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Kevin transferred to our school from California in the Venice/Santa Monica area. The first thing I noticed about him was how he had those chiseled good looks that made me think of Keanu Reeves a lot. He was more buffed than most of the guys in our school and filled the tee shirt well enough that you just knew he was the guy you wanted on your team.

He had the muscles of a light heavy weight wrestler or a dedicated swimmer. Not that our guys were a bunch of pantywaists. I mean, in a town like Thermal, Wyoming, about half the students come from the surrounding farms and ranches. That means there weren’t too many marshmallows in the student body.

This guy had no fancy globs of muscle like exclusive weight lifters and pretty-boy body builders get, no way. His body was just plain functional. Since I was, and am, a serious athlete, I checked him out pretty close. He stood about six one or two, weighed in at close to one eighty-five and had a deep chest . It was almost like describing me except I’m only six feet tall and I sure as hell don’t have looks that would put anyone in mind of Keanu Reeves. With my dishwater blond hair and what Dad calls “cow pie features,” I am nobody’s pretty boy. I do okay socially, but that’s about all.

As we approached each other he looked down and saw my X-men carrying case. It would be hard to miss, what with the Great Green Hulk bursting out of a blast of blazing light and coming right at you. I had painted it on the vinyl case myself and I was justifiably proud of it. I’m a serious painter with a lot more than average talent. It held my charcoals, pastels and two rolled up ink drawings to be turned in to my art teacher, Miss Melton. He smiled at me and said, “That’s a great illustration. Did you do it yourself or did you have a professional do it for you? That green glows.”

“Oh, hi, thanks.” I answered him, “I’m Andy Phillips.” I stuck out my hand and he shook it with a strong, friendly up-and-down-three-times motion and let go. “Naw, I did this one the other night when I got my homework done early.”

“I’m Kevin Newman and that’s Bullshit.” he said. “Getting that shade for the hulk’s skin tone and the graduated shades of ochre behind it took a lot of time. They didn’t just mix themselves together. Then the way you use your blues to fill in the background and the transparent crimson lake you washed the clouds had to take hours. Don’t kid a kidder or try to bullshit a fellow artist. You have a great eye for color and form. What else have you done?”

“Oh, I have a few canvases at home, including one in progress for the State Art Festival. I plan to enter it in the adult competition. It’s an eagle feeding her young.”

“No shit. I’d like to see it.” He paused and then added, “Well, some time or other.” He acted like he was afraid of being too pushy. I liked that. I’m a pretty private kind of guy. I was then, too.

I had no regular girlfriend right then because all of the girls in our school were so into that new TV series, “Vajina The Zombie Killer.” They were competing to see who could look the most naked, like Vajina, without getting suspended. I got a kick out of the storyline, myself. But I couldn’t get all creamy and dreamy like they did. I mean, look at her build. Her muscles had absolutely no tone. She couldn’t lift a hundred pounds in real life and she’s kicking ass on a bunch of near indestructible immortals? No way. No flaking way.

When it came to musculature, even then I considered myself an authority, and rightly so. I worked out and I worked my butt hard. Northern Tai chi, swimming, running, bicycling the hills kept me lean, mean and supple as a green willow branch. My dream was to compete in the Iron Man Decathlon. I knew I couldn’t end up in the money, the first three. I mean when the fifth place man last year was a real old dude of forty-six who races bikes up and down mountain roads for fifty miles, never stopping and never slowing down, I’d be lucky to even qualify. Those dudes were real men.

Any way, being a normal guy, I ate up all this appreciation of my true worth as an artist. “Come on over after class. I just live across the street.”

“I know,” he said. That struck me as being a little odd. I mean here I just met the guy and he knows where I live? I shrugged it off and we headed for class. Maybe he saw me as I left the house for class or something.

We sat next to each other through boring calculus and were out the door as soon as the bell sounded. Next period was free time and we were supposed to stay on campus, but since I lived right across the street, nothing was ever said when I slipped over to the house for something. We hurried on over to my house and I led him straight to my room.

When I opened the door to my room, he almost had a hernia. My three networked computers were state of the art. The Compaq logo and the MSI labels were hard to miss. Then to one side was an almost new IBM that had been a throwaway from a Government upgrading. Some times the government throws away better stuff than most people ever get to use. My fax-scanner and printer weren’t all that bad, but they looked like poor relatives at a rich uncle’s party.

“Hell, man. What’s the deal, are your folks rich or what?” A little envy showed as he ran his hands over the keyboards and the finger mouse. “I never saw so much good stuff all together. What gives?” He looked like he was going to have a nervous breakdown unless I answered him.

“Aw, it’s no big deal, not really. My Uncle Wayne is in computer sales and engineering. Everything here either came from some big multinational that was upgrading and converting or a government agency that had too much money at the end of the fiscal year.” I proudly showed him the FBI logo that someone had neglected to scrape off. I thought it added a certain mystique to my possessions. “Most of it came in pieces. I reassembled, tested and changed out parts until I got something that worked. Some times I raid the dumpsters behind the computer store and get some real great stuff.”

He grinned sadly, “I’m making do with an old Packard-Bell right now.”

“No way.” I exclaimed.

“Way, dude.” he answered.

“Well, hey, bring it over here and let me look through my junk. I bet I got enough stuff for an upgrade. What kind of tower you got?”

“Tower? I don’t know. A high one?” He vaguely brought his hands a couple of feet off the floor.

“I think I know about what it is. It’ll work. Bring it over after school and we’ll upgrade out of junk parts I got laying around.” My “junk parts,” were mostly near new that I had carefully taken from units that had been usually well maintained by whatever agency owned them before I got my hands on them. Everything got torn down, the useable parts were tagged and the rest dumped. Uncle Wayne sends his only nephew, his youngest sister’s only son a unit about every three to six months.

“You’re not kidding, are you?” He asked in amazement.

“Out here in th’ wild and wooly west, folks is neighborly, pilgrim.” I told him in my best John Wayne voice.

“Oh wow. I’ll tell my mom and get her okay to stay out past my curfew.” Curfew? I thought that sounded a little strange, but I didn’t say anything and he didn’t explain. I did think he was one of the most emotional acting guys I ever met.

