AllisonChapter 24 free porn video

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Ken glanced at his watch and realized how long he had been talking. He shook his head and said, "Now I want to end this monologue. But before I do I want to tell you how I got my brand-new position with one of the top law firms in Los Angeles." Ken smiled and shook his head, saying, "Ali does enter into this story. You see, I didn't do too well in my first year of law school, and didn't really hit my stride until the second semester of my second year. The result is that I may not make the top 10 percent which seems to be the cut with respect to the recruiting of the top firms." He grinned and added, "Of course, with Kathy's help, I'm sure to make it, but it's the firms' performance expectation that determines their hiring patterns.

"Anyway, I interviewed this one firm awhile ago. I was late. It was the second round of interviewing, although it was the first round for me. It seemed they were having a firm outing that Saturday and were inviting all of the firm candidates still in contention. Even though I certainly wasn't in, I wasn't out, either, so I was invited. It was one of those 'bring date ... or wife, if you have to' sort of things.

"When we arrived, Kathy stood them on their collective ears! First, there's her natural beauty and grace. I think it's even more effective, though, because she's totally unaware of her effect on other people. She just focuses on me.

"Anyway, to start, there was a mixed doubles tennis tournament — we won — followed by a mixed scrambles golf match. We won that, too. At the barbecue that followed, we were talking to some other people and a girl asked Kathy what she did. She said she worked at a law firm downtown.

"The girl looked at her and saw her beauty, her golden tan, and her dancer's movements. Then she asked in a hushed tone of voice, 'Clifford & Jamison?' Kathy nodded, and it was all over. The net of it was that every female in the Firm present — including at least two partners — mobbed her. They wanted to know how they could possibly join."

Ken shook his head in exasperation. "I forgot something. I forgot how I happened to be talking to the firm in the first place. Well, since Kathy is a secretary and the Firm has great computers, she's been typing my papers for me. At least I thought she was typing them. In fact, it seems she was writing them, but I didn't even know it. When I had a paper to do, I would painfully write it out in longhand. Then we would drive downtown, Kathy would open the office, sit at her computer and type.

"I thought she was typing my draft. It turns out that she has been totally rewriting it ... on the fly." He looked around the room and said, "I'll bet you can all remember sweating bullets, spending weeks sweating a term paper? I sure did. Can you imagine this woman writing a law school paper in the same time it would have taken her to just type mine? Can you?"

Ken shook his head sadly and continued, "I don't know how long this has been going on, but I learned about it for the first time in a class one day. "The professor departed from his usual notes to read a student's paper. Mine! It cited a series of court cases culminating in a Supreme Court decision handed down only two months earlier. The paper showed the development of judicial thinking and indicated the probable future impact in the law and on business decision-making. It had to do with takings."

Ken stopped and looked around, shook his head and continued, "There was only one small problem. Not only did I not write it, I was totally unaware of any of the cases cited. At any rate, it seems the professor was a good friend of the managing partner of the law firm, Kevin Collins, and he raved to him about me and my paper. Well, Collins called his personnel people and they asked me to come in and talk. Personnel people don't like anything out of sequence, and I certainly was. The result was they didn't like me, but, because of the sponsorship of the managing partner, they didn't know what to do about me either."

Ken shook his head and added, "I asked Kathy about it when I got home. I accused her of changing my paper. Do you know what she said? She said, 'Of course I changed it, darling. That's what I do for a living. Surely, you don't think that Clifford & Jamison would mail out the babblings of our partners? I'm paid to put them into English. And if their citations are wrong or there are more recent ones, I change them.'

"She looked at me with her eyes wide and added, 'Darling, that's my job.' Then she smiled sweetly and added, 'Ginger's really great with clients; Sandy is incredibly persuasive with juries; and Ali ... is just Ali. You really don't expect them to be able to write coherently, too, do you?' I also found out something else: It seems that in addition to being the only secretary serving four professionals, in her spare time my wife is the Firm's research department. She makes it her business to keep up on the latest decisions at both the state and federal levels." Ken shook his head and added, "How does she do it? I don't have a clue, but somehow, apparently, she does."

