Project: Super Soldier - Part 1 free porn video

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I want to thank all the readers that have left reviews on Kelly's story. You don't know how much those reviews help to spur writers like myself into continuing our stories. Special thanks to Shadowsblade and Branek who have quickly turned our small writing group into a group of not only better writers but good friends. I apologize to those that are following Kelly's story, for the length of time since the last update to her story. Several things in real life have limited the amount of time that I can spend writing at the moment. On the good side of this, the time I was forced to reorganize my writing files led me to locate some other stories that I "misplaced" before they were ever published, that I can now share here. This also led to the creation of a few more story plots that I will be posting soon. So here is the first, part of one of those "Lost" stories, "Project: Super Soldier." Chapter 1 "John you have a visitor," the nurse said as she walked up and placed a hand on the wheelchair the old man sat in. While bending over to unlock the brakes she saw how the old man was staring at her cleavage, "You know I can see what you are staring at?" she whispered to him. "Sure I know, but as fast as I am going downhill I really don't give a rat's ass." The old man grinned. "I want to leave this world with as many happy memories as I can, and sweetheart your breasts will be among the top of those memories." "You are a dirty old man," she said, leaning forward as she began to push the wheelchair. "You know, you should have one of those male nurses push my chair so you can walk in front so I can die with some more memories of that cute ass of yours before I croak." "You are not going to 'croak' anytime soon," she replied as they left the rec room and entered the hall. "Yea, I bet you gals got a pool going on when I bite the big one don't ya?" he chuckled. "Put me down for twenty on the fourth of July." "And how would you collect it if you won John?" "You could collect it for me, go get a bottle of cheap wine and go get laid." "John you know I am married." "He don't have to know." Craning his neck around to look up at the nurse, "Just put that in that list of things you plan on never telling him." "I don't keep secrets from my hosband." "Bullshit!" "Seriously I don't" "Okay so was he the first man you ever slept with?" "That's not something you discuss with someone else." "Did you tell him?" "John, you are terrible!" "No, I'm too old for those little white lies everyone tells to make you feel warm and fuzzy about each other. Hell if I was twenty years younger I'd wine you and dine you, then show you how a man should make a woman feel." "Watch your language, your grandchildren are here," the Nurse scolded as she pushed the old man into his room. "Hi dad," he heard a female voice came from further inside the room. Chapter 2 "So doctor, what you are telling us is the tests have been failures." the gray haired man wearing a military uniform that was adorned with row after row of medals and ribbons stated from where he sat at the head of the long table. "No sir," a dark skinned man, with distinct Arabic features and thick accent spoke from his seat. "The serum works even better than expected, it just has a most unusual side effect on human physiology." "How can you call turning a twenty six year old man into a 1 year old baby a success?" The man raised his voice. "General if I may?" a small gray haired woman that was sitting beside the Arabic man spoke. "Go ahead," the general nodded. "The child shows unusual strength for its age, and it's regenerative abilities are unbelievable" she explained. "But it turned him into a damn baby!" The general's voice became even louder. "What in the hell are we going to do with a platoon of babies?" "General the second subject did not regress in age as far," she continued. "From that test we believe that there is a limit to the regression." "Oh yes, I haven't even spoke about your second test, as if the first screw up wasn't enough for you two." The general's face was turning red as his volume continued to increase. "You went and used that damn serum on a second man!" "Sir they were both volunteers and the second volunteer knew exactly what had occurred with the first before he asked for us to continue with the test he partook in." the woman defended what they had done, "The seconds volunteer only regressed into his teens." "And how is that any better?" the general screamed. "None of your test subjects remain adults, and from what you have found so far, they may be stuck at the new age for the rest of their lives." "It's simple General," she grinned. "We need to begin with older subjects." The general opened his mouth but stopped before he said a single word. Looking over at the two army officers that sat across from the two doctors. "Find me an older volunteer. Someone with a military background that can keep his trap shut." "How old sir?" one of the two officers asked. The general looked over at the doctors, waiting for an answer. "I, I would guess sixty?" the Arabic man spoke. "Older may be better," the woman spoke. "Let's say sixty five minimum preferably seventy or more." "You want us to raid the nursing homes?" the first officer chuckled. "Actually that is a great place to look for volunteers," she remarked. "Men in those places have no future to look forward to, and I'd say that most would jump at the chance to have their youth returned to them." Chapter 3 The two army officers sat at a table going through the stacks of folders on the table. "Now here is an interesting one," One of the men held up a folder. "This guy's record makes him sound like a regular John friggn Wayne." "Let me take a look." The other man held out his hand to take the folder. Thumbing through it he spoke, "Damn, you're not kidding, CMOH, three silver stars. Hell this guy has medals that I didn't even know existed!" "Yea, he sounds like something else, doesn't he?" "Oh crap!" the man said as he flipped back to the first page in the folder. "You have to be shitting me!" the man exclaimed "What?" "John Dodge!" "Yea so?" "He's my father in law!" "No shit?" the second man laughed. "Your father in law won the CMOH?" "I never knew he had any medals?" "With him related it makes it easier to approach him." "You don't understand, this is the man that took my youngest daughter out on a lake fishing with homemade dynamite!" His partner tried to keep from laughing. "And when the game warden showed up, dear old dad lit a stick and handed it to the game warden and asked him if he wanted to fish or argue about his preference of bait." His partner could not contain himself and roared. Finally catching his breath his partner said, "He sounds like the exact person we need. Military background, and was damn good at it from looking at that list of honors. He has held top level security clearances in the past, so he knows how to keep his mouth shut and he's over seventy one, and he sounds like he may be insane enough to go through with this once he's been read in." "Alright, we'll go talk to him, but first let's get his security clearance reinstated and up to the level he needs to come in on this." Smiling at his partner. "Don't bother with hotel arrangements, we have plenty of room at the old man's place." Chapter 4 As the two Army officers walked down the sidewalk toward the entrance of the nursing facility Matt's father in law now lived, Jake noticed an old man in a wheelchair smoking a cigar off in the distance. "I didn't know they allowed that in these places?" "Allowed what?" Matt asked. Pointing toward the man in the wheelchair. "That." Matt saw the cigar hanging out of his father in laws mouth as the old man wheeled himself along another paved walkway that led toward a small pond that sported a fountain in its center. "OH CRAP!" he yelled and began running toward the old man. "What?" Jake followed chase. "Dad's got a cigar!" Matt yelled back as he ran. Catching up to the wheelchair, Matt