A Tangled Web Ch. 11 free porn video

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From her vantage point in the woods Xui-Li looked down on the stockade where the prisoners were being held. Using a pair of field glasses she made a slow and careful scan of the entire area. There were two conjoined compounds, one for the men and one for the women, each surrounded by a barbed wire fence which had guard towers at regular intervals. It was mid afternoon and, within the stockade, the prisoners sat around listlessly. As far as she could tell, they mostly seemed to be fit and well, even if they were rather thin. Apart from those whom she recognised as having been caught in the raid on the compound there was also a number of young men in uniform. She guessed that these were the one’s captured as a result of Vera’s report.

At one end of the stockade was an ugly brick building which housed the British troops. She spent some hours watching them come and go. It seemed that her intelligence had been good, it was only a token force, barely twenty troops in all with a Major Creighton in command. The stockade security relied on the strength of the barbed wire and the guards in the towers. After all, a collection of low grade soldiers and the serving staff from the rebel headquarters hardly made them high risk prisoners. Her intelligence sources had implied that Major Creighton was considered to be a bit of a fool, Indeed, the very reason for this posting was that, tactically, he was a disaster in the field. Xui-Li could only hope that this intelligence was also good. She was all too aware of the limited forces at her disposal.

To one side of the stockade there was an area of rough ground. With it’s scattered trees and dips and hollows it would provide perfect cover for her troops to get quite close and remain unseen. The fact that this area had not been cleared spoke volumes about the priority the British afforded to their prisoners. They simply were not expecting any sort of attack, the fence and guard towers were to keep the prisoners in, not to keep potential attackers out.

Once again she scanned the prisoners. Looked at from a purely tactical point of view the British assessment that they were ‘low risk’ was about right but this raid was not about tactics, not in that sense. What the movement needed was a morale boost, something to show that the decimation of their high command did not mean the end of the struggle, some gesture to show that they were not beaten. It would also show that the movement cared about the rank and file, not just the leaders. On a more personal level she owed a debt to many of the prisoners taken in the raid, all of the cooks for a start and, yes, she could also make out the sturdy form of Chu-hua in the woman’s compound. Chang’s guards must have held her during the mock trial and then, when the British had come, even her skills would have been overwhelmed.

‘When do they arrive?’ she turned to Yin who was lying beside her.

‘They’re maybe five hours away,’ Yin replied.

‘Remind me again, what exactly are we getting?’

‘Thirty troops with one commanding officer.’

‘And how experienced are these troops?’

‘They’ve never seen action before. Please, Xui-Li, we’ve been through all this. It’s the best we could do. There’s nothing else available in this area.’

‘I know, I know,’ Xui-Li said tetchily, ‘and it’s Madam Hong when we’re on duty, if you don’t mind.’

‘Of course, Ma’am!’ Yin replied as she snapped of an ironic salute.

‘Yin, people are going to die.’

‘As long as they’re British why should I care?’

‘And you think thirty raw recruits are going to take an established position, even one as unguarded as this, without taking casualties?’

‘No, Madam Hong, I’m sorry, Madam Hong.’

‘As I said, people are going to die.’


It was the middle of the night as Vera, and the rest of the platoon, made themselves as comfortable as they could in another wood on the other side of the valley. A messenger approached and, after a brief exchange of code words, there was a brief discussion with the sergeant.

‘All right, lads,’ he said once they had finished. ‘We rest up here. You might as well get some shut eye. We’ll be attacking at dawn. Hong, Chung, you two are on guard duty.’

The sergeant showed Vera and the other recruit where they were to stand, half hidden in the wood but overlooking the stockade. Vera stared into the night watching the guard towers and the shadows of the soldiers who manned them. At dawn she, along with the other twenty nine other raw recruits, was going to storm the stockade. She wondered how many would make it out alive. Behind her she could hear the quite susurration of the others as they chatted. The closer they got to the action the quieter the recruits had become. She wasn’t the only one who was uneasy. Sleep would be hard to come by tonight.

