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Kevin transferred to our school from California in the Venice/Santa Monica area. The first thing I noticed about him was how he had those chiseled good looks that made me think of Keanu Reeves a lot. He was more buffed than most of the guys in our school and filled the tee shirt well enough that you just knew he was the guy you wanted on your team.

He had the muscles of a light heavy weight wrestler or a dedicated swimmer. Not that our guys were a bunch of pantywaists. I mean, in a town like Thermal, Wyoming, about half the students come from the surrounding farms and ranches. That means there weren't too many marshmallows in the student body.

This guy had no fancy globs of muscle like exclusive weight lifters and pretty-boy body builders get, no way. His body was just plain functional. Since I was, and am, a serious athlete, I checked him out pretty close. He stood about six one or two, weighed in at close to one eighty-five and had a deep chest. It was almost like describing me except I'm only six feet tall and I sure as hell don't have looks that would put anyone in mind of Keanu Reeves. With my dishwater blond hair and what Dad calls "cow pie features," I am nobody's pretty boy. I do okay socially, but that's about all.

As we approached each other he looked down and saw my X-men carrying case. It would be hard to miss, what with the Great Green Hulk bursting out of a blast of blazing light and coming right at you. I had painted it on the vinyl case myself and I was justifiably proud of it. I'm a serious painter with a lot more than average talent. It held my charcoals, pastels and two rolled up ink drawings to be turned in to my art teacher, Miss Melton. He smiled at me and said, "That's a great illustration. Did you do it yourself or did you have a professional do it for you? That green glows."

"Oh, hi, thanks." I answered him, "I'm Andy Phillips." I stuck out my hand and he shook it with a strong, friendly up-and-down-three-times motion and let go. "Naw, I did this one the other night when I got my homework done early."

"I'm Kevin Newman and that's Bullshit." he said. "Getting that shade for the hulk's skin tone and the graduated shades of ochre behind it took a lot of time. They didn't just mix themselves together. Then the way you use your blues to fill in the background and the transparent crimson lake you washed the clouds had to take hours. Don't kid a kidder or try to bullshit a fellow artist. You have a great eye for color and form. What else have you done?"

"Oh, I have a few canvases at home, including one in progress for the State Art Festival. I plan to enter it in the adult competition. It's an eagle feeding her young."

"No shit. I'd like to see it." He paused and then added, "Well, some time or other." He acted like he was afraid of being too pushy. I liked that. I'm a pretty private kind of guy. I was then, too.

I had no regular girlfriend right then because all of the girls in our school were so into that new TV series, "Vajina The Zombie Killer." They were competing to see who could look the most naked, like Vajina, without getting suspended. I got a kick out of the storyline, myself. But I couldn't get all creamy and dreamy like they did. I mean, look at her build. Her muscles had absolutely no tone. She couldn't lift a hundred pounds in real life and she's kicking ass on a bunch of near indestructible immortals? No way. No flaking way.

When it came to musculature, even then I considered myself an authority, and rightly so. I worked out and I worked my butt hard. Northern Tai chi, swimming, running, bicycling the hills kept me lean, mean and supple as a green willow branch. My dream was to compete in the Iron Man Decathlon. I knew I couldn't end up in the money, the first three. I mean when the fifth place man last year was a real old dude of forty-six who races bikes up and down mountain roads for fifty miles, never stopping and never slowing down, I'd be lucky to even qualify. Those dudes were real men.

Any way, being a normal guy, I ate up all this appreciation of my true worth as an artist. "Come on over after class. I just live across the street."

"I know," he said. That struck me as being a little odd. I mean here I just met the guy and he knows where I live? I shrugged it off and we headed for class. Maybe he saw me as I left the house for class or something.

We sat next to each other through boring calculus and were out the door as soon as the bell sounded. Next period was free time and we were supposed to stay on campus, but since I lived right across the street, nothing was ever said when I slipped over to the house for something. We hurried on over to my house and I led him straight to my room.

When I opened the door to my room, he almost had a hernia. My three networked computers were state of the art. The Compaq logo and the MSI labels were hard to miss. Then to one side was an almost new IBM that had been a throwaway from a Government upgrading. Some times the government throws away better stuff than most people ever get to use. My fax-scanner and printer weren't all that bad, but they looked like poor relatives at a rich uncle's party.

