Katie s Place
- 3 years ago
- 50
- 0
Katie stood in the office, of the man who calls himself her lawyer, in her heels and underwear waiting in silence while this lecherous man, who had to be thirty years her senior, stood before her, his eyes roaming her quivering body as she nervously cast her eyes down, her arms awkwardly at her sides.
Silently sipping in her full breasts, curved hips and legs and working his way back up to the shaking young woman's long blonde hair.
Katie just wanted to scream at him, put her clothes back on and run out, over and over in her mind went the anger and frustration, mixed with fear, that she was in this situation, that this was allowed to happen.
The new laws that allowed certain men to accuse unmarried women on their staff of 'disobedience' and 'disrespect' had not been tested more than once since they were introduced quietly over 2 years ago, and the first young lady to be accused had been allowed to go free after 'co-operating' with her defence lawyer and the judge, now Katie was standing here having what they called 'an inspection' from them man who had been appointed, without free choice, to be her defence lawyer.
Katie knew better than to refuse this man's requests. The price of a guilty verdict was a life as her boss's slave.
After what seemed like ages to Katie, but was probably little more than a few minutes, the man spoke.
"Good, good", he confidently said in a calm tone, as if they had all the time in the world. Not reassuring to a 26 year old woman forced to stand in her underwear and embarrassingly long heels, shivering, who just wants to be allowed to get dressed.
"I would have preferred you to have removed your blouse and skirt with a little less protest, but now we have you like this I'm pleased with what I see".
Katie bit onto her lower lip resisting the urge to burst into tears at his words, the situation.
"Ok girl", he continued, just as calmly, "so you understand what today is about." "We will shortly move into the next room where we will have a, how shall I put this, a discussion, yes, a discussion." "In the room, as you will have been informed will be your accuser, Mr Harris, the judge who will be hearing your case, someone I know very well, a Mr Runtting, and deciding your fate, and my secretary who will make notes. I will also be present obviously".
"The aim of our discussion is not for you to plead your innocence, or even for us to discuss the charges that have got you here, but to allow Mr Harris to explain to me, Mr Runtting, and you, what your role would be, how he intends to treat you and what he would expect of you should you be found guilty in court".
His eyes on the girl's now heaving bra clad breasts.
"Is that clear girl?"
Katie took a deep breath and nodded silently.
After a brief pause the man calmly instructed Katie that it was not acceptable either when they were alone or in the other room to answer a question without explicitly saying "yes Sir", asking if that was clear to which Katie replied with a "yes sir", the humiliation at having to respond like this, to a man who addressed her by her first name, clearly audible in her voice.
The man reached out to take Katie's bare arm, causing her to flinch away in surprise. Looking back nervously at the man who was slightly taken aback by her reaction, and the pleasant wobble of the petrified woman's bra.
"I am going to lead you by the arm into the next room, is that clear Katie?"
Katie nodded nervously and this time did not protest as he took her bare arm gently, but humiliatingly leading her out of his office. It was only for a brief few seconds but Katie felt very aware of her attire as they passed into the small corridor and waited for the door to the next room to be opened.
Despite being told what to expect, Katie was not prepared for the sense of shame she felt being walked into the small room where she saw her boss staring at her in her underwear. Katie could see that the whole process was designed to make her feel inferior as the three men sat in their suits and the older woman, she assumed was the secretary sat fully clothed in her long dress.
Nothing was said by any of the men initially and her lawyer took up a seat. There was no desk in the small room and the three men sat on chairs forming a semicircle around where Katie stood. It took Katie some time to realise that there was no chair for her, and this was the way it was going to be.
"I think we'll have your hands up on your head please Katie" her lawyer calmly announced, Katie watched with anger a smile forming on her boss's face at this instruction clearly designed to humiliate her even further.
Katie looked at the third man, the judge, hoping for some escape but quickly realised she was expected to comply.
Katie raised her arms up to her head, placing them palms down on top, she must have looked like some kind of hooker she thought, standing there in these ridiculous heels, her underwear and her hands on her head.
Her lawyer once again stood, standing in-front of the quivering girl who was trying very hard to stay composed, not wanting to give any of these men the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
"As I have already explained to you girl" he began, looking her straight in her eyes "the aim of this session is simply to allow Mr Harris to explain to me, Mr Runtting, and you, what your role would be, how he intends to treat you and what he would expect of you should it be decided that the best way to ensure that you are an obedient woman going forward if to hand that responsibility over to Mr Harris, essentially to make you his property"
Katie surprised herself, and the others in the room by how quickly she cracked, letting out a whimper as tears began to stream down the girl's face. It was the humiliating words "obedient woman" and talk of dirty old Mr Harris being allowed to "make her is property" that did it.
The men continued to look at the girl, not showing the obvious excitement they felt at seeing this young girl presented to them like this.
