Forced By Situation free porn video

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“Hello, are you waiting for someone?” I asked.

She looked at me surprised, “Oh, hi, hello. No, just thinking alone.”

For the first time I saw her face, she was a real beauty with a small head and long brown hair. Not wanting to scare her, I stopped glaring at her and asked.

“You look like you are cold and I can’t let beauty like you sit here by yourself shivering. I was just coming back from work planning to eat something, wanna join me? I will have great company and you will warm yourself. You like the idea?” Smiling, I waited for her answer.

She looked to the side, I think she just blushed a little, aww cute. After a moment she said. “Ok, I think we can go and eat in some restaurant.”

“Great to hear that. My name is Mat, nice to meet you.” I said and put forward my hand in greetings.

She stood up, grabbed my hand and said. “Nice to meet you Mat, I’m Ashley.”

Her hand was small and soft. I loved the feeling, except it was very cold.

“Your hand is so cold, come take this.” I took off my jacket and put in on her.

She was undecided for a second but in the end she put it on and said. “Thank you.”

As we were walking to the restaurant I asked her. “So what were you doing there alone?”

She was silent for some time, after that she looked at me uncertainly and decided that I was nice, I think. “Well… I ran away from home a few weeks ago and ended up here in this unknown city, you think I’m childish?”

I laughed lightly. “Of course not, you are an adult I assume. You didn’t run, you decided to live on your own.”

She looked at me with more confidence and said. “Yea! You are right.”


We ordered our food and continued talk. Ashley was telling a story how hard her life was.

We ate and talked for an hour, after that I proposed, “maybe you want to stay at my home? I have two bedrooms, one is unoccupied, it would be nice to have someone to talk to at home after work. What you think?”

She was quiet for a long time. “I could stop at your house for a short time, in thanks for letting me stay. I can cook and clean the house.”

“Ok, deal. Would be a pleasure to live with you as my roommate” I said.


I lived in a house with a living room, kitchen plus dining area and two bedrooms. We entered inside.

“Wow it’s big and looks nice.” she said.

“Yes, I like it here. I bought it a few years ago. Come I will show you your room.”

I showed her room opposite to mine. “You can live here, bedding is new and fresh, but what with your clothes, do you have any for change?”

She became embarrassed. “I had few but I lost them.” She started crying.

I walked to her and embraced her. “Don’t worry, tomorrow after work we will go to the shop and buy you some clothes and pajama.”

After a moment she stopped crying, so I said. “Go take a shower, I will give you my t-shirt and bathrobe. You want wine or tea?”

I think she wanted to act like grown up or something and said. “Wine, please.”

I laughed and said. “Of course.”


After the shower she left the bathroom, wearing my t-shirt and bathrobe, she looked sexy with her long legs showing and these firm breasts without bra, beautiful.

“I said this before but I will say this again, you are gorgeous.”

She blushed and said. “Thank you.”

“Sit, you have wine and remote here if you want to watch something. I’m going to take shower, I stink after work.”


She already lived with me for a few days. I didn’t try anything with her, afraid that I would scare her. Now everything she had was bought by me, Ashley now very dependent on me plus every day compliments from me, were doing their work. She didn’t mind me sitting with her on the couch leg to leg, also she is now more open to me. Telling me almost everything that she came through.

One evening we were watching a film in the living room, we had one blanket on us and Ashley was lining on my shoulder. My hand naturally started to roam her back, she didn’t say anything, so I think, she didn’t mind. She was in two piece pajamas and me only in boxers, I told her from the start that I sleep in them.

It was late into the night and after two glasses of wine. She had a weak head for alcohol. I was thinking that it’s time to have some benefits of her staying here for free and all the stuff I bought her. She wasn’t too good at cooking and cleaning.

I lowered my boxers, took her hand and put it on my penis. She wasn’t expecting that, I was more than twice older than her. She was sitting there paralyzed, so I started to help, and moved her hand up and down on my member.

I looked at her and said. “Ashley, you are a beautiful and nice girl, I know that you wanted to repay me somehow for the kindness that I showed you. I think I’m not asking for too much, just some hand job that you don’t even need to look at.”

She didn’t say anything. I took my hand off from hers, and after a moment she started to move it by herself. I was in heaven, a young girl that I was molesting at the moment was jacking me with her small and velvet hand.

