The Class Project - Chapters 18 - 20 Conclusion free porn video

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The Class Project by Janice Dreamer Chapter 18 Robyn sat on the toilet and stared at the blue plus sign on the little white stick. This simply could not be happening. How? How could she be pregnant? What the hell was she going to do? She leaned forward and put her head in her hands. A gentle tapping on the door was followed by Cathy's soft voice, "Robyn? Are you okay in there?" Robyn closed her eyes and drew in a gasping breath. "I'm okay." "You sure? Do you need anything?" She sighed and put the stick down on the edge of the sink. No matter how much she might wish for time to stop she knew she had to move forward. She pulled her shorts up and opened the door. Cathy was standing there in the doorway looking concerned. Behind her were Meg, Amy, and Donna all ready to offer their support. There was no judgment on any of their faces, only deep empathy and understanding for one of their own who was going through something they'd all feared at one time or another. Robyn swallowed a lump in her throat. Other than Jim, she'd never had such wonderful, supportive friends. She waved at the telltale test stick on the sink. "It's positive." "Oh, Honey, it's going to be okay." "We're here, Robyn, if you want to talk." "Come here, Sweetie, you could use a hug." "Yes, we're all on your side, Hon, girl power together." Robyn felt numb gratitude for their understanding as she was touched and hugged and coddled by these women. Somehow the future didn't seem quite so bleak and unbearable as it had just moments ago. * * * * * Tom Johnson guzzled his beer and let out an enormous burp. He gestured at the porno unfolding on the tv screen and muttered, "Fuck, look at the boobs on that one!" One of the frat brothers tossed a cheeto at Johnson and taunted, "Johnson you gotta get your mind off hooters, we've got serious shit to discuss here, dude." "Yeah, yeah. What's more serious than tit fucking?" Johnson shot back. "Aren't we supposed to be figuring out what to do 'bout those fuckin' Tuskers?" a third member of the frat responded. "Yeah, you're right," Johnson said, sitting up straighter in his lounge chair. "Okay dudes, how we gonna get those assholes back? They really made us look like jerks last year." He and Brad and several other fraternity brothers were drinking beers and engaged in a strategy session. They were trying to think up a stunt to pull on their school's archrivals the Tuskers. "What if we steal their mascot?" one of the brothers offered up. "Man, that is so lame. Every year it's the same old shit." "Yeah. But I hate that fucking pot bellied pig. Somebody ought to kill that fat piece of shit." "Even better... what if we steal the pig and have a roast? We can make a chunk of change to boot." "We'll do it the weekend of the lacrosse game with the Tuskers. Invite them to the roast. They'll be eating their own mascot!" "Sweet!" "Okay, brothers, is everyone in favor?" Brad said, assuming his role as fraternity president and taking the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Now the brothers resumed more important discussions: how they'd screw the various porno starlets in the video they were watching. * * * * * Robyn sat alone in the evening by the motel's small pool. The day had been warm and pleasant but a chill was beginning to creep into the air; Robyn shivered but didn't make any move to go inside. They were supposed to leave tomorrow and she was still in complete shock. "How you making out, Robyn?" Meg walked over and sat down beside her. "Do you want to talk about it?" Robyn smiled wistfully, grateful for her friend's concern. "Thanks, Meg. I'm... okay, I guess. As okay as I can be. Totally shocked. Confused. Scared." Meg hesitated a moment then said very gently, "Look, sweetie, I don't know if you've thought about it and all... but... are you... you know... going to keep it?" Robyn blinked. She hadn't even thought about her options. She'd just been overwhelmed by the simple fact that she was pregnant. "Keep it? The baby?" Meg nodded. She stroked Robyn's arm and took her hand. "I know it's difficult to talk about. But I'd be a pretty crappy friend if I didn't at least remind you that you do have choices." "Thanks, Meg." Robyn squeezed her hand and managed a tentative smile. "I appreciate you being honest with me. To answer your question... I... don't know." "Well at least you're not making hasty decisions." Megan let out a little sigh of relief. She put her other hand on top of their joined hands. "What about the father? Are you going to tell him?" "The father." Robyn sighed. "I just don't know, Meg. I guess I've got to tell him." She ducked her head, feeling a bit embarrassed mentioning Brad to Jim's sister. "I kinda dread that. I'm not sure what his reaction will be." "If he's a jerk about it he's not worth the time of day. Men can be such asses." "I know. I know. He's... well he didn't grow up like you and me. He's different. He can be really sweet. And he can just turn all distant in a heartbeat." "Well don't let him intimidate you. Whatever you decide, it's your choice. You need to stand up to him." "I know." Robyn bit her lip and continued, "I'm also worried how Jim's going to take the news." Megan was silent a moment. She loved her brother and she loved Robyn like a sister. She knew the situation between them was awkward. But she had faith in her brother. "Jim's a good guy, even if he is my brother. I'm sure he'll stand by you. He's not one to turn on a friend. Especially in a time of need." Robyn nodded, realizing the truth in her words. "Yes, you're right. Jim's one of the truly good ones. He's been such a good friend to me. I'm more worried about him being disappointed in me than anything." "Disappointed? Never. He might get pissed at the father if he turns out to be a jerk, but I don't think he'd be disappointed in you." "I hope not. I value his friendship. I need all the friends I've got right now." "Well, you can call me anytime you need to talk, you know that don't you?" "Thanks, Meg, I appreciate that." Robyn felt tears welling in her eyes. * * * * * Jim sighed and brushed the hair back from his eyes. He stood stiffly and stretched muscles cramped from sitting too long in front of his computer. He reached out and clicked the mouse, starting up the video. This was the hundred and seventy second iteration of the video enhancement routine. He and his friends had been making steady progress and he hoped this version was just about perfect. They'd transferred the original VCR recording to DVD and the computer enhanced video was now ready for viewing. Jim fast forwarded through the preliminaries. He had that portion committed to memory by now and knew it contained no significant clues. He slowed to normal speed when he reached the part where the interference started. There was still some fuzziness in parts but he could clearly see the swirling shape take form inside the pentagram where the computer sat. He also saw both Bob and Cathy standing clearly inside their own pentagrams. When the ultimate moment of the change arrived he saw their bodies start to glow and reform themselves into their new shapes. The process took about two seconds and was culminated by a white flash from the computer when the demon dissipated. Immediately afterwards they fell to the floor and lay unconscious for the remainder of the recording. He backed the video up and looked at the transformation frame by frame. It was truly fascinating to see Bob's huge form shrink into the lovely body of Robyn. Cathy's transformation was no less amazing even though it wasn't as dramatic in extent. He clicked the mouse to stop the playback and rubbed his eyes tiredly. With this recording and the files they'd managed to recover from Bob's fried hard drive Jim had reconstructed the summoning program. He was 99% sure it would work just like the original. But he was torn. He didn't really want to tell Robyn that he'd cracked the problem. He was afraid she'd immediately want to change back. He felt honor bound to help her if that was her decision but he knew he needed to make one last effort to change her mind. He knew she was due back from Florida today but she'd probably be at that asshole's apartment. He wouldn't see her until after classes tomorrow. The only question now was how he intended to go about breaking the news to her. * * * * * "Pregnant?" Brad stared at her as if she'd just grown a second head. "What the hell are you trying to pull? You told me you were on the pill." "I... I was Brad. The doctor at the health center said it was probably the antibiotics I was on a while back when I was sick. They reduce the effectiveness..." she trailed off helplessly as Brad turned away from her and started pacing the room. "Brad?" she asked tentatively. He whirled on her, his face a study in barely controlled rage. "What?" "I... I'm sorry. I thought you should know." Brad looked at her. His expression was unreadable. Then suddenly he smiled ingratiatingly and reached out to her face. Robyn flinched, as if expecting a slap, but he tenderly brushed her cheek with his hand. "Well, Sweets, it's okay. It's not the end of the world. We can take care of this." Robyn smiled slightly, relieved that he seemed to be getting over his initial surprise. But she was uncertain what he was saying. "Take care of this? What do you mean, Brad?" "We can go to a clinic. It'll be quick and painless. And all our problems are over." She bit her lip. "I don't know Brad. Is that the right thing to do?" She'd always thought she was pro-choice. Of