grabbed the handles and stopped the old man's progress then quickly ripped the cigar out of his mouth before the man had a chance to complain. "What in the hell were you planning?" Matt held the cigar just out of the man's reach. "What?" The old man looked up at his son in law with his best poker face. "Matt you wouldn't deprive a dying old man from enjoying a good cigar would you?" "Hand them over!" Matt held his free hand out. "Hand over what?" "The explosives!" "The what?" the old man grinned. "Your damn bait old man!" With a heavy sigh John reached into a pouch on the side of the wheelchair and produced three off white cylinders, each had a green colored fuse about five inches long coming out one end and handed them to Matt. "Killjoy." "How'd you know he had those on him Matt?" "The old man only smokes cigars when he goes fishing." "Yea," John chuckled as he looked over at the other arrival. "The smoke keeps the bugs away." Looking around. "So where's the girls?" "I had to pull some string to keep you here after your last fishing trip in that pond." Matt nodded toward the small pond. "You do it again and they'll throw you out." "Good, that way I can at least die in peace without those damn nurses waking me up in the middle of the night." "Uh dad," Matt began. "Jake and I need to talk with you." Looking over the top of his glasses at Jake, then back to Matt. "I take it twinkle toes there works with you?" "Caption Jake Wagner sir." Jake came to full attention and saluted John. "It is an honor to meet you sir." "What's with the stiff saluting kid? I was only an enlisted grunt." John frowned at Jake. "Dad we know about your CMOH along with all the other medals you have and how you won them." "Then you also know that I won't talk about that crap." John turned his attention back to Matt. "We're not here to talk about your past service sir," Jake stated. "We are here to make you an offer." "I hope it's not an offer I can't refuse." John's laugh was interrupted when he began coughing. "Dad, you mind if I push you over to that bench, then we can explain everything." "Ok." Matt sat down in the bench facing his father in law. "First thing, we have reinstated your security clearances, and you have been authorized to be read in on this project." "Sounds pretty hush-hush." "It is dad, its eye's only stuff. The two of us, the sec-def, our department head and now you." "Ok so why me?" the old man asked. "We need a volunteer for the project." "You want a seventy year old man that is dying of cancer? What kind of fucking project is this?" "You know about all the conspiracy theories about how the Nazi's had some super soldier experiments during world war two?" "Yea so?" "They really did," Matt confessed. "And they almost had it worked out," Jake included. "Had they known what we do now about genetics the war could have gone the other way." "So you two are involved in some super-secret shit to make a real life Captain America?" "What does this have to do with me?" John chuckled. "You want to make Captain Geriatrics first?" "There is a side effect of the process," Matt stated. "Oh?" John's eyebrows raised. "It regresses the subject in age considerably." John sat straight up looking at his son in law. "Are you saying it makes you younger!" "Yes." "What about my cancer?" "The process heals you completely, scars, missing fingers, even internal organs. In one test, the man had an appendectomy, it regrew his appendix." "So why aren't you guys using him?" "He's now only fifteen years old, and doesn't appear to be aging." "How old was he to start with?" John asked. "Forty two." "So you guys think by getting someone my age..." "The doctors think you should end up around age twenty five or so." "So you want to cure me of cancer, give me back my youth, and make me into a super hero," John said. "What's the catch?" "We have to kill you." "Hey if this is about the inheritance, I signed most of it over to Karen a few years ago," the old man chuckled. "You did?" Matt seemed surprised. "She never said a word." "You're not the only one that can keep secrets son." "Ok whatever." Matt brought the discussion back on track. "We need to fake your death, make it look like you died. When the process is complete you get a new identity." "I think I would have a hard time staying away from the girls, you know how much those kids mean to me." "I have an idea for that new identity that I think you will like." "Well damn, let me think about this," John grinned. "Stay here and die within the next few months, or go and take a chance on being young again." Matt grinned. "First thing we have to do is get you out of here." Matt brought the cigar up to his face and began blowing on the end until it glowed cherry red. Smiling at his father in law he lit the fuse on all three of the homemade explosives and threw them into the pond. Jake's eyes went wide when he saw Matt throw the small explosives into the pond, John just grinned. "There's hope for you yet son." Chapter 5 John sat on the edge of the examination table for what he considered way too long as the woman, who has introduced herself as Doctor Oliver, continued to explain details of what they were about to do to him. "Look doc, I don't mean to be rude or nothing but you lost me right after the Dyno robo nuclear acid thing. All this stuff is way over my head." "But Mr. Dodge I want you to go into this fully informed." "Doc I figure it this way, I go to sleep like this." John waved his hands at his own body. "I wake up as Captain America, or I don't wake up." "Mr. Dodge, there is a chance that you will die." "No doc, that's where you are wrong." John looked sternly into the doctor's eyes. "I am going to die and soon. This is a win-win situation for me. If it works, I'm young again. If it doesn't I don't have to sit through the next few months with doctors poking and prodding and making me take all kinds of nasty pills and crap trying to postpone the grim reaper." "Well then Mr. Dodge if you would disrobe." "Don't ya think we should start with a little foreplay?" John grinned. "Mr. Dodge!" Dr. Oliver frowned. "Well at least call me John. Can't think of any woman that didn't use my first name before she saw me naked. Hate to break the tradition." "OK John would you please get undressed." "That's more like it." John stood on wobbly legs and began undressing. Stopping as if he forgot something, John looked at the doctor and grinned. "You know if you were to find a deck of cards I can think of a fun way of getting this done." the doctor ignored him so John continued undressing. Once John was down to his birthday suit the doctor and a lab assistant helped him up onto a platform, situated a mask that fit over his nose and mouth that had a long hose attached to a machine, Then attached some electrodes to his chest that had wires trailing off to yet another machine. Once they had all their monitoring stuff firmly attached, they inserted an IV into his arm and helped him climb into a tank filled with some warm somewhat slimy fluid." Chapter 6 Once again in the small secure meeting room, Dr. Oliver, Captain Sawdey, Captain Wagner and General Tollman sat around the long table while Dr. Hakim stood at the far end of the table beside an interactive white board that was attached to the wall. "General Sir," Dr. Hakim began. "Subject three's induction to the project began with a through medical exam. The subject was in poor health due to advanced intrahepatic bile duct cancer. He had also suffered from colon and testicular cancer, all of which was removed in prior surgeries before his induction to the program. We confirmed the subject's condition was incurable, fatality within three to six months depending on treatment." "We knew this doctor," the general barked, "please get on with your progress report." "Yes Sir," Dr. Hakim agreed. "At zero six hundred hours Friday morning the monitoring equipment an air supply and an IV were attached to the subject and the subject was introduced to the perfluorochemical or PFC solution. All monitoring equipment including video was then turned on and the