SamChapter 11C free porn video

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When Neeka quit, I was as limp as a rag doll and smiling so broadly that my back-teeth were showing. The others were in mostly the same shape as I was. No one had much energy left and what movement there was consisted of casual stroking and cuddling.

Bambi was the first to be able to get to her feet. I suppose she was driven by a need to play hostess, because the first thing she did was to get Jolene a soft drink from the small cooler we had loaded onto the dumbwaiter. She then went around taking drink orders from everyone else.

"What, no beer?" Connie said, when given her choice of beverage.

"No," Bambi told her, "not today. Alcohol would just dull your senses and make you sleepy in addition to loosening your inhibitions. I think you want your senses sharp and awake and I think you have already shed any inhibitions you night have had when you arrived.

"Besides, you already look inebriated to me. Or do you need another dose so soon?"

"I can always take another dose of that!" Connie giggled.

"Oh, oh!" Janice said. "I think someone needs the BumbleBee!"

"BumbleBee! BumbeBee!" Jolene chanted, clapping her hands.

"What's a BumbeBee?" Connie asked.

"It's something that Sam showed Jolene and me," Janice said. If you haven't cum enough to be drunk from it, this will put you under."

"Yeah, Sam," Jolene said, "Show her the BumbleBee. I want to watch this."

"I'm too pooped," I said. "But Bambi does it the best. Connie, maybe if you ask real nice, she will show you."

Connie looked up at Bambi and said, "Please? I'm curious."

"I should have you sign a waiver," Bambi said. "In case your health is not up to it. You don't have a heart condition, do you? Any tendency to fainting spells? No? Well, someone get a towel to use to muffle her screams. We don't want the neighbors calling the cops. We might get hauled off to jail — handcuffed and naked."

"Now there's an idea," I said, putting my hands behind my back. "Handcuff me. Throw me in a cell with ten horny desperadoes who've been cooped up for months with no women."

"Hush." Neeka said. "You're making me hot again. I'd like to see you tied up and thrown to the wolves." She giggled. "Poor wolves!"

Janice picked up a towel and folded it into a pad to hold over Connie's mouth. She and Neeka traded places.

Connie saw Janice kneel beside her and a questioning look and then one of alarm crept across her face. "You're not serious?" She asked.

Janice nodded. "We'll probably need to hold you down so you don't hurt yourself, too. Now just relax and enjoy it."

Connie looked like she was already regretting opening her mouth in the first place. "Maybe..." She started to say before she was interrupted by Jolene.

"Really, you've got to try it," Jolene said reassuringly, as she took hold of Connie's arm and pinned her to the chair. "Janice and I have both done it and it's the most intense experience you can imagine."

"Really?" Connie said, in a squeak of near panic.

"Just spread your legs for me, honey," Bambi said.

Connie reluctantly complied. Her look of terror quickly drained from her face, to be replaced by one of anticipation and sensuality as Bambi started slowly kissing her way up Connie's thigh. Janice and Jolene each licked a nipple and stroked Connie's abdomen with a free hand.

Neeka and I jumped in too. We each took a leg and pulled them apart to give Bambi free access to Connie, without having to worry about getting her head caught in a scissors-lock.

Bambi brushed her lips across Connie's pussy lips and flicked out her quick little tongue as her mouth passed over Connie's clit. She kept on teasing until Connie's clit had poked its head out from under a fold of skin and presented itself for inspection. Bambi closed her lips around Connie's clit and sucked on it to work some more blood into the small piece of flesh.

Connie cried out sharply in surprise and pleasure in response to this treatment. She tried to close her legs, but Neeka and I held firm and stroked the inside of her thighs until she relaxed them again.

Bambi continued to work on Connie's clit until it was standing well up from her pussy. She licked and teased it until Connie was nearly delirious with the tension of being so aroused and so hard and not being made to cum.

Connie flailed her head back and forth in a fit of heat. She tried to squirm and writhe, but the four of us held her firmly in place.

"Oh, Yes! Oh, God! OH! DAMN! OOOOOooooo," Connie said. "Oh, you're making me CRAZY! OH! Oh, please! Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!"

It wasn't clear if she was begging for release or a continuation of the ecstatic torment. Either way, Bambi was relentless.

I started to get very turned on just from watching. We were all showing signs of reawakening arousal. I saw Bambi fondling her own boobs with one hand while she worked on Connie, so I know it was affecting her as well.

