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Kevin transferred to our school from California in the Venice/Santa Monica area. The first thing I noticed about him was how he had those chiseled good looks that made me think of Keanu Reeves a lot. He was more buffed than most of the guys in our school and filled the tee shirt well enough that you just knew he was the guy you wanted on your team.

He had the muscles of a light heavy weight wrestler or a dedicated swimmer. Not that our guys were a bunch of pantywaists. I mean, in a town like Thermal, Wyoming, about half the students come from the surrounding farms and ranches. That means there weren’t too many marshmallows in the student body.

This guy had no fancy globs of muscle like exclusive weight lifters and pretty-boy body builders get, no way. His body was just plain functional. Since I was, and am, a serious athlete, I checked him out pretty close. He stood about six one or two, weighed in at close to one eighty-five and had a deep chest . It was almost like describing me except I’m only six feet tall and I sure as hell don’t have looks that would put anyone in mind of Keanu Reeves. With my dishwater blond hair and what Dad calls “cow pie features,” I am nobody’s pretty boy. I do okay socially, but that’s about all.

As we approached each other he looked down and saw my X-men carrying case. It would be hard to miss, what with the Great Green Hulk bursting out of a blast of blazing light and coming right at you. I had painted it on the vinyl case myself and I was justifiably proud of it. I’m a serious painter with a lot more than average talent. It held my charcoals, pastels and two rolled up ink drawings to be turned in to my art teacher, Miss Melton. He smiled at me and said, “That’s a great illustration. Did you do it yourself or did you have a professional do it for you? That green glows.”

“Oh, hi, thanks.” I answered him, “I’m Andy Phillips.” I stuck out my hand and he shook it with a strong, friendly up-and-down-three-times motion and let go. “Naw, I did this one the other night when I got my homework done early.”

“I’m Kevin Newman and that’s Bullshit.” he said. “Getting that shade for the hulk’s skin tone and the graduated shades of ochre behind it took a lot of time. They didn’t just mix themselves together. Then the way you use your blues to fill in the background and the transparent crimson lake you washed the clouds had to take hours. Don’t kid a kidder or try to bullshit a fellow artist. You have a great eye for color and form. What else have you done?”

“Oh, I have a few canvases at home, including one in progress for the State Art Festival. I plan to enter it in the adult competition. It’s an eagle feeding her young.”

“No shit. I’d like to see it.” He paused and then added, “Well, some time or other.” He acted like he was afraid of being too pushy. I liked that. I’m a pretty private kind of guy. I was then, too.

I had no regular girlfriend right then because all of the girls in our school were so into that new TV series, “Vajina The Zombie Killer.” They were competing to see who could look the most naked, like Vajina, without getting suspended. I got a kick out of the storyline, myself. But I couldn’t get all creamy and dreamy like they did. I mean, look at her build. Her muscles had absolutely no tone. She couldn’t lift a hundred pounds in real life and she’s kicking ass on a bunch of near indestructible immortals? No way. No flaking way.

When it came to musculature, even then I considered myself an authority, and rightly so. I worked out and I worked my butt hard. Northern Tai chi, swimming, running, bicycling the hills kept me lean, mean and supple as a green willow branch. My dream was to compete in the Iron Man Decathlon. I knew I couldn’t end up in the money, the first three. I mean when the fifth place man last year was a real old dude of forty-six who races bikes up and down mountain roads for fifty miles, never stopping and never slowing down, I’d be lucky to even qualify. Those dudes were real men.

Any way, being a normal guy, I ate up all this appreciation of my true worth as an artist. “Come on over after class. I just live across the street.”

“I know,” he said. That struck me as being a little odd. I mean here I just met the guy and he knows where I live? I shrugged it off and we headed for class. Maybe he saw me as I left the house for class or something.

We sat next to each other through boring calculus and were out the door as soon as the bell sounded. Next period was free time and we were supposed to stay on campus, but since I lived right across the street, nothing was ever said when I slipped over to the house for something. We hurried on over to my house and I led him straight to my room.

When I opened the door to my room, he almost had a hernia. My three networked computers were state of the art. The Compaq logo and the MSI labels were hard to miss. Then to one side was an almost new IBM that had been a throwaway from a Government upgrading. Some times the government throws away better stuff than most people ever get to use. My fax-scanner and printer weren’t all that bad, but they looked like poor relatives at a rich uncle’s party.

“Hell, man. What’s the deal, are your folks rich or what?” A little envy showed as he ran his hands over the keyboards and the finger mouse. “I never saw so much good stuff all together. What gives?” He looked like he was going to have a nervous breakdown unless I answered him.

“Aw, it’s no big deal, not really. My Uncle Wayne is in computer sales and engineering. Everything here either came from some big multinational that was upgrading and converting or a government agency that had too much money at the end of the fiscal year.” I proudly showed him the FBI logo that someone had neglected to scrape off. I thought it added a certain mystique to my possessions. “Most of it came in pieces. I reassembled, tested and changed out parts until I got something that worked. Some times I raid the dumpsters behind the computer store and get some real great stuff.”

He grinned sadly, “I’m making do with an old Packard-Bell right now.”

“No way.” I exclaimed.

“Way, dude.” he answered.

“Well, hey, bring it over here and let me look through my junk. I bet I got enough stuff for an upgrade. What kind of tower you got?”

“Tower? I don’t know. A high one?” He vaguely brought his hands a couple of feet off the floor.

“I think I know about what it is. It’ll work. Bring it over after school and we’ll upgrade out of junk parts I got laying around.” My “junk parts,” were mostly near new that I had carefully taken from units that had been usually well maintained by whatever agency owned them before I got my hands on them. Everything got torn down, the useable parts were tagged and the rest dumped. Uncle Wayne sends his only nephew, his youngest sister’s only son a unit about every three to six months.

“You’re not kidding, are you?” He asked in amazement.

“Out here in th’ wild and wooly west, folks is neighborly, pilgrim.” I told him in my best John Wayne voice.

“Oh wow. I’ll tell my mom and get her okay to stay out past my curfew.” Curfew? I thought that sounded a little strange, but I didn’t say anything and he didn’t explain. I did think he was one of the most emotional acting guys I ever met.

“Well, just stay the night if it’s okay, I got twin beds and you can flake out on one and I’ll take the other. We’ll just go over and get your unit and bring it over and make it like new.” I liked the idea that I would have another computer to explore. I also liked the idea of a new friend who looked like he might have in interest in bodybuilding approaching my own, and it was nice to maybe have someone as a friend who appreciated art and didn’t think about a new coat of paint on the walls when he used the word “painting.”

