Elderly By Choice free porn video

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This is a work of fiction linked to my story Rainy Day Woman and fan fiction connected to John Entwhistle's great story, A Northern Tale. The problem and a radical solution William was a problem for Ruth. Her 16 year old stepson was a very attractive but extremely submissive boy. He had a small frame,was slim with small hands and feet, he was in fact what would be termed delicate. Therein lay the problem, he was always being bullied at school, protests by Ruth to the school brought no respite, they felt that the boy should "stand up for himself, be more assertive" something that was utterly alien to the lad and punishment for the bullies was merely token. It did not help that their town was what is called a squaddy town with an army and RAF bases in close proximity . This led to a general air of machismo about the town. Though they lived in a small secluded 3 bedroom cottage about a mile way from the main town, Ruth feared for her boy, not just at school but in the wider world now that he had left school, how would he survive? He was studious but his recent 5 grade C's at GCSE when he was predicted to get 10 A stars showed how badly he was being affected. He was no longer eligible for 6th form and a job or local college of Further Education seemed the only options. Ruth was devoted to the boy even though he was not her natural child, she had married William's widowed father 10 years ago but he had left her after only 2 years of marriage because he hated his son's ineffectual ways and Ruth's fierce defence of the child. Ruth felt that William should have been born a girl and that, though she could effect that transformation even now, his deeply ingrained submissiveness would leave him vulnerable to predators of either sex. She wished that she could get him to help her in her outworker seamstress enterprise but he would need training and as a boy the difficulties he would face would be too much for the lad and if she tried to transform him into a girl to obtain the training his shyness and vulnerability would make learning a very awkward process and expose him to sexual predators. What he needed was a persona in which vulnerability was expected and as a result people would be glad to help him. Ruth pondered the matter, casting her mind back a few years to the time she had attended the local college to obtain a basic accounting qualification to help put her small one person enterprise on a sound financial footing. Then having just turned 50 and expecting to standout like a sore thumb amongst the youngsters she had been surprised to receive lots of help and attention from the lecturers and willing assistance from her classmates. Ruth tried to work out what the catalyst for that had been,was it her personality? No she didn't think it was that, she was in many ways similar to William hence their rapport. What was it? Then it struck Ruth, it was age. Could that be the solution? She needed to discuss it with her best friend Melanie, the local dentist. At Melanie's practice, Ruth explained the situation and her projected solution. " Gosh," said Melanie," I see your dilemna, and you certainly have an imaginative solution but would William accept becoming a woman, an older woman at that." Ruth responded, " Well, I can't be sure but he is so submissive and he adores me, I think I am his only friend other than Ivor." "Oh, that monster cat," interjected Melanie. "That monster cat is a rare Norwegian Forest cat and he loves William, in fact I have seen him attack bullies who have picked on William," replied Ruth in defence of Ivor. It happened when a couple of yobs followed him home from school and started beating him up at the entrance to the long track up to the cottage. I or dropped from an overhanging branch onto the head of one of the bullies, where he dug his sabre like claws into the yob's head. The lad was screaching which got my attention and he managed to pull I or off together with clumps of his hair. He was going to kick the cat when William went berserk and shook off his attacker and totally thrashed Ivor's target. The other lad ran off in fear when he saw that happen. I got there just in time to save the thug from annihilation, who ran off crying for his mama. Then his mother had the gall to come all the way over from town to complain about William. She got a thorough dressing down from me on the behaviour of her son and his friends, funnily enough those two never troubled William again and the bullying died down for a while. "Ok, wow! " said Melanie hurriedly," but why is he called Ivor? "Ha, William had a thing as a kid for Oliver Postgate programmes, you know Noggin the Nog, The Clangers and of course Ivor the engine," explained Ruth. "Anyway, as I was about to explain before I was so rudely interrupted" laughed Ruth, "William has worn woman's clothes before to help me with my work whilst I adjusted dresses and coats and I have to say he could pass easily. It's how to make him look elderly which I need to puzzle out. " Melanie looked thoughtful for a few moments and then suggested, Clothes are an obvious camouflage, there is a dress agency near here which specialises in past fashions and they are not expensive. There is also his hair which will need to be styled in a suitable mode. I bet that Elizabeth would help out there, you know how fond she is of William. Elizabeth ran a beauty salon in the same locality as the dress agency and had often cut William's hair in the past as an out of hours favour. I think that she would also be able to assist with make-up tricks to make him look older. Do you intend this to be permanent, or is it just for the duration of the seamstress training? Asked Melanie. Ruth thought for a moment and then replied, Given William's personality I think that it needs to be permanent. Melanie looked serious and proposed, If so have you thought about his natural maturation as a man? He has not really started puberty yet , even though he is 16, his voice hasn't broken and he doesn't shave but he will undergo these changes soon unless we intervene. What are you thinking of ? queried Ruth. Well I know you may consider this drastic but if you intend him to remain as an elderly woman he must be unmanned, answered Melanie. What do you mean, demanded Ruth. I mean castration, removal of his testes at the very least and preferably his penis as well, we can then put him on a low dosage of female hormones. You mean a sex change? questioned Ruth. Not entirely, responded Melanie, I don't think either of us can envisage William with a man so I was thinking of a bit of external cosmetic work for appearances sake, to look like the bits are there and to put the urethra in the right place. You could also have a clitoris made from the penile head so that he would be able to get himself some stimulation from masturbation. Wow, exclaimed Ruth, that sounds as lot of surgery and expense. Not so replied, Melanie, you remember that I was a general surgeon before I retrained as a dentist. Oh yes recalled Ruth, that was so the hours would be less demanding and you could look after your late mother . That's right but what you may be unaware of is that I did an extended stint attached to a plastic surgery department and even assisted in some sex change ops, explained Melanie. I reckon that if you were agreeable, I could perform the surgery right here at my practice, especially if you were ok to assist. I'd just like to mention teeth, I am a dentist after all, and nothing says elderly more than dentures. Ooh! exclaimed Ruth, William's s teeth are fine. Yes, agreed Melanie , but as I said there is no better indicator of elderly than dentures plus the removals would require a period of recovery before fitting and in that period William's face would change somewhat appearing older and the time he appeared toothless in public would confirm his status. I could perform the whole procedure under one anaesthesia, penectomy orchiectomy and teeth extraction. It would take me about a week to get organised and during that time you can get William sorted in terms of hair, clothing and make up. Oh! one other thing William may be rendered incontinent of bladder either temporarily or permanently following the surgery which may not be a bad thing as the elderly are frequently subject to that. Ruth considered what her friend had said and even though it seemed radical, she'd