Carl Carla and Hannah Part 11
- 4 years ago
- 35
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As we drove to work the next morning, Hannah told me to meet her in reception at twelve so we could go shopping. Because the office ran a flexi-time approach to lunch hours, and provided the time was made up, staff were allowed to lunch between twelve and two. So, at one minute past twelve we met and headed out into town. The cool air round my legs felt different through the tights, but by now I was fairly confident that no one would give me a second glance, especially with Hannah beside me.
‘Right,’ she said as we walked down New Street towards the Pallisades, ‘we need to get you some sort of wardrobe together. You can’t keep borrowing my clothes, so you need to get your own. C’mon, we’ll try here first.’
Before I had time to protest, she almost dragged me into a department store and headed straight for the ladies section. I was so embarrased, I tried to hide myself away, but Hannah was having none of it. She kept picking things out, asking what I thought and getting slightly angry when I was non-committal. After a few minutes she took me to one side.
‘Look,’ she almost hissed, ‘We’re here for you. I’m not going to waste my lunch time if you’re not going to at least try, so either you take a bit more interest or I’ll leave you alone to get your own damned clothes!’
The thought of shopping for women’s clothes on my own filled me with dread, so I sheepishly apologised and said that I’d try.
‘Good,’ she said. ‘Now, let’s start with some underwear.’
Hannah lead me across to the lingerie section, which, if we’d been there for her, would have interested me more. However, the thought of buying my own was a slight turn on and soon I was looking at the various bras, panties, camisoles and sets with a different eye. I wasn’t sure of my size, but Hannah told me I was a 34B in bras and a 32 waist in panties. Or at least, the ones I’d been wearing were that size. I couldn’t believe I was a B-cup, but Hannah told me that was the size of the inserts I had.
As I looked at the various styles and designs of bras, a couple caught my eye. I picked out a few that I liked and showed them to Hannah, and she agreed with a couple of them. She told me to think practical, to choose something for day-to-day wear that would be comfortable. I had the other three sets at home for special occasions. As my interest increased, I could see that she was pleased that I was taking it seriously. Once I had three bras we were both happy with, she told me to choose some panties, preferably in packs. I chose two packs of five of different design that looked attractive and comfortable. Hannah picked up a couple of packs of tights and some stockings.
We moved through the ladies section, and Hannah helped me pick out a couple of skirts. She was being incredibly sensitive and not making it obvious that the items we were looking at were for me, but even so, I was extremely aware of the other women around us. After about half an hour, I’d added a couple of blouses, a few tops and even a full length dress to my collection as we stood in the queue. Thankfully, Hannah paid for the purchases (we have a joint account), and I thought we’d done. However, Hannah said we had just a couple of more things to get before we went back, and the next thing I know, I’m in a cheap shoe shop.
I wasn’t happy but Hannah insisted I try on some shoes. Red faced with shame, with Hannah’s help I selected a pair of black court shoes with a low heel that fitted fairly well, along with a pair of strap sandals with a two inch heels. Just as we were about to pay, Hannah spotted a pair of shiny, red high heels that she insisted I try on. Unfortunately they were too small, but Hannah asked the assistant if she had the next size up. These fitted perfectly, and a few minutes later, to my immense relief, we were outside with our packages.
The next port of call was the Bullring, where Hannah took me into the market place. She stopped at a stall that sold wigs and extensions, and chose a couple of wigs for me of different lengths, along with some extensions. This time she made me pay for them, but the girl who served us was wonderful, and I didn’t feel too embarrassed. While we were in there, we also picked up a couple of cheap necklaces and bangles, along with a ring or two. After a long trip to the chemists for what seemed like an obscene amount of make-up, I trudged back to the car to drop off the mountain of shopping into the boot while Hannah headed back to the office. We would both be working late tonight.
