Tangled Web, Part 2 free porn video

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The Tangled Web, Part Two ? by: SteveR When she woke it was with a strange sensation, until she remembered the events of the previous evening. Mike was gone, but she could still smell him on the sheets, and a single red rose was laid on the pillow. She smiled as she read the card: "To a very special lady, Thank you." Just then she heard the door of Marie's room open, and muted voices. The door closed and there was a discrete knock on the connecting door and Marie called, "Are you decent?" Jane giggled and opened the door, and Marie smiled at her and said, "Well, you look like the cat that got the cream! But we haven't got time to chat." Jane remembered the conference, the very reason they were there, and realised she would have to change back to her alter ego John, and accompany Marie as her p.a. She got up and went to sort out his clothes and was stopped by Marie, who asked her what she was doing. As Jane explained Marie laughed, "No one here knows John or Jane, dress in sensible day clothes and act as my p.a.!" Jane hesitated, then thought why not? After a long hot soak in a scented bubble bath, she shaved and perfumed her body and was ready to dress. She opened the drawer to the dresser, expecting to see the small amount of underwear she had brought with her, but instead was amazed to see several different coloured bra and pant sets, and the beautiful black silk teddy she had admired last night. A note attached said how these things were a gift from Marie, and she lost no time in putting on the teddy and a pair of black hold-ups. Looking in the wardrobe she chose a pale lilac blouse they had bought yesterday, and partnered it with a black pinstripe pencil skirt with a side split. She realised that if she sat in a certain way, her stocking tops could be seen, but decided to flirt a little. A pair of low court shoes completed the ensemble and she sat down to apply her make up. Just as she was finishing Marie entered and smiled at her choice of clothes, but her expression told Jane something was wrong. Marie gently explained that Jane's makeup was fine for an evening out but much to colourful for daytime wear. Jane blushed and Marie spent a few minutes talking her through subtle daytime make up shades and insisting she put her long wig up into an elegant chignon. Together the elegant lady executive and her pretty p.a. entered the Head Office conference room, and twenty pairs of eyes followed as they sat down near the head of the table. Marie gave a flawless presentation, with help from Jane as needed and when questions were asked both girls replied in turn. Afterwards at coffee Marie thanked Jane and she explained it was going better than she thought. She had been grateful for Jane's help, and was sure they made a great team, but was conscious that some of the managers of other departments were itching to ask about the recent loss of company information and to try and embarrass her in front of the MD. All seemed well until one of the managers in the local office stated the title of his presentation had been changed at the last minute. It was to be on office security procedures and anti-theft measures and Jane saw Marie visibly stiffen when the manager hinted that certain departments needed it more than most! He went on to introduce the man sat beside him, "This is Jack Andrews, an independent security expert I have asked to look at our staff and their backgrounds." He turned to the MD and said, "I think as a proof to our staff that we are subject to the same rules as them and setting a good example, all the people in this room should give Mr. Andrews their details and he will perform background checks on all of us!" Jane felt a cold icy hand grip her heart, she knew her secret would be out if this man were to examine her story closely. Just then Marie stood up and stated that as people like Jane were not employees, but temporary staff then they could not be expected to submit to the same checks as the managers present, and why not limit it to the senior managers such as herself, and make public the result of the checks? The MD nodded and looked at his watch, "Mr Andrews, can you run these checks over lunch?" When he nodded, the MD broke up the meeting, and they all trooped out of the meeting room. Jane turned to Marie, and murmured her thanks, adding she had better stay away that afternoon. Marie would have none of it, insisting that Jane attend, pointing out she needed all the support she could get against 'Nasty Nigel' as she called the manager. The afternoon started badly with Nigel mentioning several times the loss of equipment and company data from Marie's department. After a laborious hour Jane excused herself, blaming the coffee and left the meeting, ostensibly to use the ladies. When she returned much later, Nigel was still in full flow, explaining how his department was secure and trustworthy. As he came to an end he looked around the room and asked for questions, expecting none. Jane timidly raised her hand and discretely passed Marie a note, as she stood up and addressed Nigel "Erm, I am not sure this is right, but can I ask a question?" she blurted. Nigel gave her a condescending smile and nodded his assent. She began by asking if he felt his department was secure against casual theft and if his office was secure. He scoffed and said it was like Fort Knox, but seemed to look worried as she explained she had gained access to his office less than ten minutes ago. She explained his password was easy to figure, the room was full of pictures of jaguar cars and she tried that first. She smiled and held up a sheaf of printouts and threw them onto the large table. "I think you'll find that's an up to date copy of your client list and accounts, printed half an hour ago!" He visibly paled and she could see him beginning to panic as she went for the jugular. "Tell me," she said demurely, "does the name Jolene mean anything to you?" and with that she flourished a series of pornographic pictures, "Because these were also stored on your computer! She must be all of sixteen!" Nigel exploded into life, flying across the table to try and gather up the evidence before all could see it, but the MD had already seen enough. "STOP!" He bellowed, and looking across the top of his half-moon glasses said "Who exactly are you, young lady?" Jane realised she had gone to far, but then Marie stood up, and putting her hand in Jane's under the table explained that Jane was a temporary employee who Marie had asked to try and gain access into one of the departments by posing as an IT worker. Marie finished by saying "I think this proves the need for a fundamental review of our security arrangements." The MD hurriedly dismissed the meeting, and cancelled the last presentation of the day, before ushering the two women and the two men into his office. He lit a large cigar, and looking at Marie and Jane said "If you were men, I'd say you've got balls to pull off a trick like that!" Jane said nothing, realising she had probably cost both of the their jobs, and could feel tears pricking her eyes. Marie had done everything for her and now she had ruined everything! With a start she saw the MD was looking at her and his face softened, as he said, "Don't give me no waterworks, can't stand it!" Suddenly his face changed and in a thunderous growling tone he rounded on Nigel, who whimperingly tried to deny any knowledge of the pictures on his computer. "I may not know much about computers, but I do know people!" he hissed "And I have never seen such a sorry, God-forsaken excuse for a man as you! Get out, you're fired!" With that he turned to Andrews. "Well, can you sort this mess out?" Andrews nodded sagely and said he would prepare a review of what needed doing and the cost, and would get back to him shortly. With that he left, leaving the two women to face the angry, pacing MD. "I suppose you have been waiting for this for years?" he said glancing at Marie. "You never really liked him did you?" Marie bit her tongue and the MD shook his head and pointed to the door "Go back to your own department and don't pull a stunt like that again, unless you want to look for a new job!" Jane could hardly believe her ears, the man had actually let them off! As they left the office and walked through the open plan admin areas, conversation stopped, and one by one the staff applauded quietly. It seems they were not the only ones to dislike Nasty Nigel! As they left Marie rounded on Jane and dragged her into a quiet corner "God, what were you playing at! It's a good job you found that porn on Nigel's computer!" then her words tailed off as she saw Jane's expression. "OH No!" she cried, "There wasn't any porn was there!" Jane blushed and checking that no one could see hitched up her skirt and produced a CD hidden in the top of her stocking. Marie rolled her eyes and grabbed at it but as she did she asked, "How did you get this so quickly?" Jane pointed out that there was a Cyber-Caf? across the road, and the owner was easily coerced! As the two girls laughed a hand appeared and ripped the CD from Jane's grasp and the two girls froze and turned to look at a smiling Jack Andrews. "Very clever. I applaud your resourcefulness, Ms. Sadler!" Jane was struck dumb, this man must have heard everything! She tried to grab the disc back but he was too quick and too strong. He held the disc in his thick fingers and reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small penknife. Quickly he scribed a line across the disc and holding it in both hands snapped it clean the way a lesser man would break a biscuit. "That's the end of that! But in future please leave security issues to me!" He began to walk away but stopped and turned to Marie. "Oh and by the way, all of the security checks on your departmental staff passed inspection, including MISS Sadler!" As he strode off Marie explained that the MD had instructed him to carry out checks of her departmental staff to ensure there were no more 'bad apples' left. She knew John Sadler would pass muster, and did not think there was anything to link John with the temporary PA she had now. Jane was suddenly terrified, if Andrews knew, who else knew? Marie took her hand and said, "Well, we had better find out!" She led Jane to the temporary office the MD had assigned Andrews and the two women waited as Marie knocked on the open door. Andrews looked up form the papers he was reading and smiled sardonically. "Well, what can I do for you ladies?" Marie was about to speak when something came over Jane, and she strode forward until she was leaning over his desk at him. "I don't know how much you know or what you think your going to do with the information, but it won't be much good to you. I will rather resign than let you or anyone else drag my friends name through the mud. If you want to see me embarrassed or humiliated, fine! Do your worst, I will not be around to care! But if you do so much as to try and implicate Marie in anything I will make sure you