"Hell, man. What's the deal, are your folks rich or what?" A little envy showed as he ran his hands over the keyboards and the finger mouse. "I never saw so much good stuff all together. What gives?" He looked like he was going to have a nervous breakdown unless I answered him.

"Aw, it's no big deal, not really. My Uncle Wayne is in computer sales and engineering. Everything here either came from some big multinational that was upgrading and converting or a government agency that had too much money at the end of the fiscal year." I proudly showed him the FBI logo that someone had neglected to scrape off. I thought it added a certain mystique to my possessions. "Most of it came in pieces. I reassembled, tested and changed out parts until I got something that worked. Some times I raid the dumpsters behind the computer store and get some real great stuff."

He grinned sadly, "I'm making do with an old Packard-Bell right now."

"No way." I exclaimed.

"Way, dude." he answered.

"Well, hey, bring it over here and let me look through my junk. I bet I got enough stuff for an upgrade. What kind of tower you got?"

"Tower? I don't know. A high one?" He vaguely brought his hands a couple of feet off the floor.

"I think I know about what it is. It'll work. Bring it over after school and we'll upgrade out of junk parts I got laying around." My "junk parts," were mostly near new that I had carefully taken from units that had been usually well maintained by whatever agency owned them before I got my hands on them. Everything got torn down, the useable parts were tagged and the rest dumped. Uncle Wayne sends his only nephew, his youngest sister's only son a unit about every three to six months.

"You're not kidding, are you?" He asked in amazement.

"Out here in th' wild and wooly west, folks is neighborly, pilgrim." I told him in my best John Wayne voice.

"Oh wow. I'll tell my mom and get her okay to stay out past my curfew." Curfew? I thought that sounded a little strange, but I didn't say anything and he didn't explain. I did think he was one of the most emotional acting guys I ever met.

"Well, just stay the night if it's okay, I got twin beds and you can flake out on one and I'll take the other. We'll just go over and get your unit and bring it over and make it like new." I liked the idea that I would have another computer to explore. I also liked the idea of a new friend who looked like he might have in interest in bodybuilding approaching my own, and it was nice to maybe have someone as a friend who appreciated art and didn't think about a new coat of paint on the walls when he used the word "painting."

Then he saw my wild life oils. He didn't say a word; he just looked. He had tears in his eyes, as he looked at the one of a mamma bear curled up and cuddling her cub. "Jesus, Man. Why are you wasting your talent on X-Men when you can do something like this? Oh man, this talks to me, it really does."

"Well, to start with, I collect Marvel and other comics. I dig the X-Men and the X-Files. So as far as I'm concerned, as long as it's what I want to do it's no waste." That remark kind of pissed me off.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like it sounded. It's just that you are the first guy I ever met who is as good as I am." Now that would have sounded like pure arrogance coming from a lot of guys. But I had a hunch he was just saying what he honestly believed to be true.

"Aw, that's all right, but people are always putting down my comic collecting and telling me stuff about how I ought to do this and that when they can't even draw a crooked line."

He looked at my charcoals and a pastel I had done of one of the girls at school. I was going to give it to her just before she began looking for my owner's manual. When she began to try to rearrange my life so she could take it over I dropped her. The picture just hung there. I had decided that some day I was going to toss it. I just hadn't got around to it yet at that time.

"You are good enough to hold a showing. You know that?" he asked me.

I laughed, "Nobody around here would pay enough for a picture for me to even think of anything like that."

"Anyway, you are already a pro. I know quality when I see it." Just then we heard the warning buzzer and hurried back across the street.

"Just hold it there, fellas." a voice greeted us as we came through the front entrance of the school. I looked at where the voice was coming from. Mister Feldman stepped out of a darkened classroom. "I've been waiting for you two. Since you live across the street, we've pretty much let you come and go. But when you start taking friends with you like this one, maybe we better start sniffing your breaths"

Now he and I have never really been friendly, but he never tried to rag on me like this before. "Look, you got a problem with me, just say so or get off my back. If the problem is too big, I'll go get my dad and we can settle it either here, in court or just you and me in a back alley. You choose."

Mister Feldman had been in the marines and he thought that made him a hot shot. His first week here, he heard that I practiced Northern tai chi and challenged me to a "friendly" demonstration of his abilities. I kicked his ass royally. He learned that the difference between karate and tai chi was the difference between a German shepherd and a pit bull. I was the pit bull. We never spoke much to each other after that. I didn't know what his problem was, but I did know that I would not take any of his crap, vice principal or not.

