Project Epsilon - A Sexual Fantasy free porn video

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30th October, 2012 22:05
Prague Centre for Astro Surveillance, Czech Republic

For Tomáš Dusek his shift at the PCAS started normally enough. The bank of lights and screens, which monitored the night sky were on stand by. No UFOs had been reported for over two weeks. A meteor shower at the end of September had caused some interest, but that was about it. Tomáš was enjoying a cup of coffee when his phone rang. It was the information desk.

“Tomáš, you might want to check this out. It could be nothing.”

“OK, what is it?”

“An amateur astronomer near Smëcno has phoned to say they’ve spotted something in Cassiopeia. They say it wasn’t there last week. He says it could be an asteroid from how its moving across the night sky.”

“An asteroid! Get out of here!”

“The guy seemed a bit alarmed.”

“OK, OK we’ll check it out.”

30th October, 2012 14:40
NASA Headquarters, Washington D.C, USA

Gerry Hammle had to work on his birthday. That sucked. He wanted to get home to see his little daughter. They were going to order a great big pizza and then go to see a movie.

Gerry’s phone rang. It was a call from main switchboard.

“Hey Gerry, happy birthday bye the way.”

“Thanks Marcie. How goes it?”

“I’ve got a Thomas somebody on the phone from Czechoslovakia, I think you need to take it.”

“It’s either Czech Republic or Slovakia Marcie, anyway put him through.”



“Hi, yes this is Tomáš Dusek from PCAS, I’m going to email you some data. I wonder if you could verify it straight away.”

“Why what’s up?”

“I think we’ve got a problem.”

1st November, 2012 03:45
10 Downing Street, London, UK

It’s the early hours. The Prime Minister had a late night preparing his speech in the Commons for the next day. The deficit is bigger than everyone thought. It needed to be handled right or the political fall out could be devastating. He turns over and adjusts his pillow. His red phone rings. The PM feels for his bed side light. Blinking, he sits up with alarm. Only the President of the United States came through on that line.


“David, sorry to bother you, I know it must be early there.”

“It’s more than early, what’s going on. Is it Syria?”

“I wish it was buddy.”


“No, no nothing like that. David I’m going to say this slowly, because you need to take it in.”

“OK.. Go on.”

“Our guys at NASA had a call today from some guy who watches the stars in Eastern Europe. An Asteroid is on a collision course with the Earth.”


“I know.”

“When’s the ETOI?”

“December 31st. They’re just computing the expected trajectory and impact point now. They’re hoping to get to within 100 miles, but it looks like it’s going to hit somewhere near Ghana from preliminary data.”

“Wow! How are we with Project Epsilon?”

“It’s ready to go theoretically, but we were hoping to test it.”

“Is there time?”

“No. Frankly David, no. It’s going to take every day we have, just to get it in place in time.”

“Well, that puts the economy in perspective. Who else knows?”

“Apart from NASA, just me and you.”

“OK mate, I appreciate the call. How are we going to handle this. Can we keep a lid on it?”

“I don’t see how we can. As it gets closer, more and more of these star gazing guys are going to pick it up.”

“Fuck! This is going to be a shit storm!”

“I’m proposing we have a conference call with Putin and Hollande at nine am your time.”

“OK dude, that will give me chance to brief the cabinet.”

“Yes David, we need to come up with a joint statement and hopefully we can shoot this sucker down before it gets much closer.”

December 9th 2012 10:00
Winchester, UK

Lisa Archer lay on her bed watching Hollyoaks on catch-up. She had slept in and having been down for a big bowl of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, was now enjoying her favourite soap. Her phone had beeped with a text earlier, but she hadn’t bothered to check it out. It was probably her sister reminding her to get their Mum a Christmas Card.

Lisa was prone to forget little things with the ever present responsibility on her shoulders. It wasn’t as if she could complain. She had took the job in the first place and now she was paid for doing nothing. She was on permanent stand by. Lisa was one of the team that has been chosen to man the mission for Project Epsilon. She had trained for two years after doing her masters degree in astro physics. She had been part of an initial volunteer group that was eventually whittled down to two.

