Mother's Favorite Son free porn video

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Copyright© 2006 SexyBeast

"To you, the best mother a guy could ever ask for," Erik said, chinking his glass against his mother's in a toast. They were both drinking mimosas, as they were at brunch.

"Thank you, sweetie, you're very nice," Rita answered. She leaned over and kissed her son on the cheek after sipping her mimosa. They were sitting at a small wrought iron table outside in the sunshine at one of their favorite restaurants. They were in a small, secret garden in the rear, which only held four other tables, two of which were occupied. Piano music wafted from a speaker, which was played by a live pianist inside the restaurant proper.

Erik and Rita were celebrating a long standing tradition of sharing Mother's Day brunch and they couldn't have asked for a better day to sit outside. It was in the upper sixties and the sky was a brilliant blue hung with fluffy clouds. The walls of the garden were festooned with blooming vines and although they weren't alone the space lent itself to a sense of intimacy. Ordinarily Erik's brother Owen would have been there as well, but he had taken a summer job and couldn't make it back. Owen had just completed his freshmen semester at college and enjoyed his new freedom too much to return home for the summer. His absence suited Erik just fine, as he was glad to have his mother all to himself.

"You're supposed to say I'm your favorite son."

"Now that wouldn't be nice, would it? I have to say I love both my boys equally," Rita said with a wink. Yes, both sons were the most important things in her life, Rita had always had a special bond with her first born. It had always been an inside joke that Erik was her favorite and while there may have been some truth in it, she could never openly admit to it.

Their waitress came and refilled their mimosas and cleared their plates. She asked if they wanted dessert and while Erik was full, Rita wavered.

"If you want something, Mom, have it. You can have anything you want."

"But I really shouldn't. I've been trying to watch what I eat lately."

"Mom, you look fantastic. You're just being silly."

"You really are such a sweet boy. If I want to keep looking this way I'd better skip dessert." Rita beamed at her son and took his hand.

"She'll have the raspberry cheesecake, please."

The blonde girl smiled at their interaction and said, "It will be right out."

"You're determined to feed all my vices today, aren't you? First champagne and now cheesecake, what will be next?"

"Anything you like. And I'm serious, Mom, you look amazing. I don't think one slice of cheesecake it going to make you fat." Erik stared at his mother like she was the most perfect woman in the world, which she was in his eyes. She'd always had a special place in his heart and mind as far back as he could remember. To Erik, she really was the most beautiful woman in the world and probably the sexiest, if he thought of her that way.

Of course, like many young boys, there was a time when he did have a crush on his mother. When he'd felt those first stirrings of his sexuality his mother was the woman he was around the most and she was a truly beautiful woman by any measure. Rita had long, flowing dark hair and perfect, tanned skin and always worked hard to make sure she looked her best. She had a woman's curves and looked damned good when she sometimes wore a bikini when the family went to the beach. Seeing his mother that way gave young Erik confusing feelings about his mother and when he was ten-years-old he tried to show his affection by kissing like her "like they did in the movies." When he gave his mother an open mouth kiss she did not scold him or tell him he was bad. Rita simply explained that while she was very flattered he loved her so much it was not appropriate for a son to kiss his mother that way. She told Erik that he was just confused and those kinds of feelings were for girls his age.

It was eleven years later and at forty-four Rita was still a striking woman. Her curves were softer now, maybe everything wasn't as tight, and she felt her bikini days were behind her, but the subtle laugh lines in her face only made her more beautiful and her hair was cut to her shoulders now and highlighted with dark blonde streaks. Heads still turned when Rita entered a room.

Erik reached into his jacket and withdrew a long, slim box with a ribbon around it. He pushed it across the table toward his mother.

"What's this? I hope you didn't go out and spend a fortune, young man." Rita wrapped the box and opened it. Inside was a thin, gold anklet with a diamond clasp. "Erik, this is way too much. I can't accept this."

"You have to accept it, Mom. I'm not taking it back. I remember the one you always used to wear in the summertime and how it always made me feel like my mom was cool because she's wear something like that, so I wanted to get you something that said you're still exactly the same to me."

Tears welled in Rita's eyes. "Erik, really it's too much."

"Here, give it to me," Erik said.

He took turned his chair and took his mother's leg, resting her foot, in a navy heel, between his legs. Rita demurely smoothed her skirt over her thighs and Erik fastened the anklet to her shapely leg, outside her hose. "Perfect," he pronounced.

"You really are the most thoughtful son a mother could ask for," Rita said, pulling him into a tight hug. Her heart swelled with so much love for her son she thought it might burst. She could not have been more proud to have raised a son like Erik. He was sweet and smart and very handsome. Whoever ended up as his wife would be a very lucky woman indeed.

The waitress brought Rita's cheesecake and asked if they needed anything else. Erik replied that they did not and she left them alone. His mother poked at the cheesecake with her fork, but did not eat it.

"Mom, stop it," Erik said, taking the fork from her hand. He broke off a piece of the cheesecake and pressed it to Rita's full, ruby lips. She smiled and parted them. He didn't stop after the first piece, but fed his mother the entire dessert. Rita felt rather silly, but it was also very nice. Erik was so attentive and she thought again how lucky she was to have him in her life. Rita knew that no matter how unreliable others in her life might be that her son would always be there to take care of her. That knowledge made her love Erik that much more.

"If you're done feeding me, you can tell me how things are going with Emily." Rita said, wiping her mouth on a napkin.

"They're not. We're on a break right now. She's going to be moving back home and I'm still going to be at school next year and we're not sure how the long distance thing is going to work out."

"You could go out there. If you care for this girl you shouldn't just let her go."

"I don't want to pick up and move halfway across the country, Mom. It's too far away. I really don't want to be more than a couple hours away."

