Elderly By Choice Part2 free porn video

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Elderly by choice Part 2 Lady Portia "Hello, could I speak to Judy Askin please, it's Ruth More." "Putting you through." "Ruth, how are you?" said Judy. Asking, "I haven't heard from you in a couple of weeks, I was going to call you because one of my "special" friends has a yen for ladies raincoats and when I mentioned your business he was very interested." Judy, it should be noted, had a small coterie of transvestite admirers whom she adored and escorted on a frequent basis to clubs in Manchester and Birmingham. "Oh that's good to hear, Judy. I'm always glad to get new customers who appreciate my special garments but I was calling about William. We're having difficulty at the moment," explained Ruth. "Is it a legal problem?" queried Judy. "Well! not exactly," answered Ruth and then went on to explain the situation and her novel solution, concluding with, "So you see the legal bits are around the documentation required to facilitate this permanent change." "Good grief!" exclaimed Judy. "That really is thinking outside the box but are you sure that mutilating your son is a viable solution? It probably constitutes grievous bodily harm legally, no gender specialist would contemplate a sex change without a significant period of counselling and at least one year living as a woman before surgery and you have added a further dimension with this permanent ageing you propose?" Ruth began to sob as these hard cold facts were pointed out to her by her legal friend. "Judy, I am at my wits end trying to protect William. He has been bullied unmercifully and given his academic failure, I can see no hope for him only further misery." "OK," said Judy, hating to hear her friend in such a distraught state. "I understand the awful conundrum you are both in but I need convincing that this is the only good solution so what I propose is that you, Melanie and William as Francesca come to my office at end of business tomorrow so that I can hear the plan in detail and assure myself that it is viable. No promises mind! just come tomorrow at say 18:00, prepared to defend your proposal and show me that William fully understands what he is having done to him and that it is for life." Ruth controlled her emotions and thanked Judy. "That is very reasonable of you Judy. Thank you, I will speak to Melanie and Francesca and unless you hear otherwise from me, we will be there tomorrow at 18:00 sharp." On replacing the phone Judy reflected, she was stunned to hear that William now presented as Francesca and chose the name herself but she recalled a discussion she had with William some years ago about favourite names and she distinctly remembered him confiding in her that he wished he had been a girl called Francesca. This revelation renewed an impossible fantasy and she resolved to be as supportive as possible. Ruth then phoned Melanie. "Hi Melanie, it's Ruth, I've just spoken to Judy about the legal aspects of "Project Francesca" "Oh yes," answered Melanie. "How did 'Lady Portia' take it? Was the Quality of mercy strained?" Ruth laughed at her friend's characterisation of the upright Judy which helped to relieve some of the stress she felt from her earlier phone call. "As you would expect she went all stern and legal on me but she realised the huge problem William and I face and is prepared to contemplate helping provided we can convince her it is in William's best interests. To that end she wants you William and I to go to her office tomorrow at 18:00 to present the Proposal in detail." "No problem" said her irrepressible friend "I've got my last appointment for tomorrow at 16:30 and that should only take 30 minutes or so. Would you like me to come over this evening to discuss the approach. I can bring those notes on the op and a nice bottle of Chinon I've been saving? Would 19:30 be ok. I could also bring a Chinese takeaway if you fancy that, there's a new one just opened up in town and it's on my way? I'll bring enough for 3, William needs to be prepped." "That would be fantastic," enthused Ruth. "I'll have warm plates, chopsticks, soy sauce and wine glasses at the ready." Plan for "Portia" Melanie arrived at Ruth's cottage almost on time and Ruth ushered her into the dining room then left to get the warm plates. Melanie had not met Francesca so when she sashayed into the room she was stunned by the elegant lady of a certain age. The headscarf covering her shaven head did nothing to detract from her demure attractive charm. WwWilliam! Is that you? she stuttered. "No Aunt Melanie, it is me Francesca," corrected the former boy. "And I suppose I'd bettter stop calling you Aunt." The quiet assertiveness of Francesca's response was a further revelation to Melanie and removed any qualms she might have had about the transformation, clearly this new persona was exactly what was required. Ruth entered the room at that point and said, "I see you've met Francesca, isn't she just perfect?" "Well yes indeed. I am truly amazed at the change both in appearance and character of your, now former, son. I could hardly believe my eyes and ears when I saw her," exclaimed Melanie. "Judy is going to be bowled over when she meets Francesca and that will be half of the battle over." "Right lets eat, have a glass or two of wine and then plan," instructed Ruth. "You have only put out two glasses," said Francesca. "You're too you...." replied Ruth and then stopped as she saw Francesca's dignified look of correction. "I'll go and get another glass" she swiftly amended. Francesca's subsequent look seemed to say, "I should think so too," followed by a grin of satisfaction. Melanie informed Francesca that after they had eaten she would like her to clean her teeth and then she would take an moulded impression of her teeth so that the dentures could be prepared, indicating that latest practice was for them to be fitted immediately after extraction. "I'm afraid that this might make you gag a