"You are expected to stand here, with your hands on your head, and listen." "We may from time to time ask you a question, but unless we explicitly do as you a question, you will not be invited to interject." "Is this completely clear Katie?".
Katie nodded, still crying, and quietly responded with a timid "yes sir".
"Girl there are 4 other people in this room, I will need you to be speaking louder than this, please try again".
"yes sir", she forced herself to say again, this time slightly louder.
"Good", and with that he returned to his seat, taking up his position again ogling the young lady before him.
Mt Rutting, the judge, began to speak, his eyes fixed on Katie's body, despite his question being directed at the young woman's boss, Mr Harris.
"Mr Harris, what do you believe is required to keen a girl that the state rules is disobedient, obedient?, to be more precise, if I ruled that this young lady before us was to become your property, your slave essentially, what would you do with her, and how do you propose to keep her in line?"
"Well, a good first question", Mr Harris responded, briefly turning to glance at the judge but his eyes quickly returning to the legs of the half-naked girl before him.
"I believe that a woman in servitude must be taught to know her place. That means regular discipline and punishment sessions"
"And how would you propose to 'discipline' this young lady should you be made responsible for her?" the judge interjected.
"Well", responded the girl's boss, "I've always believed that the cane is the best instrument we have for daily use on a slave. Too harsh, if used properly, for a free citizen, but for a female in bounded servitude it is perfect". "This girl would receive two sessions with the cane a day to remind her of her place, with other punishments issued as and when required by her behaviour".
Katie's silent tears turned so a controlled sob as she stood and listened to this man calmly explaining how he would cane her daily, with the other two men nodding as if it were perfectly acceptable, for him to do it, to her, her, it was her they were discussing, her body, her freedom.
"Katie would continue to work in my office, although under very different terms obviously", the two other men each raised a wry grin each, "I would select the girl's clothing, and it would be designed to remind her of her place, of her status as a slave", "She and others in the office would obviously be quite aware that whenever she was summoned into my office and the door was shut it would be to receive a punishment or to serve me, privately"
"My office isn't soundproof, and I wouldn't intend to make it so, the humiliation of her colleagues hearing these, sessions, would simply enhance her education. I firmly believe humiliation forms a very important aspect of discipline I believe".
The judge nodded thoughtfully before asking "And would you ever punish this girl publicly, in your office?"
"Yes, I think so, but it may be back of the legs, that sort of thing, I doubt I'd ever strip her completely naked in the office for a punishment unless she had been very bad. Not our of any compassion for her dignity you understand" he said eyeing the quivering girl's body up and down. "I prefer the girl to know that the severe discipline happens in private, where it's just her and me. Of course I'm sure some of her colleagues will be invited in to observe from time to time".
"And you girl" the judge asked, looking at Katie's tear covered face for one of the first times during the session, "how do you feel about being caned by a master?".
Katie had no idea about how to answer such a disgusting question, she knew she didn't want it, but what answer did the judge want, "i.i." she nervously began, "i.i don't think I'd like it sir".
Her lawyer laughed out loud in one short burst, a grin formed on the judges face and taking his lead, on her boss's face too, "no, i bet you wouldn't" the judge said through his grim, his eyes returning to her body from her face.
This session went on for another 40 minutes, with Mr Harris explaining how he would treat the girl at home, how she would be expected to serve him sexually, how she could expect to be beaten regularly, all the time with Katie shivering and sobbing before them.
"Ok, thank you very much for coming to visit us today Mr Harris" said the judge rising from his seat - What about me thought Katie, I came too, and I'm the one standing half naked being talked about as if I wasn't there.
Katie's lawyer shook both the other two men's hands and lead them out of the office, turning to say to his secretary "could you take the girl back into my office please, I wish to talk to her", "keep your attire as it is girl" he firmly ordered walking out talking to the other men as the door shut behind him.
Katie looked through her tears to the woman before her who was beginning to pack up her folders and place them on a shelf at the side of the room. The woman looked at the half naked girl with some compassion, but coldly said, "if you'll follow me".
Katie lowered her arms and followed the woman, who left her back in the next office, again standing nervously with her arms at her sides waiting for the old man who was supposed to be helping her, but seemed to be on their side, to return.
After what again felt like ages standing there in the cold office, wanting to take the weight of her heeled feet and wanting more than anything to put some clothes on, the office door opened and in walked the lawyer.
He initially didn't even acknowledge the trembling young woman, but after placing his folders on his desk he resumed his position in-front of Katie, his face close enough to hers to allow her to feel the warmth of his breath as he spoke.
"Good", "I think you should now understand what the price of a guilty verdict would be for you, don't you girl?"
"yes sir" Katie timidly responded, casting her eyes down in shame at the situation and the though of the horrible things her boss had vowed to do to her should she be found guilty.
