- 4 years ago
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As a young lad I had always been intrigued with robotics, be it very simple, or the quite complex systems, either drew my interest. During my junior high, and senior high school years, I had entered and won, most science fairs with various robotic mechanisms of my own design.
The latter versions were a bit more complicated, and were actually controlled by the computer programs that I had also had designed and written, programs that I had so well protected were virtually breach proof.
Knowledge of my designs and the finished products drew the attention of many corporations, corporations that offered scholarships to students such as I in hopes that one day they would end up being a valuable employee. One company in particular, Solmar Development, was so vastly impressed in my abilities, they not only offered a scholarship, the made an offer that I certainly couldn't pass up. Their offer was quite simple, attend the most prestigious engineering school in the country at their expense, enhance my knowledge, and then become a major part of their company that would pay me a bonus of a quarter million dollars, and a starting salary of ninety thousand a year.
Of course a contract had been written that my parents had to agree to, and after they conferred with an attorney, I was signed, sealed and delivered.
My education in this field didn't end upon attaining the degrees I had earned during my college years, as I continued my own research, along with the knowledge I gained from working with the head of our development department, Jim Rogers.
The first six years that I had been with Solmar had not been very challenging in the least. Just about everything we designed and manufactured was for use in the auto industry, robots instead of actual assembly workers. Since my five-year agreement had long passed, I contemplated rendering my resignation to move on to bigger and better things, but rumors started circulating, rumors that got my attention.
Six weeks later, the rumors we had heard about became a reality; Solmar and Renthone Laboratories had merged. Unlike most mergers where personal cuts were part of the master plan, this was not the case at all. Renthone was not a competitor of Solmar in the least and this merger was intended to enhance both companies, not a consolidation of two into one.
No longer were we working on designs to make assembly lines more productive, we now were given the task of making the U.S. military more productive. Our goal was simple. Design, developed and eventually manufacture the perfect soldier, a soldier that could not be killed, only destroyed, and if so, it simply would be replaced.
Of course, nobody really knew just what the only project the newly formed company was working on, since each department had just one small piece of the puzzle to solve.
Renthone had been known for their expertise in the field of human cloning, but the government wasn't interested in traveling down that road. A cloned human was still a human that could be coerced, commit treason, and of course be killed in action, no they wanted a fighting machine.
Although I was an expert in robotics, my particular part of the project was to create the "brain" that would be educated by the computer program I would design into a microchip.
It took about six months of constant work to write a program to accomplish what I had designed on paper, and that was to "teach" the brain the meaning of every word in the English language, and then respond and follow commands as soldiers do.
Getting the prototype to follow what the brain was instructing it to do was quite simple, but we were far from a finished product.
After a year and a half we had a robot that did everything a human could do including carrying on an intelligent conversation. If one closed their eyes, they wouldn't know it were a machine they were talking with, but a human.
While our part of the project seemed to be completed, we now waited how our friends from Renthone had done with their part of the project.
When they had finished and presented what all hoped would be the just what the government had asked for, I was astonished. The CEO, Mrs. Janice Sharp, walked into the large conference room with a well-dressed man, who I had thought to be someone from the government, and began the introduction.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce the results of three years of very hard and dedicated work. Please welcome project 40-1."
"Hello friends, if I may refer to you as friends. Due to your very hard work I stand before you as a symbol of your finest hour as engineers. I am proud and honored to join you today, and soon others will join me just like me, because of your fine work. Yes, I know you may be skeptical, but I truly am a creation of the hard and tedious work you have put forth. To prove I am what I claim to be, would a volunteer please step to the front of the room?"
One of the female lab assistant from Renthone stood up and walked up to our visitor and stood next to him as he, or it, began to speak again.
"Hello young lady, would you please be so kind to demonstrate to the good folks here just what happens when I get injured. Please, use my weapon and fire a shot into my chest."
The woman looked at him and then to the CEO and nervously followed his instructions. Suddenly a very loud blast echoed through the room and our prototype stood there as if nothing at all happened, as the chest wound was flowing with what looked like blood.
Project 40-1 then removed his shirt and the entire room went up an examined the wound. From my seat in the rear of the room I really couldn't see how real the body of 40-1 looked, and when I made my examination I was totally shocked to see the robot look so real.
Although it appeared the project was a total success, the military found some things to their disliking, but overall they were quite impressed. One of their concerns was the voice box that Renthone had developed. Although the robot sounded exactly like an actual human, they didn't want each and every product to sound exactly alike, so that was one glitch that had to be resolved. Another was the "personality" of each machine. They requested that if possible, each robot would behave differently, but still be under their control. That was the chore of our department; specifically mine, to make each brain a bit different that would make them act and re-act differently.
