Reginald's FamilyChapter 10 free porn video

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Reg returned to answer a barrage of questions, but each answer reduced the questions coming from all sides, until he had given enough answers to prevent any more. He took a deep breath as he finished.

“I shall take it that you all understand what we have to do, and why. For those of you who have not taken any self-defence classes, we shall arrange for these shortly. My four wives and I have all done the short course, so we will be your designated bodyguards for the moment.” Fiona, standing in the background, felt her face crumple, by not being described as a wife. Reg noticed, and added, “You will all have noted that I referred to those people who have done the course.” Fiona, who had not done such a course, suddenly cheered up and smiled brightly again. It was the twins who were now demanding answers.

“Reg, we have to go out regularly to do shopping for the family, and we normally go for a constitutional walk several times a week. Can we still do these things?”

“Girls, there is no restriction in WHAT you can do. The new rules basically mean that someone with self-defence training has to go with you, and you follow their instructions for your own protection. Is that clear enough?” They both smiled at him. Holly asked, “Fine, Reg. Does that mean that sometimes YOU will be coming with us?” She grinned even wider. He admitted, “It depends on who is available at the time, but that is a distinct possibility, Holly.” He was surprised at being able to tell them apart, knowing that it was Holly who had spoken; it must be experience, spotting tiny differences, how each did things, he surmised. Being able to tell them apart might prove useful in future. Frances now chipped in, as spokeswoman for the rest.

“Darling, do you want a timetable drawn up for outings? What about once we are back to our classes, and Carol and Holly on their own? Do they have to stay indoors while we are away?”

“A valid question, Frances. Taking the Sergeant at his word, I am afraid that will be the case. We shall have to get our shopping done after we get home. That makes sense in other ways, as neither of them has a car, and the shops are a fair bit distant. Someone loaded with shopping bags is more at risk than a person not so encumbered. The other possibility is to order the shopping online, and have it delivered, except ... the twins would be vulnerable when they came to the door to collect it. Ideas, anyone?” There was a short silence, then Erika ventured, “A cat flap?” Reg queried, “How do you mean, Erika?”

“I was thinking that somewhere, front or back door, we fitted a hinged flap, with a couple of bolts to make it secure when not in use. Our delivery instructions could be, ‘go to the back door and identify yourself, then the delivery flap will be opened, and you push all the goods through the flap to the person on the inside.’ When the delivery is complete, the girls bolt it shut again. That way, they never have to open the door to anyone.” Frances mused, “Good plan, Erika. What about the dimensions? They would probably be large enough for a man to crawl through, wouldn’t they?” Reg was not fussed.

“We could fit a metal cage onto the back door where the flap is going to be. It would hold the delivery, but not permit a man to get fully into the house. The cage could be padlocked in place, so not difficult for us to take it off to collect the delivery, but secure enough from the point of view of entry.” Frances was happy to agree. “I can get Daddy to order the alterations, dear. Are you sure you don’t want a vestibule to be built on, instead?”

“God, no. That is an unnecessarily greater expense, Frances. I don’t mind your Dad spending money where it is needed, but in this case, little is better; believe me.” Fiona came up to Frances to ask, “What was all that the policeman asked about Aitchisons? The policeman wanted to know if I knew them, but I hadn’t the faintest. Who are they, Frances?”

“You don’t want to know them, Fiona. That lot are a bunch of criminally-oriented nuisances. The boss of the family was a Squadron Leader in the RAF’s bomb disposal arm, but came from a landed family short of cash. He conned his way to a medal that should have gone to another guy; he has a grandson who is a burglar, and a nephew who is a bully and a car thief. We had a run-in with some of the family, and later they tried to bribe us to refuse to testify in court. This is the bunch that have disappeared, and the police suspect MIGHT have us in their sights. You have joined us, which makes you an additional target, Fiona. Sorry for that, but it was not our choice.” Freda had a question.

“Reg, when we go back to the university, what sort of personal protection will we have there? I don’t think the police have a remit on the campus, do they?”

“That is a matter worth investigating, Freda my love. I shall put it to Sergeant Phillips that some sort of protective measures should be put in place. After all, one of the perpetrators is a student there, even if he has disappeared for the present.” Prudence suggested, “Why don’t we also speak to the university security team, and ask them to liaise with the police force; sort of belt and braces?”