"I'm happy to hear that. And you're also aware that I am your only chance of being found innocent? As a woman on a disobedience charge it's me or no defence at all".
Katie already knew this, but as she flinched as his hand rose to gently stroke her right arm she also knew that this dirty old man who had made her wear these heels and strip to her underwear was going to want more than the money she was required to pay him for his assistance.
The old man took a step back to admire the full specimen before him, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have control over this young woman who so far had already complied with all of his orders.
Her knickers looked so slutty, the hair of her young pussy could clearly be made out through the thin fabric, she'd had no idea she would be forced to reveal them when she dressed this morning and she seriously regretted the choice now. He loved the idea that, despite her knowing what she had under her skirt, his power had forced her to reveal them to him, and also that she knew well enough not to try and cover them now.
His eyes roamed back up to her eyes, and Katie slowly looked up to meet his glaze before darting her eyes nervously back down.
"If I am to believe that you are a good female citizen, a girl who respects men, her superiors, then I need to see your complete obedience" he calmly continued, Katie's eyes still nervously down, focusing on the fabric of his trousers and his shoes, as she saw her long legs wobbling in her own.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you please girl" he ordered. Despite the please, Katie knew it was an order and that this man who was supposed to protect her was exerting complete control over her as she quickly moved her eyes up to meet his.
He started into the girl's, not crying but still tear stained, eyes enjoying the look of fear and embarrassment in them while she saw back at his lecherous and stern wrinkled face.
His hand slipped down to run gently along Katie's knicker clad bottom, causing her whole body to visibly shudder, but she didn't dare move from the spot where she stood, or to remove her eyes from his as they both remained fixed staring into each other's eyes.
"Your trial will be soon, probably as soon as next week, and we have much to do in that time to prove your innocence".
"As I believe you are already aware, given that the charges against you will possibly result in sexual slavery, it is necessary for the judge to fully inspect your body to ascertain your value."
Katie hated how much he was enjoying telling her these things, his hand still resting on her pert right bottom cheek as he did. A wave of humiliation flowed over her as he mentioned the inspection and Katie's eyes looked down in shame.
"EYES.UP.LOOKING.AT.ME.WHILE.I'M.SPEAKING" he firmly said, not shouting, almost spitting each word into her face, Katie felt like a little girl back at school with a teacher, she obeyed looking back into his nasty face, all too aware of his hand still roaming over her right buttock and upper thigh as he spoke.
"Please try not to disobey me girl, or this is going to be very difficult", "y.yes sir" she timidly whispered, hating herself for saying it, 'Disobey' she thought, this man was supposed to be helping her, she hated herself for being so submissive, but she felt she had no choice, she didn't want to be made her boss's slave, being 'punished' by him at work in-front of her colleagues, 'serving' him at home, and being paraded around the city by him. She just needed to get the next few weeks over and maybe she'd be ok.
"I'm sure you understand that it will help me to defend you if I'm completely sure that you are an obedient girl, one who knows how to serve the men in a superior situation to her?", Katie didn't reply and he didn't push her, his hand now roaming from her bottom cheek, over the top of her thigh, towards the front of her right thigh as he continued, "do you believe that you should be respecting me as one of your superiors?" he asked.
No she thought, I'm paying you for a service, but she knew it wasn't like that, she heard herself nervously responding once again with "y.yes sir". "Good Katie," his hand running up and down the top of her right thing getting dangerously close to her knickers, but not quite touching, Katie wondered to herself what she would do if he tried to touch her there, would she jump away, slap him, what price would she pay if she did, she'd surely lose her case, but the thought of this dirty old man getting his hands on her most private parts made her feel sick, angry, he head was becoming a mess with fear as fresh tears began to run down her cheeks, his hand continued on her thigh, still not reaching her thin knickers.
"I think you and i should spend some time together away from the office, to allow us to, discuss, what obedience to men means", "would that be acceptable to you?" he asked, his face stern and firm, Katie knew she had little choice, but really hoped he did just mean discuss, she nodded and after remembering added "yes sir" in an almost broken voice.
The lecherous man continued to invade the girl's space for a few more seconds, his hand enjoying it's journey back across her upper right thigh to her right hand bottom cheek and away. "You may get dressed now, my secretary will be in touch about our next meeting" he said, his eyes roaming down to stare into her ample bra-covered breasts.
Katie took a step backwards, managing not to fall in her heels, and walked over to the chair at the side of the room where her clothes had been draped.
He stood enjoying the show as the young girl first picked up her skirt, and bent forward giving him an eye full of the top of her hanging breasts as she stepped into and pulled the skirt up her long legs.
Next she picked up the while blouse and put that on too, her fingers shaking with humiliation as the old man's eyes remained fixed on her, his eyes momentarily roaming down to her tight bottom in her tight skirt.