course that was an easy position for Bob; he'd never be in a situation where he'd actually have to *make* the choice. Now, she was uneasy with the idea of abortion. She had a baby growing inside her. A baby! Her baby... and Brad's. Shouldn't they spend more than two minutes deciding that baby's fate? Irritation flashed across his face but he quickly suppressed it. His tone turned wheedling, "We've got our whole lives before us, Sweets. I'm graduating this spring and you've got at least two more years. Do we really want to be tied down with a kid right now? Think logically, Sweets. We've got plenty of time to have children... in the future." Robyn's emotions were running wild. Was Brad implying a future together? With children? Is that what she wanted out of life? His points were valid too; they were very young and not ready to have a baby. What kind of life could she give a child? She didn't know the first thing about babies. She was still learning about being a woman, much less a mother! Hell, she didn't even know how much longer she was going to be female. "I'm so confused," she finally said truthfully. Brad's mind was running on adrenaline. He calculated how best to get the bitch to do what he needed her to do. He'd have to fake concern and sympathy until the deed was done. "Just let me take care of everything, Sweets," Brad said smoothly. He took her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. The little bimbo was fun in the sack but it was time to move on, he thought to himself. He should have just dumped her when he had the chance, back when she got all pissed at him over that other twat with the fake boobs. Well once he made sure she got rid of the kid he'd end this once and for all. * * * * * Robyn sat morosely in the clinic waiting room. A splash of harsh early morning light glared into her eyes. Every sensation seemed sharp, yet paradoxically unreal. Brad was at her side but he was miles away. She hadn't slept a wink last night nor had she since discovering she was pregnant. She was so weary from arguing with Brad. He insisted she stay with him last night, even though all she wanted to do was go home. It had been an awkward night. Every time the subject came up Brad insisted that abortion was the only possible choice. She'd finally allowed him to sway her and convince her to come here this morning. The nurse called her name and she stood and woodenly approached the desk. She was ushered back to an examination room and instructed to disrobe and put on the paper gown. The nurse very briefly explained the procedure; a simple 'Dee and Cee' she called it. Dilate and Curette. Dust and Clean as one of her friends had referred to it. The doctor would be with her shortly. The nurse left her alone. Ten minutes later a young male doctor tapped on the door and slipped inside. His manner was a bit brusque, he had three other rooms with patients waiting. He frowned when he glanced at his young patient. Robyn sat fully clothed staring at the tray full of instruments on the counter. "Miss? You'll need to undress for me to proceed." She looked up at him as if he were speaking a foreign language. She was trembling. "Are you all right, Miss?" the doctor asked. His manner had suddenly turned gentle. He'd been through this many times and was familiar with this reaction. Robyn shook her head. "No... I don't think so, Doctor." "Have you changed your mind?" he asked gently. She nodded. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. She simply couldn't go through with this. "It's okay. I understand. You need to be sure. Why don't we postpone this for now. I'll send the nurse back in and she can give you a list of obstetricians, just in case." Robyn wiped her eyes and sniffed. "Thank you Doctor." The nurse ushered her back into the waiting room a few moments later. Robyn was clutching several pamphlets on pregnancy and a list of ob-gyn specialists. Brad stood up, smiling insincerely. "That was quick." "I... I didn't do it," Robyn said. Brad's smile froze and his face darkened. "What? What do you mean, you didn't do it?" The nurse interjected in a motherly fashion, "Our patient here just wasn't sure. She needs time to make up her mind. It's a big decision after all." Brad whirled on her with fury in his eyes, "You keep out of this you old bat! The decision's made. She doesn't need time." He turned back to Robyn and snarled with dangerous venom, "You get your ass back in that room and get rid of that brat, you hear me?" Robyn stiffened. She'd never seen Brad like this. It shocked her and angered her. What right did he have to talk to her like this? Who was he to tell her what to do? She felt her decision validated; now was not the time to take such rash and irrevocable action. "No! I won't. I won't let you or anyone else take my baby." Brad made a fist and shook it in her face. "Fine! You stupid bimbo! We're done!" He suddenly whirled around and picked up a chair and hurled it across the room. He kicked another chair and several people scurried out of his way. One man stood and took a step towards him. Brad snarled at him, "Try it dickhead!" He stalked out of the clinic, slamming the door behind him. There were several groups in the waiting room and they all started talking at once, completely amazed at Brad's shocking behavior. Robyn stood trembling with emotion at the center of the chaos. She felt fresh tears streaking down her face and broke down in sobs. The nurse gently steered her to a chair and urged her to a seat. She handed her a tissue and asked if she needed a cup of water. Robyn shook her head and fumbled in her purse. She pulled her out her cell and opened her contact list. She started scrolling down looking for a friend she could call to come all the way downtown and get her. "Jim? Hi, it's me..." she said with a quaver in her voice. "Can you... can you... can you come and take me hoooome?" she ended with a wail as the tears overtook her again. * * * * * Brad drove like a wild man through the early morning traffic. He narrowly avoided several accidents. Horns blared but he ignored them. The fucking bitch! The goddamn fucking bitch! He pounded on his steering wheel with both fists. He wanted to smash something. How dare that stupid little twat keep her fucking brat?! His rage was a dangerous thing. He'd never felt this intensely over a fucking girl. She'd been the best lay he'd ever had but now she ruined everything. If she thought she could somehow trap him by keeping the baby... What the fuck had gotten into her these past months? She'd been so compliant. Perfect for him. He'd even begun to have notions about continuing their thing (he was incapable of thinking the word "relationship"), after all you just didn't throw away the best sex you ever had. When he graduated and joined the family business he could continue hooking up with her. Even after he eventually married Rebecca... But now the fucking cunt had got herself knocked up and refused an abortion. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He screamed. Goddamn bitch! He'd beat her face in if she were here right now. He pulled out his cell and dialed as he swerved away from a pedestrian in his path. "Johnson? We're doing it today. Get that fucking truck from Bennett and meet me at my place. That fucking pig is ours, Dude." He noticed a liquor store and pulled in. Beer was just the ticket. And Jack Daniels to give it a bite. Fucking bitch stand up to him, will she? * * * * * Jim stood and dusted his hands together. He surveyed the apartment; it was a mess with all the furniture pushed back to the edges of the room and wires taped down to the floor. It was as exact a recreation of the way the video showed Bob and Cathy had set things up for the summoning as he could manage. He'd loaded the summoning spell into his own computer that now occupied the central pentagram. The screen flashed 'Press Enter to Start Countdown". Now all he had to do was wait for Robyn to return. He hoped she'd be surprised. He also hoped he could talk her out of it. He hoped that with all his being. But if she turned him down he was committed. He'd go through the summoning spell with her and help her restore herself to a male. He was so full of nervous energy he couldn't sit still. He paced about the room, checking the clock every five minutes. He knew Robyn was supposed to work this evening and he hoped she'd stop by the apartment to get her uniform beforehand. But that was several hours away. His phone rang, interrupting his pacing. When answered it he heard a very upset Robyn wailing for help. He instantly felt a protective urge and gripped the phone with white knuckles. "Robyn? Where are you?" Jim said into the phone, trying to remain as calm as possible. "It's okay, Robyn, calm down. I'll be there as soon as I can. Just sit tight." Jim closed the phone and rushed out the door. He didn't have a car and didn't want to wait for a taxi so he set off running. The address she'd given was only a mile and a half away. He could make it in ten or fifteen minutes. As he ran his thoughts circled round in his head. What was Robyn doing downtown? Why was she so upset? Was she hurt? He worried something serious had happened. When he reached the address he saw it was a clinic. Oh God, he thought, she's hurt. He dashed inside looking left and right for his friend. When he spotted her he hurried over and knelt down in front of where she sat huddled on an old plastic chair. "Robyn, are you all right? What's wrong?" Jim gasped, out of breath. She looked up at him with tear streaked cheeks and sniffled. "Jim," she whispered. "Thanks for coming." Jim took both her hands and stared deeply into her eyes. "Are you okay? You're not hurt?" She nodded and sucked in a deep breath. "I'm okay. I'm not hurt." He pulled her into an embrace and sobbed, "Robyn, Robyn, I... I'm so relieved. God, you scared me!" After a bit she pulled back and said softly, "I'm sorry. I... I couldn't think of anyone else to call..." "What's wrong, Robyn? What're you doing here?" He looked around, really seeing their surroundings for the first time. This was some kind of women's clinic. The majority of the patients waiting were couples. There were booklets scattered everywhere on childbirth, STD's, and abortion. It was beginning to dawn on him what type of clinic this was. Robyn blushed a furious shade of red. She dropped her eyes and fiddled her fingers with Jim's where he still held her hands. "I... Jim, I'm so sorry. I... I'm pregnant." The last word was whispered so low that Jim could barely hear it. He shook his head and leaned in very close. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. I thought you said you're pregnant?" Robyn nodded silently. She bit her lip and refused to meet his eyes. Tears rolled down her cheeks and dripped off her chin. Jim enfolded her in his arms and rocked her gently back and forth. "Shhh. It's okay. I'm here. We'll figure this out." Robyn burst into uncontrollable sobs at his tender understanding reaction. She clung to him and cried while he patted her back, smoothed her hair and whispered condolences into her ear. Finally she was pretty much cried out and pulled a bit away from him. She sniffled and he held out a tissue he'd scooped up from a nearby table. "All better?" he asked. "Mmm hmm." She nodded and blew her nose. Her eyes were red and her cheeks streaked. "Thank you, Jim." "Want to talk about it?" She nodded slowly. Her hands were busy shredding the tissue nervously. "I'm pregnant. I told Brad and he... he..." she stopped and drew in a breath. "Brad said we're too young and... and... he thought we should... we should... anyway, he brought me here. To get an abortion." She barely whispered the word. "Uh huh," Jim said gently. He reached out and wiped her cheeks with a tissue and held it for her to blow her nose. "Go on." "Well... when they took me back... they were so nice and... said it was so simple and no problem. But... but I just couldn't. I couldn't decide. I mean... it's a *baby*." She shook her head slowly and looked up at Jim for understanding. "I couldn't." "I know," Jim said. He touched his forehead to hers. "I understand, Robyn." "Anyway... Brad got mad when I... when I... didn't. He stormed off and left me here. And... well... I called you." "Jerk!" Jim swore vehemently. "It's okay, Robyn. I'm here. Let's see about getting you home." Jim asked for a phone book at the desk and called a taxi. They waited silently, both preoccupied with their own thoughts, until the cab arrived then he gently helped Robyn to her feet and they went out to go home. * * * * * Back at the apartment, Robyn stared in wonder at the work Jim had done to set up the summoning. She reverently touched the wires and brushed her hands across Jim's computer sitting inside the center pentagram. Turning to him with eyes welling with tears she said in hushed tones, "You did all this? For me?" He nodded. "I thought I'd surprise you. I know how much you want to change back to Bob..." "Jim..." Robyn interrupted him. She started to protest but he held a finger to her lips. "Hear me out first, Robyn," he said. He swallowed nervously. He guided her over to the couch and urged her to sit. He sat on the edge of the sofa next to her and turned to face her. He took both her hands in his and said very solemnly, "Please, just listen to me before you say anything, Okay?" She nodded. He was acting all weird again. Today had been such an emotional day. She just didn't feel like dealing with more drama just now. "I umm... I know you want to change back to Bob," he started again, almost like reciting a memorized speech. "I can understand why and all... it's just... I... umm... I think you..." He paused and seemed to mentally revise his rehearsed speech. He was starting to sweat and his voice was trembling with emotion when he continued on a slightly different direction. "I... umm... I got everything ready. I recovered the program completely and I've made all the preparations. We could run the program right now, it's ready whenever you are." He paused, searching her eyes, hoping to see her thoughts. Robyn's eyes darted to take in the set-up he'd worked so hard on. She drew a breath to say something but he held up his index finger to stop her. "Hang on a sec, Robyn, I'm not finished. It's ready... but... I..." Here it was, he had to tell her. He'd been holding these feelings in for so long, afraid of her reaction, that the moment took on a sense of unreality. He took her hands again and finished in a rush. "I don't want you to. I know it's selfish of me but I want you to stay as you are. As Robyn. I... I... I think I'm in love with you..." A surprised gasp escaped her lips. Robyn's eyes widened and she started trembling. She raised one hand to her mouth which had fallen open slightly. Tears welled in her eyes and her chin quivered. In a voice turned tremulous with emotion she whispered, "Jim..." He saw her reaction and his face fell. He bulled on, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. I'll help you change back. Just forget I said anything..." Robyn swallowed and a tender smile spread across her lovely features. She leaned toward him, tears rolling down her face. Reaching up, she placed the tips of her fingers lightly on his lips, silencing him. "Jim, dear Jim, *wonderful* Jim..." He looked suddenly confused and hopeful. "I've been in love with you for months... I... I was just too stupid to realize it..." She moved her hand from his mouth, brushed his cheek and cradled the back of his head, urging him forward with slight pressure. She turned her head slightly and brushed her lips against his with gentle whisper soft tenderness. Jim reached for her and drew her into his arms, holding her tightly. The kiss quickly turned passionate. They'd both been waiting so long for this, their pent-up emotions flared intensely. Robyn realized he'd picked her up in his arms and was carrying her down the hall. She was thrilled and nervous all at the same time. He reverently laid her on his bed and continued to kiss her passionately. Jim slowly eased her blouse open, taking his time, savoring every millisecond. He lovingly kissed each inch of skin as it was revealed. Robyn was gasping with arousal. She pulled at his clothing, wanting to feel his bare skin against her. He paused when she was fully nude, amazed by his incredible luck. This was Robyn! Gloriously perfect. And she wanted him. She loved him! He kissed her deeply, their tongues entangled. He felt like a nervous virgin as he slowly planted a trail of kisses down her body. This first time would be marvelous. Robyn squirmed on the bed, her heart swelling with emotion. Jim was driving her insane with his slow teasing touches. Her skin tingled, her breasts warm and nipples tightly erect, her sex thrummed with heat and dripping with desire. This was Jim! He was the man of her dreams, no one else could compare. And he loved her! She moaned and tangled her fingers in his hair as she felt the slickly soft flick of his tongue on her outer labia. Oh God, she thought, this is perfect! * * * * * Robyn cuddled up against Jim's lean muscular body. She sighed contentedly and kissed his chest just below his nipple. Why did they wait so long? This man was her destiny, she knew it with a visceral certainty. She closed her eyes and offered a prayer, thanking whatever forces in the universe that had made her female and brought them together. Jim lazily ran his fingers through her hair. He couldn't believe his incredible luck. He would spend the rest of his life with this woman. "Jim," Robyn said softly. Her cheek was pressed to his chest and she raised her eyes to see his face. "I love you." "I love you, Robyn." She bit her lip, knowing she had to bring up the topic. "Jim... I'm pregnant..." "I know." He touched her face tenderly. "Our baby will be perfect. She'll be just like her Mom and I'll love her so much." Robyn's eyes shone with unshed tears. "What if she's a he?" "Then I'll love him. We'll raise this baby with love just like the others that come after. Did I ever tell you I want a big family, like my Mom has?" "Did I ever tell you how much I love your family? I want a big family too." Jim urged her upwards closer to his face and kissed her. "Oh I wish I didn't have to work tonight," Robyn sighed. She felt Jim's arms tighten around her. She glanced outside and saw it was getting dark. Much as she hated to, she needed to start getting ready. "I need to drop off a paper at the computer center anyway," Jim said. "I almost forgot in all the excitement. I'll tell you what, I'll meet you at Peepers." Robyn smiled like a little girl. Jim was so different from Brad; he actually *wanted* to spend time with her. "Okay. I love you, Jim." She kissed him and slipped out of bed. "I love you, too." Jim was already pulling on his jeans. Robyn briefly reflected on how easy guys had it when getting ready; Jim was out the door while she was still waiting for the shower to warm up. * * * * * Chapter 19 "I gotta take a piss," Brad muttered as they pulled into his parking lot. Johnson was driving. He'd kicked Brad out of the driver's seat for his own protection; Brad had drunk so much his aggressive driving was terrifying. They heard a squeal of protest