I looked across Bambi's shoulders at Neeka. She stared back with a feral look of lust. I tried to put all my sexual tension into a psychic message and then mentally hit Send. Neeka stiffened and I saw her eyes go wide as she prepared to do the same to me.

After a couple more exchanges, we were grinning and leering at each other while we batted a rapidly growing ball of sexual energy back and forth between us. I quickly lost track of whether I was sending or receiving, as the feedback became a continuous rolling wave of heat and excitement.

We were so wrapped up in driving each other wild with just our thoughts that I missed when Connie started her orgasm. I looked down and Bambi had already started doing the BumbleBee to Connie's swollen clit. Her rapidly flicking tongue beat against Connie's clit so fast that it looked like a speed-bag being attacked by a world-class welterweight.

Bambi kept going until I felt Connie stiffen and every muscle in her body go rigid. When she went limp, Bambi stopped flicking and tenderly kissed Connie's clit, as if in apology for abusing it so much.

Bambi might have finished, but Neeka and I were still locked in a fierce mental duel to see which of us could make the other cum first and hardest. If I had thought about it, I would have laughed. There could be no winner of any such contest. As soon as I came, she would climax as well, and since she was so focused on sending her feelings to me, I would suffer the same wonderful fate. This close together, it would be simultaneous.

Bambi pulled Connie's legs from us and pressed them together. She must have seen what was happening to us, because she gasped and then sat back to watch — rubbing her pussy while she did. I don't know if she thought she could synchronize with us or if she was just entranced by what was happening.

At least Bambi could guess what was going on. Janice and Jolene were totally perplexed. From their perspective, Neeka and I were making love to each other just by staring. Nevertheless, they watched with growing interest and awe that we could be so into each other that we could make each other this hot without so much as a touch.

I thought about this only afterward, of course, Neeka and I were beyond the reach of the physical world. We were totally in each other's mind, feeding into each other the most intensely erotic images and feelings we could drag up from the most primitive parts of our brains.

The echoing and re-echoing and continuous building of fever-pitch arousal could not last long. We were spiraling toward a mutual climax that both of us treasured, relished, and feared, all at the same time. We had wanted a referee for this, and we had three. If we crashed and burned, there would be someone around to haul us to the loony bin.

The ultimate instant came quicker than either of expected. The last fierce blast of fiery white heat threw us into each other's arms and into a new world of shared rapture. As we had fed each other the fuel that kindled the flame that ignited the torch that lit the fuse that detonated the bomb that was now exploding in our heads, we also poured our bliss into each other as well. Our incredible joy flared into an incandescent star that sent us tumbling off into the void.

I suspect that we passed out at that point. If so, it was a shared blackout. I felt Neeka's presence the whole time and was reassured that whatever happened, I would not be alone.

The journey back to consciousness was like rising to the surface after a deep dive in the ocean. There was a sense of buoyancy and of increasing brightness until we both broke through into the world again.

Janice, Jolene and Bambi had apparently carried us to separate lounges and laid us out to wait for us to recover. It must not have been all that long, because Connie was still out of it when we woke up.

"Are you all right?" Jolene asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes," we both answered together. "Never better," again, in perfect synchronization.

I looked at my hand. It seemed smaller than I remembered it. My breasts seemed huge to me. The skin on my arms was tan and clear of the familiar freckles. I looked at Neeka and she appeared to be having the same disorientation. Each of us had experienced so much of the other's point of view that we were momentarily unsettled to find ourselves in an unfamiliar body.

I knew I was Sam, and this was Sam's body, but I was also Neeka, with Neeka's feelings and senses and memories. I had a sudden flash of recollection, of another life, another family, another me. As I tried to assimilate the memories into my own, to correlate them with who I was and what I already knew, they seemed to fade away, like a dream on wakening, until I was left with just the memories of memories, the echo of an echo.

It was the most beautiful thing I had ever experienced. For a brief moment, I had shared the soul of another person. I had been Neeka. I had known what she knew, felt what she felt, thought what she thought. The experience of a shared existence dwarfed the experience of a shared orgasm. For a second, I felt alone, but only for a second. Then I felt a warm embrace and a whisper in my mind, "Never." With that whisper, the feeling of sharing came rushing back. The awareness of another mind, of another consciousness overlapping my own returned.

