Santa_(0) free porn video

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"What are you going to do about this?" A woman was almost screaming at the man.

"I apologize ma’am, we are doing all we can to remedy the situation," the clerk was saying.

"Remedy?! REMEDY!!!? No, I want this done NOW not when you are ready!" The woman shouted raising the volume of her voice.

"I'm sorry ma’am, as I said we are doing all we can..." started the clerk.

"Well you should be doing a hell of a lot more! I demand a room now! I paid well in advance and I want the room I requested!" The woman went on.

John walked up a moment later, "if you wish, the lodge can issue you a full refund."

The woman turned and looked John up and down. He could almost feel her sneer at him. "I don't see how it is any business of yours a lowly bus boy!" Turning back to the clerk the woman stated, "I wish to see the owner NOW! Then perhaps after I have your job, then I can have this business taken care of. Where is he? I demand to see him now!"

The clerk turned red faced toward John another pleading and embarrassed look on his face. Straightening up the clerk said, "I am sorry Mr. Timberland. They have been here all morning."

This time it was the woman's turn to be red faced and embarrassed. "You are John Timberland? Then I apologize to..."
John's face went from a smile to a scowl, "as I said the lodge will refund your deposit and transportation will be provided OUT of here. This type of behavior isn't tolerated here." Holding up his hand to quiet the startled woman, John continued. "This is a retreat not your own personal torture chamber. Now then I suggest that you leave of your own volition before I have you forcefully removed!"
Sputtering, the woman spat out, "Well I never!"
"No, and you won't not while I am the owner here! Ah! I see your ride is here. Now if the rest of you feel the same as... this one." John said indicating the woman. "Then you can also depart with her." John pointed to the bus that had pulled up, a look of disdain on his face.
Turning in a huff the woman stormed toward the bus. "This isn't over John Timberland!"
"Oh but I think it is! By the way don't come back you hear!" John called to her retreating back.
Most of those that were with the woman were right behind her. Almost all of them huffing and sneering as they turned their backs.
The clerk walked up beside John, "Thank you sir, I wasn't sure I could hold out much longer!"
"I'm just glad I got here in time to save you an embarrassing situation. You did very well Phil, considering." John told him as he clapped the man on the shoulder.
The clerk nodded as John walked on into the lodge. An hour later John was out on the slopes checking that they were going as he expected them to. "Everything's as you wanted it sir." John's ski area maintenance chief reported.
"Good, if all goes well we should get another few inches of powder tonight. I want the crew to recheck all their equipment before they groom the slopes tomorrow." John advised the man.
"Yes sir, I'll have them start right away!" With that the man moved off with several of his crew.
John just shook his head as he look at several of the runs. Still a little upset, John decided to take one of the black runs to blow off steam. Starting down the hill John didn't notice the clouds that were rapidly moving in. Almost half way down there was a sudden clap of thunder near the top of the hill. Feeling the impending avalanche behind him, John started to race faster down the course.
Crap John thought he was too far from the turns and bottom to make it. Looking at the nearby mountain side, John saw the cave almost too late to stop. Activating his avalanche beacon he headed into the cave. Barely two feet inside John snapped on his flashlight as the avalanche covered the opening of the cave. Looking around John sighed wouldn't do to survive an avalanche and then get mauled by a hibernating bear.
Taking the beacon off he left it near the covered mouth of the cave then went to explore. Further in John was surprised when the cave not only opened up into a huge cavern but there was more than sufficient heat. Breathing a sigh of relief John saw no signs of bears, but better to be safe than sorry.
Walking around John noticed that the further he went into the cave the warmer it got. Rounding what appeared to be a huge outcrop of rocks John stopped his mouth agape. There in front of him was another opening! The strange thing was there was warm air coming though into the cave, what was going on?
Advancing further John tentatively approached the opening. A small male's head popped in for a moment then was gone. "He's finally here!" John thought he heard a male's voice say. Were they talking about him, John thought? 
Suddenly three short females walked into the cave through the opening. "Hello sir." The oldest appearing of the three said. "We have been waiting for you for a very long time, sir." She said her light brown hair gently lying to the side of her face. "I am Triance. These are my sisters Frila, and Miadas." All three bowed to him. "Please come, sure we have a place prepared for you. It has been for some time."
John could only stare opened mouth at the three short females. They weren't children; that was obvious, but what they were he couldn't say. They all took his hands and gently led him out into the sunlight. Wait! Sunlight? Warmth? What in the world was going on? "I'm sorry I seem to have been hurt far worse than I thought. I should wake up in a few minutes." John said as he suddenly stopped seeing the small town not twenty feet away.
The younger two females started to giggle. They quickly quieted when the one called Triance gave them a stern look. "I know it's a lot to take in sir. Torran will explain as soon as we have you settled." 
John could only nod as he was led to a central building larger than the rest. Once inside the younger two left as Triance stood aside and waited. A few moments later a small male about three and a half foot tall entered the room. "Ah! Finally you are here sir! We have been waiting for you a very long time. Now I know you have a myriad of questions, I am here to answer all that you have."
