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STATUS REPORT: Further research into Diane's family shows that she has a daughter and a son, both of consenting age. Diane looks surprisingly young to have k**s this old. I am going to use her family as further test subjects.


Adam cursed silently as he left his English class. Miss Shelly had been absent all week, and an ugly old man was substituting for her. He wanted to make sure his teacher was alright, but didn't know how to get a hold of her.

Thinking of going home only depressed him further. He hadn't seen his mother since they had screwed each other's brains out three times that morning. He still got hard when he thought about it, but she had been avoiding him. There was no other way to look at it. She was gone before he woke up, and came home after he went to bed. The only tell-tale signs she had even been home was when his laundry was neatly folded for him, and the sticky notes she occasionally left. She had never been an overly attentive mother, but after that wonderful morning, and then her complete absence, he found he was truly missing her.

He decided he would go to April and Minnie's place this afternoon. Spending time with his girlfriend and sister always cheered him up.

He was wrong. Minnie answered the door, and he could tell immediately that she had been crying. She turned her back on him, and ran back into her apartment. Had she found out about Miss Shelly and his mom? He truly hoped not!

Stepping inside, he closed to door, and followed the sounds of weeping. He found her sitting on their couch, April's arm around her holding her close.

"What's going on?" Adam asked, perplexed.

April examined him for a moment, making him uncomfortable, before finally speaking. "Adam, sit down. We need to talk to you."

Now he began to worry. His mom must have told them. It was the only thing he could think to explain why they were acting like this. But why would she do that? She had been very clear that April was NOT to find out what they had done.

Minnie looked up at him, her eyes bloodshot from her crying. He thought she looked cute without her glasses, but he liked her with her glasses on more. "I... I..." She turned back into April's shoulder, and started crying again. "I can't tell him. You need to."

"Look," he tried to say past the lump that was forming in the back of his throat, "I don't know what I did, but I will make it up to you. I will fix it. Just tell me what's wrong."

For some reason this seemed to make her cry harder. April glared at him for a second, and he just kept his mouth shut. He had learned years ago never to admit to anything, until he had been accused of it.

"What do you want to do with your life, Adam?" April asked, confusing the young man even more. "Where do you see yourself in five years?" Was this an interview for something? When he just continued to look at his sister in confusion, she finally gave a loud sigh, and told him. "I really hope you are a responsible man, because we're pregnant."

A pin on the other side of the room could have been heard in the overwhelming silence that followed that statement. Pregnant... And from the way she said it, it was both of them. He was dumbfounded. He figured he should have known it would happen, but he had thought that they were both on birth control. Hell, they had TOLD him they were. How could this happen? Well, accidents did happen, but BOTH of them?

He realized that they were both looking at him, waiting for his response. How do you respond appropriately to something like that?

"I love you, both," he said, unable to think of anything else, and feeling foolish for saying so little? It seemed to be the right thing, however, as he soon found himself sandwiched between both beautiful women. They were hugging him, and crying, and hugging him some more.

Despite the news he had just received, being this close to both women was starting to get him hard. He tried to push it down, knowing that right now wasn't the appropriate time for something like that, but April started to kiss his neck, sending electricity through him straight to his groin. Minnie started to nuzzle into him on the other side, and he knew he was lost.

He quit worrying about it as he felt Minnie's hand beat April's to his crotch by mere seconds. Adam's head fell back as he moaned when Minnie pulled his manhood free, and began to stroke it gently. April left off kissing his neck, and he soon felt her lips brush his cock. He placed his hands on either side of Minnie's head, and turned her face to look at him. Her eyes were still bloodshot, but he could see happiness in them now.

"I truly do love both of you, and will take care of you and our c***dren," he said, and was rewarded with an ecstatic giggle from his sister, and a kiss from Minnie. He relished the kiss, and the feel of Minnie stroking him into his sister's mouth. He didn't know how he was going to take care of these women, and two k**s, when he was still in high school, and didn't even have a job, but he would figure it out later. Right now, he had other things to concern him.

Adam unbuttoned Minnie's blouse, and reached behind her to release her bra. Kissing down her neck, he lifted her smallish breast and large nipple to his mouth. Minnie's free hand grabbed the back of his head, pulling him tighter to her breast. He loved how sensitive his girlfriend's nipples were, and enjoyed getting her off with them alone sometimes.