During the adverts she leant over to check the text.

“Oh frick… it can’t be!” She said out loud.

It wasn’t meant to happen. The experts had said the odds were 60 million to one, but it had happened… it was happening.

It took her a moment to gather her thoughts and then she phoned ‘Mike.’ Mike was some guy in the Home Office. She knew it wasn’t his real name. He was her contact, should anything kick off. There were some government departments that were so secret not even the Prime Minister knew all about it. They ticked over from day to day, making sure their people were looked after. Lisa had got used to the 24 hour armed guard. They weren’t intrusive and it was nice to have all her shopping delivered. If she wanted to go for a meal though, or buy a new pair of shoes they hung around surreptitiously.

“Hi Mike, I just read the text.”

“Yes, it’s all systems go. We’ve got two weeks to get this thing.”

“Oh freaking shit, that’s mad!”

“The World is relying on you and Brad, Lisa.”

Brad was her team mate. He would fly the probe and Lisa would operate the weapons. They had one chance… she had one chance to take it out. She had practised hundreds of times in the simulator but this would be the real thing.

December 30th 2012 02:00
Project Epsilon HQ, Arizona USA

“Are you ready?” Asked Brad, as Lisa met him at the briefing room.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Lisa, like Brad was in her all in one space suit. She held her helmet under her arm, so her much treasured blonde hair cascaded down to her waist. Brad looked at his sexy colleague, knowing that she might be the last human being he would ever see. Her suit like Brad’s, zipped up the front. Except that hers was playing host to the best pair of breasts Brad had ever seen. Even the shiny, sterile bottom half couldn’t hide her peachy bum cheeks. A slight shiver ran down Brad’s spine. He was about to help save the World, his mind needed to be focused, but Lisa was just so hot!

Brad had shaved the night before. His sideboards were neatly trimmed, shading into his six hours of stubble. Lisa’s eyes roamed over his toned frame, clad as it was in the clingy silver suit.

“OK guys, here’s your brief,” said the stern-faced official, handing them a document of stats and ‘essential information.’

Two more suited officials arrived and took their seats behind the desk in the briefing room.

“Lisa and Brad, the latest information shows that the asteroid will hit 25km west of Dakar, West Africa. After entry it will have a diameter of around 3km. If this hits the Earth there will be a blast zone, which will vaporise anything within a radius of 500km. However, the impact will cause a giant mega tsunami which will create a tidal wave to cross the Atlantic and destroy the entire eastern sea board of the USA. There will be a nuclear winter and catastrophic floods throughout the northern hemisphere. In short, life as we know it will stop at 02:40 hours on December 31st.”

Lisa and Brad sat stony faced. The responsibility upon them was enormous.

“Any questions?” Asked the official.

Lisa and Brad sat in silence. They had been through this in the simulator and in their minds over and over. It had to be second nature. The time for questions was long past.

“Good. OK guys, T minus twenty minutes… and guys.”

Lisa and Brad looked round.

“Be lucky.”

The two astronauts got in position in the pod and strapped themselves in. Brad looked down. Even now, he couldn’t help notice how the belt gripped Lisa’s legs. Hers suit fit her like a glove. As she nestled into her seat, every little curve and nook of her body was highlighted in her shiny all in one.

“This might not be the place or the time to say this,” said Brad.

Lisa turned and looked at her granite-jawed companion.

“You’re one hot fucking lady astronaut!”

“Brad, normally I would give you a slap, but I’ll save it for later.”

“T minus five minutes.” Said the deep American voice on the intercom.

“I’m just saying Lisa. If I had to spend my last minutes on Earth with anyone.”

Lisa looked at Brad and smiled. At least it broke the tension.

“T minus one minute.”

“OK Brad, commence main engine start.”

From the space centre the team behind Project Epsilon watched as a blast of white hot rocket fuel foamed into the ground and the main gantries began to collapse outwards.

“Here it goes Brad!” Said Lisa with exhilaration.