from their kidnap victim in the back of the truck. Tusky was tied to a hook in the pickup's bed. He was still "dressed" in the cheesy cape and little tricorn hat of his mascot costume. "Man that pig is loud. Bet those fuckers are gonna squeal even louder when we serve ol' Tusky up for dinner," Johnson laughed. "Fucking A, Dude!" Brad whipped it out and started peeing in the parking lot behind the cover of the pickup truck. "Hey, you got any beer in your fridge? I just killed the last one." "Sure, sure, go on in and help yourself. I'll be there in a minute." Brad tossed Johnson his keys and stumbled off toward Robyn's apartment. Fucking bitch. Brad tried the door to Robyn's apartment. It was unlocked. He let himself in. He glanced around the living room and took in the jumble of wires and computing equipment. What the hell were these geeks up to now? His eyes landed upon a DVD with 'Bob/Robyn' scrawled on it in black marker. What was this? Some kind of family album? He picked it up and turned it over in his hands. "Who's there?" Robyn called from back in her bedroom. "Jim? Is that you?" Feeling crafty Brad shoved the DVD in his coat pocket and called back, "No. It's me." Robyn came out of her bedroom with a scowl on her face. "What are you doing here?" "I won't be long. I just came to deliver a message." Brad's manner was belligerent. "So? I'm listening." Robyn crossed her arms and stared at him like he was some disgusting bug. "If you think for one minute that you can cash in on that little bun in your oven you better think again bitch," Brad started up. "My family has a whole staff of lawyers who eat gold digging bimbos like you for breakfast. We'll bury you in the courts. Your brat will be grown and sleeping around like its mother before you even get in front of a judge. Trust me, girlie, you don't want to mess with me." Robyn hadn't even flinched at his nasty tone. She felt strong and secure in his presence for the very first time ever; knowing Jim loved her in return leant her courage. She looked him up and down and spoke with icy venom, "My friends all warned me about you but I wouldn't listen. You're scum. You're beneath scum. I don't *want* your money. Not one cent." She snapped her fingers in front of his face for emphasis. "I can't believe I had the poor judgment to actually trust you... to *sleep* with you. God! There's not enough soap on the planet to wash your stink off me. It makes my skin crawl just looking at you, to think I..." She stopped her tirade and waved her hands in a dismissive gesture. "No, you're not worth my anger. You're pathetic. Get out before I call the police." Brad turned white with anger. He'd been all set to totally intimidate the little slut and frighten her into going back to the clinic and submitting to an abortion. He certainly had *not* been expecting her to stand up to him, to defy him. Who the hell did she think she was dealing with here? He actually drew his fist back, on the brink of smacking that haughty look off her face. But she held up her phone and punched in 9-1-1 and held her finger over the send button, just daring him. "You haven't heard the last of me, bitch!" he snarled then turned on his heel and stormed out of the apartment. * * * * * Brad stormed back into his apartment. He was still pissed that the little twat would stand up to him. He threw himself into a recliner and yanked at his jacket, pulling his arms out of the sleeves. As he did so he came upon the DVD he'd just stolen. Curiosity got the best of him and he got up to put it in his player. Maybe it was worth a laugh? Johnson was slouched on the couch with a beer watching sports. There was a mirror with the residue from a couple lines of coke on the coffee table. "Hey what the fuck? I was watching that, Dude." "Shut up a minute, will you? I want to see what's on this video," Brad snapped back. He seated himself and did two lines. They settled back and watched the preliminaries. Brad vaguely remembered the ugly Goth bitch with his lard ass neighbor. Cathy. She'd been a serious dog back when he dated her roommate. Except she had gotten really cute lately. And that fat shit... how could such a hideous dork have such a hot sister? No telling genetics, he thought. When Cathy and Bob just stood still for a stretch he pushed fast forward, searching for some action. "Whoa!" Johnson said, surprised when Cathy and Robyn suddenly fell to the floor. Brad backed up the video until just before they fell. There was Bob and the Goth chick. Then they morphed, the Goth chick turning much better looking... into Cathy, Robyn's hot looking friend. And Bob turned into... no! It just wasn't possible. This kind of shit only happened in sci-fi movies. They replayed the scene over and over, at regular speed and in slow motion and it sure looked real. Brad didn't think the nerds had the capability to fake this and make it look so real. "Fuck! D'ya think that's real, Dude?" Johnson finally broke the silence. Brad shook his head. "I dunno Dude. It sure looks real to me. I just don't fuckin' know..." Brad sat staring at the television with Bob frozen in mid transformation to Robyn. His mind was trying to accept the implications of what he saw. This could explain a lot of things. Why Bob suddenly disappeared and Robyn appeared. Why a red hot babe like Robyn was still a virgin. Why she seemed so clueless about most things girls take for granted. The more he thought about it the more he came to believe what he saw on the DVD. "If it's real then... that hot little bitch used to be a *dude*!" Johnson said, awestruck. Brad nodded. "Looks like." Johnson whirled on him, malicious glee written large on his face. "Dude! Then that means... you've been fucking a *guy*!" He laughed in Brad's face. Brad's face darkened. He snapped, "Fuck you, Dude! She could fool anybody. She's the hottest little pussy I've tapped in a long time. You wanted to do her too. Hell you were all over her that night at the 'Trap." Johnson grinned evilly. "I know, I know. She's hot, even if she is a guy. Even now... knowing she's a guy... I'd *still* like to fuck her." Brad seemed lost in thought a moment, then a smile grew on his face and he said, "Y'know, that might be arranged. I got an idea..." He leaned down and laid out two more lines on the mirror. * * * * * "I'll be there in a couple minutes. I'm just passing that vacant lot on South Street," Robyn said into her cell as she was walking. She was running late for work. Brad, the snake, had held her up. What a loser! Then she'd been so pissed she fussed around instead of getting ready. Now she was hurrying past a vacant lot on her way to Peepers. She decided to call Jim as she walked. Now that all the misunderstanding was cleared up she couldn't get enough of him. "Well, let me get off for now. I love you..." She was grabbed from behind and she screamed and dropped her phone. She struggled but whoever held her seemed ten times bigger and stronger. A large male hand covered her mouth while another arm pinned her arms to her sides and lifted her off the ground. Her eyes were wild and she tried to bite the hand that held her mouth but it was so strong and so large it just held her jaws together making it impossible to move at all. She looked in all directions for some kind of help but she was dragged back into some bushes at the rear of the lot. Brad stepped out of the shadows and grinned at her. "Good work, Tom. Watch her though, the little slut is feisty." Robyn rolled her eyes but couldn't see her captor. She flailed her legs, trying to kick him but he turned her sideways so she was held helplessly in a position where even that proved fruitless. "She sure puts up a fuss," Johnson said. Robyn tried to scream again when she recognized his voice but she only succeeded in making tiny squeaking noises. "That'll make it more fun when I stick my cock in her. I can't wait to feel her squirming. You should have twisted it off when you had the chance, bitch. Now you're gonna pay!" They were going to rape her, Robyn realized. She redoubled her struggles to free herself but all to no avail. Johnson's muscles might as well have been made out of steel for all she was able to budge them. "So Robyn, or should I say *Bob*? Tell me something, man to man," Brad stood before her in drunken triumph. "How's it feel to get a good fucking? Huh? Is it better for a girl? I *know* you got the best cock ever all those time you fucked and sucked me, bitch. And now you're about to get the fucking of your faggot ass life!" Robyn's eyes went wild and she stopped struggling when Brad called her by her former name. How the hell had he found out? She felt cold fear run down her spine. "That's right, *Bob*," Brad continued in a sneer. "Thought you could get knocked up and blame me for the brat? Thought you could cash in on my family's money? Well think again." Robyn screamed in agony as he slammed his fist into her belly. Then she was reduced to gasping for breath as all the air whooshed out of her body from the force of the blow. Brad pummeled her in the stomach again and again, leaving her limp and all but unconscious. Johnson let her go and she sank to the ground in a tiny puddle of misery. She couldn't think, she couldn't act, she could only hurt. "So much for that brat!" Brad husked out as he leaned over and put his hands on his knees, resting from the effort of beating her. She felt hands around her middle raising her and setting her on her hands and knees. Oh God, what was happening? "High time I got some pussy from this bitch," Johnson said from behind her. Her skirt was roughly torn away and her panties lowered to her