He moaned against her tit as he felt April's tongue swirling around the sensitive rim. Her saliva was adding lubricant for Minnie's hand. Reaching down to his sister's body, he slipped his hand into her shirt to play with her larger breasts. His cock vibrated from her moans as he started to pinch her nipples.

April stood up, and Adam had to pull his hand from her shirt. He pulled away from Minnie's chest to look at April, and saw that she was getting undressed. He was about to go back to playing with Minnie, but she had other ideas, as he felt her lips surround his penis.

Naked, April rejoined them, kissing Adam avidly and straddling one of his legs. He could feel her pussy sliding back and forth, grinding on his thigh and leaving a wet streak as she did so. Reaching down, he started to fiddle with her clit, making her gasp into their kiss. He took the break in the kiss to start kissing down her chest, spending only a couple moments on her nipples, before pushing her back and kissing down her belly. He had to reposition himself, so that he could reach her sopping crotch. He slipped two fingers into her as he sucked hard on her clit. He started to apply pressure to the top wall of her love canal, and the combination of his fingers, tongue and lips had her cumming in his mouth, accompanied by her loud moaning. April's hands grabbed the back of his head, and held him there as she convulsed.

He felt Minnie get up, but couldn't look to see what she was doing. He soon found out, however, as he felt her straddle him, and begin to rub the tip of his penis against her slit. She started to gradually take him into her, as he slipped a third, and then a fourth finger into April. Minnie had taught him some of the things that really got April off, and fisting was one of them. By the time he was able to get his whole hand inside her, Minnie had most of his cock inside of her.

His girlfriend began to rock her hips, making Adam moan into April's clit. This set April off again, and he enjoyed how her muscles undulated around his hand. He began to open and close his digits, trying to prolong her orgasm.

He was now fully sheathed inside of Minnie, and was able to turn and look at her out of the corner of his eye. She had one hand on his chest to steady her, and the other was rolling one of her large nipples between her fingers. His right hand was still free, his left trapped in his sister, and he reached his free hand down to where he was joined with Minnie. It took him a second to find it with her constant movements, but he knew the second he found Minnie's clit, as she screamed, and collapsed forward on him, shuddering under the throes of her own orgasm.

April pulled away from him, finally releasing his head, and pulled his arm out of her. "Your fist is great, Squirt, but I need that monster cock of yours in me," she told him, and then helped Minnie to stand. Her legs were weak, but with April's help she was able to stay upright.

STATUS REPORT: Further research shows that Jason, Diane's son, lives away from the rest of the family. We will need to find a way to get him to come home. We have already begun installation of ventilation tubing and cameras into the house.


Looking around, April realized that this room wasn't ideal, and led them all back to her room. She had a queen sized bed, and it was much better suited to this type of fun.

She helped Minnie onto the bed, as she was still shaky from riding on top of Adam. She knew that feeling personally, and looked forward to feeling the weakness in herself shortly. April crawled up after, and started to kissing her way up Minnie's legs, and even leaving a slight hickey on her inner thigh. By the time she reached the brunettes labia, they were already dripping down her crack. She began to lap them up, knowing that some of her brother's precum would be mixed in.

The bed moved as Adam got behind her, and she wiggled her ass at him impatiently. Gawd, did she need to feel him in her. The itch was always strongest just before he entered her. She could recall a time when she had been under better control of her libido, but the past while with her brother had thrown that all out the window. Whenever he wasn't in her she felt empty, and whenever he wasn't around, she felt alone. The only thing that helped get her through the days was knowing that Minnie was going through the same thing.

As soon as she felt him touch her pussy, she shoved back hard, momentarily loosing contact with Minnie, but she didn't mind, as she felt her brother's wonderful rod give her a sense of fullness that no other man had ever been able to supply.

He grabbed her hips, and since she had been loosened up by his fist moments before, he was able to sink fully into her in one thrust. This knocked her back up to Minnie's waiting cunt, and she sucked hard on her labia, making the woman moan and writhe on the bed. Adam picked up a steady rhythm, and April knew she was going to cum soon.

"I'm coming close, s*s," he told her, and she reached between her legs, and started fiddling with her own clit to help her own climax along. She needn't have bothered, though, for as soon as she felt his seed drive into her womb, her orgasm started. Without realizing it, she started to suck harder on Minnie's pussy, and was surprised by the amount of fluid that flooded her mouth a second later.

They all collapsed onto the bed, sweat dripping from them, and panting heavily.

"Wow, you two are amazing," Minnie said next to her, "I was devastated earlier when we took those tests and they came up positive, but you two sure know how to turn my mood around."