Suddenly Brad and Lisa were thrust back into their seats. The pod accelerated, hitting 1,000 miles per hour in 10 seconds. Lisa gripped Brad’s hand. She felt like all her organs were going to explode. As the pod climbed through the atmosphere the pair settled down, becoming accustomed to the velocity. Brad could still feel Lisa’s soft, feminine hand holding his own. It felt so delicate and warm. If nothing else, he wanted to remember that sensation.

An hour later the intercept pod began its orbit and Brad had visual contact with the asteroid. It looked like a bright blob, still nearly two million miles away, but travelling at 75,000 miles per hour. Lisa and Brad had 40 minutes before their craft would be at the optimum position. It was crucial that Lisa didn’t fire the nuclear powered laser until the asteroid was at precisely the correct angle of descent.

Everything was quiet in the pod. Lisa made sure everything was right. She tilted her seat, so that the detonation controls were just right. She took a deep breath and made a few last minute adjustments as Brad steadied the craft. The on board computer was constantly re-calculating the course of the asteroid. Between them, USA, UK, France and Russia had spent 79 billion dollars developing the top secret probe. Now the Earth waited. The cities around the World were waiting for two people to do their job. New Year Celebrations had been put on hold while the World held their breath.

“It’s coming into range Lisa. You’ve got four minutes baby!”

“I’m ready for it Mister.”

Lisa went through the final steps in her mind.

Detonation code entered… check.

Weapon system enabled… check

Laser canon enabled… check.

The seconds passed, the little red lights in her visor went from red to amber. 10 seconds to go… the lights still amber… four seconds… the asteroid was now in view. Her heart seemed to stop for a second as her hand began to tighten around the joystick. One tweak to the left… green light… FIRE!

The next few moments seemed to go in slow motion. Time stopped for Lisa. She had closed her eyes at the last second, relying on her training and instincts. She opened her eyes and all she could see were the remnants of a few sparks and incandescent pieces of debris vanishing into the nothingness of space and then just blackness.

“Lisa! Lisa! You did it.. It’s gone.. The asteroid has disappeared.”

“Brad check visual and all telescopic data. Double check, treble check!”

“It’s not there! You did it! You saved the world!”

Lisa unfastened her belt and sighed the biggest sigh of relief anyone ever sighed.

Brad radioed back to Earth.

“Mission Accomplished.”

Lisa took the little grey case that she had brought with her and unfastened the latches. In it was a bottle of Moet et Chandon. She popped the top sending a fizzy mess through the cabin and put the bottle to her mouth before the whole lot was wasted. She passed the bottle to Brad who managed to get a good mouthful and then the rest floated round in the zero gravity of the pod.

Lisa looked at her companion and stroked his bristly chin.

“You did good Brad.”

“You did the hard bit baby.”

“There you go calling me baby again!”

“Don’t you like it?”

“Help me get out of this space suit and I’ll show you!”

Lisa began to draw the zip of her silver suit down as Brad watched, the blood pumping through his veins. His heart was beating hard, still partly from the adrenaline of the moment and from the beautiful sight of Lisa’s bare skin. His first erection in zero G. It felt odd… it felt good.

“Do you want me to avert my gaze?“ Asked Brad.

“No Brad, I don’t want you to avert your gaze,“ said Lisa, revealing the tufty hairs of her landing strip.

Brad stood up, making no effort to hide the arousal in his suit. He slipped a hand inside Lisa’s, stroking her smooth, soft stomach. She had a single diamond stud in her navel, which twinkled in the low light of the cock pit.

Lisa put her hand down and cupped the bulge in Brad’s space suit. She could feel him throbbing. If it hadn’t worked they would have still been alive but with nowhere to go. As it was, they were gently descending back to Earth, with everything to live for. Now all Lisa wanted to do was fuck.

She pulled Brad towards her and slipped off her pro-gravity shoes. At the same time, Brad felt her body begin to lift and used his greater strength to hold her down. He kissed her neck passionately as his arms embraced her, firmly but gently.

Fuck me Brad,” she whispered. “Let me float while you fuck me.”

To her knowledge, according to available literature, no one had ever made love in zero gravity.