John again could only nod though a million questions were going through his mind not a single one would leave his mouth. "I..." John started then stopped really unsure of what to say let alone ask.
Sighing Torran started for John. "Yes sir, we are what your kind would call elves. Though recently in your time our distant relatives the Quendi have been depicted. They are very tall and try to not associate with your kind."
"Elves? Uh huh. You really expect me to believe you?" A bewildered John said.
"I apologize sir; I know it is a lot to take in. You will have time to gain all the knowledge you need." Here the one called Torran smiled. "It was foretold that you would be difficult and tall. I am sorry to say that you are rather painful to look at also. I do not mean to insult you sir but you are the first we have ever seen in person. Your kind is extremely ugly to us; again I apologize as I said we mean no disrespect."
"Ugly?" A startled John stated. "Here I thought I was rather handsome. That might explain why I haven't had a date in so long." John said as he scratched his head.
"Oh no sir! It is just to us that you are that way! I am sure that in your time to your kind you are quite spectacular." A slightly red faced Torran said.
"Alright," John said finally starting to get a handle on things. "You said you have been waiting for me for a long time. May I ask why?"
"Sir, you can ask anything that you wish. Nothing is denied to you, it was foretold ages ago that one of your kind would appear. They would enter the rift at a time of personal peril, bringing with them a knowledge that we need. The one of your kind would be alone and hurt, though not physically. They would have a great love of all children but none of their own." Torran said. 
Crap John thought they were right on every account so far. "What else was foretold?"
Here Torran smiled widely though not sure it just felt so right and satisfying to answer this human’s questions. "The human would be a great leader but would need time to heal his heart. He would be fair but firm just who we need to lead us."
"Lead you? Are you an army? Are you planning to attack someone?" A worried John asked causing an appalling look to appear on Torran's face. 
"Oh no sir!" Torran said, causing John to breathe out a sigh of relief that made Torran's face light up even more. "You really are as the writings said!" Here Torran bowed to John as did Triance.
"Please! I am not a god or a king, I feel very uncomfortable when you do that!" Again Torran's eyes went wide as did Triance's.
"You really are the one!" Triance whispered as she stared at John. "Praise be to the creator!"
John looked at her with a confused look. "Torran what am I to lead you to or for? What do you and your kind do here?"
Almost bowing again Torran stopped and said, "We are builders and makers. We are here to help you as we have been for a very long time."
"Yes but... wait! You said my time? What year is it here?" John asked.
"Year?" Torran asked. Looking at Triance they both started to speak in a strange language. John shook his head it was almost as if they were speaking every language at once but none of them at the same time. A moment later Torran's eyes lit up. "Ah! I see now. Sir, here there is no year. You might say that you are outside your concept of time. Later we will show you how to access all times."
"All times? Just how long have you been here?" A startled John asked.
"I believe," here Torran started talking to Triance in the strange language again though this time John could actually understand a little of it. "It was about your year 4000 B.C.? Yes that sounds about right."
John sat with a thud in the nearest chair. This was impossible! They were immortal? "You never age. Then I will be gone and you will still be here alone again." A worried John said.
"Oh no sir, when you entered the rift, you might say time has all but stopped for you. Though we have been here for six thousand and sixteen of your years we have aged maybe 16 years. As far as we have figured one day here is one year of your time." Torran happily explained.
John's mouth was hanging agape again as all he could do was stare at the two elves. Well he thought if that is what they wanted to be called so be it.
"Yes sir, we would like it if you did refer to us as that term."  A now broadly smiling Triance said.
"Did you just read my thoughts?" An astounded John asked.
"No sir," she replied. "You were projecting your thoughts outwardly rather loudly also."
"I apologize for that, I didn't mean to cause you distress," John told a suddenly gasping Triance.
"No human has ever apologized to one of our kind! Thank you sir! It is an honor to know one as kind as you!" A startled Triance said. Looking over to Torran John could see that he also had a startled look on his face.
Yawning John was suddenly feeling tired. "Is there somewhere I can lay down? I think I over did it today."
"Sir? I am so sorry I forgot to tell you! This building is yours! Everything in it, this is your home now." Triance said a worried look on her face.
"It's alright Triance; we all make mistakes at times. Please don't worry ok?" A smiling John told the worried elfin woman.
"You do not wish to punish me? To take advantage of me? Your kind has done this in the past." Triance revealed to John.
A shocked John shook his head. "That will not happen! I have so much to thank all of you for. I could never do something so deplorable! You are a married woman besides that alone makes it a horrible crime to me."
"Married?" A confused Triance stated. "I do not understand that word." Again she and Torran conversed in that strange language though this time John was catching every third word. "You mean my mate! Yes sir, thank you, we have never met one of your kind that felt that, then again we haven't seen one of your kind in many years." 