“Well, just stay the night if it’s okay, I got twin beds and you can flake out on one and I’ll take the other. We’ll just go over and get your unit and bring it over and make it like new.” I liked the idea that I would have another computer to explore. I also liked the idea of a new friend who looked like he might have in interest in bodybuilding approaching my own, and it was nice to maybe have someone as a friend who appreciated art and didn’t think about a new coat of paint on the walls when he used the word “painting.”

Then he saw my wild life oils. He didn’t say a word; he just looked. He had tears in his eyes, as he looked at the one of a mamma bear curled up and cuddling her cub. “Jesus, Man. Why are you wasting your talent on X-Men when you can do something like this? Oh man, this talks to me, it really does.”

“Well, to start with, I collect Marvel and other comics. I dig the X-Men and the X-Files. So as far as I’m concerned, as long as it’s what I want to do it’s no waste.” That remark kind of pissed me off.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like it sounded. It’s just that you are the first guy I ever met who is as good as I am.” Now that would have sounded like pure arrogance coming from a lot of guys. But I had a hunch he was just saying what he honestly believed to be true.

“Aw, that’s all right, but people are always putting down my comic collecting and telling me stuff about how I ought to do this and that when they can’t even draw a crooked line.”

He looked at my charcoals and a pastel I had done of one of the girls at school. I was going to give it to her just before she began looking for my owner’s manual. When she began to try to rearrange my life so she could take it over I dropped her. The picture just hung there. I had decided that some day I was going to toss it. I just hadn’t got around to it yet at that time.

“You are good enough to hold a showing. You know that?” he asked me.

I laughed, “Nobody around here would pay enough for a picture for me to even think of anything like that.”

“Anyway, you are already a pro. I know quality when I see it.” Just then we heard the warning buzzer and hurried back across the street.

“Just hold it there, fellas.” a voice greeted us as we came through the front entrance of the school. I looked at where the voice was coming from. Mister Feldman stepped out of a darkened classroom. “I’ve been waiting for you two. Since you live across the street, we’ve pretty much let you come and go. But when you start taking friends with you like this one, maybe we better start sniffing your breaths”

Now he and I have never really been friendly, but he never tried to rag on me like this before. “Look, you got a problem with me, just say so or get off my back. If the problem is too big, I’ll go get my dad and we can settle it either here, in court or just you and me in a back alley. You choose.”

Mister Feldman had been in the marines and he thought that made him a hot shot. His first week here, he heard that I practiced Northern tai chi and challenged me to a “friendly” demonstration of his abilities. I kicked his ass royally. He learned that the difference between karate and tai chi was the difference between a German shepherd and a pit bull. I was the pit bull. We never spoke much to each other after that. I didn’t know what his problem was, but I did know that I would not take any of his crap, vice principal or not.

“No, I think that from now on you will not be allowed to leave the school grounds until after the last class. Do I make myself clear?” He sneered at both of us.

“No, you did not make yourself clear,” I told him. “So you better explain what you mean or just butt out of my life. You’re a loud mouth and a bully and I don’t like you. Do I make myself clear?”

“Good. You are suspended. Both of you. Get out.” His face was white with rage. I guess he wasn’t used to having students dis him like that. But I have never liked being bullied, especially by jerks.

“Come on,” I said to my new friend and headed toward the office.

“Hey. I told you to get off the school grounds.” He almost screeched at us. His face was red with rage.

“Sorry, dude, I’m going to the office. Now you want to try to stop me a second time?” I grinned at him and waited.

“Maybe we better do as he says,” Kevin told me. He took hold of my arm and tried to pull me toward the door but I was centered. Basically what that means in martial arts is that my center of gravity was one with the Earth. I didn’t budge.

“Naw, I don’t think so. Our friend here was a real marine. He tried to impress us with his martial arts and I whipped him and didn’t even muss my hair and he’s pissed.” I gave Mister Feldman a look that was total disrespect.

“By God. I don’t have to take that from some queer.” He started at me and I dropped into a ready stance and waited. I was grinning. He had called me a queer. I was going to have his ass for lunch.

He tried a side sweep and I bitch slapped him. Mister Corbin had come out of his office just as his assistant went down. He had seen the attempted side sweep and the landing on his ass of Feldman. “Stop this.” he commanded.

Feldman got to his feet and blustered, “Next time.”

“There will be no next time.” Mister Corbin was trying to defuse a situation that I was not going to let go of.

“There will be a next time,” I argued. “He will try to sneak up and catch me by surprise. And when he does I promise you I’ll send him to the hospital. He’s a loud mouthed punk.”

“What is this all about?” Corbin asked. “You have never ever been in a fight before that I know of. Just what exactly happened?”

“It was nothing,” Kevin said.

“The hell it wasn’t. I contradicted him.

“First this ass hole accuses me of drinking,” I said.

“I did not.” Feldman denied.

“You sure as hell did. You said you wanted to check our breaths. Remember?”

Mister Corbin gasped and started to choke.

“Then you called me a queer, or did you forget that too?” My voice was getting louder and louder. Students were all gathering.

“Let’s take this into the office,” Mister Corbin said.

“Fine,” I said in a loud voice, “But I want everyone here to hear me say that this is one queer that is going to beat the shit out of Feldman the Fag if he ever lays another hand on me.”

I turned and led the way to the office. “Oh my god.” Kevin moaned. “My mom is going to kill me.”

I walked behind the counter in the school office and right into Mister Corbin’s office. This was the first time I had ever been inside it. As soon as we were all in and Mister Corbin closed the door, I said, “I am going to ask my dad to sue the school district, and both of you. He will, too, probably. My dad knows I don’t lie and he and I are very close.”

“What if I prove it?” Feldman asked in a nasty voice.

“You dumb shit. If you could prove I’m a queer, then I nail your ass for sexual harassment. My dad collects enough money to send me to college. If you don’t prove it, then I nail your butt again. This is what my dad calls a “win, win for me and a sorry Charlie” for you. Either way you’re toast and the town pays for my college. I got a ton of witnesses out there in the hallways.

“How can we settle this without your father becoming involved?” Mister Corbin asked.

“Fire him,” I answered. “He should have never been hired in the first place.”

Mister Corbin looked at Feldman and asked, “Well?”

“Hey. I have a contract here. If you think you are just going to dump me, you have another think coming. Especially over two fairies.” The man looked like he was going to explode.