Rita held Erik's hands in hers. "Sweetie, your father and I are fine. You don't have to feel like we're your responsibility. We both want you to live your life."

"But since Dad had the heart attack I just feel like one of us should be around and Owen isn't anywhere close."

"You have to live your own life. Can you just give Emily up like that?"

"I don't know. I care about her a lot, I might even love her, but maybe not enough to move out there. I don't know, Mom, I miss her already. I'm used to seeing her everyday and now her things are out of the apartment. It just feels weird."

"And I'm sure it's strange to go back to sleeping alone. I know it was strange when your father was in the hospital."

"Who says I'm sleeping alone?" Erik smirked.

"Oh, is there a revolving door on your bedroom now?" Rita laughed.

"No, I'm more selective than that, but I am taking numbers." They both had a good laugh and drank their mimosas.

It wasn't strange for them to joke like that. Rita and Erik had always been very, very close. Outsiders probably wouldn't understand their relationship, but there wasn't anything they couldn't talk about. It was Rita, not his father, who gave Erik the sex talk and even pressed a condom in his hand when he became serious with his first girlfriend. She was pretty sure her son was still a virgin because she thought he would have told her if he weren't. And she was right, because after Erik did have sex for the first time he came to her to talk about how it felt. Rita, for her part, made sure he understood what sex meant to a young girl and made sure he wouldn't just use a girl and toss her aside. She didn't even shy away from answering his more awkward questions about oral sex and other activities. One or two of their conversations became quite graphic and Rita found herself turning bright red, but she'd rather her son get his information from her rather than on the street.

"Enough about my love life. How are you and Dad doing?"

"We're good. Your father is," she paused, "your father. He's still taking things slowly, but he's working just as hard as ever and things are going back to normal."

"But?" Erik could tell there was a 'but.' He could read his mother's emotions and could tell not everything was right. His father had a massive heart attack a little over a year ago and it had been very hard on his mother. Erik was home more than at school during that time and had nearly failed the semester, but he knew where his place was. There were many times when he sat up late into the night holding his mother, who was emotionally and physically exhausted, until she fell asleep in his arms. It was during that time that Erik realized he would have to stick close to home because his mother needed him. Sometimes it seemed like he could be there for her in a way that his father just couldn't.

"I'm not sure I should talk to you about this. It's very personal and I know your father wouldn't approve."

"Mom, we've always been able to talk about anything and I'm not going to run back to Dad and tell him what we've been talking about."

Rita went back and forth in her mind. Yes, it was a sensitive topic, but Erik was right, they did talk about everything and he wasn't a boy anymore. Looking across at him, with his broad shoulders and spill of black hair and strong face Rita realized her son was a man, not a boy. She just hoped he wouldn't be skived out by what she had to say.

"Not everything is back to normal, sweetie. Your father and I haven't been connecting... in the bedroom." She looked at him and was relieved that he didn't look sick. While sparing Erik the intimate details, she went on to explain to him how things had been in her marriage since the heart attack. Her husband had always been a proud, strong man, Erik was much like his father, and the heart attack had really laid him low. He just wasn't the same man anymore. Yes, he'd gone back to working sixty-hour weeks and was even back on the golf course, but their sex life had dropped to nothing. They had tried to make love several times after the heart attack, but he wasn't quite able to perform. Rita knew this was common and was more than happy to help him work through whatever the problems was, be it physical and mental, but he wouldn't discuss it. In that way, Erik couldn't be more different than his father. Rita hadn't been touched in months and it was taking its toll. That was one of the reasons why she doubted her appeal. Maybe she just wasn't attractive anymore. It was a purely emotional response, but completely understandable. Rita considered that he may be having an affair, but she just couldn't believe that. Whatever the reasons, her husband's lack of interest left her feeling profoundly lonely, unattractive and very, very horny. Rita had always been very sexual and sex with her husband was always great. She didn't know what to do without some kind of attention. She did have a vibrator and in the past she used it on occasion, but now she felt like she was wearing the thing out. Sometimes the sexual frustration even rivaled the emotional abandonment. Rita spilled her feelings to her son and was wiping her eyes again when she finished, feeling much better for having gotten it all out.

"Mom, I didn't know things had been so hard for you." Erik was holding her hands this time and earnestly gazing into her emerald eyes.

"How could you? It's not something a mother normally comes running to her son with." Rita felt foolish for dumping her problems on him and purposely turned to fixing her make up so she didn't have to look at him.

"But I'm glad you told me. Really, Mom, I love that you trust me so much."

"I trust you completely, sweetie. You're my beautiful boy."

"And you can't talk to Dad about this? Are you sure? I know he loves you."

"I know he does, but this is one thing I don't think he wants to face."

"Maybe I could say something to him. You know, talk to him man to man."

"No, your father would be humiliated. I almost wish he was just having an affair because I know how hard this is for him."

"But what about you, Mom? It's hard for you too. Your feelings count."

"I'm making do, don't worry."

"What do you mean? You're not..."

"No! Oh God no! I couldn't pick up a strange man and sleep with him. I am not cheating on your father. There are other ways to cope, you know." She saw Erik looking at her quizzically. "You know, other ways to not feel so... lonely." He still didn't seem to be getting it. "I'm sure since Emily left you've been taking care of things... yourself. Don't make me say it!"

"Oh! Oh, yeah, right. I get it now. Yeah, I know what you mean. Sorry, I didn't think that's what you were getting at. I didn't think you, uhm, did that." It was a contest to see who could turn redder.

"I may be your mother, Erik, but I am also still a woman. And a woman has needs, especially a woman my age. It's true what they say about it getting better as you get older. I'm much more comfortable with things than I was at your age. God, I don't think I had any idea what I was doing back then."

