- 4 years ago
- 35
- 0
Chapter Five: ‘Aftermath’
The doctor wants to talk to Geoffrey, but Geoffrey is flickering in and out. He can’t follow the conversation. The doc is looking down at him. Geoff looks around and finds he is in bed with Anne, and then he remembers. The doctor talks. Geoff is answering. They’ve been conversing, haven’t they? He tries to follow it, to reconstruct it. What have they said?
She’s had insults to several systems. Whatever that means. We think her liver function will improve on its own. You think? It should. She’s pretty well re-hydrated now, and we’ll get her electrolytes balanced pretty soon. That should help her heart rhythm. Should? It should. There doesn’t seem to be any permanent damage to her limbs, though an orthopedist needs to have a look at her shoulders. That’s good, I guess. And the antibiotics should clear up her pneumonia and the infections in her lesions. Lesions? Her burns and cuts. Some of them are infected. We decided against giving her a transfusion for her anemia. Why? She should improve with medication and diet. I see. Two things we have to watch are her kidney function and her heart.
‘Wait a minute! I thought you said the electrolytes would clear up her heart.’
‘Well, yes, but there may be damage. We can’t tell yet.’
‘And her kidneys?’
‘We’ll have to see how much they improve. She might be fine.’
She might be fine. Geoffrey wakes up completely and thinks about that for awhile.
* * * * *
Geoffrey has hardly left Anne’s side. He hasn’t had a choice. She held onto him through everything last night, even her x-rays. He couldn’t let go of her hand to change positions without her getting agitated. He couldn’t go to the bathroom until they gave her something to help her sleep, and when he got back she was rolling in a nightmare. He leaned down to her. ‘I’m here, Annie. It’s okay. You’re safe.’ She opened her eyes barely enough to see him, sighed ‘Geoffy,’ and faded back out.
Besides him, her room is filled with machines and charts and blinking lights, metal tubes and a glass wall to the main ICU staff area. Everyone who passes looks in at them. Staff come and go. Security sits just outside the door. During the night Geoff had tried to stay awake while waiting for all the tests. Someone would address him and he’d jerk out of a velvet sleep. He had a passing thought that he should call someone to cancel his classes, but who cares?
The doctors finished with Anne around three a.m. When they left, Geoff pushed a green vinyl chair right up against the bed, blocking one of the monitors, and held her hand through the safety bars. He woke an hour later to see her staring down at him, and for the first time he knew she was awake and aware and back in the world. She was looking at him with the saddest expression he had ever seen.
‘I hurt you and left you and you came for me.’ She couldn’t continue. She cried with gulps and sobs.
‘Annie. Annie.’
Geoffrey stood and leaned over her, and as he did the world spun and he held the bed rail. The world spun and spun, then merely rocked, then only trembled. Geoffrey put his mouth to Anne’s temple. ‘Annie, Annie, it’s okay. Please don’t be sad.’ Her hair was clean. It smelled of shampoo. When did they have time to wash her? How did he miss it? The world twirled around Anne’s temple, around the fine hair and the smell of shampoo.
‘You should have let me die!’ Her crying changed to coughs, and in a minute a nurse came in to give her something.
Anne drifted back to sleep but kept jolting awake. If Geoffrey sat completely still the room would stop floating, but Anne couldn’t stop jumping, and every time he had to stroke her and whisper and put his cheek on her. Finally he slipped off his shoes and crawled onto the bed, under her IV line, and held her. No one was going to stop him. He fell asleep. When she’d kick and twist he’d simply hold her and say something, and they’d glide back under together. Then, during the night, Victor was leaning against the far wall, holding a cigarette in a European fashion, but when Geoffrey sat up Victor transformed himself into some sort of medical apparatus covered with a gray tarp. Satan! Geoff had to check to make sure he hadn’t accidentally jerked out the IV tube.
Later he woke snuggling Anne in a spoons position, with his hand on her hip, coming out of a dream in which they were fucking. He was completely erect and moving his penis up and down against her. He stopped. He thought she couldn’t possibly ever want sex again.