Holding her with one hand, Brad unzipped his own suit with the other. He didn’t need to take it all off, just enough to allow his throbbing manhood to escape into the cool air of the cabin. Lisa meanwhile pulled the two halves of her suit open, revealing her amazing boobs and then inched the silver grey fabric down. Brad groaned as he slipped his hand down her front and found her soaking wet pussy. Maybe it was the absence of the Earth’s pull, maybe it was the situation - but Lisa was dripping wet. She gasped as she felt his fingers enter her. His three longest digits opened her moist, pink pussy lips and fingered her juicy quim.

Brad’s cock was twitching with the intensity of the moment. Lisa wanted to ride him. Physics would do everything it could to militate against it, but that just meant he would have to hold her that much tighter. To thrust even harder. Lisa removed her suit completely and felt herself begin to drift off, but Brad caught her wrist and pulled her back towards him. Their lips met. Hers were hot and moist. His were soft and loving. Lisa drove her tongue into his mouth and then she took hold of the metal stanchion that supported his seat. Brad manoeuvred himself, somehow leaning back against the seat and being careful not to let go of his lover. Lisa pulled herself towards him and gripped his chair with her ankles as his cock entered her pussy.

Lisa’s hair half flowed down over Brad’s hairy torso, tickling his chest as she thrust her hips into his groin. She could feel his amazing hardness going all the way in.

“Aaaaah Brad! That’s so good. Hold me baby!”

Brad bit her shoulder as her fingers combed through his thick brown hair. She could smell his gorgeous aftershave as well as the dark, rugged scent of man. Brad kissed her neck and her face, his breathing heavy from the added effort of holding Lisa. She leant towards him and Brad cupped her peachy bum cheeks as he slammed his cock into her pussy even deeper. Lisa moaned louder than ever, gripping his shoulders as his ball sack slapped against her bum over and over.

“Oooh Brad that’s so good baby! Ooh fuck it’s soooo deep! Soo fucking deep!!!”

“Hmmm Lisa…. You’re so sexy! I want you sooo much!”

Brad gritted his teeth as he felt Lisa’s pussy go super wet, her pre-orgasm coating his penis with her love.

Ohh fuck Brad.. I’m coming! I’m…YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Oooooooooooh!!!”

Lisa’s body jerked convulsively as she had the most intense orgasm of her life. She kissed Brad passionately, as their bodies began to perspire making them slippery and sexy. The temperature in the cabin was rising as they got closer and closer to the Earth’s atmosphere. Lisa continued to grind on Brad’s dick, kissing him ravenously, feeling his cock getting close to bursting. Brad didn’t know how much longer he could hold on. They were 60 seconds from re-entry and the cabin temperature was nearly 70 degrees.

At the last minute Lisa pulled herself away from him and her body began to float upwards as the cabin started to rattle and shake from side to side and then she came to rest on her knees taking Brad into her mouth. Brad looked at the beautiful green and blue sphere through the cockpit window as his ejaculation spurted in wave after red hot wave into Lisa’s mouth. She clamped her lips around his cock, taking him deeply, swallowing his goodness.

Twenty minutes later their little pod splashed down somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. At the same time it sent a little message to a beacon on board HMS Cupid. Brad held Lisa in his arms and kissed her forehead, brushing her hair to one side.

“We did it Brad.”

“I know Lisa, they’ll be here soon. Come here, let me cuddle you again.”

Lisa looked into Brad’s blue eyes. She could get used to this.

“I’m not sure we quite mastered re-entry,” said Lisa. “It was a bit bumpy up there.”

“I think you’re right,” maybe we should try it again, said Brad with a smile from ear to ear.

Lisa rolled over onto their make shift sheet, fashioned out of their space suits. She hoped the rescue boat would take their time.

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The RescuedChapter 87 SM03Epsilon Day 29 concluded

When Steve and Jessica were cleaned up, they dressed and returned to the common area. Michelle and Lisa were cuddling on the couch, while the rest of the women carefully restrained their curiosity about the "foursome" that had just finished. Monique was twisting her long black hair around her fingers as she carefully avoided staring at Jessica and the distant look that capped the smile on her face. She finally turned to Steve and said, "So, are you ready for the next customer?" Steve...

