HR Complaint free porn video

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I got called down there to be informed that there was a Sexual Harassment Investigation being levied against me.

I work in the Service Department for a major tech company. There are several departments within the company. You have the Executives, of course, Admin, Marketing, Sales, and Service.

I started almost 10 years ago, and quickly climbed the ladder up to the number two position. The only guy above me was the Service Manager, but even he would admit that I know far more than he does. I'm just biding my time, until he gets promoted and I slip into his position, or I just say “Fuck It" and leave to go somewhere else. At this moment, I'm leaning towards the latter.

The Sales Department is almost a continually revolving door. Almost all of them are young, good looking guys and girls. They run around all the time, flaunting their looks, and flirting, in order to make sales. Those who don't make their numbers, are shown the door.

A handful of them have weathered the storms, and have been there almost as long as me. They also use me to help them get sales, asking me technical questions, or having me talk to some of their potential customers, who speak geek. I usually don't mind helping out.

There was a mass push for a new product that we were selling, and the company beefed up the Sales Force in order to push it hard out into the marketplace. In comes the Newbies, along with the reason that I was called up to H.R.

Cynthia Arnold was a young, Twentysomething, that was an absolute Goddess. There wasn't a physical flaw on her. She was perfection, and she knew it. She walked around wearing high heels, and super short skirts with blouses that always show off her ample breasts. It was almost impossible to look this girl in the eyes. Even with her confident personality.

She learned real quick, from the veterans, to come to me if she needed technical advice, or had questions. It was fine by me, but like I said, it was hard to look her in the eyes.

She'd bend over at my desk, giving me a full view of her sizable tits, whenever she was trying to point something out. One time, I was in the shop working, and laying on my back to get up under the machine. She came over, and stood right above me.

“You could be really naughty from down there.” She said, getting my attention.

I poked my head out, and had a perfect view up her skirt, with her smiling down at me. She didn't even try to hide her modesty. I had an unobstructed view up her skirt, with her legs spread slightly, and seeing her barely there black G-string panties, with mesh front, seeing enough to tell that she was completely shaved.

Things like that happened all the time, and I honestly think that she got off on it. Then, out of the blue, she files a Sexual Harassment complaint against me. To say I was pissed, was a gross understatement.

I wouldn't talk to anybody for weeks. My boss wouldn't even try to come bother me. I just stuck to myself, and poured everything into work. On my off time, I was also looking for a new job.

Sales Reps were coming to me for help, and I was turning them away, sending them to my boss. I felt bad about it, because he was getting swamped, and the rest of the sale reps were having to wait, but I was getting screwed by one of them. I wasn't going to do anything that could pile onto the company's investigation.

With an office full of Sales Reps, the latest Sales Rep decided to try to be sneaky, and come to me. Of all people, it was Cynthia. The Bitch actually had the nerve to try to come ask for help, after she filed a Sexual Harassment Complaint against me!

“Kyle, Joe looks swamped, and I really need help. I heard that you weren't helping out anybody anymore, but do you think that you could help me out this one last time, Please? I really need this deal.” She begged as if everything was normal.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now? You're the reason that I'm not helping people, because of your Bullshit H.R. complaint. I'm not even supposed to be talking to you right now.” I said, not believing the audacity of this girl. Then I got pissed. “Get the fuck out of my shop! If you fucking need help, get the fuck in line, and wait for Joe!”

Joe's office was in the corner of the shop, and my yelling grabbed the attention of several Sales Reps, and Joe himself. I was fuming. I looked over at Joe, who poked his head out of his office to see what all the yelling was about.

“I'm going the fuck home early.” I growled to him. Then looked back at a shocked Cynthia, in her eyes, without any issues, and just walked out.

I didn't really even give a shit anymore. It was Friday, I was pissed, I didn't need to be around there, and especially her. I clocked out on my computer, and stormed out. Joe didn't even say a thing to me.

I got into my truck, and left. The first stop that I made, was to the liquor store. Then I drove straight home.

I changed into a pair of shorts, made a drink, and flopped my ass onto the couch. I looked for something to calm myself down, and found a baseball game on. That was one good thing about leaving work early, I caught the 1 o'clock Yankees game, and it was against the Red Sox.

The game ended at 5. I was already almost halfway through the bottle. I had long left work at work, and a Yankees win just put me into an even better mood. But, I was getting hungry, and went searching for something to eat.

I found some burgers in the fridge. So, I fired up the grill, and got to cooking. After eating, I flopped back onto the couch, with a fresh drink. The alcohol, and the food was making me drowsy. I kept fighting it, watching the next game, Astros vs the Blue Jays.

Just as I was about to nod off, a knock on my door woke me back up. I was startled completely awake. A second knock alerted me as to why I was awake.

I groaned, and stood up, swaying a little bit. Then made my way to the door. I opened it to find Joe standing there.

“Hey Kyle, I just wanted to swing by, and see if you were alright. I've never seen, or even heard of, you flipping out like that. H.R. gave me the heads up about what's going on, and I'm here to tell you, that even they think the case is flimsy at best.” He said. “I'm not supposed to tell you this, but they think that it was just a ploy by her, to keep her job. Apparently, she's on the chopping block, and they think that this was an effort keep her job just a little longer.”

“And, in the meantime, I get a permanent record in my file, even if no evidence is there to support it.” I said. “Unless by some miracle, she retracts her complaint.”

“Even if it is, you're still at the top of the list to take my job. Hell, I have to fight for everything that I have now, just to keep you from just taking the job away from me.” He joked, trying to cheer me up. “Just keep your head up, and let this shit blow over. Trust me, everyone wants the old you back.”

“Sure, thanks for coming all the way out here.” I said.

He half smiled, and clapped me on the shoulder before he left. I live in a very secluded area, just on the outskirts of town. I knew that it was a hike for him to come out and check on me. I did appreciate the effort.

I waved as I watched him drive down the driveway. Then closed the door. All the drinking finally got to me. I really had to piss.

I just tucked my junk away, and flushed, when there was another knock at the door. I figured that Joe must have forgotten something.

“What did you forget?” I asked, opening the door. Then I got angry. “What the fuck are you doing here? How the fuck did you even find out where I live?”

