Project: Super Solider - Part 3 free porn video

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Chapter 18 Kat had spotted the old out building a few days after they had moved into the new house. At first Deb had not liked the idea of Kat messing around with a work shop, it being not at all something most girls would be interested in, but did listen to Kat's arguments and saw that Kat made several valid points, and agreed that Kat could start restoring the old building to suit her tinkering need as long as no explosives ever became involved. Being one of the few who knew of Kat's true past Deb was adamant about on this part of the agreement, Kat knew that playing around with that stuff like she had before the change was wrong, hell she knew it was wrong back when she did it when she was still John but she didn't care what others thought then. Now the thought of something like Becky's parents not allowing Becky to come over because Kat was doing something like that was enough deterrent to keep Kat on the straight and narrow. Kat had been working on the old barn in her spare time for almost two weeks now, although it took her, with some help from Becky, almost a week to clear and repair the old dirt path back to it. Several trips to the rock quarry later in the old beat up Ford 4x4 she had bought and the old road was actually passable without using the four wheel drive anymore. A good road in was something Kat needed since she planned on having a company come in and pour a concrete floor as soon as she had it cleaned out, Which Kat realized was going to take much longer than she had first thought. The original dirt floor of the barn was buried in some places three feet deep in a rich compost of old manure and straw. The first two pick up loads she shoveled into the truck and back out of the truck by hand. While this was nothing with her genetically enhanced strength, it was still time consuming. A small tractor with a front scoop was what she needed, but she couldn't justify the cost of one for this single project no matter how much time it would save. Kat was able to speed up the dumping process though, by building a liner for the back of her truck out of heavy 3/4th inch plywood that sat on rollers in the back of the truck. Once she had the truck loaded and taken to her dump site, Kat could open the tail gate, then back up and slam on the brakes. The rollers allowed the insert to slide out of the back of the truck, Two heavy cargo straps with one end attached to the truck and one end attached to the insert kept it from sliding all the way out of the truck, making the home made bed liner essentially a dump bed. Kat was busy shoveling out the barn when Becky came walking in past the truck, "Figured I would find you in here," Becky giggled. "This won't get done by its self." Kat snorted. "Dad was going to take me car shopping, I was hoping you'd come too." "Oh? And you have no ulterior motives in this?" "Well even your mom said you really need to find something other than this old thing to drive to school." "What's wrong with my truck?" "Is that what this thing is called?" Becky joked, "You can't even tell what color it is supposed to be!" "It's brown with some primer!" Kat stuck out her tongue. Becky laughed, "If someone asked me what color it was, I'd say it was junkyard!" "Hey!" "That's it!" Becky bounced off her heels several times, "The new name for your truck!" "It's not that bad!" "Yes it is, and I'll make it official too!" Becky turned to the truck as she slammed the palm of her hand hard against the side of the truck bed, some rust fell out on top of the rear tire, "I christen thee, 'Junkyard'" Looking down at the stuff that had fallen Becky began giggling again. Using her foot to plant the business end of the shovel in the compost, Kat walked over to the truck and gently patted the side of the bed, "It's ok Junkyard, I still love you." Both girls then burst out in a fit of giggles. "So will you come?" "Of course I will Bek, it's not every day I get to help my best friend pick out her first car!" Kat Smiled. "Cool!" Becky began running back toward Kat's house, the hem of the multi-hued sundress she wore flapping in the breeze she created as she ran, "Dad's waiting, and we still have to get you cleaned up!" "Can't I just go like this?" Kat asked as she ran to catch up. "NO!" Becky shouted back, "I don't want people to think my best friend is some kind of yucky tomboy!" "But I am a tomboy!" Kat tried to argue. Without missing a beat Becky threw the back door open and ran in though the kitchen with Kat only a few steps behind. "Hi Mrs. Marlete!" Becky shouted as she crossed the living room and bounded up the stairs. "Going shopping with Becky!" Kat hollered back behind her as she ran up the stairs. Barely beating Kat to Kat's room, Becky stopped inside the door, "Brush out your hair, I'll pick out something for you to change into." Becky ordered as she walked over and opened the door to Kat's closet. Kat had managed to get the rubber bands out of pony tail she had put her hair into that morning and was running a brush through it when Becky emerged from the closet with a green peasant style sundress that had a wide floral pattern around the neck opening, the hem of the dress and the opening of the half sleeves, "Here throw this on so I can do your hair." Kat's eyes went wide seeing the dress that Becky expected her to put on, "Uh, can't I just put on a clean pair of jeans and a tee shirt?" "You can't wear jeans," Becky's eyes opened wide as if shocked by Kat's statement. "Why not?" "Because I'm wearing a dress!" "What's that got to do with anything?" Kat argued. "Just think of it as a girl's rule," Becky grinned. "We have to dress in a similar fashion." "I never got that rule book!" Kat giggled. "Please?" Becky held the dress out, "I've never seen you in a dress." "There's a reason for that," Kat deadpanned. Sighing, Kat nodded then stood up and pulled her tee shirt off. Becky began to grin as she watched Kat use her toe to catch the back of the tennis shoes and remove them before undoing the fly of her jeans and let them drop to the floor. Becky held the dress up so Kat could slip it on, then as Kat began positioning the dress, Becky pulled Kat's hair out of it and began to work on Kat's excessively long hair. "Igor, the hairbrush!" Becky held her hand out in front of Kat. "Yes-ss master," Kat hissed an imitated lisp while she picked the brush up from where she had sat it down on the vanity in front of her and handed it to Becky. Five minutes later Becky had Kat's hair up in pony tail that began high up at the crown of her head. She bound it with a wide green ribbon that she had wrapped tight against Kat's scalp which made the base of her pony tail stick up and away from Kat's head with the ribbon wound around her hair for the first three to four inches. Stretching around Becky grabbed a pair of white sandal wedges she had brought out with the dress and dropped them in Kat's lap after pushing her back down into the seat in front of Kat's vanity, "Put these on while I finish your hair." Sitting back up after putting on the sandals Kat saw her reflection. "Wow Becky!" "What?" "My hair, it looks amazing this way." Kat normally braided her hair into one single long braid or used several hair ties or rubber bands to hold it all together out of the way. The ribbon wrapped so tight around the base of the pony tail make it look like her hair almost cascaded out of the ribbon tube. Giggling Kat moved her head from side to side watching how her hair followed her movements, "It reminds me of a water fountain." "I thought you would like it," Becky beamed, "Ok let's go." Leaving Kat's room at