3 years ago
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Chennai Girl8217s Sexual Fantasy

Hi to all Indian Sex Stories readers, I am Sujit who works in an IT firm in Chennai.I am also working as a male escort in Chennai.Moreover, I am providing sensual massage and sexual services to girls and women. This sex story deals with one such incident. Any girls, ladies, and women in and around Chennai, if you are interested in getting any type of massages or sexual services, you can contact me on I will be available on both Gmail and hangouts.100% privacy and pleasure are assured.Girls and...

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Project Phoenix

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. A quick note to readers. This is my first story, so please be gentle in your comments :-). Besides, English isn't my first language. Continue at your own risk ;-) Either way, have fun. Project Phoenix by Meg [email protected] With sinking heart Kevin Barnett stared at the blurry wall of the tram tunnel. The speeding...

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Project ManagerChapter 3

It took about an hour from when the order for a large half sausage and cheese and a half vegetarian and mushroom pizza was placed till it was delivered. They sat at the kitchen table eating the pizza and sipping on some diet cokes. Scott looked at Sandi and saw that her hair was disheveled and her lipstick was gone. The look on her face was that of a lady that had been freshly fucked. He chuckled a little as he had that thought. Sandi heard the chuckle and said, “What is so...

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Project 401

As a young lad I had always been intrigued with robotics, be it very simple, or the quite complex systems, either drew my interest. During my junior high, and senior high school years, I had entered and won, most science fairs with various robotic mechanisms of my own design. The latter versions were a bit more complicated, and were actually controlled by the computer programs that I had also had designed and written, programs that I had so well protected were virtually breach...

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Project Zulo Postscript

(Author's Note: This isn't so much a story as an interlude, a brief postscript to Altered Fates: Project Zulo. There was a request for a family tree, and brief precis of the transformations that occurred among the Peyton family in the dozen or so stories that culminated in Project Zulo, for easy reference. Well, I aim to please so here, presented as a conversation between two characters, is that data. If you haven't read Project Zulo you probably shouldn't read this one since it contains...

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A TRUE R A P E FANTASYI know! If anyone had asked me if I could ever believe a person could actually fantasize about being ****D I would have positively said NO!But this story took place several years back when I was in my twenties, with a girlfriend who I shared many fantasies with. She was a cute little cougar, some 10+ years older than me. She was healthy but not firm, more of the tender cushiony type. Her breasts were B-cup, but this was delightful to me as I loved petite women, and she...

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Project Super Soldier part 1

I want to thank all the readers that have left reviews on Kelly's story. You don't know how much those reviews help to spur writers like myself into continuing our stories. Special thanks to Shadowsblade and Branek who have quickly turned our small writing group into a group of not only better writers but good friends. I apologize to those that are following Kelly's story, for the length of time since the last update to her story. Several things in real life have limited the amount of...

3 years ago
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Project ManagerChapter 10

Sandi’s efforts now with knowing that she was pregnant turned toward to finding a suitable location to build a house. She contacted the builder’s association for information on the builders that were building houses which she hoped would suit her needs. Nothing that she saw in what was currently being built interested her for various reasons. She contacted the relator that sold her house and asked her for a listing of individual lots that were for sale. There were a few remaining lots in a...

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The Gratified Sexual Fantasy

Lighting a cigarette I sit in my car listening to Bob Dylan’s Like a Rolling Stone on the radio. In this dark, dank, multi-storey car park, she doesn’t see me as she walks past my car. I pop the trunk of my car before leaving it and begin to follow her. I dip and dodge in between parked cars avoiding detection. She is oblivious to me presence, which will make what I’m about to do so much easier. As she approaches her car she begins to rustle about in her handbag for her car keys. I run up from...