“Another good idea, Prudence. You girls are much better then merely pretty faces: you are clever as well as sensible and loving. I love it!” The girls all giggled at this praise, and Carol came out with, “Do we get included in this, Reg? Holly and I reckon we are good-looking and sensible; probably also clever and loving, even if your wonderful wives are your primary loves.” Reg made a quick calculation. “ALL of you girls are worth loving; it is up to you two and my wives how far that goes. Being naturally comely or naturally plain is not a person’s choice, so is immaterial when it comes to love and loving. Your personality is what determines whether you are lovable or not; and you all have great personalities, in my humble opinion.” Frances grabbed his arm and kissed his cheek. “Reg, your talent as a speaker has exceeded our tuition! That was a very political speech indeed, darling.” Quietly, he confided, “I had to do some quick thinking, my love!” She turned his face round and kissed him soundly on the lips. He responded in kind, and in moments found his other wives wanting the same. After Fiona had at last been kissed, he found that Carol and Holly had joined the queue. Accepting the inevitable, he granted them the same loving kisses. They were delighted. He turned them both away from him, and patted their bottoms to push them away, saying, “Now get on with your work, girls.” They giggled as they did so, having made their point. Reg now got to the phone, and first rang the university admin. Asking for the security team, when he got through and identified himself, he explained the police’s concern for him and his family, and asked if they would work with the police force to keep a protective eye on the Robertsons. Reg added, “Please include Fiona Prentiss, as she is now resident at the same address. The local police have suggested she may also be vulnerable.” He was told, “We will have a quiet word with the local bobbies, and come to an agreement. Who is your contact there?”

“Sergeant Terence Phillips. He knows everyone staying here.”

“Terry? I know him; reliable guy. I’ll speak to him myself and get the low-down. Leave it with us, sir. I presume you will be starting on Monday as usual?”

“Yes. I don’t think any of us needs to be there earlier. Thanks for any help you can provide. Oh, by the way, do you know if Jim Fitzgerald is coming back on Monday?”

“Jim Fitzgerald? Now, that name rings a bell. Hang on a mo,” he vanished from the phone for about thirty seconds, then was back on the line. “Jim Fitzgerald sent us a message yesterday, saying that due to a family bereavement, he would be delayed in returning. That was to ensure he would not officially be marked as absent from classes until he returns. You know about these things. The time can vary depending on who the relative is, and where the funeral is. It might be in Alaska, so the time away can be considerable; a week or more.” Reg agreed. “Yes, I quite understand. Where did Jim send his message from? Do you know?”

“It was a phone call, but it would be logged automatically on our call computer, with the number that he was calling from.”

“Excellent. I hope he will not be gone long. Thanks again. Bye.” Next, Reg called the Sergeant, and got him almost immediately.

“Mr. Robertson? I have only just arrived at the station, and you are calling me already? What has happened?”

“Nothing directly, sir. I was speaking to the university, to ask for cooperation with yourselves in protecting us at the university, and happened to find that Jim Fitzgerald made a call yesterday to be excused for a while, due to, quote, a family bereavement. I understand the university’s computer that controls the telephone system logs every call, including the number an incoming call comes from. I thought that fact may interest you.”

“Good God, yes! I’ll get in touch with them right away.”

“The chap I spoke with in security seemed to know you: called you Terry. He said he would contact you about cooperation.”

“Oh, that would be Gerald. I’ll speak to him as my first contact. Thanks for the heads up, Mr Robertson ... sorry ... Reg.”

“That’s all right. See you again, sir. Bye for now.” Reg put the phone down and pondered. He had done as much as he could to protect his flock, except get the others the same self-defence training from Tom Hancock, but that would have to wait until university classes resumed. Fiona would be simple to get trained there, but Carol and Holly? Perhaps Tom could be persuaded to come to the house to train the twins? Prudence was passing as he was thinking this, so he called to her. “Prudence, dear, can I have some input?” She smiled at him and said, I can give you input any time, my love, and I just LOVE your input, but I presume this is business?”

