The Class Project - Chapter 17 free porn video

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The Class Project by Janice Dreamer Chapter 17 "Robyn!" Peeps called from behind the bar. She looked up, shocked. He never called one of the girls by her first name. Something must be up. She hurried up to the bar with a worried look on her face. "Yes sir?" "There's someone in my office who wants to talk to you," Peeps said. He looked embarrassed, then added, "It's a policeman. If you're in some kind of trouble, you know you can tell me about it anytime." Robyn's face flushed brightly. With all the trouble over Amy and her problems with Brad and with Jim she'd completely forgotten about the investigation into Bob's disappearance. But instinctively, she knew this had to be about that. She gulped and tried to force her heart to slow. Then she looked at him and cocked her head to one side, affecting confusion, although not very convincingly. "Trouble? I don't understand, Mr. Peeps. I'm not in any trouble." "Okay," he said, looking skeptical. "But remember, you can talk to me anytime you need to." She nodded, faking a nonchalance she was far from feeling. He stepped aside and gestured toward his office. Nervously she went past him and opened the door. Inside the cop stood against the far wall. Robyn stopped in her tracks. He motioned for her to sit down and said, "I'm officer Rollins. Are you Robyn Wilson?" She nodded and shakily crossed the room to take the indicated chair. He pulled another chair across from her and sat down also. "Are you currently sharing an apartment at..." he consulted a notebook and rattled off her address. "With Scott Baker and James Harper?" She nodded. "Do you know Robert Wilson?" She swallowed and felt a cold trickle of sweat course down her back. She wished she had prepared a story ahead of time. Now she needed to think quickly. She'd have to sound convincing. "Yes. He... he's my friend." "Your friend, you say? Did you tell either of your roommates that he was your brother?" "Yes. I... ummm... Bob was leaving town and he offered me his room temporarily. I guess I just thought it would be easier if I said we were related. I mean we do have the same last name and all." "Um Hmm." The policeman scribbled in his notebook. Robyn shifted nervously in her seat. She was beginning to feel like a criminal and she'd done absolutely nothing wrong. "When was the last time you saw Mr. Wilson?" "A couple months ago." She held her hands up uncertainly. "Before Thanksgiving, I think." The questions continued for quite some time. Robyn tried to keep her story simple and consistent. She felt nervous sweat trickle down her sides and wondered if the cop noticed. Of course he noticed, she thought, he's trained to notice; he's a cop. "Look... Officer Rollins... Is Bob in some kind of trouble?" she asked, trying to project friendly concern. Rollins shook his head. "No. We're just concerned for his safety. There's been a missing persons report filed on him and I'm just checking up is all." "Oh? Who filed the report?" "Sorry, I'm not allowed to say." "Well... What happens if... if you don't find Bob?" she asked nervously. "He'll turn up. They usually do." The cop stood to leave. He paused, acting like Peter Falk in Colombo with his ?one more thing' routine. He gave her a piercing stare and said, "But if he doesn't... the case could be turned over to homicide." "Homicide?!" she gasped. Robyn felt all the blood draining from her face. She sat frozen for a second thinking how ludicrous it would be for her to be arrested for her own murder! Then she realized how she must look to Rollins and quickly stood to escort him to the door. "But as I said, I'm sure he'll turn up. Thank you for your cooperation, Ms Wilson." "You're welcome. If I see him officer, I'll be sure to call you." Robyn was nervous and skittish the rest of her shift. She even dropped a full tray of drinks, something she hadn't done since she was a rookie. She was so distracted that she didn't even think it odd when Peeps was uncharacteristically silent about her clumsiness. * * * * * "Okay, Amy, you're taking a shower, getting dressed, and you're coming with me," Robyn said. She stood in the middle of Amy's living room. Her friend sat on the edge of her seat hunched over with a game controller clutched in her hands staring at the television screen. She was dressed in baggy sweats with random food stains down the front. Her blonde hair was unwashed and scraggly from trying to grow it out and hung limply at the sides of her face. "Just a sec," Amy's eyes never left the television. She leaned way over, moving with the action onscreen. She jabbed the fire button over and over and a menacing fleet of spaceships disintegrated spectacularly. Throwing her hand up in the air and tossing her head she cried triumphantly, "Yes!" Robyn stepped in front of the screen and crossed her arms. She looked down sternly at her friend. She was hoping to play matchmaker this evening but Amy wasn't making things easy. Robyn was nearly at the end of her rope trying to come up with some way to drag Amy out of her depression. Amy craned her neck to see around Robyn but she was thwarted easily by Robyn turning the television off. "Come on, we're going to be late." Amy sighed dramatically and put the controller down. "Okay, okay. Give me a minute." Robyn took her place and started playing the game to pass the time while she waited. Eventually Amy returned. At least she had washed her hair but hadn't bothered to dry it and she wore no makeup. She was dressed in jeans and a too bulky sweater. The girl had taken to wearing too tight sports bras that compressed her breasts cruelly. Combined with oversized sweaters or sweatshirts it was difficult to tell she even had breasts, much less how large they were. Robyn glanced up and frowned. "Your hair's gonna freeze if you go out like that. It's bitter cold out there." Amy crossed her arms and looked stubborn. "Well, you were so insistent, I didn't think I had time to blow dry it." "Sheesh, Amy, no way are you leaving this apartment looking like that." Robyn shook her head in consternation. She turned Amy around and marched her back to the bathroom and stood watch as she dried and fixed her hair. When Amy turned away from the mirror Robyn shook her head and stood resolute until her friend applied at least a minimum of makeup. Eventually she was satisfied with her appearance and said, "Okay, you'll do. Let's go." "I can't believe you're making me get all dressed up just to watch movies. And I don't know why we couldn't watch the videos right here anyway," Amy groused. "Because. The only time you leave your lair is when we go to exercise. You need to get out and be around people." Amy raised her chin stubbornly. "I'm all right. I don't mind solitude. It's peaceful." "It may be peaceful but you're turning into some kind of a creepy hermit, Amy. Besides, you've been driving yourself so hard at kickboxing I'm afraid you'll do me some serious harm," Robyn teased. "I need to tire you out. Get you away from your shoot ?em up games. For my own protection. I think they're fueling your aggressions." "I like my video games. I keep picturing that asshole's face on the screen and it's so satisfying to blow him away." Amy grinned and added a bit self deprecatingly, "I guess that's kinda sick. But hey, it's better than gorging on chocolate." Robyn's face turned serious. "It's not sick, Amy. It's a normal reaction. Helps you work out your anger