"Hey, I think I know what I'm doing, plenty. I haven't had any complaints yet." Their banter defused what had been an awkward moment.

"I'm sure you do, sweetie." She said, patting his hand. "I'm sure the girls in your bedroom are just screaming every night."

"I've heard plenty of screaming. I'm surprised you never heard it, Mom."

Actually, she had. Their were several occasions when Erik brought girls home after his parents were in bed and took them up to his room. Some of those girls were quite vocal about his skills and while his father could sleep through a nuclear exchange, Rita had been woken up several times by the sounds coming from her son's room. Somehow she wasn't surprised that Erik knew what he was doing in bed and again she thought about how lucky his wife would be. And even though she would take the secret to her grave, Rita had become quite aroused listening to her son and his girls and once had touched herself while she listened.

"I screen that stuff out, honey."

"Well, at least you are doing something about the situation. That's good." Erik was grinning from ear to ear because he knew how embarrassed his mother was by the subject and he liked seeing her blush. While they'd always been able to talk about things, it was Erik who did the revealing, not the other way around. It was cool knowing she was so sexual. He'd always preferred to think of her as a complete woman instead of just his mom. He'd overheard the things his friends would say about her and he was proud that his mom was a MILF. And his friends were right, his mother was hot. There was a little part of Erik that never forgot that early crush.

"But, I have to ask, is it the same? I mean, I know for a guy it feels good, but it's not the same. I couldn't get by on it." Erik was just playing with her now.

"Are we really talking about this? Maybe you're not so sweet after all." Rita laughed.

"I am a man now, Mom, not a boy."

"Yes you are, a very handsome one at that. Any woman would be very lucky to have you. If you really want to know, no it's not the same. I mean it's good, but it's not the same. I miss being touched and touching back. I want the whole experience, not just the ending."

"I know what you mean. I feel exactly the same. So do you do it often?"

"Stop it right now, Erik. You can't ask your mother questions like that." Rita drained her mimosa and felt the bubbles in the champagne go straight to her head. She felt naughty and fun talking about these things, even if it was with her son. The champagne helped her forget that last part. He fancied that she was just spending the afternoon with a handsome younger man.

"I thought we could tell each other anything. I'd tell you anything you want to know."


"Sure. Try me."

Rita wanted to put him on the spot and tried hard to think of a question that would blow him out of the water, but it was hard since thinking about her son and sex together wasn't natural. Finally, she blurted out, "What's your favorite sex act?"

"That's all you've got? That's an easy one to answer. I love to '69'. Do you know what that is, Mom?"

"Yes, of course. I did come of age in the seventies. When do you think all this stuff really started?" Rita knew what it was, but she didn't know that she'd ever done it. Her husband wasn't one for doing stuff out of the ordinary.

"I answered your question, so answer mine. How often do you touch yourself?"

"Why do you want to know so badly? I'm your mother."

"Yes, but you're also a woman and I'm curious."

"Okay, I'll tell you, but we can't talk about this here in public. Let's get out of here."

Erik flagged their waitress down and paid the check and then escorted his mother back to his car, which was parked in a garage a couple blocks away. Rita was tipsy, so Erik kept an arm around her to make sure she stayed steady. As they walked down the street he was proud that she drew admiring glances from several men. It was always nice to be out with an attractive woman, even if it was your mother. He helped Rita step up into the passenger side of his SUV, noticing how she made sure she didn't expose too much leg in the process. He slid behind the wheel and stuck in the key, but just turned on the radio without starting the engine. It was dim in the parking garage, giving the inside of the vehicle an intimate feeling and Erik thought about all the dates that ended like this, sitting and talking in the car until the fooling around started.

"Okay, we're alone now, there's no one to overhear."

"So what exactly did you want to know, sweetie?" Rita turned in her seat to face him, tucking her legs down and tugging on her dress, which couldn't quite reach her knees.

"I was asking how often you do it, you know, touch yourself."

"A couple times a week, maybe sometimes more. You don't think that's strange, do you?" She suddenly felt shy.

"Not at all. Hell, I do it almost every day."

"Really? Is that a lot?"

"Not for a guy. We're always horny. How do you do it? Do you use your hand or use a toy?"

Rita took his face in her hand and squeezed his cheeks. "You are a cheeky one, aren't you? If you must know, I have something I use. It's not like one of those monstrous things, it's just small and it vibrates. But it's noisy so I only use it when I am home alone."

"That's pretty cool, Mom."

"So you don't think your old mom is a desperate housewife?"

"Certainly not, and I don't think of you as old. You're sexier than most women my age."

Kissing him, Rita said, "That's a nice, if odd, compliment, sweetie. So you're horny all the time?"

Erik pretended to think about it and then smiled. "Yeah, pretty much. If the wind blows in the right direction I get a woody. I hope you're not weirded out by talking like this."

It was Rita's turn to laugh. "It's nice really to be able to have someone to cut loose with. I guess it's just strange it's you, but we can keep our "weird conversation' between ourselves. So are you horny right now?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I just want to. You did say I could ask anything."

"Honestly? Yes, I am. Don't think I'm a freak, but all this sex talk is having an effect on me."

"You're not a freak, sweetie, it's only natural." Rita placed a reassuring hand on his knee.

"Does that mean you're horny too?"

"Maybe a little." Rita felt very naughty now. It was one thing to speak in the abstract, but another to talk about what she was feeling right at that moment. "Like I said, it's only natural to get turned on talking about sex." She shifted in her seat. Now that she was thinking about it she could distinctly feel the tingling between her legs.

"So are you going to do it when you get home?"

"Touch myself? Are you?"


"I might too, if your father isn't home yet. If he is, I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow."