I turned to look at Neeka and I immediately knew that the mental link we shared had widened greatly. I seemed to be able to see her thoughts as clearly as my own. If I concentrated, I could feel her body, her breathing, her heart beating beneath her breast.

I smiled and felt happy to have a wonderful friend like her. My happiness became hers and hers mine. We must have looked like two fools, sitting and grinning at each other like that. When we both laughed together, the image must have been complete.

It was almost painful to pull away from each other, but we both agreed that it wouldn't be fair to our friends to ignore them and we deliberately turned away from further sharing. "Until later," we promised and pledged.

"Can I ask what that was all about?" Bambi said.

I was about to tell her about the sharing when Jolene asked, "Yeah. You two did to each other what Bambi did to Connie, but you did it just by looking. What's up with that?"

"And how can we do it too!" Janice asked.

"We were just on the same wavelength," Neeka said. I had been about to say that, hadn't I?

"We just knew what the other was thinking," I said. "And knowing turned us on more and more until... Boom!"

Bambi looked at us with her mouth open. Janice and Jolene would take what I said figuratively, but Bambi knew I was stating the bare facts. She goggled at us as the implications of a mental link to sharing arousal and orgasm hit home.

I nodded at her as though I could read her mind and she snapped her jaw shut, momentarily considering that I might be able to do just that.

I shook my head, 'no', to reassure her, but she again assumed that I was in her head and her mouth fell open again.

"Frightening, isn't it?" I asked her, wiggling my eyebrows ominously.

She laughed at that. Seeing my exaggerated facial expression reminded her that there were other ways to tell what someone is thinking without any special mental powers other than basic empathy.

Connie began to stir, so we got her sitting up and gave her a cool drink.

"Oooooo. What happened?" She asked. "I was... you were... then I... Whoa! That was amazing!" She shook her head to clear it and looked up at Bambi, who was standing by her to make sure there were no ill effects. "I think I'm in love," she said with a giggle.

Bambi sat down next to Connie and leaned over to kiss her. I thought it was just going to be a peck, to thank her for the nice comment, but Connie seemed to be getting into it. I took Connie's drink from her hand and her arms went immediately around Bambi. The two of them kissed for what seemed a very long time. It was so intense and they were so into it that the rest of us just watched quietly and waited.

When they finally came up for air, Connie dropped back against the chair-back and said, "Oh, gee! Bambi, you're marvelous! You have skills, girl! I've been screwed with less emotional involvement than you kiss. I apologize for suggesting that beer be served. I have been going to all the wrong parties!" To the rest of us, she said, "She has the most talented tongue I've ever met."

I was about to voice my agreement on Bambi's superlative skills, when Jolene said, "You're right about that! She just about made me cum from kissing her. I thought I was in heaven the whole time."

Bambi blushed a very rosy color from hearing all the compliments. It looked like she was being nominated for Belle of the Ball at a party that she had wandered into by accident.

I told her, "See what happens when you let your hair down, relax, and just be yourself?" The 'be yourself' comment was supposed to remind her that she wasn't here in disguise, but as her 'real' self.

"You're right, Sam," she said. "I need to let my hair down more often. Thank you for inviting me to your party and letting me meet your friends."

"You're very welcome," I said. "Now I think it's time we paid you back. I have an announcement to make to everyone about Bambi." I paused to let Bambi draw the wrong conclusion. "Her breasts are extremely sensitive. She loves to have them played with. And she is at least one good cum behind everyone else."

No further suggestions were needed. Everyone converged on Bambi and practically smothered her with affection. We used the same gang-tackle approach on her than we used on Connie, except that I took her place and Connie took mine.

Janice and Jolene seemed to have just as much fun with Bambi's breasts as they had with mine. Maybe even more, since Bambi was so responsive to their attention and more vocal in her appreciation.

I tried my best to copy her technique and apply it to her, but I only managed to make her climax three times. I never could get her to the point of fainting from the sensory overload. It was probably because her attention was so divided between what I was doing to her clit and what Janice and Jolene were doing to each of her breasts. I suppose it didn't really matter. By her third climax, she was so wasted that she was hardly able to move. She just lay there with her head rolling loosely and a satiated expression on her face.

By this time only Janice and Jolene had not been sexually exhausted. When I pointed this out to them, they eagerly got down on the deck with each other to try and catch up. Connie, Neeka and I got down with them and helped out where we could and Bambi voiced encouragement and suggestions from her horizontal position, as she was able. With all of our assistance, it wasn't long before they were drained of any remaining sexual tension as well.

