Carley Ch. 11 – Alternate Version free porn video

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Chapter 9 in this series was the last one to have any sex in it. The last few are more science fiction than anything else.

I had some ideas that I wanted to explore and the Jack-and-Carley universe seemed like the correct setting.


Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. ‘It should work now,’ he said.

Sitting at the counter across the room, my girlfriend Carley snorted. ‘That’s what you always say. That’s what you’ve said at least a hundred times. It never works. You two geniuses promised to take me to the Mango Tree for dinner tonight and it’s time to get dressed. Leave that damned thing until tomorrow morning and let’s go.’

‘Just give us two minutes,’ I said. ‘If it doesn’t work, we’re all yours.’

Carley rolled her eyes. ‘Yeah, right! ‘If it doesn’t work.’ Jack, you know damn well that what you’re trying to do is freaking impossible.’ She looked down at the cat sitting in her lap. ‘Fluffy here has a better chance of catching a seagull … OW!’ Fluffy had noticed that Carley had stopped petting her in exactly the approved manner and had retaliated with a bite.

Thor laughed. ‘Serves you right for trying to be friends with that ugly little monster.’ He slid the circuit board into its place in the rack and plugged in five cables connecting it to our revolutionary invention. Well, it would be revolutionary if we could get it to do anything.

Carley stood up, dumping the bad tempered cat onto the floor. She examined the tooth marks on her thumb. ‘Hurry up. I’m getting hungry.’

I hooked up the power as Thor jumped down from his stool. Thor is probably the smartest person I know, but he’s somewhat limited by his height. Thor is a dwarf, about 4 feet 8 inches tall. I’d built a couple of low platforms so he could work at my bench. I’m a foot and a half taller than Thor and might be a better electronics engineer, but his skill at higher math, especially his grasp of quantum mechanics, is far ahead of mine. Concepts that seem obvious to him are completely beyond me.

Sitting next to the rack was a clear plastic box, eighteen inches square, coated on the inside with a transparent, electrically conductive film. A device the size of a small cell phone was epoxied to the top. Inside the box was a 10′ plastic figure of Thor, the god of thunder, complete with hammer, red cape and winged helmet. It looked nothing like my friend. Thirty feet across the room was an identical box, empty. Thor checked the conductivity on both the boxes with a multimeter and gave me a thumbs-up.

I turned on three digital video cameras to record the (we hoped) success of our experiment. So far, we had deleted the recordings of 118 attempts.

I shook my head at Thor. ‘This is going to look fantastically stupid, you know. Using a doll for an historic event like this.’

Thor laughed. ‘It’s not a doll, Jack. It’s an action figure. I’ve told you that. Stop calling it a doll.’ Thor’s Finnish accent was barely detectable.

‘It’s not going to be an historic event, either,’ said Carley. ‘Just another failure. Try not to set the silly thing on fire this time.’

‘Whatever,’ I said. ‘Your turn, Thor.’

Thor climbed back onto the platform and thumbed the spring-loaded toggle switch. His ‘action figure’ vanished.

We all jumped. ‘Son of a bitch,’ gasped Carley. ‘It worked!’

The figure of Thor was now in the other box, across the room. Fluffy, completely unimpressed, walked to the sliding glass door leading to the back yard and meowed. Carley ignored her.

I could barely speak. ‘Reverse the polarity and hit it again, Thor,’ I croaked. Silently, Thor turned a knob on the control board and flicked the toggle switch again. The little plastic deity instantly reappeared in the box where it had started.

I’d thought of several comments that would be appropriate to the occasion, but they all seemed ‘way too trite. I kept my mouth shut.

Thor reached over to the nearer box, unlatched the side and pulled out the plastic figure. Then he did what any human male would do, he gave it a good whack against the hard surface of the workbench. It didn’t break.

‘That’s what we’d hoped for,’ Thor said. ‘The math is tricky. Shutting off the Higgs field, even for such a short time, might have damaged the subatomic structure.’ He smacked the thing twice more. ‘Seems okay.’ He tossed it to me.

I pulled on the doll’s arms and legs and twisted the hammer. As far as I could tell, it was unchanged and I slid it across the bench to Thor. I looked at Carley. ‘Lizard!’