“It is. Do you think we could persuade Tom Hancock to come to this house and give self-defence training to the twins, and probably to Fiona as well?” She pursed her lips, then nodded. “I don’t see why not, Reg. Tom is pretty cool with the things we have asked him for. If we included an evening meal with the deal, I expect he would be happy to oblige. We can afford his fees for the training, so don’t concern yourself about that aspect, darling.” Reg grinned at her. “I’m much more solvent now, but my concern is more about my girls. That means you, my gorgeous wife. Come here for a cuddle. I want to feel your lovely breasts again. You have put on the amount of weight you needed. You become more attractive every day, my love.” Prudence gladly came into his arms and did her own cuddling.

“This is nice, Reg. If I didn’t have to share you, we could do this a lot more often.”

“True, but you are happy to share, aren’t you, my darling Prudence?”

“With these girls, yes. I have no idea how I could be so happy with them, Reg. They are so loving; but I was surprised how readily they – and I, for that matter – took Fiona to our hearts. It must be your influence: you have such a big heart, big enough for us all, even the twins if it comes to that.”

“Ah, yes. The twins. I was so much expecting them to treat me as a temporary infatuation, and find young men of their own, but so far it doesn’t look like going that way. Should we give them a bit more time to settle down before we seriously consider them for joining our family?” Prudence took another look at her husband, and noted how serious he was.

“Darling, you continue to amaze me. Another two girls throwing themselves at you, and your worry is about what is best for them? Seriously, I am sure that a delay would be a good thing, to allow them some more thought about their future. At the same time, we mustn’t let them imagine we are rejecting them. They have to know that at the end of a period of reflection, it will be their own decision to marry us or not, given that we regard it as for life. If they have the reassurance that they are still in our sights as possible wives, they may be able to see the delay as an encouraging sign.”

“I agree, but the restrictions put on us all by this exterior threat may prevent them from meeting eligible boys or men. Is there any way we can have them visit the university to meet some of the eligible young men there?”

“Interesting thought, Reg. Does the university’s outreach programme have a short course that might appeal to them?”

“I’ll go online and check that possibility out, Prudence.” His first search proved too broad, covering all the universities, so he had to use the single university’s name, and look for both short courses and outreach courses. Most proved to be about six months long, or were not much more than taster visits for prospective students, but he managed to locate a couple of three-week courses that might suffice. One was intended to be an add-on for midwives, doctors and nurses. It was about the problems which can arise during pregnancy and birth. Reg thought the twins would find that useful for the future. The other was a brief managerial course, intended for employees who expected to become managers in the near future. Managing a household the size of theirs was a tough ask in itself, so that learning how to manage might give the twins pointers in how best to manage their team duties. He noted that both courses cost nearly four hundred pounds, so he reckoned a discussion with Frances was his next task. Either course would mean them spending three weeks concentrating on that learning, to end up with a certificate indicating their competence in that field. It would be good for the girls to possess, should they at some time decide to work for another employer. He needn’t have worried, for Frances immediately told him, “Of course, darling! A course like that will benefit the girls and probably benefit us as well. Let me have a word with my Dad. I think he would like to see his nieces get some extra education. Have you spoken to Carol and Holly yet?”

“Good God, no! I needed to find out the possibles and the likely costs covered before I broached the subject with them.” Frances leaned forward to kiss him tenderly. “That’s my man. So considerate of others; one of the many reasons why I love you, Reg.” Reg blushed, saying, “I was just being practical, my love. I had to know what was possible before I made the suggestion to the twins. My longer-term plan was to have them meet eligible young men away from the house, rather than them being faced with me as the only man around.”

“I know. Prudence came to tell me, so I knew that in advance. It doesn’t stop me admiring your concern for others, darling.” “My main concern is for my wives, as you know, Frances. Everyone else is secondary. I don’t want to draw others into our ambit unnecessarily,” he told her passionately, almost apologetically. Frances shushed him. “Reg, I know. It is not your fault that so many girls now find you attractive. Your simple honesty and determination, your desire to help others, your natural feelings of love towards other people, it all has an unintentional impact on folk you meet, especially girls. Fiona was as much a surprise to me as she was to you, but there, your reputation had preceded you. The twins now, them I can understand. I can see their viewpoint, and more or less sympathise with it, but also see that you would never want to persuade them into anything that might possibly be detrimental to their future lives as young women. I am happy to give them the opportunity of seeing an alternative option for their futures. It will be of worth, no matter what the outcome.”