Cynthia was standing there, holding a file folder in her hands.

“I followed Joe.” She said. “Please, I need your help. I asked Joe, but he was useless. They're about to fire me. Please, I'm sorry for filing that complaint, but I needed just a little more time to land this deal, and save my job. I need this job. I've over extended myself, and if I get fired, I'm going to lose everything.”

“And, why the fuck should I care?” I growled, and was sobering up quickly. “You getting fire will drop this complaint against me, immediately.”

“Because, I know that you're a really good guy, and I'm willing to do anything to make it up to you. Just please help me.” She begged.

“Really good guy, huh? Anything?” I asked, getting evil thoughts in my head, and full intending to act on them.

“Anything. My meeting is with them is on Monday.” She said.

“Strip.” I simply said.

“What?!” She asked, actually surprised.

“Take off all of your clothes.” I said, more plainly.

“If I take off all of my clothes, then, you'll help me?” She asked, sounding uncertain.

“No, that's just for starters. You'll have to do a lot more that just get naked, for me to help you.” I said.

“What else do I have to do?” Her voice trembled.

“Never mind, you're not serious about doing anything. So, you must not need my help all that badly. Good luck on Monday.” I said, starting to close the door.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait! Ok, I'll do it!” She panicked, getting me to open the door up again.

I didn't say anything. I just watched her, and waited. She hesitated a moment more, then started to slowly unbutton her blouse. Her hands were shaking, but she eventually got all four buttons undone.

I watched as she slipped her blouse off her shoulders, one at a time. She still had that file in her hand, so she had to. Then it hit the front porch.

She unzipped the back of her skirt, and let it fall down to her ankles. She reached between her breasts, that was almost spilling out of her thin lacy bra. With a snap of her fingers, her bra looked like it exploded out, as the cups came flying outward. She pulled it off her arms, and let it fall on the porch.

I was in heaven. Her tits seemed to defy gravity. They barely dropped when her bra came off, and that's some feat with the size that they were. I was careful not to show it.

She hooked the strings on her hips, and pushed her panties down, letting them fall down with her skirt. Then stepped out of them. Lastly, she kicked her heels off to the side.

She as stood there completely naked, with her arms down at her sides, and her auburn colored hair covering her eyes, as she was looking down. Everything was on display for me, and she looked even more incredible naked, then she did dressed up. But, she didn't seem like her confidant self at that moment.

“Leave the clothes. Come on in.” I said, causing her to look up a little.

She hesitantly took the first step. Then quickly hurried in past me. I closed the door, and followed her into the living room, watching her ass sway as she shuffled.

She stopped in the middle of the room. I passed her, sitting back down on the couch.

“You want my help? You follow my rules. You do whatever I tell you to. If, you don't, or even hesitate, the deal's off, you can walk your ass out of here, and get shit canned on Monday. Do you understand?” I asked, getting a head nod from her.

“Let me see the file.” I said.

She came over, standing just off to the side of me, holding the file out. I took it from her, and opened it. I started reading it, and only made it through the first few sentences before I got frustrated. There was already several technical errors in her presentation, and anybody who knew anything would have just walked out on her.

I sighed as I put the open folder down on the coffee table in front of me. Then I quickly reached up, and grabbed her nipple between the knuckle of my forefinger, and my thumb, squeezing it.

She screamed out in both pain, and surprise. She pressed her hands into the side of her thighs, fighting the urge to slap my hand away, or try to grab my wrist to pull it away.

“You've been working at this company for six months, and you still don't even have a clue as to the fucking basics.” I said calmly, watching her squeeze her eyes tight, and biting the inside of her lips to keep from crying out.

“We're going to play a game.” I told her. “You're going to lay across my lap while I read that piece of shit that you just handed me. And, every time I come across a mistake, I'm going to slap your ass. We're got to keep the game going until one of two things happens. Either you're going to get up and leave, in which I win, or you're going to stay there and take all of the spankings, in which you win. So, let's start.”

I pulled her nipple down, causing her to follow.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!” She cried, as I pulled her face down onto my lap.

I positioned her right where I wanted her, before letting her nipple go, and picking up the file. I had my other hand resting on her ass. Then I started reading out loud.

Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack!

I had spanked her ten times before the first paragraph was done. Her ass was pink, and she was starting to squirm.

I reached fifty by the time I got halfway through the first page. Her ass was red, and she was crying and sobbing.

I reach a hundred by the time I got halfway through the second page. Her ass was deep red, my hand was stinging, and she was screaming, crying, and kicking her feet onto the couch.

I reached a hundred twenty-five by the end, and was seriously surprised that she stayed there. My hand was on fire, and I could see that her ass was too. She was full on crying. Her entire body was shaking, and she was hyperventilating.

I was running my hand over her ass, trying to get feeling back into my hand. I noticed that every time my hand reach the bottom of her ass, her legs would spread a little bit each time. I kept rubbing until her legs spread enough for me to fit my hand in between them.

I slipped my hand down in between her legs, and found that her pussy was soaked. I shoved my thumb up inside of her, and my other four fingers found her clit. It only took a few swipes of my fingers for her to cum into my hand. Her pussy exploded violently, showering my hand in her juices.

“Ung! Oh God!” She cried out, between sobs.

Her body locked up for a moment. Then went into sporadic convolutions. Her breath was heaving, and labored.

I pulled my hand out, and it was literally dripping off onto her ass. I slapped her ass with my other hand, getting a whimper out of her.

“Get up off me, and kneel down on the floor, at my feet.” I told her. She slid gingerly off my lap, and onto the floor.

She kneeled at my feet, looking down at her hand, that were on her knees. Her makeup and eyeliner was running down her face.

“Are you proud of this presentation?” I asked.

“No.” She said, meekly.

“Lick my hand clean, while I try to figure out how to fix this garbage.” I said, holding my hand out in front of her face.

To my surprise, she didn't even hesitate. She almost seemed to have an enthusiasm toward the task, as she sucked on one of my fingers, swirling her tongue around it.

All of this made me hard, but I wanted to wait a little longer for that. I was having fun just humiliating her. To see a normally confident woman reduced to this was fun, and I was almost getting a power high from it.