When he mentioned "babblings," Ali started to laugh. Looking around the room, she saw that her partners were laughing, too. When Ken mentioned research, Ali perked up. She held up six figures and looked meaningfully, first at Ginger, then at Sandy. Both emphatically nodded.

Taking advantage of the pause in Ken's speech, Ali said, "Katherine Hughes Carlson!" Kathy heard her name called and jerked up with a start. Ken was dumbstruck by the peremptory sound in Ali's words. Ali said, "Kathy, there has been a special meeting of the Clifford & Jamison Compensation Committee. You are receiving a raise of $5,000 per month, retroactive to January 1. Since today is a Firm holiday — apparently — we won't be able to give you the check for your back pay until tomorrow."

Turning to Ken, Ali gave him a sunshine smile and said, "Ken, I apologize for the interruption. This has been very interesting. Please continue."

Ken just shook his head and said, "Ali, I think I just heard you give my wife a $60,000-a-year raise. Did I?" Ali just grinned and nodded. "Why?" he asked.

"But Ken, it's so simple," Ali replied. "There's not a law firm around that can run a full-bore research operation for less than $180,000 a year. Since we're basically pretty cheap, we thought that giving Kathy about one-third of what she's worth would be about right. What's your problem?" she asked with her eyes wide.

Ken just shook his head sorrowfully and commented, "See what I mean? What chance do we have?" Again he shook his head and said, "Well, back to the story. Actually, we're now very close to the present — this only happened last week. You see, on the Monday following the picnic I got a call from the law firm's personnel office. They wanted me to come in to see Kevin Collins, the managing partner, on Thursday. So I put on my good suit and drive in, dropping Kathy off at her office on the way.

"When I'm ushered into his office, I'm amazed at the greeting — it was like I was a long-lost brother or something. It seems that all he could talk about was my paper — fortunately, Kathy had explained its content in terms that even I could understand; and what he heard about Kathy at the picnic. Well, I'm sort of basking in his compliments when he suddenly drops a bomb. I may have even jerked up straight in my chair when I heard him, I really don't remember.

"You see, it was one o'clock and we had just returned from a sandwich lunch when he unloads. He snaps his fingers and said, 'Damn! I almost forgot. My wife, Lillian, heard about you and Kathy and wants to meet you both. We have reservations for dinner at the club on top of this building for six. Kathy can join us, can't she?'

"I wanted to die! Here it is, one o'clock, and we have a dinner date at six. At the same time, the other thing I remembered vividly was what Kathy wore to work: her Levi's and a work shirt." Ken swallowed hard, remembering. "But then I thought of the bright side," he continued with a grin. "When I told Kathy, she would take off my head, permanently putting me out of my misery.

"So with that cheerful thought, I call her from Collins' office. When I tell her, what do you suppose she does? Does she scream? Threaten divorce? Threaten to kill me? Not Kathy. I almost fell over when all she says is, 'Six o'clock, dear? In the lobby of their building?' I confirm it to her.

"Because of my feeling of terror, the rest of the afternoon is a complete blank. I don't have the first clue today what I did, who I saw, or what I might have said. All I could think of was Kathy arriving in her blue jeans. A little before six, Lillian Collins arrives and I am introduced. My heart drops through the floor. You see, it was even worse than I feared: Lillian is one of those women you see every day on the society pages: perfectly coifed, dressed in the latest fashion, and expensively jeweled. Poor Kathy in her Levi's was going to die of embarrassment.

"Then we go down to the lobby and walk towards the sidewalk." Ken looked around and said, "Remember all those old prison movies? The condemned man's last walk to the electric chair or gas chamber? Now I know exactly how they feel. Anyway, as we reached the door — the whole front of the building is glass — I see a very familiar-looking gray limousine pull up. Fred Clark jumps out and hurries around to the passenger side to open the door. Who steps out, looking like she is stepping from the pages of Vogue — to overuse a phrase? Kathy.

