Jilnar Jardaly Fucks Santa Claus
- 4 years ago
- 58
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Day Forty-one - Saturday
I looked at the clock that told me that I should go back to sleep. Today was Saturday, nothing big scheduled, the new shop will be done today, so we can start moving Monday.
Too bad we didn't use up all of the frame materials. There was enough material to do two more frames and of course there was enough sheet metal to create one more set. Al seemed to be pretty fast. I'll have to have Gene evaluate what he has produced so far to see if it is quality work. It looked like it to me, but we'll see.
I thought to myself that it was funny to think of those two and their qualities. When I originally thought of them, it was Tom that I thought would be the leader. Al turned out to be a decent leader and a very capable craftsman. He learned fast and worked hard to be exacting. I need two or three more guys just like him.
Tom can produce good work, but he needs a partner to keep him moving and to encourage his best work. There is a self-motivation issue there. I'll find what rings his bell then he'll take off. There is always something for everyone.
Hope Abe and Martin can find a table and the type of chairs I wanted, a table that could be broken down to multiple tables and with chairs on wheels. That would be perfect for the big patio. We need some bar stools, too.
I looked at the clock and it was nearing six. Guess more sleep is out of the question. Sweet Sue is sleeping so nice. She feels so good next to me. I'm so lucky to have found someone that is very compatible with me but is not a wallflower. She can be so dynamic and has as much, if not even more, drive than I do. What a babe!
Just looking at her excites me. She is beautiful. She's also very erotic if you like big, big, boobs. Wow, does she have some tits. I wonder if she ever thinks how fast this has all happened. I know I push things when I see they can be done. I even expect others to feel the urgency of doing something right, not waiting for something else.
I'm even surprised at myself for having started a business so easily, for making a bunch of money pretty quick, and for expanding it at a phenomenal speed. Too bad my folks aren't around to see their son, who had no direction in life, take off now. My brother and sister are going to shit when they find out I'm not on some far off oil rig, hiding from the world. I have to call them to let them know.
I may have to call them to let them know they are going to be an aunt and an uncle. Is this too fast to be having babies? We just met; but then we committed our total selves to each other. We gave ourselves to each other completely. Do I trust her implicitly? You bet. Do I think we are perfect together? You bet and damn I hope I do so forever. Has there been one word of discontent from either of us? Nope. Do I want babies? It would be awesome to be a dad. Will Sue be a good mom? A great mom, but I bet she'll be amazingly over-protective. That's not all bad. Wow, babies, or at least we'll start working on one baby. That'll be fun.
I kissed her gently on the forehead, thinking I'd get up, go to the bathroom, then start the coffee.
The kiss worked magic. Sue opened her eyes, gave me a million dollar smile pulling my face down to hers so we could really kiss. She rolled on top of me saying, "My, my, what's going on down there, have you been thinking about me?"
I've been thinking about everything, I thought, but said, "I've been thinking of how much I love you and how great a mom you will be."
That won me some points, as she began aggressively kissing me all over the face then moved down my neck and chest to suck on a hairy nipple. A hand found my very erect pussy-plunger, her face followed her hand to give me some licks and a few sucks before coming back up to my face while straddling me.
She rubbed me up and down her rapidly moistening pussy lips, then fit me into her and began sinking onto me.
"Let's practice making one of those little creatures I want so bad," Sue said in an excited voice.
As she plunged me into her, she rose to offer me her full breasts and erect nipples to suck on. How could I resist? As soon as I began sucking on a nipple, her hips went to overdrive, pounding me into her rapidly.
Mornings are funny as both of our bodies race to the blast off stage so very quickly that we hardly get a chance to consider holding back and savoring the feelings. We were both coming, Sue quivering and shaking with her eyes squeezed shut, me shooting my seed directly into her womb.
Sue lay her head on my chest, catching her breath, "That first one in the morning is so hot. It's like our bodies have been craving each other all night and they can't wait to get off with each other."
That was well said. I couldn't agree more. To show her, I raised her face to mine to give her the most tender, loving kiss I could.
When we pulled apart, Sue said, "Let's get a shower. Somehow, I think today is going to be busy. We both want to get a lot done here at home."
We showered and I put on shorts and a T-shirt while Sue put on one of her super-sexy, revealing, short gowns. We had coffee made and had two pounds of bacon cooking when I turned on one patio light at six thirty.
