Like Mother Like Son 07 free porn video

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Three months later...I was sitting in front of a mirror on my wedding day! LIKE MOTHER LIKE SISTER 07 ******************************* HERE COMES THE BRIDE ******************************* "You look so beautiful and happy," my mother said as I lit a wonderful brown More Menthol 120 in front of the full length mirror. "Agnes did a wonderful job on the alterations. The dress fits you like a glove." "Like a tight glove," I said with the cigarette clenched between my teeth. I ran my hands down the front of the wedding dress my mother had worn when she married my father. I took a puff from the cigarette and then held it beside my cheek as I blew the smoke up toward the ceiling. "If I remember right," my mother said as she touched her finger to her chin knowingly. "This is one of your fantasies. Isn't it? Standing in front of the mirror and smoking a cigarette in my wedding dress." I turned around and hugged her. "It is, Mom. I wish I could wear this dress every day for the rest of my life! Thank you so much for letting me wear it today!" "You're welcome. Seeing you so happy is thanks enough for me. You look like a dream," she said. "Speaking of dreams," I said, "this pretty much feels like one. I keep thinking any minute, I'm going to wake up and this is all going to be over. I'll be a boy again and none of this ever really happened. Are you sure this isn't a dream, Mom?" "Do you want it to be a dream?" she asked. I took a puff from my cigarette and let the smoke settle into my lungs before blowing it out. "Of course not," I said. "But what if it is? What if I'm really asleep?" "You're not asleep, Honey. And this isn't a dream. For all practical purposes, you're a 47 year old woman and you're marrying Ken Edwards today. You're going to be his wife and a step-mother to his children." She rubbed my arm with her hand and said, "You're just like me now, Honey. You're an older woman." A tear formed in the corner of my eye and I felt a lump of something in my throat. Was it regret or happiness? "I love you, Mom. I love you so much," I said. "And I love you too, Darling. But if you really want to get married, we should get a move on here. The photographer wants to take some photos before the wedding and I'm sure your Dad and Sammy are anxious to see you in your dress." ******* I should have been overjoyed on my wedding day. I'm not saying I was upset or disappointed, or anything like that. Its just that I think for most women, their wedding day is the culmination of their life's wishes. Doesn't every girl dream of a prince charming or a Mr. Right? I'm not dissing Mr. Edwards, because he's a wonderful guy and its not like he's ugly or anything. But lets face it. When I was a boy, I didn't dream about marrying a good man like Mr. Edwards. I fantasized about marrying my mom's best friend, Margie! I've always had a thing for older women and of course it starts with my mom. So how did I really feel about getting married on my wedding day? Despite what I said about Mr. Edwards not being my Prince Charming, he was definitely my Mr. Right. I mean I needed a Mr. Right because I was an unemployed high school drop-out. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the fact that I was wearing my mother's beautiful wedding dress! I mean what kind perverted sissy boy doesn't get off on the idea of sneaking on his mother's wedding dress. And better than that, I wasn't sneaking. I was wearing my mother's dress proudly in public! Did I say proudly? I think that "without fear" is probably more accurate. Male pride for me was a distant memory, but joy was in my present and in my future! Who needs male pride when you have a closet full of women's clothes and a carton of More Menthol 120s? Not me. I chose my fetishes and perversions over something more noble. My mind spun as the preacher asked me if I would take Ken as my lawfully wedded husband and love, honor, and cherish him until death did us part. I looked Mr. Edwards in the eye as the preacher asked that question. I had known what I was going to say long before the moment sprung to life. I would say yes...because what choice did I have? ....But it was the look of love and respect on Mr. Edwards' face that I hadn't counted on. I'd rehearsed the preacher's words in my head almost from the time Mr. Edwards had asked me to be his wife. But now it was real and it was happening right in front of me. Why did he have to look at me the way he was doing? Poor sucker! If he only knew the truth, but the truth he'd never know if I could help it. It was at that moment that I accepted the fact that Mr. Edwards, right or wrong, or for better or worse, really did love me and he loved me as an older woman. This realization brought forth something new to me. It begged the question; can I love him back? I don't love him. How can I love him? He's a man and I'm a boy. But he's going to be my husband. Maybe I can learn to love him in time. "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "Yes," I said. "I do." ************** The Reception ************** "I think this is the part, where I ask you to dance," Dad said. I smiled gratefully at the man who had raised me and said, "Well technically speaking, this is the father/daughter dance and you're my brother now." "Yes, but I did give away the bride today. What? You don't want to dance with you old man?" I shook my head and bit my lip. "I do, Dad. I just can't believe you want to dance with