“Thanks, Frances. I’ll try and get the twins into my study, to have a quiet word with them. Are they free at the moment?”

“Last I saw, they were heading into the kitchen to start the preparations for our next meal. I suppose that once the food is ready for cooking, and it is in the oven, they will be free for about half an hour. Would that do you?”

“Yes, that would be ample time, assuming I don’t get blasted with questions!” Reg grinned. “Would you ask them if they can come and see me then? I can do some sociology research in the meantime: I want to catch up with Fiona’s subject matter.” When later the two girls entered his study, they looked unsure of themselves. Frances had not explained why they were wanted, leaving that to Reg. He told them, “Please sit down, girls. We must have a chat about your future.” They did so, still appearing uncertain about what that might entail. He decided to settle them first of all.

“Girls, I have been considering what might be best for you, in the short term, and in the longer term. All decisions remain yours. I am only exploring ideas.” They relaxed somewhat, and waited for him to go on with his explanation.

“I feel that you two need to take a short course at the university; a course that will first of all add to your abilities, and also give you a useful certificate, should you wish to move to another employment.” A gasp was followed by both of them insisting they did not intend to move, ever. Reg waved his hand for them to settle down, and told them his reasoning.

“There are several strands to this idea. One is the educational advantage for your CV; second is the opportunity you will get to be out of this house for a while; and third is the opportunity you will have to meet other young people, one or more of whom may invite you on a date. I want you to have this experience, so that you have something to contrast with a domestic future in this household.” The girls were calmer now, and Carol asked, “What are the courses you referred to, Reg?” He said, “They are both three weeks long. One is a short course in managerial techniques. It is aimed at young professionals who hope to gain a managerial position. I was thinking that you already have a household to manage, so it may be helpful. The other is an add-on for health professionals. It is about problems that can arise with pregnancy and maternity situations. If you stay with us for long enough, it would be handy to have that knowledge available, I thought.” He got smiles from both, and Holly suggested, “What if one of us took one course, and the other took the other course?” His eyes widened. “I had not considered that possibility, Holly, but that would indeed be a common sense approach. Brilliant!” Holly’s eyes lit up at the praise. Carol, was more practical about the future.

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Read My previous Stories (links on top). So the last fucking day got fucked up due to a bad joke I cracked And I WALKED OUT OF THE DOOR WITH A NEW NAME ‘Randi. I went home, my mom read the puffiness in my eyes. I told am not keeping well and got myself locked in my room. Every time the phone rang, I thought it was Sanjay ji but I heard my mom chatting away, so knew it would either be friends or family. I decided to face whatever my life had stored for me. I consoled myself saying once his anger...

2 years ago
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Unforgetable Moment8217s With Ramya

Hi ISS readers this is lovecandy writing my forth story if u want to enjoy this story u will have to read my other three stories written by me. Ramya was my bio teacher when I was in class 10th ( to know about her how I started having sex with her read my other story) so friends it so happens that there are moments in once life that v can’t forget throughout our life so today I am narrating one such incidence as my story tells u me and Ramya were having sex whenever I went for my extra classes...

1 year ago
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My Neice 2 and 3

As my Neice went to take a shower..i finished up with gettingthe food ready for the BBQ...I went down to my room and the bathroom door was open .as I moved down the hall to give my neice some privite time and as I was closing the door she saw me and asked me to help her I said with what ...wash my back... well I saw the best little ass I've ever seen...I soon left a and went to my bedroom had the biggest hard cock ever...I pull down my pants and soon out fell out my cock in my hands,started...

4 years ago
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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 2

He had been sitting at home enjoying the chance to watch a teen flick filled with tits, booze and stupidity when he heard the phone ring, he casually lifted himself off the couch and made his way over to the cream phone that was hanging on the wall, he picked up the receiver and placed it against his ear as he made a small giggle because of the events on the TV. “Hello.” He said awaiting an answer. “Hello is this Charles Wesner?” The voice sounded serious and to the point. “It is.” Charles...