As it turned out, 40-1 wasn't the only prototype, there were over two dozen male and female models to be used for the "fine tuning" the military had requested. I was supplied six of these prototypes, three male and three female to experiment with, and began the task of making them each quite different.
One of the first problems I had was shutting them up. They were so human like, they kept asking questions, something that I had installed in the microchip, the desire to further their knowledge, but with all six talking got to be rather annoying, and confusing.
Since these were not the final product, gaining access to the microchip was quite easy. Although the entire body of the robot was an exact duplicate of a human, one small opening at the base of the skull was not covered to allow removal of the "brain", which shut them down completely when removed.
Completion of my task proved to be more difficult that I had first thought, and I spent countless hours in my lab working on a solution. Many nights I would simply rest on the couch for an hour or so, before getting back to the task at hand. Over a two-week period, I never left my lab except to use the locker room shower to freshen up.
I hadn't the faintest idea how Renthone went about the process of cloning, but did somewhat understand that by using genes from a human, they could somehow make another person exactly like the one that supplied the genes, how I had no idea, but I had learned that each of the prototypes was an exact replica of an actual human. How they made a "body" to cover the robot was something else that amazed me. Ever detail was not overlooked, and all six of the prototypes I had been supplied looked and felt like a real person, so real, I gave them names.
One, a very pretty girl who looked to be in her late teens who I named Arlene after a girl I had a crush on back in high school, who by the way never gave me the time of day, while the others I named after characters from my favorite movies.
Months of hard work finally paid off, so I hoped, and I gave my "students" their final exam. After writing a program using a random number generator that would choose different traits I had programmed, six new microchips were burned, and if I were correct in my theory, each now would be a different person, or robot.
One of the things I had done with the six new microchips was to install a shutdown capability, but was something I had not discussed with my superiors knowing any deviations from my assignment would be looked down on. Using a simple universal remote, such as one used for a television, I found I could disable all at the same time, or any one of the six. Of course, with the hundreds of thousands of product that would be manufactured, I knew that shutting just one down was impossible, but with just six, that was not a problem.
I was pretty much convince that what I had been assigned was in fact completed, but since there had been no time restraints, I continued tweaking things just a little to make it a perfect as I possibly could. After all, that was the only demand, perfection.
Although I had found that the Renthone cloning process had made the robots so life like, there were things that simply astonished me. One day the air conditioning system was not working properly, and as I worked with each robot individually I noticed that any that were activated were perspiring. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing, a robot sweating. I knew each had been supplied with synthetic blood, but where were the body fluids that seeped from their pores coming from?
I tried an experiment on my own, which was a breach of security for this project, but my curiosity drove me onwards. Late at night and alone I felt secure that what I was about to do would never be known, so I tested my theory.
I activated the larger of the male robots and turned up the heat in my lab and instructed him to walk on the treadmill. The monitors indicated a heartbeat and pulse, but the exercise began to raise both levels, how, I had no clue. Twenty minutes later, I saw beads of seat forming over his forehead, and soon the underarms of his shirt darkened. Damn, this robot was really perspiring.
I began to ask myself questions. Would he overheat and shutdown? Would he experience heat exhaustion like a real human? How, if at all, would the robot replenish the body fluids he was expelling?
As the robot continued the workout, I filled two glasses with cold water and sat at the table until the full thirty minutes had expired, and asked that he join me. The robot continued to perspire and was breathing as a human would be after such a workout and watched quietly as I sipped from one of the glasses, when suddenly he spoke.
"Sir, may I have a glass of water?"
"Yes Mr. Eastwood you may."
I handed him the glass and he gulped it down, and then I poured another, and told him to drink. I repeated this until he had drank well over three pitchers of water, and I waited.
An hour or so later, Mr. Eastwood asked where the men's room was located, stating he needed to empty his bladder. I showed him the men's room and watched the security monitor that showed him standing in front of the urinal, taking a piss.
When he came back, I disabled him and removed his clothing. I hadn't seen any of the robots undressed in the past, and I immediately saw that this robot, as I had discovered with the others, was as real as any human, complete with a penis, a set of balls and even pubic hairs. The female robots were also as real as a human.
My conclusion was that Renthone had indeed cloned an actual human, using the mechanical portions of the robot as the skeleton, and a microchip as the brain; everything else was human in every sense of the word, and that gave me an idea.
The next evening I watched Karen, one of the female assistants, getting ready to leave for the day and I quickly grabbed my coat and followed her out of the building. After passing through security, I asked if she would like to stop at the inn across from the train station for a cocktail while we waited for the train, which I had noticed she would usually do on most evenings.