knees. She heard the sound of a zipper and gasped in pain as a hard penis roughly invaded her vagina. Robyn knelt on the cold hard ground grunting in pain at each thrust of Johnson's organ into her abused body. Every inch of her body hurt, she was totally humiliated and frightened almost into catatonia. She couldn't think, she simply prayed for the ordeal to be over. Suddenly she heard heavy breathing and the sound of bodies running through the weeds. Oh God, they've called their fraternity brothers to help violate her. But Johnson suddenly withdrew from her body with a surprised grunt of pain. She heard Amy's voice raised in the familiar attack scream of kickboxing and the sound of a heavy body hitting the ground. She slumped to her side in the dirt. Vaguely she saw people fighting by the light of the moon and a distant streetlight. Jim was trading punches with Brad. Johnson rose stiffly to his feet and tiny little Amy launched herself through the air to land a wicked kick to his ribs. He screamed like a girl and went down. Peeps jogged up then and paused to assess the situation, ready to jump in if he needed to. Brad took a punch to the face and fell. Jim turned to look for Robyn and hurried over when he caught sight of her. "Robyn? Oh God! Robyn!" Jim screamed. He was crying and cradling Robyn's limp body in his arms. Amy and Peeps both ran over to help when they saw. "Franklin, let's get out of here. I think the bitch broke my ribs," Johnson's hoarse voice rasped out. "Right behind you, Dude." Brad muttered as he rose to his feet. They needed to get out of here before things went from bad to worse. The two limped over to Brad's car and raced away from the scene of the crime. "We need to get this child to a hospital," Peeps said. "Somebody call 911." * * * * * "Dude, this fuckin' pig won't move," Johnson rasped between shoving against the hindquarters of the Tuskers' mascot. Brad turned around from Robyn's front door and snarled, "Just wait a minute you stupid jock. I'm trying to open this fucking door." The two had hit a bar after running away from Jim, Peeps and Amy. They'd had quite a few drinks and now were in the process of getting their 'revenge' on Robyn for having the audacity to be rescued in the middle of a rape. They'd drunkenly decided to put the pig into Robyn's apartment so it could 'shit up the place'. Finally Brad succeeded in opening the door. He turned around and helped Johnson motivate the reluctant pig. They push-pulled the animal until finally it was inside. Brad flicked on a light and saw the summoning set up. He'd noticed it earlier today when he stole the DVD but now it struck him what its purpose was. "Dude! Let's fire this bitch up!" Brad gestured to the computer. "Those dweebs will prolly have the cops on us and we can use this sucker to change our looks." Brad was in the throes of a drunken stroke of genius; the idea seemed positively inspired to his pickled brain. Johnson stared at him like he was crazy. "You mean turn ourselves into girls? No fuckin' way!" "No, you idiot. You can make yourself into a young Joe Montana and take your choice of NFL draft picks. I can become... hell, I don't know. But somebody the cops aren't gonna be lookin' for anyway." "Yeah..." Johnson said, starting to like this idea. His grandest ambition was to make the pros and under all his bravado he'd always secretly worried he wasn't good enough. "Hang on a sec'," Brad muttered. "Gotta catch that pig, can't have him knocking shit around while we do this." They rounded up Tusky and tied him to a kitchen table leg, putting down half the contents of the refrigerator to keep him content. It didn't occur to them that he was positioned right next to the computer in the central pentagram. "Okay... how does this fuckin' thing work?" Brad said. "Click mouse to start... Hey, Dude, stand over there inside that star on the floor..." * * * * * "Please, can my friends come back? Please?" Robyn asked the emergency room admitting nurse. She was in pain but had regained some of her wits. She simply didn't want to be alone. The nurse felt compassion for all rape victims and nodded her head. It was the least she could do for the poor child who'd just endured a hellish ordeal. Jim, Amy, and Peeps crowded around her bedside. Scott showed up several minutes later, having been called by Amy. Jim smoothed her hair back over and over and whispered endearments and encouragement. Amy held her and cried silent tears of sympathy, remembering her own rape a few months back. Scott stood behind Amy with his hands on her shoulders lending quiet support. Peeps stood back from the group, his face an unreadable mask. Robyn closed her eyes and drew strength from her loving friends. A young doctor came and did an examination. Robyn endured the prodding in stoic silence. Finally he was satisfied and pulled the covers up. "You're a very lucky young woman," the emergency room doctor explained to Robyn. "You've got two broken ribs but your baby is fine." Robyn gasped in relief and felt tears of joy spring to her eyes. Jim squeezed her hand and kissed her on the forehead. It was all going to be all right. Robyn was interviewed by a policewoman. She took her statement and the statements of the others. The hospital had confirmed that Robyn had been raped. They took samples from her vagina and under her nails to do DNA testing. Finally, they said she could go home. Jim seemed upset that they didn't at least keep her overnight to make sure she was okay but Robyn was only too happy to leave. Peeps brusquely kissed her forehead and said he had to get back to his bar. He offered his wishes that she get better soon. "Mr. Peeps?" Amy said tentatively as he was turning to leave. "Yes?" "Um... Robyn's going to be out for a while until she gets better..." "So?" "Well, I was wondering if maybe I could come back to work... now that you're short handed and all?" Amy said with lowered eyes and a deep blush. Peeps silently eyed her a moment. Unknown to the others, he bit the insides of his cheeks to hold back the smile that threatened to spread across his face. Finally he barked out, "Fine. Suit yourself, girlie. Be there for the evening shift tomorrow. And you'd better not be late!" "Yessir!" Amy chirped with a happy grin. * * * * * Tom Johnson swayed unsteadily inside the little star outlined with twinkly lights on the floor. This is fucking bullshit, he thought to himself. He couldn't believe Brad had talked him into such a stupid idea. Fucking Franklin used to be cool but ever since he got hooked up with that bitch Robyn he'd been changing. Losing his edge. He even begged the bitch to take him back as her boyfriend after they pulled that killer stunt on Amy. He was acting like a pussy whipped wimp. Now here he was in some dorky dungeons and dragons scene, acting like they were calling up a demon. Fuck! They were very possibly wanted by the cops for rape. How the fuck were they going to get out of that?! Sure as shit not by playing witches and devils. He blinked blearily as some kind of form took shape where Tusky was tied up next to the dorks' computer. It sure looked a lot like what they'd seen on the DVD. This was just stupid. He needed another beer. "Fuck this shit!" Tom muttered and took a step towards the refrigerator. He crossed the line of the pentagram and his brain exploded with white light. He sensed a supremely evil presence gloating with triumph as he tumbled unconscious to the floor. * * * * * Chapter 20 "Holy fuckin' shit! It's Bob!" Scott swore as they entered the apartment and flicked on the lights. Lying unconscious, sprawled on the hardwood floor was their missing roommate, Bob. He was half naked, the clothes he was 'wearing' were all way too small for his enormous body and had split at the seams, almost like that cheesy sci-fi movie 'The Hulk'. But Bob wasn't the only thing knocked out on the floor; there was a large pig with the regalia of the Tuskers' mascot Tusky and a smaller pig who was dressed in jeans and flannel shirt. "What the fuck is goin' on here?" Jim was helping Robyn up the stairs and he froze as he took in the carnage. "What in the world..." Robyn realized instinctively what had happened. "See if there's wallets in those pants Bob and the smaller pig are wearing," she directed. Jim searched the pig and Scott searched 'Bob'. They both came up with wallets. One they flipped them open it was revealed that Bob's body carried Brad's wallet and the pig's wallet belonged to Tom Johnson. "Okay, you guys, get the keys from Bob's pockets," Robyn was taking charge. "We're going to clean this mess up and move Bob and both pigs over to Brad's apartment. Jim and Scott, you're going to have to do most of the hauling here. I'm in no shape to help and Amy doesn't have the muscles." They got busy. In less than ten minutes they managed to move all three unconscious bodies over to Brad's apartment. In a moment of kindness Robyn went back to her room and picked up her old wallet and a pair of jeans and a shirt that she knew would fit the new Brad. She carried them over and flung them down on the unconscious corpulent form. Robyn noticed the television had a freeze frame image of herself and Cathy halfway through their magical transformation. She ejected the DVD and took it with her. The last thing they did was toss the keys on the table and pull the door locked behind them. "Well, it's only a matter of time now," Robyn said. "I'm not sure what's going to happen first, they wake up or the police come looking for Brad. Either way it's not going to be pretty." She flashed a smile that had no humor in it. "A part of me wants the bastards