I made a few mental notes, trying my hardest to concentrate on the paper, instead of her mouth. All too soon, she was done cleaning my hand. I could feel it, but she continued with her task. I didn't want her efforts to be for nothing though.

“Go out into the kitchen, mix me a Jack and Coke, three fingers, bring it back out here, put it on the coffee table, and return back to this position.” I told her.

Then watched her as she got up, and went out into the kitchen. She was moving kind of gingerly still. Her ass was still blazing red.

I reached over and grabbed a pen off the end table. I was about to start writing some notes, when an idea struck me. I pulled off my shorts, and scooted a little closer to the end of the couch. Now I was as naked as her. I wanted to see her reaction when she came back into the room, and to see if she took up her first spot on the floor, or actually took the spot at my feet.

I started writing notes on the papers, and waited. She gasped she came back into the room. I might have only been blessed with average looks, but I was blessed with a huge dick. It was 12” long, hard, and just under 6” around, and I was as hard as a rock, with the head of my dick resting on my stomach.

I ignored her, continuing to write notes, and waiting to see what she would do. She stopped where she was before, for only a moment. Then came over, and leaning over me so that her tits were in my face, and placed my drink on the end table. Then knelt at my feet.

I continued to ignore her for a few minutes, but glanced at her a few times. She was looking at her hands a couple of times, and up at my dick a couple others.

“Make yourself useful, and suck my dick while I'm busy fixing this garbage.” I said, without taking my eyes off of the papers.

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, and quickly glanced over at her. Her face was as red as her ass, but she went for it.

Her tiny fingers gently wrapped around the middle of my shaft, pulling my dick out towards her. Then she placed the head into her mouth, sealing her lips around it. She slowly started to swallow it, swirling her tongue around it, coating it as it entered further into her mouth.

She got a little less than half way down onto my cock, before it bumped the back of her throat. Her body lurched as her gag reflex kicked in, and she coughed, sending spit and drool down the shaft of my dick.

She used her other hand, and jerked the bottom half of my dick, as she suck the top half. It felt ok, and I let it go on for a little while before I said anything about it.

“I said suck my dick, not jerk me off.” I said, not even looking up.

She took her hands off my dick, and placed them back on her knees. My dick was still in her mouth, and her head started to bob.

She was playing it safe, and only taking me into her mouth as far as she did when her hands were helping her.

“So, you're going to half ass that, like you did with this fucking paper?” I asked, with an edge to my voice.

She readjusted her position, getting higher up on her knees, and put some more into her dick sucking. She kept smashing the back of her throat down onto the tip of my dick every time, causing her whole body to lurch and gag.

I kept making notes, letting that go on for another ten minutes. It was a real boost to my ego, but it wasn't getting me any closer to cumming.

“You're fucking worthless. You can't do up a fucking presentation right, and you can't even give a decent fucking blowjob correctly. You seem to need help with even that.” I said, scolding her. “So, here it is. If you don't get your lips wrapped around the base of my cock in the next ten minutes, I'm going to bend you over this fucking couch, and fuck that sore ass of yours, using only the fucking spit and drool that you've coated my dick with for lube. Then after I've thoroughly pounded your ass, I'm going to force my whole cock into that lying mouth of yours, until your lips are wrapped around the base. I'm taking my own fucking time to help your worthless ass, the least you can do is show a little gratitude.”

She closed her eyes, with my dick still in her mouth, and shivered. Then put some more gusto into it. She was desperately trying to bust the head of my cock past the back of her throat with every swallow. She didn't even waste any time with pulling my dick out of her mouth to cough. She just coughed through her nose, and kept at it.

I stopped writing notes, put down the file and pen, and watched her desperately trying to get me into her throat. With a minute left, she even grabbed my ass, and pulled, to try to force it in.

“Times up.” I said, pulling her hair to take her face off of my dick.

I still held her hair when I stood up, pulling her up to her feet with me.

“Oh God no! Please, please just give me another couple of minutes?! I almost got it! I just need a little bit more time!” She begged, almost panicking, as I pulled her up onto the couch, leaning on the back of it.

“If you're not ready on Monday, and you ask them for an extension, will you get the sale?” I asked, letting go of her hair, and lifting her ass up a little.

“No.” She cried, as I placed the head of my dick onto her tight little hole.

“Then this is a teachable moment.” I said, starting to press forward. She reached back, trying to push back on my hips or legs. I took both of her arms, pulling them behind her back, crossed. To her credit, she didn't move them again, even when I let them go to pull on her hips.

“Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!” She cried, repeating herself over and over as I increased pressure. “Please be gentle? This is my first time.”

“Lessons are supposed to be painful. That's how we learn.” I said, pulling back on her hips, and thrusting mine forward.

The head of my cock busted in, followed by a few inches of my shaft. Cynthia screamed out in pain, and cried. I gave her no time to get accommodated, as I pushed a couple more inches in. She screamed the whole time, begging incoherently, as I started sawing into her ass, drilling more of my cock up into her ass.

I didn't stop until my entire cock was up in her ass, and my hips were sealed to her ass cheeks. I could feel the heat radiating from them still. Her voice was sounding a little scratchy from all of the crying and screaming that she was doing.

But, she never said to stop. Nor did she even try to pull away. She stayed kneeling on the couch, with her hands behind her back, and took whatever I dished out to her.

I only waited for a moment before I pulled back. She calmed down a little When I did. I pulled until only the head was left inside, the reverse myself, drilling back into her. Her screaming and crying kicked back up when that happened.

I started off slow, taking long full strokes for a while. I waited for her hysteria to dial down. Then I picked up the pace, and add a little more force. She grunted and groaned as I drilled into her. Then yelped and whimpered when my hips slapped off of her ass.

Finally, when I felt her loosen up a little, I reached around and squeezed her tits as hard as I could, and really started hammering into her. She clamped her mouth shut, to keep from crying aloud. She made a steady humming sound as she tried to keep in her crying, with a high pitched noise whenever I slapped up against her ass.

I really did want to feed her my cock after I pulled it out of her ass, but her ass felt too good for me to stop, and with a final thrust, I pulled on her tits as hard as I could, burying my cock up her ass as far as possible, and unleashed what felt like a gallon of cum up into her bowels.