pay!" Her little tirade shocked her and she felt herself redden, then almost burst into tears as he guffawed with laughter and began giggling insanely. His face showed barely disguised mirth as he looked up at them and through his laughter explained he was not really interested in what they were or weren't. "I don't really give a damn if your Arthur or Martha! What I do care about is the security of this company, and to do that I need to know what is going on. And unless your smuggling out company data in your knickers, I don't really care what else is in them! Although I am glad I found out before I invited you out to dinner!" Jane felt smaller than she had ever done, and quietly she and Marie left the office, still hearing Andrews chuckling to himself as they left. The ride back to the hotel was in silence until Marie broke the ice, by thanking Jane for trying to protect her. Jane was trying to explain how she felt when Marie silenced her by pointing out the window at the shops. "Retail therapy!" She called for the driver to stop, and paid him with a tip and dragged a protesting Jane into the first clothes shop. The next hour was spent trying on various outfits, many of which Jane had never before dared to even look at in shops, as they were too expensive, elegant and revealing. As the shop was closing they were ushered into a cab and dropped back to the hotel. As the lift carried them up to their rooms, Marie and Jane discussed plans for the evening. When they reached their doors, Marie asked Jane to come in and the two girls sat on the bed, kicked of their shoes and sipped cold champagne. Marie turned to Jane with a very serious look. "Jane what you did today was marvelous, but I want you to promise you will never risk your job for me again!" "I can't promise that!" Jane said. Marie smiled at her and took her hand. "You must, I'm a big girl now and can look after myself! And anyway, you don't want to draw attention to yourself!" Jane realised she was right, and then a horrifying thought came into her head. She reminded Marie about Andrews, and whether or not he would 'out' her. Marie shook her head. "Whatever he is, he's a man of his word, I don't think you need worry." She then made Jane promise not to try and defend her again, and to stay in the background, demure and quiet. The two girls discussed their plans for the evening, and Jane realised with a start it was their last night in the hotel. Marie must have caught her expression and asked what was wrong. Jane explained how she would have to go back to being John, and even with the promotion at work, was not looking forward to it. "I've had a brilliant two days, but I suppose all good things have to come to an end!" she sighed. Marie looked at her and nodded, "Well, best we enjoy tonight then!" she said, "Go and get ready for a good night out!" and she propelled Jane towards the connecting door. Jane laughed and unlocked the door and walked through into the room, and couldn't believe her eyes. The room was a mass of flowers and she was sure there had been some sort of mistake. Her eyes alighted on the bedside table, and saw an envelope addressed to 'Jane'. She opened it, and took out the single sheet of hotel writing paper and read: "Dearest Jane, I can't wait until you're in my arms again, to hold you, to kiss you! Can you meet me tonight? Love, Mike." As she read it a shiver ran down her spine, and she closed her eyes as she remembered the two of them together last night. Just then Marie entered and whistled softly at the flowers. "Girl, he's got it baaad!" she teased. Jane blushed and looked at her, "He wants to meet tonight!" she said, "What do I do?" Marie laughed, "You go! Silly girl!" Jane looked at the note again, and realised she had no way of calling Mike! She explained as much to Marie who just chuckled and smiled. "You be ready tonight, he'll be in touch!" Jane looked at her in blind panic, "But what do I wear!" she wailed. "I guess that's your answer," Marie said pointing to the bed, where a large dress box lay. Jane lifted the lid on the box, and gasped as she gently lifted out the black silk and taffeta evening dress. She recognised the label, and knew this would have cost her a whole months wages! She turned to see Marie smiling slyly at her and held the dress in front of her as she looked in the mirror. Just then the room telephone rang, and Jane placed the dress reverently on the bed as she answered it. It was the concierge, telling her the car she had ordered would be there for eight o'clock. Stunned, Jane muttered her thanks and put the phone down to see Marie smiling like a Cheshire cat. Together the two girls bean to prepare Jane for her evening out. First she took a deep, luxurious bubble bath and shaved and oiled her long legs. As she dried she carefully attached the two false breasts and walked into the room. Then, dressed in a soft robe she allowed Marie to apply makeup and do her nails. Finally she put on the long wig she had worn before and Marie carefully piled up the long tresses and elegantly styled them into a coiffure. When she was satisfied she refused to allow Jane to look into the mirror, and threw a towel over it, as they discussed Jane's underwear. As the dress had a narrow waist, they decided to make the most of it, and Marie helped Jane into a black silk and lace corset with red trim. Black lace panties and black stockings completed the look, and Marie helped her into the dress. It was narrow at the waist, but with a wide full skirt of silk covering several taffeta petticoats and with a narrow high bodice leading up to puffball sleeves. The dress fitted beautifully, Jane even had to breathe in slightly to allow Marie to zip up the back. A black cotton and silk shawl draped over her shoulders. She looked in the mirror for the first time and felt regal, sensuous and ladylike all at the same time, but then felt intense panic. "Oh my God! Shoes!" she cried, turning to Marie. Just then there was a knock at the door and Marie opened the door. One of the young men from the hotel staff stood there with a large bag, and explained these had just been delivered. Marie thanked him and tipped him, and the two of them opened the bag, discovering a shoebox and a smaller velvet covered case. The shoebox contained silken court shoes to match the dress, and Jane found they fitted perfectly, as well as giving her the ideal poise and stature to show off that dress. As the two girls admired her reflection in the mirror, Jane remembered the velvet case. As she opened it she gasped in delight, there was a gorgeous diamond and sapphire necklace and earrings, the perfect compliment to the dress. Marie wasted no time in putting it on Jane's neck, and then nodded towards the bedside clock. It was almost eight, and Jane hurriedly placed a few essentials in a small black purse and kissed Marie as she dashed for the lift. As she emerged from the lift there were large numbers of people milling round, chattering in a foreign language and she hesitated for a moment, until the concierge strode forward and the chattering stopped. She felt all the eyes were on her and blushed slightly, as the crowd parted to allow her through. The skirt of the dress swished against her legs as the concierge escorted her to the door and held it open for her. A uniformed chauffer stood smiling beside a large black limousine and he opened the door and saluted as he said good evening. She slid into the back seats, carefully pulling the dress in around her and as her eyes adjusted to the gloom became aware of another presence in the car. She turned to see Mike grinning at her and once more she blushed, and looked down at her feet. "That dress looks absolutely stunning, and certainly looks better on you than it could on any other woman," he said, handing her a glass of champagne. If it was possible she blushed deeper again, and diverted attention by asking where they were going. He laughed and muttered something about going to see a film. She was mystified and could not understand why he had sent her such an expensive and ostentatious dress if they were simply going to the cinema! The car wound it's way through the traffic and soon they were out onto the motorway. She realised with a start they were heading for the airport and asked Mike where they were going. He laughed and pointed to a helicopter as they passed onto a private section of the airfield. "Ever flown in one?" He teased. She shook her head and as the car pulled up alongside the helicopter the driver opened the door for her. Mike was talking to a man in a blue uniform with gold epaulettes and a peaked cap, who nodded and ran to hold open the door of the helicopter. Mike nodded and Jane realised she was expected to climb on board, and she did so and settled into one of the large executive seats. Mike slammed the door and climbed into the other side, shutting the door after him. He quickly showed her how to fasten the safety belt, and her stomach did a flip as his hands brushed her skin, and he kissed her before giving the pilot the thumbs up. She could not hold her curiosity much longer. "Where are we going!" she insisted. Mike laughed, "To see the premier of a new film, one I have invested in." She fell silent then, and the helicopter whisked them over the city towards the darkening night sky. After some trepidation she began to enjoy the flight, and with Mike holding her hand relaxed and took in the view. Soon the lights on the ground became more numerous and Mike tapped the pilot on the shoulder and said something Jane did not catch. As they flew on, she recognised a landmark and with a thrill realised they were over London! Mike pointed out landmarks, and the pilot flew over as many places he could think of to her delight. Soon, he began to follow the Thames, and she saw the shape of the old Battersea Power Station, now the Tate Modern. The pilot landed at the Battersea Heliport, and as soon as the rotors stopped, a limousine glided up and the driver opened the door. Settling down she reached over and kissed Mike, surprised at her daring, and he held her close as he returned the kiss. The car wound it's way through the traffic, and was soon stopped by a security guard at a barrier. The driver said something, the guard spoke into his radio and they were waved through, towards a large crowd outside a theatre held back by crush barriers. As the car pulled up and the uniformed doorman opened the door, Jane realised there were hundreds of people looking directly at her! Several cameras flashed, as she stood there, awed until Mike gently took her elbow and whispered in her ear. "Smile, your on TV!" She realised with a shock there were several TV cameras pointing at her, and the incongruity of it all and the champagne made her giggle slightly. Arm in arm with Mike she walked up the red carpet, and into the theatre. Inside there were people milling round and she recognised several famous faces, before a bell sounded and they all made their way into the auditorium and took their seats. Sitting there in the dark she felt like