Rear End Car Accident Encounter free porn video

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Kim figures she'd better call the cleaners to let them know she's on her way, just in case...but as she fumbles for her cell, it slips out of her hand and onto the passenger side of the floor. "Oh, damn!" Kim swears with a shake of her head, but glances at the road in front of her: there's cars to her left and right, but in front of her it's clear. She quickly reaches down, keeping the wheel steady as her fingers snag the phone, but...BAM!! A sudden impact brings her car to a screeching halt as she reflexively slams on the brakes. Luckily no one slams into her from behind, but horns are honking everywhere as cars weave around hers, trying to avoid getting caught up in the accident. The impact wasn't quite hard enough for her airbag to deploy, and her body shaking, Kim sits up to see what's happened.

On the street crunched up in front of her car is a white BMW, its rear caved in almost completely. A silver-haired man is the only one in the car, and he's rubbing his neck as he turns his head slowly from side to side. His airbag hasn't deployed either. Kim realizes at once that the man must have changed lanes in the split second she had reached down to get her phone.

Kim checks cautiously for traffic, and all the cars are giving them a wide berth as they swerve around on either side. Kim does her best to stop herself from shaking, then carefully opens the door and steps out on to the shoulder of the road. She stays close to both cars, checking out her own as she passes it: the front hood appears to be almost completely undamaged, the grill taking the brunt of the impact. Kim nibbles nervously on her lower lip as she approaches the driver of the other car. "Sir--? Sir, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"

I turn to look at Kim, an angered expression on my face. "Of course I'm not alright, you stupid bitch! You could've fucking killed me! Did you actually learn to drive, or did someone give you your license as a Christmas present?!" "I am so sorry," Kim says again, close to tears at what she's done and how much worse it could've been. "I wasn't looking, I had dropped my phone, I--" "You dropped your phone!" I say in disbelief. "I could've been killed because you dropped your fucking phone? I should sue the life out of you! Your insurance better damn well cover this!"

Oh my gosh, Kim thinks, wondering what he's going to say when she tells him her insurance policy lapsed just the day before because she forgot to renew it. Not only that, but she had just spent a couple thousand dollars adding some improvements and repairs to her house. They don't have the money to fix his car, at least not right now--!

Kim watches the traffic going by , unaware that I have started taking an interest in her, looking her up and down, I calmly eye her. Her shapely legs, her tight little ass, looking so fuckable under her tennis mini, her small waist, her pert little breasts, her sleek shoulders and small, thin lips...all are very enticing. As she turns to me, I let off a disarming smile, which causes Kim to share her beautiful smile in turn. The man--tall, well-built and youthful in appearance in spite of his silver hair, offers his hand. "Obviously, we got off on the wrong foot. I'm John."

"Kim," she says as she accepts the handshake. "I'm really, really sorry about this. I had dropped my phone, and it was so stupid that I just wasn't looking when I reached for it--" "It's okay, it's okay," I say, waving her off. "Look, why don't we exchange insurance info, and that'll sort everything out." "I...I can't, I'm sorry," Kim says, and then goes into detail about the lapse on her policy and the money she and her husband just spent fixing up the house. I appear at first to be getting upset as Kim explains, but then calms down as I take another look at her breasts, looking so tantalizingly ready to be touched.

"Look, do you have any idea how much my car cost me? You can see what the logo is, you know what price ranges those go for. Why should I spend the money to get it fixed and have my premiums go up?" "I know, I know," Kim says, on the verge of tears. "I promise, my husband and I will make it up to you, just give us a chance--" "No," I say sternly, shaking my head. "I want my money now." "I don't have it!" "Well then, you gotta do a make-good."

Kim looks at me, puzzled. "A what? What's that?" I exhale impatiently. "When networks make promises in advertising to sponsors that they'll put in certain numbers for their tv shows, and those tv shows don't do as well as projected, sponsors don't get as many customers checking out their product on tv as they were promised. Stations have to do a make-good, where they pay the sponsors X number of dollars to make up for the lack of viewers. That's what we've got here: there's no reason why I should have to pay to get my car fixed, when it's your fault your insurance lapsed. So I think you have to do a make-good."

Kim considers what I said, but she's still confused. "I don't...what do you want me to do...?" I lick my lips and smile lasciviously at Kim. "You've got some nice lips. I love the feel of Asian lips wrapped around my cock." Kim's eyes widen in shock. "Oh, no. No, no, no..."

"Oh yes. Yes, yes, yes," I say with a chuckle. I reach out, grabbing Kim by the waist and pull her into my arms. She struggles to get free, but cries out "Hey!" in surprise as I reach around and give her a sharp slap on the ass, shocking her into silence. "You did a very bad thing, little lady. It's all your fault and you know it. So unless you want me to start feeling some serious pain in my neck and back, then sue you out of house and home, I think you need to give me some sucky-sucky."