When Sandy asked if her and the other girls were now ‘sluts’, they all looked at me. At the time, I didn’t know why they’d all look at me, but now, I am guessing that they thought that as a boy, it would be me who would know how other boys would view their actions of recent days. I was still naked and was now feeling conspicuous so I thru on my shorts and t-shirt before saying anything, This also gave me a small bit of time to think. Looking at all of their beautiful faces, all filled with...
“I’m scared.” He was behind me and leaning over my back. His left arm wrapped around my waist, brushing my hair away from the right side of my face with his other hand, kissing my neck, giving me tender love nips on my ear, and softly said, “I am here, you are MINE, trust me, I will not leave you.” Those two simple words, trust me, played in my mind over and over again like a record on a phonograph hitting the same spot due to a scratch. I did trust him. I waited to give the person who loved...
“Hello, are you waiting for someone?” I asked. She looked at me surprised, “Oh, hi, hello. No, just thinking alone.” For the first time I saw her face, she was a real beauty with a small head and long brown hair. Not wanting to scare her, I stopped glaring at her and asked. “You look like you are cold and I can’t let beauty like you sit here by yourself shivering. I was just coming back from work planning to eat something, wanna join me? I will have great company and you will warm yourself....
Samantha and I met at a hotel what seems like 20 years ago. She had been in town for business and messaged me to meet up with her. My cock grew simply thinking about it, so yes I had go! I left work and swung by her hotel. She texted me the location of the key. You do not want to meet at the bar I asked her? We typically had a few drinks to start the evening off. No she said, please just come up! Is everything ok I asked her? She simply repeated PLEASE come up. I took the key not...
..Danielle then gave me an amazing blowjob, and afterwards told me that Debbie was lucky, since Danielle's husband would never eat her after fucking. I told her that Debbie and I had talked about a threesonecwith her, but wanted to wait till after the house sold before approaching that subject with her. She laughed, and said that she had made a pass at Debbie, but Debbie didn't seem interested. I told her that if I hadn't been turned on by watching her, then I probably wouldn't have joined...
It's Friday afternoon just past 4pm. Your are so ready for the work week to be over and head home for a few days. Especially since you and your wife have finally decided to start a family. Today is “O” Day... Ovulation Day and you have been primed for an entire week. No cumming for you, but lots of edging. It's a wonder you were able to make it through work today. Your almost constant raging hard-on hidden hidden from view in your office. The only real perk of this job, besides the generous...
Hello I am shreeya. I am 18 year old and I read in a reputed college in Chandigarh. I stay in a private hostel in the same city. The way from college to my hostel is very long and I have to cross sector 34 which is about 4 km long. It is not economical to spend a lot of money on rickshaw daily. So I use a short cut which passes through sector 34 and this path is about 1.5 km long. But this way is very lonely. There are some offices and small industrial units which close after 5 pm. After that...
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1. Battle Another warrior met his end by means of my axe, reddened as it was, again, with a fresh new glisten. I surveyed the battling masses, a good foot taller than almost all other men I took advantage of a moment to plan my next engagement. There was a way through the melee to the other side of their ranks and axe swinging I carved a morbid path through. My blood was boiling, charged with the intensity of the battle, but cold it ran as I spied the means of my death. Mostly...
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* * * * * The number on my caller ID wasn't in my contacts. I didn't owe anyone money, so I answered. “Hello?” “Is Jenny there? I have to talk to her,” a woman whispered. “There's no one here but me. I can barely hear you. Who is this?” “Oh my God, he's coming!” she hissed. “Please, I don't know what to do! I'm afraid he'll....” There was a loud crash, like a door being kicked in, and then a man's voice yelling, “You fuckin' whore! You worthless cunt! Who the...
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My long standing fantasy was that I'm attending a party where no one knows that the beautiful woman providing all the nasty entertainment for the event is in reality, my darling slut wife. What actually happened was close enough to satisfy both of our naughty dreams!We had just delivered a new video sales web site to a local pro-am porn actress and her producer/director husband. To celebrate the opening of their new site, the couple threw a big party and invited my wife, myself and our house...
Chapter 4: Resisting temptation The tension between Erika and Alistair had been palpable throughout the flight. Thomas had tried to ignore it, but Sally’s constant nudges in his ribs and her darting eyes in their direction made that impossible. Even the taxi ride to the Belfast City Hall had been awkward, so much so it had been a relief when Alistair and Erika separated to attend to individual matters that somehow had mysteriously appeared from nowhere. ‘What the hell is all that about?’...