"No, I think that from now on you will not be allowed to leave the school grounds until after the last class. Do I make myself clear?" He sneered at both of us.

"No, you did not make yourself clear," I told him. "So you better explain what you mean or just butt out of my life. You're a loud mouth and a bully and I don't like you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Good. You are suspended. Both of you. Get out." His face was white with rage. I guess he wasn't used to having students dis him like that. But I have never liked being bullied, especially by jerks.

"Come on," I said to my new friend and headed toward the office.

"Hey. I told you to get off the school grounds." He almost screeched at us. His face was red with rage.

"Sorry, dude, I'm going to the office. Now you want to try to stop me a second time?" I grinned at him and waited.

"Maybe we better do as he says," Kevin told me. He took hold of my arm and tried to pull me toward the door but I was centered. Basically what that means in martial arts is that my center of gravity was one with the Earth. I didn't budge.

"Naw, I don't think so. Our friend here was a real marine. He tried to impress us with his martial arts and I whipped him and didn't even muss my hair and he's pissed." I gave Mister Feldman a look that was total disrespect.

"By God. I don't have to take that from some queer." He started at me and I dropped into a ready stance and waited. I was grinning. He had called me a queer. I was going to have his ass for lunch.

He tried a side sweep and I bitch slapped him. Mister Corbin had come out of his office just as his assistant went down. He had seen the attempted side sweep and the landing on his ass of Feldman. "Stop this." he commanded.

Feldman got to his feet and blustered, "Next time."

"There will be no next time." Mister Corbin was trying to defuse a situation that I was not going to let go of.

"There will be a next time," I argued. "He will try to sneak up and catch me by surprise. And when he does I promise you I'll send him to the hospital. He's a loud mouthed punk."

"What is this all about?" Corbin asked. "You have never ever been in a fight before that I know of. Just what exactly happened?"

"It was nothing," Kevin said.

"The hell it wasn't. I contradicted him.

"First this ass hole accuses me of drinking," I said.

"I did not." Feldman denied.

"You sure as hell did. You said you wanted to check our breaths. Remember?"

Mister Corbin gasped and started to choke.

"Then you called me a queer, or did you forget that too?" My voice was getting louder and louder. Students were all gathering.

"Let's take this into the office," Mister Corbin said.

"Fine," I said in a loud voice, "But I want everyone here to hear me say that this is one queer that is going to beat the shit out of Feldman the Fag if he ever lays another hand on me."

I turned and led the way to the office. "Oh my god." Kevin moaned. "My mom is going to kill me."

I walked behind the counter in the school office and right into Mister Corbin's office. This was the first time I had ever been inside it. As soon as we were all in and Mister Corbin closed the door, I said, "I am going to ask my dad to sue the school district, and both of you. He will, too, probably. My dad knows I don't lie and he and I are very close."

"What if I prove it?" Feldman asked in a nasty voice.

"You dumb shit. If you could prove I'm a queer, then I nail your ass for sexual harassment. My dad collects enough money to send me to college. If you don't prove it, then I nail your butt again. This is what my dad calls a "win, win for me and a sorry Charlie" for you. Either way you're toast and the town pays for my college. I got a ton of witnesses out there in the hallways.

"How can we settle this without your father becoming involved?" Mister Corbin asked.

"Fire him," I answered. "He should have never been hired in the first place."

Mister Corbin looked at Feldman and asked, "Well?"

"Hey. I have a contract here. If you think you are just going to dump me, you have another think coming. Especially over two fairies." The man looked like he was going to explode.

Ever the bureaucrat's bureaucrat, Mister Corbin said, "Thank you. With that statement you just solved a thorny problem for me. As of this second, you are on indefinite leave. Your final check will be forwarded to your home address. You will not be called back. You have your choice of quitting or to face a hearing. Good day."

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The Pickup II

The Pick Up - Part 2 by [email protected] This story is erotic fiction containing descriptions of sexual relations between men and transgenders, cross-dressing, food fetish, bondage, discipline, and humor. If any of this might offend you, or is illegal where you live, or you're too young to read such things, stop now. Otherwise, enjoy. Following my eventful Saturday night and Sunday morning with Sue and Jessica, I had purchased a complete outfit of women's clothing in...