April didn't want to admit that she had felt the same as Minnie upon finding out she was pregnant. She didn't understand how they could be; both of them were on the pill.

"Heh, yeah. After you told me you were pregnant, I didn't know what to say or do," Adam said, and April thought he needed to shut up before he said something wrong, and ruin the moment. "But I swear I will take care of all of us. I love you both so much, and can't stand the thought of losing either one of you." And there he goes, proving her wrong and saying exactly the right thing.

She leaned over Minnie to give her wonderful brother a kiss, and felt her friend's lips on her nipple. Here we go again, she thought, as the kiss went from loving to passionate.

The thought of what they were going to tell their mother occurred to her, but fled as Minnie's fingers found her cum drenched pussy.

PERSONAL NOTE: I have introduced myself as Harold Jones, or Jones for short, to Jason and his girlfriend. She is one hot redhead. Given the chance I may choose to use this substance on her, but I am unsure if I will have to. She seems almost willing without it.


Carol sat at her desk, with her head in her hands. Her life was falling to pieces around her, and she felt powerless to stop it. Not only had she committed a grievous crime against her son and nature, by sleeping with him (she had to admit to doing it three times before she had finally been satisfied, and was glad she had taken the morning after pill the next day), but that bastard Harold had found her research on what she had been doing, and had turned it in as his own. He had somehow guessed at where she had gone to in such a hurry, and told her that if she tried to claim the work as hers, he would turn her in. He had been promoted for his excellent work, and to make matters even worse, he was now her boss.

She struggled every time she had to go home. She would stay till way past dark, until she knew Adam had gone to bed, before leaving this vile lab. The temptation to sleep with her son again was almost too strong for her. Numerous times she had caught herself outside his door at night, wanting, no needing, to wake him up, and have him give her the perverse pleasure he had shown her before. She had felt completely empty inside, after enjoying the fullness that he had given her. What made it worse was that she knew he would happily do it for her. Only her own iron will was stopping her. She could blame the substance for what had happened before, but if she did it again, while he was sleeping and NOT producing his own pheromones, she would only have herself to blame.

A knock on her door pulled her from her misery, only to see that it was Harold, grinning at her. "Still remembering how your son drilled you to kingdom cum?" He asked mockingly, reminding her why she put up with this farce.

"What do you need, Harold?" She tried to keep her voice even, but knew there was an edge to it.

He just laughed at her misery before answering. "I wanted to know if you had those test results back yet? We are making history here, and every precious second you waste in self pity only delays the inevitable."

The bastard sat on the edge of her desk, and grabbing one of her manila folders, started wafting himself. It wasn't hot in her office, and she knew immediately what he was trying to do. He must have applied some of the substance (She hated that unscientific name, but Harold wouldn't let it be called anything else) to himself, and was trying to get her to go crazy in lust for him. She internally examined herself, to see if it was working. Her nipples were hard, and her panties were soaked, but that was normal ever since that fateful morning. But did she find any sexual attraction to Harold?

She looked at his steel gray eyes, and decided she was only repulsed by him. For whatever reason, she was immune to whatever batch he was using.

"I sent you an email with the results an hour ago," she told him, and this time she didn't try to keep the edge from her voice.

"Oh, right. Well, I will go double check your work then... Unless there was something you needed from me?"

The audacity of the man sickened her. She wanted to throw something at him. She wanted to get up and beet her fists against him. She wanted to kill this horrible man.

She sat silently, glaring at him.

"Hmm, no? Alright then. Keep up the great work, Carol." Her only satisfaction was in the look of dissatisfaction on his miserable face as he left her office.

She had to get out of here. If she didn't, she knew she was going to go mad, or worse...

She drove around the city for a bit, not paying attention to where she was going, until she found herself in her own driveway. The sun was still up, and she knew that Adam hadn't gone to bed yet. It might be possible that he was with his girlfriend, she thought with a pang of suppressed jealousy. She turned off her car, and opened the side door to the garage. It was empty.

She dashed inside, thankful for the respite. The only other times she got to enjoy this peace was when she came home while he was still in school. It was the only time she ever got any real sleep.

Deciding to take advantage of her aloneness, she ran to her room, and locked the door. Stripping off her clothes, she grabbed the vibrator from its spot on her nightstand, and slid it into her sopping pussy. Not for the first time did she wonder why she left it out, where Adam could see it, and know what she did with it. She wondered if he ever picked it up, and smelled it; smelled her juices on it. She imagined him licking the thing, and tasting her again. She was so close to an orgasm, she could almost taste it.