Ever the bureaucrat’s bureaucrat, Mister Corbin said, “Thank you. With that statement you just solved a thorny problem for me. As of this second, you are on indefinite leave. Your final check will be forwarded to your home address. You will not be called back. You have your choice of quitting or to face a hearing. Good day.”

He turned to the two of us and asked, “Does that satisfy you?”

Kevin politely said, “Yes sir.”

I said, “yes sir, for now.”

Mister Corbin asked, “What do you mean, ‘for now’?”

“If he comes back it’s going to be like we never had this conversation. My dad sues.” I nodded my head in agreement with myself and Kevin sort of moaned.

Mister Corbin said something about my thinking like a lawyer already. Feldman stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind him. As my uncle Bob says when he’s trying to sound rustic, “Well, the buttered side of his bread just landed on the floor.”

“Perhaps you two should go to whatever class you have to go to.” Mister Corbin told me and we trooped out.

“Jesus, man. You can’t go around fighting people like that all the time.”

“Yes I can,” I told him. “I won’t back down from punks like him. I don’t have to. They leave me alone and I leave them alone or else.”

“You are something else.” he told me in an admiring tone of voice. “I could never buck heads with people like that.” There again was that something in his voice that somehow sounded off key.

By then we were in front of the history class so we went in and sat. Everyone turned and looked at us. I hate that when it happens. I don’t like to have special attention thrown my way unless it’s because I did an intercept, pinned the other dude’s shoulders to the mat or did something that was worth attention getting. But to be accused of being a homo was just bad. Then it’s just plain embarrassing. My mom will say something like, “Remember, Andy, ‘Sticks and stones…” If you’re not guilty, then it just doesn’t matter.” But she never understood about things like this.

My dad will always ask, “Did you get in a fight, over it son?” It doesn’t matter what “it” is, he’ll always ask in a reproving voice, did you get in a fight, son?” Then in the same breath, he’ll ask, “Did you lose?” Dad doesn’t believe in violence. But he doesn’t believe in losing even more so. To my dad there are “us winners” and then there are “all those other people.”

Anyway. We sat there and endured the stares. Then the ones who saw what happened between Feldman and me told about me laying one up the side of his head. And I went from being a suspected fag to being a hero. Kevin was a sort of unknown quantity and I was the only one he had anything to do with in school so far. So, since I was “way cool.” it was pretty much dropped and became a dead issue.

We went over to my house as soon as the last class let out and got in the old beater my dad let me have. It was almost an antique, actually. It was a forty-nine Ford Custom Convertible. Dad got it in part payment for keeping a guy out of prison that I felt should have gone for sure. I got the car with the understanding of no drinking, no sex in the car yakety yak yak. Since I was dating only one girl who put out regularly, that was a promise easy to keep. (We brought along a blanket.)

Again Kevin was impressed. Any way, he gave me directions to his place. It turned out to be a grubby old duplex. He shrugged apologetically and said, “Anyway, it’s clean on the inside. Come on in.”

Inside was clean. There were a few pictures on the wall and no other decorations, just furniture, cheap clean furniture. It looked like it was still waiting for someone to move in. He led me into his room. It was about half the size of mine. There was a bed, an easel and a wall covered with figure studies of men. He worked in all the same media I did, oils and acrylics and chalk and ink in every combination imaginable. His figures had a depth that mine didn’t, but I felt I had a better grasp of color.

You put two artists in a room, even teen artists, and they will critique whatever is present and compare it to their own work. His figures were great. “Hey,” I told him, “You’re no slouch yourself. How come only male studies? Women’s titties bother you?” I was grinning when I said it.

There was that fleeting something again in his expression and then it was gone. In an almost completely neutral voice, he said, “I never had anyone to model for me.”

“You mean all these are from life? You had real models? No way,” I scoffed and started counting the costs of the models. No matter how you looked at it, it was a whole lot of money to pay.

“Oh, I did most of these in Venice. You know, Muscle Beach. I just needed them to hold still for a few moments and I can do the rest from memory or on the fly.” That made it even more amazing.

From that day on either I was at his house, or more often he was at mine. We painted, shared techniques and I felt I had someone I could get close to. By the time school was out, he talked me into posing for a nude study for him. It was a frontal pose where I was stepping out of the shower. Because of the angle my unit was hidden by my right leg. It wasn’t erotic in any way. As it progressed, I saw it as representative of one of his best. Then he asked me one day not to look at it any more until he was finished. I thought he was being funny, but he really wanted it that way so I said okay.

It took two weeks almost exactly from first pose until it was done. “There.” he exclaimed and hung the cloth over it that hid it when he wasn’t there working on it. I had just gone online and was browsing eBay. I didn’t want anything. I was just sort of window-shopping. There’s so much great stuff to look at, even if you don’t want to buy.

“Andy,” Kevin said, “I have something to talk to you about.”

“What’s that?” I asked. “Something wrong?”

“Let’s go for a walk and I’ll tell you. Then you decide whether something is wrong.” He headed toward the door and I followed. He directed us toward the schoolyard on the far side of the school. As soon as we were near the front entrance of the school I stopped.

“Okay, this is far enough. Tell me, what’s the big damn secret. Out with it, man.” I had a gut feeling that this was going to be what they call “heavy stuff.” I really wasn’t certain I wanted to hear what he was about to say.

“Andy, I’m in love with you.” There were tears in his eyes and I saw hope there, too. “I didn’t want this to happen. I fought against it. But I am gay and I love you.”

“Oh.” That’s all I could answer. I was dumbfounded. I mean, how else can you feel when somebody who was fast becoming a best friend says that he’s queer and that you are the object of his affections? “Jesus.” I exclaimed.

“I know this is awful fast, but I can’t keep it to myself and more, I just can’t.” I mean he looked like I imagine a deer looks when he stares at the headlights of a truck coming at him and he can’t move. He stood there, just frozen and defenseless.

“Aw man, Kevin. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to think. “Jesus Christ, man, what the hell?” I started to walk away.

“Is that it, then?” he asked my retreating back.

“Hell, I don’t know. I got to get by myself and think,” I turned and answered him. Then I just walked away and left him there. I was going to have to talk this over with Dad. I was in stuff way over my head. He usually had an answer for things that worked. I was mad a Kevin for leading me on and becoming my close friend and then dumping that heavy load on me. I was angry at something else, call it God or whatever that let stuff like this happen. I went home and straight to my room. Then I just sat.