4 years ago
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The Realtors Agent

It was going to be a hot summer. School was out and I needed a summer job. Unfortunately, because I waited until the middle of May;all the good summer jobs were already taken. I didn’t want to get stuck mowing lawns again for the summer, even though as a strapping nineteen year old guy, I had no problem with manual labor.One of my dad’s business buddies got a job transfer and placed his house up for sale. He hired a real estate agent to sell the house but asked if I would keep an eye on the...

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Big booty Cheating Latina

This is the story about this big booty young cheating Latina that we are going to call "Z" for this story. So it's a Saturday night and ain't got nothing to do so I decide to go out to a bar and have a few drinks and maybe shoot some pool. I go to this low-key bar to have a few drinks and look around and see what's out there. Not much Was going on that night. I got there a little early so I thought maybe I slow down on the drinking and shoot some pool while it gets more pack. Pool gets boring...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 24

On arriving at the Hall for the evening meal, we were surprised to see a larger table set up and that several other guests were already there for the meal. The current conversations all stopped when we entered the Hall. "These are my house guests," Lady Feidhelm told the others. "The young man is Master Kellen O'Connell and the young ladies are the Mac Sweeney Sisters, Airmid and Almha, his Apprentices," she finished. "Kellen, these are my guests for the evening meal: Master Murchadh...

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Phone Hacker Discovery taboo edited

edited 8 July 2020As the Managing Director, I had overall responsibility for both the office team and the lads in the warehouse. I also looked after the delivery drivers and the sales force but both of those teams had their own line management and I didn’t have to spend much time worrying about them. In reality, I ran the whole business and when ‘old man Maxwell’ finally died I would take over entirely. I had originally been hired by Simon. Simon was Mr Maxwell’s only c***d but he’d sadly died...

4 years ago
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Dog Gone

Dog Gone By Miss Anonna I had been looking to get a dog for quite some time now and still was undecided so I thought I’d head down to a local Dog Park and chat with some people who had dogs. I looked up a few on the internet and chose one about 3 or 4 miles away near the creek. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself as I slipped into my halter top and tight jeans. I did not really think that I would need a bra so I didn’t put one on as it was a very warm, sunny day.

2 years ago
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Pratyusha FatherInLaw8217s Whore 8211 Part 2

(This is based on purely fantasy, dreams of Pratyusha. She told me that she is my biggest fan so she wanted me to write her fantasy story. We discussed her guidelines. I wrote, sent to her for approval and am publishing after making changes as she suggested. Please send comments/ suggestions to ) Pratyusha’s story ….Sushma is right about my horniness. If my Mom didn’t watch over me 24×7, I would have been fucked by many cocks. She caught me once masturbating and after that she never stopped...

2 years ago
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A Smart Set of Cheaters

Patricia51 made the comment to me some time back that all my cheaters and most of the husbands seem to be stupid. She further stated that my cheating wives seemed to have a lack of respect for their husbands. We traded e-mail about these points and I had to agree with her. I told her I would try to write a story where the cheaters were smart and the wife respected the smart husband.I knew this would be hard to do though because of a failing in me. I feel that cheaters DO disrespect the spouse...

1 year ago
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It happened one sunny afternoon Part 4

Tom woke next morning, Untangled himself from Mary who was wrapped around him almost suffocating him, she opened her eye’s and said. Morning lover boy, I'm ready for round two. Not so fast young lady said Tom, We need to stoke the boiler, that means eat and is Saturday there are things to do. Pleasure has to go on the back burner for now and we have to prepare for our visitor tonight. Oh I forgot about that she said, Okay lets do it, what can I do? Make a pot of tea while I wake Jackie and get...

Erotic Fiction
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 91

The next morning we awoke early and had had breakfast by seven thirty. Lena confided that she was a little apprehensive about the day ahead at work, she was worried what the rumours might be, and how she'd face the rest of the staff. I told her not to worry and that I'd be with her, she wouldn't have to face anyone alone. We also discussed the story we'd tell Brian. Lena agreed with me that a hit and run car accident would do as well as anything. It would cover anything emerging about...

1 year ago
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Bus Rides

Having woken up this morning with my panties completely soaked, I decided to be really naughty, and wear a skin tight, wrap around dress that left nothing to the imagination. While riding the bus to my morning classes, I attracted the attention of several men, with one older gent sitting himself next to me. I had made sure the front of my dress was open enough to show some cleavage, and being a girl with really large boobs, it was not hard to do. The gent sitting next to me was definitely able...