a more leisurely pace than they had entered Kat's mom got a good look at the two girls, "Your hair looks great hon." "Thanks mom, it was all Becky's doing though." "Well you should get her to show you how she did it, it is a wonderful look for you." "I can't show her all my secrets, if I did she may not need me anymore!" Becky snickered. "Never happen girlfriend, you're stuck with me," Kat giggled. "So what are you two going shopping for?" Deb asked, then added, "You're not taking that old truck are you?" "No Mrs. M, my dad's driving us. He's going to help me pick out a car." "Ahh, good idea to take our little grease monkey with you." Deb grinned. "Well, she does know more about cars than daddy," Becky admitted dropping her gaze shyly. Meanwhile Kat had cupped her hands together behind her back and began swaying back and forth like a little school girl. "What sweet little innocent me messing around with cars? Why, why I might get my pretty dress dirty mommy!" Kat began to feign sniffling. "You sweet?" Becky exclaimed. "Or innocent!" Deb chortled. "You guys are hurting my feelings," Kat stuck out her lower lip. Deb picked up her cell phone and took a picture of Kat as she did that. "Did you just take my picture?" "It was a Kodak moment hon," Deb face glowed with a 'cat that ate the canary look', Changing the subject, "You should look for something you want too, you can't be climbing in and out of that truck in skirts and dresses, you'll be giving the boys free looks." "Yes mom," Kat turned to open the front door, waving Becky through first before exiting, "You think we can get your dad to stop at a Lamborghini dealer while we're out?" Kat closed the door before the pillow her mother threw could reach her. Chapter 19 "I'm ready to go daddy!" Becky shouted as she walked through the front door into their living room. Her father was reclined back in his easy chair reading a newspaper when the two girls walked in. "I thought your mother said you were out cleaning that old barn when I called?" Barbra questioned Kat's appearance from where she sat on the divan. "I was." Kat giggled, "It doesn't take long to change when Becky's throwing clothes at me from my closet." "Well you look lovely dear, I like what you have done with your hair." Becky's mom complimented Kat. "Becky did my hair while I got dressed." "Well your father thought it would take allot longer to get ready is all. Didn't you dear?" Looking over at the two girls, his own child bouncing with excitement, "I guess I can finish this article later." Folding the paper neatly as he got up from the easy chair. Gerry Adams, Becky's father was not the athletic type, a banker by trade he had very little time to worry about his physique and had grown a spare tire that threatened to grow larger with each passing year. His black hair, kept short and business-like along with a full beard that he kept trimmed very short. His beard had been the first to show signs of his aging, first peppered with gray. When the gray began to get patchy he had almost shaved it off, but thought the gray actually made him feel more distinguished. Now his beard was mostly gray peppered with a little black that matched the hair on his scalp. "Alright girls, "He chuckled, "Let's get this over with." Out in the garage, Becky's father hit the button on the garage door opener as he stepped into the garage. Kat opened the driver's side rear door of the Blue Ford Taurus Becky's father drove, then reached up over her shoulder and pulled her long hair over her shoulder to her front before sitting down and sliding into the car. Becky skipped around the car and climbed into the rear seat from the opposite side. Climbing into the driver's seat, Gerry started the car, then looked into the rear view mirror, first checking to see if both girls had put on their seat belts, which he saw that they had, then he backed out of the garage. "So Kathleen are you thinking about getting rid of that eye sore and getting a real vehicle?" Gerry asked as he drove. "What? Oh no I couldn't part with my truck, not now that Becky christened it with a name and all," Kat giggled. "That and I need it to work on the barn, but I do agree with mom, I need something that I can get in and out of in a dress." "Kat told her mom, she was going to buy a Lamborghini," Becky giggled. Gerry's eyes grew at the thought of how much one of those cost, not that the girl and her mother couldn't afford one, Gerry was their banker so he knew they could, "I hope you were joking Kathleen! You realize you could buy a small fleet of sedans for the cost of one of those." "Yes sir," Kat grinned, "Mom knew I was joking, I like American built cars, I know how they tick." Gerry nodded in approval of what the girl said, "Nothing against imports mind you, but they don't do as much to keep our own economy going as buying something that is built here." Kat nodded, "So are you taking us to the Ford dealership?" "Yes, did you want to go somewhere else?" "No, I just figured since both of your cars are Fords that is where you do business." "Yes, the local Ford dealership is a customer of our bank, going somewhere else would feel traitorous. That and I do play golf with the owner," Gerry chuckled, "Last Sunday we talked about what Becky could afford and he told me they have a few vehicles in her price range." "Daddy said if I saved my money he would match whatever I had when it came time to buy a car." "Barbra and I believe parents should teach their children the value of a dollar. Too many kids seem to grow up thinking money grows on trees." Kat wondered if Becky's father was directing that last comment toward her and how she has been going through her money lately. If he only knew the truth, how she had scrimped and saved, then worked her tail off to get what she and her children now had. But she could see how it must have looked to him, a teenage girl with more money in the bank than most people earn in a lifetime. Thinking he may have got his point across Gerry decided to change the subject, "So Kathleen are you ready to start school?" "Mom says I have to take placement exams first, I think she has them scheduled for a couple of weeks before schools starts." "Well, it's right around the corner, what five weeks left of your girls summer vacation?" "You want me to help you cram for the tests?" Becky volunteered. "No, I should do fine, but thanks." Kat thought she had earned an engineering degree for god's sake, how hard could simple high school placement tests be? Chapter 20 "Would you hold still!" Becky tugged at Kat's hair trying to make her stop fidgeting. "Sorry Becky, I'm nervous." "Do you think your sister would go out of her way to come up here just to yell or something?" "You don't know my sister!" "Neither do you!" Becky stuck her tongue out at the mirror that sat above the vanity in Kat's room so Kat would see it. "So why can't I just wear my hair in a normal braid or pony tail?" "Because I want you to make a good impression on them," Becky grinned, "That and I have been wanting to try this on your hair ever since I watched the you tube video on how to do it." "You learned this on you tube?" Kat explained, "Isn't that like saying, hey I saw this on a cartoon once but I think I can make it work!" "It's not rocket science silly." "That's what the coyote said right before the trap he set for the road runner blew up in his face!" "Oh poo!" Becky slapped Kat in the arm with the hair brush she was using. A few minutes later Becky proclaimed, "Ok that's done, now for the flowers." "What flowers?" Kat twisted around and pointed her finger at her best friend, "Don't even think about it! I am not putting flowers in my hair." "It's only a few