They were both asleep when the chief attending physician came in to give his morning report a few minutes ago. Behind him Geoffrey can see the morning nurse, smiling like the Mona Lisa and touching a finger to her lips. Anne sleeps through the whole thing. Someone put an oxygen mask on her during the night, and Geoff slept through it. What if Satan had sneaked in?
She might be fine.
* * * * *
Anne probably doesn’t need so much time in ICU, but the mayor has made the call. ‘America’s Most Wanted’ started the ball rolling and now the case dominates the cable networks. It probably will for a few weeks, until some six-year-old shoots his father in Wyoming. For now it’s Anne the celebrity, Anne the victim, Anne of the black box. The tabloids can’t get enough of her. The mayor isn’t going to let anything happen to her. At least the media are kept away from her floor, and the city picks up the tab.
On the second day, Geoff looks up at a TV in the cafeteria and there they are, videotapes of the basement and the box, along with edited footage from the Web site archives. It’s a cable news talk show. The two hosts are supposed to represent the left and the right. Today they agree the nation needs new laws and a crackdown on Internet smut. The one from the right blames the Clinton administration for a breakdown in sexual morality.
Contributions from women’s advocacy groups pour in. Cost isn’t going to be a problem. The FBI doesn’t make a big case of it, since after all no one was killed, but at least Victor is now a Federal fugitive. Photos of Victor are plastered everywhere, with the usual information on what numbers to call.
* * * * *
The third day.
They’re edging down the hall toward the elevators. The doctors want Anne to walk but she’s awfully weak, so they go slowly, she still swaying a little on those spindly legs. Geoffrey holds the wheeled IV bag cart to one side, the tube crossing behind his back. He pulls it along while his other arm is around her waist, supporting her and holding her to him. When they pass the nurses’ station one nurse whispers to the other, ‘They’re so sweet together,’ before turning back to the mayor’s press conference on CNN.
Geoff is telling Anne something. Some little thing. ‘You promise to eat something for me, right Annie?’ She usually won’t speak, not since the first night. Maybe she’ll utter a word or two almost under her breath, in a monotone, but that’s it. She’ll talk to Geoff a little, when they’re alone. Now they murmur almost conspiratorially. Anne seems to be agreeing to try to eat. Then out of the blue she stops walking and begins to cry. She doesn’t try to hide it, just stands there with tears flowing down her face, making panting little high-pitched sobs. Geoff turns to her and she puts her face to his chest. He doesn’t know what to do. She shows no emotion to anyone else. She’s a blank slate to them. Not to Geoffrey, though. Not now. He touches his free hand to her head.
After a few minutes she’s better. She looks up at him and puts fingers to his cheek and kisses him, then they walk some more.
Before they get back to her room Anne is winded and covered in a fine, itchy sweat. Geoff helps her to the bed and looks at her, wondering about the kiss. Anne speaks a whole sentence, ‘Geoff, don’t look at me like that.’
‘What? Like what?’
‘You know.’ She looks away.
‘I’m so ashamed.’ She’s still looking away. Her eyes are watery but there are no more tears.
‘Oh. Well, should I keep my eyes closed?’ He closes his eyes and walks toward her and almost falls when he stumbles against a rack. ‘Oh, shit. Damn!’ Anne laughs the first part of a tiny laugh but catches herself and puts a hand to her mouth.
‘It’s just that…’ She sighs. ‘I wish I could undo everything.’ She’s silent for maybe ten seconds. ‘I know you have things you have to do.’ Silence again. Geoff sits down to wait her out. ‘You don’t have to stay with me anymore. My mother can take care of me.’
Geoffrey looks at her but doesn’t answer. Finally he rises and goes through the ritual of getting the room ready for her nap. He closes the curtain and shuts the door. He turns out the overhead light. He refills her drink canister with fresh juice. He pulls up her covers and kisses her on the forehead. Then, finally, ‘Would you like me to leave?’ Anne starts crying again.