"That would be a shame. I'd hate to have to wait."

"It's a shame we have to take care of ourselves. Maybe I can seduce your father when I get home. And I think you should go back and ask that waitress for her phone number. She was very pretty."

"Asking her for her phone number is a long way from not having to take care of myself, Mom. But thanks for thinking of me."

"Yes, and I don't think I'll be able to seduce your father. I don't think he likes it if I try to initiate things."

"That's crazy."

"So I guess we are going to be stuck taking care of ourselves."

"Whoever finishes first should call the other," Erik joked. His cock was very stiff and uncomfortable in his pants.

"To give a full report?"

"Something like that. Uh, Mom, you might want to look away for a second."

"Why? Are you going to do it right here?" Rita was really giggling now. Something about the thought of Erik whipping it out in front of her made her heart race. She didn't know what was going on with herself.

"No, unless you really wanted to share everything, but I do need to adjust myself."

"Okay, go ahead." Rita turned away, but kept watch out of the corner of her eye. He opened his legs and adjusted a sizable lump in his pants. She couldn't help but notice just how large his lump was or how far down his pant leg it seemed to go.

"You peeked!" Erik accused her.

"I did not." She was a deep crimson.

"You so did. I saw it! You looked at my crotch."

"How can you accuse your mother of such a thing? You're crazy.""

"I can because you did. But it's okay, you can look if you want. I trust you."

"That's sweet." Rita patted his leg again, but this time she was very aware of how close to his manhood she was. She let her hand rest there.

"What are you thinking, Mom?" Erik's voice was hushed. He was filled with conflicting feelings. He knew he shouldn't be thinking what he was, but he couldn't help it. Whether it was his mother sitting there or not he was thinking about sex and couldn't force the thoughts to go away. By the way she was reacting he had to wonder what she felt. But like every young man, Erik thought of his mother as above him and couldn't see her sharing his feelings.

"I don't know. What are you thinking, Erik?" Rita replied carefully. She was just as confused and torn as her son. She strongly felt the need to touch herself and by his hard on she knew Erik had to be feeling the same way. How had they come to this? What Rita was thinking was totally inappropriate.

Erik swallowed hard and forced the words out of his mouth because although he couldn't believe he was saying them he knew he'd always wonder if he didn't. "I was thinking maybe we don't have to take care of ourselves alone. We could help each other out."

"What do you mean?" Rita was breathless.

"I don't mean sex. I just meant we could, uhm, take care of things together, go somewhere together."

"Where?" Rita asked and was afraid she seemed too eager.

They couldn't go to his place. For one thing it was too far away and anyway Erik didn't want to take her to his bed. But there were several hotels and motels in the area, maybe one of them? Tentatively he suggested they could get a room.

"Okay," Rita simply answered.

Erik jangled the keys as he started the SUV and guided it out of the garage. While he drove his mom kept her hand on his leg, just below where his cock throbbed. God he wanted her to move her hand up, and she so wanted to, but neither of them made a move. Erik chose a motel on the edge of town where he was sure no one they knew would see them. It wasn't a complete dive, but it wasn't a Marriott either. He went inside and paid cash while Rita stayed in the car fighting the urge to run away. She knew they were crossing a line they shouldn't, but she couldn't stop herself. It had been so long since her husband touched her, since she'd had anything sexual in her life, that she wanted to do this. If we're just masturbating, she told herself, then we're not touching each other and it isn't incest. It was enough rationalization to get her through. Erik came back with a key and drove them around to the back. It was a first floor room and they were able to quickly dart into the room.

Rita excused herself to the bathroom and Erik paced the tiny room. There was one queen-sized bed with nightstands on either side and a dresser opposite with a TV on it. He turned on the cheap lamps beside the bed and made sure the drapes were pulled tight. What the hell am I doing? Can I really do this? Erik wondered. This morning he would have thought it inconceivable that he'd get hard around his mother, let alone be able to cum in front of her, but now he didn't think he'd have any problem. Especially if he was watching her touch herself too. The mysteries of her body, that he'd briefly wondered about in his youth, were about to be exposed to him. He knew they were going somewhere they could never come back from and wondered what their relationship would be like after this. He heard the bathroom door open and turned to his mother.

"Help me turn the bed down, sweetie." Rita slipped off her jacket and placed it on one of the hangers attached to the rod in the makeshift closet. Her navy dress was not overly tight, but it did hug her curves nicely. Her arms were bare and it fell a couple inches above her knee. Staring at her, Erik thought she looked amazing and he felt nervous as a virgin all over again. He helped her fold the comforter down to the bottom of the bed and then they turned the sheets down. Rita came around the bed and they hugged tightly, neither ready to let go. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked.

Erik held her face in his hands and said, "Yes, I'm sure as long as you're okay with it." She nodded and he kissed her softly. It was like a typical kiss they might have shared, but it was more than just a peck on the lips. Her red lips were so full and soft and he lingered there. Neither of them could breathe and Erik felt his desire rise in him like a wave. He kissed he lightly again and then Rita's tongue poked out from her lips and he opened his. Their tongues met tentatively, just brushing as if to explore each other, but then something clicked between them and they went for it. Rita opened her mouth fully and kissed her son with all the power of her pent up desire. He was a wonderful kisser and she recalled the time he tried to kiss her like this so many years ago and she'd had to lecture him about what was appropriate. At the moment propriety didn't matter. What mattered was how horny they both were. She squeezed Erik with her arms under his sport coat and marveled at how strong and solid he was. He could just sweep her up and take her, she thought. He was truly a wonderful kisser. Rita pushed against him and felt his cock grind into her stomach, making her stomach flutter. Their kiss broke and she laid her head on his chest while she caught her breath.

