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I had a dreadful sense of foreboding as we left home to go to Debra’s for dinner.

Vicky had, as usual, chosen what I was to wear. She always liked me in blue and she chose a dress, knee length, that didn’t allow for a bra. The top was low-backed and loose so that if I was careless my boobs were almost but not quite exposed. The skirt was ragged bottomed and full. Stockings, suspenders and transparent silk knickers were all the underwear she had selected.

For herself, Vicky had donned a long leather skirt in mid brown with her wonderful chestnut ankle boots. Above that she wore a white silk blouse that was tight enough to reveal she was wearing a bra, a bra that was not thick enough to hide her beautiful nipples completely.

‘Pour us a drink, darling. I feel like a g and t this evening.’ Dutifully I poured two drinks, ensuring to pour the Hendricks gin over ice and cucumber as she liked it. I took it to her as she stood looking out over the garden through the large French windows. It was late spring by then, the evenings getting longer, some cherry blossom visible and blackthorn growing in the hedge. It was impossible to resist the urge to touch her as I handed her the drink so I gently placed my hand on her shoulder. She smiled and her hand went straight into the top of my dress and cupped my tit. She squeezed my nipple, not hard.

‘You do look good in blue.’

‘You look good in anything.’

Her lovely eyes smiled. ‘Flatterer. Cheers.’ She took a sip of her gin. ‘Debra will be strangling a chicken about now I expect. She hates cooking so its possible she’ll have invited one of her “servants” to do the honours.’

‘Does she have many?’

‘Simply dozens. She treats them all like shit but she’s such a champion in the sack that they can’t get enough of her. Men, women, they are all the same. She was telling me on the ‘phone that she’d recently discovered that her hairdresser is of the “dyke persuasion,” as she so delicately put it. Reckons she’ll never have to pay to have her hair done again. You looking forward to this evening?’ Her eyes explored mine as she asked.

Now, there was the question. I was never sure if she talked about Debra simply to make me nervous. She loved mind fucking me almost as much as the other sort.

‘I always enjoy going out with you.’ A diplomatic answer I thought.

Nothing got past Vicky’s quick mind. ‘That wasn’t quite the answer to the question I asked was it?”

‘No, Miss.’

‘No, it wasn’t the answer, or no, Miss, I’m not looking forward to this evening?’

‘Both to tell the honest truth.’

She turned and touched my face. ‘You’ll be fine. I’ve told you before.’ She kissed me then, firmly.

‘Come on, whimp. Let’s get to Deb’s before the chicken is ruined and see what happens.’

Vicky has the countrywoman’s scorn for drink driving laws. When you live deep in the country the chances of the Police stopping you are almost nil. So we got into the Landrover, her weapon of choice for drunk driving, and we bumped and banged our way out of the farmhouse grounds onto the road that led to Debra’s estate. She, like so many of Vicky’s friends, was ‘landed.’ Her aged husband had been the source of her wealth and he had, as she predicted at Burns Night, dropped off his perch in the February. This left Debra a widow, wealthy, with a huge estate and not by any means an unmerry one at that.

At the funeral she had said to me, ‘The old bugger went to eternity with a smile. I saw to that. Black suits you, darling. If Vicky will let you stay after the wake I’ll fuck you if you like. No point in hanging around weeping. Last thing he’d have wanted or expected.’

I mean!

The drive to her house, a pile of stone and thatch somewhat larger than Vicky’s, was rutted and spoke of generations of farming. We finally got there and I had been hoping we’d lose a tyre or experience some other breakdown but it was not to be. The last of the spring day's sunshine was weak and cast a mellow glow over everything.

‘I wish she’d get that drive repaired,’ said Vicky as we got out of the Landrover. ‘Makes me need a pee. Probably why she doesn’t.’

The front door was open and Vicky banged on the inner door which was opened by the grieving widow, wearing black.

‘Still in mourning, Debs?’

‘Don’t be so fucking silly. I just look sexier in black.’ She kissed Vicky full on the lips and then did the same to me. Her hand accidentally (or not) slipped over my breast as she did so. ‘Lovely!’

‘Debs, keep your hands off my tart. You’ll get chicken fat on her nice dress.’