After spanking the credit card so much, I couldn’t wait to try on the new clothes. I found myself lost in a daydream, imagining what the combination of different skirts and blouses looked like on me. When one of my colleagues called me to ask me something, they had to say my name two or three times before I realised they were talking to me. Because when I was lost in my thoughts, in my mind I was Carla, not Carl. I even found myself wanting to mince down the corridor when I went to the loo like I did at home, and caught myself just in time to stop.
Because I arrived back at the office after Hannah, I knew that I would be the last one out at the end of the day. Therefore, I expected Hannah to be waiting in the car for me, but when I arrived she was nowhere to be seen. I rang her mobile, concerned for her, but got no answer. I sat in the car for a few minutes and tried her again. No reply. I was just about to go back and look for her when she came round the corner, looking more than a little flushed and agitated.
As we drove home, I asked her why she was late. Hannah excitedly told me what had happened to make her late. Apparently, Claire had called her into her office once the other staff had gone home. They sat and chatted for a few minutes before, out of the blue, Claire got up and kissed her. She didn’t know what to do, but she found herself responding. She told me the kiss had felt so familiar that she couldn’t help herself. Soon Claire reached down and started to fondle her breasts and Hannah found herself helpless to resist. Before she knew it, Claire had started to unbutton her blouse.
It was when she had broken the kiss and stood there with her blouse undone that Hannah suddenly realised the danger of the situation, in both senses. She said ‘no’ to Claire, but the woman didn’t seem to hear.
‘If you’re worried about being discovered, that’s okay,’ she said as she went and put the Yale latch down on the door and drew the blinds.
‘No, we shouldn’t Claire,’ said Hannah, ‘My boyfriend’s waiting for me.’
But before she knew it, she was back in the other woman’s arms, responding to her kisses in kind. She too let her hands wander, caressing Claire’s breasts through her cream blouse. Once Claire had managed to prise her hand inside Hannah’s bra, Hannah knew that she was trapped by her own desires. Claire managed to slip her hands round and unclasp Hannah’s bra. A moment later, Hannah was moaning as the other woman sucked greedily on her nipples, holding her head and feeding them to her like a baby.
While she pleasured Hannah’s breasts, Claire put her hand up her skirt and rubbed her mound through her knickers, causing Hannah to moan even louder. Worried that someone would hear, Hannah had to force herself to keep quiet as Claire pulled her panties to one side and slipped two fingers inside her sopping pussy, sliding them in and out of her until she felt her muscles contract. Hannah bit on her finger to stifle the yelp of pleasure as Claire brought her off, not releasing her until she felt Hannah relax under her onslaught.
As she released her soaking mound, Claire guided Hannah back to her chair where she gratefully collapsed. Then Claire sat on her desk opposite her and, looking Hannah squarely in the eye, sucked on her slick, coated fingers.
‘Mmm, it’s been a while since I’ve tasted that,’ she said, licking the last of her juices from her hand. ‘I can see that you enjoyed it too. Just like old times, eh?’
Hannah didn’t know what to do, her head in turmoil from the orgasm she’d just had and the situation she’d found herself in. Instinct made her fasten her bra and button up her blouse before she answered.
‘Yes,’ she said, slightly shamefacedly. ‘It certainly was unexpected. But very nice.’
‘You only have to say, Hannah, and we can do it again,’ Claire replied, desire written across her face.
Hannah thought for a moment as she regained her composure. Now she was reminded of the pleasure that Claire could give her, her libido kicked in. After all, I’d virtually given her permission to have an affair with Claire, so why not seize the opportunity?
‘I think I’d like that too, but not here.’
She looked at Claire for a moment, smiling confidently. Hannah stood up and walked the couple of steps to her boss, took her head in her hands and held it to her bosom.
‘Somewhere private,’ she said softly, ‘Somewhere where I can lay you down and fuck the sweet ass off you like I used to, and then make you lick me out until your tongue is sore. Would you like that?’
She almost felt her tremble as she held her close.
‘Oh God, yes, yes please,’ she murmured.