a teenager again, especially when Mike put his arm around her shoulders, and it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to rest her head on his shoulder as they watched the film. The film was very well acted, if a little difficult to believe in places, but it would not have mattered, for Jane would have stayed all night, holding Mike's hand and stealing the odd kiss now and again. When it finished and the lights came up she sat up a little embarrassed and they both walked out and waited for their car to take them away. Mike was accosted by a large fat man with a foul smelling cigar who slapped him on the back and congratulated him on another success. Then the man looked at Mike and winked and said, "Mind you, though that bit about him escaping dressed as a woman far fetched though! No bloke in a dress would fool me for a minute!" "No I dare say they wouldn't!" Mike replied, slyly winking at Jane, who blushed and nearly choked on her champagne. The fat man looked at her and patted her back, "Steady on girl, that's not cheap rubbish you know!" Jane nodded shyly and they were saved further insights by the arrival of their car. As they left Jane thanked Mike for a wonderful evening, and he kissed her and said they hadn't finished yet. "After all, there's the after premier party yet, and I need your support against all the bores like James back there!" The car dropped them outside a large hotel, and they were ushered into a private room, with hundreds of others in eveningwear and waiters and waitresses bustling round. Jane tried to stay to one side, sipping champagne and nibbling canap?s, but Mike soon found her and dragged her off. He introduced her to several famous people, and at least one of her childhood heroes, and she listened fascinated by their stories, until with a start she asked someone the time. The man she only ever seen before on the huge cinema screen smiled and replied that it was, "Only midnight, and the night is yet young," as he slid his arm around her waist. She excused herself and managed to find Mike, being bored to death by three spinsterish women. As she approached his face lit up and he excused himself, to the obvious displeasure of the women. She felt her stomach flip again as he kissed her and asked if she was alright, or if she needed anything. She explained she was worried about the lateness, and that she had to get back, she and Marie had work in the morning. Mike laughed and she felt confused until he looked her in the eye and explained he had a suite booked for the night, Marie knew she would be late in the morning, and they would fly back to catch her at lunchtime tomorrow. Jane softened, then protested, she had no clothes, makeup or other things here. Mike smiled, explained Marie had seen to it that her clothes were in their room then kissed her protestations away, as he led her onto the dance floor. His arm felt natural and strong round her waist and her dress rustled and swung as they swirled around the dance floor, she wasn't sure if it was the champagne or the dancing, but she felt light headed. As the dance finished, a slow romantic number started and she felt him pull her closer and he nuzzled her neck as she clung to him, feeling them both become more aroused. Suddenly the music stopped, and he led her off the dance floor towards a vacant table. They sat, she caught her breath and he stopped a passing waiter, and whispered something in his ear. Together they left the room, and held each other and kissed as the lift took them up to the suite he had arranged. As he opened the door, a waiter stood with a trolley laden with chilled champagne and sandwiches and a cold buffet. Mike tipped the waiter, and poured them both full glasses as he admired Jane, elegant and sensual as ever a woman could be. She caught his glance and tilting her head to one side looked quizzically at him. "What?" she said, "are you thinking?" "I'm thinking I don't need much to eat when I've got you!" and he drew her to him. They kissed deep and sensual, and she felt his hands reaching for the zip at the back of the dress. She stopped him, afraid in his haste he might ruin the dress, and turned so he could unzip it, then stepped out of the dress, laying on the gilt chaise lounge, and turning to face him. His eyes took in the black corset, the pretty lace panties and the sheer black stocking clad long legs, still in the black shoes. He reached for her and they kissed, his hands sliding up the legs, feeling her stocking tops and sliding under the arse of the panties. She rubbed her legs against his, and felt his manhood straining against his trousers. He took her by the hand, and led her into the bedroom, where a gilt four-poster bed, draped with silks and lace, lay waiting. She pushed him onto the bed, and quickly and easily removed his shoes, shirt and trousers, until he lay there in his silk boxer shorts, his penis straining at its confinement. She smiled as she stroked and teased it, and he moaned softly, several times reaching out his hand for her but she stopped him with a shake of the head. Just as she felt he was ready, she slid off his shorts to reveal his manhood, standing tall and impressive. She kissed it, gently at first then opening her mouth and gradually taking all of him, then licking down the shaft, taking each of his balls in her mouth and gently sucking them. As he moaned she began to heighten his pleasure, and he began to buck and thrust beneath her. Just as she felt him about to come she took him deep into her throat and felt him empty into her, hot and fast. As he subsided he looked at her and smiled, and she felt her stomach do that thing again. She looked down at him and was amazed to see he was beginning to get hard again, and was looking at her and licking his lips. She forced him to stay where he was, and began to stroke and lick his penis back to life, and soon it was proud and strong as before. Stepping off the bed, she removed the lace panties, and from the packet beside the bed took a condom. Placing the teat inside her mouth she unrolled the condom onto his prick using her lips, then straddled him, guiding him into herself. She began moving up and down, her hands on his hairy wide chest as she began to make love to him. Gently at first, then quicker and quicker until they both climaxed together and collapsed in a heap. She slid off him, and he held her as they kissed and lay together on the bed. Later he went to the bathroom, telling her there were clothes in the cupboard, and she opened the first to find a Janet Reager nightie in silver silk, with a matching negligee. She quickly changed and when he returned his eyes and smile approved of her choice. They wheeled the trolley into the bedroom, and wolfed down sandwiches, champagne and caviar until he reached for her and they made love again, falling asleep in each other's arms. The morning light gave her a rude awakening, and it took her a minute to gather her senses. Mike was gone, but a note said he had left for Paris and to enjoy breakfast and make use of the hotel facilities and he would call her later. Sliding the silk robe over her negligee, she walked into the main room of the suit, and was startled when the telephone rang. She picked it up like it was contaminated and said a stuttering hello. It was the reception desk, with an early morning call Mike had booked, along with the information that a car was booked for 10 o'clock. Ten minutes later a discrete knock at the door announced breakfast and a teenage bellboy wheeled in a trolley laden with every type of food the hotel considered necessary for breakfast. With a shock she realised the bellboy was waiting for a tip, and embarrassed she looked for her purse, only to discover there was no money there, only credit cards. For a moment she was at a loss, until the bellboy discretely coughed and nodded towards the table. She followed his gaze and realised there was a brown leather wallet on the table, with the gold inlaid initials M.d.P. She opened the wallet, and passed the boy a note and he smiled at her as he left. She realised he had probably seen her at her worst, with no makeup, unshaven and her hair a mess! Was that why the boy had smiled so broadly? Or could it be that he didn't notice? She looked in the mirror, and knew she had to spend some time getting her skin and hair into condition. She sighed and realised she was really hungry and tucked into the food. As she did her curiosity got the better of her and she opened the wallet Mike had left behind. Inside were the usual credit cards and a number of large denomination dollar bills, Euro notes and English pounds. As she felt like a trespasser she closed the wallet but not before a well thumbed and dog eared photograph fell onto the carpet. She picked it up and looked at it. It was a group of four, Mike, a beautiful blonde woman and two children sat at their feet. They were clearly in love, and one did not need to ask who she or the children were. A handwritten note on the back of the photograph said simply 'tenth anniversary, June 1999'. Jane felt tears prick her eyes and knew she had been taken for a fool, but knew it was her own fault. After all she did not ask if he was married, she just assumed. Quickly she stuffed the photograph back into the wallet and pulled herself together. After breakfast she quickly showered and walked into the bedroom to see what clothes Marie had sent. On opening the wardrobe she was astounded to find that she did not recognise any of the clothes, and they all had new labels. She spent a happy half hour going through each item until she selected what to wear. She choose a knee length suede skirt and matching jacket with a red silk camisole top, and matching shoes and bag. Carefully she examined the drawers, finding new underwear, stockings, tights and even several bottles of perfume. Quickly she dressed, and wondered what to do about the rest of the clothes, after all she had no suitcase or bags! Just then she realised the time and gathering her bag and purse from last night made to leave. As she walked through the hotel the receptionist called to her, and she hurried across the foyer to intercept her. Jane panicked and wondered what was wrong, but the young clerk simply wanted to ask if everything was alright. Jane nodded coldly and asked the clerk if Mr and Mrs de Pre often stayed at the hotel. The clerk looked puzzled but simply replied that Mr de Pre kept a suite here, and was often in attendance. Jane thanked her and gave her Mike's wallet for safekeeping, as she walked towards the door. The young girl stood there and as Jane left remarked that they hoped the hotel would see her again. Jane turned on her, eyes blazing and fists clenched, "Oh, I doubt it, unless Mr de Pre runs out of other impressionable stupid people to seduce!" she cried and turned and fled out the door. As the concierge held open the door the tears flooded out and she berated herself once again for being so stupid! How could she have fallen so easily for that smooth bastard! As she rummaged in her bag for an