‘Not chicken tonight. We slaughtered a pig. Much more fun. Come on in, there is someone I want you to meet. She’s called Polly.’

‘The barber?’

‘Hairdresser and very particular about it. Married, of course, but left the baggage at home so she could spend a debauched night with Aunty Debra. Absolute corker in the sheets, aren’t you Pols?’

Polly was standing in the room we had entered as Debra had been saying this. Willowy, stunningly pretty, tall and slim. Her dress was a mix of spring flower colours, almost knee length and revealing long, well shaped legs in what looked to me like stockings and heels designed to make her dwarf everyone. Her breasts were firm and large and, I guessed, unfettered.

‘I do my best for you, Debs.’ Inhibitions didn’t seem to be the order of the evening.

‘Quite right too. Well now we are four so get the lovely Vicks and her current squeeze a drink. We’re doing Margaritas. Jug full of the stuff and we’re on our third so you’d best catch up. Pol’s cooking is dreadful so you’ll need to drink your way through the pain.’

I liked Polly. She was fun, good to look at and clearly not overawed by Deb’s or Vicky’s wealth. It turned out she had been to a school like mine and that her parents had wanted her to follow her Dad into the law.

‘But I told him, fuck that. A, I haven’t got the brains and B, it’s the most boring thing in the world. I chose hairdressing because men and women need their hair doing so it was a way to meet both. I met my husband when I was working for a tv company and he was doing voice overs. He’s absolutely gorgeous...’

‘But tends to the men, no?’ Debra interjected.

‘He does lean that way, its true. Like so many actors he kicks with both feet. Which, in view of my own complexities, isn’t altogether a bad thing. He’s filming in Jakarta this week. Some minor part in a film and probably his main part up the lead’s arse.’

It doesn’t sound funny written down, but the mix of Margarita, beauty and, on my part at least, nervousness made it seem so at the time.

Dinner was actually excellent. The starter was smoked salmon with crème fraiche and caviar (fake). The main course a simple roast of pork with wonderfully crisp and light crackling, apple sauce and thick cider gravy and a mix of vegetables. Apple tart and ice cream followed the cheese in the continental way.

The conversation was good. Debra proved to have an earthy sense of humour as might be expected but she was quick, clever and witty. Like Vicky, she could always find the elegant riposte, the one I always think of a week after the conversation has ended.

I sat next to Debra and facing Polly. Vicky mentioned my riding accident a few weeks before Burns Night.

I asked Polly what her husband was filming and she explained it was a relatively low budget movie in which he played the part of a detective. By no means the lead role.

‘Pols likes someone to take the lead role, don’t you darling?’

‘Well,’ said Vicky, ‘she’s met the right woman for that.’

Debra turned to me. ‘And have you met the right woman to hold your reins?’

‘I rather think I have, yes.’

‘She’s in love with me, darling,’ said Vicky, smiling at me.

‘Oh, well, of course she is. Everyone’s in love with you, Vicks.’

‘Ah, but you’re the good time that’s been had by all, Debs.’

‘I’m the best time that’s been had by all! Pols is finding that out aren’t you?’ Polly nodded. ‘Why don’t you show Vicky how agile your lovely little tongue is? Let’s have a tongue race, Vicks. We haven’t done that for simply ages.’

My eyes were locked on Vicky.

She smiled at me and said, ‘I think that’s a bloody good idea. Ever played, darling?’

She was asking me.

‘I have no idea what it is.’

Debs and Vicky turned in their seat, almost as one so that each was facing the woman seated next to them. I watched, aghast, as Vicky pulled up her skirt and realised Debra was doing the same thing.

‘Tongues only,’ said Debra, pulling her knickers aside. ‘First one to reach the finishing post gets a prize, the loser gets a penalty.’

There was probably a plea in my eyes, but if there was Vicky ignored it. She smiled sweetly at me. ‘On your knees darling. Make me proud.’

I didn’t move. Vicky’s head did that thing she does when I am slow to obey. I barely noticed that Polly was already kneeling, her face close to Vicky between her parted knees. There was no need for Vicky to pull her knickers aside. She wasn’t wearing any. Her eyes hardened. I dropped to my knees and lowered my mouth to Debra’s pussy.

‘Wait, wait. We’re not under starter’s orders yet!’ I felt a restraining hand in my hair.