“Dad,” I told him after dinner was over, “I have something real important to talk to you about.” I didn’t quite know what I was going to say to him, but I had to ask him to help me get my head on straight.

“What is it, Son Andy?” he asked in a half laughing way he gets some times with me.

“Well, can we go in your study and talk? I got to figure something out here.” When I asked to go with him to his study, he knew I was serious, real serious.

“Should I sit in?” Mom asked.

“Naw, Mom, thanks. This is more guy stuff,” I told her. I mean, how can you tell your mom that a good friend was gay and wanted to do you or something?

Mom nodded and Dad led me into his study, a guest bedroom that had been turned into a book lined office of sorts. Dad often worked there instead of going to work in his downtown office. “Okay now, Sport, what’s the earth shattering problem?”

“Kevin is gay and he says he is in love with me,” I told him flatly, looking at the floor. I didn’t know how to look him in the face when I said that.

“Oh.” Dad said. “Jesus Christ.” he said. Then, “Did … you … did he … er … uh, well, did you two do …?” This was the first time I ever saw my dad without words.

“You want to know if we had sex with each other?” I wanted advice and he wanted to know if I was a fag. He flinched at me putting it that harshly. “No we didn’t.
Look, Dad, he just told me about three hours ago and I don’t know what to do or to think. I’m confused.”

Dad looked relieved as I told him I hadn’t done anything with Kevin. “Sorry, Son, but this slapped me in the face and I jumped to conclusions. Sorry.

“I don’t know what to say. My gut feeling is to just don’t have anything further to do with him. It isn’t a situation where anyone can win. I think …”

The door bell chimed and in a moment Mom came in and said, “Andrew, The police are at the door at the door. They want to talk to you.”

I remember thinking, What else can happen to ruin my day?

Dad said, “Let’s see what the man wants.” I followed him out into the front hall.

“The man” turned out to be “the women.” They were both female and they were both cops, according to their badges.

“How may we help you?” my dad asked.

“Are you Andrew Phillips?” the older of the two asked. She looked to be in her thirties, no make up and no sense of humor. I nodded affirmative.

“We want to talk to you alone, in private.” She looked at Dad as she said this. I could almost see the steam rising inside him as he came to a boil. You do not enter Daniel Phillips’ home and start pushing, especially if you’re a cop.

“You will either speak to my son in my presence or you will leave my home,” His voice sounded like it would cut through steel.

“Well, how about if I take your son and we go down town and talk there?” Dad was not intimidated.

“How about you kiss my legal ass and get out of here right now? You are trespassing right now unless you can show me some legal documentation. You have a choice, put up or shut up.” Now I was watching “Mad Dog” Phillips, lawyer and scourge of all the cops he cross-examined.

“I would suggest you get a lawyer before you open your mouth again,” the older one said.

The younger one was about thirty and trying to be the hard ass cop too. She held the right thumb and forefinger a fraction of an inch apart. “You are this close to being arrested for interfering with a criminal investigation.”

Dad smiled and said, “I am a lawyer and you are this close to getting your doughnut fat asses sued off you in a court of law. Get out now.”

“Your lover Kevin just killed himself,” the older one gloated.

“That does it. I’m calling Judge Harmon,” Dad turned and said come on, son.”

“Wait, Dad,” I said. “When did he kill himself? I just talked to him this afternoon. What happened?”

“He climbed up the outside of the school and jumped from the roof. He made a bloody mess all over the sidewalk. He had a note implicating you. You caused your boyfriend to die.” She smirked at me. “Now, I want to search your room.”

“Out.” my dad said. “This has gone far enough. You will leave right now. I am calling the judge.”

The older one pulled her gun and pointed it at him. “You will stay right there until I tell you to move.”

Dad stopped, an evil, oh so evil grin on his face. “I promise you that you are going to become a welfare mom any day now. Your badge is going in my trophy case. I promise.”

Mom came walking into the hallway. “I called the police station and got the watch commander. He is coming out personally to investigate this. He says you two,” she pointed her finger at the two police officers, “Are way out of line and for you to holster your guns forthwith.” She nodded a little self-satisfied smile and walked back into the living room. The two didn’t holster their guns. They kept them pointed at us.

“Take us to your room.” the older one ordered. I looked at dad and he nodded once. I led the way. They almost shit when they saw the picture Kevin had done of me. It was tremendous.

The younger one started to touch the canvas and I grabbed her hand and jerked her away. “Don’t.” I yelled, “The oil is fresh.” She snickered and the older cop rapped me on the wrist with her gun barrel. It hurt and I almost responded.

Dad yelled, “Andy.” I stopped.

“You fool.” Dad yelled, “Put that stupid gun away. If I hadn’t yelled, you would be nursing a broken wrist or worse.” The female Serpico sneered and motioned us out into the living room.

Not more than ten minutes passed from the time Mom called the cops on the cops when the doorbell sounded. The younger cop jumped and her gun went off, missing us all. Mom screamed and Dad ran toward her and I slapped the gun out of the young cop’s grip. One of Mom’s vases was shattered into many pieces. “You all right?” Dad asked.

“Y-yes,” Mom answered, her face pale and her eyes wide open.

I answered the door and the round little man who entered was not anybody’s idea of what a police lieutenant should look like. “Anybody hurt, Dan?” he asked.

“They just shot a vase,” Dad answered.

The little guy looked up at the two soon to be ex-cops and said, “Go back to the station and turn your guns in. You both wait at home for a hearing date to be set.”

“Not good enough, Wally,” Dad said. “This goes to trial. I warned you about this stuff after the Grady trial last year. Well, this is going to cost the city a big chunk of change. Believe me, there will be no Christmas bonuses this year in Grinchville.”

The two cops left and Wally tried to reason with dad. But when Dad gets on his high horse, nobody moves him. Finally Wally started to leave.

“Uh sir, what happened? They said that Kevin killed himself. He was my friend. What happened?” I was still trying to get it through my head that Kevin had killed himself.

“Well, your friend, as you know was gay.”

Wally got that far when Dad said, “This is my only warning, don’t say anything you do not wish to back up in court.”