Hannah released her, turned and walked slowly but assuredly towards the door. As she undid the latch, she turned back to face her.
‘Then give me your address and phone number and we’ll arrange for me to come round. Friday’s good for me.’
And with that, she left, grabbed her things and came to the car.
I listened mesmerised as she told me, trying to imagine the scene whilst dodging the rush hour traffic. When we got home, Hannah told me to take all the packages we’d bought earlier into the spare bedroom while she put the kettle on. I’d almost forgotten about the clothes, being so wrapped up in her account of her boss fingering her to orgasm.
When I came back downstairs, Hannah told me to go shave, shower and do my make-up. Soon after, as I was walking out of the bathroom naked, I heard her call me from the spare bedroom.
‘In here,’ she said.
I walked in to find my new clothes out of their packaging and hung on coat hangers, the lingerie and hair stuff on the bed and the make-up on the table. There was also a mirror on the table and a small lamp, along with a cup of tea.
‘I think we’ll keep your things in here, that way they won’t get mixed up. In fact, we’ll make this your room from now on so you can get dressed in here without disturbing me. Yes, this will be Carla’s room. Now, let’s get started. Try the underwear on first.’
Her no-nonsense tone told me that it would be no use arguing, so I tried a couple of pairs of knickers on to make sure they fitted and then the bras. Hannah handed me the inserts, and I must admit, they all felt fairly comfortable. Then she got me to it down and do my make-up before trying on the new wigs and hair extensions. One wig fitted really well and looked quite good, and Hannah agreed that it suited me. Then she sat me on the bed and carefully plucked some of my eyebrows. Not much, just enough to make my face look a little more feminine without being too obvious when I’m Carl.
Once I’d tried on the skirts and blouses, we were both famished. Hannah told me to freshen up my lipstick while she cooked us something up, and then come downstairs in my new court shoes.
After dinner, Hannah had me cleaning my room and tidying it up while she watched, showing me how to bend at the knees and be feminine at all times. She complimented me on how easily I’d seemed to taken to it, and I beamed with pride. When I was done, we went downstairs, put the dishes away and had another cup of tea. We chatted for a while about the shopping trip. I told Hannah that I was pleased with the things we’d bought, and once I’d got into it, kind of enjoyed shopping with her. Hannah smiled, and then squinted at me, questioningly.
‘You know, Carla, you’ve taken to this much better than I thought you would. Are you sure you’ve never done anything like this before?’
‘No, honestly,’ I replied. ‘For some reason, it just seemed to come naturally. I have to admit, I am enjoying it, especially as we’re doing it together. And when we made love last night, it opened my eyes to a whole new world.’
‘Well, I’m glad you’re okay with it.’
I thought for a moment. Hannah sensed something was not right, and asked me what was the matter.
‘It’s just, at times I get confused. Like at work today, I was so busy thinking about trying on my new clothes that I forgot where I was. James had to say my name two or three times before I realised he was talking to me. It’s almost as if that, when I’m like this, I am a different person, I am Carla. And that scares me. What if I like this too much? Who the hell am I then?’
She regarded me for a moment and then came over and hugged me. To my surprise, tears formed in my eyes and I started to cry as she held me in her arms.
‘It’s okay, darling,’ she cooed, ‘it’s okay. You’re still my baby.’
She released me and held me at arms length, studying my face.
‘Look, if this is too much, then we could forget it. After all, now that you’re okay with me and Claire, you don’t have to go through with it anymore. Especially if it’s upsetting you.’
Turning away from her, I lowered my face and thought about it. Was it too much? Did I really want to go through with this? Was I happy dressing up as a woman? My emotions ran topsy-turvy through me as I thought about the last few days. On the one hand, I’d really enjoyed it. The incredible sex, the closeness I felt with Hannah, even the shopping had kind of been fun. And as Hannah had said, it all seemed to come naturally to me. On the other, I was scared of losing myself, my masculinity, the thing that made me who I was. But who was I? At the moment, I really didn’t know. What I did know was that, from the moment I got home from work and went upstairs, I was Carla. I wasn’t playing a part or dressing for fun or doing it to please Hannah, I simply felt feminine.