issues. But I still think you should at least talk to a rape counselor..." "For the last time, I'm fine Robyn," Amy interrupted. "I appreciate everything you've done, but I need to work this out for myself." Robyn was silent. It was a familiar exchange. Amy insisted she didn't want to talk to the police or any form of mental health counselor while Robyn thought it would do her good to talk it all out with a professional. The only thing Amy wanted to do was take her kickboxing classes and play violent video games. Well, she couldn't force her friend to seek help; she'd just make sure to be there for her whenever she needed her. * * * * * They arrived at Robyn's apartment where Cathy and Greg, Donna and her boyfriend Ben, and Jim and Scott were already hanging out. The guys all had beers and the girls were sipping margueritas. Robyn had wheedled Jim into joining them for the video night and she included Scott out of politeness and to round out the group. She purposely had left Brad out because he'd been there for Amy's humiliation (even though he'd convinced her that he was innocent, Robyn knew Amy would be uncomfortable with him there). Her ultimate plan was to get Amy and Jim hooked up. She thought it would do them both good to get together. Get Jim's mind off his obsession over the demon program and her friendship with Brad and help Amy realize that not every man was a sleazebag like Johnson. Robyn had carefully selected the DVD's for the evening. They were all action adventures and horror flicks. No romantic comedies to make the guys complain about "chick flicks" or make the girls moony or weepy. Once introductions were made and everybody had a drink they voted on which movie to start with and Robyn put it in the player. They laughed and joked about all the lame clich?s as the predictable horror plot played out onscreen. When the movie was about half finished, Scott grew bored and quietly moved to the corner where they had an xbox set up. He flipped it on and started playing. After a few minutes he glanced up to see Amy sitting on the floor beside him. "Aren't you watching the movie?" he asked. "Seen it already," Amy shrugged her shoulders. "Got another controller?" Scott passed her a controller wordlessly and restarted the game in two player mode. Robyn watched the interchange with frustration. The evening was turning out all wrong. She so hoped Amy and Jim would hit it off. But Jim had sat rather sullenly watching the movie and ignoring all attempts to draw him out. He was still pissed about her getting back together with Brad. Now Amy was over there playing video games; just what Robyn had wanted to drag her away >from in the first place. Everyone else was having a great time dissing the cheesy movie and talking about inconsequentials. "Why haven't you talked to Amy?" Robyn whispered into Jim's ear. "She's really nice." Jim stiffened at the sensation of her warm breath against his ear. He hated how easily she could affect him. She was his best friend but she was so clueless. How could she be so taken in by that asshole Franklin? Well, she was a grownup and she'd made her choice. He spared a glance at Amy where she was soundly whipping Scott's butt in the game. "She looks busy to me." "I just thought you two might hit it off." "Why? Why do you want to pair me up? Why do you care?" Robyn gave him a hurt look. "Because you're both my friends and I care about you. I just thought you'd like each other." "Worry about your own love life, Robyn. Mine's doing just fine thank you." "Sorrreeee," she said a bit huffily. Then her face turned wistful and she put a hand on his knee. "I *am* sorry. I just want to be friends, Jim. I hate it when we fight like this." Jim's body had been tensed with resentment; suddenly the tension became sexual. She was so clueless about the effect she had on him. Except for that one night at the party. He just couldn't continue to be an ass when she was all conciliatory like this. He was reconciled to the fact that she thought of him as her best friend and that was it. If he wanted to be a part of her life - and he did - then he'd just have to take what he could get. "It's okay, Robyn. We're still friends. That won't change." "Thanks." She slipped her arm in his and leaned against his shoulder sighing softly. He sat still and concentrated on suppressing his boner. "Hey you guys, you're missing the best part," Donna said, dragging them back into the group conversation. * * * * * "Good evening, guys. Welcome to Peepers! My name is Robyn and I'll be your server tonight." "Well, well, if it's not the cute little birdie, Robyn," Tom Johnson sneered at her. He was with three of his buddies. Sitting down he was about at eye level with Robyn. From the looks of things they'd all been drinking before they arrived. Robyn's smile faltered. She would not let him intimidate her. She kept thinking of poor Amy crying on her shoulder and it was all she could do not to jab her pen through his eye. Pretending not to have heard him she started her recitation of the day's specials. Johnson reached over and brushed her upper arm familiarly. He interrupted her speech, "That's okay. You can stop chirping now little birdie. Just bring us four drafts." She shrugged off his hand and said, "Okay! I'll be right back with your drinks." When she returned with their order she leaned over to serve the guys in the back of the booth first. Johnson laid a hand on the back of her upper thigh. She froze for a second and turned her head toward him. He had an insolent smile on his face as he deliberately caressed her thigh and slowly raised his hand to cup her right butt cheek. He gave her ass a firm squeeze. "Nice to see you again," Johnson said. He pointedly stared down her top, checking out her cleavage. "Even nicer to see so *much* of you. This job suits you, birdie." Robyn swallowed and finally forced herself to resume movement. Very carefully she set a beer on the table in front of him then ?accidentally' tipped it over into his lap. Johnson jerked instantly when the ice cold brew soaked into his pants. He tried to leap to his feet but barked his knees on the edge of the table and fell back into his seat. "Christ!" he yelled. Robyn set her tray down on the table and grabbed the bar rag that hung from a loop in the front of her shorts. She crouched down and reached over to Johnson's crotch. Using the towel as cover she grabbed his genitals viciously through his jeans. "Oh I'm *so* sorry! Here, let me dry you off," she said solicitously as she twisted his balls. She was tempted to use her full strength but her intent was to inflict pain and frighten, not permanently injure him. Johnson rose up involuntarily in his seat. His face was a study in pain and fear. His voice squeaked embarrassingly as he said, "No, it's okay. I can handle it." Keeping her grip firmly and painfully on his package Robyn rose up and grabbed some napkins with her free hand. She busily mopped up the table while ?casually' leaning in close to his ear. She felt wicked satisfaction as she saw tears brimming in his eyes. "Listen up you motherfucker," she hissed into his ear. Johnson's eyes opened wide in surprise. "You keep your goddamn grabby paws to yourself. You leave me and my friends alone, understand? If I had my way you'd be sitting in jail for rape. This is your only warning. Next time I won't be so gentle - I swear I'll twist it off like the screw-top on a cheap bottle of wine. Understand?" Johnson nodded his head vigorously. "O... okay. I