1 year ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 159 Katrina

August 23, 2005 Hurricane season officially starts on June 1 and runs through the end of November. Most of the activity is in August and September, but hurricanes in the extremes are not uncommon. Agnes in 1972 was a nasty one, in June, and Sandy in 2012 was in late October and very bad. I knew what was coming and was not looking forward to it. It had been a long time, subjectively, since I had witnessed Hurricane Katrina, and while the details were a touch vague, the aftermath was not. Put...

2 years ago
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Aunt Rose Dresses Me Like a Girl Chapter 2

If you have not read the first chapter of this sage I suggest you start there before reading this story, which is a total fabrication and fantasy. If you are bothered by taboo subject matter then don’t read this story. Aunt Rose held the panties out for me to step into. I was shocked to the point I did not know what to do. I had come to visit her while my parents went to Europe for the summer and on my very first day with her I had taken a bath and experienced my very first orgasm at the age...

2 years ago
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The Beauty Of Barcelona

You step out of the airport feeling quite tired. You have just spent the entire flight from the states here squeezed in between two overweight women who were rubbing against you constantly. And not in the good way. After having survived that and the airplane food you are finally at your destination. Barcelona! Barcelona, a city filled with culture, majestic sights, magnificent food, and a thriving social scene. Your playground. You wave a taxi. You enter the cool air-conditioned vehicle with...

1 year ago
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My Luscious Step Mom ch 01

My name is Max, I’m an only c***d and I recently turned 19. My parents were both in their early twenties when they met but they didn’t get on that well an split up when I was 10 year’s old, 3 year’s later my mom passed away so I went to live with my dad, during this time dad was on and off with women so he never really introduced me to them, he always told me he only ever loved one woman and unfortunately he didn’t realise that till year’s later and it was too late. I went on to find out from...

4 years ago
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E015 Pearl Five

Donald realizes that Emma does have so much to learn.  She is quick to comprehend, but she is so naïve in almost every way.  She does not reach out her fingers to explore really.  She is repressed so underneath.  But he does see her trying so hard to break out of her cocoon, but only when she is given permission to.She is ideal for him, and how she shines and shimmers with each new thing she is learning.  She will be his completely and unconditionally soon if she is not already.Donald does not...

Love Stories
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Crossing Lines Chapter 1

It all started innocently enough. I was working on my master’s degree while working full-time. My wife encouraged me to pursue it and I went at it with all the energy I could muster – which turned out to be not quite enough. The competing demands of work, marriage, and school took their toll and I fell behind in school. Beth did all she could at home to make time available to me to work on my thesis. She even invented a reward system for me. She laid out a timeline with different milestones on...

1 year ago
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Finally son made me happy

Note : This story is completely fictional! Things have been started since his first year in college. His wild love floated me very often. I can imagine he has inherited this libido from me. After all he is my lovely son and born out from my womb. I got separated from my husband when my elder son was on 18. He was weaker in sex and at after couple of years he became completely unable. In fact he divorced me with settling all separation benefits. During my marriage life, I used to have sex...

1 year ago
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Camping With My Little Brother

you call the angry at the world teen who spends all her free time in her room on social media blasting heavy metal the other family members involved Hannah's mum and dad and her little brother Ned ages 17 and her little sister Mia aged 15 This year Hannah's family decided not to go to a fancy resort and to go out camping at a reserve 3 towns over of coarse everybody was excited about it except for Hannah especially knowing that there wont be any cellphone service out in the reserve...

2 years ago
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For those of you who read about what my wife did to me in the story I Warned You, I'm here to let you know that I did not go gently into that good night. For those of you who did not read that story, I'll give you a short synopsis. I work too damn hard and too damn many hours on my job. My home life sucks because I'm too damn tired from the job to give my wife the attention I want to give and get too many honey do lists finished. The stress was getting to me so I decided to treat myself to...

2 years ago
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Bill Slut2

I was just thinking of the time my wife and i were at Brighton for a holiday,we went out to a local pub, the twist is she had me dressed in black stockings, suspender belt and g string under my jeans, she did not let me wear socks and had me wearing a hint of mascara.When we went into the pub i was told to sit on a barstool at the bar with her, this of course raised my jeans up so that anyone looking could see i was wearing stockings, we had a few drinks but the pub was quite empty apart from a...