bit but it's quite quick and then you can clean you teeth again after and rinse with a mouthwash." Francesca nodded her agreement but was a little apprehensive as they sat down to eat. Her fears evaporated as they ate a very pleasant meal enjoying the accompanying wine. Following the meal Francesca did as she was bid and went to clean her teeth. On her return she found that Melanie had already prepared the moulding material on two shiny metal mouthpieces, one for upper teeth and one for the lower set. Francesca was comfortably settled in an armchair and Melanie inserted the plates. As she had predicted it was somewhat unpleasant and Francesca had to stifle her gag reflex but the process was over in a few minutes and the moulds were removed. Francesca hastily left the room to rinse and clean her teeth again to get rid of the strange taste of the moulding material. On her return they settled down to discuss tomorrow's meeting with Judy. Melanie felt that it was important for Francesca to stay in character throughout. "You must not refer to your mother as mother, mom or mummy but as Ruth, likewise with myself and Judy, no Aunt prefixes. Judy will question you in detail on your understanding of the procedure and the consequences. You are aware that we intend to take a sperm sample for long term storage, since once you are castrated you will be unable to father a child in the traditional way." Francesca went a little pale at this. "A sperm donation, how will I do that?" Melanie grinned and explained "The usual way is to send the sperm donor off to the loo with a sterile container and a pornographic magazine but if that doesn't appeal we can stimulate your prostate whilst you are anaesthetised and before I perform the penectomy." "I think I would prefer that rather than the dirty magazine, what is the penectomy ?" asked Francesca Melanie expounded, "A penectomy is removal of your penis, I will leave the glans attached to nerves and a blood supply and it will be your clitoris to allow sexual stimulation. I don't propose to flay the rest of your penis invert it and use it as a vagina as we do in a full sex change because I don't think you will ever want intercourse with a man and it makes the procedure much simpler." "Oh no! I don't want a man pawing at me but I like the idea of being able to father a child with a woman I love even though that may be a bit incongruous, me having a relationship with a woman of child bearing age and me appearing much older," replied Francesca. "Well don't forget that much of your older appearance will be artifice and you will be able to look younger should you subsequently choose," stated Melanie. "Now further details and consequences. I will construct labia to make it look as though you have a vagina and they will conceal your glans reconstructed as a clitoris. I will also reroute your urethra to a female position lower down so you will always need to pee sitting down. Now one consequence of this is that you may lose some or all bladder control initially, it should return but I can't guarantee it so you should plan to be incontinent and wear protection." Ruth interjected at this point. "I have already made up some incontinence pants from remnant mackintosh material and have some pads for you to wear in them. They will rustle very provocatively when you wear them and are sensuously smooth on the skin." Francesca turned a delicious shade of pink at this and smiled gently. Melanie continued, "Now we have thought about breast implants and padding your hips and bottom but my advice is that we wait and see what the hormones achieve before we do that, after all we are aiming at you being a slim, trim old maiden not a busty earth mother. How does all that sound?" Francesca thought for a moment then said " I'm glad you have explained it all thoroughly to me, I was a bit hazy on the detail and the long term consequences are not too daunting for me so that I can live a life free from bullying and help my moth... er! Ruth! I'm not even too worried about the incontinence thing, the idea of rustling round in rubberised knickers which caress my bottom seems quite erotic somehow." Ruth smiled at this and wondered if some of her exotic customers might also like them. It would be another product to add to her catalogue. "So where are we with the plan then?" We have Francesca fully briefed on the surgery and consequences, what about day to day life?" Melanie thought for a moment or two and then posited, "We have the name Francesca but a middle name would be good also, More is your maiden name Ruth, so if Francesca is your former husband's sister she would have his surname unless she were previously married." "Well spotted Mel, I hadn't thought of that I reverted to More when Richard deserted me and I changed William's surname as well. Richard's surname was Cranmer so it should be Cranmer. How does that sound Francesca?" asked Ruth. "That sounds fine mu.... Ruth and I would like the middle name Diane, I was in love with Diane Hartill in junior school and she kissed me once," explained Francesca. "Francesca Diane Cranmer, has a certain ring to it doesn't it?" exclaimed Melanie "Most distinguished," agreed Ruth. "Birth Certificate, she'll need one of those for all sorts of things and a National Insurance number," decided Melanie. "Those are going to be the tricky legal things I'm hoping Judy can help with," replied Ruth. "I think I have a copy of my ex-husband's Birth Certificate so we can use that to invent parent details, fortunately, although that sounds wicked, both are dead." "Driving licence perhaps?" supplied Melanie. "Ooh great!" said Francesca. "I'll be able to drive the Moggie." "No, I think that would be wrong, Francesca, you will just have to take the test like everyone else," remonstrated Ruth. Francesca did a pretty little pout which sent them all into hysterics. "We'll need to create what the spies call a 'legend' for Francesca, schooling, occupation, work history and have it backed up with