‘Everyone seated? Everyone steady?’ Debra sounded like the starter at a race meeting.

‘On my word,’ this was Vicky. ‘Start!’

Debra’s hand pulled my head tight against her. I knew I had no choice and suspected that Polly didn’t want one. I wasn’t too bothered about going down on Debra. It was the reward and penalty that bothered me.

I set to with a will. I let my tongue work as I know Vicky likes it to. I hoped Debra would react in a similar way. I knew both she and Vicky would be doing their best to ensure her sub won the race, which meant resisting all the subs’ efforts. I knew how self-controlled Vicky could be but not Debra. Debra was wet and her lips puffed as I started. I spread them with my tongue and licked, lapped and twirled. I swirled my tongue over her clit, over her pee hole and into her. I discovered that it was her pee hole that seemed to elicit the most movement and felt that might be her weakness so concentrated there, slithering away to the other parts frequently. I tried from then on not to think of Vicky but to concentrate on Debra.

Debra’s legs suddenly clamped to my ears. I was almost lifted by the head as she emitted a growl of pleasure and I felt her flood onto me. She held me there as I cleaned her.

I got back up onto my seat and was disappointed to see Polly sitting, drinking wine and in earnest conversation with Vicky. Debra laughed. Vicky turned her face slowly to me.

‘Hello, slow coach. Come up for air, have you? God, the coffee’s gone cold. Took your bloody time. Debs nearly feel asleep!’

Polly laughed. ‘You’re so unkind. Debra was struggling not to cum, weren’t you?’

‘Well, one had to use one’s willpower. I was surprised at you though Vicks. I thought you gave in rather too easily. Bit like a jockey pulling his mount I thought.’

Had I but known, all of this had been pre-arranged. Not the outcome of the race, that had been, so far as I could tell, fair. But it became obvious that Vicky and Debra had agreed terms.

‘Now then, Vicks darling, time for my prize I think?’

Vicky stood and walked around the table. She put her arms around me and leant to speak softly into my ear.

‘Go with Debs.’ Then she whispered very, very quietly, ‘Trust me.’

Lifting my hand she placed it into Debra’s. We stood and she led me out of the dining room in to the hall and up the stairs. The winding staircase led to a dimly lit landing and she led me along it to a closed door. Opened, the door revealed a large bedroom, with a huge bed dominating the room. My heart was pounding.

‘Take off that pretty dress, sweety.’ I reluctantly removed it. Her eyes never left mine.

‘You’re a good girl. Vicky has obviously done a good job on you.’

There was a real hunger in her now. She moved in close and kissed my mouth and I responded more out of fear than anything else. Her hand cupped my arse.

Breaking the kiss she said, ‘Go to the drawer and bring my strappy and a cane please, darling.’

Dragging myself mentally and only because I did not want Vicky’s wrath I went to the drawer at which she had pointed. It opened smoothly and there, laid out on a velvet cloth was a variety of sex toys. I selected a blue, slender strapon and a nasty, thin and vicious looking cane. I took them to her, her face a picture of lust. Slowly, she removed her dress then told me to take her panties off with my teeth,

‘Not the first time you’ve been there this evening, darling.’

I dropped to my knees and pulled them down with my teeth. It may look easy in porn films but it’s an acquired skill!

‘Now, strap me in, please. Put the little end in me, mmm, yes, perfect. Now tighten up. Good, now, get on the bed, face down and arse up.’

I assumed the position as instructed and could already feel wet in the corner of my eyes. I turned my face to one side, gripped the sheets and waited. And waited. The bed dipped, and I felt the end of the strapon at my lips. I groaned, not out of pleasure although it might have sounded like it. It didn’t enter me, but her body curled over me. I closed my eyes.

‘You are so very, very special.’

My eyes opened and I tried to turn. It was Vicky’s voice, not Debra’s. My heart lifted and she pushed into me, her mouth at my ear. She muttered obscenities as she curled her arms under me and gripped my nipples. The bed dipped gain and I felt a body beside me. Turning my head there lay Polly on her back, quite naked with Debra on top of her resting on her hands beside her head and mounting her.