Then he saw my wild life oils. He didn’t say a word; he just looked. He had tears in his eyes, as he looked at the one of a mamma bear curled up and cuddling her cub. “Jesus, Man. Why are you wasting your talent on X-Men when you can do something like this? Oh man, this talks to me, it really does.”

“Well, to start with, I collect Marvel and other comics. I dig the X-Men and the X-Files. So as far as I’m concerned, as long as it’s what I want to do it’s no waste.” That remark kind of pissed me off.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like it sounded. It’s just that you are the first guy I ever met who is as good as I am.” Now that would have sounded like pure arrogance coming from a lot of guys. But I had a hunch he was just saying what he honestly believed to be true.

“Aw, that’s all right, but people are always putting down my comic collecting and telling me stuff about how I ought to do this and that when they can’t even draw a crooked line.”

He looked at my charcoals and a pastel I had done of one of the girls at school. I was going to give it to her just before she began looking for my owner’s manual. When she began to try to rearrange my life so she could take it over I dropped her. The picture just hung there. I had decided that some day I was going to toss it. I just hadn’t got around to it yet at that time.

“You are good enough to hold a showing. You know that?” he asked me.

I laughed, “Nobody around here would pay enough for a picture for me to even think of anything like that.”

“Anyway, you are already a pro. I know quality when I see it.” Just then we heard the warning buzzer and hurried back across the street.

“Just hold it there, fellas.” a voice greeted us as we came through the front entrance of the school. I looked at where the voice was coming from. Mister Feldman stepped out of a darkened classroom. “I’ve been waiting for you two. Since you live across the street, we’ve pretty much let you come and go. But when you start taking friends with you like this one, maybe we better start sniffing your breaths”

Now he and I have never really been friendly, but he never tried to rag on me like this before. “Look, you got a problem with me, just say so or get off my back. If the problem is too big, I’ll go get my dad and we can settle it either here, in court or just you and me in a back alley. You choose.”

Mister Feldman had been in the marines and he thought that made him a hot shot. His first week here, he heard that I practiced Northern tai chi and challenged me to a “friendly” demonstration of his abilities. I kicked his ass royally. He learned that the difference between karate and tai chi was the difference between a German shepherd and a pit bull. I was the pit bull. We never spoke much to each other after that. I didn’t know what his problem was, but I did know that I would not take any of his crap, vice principal or not.

“No, I think that from now on you will not be allowed to leave the school grounds until after the last class. Do I make myself clear?” He sneered at both of us.

“No, you did not make yourself clear,” I told him. “So you better explain what you mean or just butt out of my life. You’re a loud mouth and a bully and I don’t like you. Do I make myself clear?”

“Good. You are suspended. Both of you. Get out.” His face was white with rage. I guess he wasn’t used to having students dis him like that. But I have never liked being bullied, especially by jerks.

“Come on,” I said to my new friend and headed toward the office.

“Hey. I told you to get off the school grounds.” He almost screeched at us. His face was red with rage.

“Sorry, dude, I’m going to the office. Now you want to try to stop me a second time?” I grinned at him and waited.

“Maybe we better do as he says,” Kevin told me. He took hold of my arm and tried to pull me toward the door but I was centered. Basically what that means in martial arts is that my center of gravity was one with the Earth. I didn’t budge.

“Naw, I don’t think so. Our friend here was a real marine. He tried to impress us with his martial arts and I whipped him and didn’t even muss my hair and he’s pissed.” I gave Mister Feldman a look that was total disrespect.

“By God. I don’t have to take that from some queer.” He started at me and I dropped into a ready stance and waited. I was grinning. He had called me a queer. I was going to have his ass for lunch.

He tried a side sweep and I bitch slapped him. Mister Corbin had come out of his office just as his assistant went down. He had seen the attempted side sweep and the landing on his ass of Feldman. “Stop this.” he commanded.

Feldman got to his feet and blustered, “Next time.”

“There will be no next time.” Mister Corbin was trying to defuse a situation that I was not going to let go of.

“There will be a next time,” I argued. “He will try to sneak up and catch me by surprise. And when he does I promise you I’ll send him to the hospital. He’s a loud mouthed punk.”

“What is this all about?” Corbin asked. “You have never ever been in a fight before that I know of. Just what exactly happened?”

“It was nothing,” Kevin said.

“The hell it wasn’t. I contradicted him.

“First this ass hole accuses me of drinking,” I said.

“I did not.” Feldman denied.

“You sure as hell did. You said you wanted to check our breaths. Remember?”

Mister Corbin gasped and started to choke.

“Then you called me a queer, or did you forget that too?” My voice was getting louder and louder. Students were all gathering.

“Let’s take this into the office,” Mister Corbin said.

“Fine,” I said in a loud voice, “But I want everyone here to hear me say that this is one queer that is going to beat the shit out of Feldman the Fag if he ever lays another hand on me.”

I turned and led the way to the office. “Oh my god.” Kevin moaned. “My mom is going to kill me.”

I walked behind the counter in the school office and right into Mister Corbin’s office. This was the first time I had ever been inside it. As soon as we were all in and Mister Corbin closed the door, I said, “I am going to ask my dad to sue the school district, and both of you. He will, too, probably. My dad knows I don’t lie and he and I are very close.”

“What if I prove it?” Feldman asked in a nasty voice.

“You dumb shit. If you could prove I’m a queer, then I nail your ass for sexual harassment. My dad collects enough money to send me to college. If you don’t prove it, then I nail your butt again. This is what my dad calls a “win, win for me and a sorry Charlie” for you. Either way you’re toast and the town pays for my college. I got a ton of witnesses out there in the hallways.

“How can we settle this without your father becoming involved?” Mister Corbin asked.

“Fire him,” I answered. “He should have never been hired in the first place.”

Mister Corbin looked at Feldman and asked, “Well?”

“Hey. I have a contract here. If you think you are just going to dump me, you have another think coming. Especially over two fairies.” The man looked like he was going to explode.

Ever the bureaucrat’s bureaucrat, Mister Corbin said, “Thank you. With that statement you just solved a thorny problem for me. As of this second, you are on indefinite leave. Your final check will be forwarded to your home address. You will not be called back. You have your choice of quitting or to face a hearing. Good day.”