Kim stops struggling. She looks away from me for a moment, considering how much this will cost her pride, as opposed to how much it could cost her in the long run. "I do this, and you won't sue? Promise? Swear it?" I cup her chin in my hand and turn her face to look at me. "Long as you give the blowjob of a lifetime, I'll never mention this to a single soul. I'll say I wasn't at my car, and someone tagged me in a parking lot. You do the same, and everything will be just fine, right?" Kim nods reluctantly. "And that's it...that's all, a blowjob?"

I reach up, taking hold of one of the straps holding Kim's top up. I start to pull it off her shoulder, but Kim swats my hand away. I give her another firmer smack on her butt, making her jump slightly and reaffirming who's boss. "I want to see your tits and play with them while you suck me off. And you better be a good girl and swallow every last damn drop, understand?"

Kim makes a disgusted groan, but says nothing. She glances back at the main road; pulled off to the side like this, no one can really see them unless they were to stop their car and walk up to the cars, so there's that much to be grateful for. I take Kim's hand and lead her back to her mini-van. With a light sigh, Kim opens the large sliding door on the side and climbs in, followed by me, I close the door firmly behind them.

Kim sits on the seat about a foot away from me, looking at me uneasily. "Aren't you going to take it out...?" I snicker and shake my head. "You're my little geisha. I want you doing the work, starting with showing me those beautiful little tits of yours." Kim frowns but does as she's told, reaching up and pulling off her halter straps. "Geisha is Japanese," she says angrily. "I'm from Vietnam." "Girl, you could be the last eskimo on Earth for all I care. You just better get to slurping on my meat," I say impatiently. With a light gulp, Kim pulls her top down, exposing her beautiful creamy breasts. I whistle, liking what I see. "Beautiful. Now get to it, and start getting to work on my cock."

Kim frowns again as she reaches over, surprised at how steady her hands are as she undoes my belt and unzips my pants. Trying not to look at it, she reaches in and grabs firm hold of my penis. She's amazed, disbelieving at how big and thick it feels. But then she yanks it out, revealing an exeptionally thick tool. She stares at it a moment, almost hypnotized by its sleek aesthetic beauty. Before Kim realizes what she's doing, she's left her spot on the long seat and is kneeling down in front of me, opening my pants wider to allow my cock and balls to breathe. I lift my hips up slightly as I pull my pants down around my knees...sighing contentedly with a smile on my face as I sit back and wait for my little sucky-sucky slave to perform her duty.

I'm just doing this so that he'll keep quiet, and we can avoid a lawsuit, Kim tries to convince herself, although she can't help but fight the urge to lick her lips as she stares at my long thick tool, which is so thick that her small, slim fingers can barely hold onto it. With a little sigh, she wraps her mouth around the tip of my cock, slurping on it like a lollipop a few times, getting it nice and slicked up. She pulls her lips off it and kisses it lightly, blowing on it to watch it throb gratefully in her hand, then kissing it again, hoping I like what she's doing, so that I keep my word. She glances up and sees me looking down at her, a wide grin spread across my face. So she goes back to work, kissing the tip of my cock, then raising it up in her little hand so she can lick the underside from base to head, pleased to hear me moan " ooohhhh!" in accepting pleasure.

Kim leans forward on her knees a bit, bracing her hand against one of my legs as she sucks on the tip a little bit more, then slips a few inches of my cock more fully into her mouth. She can feel me run my fingers through her dark shoulder-length hair as she starts sucking on my cock more earnestly, surprised that my precum tastes so good. Before long, Kim is swallowing some sperm that's shot out a bit prematurely into her mouth, even while I lean over her and reaching down, fondling her breasts.

Kim's nipples harden quickly in my strong, skillful hands as they knead the soft flesh, squeezing her breasts and expertly pinching her nipples just hard enough that the pleasureful tingle of the sensation shoots up her spine. Kim finds herself responding to it by shoving some more of my cock into her mouth and bobbing her head up and down more passionately, eager to get some more of that tasty sperm to slide down her throat. She'd never have believed before this, even with all that had been done to her before**, that she'd ever go down on another man. But fuck! if John's sperm isn't the best she's tasted in a while--! It's then, as I cum hard down her throat once more, my cock exploding in her mouth as my whole body shakes, that Kim remembers that she had accidentally skipped lunch today, so of course she's starving for any nourishment she can get!

Kim greedily, happily gulps down my sperm, doing her best to get every drop as I ordered. As she pulls her mouth free, she swipes some dribbling seed from the underside of my cock with her finger, and sucks it off the digit nice and slow so that I can see. The two of them sit in silence a moment, I was on the long seat and Kim on the floor in front of me--master and servant--both of them catching their breaths. After a little bit, I reach down, offering Kim my hands. She accepts, thinking I'm helping her to her feet. But as she stands, I let go of her hands and grab onto her waist, sitting her on my lap. I wrap one arm around her waist to hold her in place while my other hand reaches under her skirt, beginning to pull down her panties!