It wasn't possible for me to last long, I didn’t have sex in a few years, it ended in less than five minutes. I came on her hand and blanket. “Thank you, that was a great experience. I’m grateful that you did this for me, I like you Ashley.”

She took her hand and was trembling slightly, from what she was telling me she didn't have any sexual experience. That was her first intimate encounter with male.

Ashley stood up and said. “I also like you Mat, it’s just I wasn’t expecting this. Good night.”

“Sweet dreams, dear.”

Happy that she didn’t fight back, I went to my bed in a good mood .


Next day during breakfast she didn’t comment about anything that happened yesterday. We talked like nothing occurred. She told me her plans for today, she is going to meet with a new girlfriend that she made two days ago. I left her some money and went to work.

“Have fun and see you in the afternoon.” I said.

“Bye, see you.” she said smiling.

I was happy that she met new people. That way it will be harder for her to leave, also clothes and gadgets will have more value to her.


It was night of the same day, we were after dinner and shower, both of us in nightwear. Ashley was telling me what happened to her during the day. She spent a fun day with a new friend. We were sitting on the couch this time there was space between us. I think even though she didn’t talk about what happened yesterday, she still has this in mind.

After an hour of listening to her, I said. “It’s really nice that you made a friend this quickly and I’m still surprised that a cute girl like you didn’t have friends before.”

“They were laughing from my clothes and old phone, it wasn't a great time for me but now is ok, don’t worry.” She smiled at me.

My cock jumped in my boxers. I moved and started to lean towards her, then our lips met and I started to kiss her. She had a confused look and wasn’t kissing back but also she didn’t push me back. I put my left hand under her pajama top and started to move forward, until I reached her breasts. She flinched and panicked. She never imagined something like that, when she started living here and receiving all the clothes and things I bought her. She took me for a nice guy who likes doing charity, funny.

Never having a boyfriend before and never been kissed she didn't know what to do, and now some much older guy was molesting her.

Her breasts were perfect, I could grab it all in my hand. I started to fold it a little more aggressively, she squealed lightly and taking the opportunity I put my tongue inside her mouth.

She just sat there with closed eyes, accepting everything that was happening to her but not responding to me. After a few minutes of this, mine penis was rock hard and uncomfortable in my boxers, so I took them off. I stopped kissing and fondling her. I could see a relief in her body posture, but she felt relieved too fast. Tonight I wanted something more, I invested in her a lot of money and now I wanted some interest back.

I put my right hand on her neck and started to push her towards my penis. She opened her eyes to take a look at what was happening and winced, but didn’t fight, accepting the fate.

She didn’t have any other place to move and didn’t want to go back as it was before, no new clothes, no friends, no care and no one to ask for help.

“Open your mouth.” I said.

“I have to?”

“Ashley honey you have time of your life here, let me also have something from this, don’t be selfish. I love you and I will never abandon you.”

I pushed her head, and she opened her mouth, my penis was slowly swallowed. It was a heavenly feeling, I was inside her warm mouth, but the feeling of control was much more exciting, I knew I wouldn’t last long.

“Move your tongue around my cock and your head up and down like you did it before with your hand.”

She started to slowly move her head, she didn’t take me deep, just the head of my penis but it was her first time, so I didn’t want to push her too much. I felt something wet that flowed down along my member. I think she was crying while blowing me, it wasn't loud or anything just tears.

Starting to fondle her breast, only quickened unavoidable. I grabbed her head and started to come inside her mouth, she started to gag which was stimulating me even more but I think it’s enough for her so I let go.

“Thank you for what you did for me, that was great. I love you, now more if it’s even possible. You are a beautiful woman Ashley, it’s good that you decided to let me care for you.”

Confused and lost she readjust her pajamas and went to the room. She was scared and sad that he forced her to do that, but she wasn’t seeing another choice. She didn’t want to go back living on the street with no job, money or clothes plus it was winter now, she would die, and she would lose a new friend. ‘I’m an adult, I can handle it, it’s only blowjob. It’s only fair that I give something in exchange. Yea, it’s ok.’ She fell asleep with tears falling down her cheeks.


I gave her a day of break, so she can get everything straight in her head. She again didn’t comment about what happened, and after a day she stopped turning her head away from me.