Carley snatched a small Tupperware container off the counter behind her, opened the sliding glass door and headed into the warm late afternoon Florida sunshine filling the back yard. Fluffy followed her.

Thor faced the nearest camera and held up his alter ego. ‘That was one short quantum teleport for Thor,’ he announced in a Hollywood-game-show-host voice, ‘one giant freaking leap for applied physics!’

I laughed. ‘Not bad, but it was actually two short teleports. And I thought you didn’t like ‘short’ jokes.’

Thor grinned. ‘I wasn’t joking, Jack. Let’s just hope the process doesn’t kill plants and animals.’

Carley picked that moment to come back. Inside her Tupperware bowl was one of the small, ubiquitous lizards that infest central Florida. She popped the top off the bowl and flipped the lizard into the quantum teleport box. She quickly closed and latched the side of the box before the lizard could escape.

I reset the system polarity and hit the toggle. Instantly, the lizard was scrambling frantically in the far box. I spent the next couple of minutes swapping polarity and bouncing the tiny reptile back and forth across the room. I counted fifty trips in each direction. Aside from being visibly upset, the lizard seemed perfectly healthy.

‘So far, so good,’ I said. ‘I wonder what it looks like from inside. The view is completely different from each box. No wonder the little bastard is going nuts.’

‘Well,’ said Thor, ‘there’s no sensation of movement, that’s for sure. We’ll have to teleport an accelerometer to be positive, of course. That’ll be one of the big questions when this is reviewed. In the meantime, we need a higher form of life than a half-ounce lizard.’ He looked around. ‘Where’s that cat?’

‘You keep your goddamn hands off Fluffy,’ snarled Carley. ‘Use a rat!’

Thor grinned. ‘Alright, don’t get excited. We’ll go to the pet store in the morning and buy a hamster. Maybe a nice parakeet.’ He stepped off his platform. ‘Can we still make it in time for our reservation?’

I locked the key circuit board in my big gun safe and called the restaurant to move our reservation back half an hour. Forty minutes later, we were seated. The waiter took our drink orders and left us to study our menus.

‘You’re going to have a tough time with the peer review process,’ said Carley, shaking her head. ‘You can’t publish the details of the teleporter. You can demonstrate it, but if the actual mechanism gets out, everyone will rip it off. The Chinese will have a field day. How are you going to protect your patent?’

Thor leaned over the table and whispered, ‘We’re not.’ He straightened up. ‘We’re going to do what any sensible person would do. We’ll license the device to three or four of the biggest multi-national corporations in the world and let them try to protect it. They have the resources, the money, the lawyers, the experience. If we tried to do it ourselves, we’d have every government you can name trying to kidnap us. The USA would be first in line. We’ll have to keep this quiet until we’re ready to announce it.’

The waiter brought our drinks and a bread basket. We ordered our entrees and he went away.

‘Jack and I have the patent appli
cation ninety-nine percent complete,’ Thor continued. ‘All we have to do is insert the six components we’ve changed and it’s ready to go.’ He tore off a hunk of bread and dipped it in olive oil. ‘And you better believe we won’t include all the specifics in the patent application. Nobody except us needs to know how the control process works.’

‘What we’re going to do is simple,’ I said. ‘Thor and I are well known for our work with exotic materials. If we tell the right people at our target corporations that we have something they’ll be interested in, I guarantee we’ll have an audience. We’ll overnight the patent application the day of the demonstration. Let the big boys worry about security and patent infringements.’ I took a sip of my 25 year old Scotch. ‘Our biggest problem will be avoiding reporters and talk-show hosts who know nothing about science.’

Carley smiled. ‘You’re going to have to do interviews. This is a huge invention. I’m no scientist, but it’s sure to lead to all kinds of new discoveries. You two are certain to get a Nobel Prize. And what’s it going to do to the transportation industry? You said the range of the thing is limited, but I didn’t pay much attention. I didn’t think you could make it work. How limited is it?’

We talked all through the meal and desert, making our plans.