documentation," thought Ruth. "Francesca, you will need to learn that 'legend' by heart." "Aaagh!" exclaimed Francesca. "I thought I'd finished history." "Oh no!" laughed Ruth. "You are also going to have to learn the main historical events which happened during your supposed lifetime." "Bother! said Francesca with another pretty pout." And I thought all I was going to have to do was swish around in frocks all day and look dainty." This set off another round of hysterics. When the laughter had died down, Ruth said, "Seriously, I have some information about your father's early years so I can use that to base your background on, I know he was born in Harborne, Birmingham and went to the local infants and Junior schools, he passed his 11 plus and went to one of the King Edward Foundation Grammar Schools so I'll locate a Girl's School equivalent for you. We can work out the equivalent grades of your GCSE's to the old GCE's and perhaps embellish them a bit to the levels you should have achieved." Francesca looked somewhat ashamed at that point but brightened at the thought of getting the academic credits she really deserved. "You will, of course, have left school at 16, unless girls went on to higher ed to be teachers that's when they started work so we need a career of sorts for your legend," stated Ruth. "I suggest secretarial work. You are pretty nimble with that Sinclair Spectrum so a typewriter shouldn't be that much of a challenge, I've got a couple of old ones in the office for invoices and business letters so you can spend some of the weeks before college helping me out with them." "Ooh Great!" exclaimed Francesca. "I'll need a secretarial outfit then, blouse, skirt, jacket something smart and businesslike." Melanie and Ruth both burst into laughter. "We've created a clothes mad monster." Francesca did her, now trademark, pout, and then joined in the gaiety. Once the chuckles had died down Ruth proposed that they would try to get "Lady Portia" to work on her "special friends" in business to provide a work history for Francesca perhaps with a regrettable downsizing exercise to explain her current lack of employment and reason for joining her little enterprise. "Well," said Melanie, "I think we have a broad brush legend for Francesca so now lets get down to the serious business of finishing off this wine." This met with approval and the three of them buckled down to finish the viniferous task, giggling frequently at anecdotes and treating Francesca as an equal. Lady Portia's office At precisely 18:00 the following day the trio presented themselves at Judy Askin's office. Francesca was dressed in the smart Atkinson's mack Lucy had donated to the project over the top of a sweet little flared calf length frock straight out of the 1950's. Her shaved head, now populated by silver grey bristles was covered by a smart silk headscarf and of course the mack had a hood should the inevitable English rain manifest. Melanie was in her smart work clothes covered by a Klepper mack she had bought on a German excursion. Ruth wore a twinset and pearls with a pleated skirt surmounted by a black SBR mack from her own catalogue. They knocked on the door of Judy's office, the secretarial staff having finished for the day an hour ago. Judy called them in and they entered, Ruth in front, Melanie just behind and Francesca lagging a little way back intimidated a little by the surroundings and her Aunt Judy's no nonsense reputation. Francesca loved her dearly and was fully aware that the sentiment was reciprocated but this was new territory for both and she recognised how much depended upon her support. Judy welcomed them in but was clearly stunned by the appearance of her nephew as an elegant mature lady. She watched carefully as Francesca seated herself demurely on one of the proferred chairs in front of her desk, knees tightly together and legs angled to one side, displaying close fitting, knee high rubber riding boots, her eyes slightly downcast but inviting sympathy from the beholder. Francesca's makeup was lightly applied and cleverly done to add age to what Judy knew to be a fresh youthful complexion. Judy opened proceedings "Of course I want to help out with what is a difficult situation but as an officer if the court I am very concerned about the course of action Ruth has outlined to me....." At this point Francesca interrupted in a firm tone, "I know what you are going to say about my youth, the drastic and permanent nature of what we propose but I want to be clear that I am fully aware of the consequences of this change and embrace them gladly, not just to get away from this cycle of bullying and under achievement I am locked into but because I am completely at ease in this new persona and realise that this is who I really am." The group of friends were completely taken aback by Francesca's forthright statement and the earnest passion with which it was delivered. It took a few moments for Judy to collect herself, never having heard William speak so positively and confidently before. She found herself completely won over by the stylish, elderly seeming youth, indeed she felt again the stirrings of an unacknowledged desire she had experienced following Ruth's phone call. Judy responded, "Well! I think that clarifies matters and I feel it would be wrong of me to place obstacles in the way of this project so what can I do to help?" Ruth and Melanie were surprised by this seeming volte face from their much loved but somewhat forbidding friend, Lady Portia indeed! but were quick to press home the advantage by describing the tricky legalities they needed to overcome and the work 'legend' Francesca would require. Judy thought about the requirements identifying that some of them would demand the help of some of her 'dodgy' white collar clients and others the assistance of her 'special' friends. Rapidly working out a list of actions and contacts to be made she jotted down some notes in her personal hard backed A4 logbook which she kept separate from