I didn't think anyone would show up early on a Saturday morning, but Tom and Al with their wives were there almost immediately. Joan was wearing a gown that was almost the same as Sue's, while Betty had a robe that was kind of a peek-a-boo robe. Glenda was next, wearing a sexy robe, saying Martin was dressing and would be over in a minute.
Hanna and Shawna came from Shawna's, both wearing mesh sports T-shirts that didn't hide a thing. The funny part was the T-shirts were not real long. As the two walked over, each of their pussies was flashing in the false dawn light. Ruth, never to be outdone, came in the back screen doors with another of her translucent robes. What a way to start the day.
Poor Al and Tom were gawking at all the wonderful shows we were being given. Their wives weren't much help as they were both trying to hide the fact they were rubbing their husbands' crotches as they eyed the near naked women.
I thought it funny that Martin, Charlie, Jim, and Tiny were still on their way, while their near nude wives were already here, competing to show off in the early morning.
Betty, the quiet wife of Tom said, "I just love these mornings. When we wake up, I'm so excited about coming over here that Tom has to try to calm me down. I think it would take two or three Toms to quiet me down sometimes. I know Joan's the same. I've heard her and Al these last few mornings having what sounds like some really fun times."
"Betty, don't tell all our secrets. These people will think we're kinky or something," Joan said.
"Honey," Ruth commented "we're all more than a little kinky, just relax and enjoy it."
I had been going in and out while Sue was working on breakfast. I had broken four dozen eggs into a bowl to scramble and made up a big batch of biscuits. I had Sue save the bacon grease so I could make some milk gravy.
It was nice to have this big kitchen with a big ceramic cook top to work with. It made cooking fast. As Sue was taking the food out, I made the gravy and put it into a big bowl with a dipper, and followed Sue to the patio.
The guys were all there now, so our group was complete now, except for Abe and Alice.
Speaking of the devil, they pulled up in Alice's new car. Martin said, "Just like Abe, put food on the table and the skinny little runt shows up every time."
When they each loaded up a plate and sat, Alice commented, "You girls sure are trying to start a riot this morning. Are you all planning on taking an early nap? The way you're dressed, the men are going to want one as soon as you go home. I will probably have to take Abe home to settle him down since he's been looking at all of you."
Breakfast was a big hit with the group this morning. Everyone seemed to enjoy having a nice breakfast to get the weekend going.
Tiny talked about picking up the stuff he needed to make music on the patio. He said he was going to go by Best Buy to look at their big TV's as well. I told him that he could put it on his credit card and I would reimburse him for it.
Abe and Martin had a list of places that they were going to go to for the table and chairs we were looking for. Alice and Glenda were going along to make sure whatever that they found was nice.
The shock of the morning came from our two new couples. Tom asked if he and Al could go to the shop to make up the last two frames we had materials for. Tom said he felt he could do an even better job faster than he had before and wanted to get more experience. Al said they were planning on finishing the two frames and getting most of the second set of panels done today.
"That would be great," I said surprised at their request, "I'm not sure you can get both of those jobs complete in a day but you're welcome to try. This will be at time and a half. I'm getting the best deal out of it as I would rather move a completed frame, rather than raw materials."
Betty and Joan were in the kitchen talking to Sue, so I knew something was up there.
I wanted to go to an equipment auction being held out on hwy 301 as well as check on how the building was coming along. I needed to register the big truck too, as the guys were going to be there Monday morning to start moving us.
I asked Abe if he thought we would need a bigger compressor for the new shop. He suggested that instead of one big one, I try to find another about the same size as the one we had. He thought that would be the best way to handle it, as when we were painting, he needed a constant pressure.
Painting, I forgot about that. I need to go down to the new building to talk to the contractor.
As everyone left to begin their projects or go to work, Sue told me the girls wanted to work also. They were going to finish a major project Sue had started them on. They were going to track the quantities of each size sold for the last year so Sue could have the manufacturer produce garments proportionately. She said she knew their standard assortments per dozen wasn't working out right and that she could save the factory a bunch of money. It would mean fewer end of season sales, but that would not be a bad thing.
Sue wanted to come with me, and Hanna asked if she could tag along because we always seemed to have fun.
We dressed in jeans and shirts. I went by the bank for a letter of authorization for a ridiculous amount in the event I bid on something at the auction. Sue and I made our deposits and got some cash.