The first glimmers of dawn were just starting and there was just enough light to see by when the troops were roused. Quietly, the order was given to move out of the woods and down a gully towards the stockade. Vera felt sick to her stomach and, judging by the looks of the other recruits, she wasn’t the only one. There was no bravado now, the reality of what they were doing had fully come home to them. They lined themselves up behind a low bank and then…

‘Come on, lads, On my mark! Attack! Attack!’

The action, when it came, was fast and furious. As one they leapt from the ditch and charged towards the stockade firing furiously at the guards in the towers. Vera was surprised to find that there was covering fire coming from their left flank. The surprise had caught the guards completely unawares and, almost immediately, the towers were disabled. Several of the guards were shot and the others retreated to the barracks. With this defence disabled they were able to make their way towards the stockade with only intermittent rifle fire from the retreating guards to stop them. However, this was not to last, they reached the wire and were cutting their way through when some soldiers appeared on the roof along with a Gatling gun. Using the chimneys and balustrade as cover the soldiers set up the gun and started to shoot back. Now, with bullets raining down on the rebels, it was their turn to retreat and they scurried back to find places to hide, the merest dip in the ground becoming a foxhole. Here in the rough ground they were trapped. Apart from one or two casualties back at the wire, the rebel troops were safely in cover but they were also unable to move. Any attempt at shifting position meant that they became exposed and this resulted in another burst of fire from the Gatling gun.


From her vantage point Xui-Li assessed the situation. The initial attack had gone well, the move had been well co-ordinated and they had neutralised the watch towers quite easily. On the other hand the Gatling gun on the roof had come as a surprise and they had lost the initiative along with a number of casualties. She wasn’t too worried, she had had to check twice that it actually was a Gatling gun and wondered what museum they had found it in. It said much about the importance the British afforded the stockade that it had been taken by surprise in the first place and, now that it was fighting back, this obsolete weapon was the best that they could find. She felt sure that her position had gone undetected, all eyes were on the troops pinned down in the field. They were safe enough for now, as long as they stayed where they were, but it was up to her to do something and she couldn’t wait forever. One of the first things they had done was to cut the phone lines but, even so, time was of the essence, it wouldn’t be that long before someone from the main barracks came to investigate.

With the full focus of everyone’s attention on the rough ground where her troops were pinned down it was clear that there was an open opportunity to be bold, to slip into the barracks through a side door and neutralise the threat from
within. She felt she couldn’t ask any of the small force she had with her to accept such a mission, she would have to go herself. Equally she needed to get word to the troops in the field to sit tight until the opportunity came. Quickly she outlined her plans to Yin and the others. Yin was to make her way down and join the troops, ensure they kept under cover and to make sure they were ready as and when any opportunity arose. The two others were to sit still and act as snipers whilst she infiltrated the barracks.

She looked again through her field glasses, Major Creighton was as foolish as she had been led to believe. All he had to do was wait but she could see him lining up a dozen or so troops ready to make a charge. Of all the dumb moves! Her troops, however raw and inexperienced, would mow down any charge long before they crossed the hundred yards or so between the barracks and the dead ground where they lay concealed. Sure enough, he heard a whistle blow and, with a roar, the British troops emerged. Now was her chance.

Keeping low and out of sight Xui-Li made her way closer and closer to the barracks. Whereas the back of the barracks opened onto the stockade the front and side were open and the British, foolish as ever, had even planted a formal garden dotted with bushes and trees which would provide excellent cover. This could not be easier.

Keeping low and out of sight she jinked her way closer and closer. As she had guessed discipline was so slack that even the sentries at the front door were looking the wrong way. All eyes were on the abortive charge which, by now, was quickly ending in disaster for the British. She hid under a car, studying the building. Whereas the main door had sentries she could see, over to one side, a servant’s entrance which was unguarded and, judging by the incompetence shown elsewhere, almost certainly unlocked as well. Choosing her moment she rolled out from under the car, dashed across the lawn and crouched behind a rhododendron. There was only a few yards left to go. She was so close. It was just a matter of picking the right moment.

And then, before she had time to move, a car roared up the road and, from that direction, she had no cover. The car was open topped and, when the occupant looked straight at her, she knew she had been seen. She thought about running but that would attract the attention of the guard on the front door of the barracks and, at that range, he could hardly miss, she was well and truly cornered. Whoever was driving was obviously more on the ball than Major Creighton. He didn’t hesitate but drove straight across the lawn only stopping when he was next to her. He jumped out of the car brandishing his revolver.