‘Annie. Annie. If you’re going to cry at everything I say, I’ll have to be mute.’ She wipes her eyes and tries to smile. ‘So here’s the deal, Annie Fanny. I’m not going to try to take over your life. You know I’m not like that. When you tell me it’s time to leave, I’m gone, and I’ll be happy because you’re better. But if you’re saying that just because you think you’re a burden, or you don’t deserve help, or whatever… well, rethink it. I’m happy doing this.’
You’ll never know how long I spent rehearsing parts of that spiel, Anne. Did I get the lighthearted tone right?
She makes herself not cry any more. ‘Thank you Geoffy. I’d like it. If you stayed with me awhile longer. Really.’
He leans to kiss her on the forehead again. A brotherly kiss, or a fatherly one. Whatever. When he leans the room shifts. Oh, no. Here comes another one, another rolling wave. So many of them. He sits down in the green vinyl chair to help it pass while she rests, and he nods off after a few minutes. He wakes with Anne’s hand moving through his hair. ‘Come on up, Geoffy. You’ll be more comfortable up here.’
On the bed, he’s on his back and she curls against him, her head on his arm, and he is sound asleep in seconds. Anne lies perfectly still, looking at him. Occasionally she touches him while he sleeps. His chest. His cheek. He snores a little, but in a minute it changes to deep, regular breathing, almost as though he were breathing in sighs.
When her mother comes in during visiting hours, Anne puts a finger to her lips to make her be quiet.
* * * * *
‘I’d like to explore your feelings when you thought you’d always be his prisoner.’
The therapist won’t let go. Anne looks at Geoffrey. ‘It’s okay, Annie. Tell her.’ She squeezes his hand harder and looks down. She won’t look directly at the therapist, who obviously wishes Anne would see her alone.
When that time finally comes, though, Anne doesn’t say two words. ‘Do you not want to talk about Victor?’ asks the therapist, and Anne shakes her head, not looking up. ‘Is there anything you’d feel comfortable talking about?’
There’s a long silence. The therapist neither fidgets nor looks away. Finally Anne says it, but in voice so quiet the therapist has to lean forward to hear her.
‘Why?’ More silence. The therapist waits again.
‘I have to make him leave. But I don’t want to.’
‘Why is that?’ Anne just sits there.
The therapist gets Geoffrey alone to ask him about Anne. He asks her back, ‘What do you want to know?’
‘You’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty.’
‘Well she’s needed me.’
‘She told me about leaving you. For Mr. Bruno. So I have to wonder what your motives are?’
Oh shit. She’s no dummy, this therapist.
‘Yeah. That. Okay. I know what you’re getting at. I guess it shows. This is confidential, isn’t it? Okay. Well the fact is I never got over her. But I can’t tell her that. I know it’s over. I’m afraid she’ll feel she has to be nice to me because I’m her hero. You know. Out of gratitude. So I don’t know what to do. Do you have any suggestions?’
‘I think we three need to have a talk together.’
* * * * *
It isn’t that easy.
Saving Anne turned out to be easy. Bringing her home is easy. Nothing else is.
At home, Anne follows Geoffrey around the house. When he gets the newspaper she’s at the window watching him, as intently as do the paparazzi who seem to be camped out there. They always try to goad him into making a statement. They want photos of the sex victim, not Geoff, but he’ll have to do unless she gets too close to the window. They finally give up when the story wanes, but Anne doesn’t give up wanting Geoff to be in sight. When he mows the grass she sits in the rocking chair with a book in her lap and looks out at the lawn.
At first she has to ride to the university with him. While he lectures she sits in the back row, in a corner, eyes down so she doesn’t have to acknowledge anyone. The first day a young woman said hello and Anne looked down at her desk and made a shy smile but didn’t answer. Everyone knows she’s the girl in the box, and some of the guys look at her, but there aren’t any problems.
It’s the same inside the house. If Geoff steps out of the den to go on-line while Anne is watching something on TV, in a moment she’ll have drifted to the doorway. He won’t even hear her, but when he looks up she’ll be standing patiently, hovering at a spot where she can see him. He rises and walks over to envelope her in his arms and kiss her. ‘Do you want me to come back to the den?’ He nuzzles her hair.