work documents in her large shoulder bag at all times. Completing her notes Judy asked if there was anything else she could do? Francesca spoke up rather timidly this time, "Would you come with me to the surgery on Friday? I'd love my 'Auntie' to be there for the birth of Francesca." This brought tears to Judy's eyes and she got up and gave Francesca a warm hug saying, "I would be honoured to be there, Francesca." The hug was perhaps a little longer and warmer than even that emotional moment demanded, Ruth and Melanie exchanged meaningful glances. It became even more obvious that something was afoot when Judy raised an issue concerning the details of the operation. "I believe that you do not intend to construct a functioning vagina for Francesca and whilst I completely and personally comprehend the reasons for that omission, can I just say that I think that it would be a shame to deny her the experience of lovemaking." Francesca looked quizzically at Judy and then realisation dawned, she was not necessarily talking about having sex with a man but about other possibilities of which she had only the vaguest notions. Ruth leaped in at that point and exclaimed, "I see what you are getting at, Francesca has already said that she has no intention of allowing a man to paw her but could imagine a relationship with a woman, so I guess you are saying that a full loving coupling between woman, could and should involve vaginal intercourse?" Judy turned a little pink but managed to agree. "Precisely." Melanie then added "It would mean an adjustment to my plans and make the surgery a little more complex and lengthy but I can certainly handle it. Francesca what do you think? It will make recovery more uncomfortable for you with the need to frequently dilate the new opening to prevent it from shrinking." Francesca pondered the question for a little while, noticing Judy's pleading expression and coyly replied, "I think that would be very satisfactory." Judy looked ecstatic, then spotted that everyone was looking at here and again turned pink so to cover her blushes, brusquely said, "Time for a little refreshment I think," and pulled a bottle of Glenmorangie out of a desk drawer and distributed 4 cut glass tumblers. Ruth looked disapprovingly at Francesca as she reached out for her glass of uisge beatha. Francesca noticed this and reprovingly said, "Ruth, as a lady of a certain age, I am quite capable of deciding what I will drink!" Ruth, Melanie and Judy laughed uproariously at this riposte whilst Francesca performed her trademark pretty pout, though with an underlying sly grin. To everyone's amazement, Francesca did not cough or choke on the neat whisky but drank it with insouciance. After another round of the single malt the meeting broke up with hugs and kisses all round, that between Judy and Francesca being somewhat longer and more intense. In a whispered aside to Ruth, Melanie said, "I think the thunderbolt has struck Judy at last." (This was a reference to frequent conversations between the two of them concerning Judy's love life, being a workaholic, apart from one or two fleeting affairs with older women, her social life apart from Ruth and Melanie had revolved around escorting her 'special friend. They had been concerned that their friend's life was not being fulfilled.) "How do you feel about that Ruth?" Ruth looked thoughtful and whispered back, "It seems that Francesca fully reciprocates and has demonstrated an astonishing maturity in the past few days, so I think that we just wait and see what develops. Judy is a wonderful person and would not, I am sure, harm Francesca in any way." Pink Velo As Ruth and Francesca entered their home on returning from the meeting with Judy, the phone began to ring. Ruth picked up and was surprised to hear Ron's voice. "Hello Ruth, I've had some luck in finding a vehicle for your sister in law, it just so happens that I have a small motorcycle that I keep here for a friend who lives in France." Ruth worriedly replied, "Oh Ron! I'm not sure about a motorbike, I don't see a delicate lady riding around in leathers as a ton-up girl." Ron laughed. "No this is a quirky thing as you requested, you remember those old 'Noddy' bikes the police used, windscreens and legshields, quiet as a mouse, villains couldn't hear them coming? Well this is one of those, an LE Velocette, 192cc, twin cylinder, horizontally opposed, water cooled and get this, it's pink!" Ruth chuckled. "That sounds great, I knew a woman who had one of those when I worked up North at Atkinsons, hers was pink too!" Ron queried, "Her name wasn't Laura Ridley by any chance was it?" An astonished Ruth answered, "Good grief, yes it was." Ron excitedly responded, "Wow! that should make things easy then, when I approached Laura she was a bit tentative about letting it go but when I tell her that you used to work with her, I'm sure she'll be happy to part with it." Ruth began to question Ron about Laura. "How do you know Laura?" Ron: "I've known her and Mrs A. for years, I go to France every year for a long break, and I stop off en route to work on an old Citroen for a friend who runs a very nice Chambre d'Hote and then carry on to spend a few weeks in Provence with Laura and Mrs. A. I service their vehicles whilst I'm down there and get board and lodging in return. I met them the first time I took a holiday down there, Laura's car had broken down while I just happened by and was able to fix it so I've been looking after it ever since, it's a lovely MGA twin cam in British Racing Green. Ruth was astonished at the coincidence and demanded that Ron pass on her best wishes and contact details, noting down that of Laura so that she could write to her. Ron promised yo do that and said he would be in touch shortly to make arrangements. Francesca had not overheard the conversation so Ruth decided to keep the news back as a surprise for after the operation. All in all it had been a very productive day and just one more to go before the procedure .....