"Wait--what are you doing?! We didn't agree to this!" Kim shouts at me. "Premiums are high, honey...gotta make sure I get my money's worth out of you," I say as I rip her white cotton panties down around her thighs. "Stop, stop, STOP!" Kim yells at me, grabbing my arm and trying to wiggle out of my grip...but my grip is far too strong, and I chuckle in amusement as my little mistress struggles so hard to no effect. Finally, I get a bit fed up with the struggle, and shove a couple of fingers into Kim's small tight pussy. She cries " OMG! STOP!" out in surprise and tries harder to get free, but I pull her forward with my arm, into an awkward position against my chest so that the Asian pharmacist has no leverage as I begin to masturbate her fiercely.

"S-STOP!!" Kim cries, tears spilling down her face as memories of similar abuses at the hand of other men come back to her, but along with the memories comes the shameful thrill she felt as each finger, each tongue, each hard cock, penetrated her. She never told anyone about the incidents...but that was as much to keep the fact that she had been secretly, shamefully thrilled when each man had finished cumming inside her.

Kim feels her pussy beginning to lubricate now, and she knows that she'll soon have no control over when she cums, as her vagina just seems to give in to any man that so much as looks at it the right way. Her struggles become more frenzied, but eventually her fists pounding against my chest and face turn to claws, tearing at my shirt as my slicked fingers bring her to a powerful forced orgasm and she cries out " OMG! AAAAAAAHHHHH! OOOOOHHHHH! AAAAAHHHHhhhh!", collapsing in a heap of tears against my chest.

My cock is hard as a rock as I dump Kim off of my lap and onto the chair, letting her take a moment to absorb what's happened to her, how helpless she is, and that her pussy is essentially my property. I shake my pants off fully and reaching over, pulling Kim's panties down to her ankles. I open her legs easily now, her body having given up the fight, and places her legs on top of my hips as I prepare to mount her "Please..." Kim moans through her tears, in shock at how easily she just lets men take her now. "Please...we didn't agree to this..."
Her pussy lips were plump and soft looking, with no stretch lines or sagginess, with very little fuzzy hair. I placed a thumb on each side causing her to cry out " UGH! AAAAAHHHH!" at the contact and then roughly pull her lips apart. Kneeling in front of her I spit in my hand and slap it against her tender young pussy, spreading the saliva around as she cried " OMG! STOP! PLEASE STOP!" at the feeling.. Long enough to beat the hell out of a woman’s cervix, and very thick which meant it really stretched a woman out. Even experienced women found it a bit intimidating.

Spitting in my hand again, I coated the head, making sure it was slippery enough to get in. "Here it comes" as I lined myself up and then grabbing her hips. With the head barely touching her lips, I drive my hips forward using all of my might. For a brief moment, like a hundredth of a second, her lips resisted, and then split to allow the missile entering her to slam through her small tight opening and drove itself at least 6 inches in on the very first thrust. Young women are not meant to be stretched like that, so I wasn’t surprised at all when her whole body jerked in response to the white hot pain of the weapon slicing into her tight young tunnel as she emitted a screech " AAAAAAHHHHHH! AAAAAAAHHHHH!"..

Pulling back several inches, I saw lots of blood covering my cock, and dribbling down her thighs. Then I drove forward again, driving my head right up against her cervix. I still had a few inches to go, but that would take a bit of battering ram action. I drew back and started ramming the tight young Asian fuck toy as she howled pitifully " OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!". Whatever it felt like for her, the feel of her underprepared and undersized tight pussy milking my cock sent shivers of excitement through my body as I beat it with my cock.

Her cunt resisted each thrust, clamping down in a vain attempt at stopping each subsequent penile impalement. Tears were pouring from her face as her tight young flower was stretched, scrapped and even torn by the sustained assault I was inflicting on her. Gradually, the beating my cockhead gave to the back of her cunt caused something to give a bit, and I was able to get the last few inches in. It felt great, having her tight young cunt grasping the base of my cock, convulsing from the trauma, twitching as her whole body heaved from the sobs and screams she was emitting. I fucked my little Asian doll for several more minutes, loving the tightness, and getting off on her screams. I felt my orgasm approaching and started slamming harder, wanting to fuck the hell out of her cunt as I pounded into the wailing girl without mercy. Kim doesn't look in my eyes; instead she stares up at the ceiling