I couldn’t wait any longer, having a sexy petite girl in your house in revealing clothes was too much (I had a say on what clothes to buy), I was hard most of the time. It was evening just before dinner, she went to the bathroom. I followed her but waited a moment near the door. Then I stepped inside, she was sitting on the toilet, raising her head and looking at me scared.

“Please, leave, I'm using the toilet.” she said with a raised voice.

I didn’t respond and moved in front of her and pulled off my pants, freeing my hard cock. Then I grabbed her head and started to move it in my direction. She didn’t part her lips, so I started to rub it on her face, until she gave up and opened her mouth. I rammed inside, putting half of my member inside. I was gasping from pleasure as she was choking at the same time.

Letting go of her head, I waited for what she would do.

She started to give me blowjob without my assistance. It was slow and amateur, but I was satisfied that no more prompting was needed.

While sitting on the toilet with her pants down, she grabbed my hips to have easier access to my cock. It felt great to be inside her warm mouth, she slowly started to use tongue.

“You are doing great Ashley, I love you.” I have the impression that she feels safer when I’m saying that I love her, so I don’t mind using it whenever I can.

She started to move faster, I put my hand on her head.

“Keep going, I almost finished.” I was close.

“Ughh.” Holding her in place I started to ejaculate inside her mouth. She was choking, so I took out my penis and the last two ropes of cum landed on her face.

She stopped choking and was now breathing hard. Looking to the side, she was avoiding me. I took a piece of toilet paper and cleaned myself. After that I said.

“Finish your toilet and come for dinner, I will wait for you and thanks for blowjob it was great.”


At the table, while we were eating we always talked and now wasn’t different.

Looking at her food she started. “Mat, you know that I’m grateful that you let me stay here and all things that you did for me. It’s just that I don’t like the things that you want me to do. Can we forget about this and stop doing it.”

I looked at her, petite girl with her head down. She looked like a kid who waited to be scolded by her parents. “You know Ashley that I let you stay here and I don’t expect anything from you in exchange, but I fell in love with you and I want to be close to you as much as I can. You might not know but I don’t buy things for some random girls, you are special to me and I want to be with you, also physically. When you took my gifts I thought that you were returning my feelings or are you just being selfish?”

Ashley was confused, she felt driven to the corner and didn’t know what to answer.

I stood up and walked to her. I hugged her and said. “You don’t need to worry, I love you and will give you everything you want.”

Her mind was a mess, and she was afraid to be abandoned and left alone on the street. He was so much older than her, she dreamed about a handsome young boy that she could love for the rest of her life, but now she didn’t see another option. Resignation to the fate washed over her, she responded unemotionally.

“Ok, Mat I will be with you.”

Happy with the result, I stood her up and french kissed her. She was so small and thin in my arms. Excited, I grabbed her hand and started to walk to my bedroom.

Once we were there I started to undress her. Starting from her blouse, when that was off she raised her hands to cover breasts. They looked big on her small frame. I couldn't wait when I would start to lick these beautiful globes.

Next I unhooked her bra. By grabbing her hands with one of mine I took hers off, now they were in full glory before me. They were firm and perky with small, pointy nipples, just perfect.

I started to kiss her again, my cock rock hard not sure how much longer I will last. While having her occupied I started to pull off her leggings from these smooth legs and small feet. She started to say something but with my tongue inside her mouth I wasn’t able to understand her. Now she had her leggings around her ankles and sexy panties still were covering her nether region.

I pushed her on the bed. “Ahh!” I started to undress myself while looking at her.

While looking at me, she said. “No, please I’m not ready for sex, I’m never done this with anyone.”

Without stopping, I said. “Ashley my dear, we decided to be with each other, it's the natural next step in our relationship, it’s pointless to delay this and with such a beautiful girlfriend I can’t wait any longer.”

Now fully naked, I walked to her and took off her leggings. Next I climbed onto the bed, with my legs on each side of her, I leaned and started to kiss and fondle her breasts at the same time my cock was rubbing over her leg.

She was moaning and squealing. I got up on my knees, grabbed her under armpits and moved her further onto the bed.

I moved back, raised her legs and pulled off her panties. She tried to cover herself with hands, but I anyway spread them, leaning with my mouth down to her pussy and taking off her hands that were covering her. I started to kiss and lick her pussy.

“Ahh, no!” she shouted. “Please, stop. I need to think this over.”