me. You know...considering the situation and all." "Come on," he said as he reached for my hand. "It will give us a chance to talk." "I'd like that," I said as I guided my father's hand to my hips. "Maybe we can go outside and I can have a cigarette and we talk a little more privately. I'm just thinking the things we might talk about might be a little personal, if you know what I mean." The music began and my father and I fell into an awkward kind of rhythm. Despite how it looked, he wasn't my brother. He was my father and I know we both felt it. Pretending is just so weird, you know? And I was pretending about so many things. But if you pretend long enough, then don't they become more real, I wondered? We turned with the music in time for me to see my mom with Margie and Susan. They waved and smiled at me and I smiled back. Susan said something I couldn't hear to my mother. Knowing Susan, it was probably something smart-ass. Yes, Susan Estes was a smart-ass, but she was one of my best friends. Whatever it was that was said, my mother found it funny. Margie playfully punched Susan in the shoulder and shushed her. There was no doubt in my mind that they were having a little fun at my expense. After the song ended, I took hold of my father's hand and asked if he wanted to go outside with me while I had a cigarette. "I just need to grab my purse. Its by the table," I said. Dad looked at me and blushed as he cleared his throat. "This is going to sound kind of...I don't know...I mean its going to sound kind of strange, but do you think we could get the photographer to take a photo of me lighting your cigarette for you?" he asked. I giggled at my father's awkward moment because I knew exactly what he was thinking. "Its the wedding gown, isn't it? I bet its one of your fantasies to light a bride's cigarette. Isn't it?" Dad shook his head and stared down at the floor. "I'm sorry," he said. "With everything you've got going on, my stupid fetish is probably the last thing you need. I feel like such a jerk." "Don't be so hard on yourself," I said. "Its not like Mr. Edwards doesn't feel the same way." "But he's not your father. He's your husband." "And you are my father and I'd say that makes it kind of special. Don't you think?" I asked as I grabbed my purse and led him him through the crowd to the door. Along the way, I caught the photographer's attention and motioned for him to follow us outside. It only took a moment or two for the photographer to get the picture my father was almost too embarrassed to ask me for. "Most brides are kind of reluctant to have their picture taken while their smoking," the photographer said. "But I think it will make a great picture." "I think so too. Maybe later you can a picture of my husband lighting me up, but right now I'd really like to talk to my brother in private." "I'll check back with you later then," the photographer said as he straightened the camera around his neck and went back inside. I looked at my father seductively as I angled the cigarette to my cheek. My confident and sexy posture made him squirm and for some strange reason, it gave me pleasure. "So Dad," I said. "I got married to a man today. What do you think about that?" "I think you make for a very beautiful bride and it was a beautiful ceremony. And it looks like everyone at the reception is having a good time." I exhaled a puff of smoke to the side of his face. "I think you're right, but that's not what I was asking when I asked you what you thought about me getting married." "I know what you meant," Dad said sheepishly. "Then talk to me from your heart," I urged. "I know we're supposed to be brother and sister but I really need a father now." "What's wrong? Are you having regrets. I mean its kind of late for that if you are because you just got married." "No. Its not like that," I said as I tapped an ash to the ground. "I was wondering about how you feel about all this? So much has happened so fast," I said. "It has happened fast. But that's not to say its a bad thing. This is what you wanted. Isn't it?" "Forget about what I want for a minute and focus on what you wanted for me. Did you want this? Did you want for me to be a woman and take up smoking? Did you want me to throw away my manhood and my youth at the same time?" "You sound angry. Are you mad at your mother and me for not trying to stop you." "I'm sorry if I sound mad because I'm really not. Its just that when Mom and I were talking about it one time, she said that I didn't put up too much of a fight." "Why would you? I thought this is what you wanted. I thought it would make you happy. Your mother and I both thought it would make you happy." "And it does make me happy, but it still leaves me wondering why you didn't try to change my mind." "Are you trying to say I didn't love you enough to make you stay a boy." "No, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that I wish you had tried a little harder to get me to think about what I was doing instead of just cheering me on the way you did. You and Mom both cheered me on. It's almost like I was doing this as much for you guys as I was for myself." "I'm sorry if you feel that way, but your Mom and I were just trying to let you do what you wanted to do." "But I was only 16 when I told you that I wanted this. Don't you think my feelings might have changed if you gave me a chance to grow out of it." "What if I said I didn't think you'd grow out of it?" Dad asked. "You know how I feel about this. I'm jealous of you son and I'm so