Katie bent to pick up her small handbag and turned in her high heels to open the door, "thank you Katie" the man grinned, eyeing her up like a complete pervert, the sort that Katie would sometimes see look at her on the bus, Katie replied "thank you", not sure what else to say, feeling tiny despite the height advantage the heels gave her as she opened the door and walked out of the office, a wave of shame running over her as she passed through the waiting room, seeing her lawyer's secretary look up at her from her desk.
It has been 5 days since Katie's meeting with her lawyer and she'd heard no more about the trial or the meetings that had been mentioned.
Work had been unbearable, Mr Harris had kept his distance, which was a relief to Katie, but she was also sure by the way he was perving over her body out of the corner of his eye whenever they passed each other that he was thinking of all the things he would like to do to her, it made Katie shiver at the thought of this and the experience with the lawyer lead to Katie regularly being found in tears at work. The other colleagues just seemed to ignore her when this happened, not wanting to get involved, but clearly talking about her behind her back and some of them clearly enjoying the situation.
She was sure to keep her dress modest, trousers and long sleeves only, and no heels, she didn't want to give Mr Harris or any other man the satisfaction.
It was the following Monday morning when she received the letter from her lawyer's office. It very matter-of-fact announced that she was requested to attend an 'inspection' with the judge that Thursday evening in the law court building in the city centre. it said that as this was an inspection of her person, 'designed to ascertain her worth as a slave with sexual duties', she was required to dress appropriately: high heeled shoes with a heel no shorter than 4 inches, skirt no longer than 2 inches above the knee which must be 'body tight' and an halter top. Underwear was optional it said, but no tights.
Katie's first reaction upon reading this dress-list was to shudder, the perverts she thought as tears began to form in her eyes and she let out a sob causing others in the office to turn and look at her before turning back to their work. "Are you ok?" asked Kerri, the girl at the next desk with genuine compassion, Katie just nodded silently, but it was clear she was not.
Katie saw through her tear filled yes the last line of the letter she had missed before, "Vagina must be completely shaven, so as to allow inspection", no, she thought, no, please, they're not going to make me strip completely are they? it's just not fair, it's not right, she sniffed and quickly packed the letter into her handbag, not wanting anyone to get a glimpse of the letter.
Katie tried to not think about that letter or her impending 'inspection' that evening, which wasn't easy and didn't really work giving her a fairly sleepless night. The following evening she had to think about it.
Katie had a skirt and top that she thought met the requirements of the dress code in the letter, however she had no shoes with a heel anything like as high as 4 inches. She felt sick in her chest as she walked into the shopping mall thinking about which shops would sell such a heel. Most of the normal shoe shops were not going to stock what Katie though of as a prostitute's shoe she thought so she walked into ann summers. They had some that were about 2 inches tall, and only one pair that were 5 inches.
Katie asked the assistant if they had any 4 inch heel shoes and she was told no. She couldn't think of anywhere else in the small mall that would sell such heels so asked the assistant if she could try on the 5 inch ones.
The assistant brought back the pair of shoes and Katie just wanted to cry at the thought of wearing them for those men. They were shiny black, with a red outline and a lace that tied up around the ancle. Katie sat down to try them on, holding them in her hands as a tear rolled down her cheek.
They fitted but Katie found it very hard to keep her balance, she'd never worn shoes so high, she caught a glimpse of her feet in a mirror, she looked like a pole dancer.
She took them off and took them to the till. 'That'll be 49 please' said the assistant, Katie reluctantly handed over her card, so angry at having to pay 49 for some shoes just to make these dirty men get off at her body.
Katie left the shop and went straight home, knowing that tomorrow could be one of the most scary and humiliating days of her life.
Introduction:This story is a REVISED version based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams who helps salvage their marriage. My sister-in-laws assisted me with this revision by adding more of the female perspective.This story is based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie...
I'm kind of an asshole. It's not something I do on purpose. Rather, it's a side effect of not caring about many people. I didn't care about my parents, and I barely ever called them, and even more rarely visited. After I turned eighteen, I never spent a holiday with them. It didn't help that my old man was a violent drunk, and my mom a helpless victim who failed to protect her own c***dren, but my lack of compassion wasn't limited to them. I didn't care about the beautiful woman I married out...
This story is based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams to help salvage their marriage. Ted Harrington and his wife Katie had been married 18 years. They live in a small city in Kansas and Ted owns the local Volvo Dealership. Ted is 38 and Katie 36. They are your average mid-western couple. He’s 5’11” 180 lbs with light brown hair and Katie’s 5’2” 108 lbs....
Katie’s Roommate1 Katie KendalKatie Kendal was extremely proud of the fact that for more than three years, she lived by herself in an rented house and paid all the bills on time. It was difficult, and at times she barely made ends meet. Worse than that was the fact that she was terrified of being alone. It had been the most difficult decision she had ever made when she decided at twenty years old to move out of her parents house and into the real world. She hated living by herself but she knew...