to suffer... but another part just wants to let this episode go." Scott and Amy had been exchanging confused looks throughout the whole process. They both had the impression that Robyn and Jim thought the pig and Bob were actually Johnson and Brad. But that was completely impossible. They helped move the bodies but it was more a matter of humoring their friends than anything else. When they were settled back into their own apartment Scott was the first to question them. "What the hell was all that about anyway?" Jim and Robyn were sitting next to each on the couch; Jim was holding Robyn's hand. They exchanged a glance and shrugged. Jim said, "Robyn? It's your choice." "It's time we told them the whole truth, I guess," Robyn said. "Guys, I know how difficult this is to believe but... I used to be Bob." Both Amy and Scott expressed disbelief. until Jim put the DVD in and showed them the transformation. Amy began to credit the story as she saw Cathy's transformation. She remembered Cathy from before and watching the goth girl instantly change into the person she'd formed a close friendship with was very convincing. She'd never met Bob but it was undeniable that the man in the video changed into her friend Robyn. And that man looked exactly the same as the man they just moved over into Brad's apartment. It didn't change the way Amy thought of Robyn. She couldn't possibly think of her friend Robyn as anything other than a girl, no matter the evidence. Amy just filed it away in her mind the same way a child deals with her parents' sexuality; she knew it was true but she just couldn't picture it. Instead of worrying about Robyn's male past she struggled to take in the strange transformation of Brad and Johnson. "You mean to say, that Brad and Tom called up a demon and changed themselves into..." Amy was talking herself through the convoluted course of events. "But why would Tom want to be a pig?" "He probably didn't want it. We'll never know, but the demon is very tricky," Robyn said with a self deprecating tone. "I didn't *choose* to become me." She gestured down at her own body. "But I was lucky. The demon thought it was doing me dirty but I'm so much better off than I ever imagined. I love my new life. I found the love of my life..." She glanced up at Jim, who kissed her tenderly. "I wouldn't change back for anything." Even this horrible night could not change the fact that Robyn was happy as a woman. "A pig!" Amy snorted. "There's a poetic justice in that." "Not just a pig," Jim said. "When we were moving them I noticed that our old pal Tom is now a sow." "Oh wow!" Robyn said. "That starts to make sense. I'll bet the demon substituted Tusky's idea of the perfect lover for Johnson! That would follow its pattern. It's what happened to me, after all." Amy laughed evilly. "Oh I wish I could see the look on his face when Tusky wakes up to find his new lady love!" Scott was listening silently the whole time. Now he turned to Robyn and said with amazement, "So you're really Bob? And you and Jim..." Robyn shook her head. "I *was* Bob. Scott, that's true. I have Bob's memories. But I've changed. I'm Robyn, now and forever." Scott seemed satisfied with that. Robyn certainly was a different person from Bob. And no matter that she claimed that she used to be a guy she was positively female now, in attitude as well as appearance. Amy surely accepted her as a girl and a friend and he trusted her instincts. "Well, I personally think it's a change for the better," Scott finally said after he had a moment to take everything in. "I do too," Robyn smiled at him. "Thanks Scott. Sorry I didn't tell you everything all at once but... well, you have to admit it's kind of unbelievable." "I'll say. If it weren't for what I've seen tonight I still wouldn't believe it." Robyn shifted and winced at the pain in her ribs. Amy was at her side immediately. "I wish I'd gone to the police when I had the chance, Robyn. Then all this might never have happened." "It's not your fault, Amy. Those two are poison. The world will be well rid of them." * * * * * The next morning Robyn and Jim were awakened by a policeman at the door. It was officer Rollins. "Good morning, Ms Wilson." He touched his cap in a brief gesture and said, "I'm terribly sorry about what happened to you last night. I'd like to assure you that every resource of the force is being mobilized to capture your assailant." Robyn shifted uncomfortably; her side was throbbing. "Thank you, officer. Is that what you came by for?" "No, Miss. I'd like to ask you a few more questions about Robert Wilson." "Oh?" Robyn stepped back and gestured for him to come inside. "I won't be long," Rollins said as he seated himself on the chair Robyn indicated. "You see, we've found Mr. Wilson." "You have? Where?" Robyn asked innocently. "That's where you come in, Ms Wilson. We obtained a search warrant for Mr. Bradley Franklin's apartment, based on your statement that he and Mr. Thomas Johnson assaulted you last night. Once we entered the apartment we discovered Mr. Wilson unconscious on the living room floor. Curiously there were also two unconscious pigs in the apartment. They also found a considerable quantity of cocaine and Ecstasy in the apartment." Robyn blinked as if this was all news to her. "Your statement last night said that you and Mr. Franklin had been in a relationship for some time. Were you aware that he and Mr. Wilson were involved in illegal drugs?" "No, I wasn't. Although it doesn't surprise me. I've heard of girls suffering horrible indignities involving drugs and Mr. Johnson and Mr. Franklin and their fraternity brothers. I'm lucky to have escaped as lightly as I did." "If we need you to identify Mr. Wilson can we count on you to come down to the station?" "Yes, certainly officer." "Good. Although I don't think you'll need to, we've plenty of other witnesses. Just between us, he's been delirious ever since he regained consciousness. Claims he's not really Bob Wilson. Although I doubt if that will help him much. The courts in this county don't go in for the insanity defense in drug trafficking cases. Well, I won't trouble you any more. I know how tired you must be." "Officer?" "Yes?" "What about the pigs? What's going to happen to them?" Rollins blinked. "I believe they are being sent to a local farm. They'll be well cared for while they're fattened up." Robyn gulped. She didn't think she'd ever eat ham again. * * * * * Epilogue Cathy slipped out of the bathroom. She was 'dressed' in a silky gown that only emphasized rather than concealed. She felt happy and sexy. She knew she was ovulating. "Your news is so fantastic, Dear, I want to celebrate," she purred as she glided across the room, putting a little extra sway into her walk. "Remember when we promised each other we'd start our family once you made full professor?" She smiled and lowered her eyes. "I'm ready if you are." Greg held his arms out to the love of his life and said, "Of course I'm ready. I've been ready." Cathy jumped into bed and practically assaulted her husband. A long, wondrous time later they lay cuddled together fully satiated. Cathy planted a kiss on Greg's neck and whispered into his ear, "I think we scored a bullseye." "I hope so," Greg replied in a drowsy voice. "It's about time we started catching up with Robyn and Jim." Cathy giggled. "I don't think I'm the Earth Mother type that Robyn is. I saw her new commercial on TV the other day. She looks even more beautiful than ever, if that's possible. Four kids and running that business, I don't know where she finds the energy." "Well Jim and Scott and Amy *do* help a bit with the company, I expect." "We should visit them this summer when we're on vacation. I want to see my goddaughter. I bet she's grown a foot!" "I know. Jim said she was starting first grade this fall. Last week I spoke with him about their IPO for Digital Demons. He wanted some advice on franchising law. Their legal advisors are good but he wanted to cover all the bases." "You never told me they were taking the company public!" Cathy said with mock reproach. "That's pretty exciting for them!" "Pretty exciting for us, too," Greg said with a grin. "With that chunk of stock they gave us for an anniversary present we'll be fixed pretty good." "All the more reason to pay them a visit! It's been way too long. And Donna and Ben and John Peeps too. I can't believe she's a partner in Peepers now. And running her husband's business to boot. Since she got her marketing degree she's really gone to town. Besides," Cathy patted her tummy. "I want to be able to gloat about our new baby. Finally we're not going to be the only childless couple among our friends." The End Afterword: I started this story in 1995, nearly 12 years ago. Since then my life has totally changed (in the truest fictionmania sense). In the intervening years I lived and experienced a lot of life. As I reread the early chapters I'm struck at how na?ve some of my ideas were. I've written several stories since I started this, my first tg story. I always felt ashamed that I left this tale incomplete. Now it's finally finished after over 11 years and I'm free of the guilt of being one of those internet authors who post something only to leave the readers hanging. I've tried to stay true to my original vision when I started the story. I've worked through the years with the outline I wrote back in 1995 and I believe I've basically been successful. I appreciate all the emails I've received from kind readers through the years telling me they enjoyed this story and asking when I plan to finish it. Well here it is... finally! Enjoy! Janice