And deep down, I knew I didn’t want to lose that feeling. With that realisation, I suddenly became aware of the possible consequences of choosing to keep Carla. It would mean hours of being afraid to step out of the house like this. It could mean ridicule if people found out. It could mean losing friends and maybe even relatives if my secret ever got further than the front door. Would I be able to go through the shame and humiliation of all that?
I looked up at Hannah’s loving face, her concern for me written all over it. I suppose she felt responsible for all this. I knew she loved me though, and I knew I could depend on her for support and love. With her, I was prepared to go through anything. Our love would see this through, no matter where it went.
‘Hannah,’ I said finally, ‘I don’t want to give it up. You’ve helped me discover a part of me that I never knew existed, and I love it. Here, now, with you, being like this feels perfectly natural to me. I am Carla, and I want to stay being Carla, at least when I’m with you. If you’ll have me.’
This time, Hannah started to cry.
‘Oh yes, my love, yes,’ she sobbed. ‘Of course I’ll have you. Always, no matter what.’
We held each other for a few minutes as we sobbed before we both reached for hankies to wipe our eyes.
‘Besides,’ I half-chuckled, ‘I don’t think we can take all these clothes back now and say they don’t fit!’
She laughed and we hugged again. Looking back on it, I now realise that that was the exact moment that Hannah and I became not just a couple, but girlfriends as well. I honestly believe that after that, she always regarded me as her girlfriend, even when I was Carl. Something had changed. In a way, it was if a small dam had burst, and now we were going into the big river of life together on a slightly different course than we were before. And who knew where it would lead us. Wherever it was, at least we were going to face it together.
A couple of weeks later, Hannah came home and told me that the rumours had been true, and Claire had been promoted. As Hannah had been at the company the longest in her department, everyone expected her to apply for Claire’s old job, and the general consensus was that she’d get it. Hannah was determined to get it as well, telling me that the extra money would come in handy for the wedding. I didn’t tell Hannah at the time, but I also hoped she got it, but for more selfish reasons. If Hannah...
Just before we got to our bedroom, Hannah stopped and kissed me full on. We she broke the kiss, she told me that tonight was her way of saying thank you to me, and that I should enjoy myself. Finally, she explained that Claire was almost exclusively into women, but she was also besotted with Hannah, and was totally submissive to her. If my male urge to have sex with Claire took over, I would have to use a condom. Otherwise, anything goes. She squeezed my hand as we went through the door to find...
A few days later, I rang Tom, this time leaving my number visible. We talked for a while, and we both agreed that we’d had a good time, and would like to see each other again. Before I hung up, we’d arranged for me to go over the following Thursday, as that was Hannah’s night with Claire. Hannah and I spent the next few days thinking about the wedding, looking at suitable venues for the reception, looking for florists, wedding cars, and the hundred and one other details that needed sorting. We...
I switched the six-thirty alarm off with a groan and turned to cuddle Hannah. After our customary two minute huddle, I kissed her and then wearily got out of bed. Without thinking, I sat down on the toilet and relieved my bladder, and then took off my bra and panties before stepping into the shower. The soothing warmth of the water managed to ease some of the ache in my body from the activities of the weekend. When I returned to the bedroom to get dressed for work, I was only partly surprised...
The next day, I was a bag of nerves the whole day. Hannah got up and made breakfast for us, and then I had my weekly depilation, although the need for it seemed to be lessening. The hair on my body seemed finer and less inclined to grow, so after I washed the cream off, my skin felt really soft as well as smooth. I did my face while Hannah did my hair, then we looked for something for me to wear for the evening meeting with Tom. Having looked through all my things, I realised that I had plenty...