I stop holding my cock there for a few minutes. Tears spilling down her face as she realizes she can't even admit to herself that she's not enjoying it; the feel of John's thick coick--so much larger than her husband's--is like a drug to her pussy, which clamps onto it desperately, not wanting to ever let it slip out from inside her. This just turns me on all the more, and I start pumping my cock furiously inside Kim, who gives in to her lust and starts crying out in ecstacy. " OMG! DON'T STOP! OOOOOHHHHH! AAAAAHHHH! OOOOOOHHHHH!". Before she realizes what she's doing, she's opening her mouth, allowing my tongue to enter it, then her own is greeting me and playing with it as we kiss. Her legs, simply spread and dangling over the seat before, are now wrapped around my waist and her arms are wrapped around my neck, holding on tightly as she now accepts me fully within her. Before too long, I'am blasting another hot load of sperm within Kim's eager vagina, which absorbs it completely as her walls are well coated
I pulled it out and looked at the blood on it, and the blood and sperm dripping out of her split open cunt, as it still twitched from the trauma it had just endured. Then, as an afterthought, I hope we have RU-486 at the pharmacy!

She sobbed heavily for a few more minutes. There is nothing to compare to the feel of fucking a woman's small tight virgin ass. My cock was dripping all kinds of goo anyway so that would suffice as lube I grabbed her rolling her onto her side bending her leg forward, then I caressed her ass and parted her cheeks roughly as she cried out," STOP! PLEASE NO NOT THERE! NO! NO! PLEASE!". When I touched the head of my cock against her tight puckered little anus, she went wild, struggling aganist my grip with renewed vigour as she screamed, " OOOOOHHHH! NNNNNNOOOO! PLEASE NNNNNOOOO!" I forced Kim onto the floor on her hands and knees, I roughly parted her legs kneeling between them. Kim feels my hairy thighs pressing aganist her inner thighs.

.She sobbed heavily for a few more minutes. There is nothing to compare to the feel of fucking a woman's small tight virgin ass. My cock was dripping all kinds of goo anyway so that would suffice as lube I grabbed her rolling her onto her side bending her leg forward, then I caressed her ass and parted her cheeks roughly as she cried out," STOP! PLEASE NO NOT THERE! NO! NO! PLEASE!". When I touched the head of my cock against her tight puckered little anus, she went wild, struggling aganist my grip with renewed vigour as she screamed, " OOOOOHHHH! NNNNNNOOOO! PLEASE NNNNNOOOO!"

Well, no better time than the present. I lined my hard rod up nicely and leaned in hard, pressing the swollen bulbous head against the resisting ring. Her entire body tensed, in an effort to resist the coming impalement with all her might. I was experienced enough to know that I would win this battle. Pushing hard, I had to hold on to my cock to prevent it from sliding off of her ass. She wriggled, clenched her sphincter and grunted with exertion as my cock head fought against her resisting ring. I could feel the ring was starting to give, ever so slightly. She could sense it too, and she started crying out from exertion and fear as the ring slowly started to lose the battle.

I pushed a bit harder and suddenly the her anus lost the battle and parted as my cockhead forced it’s way in. Her whole body arched, her head going straight back as she emitted an agonized screech, "OMG! OOOOOHHHHH! AAAAAHHHH! OOOOOOHHHHH!", when her anus was forced much wider than it had ever been in her life. She shuddered as if she was trying to shake the pain from her body, yet couldn’t get rid of it. The pain was about to get worse....much worse. Once the head was in it was the beginning of the end as I was able to now force inch by inch, slowly into her rectum as she convulsed and howled, "OOOOOOHHHHH! OOOOOOHHHHH!" from the pain as her rectum was stretched, and forced open very deep within her. Finally I got my entire cock in as her traumatized sphincter clenched and convulsed around the base of my rod. It felt so fucking amazing, so unbelievably tight. The violation of her body, with my cockhead right up in her was sheer ecstasy for me as it was agony for her.

I pulled back and then shoved it in again, causing convulsions from her and high pitched noises, " AAAAAAAhhhhh! AAAAAAAhhhhh!. Her tight ass forced the thrusts to be slow, as it resisted every inch. I started fucking the young lady.

I started working my cock in and out, with long deep thrusts as she screamed and cried. I thrust my hips against her ass with repetitive thrusts, battering her. Her buttocks and thighs kept quivering in response to the waping of my balls aganist her ass. She struggled endlessly. I was all turned on intensely.

I carried on slamming my cock into her tight gripping rectum as she howled "OOOOOOhhhhh! OOOOOOhhhhhh!", still trying to thrash around, yet not succeeding. After another 10 minutes of this, I felt my orgasm coming, and planted my balls tight against her and my cock planteddeep inside her clenching asshole as she tensed every muscle in her body. I groaned coming in powerful jets of semen that fired deep into her as she cried loudly. When I finished, I held it there for a few more minutes, then pulled it out, collapsing on her, my sweat dripping on her. Her whole body shook from the fucking. she lay on the bed, curling up in a ball, sobbing in loud cries.