She let out a continuous high pitched scream, and I felt her asshole pulsating around the base of my dick, and something wet spraying all over my thighs.

Then I felt her go limp. After the last rope of cum plastered her insides, I loosened my hold on her tits, and she slid sideways, down the back of my couch, until she was laying on her side. I could see her tits heaving with every breath that she took. So I knew that she was alive.

I pulled my cock out of her ass, leaving it gapping wide. I never fucked a chic in the ass before. None of the women that I ever slept with would ever let me, because of my size. So, I was watching hers still pulsing a little, and slowly closed. Just before it closed all the way, a gob of my cum pushed out, and trickled down her ass cheek.

I went out onto the front porch, and gathered all of her clothes, bringing them inside. I used her blouse to clean up my cum off her ass, and her cum off of both of our legs.

I scooped her up into my arms, causing her to moan a whimper in her sleep, and carried her up to my bed. I tucked her in, and headed back downstairs. I pulled out my Surface Pro, and got to work.

It was well past midnight, and I finished the rest of my bottle, before I called it a night. I locked up, and shut everything down. Then went up to bed. I crawled into bed next to Cynthia, and passed out.

I was woken up a couple of times throughout the night. The first time was when Cynthia scooted back into me. Her ass bumped into my hip, and she let out a whimper. The second was when I was on my back, and she rolled over to snuggle up to me. Her tit pressed into my side, and she whimpered again.

I woke up late morning with her still snuggled up to me, kissing and licking my nipple, and stroking my cock, which was already hard.

“Good morning.” She purred, once she noticed that I was awake. “We never got to finish what we started last night. I'm sorry. I passed out.”

“You seriously want more?” I asked, causing her to giggle.

“I know. Nuts, huh?” She smiled. “I seriously thought about walking out last night, a few times.”

“What made you stay?” I asked, causing her to sigh.

“My parents never punished me, and every guy I've ever dated has treated me like fine China. I know that I'm beautiful, I've been told so my whole life, and everybody feels the need to preserve beauty.” She said. “But, last night, you saw right through that, and gave me what I needed, what I deserved. What I did to you was pretty shitty, and I deserved to be punished for it. I knew that. The humiliation was bad enough, but once the pain started, I was ready to walk out. Then something happened. I reached a point where I started to enjoy the pain and degradation. It actually turned me on. You turned me on. You were so commanding, and authoritative. You gave me what I deserved, and told me what should have been told to me long ago.”

“So, you liked what happened last night?” I asked.

“I think that I fell in love with you last night.” She said, with all seriousness.

“Love me?!” I asked, taken aback.

“Love hurts sometimes.” She said, nipping at my nipple.

I yanked her off by her hair, and kissed her forcefully. She melted into me, as she kissed me back. I reached down, and grabbed her ass, causing her to yelp.

“I think you bruised my ass last night.” She said, looking down at her tits. “I know you bruised these.”

I looked at her tits, and there were bruises. I rolled her onto her stomach, and flipped the blanket down. Her ass was covered with them.

“Yeah, you're going to feel it for a while.” I said. “If it's any consolation, my hand is still sore.”

“Yeah, that's a big help.” She laughed, pushing me onto my back. Then moved between my legs. “I was so close last night.”

Then she picked up my dick, and put it into her mouth. She started blowing me like she first did the night before. Then she quickly moved on to what she was doing before I ass fucked her.

She took my hands, and placed them onto the back of her head. Then pushed on them, hinting at what she wanted me to do.

She went at it again. I let her have at it for a while. Then, when she least suspected it, I shoved her head. The head of my dick busted past the back of her throat, and into it. Her nose quickly got buried in my pubic hair, and her chin was brushing my nut sack.

It surprised her at first, but then she instantly got excited. She brushed my hands off her head, and started really sucking my dick. It was the first time that any woman was able to deep throat me, and I was in heaven. I just laid back, and enjoyed it.

She blew me for almost half an hour. She pulled my dick out of her mouth, looking up at me in disappointment.

“Am I not doing it right?” She asked, hoarsely.

“High stamina.” I said, pulling her up next to me.

I spooned her, reaching down between us, and moving my dick to her pussy. She was wet, but it was still a tight fit for me. I had to work it in a little at a time, until I was pressed into her ass.

She whimpered when I was against her ass, even more so when I started playing with her tits. But, once I actually started fucking her, the whimpering quickly turned to moaning. I used one hand to play with her tits, and the other to hold her hair as I was kissing and sucking on the back of her neck.

It wasn't long before she came. Then I really started fucking her, long and hard. I didn't stop until I came. She came three more times while I was fucking her, and a final time when I came inside of her.

“Holy shit!” She said. “I am definitely in love.”

We laid there for a good long while, before getting up, and showering together. She wore one of my t-shirts after the shower, which was way too big for her, but it covered her ass. Then she made breakfast for me.

While she was in the kitchen, I pulled out my Surface Pro, reviewed what I did the night before, and finished everything else after that. I was done before she even brought out my food, and had it saved onto a thumb drive.

We spent the rest of the day talking about everything, except for work. Work never came up at all. That night, we fucked and sucked until well after midnight. She even rode me in her ass.

The next day, she had to go home to get some errands done. She got dressed in the clothes that she came over in Friday night, even with the cum stain on her blouse.

I walked out to her car, and kissed her goodbye. Then handed her the thumb drive.

“What's this?” She asked.

“Your presentation.” I told her.

“Holy shit! I've been so wrapped up in us, that I totally forgot about this. Thank you, Baby.” She said, giving me another kiss.

Then she got in her car, and left. I fiddled around the house all day. Then went to bed early. I was exhausted from the weekend.

I showed up at work the next morning feeling more like my old self than I had in weeks. I knew that Cynthia had her presentation first thing in the morning. I got a call from H.R. just after lunch, telling me that the Sexual Harassment Complaint had been dropped and expunged from my file.

I didn't see or hear from Cynthia at all that day. I showed up at work the next day, to find a long wrapped box sitting on my desk. The card on it read, “To protect your hand".

There was no name, but I knew who it was from. I chuckled when I opened the box to find a riding crop.