‘Well, well, well, what have we here? No, don’t get up. In fact I’d like you kneel on the ground with your hands over your head.’

Xui-Li had no choice but to obey.

He went around behind her and, with a vicious kick, pushed her to the ground, following though so he was kneeling on her back. With a smooth movement that showed that he was well practised he took her arms and twisted them behind her and there was the click of handcuffs as he locked her wrists together. Quickly he frisked her with a thoroughness that gave no concessions to modesty and, inevitably, he found her revolver and ammunition which he pocketed. With Xui-Li thus disarmed he stood back up and looked about.

‘It looks like Creighton has made a fool of himself as ever,’ he said looking over at the remnants of the British attack. ‘It will be a wonder if he has any troops left after that little fiasco. But we’ll come to that in a moment. First let’s see who would be so presumptuous as to attempt to sneak in the back door whilst our troops are so preoccupied?’ He stood up, kicked her over so that she was lying on her back and looked at her closely. ‘Well, this is a surprise. I do believe I’ve arrested the illusive Madam Hong, we were so disappointed when we missed you back in the spring.’

Xui-Li said nothing.

‘Lost your tongue, have you? Don’t worry, I know plenty of ways to loosen it. Why don’t you accompany me to the office. We’ve so much I want to talk about.’

Grabbing Xui-Li by the elbow he tugged her to her feet, marched her round to the front of the barracks, in through the front door, up the stairs and towards the CO’s office. They were halfway there when another officer, looking young and harassed, appeared.

‘Ah, Strickland,’ he called out. ‘Thank god you’re here. We’ve had a bit of a do. Some damn rebels tried to free the prisoners. I sent out a squad to try and mop them up but the blighters are tougher than they seemed. We’ve lost quite a few men, I’m afraid.’

‘Just hang fire for a moment, Creighton,’ Major Strickland replied. ‘Let’s go into your office. I bumped into this one here,’ he pushed Xui-Li forward, ‘on the way in and I do believe she might just have given us the upper hand.’

Together they went into the CO’s office and Xui-Li was sat down on a chair. A further set of handcuffs made sure she would stay there. Major Strickland and Major Creighton went over to the window.

‘Let’s have a look, shall we?’ Major Strickland asked. ‘The rebels, I gather they’ve gone to ground in that rough patch over there?’

‘That’s right. There’s plenty of cover but we’ve got them pinned down with a Gatling gun on the roof so they won’t get away.’

As if to confirm this there was some movement out in the field quickly followed by the rattle of machine gun fire from the roof.

‘I passed an army motor bike on the way here. He seemed in a bit of a hurry. I assume that was a runner on his way to the main barracks.’

‘That would be him. He left ten minutes ago but, well, it’s a long way. It could be a couple of hours before relief arrives.’

‘Oh, I think we can sort things out long before then. Bit of a bad show if we can’t deal with a handful of rebels like this. This one here,’ Major Strickland gestured to where Xui-Li was sat, ‘is their leader. Let’s see how much fight is left in them when they know we’ve got her in the bag. That gun emplacement on the roof, is it easily accessible?’

‘End of the corridor and top of the stairs.’

‘Let’s take her up there and show them.’ He reached down and unfastened Xui-Li from the chair. ‘Oh, and send for an interpreter, will you.’

‘Will do, old boy, will do.’

With Xui-Li held firmly by the elbow the three of them headed for the roof.


From her foxhole Vera watched as the troops started running towards them. This was it, this was the real thing. She’d had her training, she knew what she was supposed to do. She raised her rifle, taking it slowly, picked her target, sighting along the barrel, waiting until…. And then she couldn’t. She simply couldn’t. This was no cardboard cut out, this was a human being and, however desperate her straits, she simply couldn’t pull the trigger. Then he spotted her. Time seemed to go slow as the figure turned and ran towards her. She was frozen with fear, she knew she should shoot or, at the very least, try to escape, but she was unable to move. As the soldier approached he fired off a few shots but his rifle was waving about madly so the shots went astray and soon his rifle was empty. However, it was fitted with a bayonet so it was still a weapon. Holding it in both hands he raised it up, ready to thrust down into her.