4 years ago
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My New Sluttish Wife

I met my wife when she was a student nurse and we hit it off straight away and we got on really well and had lots of laughs etc .I introduced her to sex magazines ,well she found some in my bedroom while I was in shower and I found her reading and playing with herself she went red but told her to carry on as I licked her slowly she said it was the best she ever had,from then on made her go into the shops and buy it while I watched her and the looks of others as she put on counter to...

1 year ago
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Me and my m8

hi well this is to tell you about me and my best m8 well we both race in the stockcars up in scotland and it was one nighte at the stockcars wen we had just finishes the race we got out our cars in the pits and just looked at each other. i was walking down the pits to see another race. by the way my name is sean and my best m8s name is lyndsey. so yea i was walking down the pits to see another race wen lynsey walked up beside me and touched mycock. so i just held her hand. she then walked into...

Adult Humor
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Masseuse and His Sexy Shemale Client

My hands ached.No really, every tendon burned from the wrist all the way to the tips of my fingers.I was in my therapy room with a client. A really big client. Most of the other therapists wouldn’t provide for him because of the sheer strength involved in providing him the massage he needed.Still, the pay was better than good and I made it a personal point to help everyone that comes in through my door. Doesn’t mean I can’t bitch about it though.“That was amazing,” the client said, climbing off...

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Jack in the Cast

The light knocking on the door caused Jack Benson to take a deep breath, grit his teeth, and finally call out. “Yeah, who’s there?” From behind the closed bedroom door came the low voice of Kathy Collett, “Jack, it’s Kathy. Can I come in?” Sighing loudly Jack answered “Ah yeah, I guess. Come on in Kathy.” “I brought you a present for Valentine’s Day.” She began as she swung the door open and waltzed into the room carrying a wrapped box, a bouquet of flowers and a card. When her...

3 years ago
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Returning Home

Returning home after my first year at University all I wanted to do was lay out by the pool, I was exhausted and emotionally tapped. My parents had sent me a note telling me that I would not be laying around the house all day and partying all night. They wanted me to go to work all summer for my Dad, I agreed conditional on being totally free for the last two weeks of August for R&R before going back to school. I was 19 with a swimmers body and when my time arrived I had breakfast by the...

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My First Time with Jackie Part 1

“Ay Mara, I just don’t know what to do,” Jackie whimpered “I feel like he’s slipping, but how can I blame him. I mean look at me, I’m disgusting” she was crying now.   I didn’t know what to do, or what to say. I love her and to me she’s perfect. Jackie is 5’6, beautiful tan skin, big hazel eyes, long eyelashes that just make her eyes look even more exotic, thick full lips, huge bouncy boobs, and a nice perky ass. She is a little on the heavy side but always keeps herself clean, and...

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French MaidChapter 3

The following day I didn't need to start work until the evening. So for most of the day I spent with one of my close friends, not actually letting on what was happening at the hotel, but hinting to her. She seemed shocked. I didn't let on that I had taken an active role in any of the goings-on. When I arrived I was waiting at the dinner tables for the first couple of hours. Apart from one of the guests, who put his hand up the back of my short dress everytime I served him, the dinner was...

5 years ago
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(disclaimer-scat [in the first section] & Darbie being Darbie ahead.) They were all gathered around the table, eating their steaks and their salads. "Hey, Jace." "Yes?" One of the guys looked up. Darbie was smiling. "Stand up, and take off your pants. Then take a shit on Arianna's plate." Jace glanced at his beautiful girlfriend Arianna, who sat next to him, then stood up, working his jeans down. The smile never left the girl's face as Jace breathed a grunt of relief, then laughed at a joke...

Mind Control
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brothers erotic pictures of sister turn to m

This story involves i****t between a brother and sister. It begins with erotic photographs but ends where most stories do, with a couple of good orgasms. I love feedback, especially hearing how it made you feel. Please rate this story and give me comments.*In high school, the majority of guy's actions are largely influenced by the floods of testosterone raging through their bodies. The only difference for Jude was that he turned his passion into a hobby. Ever since he opened a professional...

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Second Cousins Second ChancesChapter 7

In the pre-sunrise hours in that hotel room in Las Vegas, my gorgeous, nude cousin paused before answering. What was surely only a few seconds felt like a few hours, until finally she looked up and met my gaze. "I don't know, Eddie. The virtuous part of me wants to be faithful to my husband, to write this trip off as a one-time lack of judgment, to move forward and see if Mike and I can make it work." I nodded. "But the honest part of me realizes that Mike and I may not be able to make...