Next stop was the new building. There was a sign company in the front parking lot with a big crane. I looked at Sue, "I didn't order anything from a sign company, I better see about this."
Sue patted my arm saying, "I did, I wanted our name on the building right away."
They were hoisting up a huge S while laying on the parking lot was another S and a big & sign. The word Enterprises was already under where the S was going to go.
I gave her a kiss and said, "I need to talk to the contractor for a few minutes, come on." The showroom door had a bar on it to keep people from coming in with a hand written sign, "wet paint." I peered in to see the floor had been painted and sealed over the paint. In the center of the floor was a giant S&S, really cool looking.
We went around to the back of the building. I looked in the smaller shop area that Abe was going to use. It was complete with the floor painted and the paint seal already on. We didn't go in as it looked like the floor was still wet.
The big overhead door on the side and the back were both open. Men were spraying a clear seal over the already painted floor. The shop was divided into two distinct areas. I had figured one side for welding and one side for sheet metal forming. Both sides had been painted and both sides had a giant S&S in a circle on the floor.
The contractor walked up to us and asked, "How do you like it?"
"Great!" I said. "But who gave you the idea to paint the S&S on the floor."
He just smiled and nodded toward the grinning Sue.
"I have an addition I need you to make," I said pointing to side of the building where Abe's shop is.
"Already? You haven't even started and you need an addition? Are you getting ahead of yourself?"
"I don't think so. I'll tell you why. We are already doing a lot painting for our rebuilds. We may be doing even more painting of some panels we are beginning to form. We're going to be gigged by the county and EPA and maybe even workman's comp for not having paint booths. Have you ever built one?"
"Didn't think about a paint booth. You're right, you need one if you do much painting," the contractor said. He added, "Yes I've built several along with the body shops that went with them.
"This is my plan, you can design it the way it needs to be. I want the paint booths, two of them, to be built within an annex that you would build on the side of the building. Something to consider is that I want to make sure whatever I add will not hinder expansion of the building later. I think we will be adding on to the existing building, probably doubling the size. So consider that in your plan to add the paint shop."
"Are you looking for the paint shop in a couple of months, or next year?"
"No, now, I want the shop up and running Monday. I know that's not possible, but I would like you to get started on it as soon as you can."
"Not a problem. When I tell the guys we have a project, they will be very happy. We found out we can't start our next job for two weeks now. That looked like two weeks without pay to them. A job like this will take a week, maybe a little longer. Anything else?"
"I might want a covered outdoor storage area, but we'll see. I'm going to have these weeds all killed and, at a minimum, I want to spread gravel over the rest of the area."
"You know you could probably blacktop the whole area as cheap as you can put gravel over it. I just so happen to operate a blacktop business that isn't very busy. Want an estimate?"
"Sure, give me an estimate and get started on the paint room addition. Give me an estimate on putting down asphalt on the entire yard, and while you're at it, how about an estimate to double the size of the building. I want matching construction with a covered passage way between the buildings. The new building needs to be air-conditioned and well ventilated with windows and overhead doors on all four sides where appropriate."
"You don't stop do you. I'll bet you need doubling in less than a year," the contractor said shaking his head. "We'll take tomorrow off and begin the paint booth addition Monday."
He had something on his mind and finally said, "I heard about the concrete driver and those two lumber yard delivery guys. The concrete company is pretty embarrassed about it, as is the lumberyard. Perhaps they might give you a break on this addition. I'm sorry that it happened and I hope nothing like that ever happens again. I just can't imagine guys doing stuff like that with guns. Two of them will be in jail a long time. The other guy died for his mistake. Did you shoot him?"
"No, it was the little redheaded girl that lives across the street. She was watching my back."
"Is that the same one who was with you when you had that war down there?"
"The same."
"You're lucky to have her around. Hope that never happens again."
"Me too."
Sue, Hanna, and I took off for the auction. We arrived at ten. The main auction was going to begin at one, so there were hundreds of people milling around, looking at all of the different equipment. We registered, giving them the bank letter, and walked through the equipment display.
I wanted a forklift. My thought was to get a propane-powered forklift instead of an electric, as it would be used outside as much or more than inside. The exhaust from the propane would be exhausted pretty fast so we shouldn't have to worry about carbon monoxide. We could always leave a door open when we were using the lift inside.
There were several lifts in various conditions. Abe said to get one that had to be rebuilt, as we would save us a lot by doing it that way.