The alarm woke me from a strange dream. Bleary eyed, I reached over and silenced the noise. Hannah sleepily moved over to cuddle up to me as I lay there, thinking. The bet was won, and now the terrifying abyss of the future stood before me. What was going to happen now? I mulled it over in my mind, and then leaned over and kissed my beautiful Hannah before wearily getting out of bed. After showering, I went to my drawers and pulled out a pair of boxers and slid them on. They felt strangely...
As the weeks went by, we got into a sort of routine. At work and for maybe a night or two during the week or when out visiting friends or family, I would be Carl, but for the rest of the time, Carla would be Hannah’s live-in girlfriend. My hair grew slowly, and Hannah would style it with extensions so that I could still look fairly convincing without having to wear a wig, which pleased me no end. We bought a few more things, I got my ears pierced, and pretty soon, I was able to live almost...
It’s now been nearly a year since Hannah and I got married, and my goodness, what a year it’s been! As soon as we reached the Bahamas on our honeymoon, Hannah and I (as Carla, naturally) had an absolute wonderful time. The days were full of warm sunshine, and the nights were full of… well, I think you can guess! When we got back, my plan to live full-time as Carla started well. After a couple of months, my request to work from home was granted, and two weeks after that I was living 24/7 as the...
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Introduction: Was I becoming an incestuous lesbian with my brother? I was sitting on the edge of my vanity talking to my brother, teasing him because he had a big yellow zit on his forehead. You cant go out with Yvonne looking like that, you better put a band-aid on your head to hide it. Oh yeah, thatd be real hot, a nice plastic plaster of Ironman over my eye. Or maybe Big Bird, bright yellow. He looked past my shoulder to the mirror behind me god, thats fucking ugly. Why worry about it,...
Hannah paid the driver and then took my arm as we headed towards the hotel. After dropping our coats at the cloakroom, we breezed through the lobby and headed for the restaurant. I felt so good in my new red dress and lingerie, but I was still a little uneasy on the high heels. Hannah gave her name to the maitre’d, and he showed us to our table. Fortunately for me, we were placed near the far wall, so although I had to walk through the entire restaurant to get to it, once there, we were fairly...
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Hannah released my hair and left me on my knees as I gasped for breath. My throat felt sore from the fucking she’d given it with her dildo, and my legs trembled beneath me. I hoped that I had done enough to satisfy her, but with the rest of the weekend still ahead I knew deep down that there would more ordeals to come. As she got back onto the bed, she told me to go and get her breakfast. As I went to reach for my dressing gown from behind the door, I was told to leave it and put hers on...
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When I awoke the next morning, Hannah was already in the shower. I stripped off and joined her, and we kissed hungrily under the steaming water, our bodies sliding deliciously together. My hand slid between her smooth thighs, finding her aroused and ready. Slipping first one, then two and then three fingers inside her, I fingered her quickly to orgasm. She clung on to me as I continued to work her until she was too sensitive for any more, and her knees started to buckle beneath her. She...
By the time I awoke the next morning, it was already getting light. I’d not had the best night’s sleep as my uncomfortable boobs kept waking me up everytime I lay on them. Now I needed to pee. I opened my eyes and looked at the alarm clock which read seven-fifteen. Then I looked across at Hannah. She looked adorable as she lay sleeping, so I slowly and carefully slipped out of bed so as not to disturb her. For some reason (probably because I was wearing bra and panties under a nightie), I sat...
As the week progressed, I looked forward to my date with Luke. I even found myself thinking about him when I was at work, and more than once found that I started to speak in my female voice before I’d realised it in the office. As Claire was ‘unavailable’ for a few days, Hannah went out of her way to make her life difficult at work. One lunch-time she went into her office, locked her door and made her remove her bra before teasing and pinching her nipples for twenty minutes until they were...