At the last minute her instincts took over and Vera rolled sideways to avoid the plunging blade. As she did so she turned her rifle to fend him off but this just mean that the bayonet on the end was pointing towards the soldier’s unprotected belly. He was unable to stop himself and, as he fell forward, his momentum drove the bayonet deep into his gut and up, under his rib cage. Their eyes met as he hung suspended over her, each as surprised as the other. Then, with blood gurgling from his mouth he collapsed on top of Vera and, after a few moments of struggling, breathed his last.

Horrified Vera watched as the life drained from him. She fought and lost the urge to vomit. She had… she had… she had…

‘Did you get one? Good, they’re falling back. Quick, they can’t use the machine gun when their own troops are in the field. Keep low and come with me.’ Yin, who seemed to Vera to have appeared out of nowhere, grabbed Vera and pulled her back to a better position where several others were also waiting. She started to go for others but the rattle of the Gatling gun meant that they were back at stalemate.

‘Well, done, we held them off,’ Yin said to the ragtag collection of recruits she had assembled around her. ‘Now we sit here, keep our heads down and wait. It shouldn’t be long now.

Does anyone know where your sergeant is?’

‘I think he got shot, miss,’ one of the recruits ventured. ‘He was up by the wire when they started with that gun and I’m not sure he made it back.’

‘So, who’s in command?’

‘It looks like you are, miss,’ one of the rebels said hopefully.

‘So be it. But if I give an order I expect it to be obeyed, and with no questions. Is that quite understood?’

‘Yes, Miss!’ they chorused.

Vera looked at Yin and realised, with a start, that she was hardly older than the rest of them. However she seemed determined and she seemed in charge. For the moment that was good enough.

And then all they could do was wait. From time to time one of the rebels would essay a shot at the gunners on the roof but that would only give away their position and each shot would receive a volley of machine gun fire in reply so Yin ordered them to stop. She kept staring at the barracks, convinced that something was about to happen although she couldn’t tell the others what she was waiting for because she didn’t know herself. Anyway, she was under orders and she would follow them to the last. Then four figures appeared on the roof of the barracks. One of the recruits tried a shot but was told firmly not to waste ammunition. There was no way a beginner was going to make a shot like that. Anyway the one in front looked like… Yin’s heart sunk.

‘Rebel scum, we have your leader.’ Major Strickland’s voice rang out, his words echoed by an interpreter. ‘If you try to attack you will be killed. If you try to escape you will be killed. If you stay where you are we will bring mortars and you will be killed. If you wish to live then your only hope is to surrender now. Put down your arms and walk slowly towards the barracks with your arms in the air. This offer will not be repeated, it is your one and only chance.’

‘Nobody move!’ Yin ordered in a harsh whisper. ‘It’s a trap. Do not believe him.’

There was a long pause, the silence broken only by the ceaseless chirping of crickets.

‘Very well, I shall enjoy watching you die,’ Major Strickland called out before taking Xui-Li and leaving the roof.

‘Who was that?’ a recruit queried. ‘Who have they captured?’

‘That is your commanding officer and the fact that she has been captured should just make you all the more determined to see this through,’ Yin replied.

‘But… but… they’re going to kill us all,’ wailed one of the soldiers.

‘Be quiet,’ Yin ordered. ‘I know he said we should surrender but don’t believe him! If you do as he says you’ll be gunned down before you reach the barracks. I know this. You cannot trust the British. If we’re going to die then we’re going to die fighting.’

‘So what are we going to do? What are your orders?’ Vera asked. She too wasn’t keen to surrender but she had recognised Major Strickland and knew better than the others what dire straights they were in. But there was something about the other figure on the roof, the one Major Strickland had called their leader, she would know that silhouette anywhere, even at this distance. Could that really be…?

‘We need to… we need to…’ Yin just stared at the barracks, lost, out of her depth.