Three weeks later, Thor and I had our demonstration set up in a conference room at the Gaylord Palms convention center south of Orlando. We had narrowed our choices to four big, powerful, rich international corporations. They were based in Japan, Germany, Holland and the USA. There was no love lost between them. They were fierce competitors, which was exactly what we wanted.

At 9:00AM sharp, I tapped my mike to get their attention. Each company had sent three or four representatives. I’d insisted on at least one skilled physicist from each company.

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ I said. ‘Let’s get started. You all know Thor and you know me. We’ve done business before. What we have for you today is quite different from the materials we’ve shown you in the past. Rather than trying to explain what we’ve got, I’d like to do a quick demonstration. Dr. Sato, if you would step up here, please.’

The Japanese scientist came up onto the low stage and I directed him into the seven foot tall clear booth next to the lectern. He sat on a padded chair in the center of the booth and I closed the door.

‘Please notice the booth next to the door where you came in” I said, pointing to the back of the room. I smiled at Dr. Sato. When everyone looked back at me, Thor raised a modified TV remote and punched one of the buttons. Dr. Sato and the chair he was sitting on vanished. It was a dirty trick, I’ll admit.

The startled looks on the faces of our audience members were interrupted by a howl from the back of the room. Dr. Sato burst from the booth with an extremely surprised expression on his face. Then he caught my eye and began to curse. I’ve heard cursing, even Japanese cursing before, but never combined with growling. His anger was truly impressive and understandable. Dr. Sato stormed down the aisle. I was glad he didn’t have a Samurai sword.

After I got him calmed down and seated, I addressed the audience.

‘Since this is mostly Thor’s development, I’ll turn the meeting over to him.’

Thor took the microphone. We weren’t using a mic stand, because Thor is seventeen inches shorter than I am. ‘Let me cover a few of the more obvious questions you’re going to ask,’ he said.

‘First, is this actually teleportation? Yes. It is.

Second, how does it work? Without going into details that would only interest a quantum physicist, this device makes use of a combination of the properties of three types of Higgs bosons to eliminate the mass of whatever is in the teleportation booths. Then, we swap the contents of the booths. For safety reasons, if there’s any significant mass in the ‘receiving’ booth, nothing will happen.

Third, does the system require both ‘send’ and ‘receive’ booths? No. The process works exactly the same in both directions. Any booth can send or receive from any other booth, with certain limitations that we’ll get to later.

Fourth, how long does the movement take? As you all know, nothing with mass can move faster than light. But this device eliminates mass, so there’s no such limit. More experimentation is needed, but as far as we can tell, the interval between booths is zero. There’s no ‘transmission’ time at all.’

Judging by their facial expressions, reaction to that statement by the scientists in the audience was uniformly negative. Thor held up his hand. ‘Please, I understand your skepticism. Don’t take my word for it. Do your own experiments. Jack and I have only tried it over a distance of about eight miles. We could be wrong.’

Thor drank from his water bottle and smiled. ‘I mentioned that we’ve only tried this up to eight miles, so we come to the next question. Is there a limit to how far it’ll work? Well, yes and no. Theoretically, there’s no limit. Theoretically, you could put one booth on the Moon and one in Paris. But practically, there is a limit and that limit is due to inertia. During teleportation, the contents of both booths have no mass. However, they do retain their inertia and conservation of energy becomes a problem, especially when you live on a spinning globe. If you’re teleporting east, your destination will be dropping away from you and you’ll hit the top of the ‘receiving’ booth. If you’re going west, your destination will smack you in the butt. The further you go, the worse it gets. Let’s take a worst-case scenario. As the Earth rotates, Washington, D.C and Lanzhou, China are both going about 820 miles per hour, but in opposite directions. Theoretically, you could teleport from one place to the other. But you’d have to come out of the booth running at over 1600 miles per hour!’

Thor gave them a moment to digest that information.

‘On the other hand, as long as your destination is going in the same direction and at the same speed you are, you’ll be fine. You could go from Sapporo, Japan to Tasmania or from New York City to Angol, Chile with no problems at all! Just don’t try going from Murmansk in northern Russia to Entebbe on the Equator. You could do it,’ he paused and grinned, ‘but it would kill you.’

The scientists were enjoying Thor’s presentation. The business types weren’t following it very well. Not our problem. Business would come later.