"I see her squeeze Fred's hand, and I'll bet ten dollars he winked at her with his eye that was away from the building. Kathy walks in wearing a mink stole, a suit in brown that complemented her hair and eyes that cost more than a year's pay, worn with a white silk blouse and magnificent gold jewelry. She greets me with a melting kiss and then I introduce the Collins. Kevin's jaw had dropped; only Lillian had the aplomb to greet Kathy warmly."

He interrupted his narrative to interject, "I found out later that Lil is the daughter of the founding partner of the firm; most of the money in the firm is hers and she has the last word on all key decisions.

"There's something else I should tell you all at this point. You may remember that, at the beginning of this talk, I said that Kathy and I were from small towns in northern California. Well, that is certainly true. They are very small towns. We met in college. We went to the same state university which, until just a few years ago, was a cow college. The most polite thing I could say about our social graces is that they are nonexistent — or so I thought. Suffice it to say that in terms of our social experience, the biggest event we ever attended was last year's Clifford & Jamison Christmas party. In that connection we were both scared stiff and only went because all the people were close friends and Kathy finally convinced me they would forgive any social gaffes we might have made.

"What happened that day? Well, in view of all the stories you heard today, I'm sure you know the answer. After hanging up the phone from my call Kathy tells Ali, and Ali mobilizes the troops. Comparatively speaking — compared to some of the other stories you heard today — this one was simple. It was only one outfit, after all. The fur stole — with Kathy's own monogram, of course; the jewelry? Just nick-knacks, with one exception: There was a ladies Rolex from Ali, of course, engraved 'To the most wonderful secretary in the world, with all my love, Ali.' Kathy was crying tears of joy when she showed me the engraving later that night.

"At any rate, we go up to the club, and to make a long story short, Kathy is the smash hit of the evening. She was utterly captivating, and just exuded beauty and charm. Lillian adored her, and it was all Kevin could do to keep his jaw from hanging open. What does Kathy do? All she does is create opportunities to tell them what a wonderful lawyer I am. Incidentally, I nearly forgot: her hairdo was one of Henry's classics, appropriate to the occasion of impressing a future boss.

"Things are going great and it's late in the evening when Kathy says something that causes me to almost fall off my chair. What does she say? She asks the Collins if they are free Saturday evening because she would love to have them over for dinner! Before anyone else can say a word, Lillian says they have a symphony box for Saturday night, but she would give away the tickets because they so wanted to come.

"The next day — Friday — I'm so scared, I can't see straight. Kathy? I've never seen her more relaxed. You should know that Kathy and I have never entertained anyone at our apartment, except maybe for some friends for pizza and beer. Her gourmet cooking had been for me alone.

"Anyway, on Saturday morning after our good-morning lovemaking, she informs me that the girls had organized a golf match with Mike, Bill, Charley and me. To make it even plainer, she told me to get the hell out of the apartment because she was going to be busy. My only instruction? To be home at five-thirty, showered. The Collins were due at six.

"When I get home and open the door, I almost closed it again. Somehow, you see, I had entered the wrong apartment." Ken shook his head sadly and said, "I hadn't. The apartment had been completely refurnished. It looked like a feature story in Apartment Living. But you heard those stories before from Joan and Connie. When I go in, I find Kathy looking like a dream in a hostess gown — I find out later, of course, that it was absolutely all she was wearing. Everything is laid out and the table is beautifully set with dinnerware we didn't have.

"Anyway, I go into the bedroom to change. Since everything in it was brand new, I almost wasn't ready because of all the time it took to find my clothes. Then promptly at six the Collins appear. I really don't know how Kathy did it. You see, she handled all the cooking and serving herself. But in spite of that, it seemed she was always just sitting, chatting in the living room and nursing a glass of dry sherry. Lillian Collins was so excited, she couldn't see straight. The hors d'oeuvres, for example, were tiny works of art that tasted divine.