decided that dramatic steps were required to salvage a future for William. Ok she confirmed, let's do that then, I can make him some waterproof pants , a lot of my out work is for raincoats, well traditional ladies' mackintoshes actually. There is still quite a demand for them mainly from older men who are tv or fetishists or both and remember what women wore when they were in their prime. There is some demand from the younger set though, Goths and the like. I used to work for Atkinsons the primary British manufacturer of raincoat, based up in the Northwest, that was a time, young Mrs Atkinson ran that place like clockwork and it got even better when she employed that young consultant, what was her name now? Oh yes it was Laura something em ah Ridley, yes that was it, Laura Ridley. She was great, sharp as a knife but lovely with it. Explained everything she was doing and got you to help her make the work more productive. Introduced piece work so that the harder we worked the more we got paid, great times. Sadly Mrs. A sold the company because her relatives kept trying to interfere and the New owners scrapped all of their innovations. The company went downhill fast after that. I got out and came down here to North Shropshire. Sorry I'm rambling, where was I ? waterproof pants that was it, I've got some remnants from the macks I make so they'll be nice and rustly, making it obvious what he's wearing. I can get padding liners from the Chemist. Melanie was entranced by this little histoire, being unaware of some of Ruth's past. She remembered the name Atkinsons from her mother who always said "Atkinsons is the only way to keep dry". She also remembered how elegant her mother looked in her macks. Are you going to explain it all to William?queried Melanie. Ruth responded quickly,No at least not all of it, the surgery and all, but the clothes, hairstyle and makeup, yes. I'll also get the ball rolling on the seamstress training at the college. You've also got me thinking about Mrs. A and Laura, I'd love to get back in touch with them, they were special. Ruth explains, Francesca is born. When Ruth got home she had a heart to heart with William. William, you know how worried I am about you and what the future holds for you. You are aware that you can't get into sixth form with your GCSE results, you could do resits but that would put you back with some of the worst bullies. I think that the best thing would be for you to have a job. At this William began to look distressed so Ruth quickly continued, what I have in mind is for you to join me in my little seamstress business. My workload has increased quite dramatically of late and I need help. William perked up at this point, Mommy I would love to help you. A tear came to Ruth's eyes at this point and she flung her arms around her precious boy and gave him a kiss. She then continued, you are going to need professional training and that means the local FE college. William began to look upset again. Ruth quickly carried on with her explanation, I realise that you might find it very difficult to fit in as a boy on a seamstress course but I have a plan to make that easier for you. What I have in mind is that you dress as an elderly lady, a bit like having a part in a school play. That way you will not seem out of place and the staff and other students will go out of their way to assist you. Now what do you think? William thought hard and then said, if you think that would be best Mummy then I am happy to do it. Ruth couldn't contain her emotions and once again flung her arms about her lovely docile lad. Recovering, Ruth began briskly, now we need to get you some clothes suitable for your role and I can make an appointment with Elizabeth to change your hairstyle and help you with make-up tricks. I will also make an appointment with Melanie for some cosmetic changes to help you in your new persona. You are going to need a new name, do you have any suggestions? To Ruth's surprise , William instantly responded, Francesca, I would love to be called Francesca. Great said Ruth, Francesca More it is. Ruth got to work, first calling the dress agency which Melanie had recommended and fixed an appointment for that very afternoon. She also called her friend Elizabeth and explained the situation. Elizabeth was intrigued, asking for more and more details. When Ruth told Elizabeth of Melanie's proposed cosmetic changes, Elizabeth became even more enthusiastic, saying I always thought he should have been a girl and becoming an old lady is just the right solution because it fits his personality precisely, naive, trusting, submissive. All the characteristics you see in a sweet little old lady. I can make arrangements to see him, or should that be her, this evening after you have been to the dress agency which is only a short distance from my salon. I know the lady who runs that establishment, she and I are old friends, her name is Lucy Gamboni. Would you like me to explain the position to her, she is a really wonderful mature lady, very thoughtful, caring and outgoing? I'm sure she would take to William just as I have. Ruth pondered a little and then replied, Elizabeth, I trust your judgement implicitly, please make her aware of the plans. Having set the afternoon and evening's schedule in motion, Ruth set to work on her desktop computer, ordering underwear and corsetry suitable for the more mature lady. The dress agency That afternoon, Ruth and William set out in her trusty old Morris Minor for the dress agency. En route to the shop Ruth was thinking of a solution to the difficulty of transport for William, he was too young for a car driving licence and she would not be able to take him to the college in her car because of her work commitments. Oddly enough William had always been keen on motorbikes, his favourite music track was Richard Thompson's 1952 Vincent Black Lightning, but both realised the impossibility of that given his delicate nature. Ruth thought more and a germ of an idea began to form. On arrival at the small town, they parked in the public car park and walked along the high street to the small shop. As they entered, a bell situated above the door rang and an attractive, slim, mature lady appeared. Hello my dears, she greeted them, I'm Lucia Gamboni but my friends and that includes you, call me Lucy. You must be Ruth, proud mother of this gorgeous young man, who I believe is currently called William but with Lucy's help, will soon be transformed into Francesca. I have already made a selection of dresses, shoes and cardigans, based on the approximate sizes which Elizabeth gave me and I would like Francesca to try them on. William felt a curious sensation run down his spine at being called Francesca by Lucy who led the way to a changing area and pointed to a rack of garments bidding William to strip. William was clearly shy but Lucy's breezy dismissal of his weak protests soon had the boy down to his underpants. Hmm! exclaimed Lucy, those will never do,I've got some directoires that I put to one side for you now where are they? Ah! Here they are handing a lusciously silky pair of ivory coloured panties to William. William pulled the thin sensuous material up his legs and settled his boy bits into their silken embrace which reacted by giving a small salute. Hoho! chuckled Lucy, I think some control is needed here, a panty corsellette should do the job and I just happen to have one standing by. The ivory coloured corsellette was drawn up Williams legs and he was instructed to push his testicles up into his abdomen and then secure them by bending his member down and between his legs. Once this was achieved, without too much discomfort, William was still pretty much prepubescent after all, the tightly fitting corsellette was pulled up over his groin and abdomen and his slim chest concealed by the brassiere element. Just needs a little padding there, not much , an A cup I suggest, confided Lucy. The look I am trying for is a slim, elegant, mature lady not a large bosomed one. Ruth was pleased with the initial changes, this was the sort of thing she had hoped for and William, no not William she thought but Francesca now ,looked comfortable and she determined there and then that William would not return, it would be Francesca who left the shop. Ruth had also been struck by Lucy's impossibly white dazzling smile and she suddenly realised they were dentures so it seemed that Melanie was correct. Lucy returned