and they are small," Becky pleaded, "and it looks so cute in the video!" Becky reached over and pulled out a clear plastic bag that was filled with various color silk flowers. Kat jumped from the chair and ran out the door of her room, "NO WAY!" Becky followed, running after her, "Aw come on Kat, please?" Kat raced around the upstairs landing and down the steps, with Becky in close pursuit. In the living room Kat turned and ran into the kitchen, totally ignorant of all the people standing in the living room. "Come on Kat its only flowers, they aren't even real ones!" everyone in the living room heard Becky shout as she followed Kat. Deb snorted trying not to laugh, the older of the two teen girls looked at the younger and pipped, "wow deja-vu!" Their mother, Karen, began roaring in laughter. With that everyone joined in laughing except the youngest, who felt sorry for the girl knowing how hard it was to keep her own sister from doing things exactly like that to her. "Oh my god this is going to be so much fun!" Karen said after she managed to stop laughing. "May I?" Karen asked Deb. "Be my guest." Karen walked through into the kitchen and out the back door into the yard where she spotted the two girls chasing each other around the pool. Everyone else followed her out onto the patio, "Kathleen Elizabeth Marlete front and center!" Karen shouted like a drill instructor. "Oh shit!" Kat hissed, stopping so fast that Becky ran into her. "Is that your sister?" "Yep." "She sounds pissed." "Yep, we better get over there." Kat and Becky walked slowly back as if walking to their own funeral, around to the patio where everyone stood. The younger teen leaned over to her sister, "Look at her hair, she reminds me of Rapunzel." "Every girl with long hair reminds you of Rapunzel. Next thing you'll tell me is the other one looks like Ariel because she has red hair." Her sister deadpanned. "Wow you're right she does look like Ariel." "Oh god," Her older sister groaned under her breath. Karen looked both girls over once they finally got to her and stopped, Kat though she could hear crickets chirping as Karen silently walked a full circle around the two girls before stopping back in front of them. "So you're my sister's friend Becky?" Karen looked at Becky. "Yes ma'am." "So you must be Kathleen?" Karen said with her best poker face. "Ya, I mean yes ma'am." Kat whispered. Karen stepped up to Kat wrapped her arms around her in a hug and shouted, "Welcome to the family sis!" The two teens that had come with their parents started giggling. "Man that was hard keeping a straight face, knowing mom was gonna do that to you Kat!" the youngest continued giggling, "I'm Emily!" the youngest waved at Becky. "Hi Emily," Becky smiled. Walking over the older of the girls gave Becky a hug then stepped back, "Hi I'm Susan, Kathleen's niece." "I'm sorry if I scared you Becky, but I couldn't resist, it was something our father did to us kids when we did something wrong." "But she didn't do anything?" Becky defended her friend. "No, she hasn't," Karen confess, "Maybe it's a little revenge since she never had our father around to do that to her?' "You, you're not mad at me?" Kat was almost in tears. "Heaven's no!" Karen declared, "You can't imagine how happy I am right now." A tear rolled down Karen's cheek. "Wow mom, you're acting like you just found your long lost sister or something!" Emily chortled, "Oh wait you did just find your long lost sister!" "Emily is kind of a smart ass when she thinks she can get away with it," Susan said holding out her hand to Becky, "Can I help you with those?" looking at the bag of synthetic flowers Becky was still holding, "We can rush her while mom has her pinned." Becky ginned and held out the bag as the two girls stepped behind Kat. "Aunt Kat, run, it's a sneak attack, they're trying to out flank you!" Emily giggled. "Wanna be next squirt?" Susan glared at her younger sister. "Hey what are you doing!" Kat tried to looks behind her and Karen and she released the hug. "I said no flowers!" "Kat stop being such a drama queen," Karen looked into Kat's eyes, "a few flowers in your hair isn't going to kill you." Kat stood with an indignant look on her face as the two girls finished lacing flowers into her braid. "There done!" Becky said. "Turn around so we can see Kat," Deb asked. Kat turned around so her mother and Karen could see what they had done. "Oh my, Kat you look simply beautiful!" Deb said, "Becky you have outdone yourself this time." Becky glowed with exuberance hearing the praise from Kat's mother. "If no one minds, I would really like to sit down with my sister in private for a few minutes?" Karen queried, "And while we're having our sister talk, girls help your father get the things we brought for the cookout so he can get the grill fired up." "Would you like to see my room?" Kat looked at Karen. "That would be perfect, let's go sister." Karen followed Kat into her room and shut the door behind them. Following Kat over the bed Karen sat down beside her and stared into her eyes for a moment before saying, "Dad is that really you?" Kat nodded while averting her eyes from Karen. Reaching gently over Karen cradled the young girls chin in her hand and lifted her face so she could look at her. "Why dad? I mean Matt showed me the video, so I know you are you even though I still can't believe it. But why would you do it in the first place?" "No one knew it would turn me into a girl," Kat uttered, "I didn't even think it would work at all, just figured it was a way to let you and yours get on with your life without having to worry about me anymore." "What do you mean?" Karen growled. "I figured it would kill me." "Oh my god dad!" Karen grabbed the girl into a tight hug, "You taught me how to ride a bike, drive a car, bait a hook, Emily worships the ground you walk on! Why would you think we didn't need or want you around?" "But I..." "No buts young lady!" Karen leaned back and pointed a finger in Kat's face, "I've already seen to it that you will never need for money, that is unless you go start buying jumbo jets and flying around the world for fun." "That money was for you kids." "That money was yours, you gave it to us, now I'm giving some of it back!" Karen stated. "And I'm also splitting those royalty payments half to your new account. Anyways, you are one of those kids now!" "But..." "Argue with me and I'll throw the whole thing into your account. Remember everything was signed over to me and I promised you, um him, that I would take care of our family and that includes you baby sister." Karen grinned. "Look it's not like you can go play hero for that outfit that did this to you for at least a few years. And while Deb may have a comfortable income, if that outfit loses their funding, you two could wind up with no money and no place to go. I'm just making sure you have plenty of options." "Alright, you win," Kat sniffed back the tears. "Never doubted it for a minute Baby sister!" Now let's go wash our face and go see what Matt is making on the grill for us." Karen stood and reached down for Kat's hand. Chapter 21 "Mom, Becky says she has a swimsuit that I can borrow, Can I go swimming? Please?" Emily started begging the moment her mother and Kat walked out on the patio, "Dad said I had to ask you. Please?" "It wouldn't be fair to your sister since she doesn't have one either and I don't think Becky has anything that would fit her." "She can borrow one of mine, Susan and I are about the same size." Kat volunteered. "If that's the case, I don't mind." Karen agreed. "Wanna run down with me to get it Em?" Becky asked, "We live next door Mrs. Sawdey." Emily saw her mother nod her approval, "Sure!" The