"You're very welcome, though I am starting to catch on to a great many things; I am still confused as to what I am doing here. I mean I don't feel special; I am just a regular guy. Lonely as you stated but a regular one none the less." John told both of them.
A shocked Triance and Torran looked at each other with startled looks and conversed again. "What does han mean that han is just a regelmessig guy?" Triance asked.
"I believe that han is what is known as ydmyk. I..." Torran was starting.
"You know it isn't nice to talk about someone when they are sitting in the same room." John said. Both of the elfin people turned to stare at John both of their mouths hanging open. "Crap what have I done wrong now?" John asked.
"Nothing wrong! You... you were speaking Alfheim! By the great creator! It has already started! You do not have all of it but you understand and speak more of it than not!" Torran said his eyes wide in shock and surprise. "Snakke læring the more you hear the more you lære!" A now trembling Torran said.
"Uh huh. What do you mean it has already started?" John asked of Torran.
"As we told you sir." Triance stated. "You are the leader we have been waiting for, the one that will give us back a sense of being and purpose. I am sorry sir but it is hard not to bue to you!"
"I still don't have all the words yet but I am getting almost all of them." John related to Triance.
"Yes sir, it shouldn't be long now." Triance said.
John told them he was going to sleep a bit. Both nodded and left quietly looking at each other. ‘I'm still unsure what all this is,’ John thought as he laid down and was out a few moments later. What he thought was hours later John awoke feeling a lot better. Getting up he found a change of clothes. These were more like those
that the elves wore all natural fiber he thought. Looking closer John could almost swear that the clothes were made from plants!
Stepping outside there were several gasps. John looked around seeing more elves working outside the buildings around the one he was in. Sitting on a bench in front of the building, John shook his head. He still was confused as to what he was doing here, plus what he was to lead these elves... Suddenly a thought hit him, NO! There was no way! Going back inside several of those outside waved to him as he went in.
Looking into the mirror in the building he noticed that he had a full growth of a beard. He'd thought that he had a beard and now, here it was? Since when did he have any type of telekinetic ability? Shaking his head again, he hesitated a moment, and then thought, ‘no time like the present to try.’ Concentrating John thought,
Less than a minute later John heard in his head, John nodded as he waited for them to arrive.
A few moments later both Triance and Torran walked into his building. "We are here sir." They both stated. John started to look outside around his building then came back in to find a confused pair of Elves.
"What seems to be the problem sir?" Torran asked.
"I asked you to bring your mates; at least I thought you both had mates." A concerned John stated.
Both of them started to smile, "I am sorry sir," Triance started. "We are mates, you seemed to be tired and stressed when you first arrive. I apologize for not advising you sooner."
John's face broke into a huge smile, "Ah good! Here I thought I'd be taking you away from your mates. I was going to apologize to them for taking so much of your time from them."
Again both of their mouths dropped open, as there were several gasps from the doorway.  "He really is that vei?"
"Yes," replied Torran, "he also has the talk learning as well as the thought talk."
There were more gasps as John heard several say that it was a blessing that he could almost speak and talk in Alfheim.
"I still have questions Torran, though I believe that I know what I am to do with all of you and your abilities. Much of what I have seen and heard so far falls into the category of a legend that is common in my time. I'm not sure if you and your people have ever heard of Santa Claus?" John said as he looked at all those that were within his sight.
A moment later a very old looking elf person walked in the door as there was a hush as the elder approached John. "Hello sir," came the strong voice of the elder.
"Hello to you also sir." John said drawing several more startled gasps from all those that were present.
Nodding the elder elf took John's hand and led him out into the area in front of the building. Suddenly there were other eleven elder elves that appeared all nodding to the one that was with John.
Releasing John's hand the elder walked to the others and talked to the others a few minutes. Then the entire group of twelve turned toward John, "We have waited a very long time in your world's years. Many thought that you would never appear but at last you are here. For so long we have been without guidance or direction. With you we hope that now we will have both."
"I thank you also; before I came here I had no family. Sadly they have all passed leaving an emptiness within me. I will do the best that I can," here John turned toward the others. "I will do all I can for all of us." Turning back to the twelve elders John bowed to them drawing an even larger multitude of gasps.
"We thank you sir but you are in need yourself. This was anticipated many years ago. There is only one out there that can enter here with you. She is much like you, she has been hurt greatly. She needs the love that only you can provide. Sadly you will have to find her and bring her here. You are the only one that can bring her here." The elders told John.
Nodding John thought back to all the things that he'd heard about Santa. All the legends that were out there about the man and where he was from. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought it might be him. The fact that he had almost all the time he needed was another great aspect of this also. John asked.
the head elder thought to John. 
John thought to the elder.
the elder said with a smile.
"Thank you, all of you, soon we can start." John said as those assembled cheered.