‘Enjoy, darling,’ said Debra as she began to fuck Polly really hard. ‘While you can that is. I get to see you caned soon. Pity I cant do it myself but hey ho. Do it while I’m fucking Pols, Vicks. I want my prize while I cum.’

A hand gripped mine, it was Polly’s and we loked at each other. She knew I was going to get it and it was a handhold of sympathy.

Vicky was taking her time. She lay across my back and fucked me gently, each stroke of her strapon almost leaving me then pushing easily back in. The string of obscenities continued and I knew she was close. She was being so gentle that I knew it was going to be bad.

Her sudden withdrawal heralded the pain I was about to suffer. Her hand was in my hair, pushing my face down into the soft pillow.

‘A fair contest, Debs.’

This was followed by a searing blow and I knew that it was that wicked little cane I had handed to Debra. The second seemed to sting the same line again as did the third. I heard Debra gasping, grunting.

The fourth was lower, near the crease at the bottom of my buttocks and I should have cried out had the pillow not prevented me. It was impossible to keep counting. Polly’s grip on my hand tightened with each stroke.

‘Last one, Debs. So you’d better let it go or miss your chance.’

There was a dreadful delay. I knew it was coming but I could not know when. The bed bounced under Debra and Polly.

‘Now, for fuck’s sake, now, do it now.’ Debra’s voice was a plea.

It seared across my arse. I arched my back and screamed. My scream was echoed by Debra’s exultant scream of orgasm.

Later, much later, we four lay on that huge bed, Vicky holding me felt so good, so rewarding.

She had fucked me again, my burning arse on the cooling sheets and she above me, her eyes gleaming with, with what? Pride I hoped, pleasure I hoped more. She had closed her eyes at the moment. It was one of her quiet orgasms, one that she keeps inside herself and I can almost see her holding it, savouring it as she stays quite still, buried deep inside me.

Morning came.

Polly lay on her side beside me, her back to me and snoring quietly. There were stripes across her back; not whip or cane marks but fingernail scratches. Of Vicky and Debra there was no sign. I got out of bed, found a robe hanging on the back of the door and put it on. I looked in other rooms on that floor but did not find Vicky but then I heard a loud Debra laugh from downstairs and followed the noise down the stairs and to the kitchen. There sat the two of them, both in robes and drinking coffee.

‘Ah,’ said Debra. ‘Enter, stage left, the first victim.’

Vicky stood and came to me and held me. It was the most loving of gestures.

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Nataly Gold is sad because her husband is always at work, and can never satisfy her with his tiny dick even when he’s around. The only big thing he has is his wallet. So today, like most days, Nataly sits at home alone and starts playing with her small but firm breasts that sit up and say hello, and her tight young snatch. Eventually she breaks out her huge black dildo and her buttplug, so she can lie back and fantasize about one of the black guys she sees on TV filling her box and ass to...

2 years ago
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The Marines Reward

My girlfriend and I have always been able to talk openly about sexual fantasies fictional or not. Most of our more memorable sexual experiences have actually come from these conversations. One of our earliest conversations that started our ritual of talking about these fantasies had the ability to come to reality.Lacy and my girlfriend continued to be friends after we had our explosive night together. We had a couple more threesomes over the next few months, none as good as the first, though I...

Group Sex
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Reddit Cum Fetish, aka r/Cumfetish! I know that a lot of people who watch porn on the daily have a thing for cumshot compilations - it’s hard to imagine guys watching porn and not getting at least a little excited when the guy pumps a load down his girl’s mouth, or glazes it all over her face. Facials have been around in porn for a very long time, and only now are they being accepted more and more by women who have finally stopped seeing them as degrading.I mean sure, the act does look...

Reddit NSFW List
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Fulfilling My Girlfriend8217s Desire

Hi guys I am Rahul 29 single from Allahabad. I am a very fond reader on ISS. and finally I am here with some of my real stories. In this story I am going to narrate an evening when I caught my girlfriend red handed enjoying herself. Let me tell you about our relation and some introductions. Me and my gf Kanika have a very healthy and strong relationship. We mean everything to each other. And most importantly thing in our relation lies in doing whatever makes both of us happy. I am proud to gave...