‘And we can’t ignore altitude, either,’ said Thor. ‘For every 750 feet you go up, you lose one degree of temperature. Then there are effects due to a change in potential energy. Going up or down a mile will add or subtract 7 degrees from your body temperature. We won’t know exactly what the result will be until we run some experiments. A change of one degree would be uncomfortable. Seven degrees would probably be fatal. I strongly suspect that going from a ship in the Indian Ocean to the top of Mt. Everest would kill you instantly.’

Several of the scientists and business wonks had their hands up. Thor waved them down.

‘Let me finish the basics, then we’ll get to your questions.’ He gestured to me. ‘Jack, do you want to talk about power?’

I took the mic. ‘Thor mentioned Higgs fields, the effects of which have been detected by smashing subatomic particles together at near light speed. Most of you are familiar with the experiments being conducted at CERN and other large particle accelerators. Those experiments require enormous amounts of power. We don’t need to do that. Our device uses almost no power. Each of these teleport booths runs on three AA batteries. That’s far more power than we need. We expect that commercial booths will use standard watch batteries and those batteries will last for at least a year.’ Every single mouth in our audience dropped open.

‘And, while we’re talking about power, the requirements are the same, whether you’re tele
porting 2 feet or to Jupiter. Distance doesn’t make any difference at all.’

A Dutch scientist had his hand up again. I gave him a nod.

‘Is there a limit to the amount of mass that can be teleported?’, he asked. ‘And does the density of the mass have any effect?’

‘Real good questions,’ I said. ‘And I’m happy to tell you, the answer to both questions is no. There’s no mass limit that we’ve been able to discover. We’re not saying that such a limit doesn’t exist, though. If you decide to license our process, you’ll undoubtedly be doing your own experiments.’ I paused for a sip of water. ‘One very interesting phenomenon that, I’m ashamed to say, didn’t occur to Thor and me, is that the process can be made selective. That is, it’s possible to tune the teleporter so that it will send only what you want it to send. For instance, you can place a container of contaminated water or sewage or sea water in the ‘send’ booth and get totally pure water at the ‘receive’ booth. You can place toxic waste in the ‘send’ booth and, one at a time, send the valuable material, the toxic material, the non-toxic material and the junk to one or several different ‘receive’ booths.’

I pointed to Carley, sitting at the end of the front row. ‘My very good friend Carley suggested this possibility and Thor figured out how to do it in about an hour. I’m honored and grateful to be working with people who are so much smarter than I am.’

I stepped back and Thor took the mic. ‘Selective teleportation may turn out to be the most valuable aspect of our device. There are innumerable processes that require expensive equipment and highly toxic chemicals to refine or create certain materials. There are many materials that we use every day that contain contaminants we’d like to remove, but we don’t have the technology to do it economically. Let’s take coal, for example. Coal from the eastern US often contains between 3% and 10% sulfur. That coal can be crushed and most of the sulfur washed out, but that’s expensive and messy. Our teleporter would make the process cheap and clean. Dump 100 tons of coal into a big steel box, put the box in a teleport booth, punch a button and pure coal will be teleported out, leaving just the sulfur and other contaminants in the box. You could mine iron ore, even low grade ore, gold ore, silver ore, whatever you want, the same way.’ The business wonks were practically salivating. ‘There are going to be medical applications, too,’ Thor said. ‘You could set the system to transport arterial plaque and clean out aging arteries without requiring a patient to go through expensive and dangerous surgery.’ It was interesting to watch the way the older members of our audience reacted to that!

I took the mic again. ‘Now let’s talk about the application we were interested in when we started this project, transportation. We envision a time when every city will have thousands of transport booths scattered all around. Instead of walking or taking the subway or the bus or a taxi or driving, people will just step into a booth, swipe their credit or debit card, punch a number, like a phone number, onto a touch screen and poof they can step out of another booth, blocks or miles away. You’ll be able to flick from the lobby of your apartment building or condo to the lobby of your business without going out in bad weather. That is, as long as you don’t have to go more than five or six miles. You might have to make a couple of jumps, but it would still be much faster and much cheaper than traveling the way we do now.’ At least a dozen hands were up. I waved them down. ‘Hang on, we’ll get to questions in a minute.’