think you've got it all cleaned up now, Robyn. Thanks." Robyn drew her arm away from his crotch watching Johnson visibly relax. "I'm so sorry. I'll be right back with a fresh beer. This round is on me." Robyn gave Johnson her brightest, most innocent smile. When she turned to head for the bar she nearly ran into Peeps. Her boss was heading their way, fast, with a determined look on his face. Oh boy, she thought, he's going to read me the riot act. Before he could open his mouth she started talking in a rush. "Sorry about that, sir. I guess I'm clumsy today. I offered to put their first round on me and they seemed happy with that." Peeps shook his head. "I saw the whole thing. Outta my way, girlie." Robyn blinked in surprise. She swallowed nervously and stepped aside. "You!" Peeps said with menace in his voice, pointing at Johnson. "Out! I don't want you in my place ever again." Johnson stared up at him in surprised outrage. "What? What did I do? This little twat spills beer all over me and..." "I saw what happened, jerk-off," Peeps interrupted him. His chest swelled and his biceps bunched tautly. He leaned over and waved a fist in Johnson's face. "Nobody touches my waitresses like you did. Your business is no longer welcome here. Now are you going under your own power or do I get the pleasure of tossing your sorry ass out?" Johnson's face glowed bright red. He slowly rose to his feet. He regarded Peeps coldly for a moment, contemplating taking a swing at him. But Peeps' military trained killer's confidence finally cowed him. His cocksure expression faded and he muttered, "Fine. This place is a dump anyway. Coming guys?" His friends glanced at each other, embarrassed at the confrontation and irritated that Johnson involved them in it. Reluctantly they stood and followed Johnson out the door. Robyn stared at Peeps in awe. He was full of surprises. But as she thought about it, his action was no surprise at all. Despite his gruff manner he was good to his girls and ultimately he was a true man of honor. "Thanks," was all she managed to murmur. "Don't thank me - you handled yourself like a champ." Peeps nodded toward Johnson's booth. "That punk has been pushing his weight around for way too long. It was only a matter of time before he got banned." She shrugged and said casually, "Well thanks anyway." Peeps grinned at her. It was a rare occasion for Robyn to see him smile. "Forget it." His expression reformed into its customary scowl. "Well get a move on already. There's tables waiting for drinks, girlie. I don't pay you to stand around all day." Robyn beamed up at him like a child with a new toy. "Yessir! I'm going!" She saw Donna waiting for an order at the bar. Her eyes were sparkling with mischief. She'd obviously seen the whole thing. "Shame Amy wasn't here to see that. You were great Robyn." "That's not half the payback he deserves." "I agree. And what do you think about Mr Peeps now?" Donna asked after Robyn put in her order. "Okay, you were right. He's a sweetheart," Robyn admitted. "Told ya so." Robyn stuck her tongue out and both girls hurried off to their waiting customers. * * * * * Jim jogged to a stop outside his apartment building. He leaned over with his hands on his knees and drew in several deep breaths. When his heart rate began to slow he glanced up and saw Robyn and Brad walking up the stairs to Brad's unit. He cursed under his breath and stepped into the shadows, not wanting a confrontation. His chest felt tight and he clenched and unclenched his fists in anger. Robyn leaned up against Brad as he searched for his keys. She brazenly rubbed her entire body along the length of Brad. Her hand lazily slid down and teased his crotch. She looked up at him with a languorous smile and kissed his neck, whispering something into his ear. Brad laughed and Jim silently pounded a fist into his thigh in frustrated rage. Brad put his hands on her shoulders and seemed to be pushing her downwards. Robyn shook her head slightly and mewed in protest. Jim couldn't believe the gall of the dude; he was trying to make her give him a blow job right there in public! God! Was Robyn that much totally under his spell? Finally Robyn kissed him deeply and reached into his pocket, drawing out his keys to open the door. With a sexy enticing wriggle of her body she pulled him into the apartment and closed the door. Jim swore bitterly and turned around and took off running once more. Once he managed to run his rage out he'd spend the remainder of the evening working at the computer center. He just had to find a way to save Robyn from herself. * * * * * Brad pulled into their apartment parking lot. He was feeling irritated with Robyn. He'd planned a hot night with the little fireball. He knew he was on the verge of getting her to do almost anything he wanted. Hell, the other evening she almost blew him right at his front door! But tonight his plans were ruined when he went to pick her up from work and found out she was down with a cold. Her nose dripped and her eyes were red and swollen, she looked a mess. He glanced at his watch and wondered if there was still time to hook up with some Sorority girl back at the house party. Anything was possible; it sure beat playing nursemaid to this girl. "Well, Sweets, I'll call you," Brad said, not moving from the driver's seat of his car. Robyn leaned over to hug him good night and he drew his head back. "Shit, Sweets! You're sick as a dog!" He caught the hurt look in her face and he said more gently, "I mean, no sense me getting sick too, then who'd take care of you?" Robyn paused at her door to sneeze violently before she slipped quietly inside the apartment. She didn't want to wake anyone. All she wanted was to chug down some Nyquil and slip into her nice warm bed. She closed the door gently and turned about, getting her bearings in the dimly lit room. "Hey Robyn," Amy's voice came softly from the direction of the couch. Robyn shrieked and jumped back. "God!! You scared the shit out of me!" She patted herself above her breasts. She felt briefly dizzy and swayed shakily on her feet until she steadied herself with a hand on the door frame. She peered into the gloom and saw two figures sitting close on the couch barely lit by the pale moonlight spilling in the window. "Sorry," Scott said. "We're just taking a break after playing a few video games." "Well geeze, give a person a little warning next time." A violent sneeze punctuated this comment. "You better get some rest, Robyn," Amy said. "You sound really sick." "Thanks. That's where I'm headed now." Robyn started back for her bedroom. The way Amy and Scott were sitting so close it appeared they were playing more than just video games. "Night you two. Have fun." She pulled the door shut behind her cutting off the sound of another round of hacking coughs. Scott turned to Amy and said, "I think she knows." Amy shrugged. "Of course she does. I told her all about us." "Really? I thought you were keeping a low profile since... well, you know." "But she's my *friend*. Of course I told her." Scott shrugged, totally confused as always when confronted with the workings of female logic. He kissed her tenderly. "Well, I haven't told anyone. I don't want to jinx it. I still can't believe it myself. Most girls don't give me the time of day. I'm just a total geek to them." Amy smiled affectionately. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him lightly. "Most *guys* only see me as a pair of boobs. You've treated me like a person ever since I met you. That's what I like about you, Scott." He turned bright red and ducked his head shyly. For some reason he didn't have the paralyzing fear of rejection from Amy. Maybe it was because she was the first girl to be as interested in video games as he was. Or maybe because she'd been so vulnerable when they first met. She was still extremely vulnerable. He'd caught glimpses of her body outside of the swaddling sweatshirts she favored and realized she was every bit as gorgeous as Robyn. They hadn't progressed beyond kissing and cuddling but that was okay with him - he could be patient. Besides, Amy was the first real girlfriend he'd ever had. "You're so different from those jerks like... like... Tom." She felt herself tensing up and squeezed his hand for support. He was really sweet and she needed to say this. "I'm really grateful to you for everything you've done for me these past weeks, Scott. I... I... don't know how I'd have made it without you." Scott drew her even closer and gave her a gentle squeeze. "It's okay Amy. I'm happy to spend time with you and talk. I wish I could do more. I still think you should consider talking with a rape counselor. But I don't want to push you." She leaned her head on his shoulder and was silent a moment before saying, "Robyn and the girls think I should too. I trust you, all of you." She paused and drew in a deep breath. "So... I made an appointment to talk to someone tomorrow." Scott turned to look into her eyes. "Really? That's great Amy! I know how difficult this is for you. I'm really proud of you." She smiled slightly then dropped her gaze and spoke with nervous uncertainty, "Scott... I'm doing this because... well I really like you... and... I want to work through things. I don't want any bad memories or negative associations to ruin things between us." Scott kissed the top of her head. "I'm here for you, whenever you need me." She looked up at him and asked, "Do you think you could go with me... tomorrow?" "I'm there, Amy," he said with firm determination. * * * * * "Aren't you coming to class, Robyn?" Donna asked over the phone. "I don't think so. I feel awful," Robyn replied. The mere effort of speaking sent her into a paroxysm of coughing. "I'm sorry, Donna. Can you take notes?" "Of course I'll take notes. But you need to see a Doctor, Robyn. You sound terrible." "I'll be okay. I just need to rest." "Nonsense. I'm coming over right after class and driving you to the health center. Somebody's got to watch out for you if you won't do it yourself." Robyn was too tired to argue. Within a couple hours she had a prescription for antibiotics. A young intern at the health center told her she had a bad case of bronchitis that might turn to pneumonia if she didn't take care of herself. Donna put her to bed and fussed over her until Robyn convinced her to go home so she could get some sleep. * * * * * Robyn tossed and turned fitfully in her sleep. She still had a fever and she'd kicked the covers off her bed. She moaned in her sleep, caught up in a bad dream. She was staring at herself in the mirror. Her perfectly gorgeous reflection stared back at her. She'd grown used to seeing her new face and was quite proud of the way she looked. She picked up her lipstick and leaned in close to see better as she applied it. With a frown she noticed a small black hair on her upper lip. That was hideous on her creamy smooth skin. She put her lipstick down and picked up tweezers. With her face up very close to the mirror she reached up and plucked out the offending hair. There, that takes care of that. She picked her lipstick up again and prepared to coat her lips. But she noticed another hair. She tweezed that hair and looked closely for others. There were two more. She tweezed hair after hair and each time she inspected her face there were more hairs than before. She lathered her face and picked up her pink Venus razor. She hadn't shaved her face for months, and it felt odd to see her new female face all covered in shaving foam. Carefully, she shaved her face clean. She ran her hand over her cheeks and chin and felt stubble. Then almost like a fast action chia pet hair sprung from her face until she had a full beard. Frantically she grabbed scissors and started cutting the long hair but it grew back faster than she could cut. With a sudden start she bolted upright in bed and screamed, "No!" She was covered in sweat and shivering from the chill night air. She reached up and felt her face and was relieved to feel her smooth hairless skin. Thank God, she thought, it was just a dream. Her fever had finally broken. Feeling better than she'd felt in days she pulled the covers up to her chin and settled back down into a dreamless sleep. * * * * * "I should be studying, Brad. I've got a test tomorrow," Robyn tried to push herself up from where she lay atop Brad's supine body. He tightened his arms around her and held her in place. She lightly slapped her palm down on the firm plane of his chest. "Stop that! Let me up." "Plenty of time to study, Sweets. After we're done," he said between tiny kisses to her face and neck. Brad definitely wanted another round before he'd let her go. He rolled them over so he was on top of her. He dropped his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth, teasing her expertly. "I missed you last week when you were sick. We need to make up for lost time, Babe." Robyn gasped in response and felt her limbs turn to jelly. Brad might be self centered but he certainly knew how to turn her on. She struggled halfheartedly but finally gave in to his ministrations. In moments she was moaning and pulling him closer as he brought her to orgasmic peak after peak. Afterwards Brad drifted off to sleep and Robyn lay beside him thinking. She really needed to study; she'd lost a lot of time when she was sick and knew she had much work to make up. But instead of working she'd given in to Brad's carnal desires. Why had she been so weak and allowed him to once more impose his wants over her own? Partially it was the fact that her computing courses just plain bored her to death now. She was repeating work that she'd done two years back and it should have been easy as anything. But she simply couldn't summon the motivation to spend the necessary hours of coding on her assignments. In fact the only course she was taking that interested her in the slightest was the business class. The idea of spending the remainder of her life sitting in front of a computer keying code seemed unbearable. She suddenly reached a decision: she *would* change her major. Marketing. With a minor in sociology or anthropology? Her programming credits would serve as math/science requirements. It wouldn't set her ultimate graduation back too badly. She felt as if a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Yes, she now had a firm vision of her future. Her future, not Bob's. The concept of returning to her former life seemed further and further away. * * * * * "Hey Robyn, come on outside, I've got to show you something!" "Where are you, Cathy?" Robyn said into her cell. "I'm in the parking lot of your apartment. Come on out!" "Be right there," she said and flipped her phone closed. She pulled on a jacket and walked outside, wondering what her friend was up to. The chilly March air made her shiver despite her coat and she hoped Cathy didn't want her to stay out here all that long. She scanned the lot, looking for her friend but didn't see her or her little Honda