issue, a hand appeared with a white cotton handkerchief, and she took it gratefully and wiped her eyes and blew her nose. The donor was a man in his sixties dressed in an immaculate chauffeur's uniform with gleaming shoes and a peaked cap. He looked at her with a quizzical look, and clearing his throat saluted and said, "Miss Sadler, my name is Stan, I am here to ferry to the heliport, unless you have other instructions?" "Wwwho sent you? " she stammered, cursing her weakness. "Mr de Pre of course!" he said, opening the door of the black Rolls Royce. Despite herself she slid into the back seat, and allowed herself to be driven away. Minutes later they were embroiled in heavy traffic, and Stan apologised for the delay. The traffic seemed to be at a standstill, and Stan got out and walked to the head of the queue to find out what the hold up was. He returned a few minutes later, removed his cap and scratched his head, "Seems there's a major accident ahead, nothings moving!" he said, "Sorry Miss! I can't even turn round!" Jane didn't really care anymore, and clutched the borrowed hankie, twisting round her hands. Stan looked at her with a furrowed brow and asked if there was anything he could do. She smiled weakly at him, and shook her head. Just then Stan seemed to remember something, and looked sheepishly at her. "Mr de Pre said I was to give this to you," he said passing a black velvet case over the seats to Jane. Jane felt anger burning inside her and opened the case. Inside was a gold Phillipe Patek watch, thinner than an after dinner mint. She exploded and turned to Stan, "I suppose he gives these to all his, his, his," she faltered, "Girls!" she spat. Stan looked embarrassed and reached to pick up the case, as she opened the door and left the car. "Perhaps he can give it to his wife!" she yelled as she slammed the door with all her force before striding off down the street. Tears welled up in her eyes as she walked, bumping into people and stumbling along. Slowly she got a grip of herself and noticed an underground station a few meters down the road. She walked to it and quickly read the map, and new she could get back to Marie by train if she hurried. She rummaged in her purse and found her credit card and quickly drew some cash from a cash point to buy the underground ticket. A few minutes later she was at the mainline station, checking the timetable and realising if she caught the next train she would get back around midday, although she was now past caring. There was a long queue of people buying tickets at the windows, and Jane joined the shortest, looking anxiously at the clock. Finally she got to the window and asked for a single ticket to Manchester, and passed her credit card over. The clerk tapped a few numbers into his computer then said, "That's ?56 please." He rotated the window and picked up the card, and was about to swipe it through the machine when he stopped and looked at her. He read the card and then sighed, got up from his seat and walked to where a group of men were chatting. Jane looked desperately at the clock, and began to get impatient when the clerk and another, older man wearing a supervisors badge approached the window. "Do you have some form of identification?" The older man asked as he arched his eyebrows. Jane froze, and remembered, the name on the card still said John Sadler! She stammered a no, and explained in a whisper she was John! The man looked at her patronisingly and explained he was not able to take the card, it was possibly stolen! Jane closed her eyes and swallowed hard, and asked for the card back. The man shook his head, "Sorry, no! And I think these gentlemen may want to talk to you," he nodded as two policemen approached. Jane felt the earth open up as the first policeman asked her to accompany him, and meekly allowed herself to be led away. At the British Transport Police office she was led into a small room with metal tables and chairs bolted to the floor and waited. After what seemed an eternity but was probably only five minutes she heard the door open and looked up to see two men, one in a cheap creased suite, the other in a shirt and leather jacket. They introduced themselves as detectives from the Credit Card Fraud squad and sat down at the table. For the next ten minutes Jane hung her head as she explained she was really John Sadler, and that the card was hers. The two men looked at each other and smirked, and one asked what she was doing in London? Tearfully Jane explained all about Mike, and how she had spent the night at his hotel and should have flown back by helicopter, only she found out he was married and ran from the car. As she finished she felt drained and washed out, dirty and soiled yet strangely at peace. The two men looked at each other and left the room, promising to check out her story. As they left Jane felt humiliated and ashamed and vowed never to trust a man again. Some time later she heard voices in the corridor and laughter, and knew she was the source of the amusement. She coloured as the two detectives entered the room, and one smilingly handed her the bag with her purse and credit card. They explained she was free to go, the card had not been reported stolen, and the hotel did confirm Miss Sadler had stayed there last night. Jane left, feeling all the eyes on her as she was escorted through the station, and knowing everyone was laughing at her. Outside in the sun she sat for a moment on a park bench getting her thoughts together as people walked past and wondered what to do next. She realised that there was no way she could reach Manchester by midday and new she had let Marie down. She saw a telephone box and knew she had to call her and explain. On opening her purse she found only notes and receipts, so walked to a newsagents to get some change. Once there she bought a magazine, and called Marie's mobile. It was answered almost immediately, and a worried Marie listened as Jane broke down and told her everything. Marie broke in, asked her where she was and Jane had to open the door and look for a street name before replying. Marie told her to stay where she was and help was on it's way, and just hearing her voice gave Jane a much needed boost. She returned to the bench and sat down, feeling that everyone that passed was looking at her and was deep in though when a shadow fell over her. She looked up and had to shield her eyes to see the man in silhouette in front of her. She blushed crimson as she realised it was Stan, the driver. "Are you OK, Miss?" he began, "Only I was worried something had happened!" She nodded and he pointed to the black rolls stood by the kerb, but she shook her head and explained she was waiting for someone. He smiled, and explained he had been contacted by Marie, and he was here to take her home. He passed her a mobile phone, and she called Marie who told her to go home, and she would meet her later. Chastened, Jane handed the phone back to Stan, who opened the door of the rolls and she gratefully sank into it's upholstery. Minutes later the car whisked them through the traffic and with a start she realised they were on the M4 and heading West. "Stan, this isn't the way to Manchester!" she protested. "Miss, my orders were to take you home, which if I am not mistaken is Bristol?" She nodded mutely and knew she was past caring. A sound distracted her and it took her a minute to recognise the sound of the mobile phone Stan had given her. After pressing the right button she answered it and Marie's voice asked how she was. She realised Stan could hear every word, and at first was guarded in what she said. Then she noticed that Stan had thoughtfully raised the soundproof glass partition between the seats, and she told Marie the whole story. Marie listened as she poured out the discovery of the wallet, Mike's family and how she had been used and betrayed. Marie stopped her when she told her Mike was married and asked if she was sure, but Jane was positive. Marie explained how she had packaged Jane's clothes and would meet her tomorrow to talk things through and deliver them to her flat in Bristol, but in the meantime Jane was to relax and try to put it all behind her. As she talked she looked down at the magazine she was still holding, a garish thing aimed at teenage girls and her eye was drawn to the title of one of the articles 'fifty ways to tell if he's married!' She realised she could have done with that yesterday. As she hung up on Marie, the car was swinging off the M4 and heading down the M32 towards Bristol, and Jane gave Stan directions to the converted Victorian house where her flat was. As they pulled up outside Stan turned to her and looked at her tear stained face. "I may be out of order here, and I know it ain't my place but well Mike, I mean Mr de Pre, is not a bad man. I do know he would want you to have this." And he held out the velvet case. "Stan, that watch probably cost more than I earn in a month!" she said shaking her head. "But I am not something to be bought and sold, whatever he thinks!" With that she opened the car door and strode towards the sanctuary of her own front door. She was stopped by the door trying to find her key when Stan appeared beside her and asked her where she wanted the cases. For a moment she was dumbstruck then looked and saw that Stan had two expensive Louis Vitton suitcases beside him. "There not mine!" she protested "They are miss, the things from the hotel," he replied, and walked back to the car and came back with a matching vanity case. As he closed the boot and locked the car she opened the door and in a daze showed him where to leave them. He turned to her at the door and once again offered the watch, and she shook her head and thanked him for his help. Once inside she kicked off her shoes and sat down on the tired and worn sofa and looked around the tiny flat. The only touch of luxury came from the clothes she was wearing and the suitcases standing in the middle of the floor. She saw that a pile of bills and mail lay on the mat, but could not bring herself to pick them up. As the sun went down and the gloom darkened she sat by herself, silently weeping. She awoke a couple of hours later to loud music and for a moment did not know where she was, but then her senses returned and she got up, turned on the light and shivered in the cool evening air. She lit the gas fire in the tiny bedsit, and as it's warmth slowly seeped through the thin clothes began to look in the fridge and cupboards to see what food there was. It was just as well she wasn't hungry, as apart from week old cheese and stale bread there was nothing in, she had intended to go shopping at the weekend, after their return from Manchester. She did find a bottle of vodka, a long forgotten present from a neighbour for looking after their cat, and sat down with a glass and drank deep as the night fell. The loud music from the Rastafarians across the street no longer bothered her, unlike the many nights it kept her awake, and the flat no longer seemed seedy and small, but safe and cocooning. To be continued...