3 years ago
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Fucked On The Express Highway

I was travelling from Mumbai to Pune for my college first year exams. I had done this tour a couple of times before as well but this time I needed to reach early and so decided to take a cool cab instead of the regular bus. When I reached the depot there was just one cab waiting and that too had only one other person in it. The guy in charge told me that either I bear the expense of all the remaining seats or wait till all the seats fill in. I was in a hurry to reach Pune as my hostel gates...

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New Years Eve

Ok, so here goes.It is New Year’s Eve 2014 and I’ve just been dumped by my boyfriend which now means I’m all alone. I call you but it goes straight to voice mail that’s when I remember you said you were going out with friends for the night. I leave you a tear filled message wishing you a happy new year and that you are a good friend to me. I hang up my phone and curl up on the couch crying. I fall asleep with the TV on and a half a bottle of wine drunk.A little while later I hear the door open...

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Chance meeting with my ex part 2

After the bath we went back to bed, made out a bit and then fell asleep spooning. She was wrapped up in my arms the whole night, it was heaven. Because I had to go to work in the morning, there was no time for a pleasant wake-up. Both of us jumped to the sound of the alarm. I hated that thing, not only for the near heart attack, but more so because it made me break the embrace. After the alarm was dealt with, I turned to find Nancy smiling at me. We got close and kissed each other....

3 years ago
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Futa Naked in School 06 Futas Taboo Naked PerformanceChapter 3 Julietrsquos Futa Taboo Passion

Xochitl Estevez’s Week, Tuesday I was so confused. What was wrong with me? Why did that look in my futa-sister’s eyes scare me? It was so intense. I felt like if I let her kiss me, if I let her make love to me before the rest of the cast and crew for the play, I would be lost. Lost in what? I shook my head. It was so much easier when I just hated my older futa-sister. When I fumed at her for ripping off my style of tight jeans and belly shirts. When I moaned in annoyance as she fucked...

2 years ago
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Mr Smith Part 1

John opened the door to the laundry room. To his surprise, a woman was standing topless as she leaned over the top of the washing machine dabbing at red wine that spilled on her blouse. When she twisted her neck around and John saw her face he instinctively raised a hand to cover his eyes. “Sarah!” he exclaimed, “I didn’t realize it was you.”Sarah was his daughter’s c***dhood friend, although John hadn’t seen her for a few years. Her and Erica had drifted once they started high school, but they...

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ICarly Elevator Action

"Why is this happening to me?" Sam groaned, she couldn't believe they we're stuck in an elevator due to a power surge, and right before they we're supposed to be making their next episode of iCarly as well. "Hey!, Freddie exclaimed, "we're just as stuck as you are, and complaining isn't gonna get us moving any faster", "I know, Sam responded, "I just always get uncomfortable in small spaces" "It's okay, Carly said reassuringly, "we shouldn't be here for more then an hour" "an hour!" Sam whined,...

3 years ago
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Progressive Dinner Parts 14 FM

Progressive Dinner Part 1 F/M By [email protected] had graduated from college and was now working a job in an advertising company. My parents had recently retired and had moved to another city. I could now afford a house and so I moved out to the suburbs. I wanted to meet people so I started to attend certain social functions at a near-by church.The church decided to have a progressive dinner, and I signed up for it. Each part of the meal was served at another person's house. This is...

1 year ago
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Evening With Tania

I was working in a company (Verna industrial estate) as a system admin and after some days one girl (Tania (I was calling her t2 when we came close)) joined the same firm as a receptionist, (she is a Christian and was always in western outfit, jeans short/sleeveless tees skirt etc etc). She was very young (age 20 yrs) and good looking (figure 32 24 34 as per my knowledge). After she took charge of the reception she was always in talks of young people like me. Everybody wanted to interact with...

4 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 19 Musical Beds

Stepping into the bedroom, Lori wasn’t surprised to find her son lying on her bed. His routine as of late was to come in while she was in the shower and wait for her to get done. The first time she came out, she had only a towel wrapped around her. Now she threw on one of Bill’s sweatshirts. Dressing for work is the last step in her morning process. Kenny smiled up at her as he rolled from his back to his side, propping himself up on his elbow, “Morning, Mom.” Unlike other mornings, Lori...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Massage That Had Gotten Out Of Control

It all started back when my wife and I had taken a trip to the mall. We were just spending the day walking around from shop to shop when we came upon a shop that offered massages. They gave massages ranging from 5 to 30 minutes in length. The massages were also very expensive. A gentleman at the front of the shop offered my wife a free one minute massage. He was hoping to drum up business by offering her the opportunity to try a free one minute massage. My wife immediately said yes as he gave...