When we got home, Hannah told me to take the bags upstairs to the bedroom and strip down to my lingerie. Once there, she started looking through the bags that she’d got while I was trying got undressed. In the first bag, there was a pair of black court shoes with a two-inch heel. She told me to try them on, which I did. Six hours ago I would have felt stupid and embarrassed to even think about wearing heels, but now I didn’t give it a second thought. They felt a little tight, but Hannah got me...
It’s funny the places life leads you to. Sometimes you think you know where you want to go, be who you want to be, and then from nowhere something or someone comes along and knocks you way off course. For example, if you’d have told me a year ago that on my wedding night I’d be on my knees being spit-roasted by two guys while dressed in my wife’s wedding dress, I’d have said you were crazy. But here I am, all dressed in white with the best man fucking me and another guy about to shoot his load...
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I was sitting on the edge of my vanity talking to my brother, teasing him because he had a big yellow zit on his forehead. “You can’t go out with Yvonne looking like that; you better put a band-aid on your head to hide it.” “Oh yeah, that’d be real hot, a nice plastic plaster of Ironman over my eye. Or maybe Big Bird, bright yellow.” He looked past my shoulder to the mirror behind me “god, that’s fucking ugly.” “Why worry about it, the only head she wants to look at isn’t on your shoulders.”...
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Carla Michaels and her long-time friend, Jenny Banks were lying back on their lounge chairs, watching the two handsome young men playing in the pool. "Doesn't seeing them make you wish that you were twenty-five again?" Jenny said as she turned to Carla and it looked like her giant nipples were about to explode under her tiny, black bikini top. "God yes!" Carla moaned as she continued looking over both of the young men and their very toned bodies. "Just imagine what they could do to us...
CHAPTER ONE Ever since they made her a partner, Carla had been toying with the idea of buying a house. On Sundays, she would sit in her bed, with the paper and her coffee, perusing the Real Estate section. On April 14, she got up at her usual late Sunday morning hour of 9, donned her silk kimono robe and padded into the kitchen to make coffee. Maurice was nowhere to be seen, but she knew he was lurking around somewhere, so she poured a little of her coffee cream into a saucer for him. When she...
BDSMIF YOU THINK IT IS GOOD AND WOULD LIKE TO READ MORE, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AT THE END TELLING ME TO CONTINUE, THANKS Once upon a time, a small poor family lived in a cottage on the outskirts of one of the busiest towns in england. There was Jack, who was a young arrogant 16 year old boy who thought that he could get away with anything. He had brown, fair hair, was good looking, and just under six feet tall. He didn't care for anyone but himself, and often stole what he...
“Lada dedadeda de, la de da, la de da,” Carla hummed a snippet of Mozart’s Minuet in G to herself as she dialed the phone. “Hi, Carla! What are you up to, girlfriend?” Alice asked into the phone. “How did you know… oh, duh. Caller ID. Silly me. I just finished an experiment, and thought I’d bring it over to share, and get yours and Gerald’s opinion on it,” Carla replied. “Experiment, huh? So you want me to be your guinea pig? How do I know it’s edible? What is it, anyway?” “I promised the...
LesbianCarla grit her teeth and struggled to breathe. She loved rough fucking, but this was really pushing her limits. Her father’s grip was tight and strong around her neck. He had a firm hand holding her hip bone at the pelvis, and the other squeezing her throat just below her jaw. Despite his forceful thrusting, he was able to keep her body firmly in place. She didn’t care about the lack of oxygen at the moment. She just wanted to cum on his thick cock. His fucking had been hard, fast, deep, and...
Karl Baxter was an unmarried man aged forty who spent a lot of his time as attractive thirty-something Carla Baker. Throughout his twenties and early thirties, Karl had had sexual liaisons with both females and males but if he were to express a preference at that time it would have been for cock rather than cunt. At about the age of thirty-five, Karl had started to dress, from time to time, as a female although in the early weeks and months of doing it he never ventured outside. As confidence...