Katie and I tried to get back to normal after her weekend with Tom, but we weren't doing very well. Every time we made love together all I could see in my head was her being fucked by him, or worse, her being gangbanged by his poker buddies.Katie tried to be understanding and supportive. She did everything she could do but I would only last for about 10 seconds before cumming so hard that it hurt. No matter what we did to prolong things, as soon as I thought about her weekend, I'd blow. We...
Introduction: This story picks up immediately after the end of my first story, Katies dress is too small. Thanks for all the votes * * * * * * * So, did you like my pussy? whispered 14-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katies just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began...
1 - Meeting Katie I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did. The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen. She...
Katie and RandybyNotDoctorPhil©(A note: I am always interested in sharing fantasies and developing new ones with others. If you're interested in sharing fantasies, and perhaps having an orgasm or two together, contact me.)*Young Katie's heart jumped as soon as she walked into the living room. Her mother had left for a three-day work trip, and having came home from college for the summer, Katie intended on spending quiet weekends with her father, Randy. They'd planned for the day. In the...
Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her brother's head in her arms. She had her answer. Ding, dong! "Oh my God! That's Josh!!" said Katie with a gasp. "He's here for our...
Bournemouth this May was cold and damp. Dark clouds littered the sky, and it had rained without pause for the entire drive down from Guildford. At first it started as a light drizze, but intensified the closer they got to the town, becoming a deluge that monotonically drummed the roof of the car. The radio presenter glumly reported that this was going to be the wettest weekend on record, as she attempted to uplift moods across the country by playing uplifting tunes. Once Katie finally pulled...
"So, did you like my pussy?" whispered 16-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his step sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her step brother's head in her arms. She had her answer.Ding,...
However the event which this story follows is one which they had never practiced before. It all started 2 weeks previously. The girls were in Jasmines house chilling out as it was raining heavy outside. Katie and Lucy loved being in jasmines house, simply because they fancied her twin brother Carl. “Hey Jasmine is Carl in” they asked as they sat slumped on her big double bed. “I think he’s out with our parents” she replied “why? You want to see if you can get a piece of him”? They laughed...
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My name is Kevin Randle. Moving back home after severalyears was tough. I had set up a decent office job afterI’d gotten out of college and had what I thought was apretty happy life. I had money in the bank, a nice car,a decent condo and a girlfriend I thought I was madlyin love with. It’s funny how things change.I just recently broke up with my girlfriend, Sarah.She’d be cheating on me with her personal trainer andhad been doing so for almost six months. We’d only beentogether for a year and...
This is my first story, let me know what you think and if you want more.Back in 2007 my partner Jenny and I got our own house in a quiet rural village, I worked but she didn't and this caused a lot of financial stresses, these stresses quickly turned in to frequent arguments. Were both in our early 20's and living together was clearly a strain on our relationship. As more rows occurred my mind began to wander. We had been together for 4 years but living together was proving a real test. One...
It was Katie's last semester before she graduated with her degree and she could hardly wait. She was so burned out on school and the grind that she had let her normally stellar grades slip some this semester but she didn’t really care. Her only real worry was in her Anatomy 550 class where she just had not attended as much as she should because of her work schedule and well it was spring and some days it was just to beautiful to be indoors and in class. Two days earlier she had stopped in to...
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Wife LoversEyes shut tight as she explodes on the couch in a violent orgasm her legs clamping hard on her hand holding her fingers in place as her tight little hole twitches wildly her mouth biting down on her nipples causing her to scream and groan with her tit stuffed mouth. “Fuck daddy come home” Katie groans to herself as her nipples pops out of her mouth with an audible pop softly rubbing her red nipple from having just nibbling hard on herself. It would be another half an hour before her father...
This is the third installment of this series here are links to the previous stories:http://xhamster.com/user/mooremike/posts/439003.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/user/mooremike/posts/441660.htmlKatie was walking down the street with her friend Laura after school. Laura was her best friend and had been since they were young.She reflected on how much her life had changed since she became her brother's slut slave. Laura had no idea that Katie was a willing slut to her brother and any of his friends that...
"What's wrong, Katie", her father asked, noticing how quiet his normally talkative daughter was. "Nothing, I'm fine", she answered shortly, glaring at Tyler, although he refused to meet her gaze. On the other hand, her other brother, Jason, couldn't seem to stop staring at her. Jason was four years older than her and was going to graduate high school this year. Katie knew that several of her friends, including Linda, found him attractive. And, she had to admit, he did have certain...