proud of you at the same time for following your heart and becoming the woman of your dreams." "Are you really?" I asked. "Am I really what?" he asked. "Proud of you for doing what I was too afraid to do myself? Yes, Son. I'm proud of you. The real question that begs to be asked is whether or not I'm proud of myself and the answer is...No. I'm not proud of myself. Its not a secret between the two of us that I just got off on lighting your cigarette for you. For crying out loud! You're wearing a white wedding dress and you look like you walked off the pages of Glamour magazine!" I blew a puff of smoke in the air and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad. Its just that I'm still trying to figure out how all this happened." "It happened because you wanted it to happen and because your mother and I are bad parents." "You're not a bad parent and neither is Mom," I said. "The two of you are just weird parents and I was a weird kid." "And now you're a weird old lady," Dad laughed. "Sorry," he said. But you walked into that one. "Yes. I guess I did." ******************* Three Months Later ******************** "Your house is so clean, Nancy! I'm so jealous!," Margie said. "What do you use on your wood floors? They look brand new!" "Just olive oil and water," I said. "Your idea? Or did you find it on the web?" Susan asked. "Pintrest," I said. "Its amazing. I can't believe the three of you don't use it." "Well...we don't use Facebook either," my mom said. "Maybe its an age thing, but computers are so intimidating." "You weren't so intimidated on the day you snooped through my computer and saw all my sissy secrets," I scoffed. "That was different," my mom said. "You were my son and I was worried about you. I guess that gave me a little motivation. But aren't you glad I snooped?" I sat back in my chair and lit another More 120 and thought about my mother's question. "Of course I'm glad," I said as smoke from my exhale punctuated each syllable. But was I really? Was I glad to be an older woman? Such a simple question...and one I asked myself every day...and every day the answer was a resounding YES! I'm not saying I was completely without my doubts or my bad moments. A bad moment is being stuck cleaning up the kitchen while your teenage stepson (who is only a couple years younger than you) gets ready to meet his friends or go on a date. Despite my fantasies of wanting to be an older woman, housework didn't qualify. I mean don't get me wrong! I take pride in my house. It meant a lot to me that Susan and Margie respected my house keeping skills. But on a scale of 1 to 10, with all the things that went with being an older woman, housework rated about a 2. For the most part, my life had fallen into a routine, but it was a routine I enjoyed because it began with putting on my womanly clothes in the morning and ended with putting on a nightgown. The funny thing about it is that I still thought of it as crossdressing. Nothing excited me more than looking my best as a woman- an older woman like my mother! I finished my cigarette and reached for my cigarette case. I did it out of necessity and habit, but I also did it with a sense of anticipation and pride. Its funny when I think about pride. I've struggled with pride from the first moment I put on one of my mother's nightgowns when I was a little kid. I remember it as being like pure joy covered with shame. I also remember thinking how that was so unfair, just because I had been born a boy. My mother's clothes and her cigarettes were taboo and off limits to me, but not any more. I was just like her now. I was her equal and her peer. I placed the brown cigarette between lips and brought a flame to it as my mother and her friends (my friends) watched and smiled. I bathed in the glow of their acceptance of me as I surveyed my clean and tidy kitchen. I thought about my new family, Ken, Abbie, and Ben. They loved me as Nancy. The kids called me "Mom". They depended on me and I wasn't letting them down. Even if I do say so myself, I was a good mother and a good wife...and I was proud of what I was accomplishing with them. Proud- as in pride? I am a boy dressed like a woman. No. I'm a boy who is now a woman- an older woman like my mother. I looked across the table at her and returned her smile. "What are you thinking about?" my mother asked. "And don't tell me nothing because something is written all over your face." "I was just thinking about when I was a little boy and I tried on your clothes and shoes for the first time." "Most young boys want to fill their father's shoes," Susan said testily. Margie hit Susan on the arm and said, "I think its so sweet that he wanted to be like his mother instead of his father." She looked at me and said, "You know I thought your mother was pulling my leg when she told me that you had been dressing up in her clothes. You seemed like such a manly boy, which just goes to show that looks can be deceiving and you can't judge a book by its cover." "You were nice to me about it though," I said as I looked at Margie and Susan. "You both were. I was so afraid the first day I dressed in front of you. It would have killed me if either of you had laughed at me or made fun of me." "It must have been hard for you to do that," Susan said. "Everything must have been hard because you had so much to lose." "It was hard," I said. "But it would have been harder not to do it because in my mind, I had so much more to gain by becoming a woman. And as it turns out...I was right." The End