“Any way, your friend jumped off the roof of the school building and plummeted to his death. There was a note clutched in his hand that said he couldn’t live unless you were still in his life. That’s it.” He turned and left.

Well, Dad sued and won. The city appealed and counter sued and lost and Dad got a bigger judgment. But that’s what he does best. He sues and wins.

For me, the thing was that I still didn’t know what I would have done about being friends with Kevin. How can I be a friend with someone who wants to poke me in my backside or whatever? It’s just not something that seems all that appealing to me.

I guess I’d always be waiting for him to grope me or something.

But on the other hand, I liked him a lot until I found out.


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The naughty family pt4

"Mom, can you go any faster, Mom?" My son, Scotty squirmed excitedly in his seat, straining against his seat belt as he would lean over to peer at the minivan's speedometer and repeat the same question he'd been asking me for nearly an hour. Of course, his eyes would wander from the speedometer to my partly bared breasts, my meaty tits bouncing as we drove down the interstate, barely contained by my black bustier that I'd struggled to get back into at the adult bookstore in the city.I was...

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Falling In pt 30

Jackie and I spent the rest of he morning lazing around the school doing the stupid shit teen kids usually do at school before it starts. Walking the halls, joking, spending time with friends. Jackie stayed with me the entire morning, hanging with me and my friends. My friends treated her weird, and I knew it was a result of the stories they had heard about her and the things she had done. I knew they were being judgmental assholes and it was kind of pissing me off. That day was the Friday...

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Love Between Mother Son

Rajiv was only 19 years old. Rajiv’s father name was Dipak and rich businessman in city. His mother Rupa was the house wife. Rupa was 39 years old now. She was a modern up-to-date free lady, regularly visit to clubs and gim. Rupa like to dress very conservatively. She understood the modern concept of sex and liked it better. Her husband Dipak was busy most of the time with his business, cannot give much time to his wife. Rupa was happy, but her sexual life was far from what she desires. As a...

3 years ago
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my roomate pt 1

I was in my 1st year of college when my room mate quit school. At the semester I got a new room mate he was 6' 1" 200 former high school athlete named Kris. We hit off great. Later I learned he had a girl friend named Kate they were hot and heavy, I could hear them in the next room fucking every night she was very vocal talking about his big cock how she loved it suck it and fuck it. I lay in bed beating my meat listening to there sex. My girl friend had broken up with me and I was horny as...

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Young and Wild

A cool summer mist made the air rather sweet in the small town of Edenville, OH. Rows of corn layered the land, while the moonlight cast an evanescent shadow upon the soil. Children were reading their bedtime stories while peacefully being tucked in. The darkness of the night blanketed the small community, and all was well. The hard day’s work and bustle began to draw to a close, while the fun began for many. Downtown, the liquor stores and bars were still going strong. Flickering neon lights...

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Sexting With Aunt Meg

Aunt Meg is my fathers divorced older sister. My father is 43 so that would make my Aunt about 48. I would not say that we are real close but she does not sugar coat anything and calls things as she see them. She lives near by and was over one day. It was just she and I in the kitchen together and the radio was on. They had a report of some school teacher that had been fired for sexting to his students, you know, sending nude photos back and forth and sex talk. "That has always sounded like fun...

4 years ago
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Helping Her Husband

Olivia, or Ollie, sensed that her husband was horny the way he acted during dinner. He’d actually cupped a bun while she was fixing it. While not thrilling, it was better than the usual tiny kiss she dutifully got as he arrived home from work. Mort was five years older and a good, dependable breadwinner with a very secure future. That’s what made her agree to marry him, having spent too much of her childhood trailing around with a rather irresponsible single mom and two other siblings whose...

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How I became my wifes SLAVE

Last Friday night my wife Rachel sent me a text that she was coming over to my apartment.“I’m on my way over. I hope you don’t have any plans for tonight.”My wife and I separated over a year ago, and since then she has become my dominatrix. I’m not sure exactly how it happened, but that’s how it is now. When we first got married we played a few BDSM games, but it’s nothing like it is now. Ever since we separated, or perhaps because we are separated, she has this unbelievable passion to dominate...

3 years ago
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a cherry for her brother

She was twelve when I moved over there and quiet the spunky girl. She was dark skinned like her mother with soft curly black hair like mine a gift from our dad’s mixed ancestry. She was about five foot four and around a hundred and thirty pounds. She was plump though her plumpness at her age was all eye popping. Her adolescent breasts were large soft mounds that bounced each time she walked and with a small waist accentuating her ample hips and bubble ass she was quiet a dish for who ever...

2 years ago
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Chocolate Covered Cherries

Chapter 1 This story is about my Mom and Dad. They both had passed away a few months apart. Mom went first at age eighty-one and Dad at age eighty-four. They had been married sixty-two years. This story only covers a very small aspect of their lives. Every two years we have a family reunion at Lola Valley Park, in Michigan. It been going on as long as I can remember. Throughout the years, as our elders passed away, the next generation of our family continued on with the tradition. My...

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Destination AzaharChapter 24 The Governor

[Note to reader: This chapter is a continuation of The Librarian. It picks up where the previous story ends. While it should not be necessary to have read The Librarian to understand the characters and relationships that follow, it is recommended.] The small fleet of transport ships was getting close to Azahar. The colonists were getting a bit restless after spending two months in the confines of the three Aurora-class vessels. All of the standard briefings, enhancements, and cosmetic...

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The GiftChapter 15

I was all packed and ready to go. I had clean clothes set out for tomorrow's departure, and was getting ready to go out to dinner. I was still pissed off with the people who had searched my room, and I was almost a hundred percent sure it had come at lord John Avery-Smythe's orders. What was that old saying? 'No good deed goes unpunished'? Not once, but twice, I return a piece of their family history to them. Now I am being hounded by intelligence people from England; and the FBI in my...

2 years ago
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The Relationship Change

Hello ISS Readers! This is Anurag from Chennai. I’m an engineering graduate currently working with a Reputed Indian MNC as a Software Engineer. I’m a reader of this site for the past two years at least. I’ve been thinking over and over again whether to publish the incidents happened in my life on ISS or not. Finally I came to a conclusion that I should share this with you all. To maintain the secrecy, I would not tell you the person’s name and exact place. However, since it also involves my...