retroviridae was administrated intravenously. We have a time lapsed video to provide a video of the progress so far." Tapping a power button located on a small gray panel on the side of the white board, it began to glow as the projector mounted on an arm that stuck out from the wall above the board came to life. The doctor then touched a file folder on the screen and the video began playing. The first several minutes nothing seemed to be happening to the elderly man submerged in the clear glass tank. Then slowly at first his body began shrinking, the shrinking continued at an ever increasing rate until roughly twenty minutes into the video the elderly man had the appearance of a five or six year old when the General barked. "Stop the video!" Dr. Hakim quickly hit pause on the screen. "Sir?" "You both assured us that by using an older subject his age would not regress so far?" "General," Dr. Oliver spoke form where she sat at the table. "We believe that the state of Subject 3's health was the leading cause for this side effect. The amount of cancer cells that the regenesis had to overcome caused the subject to temporarily regress to an earlier state of being." "Temporarily?" Matt questioned. "Yes sir," Dr. Hakim nodded. "If you will allow me to continue the presentation you will see this was only a temporary condition." "Continue," the general conceded. Dr. Hakim restarted the video. The child grew even smaller, around the size of a two year old before he stopped getting smaller. The IV had fallen out of the subject's now too small arm and the hairless child began struggling in its drug induced sleep until it has managed to get the breathing mask off. Bubbled appeared from its mouth and nose for a short time and it calmed down and curled up into a fetal position. "He can't breathe!" Matt stuttered. Dr. Hakim paused the video once again. "The subject is fine Captain. The PFC solution is both nutrient and oxygen rich. It's very similar to the fluid a baby is in before birth." "Although without the umbilical cord a baby has, the nutrients are fed directly into the fluid where the subject ingests them," Dr. Oliver asserted. Dr. Hakim restarted the video. The baby began to grow slowly at first then increasing at the same rate the man had shrunk. The video stopped with the subject looking around the age puberty should begin. Captain Sawdey sat with his jaw agape starting at the screen as well as the General and Captain Wagner. Finally Captain Sawdey spoke. "He is gonna be pissed when he wakes up!" Chapter 7 When John woke he knew something had gone wrong, he couldn't have been in that tank of snot for more than a few minutes. Opening his yes all John could make out was strange blurry shapes. A dark shape seemed to move. "She's awake," John heard. Another darker shape moved into his vision, blocking out most of the other shapes. "John, it's me Matt." "What happened?" John struggled to ask. "It worked," Matt said, "looks like I'm gonna have to stop calling you old man now. Doctors say you have the body of an eighteen to twenty year old now, although we have decided to show on your new ID that you are twenty two to keep from any problems you may have of being under twenty one." "Just went in tank, couldn't have worked so fast." "You went into the tank last Friday old man. This is Thursday, you were in the tank for five days, they took you out yesterday. How you feeling?" "Everything blurry, body feels numb." "The doctors say this is normal. Your mind has to readjust to your new body." "How long?" "How long?" Matt sounded confused. "Until everything is working again?" John tried to nod but couldn't move his head, son instead answered. "Yes." "They tell me you should be on your feet later today although maybe wobbly for a few days," Matt included. "We should have you out of here so you can attend your funeral." "Always said I wanted to be late for my funeral, I guess now I really will be." John chuckled, immediately noticing that it wounded more like a girl's giggle. "OK." Matt breathed a heavy sigh. "Now for the reason they asked me to be here when you woke up. You want the good news of the bad news first?" "Good, always start off with the benefits." John began to wonder why his own voice sounded so strange to him. "Good idea," Matt began. "Ok good news, the process worked even better than expected. You are as I said before now around twenty years old, your muscle density has increased slightly above five times more than human normal and you have regeneration capabilities that are only matched by comic books. Literally if you cut off a finger it would grow back and rather quickly according to the doctors. The process has also eliminated all signs of cancer in your body, even regrown that kidney you lost. Also they are uncertain as to how much, but the regeneration has also slowed your aging." "OK now the bad." "I'm not sure how to say this." Matt stalled. "So I'm going to explain it as best I can. There was a side effect, the way I understand it, this happened partly because of an earlier operation you had, this left you with a low testerone count, and because of the cancer cells themselves. Your cancer cells had X, X chromosomes in them instead of X, Y. So when the retrovirus found the low testerone along with it took to be female chromosomes in the massive number of cancer cells in your body, the retro virus rebuilt your body as female." "So I'm some kind of circus freak?" John gulped. "Half man half woman?" "No, but..." Matt swallowed hard waiting for the old man to start screaming at him like a drill Sergeant. "You're a girl, one hundred percent woman." Several minutes passed, neither saying a single word when John asked, "Am I a two bagger?" "Huh, what?" Matt didn't understand what John was getting at. "A two bagger!" John was regaining his voice slowly as a nurse entered the room. "You know so butt fucking ugly that the guy puts a bag over her head so he doesn't have to look at her while the screw, and another bag over his own head incase her bag rips open during sex. What do you kids call that now? Coyote morning? Where she is so ugly you would rather chew your arm off to get away rather than wake her up? "I almost had one of those mornings once," John thought back as he recounted that story. "First night in Olongapo Philippines. There were three of us guy straight off the ship. Tom had been there once before so he was kinda our guide. At the end of the night we ended up in this hole in the wall two bedroom apartment that sat above one of the bars. I saw and did things that night that night with local women that should never be discussed. "Woke up the next morning in the living room floor when some gal walked around us. She was totally naked, and had a face that would curdle milk. I mean to say she was missing one eye and that was her good feature! I damn near lost the contents of my stomach right then and there when I realized one of us slept with her and it very well could have been me! I breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed my arm pinned down by this really cute little LBFM sleeping beside me on the floor. I thought right then, if she had looked like the one that walked by, I would have lost an arm that morning!" "I, well," Matt stammered. "Your very pretty sweetie," John heard a woman's voice. "I'm your nurse Dear, you can call me Deb." "Hi Deb," John replied. "I'm Joh... Hell I guess that name don't fit anymore." "That was the next thing I was going to discuss with you, your new name," Matt said. "Don't worry about it dear," Deb said, "If I was in your shoes, the last thing I would be thinking about was my name, I would be freaking out." "Considering the alternative," John stated. "I'll take being a girl over that." "What was the alternative?" Deb asked. "Old and on my death bed with only a couple months left to live." "I guess that does put things in perspective." "Yes ma'am it does." John grinned devilishly. "Although I do reserve the right to freak the fuck out at a later date when all this finally sinks in." "OK so back to my question," Matt asked. "If you