Since we were all so weak and exhausted, we didn't bother trying to climb back onto separate chairs, we just pulled a pile of cushions and towels together on the deck and collapsed into a pile of bodies. We were lying in such a tangled heap that I felt someone stroking me in a couple of places and I was doing the same to someone else, but I had no idea either the giver or the receiver was — nor did it really matter.

We had all had multiple climaxes, and those of us who needed them had had naps as well, so we just lay there and rested up until we could manage to work up the energy to do it again.

One by one, each of us would feel up to it, and the rest would oblige as a group. With five other people working on you, it's remarkable how quickly you can have an orgasm. After you've already cum more times than you can remember, it gets easier and easier to get off.

I remembered that Bud had told me how lucky girls were to be able to cum over and over again, while boys had to wait to recharge. It seemed to me that nature must have intended girls to make love to girls for recreation and to boys for procreation, since girls needed less and less time between orgasms while boys needed longer and longer recovery periods.

Our recovery periods were getting so short that one of us was always cumming. This made it easier for the rest of us, since girls are cooperative by nature and we were all willing to share the experience with each other. Whenever one of us would start to moan or pant or otherwise indicate our willingness to engage in another climax, we would shift around and slide over each other to make that person the focal point. This system broke down as soon as Neeka and I came together, and after that it was a free-for-all, with everyone stroking, fondling, kissing, sucking, licking or nibbling continuously on whatever part of whoever they could reach. It didn't matter if they had just cum, you kept on doing whatever you were doing and in another few minutes, they would cum again.

I had never been as saturated with girl-juice before. It was all over my mouth, my hands, and most other parts of my body. My pussy and my thighs and my butt were covered, as was whoever's hand that was that was inside me at the moment. It mixed with the oil and the lotion and made a slippery coating all over everyone. I felt like a noodle in a bowl of spaghetti. It was glorious!

I was in such an orgasmic haze that I didn't notice at first that the afternoon breeze had turned cool and the parts of me that were exposed to the air were getting chilly. I would have been content to lie there and lick the clit in front of my mouth forever if Jolene hadn't spoken up.

"Guys? My ass is cold," she said in a pitiful voice.

For some reason this struck everyone as hilarious. In a matter of seconds, we were all giggling madly and squirming to try to get underneath each other to stay warm. Jolene must have percolated to the top of the pile again because she complained again, "OK, my ass is still cold. I'm going to go get in the spa."

She slid off the pile and walked unsteadily toward the spa. I watched her push up on the cover and squirm up on the edge. With her head under the cover and her naked ass wiggling in the breeze, she looked like she was being eaten alive. I was torn between laughing at her predicament and being afraid she would fall in and drown.

Bambi must have seen her too, because she crawled out from under me (I had honestly thought it was Janice I was licking) and went to help her. Since I had lost my pacifier, I went too. Between us we got the top off Jolene and folded back against the wall. Bambi touched a couple of controls and the spa motor came to life and the water started to bubble and swirl. It must have sounded inviting, because a line quickly formed to climb in.

We wiped as much oil off of each girl as we could and then did each other before we climbed into the water. I was surprised that it was already nice and warm. It felt wonderful. The spa was so big that even with all six of us in it, it wasn't really crowded. Of course, the first thing we did after we got warmed up was to come back together again into a friendly clump of bodies so we could continue to cuddle each other.

The level of friendliness and familiarity among us had gone off the scale over the past few hours. If I wasn't holding someone or someone wasn't holding me, I felt like something was wrong. If I drifted close enough to someone, I kissed them. It was just the thing to do.

We had just got comfortable in the spa when my stomach started growling. I had already been thinking of us as a large tureen of girl-soup, but now I had to face the fact that my food-analogies were all a side-effect of my growing hunger.

"I hate to bring this up," I said, "but am I the only one who's hungry?"

"Oh, me too!" Neeka said. Everyone else chimed in and it was obvious that food would be the next item on the agenda.

"We have pizza makings down in the kitchen," Bambi said. "Pre-made crusts, sauce, cheese, pepperoni, olives, sausage, and no anchovies."

"No anchovies?" Connie wailed.

"Blame Sam," she said. "She vetoed the anchovies."