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Trying to give Mike an encouraging smile, trying to show him that she was as okay as she was telling everyone, Abby shrugged out of his coat and handed it back to him. "Thanks Mike. I'll see you back at NCIS, right? You'll let me know when you need me for ... for the interrogation?" She took a deep breath to steady the nerves that threatened to bust out of her. "I'll call you, Abby," Mike promised, wishing he didn't have to call on her, even though he knew he needed her input. "Go...

3 years ago
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Jessies Journey The Private Club Chapter 3

Derek turned to the crowd and spoke again,“It’s time now to finish her punishment so we can move on to the next challenge. “She” has a beautiful pussy, but it is only truly perfect when it is completely swollen and leaking cum. Let’s see what we can do to help her with that.”He knelt in front of her, brought his mouth to her pussy and used the tip of his tongue to lick a straight line directly up between her puffy, pink lips. He found her clit and sucked it in and out of his mouth a few times...

2 years ago
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My neighbor and me

Amanda, anyway, hadn't been so lucky as to find a man once her husband left. I had seen a guy come over once or twice, and only 2 times had she asked me to stay and babysit Charles all night. It wasn't so much that she didn't want a man, she once told me, but more that she had no time for a lovelife, because she had to provide for her only son. Those times I figured she had either gotten lucky, or was staying at her parent's, who came over often. Amanda was a knockout, standing 5...

2 years ago
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The Courts Of Pleasure Ch 09

A bird called from somewhere in the palms. It was one of the macaws Orcutt decided as he sought for its shape amongst the fronds. High above the trees the steel ribs of the herbarium arched into the evening sky carrying the transparent skin of glass over the tropical garden below. He pushed his way through the giant ferns spreading over the walk a banana tree pedant with fruit swayed before him, and below him the stream from the waterfall wound though the rockery. Ahead he could see the...

4 years ago
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My Fily

Saturday morning I heard my m## making breakfast, I then had the idea and decided to go down in the buff and not put my shirt or pajamas on. When I got to the kitchen I got the shock of my life, I saw the back side of my m## totally naked, she was not wearing anything. She was not fat but was not skinny either, I could see some love handle on her side and her bare ass was round and big. I couldn't focus on anything but her ass. She then turned around and saw me staring at her, she had to call...

4 years ago
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Nothing Gets Through Ch 03

Lani and Dee walked into the arena with about ten minutes to spare before the game started. "Wow, this place is huge!" Dee took in the all the seats with wide eyes. "They must fit a million people in here." "Oh, probably around eighteen thousand," Lani said as they walked through the portal. "I hope there's not a fire or anything," Deanne muttered. Lani laughed and her friend glared. "Fine, when there's a stampede for the exits, you're on your own." "Holy cow, Dee." Lani looked at the tickets....