"That was very nice, sweetie." Rita said, looking up into his clear, blue eyes. Even in her heels, she was still several inches shorter than him. "Let's get started, shall we?"

"Sure," he said, kissing her forehead.

Rita pushed his jacket from his broad shoulders and then loosened his tie while he set it aside. She helped him with his first few buttons, enjoying the peek at his sparsely-haired chest, and then he took over while she stepped away and reached for her zipper, which she couldn't quite get. When Erik had removed his shirt, he had quite a nice chest she thought, she asked for his help. She turned her back to him and swept her hair to the side while he took the small zipper between his fingers and drew it down her back. He put his hands inside the split and rubbed her bare back and shoulders, which felt so wonderful. His hands were so gentle and strong, just as she knew they would be. She moved away before she wouldn't be able to and pulled her dress down and stepped out of it.

Erik blinked dumbly at his mother standing before him in her panties and bra. They were a lacy black set, the bra demi-cup with wide-set straps and a good lift that made her breasts seem even bigger than they were. The panties were a cut that flattered her smooth white thighs. He was surprised to find that she wasn't wearing pantyhose, but white thigh-highs that stood up on their own. His eyes traced up and down her delicious curves, memorizing every inch of her since he knew he would never have such a chance again.

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Origins of the Personalia

Personalia: their origins and development [The following paper, ( amended from a talk given to the Rehome Historical Society, which later appeared in the "Journal of the Rehome Historical Society", issue no. 73), is a brief historical review by Robert Kempe, junior, of The Personalia from their ancient origin to their present interactions with the human race.] Author: Robert Kempe, eldest son of Governor Bob Kempe and his first wife Diane Enloe. Background of the author: My father has...

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Mothers and sons sons and mothers

“Sweetie,” I cooed, “come to the shopping centre with me.”“Oh Mum, I’m in the middle of something,” came the reply.“The porn film will wait until we get home, now come on, I need a man, and you’re the closest thing I have to one.”We got into the car and drove to the nearby shopping centre. “So why have I got to come with you? Jack asked.“Because I need someone to help me, Sonia is away, so that left you as the only person I could ask at short notice sweetie.”“Help you with what?”“I need some...

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Adventures of Lionel Sondra

Be advised this story is intentionally rife with POV shifts, misdirected adjectives, and other wanton misuse of literary convention. Please turn back now if such fripperiness gets on your nerves. Thanks. : ) L8. * The Adventures of Lionel & Sondra chapter one — watching TV ‘Television? But you never watch television. And you know I don’t either.’ Lionel was confused by Sondra’s request. Besides, she didn’t look like she wanted to spend an evening watching TV. What she looked like, was a)...

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Mothers Day

My eyes opened. Mom was standing at the dresser, pulling a pair of jeans up over her see-through thigh-highs. Her firm and voluptuous breasts, which filled their respective 36G brassieres, were unclothed as she zipped up her jeans. She had a nice, thick body. Not chubby, but definitely had some woman to her. Morning, I said, closing my eyes and rolling over to put my head on Moms pillow. It had her ever-so-recognizable scent engulfing it. Howd you sleep, sweetie? she said, riffling through...

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Sexy Soni

Three years back a friend of mine invited me & all our close friends for a get together at her house. She had arranged for a party on her terrace for her friends. I reached at the decided time. I met those whom I knew, because there were few whom I didn’t knew. After sometime the friend who had arranged the party introduced each & everyone to others so that all will comfortable. There i got introduced to a girl call soni (changed as she requested me to do so). She was pretty, long hair till her...

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A Gradual Affair With Soniya

This was not the first time that I would be writing to you my friends but it would be good to hear back from fans of the female variety :-)It was a late summer evening and I had been busy trying to wrap up work at office. The eagerness was more with the anticipation of catching a glance of our new neighbor Soniya. They had moved recently to the same building and shared the same floor so but natural that my wife and I would extend a warm welcome to them and offer any help or support they need to...

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mothers carer part two

I lay in bed many nights thinking about what had happened that morning always ending up wanking over this event. I somehow knew this wouldn’t be the last time something like that would happen, i wasn’t to wait much longer to find outIt was three weeks later when i made sure i was about when sue came for her daily routine looking after mum , sue seem very pleased to see me again, once again she went straight up stairs to mother, i could hear her chatting to mother even if mother couldn’t chat...

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mothers carer

For many years my mother had a full time carer, she had suffered for years with a illness and living alone she needed help around the house, she couldn’t talk or move without help,she found it very difficult cooking, cleaning and even dressing and undressing herself, and as she aged it became a such help to her having someone to give her this help, her career was a middle aged lady who came every morning. I was home for a week and as always the mums helper Sue turned up on the Monday morning...

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Bobby8217s Friend Sonal

Dear Friends this is Bobby Bob here again. I am 37/m from Delhi. I am tall 6’1” and people say I am handsome. I am thankful to the ISS and the readers of ISS who have reverted back with a positive note. It was around 15 days back I met a very old friend Sonal nearly after 13 years. She was the receptionist there and I was into sales. We were very close friends and share our problems and happiness. She was a tall girl with nice features. We also got many opportunities to fondle with each other...

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A few minutes later I am impressed and turned on as I flick through her pics. Most attractive size 12 brunette, average height, with a sexy smile. She has an all over sun tan, standing topless legs apart, hands on hips, wearing killer heels and dressed in crotchless black leather slacks. Modest, though attractive tits and I do like the way her pubic hair has been waxed. The third pic shows a rear view of her in the same leather slacks without any covering over her magnificent ass. “Did you...