Same as Sam
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The Surfer Chick Outfit

The Surfer Chick Outfit Arrangements It's Wednesday evening and I'm sitting in front of the mirror doing my makeup. I've been watching YouTube videos for tips and techniques and now I'm doing a bridal look. It's supposed to accentuate my features, but remain somewhat understated and natural. I pout my lips and apply a layer of gloss. "Mwah!," I blow a kiss to the mirror. Finished! I stand up and walk to the full length mirror, I begin to take in the whole image. I'm wearing the...

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Love in Jasmine Garden

I hope you have read my earlier Incidence… this happened few years back during my first trip to India. As I landed India from Kuwait, I thought of spending my vacation, meeting all my old friends. I am well built & tall and was 25 then. I called up my friend & I told him that I will be there for the weekend. So I reached Mangalore & there after drove around 1 hour to reach my friends village. I reached early morning on Friday & met with his family members. My friend had a big old house with the...

4 years ago
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Barbaria Act 2 Chapter 5

Main NarrativeTwo weeks later, the Barbarian fleet - or rather, the bulk of it - was on the high seas, heading East towards where this land of Sythia was supposed to lie. It was divided into two parts. A reconnaissance force and the main fleet under the command of Captain Varian. He, following the pleasures of his leave in Nexos, felt fighting fit. Flavia was certainly a memory to take away. When he got back - victorious - he planned to ask Princess Alexena if he could add her to his personal...

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Little Brothers Love for his sister

Tom looked down at his sister. He held her hand and helps her get up. He walks over to the table and picks up a towel and hands it her and smiles "sis, you look amazing". Tom looks at her and then looks down "Sis, i need to tell you something. I broke up with Amanda. She cheated on me. I tried to be a good guy for her, i guess i wasnt". Luci frowned as she wrapped the towel around her swimsuit covered body and grabbed his hand ''Hey, she was a bitch anyway.. she knows if i found out...

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Brenda and Connie Ch 04

While Connie was dallying with Bruce, Brenda was concentrating on Plan ‘B’ on how to get rid of her virginity. It turned out that in her English class and in particular in her tutorial group examining English novels there was a nerd named (Richard) Dick Evans who seemed to be exhibiting interest in her. If you close your eyes and think what a typical nerd looks like chances are that you would come up with someone like Dick Evans. He was short 5’6′ and thus glaringly shorter than Brenda who was...

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Naughty Cinema Trip in Belfast

Years ago when i still lived with my folks, i was seeing this girl, it was a sunday morning and i had a serious dose of hangover horn lol. She lived with her folks too so we arranged for me to pick her up in town and we were both going to go commando, i wore loose fitting jeans and she wore a maxi dress. I picked her up just outside the city hall and as soon as she got in i kissed her and slid my hand up her dress and eased a finger deep inside her just to check she had stuck to her part of the...

4 years ago
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Stroke of LuckChapter 3

We made the trip home on edge but uneventfully. I was healing up, painfully. Lena was very conscientious about her work, she kept me in line like a drill instructor. When I got grumpy with her the others would give me "what for" and make me apologize. When she saw our bathing equipment, she made me bathe. She got in the tub with me and scrubbed me all over, especially my wound. "A clean wound will heal much better, my husband," she said. Sherry added, "It will make him smell better,...

3 years ago
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Subway series 7 Please Dont Ask How I Got Home

Going with Clarissa was like teaching yourself to parachute. Exhilarating, but also very unnerving. And darn complicated. A friend of mine set me up on a blind date with her, saying I was moping around too much, six months after I'd ended my first "grown-up" relationship -- you know, the first one where the main reason we broke up wasn't that one of us had gotten sick of "our song." Bobbi and I had been together for three years and we'd split when I got tired of asking her to marry...

1 year ago
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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 32

Pavel Rodel was going to take his punishment like a man. Not for him would he cast his eyes downward or go on his knees and beg. In Siberia, one looked one's protagonist in the eye. There, men resolved disputes with a fist fight. That was the proper way, but he was now an Officer in the army and such things were unbecoming. He still longed for the old way, however, because there were few men who could best him in a fair fight. The fact that Benin's 'husband' was a Lieutenant-Colonel had...