anywhere. A toot drew her attention to a little baby blue Volkswagen convertible. The top was lowering and she recognized Cathy sitting in the driver's seat. She hurried over to her with a wide smile on her face. "Cool car, Cathy! Where'd you get it?" "It's mine! I got it just today. My poor Honda was about give out. It was time for a change. Like it?" "I love it! It's great!" "My parents cosigned for me," she ducked her head and said softly, "It's an early graduation present and... engagement gift." "Engagement?!" Robyn squealed in delight. She bounced up and down a moment then leaned down to kiss Cathy on the cheek. "Really? Oh wow, I'm so happy for you Cathy!" Cathy beamed. She was practically splitting her face she was so happy and proud. "Greg got accepted into Law school and I got into the Master's program I wanted. He proposed and I said yes!" She proudly flashed her left hand that now sported a small diamond. "We couldn't go off to the west coast in my old clunker so..." She gestured to the little car she was sitting in. "That's fantastic! You two are the perfect couple! I know you'll be so happy together." Cathy lowered her eyes and said shyly, "I owe so much of it to you, Robyn." "Me? What'd I do, Cathy?" "Just knowing you. The whole demon thingie. It made me realize I needed to get out of my shell. I was belligerently goth as a defense, to keep from being rejected. When we... ummm... changed, it made me wake up and gave me a chance to turn my life around. And you were there through it all. Helping you helped me realize what a gift life was and I shouldn't waste it in sullen resentment of the pretty people in the world. You gave me courage girl friend. Thank you, Robyn, for being my friend." Robyn realized she was crying and didn't even care. She hugged Cathy and kissed her cheek again. "Thank you for being my friend too, Cathy." "And guess what, friend?" Cathy asked with a twinkle in her eye. "To celebrate we're going to Florida for spring break! It'll be my bachelorette party; girls only, no guys allowed!" "What? But... I've got to work..." Robyn protested automatically. But she was tempted by the notion. She'd never gone to any of the big party destinations for spring break in the past. She'd always been too busy working on her computer. And, frankly, too socially retarded and too much of a coward to even attempt to mix with other kids. And the idea of a vacation on her own without Brad had a certain allure. She'd gone from a nerdy guy straight into being part of a couple without ever experiencing the fun and flirting a pretty single girl could enjoy. Her newly blossoming assertiveness found that thought thrilling. The only problem was she didn't want to leave Mr. Peeps in the lurch. But right now at Spring break... yes, she knew Peepers wouldn't be busy with most everyone leaving town... Peeps would give her the time off. Suddenly she nodded and said, "Yes! We're only young once! Let's hit the beach and have a blast!" "Get in girl! Let's go see Amy and Donna. This punch buggy needs a carload to head south!" * * * * * Robyn tossed her head in the breeze. She had her bare feet propped up on the car door as they cruised down the highway with the top down. She and Amy were in back soaking up the sun while Cathy drove and Donna navigated. She smiled over at Amy and pointed out the road sign that said they only had 20 more miles to their destination. Amy grinned back and said, "Beaches here we come!" Robyn nodded. She was totally content in the moment. Excited to be on vacation with her friends, anticipating meeting up with Megan who was also going to Florida for the break. Everything seemed to be falling into place for her friends. Cathy was engaged and going to grad school. Amy and Scott were getting along like cheese and crackers and Amy really seemed to be coming out of her depression. Her sessions with the rape counselor were doing her a world of good and she no longer hid herself away from the world. Donna was happy as always and looking forward to her own wedding to Ben in the fall. Robyn needed this vacation. She needed to be away from Brad and Jim and her constant struggle over which life she wanted to live. Deep down she was beginning to realize that Brad was no good for her. He only thought of his own wishes. He might give her the most incredible sex but there was very little else once the orgasms were over. And Jim... he was everything that Brad wasn't. But he seemed obsessed with changing her back. And that was something she was growing more and more ambivalent about. The drive so far had been relaxing for Robyn. She'd dozed off and on during the eight hundred mile trip. They'd rotated drivers to keep fresh and had made good time. The feeling of anticipation and elation was high. It was good to be with just her girlfriends. No stress, no drama, no emotion. It was almost as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders. * * * * * "Meg!" Robyn squealed. She hugged her friend and they jumped up and down together in excitement. "God this is going to be the greatest week ever!" "You bet!" Megan enthused. She'd instantly promised to meet up with Robyn and her friends when Robyn called her. She was ready for a good time after a brutal round of mid terms. A girls' get away was the perfect break for her fried brain. Robyn introduced everyone and they went into the crowded motel lobby to check in. They'd managed to get a reservation at a place just a block off the beach. It was a bit run down but all they needed was a roof over their heads; they planned to spend most of their time at the beach or in the clubs. Their room had two queen beds and the girls planned to share two and three to a bed. Amy, Robyn, and Meg would sleep triple since they were the smallest. In less than an hour they were all in bikinis laying on the warm sand. Robyn noted with satisfaction that Amy wore her bikini with pride. She didn't hunch in on herself or try to conceal her beautiful breasts. Her friend was well on the road to healing. Megan, too, wore a revealing suit. It was hard to believe that the sexy brunette was almost renowned for being a shy disheveled bookworm. The five girls drew stares from guys all around them. Robyn took pride in the fact that she was attracting so much attention. It was something that gave her a thrill. The thought of becoming male and being one of those guys staring at girls seemed sad. Why would she want to be one of those guys, even with a better, sexier, more masculine body? Was she ever really happy before? "Time to turn over, ladies," Donna said. With her freckles and fair complexion she was the self-appointed mistress of safe tanning. She lounged under the shade of an umbrella but even still was slathered in the highest SPF sun block she could buy. No sense taking chances. She remained ever vigilant against burning. The others used varying levels of sun protection, depending on their own complexions, but Donna kept her eyes out for signs of too much sun on each and every one of them. Robyn rolled over onto her belly and reached back to undo her straps so she wouldn't get a tan line. This was just what she needed. For some reason she felt totally exhausted the past few weeks. Maybe it was the extra shifts she was pulling at work? This was her chance to catch up on much needed sleep. She was utterly at peace here with the hot sunshine baking into her skin. If only she could stay right in this moment forever. Amy was sitting up, staring off down the beach. "Hey, I'm