2 years ago
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Me and My Older Brother and His Friend

Title: Me And My Older Brother Please note if you want fiction then look elsewhere... I have been sexually active since a very young age. I have so many stories the only limit is time to get them typed up to submit. Very few of my actions can be called NON perverted. One thing is I have never forced anyone to do anything they did not want. I on the other hand have been coerced into doing things. Nothing I ever regretted for sure. I was 14 my brother was 2 years older than me. Up until now...

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Auntie Wendy Makes Peter Punish Tina Part One

Several months had passed since Peter had been punished by Auntie Wendy and her friends, Sylvia Davies and Natalie Bolton. She had wanted to punish him again soon after he had recovered from the hiding that he had taken from the ladies, but this had to be postponed indefinitely as her husband had stayed at home rather than heading abroad again to play golf, or meet his fancy woman, or whatever he did during his months away. However, he had finally left for ten weeks that Monday morning and Mrs....

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 6 Monstrous Mating

Book One: The Quest Chapter Six: Monstrous Mating By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae I patted Purity's neck as the dark trees loomed over us. The elvish forest was untouched by lumberjacks, the trees growing tall and proud. The Blath Forest had seen generations of humans touch, cutting down trees, trapping, hunting, and herb gathering. Roads had been blazed through it. Here,...

3 years ago
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Jill becomes a Hot Wife Ch 2

Introduction: Jill continues her adventures Jill becomes a hot wife Chapter 2 Well its been a couple of years now since Jill found her hot sexual desire that day at the mall. She had no idea that voyeurism and exobitionism could lead to so much fun. She always felt that was something weirdoes and perverts did. But now she knows the real joys of being a hot sensual wife and it has really changed her for the better. It had a few bumps in the beginning as she started to feel that I did not love...

2 years ago
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Sucked Dry

Sucked DryIt was a stale, early autumn night in the woods.The air had a certain level of mugginess around it all day, only now that the full moon had risen, with barely a blink of a star in the foggy night sky, blew a small breeze that sent chills down the spine...A young male and female were walking through the ancient woods. Woods that have been untouched by man for all its existence."Are you sure this is the right way back into the village?"The young handsome man questioned."I'm sure."The...

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Surprising Affair Part 1

Chloe was a girl who knew what she wanted. headstrong, beautiful and determined but her one area of weakness, was her boyfriend Alex, who basically treated her like shit.  This asshole was a layabout bum, he never supported her, cheated on her continuously yet still she took it. I would have been happy to let this pass but for one thing, I was in love with her I needed to free her from his clutches.  I knew she had feelings for me but her sense of loyalty was very strong.  She couldn't...

Straight Sex
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Letting Loose With The Boss

I love my job and I love the work I do. I think that's helped by the fact that I have one of the biggest crushes on my boss. I feel the need to please him in everything I do and so in the last couple of months, I've really delved into my work and became insanely focused on that. I often work late at night and all weekend, just so I had could give my boss some positive news.My boss could see how hard I was working and would often comment, saying that whilst it's always great for progress in the...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 38

Gloria Jackson had not yet got her substantial frame out the chair when the receptionist buzzed her phone. "Uh, Miss Jackson," the young woman said in a tentative voice. "What is it?" Gloria snarled. "There is an attorney representing Allie Timmons on Line Two," the voice said. "Who in the fuck is that?" Gloria almost screamed. "She is one of the girls here," the receptionist informed her. "She works under the name of Ashley Malibu." "God damned, son of a bitch,...

1 year ago
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My Mother and My Crush

So one saturday I was woken up by mother asking something that I didn't quite understand. But I agreed and a few hours passed and I heard a ring at the door. As I had done in the past, I acted as an usher to the gentlemen. I walked to the door, and slowly opened it, and saw a man of about 40 years asking if Tracy was there. Tracy was my mother, and I let the man in and watched him walk towards my mother on the couch. As I turned to close the door a foot caught the bottom and I looked...