“So ... what happened tonight?” I asked. Cyn was a mess. “I couldn’t sleep ... and there’s things going on.” “Like ... bump in the night?” “And the boat suddenly lurching ... like someone was climbing on board. Heavy breathing outside my port light. Slithering on deck ... and more lurches ... and splashes ... all night long. You scared me half to death when you fumbled with the lock.” “Harbour seals,” said Zoe. “They’re a problem. And protected.” “Can’t blame her,” I said, “We were...
Tamara Osowski was at war with herself, albeit a very tiny war. If only her Edward were there with her, she would be the happiest she'd ever been. She was in the bosom of her family, almost all of them, in the same place at the same time. Arrangements had been made for the comfort and care of Rachel with blinding speed, and while it was good to have Merry and Annie Beth to take care of her, did leave Tamara with a little too much time on her hands. So she'd volunteered to the fiancees for...
Hi…all ISS Readers…ISS Team…Greetings… I am back with another real incident!! . I am sure the incident is really hot one. . .if you like or what you do not like . .Please let me know Once I had to travel by train (in A/c Chair car) for a long distance. The travel started in the afternoon and ended at night 1 AM. Next to me an old man was sitting (I was in Aisle Seat) & in the window seat a girl, in late teen was sitting. I would say, she was really beautiful – round face with Bindi; Lot of...
It was a bright sunny morning; too sunny for me really, the light hurt my eyes. I'd left my shit-hole of a room the moment I could see straight. Hey, you probably remember how the song went. Well, I woke up Sunday morning with no way to hold my head that didn't hurt, and the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad, so I had one more for dessert. Then I fumbled in my closet to my clothes and found my cleanest dirty shirt and I washed my face and combed my hair, then stumbled down the stairs to...
“Don’t touch her,” he roared, enraged, as he settled between his brother and the woman he loved. He gave Garethiel a shove in case he didn’t comprehend his order. Anniel’s hands came up against his spread wings when he stepped back into her, clasping her hip to keep her behind him and out from Garethiel’s sight. After having callously deflowered her and then walking out as if she meant nothing, the thought of Garethiel putting his filthy hands on her again made Ashriel want to tear him limb...
"I'm coming, I'm coming." I peaked out quickly and thought 'oh great girl scout cookies.' When I opened the door I was assured it wasn't a girl scout. Waiting for me was a tiny young lady, she couldn't have been over 5-1 with blue eyes and dark blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail. What told me it wasn't girl scouts was the very large chest that preceded her. She was bouncy and perky and had a gleaming smile. "HI! Hope I didn't disturb you." "Oh I was just getting out of the...
Hey, girls and aunties, I am your beloved Pavan came up with another real incident which happened in Hyderabad. I narrated my previous stories in Telugu. I would like to write this sex story in English. I would like to thank all the readers who responded me after reading my previous stories with you valuable feedbacks. And to girls and aunties who are expecting a secret relationship can mail me at Coming to the sex story I got a mail from ISS that my sex story was submitted. Thanks to ISS for...
I have been trying to write the second part of this for months now. The Married Guy and I have become pretty regular fuck buddies and I have some more experience I want to share with you guys but I need to finish this first experience off. When I left you (which was in June), the Married Guy had come over to my place, we had stripped down to our speedos, he had sucked me off and I’d cum all over his chest and I had sucked him off and swallowed every last drop of his married man juice. He was...
Afterthe steamy sex session I witnessed between my 18 year old step-sister Sophie and our neighbor Evan, I was left feeling extremely horny. I was two years older than Sophie and had often fantasized about Evan myself. I went up to Sophie's room and knocked on her door. I could hear the shower running. I entered her room and walked over to the bathroom. The door was open and Sophie was already in the shower. I could see her silhouette through the beveled glass doors. She was shampooing her hair...
Lesbian“Hey Boss, glad you could join us sleepy head.” Don was standing at the stove, along with Brenda making us breakfast. “Uncle Mark!” I heard a squeal from behind me, and arms were around my neck from behind. “Hey Alexandria. How ya doin kiddo?” I was trying to hide my confusion, but decided I’d just ask. “You did tell my I could borrow the place this week right Don?” “Oh yea buddy, we just thought we’d drive up, and see how the place looked, and make sure you had everything you need....
I work with a girl by the name of Karlie, now Karlie is very nice but tends to wear these weird glasses… kind of like the nerdy type big black rimed ones minus the tape in the center. Overall she is very attractive, she is about 5’5”, 120 dirty blonde shoulder length hair, blue eyes and slender, and she has the nicest set round tits I have ever seen. Karlie and I have been working together for about 7 months now; she is a great colleague and really knows her stuff. We are geologists and...