3 years ago
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One Dark NightChapter 9

Morning came. When I got up Curly was nowhere to be found. I walked all around the cabin inside and out. I found a note on the bathroom mirror. "Raven, I had to get up early otherwise they'll miss me at the ranch. You were sound asleep. Didn't want to wake you". Curly Now what? I thought. Everyone'll all be talking about me. And Rick'll be wondering, too where I am. "Oh, fuck it! " I don't care. "Let them wonder. "I was tired of the whole mess. I could've just stayed at this log...

2 years ago
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Innocent Story Of A Son And A Mom On One Rainy Nig

It was August 22nd Monday Night around 9 P.M. It was raining heavily outside. This is my room, a bit small with one attached bathroom. I got it at very less rent because this area is a newly built area and there are very few houses around in this area. And my room is almost isolated as their are yet no houses constructed nearby room. There are just distant street lamps around and its completely dead silent during nights. But the Highway is just some 500 meters from where there you can find...

4 years ago
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College Buds Ch1

The below story is entirely fictional. Any resemblance to real peopleis totally circumstantial. This is my first story, so sorry if it seems less than par, and please give me your criticism! I’m insane. That’s the only explanation. Mark paced around his room frantically, trying to figure out just what in the world had happened. * It had started out as a regular day of college. Mark had slammed his phone alarm into oblivion and pulled himself out of bed, collapsed halfway to the bathroom....

Gay Male
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Joyce and Me at the Cape Prelude

Joyce was a pretty girl not beautiful like her sister who was 7 years older. She had a brother who is the same age as I am. Joyce is 17 years old soon to be 18. She is 6 feet 4 inches tall. She has 34-19-32 measurements with an AA cup. To say she was thin is putting it mildly. She was skinny. She was a master at having sex. She could/would do anything that involved sex. She was not a nymphomaniac but loved sex. Her older sister Kathryn (Kate) was considered a slut. She was beautiful and had...

4 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 19

A great many thanks to Vanessa Nelson, GTDaytona and Mr. Fox for their guidance and editing! ***** The room had a name — the Couple’s Harmony Spa Suite — and it was beautiful, with just the kind of classy touches Karla loved. The two massage rooms she worked in on a daily basis were nice, with soft lighting and big enough for the purpose, but this space was an immersion in luxury. The room was large, the walls wainscotted in dark wood, the heavy massage tables had custom fitted sheets with...

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Hallo zusammen, ich habe irgendwann mal irgendwo eine Story gelesen die mir sehr gefallen hat…Sie hiess Vera und die Drachen.Leider habe ich sie nie komplett zu lesen bekommen, wäre aber interessiert dies nachzuholen.Zum besseren erkennen hier die Story soweit wie ich sie habe.Ursprungsautor so meiner Information Erofant.Damit zur Story, sie ist NICHT aus meiner Feder und wird auchNUR zu dem Zwecke gepostet damit jemand sie evtl identifizieren kann..Sollte jemand die Story komplett haben wäre...

4 years ago
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Daddy John and Me Part 1

My first day off from college I come home to see you daddy. In this big house you're all alone and I know it's hard with me being away. I pull up the drive way and see our friends truck. John and daddy are best friends and always took me fishing and camping with them when I was growing up. Especially since mom had divorced him when I was almost a teen and decided to move to Cali to be closer to her snobby friends. He wanted me to grow up as a tough girl and know how to do things besides get in...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 30 Some More Equal Than Others

Gwen disengaged her mouth from my flaccid penis. "It's no good babe ... it's like flogging a dead horse." Earlier that evening I had lost wood during a session of rumpty pumpty, and Gwen had been forced to give mouth to groin resuscitation to restore my libido, which unfortunately was a wasted effort. This wasn't the first time over the last few days I had failed to give Gwen the shagging she deserved; the shagging she expected and, quite rightly, she got bloody angry when I didn't...

2 years ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 19

The next morning, though they had eaten well at the barbeque and enjoyed the food the slave women served, everyone found that they were extremely hungry. Dale turned to the women of his family and said "Although the food here is quite excellent, I really enjoy the excellent breakfasts you ladies have been treating us to. If you don't mind doing some cooking this morning why don't we all get cleaned up and then head back to the house for our morning meal." At this everyone headed back to...