Word spread around the building that Cynthia nailed it, and made the biggest deal the company had ever had before. It was also announced that she had been promoted up to National Accounts because of it.

I didn't hear anything from her at all again that day.

I just finished dinner that night, when there was a knock at my door. I opened it to find Cynthia standing there, naked, with a file folder in her hand.

“I'm sorry that I haven't had time to see you, but they promoted me, and had me hit the ground running.” She said, looking downward. “Did you get my present?”

“Yeah, it's sitting on my coffee table.” I said.

“Well, I was hoping that you would be able to take a look at this presentation, and tell me what you think?” She asked, still looking downward, but with a slight gin.

She moved in a month later.


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First Time Suck Buddies Part 1

I borrowed this story from a friend of mine (with his permission of course) who also has a xham profile page. He decided his stories would be better suited for my page since they are about two high school guys who experiment with each other.Please read and enjoy and PLEASE comment. Thanks!Jason and I became friends in junior hi school but didn’t start fooling around together for a few years. We both had a thin build, me a little taller than Jason and both of us had medium brown hair. I didn’t...

2 years ago
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My Sisters Boyfriend 1 revised

Chapter 1 Although I was born in Vietnam, I grew up and went to school inSeattle, in the great state of Washington. Since I had been here for a longtime, I was very open minded. Unlike me, my family was very traditional. Myparents always made us speak Vietnamese whenever we were home. Not onlythat, when we were k**s, my sister and I was sent to classes in church andcommunity schools to learn how to speak and write Vietnamese correctly.Plus, since my sister and I loved to sing karaoke in...

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moral of the day

My girlfriend invited me to her house, I found her sister alone in the house, she was unbelievably sexy, she whispered in my ear, "i have feelings for you, shall we have sex" , I immediately turned around and walked to the front door to go to my car, I found my girlfriend standing there, she hugged me and said: "you've won my trust"... Moral of the story: always keep your condoms in the car

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Run Ch 02

This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains heterosexual and lesbian sexual activity. ————— —————– The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission. This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of...

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TSA Flagged My Vibrator as a Weapon

Sitting at the gate reading my book, my name was called to the podium. Since I hadn't placed my name on any waitlists, I was more than a little mystified. I placed the book back in my workbag, and walked up to the podium."Ms Montgomery, there is a problem with your checked bag," the gate agent said. The poor girl was terrified, trying to maintain a seriousness about her.I adjusted my bag, standing a bit straighter. My mind raced. Recalling the recent lists of "not approved for checked luggage"...

1 year ago
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Cuddling My Lover in Cullingnus

This is my place, this is my time, I think to myself from between my lovers thighs. Never was there a better place, no better time than right now. Her slightly musty smell in my nostrils, her slightly salty taste on my tongue. Her enjoyment increases as my tongue explores her labia, tickling, sampling the flavor. I use my lips to open her labia majora. My tongue explores her labia minora. The texture, the feel of her on my tongue is a wondrous sensation. Were I a condemned man, and this my last...

3 years ago
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Me My Maid And My Mom

Hi iss readers thank u for ur good response on my previous story titled my innocent maid…now coming to the story. I am rahulrai from bangalore maid rani stats 32d-30-34…my mom renu stats 34d-32-36…my mom has got big boobs and lovely ass anyone would die for … Now as from previous story me and my maid rani were having lots of sex day and night..i would always cum either in her ass or her pussy.her pussy was always wet for fine day she told me she has a surprise for me tomorrow..rani...

3 years ago
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New Career1862Chapter 11

I found a buckboard and a mule to pull it, so it looked to me like the first thing we needed to do was to get Martha some decent clothes. She drove the buckboard to the nearest town, and I followed on my horse. Of course, the dogs came along. They acted as if they thought that Martha's marriage to me was a foregone conclusion. The dogs took to her better than I expected, and I wondered if they would protect her from Whites as well as Indians. We got to town before we had a chance to test...

2 years ago
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Pieters drinkathon

My names Richard and I’m going to tell you about the time me and my friend Pieter had our first gay experience together. First I’ll tell you a bit about us. We both live in Berkshire in the UK. At the time Pieter and I were in our last year at school and were 17 when it happened. I’m quite a short guy and have the build of an amateur rugby player. I have brownish-blondish hair and blue eyes. I have an average size penis as does Pieter, but it's good all the same. Pieter’s a little taller than...

Gay Male
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The Pool House

It was 1986 and the first week of summer. I was home alone mowing the backyard. As I finished and shut the mower down I heard music coming from Mike and Gina’s backyard so I popped my head over the fence. Mike had just launched himself off the diving board and did a cannonball into the pool. Gina was laying on her stomach in a lounge chair in the grass sunbathing while she read a magazine. I couldn’t help but stare at Gina as she lay there in her yellow string bikini. I had always found...

1 year ago
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My Friend Harshita 8211 Part 9 The Femdom Saga

Hello Everyone, I’m back with a new story. This is a continuation of my previous story if you haven’t read those please check them first. Let’s Start the story. I had the same routine for the past 4 weeks. Getting the chastity belt and craving for orgasm the whole week. Then getting too much orgasm in one single day. Finally ending the week by satisfying my masters, all 5 of them. In the end, I always got too tired and just slept right away. When I woke up I used to have back the chastity belt....

2 years ago
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more motherfucking

I am looking for a direction from readers who enjoy the stories from my twisted mind. I need your feedback and opinion on what makes you hot. All involve American Families who's genitals are given offers they can't refuse A quickie short involving a hard up 40 year old man and what happens after moving back home with dear ol' mom. He left his wife of 10 years over a year ago and has not felt a warm pussy in over 3 years. But tonight Mom is celebrating her 60th birthday and is returning home...

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Camping With Mom Part 3

Introduction: Boy and His Mother Go Camping Note: I am not the Author of this story. I recently read this much of the story on this website (XNXX) with less grammar etc. I searched the web for the rest of the story and will be uploading them part by part at some point during this week. The reason for the delay in uploads is that I am editing Grammar, Paragraphs, and re-typing sections of it. So consider this story Camping With Mom: Remastered. I crawled under the blankets and got comfortable....