I raised my head from the sweet crevice and looked at her. “Look we have already gone so far, and we agreed on this relationship, also you made me so hard that I can’t stop.”

“I know but I’m not ready for this, please can we stop. In exchange, I will blow you, ok?” She asked with a shaking voice.

I got up.

She looked relieved that I listened to her.

Next I leaned over her still with my legs between hers.

She smiled at me thinking that is over for now.

I kissed her with a smile and lust on my face. This time she responded to me, and her tongue was interlocked with mine.

Lastly I grabbed my dick and entered her fast until I hit a barrier.

She screamed but was muted by our kissing, now she was looking at me with disbelief, she tried to push me with her hands. I waited for a while for her pussy to accommodate me. After first shock she moved her head.

“Stop! It hurts! Ugh.” She was breathing hard.

I moved back, so I was only a little inside her. I saw hope in her eyes and pain in the next second when I rammed my dick through her barrier.

“Aaaaaa!” She was screaming hard.

This time fully inside her pussy, I again waited. I’m not a total savage.

“Please, no more it hurts.”

“Ashley I love you so much, we can’t stop now. Don’t be selfish girl otherwise no one will like you, I gave you everything you wanted and you can’t even bear some sex with your boyfriend.”

“I’m sorry for being like that but it hurts so much.” She said with tears in the eyes.

“Then I also need to apologize but this one time I will be selfish.”

I slowly started to move out and inside. It was something fantastic, it’s like a tight, silk glove around your dick, fan ta stic.

She was grunting every time I went inside her. She turned her head to the wall and was crying hard from pain, she gave up and wasn’t fighting anymore. Her whole body was shaking, her thin legs trembled every time I went down. She didn’t know what to do with her hands, they were floating up and down, sometimes grabbing the sheets.

I couldn’t last much longer. I started to move faster.

“Hurts! Noooo!” It was more painful for her, but I was close to release.

Few seconds later I came inside her. I was never so satisfied, I lied down over her, content. Still inside her moving just a bit.

“I can’t breathe.”

“Ohh, sorry.” I left her pussy with plop and got on her side.

She turned her back to me, tucking her legs up. I heard her sobbing, so I gave her some space and covered us with a blanket and went to sleep.


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Forced To Be a Sissy I

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to reality or persons is purely coincidental. It is a forced feminization story with some physical punishment but no sex at this point. If you do not enjoy such, please do not send negative commentary. Copyright held by author and the story may be downloaded for personal enjoyment only. No other permission for republication or use is permitted. Forced to be a Sissy I By Cheryl Lynn The young man stood facing a very large woman sitting in...

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Forced To Uh

Forced To...Uh... By ABC de F Chapter One "You know me, I hate to give up," Eddie Kowalski said. "But we've looked everywhere ? twice and three times. You gotta figure that Mickey's long gone." "Not of his own accord," David said. "Maybe not," Eddie said, "but gone. I've got to call it a day, Davie. You gonna keep looking?" David sighed. "No, you're right. I don't know what happened to him, but we're not going to find him anywhere around here." "I know he's your best...

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Forced Into Porn

Forced into Porn by Steve69 I had been caught red handed by the assistant principal of my high school my senior year. I had been working in the office all year and had as one of my duties the job of maintaining the cash fund for payment of school contractors doing small odd maintenance jobs that our staff could not do. The system was so loose that it almost begged to be abused, and well I did. I had worked out a way to skim around 10% of every payment...

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Forced to be a Pansy II

Forced to be a Pansy II By Cheryl Lynn Please read "Forced to be a Pansy" before reading this one. This is an X rated fictional meaning that in no way is this story related to reality or to any living person, place or thing. If you do not enjoy reading demeaning punishing torment of men by dominant women, then do not read this. YOU ARE WARNED. Story is copy written by the author and permission is granted for private use only. No authority to republish or use on pay sites is...

4 years ago
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Forced to Procreation

Forced to Procreation by Tegeli What ever dreams I had in the hibernation, were replaced with the acrid stench of the chilly facility interiors. My vision was blurry and my limbs numb, but I could sense I was being moved. The facility AI had stated the current date. Concentrating, I understood that it was still a dozen weeks before my shift would start. When I was placed on the autodoc, terror surged through me. If my body had worked already, I would trashed around. Something...