Love Stories
4 years ago
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A House of Men Ch 04

Ty and I have decided to open a restaurant. It was decided late last night after three days of vigorous housecleaning and lengthy discussions about all we knew of food. Both of us have our specialties and preferences, and Ty knows just the place for us to locate what we have deemed Ty and Holly’s Kitchen. It turns out that about two years ago, his grandparents decided to open their own little eatery and had a building built just for the occasion. Right before the construction was complete,...

4 years ago
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Sex In Mumbai 8211 Part II

Hey guys. This is Saakshi and I am 27 years old. I am from Mumbai and work in an MNC bank. This incident happened with me in December last year. It’s a true incident in which I got laid by a 5″ dick of a Delhi-boy. First, I would tell you about myself. I am very fair, long black hair, brown eyes and navel pierced. My tits are 36 D and I shave my pussy every weekend. I was sitting in the bar with my friend Kajal, when this guy came and sat beside me on the high chair. I was wearing a black dress...

3 years ago
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Flight to Shimla

By: Wolf Man ReX It was early summer in Mysore, Deepak and his Aunt where at the airport ready to board their plane to Shimla. Deepak had problems with flying; the very thought of flying made him nervous enough to faint. His mother had warned his aunt about his phobia, Deepak had this problem ever since he was a child. Now even as a young man of nineteen he was still afraid to fly. Deepak’s aunt on the other hand was used to flying. He hesitantly got on board of the plane; the flight attendant...

3 years ago
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First Time CockSucker Gay

Two months after my 18th birthday, I got my first apartment; I'd saved up from my job to be able to afford it and my parents had given me some old furniture and things to supply the kitchen (pots and pans, plates and silverware). It was the third day in my apartment when everything changed in my life; the day when my sexuality would be questioned. I love girls and always have. I love their beauty and I love the control I have with girls during sex. There is nothing like a girl on her knees in...

3 years ago
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my introduction to black

Hi my name is kelly and i am a married woen of 25,I have been married for 4 years and until recently had never cheated on my husband.That all changed when we went to a xmas party and i met a black guy who taught me the pleasure of black sex and turned me into a whore.At the party my husbnad made a fool of himself and got rather drunk ,he then tried it on with a few of the women there and upset me .This black guy darly saw what was happening and got talking to me and at the end of the night gave...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 41

Time: Unknown, Blue thunder on Antelope Freeway... Just as Gary completed his jump, the light in the cornfields of Antelope Freeway changed from the normal afternoon sunlight of late-winter to something so bizarre that A'moth gasped in astonishment. All the colors of the green corn and brown earth were replaced by a bright cornflower blue, the entire world one great expanse of great blue glowing light. The sky above was incomprehensible, a uniform blue without clouds, but with a huge arc...

2 years ago
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Tonights gonna be a good night

Last night my wife went out with friends. Every couple of weeks or so, they all get together and go out for dinner. Normally this is on Friday nights, but for whatever reason it just so happened to be on a Tuesday for this week. I don't mind staying home with the k**s while she goes out to have fun. Hell, she deserves it after everything she does around the house and for our family. So, I let her go out and have some fun and a few drinks with the ladies. Whenever she goes out- we have a game...

2 years ago
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George Isolde etc Chapter IX

Chapter IX Terry was in the bathroom when Isolde got to the top of the stairs. She rapped her knuckles on the door as she went by, and said, “I’m next.” She heard a muffled, “Okay.” A minute or two later, Terry came out of the bathroom, carrying and drying his hands on the towel. He handed the towel to Isolde, saying, “I guess you will want this.” He went into the bedroom, and lay down on his back on the bed. As he waited for Isolde to finish whatever she was doing in the bathroom (putting in...

3 years ago
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Mickey and Kat

"Run, Mickey, unless you want to bring that over here." "That" was his prodigious cock, now swinging as he ran and jumped. Yes, young Mickey happened to be running naked, his clothes in his hand. There was a good reason for this. Only a few minutes before Mickey had been feeding that cock into Mary O'Connell. As he paused a moment to catch his breath Mickey thought back to humping his long thick cock into Mary, giving her what she begged for over and over. At least until her husband...