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New life part2

When he raped me he thought I was 16 or so – it wasn’t until after the gang rape I told him I was only 13 – I told him so he would let me go but instead all he saw were dollar signs; lots of perverts want to fuck kids and they will pay heaps to do it. The type of men Jack whored me to liked little girls who cried and got frightened so I was perfect. He dressed me in clothes a 5 year old would wear and since every customer acted out raping me – the clothes were only ever worn once. I had...

3 years ago
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The Security Guard Takes Charge Part2

“I told you Hailey that I would be back soon” I said as I reached down and pinched a nipple “did you miss me?” Hailey pouted at me and said “You were mean leaving me alone like that. But I forgive you.” “Well I have to do my job, after all that’s why I met you in the first place. But don’t worry, I plan on making it up to you.” I said. I undressed , just leaving on my socks. I reached between Hailey’s thighs and ran my fingertips along Hailey’s lips. They were still wet, even though I...

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The Debt Collector Part2

Tyrese had a grin on his face from ear to ear. He had a video camera in his hand, which he had pulled out of the bag earlier to record every minute of this wife being ravaged by Freddie’s cock and my cock. He now set it down on an end table next to the coach, aiming it directly at Jill’s position in the middle of the living room floor. Then he stood up and starting taking off his clothes, all the while staring at Jill. He circled her like a predator ready to pounce on its prey....

4 years ago
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Liz the Milf part2

Her ass was red and a little puffy around her asshole. I asked if she enjoy ever thing was has gotten so far, and she responded in a purr with a “yes”. I lead her to our basement where my wife and I have some fun and kinky stuff set up for sex. I had a swing attached to the ceiling and a twin bed with straps at the corners to hold someone down. The bed was almost in the middle of the room so I could get all around it when some is on it. Zoe also liked it because it gave her the chance to move...

3 years ago
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After school detention lesson part2

From part 1 As we recovered I thanked her for keeping her promises that it will not hurt. I asked her ‘do girls masturbate as well? Can I see you do it please???’ ‘Of course Jack, it wouldn’t be fair not to teach you everything about sex’ She told me to watch her carefully as she slowly undressed Part 2 Jessica stripped to her bra and underwear and asked me remove them. My hands shook violently as i unfasten her bra. I took a look at her breasts as her bra fell to the carpet of her...

2 years ago
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Daddys little Princess Part2

“ Did you learn your lesson?” he ask. Her little butt still stinging and burning as she rubbed it looked down and replied “Yes Daddy. I won’t get into any more fights at school.” “Good” he sighed, “Now lets go get you cleaned up.” She bound to her feet, taking daddy by the hand and pulling him up out of the chair, and almost dragged him to the bathroom. As he started the shower, he was reminded how happy he was to find a place that had such a huge shower, with double benches and dual...

3 years ago
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I was never the same and nether was she Part2

When I woke up the doctors were already in my room examining the cocoon. What did you do to her What you asked me to You idiot we wanted her untainted and from the data we’ve collected she is going to be like you when she comes out. Untainted what am I some virus I picked him up easily (good to see I got my strength back) and a couple of guards pointed their weapons at me. Better put me down or they will fire I put him down and got control of myself We came in right...

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My dog Bud part2

None of my other friends were as big of a drunk as Ted was, so none of them gave me the chance that Ted did. Ted, if you read my previous story, was a friend that would pass out hanging on my toilet after a night of watching a game on TV and drinking with the guys. He always stayed the night hanging on the toilet, out cold. It was strange how he seemed to maintain a balance without falling in or off. Bud took advantage of him one night when he passed out with his pants down, which led to more...