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Theatre sex tharvaatha

Hai readers this is ur madan…..as per the respons for my last story sexperience in a theatre, i am continuing………..after the hand pumping of the side seater of my wife..and his licking her pooku, sametime naa pakkavaadi na loudani cheekadam….mem nalguram kalasi valla room ki vellamu, akkada vallintloo oka avida undi, aame ma avida pakkathani bharya…adi chusi mem avakkayyam…intlooki vellaka, kasepatki mem aiduguram battalippukuni disa molalatho room loo okari shareeranni okaru thagulthu sparsha...

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The Half LilinChapter 15

Mother looked furious as she got up from her throne and strode over to the first Lili that fell from the sky. Grabbing her by the scruff of her neck (or whatever's left of it), Mother hoisted her up, their eyes on the same level. Then she proceeded to shake the Lili's body violently. "Wake up, girl," Mother said as the Lili's body was shaken even more, "Wake up, you're going to answer my questions right now!" Seeing that she still didn't stir, Mother paused, just before a pinkish...

5 years ago
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Chudakharh Family

Hay friends! Mai ny Iss ki bhot stories read ki hain or aj mai apni Story aap sub dosto ko suna raha hun umeed hai ap ko pasand aye ki.mai apny parents ka aik hi son hun or bhot laadla hun. Ais time meri umar 25 years old mery papa government job karty hain or mom ghar hi hoti hain hum shorho sy isbd mai rehty hain papa ko office ki taraf sy ghar mila huwa hai.humari street mai sub aik dosry ka bhot khyal rakhty hain or aik dusary ki khushi ghami mai shamil hoty hain.mai shouro sy study mai bhi...

3 years ago
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A Loyal Conservative House Wife

This is a story of a housewife living in kolkata,named runi.Her husband’s name vikash and they are living in a joint family with vikash’s parents,sister,uncle,aunt etc.Having no kid is one of the major problems in married life. Runi and vikash have the same probnlem. After 5 years of marriage they still don’t have a kid.As usual all blames are pointed to runi.Vikash’s family and others are thought that runi have some medical problem.But the reality is opposite.Many of their showed that runi is...

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SleepwalkerChapter 44 Welcome to My World

The scene at the door was as emotional as you would expect. Mom and Dad barely made it in the door before Shannon and Allison hit them both. Tears flowed freely as the pent up emotion of the last few days was finally able to dissipate. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. At first Tom, Karen, and myself were just responding to the scene, but when it was my turn to finally hug and hold the parents I had almost lost... well, use your imagination. Finally Tom stepped in and took Shannon's...

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Black Maled

Ronald Waterman had the perfect life. He was an annuities manager at an investment firm on Wall Street making more money than most people could ever dream of making. Hed made a few sound investments and done some trading that wasnt really above board but he didnt get caught and he made a bundle in the process so debt wasnt a huge issue. He and his wife were empty nesters, their two boys were in college and staying relatively out of trouble, at least not the sort of trouble that would get them...

2 years ago
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Shackled Part 2

Now it was my turn. I strapped myself into the cuffs and waited for him. I looked down at myself, my black lace panties with matching black corset, I would pay for being clothed but I wanted to. The cuffs were slack on my wrists, I knew they would soon be tightened. I looked behind me at the table of toys and my wetness grew in my panties.  The door opened, I turned my head sharply to see him as he entered, dressed all in black and his top clinging to him to show off his impressive arms. A...

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Jungle Rain

You awake to a driving rain. It takes you several seconds to force your mind to capture the situation. Costa Rica. Deep in the no-man’s land of a virginal jungle. A flash of lightening. White light exploded in every inch of the universe. Crashing thunder shakes the trees. Your hammock sways violently in the howling wind. Lightning and driving rain. Rare in the green cocoon that you have called home for the last four months. Lightening is a thing of the distant latitudes. This kind of crashing...

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Renee and her brother Ch3

Renee and Her Brother Ch. 03                  Shelley and Ryan continue their relationshipThis story started with Renee (42) and Ryan (31), sister and brother, who had not seen each other for 6 years. They found that they loved each other and carried this on to becoming partners and living together in a beach house in the South West of the State. Renee had 3 children, all who had grown and left home. Her daughter Shelley (now 30) was married with 2 children at the time. She and her brothers...


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