Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty Nine
- 4 years ago
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I was given the name Candice and I'm happy with it. Anyone who calls me Candy gets what's coming to her. Unless it's a boy. Boys I forgive everything.
I love boys. I knew it long before I left St Ursula's, even though I'd hardly spoken to one and had never seen one at school. If the teachers had their way, we'd be taught there was no such thing as a boy.
But I just knew, lying in bed, that the cosy, tingly sensations and honey moisture I woke up to had something to do with boys. After all, the feelings were in those places where boys are supposed to be different. (Except the boys from St Dominic's, destined for celibacy and reputed not to have 'boys' bits.' I'm also not talking about those other times in the month whose feelings happily lie far outside the scope of this story).
I longed to know what boys' different bits were like and just what their connection was with my own deep-inside tsunamis. Soon my fingers learned to tend and grow those primitive feelings into sophisticated and fulfilling bedtime experiences. As my fingers explored, I suspected I might be nurturing blossoms that a boy's fingers might bring to even juicier fruition. If I ever knew the right boy, I'd share those feelings lavishly without reserve. I wondered if I'd be able to divine which boys felt the way I did. Would I instantly recognise my counterpart?
Three weeks into college I did.
Frank was everything I wanted. And he wanted everything I yearned to give. My imagination had prepared wonders for him, and he, at his boys' school, was just as sex-starved as I'd been. Funnily enough, it was another four weeks before we had full sex. We'd both been so used to fingers. Now we'd found willing fingers, and those willing fingers had each found their way to just where we wanted them to be. So we perfected, and lingered over, every exquisite manoeuvre and exploration our fantasies had devised. Frank said a big part of a boy's excitement was to see his girl naked. Who was I to argue? Showing him everything became a big part of my excitement too. I persuaded him to show me his 'boy's bits' (nothing like I'd pictured, but big, hard and beefy) and his lovely, tight ass and masculine muscles. Then after four weeks, we began all over again, his fingers now replaced by a hungry, sex-starved penis.
I soon thought myself a woman of the world, well-versed in every kink and byway on the sexual map.
Until I took my job at Ye Olde Cocke and Bulle. A barmaid gets to hear things, and when she leans over a table to collect glasses, she is often invisible. When she leans over a table of four devastatingly gorgeous male students, she is invisible except for her cleavage, but still assumed to be deaf, or at least indifferent.
Every time I encountered these four they were discussing sexual exploits, probably invented ones, and mostly rather crude. You know the phrases. "Legs up to her armpits", "Knockers to die for." I shan't list any more. They talked of foreplay, climaxes and positions, all of which I knew to be far more romantic, intimate and wondrous than their blokeish bluster gave credit for.
But one of them mentioned something that stopped me in my tracks, glad that the glass I almost dropped was empty. Now this I hadn't tried. Would I want to, though? It sounded a bit revolting but this lad (did I mention, they were all four pantie-wetting good-lookers?) was enthusing about it with missionary zeal.
I couldn't imagine Frank liking it. Not at first. But mulling over it as I dropped off to sleep (after a satisfying but conventional romp with Frank) I began to imagine some of the sensations it might arouse in him. I wasn't at all sure what my feelings would be, but a girl can only find out by trying. So I resolved. If there was any pleasure in it for Frank, who was I to withhold it? And if he didn't like it, I could soon make it up to him by devising some special treat for 'Dickie'.
I had to wait a few days to pluck up courage and choose an opportunity. In fact, courage-wise I let several opportunities slip. I can also say that not a single college class from those few days has stayed in my mind.
Two naked people, standing in the bath beneath the shower head. When I turned off the shower and motioned Frank to kneel before me he thought I wanted him to lick my pussy (understandable, bless him). Gently I leaned him back and placed his hands on his thighs. I stood over him, placed myself above his belly, half standing, half crouching.
I'd had to prepare this moment so carefully. My little reservoir of liquid gold could so easily have burst its banks before I was able to anoint Frank's precious secrets. On the other hand, it could simply have run dry.
At first, it was difficult to relax, so unsure of Frank's response. But as I leaned over him and the first rivulets trickled from their source, deep in the Mountain of Venus, I saw his smile of surprised delight. The streams sprinkled delicately over his navel and dallied in his secret hair, tangling the curls before they disappeared into sensitive places either side of his shaft.
Yes, he liked it. Eyes closed, his smile registered total contentment. My confidence rose, I relaxed and the stream of love released itself into a torrent. I heard its splash over Frank's hardening cock. I couldn't control where it flowed, but Frank, writhing in his pleasure, exposed every sensitive part in turn to its ministrations.
Thank goodness I'd stored up so much of this precious liquor. Frank's ecstasy was obvious, and my own insides were being turned on in most peculiar ways.
When the flow ebbed, instead of reaching to clean myself I stood Frank up. I pressed his wet belly against mine. I wiped my pussy by riding it over Frank's hard dick. He moulded himself sensuously into my tight, slithery embrace. I took the shower head and played it to ripple gently over my breasts and down onto both our navels.
I retreated slightly, to direct the water onto Frank's penis, still hard, erect and golden with my wetness.
He steadied himself by grasping my bum with his two powerful hands, then, holding me even tighter, slid his cock where it always wanted to be. After the novel foreplay, our stand-up thrusting and gasping was passionate and short. All that was left was to commit the wetness, stickiness and sweat to the shower, and to agree, satisfied, that we shall never stop learning new ways to enhance and perfect those cosy little feelings that began in convent school beds.
I promised him I'd continue keeping my ears open at the pub. Who knows what I might learn next?