He turned to the two of us and asked, “Does that satisfy you?”

Kevin politely said, “Yes sir.”

I said, “yes sir, for now.”

Mister Corbin asked, “What do you mean, ‘for now’?”

“If he comes back it’s going to be like we never had this conversation. My dad sues.” I nodded my head in agreement with myself and Kevin sort of moaned.

Mister Corbin said something about my thinking like a lawyer already. Feldman stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind him. As my uncle Bob says when he’s trying to sound rustic, “Well, the buttered side of his bread just landed on the floor.”

“Perhaps you two should go to whatever class you have to go to.” Mister Corbin told me and we trooped out.

“Jesus, man. You can’t go around fighting people like that all the time.”

“Yes I can,” I told him. “I won’t back down from punks like him. I don’t have to. They leave me alone and I leave them alone or else.”

“You are something else.” he told me in an admiring tone of voice. “I could never buck heads with people like that.” There again was that something in his voice that somehow sounded off key.

By then we were in front of the history class so we went in and sat. Everyone turned and looked at us. I hate that when it happens. I don’t like to have special attention thrown my way unless it’s because I did an intercept, pinned the other dude’s shoulders to the mat or did something that was worth attention getting. But to be accused of being a homo was just bad. Then it’s just plain embarrassing. My mom will say something like, “Remember, Andy, ‘Sticks and stones…” If you’re not guilty, then it just doesn’t matter.” But she never understood about things like this.

My dad will always ask, “Did you get in a fight, over it son?” It doesn’t matter what “it” is, he’ll always ask in a reproving voice, did you get in a fight, son?” Then in the same breath, he’ll ask, “Did you lose?” Dad doesn’t believe in violence. But he doesn’t believe in losing even more so. To my dad there are “us winners” and then there are “all those other people.”

Anyway. We sat there and endured the stares. Then the ones who saw what happened between Feldman and me told about me laying one up the side of his head. And I went from being a suspected fag to being a hero. Kevin was a sort of unknown quantity and I was the only one he had anything to do with in school so far. So, since I was “way cool.” it was pretty much dropped and became a dead issue.

We went over to my house as soon as the last class let out and got in the old beater my dad let me have. It was almost an antique, actually. It was a forty-nine Ford Custom Convertible. Dad got it in part payment for keeping a guy out of prison that I felt should have gone for sure. I got the car with the understanding of no drinking, no sex in the car yakety yak yak. Since I was dating only one girl who put out regularly, that was a promise easy to keep. (We brought along a blanket.)

Again Kevin was impressed. Any way, he gave me directions to his place. It turned out to be a grubby old duplex. He shrugged apologetically and said, “Anyway, it’s clean on the inside. Come on in.”

Inside was clean. There were a few pictures on the wall and no other decorations, just furniture, cheap clean furniture. It looked like it was still waiting for someone to move in. He led me into his room. It was about half the size of mine. There was a bed, an easel and a wall covered with figure studies of men. He worked in all the same media I did, oils and acrylics and chalk and ink in every combination imaginable. His figures had a depth that mine didn’t, but I felt I had a better grasp of color.

You put two artists in a room, even teen artists, and they will critique whatever is present and compare it to their own work. His figures were great. “Hey,” I told him, “You’re no slouch yourself. How come only male studies? Women’s titties bother you?” I was grinning when I said it.

There was that fleeting something again in his expression and then it was gone. In an almost completely neutral voice, he said, “I never had anyone to model for me.”

“You mean all these are from life? You had real models? No way,” I scoffed and started counting the costs of the models. No matter how you looked at it, it was a whole lot of money to pay.

“Oh, I did most of these in Venice. You know, Muscle Beach. I just needed them to hold still for a few moments and I can do the rest from memory or on the fly.” That made it even more amazing.

From that day on either I was at his house, or more often he was at mine. We painted, shared techniques and I felt I had someone I could get close to. By the time school was out, he talked me into posing for a nude study for him. It was a frontal pose where I was stepping out of the shower. Because of the angle my unit was hidden by my right leg. It wasn’t erotic in any way. As it progressed, I saw it as representative of one of his best. Then he asked me one day not to look at it any more until he was finished. I thought he was being funny, but he really wanted it that way so I said okay.

It took two weeks almost exactly from first pose until it was done. “There.” he exclaimed and hung the cloth over it that hid it when he wasn’t there working on it. I had just gone online and was browsing eBay. I didn’t want anything. I was just sort of window-shopping. There’s so much great stuff to look at, even if you don’t want to buy.

“Andy,” Kevin said, “I have something to talk to you about.”

“What’s that?” I asked. “Something wrong?”

“Let’s go for a walk and I’ll tell you. Then you decide whether something is wrong.” He headed toward the door and I followed. He directed us toward the schoolyard on the far side of the school. As soon as we were near the front entrance of the school I stopped.

“Okay, this is far enough. Tell me, what’s the big damn secret. Out with it, man.” I had a gut feeling that this was going to be what they call “heavy stuff.” I really wasn’t certain I wanted to hear what he was about to say.

“Andy, I’m in love with you.” There were tears in his eyes and I saw hope there, too. “I didn’t want this to happen. I fought against it. But I am gay and I love you.”

“Oh.” That’s all I could answer. I was dumbfounded. I mean, how else can you feel when somebody who was fast becoming a best friend says that he’s queer and that you are the object of his affections? “Jesus.” I exclaimed.

“I know this is awful fast, but I can’t keep it to myself and more, I just can’t.” I mean he looked like I imagine a deer looks when he stares at the headlights of a truck coming at him and he can’t move. He stood there, just frozen and defenseless.

“Aw man, Kevin. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to think. “Jesus Christ, man, what the hell?” I started to walk away.

“Is that it, then?” he asked my retreating back.

“Hell, I don’t know. I got to get by myself and think,” I turned and answered him. Then I just walked away and left him there. I was going to have to talk this over with Dad. I was in stuff way over my head. He usually had an answer for things that worked. I was mad a Kevin for leading me on and becoming my close friend and then dumping that heavy load on me. I was angry at something else, call it God or whatever that let stuff like this happen. I went home and straight to my room. Then I just sat.

“Dad,” I told him after dinner was over, “I have something real important to talk to you about.” I didn’t quite know what I was going to say to him, but I had to ask him to help me get my head on straight.

“What is it, Son Andy?” he asked in a half laughing way he gets some times with me.