She plays with the top button on his shirt, looking at it instead of at his face. ‘Mm-hmm.’ She says it in a little girl tone. He teases, ‘You’ll let me go to the bathroom alone, won’t you?’ and she answers ‘I guess,’ still playing with the button. But she sounds serious.
Nothing is easy. Anne needs a night light. She has to touch Geoff while she’s going to sleep, and he practices lying still so it’ll be easier for her. She stirs when he gets up during the night. She wakes two, sometimes three times a night and sits up in bed, trying not to yell, her heart thundering. Geoffrey holds her and talks to her. ‘I’m here Annie. I’ll always be here. Nothing will ever hurt you.’
He’s careful not to be sexual. He pulls her back down and kisses her, her ear, her neck, her mouth, murmuring in between, running his mouth over her temple, always going back to that fine hair that flies away. ‘There, there, Annie. My girl.’ They kiss while he holds and caresses and comforts her. Somehow they shift from lips to tongues, sucking and caressing each other’s tongue. They always do, though he doesn’t plan it. Geoffrey twists his body away so she won’t notice his erection. He wants her. Oh Jesu, joy of man’s desiring! Oh Jesus! Oh Yeshua Ben David! Oh God, I want to fuck her! He stops using his tongue and rubs a cheek over hers and murmurs something again, and then she nests against him and goes back to sleep while he waits for his penis to shrink.
If I were Victor I could make her want it. I’d just turn her on. It would be easy. I’d snap my fingers or tie her to the bed and she’d beg for it. Oh shut the fuck up. You aren’t Victor and you don’t want to be. Yes I do, in that one way.
He rises and walks to the guest bedroom to turn on the computer, where he goes to the files he wants, hidden in a folder within another folder inside a main folder. He plays the orgasm video that shows her flower opening and closing and he caresses his penis through his underwear. He pulls them down and runs his thumb up, down, around the head of his penis, letting it get slippery, petting himself while he watches orgasm videos. When he’s about to come he pulls up his shirt, panting and straining to subdue his voice, while he spurts onto his chest and belly.
Afterward he duck-walks into the bathroom, holding his pants out and his shirt up, to clean
himself off. Before he gets back to bed Anne is tossing again.
‘Annie. Annie. It’s okay. I’m here. You’re safe.’
* * * * *
When they first go outside to walk, she’s afraid the whole time. It’s early autumn, breezy and clear. The first leaves run along the street. It’s beautiful and she can’t wait to finish and get back inside the house. When they go out by car she has to be in by sunset. She can’t stand dark places like theaters. She sees Victor everywhere.
It is a long time before Anne can bring herself to see any of her friends. The whole time Jane is visiting, she and Anne clutch each others’ hands and cry together. At one point Jane says, ‘You know, it could just as easily have been Maureen or me.’ Geoff wonders if Jane has watched any of the orgasm videos, and if she’s a little jealous. He regrets it almost instantly, though Anne is more available on the Web than Pamela Anderson. Anyone with a credit card can see her.
In bed, before they’re asleep, Anne twitches and whispers, ‘Did you hear that?’ Geoffrey goes through the house once again. Every night he checks the security devices several times before coming to bed, and he does it again before going to work in the morning.
‘Have you done it, Geoff?’ When he says yes she asks, ‘Could you do it again?’ Motion detectors, window and door alarms, supplementary power, dead bolts, steel doors, barred windows. Cell phones preprogrammed with emergency numbers. Fortress Geoffy. He’s even got micro-cams hidden around, all tied to recording devices. The donations are used up.
* * * * *
The third day that Anne stays home alone, the house is empty when Geoff gets back.
‘Annie?’ No sound.
The house looks normal. Nothing is disturbed. They talked half an hour ago.
The door was locked when he got to it. The kitchen counter has things Anne had taken out for dinner, thawed chicken breasts, Parmesan cheese, sherry, butter. There’s a paperback book, face down on the dining table. There’s just no Anne.
He thinks why didn’t I take the gun? If he’s here I can’t get to it.
He grabs a knife. From a drawer in den he finds a taser. It’s something.
