Being With Mary free porn video

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You find a seat and sit, waiting for the professor to come in and introduce herself to the class. You are cursing yourself at breaking one of your new semester’s resolutions not five minutes into it looking down the row at a pretty brunette who, like you, is sitting by herself looking like she wants someone to talk to her, someone to kill the time until things get started. You are thinking of how you will sit next to her next class and bullshit with her in two days when you see the girl. She walks in with a smile talking to someone, you don’t notice anything about the other person, it could be Bigfoot or an alien and you would be none the wiser, all your attention is focused on the girl. Her dirty blonde hair which runs down her back frames her face like a lion’s mane. Her eyes are dark blue and they shine like stars do. Her black tank top shows off a beautiful hourglass figure you thought only existed on the covers of photo shopped magazines. Her long red skirt makes it seem like she is gliding across the room as she finds her seat in the front row.

You can’t take your eyes off her as the professor goes over the syllabus and the expectations of the class. “This is Mary she will be the study leader for this class,” the teacher says motioning to her. She stands up and waves at the class in an awkward but attractive way. You listen as she explains how she will be leading a study group to go over lectures and papers three times a week and you decide that these will make your resolution to be a better student much easier.

The groups are an amoeba of people. There are maybe three people who come regularly the rest are an infrequent bunch. As the semester rolls along and pressures start to build she reveals herself to you. She knows you by name and greets you sheepishly when you see each other around campus. You memorize everything about her. Her boyfriend, her trip to Africa the preceding summer, the way her ass looks not amazing, but indescribably sexy in yoga pants, it isn’t firm but you admire the way it moves when she does, the way her cheeks are almost perfectly round. You talk yourself into loving her imperfections like how her nose might be too big for her face and her goofy smile and how her jackets always have loose hair and various food stains on them. You talk yourself into loving her for all of her perfections, for her kindness, her supernatural ability to connect with everyone and the way her voice is deep but feminine.

One Friday morning you walk in a few minutes before the session starts to an empty classroom and Mary with her head on the table.

“What’s up Mary?” you ask with excitement uncontained, seeing her has become a break from reality that you fiend for when she is not around.
She sleepily raises her head from the desk at the front of the room; her eyes which are usually bright are red and ringed with lack of sleep. “I broke up with David last night, it was a rough night to say the least.”

“Why is that?” you ask. This should be a time of triumph, the possibility of holding hands and watching movies together is more real than it ever has been but all you can think about is how you want to comfort her. Not to fuck not to be with her but because you care about her, you care about her happiness.

She tells you. She tells you about how she had grown past him, how their priorities were different, that she wasn’t attracted to him anymore. After ten minutes pass and nobody shows up you invite her to coffee and she accepts needing someone to listen now more than ever. The morning blends into the afternoon and you cut yourselves open and allow each other a peek into what is inside. You talk about past loves and losses, dreams completed and those which were still being fulfilled. As the evening comes along she has to leave but you feel now more than ever that something started that in the process of you two opening yourselves up for each other something was left behind.

For the next few weeks the change in your exchanges is noticeable. She is no longer sheepish, before class starts; a time which was usually reserved for day dreams about her is filled with her talking to you. Coffee happens often and stories are traded about your days. At night you lay in bed and you think about how she looked at you as you talked about life. How you could feel her wanting you to kiss her. How her hand brushed against yours as you walked through the quad and you did nothing. You are kept up for hours by the sting of inaction.

As the semester starts to wrap up she mentions that she is turning 21 and to celebrate her friends and her are going to one of the local bars and she wants you to be there. The rest of the day drudges on the way days do when you are excited. You feel like a kid on Christmas morning waiting for his parents to wake up so presents can be opened. You have decided that tonight you do it, tonight is the night you tell her how you feel. Tonight is the night inaction transforms to action. You stare at the clock willing time to move faster until it changes to 10 and you get in your car and drive.

It is a Friday night and downtown is alive as it always is on a Friday in a college town. You walk from the parking lot to the bar feeling the cold air filling your lungs, and trying to calm the feeling of your stomach doing backflips under your shirt. You enter the bar and are overwhelmed for a second by the change in temperature. The air is heavy with body spray from frat boys and screams of excitement from girls who are probably too young to be there. You make your way through the crowds of people to the bar and order a beer and a shot of tequila hoping the booze would take some of the edge off. The tequila goes down rough with the beer doing little to ease it down your throat as you turn to find her.

You keep trudging through the crowd as she screams your name, “I am so glad you could make it,” she says hugging you roughly. You are aware of everything, the way her breasts feel on your chest, the scent of vanilla that floats off of her, your cock filling with blood slightly as she holds you for a second longer than she usually does. “You smell good,” she says as she pulls away and smiles her awkward smile at you a little bigger than usual due to the shots. The tequila hasn’t hit you yet so you can’t help but lose your breath looking at her. She looks stunning in a black dress that leaves nothing to the imagination. She isn’t wearing much make-up but the little that is on her only helps to accentuate the deep blue of her eyes.
You stammer out a “Thanks, you too.” as she leads you to the table surrounded by her friends. She sits you on the bench and places herself right next you. The heat from her leg soaks through your pants and you start to get comfortable. Stories are exchanged between her friends about past experiences and you start to feel comfortable, the tequila is working and you slide your arm over the back of the bench savoring the feeling of closeness whenever she leans back her hair the only thing keeping your skin from touching the back of her neck.