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The Zethriel Project Chapters One Four

It was like being electrocuted without the pain. You know that tingly-skin shiver you sometimes feel? Imagine something like that only a thousand times stronger. The sensation had Zethriel Nethergale thrashing on the floor as it stripped him of all lucidity. It wasn't a good or bad feeling, it was just feeling, of such enveloping, overwhelming power. Afterwards, Zethriel lay on the floor where he'd fallen, just breathing. His mind was now open to the Nether. He could feel the currents of...

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The Zethriel Project Chapters Seven Ten

The target's name was Gendoran Thriftwind, and Keria was close enough to smell the scent coming off his blonde hair. She'd found him in the loft above his shop--he'd foolishly left the window open. Keria had her legs hooked on one of the rafters and held her upper body out in midair, arms outstretched. She could drop ontop of Gendoran and break his neck, or stab him, or whatever suited her, whenever she wanted, but as eager as she was to get back to Zethriel, she felt as she usually did...

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The Zethriel Project Chapters Five Six

When Keria Shadoweye woke, it was evening. The last of the day's light was filtering through the dark blue curtains, casting a murky glow over the room. They must have been asleep for a very long time, she thought. Under her, Zethriel slept peacefully with his cock rock-hard again inside Keria's cunt. She lifted her head off his shoulder to watch him sleep. Straddling him as she was, his cock filled her to satisfaction and his body was so warm beneath her as Zethriel's chest rose and...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 2527

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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The Ghost Project

The Ghost Project By Anon Allsop With a sensory score that was off the charts, Heath Carroll thought his ship had come in. Unfortunately for him, our government was the entity doing all of the testing. Early on, he had been sought out for his uncanny ability to self-induce a trance and Astral Project himself across great distances. At first it was thrilling to be able to physically occupy one separate plane of space, then within mere moments he would appear in another. His...

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The Pandora Project

Author's Note: This story evolved from a particularly vivid and disturbing dream that I had perhaps ten years ago; it's taken me this long to actually frame it with a real plot and write it all down. I hope it was worth the wait. The story is essentially straight-ahead science fiction with a transgender sub-theme, as opposed to a transgender sci-fi story, if you get the distinction. If you're looking for a little transgender titillation, you're not likely to find it here....

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Denial The Conclusion

DENIAL -- CONCLUSIONI found the story Denial by Conquered extremely interesting even though there was no conclusion.  That’s one thing I find annoying about stories online.  I usually just move on to another story, but something about this one grabbed me.  I tried to contact the author without success so I decided to write my own conclusion.  It’s based initially on events built into the original story.  After that it is a figment of my own twisted...

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First Time Gangbang With Project Partner His Room Mate And Seniors

Hello, Mera naam parul Parikh hai, mai 23 years ki hu, mai Gujrati hu, aur mai Ahmedabad Gujarat se hu. Mai first time iss pe mera incident share kar rahi hu,, aur asha hai kea p sabko pasand ayega. Mai mere bare me batana chahti hu ke maine recently B.Com kiya hai, aura bb M.B.A karne wali hu, mai rich family se belong karti hu, meri height 5 feet 4 inches hai, mai bohot bohot fair hu,, aur mera figure 36 29 38 ka hai. Mujhe t-shirt aur jeans pehana pasand hai. Aur jyadatar time mai shorts...

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Footrints In The Sea Chapters 3 and 4

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 3 & 4 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Desert and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 3

The prop-jet airliner climbed over the Massif Central, and Helen relaxed in her seat. Working while flying seldom appealed to her. Her flights were generally short hops in small aircraft: it simply made little sense to try and organize a brief work session in a cramped seat. Instead she would read a book or listen to music she had brought with her. Eventually her plane pulled up outside one of Geneva's little satellite terminals, and she went down along the long underground tunnels'...

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Diary of Billy Bob Chapter 10 Conclusion

This is the diary of Billy Bob McTavish, a teen boy, about he and his young girl cousin growing up, having a family and a wide variety of sexual adventures, some quite bizarre. It has ten chapters: (1) Becoming a Man, (2) Marriage, (3) House Guest, (4) Satisfying Our Guest, (5) Helping a Psychologist, (6) More Sex Therapy, (7) Mutual Therapy, (8) Our Daughter, (9) Our Daughter is 13, (10) Conclusion Billy Bob Chapter 10 (Conclusion) The girls were tired of just having sex with each other and...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 1224

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 22 - 24 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Married To African For Project

Hi this is Sravya (friends I am changing my name ) This is story about my personal experience when I was in Africa for a project I am 24 years old 5 feet 7 inches  height fair and  slim In my family we are 3 members my family is well established in business for few generations so literally I was born with silver spoon The story I am telling it is about 5 years back when I am studying  archeology in hyderabad its during the project work time every  one started to select there own interest ...

2 years ago
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College Project On A Rainy Day

It’s monsoon now. I am back with an incident which happened during my college days. It was such a lovely rainy day which was equally romantic like this one. I was talking to the person involved. She wanted this incident of ours to be shared with you all horny fellas out there who might want a piece of her. However, that won’t happen literally, so don’t get your hopes to fly high and wide, lol! So, about the lovely girl Maera. She is about 5’4″, 34-28-34 and hails from north-east, that is...

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Project Phoenix

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. A quick note to readers. This is my first story, so please be gentle in your comments :-). Besides, English isn't my first language. Continue at your own risk ;-) Either way, have fun. Project Phoenix by Meg [email protected] With sinking heart Kevin Barnett stared at the blurry wall of the tram tunnel. The speeding...

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The Project

Chapter 1: It was a bitter cold, dreary, grey, January day in Cincinnati. Brad Taylor sat in his small, spartan office and found himself thinking about a seed. He remembered how it grew in his brain, occupying more and more of his thinking, maturing into a fully developed idea and now it was almost time to harvest. He knew exactly the moment that the tiny seed had been planted in his fertile mind. It was planted that day, more than three months ago, when Darrel, who occupied the small office...

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The Project

The Project Synopsis: A group of girls at Chris' high school decide to make him their project for the next four years - feminizing him - and they get some help from an unexpected source during the fourth year. Eighth Grade I wouldn't exactly say that we live in the wilderness or anything like that, but we live in a part of upper New York State that is mainly rural - small family farms and stuff like that. The area where I live does have a school, but it's only for grades K-8, no...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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23YearOld Girl Loses Virginity For Getting A Project

If I could turn back the clock and rewind this event then it would not exist anymore. But I can change neither the past nor this event. After the , I felt so guilty that I sometimes thought of killing myself for having done something which felt wrong. But it didn’t feel wrong at that time. I still ask myself these questions – Was it just out of lust and body wants? How could I ever let my body decide over my emotions? Did I love him more than just the body? I could not even reason to myself or...

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My Fourth Gangbang By Industrial Project In 8211 Charge And Foreign Boss

Hello I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmadabad, I am Gujarati, I am 24 years old. I am sharing my fourth experience recently happened with my Industrial Project In charge and his foreign boss. Please share your feedbacks at parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com. Let me describe about myself, I am doing MBA and I am from wealthy family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36 29 38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. So let me start narrating my recent...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 1921

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 19 - 21 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Project ManagerChapter 10

Sandi’s efforts now with knowing that she was pregnant turned toward to finding a suitable location to build a house. She contacted the builder’s association for information on the builders that were building houses which she hoped would suit her needs. Nothing that she saw in what was currently being built interested her for various reasons. She contacted the relator that sold her house and asked her for a listing of individual lots that were for sale. There were a few remaining lots in a...

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Altered Fates Project Zulo

(Author's Note: This story provides a finale to all the Altered Fates tales I've posted here to date. It contains spoilers for, and resolves dangling threads from, most of those eleven stories. I wrote them out of sequence, but I always knew where each of them fitted in the overall scheme. Read in order, the larger story should all fall into place with what might have seemed stray characters and random bits of business all connecting up. Even if you read the individual stories as they...

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Oh The Webs We Weave Conclusion

Oh The Webs We Weave; Conclusion By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. To understand this final installment please read the previous two chapters. Any resemblance to any person, place or thing is purely accidental. Copy write held in author's name and no replication or reproduction is allowed except for personal pleasure. Pay site or other republication for payment is strictly forbidden without author's consent. [email protected] Oh The Webs We Weave;...