had another daughter what would you have named her?" "You mean for my new name?" John thought for a moment. "Kathleen, Kat for short." "Alright, so the story we have contrived is that you had another daughter by one of your many escapades with women. You are that child. Kathleen Dodge." "It sounds like such a far stretch, ME? Cavorting around with women?" John's attempt to chuckle came out as a giggle. "Yea, yea you were such a pillar of the community," Matt added sarcastically. "Hell son, we both know I was a whore monger when I was young." "That's why this will work John, um Kathleen, Kat. No one would think twice about an illegitimate child showing up at your funeral." "True," John sighed. "I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't the only one." "OK I'll go get the paperwork done making you officially Kathleen Dodge and get out of your nurse's way, she looks like she has work to do." "So how are you feeling this morning Kat?" the nurse replaced Matt at her bedside. "Things are still really blurry but it's getting better." "On a scale from one to ten, how is your vision?" "When I first woke up it was an 11, now it's down to a five or six." Kat answered. "I can tell you got a nice rack on you, but can't tell much more than that." Deb chuckled. "I'm not the only one with a nice rack." "Crap, hadn't thought about that, how big are they?" "Hard to tell with you lying down, but I'd bet your at least a C dear." Deb smiled. "Now then, any other feeling yet?" "Yea I am feeling like tiny needles are sticking me." "Where, any specific spot, and place better or worse than another?" "Not really, it's an all over thing, not bad, just annoying." "That's normal hon," Deb explained. "The serum they gave you rebuilt your body almost from the ground up, it takes a few days for your body to relearn those connections. When your better I'm told you can watch the video, it's truly amazing to see it happen." "Not sure if I want to see that or not." "I think you should, if for no other reason to give yourself some closure." "Closure I already had," Kat looked up at the nurse with her quickly increasing vision. "To be honest, I didn't think this shit would work. Figured I could at least die helping them to figure out this stuff and maybe out flank the grim reaper in the process." "In a way that may be good in your situation," Deb said while wrapping a blood pressure cuff around the girl's arm. "And if you think about it, you did beat death." "I did at that, didn't I?" Kat giggled. "Now to work on taxes." "Taxes? What do taxes have to do with what you went through?" "They say that the two things you can never beat are death and taxes," an evil grin spread across the young girls face. "one down, one to go." Chapter 8 Kat sat nervously on the bed as Deb braided her hair, explaining what she was doing as she went. Once the braid was long enough Deb pulled it around in front of Kat so she could watch. As Deb continued braiding Kat's hair she mentioned. "You'll have to watch it when you sit down so you don't sit on your hair." "I'll get it cut," Kat stated. "Don't you dare!" Deb scolded. "Women would die to have hair like yours, myself included!" "It'll get in the way." "Once you get used to it, you'll be fine." Deb stated as she looped the now very long braid under Kat's arm. "When it gets too long to hold tight while you're braiding it, loop it under your arm like this." "Yes mom." Kat sighed heavily. "Your hair is amazing Kat," Deb continued working on braiding it. "It's like baby hair, silky smooth and soft. Please don't ever consider cutting it." "But it drags the floor!" Deb grinned. "It doesn't drag the floor! And there is allot of things you can do with it to put it up. Oh and you have a visitor coming, I want you to look presentable when he gets here." "Who's coming?" "Someone else you know that is in the project." Deb grinned. "He'll keep you company while I go do a little shopping for you." "Shopping?" Kat questioned. "Yes that's why I took your measurements after you showered, you underwear and real clothes." Deb smiled. "Don't worry I'm not going to pick up allot, just a few things to get you by until you get out of here." "There all done," Deb affirmed after finished tying a green ribbon to the end of Kat's hair. "What's with the green ribbon?" "It matches your eyes." Kat picked up the light golden braid looking at it closely. "You know all my kids were born with this color hair, even I was but it got darker over the years." "Well maybe it will stay this way this time around, and if not you can always dye it." "Hair salon?" Kat shivered. "Rose used to go to that damn place once a month, you could set your watch by her and that place. Only good thing about going there was the mood she was always in when she got home." Kat winked at Deb. "That's because going there makes us girls feel pretty, not that you need any help in that department." Looking down at Kat's chest. "You may want to pull that blanket up a bit before he gets here." "Huh? Why?" Following Deb's eyes down at her own chest and seeing her nipples clearly poking out of the front of the hospital gown she wore. "Uh yea, good idea." Kat quickly pulled the blanket up to hide the display. "So um Deb, are bras on that shopping list?" Deb nodded. "Hey Spooky, how ya holding up?" the young African-American teen said from the doorway. "Looks like your visitor has arrived Kat," Deb stood up from where she had sat on the bed while braiding Kat's hair. "Great timing too, if I leave now I can beat the rush and get in and out of the mall." "I haven't been called that in a long time," Kat quizzed. "Where you hear that name from kid?" "You must have gone senile before your change," the boy sassed. "Can't recognize an old friend. It's me Storms." "Earl?" Kat stared at the new arrival. "In the flesh, well what's left of it anyway, I go by Ben now" the Earl Storms that John remembered wasn't the biggest man John had ever met, but he was with the top ten at six foot eight inches tall and three hundred and sixty pounds of sheer muscle. The man could have easily found a career in professional football with his size and strength, but had instead made the military his career just like John. "They shrunk the hell out of you!" Kat gasped. "They kinda did a number on you too." "OK kids, I'll let you two get reacquainted while I hit the mall for those things you need Kat." Deb headed toward the door. Seeing the Nurse leave the room, Ben grabbed his crotch. "I still got it where it counts!" "Ahh that's no big deal," waving her hand as if to brush off his statement. "You may still have one of those, but with one of these I can have as many of those as I want!" she pointed at her own crotch. "What do you have her fetching for you boss?" Ben changed the subject, as the discussion was beginning to make him very aware of how pretty his former boss looked now. "Uh..." Kat paused unsure how to answer without embarrassing herself. "Girl things." Ben looked confused for a moment, then broke out laughing. "What's so funny?" Kat tried to hide how embarrassing this felt to her, but her face gave her away as she began blushing. "I just realized what you would be needing is all." Ben unsuccessfully tried to stop laughing. "It's just the thought of the old man wearing women's clothes..." Picturing this in her mind had Kat soon laughing along with her friend. Outside in the hallway where she had stopped out of sight of the two in the room, a broad smile spanned across Deb's face when she heard the two laughing, Deb then turned and began walking down the hallway toward the elevator. Deb had heard the remark Ben made about retaining his manhood and she worried how Kat would take it. Kat may seem fine with the changes right now, but Deb worried that sooner or later something would eventually break that wall of stone Kat placed between herself and the world and all those pent up emotions she was hiding would come flooding out. She had an idea she was pretty sure the brass would go for, they needed her report anyway. Deb would make the phone call while she was out.