She was plunging it in and out of her, moaning and writhing in her sheets. She was rubbing her clit while the device plunged into her, somehow missing all the vital places that her son's cock had filled that auspicious morning.

She turned onto her stomach, remembering how she had made Adam take her like this before he came that last time. Remembering how he had filled her up to bursting as she screamed for him to fuck her harder. She screamed it again now, "Yes, that's it, fuck your mom hard, baby. Shove your cock deep inside me! OH! You know just what your mom needs!"

And still she couldn't cum.

This is how it had been ever since she had succumbed to her own handy work. She could get close, oh so deliciously close, but she couldn't bring herself over the edge. She feared what it might take to get her there. She also feared what she might do if she didn't cum soon. Most of her life she had been a creature of science; devoting herself to her studies. She had never understood why in college all the girls were sleeping around. She had been a virgin by choice. She had had plenty of offers from the men her age and older, but sex just wasn't important.

Till she had met David. She had met him by accident, when she bumped into him at school. An hour later she had given him her virginity. She had been able to graduate before April was born, and hadn't seen David again since that afternoon in the broom closet, until she was going for her master's degree. She had run into him in the grocery store, and demanded he take responsibility for their daughter. An hour later he was between her legs again, this time in the back seat of his car, and nine months later, Adam had been born.

Now she understood how she had wound up where she was. David must have been just like her son, with pheromones that overrode a person's willpower. She had never been with another man since, and never felt the loss of it, until that depraved morning.

The vibrator was still going away inside her, and she screamed in frustration at her inability to reach the peak of climax.

"Mom? Are you okay in there?" At the sound of her son's voice, wave after wave of sexual pleasure washed over her. All the frustration, all the pent up sexual feelings, crashed down on her for one glorious moment as she finally came. She swam in an ocean of bliss, all her worries, fears, and concerns burned away in the fires of her ecstasy.

By the time she finally came back down to Earth, Adam was pounding on the door, demanding to be let in. She could hear the worry in his voice, and she wanted to run to the door, and let him know she was alright. She wanted to hold him in her arms, and comfort him. She wanted to-- NO! She cut the rest of that thought short. If she opened that door, it wouldn't be five minutes before she was also opening her legs to him.

She got dressed as fast and silently as she could. Opening her window, she slipped outside, and ran for her car. Embarrassed and ashamed to be sneaking out of her own house, and away from her loving son, whose only crime was loving her too much, Carol cried as she drove back to her lab. She had to find an antidote to her son's hold over her. Even as she thought that, a question entered unbidden into her mind. Would it really be so bad?

PERSONAL NOTE: I have arranged for a 'friend' of mine to hit Jason with their car, while he is on his motorcycle. Not bad enough to kill him, but enough to injure him, so that he needs his family, instead of his independence.

Just need to find a way to make sure he doesn't use his girlfriend, Jenny, instead.


Harold was frustrated. Why hadn't it worked on Carol? It had worked on every other woman he'd used it with, but not her. He watched her storm out of her office, probably to go fuck her son again, the slut. Maybe it had worked, just not as he'd thought. He hated to admit it, but the thought of i****t had always turned him on. Maybe it was the fact that he was an only c***d or that his mother had died early, but he couldn't deny the appeal of that forbidden fruit.

Not for the first time, Harold looked around the lab and wished that more women worked here. He was horny from fantasizing about what he had planned to do to Carol, and now that that fell through, he was left with a boner, and nowhere to put it.

Well, maybe not nowhere. Opening the safe in his office, Harold pulled out his personal bottle of the substance, and left in his van. He debated on seeing one of his rich women tonight, but decided he wanted something new. By the time he had showered, shaved, and redressed, it was still a little early for the bars, but that didn't matter. With the substance tucked safely in his pocket, he could wait for the right woman, and then have himself a good night.

As he entered his favorite night spot, the bartender greeted him warmly. "Hey, Harold! On the prowl again tonight? Man I gotta tell ya, I've seen you leaving her with more tail than ever lately. What's your secret?"

Harold laughed. "I just have what women want," he said grabbing his crotch. Jerry, the bartender, scowled for a second at the crude gesture, but he was too much of a business man to keep the look for long.

Harold ordered his usual, and chose a table by the dance floor to wait. After an hour had passed, with him scoping every hottie that walked in, and ignoring some that he had banged already, he finally spotted one that might be worth his while.