two girls took off at a trot. "Becky tell your mother and father they are welcome to join us too!" Deb shouted after the two girls. "Come on Susan, we can change in my room." Susan stepped out of Kat's bathroom wearing the green bikini Kat had bought, "I hope you don't mind, I took the green one?" "No, that's why I told you to change first, so you got to pick which one you liked best, and to give me time to get all this out of my hair." "Here let me help," Susan came over behind Kat and began pulling the flowers out of her hair, "My mom's gonna freak when she sees me in this," Susan giggled. "Well I asked for one like it last summer and she told me it showed too much skin." "I don't have any one piece suits, I don't like how they give me a wedgie down there," Kat blushed. "They call that Camel toe," Susan giggled, "I use a panty shield." "How does that help?" "Not only guards against leakage it also protects against camel toe!" Susan giggled. Kat's eyes went wide when she heard her granddaughter joke so brazenly about something so intimately feminine, but at the same time tell Kat how to overcome it. Kat you decent?" Kat heard Becky crack open the door to her room. "Define decent?" Kat joked. The door flew open as Becky and Emily walked in already in swimsuits. "You're not even ready yet Kat?" Becky gasped. "Well if we ever get this Gordian knot out of my hair I will be." "Oh it's not that bad, here let me." Becky stepped over beside Susan and untied a ribbon near the middle of the strange knotted braid, then started fluffing Kat's hair with her fingers as the braid began to quickly unravel. "See no problem!" "I would have never though it ended there," Susan stated, "You must really be good with hair!" "Kat has so much great hair, it's easy to try different things with." Becky complimented Kat, "And being her best friend I can get all the practice I want." "Your my witnesses, she keeps me around as a lab rat!" Kat stuck her tongue out at Becky. "I'd gladly be her lab rat if she would do that with my hair!" Susan grinned. Emily was staring at the amount of Kat's hair that was now in the floor behind her. "Wow, how long is your hair?" Kat stood and moved away from the seat she was in, her hair now loose behind her threatening to brush the floor if she moved wrong, "I know, Rapunzel right?" Kat blushed, Emily nodded silently. "I'll have to email you guys pics of her in her Halloween costume this year," Becky grinned. "You so have to go as Rapunzel!" Emily demanded. "She is," Becky grinned at the younger girl. "And you should go as Ariel," Emily added. It was Kat's turn to laugh, "Told you so!" "Well I think you both look more like the Disney princesses than the ones we saw at Disney World when mom and dad took us there." Emily smiled. Kat turned and smiled at Emily, who she would have called before her change her favorite granddaughter who she would now have to get used to calling her niece. It wasn't that he had played favorites back then, he had done her best to treat all the kids as equally as possible, but Emily was different. Emily had played with her dolls and stuffed animals like most little girls but by the time she was six, the child was tomboy through and through, more rough and tumble than most the boys in her class. Little Emily had become grandpa's shadow too, he couldn't leave the house without the kid racing along behind him. Kat though that maybe she should have done something differently with Emily, but Emily was so full of wonder and surprise at all the things her grandpa could teach her, Kat didn't have the heart to say no to the girl. "You going to get dressed or stand there all day?" Becky chided. "I'm going," Kat walked over to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. A few minutes later she emerged in her black bikini and the four girls walked back down and out to the backyard. Chapter 22 "You know Emily," Emily's mother peered over where her youngest daughter sat between Kat and Becky eating the wonderfully grilled steak her father had made, "You may find that you and Kathleen have allot more in common than you think?" Emily gulped down the large mouthful of baked potato she had just put in her mouth, "Oh? Like what mom?" Emily's darted beside her to Kat. "Well for one Kat's mother told me that she practices Tai Chi." "You do?" Emily rubbernecked, "Grandpa taught me. I used to do it with him every morning!" "I do it every morning too. Becky sometimes joins me, that is when she rolls her butt out of bed before noon." Kat looked from Emily to Becky and giggled. "Yea, I would love to be able to do that like you Kat, what you did with those boys was amazing." "What boys?" Becky's mother looked concerned. "We told you about those boys in the mall mom." "You told me, you and Kat had a problem with some boys that were trying to take some liberties they shouldn't. You never told me anything about fighting." "I wouldn't really call it a fight Mrs. Adams," Kat answered. "You were in a fight?" Emily's excitement showed in her eyes, "What happened?" Emily looked over to Kat, "Do you have a black belt? Did you go Bruce Lee on them?" "This bully grabbed me," the memory caused Becky to shiver, "I don't know how to describe it, what Kat did. It was like watching one of those kung fu movies, but Kat was really, really graceful like a ballet dancer. She had all three boys on the ground so fast they didn't know what hit them And Kat crouched there in the middle like a tiger ready to pounce if they got up." Emily's eyes were really wide showing how impressed she was, "Cool!" Emily shouted, "My aunt is a bad ass!" "Emily Language!" Karen scolded. "Sorry mom." Then without missing a beat. "So what forms do you study? How long have you been learning? This is so cool!" "Sometimes it feels like I have been learning that stuff since before I was born," Kat smirked at her mother. "Emily, it's not all about the fighting," Deb interrupted, "Martial arts are a very good form of exercise, and it doesn't hurt to know how to defend yourself." "It also teaches you the self-confidence and control so that you can use only enough force so that you do not make a bad situation worse." Kat added. Susan, Matt and Deb all nodded in agreement. "Maybe we should check into classes for you Becky?" Barbra chuckled. "Kat could teach Becky." Deb stated, "She does have the experience." "Becky and I have talked about her coming over in the mornings to join me in Tai Chi. If she ever rolls her butt out of bed before noon." Kat grinned at Becky. "I think that would be wonderful dear," Barbra affirmed, "What time should I make sure she is over here in the mornings?" "I usually start around sunrise," Becky moaned when she heard Kat say this, "But I can start a little later if she wants to start joining me, say 6:30?" "I'll make sure she is over here by then." "Mom I was hoping it would be alright if I spent the night tonight?" Becky timidly asked. "I don't know dear, Kat and her mother have family from out of town staying." "It's no problem Barbra," Deb stated, "Becky and Kat can share a room." "Please say its ok?" Susan spoke up, "I want her to show me how she does her and Kat's hair so nice!" Chapter 23 Kat's first thoughts was on how inappropriate it was for her to sleep with a teenage girl and almost said something when her mother had suggested it. Not only the fact that Kat used to be a man, Becky was the same age as her grandchildren! But Kat realized how ludicrous her thoughts were, she was now a teen girl herself and would be for the rest of her unnatural second life. Why should she feel so uncomfortable about being in the same bed as her, Becky was her friend. Becky had in fact become the closest