“Well, can we go in your study and talk? I got to figure something out here.” When I asked to go with him to his study, he knew I was serious, real serious.

“Should I sit in?” Mom asked.

“Naw, Mom, thanks. This is more guy stuff,” I told her. I mean, how can you tell your mom that a good friend was gay and wanted to do you or something?

Mom nodded and Dad led me into his study, a guest bedroom that had been turned into a book lined office of sorts. Dad often worked there instead of going to work in his downtown office. “Okay now, Sport, what’s the earth shattering problem?”

“Kevin is gay and he says he is in love with me,” I told him flatly, looking at the floor. I didn’t know how to look him in the face when I said that.

“Oh.” Dad said. “Jesus Christ.” he said. Then, “Did … you … did he … er … uh, well, did you two do …?” This was the first time I ever saw my dad without words.

“You want to know if we had sex with each other?” I wanted advice and he wanted to know if I was a fag. He flinched at me putting it that harshly. “No we didn’t.
Look, Dad, he just told me about three hours ago and I don’t know what to do or to think. I’m confused.”

Dad looked relieved as I told him I hadn’t done anything with Kevin. “Sorry, Son, but this slapped me in the face and I jumped to conclusions. Sorry.

“I don’t know what to say. My gut feeling is to just don’t have anything further to do with him. It isn’t a situation where anyone can win. I think …”

The door bell chimed and in a moment Mom came in and said, “Andrew, The police are at the door at the door. They want to talk to you.”

I remember thinking, What else can happen to ruin my day?

Dad said, “Let’s see what the man wants.” I followed him out into the front hall.

“The man” turned out to be “the women.” They were both female and they were both cops, according to their badges.

“How may we help you?” my dad asked.

“Are you Andrew Phillips?” the older of the two asked. She looked to be in her thirties, no make up and no sense of humor. I nodded affirmative.

“We want to talk to you alone, in private.” She looked at Dad as she said this. I could almost see the steam rising inside him as he came to a boil. You do not enter Daniel Phillips’ home and start pushing, especially if you’re a cop.

“You will either speak to my son in my presence or you will leave my home,” His voice sounded like it would cut through steel.

“Well, how about if I take your son and we go down town and talk there?” Dad was not intimidated.

“How about you kiss my legal ass and get out of here right now? You are trespassing right now unless you can show me some legal documentation. You have a choice, put up or shut up.” Now I was watching “Mad Dog” Phillips, lawyer and scourge of all the cops he cross-examined.

“I would suggest you get a lawyer before you open your mouth again,” the older one said.

The younger one was about thirty and trying to be the hard ass cop too. She held the right thumb and forefinger a fraction of an inch apart. “You are this close to being arrested for interfering with a criminal investigation.”

Dad smiled and said, “I am a lawyer and you are this close to getting your doughnut fat asses sued off you in a court of law. Get out now.”

“Your lover Kevin just killed himself,” the older one gloated.

“That does it. I’m calling Judge Harmon,” Dad turned and said come on, son.”

“Wait, Dad,” I said. “When did he kill himself? I just talked to him this afternoon. What happened?”

“He climbed up the outside of the school and jumped from the roof. He made a bloody mess all over the sidewalk. He had a note implicating you. You caused your boyfriend to die.” She smirked at me. “Now, I want to search your room.”

“Out.” my dad said. “This has gone far enough. You will leave right now. I am calling the judge.”

The older one pulled her gun and pointed it at him. “You will stay right there until I tell you to move.”

Dad stopped, an evil, oh so evil grin on his face. “I promise you that you are going to become a welfare mom any day now. Your badge is going in my trophy case. I promise.”

Mom came walking into the hallway. “I called the police station and got the watch commander. He is coming out personally to investigate this. He says you two,” she pointed her finger at the two police officers, “Are way out of line and for you to holster your guns forthwith.” She nodded a little self-satisfied smile and walked back into the living room. The two didn’t holster their guns. They kept them pointed at us.

“Take us to your room.” the older one ordered. I looked at dad and he nodded once. I led the way. They almost shit when they saw the picture Kevin had done of me. It was tremendous.

The younger one started to touch the canvas and I grabbed her hand and jerked her away. “Don’t.” I yelled, “The oil is fresh.” She snickered and the older cop rapped me on the wrist with her gun barrel. It hurt and I almost responded.

Dad yelled, “Andy.” I stopped.

“You fool.” Dad yelled, “Put that stupid gun away. If I hadn’t yelled, you would be nursing a broken wrist or worse.” The female Serpico sneered and motioned us out into the living room.

Not more than ten minutes passed from the time Mom called the cops on the cops when the doorbell sounded. The younger cop jumped and her gun went off, missing us all. Mom screamed and Dad ran toward her and I slapped the gun out of the young cop’s grip. One of Mom’s vases was shattered into many pieces. “You all right?” Dad asked.

“Y-yes,” Mom answered, her face pale and her eyes wide open.

I answered the door and the round little man who entered was not anybody’s idea of what a police lieutenant should look like. “Anybody hurt, Dan?” he asked.

“They just shot a vase,” Dad answered.

The little guy looked up at the two soon to be ex-cops and said, “Go back to the station and turn your guns in. You both wait at home for a hearing date to be set.”

“Not good enough, Wally,” Dad said. “This goes to trial. I warned you about this stuff after the Grady trial last year. Well, this is going to cost the city a big chunk of change. Believe me, there will be no Christmas bonuses this year in Grinchville.”

The two cops left and Wally tried to reason with dad. But when Dad gets on his high horse, nobody moves him. Finally Wally started to leave.

“Uh sir, what happened? They said that Kevin killed himself. He was my friend. What happened?” I was still trying to get it through my head that Kevin had killed himself.

“Well, your friend, as you know was gay.”

Wally got that far when Dad said, “This is my only warning, don’t say anything you do not wish to back up in court.”

“Any way, your friend jumped off the roof of the school building and plummeted to his death. There was a note clutched in his hand that said he couldn’t live unless you were still in his life. That’s it.” He turned and left.

Well, Dad sued and won. The city appealed and counter sued and lost and Dad got a bigger judgment. But that’s what he does best. He sues and wins.

For me, the thing was that I still didn’t know what I would have done about being friends with Kevin. How can I be a friend with someone who wants to poke me in my backside or whatever? It’s just not something that seems all that appealing to me.

I guess I’d always be waiting for him to grope me or something.

But on the other hand, I liked him a lot until I found out.