1 year ago
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Drink My Pee

Hi this is my fourth submission to this site but for but those who don’t know much about me here is a small Gist of it all, I enjoy making love with my maid her name is Chhaya and she is 38 years old is a married woman and is very dark has 34c boobs big round and black tits her waist is 30 and has a round butt of 34, I myself am 19 years old and am just average looking with 32d tits and a tight butt to compliment my backside but more than anything Chhaya love my eyes and finds them...

4 years ago
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Its Not a Fetish

I tried to look away, I really tried, but my eyes kept sneaking between my best friend’s legs. She had slumped back in the comfy chair, her legs pulled up, her knees slightly splayed, and beneath the hem of the white nightie I could glimpse the neon green yumminess of her thong crying out at me. I took another glance while she told me something about one of our classmates. Yes, it was a unicorn, small and cute and done in orange stitching, that sat right in the middle of Alice’s crotch. They...

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Wedding Day

This is my first story and my wife had arrived at her sister’s wedding function and for preparation earlier that day she and her mother had had their hair done, eyes, feet, bodies waxed all over. I woke up that day and went downstairs, what my eyes witness took my breath away. Before we carry on some details of the two ad wife is 5ft 7, and mother 5ft 5, my wife had a bust which was too die for, they protruded out so much so, it was as if she had been drawn by a pervert. Having lived in India...

2 years ago
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Boy in the RainChapter 1

On his way home Junie Wilson got caught in a sudden unexpected downpour about two streets over from his block. In an attempt to get under cover he ran up onto the porch of the nearest house and in doing so tripped and knocked over a small table. After righting the table he sought protection under the porch roof. Inside the house Emily Lee was on the phone with her tennis date. “Mary I guess we’ll have to postpone. I’m watching the weather channel and they say the storm cell is right over us...

3 years ago
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Black Bullies from High School Fuck My Wife

Most of us have probably had experiences in our younger years that we would just as soon forget. I had some experiences like that in my junior and senior years in high school, and they were all but forgotten until chance reared its ugly head.My name is Walter, and I’m a pretty average sixty-two-year-old married, white man atsix feet’ tall, weighing one hundred and eighty-five pounds, with grey hair and beard, and hazel eyes. But I started out as a skinny kid who had a hard time defending...

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InjusticeChapter 7

By the time it was one o’clock, the Mayor had more problems than he had earlier, but still had no answers. Things had gotten worse with the fires that morning, and those in the news media had been listening to the police and fire department on scramblers. They were aware of the fires, and just add them to their already long list of questions. Because of the new fires, the Mayor started the news conference fifteen minutes late, and was immediately bombarded with questions before he could even...

4 years ago
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Lesson Learned Ch 03

Thankfully the next day was Sunday, because I couldn’t have functioned at work after the night before. I slept until close to eleven and might have slept later but for Lia’s slipping her hand between my legs and making me come. Waking via orgasm wasn’t a bad way to start the day. It was hard to get into the swing of things after sleeping so late, despite the way I woke up. Breakfast wasn’t worth mentioning, so we went straight to lunch. I never felt like I completely woke up and having Lia...

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My first gay experience

This is my first submission to xhamster. I'm a bisexual guy from Leicester in the UK and this is the first of my four experiences with other guys whilst I was coming to terms with my sexuality. All of the guys I met were through hookup websites or personal ads, I never got the courage to meet someone in a club and talk it over beforehand. If you enjoy the story let me know, this is all 100% true too!First TimeMy first time with another man was in the very early hours of the morning. I had been...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 107

The morning after I was released from jail, I was back in the airplane. I rode the trike to the strip, then I towed the plane to a spot where I could take off into the prevailing wind currents. The little canary rolled out nice and got enough lift to take off in a very short distance. After two hours in the air, I settled back on the ground as gently as a butterfly. It was a great experience flying the canary. I was getting to be a confident, if not really experienced pilot. Being able to...

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As Jenny got out of the swimming pool she could feel the hot sun on her amazing sexy body, she was 19 and lived with her mum Taylor and her step dad Brad, Taylor met Brad at his fitness club he had and well as they say the rest is history, Jenny was on holiday from university her mum Taylor was a PR for a huge finance company.As she lay on the grass Brad shouted to see if she wanted a cold drink, Jenny got up and went in doors and sat chatting in the kitchen, she looked at brad’s very muscular...

1 year ago
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Glorias Gloryhole Adventure

Gloria ground her knees tightly together and closed her eyes and tried to think happy thoughts but it wasn't working. She needed a bathroom stop. BADLY. "Evan," she murmured plaintively, "I really need to go. I can't hold it much longer." "Gloria, we just got onto the highway. Couldn't you have gone back at Sylvia's house or ten minutes ago while we were eating? There's going to be nothing around here for miles ... shall I pull over so you can squat behind a bush and then look...

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I am radhika, 25 years old and I am one sexy women with a 36 28 36 body, 5’5″ height, heavy boobs ‘c’ cup size. And a well rounded ass. When I was 20 my boyfriend fucked me for the first time. (And from that time I am now always hungry for a good hard cock or two.) But now I will tell you how I got fucked by three students, and my taste for gangbangs. As soon as I was wed I went to live in another city with my husband leaving all my family and friends behind. My husband was very attentive to me...

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The Most Intimate PartChapter 3

In her arms I awoke, enveloped in her warmth and dusky woman-smell, my head cradled on her soft breasts. It was as if I were emerging from a dream, though perhaps I was still in the dream. She nuzzled my neck, nibbled at my earlobe, then squealed like a little girl. "Arise, arise my sweet, sweet prince." And arising I was, indeed I was arising. Caressing her round hips, letting my hand slip down to the naked undulating curves of her lower heat-emitting cheeks, and yes, indeed I was arising,...

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The Favour 8211 Part 1

The story is a work of fiction. Read it for fun. Similarities to real life characters are merely coincidental. All comments to be written in the box below. Sunil: Rehaan’s dad Shanti: Sunil’s wife Prakash: Sunil’s boss Aarti: Prakash’s wife He slurped his noodles as he listened to them talk. Grown-ups are boring. While they dined, the men spoke about their jobs while the women spoke about their day. Classic small talk. What a waste of time, he thought. Well not exactly. The women in the green...