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Vanessas Secret Part 3 the conclusion

Vanessa's Secret Chapter Three Conclusion By Jason Morgan Vanessa plans for her freedom and some revenge against her her family. This is the final conclusion of this tale as she plans for her future with Michael and his powerful family while making plans to take down her own family who sold her into slavery. But, will she really be free? Part 3 Vanessa slept alone and felt safe all night for the first time in many long years. It was such a foreign feeling that she didn't really...

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Collection Blonde The Office Intern Conclusion

When I first decided to tell the story of ‘The Office Intern’, I had hoped the truth would have provided some freedom from the misery which ensued after Lisa started her senior year of high school. Admittedly, recalling that summer, with all the hope and possibilities we believed existed, was a sort of panacea. Reminding me of a magical time when two people existed just to love each other. But it also reopened doors I’d believed had been sealed for decades. Ultimately, I realized that the...

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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 36

For some reason, when Rummy drove them into the Hoch und Tiefbau car park the next morning, Helen was glad she'd decided to follow his example and wear the rather uncomfortable vest. It wasn't that she was worried about another attack, she told herself... "I have to tell you, Rummy; I'm still uncomfortable coming here." "Can't blame you, Helen. So am I." He looked over at her. "I'm not your regular rugger bloke, you know. I know when it's smart to be cautious." "Well, I'm...

1 year ago
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Kamihime Project R

Hey there, you deviant freaks and geeks. I’ve got a treat today for fans of naked girls, cartoons, and video games. It’s definitely one of the better hentai RPGs I’ve played lately, so without further ado, let me tell you about Kamihime Project R.Magic, Technology, and SexTo play Kamihime Project R, you need to head over to Nutaku. I’ve written up a whole review of the site if you’re interested, but for now all you really need to know is that it’s a platform for porno games. If KamihimeProjectR...

Best Porn Games
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Emerald Princess Chapters 15 v2

Foreword: In 2016 I began posting this story, Emerald Princess, set in the Whateley Universe. Real life happened, along with a major case of writer's block, and I stalled out in the middle of Chapter 21. Several people have tried to get me to return to this since I stopped, but I just could never get my head back into the story. Finally a new friend, Chloe, badgered me enough I decided to take another look at it. As a result I have managed to finish the full novel, which is...

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Internet Classified Chronicles Conclusion

It was almost 9pm now and I was getting desperate. I only had a few hours until I had to go to sleep. I couldn't miss work again tomorrow. I decided to end the weekend with a bang. Or more accurately, a gang bang. I made use of some of the backups I had been saving. I had about ten phone numbers of guys that had sent me cock pics, but I never hooked up with. I texted all of them, giving them the address and telling them to take a shower and show up at 11pm if they wanted to participate in...

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The TakeTwo Project

What if you could... start over? Try again? Charge forward into life with a brand new perspective? Imagine a reality where you didn't have to look down at yourself and sigh; where you look in the mirror every day, with your ideal self looking back at you. Think of a world where problems like body dysmorphia didn't exist. Never too tall, too short, too thin or fat, too much or too little of any part of you, of anyone. Sounds good, doesn't it? From the welcoming arms of Encephalon Silver, we...

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Project NERD Chapter 1

William H Kincaid High school is an average mid-sized high school with around 2500 students and a graduating class of about 510 students. Like all high schools, the students there have sorted themselves into various "cliques" and groups. There are the jocks–the athletic types. WHK has a top-shelf football team and a pretty good basketball team and wrestling team. Along with the jocks ran the cheerleaders who usually dated the jocks.Then there were the Socs–the rich kids who think they are...

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Project Phoenix Part 2 Chapter 3

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. It is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my two earlier stories set in the universe of Project Phoenix. Both of them are available here on FictionMania. Readers who are unfamiliar with them might want to read them first to get a better grasp of what's happening. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my earlier...

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Anns Art Project

Ann couldn't remember when those dreams started. Ever since her breasts became so large, pictures of her globes started popping up in her mind all the time. Her boobs materialized as part of old paintings and art installations, on walls and windows, in fruit baskets and even inside bookshelves! It was just crazy, and quite irritating. At some point, Ann was concerned that she was about to go crazy. She knew she had to do something about those weird thoughts. And so she decided to study art,...

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Final Year Project

Final Year Project Per & Dorothy (Dor) are final year students living in London, Per is Swedishfinishing a degree in Media & Communications (which gives him a lot offree time) and Dor is finishing a degree in Fashion. Dor is a full time Gothand dresses in Goth fashion at all times. Per has been working at a club forthe last two years which twice a month holds a Bondage / Fetish night.  AsPer can get her in for free Dor went along for a look and soon found that shewas into the bondage scene. As...

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Kate Draffen Chapters 18 19

Kate Draffen By Swishy Hi there. Firstly thank you everyone for the amazing feedback. It has really spurned me on to write better and better. Unfortunately real life has a way of intruding and therefore I haven't been able to release the entire last third of the story as one large part but instead I will be posting two chapters at a time until Gemma's story is complete. These are chapters 18 and 19, the rest of the story (to a total of 26 chapters) will be coming out in regular...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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New Project

New Project By: Light Clark Synopsis: Tyler Gahret cares for nothing more than science, so when someone attempts to recruit him while he is returning to his usual job, he is all set to refuse. When he learns what the new project he's being recruited for is, however, he finds it too tempting to resist. Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It makes mention of a few characters and places from that universe, but does not use them for anything major. It...

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The Project

She was hot! She was hot and she knew it. The table had been 'guy central' as guy after guy made the pilgrimage to the shrine to ask for her to bestow even the smallest amount of attention on them. She danced with a few, but turned three times as many away. Some things never change. She was hot! She was hot and she knew it. The two girls with her weren't bad, but they didn't even come close to her. A steady stream of guys made their way to her table and after a moment or two of...

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Episode 19 the School Project

Kelly and her dad were out walking in the park one autumn day; Kelly skipping along in a short summer frock, kicking through the fallen leaves. Kelly occasionally flipping up the back of the skirt to reveal the bright pink boy panties that her dad loved. He would often just lie on the sofa stroking and licking the tiny crescents of her bum cheek exposed by the panties; sometimes without even fucking her properly. Once aroused she would flip his hard erection out of his trousers and into her...

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Apne Project Guide Ki Chudai 8211 Part I

Ab aap logo ko jyada na pakate huye sidhe story pe aate hain. Ye ghatna mere or mere project guide ke bich huye sex ke bare me hai. Ye isi sal May ke month me huyi ghatna hai. Is se pahle mai virgin tha. Sex karne ka man to bahut hota tha par koi gf na hone ke karan hila ke hi kam chalana padta tha. Par jo maja real me chudai karne me hai wo hilane me kaha? Mujhe starting se hi mature auratein jyada bhati hain. Kyoki wo jyada expert hoti hain or bistar pe bahut maja deti hain. To hua yu ke exam...

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Project 401

As a young lad I had always been intrigued with robotics, be it very simple, or the quite complex systems, either drew my interest. During my junior high, and senior high school years, I had entered and won, most science fairs with various robotic mechanisms of my own design. The latter versions were a bit more complicated, and were actually controlled by the computer programs that I had also had designed and written, programs that I had so well protected were virtually breach...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Author of THE SATYRICON - Gaius Petronius Arbiter (c. 27 - 66 AD) was a Roman courtier during the reign of Nero. He is generally believed to be the author of the Satyricon, a satirical novel believed to have been written during the Neronian era (54-68 AD). Tacitus, Plutarch and Pliny the Elder describe Petronius as the elegantiae arbiter (also phrased arbiter elegantiarum), "judge of elegance" in the court of the emperor Nero. He served as suffect consul in 62. Later, he became a member of...

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Project ManagerChapter 2

The next day Scott kept the appointment he had made two weeks ago with Doctor Kevin Brady. Doctor Brady was the older brother of Scott’s friend Kyle Brady and had been Scott’s doctor ever since he had started his medical practice. Scott hadn’t had a complete physical exam in the time he was in South America. Scott was sitting in an exam room while a nurse took his blood pressure and updated his medical history. After she left the room Doctor Brady walked in and said, “I haven’t seen you in...

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