EroticHi,dosto mai anjali ek baar fir se aap sab ke liye hajir hun meri pehli do story ko kafi accha response mila hai ush ke liye shukriya aap sabhi ka jo “Kamuk anjali ki chudai or beshram hoker pati ke samne chudai. Ab mai story pe aati hun aap mujhe mail bhi ker sakte hai Ab mai aap ko apne baare mai batati hun mera rung gora hai boobs mote hai gand bhi moti hai mai ek shadi shuda aurat hun or ek flate mai mere pati or sirf hum hi rehte hai. Mare pati bhi thode gandu type ke hai ek din hamare...
I lick my lips clear of Luc's cum but leave the other smears of his seed on my cheeks and chest. Will rubs some of the cream into me with a wicked smirk as I warm at his hands while the others continue to stroke their swollen manhoods. Luc tucks himself beneath my bum as he has me sit on his lap to deal the final round of cards after my husband lets me go. Each of the men have four scores from their dice and now roll again for their final, I watch Scott finalize his cumulative total while the...
Group SexLexi Luna is frantic to get her house deep cleaned before an appraiser begins his official inspection. She hires Osa Lovely to get on her hands and knees and scrub the house from top to bottom. Lexi also enlists her bratty daughter, Jane Wilde, to help Osa. Jane is annoyed that she is not getting paid. Instead of helping, she antagonizes Osa. She pokes the maid in her pussy then rips the stuffing out of pillowcases to create a mess. Osa knows exactly how to deal with bratty teens. She takes...
xmoviesforyouThis is a work of fiction linked to my story Rainy Day Woman and fan fiction connected to John Entwhistle's great story, A Northern Tale. The problem and a radical solution William was a problem for Ruth. Her 16 year old stepson was a very attractive but extremely submissive boy. He had a small frame,was slim with small hands and feet, he was in fact what would be termed delicate. Therein lay the problem, he was always being bullied at school, protests by Ruth to the school brought...
Naomi Swann and Liv Wild love caresses each others feet in their nylon stockings. The feel of silk below their fingertips. The feel as their tongues work on the outside of the fabric gently saturating them wetting their toes below. Liv just wants to feel that tongue on her clit and all over her pussy lips. Naomi drives her wild with that wet tongue. She wants to cum and feel Naomi pressed against her pussy. Feeling her quiver and shake as her orgasm consumes her. The touch of another girl is...
xmoviesforyouSo, I wake up the next morning a little hung over and just lay there thinking about fucking my neighbor. Wasn’t exactly sure how I felt about that, I mean I loved being with her and she was sexy as hell. But she is my neighbor and our families are supposed to be friends. It was at that moment I decided I wouldn’t go back this morning and thought that last night was a mistake.I get up and go downstairs and make myself a cup of coffee. I sit there thinking about Kathy and am now torn as to what...
It’s domestic bliss with Joana Bliss, one of the glory girls of SCORE and Voluptuous. Adonis knows he’s not going to get any reading done with Joana doing house chores in a skimpy outfit just a few inches away. And Joana knows the effect she creates. Adonis puts the book away and reaches out for her celestial body and huge naturals boobs. A monk couldn’t read with Miss Bliss in the house. When we asked Joana if a lot of her fans had been asking her to go full-sex on-camera,...
xmoviesforyouThe next day I received a return email from my lady Julie. ‘Very pleased you enjoyed your sexual tryst with Irena and Ben. I set that up for you with Irena and Ben on the proviso I give Ben a blow job while Irena licks my cunt lips. Would you like to watch baby? And I am pleased that you confirmed Ben is bigger than you, more than eight-inches and very thick and he was a huge bonus turn on for you. You owe me baby.” When Julie finally returned we fucked like rabbits as soon as I watched her...
I hadn't seen Libby in quite awhile. Several years in fact, and when I saw her this time, the image I had in my mind was of the Libby I'd known before, but my first glance at Libby took my breath away. I'd been used a very attractive vivacious young teenager who had been developing rapidly into quite a young woman. What I saw this day was the young woman in full bloom. I'd known Libby's older sister and how she'd developed and grown into a well-endowed young woman in her late teens, and...
Relieving night editor Carson Franks reclined on his spring-loaded chair, pushed right back, sipping a whisky. It had been an uneventful shift. Carson yawned, rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. Another two hours to go. He would be in the same chair tomorrow night when the kids leave home in costumes Mattie made – Seana dressed cutely as a witch and Mason presumably appropriately grim-faced pulsating with a leer in his clothing that would make him a cross between a ghoul and a scarecrow,...