She is continually hit on by guys like you, guys who aren’t intimidated by her because of the innocent kindness she gives off. Through it all you will her to send them away in the way that she does, she is used to this. Her approachability is nearly a curse to her, a curse to you. She gets up to get drinks for the table and you can’t help but notice the guy who is talking to her at the bar. She is laughing at everything he says and playing with her hair, putting her hand on his chest. The familiar sense of despair falls over you as you feel another resolution going unfulfilled. This isn’t new, you half expected it, you don’t want to think it but the voice in the back of your head laughs at you for expecting that a human so perfect could be into the guy who collected comic books and had failure in his genes. She brings him back to the table and introduces the guy as Sam, someone who was a study leader for the same professor. She sits next you again but the promise of another night alone has stolen all of the hope you started the night with.

You sit there and smile when you are supposed to smile and laugh when appropriate but you can’t think of anything but Mary and Sam together, slowly resenting the idea that he would be privy to every curve under her dress before you were. You are about to leave when her friend Kayla leans into you and says, “Are you going to make a move on Mary tonight or what?”
“Doesn't seem like she wants me to,” you say defeated feeling like you should just go home and pretend the night never happened.

“Just do it, she talks about you all the time.” she says smiling at you, “Don’t be scared.”
The words give you a second wind and you think about how she did sit next to you all night and how her leg felt on yours. You get up and stand next to her at the bar, “Hey Mary,” you say, “I just realized I haven’t bought you a shot yet.” She smiles and you and she orders two shots of fireball. As they are being poured you start to say, “I don’t know how to say this-”

“Then don’t.” she laughs cutting you off as the bartender pushes the glasses towards you, “Salud,” she says picking hers up and clinking it against yours. You take the shot and savor the burn of the alcohol as it goes down. She pulls you in for another hug, her body is pressed against yours and she holds you there with her mouth by your ear and says, “I’m glad you could make it tonight.” she pulls away and looks you in the eyes, her arms are still around your neck and you become painfully aware of everything around you. The people milling around you, the sweat starting to roll down your temple the way her front teeth slightly overlap and the gravity of her lips. You stop thinking of the consequences of rejection and pull her into you from the small of her back. You close your eyes and kiss her.

All of the worries from earlier in the night wash away and she kisses you back, she tastes like fire and smells like vanilla as you pull her in closer to you not wanting the moment to end. It does and she smiles at you saying, “I thought you never would,” you walk back to the table friends smiling at the two of you seeing what just happened. You sit and the night goes on, her hand slowly running up your inner thigh stopping just short of your half hard cock. All you can focus on is the feeling of her fingers lightly tracing your thigh and the way she smiles, how her eyes scrunch up but the blue always shines through.

A few beers later the bar has emptied considerably and the group at the table has thinned with it. Mary and her fingers tracing your leg has put you through multiple periods of being fully hard and half hard. You jump as she squeezes your leg and whispers in your ear, “Let’s get out of here.” You just nod and say goodbye to everyone there. The girls hug Mary and wish her a happy birthday, the guys give you knowing, slightly envious smiles as you two go into the night.

Cabs line the street outside the bar and you grab the one at the front of the line, not wanting to drive back home, you still don’t trust the situation fully and don’t want there to be any period of time where she is able to change her mind about you. You give the driver your address and hope he doesn’t try to make small talk in the ten minutes it will take to get to your house. He doesn’t say anything, perhaps sensing the gravity of what was happening. She kisses you lightly letting her lips linger on yours afterwards for a little longer than she had all night, “So how long have you been holding it in?” she whispers trying to keep the driver out of your lives

“From the moment I saw you,” you say honestly looking into her eyes trying to convey to her that she wasn’t being fed a line. “I’ve been waiting since the first time I saw you.”

She takes your face into her hands and kisses you again passionately, your mouths move with each other’s, your tongues intertwine and she starts rubbing up and down your thigh again. She breaks the union of your lips and says, “I’m glad you finally got the nerve, I was getting nervous you weren’t into me like that.”

You inhale quickly because you are startled by her fingers lightly tracing your hard member. You try to say something but all words are stolen from your mouth as you look into her lusty eyes realizing everything you had fantasized about and things you hadn’t thought of were about to come to fruition.

The driver stops in front of your house and you hand him a wad of cash hoping it adds up and run out of the car with Mary. She runs up to your front door and you can’t help but admire the way she looks in the faint light of the moon. The way her ass moves in her second skin is the most erotic thing you thing you’ve ever seem. As soon as the door shuts she asks where the bathroom is, you point her in the direction of it as you pour two glasses of whiskey for you and move to the living room. You sit there waiting for her taking pensive sips of your drink wondering what you should do with yourself. You are met again with the kid on Christmas feeling. You get up and put music on, some acoustic playlist, it doesn’t matter, you just can’t stand silence right now. She eventually slinks in looking like a vision. It was hard to appreciate the curves under the dress in the dim light of the bar but as she walks toward you the hourglass is in full effect. Your cock strains in your pants as she sits draping her legs over yours. You hand her the glass of whiskey and she takes a sip. The way she scrunches her face and coughs a little is adorable and makes you fall for her a little more.