CrossdressingCarla drummed her fingernails on the desk beside her phone as she wrestled with her conscience. Alice’s message had been clear. The weekend was looming on the horizon, and she and Gerald wanted Carla to come out and play. But Carla‘s memory of Doris’ spanking was still so fresh and vivid. Just thinking of it, she could feel herself beginning to swell, and she needed to open and close her legs as she sat at the table. She’d been like that all week. She thought how the heat from the spanking had...
Carla drummed her fingernails on the desk beside her phone as she wrestled with her conscience. Alice’s message had been clear. The weekend was looming on the horizon, and she and Gerald wanted Carla to come out and play. But Carla‘s memory of Doris’ spanking was still so fresh and vivid. Just thinking of it, she could feel herself beginning to swell, and she needed to open and close her legs as she sat at the table. She’d been like that all week. She thought how the heat from the spanking had...
LesbianCarla The Dear Sister By: A. W. Chohan My sister Carla was only a year younger than I and so we were very close to each other, mostly about our secrets. I had always been the protective big brother, and she been very supportive, adoring little sister. We respected each other’s ideas and thoughts, depending for advice and support. She had a unique ability to advise me about the girls I picked as my dating partner knowing very well about my interest for what these girls had between their legs and...
IncestI had no idea what Carla looked like. We had chatted on Facebook and I had a vague recollection of her as a young child when we grew up together in a close-knit and conservative part of Dallas. Our Facebook chats were light-hearted but deeply engaging. The one phone call we had was similar. “Maybe we could meet up some time,” Carla suggested. I was quite happy in my marriage and not looking for anything to happen but I reasoned that it would be nice to reconnect with someone from my past,...
CheatingAfter we dried ourselves, we lied down on the bed and fell asleep. It was wonderful to be next to Carla. She was a beautiful and sexy woman. And my cock was always hard as I spooned with her. I alarm went off after an hour. The was a knock on the door. It was the motel cleaning crew, twin young ladies from the Philippines, Ester and Ruth. Carla told them to come right in. Ester said, “Yes boss.” Carla giggled and asked her to call her Carla and then she introduced me. “Hi Mike,” came from both...
It was dark, wet and cold when Carla got into her car to drive home. She'd had a long day and she was tired and ready for bed. Her train had been delayed by 'leaves on the line' the conductor had said when he announced the reason that they had been standing for so long in the middle of nowhere. She had no idea why a few leaves could possible cause such a long delay. The next time he passed through the carriage, she asked him. “That's just what we say as a quick explanation,” he said quietly,...
SupernaturalIntroduction: This story was written for my wife to enhance our sex life. This story fulfills her fantasys. It was our first time going to the Renaissance Fair in Dallas and we were both excited. We arrived wearing traditional renaissance clothing. My wife was a winch wearing a tight leather corset that lifted her boobs up high and me as a noblemen. We went to see the shows and buy new additions to our outfits. Everything at the fair has a sexual undertone and that is why we both liked it. We...
We walked up to a jewelry shack with a couple in there early 30's were working and started looking at the necklace's. We started talking about how crazy people at the fair can get and they told us that is nothing compared to what happens after hours when everyone else goes home. All of the workers camp out at night they told us. Jim and Stacy were married and traveled around to the different fair grounds selling there merchandise. Jim was a good looking man and his wife Stacy was a buxom...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Carla Cummings was married with four kids. Her Debbie was the oldest, almost sixteen. The twins Roger and Gregory were fourteen, and little Betsy was just thirteen. Carla owned a small restaurant in Macon, which she had purchased with her share of her parent's estate. She had known her husband Billy-Bob was cheating on her for years. He was always making plays for the waitresses at her business, where he was supposed to be the head bartender. Carla had...
IncestThis continues the Nina series. 38 year old Nina had got to work early but her bottom was stinging from the six strokes her 18 year old stepdaughter Ella had given her this morning. Six hard strokes because Hannah had complained again yesterday that Nina had belittled her at the office and Ella reiterated to her stepmother just what she thought of that. Six strokes. Before work to act as a reminder Ella explained. Nina hated being caned but always enjoyed the after pain and when she got to the...