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First time I let Brandt fuck me

Our good neighbor Shelley was going to have some long vacation trip to Europe and she then asked us if we could take care of her nice dog during her absence. Victor accepted gladly, knowing it was a very nice Lab called Brandt and this fine pet would be a nice company for me and a good watch dog when he would be flying out from home on his usual business trips.One week later, Brandt looked well adapted to his new temporary home.Victor had to fly away; so I drove him to the airport and Brandt...

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The Jeremy Bentham Charter School

California, ever desiring to be in advance of everyone else, no matter the costs or consequences, decided to offer local schools a new idea called charters. Each school could write its own charter on how the school would operate. They would be released from all other state requirements as long as they followed their charter. The idea being that experimental schools would discover methods that worked best in educating kids and those ideas would gain acceptance and be integrated into the normal...

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Exposure and Consequences

By suelove58 © Sep 2019I suppose this actually started 3 or 4 weeks ago. The Saturday of that weekend I had worked in my garden most of the afternoon. Afterwards I had a nice long soak in the bath to ease my aching muscles.I settled on the sofa after my bath, removed my robe and started rubbing body lotion into my skin. My skin was glowing with the lotion and my gentle rubbing. I was feeling nicely relaxed.I suddenly realised that it was dark outside, my living room lights were on and the...

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Pleasure CentralChapter 2

Bob got to the private pool first. He wanted to be there when she came in, so he could see her whole body before she got in the water. He hoped he'd be able to touch her tonight. He'd backed off for a few days since the last incident. He didn't want to scare her off. He wanted this girl. She was sweet, and intelligent, and beautiful, and he already loved her and knew her pretty well. You couldn't do much better than that, even if she was his niece. He stripped down and got in the hot...

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Why Did You Do That

Rodney was devastated. He’d expected to be the first male to explore between Matilda’s virgin thighs, let alone deposit sperm near her womb. But she told him that she’d had a fun weekend with another man “on a lark”. Now she was offering him access to “spoiled goods”, at least in his opinion. Her opening words on returning were unexpected, “What the hell’s the matter with you? Are you gay? I just discover how good sex can be and you don’t want to enjoy me? Get your goddam clothes off and get...

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Jillian Janson Eye Candy

Teen dream Jillian Janson is sweet and petite as she seduces Kyle Mason by the pool. Her nipples are rock hard beneath her bikini bra, and her landing strip pussy is dripping wet beneath her bottom. It’s not long before this lusty coed is totally naked and ready to rock Kyle’s world with her sweet little mouth. After pulling his stiffie out for a wet and wild blowjob, Jillian gets ready to do whatever it takes to bring them both off. Rising up so that she can straddle Kyle’s...

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Fucking Dairy Fun In Varanasi

Hello, guys. I am harsh singha and I am currently in Varanasi. This story is based on my real life story. How I met a girl from wechat and got a chance to meet her personally. Girlz from varanasi if you want to meet me plzz mail me at Kahani start karne se pehle mai apne baare me bata du. Meri height 5.10. Jyada to nai but theek thak dikhta hu. Ladkiya ky sochti h mere baare me ye ni pata mjhe. So meri kaha start hoti h jab mai kanpur se semester break me ghar aaya hua tha. Ghar pe din k...

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Hottest 3way Part 3

My final sexcapade with my sexy new friends was unfortunately, not a 3way. A few weeks after our second encounter I was shopping in the grocery store when I ran into wifey. She was wearing a pair of tight yoga pants, running shoes and a very tight v-neck t-shirt that showed off just a touch of her perfect cleavage. After a few moments of small talk she told me that hubby was away for a few night for business, and that I should stop by that night around midnight. I told her if I could get...

1 year ago
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SpiralsChapter 5

The next morning went quickly. For most of it, Mr. Hardesy had me stocking canned goods, and I was actually surprised when he told me to go eat lunch at eleven. I grabbed my sack from my locker and sat down on some boxes behind the store. I hadn't been hungry until I'd known it was lunch time, but now I was more than ready to enjoy some turkey salad sandwiches that Tracey had put together for me. One bite, and I knew Tracey had a winner with this one. "Robinson," Jesse Caldwell came out...

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