"Finally, we are called to the dining room. Kathy begins with paté de foie gràs with truffles, served with a vintage Chablis. Then she serves tournedos Rossini, soufflé potatoes — you know, those little french fries that look like little balloons? This is accompanied by a vintage Bordeaux that probably costs a year's pay. She follows it with a salad, and then crèpes Suzette for dessert. Is it over? Don't be silly. She follows that with fresh fruit and assorted cheeses. This is followed by coffee.

"By now, it's nearly ten o'clock — we had been at the table for almost three hours. Then she brings out a bottle of cognac I had heard about but never seen, Rémy Martin's Louis XIII, pours more coffee and disappears again. When she returns, she is lighting a Corona corona for Kevin. She gives it to him with a smile that melts him to his chair. Then she repeats it with me. Finally, she lights a thin light panatella for Lillian, and then one for herself.

"I'll never forget the look on Lillian Collins' face! She just held the cigar in her fingers and looked at it. Then she sees Kathy take a puff on hers, so she tries hers, too. She loved it! When everyone was finished, Kathy shooed Kevin and me out to the living room with our cognac and a couple of more cigars.

"While we're sitting there feeling so expansive we could conquer the world, I start to worry. You see, I could hear the two women in the kitchen. Of course I couldn't hear any words, but I certainly heard some very sexy-sounding giggles from Lillian. When it was time to leave, my fears were confirmed. Lil and Kathy were acting very conspiratorial and I saw the characteristic shape of a Dom Pérignon bottle in a paper bag Lillian was carrying in her hand. Incidentally, when I closed the door after the Collins left, I turn and find Kathy has unzipped her hostess gown all the way. She's just standing there with her hands on her hips with the gown framing her magnificent nude body!

"Was that the end of the night for me? I should be so lucky! I move towards Kathy and all she does is take off my coat and tie, unbutton my shirt and sit me in a brand-new easy chair. Then she brings a small bench into the living room and puts on a tape. What is she doing? What the hell would you think she would be doing? She was replicating Jennifer's exotic routine for me. I have never seen a woman move the way Kathy did that night!"

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I opened my eyes and felt a momentary rush of panic. I expected to see the light shining through my blue curtains into my bedroom and hear the familiar sound of the shower and splashing from the bathroom as James prepared himself for the morning commute to the office. Instead, all I saw was blackness. It must still be night-time . Gradually, my vision came into focus and I saw that it wasn’t completely dark. It was dim but there was bright light somewhere. I moved my head and saw that a thin...

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The ExhibitionChapter 4

Two hours later, the show opened, revealing Sammy to the crowd once again. She faintly heard the artist addressing them. "Welcome to the second weekend of my exhibition! It's nice to see so many familiar faces returning! I expected something like this might happen, so I took care to update the main display with a number of new features. Feel free to play around as much as you'd like, I've put some explanations down in the corner, but come and find me if you have and specific questions....

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My Brothers Genie Chapter 05

“Give him some time,” Antonella said, the van driving away quickly. “He’s had quite the shock. We’ll need him conscious though for the journey.” “What journey?” Daniel asked. “Right now that guy is almost certainly phoning his superiors, meaning he’s about to realise he’s been fooled. He knows who Harry is, meaning he could find his house, and from there, find yours, Charlie. You can’t go home.” “Of course we can!” Charlie said. “I’m sorry, but it’s not a good idea. I’ve put protection on...

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Tales From The MAU

The MAU. No one knows where it came from. Scientists have agreed that the device must have extraterrestrial origins. They have confirmed that the MAU has transformative powers after a rat was accidentally transformed into a dog. They have also discovered that if the transformed creature comes into contact with semen, the change is permanent. Now, the scientists have reversed-engineered the device and have used it’s transformative ways to help the public, mostly people with gender dysphoria, in...