Same as Tangled Web, Part 2 Videos

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Sonia and Sally Annes Web Site

Sonia and Sally Anne's Web Site - by SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - The Camera Arrives I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. I did not dress up very often, normally about once or twice a month but when I did we had some amazing times! I had recently pulled off a...

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Fantasy Web Site

Fantasy Web Site ? 2009 by J8 Clip Codes: M+/f, B/D, nudity, whipping, suspension, slavery Dramatis Personae James Faribault, accountant Carol, secretary by day, slavegirl Doug Sterling, owner, operator of a web site Stephanie, slavegirl Anne, slavegirl Melody, slavegirl and webmistress In which James Finds a Closed Door Early afternoon, I looked out my office window. The city below was white from the 20 centimeters (about 8 inches) of snow which had already fallen. It was heavy, wet snow and...

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A Spiders Web

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

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The CollectorChapter 6 Sisters of the Web

Dubai - One Year Before Lord Tilsbury’s Funeral Charlotte sat in the comfortable wing-backed lounge chair her legs demurely crossed at the ankles. She was wearing a dark green business suit, the jacket was open and her pert breasts strained at the tight white silk blouse, the skirt was so tight that without the kick pleat that effectively split the skirt to her thigh, she wouldn’t have been able to sit at all. Her blonde hair had been coiffeured only that morning, tinged platinum, her...

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Tangled Webs

I choked on my wine when I saw her. I threw up - in my pants - when she walked towards us."Hi lover," Cara purred, taking a seat at our table.I felt a pang of guilt and a shit-ton of panic at the unexpected appearance of the woman I had buried my cock in just a few days ago. I bravely glanced at my wife, who sat quietly staring at me. Awkward silence continued. Think, man, think!Finally, I said, "Hun, this is Cara ... my-""Secret affair," she finished. "Well, not so secret now, I guess," Cara...