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part IV

He smiled at the goddess laying peacefully beside him the scent of fresh strawberries filled the air around her and was like a intoxicating drug to him. A part of him wanted to wake her properly, but like all good things in life they both had other obligations. To start with they both needed to fly back to Las Vegas and retrieve their belonging, and if the seeds he'd planted before setting out to find her earlier, an new life as well. With a trace of reluctance he stopped caressing...

3 years ago
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The Soldier from the Mirror Part 3

The Soldier in the Mirror Part 3 By Tanya H. 11. Kissing Box. (Did nobody see that coming?) When I got back to work after The Woman Course the transfer request I'd asked for has come through - amazing how smartly the Army moves when mental health kicks in. I'm given a couple of weeks notice of a posting to an attack helicopter regiment. My skiing course has come in too, I'll be off to Bavaria once the snows are ready. All in all, things are looking up. It's a tradition in the...

3 years ago
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Her American Soldier Ch 01

Chapter 1: Sergeant Rambo Sallie Rambo watched as her best friend grasped onto his glass of beer and raised it to her. ‘To Sallie,’ Brigadier General Billings said brightly. ‘For levelling up to Sergeant Rambo!’ Touched by the sentimental toast, Sallie smirked, flapping a hand at him as she looked away. ‘Oh, hush you,’ The British soldier giggled playfully. ‘Now, this begins the journey of you taking charge of the Soldiers,’ Sallie blinked, then looked around the stuffy bar where...

3 years ago
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Sgt Rock: Badass American Soldier Sergeant Jonas Rockwell heard the annoying static of the field radio in the outer room of his command tent. He paid little attention to the clamorous chatter emanating from the device. Better things occupied his mind. At the moment, the sergeant had his two hands full of soft, smooth, female ass. Pfc Jessica Sampson was sitting astride his prone body and was riding his cock with the wild passion of a berserk banshee warrior. This female soldier...

5 years ago
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The Soldier from the Mirror Part 2

The Soldier from the Mirror - Part 2. By Tanya H. 4. County Show. "You don't have to," says Hazel, sitting next to me on a deep leather sofa in her office. I'm holding a fine china saucer, balancing a cup of tea. My eyes sting, belly grumbles, nose keeps running and I must go to work. Work? Like being a squaddie is only some kind of job. I'm a woman. A woman! The difference in clear, even without actually taking off my kit and looking inside....

5 years ago
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A wounded soldier has a merciful nurse take really good care of him

The young soldier was alone in sick bay. Due to his recent accident, he hasn’t been able to get into town on leave. Being young and male he was becoming super horny. Because of the normal lack of privacy in the ward, a guy couldn’t even jerk off without the threat of being caught. The young man just couldn’t take it any longer, he just had to have release, so after looking around carefully, and snagging a hand full of Kleenex he started to masturbate. Suddenly,...

4 years ago
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Overwatch Mei and Soldier 76

Overwatch: Breeding Future Heroes-p1 Mei and Soldier 76 Story By Maria (Fan of Overwatch)Soldier 76 had just returned to Arctic base from an intense training exercise out in the freezing weather. He quickly ran through the base entrance in order to get somewhere warm. "What the hell am I doing in this damn wasteland," he thought to himself in a frustrated manner. "I should have been sent to the Bahamas." He pulled off his winter mask, loathing his research/training assignment he was sent on....

4 years ago
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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part II

A part of her wanted him to stop, but that small weak voice of protest had been fading away with ever increasing speed for a while now. For the part of her that remained it was contented just to let her lay on her back as he skillfully stroked tenderly the inner borough of her parted thighs with his fingertips. Kara would never thought it would be possible to become so aroused by other persons merely touch her, but the growing euphoric bliss she was experiencing proved her wrong. ...

3 years ago
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The Soldier from the Mirror Part 1

The Soldier from the Mirror. By Tanya H. 1.Reflections on Being Girly. A knock at my door. Before I can offer an invitation Box is inside, shutting us both in and wrinkling his nose at the pungent smell. We named him Box for the shape of his head - beyond that he's Scottish, powerful and short. My best friend. "What you doing, Toots?" He pulls out the chair from under my desk, spins at around so its back faces me and sits, straddling it, legs wide open....

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part III

The seemingly random flicker of light was coming from a rather dated television, but it was the only source of light in an otherwise darkened room. He didn't mind that the Agency he'd worked for the last few years had sent him out to remote places always to work another case. What he did mind he was the fact he was now only just ten weeks out from him being forced into retirement date and they had given him a new recruit to train. "Well so much for expecting things to go easy for...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part I

"I'm still finding it really hard to believe that it actually worked," Kacy Prescott answered honestly. Having watched his mom's car pull out of the driveway where she'd just dropped him off at his best friend's house for the weekend. "You should've had a little more faith in me. Your mom is going to busy with her new job to check up on us and besides by this time tomorrow we'll be in Las Vegas," Matt replied confidently smiled back at his friend, toying with what appeared to Kacy to...