She had long light brown hair that flowed down to the middle of her back. He could have easily cupped both hands around her skinny waist, and the way she moved was like liquid on the dance floor.

He pulled out his vial, and spayed two quick squirts on his neck and chest. One is all it really took, but he wanted her begging for him. He wanted to wash away the rejection Carol had shown him.

He had to be careful not to get too close to other women, lest they become ensnared in his net as well. As he came up behind her, he noticed just how short she was, barely coming up to mid chest on him.

He stepped behind her as she swayed her hips, and reaching around, placed one hand on her abdomen. She immediately spun around to face him, and he noted two things. One: she was nearly half his age, him being in his mid forties, and two: She was breathing heavy from her dancing. He watched with a smile as her glare slowly changed, the substance taking its effect on her, and she finally smiled at him. She introduced herself with a coy smile, but Harold couldn't hear her over the loud music.

He followed her back to her table, where he was a bit disgruntled to meet two of her friends; one blonde, the other with dark brown hair. He couldn't hear their names either, and personally didn't care. He could see the substance start to take effect on them as well, and wondered if he had inadvertently caused more problems than this brunette was worth. The last thing he needed was for these women to start fighting over who was going to have the privilege of screwing her brains out atop him.

He needn't have feared though, as they all invited him back to their place.

He followed them to their house, and he noticed that it was in one of the better parts of town. They had a few more drinks, until the blonde-- Amanda maybe? -- suggested the hot tub.

"But I obviously don't have a swimsuit," Harold protested. He didn't know if the substance would work through the chlorine.

"You don't need one," his original target stated, and immediately started stripping off her clothes. Harold decided not to argue as he was soon facing three sets of tits and cunts.

He removed his clothes as quick as he could, and followed the three nymphs out back. The dark haired chick had the biggest breasts, but Amanda had the lightest nipples. He still preferred his original target's small slim frame. Her A-cup breasts stood proudly on her chest, but he couldn't help but admire all three young women.

He stepped into the hot tub to the sounds of giggles at his erect penis. He was proud of his six inches, and had never heard any complaints from any of the women he had boned.

He flirted with all three women shamelessly as he sweated in the tub with them. He started to notice them losing interest, and even giving each other questioning looks. Apparently the substance didn't work through the chlorine.

He suggested they all get out and dry off. He needed to reapply the substance to regain their interest. It galled him that he needed the stuff, but then he looked to their tits bobbing in the bubbles, and no longer cared.

To his chagrin, they wanted to stay in, and after a few uncomfortable minutes, even suggested that he should get out, and leave.

Angry, frustrated, and horny, Harold grabbed his clothes, and left.

STATUS REPORT: Dosed a new male mouse with the substance and introduced it to the other two groups of mice. Will wait to see what develops.


When they finally heard the old man's van leave, Amanda turned to her two friends, and started laughing.

"Can you believe that man? I must have been really drunk at the bar to have brought him back here!" Shanna said; her light brown hair plastered to her head.

"He's old enough to be our father!" Said Jackie right after, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Yeah... The only problem is, I'm still horny, and now our only cock has left us!" Amanda complained.

"I'm sure if you hurry, you can still catch him. I don't think he'll tell you 'no'."

"Eww. No thanks! I guess that means it's just us tonight, then." They smiled at each other conspiratorially as they stepped out of the tub, and started to dry off.

STATUS REPORT: The female mice seem to be ignoring the new male. Is this the result of their 'mouse love' for one another, a developing immunity, or something else? Further tests are needed.


Shelly had been parked out front all afternoon, trying to decide what she was going to do. Should she go in and confront him, or just drive away as she had so many times already?

She watched as an older lady came around the outside of the house, still trying to get her clothes on, shortly after Adam had walked in. She could see the familial resemblance, and knew this must be his mother.

Suddenly getting up more gumption than she had felt in quite awhile, she got out of her car and tried to get his mother's attention. She didn't seem to notice Shelly waving at her, though, as she screeched out of her driveway, and down the street.

Shelly realized that she had actually made it out of her car, the furthest she had gotten yet, and steeled herself to step closer to the house. She raised her hand to knock on the door, still uncertain what she was going to say or do.

Was she here to berate the young man for what they had done? The only problem with that thought was that SHE had come on to HIM. Sure, he had kissed her, but hadn't she gotten so close to him, daring him to make that move? Hadn't it been her that had practically ripped off her clothes first?