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The Last of Her KindChapter 5 Caught in the Web

Sludge leaked from the busted pipe into a bucket Darren had hung just beneath it. The women’s restroom had flooded over the weekend, and he had moved into the crawl space beneath to deal with the issue, only to discover that the plumbing was completely shot. The crawlspace was around four feet tall, and was a maze of pipes, vents and cobwebs. When people walked on the ground floor above, dirt trickled through small gaps in the floorboards. Donning a face mask and a pair of safety glasses, he...

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Release from the Web

RELEASE FROM THE WEB The Setup The Exam The Treatment The Slow Wake-up Two weeks later Life at the Manor Training Payback Following them The new family Release from the Web The Setup It was night. Batman's favorite part of the day, according to the newspapers. But that was only because that was when the criminals were most active. I was slowly working my way along a rooftop as I searched for a good place to observe and wait. A recent rash of robberies in this...

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Webbs Wonderful Web Book 2 ResistancePart 2

Alice relaxed for the first time in days; she guided the Mondeo safely through the gates of Dingle Dell Farm. The old Granite house greeted her with its unchanging frontage. 'At least some things are permanent' she thought, and released a long held sigh. "Ah well, back to the prison camp" Georgie observed grumpily from the rear seat. "It's great, it's home" Alice responded wistfully. Even Georgie's bitter teenage angst couldn't spoil her moment. "I'll get the gear out of the...

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SOL Games Web Design

This is kind of like a choose your own adventure: -First read any Level 1 chapters in any order (Jump Ropes, Floor is Lava, Pet Teachers). -Then read any Level 2 chapters in any order (Web Design, Teacher Taut, Chemistry, Tug of War). See the link in my profile to get ALL my stories in eBook and audiobook formats! -------------------------------------- DISCLAIMERS -I'm just trying to be helpful with these disclaimers. I don’t want to spring things on anyone! -My writing includes...

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Phils Web Cam Mistake

Phil?s Web Cam Mistake by Sirbosk1? 2009 SirBosk1This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of homosexual and heterosexual sex, rimming, dominant males and females, cream pie and other erotic activities involving adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now. It was written at the request of a fan, jockobi1.All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, names, places,...

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SURFING THE WEB WITH A TWIST.I love to surf the web my favorite sites are the porn sites I just love all the women that put there photos on these sites and even there videos, I love the amateur’s section, as these are real people and not models,This one day I decided to do some surfing and as always you get popup messages The usual ones are sign up for free sex and then the camcorders one’s shag a local woman in your area,The usual crap I just want to find some good wanking material somebody...

3 years ago
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Hot Wife In Slutty Web Series

I heard a low whistle, but this was nothing unusual when I took my wife out. My wife is nothing short of a bombshell. Three years of marriage and a baby had little effect on her perfect figure. In fact she had blossomed into a ravishing beauty of 24 years. Her skinny jeans from our college days were still ok, only a little tight around her shapely ass. Luckily her pretty boobs had only grown in cup size, to 34D, without sagging a bit. She had grown out her hair to below boob length, getting a...

4 years ago
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The Veiled Web

"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are." - Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince The young woman stood at the edge and looked down the old building. Her long bridal gown shimmered in the bright summer sun. It was a photographer's dream; an attractive young bride, obviously in deep thought, standing in front of the old church's stone walls. But what the photographer couldn't see, what no outsider would ever see, was the turmoil raging within her. The serene...

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Webbs Wonderful WebPart 2

Alice had been found and was indeed, safe. As soon as she had approached the buildings, a security guard had challenged her. "Ma'am, security clearance?" he asked politely. "I'm Dr. Damon Saunders wife" smiled Alice. "I'll just check, hold on," The radio had crackled to life, and responded. "Security suspended - apprehend and hold for questioning" "You heard the man, Ma'am" the polite smile vanished as the guard drew his sidearm. He flicked the gun towards a small...

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Webbs Wonderful WebPart 3

June drove towards Webb's Industries determined to find Alice; she wanted Damon to know that his wife was safe from the moment he awoke. However June didn't speed towards her destination, she was in two minds about seeing Alice again. Would the alien desire to touch Alice return? 'To hell with it, Damon's recovery is the most important thing' June's foot stood on the accelerator, and the Clio burst into life. Minutes later she arrived at W.I. A security guard approached her right...

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Webbs Wonderful WebPart 4

Chapter 10: Recruits and rejects. Elisabeth Coyne flitted the mop head from side to side diligently cleaning the narrow corridor. She had worked at the hospital for a couple of months, Liz found the work menial; but her choices were limited. Returning to work after the divorce hadn't been essential, but now the kids were with their dad full time it was better than sitting at home, dwelling on the past. Liz opened the door of the relative's room, and backed into it, pulling the trolley...

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Webbs Wonderful WebPart 5

Ger'natha spoke to his fellow Gul'nathan's. "We are the advanced force of a warrior tribe that will wipe all traces of the human race from this planet; and claim it for the C'phu as their rightful home world, yesss!" He swivelled his neck to take in the whole of his command group, they were resplendent in their post coital colouring. Two giant warriors stood either side of Ju'nutha, their long tongues toying with her distended puce nipples. Si'natha and As'natha were powerfully...

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Webbs Wonderful Web Book 2 ResistancePart 4

Bowen cursed as he ran his grey eyes over his team. 'One of you is a traitor, but which one?' he muttered. Dark thoughts of revenge stirred in Bowen's mind, and his brow tightened into a knot. He snarled, and sliced a knife across the palm of his right hand. Without any emotion, he squeezed his injured hand into a fist, and pumped fresh red blood into a universal bottle. Once filled, he awkwardly tightened the cap, and tied a clean handkerchief around his wound, tying it with his...

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Webbs Wonderful Web Book 2 ResistancePart 5

Alice closed the door behind her quietly; the room was too dark to see, but she felt the fetid heat wash over her. Alice waited patiently for her eyes to become accustomed to the dingy bedroom, aware only of the subdued groaning and furtive movements but little else. Her hand snaked along the familiar wall, and located the brass toggle of the light switch. She hesitated. "June, June, you awake? It's only me - Alice," She breathed into the darkness. "Alice, Oh shit... Wait, god wait..."...

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What a Tangled Web Part1

I honestly don’t know why I’m making this confession. Is it a confession if you don’t feel bad about what you’re doing? I love what I do, and the men love it too…well they love a particular part of it. What is the saying? A fool and his money shall soon depart. That’s my motto and luckily for me, there are lots of fools out there. I knew that he was my mark from the moment that I saw him. He had the cocky attitude that I loved so much. There’s something sexy to me about a man that acts like...

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What a Tangled Web Part1

I honestly don’t know why I’m making this confession. Is it a confession if you don’t feel bad about what you’re doing? I love what I do, and the men love it too…well they love a particular part of it. What is the saying? A fool and his money shall soon depart. That’s my motto and luckily for me, there are lots of fools out there. I knew that he was my mark from the moment that I saw him. He had the cocky attitude that I loved so much. There’s something sexy to me about a man that acts like he...

3 years ago
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Oh The Webs We Weave

OH THE WEBS WE WEAVE By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and all characters and incidents are purely a work of the imagination. Copy write in the author's name and no replication or other media duplication is allowed. May be downloaded for personal pleasure however any reproduction or use by pay sites or other commercial use is strictly forbidden. There are some very graphic scenes in this story including date rape. If you do not enjoy this type of fiction please do not read....