Words aren’t necessary here. You pick up where you left off in the car, tongues finding each other. Your hand rubs her leg feeling the warmth and slight stubble of her hairs. Your fingers run to the edge of her dress playing with the edge of the fabric before falling back and starting up the leg again, unsure of what the next move should be. She pulls away and giggles brushing some hair out of her face, “You taste good.” the way she is biting her lip makes your cock strain against her thigh.

“I thought you didn’t like the whisky.” you say playfully

“It tastes good on you though.” she smiles and adjusts herself so she is facing you her legs on either side of your waist, you can feel the warmth of her through your jeans. She kisses you again and she moves your hands to her ass. You accept her suggestion and grip the meat of them as she slowly grinds herself on you. You move your hands up from her ass reluctantly searching for the beginning of the zipper on her back and slowly work it down to the place where you started and tenderly move the straps off her shoulders.

She pulls back still smiling her goofy smile and pushes the dress down until it is coiled around her waist and she reaches back unstrapping the lacy black bra she is wearing. Slowly, seductively she pulls it off letting her breasts fall from their supportive hands and drops it on the floor behind her. You sit in awe of her form at that moment. They are heavy sitting on her chest perfectly, her areolas are small and provide a perfect backdrop for her already stiff pale nipples. You pull her into you and engulf one in your mouth sucking on it lightly flicking it with your tongue, you’ve had this dance before. All you are aware of are her soft moans and the way she kneads the back of your head as you lightly nibble on it. You pull away aware only of the saliva that has pooled around her nipple and the warmth she is giving off on your dick. She stands up and pushes her dress to the floor, you are entranced with the way she has to sway to get it over her hips. She stands in front of you in nothing but her black lace thong, the final frontier covered from your prying eyes.

“Let’s go somewhere more comfortable.” she says sleepily turning around to walk to your room. You are able to break your trance enough to get up and follow the sway of her hips and the slight jiggle of her ass to your room. As you follow her you become painfully aware of the fact that you are fully dressed, every step reminds you of this uncomfortable fact. She allows you into your room and closes the door behind you. As you turn around she puts her arms around your neck and kisses you again lightly and stares into your eyes, the faint mumble of the music in the other room is all you can hear. She starts to unbutton your shirt one button at a time her eyes staring at the flesh being revealed with each successful undone button. You work it off and throw it on the ground grabbing her ass and lifting her up. She squeals in surprise and wraps her legs around your waist as you walk to your bed and place her on it.

Bent over her you start kissing her neck and work your way down loving every visible inch of her. You kiss her collarbone, the beginning of her breast, her nipple, the mole on her ribs. You slowly work your way down her taut stomach and feel her tense slightly as you kiss her pussy over the fabric. You loop your fingers through the sides and work them down her legs as you put your lips to them. They fall to the floor soundlessly as you move to the other leg and work your way up slowly licking to her inner thigh stopping just short of her promise. You look at it taking in how perfect it looks. You admire the thin lips and her wetness glistening in the light, the trimmed hair sitting just above her clit which is hiding but not well. You take in the sweet scent of her mixed faintly with the sweat of the night and kiss her inner thigh letting the tip of your tongue trace a path to the bottom of her slit.

She tastes sweet and tangy at the same time as you run your tongue up her to edge of her clit stopping short or her button and going back down tracing her entrance with your tongue. You move the tip of your tongue in and out slowly noting her body's approval tasting the new sweetness as it comes with each successive journey into her. Her moans are quiet and sensual now, her hand running through the hair on the back of your head. You slowly lick up to her clit again this time swirling your tongue around it as you let one of your fingers, now sure of its mission, to slowly rub her hungry hole. Her fingers become more aggressive on the back of your head her moans more audible as you nibble and slowly let your tongue run over her button. As she grips your hair and starts pulling you move faster on her clit taking the encouragement. Your finger now sliding in and out of her feeling her walls around it. She pulls your hair and screams, “Just like that don’t stop don’t stop.” as you nibble her clit more aggressively flicking as fast as your tongue will allow. Her legs close around your ears and they tremble as her walls pulse on your finger. It feels like she is trying to pull your hair out and keep your mouth in between her legs forever until she loosens her grip and falls back on the bed.

You get off your knees and lay on the bed next to her propping yourself over her with your arm. Her face is flushed red, her hair splayed out on the bed under her, her chest now covered with a light sheen of sweat fluttering up and down catching breath and a smile ever present on her face. She looks so beautiful in the afterglow of her orgasm you would be ok if the night ended here despite the protests of your dick. She opens her eyes drunk on pleasure and kisses you, tasting bit of herself left on your lips and tongue. Pulling away she says, “Where did you learn to do that?” You are speechless not sure where you did, it doesn’t matter it doesn’t seem like she was looking for a response as she pushes your chest making you collapse on your back.