with two small breast forms which she deftly inserted into the bra cups. There now, she said with pride, you look fantastic Francesca and you're only in your underpinnings so far. She then produced an ivory silk petticoat which she drew over Francesca's head and let it slide over her body. A dress of pure black silk discretely embroidered with sequins was then flourished and encouraged over Francesca. Just a bit of settling now, explained Lucy, getting to work with a brush and comb on Francesca's longish (for a boy) hair. There, now we need stockings and shoes , she continued and went off for a further rummage in the shop. Ruth took the opportunity to speak discretely to Francesca. How do you feel? Are you comfortable? Isn't Lucy great? Francesca took a few moments to process this barrage, Strangely I feel very much at ease in this get up and I'm getting funny tingles every time I'm referred to as Francesca. As for Lucy, I think she's great, she's like a dose of salts pepping you up ready to go. I love her bright smile with its brilliant whiteness, I only wished my teeth were that white. Lucy returned before Ruth could respond but she thought, that's another tick for Melanie's dental plan. Lucy came back armed with some sheer black stockings and pair of black 3" heeled shoes. Good job you have such tiny feet, a ladies size 6 should fit, she explained. Lucy helped Francesca to roll up the stockings and unroll them up her legs then to clip them to the suspenders on the corsellette. A couple of times during this process, Lucy's hand "accidentally" brushed Francesca's groin, unnoticed by Ruth. Francesca blushed and felt a warmth unlike any other she had experienced before. Once she put on the shoes, Francesca felt a hitherto unknown level of confidence and amazed the other two ladies by parading easily up and down the shop. For the next two hours, Francesca was treated like a catwalk model exhibiting the latest fashions except that these were dated fashions, suitable only for those ladies of a certain (or should that be uncertain) age. A growing pile of acquisitions was accumulating when Ruth asked about outerwear, coats and the like. Lucy looked apologetic and confessed that she had no coats in Francesca's size, the only things she had were some old raincoats that she didn't think anyone liked anymore and which she planned to throw out. Ruth's eyes lit up and she asked to see them. Lucy reluctantly went into her storeroom and returned with four coats over her arm. Francesca looked at them and exclaimed, Mommy they are just like the coats you make. Ruth examined each of the coats, good gracious me, they are Atkinsons originals, she said excitedly. She checked their condition and found them to be pristine. You must try these on Francesca she insisted. Francesca was infected by her mother's enthusiasm and donned a scarlet coloured, single texture, unlined, rubberised satin mac complete with an attached hood. Once she put it on her mother pulled up the hood and drew the waistbelt tight. Francesca was overwhelmed by sensory inputs, the strange fragrance of the hood, the way the smooth lining kissed her face, the rustling of the skirt material which sounded like a waterfall through the confines of the hood. Lucy watched in awe and confusion that Francesca seemed almost orgasmic merely by wearing something as prosaic as a raincoat. Wishing to explore the matter she picked up one of the other raincoats, a silvery one but of similar style to the first and put it on. Initially Lucy felt nothing but as the coat warmed and she moved around, the light came on and she too became entranced. Ruth looked on with a smile on her face, being fully aware of the enchantment to be found in a well made mackintosh and Atkinsons were the Rolls Royce of raincoats. Then Ruth too picked up a raincoat, a dusky pink swingback mac with a curious belt arrangement which allowed the back either to swing free or be held in by the belt. Ruth opted for the "freedom" fixing. Soon all three of them were giggling like schoolgirls, swishing and parading around. When they had recovered their composure, Ruth said they would take all 4 items. Lucy tried to make a gift of them especially since she had believed them worthless but Ruth wouldn't accept that. After a bit of polite but nonetheless trenchant argument, Francesca intervened and suggested that Ruth make a new raincoat for Lucy in any style she wished. The (currently) senior ladies thought this an excellent suggestion and concurred. Ruth being doubly pleased because Francesca's intervention in the dispute seemed to her to validate her plan since William would never have intervened. They helped Lucy to pack their purchases into large carrier bags emblazoned with Lucy's dress agency logo, leaving the raincoats till last, fortunately as it turned because it then began to rain heavily. Francesca remained wearing the last outfit she had modelled, enabling Ruth to keep her silent vow that Francesca was here to stay. William's clothes were bundled up in a black bin liner and when Lucy was asked to dispose of them, there was no demurral from Francesca. Ruth and Francesca both slipped on the raincoats they had modelled and bidding a very fond goodbye to Lucy with lots of kisses and promises of visits, they stepped out into the downpour clutching their purchases and thanking the goddess of rain for the chance purchase of the macks. The car park was not far away but without their macks they would have been soaked. Sensing that the heavy rain would not last more than a couple of minutes they loaded the boot of the Moggie with the bags and waited outside looking at each other in rapt amazement. Speech was unnecessary, there was a new, even stronger rapport between them now catalysed by their shared love of raincoats. As they hoped, the rain slackened and they were able to take off their macks and get into the old car without getting wet. The macks were hung on the straps suspended from the door pillar. Securing their seat belts they set off down the high street to Elizabeth's salon which was located about half a mile away and off the main road in a side street and had its own dedicated parking for customers At the beauticians It was gone 6 o'clock when they carried at Elizabeth's salon, the afternoon had passed in a happy haze of shopping and dressing up. The salon had been closed for regular business for nearly an hour but Elizabeth spotted their arrival and came out to greet them. Oh my dears are you soaked through? I was so worried when I saw the downpour and felt sure you would be caught in it, gushed the very maternal Elizabeth. Elizabeth was a jolly,well found, bosomy lady who looked like a stereotypical farmers wife. No we're dry thanks to our new macks replied Ruth, but they are soaked, is there somewhere we could hang them to dry? Elizabeth took the sodden raincoats from them and hung them in the lobby of her establishment over a drip tray where brollies and the like were stored. Elizabeth then turned to Francesca," My! don't you look lovely and your hair looks good, Lucy's work I bet but now let the expert get to work" and she led Francesca over to a chair and draped a cape over her. Francesca was surprised that the cape was made of rubberised nylon. Elizabeth noticed Francesca expression and explained " I keep these for my special customers, they have such a wonderful feel. Your mother makes them for me." Ruth smiled at the compliment. Now I know we need an old look and a grey dye would be obvious but I was thinking of silvery white. I also think that a cut rather than a perm would be smarter and less difficult to maintain. The dye I am going to use will be long lasting, with only occasional touching up required though you could, if you wished in the future, dye it temporarily with another shade. What do you think? Mmm! I think that will be great enthused Francesca, I was a bit worried that you would shave off all my hair and make me wear a wig. Elizabeth looked thoughtful and replied, Actually we could do that, this particular treatment works upon the follicles of the hair directly and on a shaven head it would then be permanent because it is concentrated at the roots and can act directly upon them. Francesca looked scared and stated but I'd be bald for months whilst my hair grew back! Elizabeth quickly reassured her, No you wouldn't, it acts a bit like a lawn fertiliser and your hair will grow really quickly, in 6 weeks you'll