3 years ago
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Joanna Make up your mind Lianas A Porntar Part2

"Damn I never imagined Joanna would be such a little nymph" Troy said surprised "Me either, but was sure great finding out" "I really want to fuck Liana thou that little freak was teasing us the whole night! I really want to get her back for making me go home with a serious case of the blue balls" Troy looked pissed. Now let me describe Troy he is about 5'11, skinny build, and a dark Dominican. "I think we should come up with something to let us all fuck her and have some fun with...

2 years ago
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Making a deal with a demon part2

(Strip, Watch & Wait) I got very nerves, but when I looked up I saw that all the pets where already naked and each one standing at a point of the star. They acted like I was not even there. So I did as I was told. I striped, waited & watched. Lucas picked up the knife and chalice. He held the chalice in front of him self right over the candle there and said “Corvendom Levintoria” then let it go. But it did not fall. Instead it floated there. He took the knife and said “I give of my self...

2 years ago
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Coeds european roadtrip horror part2

Now held under his bizarre funeral parlour the "undertaker" begins to bit-by-bit break down their resistance to his evil plans. ***** From her locked bent forward position it was difficult for Keeley to lift her head to look straight ahead. The stocks bit into her shoulders; her tiny wrists snapped through even smaller gaps in the scissor wood beams. Her mouth was dripping saliva from the edge of her lips as she slurped on the big neon ball gag. The feeling was disgusting, this shy...

5 years ago
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my first time part2

Roger introduced his friend to me as Keith. Keith merely smiled and smacked my ass again. I saw him walk out of my view then felt 2 sets of hands start exploring my backside. I could feel 1 set pulling my ass cheeks obscenely far apart, causing my ass hole to open. I felt first one, the two, then finally three fingers ram up my ass. The fingers started pumping me hard, stretching my hole farther with each penetration. My ass actually hurt at this point as it was being stretched and abused more...

4 years ago
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Slut Mom Bangs her sons Coach Part2

"hello" she answerd 'Hi sexy is it safe to come on over or is Rodger home i asked" ''no no baby its safe come on over ill be in my room waiting when u get here she replyed'' "ok sweety bye i said" "bye baby" walking to the her house i stoped bye the store to buy her a pack of smokes and some condoms as i continued to walk down her street i began to have a rock hard throobing cock thinking about all the dirty stuff we have done and all the new shit i wanted to...

3 years ago
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Blackmail Part2

"Yeah," I replied. "I'm not done with you yet, but you know that, don't you?" "Yeah" "First, drink this." He handed me a cup and I drank some more Jack Daniel's. "That good?" "Mm-hm." "Good, now drink this." He handed me another cup and I swallowed a load of cum. "That came out of your pussy. You seemed to be enjoying swallowing all that cum, so I thought I would make sure you got everything you could. Go ahead and finish it up." There was about a...

2 years ago
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Amandas first time for everything PART2

. "Okay" she replied. SMACK!! I slapped her hard accrosed the face "When I give you an order you say yes Jr., you got that you worthless little slut?". "Yes Jr. " she cried sobbing. "Now get up and get cleaned up, when we get back if anybody asks we're together now, and we're goin straight to my tent, got it?" "Yes Jr." "good girl" i said We walked through the camp, but pretty much everybody was asleep at that hour, so we went straight to my tent uninterrupted. When we...

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Sexy Shelly part2

Introduction: Shelly is a teen tart As we walked to the park I made no shame in looking up and down Shellys young body. She had pretty green eyes and a cute young face which was styled like a whore I liked her style I liked young whore looking teen girls. I said to her do you like Billy not really hes a bit of a prick, she replied you been with him two weeks I said yeh she replied Fuck him your with me now I said good she said Lets go to the shop and get some drinks what you two drinking?...

2 years ago
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PART 2 After the beach Dawn was not happy and all i could say was we will sort something out for you about 3 days later we were sat in the house and i said why dont you walk round nude see how you feel she loved it so while i was at work Dawn was naked at home i asked her how far would she go to show her self all she said was only if there yng or over 60 then nothing is closed i said ok left it at that One day while at work i called home told my wife the car needed petrol could she go fill it...

3 years ago
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payment for services part2

Be sure to read the first part it will make this story much better….. Joanna was sitting at the kitchen table in a summer dress and barefoot.I sat down in a chair across from her and sat the plate on the table.Well this is the moment of truth I said are you sure you want to see me do my thing? Joanna replied..Um well tell me what your going to do Im kinda interested but kinda queasy about it as well.I explained to her again about my fetish and I get a sexual thrill by womens toilet habits and...