She quickly straddles you and bites your lower lip as she grinds her naked pussy into your crotch. The two of you protected from the outside world by the mane of hair that encloses you. She starts to move down your body roughly kissing and biting you. You are overwhelmed by the sensation of her biting and kissing alternately stopping on your chest she bites hard and you let out a groan not sure if you like it or despise it, you only know that she is doing it and you don’t want her mouth to leave your body. As she gets lower the aggression wears off and she kisses down your abs lightly leaving tracks of saliva in her wake. She lightly tugs at the waist of your pants as she kisses the denim over your engorged penis. As she unbuckles your belt and undoes the clasp to your pants she lightly bites the outline of your cock looking up at you with her eyes, blue with lust.

She smiles and yanks your pants down. You lift your ass off the bed to accommodate her and they slide off easily freeing your once captive member. It slaps on your stomach with an audible smack the tip wet with precum. She is entranced by it forgetting your pants halfway down your calves she grips it in her warm hand and strokes it. She stares at it, assessing it, the length the girth, how warm it feels in her hand and wordlessly she licks from the base to the head barely contacting it with the tip of her tongue. Pausing at the top flicking her tongue over your slit tasting the pre cum sheepishly. You are propped up on your elbows aware of her every move when she locks her eyes with yours and she puts the purple with blood head in her mouth. You groan in appreciation, feeling her tongue swirl over your head as she sucks it in and out of her mouth. She breaks eye contact and starts to let her head slide further down your shaft her tongue still dancing around your member. You lay back and close your eyes savoring every detail of her mouth.

You’re not sure how long this goes on for, time doesn’t exist when you’re in ecstasy. You are only aware of how her tongue feels wrapping around you, the strokes of her hand and the way she occasionally runs the tips of her nails on your balls. She comes up for breath slowly stroking you and she asks, “Do you have a condom?” You sit up and pull your pants off of your legs and reach into the back pocket grabbing the package and throw you pants aside. She takes the packet out of your hands and rips it open pulling the rubber out and places it on the tip. She smiles and wraps her lips around you one last time pushing the rubber down your shaft. You feel your cock reaching the entrance to her throat and resist the urge to lift your hips. She tries to go farther but coughs and comes up quickly her gag the only unattractive thing you’ve seen her do all night. She pushes the rest down and says, “Sorry,” as she climbs on the bed with you.

“Don’t be you’re amazing.” you say smiling at her and raising your lips to meet hers. You kiss and she grinds herself on you before reaching back and guiding your cock to her waiting entrance. She slowly lowers herself onto you and gasps as your head pushes past her entrance. Her walls accept you hungrily swallowing every inch of you until she is sitting on your hips. You admire how she looks sitting over you, her hair a mess around her face, her perfectly round breasts gleaming in the light and her smile of ecstasy as she puts her hands on your chest and grinds her pelvis into yours slowly. Her mouth opens slightly and her eyes close as a moan escapes her. Her lip bite coupled with the way her body looks as she snakes her crotch on your pelvis is exquisite. You reach up and feel her breasts tweaking the nipples slightly eliciting more moans of approval. She grinds more aggressively starting to raise herself off your hips and coming back down. You can only stare in her smile and her head thrown back as you feel the alternating bliss of her walls gripping you as she moves off and welcoming as she comes back down.

You grip her ass and start to guide her up and down your member, taking your hint she starts to move faster, falling into you, her hair surrounds you and she smiles and kisses you deeply slowly moving herself up and down your body. You wrap your arms around her and hold her to you tightly as you move your legs up the bed and start moving in and out of her slowly at first with short strokes. You look into her eyes as you start to buck your hips faster and her face contorts with pleasure inches from your face. She lets out a low pitched moan burying her face in your shoulder saying, “Oh god, yes yes yes,” over and over again. She bites you and you feel your balls getting ready to release as she screams into you and her pussy convulses on your shaft. The feeling of her convulsing on top of you makes you slow down going with more deliberate strokes pulling nearly your full length out of her before slowly entering again. She goes limp on you, her deep breaths pushing her body against yours harder with every inhalation.

She kisses your collarbone as she rolls off of you, your cock slapping against your abs still needing release. She lies on the bed her hair splayed around her like a halo, her smile showing the ecstasy of orgasm. You prop yourself up on your elbow and give her a light kiss, “You good?” you ask her. She opens her eyes and gently grabs your turgid cock.

“Oh god you have no idea,” she says sleepily rubbing you as she pulls you to her. You swing your leg over her taking her instruction and run your finger up her wet slit. She moans lightly and pushes her hips up contacting the head of your dick, “Fuck me again,” she moans pulling you to her entrance. You slide into her easily, you fit here perfectly. You push yourself all the way into her and stay there grinding yourself on her clit. Her eyes look up at you with longing as she grabs your face and kisses you hard her tongue sliding into your mouth. You start to lengthen your stokes and she moans into your mouth and pulls away throwing her head back on the bed. “Oh shit,” she says breathlessly as you speed up. She wraps her arms around you and pulls you into her, your sweat mixes with hers and outside of her passion the only sounds in the room is skin slapping skin and the wetness of her moving up and down your cock.