going to sign us up for that beach volleyball tournament over there. That looks like fun," she said. Robyn groaned and wondered if strangling was too harsh a method of quieting her down. * * * * * "Look! That place looks like it's jumping," Donna pointed toward a crowd of students gathered in front of a bar. "Let's check it out." The five friends sauntered over to the club. The music was loud with deep bass beat vibrating in their chests. Partying kids were spilling out into the street, dancing and drinking in fine Spring break tradition. As they reached the edges of the crowd they began drawing attention from males on the prowl. All five girls looked good and they knew it, moving with that air of supreme self assurance of beautiful women looking their best. Robyn swayed her hips to the beat and smiled at a cute guy. He was really a hottie, she thought, looking into his dark brown eyes. She was feeling confident and sexy. She wore a flippy little yellow and black polka dot mini dress with tiny spaghetti straps that showed off her shoulders and neck. Her brightly painted toes were beautifully displayed by a pair of strappy sandals. She had long dangly earrings, her butterfly pendant and half a dozen bangle bracelets on her wrists. They danced into the night, having a wonderful time. Robyn limited herself to an occasional sip of white wine, she was just having so much fun and getting so much male attention that she didn't feel the need to seek out the bar. This was just what she needed, she thought as she flirted and danced with the latest in a long string of great looking guys. She hadn't thought about Brad all evening. Later on, when a Jake Gyllenhal look-alike moved in to kiss her while they danced to a slow song, she felt a rush of desire. Her nipples tightened and she considered going further with him. It might be just what the doctor ordered, to help her get over the spell Brad had on her. Then she thought about Jim and drew away. She didn't even have a qualm of guilt over Brad but she felt like she was cheating on Jim. Damn. With an apologetic smile she told her suitor that she needed to head out. She felt regret over disappointing him but she couldn't forget Jim. It never even occurred to her that all her carnal thoughts of the evening were for men; she had long since resigned herself to the fact that she was for all intents and purposes a heterosexual woman. She suddenly realized she was very tired. It was time to head for bed. Fighting her way through the crowd toward the doors she ran across Amy. Amy was also ready to leave. They found the others and told them they were out of there. Cathy, Donna, and Meg decided to stay and continue partying. When Amy and Robyn reached their motel it was about 2 a.m. They changed into sleep wear and settled into the bed. The girls lay down next to each other and Amy gave Robyn a hug. Robyn felt warm friendship and happiness but absolutely no sexual desire. She was living one of Bob's wet dreams, lying beside a beautiful large breasted blonde, but as a friend only. "Robyn? I'm so lucky to have you for a friend. Thanks for talking me into taking this trip." Robyn smiled and smoothed Amy's hair. "I'm just glad to see you breaking out of your shell. It's great to see you enjoying yourself." "I've got you to thank for that. You, and Scott," Amy smiled softly to herself. "Ah. So how's things progressing with my shy roommate, girl?" "Oh... he's great, Robyn!" Amy couldn't repress the excitement in her voice. "He's so... so... good. I'm a lucky girl to have found him." "I'm happy for you two." The girls talked and giggled for over an hour before they faded off to sleep. Amy confided all her hopes for her relationship with Scott and helped Robyn talk out her feelings for Jim. She'd seen the interplay between the two as she spent more and more time at their apartment. It was her opinion that Jim would come around eventually and Robyn felt buoyed up by that notion. Robyn's last conscious thought was how her life was just turning out so perfectly. * * * * * "Come on Robyn! We're losing all the sun," Amy said from near the door. It was their next to last day and they all wanted to get as much beach time in as possible before they had to return to the chilly north. Robyn huddled under the covers and tried to summon the ambition to get up. She couldn't understand why she was still so tired. She was certainly getting enough sleep since arriving here. She even came home early from the club last night just because she wanted some extra sleep. But she still just seemed tired all the time. "Coming," she finally said and struggled into a sitting position. It was only the thought of lolling on the beach under the nice hot sun that motivated her to move at all. She pulled her sleep shirt off and sorted through her suitcase for something to wear. A bikini, of course, for the beach. And cutoff shorts with flip flops should do it. There wasn't much of a dress code for spring break, after all. A quick flip of a brush through her newly short hair was all the styling she needed - she once more thought what a great job Jenny had done. Splash of water in her face, brush her teeth and she was ready. No makeup, she didn't need it for sunbathing. They walked down to a donut shop for breakfast. The friends all playfully flirted with cute guys they passed on the way. This was the life! When they arrived, Robyn wrinkled her nose as she entered and wondered what smelled so vile. Her stomach fluttered and she fought down a wave of nausea. "Hey guys, I'm just gonna sit down. I don't much feel like breakfast. I'm still really tired," she said while stifling a yawn. She shuffled over to a table and slumped down in the plastic chair. "Here Robyn, this'll help wake you up," Donna said, sitting a steaming cup of coffee down in front of her. Robyn smelled the rich coffee aroma wafting from the cup and her stomach lurched. "Oh God!" she moaned and made a dash for the Ladies' room. She was just in time. "Are you okay, Robyn?" Cathy said from just inside the rest room door. Robyn was bent over the toilet, coughing up the remains of last night's dinner. She couldn't understand why she was sick; she certainly hadn't had too much to drink. Megan slipped into the stall beside her and held her hair away from her face. Amy wet some paper towels and passed them into her. Cathy stood guard at the door to keep snoopy people away. "You okay, Sweetie?" Meg asked as she rubbed the back of her neck. Robyn nodded. "Have you been sick like this recently/" Robyn shook her head. "No. I've been a bit queasy in the mornings this past week or so but this is the first time I've ever been sick. I've been really draggy and tired all the time but that's just cause I've been pushing myself so hard." "Mmmm hmmm. Are your breasts tender? Swollen a bit?" "Kinda." Robyn had just thought that was because she was due for her period. "When's your period due?" Robyn thought about it. "I'm not sure. My last one was back in February. Maybe the 5th or 6th?" "Girl, you're two weeks late and you didn't even know it?" Robyn shrugged. "I guess I had other things on my mind." "Well we'd better get to a drugstore and pick up an EPT." "EPT? What's an EPT?" "Pregnancy test," Donna said. "Sheesh Robyn, get with it girl." "Preg... oh no! I *can't* be pregnant! I just can't!" "Sweetie, I know it's a shock. But it can happen to any of us." "But... but... I'm on the pill." "Mmmm hmmm. Let's buy the kit just in case." * * * * * To be continued...