3 years ago
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The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 13

Arriving at our unit area earlier than the previous morning, I found the cooks preparing breakfast for the men who were already up. Kwaikai took my horse to have him graze in a new area. Captain Prawin greeted me immediately after that. "Chief Trainer, yesterday evening while talking with the Sah meeuhn (clerk), I asked him what provisions there were for writing letters or keeping a journal. He showed me the paper that you had provided and mentioned that there was a writing box here, but...

3 years ago
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Swinger Kitty Pub Pussy

My wife is out of town, so I called few of my kitty friends yesterday to go on a night out...have some fun. Totally we were 2 couples & me. So all 5 of us headed off by 11.30 pm to a nice nightclub to drink & dance....We were having a good per the drill, we were to get the women always seems to start that way!! Soon all the drink was making all of us mingle mingle mingle....soon I found Shalu sitting on my lap giving me a lap dance!! Man I almost came!!...

3 years ago
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Punjaban Bhabhi Aur Mai

Hi friends mai shekhar kumar.Ye meri pehli story hai iss pe.Mai daily iss ki sex stories padhta hu.Jisme mujhe incest,n desi kahaniya bahut pasand hai.Jab bhi mai story padhta hu mera lund khada ho jata hai n mai muth marta hu.Meri age 25 meri height 5’9″ hai.Muscular body hai zym jata hu.Mere lund ka size 6′ hai.N mota hai black color ka hai.Aur punjab ka rehne wala hu. Ye story meri aur mere ghar k bagal me rehne wali bhabhi ki hai jiski age ab 30 saal hai height 5’6″hai.Desi punjabn hai...

2 years ago
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Fucked Hot Mbbs Girl From Bangalore

Hi, I am adi back with my new story.This incident happens after my first story. As you know I m from Delhi and doing my job in Hyderabad. Any girl , aunty of any age can contact me.I am available directly in hyderabad and bangalore..And for sex chat anyone can msg me. Mail me: anyone of you looking for having a real fun in Hyderabad and Bangalore you can contact me on my id your identity will be saved as I also work in top mnc and come from a reputed background so after reading my first story...

3 years ago
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Right Here Right Now

I've wanted him since the moment he introduced himself to me. He was a Latin God. Tall dark and mysterious. I could just imagine him whispering things in my ear while I was wrapped around his strong body. Looking at him made me wonder how many freaky things he could teach me. Working with him almost every other night, the more I thought about what the two of us could get into to, The only problem is that he is married, and he never gives me a second glance. I am not that much of a looker but I...

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Kausi Chithi Sex Mania And Almost Getting Caught

Hi guys this is a continuation of my Kausi Chitti series sorry I had exams so things came to a halt but now I am back. For this to make sense read my Kausi Chitti the beginning and Kausi Chitti sealing the deal. We parked the scooter in and I grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her face towards mine and entered my entire tongue into her mouth kissing her wildly and passionately. Every time that she backed away for some air I pulled her straight back. “Your mine now chitti don’t step...

2 years ago
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Finally Together

Erika slammed her stack of file folders down on her desk and sat down hard leaving the towering stack leaning precariously close the edge of her work surface. She heaved a sigh of exasperation causing her partner to look up with concern. "You okay?" Jake asked. "I swear, the Bureau's gonna make me slit my wrists these one of these days." "You don't mean that." "Okay fine, you're right, I don't. I'm just so frustrated." Erika ran her hands through her raven black hair giving it...

3 years ago
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Seduced by her daughter

Sarah was the result of Barbara’s experimenting with sex while she was still at school. She had thought her first time would be an unforgettable experience. It turned out she was right, but not for the reason’s she thought. As she put it, her first time had not been that great. But, she was one of those unfortunate girls who prove that you can get pregnant on your first time having sex. Barbara had not let being pregnant at school hold her back. No, she still finished school with...

4 years ago
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Undercover Ch 07

The next morning Cade drove her uphill and far into to wilderness. At least that was her impression as she looked out on the surrounding scenery along the narrow road they were driving on. She had never ventured this far away from a shopping centre in her life. The road was barely drivable at some places and she wondered how anyone would want to stay at this cottage at all. No, hunting lodge. Anyway, what was it for? Shooting wild animals for pleasure? Or kill them before they ate you? A howl...

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