SpankingHannahThis was turning into a very awkward conversation. The girl in the next door apartment had as good as invited herself in for coffee. Normally that would have been fine, in fact more than fine. Hannah was single, in her mid twenties and good looking. She was slim with a nice figure and shoulder length brown hair. But as he was making the coffee, she’d seen a print out from a local mistress that he’d accidentally left on the coffee table. And to make it worse he’d annotated it with possible...
Mid-morning, last week, Baxter phoned me at work to invite us over for a barbecue. Sandra’s brother, Carl was visiting, we were invited over to his welcoming party. I asked, “What should we bring?”He suggested some salads.I called my wife and informed her about our new supper plans.After work, I visited Royal Deli and picked up tubs of potato, potato with egg, and macaroni salads and a tub of ambrosia. We arrived at Baxter’s about 6:30, hauled our deli offerings into the kitchen and went out to...
Their father had little to bite or break and once when a great dearth fell on the land he could no longer even procure daily bread. He thought this over at night and tossed about in his bed with anxiety. He groaned and said to his wife, "What is to become of us? How are we to feed our daughters, when we no longer have anything for ourselves?" His wife's eyes grew heavy with envy and cunning, "I'll tell you what we shall do dear husband. Early tomorrow morning I shall take...
Hannah saw that the assembly hall was filling up nicely. The college girls were used to sitting in rows on the floor during assembly and so that wasn’t going to change. Down each side of the hallway were set out wooden chairs with their backs to the wall and they were going to be for the teaching staff and the governors who would normally have sat on the stage, but not today.The stage itself was set out differently than normal. Halfway back there were two student desks with chairs facing one...
SpankingLater that night they arrived at the restaurant and were shown to a table at the back. Tom had obviously been there before and seemed to know most of the waiting staff. Hannah looked at the attractive guy sitting opposite her. “Did you really like what I did earlier, I mean was I OK?” “It was great, you were great,” Tom smiled. “Wasn’t it a bit scary for you, you were completely helpless?” “Completely at your mercy, I know, that’s what made it so much fun,” he replied. Hannah looked a little...
BDSMThe weekend away had been amazing. They had spent many hours talking and really exploring their relationship and where it was going. Some conversations had been had lying on the lawn under the warm sun. Some conversations had been had sitting on large beanbags in the cellar, next to each other, but either side of the locked iron bars.It was a week later and they had just returned from a Friday night out with friends. In the restaurant, they had sat at opposite ends of a table of eight, but had...
BDSMEighteen-year-old Hannah was walking back from the school athletics field where she had been training. She was on her way back to college where she was going to be holding a prefect’s detention, knowing that one of the sixteen-year-old girls, Lucy, had earned her second detention in two weeks so would need to be given a bare bottom spanking. Hannah saw enforcing the rules as an important role of hers and was thankful that she had attended so many of the discipline sessions at the Halfway house...
SpankingThe lift doors opened and Emma walked out into the office that she had run for the past three year. She was about to turn thirty-five and was a total career girl. She was dressed in blue jeans and a tight bright pink top, her long black hair up in a pony tail. She saw Hannah sitting on top of the safe. “Hi Hannah. What are you doing in today?” Hannah quickly crossed her legs and pulled down her skirt, hoping desperately that her boss hadn’t noticed that she was naked underneath. “Err.... just...
BDSMTom woke up just before 7am after only a couple of hours sleep. He carefully extracted himself from Hannah’s cuddle and walked over to the bathroom. He’d been woken by the discomfort of a failed erection that had pushed hopelessly against the inside of the chastity cage. He couldn’t even remember Hannah locking him back inside. He could remember making love to her all night, surely he was entitled to some time off.Hannah was starting to use the chastity cage more and more. She locked it on...