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Characterless Mother Turned Into BDSM Sub By Son

Hello everyone, I have turned incest since I figured out my own mom had multiple sexual partners. Since then, I have been reading a lot of incest stories on this page and eventually developed an interest in BDSM as well. This story is a projection of my fetish of how I would make my mother my BDSM slave when I got to know about her dirty deeds. So, let’s start with her description. My mom is a dusky beauty, 43 years old and she is a professor. Her name is Payal. She is quite modern, wears tight...

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widow mother sex with own son

03-10-2013, 05:37 PMPost: #2 DeepikaModerator Posts: 8,412Joined: May 2011Reputation: 1 Location: AgartalaRE: Widowed Mother Unable To Control Her Lust Mixing it With her Sonshe pressing her boobs with one hand and fingering her pussy so hard. i stand outside the bathroom without disturbing her watching the scene. i got hard on my dick. her eyes closed and she makeing moan and cont... with fingering. she got very good body. 36c big boobs and shaved pussy. she removed her fingers from pussy and...

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Bengali mother and son

Bengali mother and sonHello FSI friend this is my true story. This is originally happening to me last February. I am Mr. Gopal Roy age is 30 year. I am the only son of my family. My father name is Ganesh Roy. My mother name is Kamolika Roy, her age is 48 years. This incident happened between me and my mom. My father died last November 2005. My mother is now widow. I am the only earning member of my family. I am a business man. I stay in home. We really based in agriculture. We have some cow and...

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Mother Son

Hi ISS readers this is Senthil from Chennai I am a regular reader of ISS .this is a real story (life) happening in my life. I am a software professional working in Chennai about my family my self & my mother are living together. My father is a policeman he was died in heart attack in 2000 during that time i was studying after that my mother faced lot of problems to bring me up. In our relation nobody helped my mother any how she managed with the funds came after death of my father & with the...

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Fact and fiction of a mother and son

Hello all ISS readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story you can mail me on or If this were a story made up for ISS readers, it would go a lot different that it actually did. It certainly wouldn’t be as messy or complicated as it was, and the people would all be ideal character types. But this is what happened, and is happening to me. Let’s get the descriptions of...

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indian mother made as slut by son

Disclaimer: The following narration is a true description of events which took place a few years ago. Names of characters and places have been changed for concealing the identity of the individuals in question.Hello everyone my name is Anirudh Nayar and this is not my story, but it is a story which no one can tell better and it is a story that needs to be told. This story revolves around an incident which took place way back in 2008 and I had just turned 18 that year and was in my 12th grade. I...

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Mother Falls for Son

100% fiction! Chapter 1, The Dorm Visit I am a 43-year old successful businesswoman and professional who has a wonderful and handsome son, my only boy, attending the state University and my alma mater. A few years back I had caught his father screwing one of my friends after I had returned home early from a business trip. To make it worse, I had returned early so that we could celebrate our anniversary. Instead of celebrating my anniversary with my husband, I celebrated alone with a few bottles...

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A Sexy Submissive Mother and her Dominant Teenage Son

This is a story of a woman who suffers the tragic loss of her husband, only to find her long-held desire to be dominated satisfied by her teenage son. Together they explore the roles of dominant and submissive, leading to pleasure through surrender that neither could have imagined. This is a work of fiction and I have no desire to participate in incest or sex with a minor, nor do I condone it. Should you find yourself considering either please seek professional help. As this is my first...

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Mallu MILF Asha 8211 Part 2 When Mother Fantasizes Son

Hello my dearest readers, this is Asha, again. Thank you so much for all the love and encouragement you have given me after reading the first part of my story. It makes me really happy to know you enjoyed it. This is an immediate continuation of the happenings in the first part. So, kindly read the first part for better understanding of the theme. Hope you all like it. Happy Reading. Fingering my pussy for the first time had driven me to such a powerful orgasm that when I woke up, I did not...

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Mother Son

[b[Domestic Bliss[/b]Part I **********I'd had a hard day. It was Monday; I'd got up at 6:30am and did'nt get home till 7:30pm, and by the time I got home, I was beat.My mother greeted me in her usual, perky way. Sometimes it was annoying, but really there was no-one better to lift your spirits when you were down."Rough day, hon?" she asked when I entered the den and slumped down on the sofa, her voice lilting like she was talking to a baby. Well, that's how she always saw me, I guess, even at...