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One Fem Soldier

"One Tin Soldier" is the name of the original song my parody is based on. It was performed by the Coven in 1972. One Fem Soldier Listen, sweeties, to a story That was written moments ago, 'Bout a kingdom in some danger And a real unhappy prince. The kingdom was out of treasure Really deep colossal debt. See the king took all the treasure. And he made a really stupid bet. Go ahead and place your bets king, Go ahead and cheat your land. Do it for the sake of...

4 years ago
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Any SoldierChapter 3

"I don't know... do you have a sister?" Mrs. Benson asked Bob. "I don't remember," he said. His hand went automatically to his head, where one of the holes drilled in his skull had left a small, eraser sized bald patch. Benson flipped to another page. "Ahhh," she said. "You're a traumatic brain injury patient. That explains it. You're just having memory problems." "I guess so. You'd think I'd remember my own sister, though." "Well that's your handwriting, right?" she...

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Diaries of a Soldier Welcome to Korea

When my plane finally landed I was done. We had taken off from Seattle and 20 something hours later I was now standing at Osan Air Force Base South Korea. I was accompanied by about 200 other soldiers, but I didn't know anyone. We were all in transition, on our way to our new overseas duty stations. Me, I was a young 20 year old just going with the flow of this military machine. In the last few months I had completed Basic Training in Oklahoma at Fort Sill, then to Fort Leonard...

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Dressed up as a Soldier

A few years ago I was invited to a friend's fancy-dress birthday party, and we had to dress up as someone from "The Village People". With the type of guy I was and the physique I had at the time I couldn't see myself as anything but a sailor. My friend, whose birthday it was, wasn't so sure about the idea, and suggested I should go as a soldier instead, because apparently there was a soldier in at least one of their music videos. Alright, so I went out to an army surplus store and got the whole...

2 years ago
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Soldier Boy chapter 1

The sun streamed through the window and Sarah stretched languidly on the bed letting the heat warm her already warm skin. The bedcovers were loosely thrown across her petite frame leaving only her ample breasts exposed. Stroking them softly with her fingertips she watched as her nipples hardened and tiny goose-bumps appeared on her body. With the sun stoking the tiny flame of arousal in the pit of her stomach she began to move her hand lower. Across her flat stomach it travelled with a feather...

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Super Superheroes

Super SuperheroesWe had been invited to Paul’s bosses 50th Birthday party and it was superheroes and villains fancy dress, so after many months of thinking what the hell we could go as we decided on wonder woman and batman, we had arranged to go to the party with friends who lived near, Paul and Devon worked together, Paul had come home late from work so I was already dressed as wonder woman in my tight blue shorts with white stars red top and red boots and of course wonder woman head band...

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From the previous episode Maureen was watching from outside Mike’s office,Mike's head suddenly snapped backwards in a lustful grimace, his eyes spotting Maureen through the mirror as he slammed his tool as deep as he could into Maria's ass. A sneer crossed his face as Maria could feel him expanding inside her and used her muscles to try to contain his ejaculation. She was excited that he was Cumming inside her ass, Mike gave Maureen a sly wink and roared as he flooded her draughts ass. The...

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Sgt Rock American Soldier

Sgt Rock, American Soldier Sergeant Jonas Rockwell heard the annoying static of the field radio in the outer room of his command tent. He paid little attention to the clamorous chatter emanating from the device. Better things occupied his mind. At the moment, the sergeant had his two hands full of soft, smooth, female ass. Pfc Jessica Sampson was sitting astride his prone body and was riding his cock with the wild passion of a berserk banshee warrior. This female soldier was a true warrior...

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St Clair 1 Soldier Girl

Special thanks to Sbrooks for editing, any remaining mistakes are completely my fault, probably added after his able assistance. Two things: One: While the title of this is Soldier Girl, beware of using that phrase with female soldiers. It’s for either very intimate or close familial use. Or for someone with a good dental plan. Second: A quick definition – POST is the Peace Officer Standards and Training certification for police officers. Soldier Girl The throbbing growl of the truck...

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A Soldiers Boy

A re-posting of a good old British classic.--------------------------------------------------------A Soldier's pete ([email protected])***A young boy's first sexual experience encourages him to find his real sexuality. (Mb, 1st-gay-expr, oral, mast)***With acknowledgements to ‘RafSarge’Chapter 1I let out a stifled moan and took a man's cock into my wet mouth, in one single graceful movement of pure lust, for the first time in my life. I didn't even gag! I must have been born a natural...

4 years ago
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Any SoldierChapter 2

By March, 2009, Julia had enough experience with the Army to have learned that it wasn't a system that was user friendly. Her conviction that Bob was either injured or dead was like acid in her belly, though, and she couldn't let it rest until she knew which it was. She was rock solid sure that he hadn't just decided to stop writing. She had tried everything she could think of, from contacting the public affairs office at Fort Leonard Wood, to going to the local Veterans of Foreign Wars...

2 years ago
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Super Bowl Sexparty

The goddamn Super Bowl. My husband makes such a big deal out it. Three or four of his buddies show up hours before the game to drink beer and juice up their testosterone so they can yell at the TV. I’ve always been bored. This year I decided to spice things up as only a woman can. “I’ll make you a deal,” I told my husband Bill. “Instead of betting on the game, bet on me.” “What do you mean?” he asked. “Well,” I said, “Give me the four hundred dollars you guys always put in your football pool...

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soldier boy chapter 3

Sarah sat staring out of the window of the taxi on the journey home. She was not ashamed of what she had done but she was furious with her brother for dragging the soldier from her just as she was about to cum. Her body still throbbed with longing and she knew she would find it difficult to get to sleep but she also knew that she was in serious trouble. Glancing over at Shaun she also realised that he was angry at her behaviour and biting her lip she sidled over to him on the backseat slipping...

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Project Super Solider part 2

Chapter 9 "So I'm officially Kathleen Elizabeth Marlete now?" Kat continued thumbing through folder she had been handed. Picking up the new driver's license and inspecting it. "This shows I'm only seventeen? I thought you said we were going to make my age older?" "All things considered," Matt cautioned. "We thought it best to give you more time to get used to the new you. We have a house just off base being set up for you and your mom to move into." "My MOM!" Kat exclaimed. "Who...