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Tiffany does a Caribbean Cruise 2

Mark guided them to the Sky Bar on the highest deck. Obnoxious modern music was playing, but it wasn't too loud. After receiving their drinks, Mark commented. “ You are a great fuck. Your pussy is tight and you are flexible. You suck cock well too.” Tiffany smiled and looked down into her drink. Her head was reeling. She must have wanted this to happen. Why else the change of outfit? Something subconscious, she guessed. “Go into the ladies room and push two fingers as far up inside you as...

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"Jezebel throw me another can of beer", called the man sprawled out on the very worn lounge. "Too drunk are you Tom to actually get up and get the beer yourself", the woman replied as she moved her bulk, for she knew she was a touch overweight. "You're the closest you silly cunt, just chuck me a fucking can". Although the language sounded rough, it was said with no malice for it was the standard way of conversation in this rough neighbourhood. The can of beer sailed through the air and...

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DevilsFilms Skylar Snow It8217s Okay She8217s My Stepsister

Skylar Snow is thinking of becoming a camgirl, but she needs help with setting up the recording equipment. She asks her stepbrother Seth Gamble to assist her, saying that he can even direct her. Seth is surprised by the request, but Skylar says this would mean a lot to her, so he agrees to help. Some time later, Seth finishes setting up the equipment, and Skylar sits on the couch in sexy lingerie as she prepares to put on a show. Seth informs her that people in the online chat are already...

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BangBus Melody Foxx Payback is a Bitch On The Bus

Wat up fellas, the bus is out and about again. We’re trolling the Miami streets looking for the hottest girls. Today we found Melody walking around a not so safe neighborhood, so being the good guys that we are we pulled over to see if she needed help. This girl was really pretty and was wearing a little halter top that was barely holding in her nice tits. She immediately gave us attitude and we soon found out why. She had just gotten into a fight with her boyfriend and her cell phone was out...

4 years ago
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Wild Family

My parents' wedding was a pretty wild event, so I have been told, and also was the night that my mother got pregnant with me. That itself is not a very unusual event, but the fact that my grandmother also got pregnant that evening was the talk of the family. What I have been told, this wasn't the first time my grandmother had a very unexpected pregnancy. She got pregnant with my mother, her first child, at the very early age of thirteen. The story I have been told was that grandma and...

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A Wonderful Ordeal

Part 1Don and I had met on the internet in a chat room. Over the course of a month we had gotten to know each other and had shared our fantasies. Don was very dom and enjoyed the fact that I was very sub. I had shared with Don one of my favorite fantasies in which I'm a*****ed and forced into sexual servitude.Don was a cross country trucker and came through my city very often. We had talked about meeting and living out our fantasy. He was married but was interested in being with a sub TV. ...

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Box The box had arrived just in time. Nakamura's two "gentlemen" went to work unloading it as soon as the garage's roller shutter had closed behind the inconspicuous white delivery van. One of them I knew by name: Tanaka, a ridiculously muscular bloke in an ill-fitting jacket. He was beyond any doubt capable of dragging the box alone. Hence his scrawny new colleague was rather latching onto the wooden crate while it was pulled out of the van. "Will she be missed?" "Not in this...

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Sex with sister

Hi to all indian sex stories readers my name is raju and this is my first story in this website. Main indore me rahta hoon mere ghar me meri ek choti bahen aur mere dad or mom rahte hain my dad is a businessmen and we are living in banglow. My sister looks so sexy.all guys when see her 1st time wants to fuck her. Seema adhiktar salwar kamiz aur skirt & t shirt pahanti hain. Meri sis ka naam seema hain. Ek din ghar par koi nahi tha. Meri behan naha rahi mujhe usko nanga dekhne ki iccha...

3 years ago
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Obsessed with panties

At this point Im pretty sure I was obsessed. Panties were just my thing, and at 16 all guys are thinking about is pussy so this activity made the thoughts even stronger. I was a teenager and a horny one at that, and smeling and stealing panties was just a thing I did. And I was always looking for a chance to get a pair of soft underwear in my face, on my cock, and in my thoughts. It was a sunny day, a perfect day to be outside and no one was home at my freind Tims house. Especially his...

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The Golf Weekend Part Three

The Golf Weekend: Part three From the end of part two: I fell off his lap and undid his shorts. I couldn't wait to suck his dick. He let me suck him for a little while and stopped me before things go out of hand. He picked me up and carried me into my bedroom, telling me that he was going to spank me first, for being such a naughty girl and then he was going to fuck me. Part Three: He was right, I had been naughty and I wanted him to man handle me, tan my back side good and...

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Payback House

Payback House Eugene Morrison waited for the House to arrive. The need for vengeance had led him to being approached by a strange man who offered him a way to pay back those who had wronged him, which led to this moment, waiting for the House to appear. Just getting the key to the House took exactly half of everything he owned, and the search that led him to meeting the man with the key had cost him much as well, but as far as Eugene was concerned, it would be worth it, if the...

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WildOnCam Delilah Day Wants To Get Her Panties Off So She Can Fuck LIVE

Sexy hot Delilah Day is ready to get naughty and loves how hard Dan Ferraris cock is for her before she even gets naked. She wants that cock in her mouth getting all sloppy on that dick before letting Dan get that hard cock deep in her pussy. She loves that thrusting cock and putting her face right in the camera so you can see every reaction and watch those beautiful eyes as she begs Dan to fuck her harder. The only thing that can make this show better is if Dan cums all over those beautiful...

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“Do you want to kiss me?” Megan asked me, standing between the volleyball pit and the swings with her right hand on her cocked hip. Her long straight brown hair hung loosely, framing her face. Her hazel eyes swirled like clouds before a storm. She wore a black one piece swimsuit, ultrashort cutoff Jean shorts and sandals. My family took a vacation every year to Minnesota for two weeks. This year, Meg's family joined us during the second. I knew Meg most of my life, and was attracted to her...