1 year ago
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Forced to be a Sissy II

Forced to be a Sissy II By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and contains forced feminization! So if you do not enjoy forced stories, please do not send negative commentary. Commentary on story line and grammar are appreciated. This story is down loadable for personal enjoyment only. Permission for other purposes or for pay sites is strictly prohibited. Forced to be a Sissy II Matilda entered his room without knocking and quickly reached his side where he had been writing...

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Forced to be a Sissy IV

Forced to be a Sissy IV By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and should not be confused with reality. Permission is granted to down load for personal pleasure only. Down loads of this work for any other purpose is strictly forbidden. If you do not like forced feminization with various punishments then do not read or send negative commentary. Commentary regarding the story plot development and grammar are always welcome. Forced to be a Sissy IV Jacob wanted to wipe the...

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Forced to Cum

He watched for a few more minutes; she was completely unmoving under the blankets, enjoying a peaceful slumber. The window appeared to be open, he just had to slide the screen aside... This he did carefully and silently while leaning in from his tree branch. It all happened so fast - in an instant he was there in her room, a foot away from her bed, and she was still as of yet unaware of his presence. He admired her beautiful mounds of tits rising and falling with her sweet breaths, the...

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forced by my sister and her boyfriend

It’s been a long night and I’m absolutely knackered... I’ve been babysitting for my sister so she can go out. I’m not sure why I agreed I don’t eve like k**s especially my niece and nephew. Don’t get me wrong I love them but truth is they just annoy me, I’m Sixteen I should be out having fun and yet I get sucked into watching her k**s so she can go out and get drunk with her new boyfriend...Now he's one of the reasons I said yes, I’ve got a crush on him. I know he's older, over ten years older....

2 years ago
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forced at school part 2

I was so tired that I fell asleep again but I was not asleep for long before I was woken up by my teacher untying me and turn me round onto my back and then tie me up again.He then went out of the room and was gone for a few minutes before he came walking in with Sammy in his arms because she was still u*********s.He put her on top of me and then I felt hm grab my cock and put some lube on it before forcing Sammy down on to it.He slid her up and down on my cock for a few minutes before saying -...

1 year ago
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Forced Into Frocks and Frillies

FORCED INTO FROCKS AND FRILLIES A story by Johnathan I stood in the centre of the room, close to tears, as my two step sisters howled at my appearence. I pressed my bare legs together as Lesley, the eldest of the two girls, she was fifteen, one year younger than me, and her sister Caroline, she was fourteen, fussed with the little girl outfit I was wearing. Yesterday I had finished school, all my exams taken, I was no longer required to attend. My step-mother immediately informed me...

3 years ago
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Forced to be a Femboy pt 1

Then when we get there we walk into the gate and my friends see me so my sister drags me to them and says "I turned him into a girl so he would know what it feels like so who wants to shove a strap on up his boy vagina" Tegan nodded her head so they got me to bend over. Then Tegan lifted my skirt up and pulled my underwear down. After that Tegan got the dildo and shoved it in my boy's pussy. Then she strapped the band around her waist and started to thrust me with it. After 5 minutes the...

2 years ago
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Forced to Fuck His Daughter in Front of Wife

“She’s still not over it yet?” Annoyance in his voice. Sandra shook her head. The soft golden curls fluffed in the air. “How long has it been? Two days?” He threw the wet towel into the laundry bag by the door. “It’s not like it’s a big deal or anything.” “Don’t let her hear you say that.” Sandra warned. “Being rejected is a big deal.” “Please.” He snorted. “Life is full of rejection.” “She’s still young.” Sandra shrugged as she began to unbutton the white cotton blouse she’s wearing....

4 years ago
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Forced To Fuck One Of My Students

Forced To Fuck One Of My Students I never thought that it would come to this. My Master of the past four years has always treated me kindly. I do what he wants and he administers light pain on me anyway. I sold myself to him when I was still in college. I needed a place to stay and it seemed like a good idea at the time. At twenty-three I enjoyed a very full sexual life style so when he offered me what I needed in exchange for what he needed, I accepted. At first it was fun he would...