You feel yourself reaching the height of orgasm and start kissing any flesh close to your mouth, her neck, her trap, her cheek all glistening with your saliva as you whisper, “I’m’ going to cum.” You push yourself into her hard one last time allowing yourself to release the pressure that has been building for months. She screams into you feeling you pulsate inside of her and forces you in and out of her, thrusting her crotch up to meet every convulsion of your cock. You feel her walls grip you one last time and you go limp on her, slowly moving in and out of her trying to recover from what just happened.

You pull yourself up and plant little kisses all over her face before you roll off of her exhausted. Your cock is shrinking fast inside the condom as you pull it off and throw it over the side of the bed. You both lay there for what could be eternity before another move is made. Eventually you take the sheets from under you and cover both of you with them, the cold from outside starting to creep into the room. She puts her head on your chest and moves one of her legs over yours, the hair above her slit prickling your thigh, her nipples resting softly on your ribs. Her hair is in your face and fills your nostrils with the faint smell of vanilla drowning out the smells of rubber and sex that are heavy in the air. You kiss the top of her head lightly and she looks up at you as she absentmindedly traces invisible figures on your torso.

“That was incredible,” she says giggling and kissing your chin and then your lips.

“I’m just glad it finally happened.” you say noticing the angst and guilt that had built up in your gut over the months was no longer keeping residence inside of you.

The two of you lay there talking about nothing in particular for what seems like minutes but is really hours. She dozes off on your chest, and your arm is starting to fall asleep under her but you don’t dare move, she looks like you imagine gods do, and you don’t want to break that. As you start to fall into the darkness of sleep you feel, for the maybe the first time in your life, content and head into your dreams with a smile on your face.


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Unleashing Mary

As Mary got on in years she found it increasingly difficult to start a new relationship after the death of her husband. To make matters worse, her son Matt who had grown into his late teens and began assuming the role of the man of the house which Mary feared would cause tension if a new man were to enter the scene. Having established an equilibrium in her home, Mary decided leave things as they were as she felt no need to upset the balance in her home, that is until an unforeseen situation...

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The Hardheads Frank and Mary

My head hurt, my stomach was roiling and my wife was screaming at me: ‘You bastard! You rotten cock sucking bastard! How could you do this to me? One day, I’m gone one fucking day and leave you here alone and you do this to me.’ I had no idea what she was ranting about, all I knew is that I had to get to the toilet. I barely made it. After praying at the Porcelain Throne I rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash, took three aspirin and then stumbled back into the bedroom to see what the hell had...

2 years ago
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New BeginningChapter 14 Mary

The limousine pulled into the parking lot of the Palm Breeze Apartments. It came to a stop in front of the walkway and Roger stepped out of the back, dressed in a traditional tuxedo. When they went dress shopping a few nights earlier, Rose had talked Roger into wearing a splash of color, so he wore a navy-blue bow tie to match Mary’s dress. Roger walked up to Rose’s apartment carrying a bouquet of blue lilies and white roses. When Rose answered his knock, he held the bouquet tightly to his...

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The Awakening of Mary

I’m sure you have all heard of the Butterfly Effect in Chaos Theory. How a small, inconsequential action can have huge effects. Well, our butterfly moment was my request for Mary to pose for some glamour style portraits as a birthday present for me. A seemingly innocuous request that had life-changing consequences.Up to that point, I had a wife I loved dearly, but who could only be described as being demure, prim, puritanical and Victorian in her outlook to sex. Now I have a wife I adore, who...

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The Mansion Tom and Mary

Frank sat in his office, a small part of the basement, hidden behind a fake wall, staring at the big computer screen in front of him. He went there after Brianna left. She said she needed to think about it, and was going to call him. She left so quickly that Frank doubted he would ever hear from her again. Frank opened a big safe behind him, flicked through the hundreds of DVDs that were stored inside the safe, and found the one he was looking for. The DVD tray was labeled, “Tom and Mary,...

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Please Wake Up Mary

Please Wake Up, Mary By Chris Dyr Katz Alan awoke in a hospital room. His chest and arms were heavily bandaged, his jaws were wired together, and he was tied to the bed. An attractive female doctor explained that he'd had a serious accident, and he was in recovery. The doctor was friendly and comforting, except that she called him "Mary." Then the doctor calmly explained what Alan's "recovery" would involve. To his horror, Alan understood why she called him "Mary," and the good doctor...

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A guy and his 35 Mary

---------------------------------- "Mistress I am so weak it is hard to move, please mistress help me," came the pleading voice of Mary's Jinn, Inger. Mary was pretty weak herself as she looked into the almost begging eyes of Inger the exact same eyes that Mary had trained on her. Mary looked away as new tears began to fall from her eyes. "My god Inger I have been trying to save...

3 years ago
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Victoria 72 Yr Old HottiePart 6 Vicky Mary

Victoria 72 Yr Old Hottie-Part 6 Vicky & MaryIt had been over a week since Vicky and I were together as we were both busy. She called me and asked if I was ready for her and Mary tomorrow and I said it just so happened I was free and best of all I could spend pretty much all day with them. She was really excited with that aspect and said the she and Mary had plotted a day I would never forget. I arrived at Vicky's house wearing only a t-shirt and my bathing suit. Before I could ring the ...