1 year ago
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The Weekend

I woke up with an ache so bad in my pussy, I knew I needed to get laid real bad, as it had been months since I broke up with my boyfriend and my pussy was really needy. I had been working a lot of late hours on a new project and didn't have time to shop or do anything else and this was the first Saturday I had off in months. I was going to try and get get all my shopping done that morning, I hoped, but in the meantime, I was out of coffee. I had gotten pretty friendly with my neighbor across...

2 years ago
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How my girlfriend turned me gay Part 2

The minutes passed. Steve and I lay there on our backs, our breathing slowly getting back to normal. I slowly stroked his thigh with the back of my hand, just trying to keep contact with his warm skin. “It’s been a long time since I had sex that intense,” I said. “In fact I can’t remember EVER having sex that intense.” “Me either,” he said. “I thought I would never stop coming.” He lifted his head enough to look at our bodies, where the cum was starting to dry. He turned on his right...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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This was given to me by my friend

I open the door and you are standing there. I press my hands to your chest leaning in and giving you a slow soft kiss. I pull back and smile at you.“Glad you could come dear. I have a surprise for you.”I take your hand and lead you into the house, guiding you through the living room and down the basement stairs.I take you down into the finished side of the basement. “What is it?” You ask as we turn the corner.The plush carpet under foot makes no sounds as we walk into the room. There is a large...

3 years ago
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Paid to Eat Pussy PT2 Lesbian

My friend Miranda, a lesbian amateur pornstar, had tricked me into going "gay for pay" with her.I ended up loving it, but it wasn't Miranda who I couldn't keep out of my head since that day.It was her friend, the cameragirl who bluntly sat on my face after filming us.I brought her to orgasm in less than ten minutes, and then she left without a word.She never even told me her name, and I didn't really care.The fact of the matter was, I had loved it and I couldn't stop thinking about it.The smile...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Mom8217s Sister

Hey everyone, I don’t like to reveal anything about me and I’m into a secret stuff thing I just want to say that I’m from Hyderabad. OK so coming into the story. She is my moms sister, she is damn fair and beautiful with attractive pair of breasts, this started about a year ago it was her birthday and she stays near by me so I went to her home around late night to wish her actually I forgot that it was her birthday and I went late she was fully drunk and I went and hugged her to wish, when she...

2 years ago
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honeymoon in thailand part 1

shortly after he proposed i revealed to him that i had once been a prostitute. it wasn't like the sleezy street walking kind but i had sold my body for money in college. part-time girlfriend sort of deal.... the thought of a man paying me for my body (because i turned him on soo much) was exciting to me. after having told the man that i love this, i couldn't bare to look him in the eyes. i thought he would throw me away but i didn't want this to come up and haunt me later. so i braced...

2 years ago
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Learning AssistanceChapter 23

We dressed for dinner and went with Karen’s parents to another wonderful meal. After dinner, we returned to our suite and sat on the balcony watching the water go by. Benjamin was acting as our bartender while the four of us sat out. It was getting late and I said, “Benjamin, please make up a pitcher of the non-alcoholic Pina coladas and call it a night. We’re going to sit out together and enjoy and it’s been a long day for you.” He smiled, “I can do that, Sir. Thank you for your...

1 year ago
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Baby time Part 1

Brittany sat on my bed. "If you had a choice to either save your boyfriend or your best friend who would you save?" "probably my best friend why?" I responded. "Am I your best friend, Kara?" Brittany and I have known each other for 18 years.(were 19) "Of course Brit!" "then play this with me." "Play what?" "You do what ever I want you To for the rest of the sleepover." what I said next I regret to this day. "Ok" " good now. Rules: 1: You are to lick my pussy when ever and where ever I want,...

Erotic Fiction
5 years ago
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Building a Better PastChapter 7

I suppose for some people that first kiss would be all about fireworks and breathless passion. Ours was about love, friendship and caring. That’s not to say it wasn’t pretty special! We both put a lot into that kiss, I know that I tried to draw on all of my experience from my original timeline to convey the depth of my feelings for my wonderful stepsister in that kiss. We found our places, heads slightly tilted with noses out of the way, quickly and held it for some time, not crushing our...