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ButleredChapter 12

There were some blank looks, but one boy suddenly looked scared. I looked at him and said, “Yes, I have trained with the Gurkhas. Their tradition is never to draw your kukri without blooding it before putting it back. Consider yourselves lucky. Now, gentlemen, I have matters to attend to, so I bid you good day.” I turned and walked away from them, but listening carefully for the sound of a knife being readied to throw. I heard a hint of that, so I turned swiftly and said, “If you throw a...

4 years ago
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Fucking Virgin Kritika

Hey, I am Roshan, 24 from Raipur, Chhattisgarh. After reading a lot from old readers here, I felt an urge to share my story which goes as follows. During my engineering 2nd yr., i met her on d road waiting for a public transport. Her name was Kritika. I offered ma help to drop her 2 d station n she readily agreed. Before reaching the station a car crossed in an absurd manner so I applied brakes suddenly n she was all over me. Her 34D boobs pressed on my back and i was in 7th heaven. At station...

2 years ago
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The Shortcut

There was an alley that shortened Kayla’s walk by ten minutes when she went from her house to the store. To be more precise, it was her uncle’s house. She was living with him while she was in school. She could take the long way and stay on the sidewalk by the street, but the alley was quicker and more fun. Who doesn’t like to kick around in an empty alley? Only lately it wasn’t always empty. One morning, almost noon, she could hear voices as she came around the curve. There were four guys...

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Our new stepmother 1

Well,about are new stepmother is that she was different sure she took care of us very well but, she was different from our real mom. Well, she was different because she just wear a t-shirt around the house long enough to cover just her beautiful bubble butt and nothing else i remember when i were playing my sister and me and i tried to hide behind her legs and saw her pussy for the first time my sister came behind me and caught me i was very disappointed by getting caught and pushed her. She...

3 years ago
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A friend visits

We had spoken about it and you were sure you wanted him to fuck you so when you arrived at my place, I said that I had spoken to him and he wanted to come over and use you like you talked about. What I didn’t know till I spoke to him was that he wanted me there to direct the whole thing and take pictures; this was all good to me as you know how much I loved to see you filled with cum in every hole.The night came and I had you in my place getting you ready for his arrival, you were to be a total...

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Saras Surrender Part 2

We were on the Cave and Basin trail in Banff National Park, Canada, on a beautiful Summer’s afternoon. I had just asked – ordered – Sara to take off her shorts, panties, boots and socks, so that all she was left wearing was one of my old t-shirts. It was much too big for her in some dimensions, yet its length barely covered her ass.She had been looking more and more uncomfortable with being almost naked in public, and I knew she was struggling to reach a decision. I just hoped she reached the...

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Like Cats and DogsPart 2

In the morning Sharesh awoke with the smell of cooked sausage and barely cooked beef assailing her nostrils. She opened her emerald eyes to see the smiling and lovely face of Vannah gazing at her form across the platter which laid over her lap. "Good morning, M'lady." Vannah said, smiling with morning sunshine. She was uncovering various carnivorous delicacies on the tray. "Vannah," She said, "good morrow to you." She replied sitting up slightly and looking at the mouth watering...

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A FRENCH VILLAGE (A TALE OF THE WAR) – PART 3While Isabelle Renaud, who was certain she was the reason for her husband’s rise in the French civil service, was falling in love with Annie, her dressmaker, her husband Georges had a life of his own which she never suspected. He left her a note on the dining room table of their large house. He had an urgent meeting with members of the German Kommandantur which could last all evening and possibly all night. He grabbed a small travelling bag with was...

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Schneewittchen aber wuchs heran und wurde immer schöner, und als es 18 Jahre alt war, war es so schön wie der klare Tag, und schöner als die Königin selbst. Als diese ihren Spiegel fragte 'Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand, wer ist die Schönste im ganzen Land?' so antwortete dieser 'Frau Königin, Ihr seid die Schönste hier, aber Schneewittchen ist tausendmal schöner als Ihr.' Da erschrak die Königin und ward gelb und grün vor Neid. Von Stund an, wenn sie Schneewittchen erblickte, kehrte sich ihr...

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Seduction In Bunny Pyjamas Ch 01

Chapter 1 – Life’s a bitch, or a bastard She falls for her best friend. He is her salvation, and the cause of her pain, all rolled into one… Note from Buzzlegirl – this is a story in 4 parts. There isn’t much sex in this part, it’s a bit of a slow build up, but worth it in the end I hope. This is my first submission, so please do vote and leave comments, I’d love to hear what you think and whether it’s worth my trying anymore! With lots of thanks to luvtaread for her superb editing skills. ...

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An Anal Tease

It was early days and they were in bed. After a lot of kissing and teasing especially of her ample breasts and her nipples like pencil erasers, he had been kissing her pussy when she came suddenly to the surprise of both of them it seemed. Moving forward they resumed kissing when she announced that she wanted him inside. As he moved to enter her, she said, “This way,” turning as she got onto her knees and elbows. Happily he went behind her spending no little time enjoying the sight of her...

2 years ago
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White Neighbor Slaves pt 1

My wife and me had been married for 30 years. I retired at 43 my wife was45. She was still a very attractive woman, 5' 3" tall 130 lbs. She shewalked every day around the neighborhood block. She recently changed herhair style to what she called a short nape and it was attractive on her. Asfor me I had gotten a bit chubby over the years but nothing drastic. Mywife , Carol kept trying to get to exercise more but I felt the yard workkept me in good enough shape. The only regret we had was not...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 53 Initiation

February 1, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Don’t look now, but you have an admirer in the observation area,” Kara said while we were working with Will and Marcia on black belt techniques. A few seconds later, I moved so I could see and recognized Amelia. I didn’t acknowledge her, I just continued with our training program. Once I was satisfied with what Marcia was doing, I went to work with Dyani, who was nearly ready for her purple belt. By the time we’d finished, Amelia had disappeared. “What...

3 years ago
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The Man In The Window II

Nick and Di were the last two diners in Luigi’s trattoria, though the patron seemed unconcerned about them remaining so late. He wandered across to their corner table, placed two small glasses in front of them and poured a colourless liquid into each. ‘Compliments of the house signora e signore!’ ‘You always know it’s going-home time when Luigi offers you a free Grappa,’ Di said with a chuckle. Nick nodded his thanks and took some coins from his pocket to leave as a tip in the saucer with the...