1 year ago
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The Hardheads Frank And Mary

My head hurt, my stomach was roiling and my wife was screaming at me: "You bastard! You rotten cock sucking bastard! How could you do this to me? One day, I'm gone one fucking day and leave you here alone and you do this to me." I had no idea what she was ranting about, all I knew is that I had to get to the toilet. I barely made it. After praying at the Porcelain Throne I rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash, took three aspirin and then stumbled back into the bedroom to see what the hell...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 27 Theres Something about Seeing Mary

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 22, 2010) Chapter 27 - There's Something about Seeing Mary "Did you hear what happened to Jared Lumbart?" Ethan asked while we were walking home. "What happened?" Emily asked back. It was obvious that she hadn't heard the...

2 years ago
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Mary Mary

I have always found it strange the way things happen sometimes. Things seem to happen when you least expect them too. For me one these strange events happened when I was in my mid teens and in the throws of puberty. I was ready and willing to nail my first girl. Maybe I was trying too hard I don't know. I would sneak into my parents closet when they were at work and look at my dad's dirty porn mags. I would study the pictures and read some of the articles, the stories that were sent in by...

3 years ago
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Mary Mary Mary

Mary and I have been married for ten years and were living a typical suburban life. I met Mary when I was in college, and she was still in her last year of high school. She is a very tall woman with long legs and large breasts. They were too much of a temptation for me, so I married her. I never regretted that move because I don't think I would ever find somebody better than Mary.Mary never complained about my member's size, although probably deep in her heart, she would have liked to have...

4 years ago
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Ben Mary

Ben and Mary have been married for 7 years. They dated for 3 years before getting married and Ben loved it. Mary was quite provocative in the way she dressed an acted. After the first two years Ben noticed a big change in Mary as she no longer wore dresses and skirts like she did, now its mostly jeans or shorts. She also stopped wearing hosiery and went bare legged. Ben had been invited to go out clubbing with another couple. He discussed it with Mary and she agreed. He asked her if she could...

3 years ago
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Hometown HeroChapter 3 Going after Mary

I apologized to her again about being an idiot. She smiled at me and let me know that everything was all right. As we were walking along headed for a good seat to see the fireworks, my sisters stopped us. "Hi, Bro. What's up? Going with your friend to see the fireworks?" "I'm sorry, Barb, Bess. This is my friend Mary." Barb then walked up to Mary and put her hands on her cheeks like she was going to kiss her. Mary started laughing, "I can't do it girls. You two are just too...

4 years ago
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Scott and Mary

“YOU FUCKING DID WHAT!!!” “It was a sort of spur of the moment thing.” “And it didn’t occur to you to, you know, speak to me first?” “I honestly didn’t expect anything to come of it.” “Oh and that makes it all okay does it?” “I know I...” “Don’t you dare even try to wriggle out of this.” “I...” “You have done some stupid things in my time, but this? This is a whole new level of stupidity.” The voices crashed into silence. Fifteen year old Scott looked over at his one year younger...

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Amazing Mary

Mary was only a year younger than me. We met at a friends birthday party in my sophomore year. I instantly had a crush on the girl with short blond pigtails and braces. Mary had a soft voice and was hard to hear while in the party so we sat outside by the rivers edge and talked. Mary’s mother picked her up a little before the party officially ended and I didn’t see her again for four years ironically it was at another party. Mary had grown up and filled out a lot over the last four years...

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Getting Mixed up with Mary

As with earlier stories this takes place on the farm in rural mid west. I was in my late teens this story is true by all accounts but has been altered just a little bit. It was a typical summer day in the mid west hot and humid was the way to describe it .Beverly my mother had given me a whole list of chores to be done before i could even think about going fishing or for a swim in the pond. As i was working up a sweat out in the garden i saw Mary arrive. Now Mary was our closest neighbor and my...

3 years ago
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second date with Mary

“I like Don and Nancy but I would like to get to know you better,” she said as I helped her into the van. “Besides they smoke too much weed, a little is fine but they seem to over do it don't you think”she said as we were leaving the driveway. Everything happened so fast last week I wasn’t expecting that “I said I don’t usually have sex on the first date. Mary replied “I don’t either but I think it was the weed and how Nancy portrayed you to me that gotten me excited.I hope you don’t think...

3 years ago
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Bill and Mary

BILL AND MARYI was late the first time I met Bill and Mary. I had naively agreed to meet them in an hour at a Mexican restaurant and bar, realizing too late that I was trying to get there in rush hour, and was going to be at least 40 minutes late. Not a good beginning. Fortunately I had Bill’s cell phone number, stopped alongside the highway, and called him to let him know. Bill agreed to wait for me, but I was convinced he was already wondering what kind of dufus he and Mary had agreed to...

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Adult Baby Mary

Me: Mary its time for a diaperingMary: ok let me get naked!Mary: Hops on the changing table Me: Grabs the diaper bagMe: grabs a diaper, thermometer and baby wipesMary: why do you have the thermometer?Me: so i can take your temperature in your rectum MaryMary: oh Me: sticks the thermometer inside your ass and checks your temperature 98.9 perfectMe: takes the thermometer out and grabs a baby wipeMary: i like to be wipedMe: goes to wipe Marys pussy and see's she has lots of hair!!!!! Grabs razor...