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The Gratified Sexual Fantasy

Lighting a cigarette I sit in my car listening to Bob Dylan’s Like a Rolling Stone on the radio. In this dark, dank, multi-storey car park, she doesn’t see me as she walks past my car. I pop the trunk of my car before leaving it and begin to follow her. I dip and dodge in between parked cars avoiding detection. She is oblivious to me presence, which will make what I’m about to do so much easier. As she approaches her car she begins to rustle about in her handbag for her car keys. I run up...

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Project NERD Chapter 1

William H Kincaid High school is an average mid-sized high school with around 2500 students and a graduating class of about 510 students. Like all high schools, the students there have sorted themselves into various "cliques" and groups. There are the jocks–the athletic types. WHK has a top-shelf football team and a pretty good basketball team and wrestling team. Along with the jocks ran the cheerleaders who usually dated the jocks.Then there were the Socs–the rich kids who think they are...

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Project Phoenix Part 2 Chapter 3

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. It is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my two earlier stories set in the universe of Project Phoenix. Both of them are available here on FictionMania. Readers who are unfamiliar with them might want to read them first to get a better grasp of what's happening. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my earlier...

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Project QT

Fresh off the presses with another video game title, Nutaku is proving that they are unbeatable when it comes to interactive sex games. The latest, greatest Nutaku porn game is called Project QT. Recently going cross-platform, this Nutaku title is sure to get your dick wet if you’re a fan of their unique blend of clicking, RPG tactics and growing a harem. You are in for a hell of a treat.Starting Off StrongRight from the game’s official page on Nutaku, you can learn some backstory about this...

Best Porn Games
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Project Jav

ProjectJav looks similar to a lot of the free streaming JAV tubes I’ve reviewed here at ThePornDude, so I’ll start this review by pointing out the premise: this is a massive, throbbing, full-length JAV torrent site. If you’re looking for some instant thrills and something to jack off to right now while the boss is out of the office, head back to my full list of Asian Porn Sites. If you’ve got a little more time on your hands and you’re willing to wait, this joint might be a good option to fill...

Porn Torrent Sites
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Project ManagerChapter 2

The next day Scott kept the appointment he had made two weeks ago with Doctor Kevin Brady. Doctor Brady was the older brother of Scott’s friend Kyle Brady and had been Scott’s doctor ever since he had started his medical practice. Scott hadn’t had a complete physical exam in the time he was in South America. Scott was sitting in an exam room while a nurse took his blood pressure and updated his medical history. After she left the room Doctor Brady walked in and said, “I haven’t seen you in...

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Project ManagerChapter 4

When Carley picked Scott up later he told her kiddingly that she cleaned up well. He could see her blush when he said that. He honestly thought she did look good in the dress she was wearing. He told her that she was going to attract a number of men with her good looks. With no hesitation on her part she said, “It’s not men that I want to attract.” That remark told Scott he should keep his mouth shut and if he was going to be lucky to find some female companionship tonight it wasn’t going...

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Project PrometheusChapter 2

“Are you serious?” came Natalya’s incredulous voice over the intercom. “Come on up and see for yourself,” Inari replied, her voice still quiet. The clamor of movement from behind her let her know everyone had left their posts to get a good look. “Oh, my God!” Priya and Natalya said at the same time. The lights were still flashing across the hull from their position, but the name of the ship was clear as day. “Looks like those legends you told me about are true Nats,” Korsa said. “Yeah,”...

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Fulfilling a Couples Sexual Fantasy

Happy hour on a Friday night at our local neighborhood bar outside of Pittsburg was always crowded and fun. I would normally meet Jerry and Jennifer there after work on Friday evenings. I was closer to the bar with my drive home from the office while Jennifer and Jerry would arrive separately since they worked in different locations. This Friday night, I walked in knowing I was there before either Jerry or Jennifer. There happened to be a couple of seats open at the bar as I made my way in...

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Project World Pen

Matt walked along the sidewalk trying to forget how much his life sucked. His overbearing mother and three sisters were making him miserable. Thinking back on it he should have gone to college out of state instead of attending the local university to save money. Looking at his watch he realized he was running late for work and started to move faster as he cursed his sister for taking his car without asking. Getting to the lab he tried to catch his breath as he rode the elevator down to the...