So, then was she here to try and attain that level of pleasure she had never felt before, and until that afternoon, didn't even know existed? What then of her boyfriend, whom she still hadn't confessed to, and didn't deserve the way she had been treating him? What of her career as a teacher if anyone found out?

That was why she was here, she decided. To make sure he didn't tell anyone. She could keep her career and her boyfriend. Everything could go back to the way things were. Adam should graduate shortly, and she would never have to see him again.

She noticed that her hand was still raised, poised to knock, and brought it down, intending to hit the door. She would have hit her target, too, if it hadn't opened instead.

She found herself facing a wild eyed Adam, and everything she had been thinking went out the window.

She could see the distress painted across his face, and instead of intimidating him, she pulled him into a comforting hug. She placed her head on his chest, breathing in his scent, relishing the feeling of his arms as they surrounded her.

"Miss Shelly?" His voice sounded above her, and she felt her knees weaken at the sound. "What are you doing here?"

She couldn't find her voice, and didn't know what she would say if she could have. Instead she pulled her head back and looked up at him. Her hand snaked up his back, to the rear of his head, and pulled him down till their lips met. Words were overrated anyway, she thought.

He broke the kiss, and stepped back from her, retreating into his home. She followed him, not wanting him to get away.

"Miss Shelly, I don't understand. I thought you hated me. I thought you were avoiding me. What happened?" She found his innocence cute, and very alluring.

"Please, Adam. Call me Shelly." She knew that most teachers went with their last names, but she never liked the name Bumkiss, and so had her students refer to her by her first name.

"Uh, Shelly?" The name on his lips, so intimate sounding coming from her pupil, started to make her flow between the legs. "What--" But she had closed the distance again, and wrapping her arms around him, she looked up, demanding to be kissed. She thought she heard him count to 3 before saying 'fuck it', then leaned down and touched his glorious lips to hers.

She moaned into his mouth as their tongues began to wage a small war in each other's mouths. She felt his hands slide down the back of her dress, taking the zipper with them. Releasing him long enough to shrug off the dress, she plastered her body back to his, completely nude. Now she understood why she had refrained from putting on any undergarments before she'd left. She had wanted to feel every inch of him as much as was possible.

Speaking of every inch, she thought, and began fussing with his pants, practically yanking them down as soon as his fly was open. Bent over, she found herself facing the object that had haunted and thrilled her dreams for the past week.

She started to lick up his shaft till she reached the massive head, and then popped it into her mouth. His hands went to the back of her head, and she smiled, knowing that she was pleasing her lover. He moaned above her, as she licked and sucked on his massive knob.

"Oh, Miss Shelly, that feels wonderful!"

She pulled his cock out, and glared up at him. "I told you to call me Shelly." She beat the side of his cock against her cheek in punishment for calling her the wrong name, but it only made her groan that she wasn't tasting his wonderful precum out of it. She moved her lips back over his head, and sucked for all she was worth. She started to move her hand up and down his shaft, trying to milk more of his delicious essence out of him.

She did notice a slight difference in his overall taste this time, a bit saltier around the shaft, but didn't mind it as it didn't interfere with her pleasure. She had always thought cock sucking was a depraved and dirty thing to do, but she derived so much pleasure from this one, she thought she could do it all day if he let her.

"Mi-- Er... Shelly, I'm about to cum."

She started to suck harder, milking him with her hand faster. She wanted to taste the full thing. Not just the pre-cum, but the fully loaded stuff. She wanted to taste his soul.

With a groan he started to shoot into the back of her throat. Despite his warning, she hadn't been prepared and choked for a second, but was determined to taste it all. She aimed him so that the next volleys hit her tongue instead, and she let out her own groans, as she started to cum with him. The taste of his semen made her feel light headed, and woozy, and at the same time she could see so clearly now. Adam was the man she was supposed to be with. It was Adam she loved, not whatever her boyfriend's name was. She wanted to have his k**s, and take care of him, and cherish him for all she was worth.

She realized he was laying her down on the carpet, and kissing his way down her body. She knew what he was going for, and was determined to stop him. It was one thing for her to debase herself in honor of him. It was another for him to do it to her. What he was about to do was even more disgusting than what she USED to think of blowjobs.

PERSONAL NOTE: I have set up a rendezvous with Jenny, shortly before Jason should be home. Can't wait to see how this plays out. Don't you just love science?