friend Kat had in a very long time. All four girls had begun in Kat's room that night. Talking and chatting away like teens do. Becky spent allot of the time showing Susan different ways to do her hair and showing Susan various types of braids that can be done using Kat as the guinea pig. At some point Emily slipped out and went to bed in the room she was sharing with her sister. When Susan found herself yawning she excused herself and slipped off to bed also. Her and Becky had done Kat's hair up in what Becky called a fishtail braid, Kat has really like how it looked and asked them to leave it in. Susan closed the door behind her when she left leaving Becky and Kat alone in the room. "So what do you usually wear to bed?" Becky quizzed, "I don't remember seeing any night gowns when I helped you unpack?" "Um, usually just a tee shirt and my panties," Kat went over to the dresser and pulled two mens extra large shirts out of a drawer, tossing Becky a dark blue one. Unfolding the shirt Becky held it across her chest seeing it had the words USNAVY written under the Navy seal both the lettering and seal done in gold. The shirt was so big it would fit Becky like a short dress. "Pretty cool actually! They are big enough to wear around the house too." "Yep, and comfy to boot!" Kat added. "Be right back," Becky jumped up and dashed into the bathroom with the shirt. Becky came back out a few minutes later, the oversized shirt hanging down to her knees and while short sleeved the sleeves stopped at her elbows. Stepping out of the doorway Becky placed one hand behind her head and the other on her hip posing, "Do you think I look sexy in this?" then started giggling uncontrollably and raced over and jumped on the bed. "I think if our navy all looked like you do in that, they would win wars just by showing up." Kat commented. "Oh?" "Are you comparing me to a sailor?" "What I meant was the enemy would take one look at you and surrender." "Do I look that bad?" Becky pouted. "No, that pretty." Kat blushed, "They would see how beautiful you were and forget what they were fighting over." Kat trotted into the bathroom and closed the door before her mouth got her into trouble. Kat returned wearing a similarly large shirt, although this one a medium gray with the words "God, Guns, Guts, made America, let's keep all three." written under an American flag that took up the whole upper chest area of the shirt. Chapter 24 Kat had always been a light sleeper so when she felt something pressing against her lips her eyes immediately snapped open to see Becky's still sleeping face pressed up against her own, kissing her. It felt so soft and gentle Kat found herself parting her lips giving in to the soft caress of the kiss. Closing her eyes Kat was lost in the warm feelings that began where their lips touched and spread throughout her body. When felt Becky's tongue slip between her lips and trace along the back of her own upper lip and teeth Kat's stomach began full of butterflies and she could feel her nipples at full attention and her crotch started to become moist. The feelings Kat was experiencing were so overwhelming, her body demanding that these feelings continue forever and told her to ignore the voice that was telling her this was wrong, how could something that felt so good be wrong? Kat's nipples screamed to be touched, to also feel Becky's lips against them, her crotch had warmed even further and her panties felt wet. Kat sat bolt upright in the bed startling Becky awake at the same time. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes Becky asked, "What, what's wrong?" "I, you, kissed," Kat's mind was still fighting her body's urges to shut up and continue the kiss. "What?" Becky sat up much more awake. "You," Kat's face turned a deep shade of red, her voice dropping down to a mere whisper, "kissed me." "I, I'm sorry," Becky softly pleaded, blushing in the process, "I was dreaming." "I kinda figured that." "So then it was innocent enough," Becky could see Kat's nipples poking through the shirt she wore to bed and see how excited it must have gotten her, "So was it a good kiss? I always wondered if I would be any good at kissing, you know when I finally found someone that I wanted to kiss and they wanted to kiss me back." If Kat could have turned redder she would have at that moment, how could she tell her best friend the truth, how it was the best kiss Kat had ever felt in two lifetimes. Keeping her foot out of her mouth Kat only nodded. "Did, did you like it?" Becky blushed deepened. "Yes," Kat whispered. "I'm glad." Becky beamed. "Huh? What did I miss?" Kat seemed confused, "Why would you be glad?" "You won't be mad if I tell you will you?" "Becky you're the only friend I have had in a long time, longer than you can imagine. We are best friends! Nothing you say can change that." Becky wrapped her arms around Kat in a hug, "I'm so glad to hear you say that, because I was dreaming about you." "What?" "You heard me," Becky sat back so she could see Kat, "I was dreaming about you, you were the one in my dream that I was...uh kissing." Seeing the look on Kat's face Becky blurted out, "Please tell me you're not mad at me, Oh god Kat, please don't be mad." Pulling Becky back into a hug, "I'm not mad at you, I'm just confused." "Tell me about it," Becky halfheartedly giggled, "I'm in love with another girl." Then leaned forward and kissed Kat. Kat didn't stop her, but did break the kiss when she began feeling the uncontrollable desire to wrap her arms around Becky and never stop kissing her, "I, 'I need a shower." Kat threw the covers back, got up and walked into the bathroom, her mind so wrapped up in her feeling she didn't bother to close the door. Pulling off her clothes, she grabbed her shower cap and started the water in the shower stall. Starting with the end of her hair braid, Kat carefully put her hair in the shower cap as she drew it on her head before stepping into the shower. Becky was on cloud nine, as she climbed out of the bed and quickly made the bed singing quietly to herself while bouncing around like she didn't have a care in the world. She isn't mad at me, Becky thought to herself, then realized SHE KISSED ME BACK! Glancing at the open bathroom door then back to the bed, she mumbled, "Good enough," and headed into the bathroom. Stripping out of the shirt and panties she had on Becky opened the shower door. Kat jumped when Becky stepped naked into the shower with her. Kat backed up against the wall as Becky stepped towered her. "What I can't take showers with you anymore?" "It's, it's different now." "Oh how so?" I haven't grown horns and a tail have I?" Becky giggled as she twisted around to look to see if she had grown a tail. "Nope that's not it," Becky brought her finger to her temple and began tapping, "It must have been the kiss?" "Y, yes," Kat was so confused with her feelings toward the naked girl in front of her she couldn't think straight. "Well, was there fireworks?" Kat nodded. "Little firecracker or fourth of July fireworks?" "For, fourth of Jul..." Kat was unable to finish her sentence as Becky wrapped her arms around Kat's neck and kissed her again. Not holding back Becky kissed her with every ounce of the passion she felt toward the girl. Kat's heart was racing a thousand miles an hour, her will crumbled as her body took control and filled her with a desire she could never imagine possible. The intense pleasure grew, expanding to encompass her entire soul. Kat wanted to scream out to the world how great this way. Becky broke the kiss when she felt Kat begin shaking, She started to take a step back away from Kat then quickly grabbed her and lowered her to the floor. The passion