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The Partnership aka Bad DeaconChapter 2 Bad Deacon

When I left Tupelo Mississippi I had $750,000 in drug money. I never really believed it would happen, and I didn’t really need the money, so the question running through my mind was, what now? Since I didn’t have an answer, I just drove. I drove all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, which wasn’t really all that far. It took less than five hours to get to Biloxi. Once in Biloxi I checked into a very nice three star motel, the travel lodge. I spent only one night there, but I did sleep late the...

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Enter the DarknessChapter 2 Wintry Encounters

December, 1984 At the end of 1984 daddy came home one snowy afternoon with a strange look on his face. He got out of his fatigues and into some sweats and started helping me make dinner. Somewhere between peeling carrots for the salad and taking the roast beef out of the oven, a tension ran out of him and he sighed. "I have something tell you, pumpkin. Go ahead and sit down," he said, hefting the roast. I liked having roast beef because it meant sandwiches for the next few days, but I had...

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Anal fun with Melissa

Melissa and I had become firm friends, you could even say we had become boyfriend and girlfriend. I had just turned eighteen and we spent most of our spare time together. Our parents seemed thrilled that their children seemed to get on so well. We had started messing about more often and had sex a few times. She loved to tease me and we often ended up having sex. Most of the time we hung out my parents were out. This time was different, my parents were just downstairs. We were sitting in my...

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A Tiny Slip Ch 01

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

2 years ago
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Slave Tale

Slave Tale By Semiater ([email protected])        My eyes were tired and I could hardly concentrate any more on the papers spread out before me.  I’d gotten up early and started working on the edits of my book that morning, it had been hours since I’d even stood up and moved around.         Reaching my hand under the desk I softly tapped on my thigh.  Quickly, almost instantly, I felt my little pet’s nose working the folds of my boxers open and gently easing my hardening cock out with her...

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Girly Man 05

GIRLY MAN - 05 by Libnos When Jane got home from her business trip I told her what had happened with the businessman. She was shocked. "How could you cheat on me like that? You cheated on Jimmy too. You're a slut." When I explained that I had been seduced by the alcohol and that I felt no guilt because of her cheating with Vickie, she was silent. I also told her I would make my own peace with Jimmy. She gave me a sad look and walked away. I felt...

3 years ago
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The Commuter Day 9

It was over a week before I saw you again. Guess some people don't like getting fucked in public, then told to get off the fucking train I laughed to myself. The time had gone by faster than normal and here it was, an early Saturday morning and I was making an uncommon trip to the office to finish up some important paperwork. As usual, I sat in my same seat, with the morning sun shining into the car from over my shoulder. Because it was a weekend, I had decided to wear running shorts, running...

2 years ago
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Hot day in Crikvenica

Almost true story.I met Franjo and Marija last summer at a cafe in Crikvenica. Marija is a 40-year-old woman with big natural boobs, a nice waist, and a little bigger ass. Franjo is a 52-year-old well-held man from Zagreb. But, what are they doing here?It was a hell of a hot day that Tuesday in Crikva. It was about 11 am and I decided to have coffee at the center. I walked into the air-conditioned cafe and soon life came back to me. It was really unbearably hot. I sat down, ordered coffee, and...

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ShawnChapter 14

We took a very tired girl home at four in the afternoon for a little rest. I still had my present to give her though. With just Monique and Jennifer, I let her unwrapped the package. She found a hand made dildo that made her blush. She had used one many times either on herself or on Monique. This one was different though and I showed her when I turned a knob at the back connected to a rheostat. Power from a wall outlet lead to a transformer, from there it went to a small motor connected to a...

3 years ago
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Cindy has a Biker

Cindy had been looking for a new job for sometime after been asked to leave her previous job due to her fucking her boss’ husband. After sending out numerous CV’s she eventually got a job as an assistant at a publishing company. On her first day, Cindy overslept. She’d lain awake the night before, going over and over the tight morning routine in her mind. In spite of her preparations, the alarm had not been put forward an hour due to the time change. Cindy got dressed quickly with the...