‘As far as longer distances go, we can install lines of large booths and set the system to automatically flick passengers from one booth to the next. Imagine a line of booths, five miles apart, from New York to Los Angeles. The booths would be big enough to hold five hundred people or more, seated in large, comfortable seats with plenty of leg room. The system would flick the whole works from one booth to the next with one second between jumps to minimize the effects of inertia. Six hundred booths, six hundred seconds. You could go three thousand miles in ten minutes. That’s the equivalent over twenty-three times the speed of sound. The cost to run the system would be trivial and it would be totally clean. No jet fuel burned, no danger of airliners crashing, no weather delays, no possibility of hijacking the thing, no need to put your passengers through a pre-flight screening. And one more thing. Pay attention now, because this is important. Our booths will not, under any circumstances, teleport cocaine, heroin, meth, or other illegal drugs. That means that someone who’s got a prescription for opiates will have to find some other way to transport their drugs to their destination. It also won’t teleport high explosives. Understand that this feature is built into the system. It can’t be removed. We’ll be able to modify it later, to prevent the transport of new, synthetic drugs.’ I saw plenty of smiles and nods in the audience. We had them eating out of our hands. Even Dr. Sato was smiling.

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Alternate Sex Culture

In our world, the primary act around which the majority of sexual interaction revolves is vaginal intercourse. There are outliers and fetishes and foreplay, of course, but in terms of broad cultural understanding, men and women want - to put it as crudely as possible - penis in vagina. Now, what if you changed this primary sex act to something else? This might have a great number of knock-on effects besides just changing men and/or women's preferences. It might affect how the culture views...

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The Alternate

Authors Note: Any implied generalities about a particular race are not meant in a negative light; rather, this is meant to reinforce the mistaken stereotypes of the story. Melissa really had it all. It was so hard to argue otherwise, when you consider the many blessings she had. Great family, great house, great childhood, intelligence, athletic ability, and the beauty to round off the perfect package. More about the beauty, you ask? More about the 5'7, 125 pound blonde goddess with...

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Hitchhikers Guide To An Alternate Life Style

Hitchhiker's Guide To That Alternate Universe You hitchhike long enough you'll meet all kinds. All kinds of men that is. Never was picked up by a woman, just men, so you can imagine how surprised I was that a woman would ease over and stop. She was older than mom and my aunt, perhaps not, but prettier. It was as if she'd just stepped out of the house fresh. A pleasant voice asking where I was going while she gave her attention to traffic again. I told her North, about twenty...

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Star Trek The Transporter Incident Episode 1 Revised Version

AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This story series is a fictional work set in the Star Trek universe. I have made a reasonable effort to make the story's details consistent with known events, situations and hardware configurations established in previous Star Trek productions. I make no claim to be a Star Trek purist. Any errors, in continuity or otherwise, with prior Star Trek productions are unintentional. If such errors offend you, I apologize in advance. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this story...

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Sarah Naked In School Extended Version

Sarah stood in the doorway to Mr. Leighton’s office; a corner of the large main house where the warden conducted his business.He was diligently reading a file spread across the green-hued blotter, an antique lamp off to one side casting a dim light across the stack of papers pinned under one side of the brown cover.  She could see the name on the file.  It was her’s.?You wanted to see me, sir?? The man looked up.  ?Yes, hello, Sarah.  Please, come in and close the door behind you.?Sarah swung...

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Buffy Alternate Season Seven

Since Ultimate Fanfiction is getting a bit crowded......... For every decision made the alternative outcomes are played out in any number of infinite alternate universes. So in some other universe certain key events in Buffy’s history played out differently and the following takes place in one such universe. Season 1 Buffy and her family arrive in Sunnydale. Buffy meets Willow, Xander, Giles and Cordellia battles the Master blah blah blah and the events unfold in the same way. Season 2 After...