she felt was replaced with concern, "Kat? Kat are you okay?" Kat shook her up and down trying to let Becky know she would be okay. "Fireworks again?" Becky couldn't stop grinning. "Thermo...nuclear," Kat gasped for breath. "Nice to know I can do that to you but we need to get you up," Becky pulled on Kat arm trying to get her to stand up, "If we're in here too long your mom's going to know somethings up." Kat allowed Becky to help her up on her shaky legs. Moving as quickly as they could the two got cleaned up and dressed in sweatpants and tank tops. Kat entered the kitchen grabbed a mug and poured herself a cup of coffee before sitting down at the kitchen counter without saying a word. "Hi Mrs. Marlete," Becky sang as she skipped into the kitchen straight to the fridge, her red hair pulled back in a simple pony tail. "My you're really cheerful this morning," Deb said to Becky without turning from the stove top. "I thought you weren't a morning person?" "I'm usually not, but this morning everything is just so, so awesome!" the delight overflowing in Becky's voice, "I think it was sleeping in Kat's bed, it was so cozy and warm. And Kat is so warm to cuddle up to," Becky shot a peek at Kat before giggling. "And you?" Deb looked at Kat sitting there with her head hanging over the cup of coffee she was nursing, praying her mother mistook the shame she felt for allowing what happened with Becky for lack of sleep, "You're usually up and out in the back yard doing your Tai Chi before I get downstairs?" "Snuggles there almost pushed me out of the bed twice last night." "I did not!" Becky giggled. "And when she wasn't being a bed hog, she was squeezing the life out of me." "I can't help it that you are so cuddly!" Becky stuck out her tongue at Kat. "Well at least you are here and dressed for Tai Chi this morning," Kat smiled. "You didn't start without me did you?" They heard as Emily walked into the kitchen. "Would you like something to eat Emily?" Deb asked the young girl. "Sure, I'll have whatever their having," Emily came up and sat down beside Kat, "Oh and some orange juice if you have any?" "I'll get it Mrs. Marlete," Becky turned back to the fridge. Opened it and brought out a half gallon container of juice that she carried over to the counter, then Becky produced two glasses from a cupboard above the counter before sitting on the other side of Kat. Filling both glasses with juice she slid one to Emily. "Wow Aunt Kat you sure eat allot," Emily said when she saw the mountain of scrambled eggs, hash browns and sausage that was on Kat's plate." "Doctor says that I have a hyper active metabolism." Kat began shoveling the food into her mouth. "She was born that way hon, Kat burns through calories almost twice as fast as normal so she has to eat more to sustain her." Deb confirmed, "Even her normal body temperature is higher than normal." "So that's why she's so cuddly," Becky snickered. Finishing her breakfast, Kat pour herself another cup of coffee while she waited on Becky and Emily to finish eating. Chapter 25 Deb, Kat and Becky waved as Kat's sister's family pulled out of the driveway. "I should probably get home too," Becky announced. "Can you stay for just a tab bit longer Becky, I would like to talk with you and Kat," Deb asked. "Sure, I'd be glad to stay for a while longer." Deb led the teens into the kitchen and poured herself and Becky a glass of iced tea. Placing the picture back in the fridge she turned and sat an unopened beer beside the glass she had sat out for Kat, along with a bottle opener. "Your mom lets you drink beer?" "Remember? Germany? I started drinking this stuff when I was ten." "She's only allowed to have one once in a while and only when I'm home." Deb peered at Kat, "Right?" "Yes mom," Kat opened her beer and began pouring it into the glass. Taking a sip of her tea, Deb looked at both girls carefully, "So what is going on?" "Nothing," Kat couldn't look her mother in the eye. "Pull my other leg," Deb quipped, then looked over at Becky, "Do you want to tell me?" "It really was nothing, really," Becky answered. "Well it certainly wasn't nothing to make you both act the way you both have all day today." Deb analyzed, "So do we play forty questions or are one of you going to tell me what is going on with you two?" Anger showed in Kat's face when she looked up to meet her mother's gaze, "We kissed! Are you happy now!" Deb carefully thought about what she was going to say before she said it, one hand she couldn't allow Kat to be seducing young girls, on the other while it's not socially acceptable two girls exploring their sexuality with each other is not as uncommon as one might think, but then Kat was not your normal teenage girl, "Kat did you attempt to seduce Becky?" "What? NO!" Kat's anger grew. "Then why are so angry with yourself?" "I'm...not..." Kat realized Deb was right she was so damn pissed at herself that she couldn't see straight right now, "I' I shouldn't have allowed it to happen." "It was my fault Mrs. Marlete," Becky jumped in, "I was having a dream." "A dream?" "Uh yea, it was kind of steamy, pretty steamy in fact." "So that's all this is over, you kissed Kat in your sleep?" "The first time, but I was awake for the seconds kiss." "Why would you kiss her after you woke up?" Deb tried to make sense of what she was hearing. "Well, I was kinda dreaming about Kat," Becky and Kat both blushed. "Is that all that happened?" "Just kissing, honest Mrs. Marlete," Becky's blush turned a deeper red. "Just kissing mom," Kat confirmed. "So Becky do you prefer girls?" Deb added, "I had always figured Kat would lean that direction." Becky nodded, ashamed to admit the way she felt. "What do you mean I would lean that way?" Kat scoffed. "Well hon, given your past..." Deb left the rest unsaid. "You're not going to tell my parents are you?" Becky pleaded. Deb observed how both girls were acting toward her and each other, "No I don't think that is necessary, as long as you both don't take it further than kissing at least for now." "Kat couldn't make it further than that if she wanted," Becky giggled. "Why is that young lady?" Deb stared at Kat, who was staring at her hands in her lab wishing she was invisible. "She um, kinda,"Becky tried to find the best way to say it without embarrassing her girlfriend further than she already had, "Sorry Kat I don't know how else to say this," "Then don't," Kat groaned. "That's good, you shouldn't have your girlfriend try to take all the heat off you!" "Girlfriend?" The two girls echoed "Kathleen Elizabeth Marlete tell me what Becky was trying to say?" Kat glared up at her mother staring her in the eyes without saying a word. Deb sat there waiting patiently, "Oh dammit, when Becky kisses me, I, it, fireworks, global nuclear war fireworks. I , I think I passed out for a moment the last time she kissed me." "Okay," Deb's features softened, more caring, "Now that we have all that out in the open, we can work on what we need to do about it. First thing I think we should go talk to Doctor Oliver or Doctor Hakim about how easily you can be brought to release." "Please this is embarrassing enough!" Kat pleaded. "I hope I don't embarrass you?" Becky leaned over and put her head on Kat's shoulder. "Not you, just how easily I um can do that." Kat rested her head on Becky's "I don't know I think it's cool that kissing you does that to you." "Also, most people will not be as open minded as I am on this. I feel that to attempt to forbid what you are doing would only force you to do it behind my back and could possibly cause mental health issues down the road, most won't share this view so no public displays, got it?" "Yes ma'am," Both girls chorused.