"No, Adam. You can't! That's-- OH!" Adam ignored his teacher as his mouth came into contact with her juicy lips. He felt her hands on the back of his head, trying to pull him away, but he sucked in her labia, and ran his tongue between them. He enjoyed her taste, as her juices really began to flow from within her. He started to attack her clit with a stiffened tongue, and now he noticed that her hands were pressing him in, rather than trying to pull him away.

She was still trying to tell him 'no', but her moans and her hands were telling him 'Yes, yes, yes!' He continued to taste her snatch, bringing her through multiple orgasms, till he was hard again.

He kissed his way back up her body, paying special attention to her large breasts, as he began to rub his cock head against her dripping slit. Shelly moaned, and grabbed his ears, hauling him up for a kiss.

He wondered if she connected the taste of her own juices, with the taste of April's and Minnie's cum still on his cock from earlier, when her eyes grew wide during the kiss. If she did, she didn't say anything, and only kissed him more passionately as he started to sink his length into her. Her legs wrapped around behind his buttocks, and forced him in deeper.

He set his elbows on the carpet, and twisted his arms enough to take a breast in each hand. In this way he was able to support himself atop her, and still fiddle with her nipples.

"Awe Gawd, I have needed this! Give it to me, Adam. I need to feel all of you in me again!" Shelly screamed, breaking the kiss. He felt himself hit bottom, and knew that some of him was still outside of her. Her legs kept pulling him in, though, and like last time, he felt something tight slip around his head, and Shelly screamed in rapture.

Adam tried to pull out a little, but her legs slammed him back into her, and he could now feel himself fully sheathed within her tight cunt.

He dropped his head to her neck, and started to nibble on it, as her legs set the rhythm. He remembered how she had passed out for a few seconds last time, and rolled them over so that she was on top.

Her eyes glazed over for a moment as he went even deeper in this position, and he leaned up to suckle on one of her breasts. This set her off, and the feeling of that extra tight ring inside her, convulsing and gripping him, was enough to start his own.

Remembering that he already had two women pregnant, he tried to lift her off of him, but her legs, and grasping pussy refused to let go, as he emptied his third load that day into his high school English teacher.

STATUS REPORT: Subject Bravo is being prepped in the hospital. He took some nasty damage from his accident, but we will see how this affects out tests. His prescriptions will be switched with ones from our lab. If all goes well, Subject Bravo should have a blissful recovery, until he is no longer broken.


Same as Subjects 0 Ch 4 Videos

1 year ago
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Ancient Abilities Part 1Chapter 4 Back to School

I talked with Mom and Dad on the way home about the links Cathy and I created. When we got home, mom told me that I missed the entire first week of school, and needed to go to bed early for tomorrow was a school day for me. My younger brother and sister, Tom and Sally, were waiting for us when we got home. Tom was 15 and Sally 13. Since they were close to my age, they weren't quite the pain that some of my friends' younger siblings were. After a seemingly obligatory 'Hi' and 'How are...

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Graduation Present

All characters named and any actions taken are fictional. Graduation Present 90%, bloody hell, bloody fucking hell!! 90%. I had done it, I had achieved the percentage needed for the best present that is on offer, I was a grade 1 student! Let me explain, I have been a total shit bag for a few years now, no qualifications and in trouble with the police pretty often. After a short stint in prison I was offered a chance to take part in a new rehabilitation scheme. This scheme teaches you a trade,...

Straight Sex
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To Serve And Protect Chapter 2

Without another word, he used the fingers of his left hand to hold her lips open while two fingers from his right suddenly plunged deep into her sweet hole. Honey gasped at the surprise entry, then the gasp turned to a moan of pure pleasure as she felt the fingers curl up and begin to rub the soft spongy pad commonly known as the g-spot. He watched her face as he thrust into her. Her eyes got wide with surprise and her mouth formed an "O" as he began using short, quick thrusts in rapid...

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Eva was a single mother. She loved her son. She loved nursing him and he has always slept naked with her in her bed. As he nursed she would put his hand on her other tit and he would always play with the nipple. She loved the way his sucking made her pussy tingle and she would get wet. Because she loved this feeling she never quit nursing him. She home schooled him so he could nurse morning noon and night. She never bothered to dress and he stayed naked too. As he nursed her she would finger...

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Guests Chapter 9

I have not been here for a while and I needed to bring my readers up to date. The continuing saga of my anal sex happenings. I don't want to confuse my readers by the use of the word saga. It is not bad from my point of view. It is actually very, very pleasurable. Sexually pleasurable. My wife Gabby, and our lover Nancy, have been having quite a ball with my ass. I really love it and have multiple orgasms when Gabby and Nancy use my ass for their pleasure. We continue to discuss the concept of...