He hears her voice, muffled, as though far away. ‘I’m here, Geoff.’ It’s from the bedroom. She sounds desperate. He runs down the hall, into the bedroom. ‘Annie?’
She’s in the closet. She’s standing with her back to the wall, beside the closet door, and she’s holding a steak knife in both hands. She’s trembling and crying.
‘I heard him, Geoff! I heard him!’
‘It wasn’t him. I thought I heard him. It was something on TV. I was so afraid!’ Too afraid to call, to do the rational things.
Geoff takes the knife from her carefully. He has to pry her fingers away. He lets her tremble against him until finally she’s calm. He puts his cheek on her head and kisses her and brushes her with his hands.
‘Next time call me right away, okay honey? I’d die before I’d let him get to you.’
At the word ‘die’ Anne’s eyes snap open. She pulls her hands up and slaps them on his chest, hard.
‘No! Don’t say that!’
‘You’re not allowed to die. You can’t! You can’t! Tell me you won’t ever die! Say it!’
And he says it of course. Then Anne turns away. She demands something different.
‘Let me die, Geoff. I want to die. Please let me.’
‘No! Stop it, Anne.’
‘Please. I want to die. I can’t stand it anymore.’
Geoff picks her up. He swoops her. She still isn’t very heavy. He carries her to the bed while she begs him, ‘I want to die,’ where he lays her down and pulls a quilt over her. He lies down right beside her, under the quilt, puts pillows behind her, puts one lightly over her head so they’re completely nested. He holds her closely and strokes her hair and her back, stroking her. She continues to beg. ‘Let me die, Geoff. I love you but I can’t stand it.’
‘Shh. It’ll be all right. You’ll see.’ He strokes her again, but she won’t stop. She’s not loud. She doesn’t even seem to be paying attention. She might be half asleep, her face burrowed up against him, and she asks quietly to die. It’s a mantra, a half whisper, a murmur, on and on. ‘I want to die.’
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Phil loves sex. He has a long thick nine inch cock that loves to fuck. He mounted many girls in college and loved fucking them hard and deep. Then he met innocent virgin Molly. He really wanted her and did every thing to win her over. She had huge tits and a sweet round ass. She fell hard for the sweet and sexy Phil. On their first date he got her naked and ate her pussy for over an hour and tongue fucked her till she screamed. It was no time till he popped her cherry in the back of his car....
You wake up in your bed at around 7:30 in the morning. Its a nice warm Saturday and you get up to do your morning routine of brushing your hair, teeth and getting dressed. It seems that you are home alone untill next Monday because your parents and older sister had gone on a vacation. They had asked you if you wanted to come with but ultimately decided to stay home for some alone time. You decided to dress a little more comfortably than when anyone else is home and opted for just a loose white...
TeenPrologue You had used spells to get several strands of hair from Alexis' bedroom, and now sat in the room you had decorated as a place to practice stronger and more potent spells such as the immortality one you casted two centuries ago. It kept you looking like a 23 year old. You had done it after the town murdered your lesbian lover for taking the fall for you. You promised to find her again and make sure nobody kills her again. You are positive that the raven haired girl was her. But what...
BDSMSam kept her in the play room naked. She was there for sex and fun. He was a freak and loved wild kinky sex. He had married her mom when she was just a c***d and sexually abused the mom till she ran away with another man. She left her daughter and now he abused her. Men paid to fuck her and use her body any way they wanted. They could also take videos and pictures with her. She had huge tits like her mom and a great bubble ass. He had pierced her nipples and pussy. The play room had was filled...
Jack ruled his family and what he said was not questioned. He decided what they ate and what they wore and everything that went on in the house. He made the rule that no clothes were worn by the wife and his three daughters. He also fucked his wife any where and any time. The girls were used to dad bending mom over an fucking her right there in front of them. He also finger fucked the mom constantly. The girls were beginning to grow nice big tits like their mom. Dad had always been the one to...