2 years ago
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ME AT THE BACK OF THE PLANE:PART TWOME AT THE BACK OF THE PLANE:Maggie got up first and I watched her go to the back of the plane, with a quick look around I got up and walked to the same toilet and knocked twice, she opened the door and pulled me inside. We started to kiss and my hands were all over her and so were hers. I was grabbing her at her cloths ,I unbuttoned her green top she had on ,which showed off her well cupped breasts in a lace bra, in matter of seconds I had it off my mouth...

4 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For

When I arrived home I noticed a note on my computer. It read, "Take off your clothes and put them in the washer. Go to the bathroom and shower, then go to the bedroom and put on the clothes laid out for you. Make sure My toys are prepared and in the right places, then you may join Me in the living room bringing your hood with you and taking your place at My feet (on your knees, hands behind your back clasped together)."Doing Her bidding I took off my clothes as instructed and placed them in the...

2 years ago
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Fogbound EncounterChapter 9

The Magirus-Deutz bus growled it's way along the new cement road. The awe-struck passengers pressed their noses to the windows, staring at the giant grey cigar. The 'cigar, ' though sported giant fins on which the peculiar symbol designed by Dr Albert Speer was painted, black in a white circle in a red square. This was the new Germany with a new flag and symbols. Just as the old empire had been swept away by the first world war, the economic disasters of the late '20's had dealt a body...

2 years ago
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My New Coffee Maker Part 3

"Refresh your memory? I'll refresh your memory alright." you said as you slowly lowered yourself on my cock. "Is it all starting to cum back to you baby? Hmmmm?" you moaned as you started your sexual assault on me. "Nobody fucks you, like Lexi fucks you baby! Just remember that Fucker!" As always, our eyes locked as our hands crawled all over each other. Too much of you never seemed to be enough. It was fun to watch your expressions when I drove deep in you, how you moaned as I stretched you...

Wife Lovers
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witches brue

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP You wake up to the sound of your infernal alarm. You had been having some weird dream. A gypsy woman cursed you for some reason. You can't remember it all now, but it seemed really vivid. You lay in bed trying to remember what the curse was for a while. It must have been for too long, because you hear the door to your room open. Your stepmother walks in. Your father is usually away on business, and you suspect because of his age, and her absolute hotness, that she's just a...

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Cute Bangalore Girl Isha8217s Slutty Adventures 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, I am Vikrant from Pune and I’m back today with a story sent to me by my sexy reader Isha. Before I start, I’ll introduce myself to those who don’t know me. I’m 21, with a muscular physique gained from years of working out and a 6-inch long tool that would satisfy most women. This part of this is written by Isha and is a continuation of Part 1 of this series. Hello all, I am Isha from Bangalore. Vikrant told me about the wonderful response that you guys gave for part 1 so I decided to...

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From the Pages of Carmyns Diary A True Story 1

As I ascended the steps on the bus, I almost fainted as the sight. There were so many girls. White girls, black girls, Hispanic girls, Asian girls, blond girls, brunettes, redheads, tall girls, short girls, petite girls, curvy girls. I felt like a kid in the aisle of ToysRUs.Smiling ferociously, I headed to the back of the back as I scanned the many pretty faces. Once I found a seat, I opened my diary and began to write as the bus took off, heading towards cheer camp.June 1, 2007 Age 17Dear...

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Curing Evan

Published 1 year ago, ~91,600 views I sat down hard in my chair. "What...?" I weakly asked my 18-year-old brother, Evan. "I think I'm gay," he said again. I shook my head. "No, that still doesn't make sense, not even after two times hearing it." "Would you help?" he asked with a faint smile. I shook my head again. "Probably not." I looked out at the ocean. We were at the beach house our family owned. It was almost the end of summer and we'd be going back home...

2 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 34

I was watching Joey construct his solar wall panel. He had two cement sheets which he had cut to size, there was a hole at the top and another at the bottom, "That's for the pipes Tony, I'll use a bit of stove pipe for that. I've put the sheet against the wall and marked out where the holes go through." He had cut several strips of sheet about an inch wide, these he used as separators between the two sheets, "That acts a bit like double glazing, the air gap prevents heat loss. I'll...

1 year ago
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Heros RewardChapter 3

As he sat in the waiting room, Jeff tried to keep some spark of hope alive. Sarah obviously had feelings for him. The way she returned his kiss left no doubt about that. The problem was getting past the wall she had built up over the years. She had evidently made up her mind that she would be better off without him, or maybe she thought he would be better off without her. Either way, he resolved to not give up without a fight. A pleasant looking young woman sitting behind a desk caught his...