I exhale heavily and look over at Kim, who is laying quietly in a type of shock; wondering if this is what she was meant just service men who want to take her. She's brought out of her state as I slap her playfully on her thigh. "Good girl," I say, satisfied. "You did a good fucking job, so off you go. Kim says nothing. She nods in understanding and sits up, slowly pulling her white cotton panties back up and refitting the straps on her halter top. She straightens her tennis mini skirt and watches passively as I tuck my prick back into my pants. As I jump out of her mini-van I hand her my business card with my private cell phone number. I head back to my car and get in, while Kim just sits in her car, trying to come to terms with everything that's happened to her. An impatient honk from the BMW snaps her out of it, and she moves forward into the driver's seat. She turns the car back on, puts it into reverse and carefully backs out onto the main road.


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Preface The day dawned brightly, as befitted such an important day, though most July days dawned as brightly – unless they didn’t dawn at all under a blanket of fog.  Carli could hardly contain herself, and she wasn’t at all sure how she could stand the slow pace of the day until her flight departed San Francisco at 1:00 AM.  Twenty hours later, she would arrive in Bangkok.  But at the moment, her attention was fixed on the 2 cocks plundering her holes – Daddy’s in her cunt, Billy’s (her...

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Car Accident

I was sixteen years old and running away from home. My parents pissed me off so I left. I was somewhere in Pennsylvania at the time, out in the boondocks, and at this rinky-dink ‘Gas Station.’ It wasn’t even a ‘Convenience Store’ like we have back home. All they sold was gasoline, motor oil, and some road maps. Oh yes and they had a bathroom but you had to get the key from the attendant. The key was chained to a hubcap off an old Lincoln Continental. Yeah I got the complete story while I...

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Ellens Day An Uncle Travis and Carli Stor

This is a continuation of Carli - An Uncle Travis Story part 1 published as a Post. You may want to read it first, though this does stand on its own, I believe.That next weekend, Ellen told me that she was going shopping with Jennifer and Carli and that they would be gone most of the day on Saturday. Carli had been begging her mom for some new clothes and Jennifer recruited Ellen to go with them. Jennifer and Ellen had been friends for longer than Ellen and I had been together. They had been...

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Car Park Encounter

A chance encounter in a quiet car park, as seen from both sides ! I’d love to know what people think of my fiction.*************************************************************************************************************************June and her hubby were a devoted couple who'd been together since they'd first met as teenagers. Fit and attractive, they were looked every inch a model, middle-class couple with two, well behaved c***dren. Outwardly everything looked as close to ideal as most...

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Dr Carlos Invites Anne And Carol To A Party

Anne and Carol have a question for Dr. Carlos. I am Anne. I hope you followed my journey from my open marriage non monogamy to an annulment of marriage. The journey of carnal love continues.I asked Dr. Carlos a question before going home on Sunday He is a gynecologist. I asked him if he would “tie my tubes?” He said, “ knowing your needs and lifestyle, yes.” I kissed him. Carol said she decided she also wanted her “tubes tied.” Dr. Carlos said, are you sure?...

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Sarah Carerra 231 Golden Friendships

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: April 11, 2011) Chapter 31 - Golden Friendships I had hoped to sleep in on Tuesday morning, since it was the only day I had off. But Emily wasn't going to let that happen. It was the first day that we both had off in several...

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The Legend of Carole

Carole Gallacher's tits were the stuff of local legend when I was at College. Perfect in every way, they were the reference point to which all other tits would be compared by the guys in our accommodation block. In the winter, these enormous breasts would protrude majestically from Carole's figure-hugging roll neck sweaters; in the summer, they would jutt out spectacularly from beneath her tight T-shirts. Like a National Park, their appearance changed with the seasons but always remained...

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The Fender Bender a short story

I was creeping in Atlanta rush hour traffic, desperate to get home. It had been a long day. All I wanted was to get on my couch and watch ‘Blue Bloods’. It was sweltering hot, my car thermometer read ninety-eight degrees. I had the air condition on full blast. It didn’t really stop the sun from beating down on my skin. I was sick of the stop and go traffic on the connector. “Come on people.” I yelled, honking my horn. I had a major presentation at work and I didn’t think I did too well on...

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Scarlett and the Yankee CarpetbaggerAct III

As the curtain fell down on Act II, Scarlett was lying on her bed. Her sobs were heart-rending and pitiful. The creamy white cum from both Rufus and Horatio was still leaking from her roughly-used pussy and anus. Her nipples were still sore from their nasty treatment at the hand of the disgraced girl's schoolmaster, Horatio Sherman. She had asked for this special treatment to her titties to drive her into a mind-blowing orgasm. It was just what she needed as her posterior was stretched...