have your current medium length and that will be ideal for your new look. Ruth interposed, That would be an ideal timescale to fit in with starting at the college after the summer hols. Francesca still looked dubious but gave way to the expertise of Elisabeth when she said she would have a wig available for temporary use in a few days and in the meantime she could cover up with headscarves, hoods and rain bonnets. Ruth looked thoughtful when rain bonnets were mentioned and began to plan to make some out of offcut mackintosh material. Elizabeth began cutting away Francesca's hair, first with scissors and then an electric razor, finally she used shaving cream and a cut throat razor until her head was completely smooth. She then moved away to prepare the permanent dye and returned with a vessel containing a sweet smelling silvery coloured paste shot through with what seemed to flecks of real silver. Now said Elizabeth, we cover your head with a protective bonnet and pop you under the hairdryer on a fairly high setting for 30 minutes. The bonnet was fitted over Francesca's bald head, which she realised made her look more like an elderly lady. Once she was under the dryer, Elizabeth began to apply makeup to her, explaining each step and the effects she wanted to achieve. Within a few short minutes Francesca's youthful features were transformed into those of a well preserved lady, somewhat past her middle years. Francesca was entranced by the change, feeling that she now had a gravitas which had eluded her young male self. She was also confident that she understood the materials and steps which Elizabeth had explained to achieve her new look. Once the 30minutes were up Francesca emerged from under the dryer and Elizabeth hastened to fix a flowery headscarf over her naked pate. Thus adorned, Francesca scrutinised the finished effect for a few moments and then pronounced herself to be delighted. Ruth and Elizabeth drew breaths of relief and expressed their admiration. Elizabeth was praised by both Ruth and Francesca for her efforts and basked in their flattering remarks. Elizabeth declared, I feel a celebration is called for and selected a bottle of Prosecco from the office fridge. A toast, she proclaimed, to the lovely Francesca whose beauty in maturity we can now clearly see. Francesca blushed prettily but took the plaudits as though they were her due. Ruth was astonished at how readily her new sister was adapting to the role she had planned for her. They sipped their drinks and all three began gossiping in that wonderful way that close female friends of a certain age do, freed from that inevitable competitiveness which their younger kindred are subject to. Flushed with success of the project thus far, and perhaps emboldened by drink, Ruth began to broach the subject of the further changes she had worked out in collaboration with Melanie. Francesca, you know how you admired Lucy's white teeth, well Melanie can give you the same dentition though it would require some sacrifice and short-term discomfort on your part. Francesca looked excited but asked "What would be involved?" Ruth responded, " Your existing teeth would need to be removed, there would be a period of recovery, say 4 to 6 weeks and then they would be replaced with ones like Lucy's." "That doesn't sound too bad," replied Francesca," I could cope with that in order to get a smile like Lucy's, I guess the style could be changed occasionally, a sort of smile for every eventuality." Ruth was astonished and pleased at this easy acceptance of dentures, making a mental note to tell Melanie and get her to plan for different types of false teeth. Having crossed this bridge so easily she thought to raise the subject of the necessary, in her view, amendments to Francesca's 'bits'. "Melanie can also permanently fix those unnecessary parts you have down there so that your corsetry isn't uncomfortable and you can use the toilet properly like a lady should without fiddling around and risking exposure." Francesca looked concerned and asked,"but won't that be expensive and a big op ?" Ruth smiled and said, "no, Melanie is happy to do this for you and will plan to do it while you are having your teeth extracted." Francesca shot back," won't there be some side effects like being unable to have children?" Ruth had thought of this and answered," we could take sperm from you during the procedure and have it preserved so that later, if you were in a stable relationship, it could be used for artificial insemination. It is likely though, that you will experience some initial discomfort and a degree of incontinence, which may be temporary or permanent. I can easily make some undergarments which will protect you. Again to Ruth's surprise, Francesca seemed to accept this with equanimity, giving a slight smile and saying," well that will be alright then." Ruth felt her eyes tearing, absolutely convinced now that she was doing the right thing for Francesca. Francesca spotted this and gave her mother a hug, whispering," Thank you so much mummy." Elizabeth joined in and made it a group hug with lots of tears and smiles. More planning On their return to the cottage, Ruth phoned Melanie to tell her that the plan was acceptable to Francesca. Melanie was amazed and pleased when told how readily she had agreed to the changes. Melanie expressed her delight at the news and informed Ruth, " I'll fix everything up for this Friday, that'll give us a few days to get ready, will you be ok to assist? The two of us will handle it fairly easily, I'll put some notes together and e-mail them to you. You aren't distressed by the sight of blood are you?" Ruth digested this and replied," Friday will be fine and no I'm not squeamish, just give me those notes and I'll be fine." Melanie began listing some things Francesca would need on the day, " She'll need sanitary towels for the changes down below until she's healed, a scarf to protect her mouth, something washable or impermeable because it may get bloody and a hat, hood or headscarf to keep her warm. She will also need incontinence pants and liners, which may, unfortunately , be a permanent fixture. I'm also planning to give her boobs, any thoughts on size?" Ruth mused and then replied," Lucy at the dress agency fitted her with A cups and they looked really good on her slight frame." "Hmm! yes I can see that would be a sweet look on a little old lady," stated Melanie. " Oh! There was one concern of Francesca's which I think you can handle," thought Ruth," she worried about being unable to have children so I said that we could take a sperm donation during the op and preserve it for future AI use." "Wow! Great idea, I hadn't considered that at all, we can easily take a sample and get it saved. I know just the people," exclaimed Melanie. On completing her call to Melanie, Ruth then set about another task, getting some form of transport for Francesca. She would need to be economical with the truth for this task but she had an idea who to contact. "Ron, it's Ruth More here" "Hi, Ruth is the Moggie running ok?" "Yes Ron, she's still running well thanks to your magic touch,I wanted to ask you about something else. My sister-in-law Francesca is coming to live with me and help out in the business but she's going to need some kind of transport and I don't think she could afford a car. She's a little eccentric and has always had a thing about motorbikes even though she's never passed her test, is there something you could suggest that would be inexpensive, safe and perhaps a little quirky?" "Hmm! You've set me a task there, Ruth, leave it with me and I'll ask around and get back to you with some ideas. Is there a timescale on this?" "Ideally, Ron I'd.like to have something in the next 2 to 4weeks." "That's fine Ruth, I'll be back in touch as soon as I can, by the way how's that boy of yours ? he's a nice little chap." Ruth had steeled herself for this and much as she hated lying to Ron she had her duty to protect William. " He's fine, he has finally spread his wings after his exams and is travelling abroad to find himself" "Wow! Good for him, no offense but I always thought he needed get away from the apron strings." Ruth laughed,"none taken,Ron and thanks in advance for your help" " Cheers then Ruth,we'll speak soon." " Ok, bye then Ron." Whew! thought Ruth, now for the legal eagle. " Hello, could I speak to Judy Askin please it's Ruth More" " Putting you through." " Ruth, how are you?