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My wife pt1

My wife Lynn and I have been married several years. Lynn is 5'7," 120 lbs. near 40 years old, a slim dishwater blond with nice tits and a very firm ass, works out daily, dresses conservatively, but loves to put on sexy under things, lingerie is very much a turn on for her. She is a sweet and very pretty lady, rather quiet and passive most of the time, even submissive in bed, but she loves sex and gets into it when we make love. If I had a complaint it is that she does not offer much about what...

4 years ago
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I had been driving for several hours, after a morning flight to pick up a vehicle, and the road was starting to wear on me. I pulled over and mapped a hotel with some late hours restaurants nearby. I reserved my room and headed for the Applebee’s at the opposite end of the shopping center from the hotel. When I got there, I had to wait a minute for the manager to come and show me to my seat. I chose a booth, which turned out to be fortunate for me. He seated me, gave me a menu, and told me a...

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Double Switch Ch 05

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. The Prologue has been on this site for some time. Unfortunately, the censors at Literotica rejected my first and second chapters. I have rewritten them, making sure that no overt sexual activity takes place until the participants are 18 years of age. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with this Chapter. ...

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My sister taught me0

My sister was very developed for her age, she had huge breasts. I had never seen a girl naked before. This one night my sister called me into her room and told me to sit down on her bed. She then locked the door and sat on the bed with me. She was wearing a tanktop with no bra, you could see her erect nipples through it, and she was wearing short shorts and I think a thong. Looking at her like this made my penis stiff as it sometimes did before, but I always wondered why it got stiff. She...

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Dark Desires

There is a dark side to us all, sexually I mean. I’m not sure I understand mine completely yet but I sense that it is there. It excites me, scares me a little. My fling with Neil and his flatmate Sally started me off on my adventures exploring my dark desires. I am a nurse and Neil a writer of sorts. We met at a conference I was attending for work, advances in stroke rehabilitation. I was giving a talk and Neil was in there to write up the meeting for some journal he was freelancing for. After...

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The Pact Ch 02

‘ It get’s better, darlin’, I promise.’ Jesse whispered in my ear, and then licked it. ‘Are you ready for more?’ I was laying on top of him, content just to rest my head against his should and feel his heat against my body. My body was still humming, and every time his fingers trailed down my spine, I shivered. I was still trying to catch my breath. He moved my long hair out of his face, and cupped my face in his hands. He was staring at me. I’m not sure what he was looking for, but his eyes...

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The TempleChapter 9

It was 5:30 a.m., and as usual, Thompson was at work. It was not that he was a workaholic. Nor was he trying to impress anyone. He was, after all, the firm's senior partner. He wasn't even trying to set an example for the young associates; they were all hard workers (those who were not were swiftly shown the door). Thompson was at work because he loved his job. He wasn't missing out on family time; his wife and children were still asleep. Because he'd arrived so early, he'd be able to...

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The Photograph

An older story, originally broken into three parts. Not sure if it is completely romantic towards the end, but what the heck. I found it hidden away in the bottom of a drawer, a twenty-year old photograph of me and Jessica hugging and smiling. She’d been wearing her one-piece swimsuit, conservative in comparison to what the other girls had worn, but to me it had given her additional mystique. I just had to sit as I stared at it. What had happened to us? Not that we had ever really been...

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My Surprise

My boyfriend Dan and I always cook dinner together, bumping into each other and rubbing against each other “accidentally” in the kitchen as we prepare dinner. It’s like the preview to the main attraction of bedtime activities to come later. Tonight, Dan is rubbing against me more than usual and he can’t seem to keep his hands from copping a feel each and every time he comes near. Each time he gets close enough to me, his lips graze my neck, my cheek, my lips, he presses his already hard,...

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Sir Harry and the Poachers Daughter

Sir Harry Dumare was reputed to be most supportive of the training and grooming of young destitute females for gainful employment. Many of the less fortunate souls inhabiting his well-groomed manor extolled his gentlemanly virtues to both their friends and their extended relatives in less fortunate locales. At Sunday Services, Sir Harry sat in the most prestigious pew. His three comely and perfectly attired, fully grown Daughters were always at his side. His wife of many years had passed two...

5 years ago
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Overtime Fantasies Part 1

As soon as the last meeting of the day was over, I walked back to my office and closed the door behind me. Leaning back against it, I slowly let out a deep sigh. Every day at 5 pm, the office clears out quicker than if the fire alarm had sounded, and thankfully that time had finally arrived. Once again, she had driven me completely to distraction and I have been unable to concentrate on getting any work done. I close my eyes and review the metal image etched into memory from the project meeting...

2 years ago
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JulesJordan Anikka Albrite Grade A Ass

Darling Dominatrix Anikka Albrite demands respect from her slave! Anikka’s amazing ass is on full display as she leads you with a leash down the hall in a latex dress with the back cut out and only a fishnet top. She tames her hooded slave with a riding crop while tugging the leash tighter to pull his face into her beautiful booty. Anikka makes him worship her feet and lick her toes before rewarding him by letting him lick her nipples and finally take off his hood. Much to Anikka’s delight,...

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Its shemale BDSM humiliation time

I put a board with a hole in it over your lap and legs then I pull your cock and balls throw the hole and make you wear it like a cockring while laying on your back then I tie up your legs and hands to your bed then I put a gag in your mouth then I shoe and put it on your cock then I twist it with my foot against the wood and with my other foot I step on your nuts making you cry in pain then as I'm doing this I smack you in the face yelling at you to shut up and don't cry you little Sissy BITCH...

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Seducing A Hot Aunty On Facebook 8211 Part 3

Hey, guys thanks for the wonderful support and likes. This is the 3rd part of the series, please read the other 2 parts to understand what happened before this. Continued from where I left. After all the stuff, we both headed to bed, I was a little frustrated by her act. I decided that no matter what happens I should make this woman learn how to enjoy a man completely. I will make sure that she becomes a pro in blowjob and start enjoying a man’s dick. Next day morning she had messaged saying...