O god! Her hand was creeping up towards my groin and I couldn't do a thing about it! I mean our parents were there for gods sake, what did she think she was doing!? I stifled a groan as her fingers started tracing the outline of my cock. We are sitting (my girlfriend and I) at a table for six in one of the classiest restaurants in town. You see, it's my parents wedding anniversary and so both our parents and us are out having a meal to celebrate. Our mothers are at either end of the...
I knew I was screwed. The biggest party of the year and I may not be able to go. It was my senior year and should be the time of my life, but instead, my bratty little sister found out about it and threatened to tell our mom if I didn't take her with me. She had just turned 12 and thought she was older than she actually was. I mean she had only this past summer started having her period and about two months ago mom bought her first training bra but you'd think she was all that. I thought...
No, this story is not about groupie plaster casters at a glam rock concert getting the cock and balls in plaster of a rock star they fucked. Nor is it about going backstage at a theatrical performance of a highly sexual play, although elements of such drama are in this story. It was a simple sign in the woods, ?Backstage Pass?. I had cycled to the end of a woodland trail, an old rail bed, and found a gate blocking the trail, presumably erected there by a property owner jealous of his privacy....
Almost a year had passed after Molly first received the Bishop into her vagina to deflower her when the inevitable happened and she finally missed her monthly flow. Two months later the midwife confirmed that she was pregnant. Molly had no way of knowing exactly which of her visitors had brought this about. Though there were good reasons why some of them were undoubtedly blameless, she herself was so ill-informed that she was not even sure whether or not anal intercourse could cause...
Introduction: Husband allows strangers to be intimate without her realizing. Men get to wife in unusual manner Pure fantasy. Anyone who is likely to be offended by themes. Stop reading now. Elaine had always been quite inhibited. She was raised by religious parents and it left her with some hangups about sin and guilt about pleasure. She was fine about the act of intercourse and enjoyed it,but when it came to anything a little unusual,she was much less sure. I had never told Elaine about my...
Kayla wanted to take me to this club she likes. On the way, we stopped at a dispensary. We walked into what could only be described as a supermarket for bush—pot, weed, grass, skunk-a-mola, or whatever you’d prefer to call it. My eyes got glossy and red just looking at their selection. I used to buy whatever my guy had. Now! Cripes! Now I can pick from my choice of fifty different blends and mixes. Not to mention there was this pretty cute young lady behind the counter.Her name was Kat and...
IncestThe next morning, I woke up sporting a wide grin across my face. Linda was still sleeping heavily beside me; she had been completely worn out from our fun from last night. I couldn’t believe I had finally fucked my wife in the ass - it had been incredible! It almost overshadowed the removal of the hang ups about having sex while Kara was in the house. Sure, there were some questionable moral choices there I suppose, but Linda had enjoyed it in the end - so it hadn’t been that bad really....
The name is Clarence Pierre Romans, and I’m a gentleman with a story to share with you. A tale of self-exploration and sensuality, if you will. Presently, I’m studying business administration at Carleton University in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I have lived here since early 2010. I’m originally from the City of Brockton, Massachusetts. I was born there to a Haitian mother and Puerto Rican father. I consider myself African-American, though I’m obviously biracial. I stand six feet...
“Shh, you`ll wake the neighbors.” Daddy whispered, popping his head out from under his daughter`s nightgown. “But it feels so good, I can`t help it.” She pouted, her tiny rosebud lips cute even when upset. “Just try to keep it down, ok?” Daddy ducked back down and returned to licking and suckling the little nub that drove his daughter insane with pleasure. It didn`t take long before she was writhing under him, biting her hand to keep from shrieking as an orgasm ripped through her tiny...
Vetted Sheila, the Aussie housewife got out of the shower and slipped on the bathroom floor. Instead of slipping over forwards or backwards, she slipped, did the splits and suctioned herself to the floor. She yelled out for her husband, Bruce. “Bruce, Bruce!” she yelled. Bruce came running in. ‘Bruce, I’ve bloody suctioned myself to the floor!’ she said. ‘Crikey!’ Bruce said and tried to pull her up. ‘You’re stuck fast girl. I’ll go across the road and get Frank.’ They came back and...