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A mother pleasures herself with her son

Looking briefly at his wall, the clock showing 11:30. About to turn off the lights, 25 year-old Todd heard a knock on his door before seeing an attractive mid- forties woman enter. “Hi Mom.” Smiling at her son, Mona walked over to the bed. “Honey, I’ve got a mild cramp in my leg, would you mind massaging it?” “Sure,” shifting over on his bed to make room for her. Wearing only a long T-shirt, Mona sat down on the bed, facing him. “Where...

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Ultimate Sex 8211 Mother And Son

Hi guys this is my story of true incest. Incest is really best. This is my story of sexual relation of mine with my mother. My mother got married at age of 18 and before her 1st wedding anniversary I was born. My mother is widow since the age of 36. That time I was just 17. I have 2 younger sisters. One is now 17 and other is of 11 while I’m 20 at present. My name is Sunny & mother name is Archana. This is story of my summers 2014. I live in Jaipur but studies in another city. So it was summer...

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Between a Mother and a Son

John Donato got out of the cab and looked at the simple house that he had called home for all of his 18 years until going off to college last fall. The house looked smaller, in fact the whole neighborhood looked smaller than it had a few months ago.That was a product of spending time in Denver and then coming home to little old Troy, New York, a old industrial town no match for a major city in any way except in his heart. John had gone to school out there, because of a scholarship he won, but...

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Mother discovers her lust for her son

Sandy Sevo has been a widowed single mom for four years. She missed her husband. He was a good partner and decent man. Sandy loved him even though there were missing pieces to the marriage. Paul was not a warm person. Sexually, he was conservative while Sandy was several clicks off center. She knew she had a kinky side that sometimes surprised her and that Paul wouldn't understand. She kept her desires limited to her secret fantasies. Her son Tim was in his senior year at Carlsbad High School....

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Mother and neighbor situation made by son

Hi i am vinoth(incestthevidia). I like to say the real story about my mother. First of all i like to intro about my mother. My mother is like middle heroine deepa. Her size is36-34-40. Her age is 40.she is also like a normal housewife. I think she did not have sex with my father nearby five years. She did not bother about it that is the truth. I am also a lovable son of my parents. They are very lovable to me.but i have a basic thinking of the situation that is my mother is being fucked by...

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A mother and her son

Hello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or It had been two years since Tommy Ritter’s father died. Tommy was sixteen when the tragedy occurred. While Tommy missed his dad a lot, it was no more than his mom did. Their life had been ideal–living in the suburbs, two-car garage, and nice schools. Everything was just about perfect...

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Horny Home Mother Son

Angela Brandt rolled over on her bed onto her back, one hand sliding up the purple silk lingerie nightie to her breasts while the other hand held the phone to her ear.“I’m pulling your pants down,” she was saying. “Looking up at you with puppy eyes, kneeling before your majestic cock.”“Good girl,” the young man on the other end of the call said in a low, menacing voice. “You know you need my cock.”“Yes,” Angela whimpered, squeezing her breasts.“How bad?” the man asked.“So badly,” she said,...

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A Village Tradition About Mother And Son

Once there was an ancient village where widowed women used to be kidnapped by people living in surrounding villages. There was no one to protect them from those people and women used to be property to be claimed. Women used to be of that man who can claim her. For every woman, there used to be a husband who protected them from other men. But for the widows, there was no one who could risk their life. Widows were easy targets to get fucked and claimed as a wife by other men. So to protect them...

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Mother and Son

Fraidy Cat (Mother/son, inc, preg)By Anonymous found on the webEver since I was a little boy I was afraid of thunderstorms, and whenever there was a particularly violent one at night, I would run to my parents’ bedroom and climb into their big king size bed, where my mother would hold me until the storm abated. I literally shook with fear, and only the warmth of her body holding me close, and her soothing voice could calm me down.One such occasion when I was twelve took a different twist, we...

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Young Widowed Mother Loves Her Two Sons

Hello all, I am a regular reader of ISS. Today I am going to narrate a story and it is 100% fictional. This story revolves around an Indian mother and her 2 sons. I am going to narrate this story from a mother’s point of view. My name is Brinda and I am from Kerala. In the year 1988, I was happily married to a person who was handsome and down to earth. He was a caring and lovable person. My parents were also happy because their only girl was married to a good person. His name was Manohar....