Same as The Class Project - Chapter 17 Videos

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Anns Art Project

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The Class Project Chapters 18 20 Conclusion

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The Project

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Episode 19 the School Project

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Apne Project Guide Ki Chudai 8211 Part I

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Project 401

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The Class Project Chapter 14

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Little Sisters Sculpture Project

Lori scraped one last sliver of clay away from her art project. It was finished. She looked at it critically. It was a recreation of the statue "The Thinker" that she had done from a photograph of the famous piece. It had taken her six months. But it looked good. She was sure anyone would recognize it. The muscles in the naked man's body had been much harder to form than she had thought they would be. But now it was done. She'd turn it in tomorrow. Ms Haskins would fire it in the big kiln...

2 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Cherry Project Part 1

He awoke in a mass of crumpled bed sheets, groping for a sense of time and place. A moment’s glance around at the poster-strewn walls of the tiny room brought it back to him. 47th Street East, guy’s name is Eddie, that’s it. Hospitable type, friend of Jerry from the Mercury Lounge. Eddie had been only too glad to let him and Robbie crash out and had not even balked at the young drummer bringing along a girl. Hell, the guy had taken the sofa so that Robbie and friend could make use of the main...

Group Sex
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The Research Project Ch 01

Kari sat at the table by the entrance to the vacation lodge with her dad’s number one assistant, and looked at the men gathered around her. She still didn’t know how her dad had done it, cut down all those e-mails and questionnaires to these fifteen men. Marie, the lady seated next to her had told her little about the selection process, but she had mentioned that her dad had chosen a wide variety of test subjects. Well, from what she could see, that was true, there were fifteen men and talk...