As her certainties about the identity of the figure on the roof grew so too did Vera’s very personal reasons for wanting to rescue her. Sitting idly by was getting to be less and less of an option. She looked around for inspiration and when her eyes fell on the corpse of a British soldier that lay nearby an idea came to her. She reached out, pulled the corpse nearer, and started unbuttoning his tunic.

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The Tangled Web

“Julie!”That single loud shout up the well-worn steps of the carpeted stairway was almost immediately followed by a longer and even louder yell that penetrated Julie Costello’s tender ears like some noisy police drama on the wide-screen television in the basement rec room.“Julie Costello, get your teenaged butt out of bed and get down here for breakfast because mom needs to go to work right now.”The young extremely attractive brunette with the slender body of a cross-country runner turned over...

First Time
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trovato sul web

A terrible doubt about my mature wife Rossella My wife Rossella is a gourgeous woman and is almost 50 yo, even if she seems 35.She’s tall and slim even with the years her ass have grown up.Her tits are small but still firm with adorable nipples.She’s very shy and doesn’t like to exhibit herself and neither speak about sex.But when in bed she totally changes: she likes so much to be rough fucked in doggystyle and she always come two or three times moaning aloud.It is a lot of time that I’ d like...

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Familie und Nachbarn 1 web

Es klingelte an der Haustür und Klaus, der gerade die Treppe herunter kam, öffnete. Vor ihm stand seine Nachbarin und zu Klaus Verblüffung war sie trotz der Kälte nur mit einem Bademantel bekleidet. Verwundert starrte er sie an. „Gut, daß du noch da bist.", sagte Elisabeth anstelle einer normalen Begrüßung. „Du mußt mir unbedingt helfen." Noch bevor Klaus antworten konnte erschien seine Mutter und Elisabeth wiederholte ihre Bitte. „Ihr müßt mir helfen, ich habe mich ausgesperrt. Marion ist...

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Panty story found in web

I was house sitting my girlfriends (now ex girlfriend) family house for a night while they went to see family. I had to work so couldn't go with them...Bit of background first: So my ex gf had a sister that was a couple of years older and very attractive. I'd also heard from rumours that she was a slut although she was good as gold with me and nothing flirty or anything ever happened until one time... I ended up seeing her on a night out and both drunk, we went over to each other and started...

4 years ago
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Family Web

Hi readers. My name is Sameer and I am a regular reader of ISS stories. I have been reading incest stories from past 5 years. Many a times I have tried to write my own story but could not post it on ISS but now I have completed my story and presenting you one of the most sensational stories ever written. The story is completely fictional and does not have any realty. This stories is about love making with different female members of my family. This story tells my journey of love making with my...

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Babymaking age gaps from web

When I was 22 I slept with a "Cougar" that was 38. It was a one night stand and we did it twice that night. She ended up pregnant from that night. She never told me about it. I heard it from a friend that knew her.She ended up telling her husband (she was splitting up with him when we did it) that it was his. Supposedly he ended up paying c***d support for the c***d. I still wonder when the day is going to come that the c***d will show up at my door. My wife was 27 when she got pregnant with...

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A Tangled Web

DisclaimerAnyone who knows anything about the British presence in the Far East at the turn of the twentieth century will soon realise that I know practically nothing. The following story is pure fantasy and has as much historical and geographical accuracy as, for example, Pirates of the Caribbean, possibly less. So, where is it based? Hong Kong? Malaya? Singapore? Well, none of the above, it's just somewhere 'east of Suez, where the best is like the worst'.If you're one of those who find...

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Family web

We girls were sitting on the lawns outside, awaiting the clock to strike for the practical class. Just then a flying bird shitted on the jutting of my left breast, I mean, over my blouse. I looked up: it was a crane. “It’s a good omen of luck!” opined my classmates. My father used to say that I was conceived in a spiritual way and would bring good luck and fortune once I grew, but he didn’t have any luck to see it realized. And luck is here in the premonition of … Oh shit! I had to have a...