1 year ago
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Hot Coming FamilyChapter 2

Laura Mitchell Martin had always adored her older brother, Fred. When he'd married Millie years ago, Laura had been heartbroken that he hadn't waited for her to grow up. She finally married on the rebound when she was eighteen. She'd had Eric at nineteen and now was separated from her husband, Pete Martin, and living with Fred and Millie temporarily. Laura had always loved Fred's looks and she stared at him unobtrusively as he sat in a lounge chair in the living room and sipped a...

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Jon Snow And The Ladies of Westeros pt 2 Catelyn Stark

Oh sure, she had long stopped trying to talk on and on about the endless new fashions and clothing from the south. She was no longer the innocent unknowing girl she had once been and had finally learned to look deeper into things. It was something that had Jeyne sighing in relief. If she had continued her naive ways in such a kingdom as Westeros, she would have been too easy to manipulate. But something else was different about her…and her slow mind on the issue be cursed for she could not...

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Prom Nights Adventure

My boyfriend and I have been going out for almost a year and a half now. We love each other very much, and sometimes I wonder if we are closer than most couples our age. (We're both 18). We took it pretty slow going into the relationship, although both of us admitted to being regular masturbators and loving the feel of personal pleasure. It also turned out both of us are Bi-Sexual, which is a huge turn on. This is the story of the first time I was able to give him a blowjob. We had almost...

2 years ago
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Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale, a faked reluctance.I had to head out of town to Ft. Lauderdale for a work trip. Four days of being stuck in conference rooms was not at the top of my list of things to do. I arrived at my hotel which was very nice. A lot of places to go nearby and the hotel had an outside bar itself. The conference was five blocks away so I walked.The first four hours started and went by painfully slow. While in the last few minutes, I was informed the following three days have been canceled...

Gay Male
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Heute gehe ich nicht ungefickt nach Hause

Ich betrachte mich im Spiegel. Das Schwarze enganliegende Kleid das ich trage. Die durchsichtigen Nylonärmel mit dem in einem dunklen blau glänzenden Muster darauf. Der Ausschnitt der viel verspricht aber nur wenig sagt. Der Rock sitzt perfekt und geh über zu meinen Nylonbedeckten Beine abgerundet mit diesen wunderbaren High Heels. Jennifer du siehst perfekt aus, denke ich mir und betrachte mein Haar. Es war die richtige Entscheidung gewesen ein dunkles rot in meine brünetten, langen Haare zu...

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Our encounter with submissive female

It all began when I was searching the internet for a female playmate, usually it was easy to find a man online to persuade to have sex with, but a female is a totally different breed. Being accustomed to the lifestyle of swinging and experience as a dominatrix I’ve learned what I’m comfortable with (sexually) and what I liked that turned me on. My bisexual experiences with men and women created earlier in my life shaped the sexual creature I am today. Having a high sex drive compiled with risky...

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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 2

In Manassas, VA, stands an anonymous building with just a number: 5225. It stands on Wellington Drive between two other anonymous buildings, across the street from a businessman's lunch restaurant. Occupying this innocuous building is an organization that doesn't exist. It's not a corporation, or an LLP, or any other state created entity. Most of the employees think it's a lobbying enterprise and there are people in suits who make appointments with people in D.C. There are two dozen...

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University Life First Ch 0506

CHAPTER FIVE Kainene sighed to herself yet again. She had been staring at the same page for half an hour but could not understand a word that was written. She tried to focus but knew that it was hopeless. Who knew Criminal Law could be so boring? Boring, a voice slyly replied. It’s not boring, you just can’t get Rufus, who’s taken by the way, out of your scatty head. Kainene groaned inwardly at that. Now she knew she was definitely going crazy. When the stupid voice inside her head was...