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Mary Walsh an alternate ending to Forced to be a Girl

Mary Walsh's Own Story By Constance Grant An alternate outcome of "Forced To Be A Girl ? parts I & II" By Christine posted 5/9/1999 (Note: I gave the main character in the original story the name of "Bob" as I don't think it was mentioned as the original was written in the first person. I have been justly accused of inattentiveness in the past, and if I missed the name given by the Christine I apologize. I also apologize for changing the thrust of her story, but I like ...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 105

Not knowing where Veronique was taking her, peaked her curiosity. At first, Sandra had tried to figure out where she was taken, but rather quickly, she had given up on it. Veronique was driving away from the city, into a neighborhood Sandra had almost never been. So, she was sure they were going to a place she didn't know, which made it extra exciting for her. Abandoning her attempts to figure out where they were going, she just looked out of the window and watched the people going about...

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THE LUCKY BABYSITTER Corrected version

Introduction: A reluctant 16 year old lad is asked to babysit, and ends up enjoying it more than he could have inagined THE LUCKY BABYSITTER Corrected version This is a revised version with the errors eliminated. I didnt proof read the first one, and paid the price. Although this is labelled as fiction, it is based on something thats supposed to have actually happened. Whether it was true or not, I have no way of knowing, but when I heard about it, I thought it a very horny tale indeed. I...

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The Fulge Quick fix version

The “Fulge” – quick fix version,Due to popular request I am publishing a much shortened version of the “Fulge”. The story picks up after Helena has met Jake Armstrong and Richard. In am summarizing 2/3 of the story in the first couple paragraphs to give some context and an unjust introduction to the characters.PS: if you haven’t yet read the full version you are missing out on a couple “goodies”.--------------------------------------------------Helena is a beautiful 39 year old Spanish woman....

3 years ago
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Fucking Sleeping Leah 3 Alternate

Again, we were having a sleep over at her house. I packed my dildo, I packed duct tape (just incase she refused) and unlike the other times, I didn’t pack my sleeping pills for the night of fun. Tonight, I’d confront her, I’d fuck her, and she’d fuck me, no matter what. Some how my luck was amazing, or fate just wanted Leah and I to fuck. Either way, I’m glad. Her parents are out for the evening and won’t be home until late. That gives me just enough time to spring me being a lesbian on...

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Introduction: What if John Fields Survived AUTHORS NOTE* I said a story of mine was published and some guy commented saying Posting a story on this site isnt getting a story published. Ya I know. A while ago a Woman who worked for Amazing life media inc contacted me via email and said she wanted to use my story Gothic Amy and Me or as it should have been called Gothic Amy and I in a book with a bunch of other sex stories. Its legit and its going to be published soon. I jumped at the chance and...

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Alternate Reality at Last

Brief info: I always wished I had been born a girl This is the story of where that wish is granted. It’s an alternate reality wherein I retain all prior memories of being a boy, plus new memories of my life as a girl. Everyone else always knew me as a girl, and my possessions changed into girl stuff. (It’s not an exact science, there will be issues, just go with it) Not 10 minutes ago I had been an 18 year old, horny, confused boy. Now here I was standing, a 16 year old, (still horny) girl. I...

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My Sweet Rayne Alternate Ending

My Sweet Rayne (Alternate ending) by Reeb   The cold of the evening air in London on a January night was almost unbearable at times. The chilling cold penetrated deep into my bones through the layers of my uniform. As I stood at the rail terminal waiting my train to Norwich through Ipswich, my thoughts reflected over the last three months of my life.   It was late January 1944 and I had just been promoted to Captain in the US Army Air Force. Along with that promotion, I was awarded the...

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Toilets in an Alternate Reality

You are in a deep dream when suddenly you feel a mysterious presence. You strangely feel at peace, but at the same time vulnerable, eventually this presence speaks. "You Are about to enter an alternate reality that is very different from your own. In your own world, you were raised since around two years old to pee into a strange bowl under a seat like contraption, with water that would carry your waste down pipes when you are finished. This contraption is found in private rooms, often...

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Alternate world

Chapter 1 - kushina and the alternate world NOTE:Sorry nothing hot Just story details in this chapter and masturbation in the end. "naruto....wake up.......naruto.."said a gentle motherly voice trying to wake up the young man sleeping in the bed.naruto slowly opens his eyes and sees a beautiful woman with long red hair and amazing figure smiling in front of him.after a few seconds of being mesmerized by her beauty naruto slowly realizes who she is,it was his mother Kushina.Naruto was shocked at...