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Carefree Daycare

Welcome to Carefree Daycare! This story will be far more linear than regular CHYOA stories. It consists of 5 days of which all have a specified ending. Because of this you can add chapters on how the main character got into this situation, but you can not change the course of the story. There is a 6th day that serves as a free day a couple months after the original story. You can write any story line here you'd like. Because of the said restrictions, the are strict guidelines for adding new...

2 years ago
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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda First Half

Sometimes, egos are good things. You can ride high on the wave of a growing ego, but you better watch for the breakers at the shore! This is a long story of how I built my ego up, flaunted it around, and then crashed back to reality.=== Tammy:My wife met Michael at an infamous "Sue and Lyle" house party. He is a smaller dark-skinned man with a giant cock. At five-feet-six-inches, he was only a couple inches taller than my wife. His cock may, in fact, be longer than mine, but on his frame, it...

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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda First Half

Sometimes, egos are good things. You can ride high on the wave of a growing ego, but you better watch for the breakers at the shore! This is a long story of how I built my ego up, flaunted it around, and then crashed back to reality.=== Tammy:My wife met Michael at an infamous "Sue and Lyle" house party. He is a smaller dark-skinned man with a giant cock. At five-feet-six-inches, he was only a couple inches taller than my wife. His cock may, in fact, be longer than mine, but on his frame, it...

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Scarlett and the Yankee CarpetbaggerAct II

As the curtain came down on Act I, Scarlett was lying in a pool of cum across her huge bed. Her cunt and her pretty little ass hole were well stretched by Horatio and his two henchmen. She knew this was only the beginning of her bargain with the evil Yankee carpetbagger to save her beloved plantation. Lucinda and her daughter Ellie Mae were trembling in the room below Scarlett's bedroom listening to the noisy orgy above them. They knew Miss Scarlett had been subjected to the most undignified...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 17 The Red Carpet

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 11, 2009) Chapter 17 - The Red Carpet When the limo came to a stop outside of the theater hosting the Tween Awards, I thought my heart would jump right out of my chest. "It'll be okay," Josh told me and squeezed my...

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Carl or Carla

Introduction: Was I becoming an incestuous lesbian with my brother? I was sitting on the edge of my vanity talking to my brother, teasing him because he had a big yellow zit on his forehead. You cant go out with Yvonne looking like that, you better put a band-aid on your head to hide it. Oh yeah, thatd be real hot, a nice plastic plaster of Ironman over my eye. Or maybe Big Bird, bright yellow. He looked past my shoulder to the mirror behind me god, thats fucking ugly. Why worry about it,...

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13 Genders Gender 3

13 Genders: Gender 3 By Monsta My name is Aubrey Lawson, and I am a 32 year old woman. Well, I still consider myself a woman, if that means anything. I'm not exactly female in the traditional sense of course, but our society is still very much framed in the old gender binaries despite, well, everything. In any case, I was a woman before all this started and I still look like a woman now, so, I guess I choose to continue to be a woman. For the past 6 years I've been working as an...

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Sarah Carerra 221 Independent Women

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: December 20, 2010) Chapter 21 - Independent Women After church the next morning, I found myself laying on Sarah's couch while listening to the Countdown. Because it was Independence Day, both Emily and Ethan were with their...

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13 Genders Gender 1

13 Genders: Gender 1 By Monsta I watched as the barista wrote my name on a cup with a worn out sharpie. The cup wasn't the size I had asked and paid for, but since it was a bigger size I didn't mention it. Aside from the free size upgrade, I was also grateful she spelled Olivia correctly. I've never seen Olivia spelled with an "e" outside of Starbucks. In fact, I'm fairly sure one time I got a cup with a "k" in my name somewhere. As I watched the young olive skinned woman go about...

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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 3B Wendy/Wendell? Tells You How It Is Both? You spin the word around in the hazy glow of your mind blowing orgasm with a strange blonde man that took you from an alley, bound you, and then fucked you. He'd just taken your virginity (at least in this body) by rape. Instead of outrage all that you could feel was the mixture of your cum and his mixing as it trickled out of your now used pussy. The only regret that you had was not giving your...

2 years ago
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CarleyChapter 8

Rob knelt on the sofa behind Carley. He had an impressively long and thick erection which he rubbed against Carley’s outer lips. As he started to work his cock into her, Carley gasped and pulled away. “Easy with that thing! Take it easy!” Rob flipped onto his back and pulled Carley down over his face. He licked and tongued her until she was wet enough, then resumed his position behind her. Carefully, he managed to get his cock almost all the way in. Rob often bragged that he was too long...