4 years ago
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Cousin Bob Part2

Introduction: Inspired by Lubrican. Rose is positive her secret will be kept, for the price she already paid, it should be! But Bob has other plans. Now, please understand that this one is probably better than the last which was my very fisrt but then again, what the fuck do i care? I dont You people keep your comments to yourself Rose, wake up, dear, wake up&hellip, Hmm yes? I said pissed I was being woken up. Lou and I are leaving so itll just be you and Robert today alright dear? Yes,...

4 years ago
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A Teachers Fantasy Part2

I was getting comfortable with my relationship with petite, red-haired, Tory Allen. We had gotten together for ‘private lessons’ twice more since our first meeting. I must admit, I was enjoying life for the first time since my divorce two years earlier. In spite of our age difference, she seemed to enjoy my company, not just my body. And I was certainly enjoying her as well. I assumed that our trysts would remain discreet. Boy, was I wrong! One day, after class, another student, Sara Enders,...

2 years ago
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Black Widow part2

The rest of the day was just a blur, I was trying to get my head round what had just taken place. Whilst I was incredibly turned on by the whole experience, I didn’t know if I wanted more or I wanted to get my own back. Not only had she spanked me over my own desk and finger fucked my arse whilst wanking me off, she had not shown any emotion, it just felt like she had used me for her own pleasure. Thankfully we finished off the days figures for the day and Miss Cooper departed, saying that we...

2 years ago
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Andys Office Initiation Part2

When Andy took the job at DC Lingerie, he hadn’t expected to be in the position he was in now. It was his first day and he knew something was up when Ashlie, the office junior had slipped off her panties before entering the boss’s office. His boss Danielle, was, in his estimation, the best looking woman he had ever set eyes on. It wasn’t just her luxuriant blonde hair or even her amazing breasts. The way her bum twitched as she walked, the way her silky voice compelled him to follow her...

4 years ago
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Hot Babysitter part2

My first story left off with me licking and sucking my hot babysitter and then taking her upstairs. Now we continue…. I took Susie up to my room and noticed my husband was in the shower. Susie was already naked, her gorgeous young body begging for more action. I quickly undressed and got on the bed. My hot little babysitter crawled up beside me and started sucking my tits. She was working each of my nipples, swirling her tongue around them and sucking each one into her hot mouth. She brought...

3 years ago
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sex games part2

as i watched the 2 girls starting to ravage my s****r, i thought to myself,they did not know what they were in for. my s****r mary is physical, hard body,hot legs.you could crack an egg on her breasts.i never really saw her monkey, but i often dreamed about it.when i was 10 years old i got a peek .,through her nite gown, but that was it. karen and i were awe struck and just sat st the picnic table and gulped our beers.we had to see this,our hands quit rubbing. we just were in shock.the 2 new...

4 years ago
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The Debt Collector Part2

Introduction: This story is pure fantasy. After reading stories on this website and being impressed with the basic ideas, but disappointed with the lack of description, I decided to mix a few together with some of my own ideas and I do plagerize myself from time to time. I also tried to be a little more descriptive. I encourage more people to do the same. For anyone who doesnt like the themes listed, such as incest or rape, please dont read any further. For everyone else, be thankful for the...

3 years ago
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The house of Warrior Empress Toya part2

The whole night was spent very restlessly as most of the women where crying and all I could do was keep reliving the horror of the attack upon my village and what I witnessed here and was subjected to myself at the hands of the Empress.   It must have been the middle of the night as the moons was bright and the sky full of stars when screaming began and several guards came into the room.   The guards began to drag people regardless of age or sex into the middle area of the room that had a...

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The Teacher and the Secretary part2

I’d fixed my clothes back to how a proper secretary shouldlook, and Richard had sorted himself out too. We had gotten dressed in silence, not an awkward one, just in contemplation of the situation. He pinched my bum on the way out, right where he had spanked me, probably to remind me he was in control. I still wanted to kick him in the balls. I opened the door and froze in horror to see Allie, the head teacher, stood outside with a look of pure anger on her face. “What the FUCK do you think you...

3 years ago
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Holiday Surprise part2

We collected Jack and Lilley fromthe sailing school and we couldn’t stop them talking and telling us about their day and how awesome it had been as we walked back to the hotel. So Henry and I were not the only ones to have had a remarkable day. That evening Jack and I ate in the hotel and after dinner I went into the bar and Jack went to the children’s games area. A little later Henry and Lilley came in. “Jacks in the games area,” I informed them. “Thanks,” Lilley replied before heading off...