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Kitana Lure is ready for two cocks up her crotch in today’s Hands on Hardcore glamour porn episode by DDF Network. She’s partying with Yanick Shaft and Thomas Stone in the outdoors, enjoying a relaxing afternoon in the sun and BBQing some sausages. The busty leggy blonde stares at those tasty Wieners when all of a sudden she feels a craving for cocks raising inside her dirty mind. The three shift into the living room where Thomas Stone immediately enjoys a taste of her delicious...

3 years ago
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family holiday

Warning! You must be 18 or over to read these stories of **** and non consensual sex. If you do not like such stories, please turn back. I don't promote **** or non-consent sex. This is only a story, fiction, if you do not understand the difference between reality and fantasy, read no more. **** is a heinous crime and the penalty is many years in prison. Anyone who commits **** are despised everywhere. But fantasies are all right so long as no one is hurt.family:Father: Dan, age 42. ...

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Daddy and Mommy are very excited! Their daughter has come home from college to celebrate her 19th birthday. It's also spring break, so she will be visiting friends while she's home, but for now she is spending all her time with her parents. She is their baby, the younger of two sisters. She's also much smaller...she's very petite and little-girl like...the antithesis of her mother and sister, who are much larger and very voluptuous.Her parents threw a birthday party for her today. Many of her...

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Sandra Ch 03

‘Oh, Christ! Yes, god, yes, Roger! Fuck me so hard! Fuck! Me! Fuck! Me!’ Sandra was bouncing up and down on Roger’s cock, embedded deeply inside of her. Roger was tweaking her nipples, rubbing them between his fingers and thumbs. Sandra was furiously rubbing her clit, trying to come so very hard. ‘Goddamn, Roger! Your cock is so thick! Make me fucking come!’ Her words were making him even stiff. Roger grunted, arched his back off the mattress and pulled her down upon his member, driving even...

2 years ago
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Tom Boy 2

Tom Boy By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 "Just a minute Tommy," yelled his football coach as they started walking away. "Give the reporter two minutes of your time as soon as Tyrone is done." "Like this?" Tommy asked, before stopping himself as he saw the angry look on the coach's face. "What was that, son?" said the coach snapping at him. "Of course, coach," Tommy answered in a cowardly manner. "Whatever the team needs sir." The girls stood there giggling,...

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The Prisoner Part 3

And there she was, Jennie Connelly, still tied up with her legs spread apart totally naked. She was gorgeous, stunning legs, long and smooth, and a fantastic round arse. She had a gorgeous skinny back and as Stephen’s eyes roamed up to her strong neck, bent forward. Her head was hung in front of her, and the long golden hair was forming a veil in front of her face. Then as Stephen stared at her back, he saw her body convulse from the waist. The sinister vibrator was still inside her and the...

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Adventures of RachelChapter 4

It was Wednesday and Cheerleading practice. They filed in and the last girl locked the door. They laid out the pads then instead of stripping they just took off their panties. Miss Jasmine came over and took her dress off. She had no bra or panties on then hugged all the girls. The girls laid her on the mat and proceeded one by one to give her a few licks of her pussy. When they finished Miss Jasmine said, "You girls do good work." Jackie said, "That's because we have such a great...

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Alene Ravens New Life Year IIIChapter 4

Terror filled Alene’s heart, the last thing she needed after last night was this. Jen stood at her doorstep, the woman who turned her life into a living nightmare. “Jen? What are you doing here?” Alene asked. While her body wanted to escape, her mind was still fuzzy with last night’s alcohol. She knew she should run but as last night came back to her she remained locked in place. “I deserve whatever you’ll do to me, I’ve been foolish and ruined our lives,” Alene said in a voice that came to...

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Twenty Seven Minutes in Heaven

Introduction: Julia sneaks off for a filthy fuck in a public bathroom. Twenty Seven Minutes In Heaven By: DamonX ([email protected]) Julia picked up another glass of champagne as she glanced around the room. Pompous assholes, she thought to herself, taking a sip of the drink, watching the endless parade of rich old men arm in arm with their trophy wives. Julia hated these functions and cringed at the mere mention of attending one. It was her duty, however, as her husband expected her to...

1 year ago
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 13

Life goes on, I need to find someone to scratch and lotion my boobs. They itch. The Chief from the Guard Station in Ludington was right. I might be short but I'm curvy ... very curvy ... and getting curvier. Nice, polite people called it 'entering into your mothers estate'. Monty Python's The Holy Grail called it 'Huge ... tracts of land!' as the king cupped his hands in front of his chest. Along with tits and a butt, I grew into my face. The facial baby fat cheeks migrated to the...

3 years ago
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My Sister Changed V

Alright, part V cumming at ya.I ended the last one with the door knob turning as I was exploding into Ally’s tight hot cunt.I froze. That moment seemed to last forever. My life flashed before my eyes. I did not know what was going on outside that door. All I knew was that I could be a goner if anyone found out about this. Everything moved in slow motion. I did not have time to get Ally off of me, so I threw a blanket over the two of us, and my sister scrambled under it too. It wasn’t...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 8

Our trek back to the cave took us four and a half days of walking. The main reason it took so long, was the fact that I wanted to do some sightseeing. I picked a route that took us down towards the lake, before swinging west. I wanted to get a good look at the lay of the land in this region. Before leaving, I’d held a short council with the men of the village and the shaman. Many were concerned that I was leaving them without a leader. I didn’t care too much about that, given that we were...

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The Third Wish part 4 of 8

Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. I especially want to thank everyone who left a comment. I read and appreciate them all. Thank you! Text in brackets [like this] is translated from barely decipherable lisp. Chapter 4: The Assistant When I woke, it was still dark. I reached out in the darkness. My hand struck my stretched...

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The Erotic Adventures of a BrideToBe Part Two

Brenna got out of the car, just as the second car with her aunt and hot little Christy pulled in. Brenna walked into the store. The blast of white lace hit her eyes like a fiery sun. She had never been in a room where everything was white. There were a few ivory and cream colored dresses, but just the complete lack of color was startling to her. She was a bit overwhelmed. There were racks on all sides of her. They didn’t even seem to be sorted by size, but by some crazy order that she...

2 years ago
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Zoroak and Trainer

He came through the cave and ended up in a clearing Looking around there was no one to be seen. Parker sighed and started to walk around the clearing “Might as well see if there’s anything good here". Kicking a pebble he started to roam around the clearing checking for items people might have dropped. Suddenly a rustling sound came from the bushes and a blond naked chick stumbled out. The girl had large breasts that were globes and her nipples were pink and hard. Instantly Parker blushed...