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Project Phoenix Part 2 Chapter 3

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. It is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my two earlier stories set in the universe of Project Phoenix. Both of them are available here on FictionMania. Readers who are unfamiliar with them might want to read them first to get a better grasp of what's happening. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my earlier...

1 year ago
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Project QT

Fresh off the presses with another video game title, Nutaku is proving that they are unbeatable when it comes to interactive sex games. The latest, greatest Nutaku porn game is called Project QT. Recently going cross-platform, this Nutaku title is sure to get your dick wet if you’re a fan of their unique blend of clicking, RPG tactics and growing a harem. You are in for a hell of a treat.Starting Off StrongRight from the game’s official page on Nutaku, you can learn some backstory about this...

Best Porn Games
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Project Jav

ProjectJav looks similar to a lot of the free streaming JAV tubes I’ve reviewed here at ThePornDude, so I’ll start this review by pointing out the premise: this is a massive, throbbing, full-length JAV torrent site. If you’re looking for some instant thrills and something to jack off to right now while the boss is out of the office, head back to my full list of Asian Porn Sites. If you’ve got a little more time on your hands and you’re willing to wait, this joint might be a good option to fill...

Porn Torrent Sites
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Super Boys Last Visit to the 30th Century

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. Here is a story line I have worked up with help from my new friend Rafael in Brazil. We are going to be doing a large number of stories using comic book characters, somewhat along the line of the JLA stories I did with FFCSKRULL2 a few months ago. Watch for massive numbers of changes to...

3 years ago
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Super Sister 1 Losing A Son Gaining A Daughter

Susper-Sister #1: Losing a Son, Gaining a Daughter By Heather St. Claire April 8, 1946, From the Diary of Martha Kent--These have been the most amazing couple of days. I have lost a son but gained a daughter. Yesterday started out like any other Sunday. Jonathan, Clark and I went to church in the morning, and came home to a meat loaf dinner--Jonathan's favorite! I cleared the table and had just settled down with a basket of knitting, when a strong feeling, really, an overhwelming...

2 years ago
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Third Class Super or Provisional Super Villain

Got the letter today. Guess what? Third time ain’t the damn charm… still not a Super.Dear Applican’t, (is probably what they wanted to write), after careful review of an impressive candidate pool, blah blah, we regret (sure) to inform you that your application is not competitive enough for entrance into Supers Academy; however, we are considering you as a candidate for blah. I scan the list of recruits. Those that made it are the who’s who of future Supers. Many were plucked from the same damn...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Super Powers

Super Powers By Celeste Ann Taylor Intro Jezerek and Tolqid looked down on Earth as they selected a suitable candidate to become the inheritor of vast super powers. They needed to create a successor to the recently defeated Space Minx, who had been beaten in battle by the Time Harlot herself. The two focused in on the females of earth, noting their most athletic women, the most determined sportswomen and their toughest policewomen. They found the perfect candidate Melissa...

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SuperSister 6 Hanging Up The Cape

Super-Sister #6: Hanging up the Cape? By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" From the diary of...

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SuperSister 7 Claire Ross Alias SuperBride

Super-Sister #7: Claire Ross, Alias Super-Bride! By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" From the...