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As step-sisters go, Mary was OK, in her own way. Suffice to say that I mean when things went her way.Out parents had married a couple of years ago, I only met Mary at the wedding. She was married to some sort of corporate lawyer, who was always on his phone. And I suppose we viewed each other with a little apprehension. So I think we both agreed that for the sake of our respective parents, we got along, but there was no real brother sister relationship.After the wedding, and the happy couple...

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I Call on Jill Mary

When Jill was born the medical staff looked at the baby's genitals and told the parents "You have a baby boy." The baby was named Jack, after his uncle and spent the next several years as a boy. Jack never got involved in sports with other boys, partly because of his small stature and partly because he felt more at home playing with girls. He enjoyed wearing his older sister's clothing whenever he could. The sister, who was empathetic beyond her years,...

2 years ago
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Something About Mary

Something About Mary "Hey, Dillan! Mr. bleach blond!" It wasn't completely out of the blue, but I was certainly caught off guard when Mary called out to me. Though I was hardly one of the school punching bags, I wasn't exactly a popular kid either. I had my small circle of friends that I was happy with and we largely avoided the drama riddled 'upper echelon' of the school hierarchy. So I never expected one of the most popular girls in school to spontaneously...

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Trent Mary

I pulled into the parking lot of a small, seedy bar and turned off my motorcycle. I stuffed the keys in the pocket of my jeans and went in. Inside it was dimly lit, as was the norm for bars, at least as far as I had ever seen. About a dozen people were there. I sat down at the bar and ordered a beer. I twisted off the cap and turned around on the stool. A number of women were there. One in particular caught my eye. She was quite tall for a woman, about six feet, meaning she was only slightly...

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My wife was working one of her overnight jobs and I was bored as hell. I didn't care to watch TV, it was Monday night and there was nothing on worth watching. I had already seen all the new stuff on my porn sites and was tired of it for a while. I wanted to get out of the house but didn't know where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do. I don't go to clubs or bars.....why pay for one beer what I buy a 6-pack for and have to shout to be heard by the person sitting 2ft away all the while...

1 year ago
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Visiting Aunt Mary

I'm a college student, 23 years old, just finishing my engineering degree. While engineering studies are somewhat masochistic, I've really enjoyed school and learning and have been talked into continuing my education by one of my professors with a masters degree. I've already mentioned that I enjoyed school, but the thing you need to know about engineering schools is that there is a weird mismatch between men and women. I'm not going to speculate why, but will say that they're this song I heard...

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Visiting Aunt Mary

I'm a college student, 23 years old, just finishing my engineering degree. While engineering studies are somewhat masochistic, I've really enjoyed school and learning and have been talked into continuing my education by one of my professors with a masters degree. I've already mentioned that I enjoyed school, but the thing you need to know about engineering schools is that there is a weird mismatch between men and women. I'm not going to speculate why, but will say that they're this song I heard...

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Copyright© 2007 Chapter 1: The Old School "I wonder what she's up to?" Ray mused as he noticed the young girl walk slowly passed the wall at the road end of his front garden for the fourth time. He called it a front garden but at the moment it was a waist high wilderness of grass and weeds; a wilderness he was trying to reduce to a manageable length using an old fashioned scythe hired locally. "When it's short enough, I'll use the ride-on rotary mower to keep it under control and...

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The Ghost of Resurrection Mary

The story of Resurrection Mary was told around Chicago for so many years that it became legendary. But, back in the thirties when a pretty young girl was killed by a hit-and-run driver, it was heartbreaking. Mary had been with her boyfriend at a dance hall when a fight began and she ran out into the dark night and was killed. In the year nineteen-thirty-four, she was buried in Resurrection Cemetery in an unmarked grave. That’s when the sightings began.People, mostly men, swore they’d seen...

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friemd mary

My friend Mary from back in college dropped by unexpectedly and this was the beginning of some very wild happenings. She and her husband Mark where traveling through our area and decided to stop by. I asked them to stay over so they could meet my husband. After a little tugging, they agreed to postpone their travel plans. Once my husband David got home from work, we settled down with some drinks and conversation. David suggested we go out and enjoy the hot tub. Once everyone changed, we all...

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friemd mary

My friend Mary from back in college dropped by unexpectedly and this was the beginning of some very wild happenings. She and her husband Mark where traveling through our area and decided to stop by. I asked them to stay over so they could meet my husband. After a little tugging, they agreed to postpone their travel plans. Once my husband David got home from work, we settled down with some drinks and conversation. David suggested we go out and enjoy the hot tub. Once everyone changed, we all met...

1 year ago
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A visit to my Aunt Mary

One December evening I received a phone call from an aunt I hadn’t seen for years. It was my Aunt Mary, of whom I’d been very fond as a kid. She and her husband had lived near my parents back then and we saw each other often. Since then, however, I had moved away from home when I’d gotten a job on the other side of the country. I still saw Aunt Mary when I came home for birthdays and holidays, but that had changed when my parents had retired and moved to another part of the country as well....

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Play It Again SamChapter 4 Mary

The following day Clarity and I drove up to LA a little early. I wanted the extra time to see how the renovations to the Hollywood hills house were coming along. When we moved to San Diego we had decided to keep both the Beach House and the Hollywood hills house. Oddly enough the Beach house we ended up leasing to Michael and Margaret Curtiz, the same folks I learned had purchased the home when I had gone back to 2006. The Hollywood hills house we left vacant in the event any of us needed a...