3 years ago
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I Did Not Know I Was Dogging

My really good friend, Lisa, and I have been doing alot of crazy stuff lately. Lisa is in her early fifties, very good looking with "C" cup titties, very nice shape, 135lbs, blonde hair and green eyes. I am almost the same as her but I have strawberry blonde hair. On this day we decided to go to this large park and woods on the other side of town. way back in the woods is a swimming hole and we were the only ones there and did some skinny dipping. When we got out of the water we laid out to get...

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Chapter 7 Hide and Peek

Nancy got up the next morning just before dawn to change and go out for her regular run. It was a "short" run by her training plan - only five miles - and she used the time alone to review the events of the previous evening and try to sort through her thoughts and feelings. Her sister's open admission about her swinging lifestyle came as a surprise, but watching her and her husband almost having sex in front of her and Paul in the family room left Nancy's mind reeling. More surprising than...

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Mick and KeriChapter 14 Keri and Mick and Halloween

“So one year I thought about getting a Super Soaker and when the kids came to the door and say “Trick or Treat” I was gonna yell “Trick” and nail them with the Super Soaker.” “Mick! There will be no Super Soakers, or habanero chocolates or bitter or sour stuff!” “Ok; but you have to admit it is a funny idea.” “Danny’s parents party is only 4 days away and we do not have costumes yet.” “I have never been to a costume party for Halloween, let alone one where the folks are nudists. What the...

3 years ago
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My First Threesome Part Three

Following straight on from Part 2…Steve, Sarah & I eventually fell asleep naked together in the double bed. I went in to a really deep sleep. As I awoke, what a sight met my eyes!My girlfriend and best friend were kissing hungrily. Sarah had her hand wrapped round Steve’s big cock and was pulling his foreskin down. All sorts of emotions went through my mind: excitement, wonder, lust and just a hint of jealousy. I lay there quietly and watched, my own cock was beginning to stiffen. Sarah...

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Wifes Trainer

One afternoon my wife Amy came home from work angry and near tears. Without speaking she got a garbage bag out and started to throw all the junk food in the house away. As she worked I noticed the huge tear in the back of her pants. When she was done she sat down at the table and started to cry some more. I asked her what was wrong. "I was at work and I dropped my pen and when I bent down to get it my pants ripped, and..." she hesitated, "I farted." I wanted to laugh but I knew not to. My wife...

1 year ago
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Spending Christmas With My Sister

Let me start by saying that I have always been in love and lust with my big breasts but to me they are perfect. Growing up I always wondered what she looked like naked. At times I would try to look down her blouse, occasionally seeing her small ripe breasts wrapped in a silky sexy bra. My dick would stand at attention when I saw this sight and I needed to go to my room and jerk it off till I would cum thinking about what I just saw. I imagined that she was sucking on my cock telling me how good...

2 years ago
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My Date With the Prom QueenChapter 8

I wondered what would happen when Jackie finally made it home Saturday morning or whenever she would. I was still having such a hard time accepting that she was a true whore, but at least, I had fucked her like so many before me. I was surprised to know that Luke would have dated a girl he knew was a slut and a whore, but that was no longer my problem. My newest problem was that tonight, I was going to be forced to accept who I was and be fucked by a group of men. I got up later Saturday and...

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Analized Phoenix Marie Hot Wife Anal Fantasy

Hot blonde and big boobs Phoenix Marie is a hot wife who is getting all dressed to impress. She is playing out a fantasy today for her husband. That fantasy is being the filthy anal whore she always wanted to be. Phoenix makes sure to spend extra time to ensure she looks like nothing but a MILF hooker who is ready to please cocks with her pussy, ass, and mouth. Her man is waiting for her patiently and wastes no time giving this athletic blonde everything her heart desires. Phoenix is...

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Mai Aur Mera Naya Pati Amit

Ye un dinoki baat hai jab mai 12th me tha mujhe ab lund leneka chaska lag gaya tha,maine bahotsi blue films jama ki thi jinko mai dekhke apne lund ko hilata tha lekin unme mujhe ladkoka lund bahot akrshit karta tha, hamare purane buildingme hamare bahotse family friends rahte thae ham log hamesha ek dusre ke ghar aya jaya karte the mera ek dost amit naam ka tha jo ki mujhse 4 saal bada tha mai kafii bar uske gharpe aya jaya karta tha aur jab uske ghapre koi nahi rehta toh mai uski maa aur behan...

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What Interested me in Black Men in the First Place

So every girl is insecure about her looks, that is no secret. For me when I was younger I took it to a whole new level. I hated the way I looked, I hated me face, I hated my chubby body, my "man hands", my hair, basically everything. I felt so gross and unwanted all the time and it sucked. I dressed in baggy sweats and hoodies all the time to try and hide myself. I was at an all time low in my life when my white bf dumped me for another girl, he cheated. I felt so dumb and used and just gross...

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Dear DiaryChapter 8

We got everything, including the two newly freed slaves, loaded up. Night, Billie and I walked along with the wagon while Joy drove the team. That night we made a nice camp. We were introduced to Jojo and Ellie; Billie had already anglicized their names for me. Jojo was about 6'8" tall and very thin, which was about all I could tell. Ellie was about 6'5" and very busty, again, about all I could tell under her heavy clothing. I guess Billie is big for a woman. During our discussion over...

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First experience with a guy Thanks internet

On the night we were to meet I got myself pumped up by watching blowjob porn and jacking off while thinking about tonight. About 22:00 I took a prepared myself and took a shower, and at 22:25 I was at the meeting point. He would be there at 22:30, so I waited patiently for some minutes. After about a quarter of an hour I started getting annoyed and started walking around to see if maybe he had mistaken the exact meeting point. Around 23:00 I was about to go home when I decided to first check...

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My Irish Virgin Part 1

Introduction: Sorry to take so long,Here is my new story I staggered down the beach. I was wearing shorts, no shirt and was sweating profusely, for a moment it was touch and go whether I would see last nights dinner for the second time. It was the first day of my summer exercise regimethree miles of early morning running in the sand and then two miles of walking it out. I had my starting point that morning and ran one and a half miles up the beach, and then completed the round trip. I was just...