Katie had just finished soccer practice when her phone buzzed a reminder. Dentist appointment.She was late. Practice went longer than expected and the team had a meeting to hash out some of the drama that lingered from a party that weekend. These are the issues of playing on a women's college team, you not only have the straight girls who have guy problems, but the lesbians also have issues with each other. The team captain had to clear the air about something that happened between two girls on...
Katie 1 - Meeting Katie I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did. The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen....
KATIE’S RED WAGON ?by Alex B. ?The moment Katie Bingham opened her purse to pay for lunch, ?she knew she was in big trouble. The problem stemmed from ?the fact that this was not the purse she normally used, ?it was sort of a spare. Unfortunately, the last time she’d ?worn it, she put some important papers inside and then ?forgot all about them. ??Great!? Katie sighed. ?Her workmates, Rachel and Liz, looked up from their desserts. ??What is it?? Rachel asked. ??I’m totally...
"I'm not sure", Linda admitted. "But my big sister told me that they do." Linda's sister, Natalie, was three years older than the two girls. She was always giving Linda advice on what high school boys liked, which Linda passed on to Katie. Katie was grateful for the knowledge, since she and Linda were just starting their high school career. But this time she didn't think the advice was sound. "I can't imagine why anyone would like that. It just sounds disgusting", she said, shaking...
Carl closed the door and went into the living room where the girls where. “So…..anyone want a drink or anything” he asked “Carl we’re not guests” Jasmine said “they practically live here” “I wish” Carl mumbled. “Anyway, what have you naughty girls been getting up too” Carl said with a little smile, expecting Katie and Lucy to wonder what he was going on about. “oh you know, licking each other out, fingering each others assholes, Cumming all over, the usual” Katie said, taking notice of...
"Hey Zack, when did you get home?" Katie had seen her brother passing by her partially open bedroom door. Zack was Katie's older brother and they had always been pretty close. Zack was a senior in college and Katie a junior."Last night, late," her replied as he walked through her door a sat down on the bed."How come? I thought you and Allie were going skiing this weekend.""Me and Allie broke up yesterday. She said I wasn't paying enough attention to her."Katie could hear the emotion in her...
Katie left the Professor's office in a stupor. She would never be a boy again, was what the headmaster had told her. Her entire life would be different, and she was all alone. Her mind was racing with all the horrible things that she would have to deal with now, if anyone found out, she didn't think she could handle the humiliation she would endure. How were her parents going to react? "KATIE!" she heard Hermione saying loudly as she was shaken. "Are you okay?" Katie's mind cleared...
Disclaimer: This Story has not been written by me.I have it from trading stories with other People and is out of the net.If there should be a Copyright, please inform me and I will delete it immediatelyAn exciting Adventure in an adult Theater!Katie's Cinema MorningShe'd done it! Katie's heart was pounding and the urge to get up and flee was almost uncontrollable. But, as always, the draw she felt to things taboo was even greater - and so she sat, staring ahead at the screen, waiting for her...
Breakfast was pleasant enough, everyone chatted on as if today was any other day, and no one even mentioned the fact that Kyle was no longer there, as if he had never existed, and that made Katie sad. Had he made so little an impression on his fellow students that he could vanish mysteriously overnight and no one seemed to care? On the other hand, however, everyone seemed to be very interested in Katie. Ernie McMillian wanted to know if Katie collected Chocolate frog cards,...
This is a follow on story about Katie who has been used by her older brother. Here is a link to the original story.http://xhamster.com/user/mooremike/posts/439003.htmlKatie walked home from school and she knew what was going to happen when she got there. Shane her older brother would push her on her knees and make her suck his cock. He would push it down her throat and fuck her mouth. If he didn’t do that he would rip her clothes off and fuck her hard and if he felt like it he push his big cock...
Katie loved to tease her big brother! He was 25 years old and had just moved back home after finishing college. Despite the fact that he eight years older than her the two had always been pretty close or at least they had been.Katie had been just becoming a teen when Shane moved away. He had spent almost six years going through undergrad and graduate programs at a school on the other side of the country. Now that he was back he seemed different.One morning Katie walked down the hall to the...
I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS STORY I WAS SENT A refreshingly brisk breeze entered the quiet hospital room. A girl dressed in a school uniform dashed straight to her grandfather's side. The girl plopped her young ass into the sitting man's lap, kissed his cheek, and rattled off questions, "Hi Pops, how are you? How's Grammy feeling? Don't you wish she'd hurry up and get to feeling better? How long has she been asleep?"Pops smiled and hugged his precocious granddaughter. Katie always brought a joyous...
After a couple of days without Katie's cute little body, I was intensely craving her. I was very pleased when Katie couldn't wait until next weekend either. She snuck over on Wednesday evening for an hour. I was once more on top of her slowly thrusting my cock in her sweet, tight pussy. Katie's long straight blonde hair was spread out on the bed, her bright blue eyes were glazed in ecstasy, and her beautiful small tits were enjoyable mouthfuls. Before Katie left that evening I provided a...