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Star Wars The Alternate Universe

In a galaxy far, far away - and a long time ago! - the Star Wars galaxy was suddenly changed by a mad person writing this alternate story because everyone knows the real story and you're here to read about crazy sex and Force-ful behaviors of violent Sith (excuse the pun!) Firstly, you must decide what Star Wars universe you will be experimenting in: Knights of the Old Republic In which Bastila is the cool Jedi prodigy, ready for your loving grace or dark domination. Here Carth awaits a new...

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Roberta and Patricks Next Bet The Alternate Ending

…..A king? A completely, utterly, absolutely, entirely useless king! Holy shit was I in for it now! The king was a nice card but of absolutely no use to me whatever. Patrick’s straight was good enough, and my hope of waving a full house in his face was dashed. Patrick, of course, was grinning like an idiot. “Oh, girl,” he said, “I’m afraid it’s time for a little payback.” I had no reason to doubt that assessment. Well….. nothing ventured, nothing gained. “I’ve been waiting for this,” Patrick...

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Archies Weird Mysteries Alternate Reality 2

This is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. This is a continuation of an episode of the cartoon show. Archie Weird Mysteries: Alternate Reality 2 By Paul G. Jutras For once Archie Andrews showed up right on time for his date with Veronica Lodge, but he learned that showing up on time wasn't the right thing to do. "Oh, heck, Ronnie! You're not ready and the movie starts in less than a half...

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Back to the Future The Alternate Ending

Back to the Future, The Alternate Ending By Bashful "Doc, I did what you said, I changed the past back the way it was supposed to be, what went wrong? My parents got married, my brother and sister are fine, what happened?" "I don't know. I warned you that everything you do in the past has an effect on the future," Doc Brown answered as he put the finishing touches on his latest invention. "Is it really so bad? Biff's son is a much nicer young man than his father was. He's...

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Girl Problems Alternate Ending

Girl Problems (Alternate Ending) By Justin Felder This is essentially the same story as Girl Problems, but I changed the ending after some constructive criticism. "I still don't understand why it takes you so long," Justin shouted from outside Miranda's dorm. "If you won't accept it just does, then there's nothing to tell you," Miranda shouted back, finishing her mascara. "But you haven't told me anything. Maybe if...

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Nicoles Alternate Wedding

This is the tale of Nicole's wedding. Bobbie and Nicole have to deal with some old foes. Nicole must deal with a personal revelation and her brother's love for her. Nicole's Wedding Alternate Ending Hello everyone. This is Nicole. This is the tale of my wedding and my brother's love and faith for me. I can never repay Larry for what he did. My wedding was drawing near. Bobbie was planning my shower and Larry was planning Howie's Bachelor party. I had to meet the local dress maker...

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An Alternate Me

An alternate me Andrew had a pretty normal calm life. He went to high school, wasn't failing any classes, and had 2 friends who were always there for him. All was well in his life... and that was precisely the problem. Andrew: *sigh*, "everyday I wake up and it's the same thing. Sometimes I just wish something...anything would happen" Mom (from outside room): "Andrew? it's time for school, you need to come down and eat." Andrew: "yeah, yeah, I'm coming" He went down the...

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An Alternate Me Part 2 Living Another Life

An Alternate Me: Part 2: Living Another Life Andrew touched his face to make sure it was really his that he saw in the mirror, too his dismay, It was. After the initial shock faded away, he began to take stock of the changes, besides the obvious ones. He found there wasn't many, he was shorter, and had a much softer look to him, but he had the same hair color, same eyes, he really could have been his twin sister. He went back into his room and opened his closet. He was shocked to...

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An Alternate Me part 3 Playing The Part

An Alternate Me: part 3: playing the part John got to class and sat down next to Claire who was already in her seat. "Hey Claire, does Andrea seem... kinda odd today to you too?" Claire looked up from the homework she was desperately trying to finish before the start of class. "A little, I tried to talk to her about it, but she said I wouldn't believe her, oh, shhh, here she comes." John smiled at her as she walked into the room, but Andrea didn't return it and she slumped down...