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While I was away she did play ndash Part II

So, do you remember what happened when I caught Caroline and while I was away, she the mouse did play and now, I was in the mood to rat on the cat. so, I drove back to my hotel only stopping for beer at a lovely place I know near to where I stayed. Now call it coincidence or teletherapy or what ever you like I don’t care but the strangest thing happened. Lauren my daughter-in-law called. “Hi I and what can I do for you this fine evening”? I said trying to sound upbeat. Lauren I must add is...

4 years ago
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The Teacher Part Two

That night I didn't sleep, I couldn't bring myself to fall into a stupur and forget the drive with Carmen. Maybe it was my mind, and it was rethinking things that happened, how I wanted them to happen but they didn't. Either way but, I was happy with how the drive went. There was something there, between me and Carmen. She wanted to tell me something, before she changed her mind on speaking. I hoped, I begged god to make what she wanted to tell me about us, maybe a chance between us. Some nod...

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Club Paradiso

Two years ago, Santa fulfilfilled our greatest Christmas wish ever. My wife, Lorraine and I  didn’t want to spend another Christmas in the white cold of Chicago. Being modern nudists/swingers, we surfed the web in search of a place that would meet our needs. After an hour of checking out the nude beaches of Australia, the golden sands of Rio and the palm trees of Phuket, we discovered a swingers’ nudist club in sunny South Africa, called Club Paradiso. We decided to overcome our fear of flying...

Group Sex
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Teenage Pornstar1

Pre-Story http://bit.ly/OLYZCY "Anthony, are we really going to do this?” She smiled and pulled me closer. "Do anything you want. Make me feel fantastic, like I'm the only girl in the world. Make me into your whore, punish me and make me your own personal slut." Jennifer screamed My fingers slid with the curvature of her slit. My fingertips pressed deeper between her legs, we started kissing me passionately. Looking down her body is seriously the fucking definition of...

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Love Street Ch 03 My Best Friends Mom

“Yes!" I shout to Tom as we toss our helmets and pads into our lockers.I’d gotten the green light to accompany Tom to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving. The only hitch, I promise to tour UCLA and USC."No problem," Tom replies as we walk toward the showers. "I'll drive you. But they’re called the Trojans, you know.” “What?” I don’t have clue what he’s talking about.“USC. They’re the Trojans,” he says making a little jerk off sign with his thumb and forefinger. “Do you really want to be known as a...

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The Colonels DaughterChapter 3

Hidalgo was starting to get on my nerves because he was so adamant that I help him with his logistics problem. I finally gave in and talked my way into an assignment to the railhead to pick up the mail and special supplies for the fort. I took the list the shady merchant handed to me along with a wad of greenbacks that had seen a better day. I also had a list from the Colonel’s daughter with a number of female necessities that were supposed to be for her and the only female survivor of...

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With the wifes help

Last night I finally lived a long time dream of mine. My wife Melody of three years came home from work around 7pm and told me to follow her upstairs. Once we arrived in the bedroom, she laid back on the bed and spread her legs wide for me. She was dressed in a long white light cotton dress with a floral print and a belt cinched at the waist. The dress fell long enough to conceal most of her knee high black shiny leather boots. As I looked down at her beautiful shaven pussy, I saw first that...

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Night out with my friend Wendy

I was very nervous about tonight.I was going out for drinks and a dance with my friend WendyWe have known each other for years, and that is the problem. I know how she loves young black cock, and the place she has picked for us to go is well known for young black cocks looking for white wives to fuck.I dressed as conservative as I could without making me look like a vicars wife. It was hard to hide my large milky breasts out of site, as they look so big on my small frame.I have to wear loose...

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Annelore antwortet auf meine Anzeige Reife

Vorweg muss ich sagen, sie hat mir nette Fotos geschickt, auf denen Sie aber nicht drauf war, sondern eine Reife Dame in Strumpfhosen, die hier auch schon mehrfach veröffentlicht wurde. Aber die Fantasien hätte ich gerne schon live erlebt. So blieb mir nur die Geschichte zum wichsen.Also gut, ich halte es wie Zuckerbrot und Peitsche. Mal lieblich, doch oft streng und rigoros. Ich stelle mir unser erstes Treffen so vor (oder so ähnlich): Wir treffen uns an einem neutralen Ort, ein Cafe oder so...

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Suman Mausi Meri Girlfriend Bani

Hi friends. Ye meri iss pe pehli story hai. Hope you all will like it. Main ISS ka regular reader hun. Aur aaj main aap logon ko apni zindagi ki ek sachhi kahani batane jaa raha hun. Ab story pe aate hain. Ye kahani hai meri mausi Suman ki (name changed). Woh dikhne main achhi thi. Uska rang thoda sawla sa tha. Age 26 ki thi uski. Magar uska figure bohut katilana tha. Ek baar bus koi usse dekh le, to uski niyat badal jaye. Uske lund mein hulchul ho jayegi. Uske boobs bohut hi tight the. Uska...

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Orgy idea

This an idea I had based on a dream. First you sign up for the orgy then you are sent details of the next meeting giving you a time slot to arrive. On arriving you are met by the hostess who is the only person to know the identity of the people invited, she then guides you to a cubical where you can wash and undress, in the cubical is a tube of clear liquid with instructions to rub the clear liquid on your hands, feet and cock if male and your hands, feet, pussy, tits and lips if female. The...

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5 Hastings Branding

5. Hastings Branding. Some years ago I was a resident of Hastings Sussex, amongst other things I had an allotment and a young couple used to have a plot near mine, (well she did really he just had a deckchair and watched!) She was a pretty little thing and like all men when the wife was not with me I spent a bit of time chatting her up, nothing serious just in passing, but we built up a sort of rough friendship, her partner [I thought hubby] was an out and out layabout of the first order....

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Barb the Bitch

Barb the BitchMy wife, Erica, and I are doms. While both of us being doms has provided more than its share of conflicts, we both enjoy life to its fullest.This story is a little different than most stories in that it is intended to be interactive. The story is meant to be read by a female sub. At points, instructions to the reader/sub are given so that the reader/sub will appreciate the story all the more. INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN CAPITALS. If you have comments about the story or technique, you may...