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TANGLED By: ROBO Mark was finishing another long day at the fitness store in the mall. He was a 6-foot, 200 pound body builder who managed the store. He didn't really have to work late everyday; he gladly did so to spend time with the new girl the owner had hired. She was 5' 6" and a gorgeous body that measured 36C-22-36. She weighed only 108 pounds and very feminine. She didn't know much about exercise equipment or vitamins but she was a real man magnet - attracting men...

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Web Cam Sex

I was in Dallas at the Marriot on a two day road trip the first time I fired up my laptop with the tiny web cam attached. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to connect with Bill, my husband, but soon we were chatting and looking at each other. It was instantly exciting. I unbuttoned my blouse and fingering my black lacy bra, I lowered the camera so Bill could only see my torso. I removed each of my full breasts and massaged my nipples. I could see Bill’s smile and hear his...

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Family gets involved in daughter8217s web cam

Ted Rodgers was enjoying the new state of the art computer that his sister had just bought for him. Ted was fourteen and enjoyed working with computers. Along with the computer, Amy also purchased for him an Internet access account, which he was just getting up and running. Amy Rodgers was Ted’s older sister. She was a pretty girl with an ample vivacious body. Amy had graduated with a degree in computer science and Art. She lived at home with their parents Frank and Carol. Frank was a...

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Caught In The Web

It was another boring day. Having just got back from job I only wanted to take a shower and cook a little something to eat later. I loved being alone sometimes and it was a perfect chance since my boyfriend was in a trip and I had a whole week to spend in solitude. Some say they hate loneliness but being always with someone can make one crazy. We all need some silence from time to time. So I grabbed the chance and decided to spend this week doing any crazy thing that would occur. I had my...

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Making a webslut

This is not a story as such, rather it is a history of how I made my wife into an unaware web-slut.I'm sure that many other guys have gone through a similar process, and I'd like to hear from you if you'd like to talk about it.At first, my wife was reluctant about me taking photos of her naked, but with some prompting she eventually relaxed a bit, and I slowly began to get a small collection of her porn pics. Of course photos are of no value unless they are to be viewed by others, and so I...

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It was dildos and the web cam at first

When my hubby bought my first ever dildo I couldn't believe how good it was. Not only was it shaped like a penis but had the feel of one and vibrated. I never, ever had tried any such thing. Over the span of several weeks he kept getting another and another and slowly getting larger, longer and finally full size porn star dildos. I was surprised the first time one made me squirt and he now knew what it took to make me squirt. He would ask " did you like it"? I would be shaking and...

2 years ago
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Fates Web

Fate's Web Author's note: This is a fan-fiction tribute to "The Incarnations of Immortality by Piers Anthony. All his characters belong to him, me sticking in someone suspiciously like me is my fault ... Much like Bilbo Baggins, my life underwent a big change on my 50th birthday. Not that my life up till that point had been without its share of adventure. As a woman who was born a boy and transitioned in my forties, "boring" was one thing my life hadn't been. But things were...

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Market ForcesChapter 24 Sebastians Web

I'd left the City offices and gone back up to the Prep Centre. I needed to talk to the IT folk about the other part of my plans. As usual there was a problem finding a parking place with Clegg Meat Products trucks all over the place. Eventually I managed to squeeze the car in and headed into the building. "I've got an appointment," I said to the receptionist. "Sebastian in IT?" "Sure," she said, punching a number into her phone. She spoke into the mouthpiece, "Seb? Visitor for...

3 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 26 Web In Focus

We were in Freddie's club, expecting a dozen or so clients to turn up. I wanted to give them a briefing on the new web services to get some feed-back. I had a good session with Clegg before the clients turned up. We'd run through the arrangements for the day and he seemed very happy with the plans. "I like this idea of getting feed-back from the clients," he said. "We could spend a lot of money without having a solid foundation, otherwise." I thought I'd take the opportunity to raise...

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Wilsons WebChapter 10

Summer turned to autumn and the trees took on various copper hues. Clare was often on the phone to Ray. She told me that Ray wanted to know everything that was happening to her. She believed he was compensating for his being deprived of Fran going to full-term. But I was not totally convinced. I was worried that there might be another motive; that he really had fallen for her. Would he renege on his commitment, and use the baby as a means to stay in close contact with her? And what about...

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Slut Wife Terry Webb GROPE HER Bachelor Party

After posting our "Grope Her Booth" adventure ( https://m.xhamster.com/stories/slut-wife-terry-webb-my-grope-her-booth-quot-876011 ) we received several inquiries for more information. Several of you even asked if we did parties, wanting us to bring the booth to your location. We even had people asking to rent or purchase a booth for their own use. So this post is a follow up with our latest "grope her booth" adventure. For those who havent read our original post the following is a few...

2 years ago
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Oh The Webs We Weave Part 2

Oh The Webs We Weave Part 2 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of pure fiction and has no reference to real life. My heartfelt thanks to all those who commented on part one. This story is copy written by the author and permission to down load for personal pleasure is granted; however, no part of this story may be down loaded or otherwise copied for commercial, payment or use on pay sites. It is recommended that part one be read before reading this one. Constructive comments may be sent...

4 years ago
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Oh The Webs We Weave Conclusion

Oh The Webs We Weave; Conclusion By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. To understand this final installment please read the previous two chapters. Any resemblance to any person, place or thing is purely accidental. Copy write held in author's name and no replication or reproduction is allowed except for personal pleasure. Pay site or other republication for payment is strictly forbidden without author's consent. [email protected] Oh The Webs We Weave;...

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Oh The Webs We Weave Conclusion

Oh The Webs We Weave-Conclusion I have had numerous requests to modify the ending to this story due to its abrupt ending. To be honest I was tired of writing at that time and just wanted to end it. However Suzie Q. Haff, a fan, took the time and effort to create a much better ending to my story. I have decided to post it with a few revisions and expansions on my part. I think it's an appropriate ending and hope that you agree. Thank you Suzie and I hope that this encourages you to...

2 years ago
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A Spiders Web Ch 02

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

3 years ago
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High School Fall Festival for Slut Wife Terry Webb

High School Fall Festival for Terry WebbHigh School Fall Festival for Terry WebbHigh School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 2High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 3High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 4High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 5High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 6High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 7High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 8High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 9High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 10High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb...

1 year ago
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A Silken Web Of Dreams

Spoilers: None Disclaimer: I don’t own JAG, wish I did. Feedback: Yes, please. Be gentle, please–No flames Summary: This is Jagsmut, pure and simple… okay, so maybe not so pure Thanks to my beta, Rebecca :: :: :: 0017 Hours Local Time Alexandria, Virginia The hour was late, and the neighborhood had settled into its nightly routine. All of the houses were dark and quiet, their inhabitants long since asleep, sung to their rest by the gentle lullaby of the air conditioners, which were...

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Sisters Web Cam

Mark’s parents would go away every summer for three months and take a trip around the world, leaving him and his twin sister at home. Helen was so pretty she was tall slim had long wavy blonde hair blue eyes and one of the tightest butts you have ever seen. All the boys at school had tried to get a date with Helen but none had ever seemed to get lucky. Mark would often fantasize over his sister trying to imagine how good she would look naked, while he knew it was wrong he just couldn’t help...