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Forced To Dress Up

Forced To Dress Up By Kim Babe Here is the ultimate story about forced dressing. It's a true story about what happened to me in the mid 70's. Because I didn't have access to any girl's clothes at home, I started sneaking (breaking) into my neighbor's homes and trying on their stuff. I know it's wrong now, but back then I... well, we all have regrets I suppose. Getting back to my story, I would enter the house when the family was gone and have a grand time fulfilling my...

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Forced Wife Ch 02

This is the second part of a story I published some time ago. I want to thank all of you who kindly commented and voted on the first chapter, and who contributed suggestions for this. Those suggestions that I have not included in this story are stored away in my mind and I’m sure I will find a suitable context in which to use them. It tells the tale of a submissive wife who is being forced to expose her body to a gathering of both friends and strangers. As her humiliation and exposure...

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Forced Sex

I had a situation happen to me recently that most men would give their left nut to have happen to them! It was without a doubt the most exciting thing to ever happen to me anyway. I am happily married with two children, a gorgeous wife, who loves just about any form of sex; I have a good job, nice home and just about everything a guy could want. Except that is, my neighbor wife! A few years ago, my wife and I had a nice home built out in the Koregaon Park area of Pune, Maharashtra. We were kind...

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SRU Special Situation

SPELLS R US: A SPECIAL SITUATION by Roy Del Frink Andrew Humphrey was an unusually displeased man. At 25, he enjoyed his lifestyle. He liked working for the drugstore. He also had all the money he'd ever wanted, even though he was far from wealthy. Even his parents, brother, and sister gave him loving attention whenever he was around. But he felt something lacking in life. Something quite personal. After six months in therapy, Andy discovered the problem was himself. He...

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Sticky Situation

STICKY SITUATION by Throne I should have known better. My wife Larissa had already put me into chastity and feminized me. I was constantly horny from looking at her. She is taller than me, has an attractively full figure, and loves to show herself off because it gets me aroused. Every time I became excited it was uncomfortable in my tiny cock cage, my balls ached, and I was so frustrated it made me want to break down and cry. Months ago she had me get treatments to remove all my...

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Forced to watch my girlfriend brutally gangraped

A few nights ago my girlfriend Amber and I were watching TV on the couch. Amber is the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met, let alone slept with. She’s 5’2”, straight blonde hair, and stunning blue eyes. She’s got a near perfect rack of 36D-sized tits, a real nice ass, just a perfect body. We had been together for almost 3 years and she was the love of my life. We were all cuddled up on the couch, loving the feeling of each other’s bodies, and we had no idea our whole world was about to be...

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Forced to watch my girlfriend brutally gangraped

I should start this story with a little background info. A few weeks ago my car got stolen from right in front of my apartment door. Later that day the police found the car and arrested the guys who stole it. The police asked if I wanted to press charges and in the heat of the moment I said yes. I was angry that my car was stolen and wanted to get back at the bastards. A few months later I get called and asked to appear in court and testify. Against my better judgment I agree, showed up,...

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Forced to watch my girlfriend brutally gangraped

I should start this story with a little background info. A few weeks ago my car got stolen from right in front of my apartment door. Later that day the police found the car and arrested the guys who stole it. The police asked if I wanted to press charges and in the heat of the moment I said yes. I was angry that my car was stolen and wanted to get back at the bastards. A few months later I get called and asked to appear in court and testify. Against my better judgment I agree, showed up,...

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forced to Fuck

I was away for the summer, at sleep over camp, my parents would send me off when school was out to keep me from getting into trouble. It wasn't the first time that I had went off to sleep over camp, but this was the first time that I was attacked. The camp lasted for nine weeks, with a one week recess at the end of each three week period. Each time I would return to camp their would be some new faces as well as familiar ones. Some that was there from the beginning and some that came for only...

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Forced to Recreation

Forced to Recreation by Tegeli I knew things were not right, when I came out of the rejuvenation treatment, not as a few years younger version of myself, but with the body of a wimpy teenager. I stared at the mirror; only the now tiny penis confirmed I was still a man, though the slim waist and wider hips were rather feminine. To be honest, it wasn't such a huge change, as I had never had the vanity to get the treatments to look particularly masculine. In truth, even if I didn't...

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Forced to ask for Help

Heather is forcefully pulled away by me towards the door of my private elevator. She struggles to keep pace in her high heels as I swiftly move to the door. While waiting for it to arrive, she is startled by my mouth suddenly locking upon hers. This is no chaste kiss, my lips mash against hers and my tongue slips inside. It feels like a violation, having never kissed this way before, she moves her head backwards to be stopped by my hand holding her firm. My large hand holding her neck with my...