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An Alternate Me Part 4 Illumination

An Alternate Me Part 4: Illumination Andrew unlocked the door to his house with his spare key and called out, "Hey, I'm home" His mother who was watching television turned to him and said, "Did you have fun with Claire?" He took off his backpack and nodded. "Yeah, we went shopping downtown." His mother smiled and said, "Well that's good to hear, this morning you seemed a little depressed." He started heading upstairs. "Yeah, well I'm feeling better now so don't worry."...

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Moving To A New Place Alternate ending

Moving to a new place (alternate ending) The day of the move in was at hand. Timmy had told the movers what to move and where everything went. They would do it for her for an additional fee. He had also arranged for the walls to be painted and for carpeting in the rooms. He even arranged for new furniture in Lydia's room. Timmy was in complete control over both of their lives. They moved into the new apartment and Lydia went to her room and saw all the new furniture. She didn't...

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Classifieds In An Alternate Reality

Backstory: In an alternate reality very similar to our own, an event colloquially known as "The Change" took place about 5 years ago. This Change caused random alterations in the human population, causing panic, riots, and widespread mayhem. Over time though, humanity did what humanity has always done after chaos: it fought its way back to order. People adapted to their circumstances. Society moved on, and people got back to the business of being alive and living their lives. But,...

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Classifieds In An Alternate Reality 2

Backstory: In an alternate reality very similar to our own, an event colloquially known as "The Change" took place about 5 years ago. This Change caused random alterations in the human population, some mental, some physical. This sudden unusual event caused panic, riots, and widespread mayhem when people began to change. Over time though, humanity did what humanity has always done after chaos: it fought its way back to order. People adapted to their circumstances. Society moved on, and...

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Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde an alternate ending

I've always thought the Hammer movie was very well done, except for the ending. This is how I would have ended it. If you haven't seen the movie go see it before reading this. Seriously, it's really good and you should watch it anyway. * Dr Jekyll & Sister Hyde - an alternate ending by BobH (c) 2017 When he heard the commotion in the street outside, Dr Henry Jekyll immediately knew what it meant. The game was up. Accompanied by a baying mob,...

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Alternate Reality at Last

Brief info: I always wished I had been born a girlThis is the story of where that wish is granted.It's an alternate reality wherein I retain all prior memories of being a boy, plus new memories of my life as a girl. Everyone else always knew me as a girl, and my possessions changed into girl stuff. (It's not an exact science, there will be issues, just go with it)Not 10 minutes ago I had been an 18 year old, horny, confused boy. Now here I was standing; a 16 year old, (still horny) girl. I...

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Alternate way

Alternate way Hi, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I born in a middle class Bangladeshi family and serving in a public organization I’Monika married and having two kids. I spent a lustful life indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from hidden places when...

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An Alternate Reality

An Alternate Reality Written by Rikki "Kevin, get up. Breakfast is almost ready," his father called out. "Wake up." Kevin slowly got out of bed. Today was the first day after high school graduation and he was looking forward to sleeping in. It had been a long night. He looked at the clock. 7:00 AM. "Kevin," his father called out again, "let's go honey." Honey? His dad never called him honey before. Kevin pulled on a tee shirt and a pair of...

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My Sweet Rayne Alternate Ending

My Sweet Rayne (Alternate ending) by Reeb   The cold of the evening air in London on a January night was almost unbearable at times. The chilling cold penetrated deep into my bones through the layers of my uniform. As I stood at the rail terminal waiting my train to Norwich through Ipswich, my thoughts reflected over the last three months of my life.   It was late January 1944 and I had just been promoted to Captain in the US Army Air Force. Along with that promotion, I was awarded the...

Love Stories
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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 2 Alternate Story

Chapter 2 Alternate Story Stranger Danger Going with the "lighten up" theme you decide to go back to the room to catch Wendy before she leaves. You drop the lost and found box off hurriedly with the pool guy and head toward the main hotel on the beach. There are a lot of well lit paths on the way, but it's a tourist trap so they tend to wind toward every where imaginable to get you to spend your money on little key chains with your name on them along with millions of other worthless...

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