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How I Feel in Love with My Daughter Carissa Chapter 13

Father: Jim Davenport, 41 years old 6’0’ 192 lbs. Brown hair and eyes with a fit build and a 7 ¾ inch cock. Daughter: Carissa Davenport just turned 15 years old. 4’ 10” 95 lbs. Very petite with long brown hair and eyes. Great legs, round ass and 34 A breasts. The divorce was particularly rough. Divorcing my wife, Cindy, after 16 years of marriage was one of the toughest times in my life. Cindy and I meet when she was 24 and I was 25. Two years later we were married. We both had good jobs and...

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Ladies LodgeChapter 7 A Kidnapping Gwendoline is beaten up

After over two hours of holding the same position in the cold afternoon air Harriet was beginning to regret not taking advantage of Gwendoline's kindness in getting her out of the assignment. It was not a comfortable pose at all, involving as it did keeping one foot raised almost off the ground with only the tip of her big toe on the ground and almost all her weight on the other. One hand was resting lightly on her hip and the other touching her breast, which Jim assured her looked fine...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 51 Carols Deflowering the Preliminaries

Thursday, April 14, 2005 (Continued) Once the door was closed, Julia grabbed me and exclaiming, "I can't believe we got away with that! I thought your parents were going to ruin everything, but now it's even better. We can be open in front of BOTH families! That's WONDERFUL! We don't have to make up excuses for you two to come over here, and after the trial we don't even have to restrict ourselves to this room. That's going to make things even better. Yippee!" Carol joined us in our...

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CarleyChapter 4 Milan

The Tuesday morning after Carley’s party, I gave her a call. “I have good news and bad news. The bad news is, I have to go to Houston for ten days. I’m leaving tomorrow. The good news is, my sister Lora and I have family business in Milan and I’d like you to go with us. I’ll pay for everything. “Milan? Italy? When are you going?” “Two weeks from this Friday. We’re catching the Air France redeye to Paris and a connecting flight to Milan. We’ll be there through the next Tuesday, and then...

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Carlis Ordeal

So is it nice where we're going? Carli for the last time gurl it's exactly like you asked. We're on our way to upscale resort to cross off a bucket list item for you. For weeks I had been looking at big cocks for you. Nothing under 10 inches were your instructions. Knowing I couldn't show you all of them, or you'd want them all, I took the six best looking 10 inch plus cocks and put them the counter and had you toss a penny. The one the penny landed on or closest to was the winner. I made the...

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Carley Ch 11 Original Version

Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. ‘It should work now,’ he said. Sitting at the counter across the room, Carley snorted. ‘That’s what you always say. That’s what you’ve said at least a hundred times. It never works. You two geniuses promised to take me to the Mango Tree for dinner tonight and it’s time to get dressed. Leave that damned thing until...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 52 Carols Deflowering the Act Itself

Thursday, April 14, 2005 (Continued) By some sort of unspoken agreement, conversation was finished with now, and it was time to start the deflowering process. Carol had fully recovered from her last orgasm, so we spent some time doing loving, affectionate things to build the right mood. Lots of kissing, hugging, saying loving things back and forth, and caresses focused on Carol. When I felt it was time, I said, "Carol, my love, I'm going to make love to you now. I'm going to take your...

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13 Genders Gender 2

The window air conditioner started squealing around 3am, and it woke me up. I went over and banged on it a few times and it seemed to stop. I crawled back into bed and my wife Tina snuggled up to me from behind and draped her arm over me. "We need to get that replaced," she mumbled sleepily. "Yeah," I said, "I'll probably head to Home Depot tomorrow and..." She interrupted me and said, "Don't worry about it hun. I'll take care of it." She gave me a kiss on my neck, just under my...

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Jeanette The Very Very Caring Carer

Before I continued with this story of mine, I originally wrote this story of mine as an entry in a competition held by a fellow member on a website, which I have joined and regularly visited. Actual Story: A number of years ago, I was invited by my case worker to go on a trip to a conference regarding issues for people with disabilities. Now the catch was that I was not able to go by myself, hence the reason why I was provided with a carer. This conference was in Adelaide South...

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Caring for CarlyChapter 4

"How are you coming on reconciling Carly and your parents?" I asked Jody the next morning as she was dressing for work. She stopped with her blouse in her hand, leaving her truly spectacular breasts encased in nothing but a bra. A front-opening bra I noted for future reference. "Well, I'm working on it, but it's going slow. Pa's stubborn, Momma's worried and neither one of them can see any other solution." "You mean they still both want her to have an abortion and be...

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CarleyChapter 5 The Sex Club and Marja

Carley and I ate dinner in a restaurant I knew well. Afterwards, we walked through the nightclub district of Milan, people-watching and enjoying the street performers who worked the crowds. We drank wine sitting outside a couple of bars. Carley was happy and talkative. As we walked into one of the many plazas, I glanced to my right at a particularly ugly statue. Suddenly, a hand appeared, reaching for my right side at about belt level. At home, I always carry a handgun right there and I’ve...