2 years ago
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The escort 2 My first assignment

Needless to say, Rosie offered me a job at Marchmont Ladies, the upmarket escort agency which she ran out of her tenement flat. And of course I was happy to accept, if a little apprehensive as to what to expect; glossy brochures and easy words are all very well, but reality can be quite messy, and who knows what sort of man I'd have to pretend to like.Still, the money was excellent. I'd earn enough in one assignation to pay the rent for a whole term. If I had enough clients I could probably...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Gude week Part 1

by anon y mouse This story was inspired by a friend who is unwell at the moment GET WELL SOON Richard heard the door but as he had his leg in plaster he could not get up to answer. “It’s open” he shouted “Sorry sir” said the young female voice “Just asking if there are any jobs needed for Guide week” “Come in” Richard replied “I am sure I can find something” The young girl stepped into the house. She was aware that her training told her not too as you never knew who was...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Comes True

I was 21, my mum had a friend Ava, they had known each other since they were at school and they were pretty close. Ava was going through a hard time, her husband left her and was going through the divorce process. My mum had offered me to help Ava if she needed anything or help around the house. Ava is 38, she is about 5ft4, pretty curvy with big tits and a nice ass. She had been the subject of many of my teenage fantasies. She had gotten hotter since her ex left her cause she’d been...

4 years ago
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Little Lisa

Chapter 1 Looking back on it, I still can't believe that it happened. I can't believe, either, that I basically instigated the whole thing. If not for what happened between Lisa and I... Oh well, anyway, it did happen, and I'm glad. All I can say is, I'll never forget the events of those two weeks in September... It all began one Friday afternoon, in early September. Lisa's parents, who were good friends of my folks, had asked me if I could pick Lisa up from her after-school gymnastics...

1 year ago
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First encounter of the bosss wife

Young mechanic gets drawn into the boss's wife's sexual hunger. My name is Chris and this all began when I went for a job interview at a small family ran garage. When I meet the most amazing women ever. As I entered the office for my interview I was was met by this gorgeous woman who took my breath away when I first set eyes on her.Her name was Paula she was 5ft2 but she had a massive set of tits they looked amazing in her tight fitted shirt that was see through. You could sed the out line of...

4 years ago
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Sex with sexy neighbour

Hi all readers of iss. I also a regular reader of iss and i like this site very much. My name is sunny 24 years old and i am living in jammu. Now i also want to share my experience with you. This story is about a neighbor bhabhi (wife of neighbor, to whom i called as bhaji (brother). So in this was she was like my sister-in-law) who was living the next house to ours. Her name was nancy. Our families were very close. She was a very beautiful woman with big assets but in perfect shape. She was...

3 years ago
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Age I Of The United StatesChapter 12 Bring it on

Mac split the squads into four man sabre teams as he had learned during his time with the SAS. Each member of a sabre team had skills that complimented the others in the team to provide the whole with a broad range of experience. Helfe had already proven herself the equal of any of the troopers and she led a team in her own right. That gave Mac some three hundred and fifty teams to use and he knew he could cause a hell of a lot of mayhem with the skills they had. He split the team up, fifty...

3 years ago
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Im Your Daughter

All through high school, I played guitar and sang in bands, certain I’d end up being a rock star some day. I was talented enough to work full time (5 nights a week 50 weeks a year) in club bands and worked my way through college doing that while pursuing fame, but rejection letter after rejection letter from record companies led me to the realization that I just wasn’t quite talented enough to make it big on stage. I did have a good ear though and since I couldn’t play and sing my way to...

4 years ago
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I Married A Witch

My wife is a witch. Not a nasty woman that you’d refer to as a witch. I mean she is a real, card-carrying, bonified witch. I didn’t know she was a witch when we got married, but I found out soon enough. Witches seem to have a bad rap for some reason. I’m here to tell you that my witch is the most incredible woman I have ever met. In fact, I am by far the luckiest man on the planet.I don’t care if it was her deities or all the other powers that be that let me stumbled into her presence, But I am...

4 years ago
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Horny at Work

I rushed to my next meeting. I sat down at one of the spots at the long table and gathered all my documents for the next issue. The presenter went up and started the meeting. Minutes in the meeting, my phone went off in my clutch. Shit, I forgot to set it on vibrate. I rose a finger, got up and went off to the corner and answered the call. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hey babe, how’s the meeting going?’ It was my boyfriend. ‘Hey babe,’ I whispered. ‘I’m sorry, I’m just in the middle of one right now. I’ll...

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