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Stacys Revelation Part I

Melissa got up from the couch just as the doorbell rang, “That must be Dana and Cheryl,” she told Jenny as she skipped to the door, “I hope they brought Andre with them!” Melissa and Jenny were two of several white girls who share a close friendship as well as a mutual attraction for black boys, in particular one black boy named Andre. “Shhh!” Jenny scolded from the couch, “If they did I don’t want Stacy to hear!” Stacy was Melissa’s roommate and the only girl in the group that hadn’t already...

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First time anal with buck

Well, I always swore I’d never let anyone fuck me in the ass, but I found out that the old saying "Never say Never " is very true. On Tuesday nite, Buck gave me a great back massage with warm sesame seed oil. (I just love the way that kind of oil feels – so smooth and silky.) He rubbed my back for a long time like he always does and then put some of the warm oil on my butt cheeks and thighs. He massaged the oil into my legs and butt cheeks then poured some of the warm oil into the crack of my...

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Sexy Couple

The other day I was invited by my friend and colleague, Dipak, to his wedding anniversary. Both my wife and I were quite excited with this invitation as I had never met Dipak’s wife, Mita, while my wife was yet to see Dipak. On the evening of the anniversary date we went to the reception hall where the anniversary programme was to be held. There was a beautiful garden in front of the hall where the guests were mingling over drinks and snacks. The dinner was arranged in the hall. I saw Dipak and...

Group Sex
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Controlling SisterChapter 4 JP and Lavernersquos son Newtrsquos story

It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...

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Bus home

After getting married at 22 I moved out of London into the sticks and to my first teaching job, at a secondary school in devon. Not able to afford a car I had to get the bus from my villiage to the school. In fact it worked out pretty well because the bus I would catch in the mornings took me into the local town where at the bus station it became the school bus which would drop me right at the doors of where I worked. After school at 3pm the same situation occured in reverse. The school bus...

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A Hot Encounter With My Friend8217s Sister

I was in school that time. I had a very good friend. His name was Karan. We used to visit each others house quite often. He had a elder sister who was working somewhere outstation and used to come on weekends to home. Her name was Anjali. She was very beautiful. I used to admire her beauty but never had thought wrong about her. One day when I went to his house, Anjali was wearing shorts and t shirt at home. This was the first time when I saw a beautiful girl in shorts. Her legs were very...

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The New Girl The Arts of Love Pt3

When she awoke she found herself alone in the bedroom. Henry was nowhere in sight. Suddenly she became aware of why she awoke. The double doors that led into the master bedroom were being opened. Willow was surprised to see a woman enter. She was tall, blonde and was wearing a strict grey business suit. She looked to be in her early thirties. Her rather long hair was pulled into a tight bun. She was carrying a purse and a portable computer bag over one shoulder. She didn’t see Willow...

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The Ring of Desire Chapter 2

Chapter 2 “Ouch!” I raised my right hand and put it on my hurting head. In front of me, a stop sign, usually impossible to miss. But well, nothing was “usual” for me anymore. “This ring won't do me any good if I am so distracted by fantasizing over the possibilities that I run into everything.” Although I had only walked half of my way to school yet, I had already bumped into something three times. I just wasn't able to properly focus on my surroundings. I mean, who...

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Derek and Susan

I walked into the executive offices and looked at the managingdirector's PA. She was a slightly plump very pretty blonde in her earlytwenties, dressed in a smart business suit with a white blouse and dark,sheer, hose, probably tights. I knew that I would have three days at thecompany and I needed somewhere to stay and some amusement. To fill in timebefore my meetings started, using my security clearance I checked thepersonnel records and made a note of her address. I also discovered thather...

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Get It Done

"Hello, ladies." A voice said. Anne recognized the voice as Marco's. She looked around, but saw nothing. She looked in the direction the voice was coming from, but it was all pitch black. The other girl also looked confused."Don't be scared.. It's me, Marco.. But I'm not showing myself, until you show me yourselves, first. Anne, I want you to take off all of your clothes." Anne stared again. In a trance, she did as she was told, quickly stripping of all clothing. Her nipples got hard almost...

Group Sex
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Her Puppy Shared Parts 56

Part Five I listened impotently as they went to eat, the noise dulled by the distance and the walls between us, my ears desperately straining to hear them. The laughing I heard from time to time made me long to be out there, to be with them. I wished to be able to serve and please, sadness filled me at the thought of being unable to. Yet as time passed, I realised that they were probably enjoying the thought of me, tied up elsewhere and alone, listening to their faint sounds but unable to be...

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Geluk bij een Ongeluk

Ze liep zonder uit te kijken zo de weg over en voor ze er erg in had lag ze op de grond voor mijn wagen. Ik had haar aangereden, ik sprong uit mijn wagen en vroeg haar of ze wat had en hoe het met haar ging. Ze vertelde dat ze last had vaan pijn in haar been. Daar ik zelf fysio the****ut ben keek ik even naar haar been, omdat ik het niet helemaal vertrouwde stelde ik haar voor om haar mee te nemen in mijn auto naar de huisartsenpraktijk waar ik zelf ook werkzaam ben en een arts naar haar been...

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DchasChapter 9

Sarah and Rusty joined Jim, Amy and Erica on the patio. Sarah said, "You're not going there first." "No, Cheri went there earlier. She is staying there to keep an eye on things for a while," said Erica. "This group has not been here before. Connie and Betsy were their doctors and Donna had the same role as she does here. Since they left us, I've monitored their well-being. Yesterday was the first time I've made my presence known. At the time, I was wearing a fairly long dress. So...

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My bhabai sex goddess

Hi friends I a reader of this site and thought to put up my true story on this site. I am the only net freak in my house and no body else knows how to even browse the net so i will be bold in using our real names in this sexcapade i am having with my eldest brother’s wife. I am aged 27 (married with a 2 yr old daughter and my wife is 22 years very slim girl). My brother Rajesh is a Train ticket collector working in hyderabad and have of late moved to a near by local village bhongir. He is aged...

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Tranny cock in my ass

UltimateFantasyOne of my greatest sexual fantasies has always been to have my ass fucked by a nubile, horny transsexual. Being taken by a girly with a solid erection must be the ultimate sexual pleasure and I have often dreamed about how it would feel and how I would feel about it. The following is a story albeit it is how I would like this to happen.I met up with Carol and Ellen who were going to get me prepared for my anal screwing. They were both dressed in leather corsets with their breasts...

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