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The Choice

The Choice Steve – late 30's Close cropped Hair No2. Blonde, 5'10" Jenny- mid 20's, Brunette Shoulder length wavy hair. Soft features with thatoccasional startled rabbit look. Deep brown eyes. 5'4" Tall Jenny worked at a manufacturing business on the sales order desk. The companyhad a policy of getting the staff on the end of the phones to meet their customers.Jenny had been pressed into going to a corporate event. This had entailed aday at the races, which had passed uneventfully followed...

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The Choice

The Choice By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 18-year-old boy Karen 14-year-old little sister Amber 10-year-old sister Miley 5-year-old sister Mom, Anne Parker 41-year-old mom (looks like she is 25yrs old) Dr. Beth Cole Doctor that thinks she can save the world "Mom stop picking on me how come you are always on my sisters side? You know I am going to be 18 tomorrow and I can move out anytime I want too." Mommy looks at me...

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 15 One Choice

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Fifteen: One Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies “A god,” I said. The word rippled through my soul. I had set things up to be hero-worshiped, for the entire world to see me as something more than them, but to hear my wife say it was intoxicating I glanced down at my phone, at the power it held. So many edits left... We used to be good Christians, but then we learned about all...

4 years ago
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Blind Choice

Michelle did exactly as she was instructed and was sitting on an ottoman in the middle of a hotel suite naked, save a black cotton blindfold over her eyes and black knee socks.  She’d dreamt and fantasized about this very moment for years.  Tonight she was finally going to be with him for the first time.  The thought sent a shiver into her core as she nervously shifted on the velvety white ottoman which she was currently soaking with her arousal.Michelle had met Aaron online when he had noticed...

Love Stories
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Elderly man meets sexy girl next door

First of all I want to say that I’m not one of those promiscuous girls who sleeps with every cute guy I meet. It was safe to say when I was younger I was actually very prude. I’ve had several opportunities since then to explore different situations and positions with men. Still I’m not the type of person to give in to every desire or temptation that comes my way. Fortunately I have the luxury of choosing who I want to be with. For the past couple months I’ve been wrestling with a new curiosity...

2 years ago
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I Had No Choice

By EFon (This is a long story and has some build up, but I believe it’s worth it to really set the plot.) What am I going to do now? I’m stuck in a no win situation, and the stress is killing me. I never wanted a complicated life, but I’ve got one weather I like it or not. Strange thing is that while I know it’s wrong, I cannot help but love it anyway. Now I had some wild times in college, but while I still was young, I fell in love and married my college sweetheart Rachel. We...

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I Had No Choice

(This is a long story and has some build up, but I believe it’s worth it to really set the plot.)What am I going to do now? I’m stuck in a no win situation, and the stress is killing me. I never wanted a complicated life, but I’ve got one weather I like it or not. Strange thing is that while I know it’s wrong, I cannot help but love it anyway. Now I had some wild times in college, but while I still was young, I fell in love and married my college sweetheart Rachel. We graduated and I became a...

3 years ago
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I Had No Choice

(This is a long story and has some build up, but I believe it’s worth it to really set the plot.)What am I going to do now? I’m stuck in a no win situation, and the stress is killing me. I never wanted a complicated life, but I’ve got one weather I like it or not. Strange thing is that while I know it’s wrong, I cannot help but love it anyway. Now I had some wild times in college, but while I still was young, I fell in love and married my college sweetheart Rachel. We graduated and I became a...