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Hello DoctorChapter 2 My Web

Leah awoke to dark a dark room and the sounds of whispers. As she tried to move, she found her feet and hands had been chained to the wall behind. Pulling against them the cold metal refused to give. She was trapped and naked, wherever this was. Leah could still hear the constant whispers and called out. "Whose there?" Leah called out. "Whose asking?" Another to her left replied. "My name's Leah. What is this place and how many are you?" Leah asked, trying to see through the solid...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Porn StarChapter 6 Mary Webber

I received another call from Ling a couple of days after I had shared a beautiful but unexpected night of incestuous fucking with my mum and my aunt Stacy. We all agreed that we needed to get ourselves out of Ling's clutches - none of us trusted her. This time the movie was to involve Mary, an older lady who was paying the debt accumulated by her husband. In this movie, the woman was the agressor with her throwing herself at the teenage boy who helped her with her shopping after she'd...

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Adventures of Mary Webb

My name is Mary Webb, and I have been around, let me tell you. I love men and women both. I guess you can say I am a 'free spirit'. Let me describe myself to you. I am 38 yrs. old with shoulder length dark brown hair and dark almond shaped eyes. I am 5'6" tall and weigh 118 lbs. My figure is 38-24-36. I just love to wear short miniskirts with black seamed thigh-high stockings, with no panties, just a garter belt. I also like to wear 5" heels with my outfit. I always...

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Wife strips for colleagues on webcam

When me and my wife Anne were in our twenties. Anne worked in an office. She loved that job, working as a website designer for a small company in Leeds. The whole company only had nine employees, five of which worked in the website development team and shared an office, Anne was part of this team. Luckily for such a close knit work environment, everybody got along really well and the office atmosphere was great. The only real problem with her job was the commute. It would easily take well over...

1 year ago
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The Game First Time Sex Part 14 Webcam

*** Please read chapters 1 - 13 as a prelude for this story in order to grasp the personalities of my friends and myself as well as understand the plots up to this point. My caution, especially for the earlier stories, is to please overlook my typos and logic errors. I have re-edited the early stories, but the originals are the only ones available online. Use the search feature for "The Game" to find the previous 13 stories to read in chronological order (or just click on my author name to see...

First Time
4 years ago
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Bettyboop on Webcam

Bettyboop on WebcamOn Monday night I was searching the Internet for a holiday when the computer 'pinged' and a blue square popped up in the corner. Slightly surprised I read the message, "Flyboy; says Hi."It took me a few seconds to realise what it meant.Three months previously, just before had gone to University my daughter had set up an MSN messaging account for me to keep in contact with her and her sister in Spain.'Hi. Do I know you?' I replied to the stranger.'No...but I love your name. Do...

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The Devils Pact SideStory Cynthia and Vivians First Webcast

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side Story: Cynthia and Vivian's First Webcast Note: This takes place between Chapter 19 and Chapter 20. Follows the characters of Cynthia and Vivian from Chapter 1. “I think we're set, Viv,” Cynthia said as she fiddled with the webcam, aiming it at our bed. A long cable connected the webcam to my laptop, I didn't know what it was called, but the Geek Squad member assured me it was the cable we needed. “How does it look?” I was...

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Rendezvous on the interweb

Gi had a message waiting for her when she got out of the shower. She had set herself online just before going in and this early in the day hadn’t really expected to get anything. So it was quite the nice little surprise to find someone waiting for her. Standing at the end of her bed she let her body begin to air dry as she flicked open the request. It was from DaveyCrockett09, one of her regulars, and easily one of the most fun to talk to. She had always enjoyed a bit of roleplay here and...

2 years ago
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Dr. Manly Cobb slowly awoke in the twilight of a small, well furnished room. As he groggily rubbed the sleep from his eyes he noticed that he was lying on a great table. After a few moments, his sleepy brain registered that he was in fact in his study in his country estate in Moorsex country. Manly did not know what was going on, the lighting seemed odd somehow. But he could not place it. And he felt like he was forgetting something, wasn?t he supposed to be somewhere else? But before he...

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CANED BY MISS BROWN part 2 Major Webley

Scotland 1953As the months past. and the summer holidays drew near, Stella and Dawn often talked about what sort of thing happened at WEBLEY HALLTrust me Stella, you are going to be the biggest hit there.Dawn would tell her.Well what sort of things go on there then,Stella asked a few times.Each time Dawn would say.Well all sorts of things really,Mike and the Major.Discussed throughly, what people wanted to do when they could go to a place with no sexual boundaries.And you would be surprised at...