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Horny Mother Fucked By Dicky Son

Coming back to the real incident, let me explain you the scene what had happened when i was at 26. Let me introduce my dear mom, her name is Sudha and size is 34, 32 and 34. She looks gorgeous and sex appeals like old heroines. Literally many of uncles was looking at my mom with their horny hunger. Those who come to my home to meet my father tried to touch my mother with their hand when my mom was serving tea.Coming to me, i never had feeling of looking at my mom at that angle. It was started...

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Horny Mother Fucked By Dicky Son

Hi ISS readers. This is the first time I’m posting my lifetime achievement. Coming back to the real incident, let me explain you the scene what had happened when i was at 26. Let me introduce my dear mom, her name is Sudha and size is 34, 32 and 34. She looks gorgeous and sex appeals like old heroines. Literally many of uncles was looking at my mom with their horny hunger. Those who come to my home to meet my father tried to touch my mother with their hand when my mom was serving tea. Coming to...

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The Motherly Thirst Of An Indian Son

My name is Rishabh Rajput.. It started when I was in my 11th standard and i got my first computer. I was pretty excited about it as we belonged to a middle class family and hence wasn’t such privleged to get anything unless it serves a good purpose. Along with the computer came the internet as well.. My parents thought it’ll help me learn many a good things.. In fact it did..!!I learned a way too many things during the whole day but at night’s i learned even better things..!!That’s the point of...

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Best day of my life mother and son

with my mum and cousin in the living room having a drink. You see my dad was in prison at this time and my cousin was staying with us at our flat, he is my dads nephew but he is only 4 years younger than my dad. Now let me take the time to describe my mum, she is 40 years of age now, still has a good body with blonde hair and very nice faetures, at the time she would have been 30. Back to that night, i realised it had been a while since i had seen any of them and was quite quiet. I...

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Beautiful Big Boobs UP Mother8217s Sex With Son

My family is a middle-class family consisting of my father Ramesh, a 43 years old man and employee in a company in Delhi, my elder sister Shweta a 22 years old BA 2nd year student, my mother Kiran a 39 years old housewife, and me. My height is 6 feet and weight 79 kg. We all live in a small town in Purvanchal, Uttar Pradesh. My father lives in Delhi due to his work and visits us twice a year. My sister goes to college. She has a very hot and sexy figure with a good-looking face. She has nice...

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A Mother Confesses Part 3 My Son

It was only about six months after I first started sleeping with Alex that I began to have sex with my son Jon, too. He was only nineteen at the time but he was such a handsome young man. He was tall and muscular and neither Alex nor I could help but look at his abs whenever he walked around shirtless - it isn't wrong to check out your son is it? I hope not!It was during a long conversation with Alex one night that she confirmed my suspicions that Jon's feelings were mutual. She told me that...

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Stepmother seduces stepson

Sophie would never forget the day it started, how her step-son had caught her coming out of the shower and how it made her feel, wanted and attractive.But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Thomas was a regular nineteen year old, he was going to college but living at home with his father Paul and step-mother Sophie to save on money. His mother had died in a car accident when he was eight and his father remarried six years later having met Sophie but because he often worked out of town on...

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Mothers Favorite Son

Copyright© 2006 SexyBeast "To you, the best mother a guy could ever ask for," Erik said, chinking his glass against his mother's in a toast. They were both drinking mimosas, as they were at brunch. "Thank you, sweetie, you're very nice," Rita answered. She leaned over and kissed her son on the cheek after sipping her mimosa. They were sitting at a small wrought iron table outside in the sunshine at one of their favorite restaurants. They were in a small, secret garden in the rear, which...

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Mothers and Sons

Mothers and Sons DISCLAIMER: These stories are all of an erotic nature, and are graphic.They contain descriptions of i****t and some pedophilia. If thisbothers you, don’t read them or download them.If you are u******e for your community, or if by doing so you would becommitting any kind of crime, please do not read or download thesefiles.You have been warned!Alison paused outside her son’s bedroom, her beautiful face spreadinginto an amused smile as she listened to the soft moans and...

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Becca and Jayson

Jayson woke up on Thursday and realized that he had sixteen missed calls. They were all from his mom. He texted her and said that he had just woken up and she didn't reply. He laid there in the bed for another before the phone finally vibrated. " WHY CANT YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE????" said the text. It was his mom. He simply replied with, " I was asleep sry". Another twenty minute rolled by and then the phone finally vibrated again. " Me and your father decided to spend the weekend in Aspen!!!!...


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