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CHARLOTTE'S WEBCHAPTER 1.Charlotte was a big girl. No........... not fat. She was what most red blooded men wanted................... A nice big healthy girl with plenty of curves to admire and get hold of. After having two k**s a few years ago she still had plenty of milk to feed them, and liked the way her tits looked and felt when they were full and solid with milk.Short dark hair and with sexy glasses and a cum fuck me smile, she was also a fun person to be with. She liked to party with...

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Just some web chats you may like to see.....i'll post more soon...let me know if you like these zmarc60...was at the mall monday and tuesday meeting hubbies waiting in the food court for wife finish shopping was able to give out 4 Gum Jobs and got fucked twice in my RV...i had a guy ask me what was going on with me and the guys he saw go outside and come back with me...wanted to know if i had a woman out there taking care of the guys. told him nope just me.i noticed he was getting a hardon and...

2 years ago
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Web Encounter

You little tease.""No I'm not.""You are, you said you are a good girl.""So? You don't' know any difference""I do, you said you made that boy upset because he though he was going to get off with you"I pressed enter, waiting for Ellie16 to reply I had no idea who she was, I had just found the name in my chat program and assumed she was one of my daughter's friends. She had no idea who I was, and I was not about to tell her. As far as she was concerned I was a man who was flirting verbally with...

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The Tangled Web Chapter 1 A Shoulder to Cry On

Chapter 1: July 1998 - A Shoulder to Cry On.A sister discovers just how close she and her married brother secretly want to be.This is the first Chapter in a comprehensive revision of a series I wrote under the male pseudonym JGUK years ago. In those days I was less confidant about my writing and thought a masculine name would reduce the amount of unwanted attention I would receive, particularly as the subject matter is something very close to my heart. I feel differently now and am...

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The Tangled Web Chapter 3 A Sporting Chance

Chapter 3 – 1998 – A Sporting Chance Sara & Sam have a near-miss and Sara’s boyfriend David succumbs to temptation... again! You will understand this story better and enjoy it much more if you read Chapters 1 and 2 first. The Tangled Web is a story spanning several years, based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories and is a comprehensive revision of a series I...

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The Tangled Web Chapter 2 Mixed Doubles

Chapter 2: September 1998 - Mixed Doubles A sister and brother find a way to meet in secret to explore their new-found feelings. This is the second chapter in the Tangled Web series, a story spanning several years, based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set mostly in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories. Although designed to be read in sequence, I have tried to make each chapter stand as a complete and...

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Spiders Web

Ever since Adams Party, and Sally’s little antics in the kitchen the following day, I have steered clear of being alone when she’s around. I did not want it to seem as if I was taking advantage of mine host, but that was soon to change which I had nothing to do with it. I had seen Helen a couple of times after the party. The first time was pure lust, wanting to repeat the night of the party; I had the space, she wanted a fuck, why not and the second time she called me. Her old man was away for...

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web cam

My husband and I had been married about a yr and he introduced me to a small vibrator. He was surprised when I told him I had never seen one or tried one. I am Filipina and in my country things of this nature weren't easily found. He loved my enjoyment and as I lay with my eyes closed and legs open he caused a sensation on my clit unlike any before. I couldn't believe how good it felt. About a week later we were playing around and the bedroom light was off . I told him to get the vibrator...

4 years ago
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First time fucking on web cam

So I always had this fantasy that I wanted to fuck my girl friend on web cam in front of strangers. There was always something hot to me about seeing strangers getting so turned on by us that they just had to get off watching us. The big problem was how I approached this issue with my girlfriend. One night we'd been drinking at home and I confessed my fantasy to her. She thought about it for all of two seconds before smiling and turning on the computer. I was so happy that I failed to notice...

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First time webcam sex

Here we are again... This is a TRUE Story... So I was never into the whole webcam, cam 2 cam, chat room phenom like a lot of people are. I honestly didn't think much about it. I was a log on, click on this, click on that, whip it out, stroke it dry, log off kinda guy. So a couple months back, my buddy told me about a couple of websites such as omegle.com and chatroulette.com where you can randomly meet/talk/whatever with people all over the world. I found it intrigiuing and thought I would...

1 year ago
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The Tangled Web Chapter 4 Something for the Weekend

February 1999 – Something for the Weekend?The Tangled Web is a story spanning several years and is based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories. It was a cold Friday evening in February. Sara stood waiting outside the main railway station swaddled in a long dark winter coat and bright woollen scarf. She felt the cold light wind on her legs. Trousers, she thought....

4 years ago
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The Tangled Web

The Tangled Web By SteveR The stockings slipped on like liquid silk over long, beautifully proportioned legs and calves. They complimented perfectly the sensuous, old fashioned corset they were held up by with it's tight constricting feel and it's pretty, sexy looks of rich red silk trimmed with black lace. It was partnered with matching red silk panties with black bows. But all that would be hidden under the soft silk of the long black dress hanging in the corner. The black...

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Monarsquos First Websex

This is my first ever chat on the web, Hans was my first, Eddy, my husband shared Hans with me. This is how it went:Mona: Hello there, it is Mona and Eddy are here, what is your nameHans: Hi. I’m HansMona: Hello Hans, what is your wife’s nameHans: Her name is SusannaMona: I only see your avatar picture, is it really yoursHans: Sure this is my dickMona: It is very nice, I love clean looking dicks, and how big is it honeyHans: 20x5 cm Mona: Lovely, Eddy my husband is 17 x 5 cm, yours is...

3 years ago
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Skin Deep III Chapter 7 In The Spiders Web

Chapter 7 In The Spider's Web Along Came The Spider Brad Loudon watched through the one-way viewing wall of the small room where Michelle had been brought a few hours after regaining consciousness from her encounter with a Dunlap's F-Tazor. Her hands were secured to a brushed-stainless steel table by electrostatic manacles that were held in place by a powerful magnet on the underside of the table. Michelle's legs were secured to the floor with...

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A Twisted Web

A TWISTED WEB Nnm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A story loosely based on several star trek episodes, together with a little poetic licence and imagination. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx James T. Kirk sat in his Captain's chair on the bridge of the Enterprise, one of the finest Galaxy class vessels in Starfleet. He was drumming his fingers on the upholstered arm of his seat. "Why me" he muttered aloud to himself. His Science officer Mr Spock,...

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Charlottes Web

It seems like every story someone becomes a young beautiful woman with huge breasts and a perfect hourglass figure oozing sex appeal. While this is great fantasy reality tells us that this is a very small minority so I thought a story of becoming a more typical female might appeal to others besides myself. This is just a start and I have ideas of where I want to take so I am making this story an SIBC and see how everyone reacts to it. Charlotte's Web ...

4 years ago
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Charlottes Web Chapter 2

It seems like every story someone becomes a young beautiful woman with huge breasts and a perfect hourglass figure oozing sex appeal. While this is great fantasy reality tells us that this is a very small minority so I thought a story of becoming a more typical female might appeal to others besides myself. This is just a start and I have ideas of where I want to take so I am making this story an SIBC and see how everyone reacts to it. Charlotte's Web Chapter 2 by Heather Marie The...

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Nude Web

It was Saturday night and Hazel had taken a nice relaxing shower, slipped into her dressing gown and was settling down to watch TV. After flicking through the channels and finding nothing worth watching, she turned on her computer to check her e-mails. Normally, she'd have automatically deleted the junk page but tonight something caught her eye. It was a message about an adult dating site and out of curiosity, she opened it. It was full of profiles of people around her own age, Hazel was in...

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