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Another Saturday night alone for me. Guess it's the same old same old then. I sit down...open the laptop...grab me a tissue...or three. And start my search. God, how has porn become so boring. Same old shit. All I see is the same thing..oh my...the plumber has arrived to fix my pipes...crappy music..worse acting...god...this sucks. First video I see...two Asian school girls...nah, not tonight...next is a gloryhole video...meh...see one seen them all...I flip thru everything from the babysitter...

2 years ago
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Die Webcam8

„Hallo, Mama! Ich bin wieder da und habe Meike mitgebracht!" Tobias wusste auch noch nichts über die Gründe von Meikes Verspätung.„Hey, was war denn los, Süße!" begrüßte Sandra das Mädchen.„Große Scheiße. Wegen meinem Stiefbruder."„Was ist denn mit Kai?"„Der Arsch hat sich voll in die Scheiße geritten. Mit so einen blöden Schnepfe da unten."„Erzähl in Ruhe und von Anfang an.", forderte Sandra.„Der hat wieder mal den großen Aufreißer gespielt und am Strand jedes Mädchen angebaggert. Natürlich...

4 years ago
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Die Webcam5

Story nicht von W.„Willst du noch eine zweite Runde, Tobi? Wir könnten es mal gleichzeitig probieren. Schon was von Neunundsechzig gehört? Mach aber vorher den Computer aus. Das Gebläse nervt. Wenn geblasen wird, dann anders."Für das Angebot war Tobias natürlich sofort Feuer und Flamme. Er beeilte sich, den PC auszumachen und schaltete ihn einfach mit dem Netzschalter aus. Dabei übersah er das rote Blinken der Cam-LED, die anzeigte, dass sie auf Sendung waren und eine Zuschauerin gehabt...

2 years ago
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Four Webmistresses

Based on "The Four Yorkshiremen" skit by Monty Python. This may be archived/posted anywhere: just give credit where credit is due. Four Webmistresses By Pretzelgirl FIRST WEBMISTRESS Ahhhhh, this is wonderful. Such a wonderful moment for us all! ALL Right, all right! SECOND WEBMISTRESS Nothing like the satisfaction of publishing our one-millionth TG story! THIRD WEBMISTRESS You've certainly got that, right! FOURTH WEBMISTRESS Who...

4 years ago
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From Flautist to Fellatrice at Camp Webloya

Little Celia Whitcomb was a sight to see. On her slim, 14 year-old chest, a t-shirt inscribed ‘Jail Bait’ would have seemed redundant, as everything about her shouted the same message. Celia stood a slight, yet curvy 4’10”, with puffy lips and heavy-lidded, bedroom eyes. Black hair and light brown, sparkling eyes complemented her olive-sheen complexion perfectly. Yet, the first thing many people noticed first on meeting her was the way her lips seemed to turn up very slightly at the ends, in a...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact Sidestory Cynthia and Vivians First Webcast

Note: Takes place between Chapter 19 and Chapter 20. Follows the characters of Cynthia and Vivian from Chapter 1. "I think we're set, Viv," Cynthia said as she fiddled with the webcam, aiming it at our bed. A long cable connected the webcam to my laptop, I didn't know what it was called, but the Geek Squad member assured me it was the cable we needed. "How does it look?" I was sitting on the bed, my laptop before me. The cable worked. The image showed our entire bed and me in my white...

2 years ago
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Jordanian ConnectionChapter 19 The Cobweb

One April afternoon I was with Salwa. Her husband was away on business and I was filling in for him in some critical activities. She was lying limp on her stomach after I had finished fucking her. I was lightly licking her ass cheeks while lazily fingering and toying with the relaxed opening of her come filled ass. "The other day, I was talking with a couple of my girlfriends and I mentioned you," she started. "What did you say?" I asked. "I said I had found a great boyfriend," she...

5 years ago
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Stiffkey BluesChapter 2 Webscape

Freddie Clegg was watching Connie Mbazu as she laid yet another stroke with her flogger across the naked girl's back. The girl, ungagged so that Connie could hear her every response, whimpered and bit her lower lip. Another stroke followed, harder this time, throwing the girl forward against the pull of the chains that held her hands high over her head. Clegg admired the precision with which Connie carried out her work. It was hard to imagine how the stripes could be more evenly spaced,...