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A few minutes later I am impressed and turned on as I flick through her pics. Most attractive size 12 brunette, average height, with a sexy smile. She has an all over sun tan, standing topless, legs apart, hands on hips, wearing killer heels and dressed in crotch-less black leather slacks. Modest, though attractive tits and I do like the way her pubic hair has been waxed. The third pic shows a rear view of her in the same leather slacks without any covering over her magnificent ass. “Did you...

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                                       So back to my past, it’s 1985 and I have started collage. The occupation I was pursuing isn’t relevant, so I will not elaborate on it. My intention here is to share my sexual adventures with likeminded adults, like yourself, so I will not bore you with the irrelevant. I had broken things off with “Spankie, my first submissive girlfriend” (See story for details.) and was making a fresh start on life. What life I had anyway. You see, for those of you who...

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Enjoyment with two friends neetu and soni

At present Soni is married & has a beautiful daughter like her. We had sex after her marriage also, but the frequency has reduced. Anyway this time I will tell you my sex experience which took place because of Soni. She dint help me by purpose. But her act ended in helping me eventually. Soni still now have no idea about this. Because I feel that such relations are better when they are kept a secret.This is about having sex with a friend Neetu who had introduced me & Soni at her party....

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Teaching Lesson To Sonali

Hi friends this is Deepthi again… this is my second story in ISS… Thanks to all of you for a Very good Response from u all… To the new one’s my 1st Story was First Lesbian Experience With Hostel Warden… No continuations for both are different stories…Coming to the story….. Life is going normal in the hostel and suddenly comes the Sonali Mam she was the only strict faculty in whole college she joined in the hostel suddenly and for my surprise she was my roommate too… My normal life was totally...

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There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...

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There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...

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Hi this is Sonali my friend Paul wanted to post this story to other site but in between that I saw that he is sending story in which heroin is I but he still doesn’t know that I sent this story to ISS Michael picked Viplove and Sonali up in his car at ten o’clock that morning. “You understand,” he said as he drove them to the Supermarket, “that if you wish to become members of the club you have to do exactly what I tell you to do during the next twenty eight days?” Viplove and Sonali sat in...

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L8 Night with Lionel and Sondra

He was late coming home — later than usual. Sondra fell asleep on the couch, waiting up for him. She didn’t hear the engine, or even the door opening. Lionel awakened her with a soft kiss. ‘You waited up for me.’ ‘Oh, baby,’ she yawned and stretched, then sat up and hugged him tightly. ‘Welcome home. Are you hungry? You want me to fix you something?’ ‘I’ll get it. Why don’t you go on to bed? I’ll be in in a little bit.’ ‘Okay,’ she sleepily agreed and swayed off down the hall. Lionel was...

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My Friend8217s Hot Milf Mom Sonam

Helio this Adam Matthews from Mumbai.This story is about my best friends mom Sonam.   I was feeling quite hot after driving to sam’s house. Since his family had moved to another village, we didn’t see each other as often. I was looking forward to hanging out with him. We had a similar taste in music and sport, so there was always plenty to talk about. I parked my bike around the side of the house before ringing the front doorbell. Mrs Sonam, sam’s mom, opened the door. I hadn’t seen her for a...

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Fucked Sexy Sonal

Hi Friends, mera naam Amit hai. I m 22 year old handsome guy studying engineering in last year at pune.Till 21 i never experienced sex because i didnt have girlfriend. I was bit shy guy, Aur mere maximum dost jinke pass girlfriend thi mujhe hamesha unke sex life ke baare me bata the, aur unki baate sunkar mein hamesha excite ho jaata tha. Aur mujhe bhi chodne ka bada mann karta tha lekin uske liye ladki ko patana bahot zaroori tha. Hamari class ki bahot saari ladkiya mujhe line deti thi lekin...

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Mothers lingerie

I rose from the bed knowing we were alone, his Father had an early flight. As I soaked in the tub my thoughts were of Michael, my son and lover as well. The last few days have been rather idle but today has just begun. I began to wonder what my Son must be thinking. He's aware his father is already gone and his thoughts must be enticing. Over the last few days his Father was home our secret was again, well hidden. My suitable attire didn't alter his thoughts, his memory served him...

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Memories of Miss Manson

This is a true story of what happened to me during my time at secondary school between 1987 and 1994. In 1986, if my memory serves me correctly, corporal punishment in schools was banned. However, that didn’t seem to stop teachers at my old school – and may I add – completely female teachers – from using it on occasions. I remember an incident in a Drama lesson at the school. We were all in PE kit of t-shirt and shorts and had been instructed by the teacher, a tall, blonde lady called Mrs...

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Professor Sanderson

The little bitch had started coming on to him almost from the first class. Giving him those doe-eyed looks, the sly smiles, sitting there with his legs spread wide apart so Professor Sanderson could see his hard boy-meat. And he continued do so up until mid-terms. But, even though the little bitch had been outrageously flirting with Professor Sanderson from his front row seat, he had also been careful to never actually approach the man, to give his professor any opening to act on the boy’s...

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Relationship With Hot Coworker Sonam

Hi, this is Kumar. After being a long time reader of sex stories on various sites, I got an urge to share my story with you all. I am a teacher by profession, working in a private institute in Pondicherry as a principal with a nice salary.Pondicherry is a beautiful place for living and drinking. It was a summer vacation when this incident took place. My coworker name’s Sonam. She is a perfect babe with a perfect figure and having a physical status of 34- 28- 34 which I came to know later. She...

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Mother and Son

From that point onwards, she turned all attention to her new boy. All the frustration and anger that she felt that her husband’s subpar performance was turned into love and affection for her only child. She made no other attempt at pregnancy, even when her husband floated the idea of a second child. The only thing she was interested in was her fast-growing boy. Regardless to say, both the son and mother had grown extremely close. They were affectionate with each other. Especially Kirsten...