The moment Katie Bingham opened her purse to pay for lunch,she knew she was in big trouble. The problem stemmed from thefact that this was not the purse she normally used, it wassort of a spare. Unfortunately, the last time she'd worn it,she put some important papers inside and then forgot allabout them."Great!" Katie sighed.Her workmates, Rachel and Liz, looked up from their desserts."What is it?" Rachel asked."I'm totally busted.""Relax," Liz chimed in. "If you forgot your wallet, we cancover...
Katie Katie and Jeff were, at last, airborne from theirintermediate stop at Cairo, squeezed into "el cheapo" seatson a foreign airline that made BA, "Bloody Awful", seemlike luxury in comparison. Katie was glad she took so littleinto the cabin with her, just her handbag, with her passport,ticket, purse, lipstick and cigarettes. Of course, there wasno smoking allowed. She was dressed for comfort in thetropics, casual slip-on shoes, socks, not nylons, alightweight cotton dress, light green,...
This was it! This was everything she could of imagined it was heaven.Danielle could hardly believe she was here with her. Kissing her, touchingher, making her feel so alive.Another shiver ran down Danielle's spine and Katie's tongue once againdived into her throbbing pussy. She was so close... so close. She couldfeel her juices flowing from with in her.NO!It wasn't her juices at all it was her own piss flooding from withinpouring over the bed sheets arching up and back onto her body. The...
Katie’s best friend’s older sister Brittany had recommended the guy Katie was going to go see. Brittany had gotten knocked up by this guy when she turned sixteen and had a beautiful black baby boy. Brittany had even showed Katie the video they made, watching as Brittany and this older black man—Katie was pretty sure his name was Jamal—writhed together on the pull-out futon moaning in pure bliss. Katie had watched as Jamal’s hard black cock slid in and out of Brittany’s tight cunt. The young...
The biology teacher looked very young from the outside, but in the inside, he is around 40. He is very short because of his addiction to coffee. His leatures were funny because he included funny jokes in them. Katie likes him as a good teacher. His name is Mr. Knight. As Katie did the worksheet Mr. Knight passed out, he walked up to her and told her to come afterschool. Katie was very confused, she was a straight A student, and a teacher has told her to stay afterschool for absolutely no...
The sun was streaming in through the round windows, and the sounds of birds and the wind rustling through the grass that Kyle normally awoke to, were being drowned out by whispering, and voices. Kyle rolled over, to an unfamiliar pressure on his chest, as he felt an odd shifting, and as he blinked his eyes open, he could she shadowed shapes all around him, and then someone squealed. "She's awake!" a girl said excitedly. "About bloody time," another girl responded with...
Katie is a mature geek who loves puzzles. Married to another geek, she took pretty good care of herself but we all have what genetics give us. No amount of bike riding was going to slim those 50 inch hips or 44D tits! She kept her waist at a comfy 32 inches via frequent biking, walking, and a yoga class. She wasn't a looker, but she knew there were men who couldn't resist a fine big ass and wasn't against using her double x chromosomes as needed for leverage. It was a sneaky snow day in North...
Katie figured out how to seduce her own father. Since of course her father has been working long hours at the office and her mother being a R.N, never was hardly home, she would dress skanky around him knowing his hormones must be filled to the limit due to no sex. She got out of bed and put on some really short booty shorts that she wore while working out and a tight low-cut sleeveless shirt. She looked in the mirror and noticed her ass and boobs were practically hanging out. "This...
Tricia was driving home like a Zombie. The little video that Caroline had sent her just wasn't fair. She knew Tricia wasn't really meant to use her phone and couldn't look at it for long or phone to see what they were up to. What she did know was the few seconds of Katie she had seen were just so beautiful. If she dint know Katie it would have been just another young teenager showing off her ballet skills and being well aware of how sweet she looked. But then again that described Katie...
Introduction: We have some fun in the midst of an innocent school play. Rubbing my eyes groggily, I awoke to the sound of my glowing red alarm clock beeping. I strained my arms and legs which were stiff from the night, and opened my eyes to the pool of sunlight spilling through the window adjacent to my desk. It was going to be a good day. It had been three days since that fateful Chemistry class in which Id risked everything and succeeded, making Katie Quinn, the sex goddess of my high school...
I’ll start off by introducing myself and a few other important characters in this tale. My name is Chris Hollis, and I attend Medford High School in New Hampshire. I wouldn’t call myself popular in school, nor a loner of any kind. I was simply average, with a small group of friends upon whom I could rely, a steady 3.5 GPA, and a star spot on the lacrosse team at my school. It is ironic, I notice while describing myself, that the other significant character in this...