SATURDAY OCTOBER-1 Wednesday's operation was a complete success according to the surgeon and the nursing staff but once again, with the exception of a supervised, for the want of a better term, sperm extraction to test the viability of my sperm; I was banned from sex until Sunday night. That was unfortunate timing especially with it being my birthday being today; I was 18 and legally able to vote and drink, not that I planned to do much of that considering my recent experience. With...
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FRIDAY MARCH-4 It was another typical hot autumn night in Melbourne. The sheet that had started out covering Vikki and I had long since disappeared enabling me to look down at the exquisite bottom of her perfectly formed naked body as she lay beside me. She was half on her right side and half on her stomach with her right arm stretched above her head and between the two pillows it was resting on. Looking at the clock on the bedside cabinet in my bedroom I noted the time, 12:02am. In around...
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FRIDAY AND THE WEEKEND: A BOWLING SPECTACULAR Hi, I'm Camilla Trenton the commentating partner of Justin Robertson and Robert Swan. In similar fashion to the way he has given Maria permission to write of the experiences in the recovery of herself and her 'Daddy John', John Thompson, he has asked me to write about the extraordinary weekend of bowling we have just witnessed. Before I do though I should mention what Justin told Robert and I when we shared dinner with him and those two...
FRIDAY JULY-29 Two sweat soaked bodies lay on the table in the rehab room. They both had grins on their faces a mile wide, one of them accompanied by a girlish giggle, and for a very good reason. My sister and Vikki's father had made it to the end of the parallel bars and after a ten minute break to sit in their chairs — a grudging concession from Charlotte — they had both made three steps back. It was a record in the number of steps and discounting their ten minute break they had knocked a...
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SeductionAugust 1808 The ships of the inshore squadron kept their vigil over the months of July and then August, and they caught a few more blockade runners. The French skippers became more crafty over time, or perhaps the less crafty had been weeded out, and they clung more closely to the coast. The French also installed more batteries along the coastline to give their shipping better protection. As Thomas knew, this was even good for the British. The guns placed along this coast – first...
The rest of Thursday and all day Friday at school passed quietly as did the visit to the hospital even though fourteen of us invaded John and Maria's room three at a time joining my parents and Julie, Vikki and Lucy. With Penny and Colin and Nigel and Anne all visiting in the room my parents and Julie joined Vikki and Lucy as they all took the opportunity to step out and grab a coffee from the machine in the visitors lounge. With a plastic cup of coffee in hand mum turned to me. "Seems...
THE WEEKEND MAY-20-21-22 Thursday and Friday during the day passed quietly with schoolwork, another driving lesson and some more chances to drive mum's cherry red Toyota Ascent. Friday night and Saturday afternoon I was committed to Foxtel commentary duties while my game was on Sunday afternoon. On Friday night I was looking forward to two of the games. One involved fellow commentator Robert Miles whose 'Eagles' team had climbed from twenty third position to twelfth in five weeks and was...
FRIDAY AUGUST-5 Wednesday, Thursday and the two hospital visits on Friday saw Maria and Vikki's father make enormous strides on the parallel bars in the rehab room. The three steps on the return trip doubled and that meant both Maria and John made good use of the reward system by enjoying sex with six different partners on their six visits to the hospital. On Wednesday morning Allan Morris managed a visit before starting work at the garage while Simone Keighly took time out from her...
FRIDAY OCTOBER-7 After sharing a goodbye hug and kiss with Cindy Morrison and a handshake and a hug with Sean Middleton mum, dad, Maria and Maddy accompanied me to the airport where I now found myself in a smallish room off the main conference room. With me in the room were the other members of the team and the president of the ATBC David Mathis and Peter Baker the executive representing our sponsors Carlton and United Breweries who would also be travelling to Vegas with us. We were there...
Two more months passed and the day of the wedding crept inevitably closer. Suits and dresses were ordered and made, and Samantha arrived accompanied by a smiling Amanda for the rehearsals. Tony was worried. It seemed all too realistic for his liking. Much as he loved Rota, somehow his whole being balked at the thought of what seemed an arranged marriage. He knew now he really wanted to marry her properly, but he wanted to do it in his own time, and make it something very special. "I thought...
_*Author’s Note: Since I’m a hideous incompetent who should be whipped through town with a leather belt, I have made two unforgivable errors. Firstly, the first chapter of this series erroneously stated that it begins June 3rd when this adventure begins on January 3rd! Secondly, I stated that there was a Kingdom of Caladon. Alas! The city of Caladon is the capital of the Kingdom of Arland. But with these things corrected, on with the adventure.*_ Standing outside of an inn’s back room while...
My uncle was a whole lot of fun. I was almost 18 and a frisky pretty thing: nice boobs, a slender figure, I kept my blondish hair trimmed short and whenever he visited we would do our little wrestling and tickling game. Then he would have a few beers, lounge around and talk with my parents. He was a nice looking older man and deep inside I wondered what it would be like to “be” with an older, more mature man…so I had my little girl fantasies but I wasn’t all that little any more. Besides,...
One spring afternoon I decided to check out the athletic field and was sitting on a bleacher when I see a young man in tennis shorts and polo, he walked in and then came out a few minutes later but just paced back and forth. When he noticed that I kept watching him he tugged his crotch and went back inside, I knew that signal and followed behind him. As I stepped in the door he already had his polo pulled over his head and fly open standing next to the sinks facing the door. I could see the...
He looked her, her arms outstretched, her naked body with those tanned breasts, her legs apart and ready for him. “At last,” he thought as he lowered himself and guided his erection towards her pussy. Danny woke and was angry with himself. This dream had haunted him for almost two years, always ending just before he could consumate his fantasy, at least in a dream. He looked at the three photos of her on his bedside table. His hand moved to the only reality of his dream, his...