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Dangerous Situation

“I do not need a baby sitter,” I told my boss.“Whether you think you need one, or not, you have got one,” my boss bawled back.I didn’t mind Mandy, our Health and Safety Officer; being honest about it, I wanted to fuck her senseless. Sometimes, I would hear her strut across the concrete floor in the factory production area; the clip clop of her heels seemed to be calling to me - Fuck Me, Fuck Me.Mandy was a bubbly brunette, tall, well covered, hourglass figure; but certainly not over weight. In...

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Making the Best of a Bad Situation

One word, "Hey," was all Josh needed to recognize the caller. It was Tim. "What's up pal?" the friendly voice answered on the other end of the line. "Ya wanna go for a couple of beers tonight?" Tim asked. "Hey, buddy, tonight is your big night with Lucy. Isn't tonight when you planned to pop the question? Did you forget today is Friday?" Tim waited before replying. "Josh, Lucy and I broke up yesterday." Josh let the news sink in before saying, "What?" Josh blurted out. "You're kidding. You two...

Wife Lovers
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Piercing Situation

Here is a story written be an admirer who explains a situation he would like to have happen with me. Enjoy ==================================================== PIERCING SITUATION This had been coming on for a long, long time. I wanted her to get her scrotum pierced but she refused me time and time again. One day I finally had enough... I told her that she was especially pretty that day and that she should take a hot bath and come out dressed to play. She took her time and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 41 Sorting Out A Complex Situation

January 2, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Dad! Dad! Dad!” Jesse shouted as I walked in the front door. He was, literally, bouncing off the walls. “Nicholas is moving here! Nicholas is moving here!” I couldn’t help but laugh, “I know, Jesse. Aunt Bethany told me.” “Can they live with us? Can they? Please? Can they?” “Jesse, I only found out an hour ago. You knew before I did! Can we wait, please?” “Can Nicholas go to the hockey game with us tonight?” That would put us a ticket short, but if...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 5 Defense Fixing an Awkward Situation

Barbara was in the pool. Like many others on the patio she wore only her monokini. She was doing laps, but at a near frantic pace that Dave had never seen someone attempt in their new, larger pool. He wondered if she were out to set some sort of speed record. Dave and several others watched the perfect strokes as they heard her vocalized gasps for air when her head turned from the water. Her turns deserved to be in the Olympics they were executed so perfectly and so rapidly. If ever there was...

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Forced To Be A Girl

Forced to be a Girl by Chrsitine My predicament began 6 months ago. It was at this time that my girlfriend Susan found out from her girlfriend Jan that I was fooling around on her. Susan hit the roof. Her first reaction was to leave me. I begged her not to telling her I loved her very much and that I would do anything to keep her from leaving. Susan just stomped out of the house saying that she would never be able to forgive me for this indiscretion and that she...

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Forced to be a Woman

This story is quite extreme in places and involves some lurid details of forced feminisation. It's been incomplete for a while and I finally got some energy to put something together so it could be posted. Okay it's not my usual style but it might pull someone's wire. Any comments please then please email me on [email protected] Thanks go to Noua the Japanese woman. Forced to be a Woman By Elaine Copyright 2004 This strange tale started about 9 months ago when my wife left me...

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Forced to AllFours

Forced to All-FoursGwen was feeling really tired after an exhausting day of volleyball practice. All around her people were milling towards the multiple exit doors around her; she weakly pushed past them all to get to her locker. When she finally made it to there, she found she was the only person in the aisle except for Brooke.        ?Hi Brook!? Gwen tried to say as cheerfully as she could, despite her tiredness.        ?Oh! Hi Gwen! Just the person I was looking for,? Brooke said as she...

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Forced Circumcision Of A Male Stripper

??    Forced Circumcision Of A Male Stripper?By: Wayne T.????A backpacker travelling the world runs out of money and is forced to look for work to support himself. Not having a visa, he branches out into the sex industry before attending a private party, where he is used for the evenings entertainment. He then receives by force from some of the guests, the fullest male circumcision possible, there and then, of the most tightest and extreme kind. This is in full view and humiliation, in...

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