2 years ago
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SuperSister 5 A Blast From The Kryptonian Past

Super-Sister #5: A Blast From the Kryptonian Past By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink is disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, Alias Super-Sister!" June 15,...

4 years ago
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Project ManagerChapter 2

The next day Scott kept the appointment he had made two weeks ago with Doctor Kevin Brady. Doctor Brady was the older brother of Scott’s friend Kyle Brady and had been Scott’s doctor ever since he had started his medical practice. Scott hadn’t had a complete physical exam in the time he was in South America. Scott was sitting in an exam room while a nurse took his blood pressure and updated his medical history. After she left the room Doctor Brady walked in and said, “I haven’t seen you in...

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angel buxoms nite with mr super cock by me from a

My huge stud Mr. Supercock held me by my little hand and led me into his private elevator to take me up to his private residence leading me over to a seat ,sort of like a throan sitting down in it he lifted me onto his lap and was squeezing my huge tits through my sexy new bra ,"Fuckin huge tits you have my little slut as he mauled them with one hand his other went for my tinny throbbing clitty his big strong fingers engulfed my entire clitty/cock the second he touched me I came a huge gush of...

4 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip Lauries homecoming and Ben Jrs Birth

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip, Lauries homecoming and Ben Jr.s Birth Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 58, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast OH God Ben, I missed you lover Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him,...

3 years ago
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Project Epsilon A Sexual Fantasy

30th October, 2012 22:05Prague Centre for Astro Surveillance, Czech Republic For Tomáš Dusek his shift at the PCAS started normally enough. The bank of lights and screens, which monitored the night sky were on stand by. No UFOs had been reported for over two weeks. A meteor shower at the end of September had caused some interest, but that was about it. Tomáš was enjoying a cup of coffee when his phone rang. It was the information desk. “Tomáš, you might want to check this out. It could be...

Straight Sex
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Project ManagerChapter 4

When Carley picked Scott up later he told her kiddingly that she cleaned up well. He could see her blush when he said that. He honestly thought she did look good in the dress she was wearing. He told her that she was going to attract a number of men with her good looks. With no hesitation on her part she said, “It’s not men that I want to attract.” That remark told Scott he should keep his mouth shut and if he was going to be lucky to find some female companionship tonight it wasn’t going...

1 year ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 2

“Are you serious?” came Natalya’s incredulous voice over the intercom. “Come on up and see for yourself,” Inari replied, her voice still quiet. The clamor of movement from behind her let her know everyone had left their posts to get a good look. “Oh, my God!” Priya and Natalya said at the same time. The lights were still flashing across the hull from their position, but the name of the ship was clear as day. “Looks like those legends you told me about are true Nats,” Korsa said. “Yeah,”...

4 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip Lauries homecoming and Ben Jrs Birth

Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 5'8, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast “OH God Ben, I missed you lover” Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him, licks the head and looks up at Ben “Master we are not going to leave this room till we go back to Alabama, You are mine now” she sucks BIG FELLA deep getting him hard. Laurie straddles BIG FELLA and...

2 years ago
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Meeting Superman

"Damn this slow sink!" Ashton said, stomping her foot as if that would hurry up the draining water. Ashton was already having a bad day, and a slow draining bathroom sink wasn't helping matters.She had gone to a party the night before and came home only to pass out on her bed without setting the alarm clock to wake her the next morning. And now she was running late for an important meeting for a modeling job she really wanted.Ashton Lane was a professional erotic model. She had been on the...

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Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday Here in America on Sunday, February 1, 2009 Super Bowl XLIII (43) took place. Our version of football is quite different from that of the rest of the world. In soccer you don’t need a helmet and pads for protection and the other team isn’t trying to drive your body into the ground. This year the two teams were the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. To make a long story short Pittsburgh won. Now for what really happened… My five best friends and I...

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A super hero story

YES! It has finally happened. You have finally received the call that you have been waiting over two years for. For the last two years you have been a super hero in the sprawling metropolis of ‘the city’. You have patrolled the streets stopped crimes, helped people, thwarted super criminals , rescued kittens from trees and you have done it all with your customary boat load of style. It is the hope of every super hero to get the call you just did, you have finally been given the opportunity to...

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Wet Mirandas SuperBowl Choice

I have to tell you, I am not a big fan of football. My boyfriend will sit and watch it all day long, game after game. College football, NFL games, whatever game is on; he and his friends will just watch football all day. If it isn't football, it's baseball, hockey, or basketball. Once a year, the biggest football game of them all is on; this is the Super bowl, of course. On the day of the Big Game, my boyfriend Tom always has some of his loudest friends over, and they spend the whole day...

3 years ago
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Super Powers

The Karitons, Ascikeans and Verxik where three distinct species who had mastered many exceptional technologies. They created an organization called the Ascension Collective. All three where like minded in their curiosity as well as there boredom. The Karitons seemed like the most responsible, they came from the distant future. Right before the end of the universe they traveled back in time to discover the first highly advanced species. The Ascikeans the most mischievous, they come...

2 years ago
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SuperSister 8 Cheer Cheer For Old Smallville

Super-Sister #8: Cheer, Cheer for Old Smallville By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" September...

1 year ago
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Super girl humiliated by Lana luthor

Super girl aka Kara Danvers is stood in Lana luthor’s lab Lana is Kara’s best friend and also nows that she is super girl. Super girl is in her costume as Lana requested. Lana enters Hi Kara ohh sorry supergirl she grins. Super girl smiles hi Lana why Iam I here, Well I have been working on something and need your help to test it. Super Girl says ok anytime Lana giggling says thank you as she press a button then the room fills with a yellow glow Supergirl can feel her powers drain. Lana wait...

3 years ago
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Supergirl Part 2

Chapter 5 When we landed in Las Vegas it was in the middle of the night and there was a black limousine waiting for us on the tarmac.“Let’s go, we have work to do,” said Supergirl and got up.Inside the limousine was a manila envelope which she gave to me. I opened it and found a passport, credits cards, a driver’s license, all in the name of Lisa Compton, aged twenty-one. I realized the age was meant to let me into any bar, restaurant, nightclub in the world. If I had been made to be eighteen,...


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