There were a couple of men standing around the forklifts that appeared to know something about them. I introduced myself to them, along with Sue and Hanna. They said they were dealers and would maybe buy the one lift as it looked pretty new but were not interested in the others. I pointed to one of the lifts in the worst condition. What is something like this worth as it stands? They both shook their heads and said, "Nothing." They said it would require a lot of work to get it back in shape, not even considering the condition of the motor. They said the best of the rough ones might be the best deal as it could be done rather easily.
The worst lifts had a familiar name, Onan. I didn't even know they made lifts. I wonder if we could rebuild forklifts too. Too bad Abe didn't have a cellphone.
We walked around and I found what else I was looking for, three large mobile commercial compressors and six large commercial generators. They all looked rough so I would buy them if they were cheap enough. Rebuilt, the nine units represented a minimum of a hundred grand. All of their tires looked serviceable, so it would be easy to get them to the shop.
Sue asked me if I wanted to get a new truck. When I looked at her funny, she said she thought my truck was good but that I might want a newer looking pickup with a towing package and one I could put our name on. She had a point so we looked at what they had. There were a couple of white ones that had commercial tow hitch equipment. They were almost new with very low mileage. I figured dealers would be trying to buy them. I asked a guy with a "blue book" to look up the prices of the two for me. With Sue next to me, he handed me the book while he gawked at her chest.
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BisexualVictorious Girls Play Truth Or DareHAVING JUST returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria's quaint one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth suddenly produced a hefty joint."Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana inquired."One of the guys at the party just gave it to me.""Really?""Yeah, I offered to give him a hand job...
Hello everyone I’m Dhruva. I am happy to pen down my first experience. Of course the names are changed. I am an undergraduate pursuing medicine at one of the top government medical colleges in south India. I am 5’7″ tall with average musculature and quite charming from what I have heard. Bless me for that. This lovable accident took place when I was in my second year vacation. Going to the story proper, I came close to one of my classmates in the second year. Her name is Abhirupa. She wasn’t...
Hi to all the readers of indian sex stories dot net . I am a frequent reader on ISS. So let me introduce myself, my name is Rahul and am from Mumbai. I am 30 year old guy with fair complexion and slim body shape. This is a true story. So let me introduce to the lady of the story Poonam (name change) So Poonam is a married woman who is 38 year old with good breast size and big ass. So I met a Poonam on one of the social networking sites, I had send her friends request and she accepted it after...
‘But don’t you find it just a tad bit strange?’ Cliff Clayton asked his wife, Susan. Even though they were sitting knee to knee on rickety kitchen chairs, they barely could see each other through the decorated and lit pine branches. Two bushy Christmas trees, enveloping the room in a strong, eerily light, were positioned in the small living room, in opposite corners, but with their branches almost touching in the center of the room. ‘Shh, she’ll hear you,’ Susan muttered back at Cliff out of...
I put the phone down. "Well, that's it." I thought to myself. "I'll just have to go through with it." Kate had called. She and I have been going together for about six months. She's pretty busy at her job, so we haven't moved in together yet. The six months with her have been absolutely great. We don't get to talk a lot, but our sex is about the best I've had. "You're very different from all the other men I've known" she had once told me. I had planned on a quiet evening at home that day....
Mature"Bruce was hangin' on every word. I loved it............just loved it. I kept talking to him about doing another boy. Whey does that get boys so excited?'' I 'm going back to what I said to him at that table in the library": '' Bruce look at me while I tell you this, please? I put my hand on his boner, just like I'm doing now..............and squeeze and stroke him in his pants................and then I like to...............unzip him and.....................slide my hand in...
Kate and Lucy arrived at their friend and lover's beach condo on a Friday in early September. Tim greeted them in the driveway and took them on a short walk behind the complex to the beautiful beach. They met his brothers, Rick and Steve, in the sand and chatted before going in to see the condo."Here's your room, ladies," said Tim. It was a two bedroom condominium, the girls' room had two queen sized beds and Rick's had the king. The guys left and gave them time to unpack and unwind after their...
"I like this nightgown, it's pretty." I raised my head up from his chest to meet his eyes. "You really think so, babe?" He smiled and rubbed my back reassuringly. "Yes, I do. It reminds me of that milf from Little House on the Prairie."I chuckled and nuzzled my head back into his chest. He'd recently confessed to me a fantasy he had about his favorite show, and though I laughed at him at the time, I was secretly curious about it."I'm glad you like it, baby. I got it just for you.""Oh yeah?" I...