Mind Control
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Project NERD Chapter 3

The next day in school Kimberly was talking with Melissa and Heather while she got her books out of her locker for her next class."I went over to Theodore's house last night. I told him it was to work on the project, but I didn't tell him WHICH project! He just assumed it was the biology project for Grody Brody's class!"The girls all giggled knowing what she meant. "Yeah, I got all dolled up and I wore my slinky red minidress and my black CFM's.""You didn't!" Heather gasped. They...

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Project 13

Welcome to Project 13 For those who have fallowed my clues, i thank you for taking the time to decode my challenge, it is good to know i have such loyal fans, after reading so many story's on this site, it has giving me so many idea's, so i have desided to mash 2 story's of mine together....a challenge if you will.... anyway, Welcome to Project 13 Project 13 is now open for writers

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Project BND

Pain Your muscles ache and your mind throbs. Its difficult to collect your thoughts in the agony that rends your brain. You feel weightless and with a form only defined by what hurts. Accompaning this is that of something covering your mouth and nose. You gather the strength to open your eyes. Everything is blurred and difficult to make out. Your eyes begin to sting from chemicals and the surrounding light. After you see a stream of bubbles pass by your face you come to the conclusion that your...

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Project Phoenix 2 Chapter 1

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. The story meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my earlier story, Project Phoenix. Readers who are unfamiliar with it may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my earlier two stories. I really appreciate them. Project Phoenix Part 2 By...

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Project Lucifer

"The deadline's too close," I snarled. "I don't have the time to listen to your inane babbling..." "Time is just what keeps everything from happening at once." Ginger arose, laughing, from the poolside lounge. Her skin, a brighter green than even her miniscule bikini, faded to aqua, then almost to pink as she stretched lazily and moved deeper into the shade of the cabana. Outside of our shaded area, the grass and trees glistened under a hard blue sky. "You're the one who taught me...

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Mariels sexual fantasy

I have so many men and women asking me what does it for me, after all as a woman I have sampled most, and played in many senarios of pure adulterated and undulterated sex, with many ages and body types, colours and nationalities.So what makes me dip into my panties and stroke, or mount some vibrating machine to orgasm.I was sent a request from a German BDSM fanatic, asking me outright, did I get off watching a man have his balls kicked and punched.I sat back in my chair and pondered this,...

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Project Pussy

It was a cold winter night in the Chi-Town!! December 25 1994 Marry Christmas to all and to all a good night. Me and a couple of my home boys decided to go to the then Cliff Levingston Rivera for the Christmas celebration of hip. Me a young k** at the time age 25 nice looking short and stature but hansome and always on the look out for some good pussy. When the music came on I look for some one to dance with. On the floor was this fine thick big booty girl dance by herself. I thought to myself...

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Project PrometheusChapter 8

Alexander Tomisic could do nothing but gape at the sheer volume of ships that lay entombed within the ice. Craft of various designs from many species stuck out of the landscape, like the icy fingers of corpses. There had to be dozens of vessels, possibly even hundreds. Alex could only imagine what sort of fate that the crews had met, if any had survived the crash. “Are you ladies seeing this?” he called out over the comm line. “Affirmative sir! I guess that the Dead Snows is a fitting name...

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Project NERD Chapter 2

The one thing that Kim hadn't counted on was that Theo might have weapons of his own in his aresenal. And one of those weapons was his kiss.You see, Theodore Franklin wasn't a good kisser–he was a GREAT kisser! Although he had no experience and certainly no one had taught him how to kiss, he just seemed to inherently know how to make a girl's heart skip a beat and her pussy dampen with just a kiss.Theo brought his lips to bear on this seductress now and suddenly the predator was the prey!...

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Project 3some

Then I met my boyfriend, Paul. He was just as sexually adventurous as me, & made me feel comfortable with my sexuality. It all started with a random conversation about bisexual women. I held back from telling him about my fantasies, until he told me he loves bisexual women. I asked had he ever had a threesome & he said no, but he wanted to, really badly. I told him I would consider it, but we had to find a girl. That seemed to be no problem for him, considering he knew A LOT of women, &...