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She Was 22

She was 22 and petite. Blonde, boyishly short haircut, and a body to die for. He was much older, but she liked the way he talked. They met at the wedding of mutual friends, were bored with the reception and had been drinking just enough to loosen their inhibitions. Sitting together they talked a little, flirted a lot. He kept stealing looks at her creamy breasts, intentionally on display in her strikingly low-cut dress (she got off on being stared at). She glanced at his crotch at least five...

3 years ago
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My English Teacher and I Part 3

I was dozing in and out. It was relaxing listening to the waves and sitting in the sun. The beach was quiet and our family was enjoying some time by the shore. We’d been gone three days and pretty much every day had started with me thinking about Rebecca until I had to escape to the bathroom to relieve myself. My sister Rachel and I were sharing a room as our summer house was getting remodeled and the other rooms were being redone. “What are you dreaming about over there?” Rachel asked,...

2 years ago
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Fireman helping a couple in need

After a 24 hour shift I was looking forward to 48 off. As I was pulling away from the station my cell phone rang, the voice on the other side said: hey man how's it going?I had been chatting on SLS with a couple from a community just down the road from the station. As with most invites and email I took it lightly knowing that most were nothing more than just talk, little did at know this was not to be the case. Our Conversation continued, you want to drop by for a bite to eat this morning? I'll...

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My mom had died when I was two years old so I never actually knew her, my dad had raised me. We were closer than all my friends seemed to be with their dad's and I loved that. It was about seven months ago now since my daddy made me squirt for the first time in the woods, and it hasn't been the last time. All my friends always noted how hot my dad was and I had to agree, for a 35 year old my he was good looking. "Molly?" I heard my dad call as the front door was closed. I tried to swipe the...

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DDFBusty Sofia Lee Krystal Swift Orgasmic Group Sex

When voluptuous Czech cuties Sofia Lee and Krystal Swift are in the midst of the throes of passion and Steve Q and Michael Fly walk in on the horny happenings, the busty beauties give each other a dirty look and the boys eagerly whip out their cocks for the horny hotties to suck and fuck. The big titty bombshells have enjoyed hours of titty licking and pussy eating prior to their men joining this group sex event, and now the curvy assed cuties crave their big cocks and pussy insertion. Join the...

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Nicoles New Home

Nicole is out of a home. Larry helps her out. Nicole's New Home Hello everyone. This is Nicole again. Here is a strange tale. I just got home from work and my car was acting up. I had made an appointment to have looked at by my mechanic. I went to my fridge and took out a steak. I was going to cook it for dinner with a salad. I put a dry rub on the steak and put it back in the icebox. I also pulled ten trout from the freezer and placed them in the fridge. I had planned to have...

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Jakes Dream Come TrueChapter 9

Author's note: The author is well aware that the origin of the QWERTY keyboard, as presented in this chapter, as well as the claimed greater efficiency of the Dvorak layout, is disputable. As stated before, this story takes place in a fantasy world – so let's just say that in this particular universe it's true and leave it at that. The next day I was up bright and early to see what Santa brought me. Christmas morning has always been a pretty quiet affair at my house since it was usually...

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A great day at the Park

I was getting very frustrated with my local xhamster contacts trying to set up a meet. No takers! Today was beautiful and warm, so I decided to go to the park where I've seen action before. It's about an hour's drive from my home, but I was wanting to at least jack off with another man outdoors. The park is very large, but has a secluded area at the far end. Not very many people go there, except for (mostly) lonely men. I've never seen cops there. When I drove in there was only one car...

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Menaka Gangbanged By Strangers

This incident took place 6 months ago when I came back to India from USA for good. It had been a couple of days since I got back and I was under the influence of jet-lag. Because of this, I was awake at night and I was too bored, so I messaged Menaka.For those of you who don’t know Menaka, please read my old story. I immediately got a response from her and I told her that I was bored and wanted to do something. She said we could meet as she was also not sleepy and bored. She got in her car and...

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