Straight SexSaz had been working part time at the pub in the evenings and at weekends for a while now.She was now 51 married with c***dren who were growing up. Whilst working she knew she was being chatted up each time this man was in. He was called Stuart and was 11 years older than her. While she was a professional having been a teacher he was a bit of a roughneck really having done numerous jobs over the years despite being fairly intelligent. He had just finished working on the oil rigs so was in the...
SRU: Election Blues By Radioactive Loner The rain was whapping itself in big, fat droplets against the windowpanes of the town's mall as an individual slowly walked through the corridors, that person's eyes darting left and right, in search of an old-fashioned store with a name few would take seriously ... "Spells R Us." Of course, what approached that homey storefront was a former customer, who knew that the shop's potions, curios, and knick-knacks were all too serious. As...
I kneeled waiting in the corner... By Tabitha I kneeled waiting in the corner of the room, after being instructed to neatly fold my clothes and place them in the chest behind me. I anxiously waited for Master and Mistress to enter to begin my training and serving. Master and Mistress entered the room and sat across the room from me. They ordered me to crawl over to them on my hands and knees. Wishing to serve my Mistress and Master properly, I lowered my eyes and kissed both...
Still standing in the center of the mat, Jackie heard another car coming up the ramp and was scared, jumped up and started to run as she saw a police car pulling to a stop. The man stopped her. “It’s OK Whore. Don’t worry about it.” As the police officers approached the crowd, “Sorry we are late; we had an accident that we had to deal with. Hey, that’s a sexy fat ass whore you have there,” pointing to Jackie. “I think she will do nicely. I’ve had enough of Melissa’s nasty cunt.” “Fuck you,...
100% fiction! It all happened when my body undergone a change. I'm 18 about 6'1", medium brown hair and piercing. Muscular body. One day I came home it was just me and my 18 years old sister Alice. I was sweaty as I had been at the gym for quite some time. As I went to get in the shower she knocked on the door. I hopped in the shower and she came in. She had long beautiful brown hair with a gorgeous face and snake bites. She had a perfect hour glass figure, wearing a shirt cut off at the top...
IncestHelena and I is a very long love, slow seduction story to tell. Enough erotic and seductive stuff for a full series.Helena and I, it takes me probably ten to a dozen short stories to present the most memorable erotic episodes.Helena and I, I take the time to sketch the sibling situation, our first fascination for private parts between us two.Helena and I, fast forward to the final sexy sequel, shot on her hidden camera, on our first private trips for...
"William, honey, you're amazing. I mean most men would have cum two or three times by now!" she said as they lay together following her second tremendous orgasm of the night."Well, I just like to make sure my partner has as much fun as I do," he said. Ruth giggled, "Yeah, but baby, you are paying for me...you should get yours too sometime tonight!" she replied."Oh, I will, I'm sure. I'm not worried about it, I'm having fun with you just like this!" he said, smiling."I am too,...
Moneyweapons. The captain was also trying to find a planet that they could land on as their water and food was at critical levels and need filling. Jack walk in to has cabin and look at the cast on his bed, he started to think what he was doing when the blade that he had sheathed to his hip began to speak. “Jack the two daggers in that box are my brother and sister…” the blade stopped to try and think of the right words. “Jack?” “Yes, is something wrong?” Jack asked with a look of...
I had to go to California last summer and Jeannie wanted to go with me to visit her sister whom she’d not seen in almost two years. Her sister was completely different than she was. Jeannie is a little short, with big breasts and brownish blonde hair and an infectious smile. While her sister Heather is a tall leggy blonde with dark skin and smaller breasts. When we got there we picked up a rental car and drove to her sister’s house. My wife rang the doorbell several times and we both...
I recently started a new job and with it came a warehouse of young men and a few areas to hideaway for some masturbation if it was needed. As I got my tour on the first day I noticed not only the guys, but areas that I could possibly hide away for a few private moments but like most places of work there was always the chance of being seen. After the first week I noticed a few of the guys were being just a little more friendly than the others. One in particular would wink at...
Wife LoversIt has been a great decision for me to come to Delhi. I have been getting quiet a number of mails and response about my stories in ISS. Some of them, I have met and had a great time(s). This is an incident which was very exciting and adventurous. Four weeks back, I got a mail from one of the readers, Maria(Name is changed) and we started chatting through hangouts. She is very fast and asked me in the first chat session when I would like to go in action with her, to which I replied that we will...