3 years ago
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Your choice

It was a weekend I had looked forward to for some time. My wife and her two teenage daughters from her previous marriage would be on a trip to Chicago for a 3-day holiday, leaving me alone in the house. Not that I wouldn't miss them, but it gave me a chance to indulge my own fantasy while they were shopping and going to a concert. I have cross-dressed since I was a teen, but with my marriage I put that behind me, at least that's what I told my wife, Lillian. Before we married, I told her...

2 years ago
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Power of choice

David isn't athletic, bright, or handsome. You can say, he's an average Joe who spent most of his time playing video games, but there's a reason for him being a shut-in. Throughout his life, he's been harassed by his family and peers. His older sister, Sarah, is a straight A's student, and every chance arises, called him a complete failure. His mother, Heather, favor her daughter, and reluctant to give him affection. David tosses the Xbox's controller across the room, and shout. "Damn it, lost...

2 years ago
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Dungeon MasterChapter 2 Choices

I woke suddenly with a muted scream covering my mouth with my hands so as not to alert the Sisters or the orderlies. Glancing over to see if Skank was back from his latest excursion, I found myself in an empty room with only a single golden, glowing, baseball sized orb floating in the center. The small room didn’t have any obvious noticeable exits from my brief inspection. Gathering my courage, it seemed that Stoneface wasn’t pulling my leg. Not that I would ever forgive him for throwing me...

2 years ago
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Tammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. ‘Get out,’ she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she’d spat the words. ‘Get out now, or stay,’ she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...

4 years ago
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Tammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. "Get out," she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she'd spat the words. "Get out now, or stay," she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...

4 years ago
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Not by Choice

Not by Choice By Stefanie Flowers VOWS OF A LIFETIME So here I am standing at the alter about to take wedding vows. I had always thought that one day I would marry the girl of my dreams and raise a family; but how could I have imagined this? My spouse to be was not the girl of my dreams and I was very reluctant to be here today getting married; certainly not as I am now. I was being forced into the marriage. Not by a gun held to my head but by a series of unfortunate circumstances...

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It Was My Choice

My boyfriend, Ben, had been out of town on a business trip for over two weeks and was still a week away from coming home. This was the longest time that the two of us had been away from each other since we started dating. We actually both agreed to not even to masturbate for the whole time he was away. Needless to say I was really second guessing my pledge. When he called the Sunday before he was to come back, I confessed I really needed a little physical relief. He suggested I get naked, get...

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Life is Full of Choices

Authors note: It's been five years or so since my last published effort. I hope you enjoy this first part. Part 2 is already being written and will try to soften the bad karma from part 1. Life is Full of Choices Part 1 As I had always said to myself, once I graduated high school, Hillstown would only ever be a memory for me. A glance in the rear view mirror of my '89 Toyota and that would be it. My trailer trash step-mom and my three idiot half-sisters could stay in the...

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Minxs Choice

She is in the attire of my preference. Short little mini skirt that is more than revealing, a tight tube top pushing her round fleshy breasts awkwardly upwards and almost falling out. Her make-up is dark and she is walking on heels that resemble stilts. I take a look at her succulent neckline and there is the collar that I placed on her 3 months ago, proudly owning the body that belongs to me now. I answer the door, not allowing her entry as yet. She greets as she has been taught, “Good...

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Hobsons Choice

The expression "Hobson's Choice" is named after the keeper of a livery stable in seventeenth century England who required customers to accept the next horse available. Hence "Hobson's choice" means no choice at all. Hobson's Choice © 2003 by Nom de Plume "Young man, do you have anything to say for yourself before the Court pronounces your sentence?" The judge, a gaunt man with a hawk like face and bony hands protruding from his black robe, glowered down at the youthful...

2 years ago
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Owned By Choice

Kidnap Meeting Dr Millar Brave New World Angel Making Plans for Georgie Treatment Mrs Perkins Max Georgie's Choice Release and enslavement Epilogue This story was inspired by two of my favourite on line stories - The Stepford Wives by Sarah Barndt and Guinnea Pig by Ruth White. If you enjoy the story check these two out or e-mail me at [email protected] Kidnap I staggered out of the bar, took two steps down the alleyway and collapsed. Another typical...

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Weapon of Choice

1. Inside the club it was like being at the bottom of the ocean, a dim, uncertain place filled with random movement and sound. Grant Blackley moved through it like some great marine predator, shoals of lesser creatures parting before him as if unconsciously realising all of this was his territory. Because it damn well was, Grant thought. He took up one of his regular positions at the top of a flight of stairs, overlooking the dance floor. At six foot five he hardly needed the extra...

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Hezekiahs Choice

Hezekiah's Choice She quickly but quietly entered my room and came up to my bed. It seems I am incapable of getting out of my bed without assistance. She has a razor in her hand as she tells me she will be removing my hair from my legs, chest and abdomen. I have no choice but to allow her to proceed. I have no choice because I am laying in a hospital bed being prepped for quadruple open heart surgery. The doctors told my wife and me that surgery shouldn't wait as I would probably be...

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She awoke from bad dreams into worse.  Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist.  Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart.  She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall.  Her jaw ached, forced open...

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By my choice

By my choice I read the diary. I am struck by the fact that almost everything that has happened to me was by my own choice. I watch the sea break against the shore, hear the cry of birds, and my mind goes back... I was always small. Slim, barely five foot five inches tall, I was the despair of my father. He had wanted someone his size, six foot three, a linebacker in college. Instead he got a boy that read, sang and danced. I had grown my hair long in rebellion against my father, and...

3 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 04 One Naughty Choice

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Four: One Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My barely legal daughter, eighteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to...

2 years ago
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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 7 The Choice

AUDIO MEMO; NEENA ALEXANDROVNA TO SVETLANA NIKITECHNA Physiology has played into my hands and provided an excellent teaching opportunity! I went to collect Vyera early this morning to get her started on her work for the day. She has had a language lesson each day with regular testing, to make sure she is absorbing what she has been taught. Afterwards, she has been working as an assistant to the Domestic Staff and has been given all the menial tasks to do, such as cleaning the floors in the...