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Carmela Spanish

Carmela Transcurria el ano de 1776. Las trece colonias Britanicasen la America del Norte habian declarado su independencia, y la guerra contrala corona Britanica estaba en su momento cumbre. Mas al sur, Espana fortaleciatodo su imperio. Mayormente en su apreciada isla: Cuba. La trata de esclavos era un gran negocios para los colonos,tanto como en la isla, como en los de las trece colonias, que habian en laAmerica continental. Las grandes plantaciones de cana de azucar necesitabanesclavos...

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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 11

‘So,’ Hannah said as we reached the outskirts of the city, ‘How did you enjoy your first time dogging?’ ‘Is that what it was?’ I asked incredulously. ‘Well, sort of, yes. What did you think it was?’ she laughed. ‘And the bloke who was watching thought you were a girl as well!’ ‘I know,’ I said, proudly. ‘Hey, does that mean that the bet’s already won, a week early?’ I asked half-hopefully. ‘Not by a long chalk,’ she sniggered. ‘No, when I said ‘pass as a girl’, I didn’t mean just look like one....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 249 Carols Sex Education Begins

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) Ava greeted us, "Hi everyone! I didn't bring a suit..." "Did you bring your skin?" asked Julia. "I never leave home without it, haha." Ava stripped unselfconsciously, while commenting on my casts being off and asking how my leg and the broken and missing fingers were (or as I thought of them, my "here and not-here fingers"). By now "Giving Someone The Finger" was a well established joke at Dad's work. Dad had told me a couple of stories about...

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CarleyChapter 9 Marja and the Finns come to Florida

“Oh, look, he caught a fish!” Marja pointed excitedly to an osprey, zooming up from the surface of the Banana River with a mullet in its talons. The fish struggled futilely. “The nest is in the tall tree on the point of that island,” I told her, pointing it out. As we watched, the eagle flapped its way to a landing. “I think they have chicks. It’s the right time of year.” Marja smiled at me. “I love the view, Jack. I didn’t know Florida was like this.” Marja’s friend, Thor, was sitting...

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Carley Ch 12

The Soft Hammer Carley, Chapter 12 This story takes place in the universe of Carley and Jack some time after chapter 9 and was written as a stand-alone story. It starts the way a couple of others do, but goes in a different direction. I wrote this during the spring love bug season of 2015. Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. ‘It should work now,’...

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Carley Ch 11 Alternate Version

Chapter 9 in this series was the last one to have any sex in it. The last few are more science fiction than anything else. I had some ideas that I wanted to explore and the Jack-and-Carley universe seemed like the correct setting. ***** Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. ‘It should work now,’ he said. Sitting at the counter across the room, my...

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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 8

As we drove to work the next morning, Hannah told me to meet her in reception at twelve so we could go shopping. Because the office ran a flexi-time approach to lunch hours, and provided the time was made up, staff were allowed to lunch between twelve and two. So, at one minute past twelve we met and headed out into town. The cool air round my legs felt different through the tights, but by now I was fairly confident that no one would give me a second glance, especially with Hannah beside me....

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Caring for CarlyChapter 5

Two minutes later I was on the phone to my conniving wife. She was in a meeting, but I persuaded the hotel to pull her out. "Is something wrong?" "You might say that," I told her. "I finally lost it and fucked Carly's brains out." "Oh." "She also told me," my voice rising in anger, "that you told her the Bible approved of sisters sharing the same man." Jody snorted. "I told her not to tell you that. But that's Carly. That woman can't keep a secret to save her...

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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 23

There was two weeks to go before Hannah and I would become man and wife. And then, although nobody else knew, we planned to live as wife and wife. In the meantime, the final touches were being made to prepare for the big day. I decided to have my stag night a couple of weeks before the wedding, and I included Tom and one of his friends in the party. Graham, like Tom, was bisexual, but it wasn’t something that many people knew about. Tom had known him for some time, and they had ‘got together’...

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Darnell and CarmelaChapter two

The job was cook's assistant: ten bucks an hour. I learned the ins and outs of the kitchen fairly quickly and the rest of the business piecemeal as I went along. I was determined to do a good job and not embarrass myself. Plus I wanted to more than earn the $400 a week the job paid me. I got a small cut of the tips on my shift too; that added another twenty to thirty a week extra to my check. The apartment she'd set me up in was small. It reminded me of the old place I'd had when I'd found her...

Love Stories
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Caring for CarlyChapter 3

Jody stayed home for a couple of days to make sure Carly was settling in. But her project at the Institute was approaching a critical point and she couldn't stay away too long. I do contract software development from my home office, so I was home during the day to watch my sister-in-law. We quickly settled into a routine. I discovered Carly liked to watch cartoons — as long as they weren't too mature. Ren and Stimpy lost her completely and she didn't really get the idea behind Pepe le...

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