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Mothers make their sons dreams come true

“About last night,” Sonia began. “We’d had too much to drink. But that’s no excuse.”“No its not, we’re all responsible for our actions, whether we’ve had a drink or two, or not, you understand that don’t you boys.” Chloe said.“Yes Mum. We’re sorry, we got carried away, and took advantage,” Jack said“I’m sorry to,” Harry told them. “This is our secret, you understand!” Sonia said. Both boys nodded.“No really, this is to be kept between ourselves.” Chloe said“We won’t tell,” Jack said.“Good,”...

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MumthazShilpa and Sonali

Hi friends, I am Ravi Sreedhar, I am 19Year-old, 5' 6" in height and doing my graduation. I was staying with my brother who was Lt.Col in Army and was studying in Delhi for Degree first year when this terrific incident here is happened. My first sexual experience was with my cousin sister as well as teacher Latha aged 23 [Uncles daughter] at the age of 16. We had a wonderful period of 2 years. During that time we had several wild and beautiful love making occasions. She was more interested...

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Mother Catches Son

Mother Catches Son“Young man!!!… What kind of filthy movie are you watching?!?!?” “Oh Shit… MOM!!!”“Oh my God… Why are you naked?.. And what is that in your hand?.. Are those my panties?… WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PANTIES?!?!.. Good God in heaven… Did I hear what I think I just heard?… This movie is pornographic i****t… Those two boys are having sex with their mother… That is disgusting… You sick boy… Is this what turns you on? … Huh?… Is it?… Answer me you little pervert… Is this...

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Mother Catches Son

"Young man!!!... What kind of filthy movie are you watching?!?!?""Oh Shit... MOM!!!""Oh my God... Why are you naked?.. And what is that in your hand?.. Are those my panties?... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PANTIES?!?!.. Good God in heaven... Did I hear what I think I just heard?... This movie is pornographic i****t... Those two boys are having sex with their mother... That is disgusting... You sick boy... Is this what turns you on? ... Huh?... Is it?... Answer me you little pervert... Is...

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"Oh Shit... MOM!!!" "Oh my God... Why are you naked?.. And what is that in your hand?.. Are those my panties?... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PANTIES?!?!.. Good God in heaven... Did I hear what I think I just heard?... This movie is pornographic incest... Those two boys are having sex with their mother... That is disgusting... You sick boy... Is this what turns you on? ... Huh?... Is it?... Answer me you little pervert... Is this what turns you on?... Seeing two boys having sex with...

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Fun With Sonam

First of all, my hearty thanks to ISS, for this wonderful website, this has made majority of them to share their sexual experiences. It’s been a while since I have written my experiences on ISS. I had shared my experiences before and now sharing yet another one. This happened couple of months back. I’m Nish (name changed), aged 27, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC. It’s been a smooth going life for me. I don’t believe in paying or receiving...

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The Story of Sonja

THE STORY OF SONJA It was 4 a.m on Tuesday morning, and like everymorning Sonja was lying on the cold floor of her cell naked except for hermetal Chastity belt. Like clock work, Sonja was awakened by the sound ofa female guard screaming "wake up slave". Instinctively, Sonjaassumed a kneeling position and said "slave is awake Mame".Onceshe acknowledged she was awake, the guard opened her cell and laid a bowlof corn meal and water in front of Sonja and said "You have 5 minutes-eat" andthen the...

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New Black Servant Sonu

Hello everyone this is Ramlal . This is my first story in ISS . this story is dedicated to all the juicy ladies and to all the vergin’s who are still dreaming of having sex and to all the penis holders , hold yourself tight to go on sexual adventure with me in this real story of mine . This incident happened with my sister , who later shared it with me , as I and my sister don’t hide anything from each other . Now hear this story in the words of my sister . Here goes the story : Hello Friends I...

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Olivia and Victor Ellison

I looked at the wall clock. She still wasn't home, and it was ten till midnight. I'd gotten home an hour earlier after having been abandoned by her at her company's, Homestead Interior Design and Furnishings, party. She's an agent for them: she deals with department stores buying such. At any rate, she'd simply just up and left with some guy while I was in the bathroom. The she is my wife, Olivia Ellison, and her current level of disrespect is highly likely to put an end to that little...

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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 3 Bhide Aur Sonu

Namaste aap sabko aur ayie mere 3rd part of story mein. I hope ki aapko pehle 2nd part pasand aye honge. Aur agar nahi padhe toh please padh le toh ek si link set ho jayegi. Yeh sari stories tab ki hai jab sare bache bade ho gaye hai. Toh aab main aata hu sidha story pe. Jaise ki apne 2nd part mein halki si jhalak li ki Sonu aur Bhide chudai kar rahe the apni bedroom mein jab Madhvi nahi thi. Toh ayie dekhte hai ki kaise in dono ki sex life ki shuruat hui. Toh ek din hua yuh ki Sonu ke 12th...

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Mothers and Daughters

    Mother's and 'Daughters'  (1)             TJ Ryder   "Did you hear what Phyllis is doing to her new hubby?" theattractive housewife said to her neighbor over the fence.   Tammy Sue rolled her eyes as she put her clothes basket downand turned to hear the latest gossip from the neighborhood'sbiggest gossipmonger, Gladys.   "What's she doing now, then?"   Gladys looked around to see if anyone was hearing this whichTammy thought absurd since she told everyone...

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To Addison, sex was a mystery. She was very curious about it starting in her teen years, but many of her questions about it went unanswered. She was raised in a home where the subject was rarely discussed, and when it was, she was warned that having sex was something she should wait to do until after she was married. Her parents were conservative, religious people and her only sibling was nearly eight years younger than her and being her brother, she never even dreamed of talking about the...