One morning, when I was fourteen years old, my mother stopped in my room to tell me she was leaving for work. She mumbled something about being home late, and I had to make my own dinner... I really wasn't paying any attention to my mom ... It was summer, and I had a summer love that year, by the name of Jessie. I was lying in bed thinking about Jessie. Two days before, we had necked at the Fourth of July Fireworks, and while everyone else was looking up, we were looking down, feeling each...
after a few weeks of touching each other,we got more involved mum would dress in nice underwear when dad went to work,and put on her elasticated trousers over them which would be easy for me to remove,and a top,so the first image i would get is a middle aged mum/housewife,going around her normal chores,i would usually be in my shorts or tracky bottoms,i would watch her from behind as she washed the dishes at the kitchen sink and then go up behind her kiss the back of her neck and put my hands...
I heard the front door close behind them and their limo pull away. I was still sitting there when Janey and Sally came in to say 'Good night.' I sat there all through the night and into the next day. Sally brought me breakfast, set the tray down, and left in silence. She picked it up later, the food untouched. She looked at me strangely, but didn't say a word. Lunch was the same way. Janey brought me dinner. She force-fed me a bite or two, but that was all I could eat. I felt their...
SUDDENLY SHAWNA! by Tonya Varese Chapter 1 : CAUGHT! "OK Shawn I'm off." Shawn's mom Helen was a striking woman. She was still fit and trim for a mother of two teens. She was wearing her coaches uniform and a silver whistle hung around her neck. Her fourteen year old son looked up from the tv. "Jeez I wish you weren't too old for the team," she said, "those boys of mine kick like girls, I've never had such a team of sissies in my life!" Shawn winced at...
It was hot and steamy as I arrived at the airport in Johannesburg for the long journey to Sydney, Australia. This was the beginning of a month-long holiday over Christmas from working in central Africa, and I was overjoyed to be heading back to some normalcy and "civilisation." I checked in and was allocated my seat on the 747 right at the rear. There was aisle and window seating in a 4-5-4 configuration but the row in the rear section only had two seats where thedesign of the fuselage tapered...
Hi myself Abhi aaj mai aapko ek aapni story batane ja raha hun pahle mai apne bare mai kuch bata du koi ldki ya bhabhi ya aunty sex me interested h to muje msg kr. Mera rang gira hai aur dekhne mai thik thak hu body bhi average hai height 5.10in hai and age 36 years aur mera Priya kaam sex hai mujhe sex mai new experiment kafi aachha lagta hai oral sex ko jayada value deta hu mera manana hai sex ka maja jab tak oral karo tab tak jayada hai ek baar lund daal di chut mai to 10 se 15 ya 20 min ke...
In Private Specials, Beautifully Young 3 estate agent Nelly Kent is looking to close her first ever sale with businessman Alberto Blanco and she will go to any length to do so! Nelly slips into her sexy lingerie as the final lure and soon she’s on her knees giving an incredible sloppy blowjob and wet tit fuck to the lucky buyer. Then watch this beauty put her sexy tattooed body to work as she receives a hard pounding, first in her pussy and then in her tight little ass as she enjoys some great...
xmoviesforyouMarty's Ice Cream Parlor didn't pay much for ice cream delivery charges that summer. Twice, Annette drove over to pick it up herself from the Creamery -- after spending the day with me in my hometown. I took her to meet my folks. They liked her. (What's not to like?) I could tell they thought she was out of my league, but they didn't say so. My sister thought Annette was out of my league, and said so. "She's 'way out of your league," my lovely older sister declared, the very first...
Greg worked half a day on Saturday, finishing up some last-minute work that he couldn't avoid. During the gloomy period after his discovery of his children's incestuous affair, he had tried to stay out of the house as much as possible, which often meant working extra hours. It eventually became expected, and now he was having a hard time getting back to his original 5-day schedule. Fortunately, he was caught up now and it would likely be the last Saturday that he went into the office. Jeff...