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The Peoples Choice

To all of those that make up the Hollywood establishment, in the world of music, TV, and film, the People's Choice Awards have always been a favorite of theirs. That's because, while some music awards shows will have a select few publicly-voted winners, for the most part, the biggest awards shows in town are nothing but ass-kissing contests. And while different, the People's Choice Awards had always been perceived as more of a "popularity contest" due to the fan-voted aspect of them. But once...

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CHAPTER 4: MY CHOICEThe next morning I am awakened by Wolf. But this is different, this is the morning after my successful survival of The Hunt. And not just any Hunt, the first ever Hunt when the hunted has survived the full three days and nights. The concept of The Hunt is very specific, but I wonder if any of the leaders who established the criteria, rules, and rewards had any anticipation that someone might actually evade capture all three days. Was the outcome even defined for this...

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The Choice

Dan and I were high school buddies that ended up at the same university in our hometown. I played football while he played basketball. He was the taller and more slender one concentrating more on cardio and speed. I had brown hair and brown eyes while Dan was a redhead with blue eyes. I was a gym fanatic working out with weights and drinking protein shakes. We both had sports scholarships to get us through school. I was still going steady with April who I knew from my childhood...

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Life and Choices

Life and Choices COPYRIGHT 2004 There can exist at any given time in this world one mind to one body. There are exceptions to all rules though. Some folks or at least one existed of two minds in one body for a time. This person is Jay Hall. Of course, Jay has never realized this, unless you count his dreams. Although these facts should be painfully obvious to him, he fails to realize that his entire state of being is a paradox to the universe, and one that should soon be...

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The Wrong Choice

I was sitting in the railway waiting room on a cold winter night, wondering which sin of my last life had cursed my commonsense so I had to make a series of wrong choices , which had condemned me to spending the night in a deserted station 100 kilometres from the nearest town. . A tiny voice in my mind told me I was lucky too, if I hadn't been I wouldn't have gotten tickets to the next train in the morning, which would take me to the nearest outpost of civilization. And to think all this...

4 years ago
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Wishes Do Not Exisit but You Always Have Choices

Wishes don't exist, but you always have choices! Greetings to anyone that finds this journal/story. My name is Brandon. I will once again be a 20+ year old male living in Northern California, sorry for being cryptic but I will explain what I mean later. My wife and I have to sacrifice our memories of the events I am about to transcribe, so I am writing this letter and hoping it finds someone who believes me. I am leaving this letter to be a testament to all that has happened and a...

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F4 Tuesdays Choice

(Author’s note: This story is an entry into FAWC (Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge), a collaborative competition among Lit authors. FAWC is not an official contest sponsored by Literotica, and there are no prizes given to the winner. This FAWC was based around the theme of music, with four songs given to choose from. The song that inspired this story was ‘Midnight Train to Georgia’ by Gladys Knight and the Pips.) * * * * The blast of a departing train’s whistle drew me to the window of...

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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 4 One Naughty Choice

Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My teenage daughter, fourteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to her pussy. She rubbed me against her flesh. The shower sprayed on my back as my wicked daughter guided me right to...

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Choices, by Armond Note: this is a continuation of my story, 'Useful Information'. It helps to read that story first. 1. C-r-a-a-c-k! The wooden banister splintered on impact. All went slow motion: body slipping backward, hands grasping at air, emerald eyes, opening wide, dark red eyebrows, arching high, mouth opening to scream. She fell. Through the banister, toward the hallway floor, three stories below. "DEIRDRE!" "Una, wake up!" Ula said, giving her a sharp shake....

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Public Incestuous Passion 6 Sisters Naughty Choice

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Sister's Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this and to PAEUL for an idea used in this story. Melody Samuels What did I want? My Darkest Day's Porn Star Dancing thudded through Flashing Glitter, the strip club. I was on stage, my hips swaying, my tartan, schoolgirl skirt dancing about my thighs. Men whooped and hollered around me. They showered me in attention. It was an exhibitionist wet...

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THE HUNT Chapter 4 My Choice

The next morning I am awakened by Wolf. But this is different, this is the morning after my successful survival of The Hunt. And not just any Hunt, the first ever Hunt when the hunted has survived the full three days and nights. The concept of The Hunt is very specific, but I wonder if any of the leaders who established the criteria, rules, and rewards had any anticipation that someone might actually evade capture all three days. Was the outcome even defined for this condition? Would...

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Matter of Choice

Sarah and I grew up together. We were from the same country stock, hard working families that sweat together from daybreak to dark with almost no thought of weekends or vacations. Living on farms away from all of the rich kids that lived in town, with parents who had jobs and money caused us to gravitate towards each other. We were friends, the kind there is no explanation for. No matter where I was, she was somewhere nearby and vice-versa. Sometimes we would have a few hours free from work...

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Not Very Nice People Chapter 1111 Mikes Choice

NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron Chapter 11: Mike's Choice Synopsis: The moment of truth has arrived for Michael Caldwell. He must choose between two different paths, but neither is free of troubles and challenges. Perhaps destiny or higher powers just cannot be fooled, regardless of what you do. ***** I was filled with a cold horror that threatened to disable my mental faculties altogether as I witnessed how a creature out of the most outlandish nightmare I could possibly...

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I Made a Choice

A story of a man and his choice to accept their daughter as his own or choose to turn his back on everything he loved. Thanks to Angel love for her editing skills. I read the report from DNA Testing Centers without anger or suspense. I had anticipated the results in part but still had no idea of whom Penny's real father was. All this report told me was that it wasn't me. That much I had already figured out. But, I had all I needed now to find out. Penny Ann Hendricks was our baby's name....

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Choices. So many choices, so many ways things could have worked out. But we make our choices, and we try to make good ones. And we take responsibility for our choices, too. Did my choices lead me inexorably to this point? Or was there an uncontrollable, unchosen outside force that got me here? Not that it really matters, because I choose, every day -- every minute of every day -- to live like this. Wasn't it Sartre who said that every day we make the choice to go on living, so we are...