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Project Super Solider part 3

Chapter 18 Kat had spotted the old out building a few days after they had moved into the new house. At first Deb had not liked the idea of Kat messing around with a work shop, it being not at all something most girls would be interested in, but did listen to Kat's arguments and saw that Kat made several valid points, and agreed that Kat could start restoring the old building to suit her tinkering need as long as no explosives ever became involved. Being one of the few who knew of...

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My Wife fucked a young soldier the same age as our son

My name is Sally Jordan and I recently cheated on my husband. I guess I can call it cheating. It was the first time I had ever had sex with another man without getting his approval in advance. We have an open marriage because of my extremely high libido. Sometimes I just can’t get enough sex. Jim loves sex as much as I do, but he doesn’t have my stamina. I have told him he is free to have sex outside the marriage as I do, but doesn’t seem to require as much sex as I do. I am reluctant to...

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The Soldier And The Cleaner

So far, I've gone through life without a care in the world. At least that's how it's been for the first 20yrs of my life. For me, shit that others have to stress themselves over, I've blown right past with ease. It's just the way it is, the way it's always been. I'm a privileged young man with well-to-do parents, and life can be pretty sweet. But just like everything else in life, it doesn't matter how sweet things are; you're always going to find a reason to bitch about...

Gay Male
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Any SoldierChapter 13

Bob's ninety days of con leave seemed to flash by. They had been married only two months when it was time for him to report back to Walter Reed. He still hadn't had time to go through the process of getting his car out of the long term storage lot at Riley, and they had no idea what was going to happen to him, so Julia drove him back to Washington. The first place he went, even before signing in, was to Col Bell's office. The psychiatrist was with a patient, but when Bob explained why he...

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Any SoldierChapter 14

Bob's clearing papers consisted of a page with twenty-five boxes on it, relating to various different agencies and offices, all of which Bob had to go to, to get a stamp and signature. Of course each agency or office required that he do or have accomplished certain specific tasks before they would give him the stamp and signature. It wasn't unusual for clearing to take as much as a week to complete. In Bob's case, however, clearing such places as the arms room, the library and most of the...

2 years ago
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The Soldier

The Soldier CAPTURE Apart from the occasional sex-game, I have never beentied up before. This is terrifying. My arms are pulled behind my back.Real ropes, as thick as my thumb and probably capable of holding half a tonof strain, are wound four times about my wrists, then passed three times betweenthem - forming rudimentary handcuffs from which I have absolutely no hope ofescaping. The knot is tied tightly between the tops of my wrists, well beyondthe reach of my fingers. But that’s not...

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Keeping the Soldier Girl

Half past three in the afternoon, she had wanted to be back in the comfort of her base by then, she had wanted to be curled up inside her sleeping bag again by then. Instead she was listening to the cries of her fellow soldiers, the Captain screaming orders over the radio before he was cut off mid-sentence as his last order dissolved into a gurgle. Crawling through the wet grass, seeking the cover of a cluster of boulders up ahead and knowing that at least half of her squadron were dead was a...

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Shadow of a Child Soldier

The project started with the system duke and the new system rear admiral. The enrollment for people into the marines was always low. They decided to raise their own soldiers, train them from a very young age and bring them into the service. It was never sanctioned by the fleet sky marshal or the emperor. Quietly volunteers from across the fleet donated eggs and sperm and the first batch of children were born. There were several thousand in the first hatching as they called it. It was two years...

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Diaries of a Soldier RR part 1

Introduction: Half way through a 12 month tour of duty in Iraq I get to come home for 2 weeks of R&R Diaries of a Soldier – R&R (part 1) The first real feeling of being home comes when you see that thin line of land appear over the horizon of the Atlantic Ocean like the rising sun. You feel the butterflies when the mechanics move underneath you as the landing gear opens and the plane descends. At this point I think every returning soldier says to himself, Please dont let me die on this runway...

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Eerie Saloon Toy Soldier

Tales of the Eerie Saloon -- The Toy Soldier: An Eerie Christmas By Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson Author's note: Almost four years ago, when Ellie and I completed "Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Autumn", it seemed unfortunate that scant attention was given to how most of our favorite characters spent their Christmas Eve in Eerie, Arizona. That so little was said about them was understandable, since the flow of the narrative was not the best place to develop material that...

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Captain America The Virgin Soldier

Natasha peeled herself out of her clothes. She turns the shower on. While the water is coming to temperature, she pulls a tampon out of her pussy. Pulling it out sends waves of pleasure rippling through her body, her toes curl and her knees shake. She lets out a moan. There came a knock on the door. “You okay Nat? Need any stitches?” Captain Steven Rogers asked, always thoughtful and considerate. “Just a bruise. Get an ice pack ready.” she replied. ‘What I need from you is your super...

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Soldier Standing to Attention

I had been flirting with a soldier that I had met online for a while. He was a lot younger than the guys I normally go for, but surprisingly open minded for his age. He was also really hot and had a nice body, so I agreed to meet. We toyed with the idea of some roleplay during our online chats. My favorite was the wounded soldier and the slutty nurse; it made me very hot. I got myself a nurses outfit for the date. It was PVC and very short. I also got some new, white stockings with bows on them...

4 years ago
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206 A young Soldier returns

206 A young Soldier returns Day 2 Sam had left as usual, and hearing the old bike start and the throaty sound retreat up the road, he tumbled from his bed. As he expected she was sat at the table, tea cup in hand, a fresh brewed pot on its stand, she was dressed as she had been the day before, in the green silk. He kissed her, but she waved him into his usual seat, pouring his tea, smiling and saying” don’t you young lads ever tire?” he grinned back and said that “if you had a most attractive...

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205 A young Soldier returns

205 A young Soldier returns Just back from a posting that he had had for 6 months, in Cyprus, un peacekeeping, a British army soldier, attached to the UN. 6ft6inches of tall good looking, well-toned muscular, sunburnt, blonde young maleness, that had been deprived of female company for all that time. They had landed at Gatwick, and surprisingly immediately dismissed to leave and for a whole month, no drill`s, no duties, no uniforms, just the sun of a 1967 August and the south coast of Kent to...