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Cricket Vaughn and the Don Part One

Stephano Santangelo didn't look like a typical mafia don. It was one of the reasons he maintained his empire and had never been targeted by the Feds. To look at Stevie, you'd think he was an easy-going everyday Joe, a small businessman, a guy just trying to make a living, a regular guy. In many ways he was just that, except his financial interests, such as they were, operated on the questionable side of the legality of his environs. He was a man without qualms. He was a man at peace with...

Oral Sex
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My Neighbor continued

"Did that really just happen?" I asked myself as I tried to clean Matt's cum out of my facial hair. It was not going easy, I had just sucked off my neighbor and agreed to be his regular fuck buddy, and to be honest I was looking forward to it. In the past, after a roll in the sheets with another man I was filled with shame, and guilt. I couldn't get out fast enough. But today I was calm, and relaxed, I was looking forward to another round, and since the cum I had let spill out of my mouth was...

3 years ago
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Snake Part 5

Snake, Part 5 ? by: Beverly Taff Jack Bentley knew he still had a long way to go. The door from his office loomed like some portal into hell as he plucked up the courage to sally forth in his new female persona. He knew he should step forward with all the confidence of his previous male existence; after all, it was his own office and his own business, his own front door for God's sake! Sadly his feminine personality simply refused to accept the male logic striving to assert...

2 years ago
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Next Visit from TOM

So people have been asking me to post again about our relationship with Tom so now that I have a little time I thought I would.... this is just the next thing to happen with him.Well a couple days went by and my husband and Tom had talked about what had happened with him getting a blow job. My husband doesn't really seem like the type of man that would be ok with sharing his wife so Tom was very hesitant to the whole idea going forward. The hubby is a big guy 6'5 about 250lbs and can be pretty...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 18 The Treasure

When Dantes returned next morning to the chamber of his companion in captivity, he found Faria seated and looking composed. In the ray of light which entered by the narrow window of his cell, he held open in his left hand, of which alone, it will be recollected, he retained the use, a sheet of paper, which, from being constantly rolled into a small compass, had the form of a cylinder, and was not easily kept open. He did not speak, but showed the paper to Dantes. "What is that?" he...

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The naughty list chapter 4

Chris pressed his lips to my forehead and rubbed my back. "Since we're being open here, before we go any further, I think it's a good time to address something important." "Okay..." I started to lift my gaze and got as far as his mouth. "Holly, are you a good girl?" he said seriously, as though my answer was the most crucial decision of my life thus far. Then I saw a shadow of his dimple. "Or a naughty girl?" I ducked my head again Oh. My. God. My face probably looked like...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 445

Karma is a bitch. We’re chuckling ... although it isn’t good to laugh about someone who has recently died... - but really... You have to read the story below... Bet you at least smile. The world will be better without this guy anyway. This 55-year-old Alabama Trumper died of ‘a medical emergency’ while attacking the Capitol on Wednesday Jan. 6th. What happened? He tasered himself in the balls. The taser he stuffed into his pants accidentally discharged into his groin while he was...

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The Night In The Hotel With Stan

"Well, Katrina," he muttered, covering his face with it already angled down. "Do you think I could..." I pushed back my bag and slowly pulled myself out. "What, Stan?" He couldn't make eye contact, and I saw him dancing around a bit too. "Um, I was just hoping... that maybe..." "What, Stan? I love you to death like my son's BFF, but I need to hit the road," I warned him, crossing my arms. He still couldn't form a full sentence or even speak for a moment after that. Although,...

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Singapore Fling

Alex and Mike boarded their flight to Singapore, a quick two day stop over before they headed to Paris. The holiday was well over due. They had both worked and saved hard to have a great three week break. Alex took the window seat and Mike in the middle hoping that the aisle would remain free. Although only an eight hour flight the extra room would be good he thought. As the plane filled each person that came past their row could be a potential candidate. “Not that fat guys, please he...

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18Eighteen Aria Valencia Good Sex

The first time Aria had sex, it wasn’t very good. “The guy did not know what the fuck he was doing,” Aria says. Not long after that, she made a vow to stick mainly to older guys. As she’s sitting naked in a hot tub, Aria tells us how older guys please her. Then our porn stud shows us how older guys please a tender teen like Aria. He licks her pussy and spreads it as wide as it will go (which is not very wide). He laps up her butthole. After she’s warmed up by his...