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Tmkoc Episode 12 Bhide Aur Sonu

Hi, this is humraaj88, back after a long break with the much-awaited continuation of my series TMKOC. Before getting into the story, I would like to thank everyone who liked and responded well to my emails. And for those who are new, my email id is Toh jaisa ki aap jante hai Sonu train mein Payal ke sath washroom mein chali jaati hai. Jaise hi Sonu washroom mein pahunchti hai Payal door lock kar deti hai. Sonu ko lips pe kiss karne lagti hai. Sonu bhi sab bhool kar ache se respond karti hai...

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MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS: ABBY & BARBWHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This first story is an interracial story.This is a story about a mother, Abby Ordman and her daughter, Barb. Abby is 43 and Barb is...

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Cricket With My Sister Sonali

My Sister, Sonali, had turned 19 just last week. As much as I loved her as an elder brother, I had to admit her big bosom always left me surprised. They were definitely sized 36 and always looked huge. She had proper busty melons, and for somebody of her age it was an unbelievably sized pair of hooters to own. Sonali, however, always managed to keep it covered,hidden and look less voluptuous on most occasions. But at home, it was just impossible. Firstly you do not always wear uncomfortable...

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My Best Teenage Girlfriend Sonu

Hi friends This is Prem , I am 24 now , this is a two year old story , I was in MBA first year , I mate SONU who was living near my hostel room, she was 18 yrs old but very bold with big boobs. All of we friends use to watch her moving everyday , and she was also very innocent, One of friend set her and they started dating , but soon she got broke up with him and I noticed that she was attracted to me… One day I was going to my room and I saw her changing dress , I stopped and started...

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Mother Falls for Son

100% fiction! Chapter 1, The Dorm Visit I am a 43-year old successful businesswoman and professional who has a wonderful and handsome son, my only boy, attending the state University and my alma mater. A few years back I had caught his father screwing one of my friends after I had returned home early from a business trip. To make it worse, I had returned early so that we could celebrate our anniversary. Instead of celebrating my anniversary with my husband, I celebrated alone with a few bottles...

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Mother and Son

Mother and Son Peta Wilson The boy and his mother were working alongside one another as they often did. When it came to housework they thought of themselves as a team. She had encouraged their special relationship over the years. When he was younger he had been "Mommy's Little Helper" but at twelve he had grown into the second team member. And there were just the two of them. She had divorced the boy's father many years ago and once she had recovered from the shock...

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Fun With My Crush Colleague Sony

Hello, Greetings!! ISS and Readers, Sub: How I enjoyed with my colleague Ref: Hemo, I’m back with fresh story this is my first Office story, those who don’t know about me let me introduce to them. This is Hemanth from Hyderabad (South India) if you want to know more about me then read my previous stories (I don’t like to waste your time so that I said like that), I hope you like them. In this story I’m expressing the fun happened between me and my colleague. I was working in a social service...

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The Neighborhood Chapter Four Sonja

I woke up the next morning to find myself in bed alone. I got up,brushed my teeth, put on some underwear, and walked to the kitchen. I thought I had smelled coffee. Randy and Paul were at the kitchen table getting their morning shot of Java. They were also getting an eyeful. Sonja was sitting on a chair across the room with her legs spread. She was energetically masturbating for my roommates. Her fingers dipped in and out of her mound. With her other hand she was massaging those...

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The Neighborhood Chapter Four Sonja

I woke up the next morning to find myself in bed alone. I got up,brushed my teeth, put on some underwear, and walked to the kitchen. I thought I had smelled coffee. Randy and Paul were at the kitchen table getting their morning shot of Java. They were also getting an eyeful. Sonja was sitting on a chair across the room with her legs spread. She was energetically masturbating for my roommates. Her fingers dipped in and out of her mound. With her other hand she was massaging those...

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How Do You Solve A Problem LikeMiss Manson

After her meeting with Ms. Storey that lunchtime and on hearing that the strict young deputy headmistress was going to allow Rebecca Mulligan to carry out her plan to deal with Miss Manson, the head of Music at St Katherine’s School did not hang around for long after the end of the school day. Once she had taken the full school orchestra for their after-school practice she returned to the Music office, packed her bag and hurried to her car. She arrived home just after 5 pm and decided that she...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 2 Pansy Parkinson

Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...

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Motherrsquos Sexcapades With Son

Once there lived a family in a town. The house was turned out to be a home only because of the loving nature of the family members. The family had a loving mother“Vasundhara”, Responsible and Caring father “Ashok” and two adult k**s “Rashmi” urf Chinni (age 19) “Chinmai” urf Chinnu (age 26). Elder s*s Suman urf akka (age 34) was already married and had a k** 3 yr old but was staying with her hubby in a different town.One fine day Rashmi came from college and found that the main door was locked...

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Aunt Sonja

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am driving across country to attend a funeral of a family member and all I could think about was a woman. Sonja, that was her name. The thought of her name alone stirs an emotion in me that time will never quiet. It’s been several years since I felt her skin, smelled her perfume and tasted her essence. She ruled over me even though she never wanted to be my queen. I lived for the opportunity to feel her passion and take her as my own. But there was...

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Mother Became Wife For Son

I am Vasu age 28. I lives in southern part of India. There are four members in my family my dad raman age 53 and my mother Janu age 50. And my brother sham age 25.At this age I am still unmarried. Several times my parents fixed my marriage. But it all got cancelled because of my brother. Five years ago he committed a crime. He tried to kill our uncle but he failed. But the court punished him. Everybody says that he had a physical relation with my aunt.After he got out of jail he became a outlaw...

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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on. I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that under the covers, she probably still had her silk nightdress...

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