I am a mother of three wonderful children, who I love very much. I have a son named Aaron, 18, who is somewhere near 6 feet, and has brown hair, and blue eyes. My daughters Lucy, 19, and Vikki, 22, both have reddish-brown hair like me, and blue eyes. My girls go to different colleges around the state, and my son to the local high school. I am 37 and also have reddish hair and blue eyes. My husband and I were divorced when Aaron was 10. Since we were all together for the weekend, of course we...
IncestIn tempting red lingerie, perky blonde Lana Sharapova caresses her plump ass. She reveals a bejeweled butt plug lodged in place. Mark Wood pulls the plug and slips it into her mouth. Lana sucks his big dick, and Mark gives her a rim job. Next, he shoves his meat into her tight pussy. The veteran pornographer douses her ass in oil and then porks her posterior passionately. Lana begs for more cock as he works inside her round ass. Lana gags, delivering a slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjob. And she...
xmoviesforyouI found out a few years ago that I really enjoy flashing my cock to older women. I work in a local paint store and a few years ago an attractive brunette older woman came in. I found myself getting hard. Not sure why I did it, but I went back to the bathroom, took off my boxers, and went back out to the front. I pulled my zipper down a little bit so that if she looked, she would see my cock. I stood next to her as she sat at the design table as I was looking away, with my cock right at her...
ExhibitionismSession 19: “I start to jerk off again. What do you do?” “I ... I...” There was a slight struggle to her voice, like repeating the action was somehow worse than agreeing to it, but after a worrying minute or two of twitching, she settled down, and spoke in her familiar, almost soothing monotone. “I masturbate as well.” “You can hear my breathing, you can feel every movement that I make. You’re so used to seeing and feeling me get off that you can tell exactly how I’m feeling, exactly how...
Since it seems to be so popular, another one of my lesbian fantasies.. Going to the gym on a holiday is always a craps shoot; it will either be packed or totally empty. Luckily today it’s empty. It’s much better that way; no waiting for any of the machines, fighting for space in the change room, hunting for a locker and most of all not having to arrive super early for spin class to secure a bike. I walk into the class a couple minutes before it’s supposed to start, towel on my shoulder and...
Silva sat at the computer entering data from the forms that had been filled in by hand by emergency workers in the field. She wasn’t exactly a fast typist, but she was productive enough and getting faster. Sitting back after clearing the last of the pile of forms that had been handed to her, she relaxed and took a sip of her lunch through a straw. A grimace crossed her face at the act. She hated drinking all of her meals and couldn’t wait until she could eat normally again. Later that day,...
Month -3: Norwegian, the group's AI, wanted to bond more with the group, but wanted more discussion before his avatar was decided. Until Norwegian had a gender, this AI instance, which responded to anyone in the household, remained "it". Ishmael remained Terry's personal AI instance. When Terry was back in his office, early on the morning after Karen's joining the group, Ishmael called him. "Terry, it has been observed that you have managed to take a difficult concubine into your group....
Mia nervously paced back and forth in the lobby of the Megaplex. Her grandma had believed her when she said that Carly would be meeting her. She felt a bit guilty for lying about it and she could hardly believe she was sneaking around and meeting a boy on the sly. It really wasn't like her. Riley was relieved when he arrived at the Megaplex and Mia was there staring at some movie posters. "Whatcha looking at?" He asked as he approached. She whirled around, "Hi!" She smiled with...
She smiled in contentment as she wrapped her hair in the big fluffy towel. The conference let out early this evening, and she was free. Her husband was back at home, and here she was in the great town of Las Vegas. She had consumed a nice dinner, had a nice swim in the indoor heated pool, and was nicely relaxed. A hot shower completed her evening. She intended to kick back and watch a movie on T.V. A knock on the door made her growl slightly. Who the hell could it be bothering her? She put on...
Jade Baker’s landlord has decided to renovate the building she lives in. The problem is that the renovations are so dire that she needs to find a place to stay in the meanwhile. Lilly Hall has been kind enough to take her in. The only catch is that they’ll both have to sleep in the same bed. Jade is so thankful that she has a roof over her head that she doesn’t mind in the least. The girls embrace and decide it might be time to hit the hay as they have a big day tomorrow. The...