After exposing myself to Cheryl the first time, I grew more lax about my own clothing around the house. Mind you, I was never as unabashedly and totally nude as Carla was around the apartment, but I did give Cheryl more than her share of peeks. And then there was Melinda, a student at the university who called upon me for tutoring help. Melinda was one of countless students who struggled to pass the second half of freshman English composition at the university. She was one of several...
“I’m very well-acquainted with the seven deadly sins. I keep a busy schedule trying to fit them in. I’m proud to be a glutton, and I don’t have time for sloth. I’m greedy, and I’m angry, and I don’t care who I cross. I’m Mr. Bad Example, intruder in the dirt. I like to have a good time and I don’t care who gets hurt. I’m Mr. Bad Example, take a look at me. I’ll live to be one hundred and go down in infamy.” -Warren Zevon, “Mr. Bad Example“ Detective Inspector Luc Tomas Allaine left his...
"Anybody home?" I recognized Tami's voice and smiled. She must have seen no cars and stuck her head in the door. "Back here," I yelled. Tami walked into my bedroom before I remembered that I hadn't made my bed. Well, she had to find out I'm a slob sometime. I was sitting at my computer typing. "Answering your fan mail?" "Fan mail?" "I figured that since you and Robbie have won three games now, the fan mail should have started." She stood behind me and looked down at the...
Stage Daddy "Oh, that's nice!" Marco smiled at me from behind his camera as Gary, the wardrobe guy, slipped the bathrobe off my shoulders. Gary was a serious fag too, like a stereotype, and older the others. He was the only one there who wasn't interested in me, because I was mostly a girl and he only liked boys. He seemed to like my dad a lot, even though I told him Daddy wasn't queer. All the guys ignored him since they were pretty much only into girls, so Gary pouted a lot and sat in...
Athena Faris seems to be adjusting well to her new family, but it seems her foster brother is struggling with all the attention she is receiving from their foster mom, Alix Lynx. Alix has been lavishing Athena with praise and companionship, and it is creating a rift between the foster siblings. To mend the situation, Alix calls for a family meeting that involves some intimate physical bonding. The foster children are instructed to kiss and make up, but the physical affection quickly turns into...
xmoviesforyouNATALIE (Monday 9/12) Over the next several days, Bob, George and Sherry introduced me to just about everyone in the school. The Brain Trust was mainly a lot of tutors, but the network went beyond that. They helped people, encouraged them, helped handle situations and even did match-making! Bob said that he, George and Sherry had gotten more into people-matching than tutoring, since they knew just about everyone -- and everyone knew them. The students I talked with on my own called the...
I had found a swingers group on the web in a nearby town that met monthly at a local hotel. For many years I have wanted to attend an adult party with my wife but she wasn't hearing any of that. I emailed the leaders and over time became familiar with them on line.I had mentioned it to my wife quite a few more times and she continued to be reluctant about it. Finally after me bringing it up enough times she agreed to go. She remarked that she didn't want to be caught up in a lewd party with a...
In the beginning our sex life was great, at least once a day. As the first year came to an end, so did our sex life. It fell to once a month and then once every three months. Every time I would bring up the subject she would get angry and it would start a fight. I decided it was not worth bringing it up and just dealt with it as best I could. Six years later and it was not improving at all. This is the story of what I did to try to save our marriage. Lexis is few years younger and very pretty...
Voyeurby Cheltenham Makayla glanced back and forth outside of her house, standing on the sidewalk. She scanned up one side of the street and down the other to ensure she hadn't been followed. Her ponytailed dark hair swung to and fro as her head turned. A shadow appeared in her periphery and disappeared through the opened front door without so much as ruffling the curtains. "It's probably nothing." She reassured herself and experienced a nagging feeling of fear, chills ran along her...
21 year old bartender/server Nue, which is pronounced New-Way, is Thai, Cambodian, and Chinese. Let me tell you folks, this was a great day. Nue is what I like to call a sleeper. She comes in, she’s a lil timid and shy, but she’s here and she wants her shot at the adult industry. Apparently our little diamond in the rough has heard good things about the jizz biz from her friends and she’s gonna see if she has what it takes. She’s got perky pierced nipples, nice long legs, and those braces. Rick...