1 year ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 3

The prop-jet airliner climbed over the Massif Central, and Helen relaxed in her seat. Working while flying seldom appealed to her. Her flights were generally short hops in small aircraft: it simply made little sense to try and organize a brief work session in a cramped seat. Instead she would read a book or listen to music she had brought with her. Eventually her plane pulled up outside one of Geneva's little satellite terminals, and she went down along the long underground tunnels'...

3 years ago
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The Human Toilet Project

The Human Toilet ProjectIt all began with a casual visit to the Misc. part of Craigslist's job openings. I didn't necessarily need a job because I had begun to receive Social Security just a few months ago, but you are allowed to have a little part time work. The listing was as follows.The University of California Berkeley Psychology Dept in coordination with UC Medical School Dept of Internal Medicine need a male volunteer for their human toilet project. We prefer someone who has never been a...

4 years ago
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The Sexy Project Team Member

In the whole project team, only I and Shruthi(name changed) had not done anything. Although it was a group project we had to collect individual newspaper clippings and make a booklet. I went up to her house and found that the other three girls were waiting for me as well. As soon as I reached there looked at Shruthi. As usual she was wearing a small skirt and loose top. Without anyone in my group knowing I had secretly completed the project already. So I was expecting some fun to go about!! So...

2 years ago
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

2 years ago
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For the Presidents Eyes Only Project Sweetpea

For the President's Eyes Only: Project Sweetpea By DEE DEE PERRI CHAPTER 1 The agent's eyes swept the crowded room once again with professional efficiency. To one untrained in his science, it would appear as a casual, almost bored, cursory examination of the restaurant, but a skilled observer would have noted the brief, almost imperceptible pause- the agent had detected something interesting. Now using the menu to partially obscure his actions, the man visually confirmed his...

1 year ago
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Project Zulo Postscript

(Author's Note: This isn't so much a story as an interlude, a brief postscript to Altered Fates: Project Zulo. There was a request for a family tree, and brief precis of the transformations that occurred among the Peyton family in the dozen or so stories that culminated in Project Zulo, for easy reference. Well, I aim to please so here, presented as a conversation between two characters, is that data. If you haven't read Project Zulo you probably shouldn't read this one since it contains...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

1 year ago
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
2 years ago
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Top Secret Project

So, I was walking to the nearby supermarket to pick up a few things early on a Saturday morning, probably around 8am. Being the weekend, my husband, Mark, is taking care of little Abby, so I can get some things done. As I'm walking, I see a plain white van pulled over a few car lengths in front of me. I thought nothing of the van at first. It was just a vehicle that was double parked like any other, which was a common sight in the city. Probably there to move some furniture or something. The...

1 year ago
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Top Secret Project

Introduction: In case the tags werent enough: This is a twisted tale of getting skinned alive and butchered. It comes from my own fantasies. I imagined this happening to myself many times before I wrote it down into story form. I find the idea very erotic. If you dont share my fetishes… Then you probably shouldnt read this. Living in a city has its benefits. I live here with my husband and baby girl in a 2-bedroom apartment. Being able to walk to most places, rather than having to drive is one...

3 years ago
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My project

My project. I have no imagination so I must write true stories. When I found out that Dad was fucking my sister something started to brew inside of me. Was I shocked about it? I think I was surprised because before that day I never expected it. I am sure Mother also did not suspect anything if I didn’t. Was I disappointed in them? I was not, I loved them both and if it made them happy and did no harm to anybody it was fine with me. In any case I was quite sure that Mom had some fun on her...

3 years ago
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Summer Project

Summer Project by B. Pink This story is about forced feminisation, the transformation carried out for the fun and amusement of twin 17 year old girls from an affluent family. Their parents give them the freedom and finances to undertake this project, something they see as a part of the girl's developement. The victim was to be a working class male and therefor considered disposable. The father owns a large chemical company. The research and development department will do...

1 year ago
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Project Super Soldier part 1

I want to thank all the readers that have left reviews on Kelly's story. You don't know how much those reviews help to spur writers like myself into continuing our stories. Special thanks to Shadowsblade and Branek who have quickly turned our small writing group into a group of not only better writers but good friends. I apologize to those that are following Kelly's story, for the length of time since the last update to her story. Several things in real life have limited the amount of...

1 year ago
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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The BabyMaker Project

The Baby-Maker Project By Jillian As part of this project, a very key part in fact, I was ordered to write of my experiences as though doing a case study. And not just of my experiences but also of my feelings and emotions as I progressed through what everyone knew was to be a very difficult experience and period of adjustment at the conclusion. I thought about my best approach during the three days before I was to leave for an unknown destination where the project itself was...

3 years ago
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The Mrs Hollingsworth Project part 5

"The 'Mrs. Hollingsworth' Project" (Part V) Two days later the private elevator door opened on the penthouse floor of the Hollingsworth building, Rick and Ms. Lawrence stepped out and moved to the main door of the vast penthouse suite. This was Mr. Hollingsworth's private floor. "It's not an apartment actually, I reworked a section of the penthouse, it's a suite of rooms." Rick said as he opened the main door to his apartment. Ms. Lawrence followed him through the foyer to the...

2 years ago
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Project ManagerChapter 10

Sandi’s efforts now with knowing that she was pregnant turned toward to finding a suitable location to build a house. She contacted the builder’s association for information on the builders that were building houses which she hoped would suit her needs. Nothing that she saw in what was currently being built interested her for various reasons. She contacted the relator that sold her house and asked her for a listing of individual lots that were for sale. There were a few remaining lots in a...

2 years ago
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...


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