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Done by Choice

Would you believe it that what I am about to tell was done by choice. Really it was a queer find, me finding a coke bottle painted pink and having a cork plugged into the neck of it, when I removed the cork, low and behold there came a cute as sexy very feminine a Genie. Commonplace to what is thought of a Genie, she was elated to being set free from her bottle, and was willing to grant me three wishes. As asked, she suggested her fancy was for making middle-aged men like me to looking like...

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Sophies Choice

"Sophie's Choice" Chapter 1 - The Awakening It was the sudden strong pungent smell (smelling salts) that brought me back to consciousness. Was it me that was brought back to consciousness? Was it a different person? It was my brain, my thoughts, my feelings, my memories. But not my body! "Stand up next to your cot at attention" the female voice coming over the loudspeaker system said. Very feminine but not to be messed with. My head spun. I tried to bring my body up to the...

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Petronellas Choice

Petronella's Choice by Bryony Two finely-dressed women were taking tea, in an opulent sitting room. Althought both were in their late 40s, they were undeniably attractive, and of athletic build. A maid stood nearby, demonstrating a near-perfect submissive pose. The Mistress of the house fussed over the tea ritual, while her visitor regarded the maid, and not for the first time she shook her head in wonderment. "I still can't believe that's actually Lord Mandrake." "I can...

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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 18 Cheerleader Slaves Naughty Choice

Chapter Eighteen: Cheerleader Slave's Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson The rings thrummed as I passed between them. I hurtled head-first towards the machine. I thrust my arms out before me. My skin crawled. My toes tingled. I felt the next arm spinning down at me, trailing a wake of particles that made my entire body feel like it wanted to fly apart. I hit a metal shelf around the base of the machine, hovering with the arms. I grunted, rolled, and crashed...

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The Choice

Deena’s Story Tears ran down my face as I walked up the garden path towards our new house. Blinded by the sadness, I couldn’t find the keyhole as the key scraped over the brass lock. My shoulders shuddered while I let out another cry for help. “Toby!” The door opened and I fell into the arms of my love. “Fuckin hell... what’s up with you, Rainy Face?” I didn’t know how to tell him. So I just spilled the words from my mouth. “I lost it. I don’t know what to do. I’m scared.” “Lost what?” “My...

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Angies Choice

Angie's Choice By Angela Renee Rineheart I had just turned 22, and felt as confused as when my Father passed away at age 13. I had no more of an idea what to do with my life now, as I did then. My relationship with my girlfriend of five years had arrived at a decision that needed to be made. Her family was constantly asking the question of "when are you two getting married?" It was almost Springtime, and the questioning was heating up again for a Spring...

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I had no choice

I had no choice. By Sissy Melanie 1 - In the beginning. My wife, Susan and I used to have a fairly normal life. We had been married for about five years, I felt that things were good between us. We both had reasonable jobs, we had a nice house and kept to ourselves for the most part. We were not party goers but we did like to socialize on occasion, by this, I mean going out for drinks a few times a year. We did not have a circle of friends so to speak. I met Susan while she was...

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His Birthday Her Choice

His Birthday, Her Choice by A. P. Damien Note: I've used the name "Anita" for the bottom in this scene. The producer can substitute the usual stage name of the model who enacts the part.Scene 1: Interior, a corridor, evening. Anita is walking toward the camera. She is wearing "hot" clothes, the sort of thing a college girl might wear on a date when she has decided it's time to bring her boyfriend home for the night. Her midriff is bare. She walks past the camera.Shift to a view over her...

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The Choice

The Choice Mistress looked down at me, I could see the pleasure in Her eyes as I knelt there by Her side. I was wearing hosiery, panties and a lacy bra stuffed to give the illusion that I had something worth keeping inside it. And, of course, the collar. My heels sat next to me, today I managed to wear the 5 inch heels all day without complaint, and Mistress was pleased with my progress and allowed me this small respite. She spoke, "Ah, my little Sapphic toy. Today is going to be a...

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Her Final Choice

I was tied down to a table, very tightly, my arms and legs spread out as wide as they would go. ?The man of my dreams stood above me, looking into my eyes. ??"Do you want to be my slave?"?We had spent the weekend together and it had been bliss for my masochistic heart. ?He had beaten me and fucked me with equal passion. ?I was humiliated and pushed to the edge of any limit I ever thought I had. ?I had cried more in that weekend than I had for years, but I'd also never been so excited. ?All of...

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Metamorphosis of a slave Mikahs Choice

This is book two of the Metamorphosis series. This entire series has been completed years ago, but the most boring thing on earth is editing and re-editing a book. The entire series has been a collaboration between my husband/slave and myself. We figure that it should take us anywhere from six weeks - fifty years to edit each chapter...I suppose that our emphasis on Mikah's almost minute by minute emotional state can be quite boring for most readers. But this was the aspect that most fascinated...

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Career Choice

Career choice Career choiceby JensenDenmark1. A childhood lost ?Rick. You have to come with me. Your father has been taken to the hospital? I am Rick and I am 17 years old. I live in Filmore just north of L.A, where I have lived since I was born. 2 year ago I lost my beloved mother. My father broke down and I very much got to live my own life because he shut me off and concentrated on his job. I was mourning also and my grade slipped because clothes, food etc. became a struggle when...

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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 15 One Choice

Steve Davies “A god,” I said. The word rippled through my soul. I had set things up to be hero-worshiped, for the entire world to see me as something more than them, but to hear my wife say it was intoxicating I glanced down at my phone, at the power it held. So many edits left... We used to be good Christians, but then we learned about all of this truth. How the Most High operated. Things changed. And now ... Now we were flirting with crossing the line into blasphemy. It was a heady...

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Choices Joss Whedon portrayed it right. High school really is hell. At least mine was. A genuine monster came to my school, and I was one of those who lived to tell the story. Sometimes I envy those who didn't survive.... It started on a very nice day at the end of October of my grade eleven year. I had hoped that the worst of the bullying I had suffered in grade ten was behind me, and for the most part it was. I still got the name-calling, mostly variations on "fag", but I could...

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