Returning from Australia was always going to be challenging but settling back home was made ever more difficult by the adverse weather conditions at the start of 2014. A cold December was followed by stormy and blustery conditions in January which were at their peak when Katie arrived back in the UK. A week of meeting and greeting with old friends and family drastically improved her mood, but soon the realisation of starting again from scratch started to dwell on her mind. Katie decided she...
Straight SexThe new year came, and with it the beginning of a new phase of Tyler and Katie's relationship. Ever since her arrival back home from her travels, the passion between them had been reinvigorated to new heights. They had nights of passion, some of kinkiness, and they tried things they had never even discussed before. The freshness of it all felt as if it would never wear off. It was approaching Valentine's Day which meant soon Tyler's long standing plans would come to the fore. He knew of Katie's...
LesbianIt had been three days since that fateful Chemistry class in which I'd risked everything and succeeded, making Katie Quinn, the sex goddess of my high school junior year, cum her sweet juices all over my hand in the middle of our lab presentation. Since she hadn't even been particularly angry, maybe even satisfied, I hadn't worried about the consequences after school that day, and rightfully so; since then, we hadn't had time to be alone, but that certainly didn't refute flirting and...
The bell had rang and Katie and Danielle left the school as they did everyday. They had been best friends for as long as they could remember and theywould spend nearly all their time in school with each other. On thisparticular day Katie was due to picked by her mother from outside theschool, the girls talked as they walked side by side both girls agreeingthat school was boring and they wished they didn't have to return thefollowing day. Katie's mother was outside just as she had said she would...
She always starts off slow, making sure I enjoy her grabbing and squeezing my cock. She knows how it helps relax me and she lives to make me happy. Her words always get to me, with her telling me how much she loves holding and playing with daddy's cock. She's so appreciative, always thanking me for allowing her to hold my cock. She has recently started asking me when will daddy make love to her. I tell her that now is not the time. She has a tiny pussy and I'm afraid of hurting her. I...
"Good Morning, James Robinson, Home Office." "Oh, Hello, Mr Robinson, I'm a friend of Angela. I'm afraid she's not too well today and won't be able to come in. She should be fine by Monday. Had a nasty fall and she's a bit bruised and shaken up. She'll be good as new in a day or two" "Hello, Katie O'Brien's office, Jean here" "Hi, Jean, Katie here. I'm not feeling too well, I had a bit of a tumble, yesterday and I've a few cuts and bruises and a splitting headache. I'll...
I first met Katie online a couple of years ago when she showed interest in some photographs I posted in a photography site. It was pictures of oil well fires in Iraq and she contacted me and we exchanged a few emails and hit it off immediately and became friends. She introduced me to messenger so we began chatting direct and got closer and closer and then began talking to each other by phone a few times each week. As we got closer we talked about personal things in our lives and I learned a...
Living next door to Katie initially was not a big deal. I hadn't seen her, run across her, encountered her, or spent twenty minutes behind my garage making out with her until I'd lived in my house for quite some time.After the encounter in her backyard, including rubbing sun tan lotion across her shoulders, rubbing her back, and her literally coming onto me in a fun, cute and flirtatious way, things changed significantly. After that first encounter, every time she'd be in the yard, walking...
Taboo"Oooooh!" Nicole moaned loudly. I groaned and shot my jizz. "Yessss" she hissed. Ten minutes later, I watched the cute girl with the wavy shoulder length blonde hair get dressed. It was an excellent evening and morning with her. Nicole was another of Katie's friends. Nicole had one big distinction from Katie, Cristina, and Courtney. Nicole wasn't a virgin before we had sex. Nicole tried sex with her boyfriend twice, but neither time was very good. Katie told Nicole how good I was...
Thought I'd share the first chapter of my new book, "Katie's Casting Call" for free on here. If you like it, please pop along to Amazon, download the Kindle app on your phone, and read it!Katie’s Casting CallBy Paul Garland A No Angels Novel All rights reserved by the Author.Contents copyright 2020 © Paul Garland and Cerulean PublishingThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a...
Katie's hand flew up over my mouth, even though I was being dead silent. We listened for a few moments as our seemingly drunk mother stumbled around the kitchen. I heard the fridge open and close, but nothing was put in or taken out. Luckily, though the couch is visible from the kitchen, it is facing away and the back of the couch blocks visibility of anyone laying down. This was obviously especially lucky, since her son and daughter had just been fucking! After a few more moments of her...
IncestMy wife and I have been married for 20 years and we are both in our mid 40's. Katie still looks quite hot even after having 2 k**s. She is 5'-1", about 120 pounds, full B cup boobs, dark hair and eyes and is quite curvy. She is aging nicely with all the little lines, creases and sags in all the right places. I think it really gives her that COUGAR look. I have had a better sex life than the average Joe. We have done some experimenting during our time together. Nothing on a regular basis, but...