m just 20 and live in odisha. I belong to a Bengali family and they are very broad minded about my male friends. This is the incident of when I was in the 12th class. I was very bold and outspoken.I had affairs in the past too.. My boobs are huge for my age and were 34c when I was in 9th class. This made me a bomb in...

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The Class Project Chapter 17

The Class Project by Janice Dreamer Chapter 17 "Robyn!" Peeps called from behind the bar. She looked up, shocked. He never called one of the girls by her first name. Something must be up. She hurried up to the bar with a worried look on her face. "Yes sir?" "There's someone in my office who wants to talk to you," Peeps said. He looked embarrassed, then added, "It's a policeman. If you're in some kind of trouble, you know you can tell me about it anytime." Robyn's face...

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LoneMilf Summer Hart MILF Screaming Orgasm

Summer Hart is a thick, redheaded MILF with a deep understanding of how to channel her inner seductress. Today, she is hanging out in bed in some lacy, black lingerie that is just begging to be ripped off her silky, pale skin. She pulls down her see through panties to expose her trimmed red bush and tight MILF pussy, and then rubs her clit sensuously. Her pussy gets juicy under her fingers as she sticks her legs in the air to show off her tight hole. Summer can hardly contain herself as she...

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Hentai Here! As an honest hentai lover, I must say that I really enjoyed the time I spent browsing and reviewing Obviously, this site is filled with hentai content, and I am here to tell you everything in detail because saying that a site is filled with ‘hentai’ can mean a lot of things. At the same time, just by looking at the name of their site, you already know if this is a place you’d want to visit or not.It is quite simple really if you love hentai pornography, then you...

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