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Dad and the Coach

First of all, I admit I was a wiseass. There wasn't one teacher thatdidn't want to kick me out of school.But my grades were passing and I was also quite good on the trackteam, the football team and the baseball team. I also worked out withthe wrestling and swim teams.In fact, the school let me use my elective credits in sports. Iliterally had two letter sweaters by the time I was asophomore..that's right a sophomore.But I was a wiseass too.Then in my junior year, I went too far. I started to...

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Bobs Your Uncle or a Modern Adult Fairy TaleChapter 5 Hes in Two Minds About the Problem

It's 2012, mid tourist season, and life has been quiet. The Old Bag has been deceased for six years and sometimes Bob really missed the solitude of a vacant mind, which doesn't criticize everything he does, thinks or says. "Search and rescue calling Garrigeld Island, Search and rescue calling Bob Fischer, come in Garrigeld Island, over" "Fischer here, Alfred, how can I help you on this fine day? Over" "You have a rather large craft coming in your direction. I don't know of its...

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AllGirlMassage Carolina Sweets Dee Williams Kenna James Missing Mommy8217s Smile

After having romps with both her step-brother, Nathan, AND step-sister, Kenna, Carolina Sweets arrives at a massage parlor to greet her step-mother, Dee Williams. Dee is thrilled to see her step-daughter, though her excitement fades as Carolina gently confronts her about what’s been going on within the family. To help take the edge off the uncomfortable conversation, they climb onto the massage table, prepared to rub each other’s worries away. As they take turns massaging each other...

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Coming Together

I am still wearing the sexy skirt, stockings and shirt I had worn out to the bar and in this position you have a clear view down my shirt. My breasts are spilling over the top. This causes you to think and you turn to search for the riding crop I brought with me. Sighting it, you walk over to retrieve it and come back to stand before me. Using the handle you tip my head back so you can see my eyes. Neatly you flip the crop in the air and catch it by the handle. Next you graze the tops of...

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Pickup Loop HoleChapter 13 Picking Up Space Trash

Messenger of the Gods was a utilitarian shuttle about the size of an old Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar fuselage (R4Q to naval historians). Just the pod—no wings, no booms, no tail. I guess I thought of that because of my work scanning the artifacts at the Hill Aerospace Museum in Utah. The old Flying Boxcar was designed to haul cargo—and rated for 65 troops. Messenger of the Gods could only handle about a third of that—and then the troops had to be very friendly and the mission of limited...

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feeling guilty but what a night

Hello everyone on xhamster readers, writers.Hope your all doing wonderful as you know my nephew/ hubby a least at mind heart and soulis usually the one who writes the stories of his experiences which I have read and I am amazed of what I've learned as I read them but, I don't blame him as I too did the same with him. When he came to visit me. Part of me feels bad because it was wrong..but I couldn't help my self while I was giving him his bath something came over me.. I was urning for sexual...

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New Start Lukes StoryChapter 9

It was 4am when he woke. It was a very nice dream that was getting nicer the more he woke up. He felt his cock held hostage in a mouth. In her mouth. Her head was bobbing, her hand held him and massaged his balls gently. Her tongue was swirling around the head, rubbing roughly against the underside. He groaned loudly. He pressed one hand against her head. He arched and flexed his hips, raising his cock into her mouth. She kept licking, sucking and bobbing, almost taking him all the way into...

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Harlotsville Ch 01

‘Go on, go on. No one’s looking.’ Betty quiveringly drew in a deep breath and held it in her lungs. Why was her friend asking her to do this? Was it part of some kind of game? It seemed so weird, but she couldn’t bring it upon herself to protest. It was hard to say no to Eugenia. She exhaled, then clutched the sides of her skirt and began to lift it up. A gust of March air brushed her ankles, flapping the hosiery cuffed around them. As she pulled further, she felt the wind on her calves. Her...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 74

The next morning, they were up before daybreak, cooking and eating breakfast. They could hardly wait to ride up the wide slope of the east ridge and look back to the north at the huge sprawling valley that belonged to them. “See that creek that comes out between those tall hills on the west side near those two trees?” Eli said as he and his brothers looked through their scopes. “I do, Eli. That’s your place, isn’t it?” Ezra said as he looked down at his map. “Yep, now look on your maps and...

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