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Ah, Watchers Web aka Watchers Web Blue! An old-school amateur porn site! I've been documenting, reviewing, and recommend erotic entertainment for a helluva long time and so have seen all sorts of smut, dating sites, and the such like. I've seen my share of extreme, romantic, gross-out, unique, and fascinating fap content.After doing probably thousands of reviews, I have to say that to this day, it never ceases to surprise me the kind of stuff that I can still dig up from the bowels of the...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Want to spy on some chicks at Voyeur Web? If you ever wanted to get a peak of lots and lots of saggy amateur tits, unshaven pussies, still looking like God meant it to look, well, I have a site called VoyeurWeb.com that you need to check out. It is all about free amateur girls, modeling and posing for the camera, exhibiting their private parts in a very explicit way. What do I mean by this? Well, most of the girls are pure sex addicts, looking to express their eccentric sexual tendencies...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Web Young! No site on the Adult Time network will lead to a typical porn review. Especially not since the porn studio recently merged all of their channels into one … creating one convenient membership price and area to allow you to access any of their content. This means that whether you’re looking for the hottest lesbian action from channels like Mommy’s Girl or Web Young, or you’re really into seeing girls’ asses get ravaged by giant cocks and might be more into Anal Teen Angels or Asshole...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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GoesWild aka GoneWild aka Girls Gone Wild! You know all those hot chicks when they get really wild and start showing off a bit too much? Yeah, well there’s a place for all of them and it’s called GoneWild.co aka GoneWild.to. Obviously, the .com extension would be taken, so you’re stuck with GoneWild.co when it comes to this website. This place is ideal for checking out some of the hottest chicks in the business, even if they don’t have nudes online. GoneWild.co is a great platform for these...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Lewd Web! It doesn’t take a federally licensed Porn Dude to notice how many free porn tubes are out there. You’ve got your Pornhubs and xHamsters, and then you’ve got a million wannabes spamming up the web. Most of them are garbage that don’t make the cut around here, but once in a while, a new one pops up with a really fucking good gimmick. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you all about LewdWeb.LewdWeb.net is a free sex site with a focus on Internet attention whores: YouTube babes, Twitch...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Porn Webmasters

Aspiring porn webmasters could sure learn a thing or from a dude who’s been in the business for a while, don’t you think? Well, you’re in luck, because it just so happens I know exactly the guy. Do you realize ThePornDude has been around for nearly a decade now and gets a couple of millions of visits a day? I may have started as just another masturbator like you, but I’ve since turned my hobby into a full-on career.I pride myself on my unbiased reviews of all the best and worst adult sites the...

Make Money With Porn
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Web Pussi! At first glance, you may think that whoever bought the domain Webpussi.com doesn’t actually know how to spell the word. Even though the spelling may look a bit goofy, don’t believe for a moment that this free tube site is not worth your attention. It is, and even though the website looks like it needs a serious facelift (more on that later), the most important element to Webpussi is the fucking content.Content is king when it comes to the Web. Webpussi is the exact same way, and it...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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Pinay Deep Web! This one is for the fans of tight wet Pinay pussy. Well, websites that deliver this kind of content are not easy to come by. And of course, one could spend hours or even days on end scouring the internet for this content. But, as hard as it may be, you know I always have something for you.Reviewing porn websites for ThePornDude is a full-time job because it means taking care of the needs of perverts of all kinds, and that includes fans of Pinay porn videos. Well, Pinay Deep Web...

Asian Porn Sites
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Another meeting of weblovers

Kelly nervously watched the occasional care drive by as she stood outside the hotel waiting. A few moments passed before Alan came out. ‘I got the key, we’re good until morning’ He said, putting his wallet away. It had been four weeks since they last met up, and both were eager to repeat the events of that day. But they also wanted to try something else too. ‘What room number are we?’ Kelly asked as she fiddled with her cellphone. ‘8’ Alan said, eager to get inside. ‘So, we’ve got about an...

Group Sex

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