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This is more about Mary..her husband Bill and myself. After the first time together our friendship developed much deeper. We just connected deeper than just a sexual attraction. There was only 1 moment that made me concerned and that was a few days after our fist visit at Marys and Bills home. I stopped for coffee and when i went in the other younger girl Melanie who works in the shop with Mary gave me a funny little look as i entered. Did she know? As i was pouring my coffee Mary came...

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Seducing Mary

Brian, Tom and Jenna sat around the kitchen table. Brian was actually more pacing than sitting, and was so deep in thought that he had worked a cigarette out of its pack, put it in his mouth and had it halfway lit before realizing that Jenna would have his ass on a platter if he finished the action in her kitchen. Surprisingly, she was so deep in thought that the whole process, complete with stamping out the cigarette and putting it back in Brian's pocket managed to escape her in its...

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Mike and Mary

I am Mike. I grew up in a small town that was so far out in the middle of nowhere that we were heading back in on the other side. If you farted on the south side of town, they knew about it on the north side within 5 minutes. We did not have a stop light in town, just a 4 way stop at the square. I was never a person that someone would notice. Average is the best way to describe me. Height, weight, looks, you name it, YEP I was average. I could stand alone in the middle of a stadium and no one...

4 years ago
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Vengeful VirginChapter 15 Don Does Virgin Mary

It had sounded workable and exciting to all three of them eighteen days ago. Joan, out of guilt for her infidelities, had thought that sharing her husband with her young sister was a fair compromise. Newly deflowered Julie seemed also amenable to sharing her brother in law with his wife. After all, they were married to each other so Joan had a right to him despite her previous immoral actions. For Don, the prospect of being able to fuck his fifteen-year-old sister in law without fear of being...

2 years ago
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Great Aunt Mary

I was about 16 when my mother’s aunt, Mary, was suddenly widowed. She must have been in her late sixties by then. My mother felt responsible for her so the whole family made sure that everything was okay for her and that she had no problems. She was an intelligent woman and still very lively. She would ask me to go to the house to fix minor things around her place that needed some attention. One day, she phoned mother and asked if I could pop over and help her move her late husband’s rocking...

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And Along Comes Mary

I was thirteen when Dad got his new job. From March to July, all I heard was how it was a great opportunity and how this could be a new start for the whole family. Big deal. I didn't want a new start. I was happy here. Len, my sixteen year-old brother, was happy. Chelsea, my twelve year-old sister, was also happy, but as you know, once the adults decide, we get dragged along. Some major multinational was opening up a new office, or as they called it, a 'Rural Campus'. Translated into...

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Maria occasional would blow into town like a storm. This time was no different. She had called when she had stopped for gas outside of town to ask if I could make time for her. It was New Year’s eve and a bit unexpected, but I had no serious plans and welcomed her to ring in the new year together. About an hour later she knocked on the door. ‘George, it’s so good to see you,’ she exclaimed as she threw her arms around my neck. ‘You’re looking good Maria’, I said leaning down into her grasp....

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Losing my virginity to Mary

I masterbated a lot during my youth and I still do, there’s nothing better than a good private wank.I stayed at my mates house whilst his parents were away and he told me to stay in his parents room. I used to love looking at women’s underwear as I’ve previously mentioned in another story so whilst I was in their room I decided I’d have a wank and snoop around to see what underwear my friends Mum ‘Mary’ had. I discovered some huge knickers and bras, Mary was a big woman, her breast size was...

3 years ago
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BBW Mary

I had recently turned s*******n and I was a late bloomer. I had been teased by the other guys for not growing any pubic hair and my penis had been small too. Suddenly the hormones kicked in and I started to grow. It was almost overnight that I went from having no pubic hair to have a full bush around my now good sized cock. The guys in the gym class now started to tease me about my big cock instead of having a little penis... I clearly prefer to be teased because I was much bigger than them.My...

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BBW Mary

I had recently turned s*******n and I was a late bloomer. I had been teased by the other guys for not growing any pubic hair and my penis had been small too. Suddenly the hormones kicked in and I started to grow. It was almost overnight that I went from having no pubic hair to have a full bush around my now good sized cock. The guys in the gym class now started to tease me about my big cock instead of having a little penis... I clearly preferred to be teased because I was much bigger than...

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BBW Mary

I had recently turned s*******n and I was a late bloomer. I had been teased by the other guys for not growing any pubic hair and my penis had been small too. Suddenly the hormones kicked in and I started to grow. It was almost overnight that I went from having no pubic hair to have a full bush around my now good sized cock. The guys in the gym class now started to tease me about my big cock instead of having a little penis... I clearly preferred to be teased because I was much bigger than...

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Cherishing Mary

CHERISHING MARY! By Anne Gray "To love and to cherish, As long as we both shall live? I do." Life wasn't fair, in fact sometimes it was downright hard to handle. Mary and I had been married for just on thirty years and now I was looking at closets full of her clothes wondering what I would do without her. At fifty-two I was alone...

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