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Soldier boys

Soldier BoysI remember the first time I saw Jason. It was like one of those awful rom com movies. We were at the army volunteers basic training camp. I was standing with my friends talking when I spotted him across the room talking with his friends. His blonde hair shone like corn in a field. His deep blue eyes pierced my heart even from such a distance. I had been a soldier just a couple of hours and already I was in love and horny as fuck for the guys cock. I didn't even know his name yet. At...

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Virgin soldier finds gay friend

When I landed in Singapore, I was 21, and a very fit soldier. I’d just finished a year of training, so I had a big chest and a small waist. I also had backache and a numb bum from a 24 hour flight. Another soldier, obviously keen on the gym like me, met me at the airport. We dropped my gear off at the barracks, and went to his house.I was really uncomfortable with backache, so he said he would massage it for me. I agreed readily. I was so innocent! I’d never had sex, not seen any porn. Don’t...

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Savita Bhabhi Thank You Soldier

A Savita Bhabhi Story by Anjali Jaiswal. It was past midnight and Savita bhabhi was standing outside waiting for her husband. Ashok was never this late without informing her. But he had not come home till now nor had he called to inform her of his delay. Finally she saw his car entering the compound and she readied herself to scold him. But just then, the car’s door opened and a man in military uniform stepped out. He pulled out Ashok from the back seat and Savita ran to him in a hurry....

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All I really know is that he is A paralegal. He's a soldier, just a tad bit of a freaking hero In a today's society. I like a man in a suit but a guy in camouflage, that's even hotter. A great guy with a sense of humor,a uniform, and he makes me feel wanted and appreciated.How much better can it get? Well I don't think that it can.He works a lot of the time. But I can't help the growing lust I have for him inside, the wanting that I have for him. Just knowing he's in his uniform, makes me want...

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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 12 Furdick Soldier

Was it morning, late afternoon, or deepest night? Furdick threw back the cloak that covered him, sitting up as a rising clamor came from the far end of the room. The rest of the company was already stirring, polishing weapons, meditating or praying according to their natures. Near to the fire Baysil watched over Kletta, who seemed wan and pale, not yet fully recovered from her wounds. "What's the trouble?" "Her!" Kargh grinned behind his beard, nodding toward where Bartan sat talking...

3 years ago
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Any SoldierChapter 9

"What do you mean he's staying with me?" asked Claudia Strangline. Her level of hostility had gone way down when she first got someone from the Soldier Family Assistance Center on the line. They were very polite. "If my brother was staying with me, would I be calling you to find out where he is and if he was all right?" Her voice rose almost an octave as she delivered the last sentence. "Ma'am, our records show him on convalescent leave at the home of his next of kin. That's you...

1 year ago
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Soldier comes home to wife

Nala & Tyler You have been anticipating seeing me for a week now, and you know as well as I do you can wait no longer. I come to our home, and open the door ever so gracefully; your eyes go from glancing at the ground to gazing into mine. You are taken by my stare, and nearly quiver at the sight of me, as I do you. No words are said, for you and I know exactly what one another is thinking. In the background, tantalizing music is playing, music that seems to set the scene ever so perfectly. Just...

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Super Bowl Party

Dan Johnson couldn't believe his luck that his boss wanted to talk to him about the annual Super Bowl party that he hosts at his boss's house. Dan finally arrived at the upper cooperate ladder and was ready to climb it some more. Dan waited in the outer office of the cooperate offices. The girl at the front desk told him that Mr. Gordon was busy at the moment. Dan's eye caught sight of the woman's big breasts and realized that she wasn't wearing a bra. He could see her hard nipples poking...

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Project Phoenix

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. A quick note to readers. This is my first story, so please be gentle in your comments :-). Besides, English isn't my first language. Continue at your own risk ;-) Either way, have fun. Project Phoenix by Meg [email protected] With sinking heart Kevin Barnett stared at the blurry wall of the tram tunnel. The speeding...

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Duty of a soldier 2

The story was edited by Sissy Kathy Duty of a soldier Part 2 "Explain yourself! How come you didn't mentioned that you are transgender?" "Sir, I'm not! It all belongs to a hooker, he helped me. The sect was going to kill me!" "So, we have a transgender hooker connected to a religious sect and wishing to be a ranger?" The sergeant's face is getting bright red while he is shouting at me. "I'll tell, you something! You will be a ranger, but I will see that you will be send to...

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Project ManagerChapter 3

It took about an hour from when the order for a large half sausage and cheese and a half vegetarian and mushroom pizza was placed till it was delivered. They sat at the kitchen table eating the pizza and sipping on some diet cokes. Scott looked at Sandi and saw that her hair was disheveled and her lipstick was gone. The look on her face was that of a lady that had been freshly fucked. He chuckled a little as he had that thought. Sandi heard the chuckle and said, “What is so...

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Soldier Send Off

My wife and I have been married and in the military for 11 years. I am 5'5" and a power lifter and my wife is 5'4" 115lbs and measures at 36E 18 22. And yes she is firm DD, when she walks in a room with a lot of guys, they all stop to look. Well I have deployed many times and every time there is always some soldier with no one to see him off. So after four years of talking about it with my wife, she wants to make sure all the soldier’s get a great send off. So my last deployment with the...

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Project 401

As a young lad I had always been intrigued with robotics, be it very simple, or the quite complex systems, either drew my interest. During my junior high, and senior high school years, I had entered and won, most science fairs with various robotic mechanisms of my own design. The latter versions were a bit more complicated, and were actually controlled by the computer programs that I had also had designed and written, programs that I had so well protected were virtually breach...

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project partners

She looked at the clock as she stepped into the shower. The warm water running down her shoulders was just what she needed after a long day in college, and tempted as she was to soak in a bit longer, tonight there was no time to waste. John will be here any minute, she thought as she hurried out of the shower, wrapping her wet, dripping hair in the towel. She walked around her bedroom in her lingerie, trying to figure out what she should wear. Damn it, I don’t have enough clothes, and I went...

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project partners

She looked at the clock as she stepped into the shower. The warm water running down her shoulders was just what she needed after a long day in college, and tempted as she was to soak in a bit longer, tonight there was no time to waste. John will be here any minute, she thought as she hurried out of the shower, wrapping her wet, dripping hair in the towel. She walked around her bedroom in her lingerie, trying to figure out what she should wear. Damn it, I don’t have enough clothes, and I went...

Oral Sex

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