2 years ago
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Visiting Sam part2

I was unsure and decided to take it easy when entering Sam, but didn’t need to; I slipped into her quite easily.The next morning Sam woke me unintentionally as she slipped out of bed and left the bedroom. I wondered what she was doing, but she had only gone to use the other bathroom. When she came back, she eased herself into bed, obviously trying not to wake me.I lay in bed for a while just thinking, Sam had gone back to sleep, so I decided to get up to see what kind of day it was. I opened...

4 years ago
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continued...Headed back to the hardware store, I decided to stay home and leave him to go it alone. Upset that he had raised his voice, I wanted a little space to myself.I understand it was the longest amount of time that I have kept him locked, but he knows how happy it makes me. He says he wants that for us and that's exciting. I did feel kinda bad, and as a peace offering, I logged into our account and removed the humiliating photos I had posted to tease him a few weeks before.After arriving...

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A couple of days by the Loch Part2

Continuing from Part 1, I woke in the morning with Lee and Karen still cuddling into me, their naked bodies looked great as the Morning Sun came streaming through the window. I kissed both of them on the forehead before getting out of bed. They seem to move closer together as I stood at the end of the bed. My cock was feeling a bit sore as it had been a while since I had come twice within an hour but it did twitch a bit as I left the girls sleeping. Naked I walked from the bedroom to where my...

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My Cabin of SolacePart2

Even though I loved my seclusion, I have to admit, having a beautiful girl on each side of me as I laid in bed had its moments. After being seduced by two gorgeous strangers, all I wanted to do was have more. I still felt mesmerized by those two beauties that were nestled in my arms, one on each side, as they drew lazy circles around my nipples. I felt sleep begin to overtake my mind as I relaxed more and more with each light feathery touch across my chest. I know I dozed off because the last...

Group Sex
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Incestuous Act Part2

It wasn't until one day that I found some videos on my sister's computer that were shocking, to say the least. At the moment, I didn’t feel like I was snooping, even though I was. My sister had left a little icons on her laptop to be found very easily. They were homemade videos of my little sister, Joan, and my son having sex, giving the head and other private sex acts. I will admit that I hated when I saw Joan and my son committing i****t, but seeing her take a load to the face with a smile...

4 years ago
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Memories of Patty Part2

Summer was nearly over, and we'd be going back to school soon. If second year premed was anything like the first, I was in for hell. We'd decided to take a trip before Patty had to leave for college, and I had to return, as well. The one bright spot was Debbie would be attending the same college as Patty, so they were going to room together. We were going to spend 4 days in my doctor friend's cabin, just outside in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Doc had kind of adopted me when he found out I was a car...

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Double Dare part2

A few days later after our first game of dare, me, Josie, my hot blonde cousin, and Emily, her hot ebony friend, arrived at college early because we were going on a field trip as part of our course work, and for some reason Emily wanted to get to the coach first."Why are we here so early?" groaned Josie, still half a sleep."Because I want a good seat!" replied Emily.As we reached the front door of the coach, our professor was stood there waiting to great us."Ah, morning Emily, Josie, Ron!" he...

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Betrayals Part2

It was called the ‘Esimba’ for lack of better term but it was really combination of the local term ‘Isimba’ and the first letter of my name. It was on the on the right side of our homestead near my parents’ house. As the last born that location of my hut; traditionally was rightfully mine. The positives thing about my hut was that it had a spacious room compared to my other siblings and the negative thing about it was that it was close to my sister’s hut who was always pain in my ass.“Well...

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Fernanda Peituda Safada hottest stories part2

Below a new set of real life stories about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda, nick name Peituda Safada.You can meet her at the strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba Brazil!Fernanda & Paulla entertaining a guy.I had sex 2 days ago with together another dancer from the club:An american guy wants see how 2 girls do lesbian sex.He orders us to put out all clothes, only we must wear our shoesAfter that we must kissing. He wants see how our tongue goes deep in each other mouth .We must play by...

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Getting caught by The Mother in Law Part2

Rose called me on my mobile and asked if I was at the house, I said yes and asked if there was something wrong ? she said no she just wanted some company and she would be over in an hour. It was a really nice warm day and I had been in the garden sunbathing, my garden was'nt that secluded so I'd set up some garden furniture so I could lie in the sun naked without the neighbours being able to see. Almost an hour had passed since Rose had called so I put the kettle on in anticipation of her...

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the pastor part2

There was no more doubt . Iam loving cock. especially big dark full of veins powerfull black cock of the pastorEvery txt i received on my phone i wished it was him wanting to see meIt has been only 2days since he showed me how i love to be fuck and I crave itits the 3rd evening after school. i lube my dildo and watch netflix sit on it , desperate for a real cock in me , pounding away in my tight pink hole i keep training to accept his bigger cock without whimperingI had dinner and aroud 8pm he...

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