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Already in high school, I was fantasizing about my teachers. Especially the not so young ones, in their fifties or so. Mating with a mature male, this was the most extreme sexual experience I could possibly think of. For many years though, I never considered doing it for real. It happened that older men would cast unambiguous looks at me now and then. And it did struck me like thunder, because it confirmed the possibility of an intercourse with those I regarded as the unlikeliest sex partners....

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Irsquom Gonna Be First in Line Today

While it was a long time ago I still remember waiting every day for the ending school bell to ring while in high school. Why? Because that’s when I would rush like hell to the “dead zone” behind the gymnasium to get a chance to pay to either get blown by or actually fuck little petite Vicki. A simple BJ (she sucked and spit most of the time) cost only $10. And if you were bold enough to fuck her it only set you back $25. I was a little apprehensive about fucking her, especially when you aren’t...

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Grand Panorama

To stand at the top of a mountain and look out across the vast plain is a moment one never forgets. As far as the eye can see, the beauty of Nature is presented in an uncompromised display, the glorious sunrise beyond the distant mountain range adding yet another level to the grand panorama. To share such a spectacle with a much-trusted, much-loved person makes the view even more special. That is why I had brought her here. That is why we had flown across the country, then rented a car,...

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My Friend8217s Sister

Hi viewers this is sunny again to narrate another sex experience of mine.while I was in my 18 we lived in a house which is present in a place ,.there we used to take bath in the wells on friend named kali had three sisters.of them the one named priya was looking too sexy with nice boobs and butts.she was in her 16. Both the boys and the girls would bath together.this was the daily routine.many times I saw priya in her wet clothes and I would fantacise about her.she will be looking...

4 years ago
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First Time Training Part 1A

21 year old Dylan happened to be one of the trainers that work with new people, since he has experience in the ring with others, he usually have a jam packed schedule and was satisfied with it. He happen to have a new kid from the block on his schedule for the day, "hmm never hear of this kid but I'll take it." He says tossing the iPad on his bag on the chair, the new folks were standing in straight line in the ring as he steps into the ring. "Hey all of you! I will be your trainer for the...

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My Niece I Part 3

My only concern was that we hadn’t talked about our relationship and where it was going or where we wanted to take it. The time would come for this but we were happy with what we had. By now, most of the renovation on the house was complete, and so I let Mario and Nora know that I would move back in the following weekend. I also said that I was going to have a renewal party, as a way of trying to start a new part of my life. Both of the girls were sad that I was moving back to my...

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GirlsTryAnal Abella Danger Chloe Cherry Lily Rader Name That Flavor

Abella Danger is shooting a brand new episode of her vlog and has invited two of her hottest friends to help. Sitting next to her are Chloe Cherry and Lily Rader. Abella is about to play a game with them called Name that Flavor. Before they begin, she blindfolds the girls and makes sure they can’t see a thing. She gets up, picks up the first piece of candy and rubs it on the girl’s respective tongues. Whoever can guess what is it gets the first point. The girls go through the first...

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Bored wife turned into a slut

I have something to tell you about why I have been coming home late from work and why my checks don’t show any overtime. I have been fucking random guys. The first one was Craig the guy I sent pictures to on instagram; we had sex a few times and I sucked his cock at work. When you asked me about the messages I denied doing anything other than sending him pictures. Truth was that was only the start of it. After you messaged him, he deleted his account, so I had a friend give him my number. One...

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The Harvest

The Harvest Megan Roman The building had not yet been completed when the first security guards showed up. Some kids had been getting into the construction site at night and tagging the inner walls. The company that was planning to use the building as its headquarters wanted that shit to stop, so they hired a security contractor to watch it. It was Tommy Brower's first job out of college, and he was a little nervous. All he had to defend himself with as he wandered the...

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Denial Ch. 01I don't believe that there's a man reading this who has been symbolically castrated as thoroughly as I. What began as virtually a sexless marriage for my wife and I, has remained a sexless marriage, but changed drastically in nature. In effect, my wife took a passive withholding of sex and turned it into an active withholding with female domination as the weapon. She is perfect proof that a dominatrix does not have to be born one. She can surely become one.Maxine and I are both 37,...

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My sisters Sweet Lesbian Lover

My sister's Lesbian Lover (F/m-teen, 1st time)by AB-2007As told to me by Kevin from WisconsinI know that the title of this story promises that it's going to be about girl on girl sex, but it's not. Actually it's about my sister's lover and me.My sister Adrienne was 23-years-old, the oldest of us 5 k**s. She was also the only one who had left home at that point in our lives. I was 14-years-old at the time this startling event took place.My sister knew that she was different at a fairly early...

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The Girl Part I

As we pulled up and parked near the State Farm Center, the only thing on my mind was the 'Sum 41' concert I'd be attending that night. But much more than I could've expected to happen ... Did. I, being the only 'Sum 41' fan among all of my family and friends ended up going to the concert alone. But it proved to be lucky in this case. The line was long, and the concert wouldn't be starting for another three hours. Quickly, I took the last spot in line before anyone else could. After about five...

4 years ago
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Stuart part 5

"Jamie?" I ask as I open the door. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here," Jamie says breathlessly, "because I love you, Stuart." My legs start to wobble as I hear the words I've longed to hear, but in my head, I know what I'm hearing is too good to be true. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, steadying my nerves before replying. "You love me... but?" I ask. "No buts," Jamie says with a smile and a playful roll of her eyes. "Plenty of 'and's, though. I love you AND I want to be...

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PornHub Vintage

Do you enjoy watching vintage porn videos? There is just something irascible about the lovely natural babes of the past, right? If you agree, I have the perfect place for you, and it is called This is a free porn website covering a wide array of porn niches, and you are welcome to check out whatever you are in the mood for. With that said, I shall mostly be talking about the beauty of vintage pornography today!What is vintage porn?Vintage pornography is just old pornos. As you...

Vintage Porn Sites
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My New Step Sisters Whos the Winner

1 year later: I walked out of prison, a changed young man. I did not want to go back. I took a taxi back to my house. My Dad had remarried while I was serving time. I missed the wedding. He told me she was very nice. She had two daughters by another marriage. He was happy to have them staying at his big house. He fixed up a small room in the basement for me. It was behind the laundry room. He gave the two girls my big room upstairs. I told him I understood. I was just happy to have a home...

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