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project partners

She looked at the clock as she stepped into the shower. The warm water running down her shoulders was just what she needed after a long day in college, and tempted as she was to soak in a bit longer, tonight there was no time to waste. John will be here any minute, she thought as she hurried out of the shower, wrapping her wet, dripping hair in the towel. She walked around her bedroom in her lingerie, trying to figure out what she should wear. Damn it, I don’t have enough clothes, and I went...

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Project Worker 2

Introduction: Continuing my life history working in the Supported Housing sector Project Worker Part 2 Shirley asked me to sit down, as she had some important news. She was older than me, and had an eventful life which meant that she was well experienced to handle the supported housing project and all the people in it. David in Room 3 has a younger sister, and I have heard from the Police this morning that they are looking for her. Did you see any females in his flat this morning? No, I lied....

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Project Rebirth

"This is your second chance at life" You have just been arrested for multiple offences and have been sentenced to 5 years in prison, but on the day you were supposed to be incarcerated you have instead been escorted to what had looked like an abandoned warehouse from the outside. Inside you were led through several winding corridors, into what looks like a futuristic hospital room. There was bed in the middle and and a strange transparent pod in the corner. "My name is Dr. Emmett Carlson, and...

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Project G

Welcome, in this story you will be reading about the events that transpire after taking apart of project G. What is project G? Well that is for me to know and you to find out. So lets start with the basics...

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Project Sexpionage

It was 8 am in London, the beginning of yet another dreary day. And there is nothing drearier than a government building on a rainy day. This ran through the mind of Andy, the fat, 29 year old security guard at the SIS building at Vauxhall Cross. But, Andy didn’t tell his friends and family that he worked at the SIS building. He told them he worked at the MI6 building. A much sexier name, that, he thought. His friends at the pub didn’t quite believe that he worked at the building of Britain’s...

2 years ago
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Project Phoenix Part 2 Chapter 2

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. It is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my two earlier stories set in the universe of Project Phoenix. Both of them are available here on FictionMania. Readers who are unfamiliar with them might want to read them first to get a better grasp of what's happening. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my...

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Project Se Sex

Hi guys and girls mera naam sandy hai aur mei punjab ke amritsar ka rehne wala hoon. Mei koi hatta katta ya gym jane wala nhi hoonbas 21yrs ka average dikhne wala ladka hoon. Mere lund ka size 6 inch hai lekin kaafi motta hai. Yeh jo incident jo mein apke sath share karne ja rha hoon mera pehla exprnc hai Baat feb 2013 ki hai mei admission krvane k liye ek bahut hi badi university gaya tha waha mujhe meri sis ki room mate sheetal mili jo ki 25 years ki ekdam slim aur gori ladki thi mei yeh toh...

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Project Super Soldier Part 5

Chapter 34 After changing, Kat and Becky explained that they had some things they had to pick up for gym class after dinner, Kat also gave her mother the permission slip and had her sign it. While they were cleaning up after dinner Becky's phone rang. Her caller ID showed that it was May, so she answered and placed her on speaker phone. "Hi May, I was just getting ready to call you and tell you we are on our way." "Cool, I told my mother our plans for tonight and she wants to...

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project partners

She looked at the clock as she stepped into the shower. The warm water running down her shoulders was just what she needed after a long day in college, and tempted as she was to soak in a bit longer, tonight there was no time to waste. John will be here any minute, she thought as she hurried out of the shower, wrapping her wet, dripping hair in the towel. She walked around her bedroom in her lingerie, trying to figure out what she should wear. Damn it, I don’t have enough clothes, and I went...

Oral Sex
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Project Zone 3

The Characters and situations in the story are ficticious and author cautions that the situations depicted may upset some readers.  Bomatsu Msingu waved happily as he saw my Land Rover sweep round to the check point."Very good to see you Bwana, welcome" he shouted."How are we doing," I enquired as I stopped and climbed from the ageing vehicle."Very well Bwana, on target, your friends will be very happy."Oxbridge Greening, my charity, bringing a sustainable future for farming in an area of...

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