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The Wishing Well

THE WISHING WELL By Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams,1997 Carl and Dave had been friends for as long as they could remember. They met in grammar school when Dave's family moved into the school district where Carl went to school. Now they were in their twenties Dave was married. Carl could never quite get over his shyness with girls and was still not only single but a virgin. Carl always envied Dave's good fortune to find such a wonderful wife as Tracy. He often daydreamed of...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 49 The Learning Curve

Knowledge begets knowledge and once gifted with a few tricks by the sister nymphs giving me a leg up on being a god I was on my way to performing some pretty darned cool stunts. I would never use the term “stunts” around the sisters however. They would get very disgruntled with me and let me know I hadn’t the experience and/or the pain of gained wisdom to be so cavalier. So it’s between you and I but the stunts were cosmic joy, so fucking much fun. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven when...

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annah stood there listening to her mother tell her that Will wasn't her father that her real dad was a man she met 20 years ago, but her parents took her away him because he was a black man. She turn away to look outside. She was angry, but yet she was glad that Will wasn't her father. She been having these feelings and thoughts about him. And lately They have been 4 or 5 times a day, from her sucking his cock to him fucking her. They've gotten bad that she wanted to climb into his bed at...

2 years ago
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Cuckolded By Mom And Wife

Hello I want to tell you the story of how I became a sub of my mom and wife. Before I begin let me give a small background on my family. It consisted of my mom, dad and myself. Mom was the bread earner of the family. Her name is Shikha and she is the vice president of a private company and earns a good salary apart from amenities like housing, car etc. We live in a large 3-bedroom apartment in one the posh areas of the city. To be short my Moms earning is more than enough for the three of us....

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 40 Fade to Black

May-June 1978 I called Bethany on Friday for a brief chat just to see how she was doing. She asked if we could repeat the dinner date Wednesday, after Memorial Day. I told her that was fine. I asked if she wanted to come swimming beforehand and she declined as I expected. I’d ask again in a few weeks. I called Anna to see how she was doing. She said her sister was willing to drive to get me when their parents were out of town around the end of June, so it looked like that would be the...

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10 Most Popular Indian Sex Stories Of The Month June 2015

Here is the list of ten most popular Indian sex stories published on ISS in the month of June, 2015. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this page with your friends! This story is about a poor guy with his honesty can win any people and could help himself reach his goals and further go to the top position. …I could know her astonishment through her face and she was very much happy that I gave equal importance to her problems and gave excellent solutions for each questions which made her think...

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Diwali Me Maje

Hi everyone, mera naam rahul hai. Mai mumbai me rehta hu.Age 23 hai. Muze sex stories padhne ka bahut shouk hai. Ye kahani mere life ghati hui hai. Aur diwali aa rahi thi. Usi waqt meri relative ki aunty unke bete ke sath aayi thi . Unka beta mere se do saal se chota tha. Isliye hm dono kafi acche se khelte the. Meri aunty school me teacher hai. Wo bahut simple lagti thi lekin uski gaand bhare huve the aur chuchiya bhi bade bhare huve the. Mai chota hone ke kaaran une bahut baar mithi maarta...

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My Summer Vacation

Chapter 1 We Have Been Blessed          ?What an absolutely beautiful suite.  We have been blessed,? I exclaimed before silently thanking the Lord for our good fortune.  I wasn’t exaggerating.  The Toltec Suite on the top floor of Ritz Carlton Cozumel was spectacular.  With four large bedrooms arranged over two floors each having an incredible ocean view, it was like a different world.  The rich furnishings and sumptuous decoration were overwhelming for a financially struggling middle class...

2 years ago
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04 The Second Shot

The Second Shot The Saga of Ajay and Raja Continues Part 3 It was about a month before I heard from the two boys again. After their episode of bunking school, coming up the hill, trying magic mushrooms, getting high, getting lost, and not being able to return home till the next day, they were grounded by their parents and not allowed any freedom. And I am sure that if their parents had known about the full range of their escapades, the punishment would have been much more severe....

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Watching my wife with some black cocks

I parked at our driveway and just in that moment Phil showed up.He was a black guy from the neighborhood, just across the street.I was sure this bastard was fucking my sensual wife; but Ana had claimed I was a pervert by thinking about it. She denied everything.Phil smiled at me and he asked about going fishing on Friday.Just then my sexy wife came outside, when she heard I was talking to someone. Anita was wearing her light green bikini, as she had been sunning herself at the back yard.My wife...

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The WhoreforaDay Game

The Whore-for-a-Day Game by Ashley B. D. Zacharias?Let me be blunt,? Alex said. ?We've been married for more than a year and a half and it's not as good as it should be. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to have a better marriage. I just don't know what I should do.? ?I think everything's fine,? Leslie said, but there was no conviction in her voice. Alex waited for a long time, hoping that she would elaborate, but she remained mute. Eventually he asked, ?Are you happy?? ?Yes. Are you?? ?Not...

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Listening to JackChapter 18

"How ... how did you get the headphones?" Emily asked. "Those ... aren't... yours." She took a seat right in front of Mr. Hill's desk, staring at her chemistry teacher in disbelief for a moment before trying to snatch the pair of errant headphones away from him. Mr. Hill's hand, however, moved faster. He neatly slid the blinking headphones away from her instead, picking them up off the desk. He held them up in front of his face, as if to admire the little device. "They're pretty...

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Big Balls and Sharp Scalpels

      Big Balls and Sharp Scalpels!       Nurse Pamela, RN    Court Ordered Castration Specialist!        Buxom Ballbusters Illustrated StoriesGestapo Mistress, Dommy mommies, femdom cuckolding!http://midnightx.com/fpage/fpage.html     Illustrated Fetish Stories for Adults Only!**************************************The young man being wheeled into nurse's office by two bigblack guards gaped at the voluptuous woman who smiled at him from herseat as she swivelled around.   The first thing she saw...

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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 54

During my morning run, I could only imagine what surprise the grandparents had for us. They’d be at the house by the time I got home from school. Mom was taking off work early so she could be there when they came in. 1st Sgt Gibbs stopped me on the way out to let me know that our meeting for the month would be on the 26th. He’d meet me at the Feed and Seed at 1:30PM. I was doing very short reps with light weights in weightlifting and Coach Antebian wanted an explanation. I told him I had a...

3 years ago
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Mom pays the price

Elizabeth had c***dren at an early age. Now in her late thirties she decided to become the mother she never was. She took in her son Brian and her two other daughters. The c***dren's resentment was clear and she had no control over any of them. Brian was the worse of the lot. Because he was a man (just turned 18) he felt he could do whatever he wanted and whenever he wanted. She was not going to let her c***dren run the house.One night Brian and his friend Jose were about to leave when...

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