Group Sex
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An old friend stays over with a family couple, the most interesting show begins at night when a husband pretends sleeping, just see what his wife is doing, when she thinks her husband is sleeping… My old friend prakash stayed for the sleepover, of course. We used to go to college together, then we were working for the same company. Then he went to mumbai, and i hadn’t seen him for more than two years. Prakash was more than just a friend. I can say i owe him my girl. Mala used to be his...

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I gave her a rideE171part1of1

This led to more and more rides because the commute was just easier for Ashley to ride with me, I’d pick her up on my way to work in the morning and drop her off in the evening at a place where someone from her family would meet us to get her on home. I gave her a ridePart-1-of-1 Ashley was assigned to me to give me a hand in the office. Ashley was a cute short girl of 21, who stood 5-foot 2 and weighs 115 pounds. She has emerald green eyes and medium length auburn hair. Her alabaster skin has...

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BangBus Kay Lovely Innocent Blonde Fucks Stranger

Kay Lovely is on the side of the road checking out the view. The Bang Bus pulls up on her and wants to see a view of her tits. Her tits are amazing, seriously it’s not even possible to tell if they are real or not. Tyler Steel might be the only guy who knows after inspecting them. She gets on the bus for the money she stays on the bus for the sex. Tyler pile drives her, fucks her missionary style, and lets her bounce on his cock with her perfect titties jiggling up and down. When...

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Newer Level Of friendship

Newer Level Of FriendshipBy: Londebaaz Chohan Narayan was almost 5 10, dark black hair and he had hazel brown eyes. He never been to a gym but was an avid jogger man with a very nice physical appearance. Rishi on the other hand was about 5’ 8’’ a bit over weight about 190 pounds of meat but still looked in pretty good shape. They almost were never together doing any exercise but as they rented a two bedroom apartment together in the college town, it was only an accident that they saw each...

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Master K Punishes A Bad Girl pt 5

That first night had been a little tense but had worked out well for him. After seeing to all her personal needs he had stripped and climbed into bed with her. She had started to sputter but almost immediately gained control of herself and then had lain as stiff and straight as a board. She was still blindfolded and would remain so for now. He needed her to begin to count on him for everything. The trust would come soon after. She had to have faith that no matter what he would be there for...

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MissionsMission 10

"Dammit Chung, this is the third time this month they've sent us in here. I don't give a damned what HQ says there are no hidden bases in the middle of this swamp." "How you know Sarge, you telling future now?" "Very funny you sawed off comedian." I listened to the quiet laughter among the team and was glad to hear it. I looked over at Jenkins and he was shaking his head and smiling at the exchange between me and Chung. Finally after working together for so long he had finally...

4 years ago
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Umbical Seduction

Hi ISS readers, My name is Candru from Sri Lanka. I am a smart and funny 25 yers old tamil guy. I am reading this site for the past 3 month and i wish to write this story first time. I always had fantasies many incest stories. This is not real incident. The story is for most lustful males and females like me. Plz email me about my story and if u want to be friendly with me at my email id Mother Dianne. [37]b Elder son Jeff. [18] One day their mother came home earlier than she had expected...

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A blow job with a difference

Katie had been struggling to make ends meet. She had signed up to be a fireman but as a cadet, she was only on a pittance. Now, she was looking for all the part-time work that she could find. It was while she was having breakfast one morning, still in her robe and her hair in a towel, when she saw the ad in her local paper. It read: ‘Wanted: female model for art class. Top rates paid.’ ‘That looks interesting,’ she thought, as she nibbled her toast. There was a number at the bottom, it was...

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It Means Dragon To Be Ch 02

** Just a reminder that this story is already in the can and each of the chapters has already been posted. I hope that it’s enjoyed. 0_o ————— To recap, these are some moments of Silke’s recollection as she’s docking one of her designs. ————— It had been perhaps the bleakest winter of her life, though there was the dim glow of a little bit of promise on the horizon by late spring. Silke at twenty-five years of age and she felt as though the world had kicked her in the gut. Two years...

1 year ago
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The best birthday gift

Mike was proud of his gift, the nice 7inch pink vibrator with the cute pink la senza kit he bought for his friend , he had his bbc twitching just thinking it was finally gong to happen''tonight, you learn to take it up your pussy ''thinking of his friend little white bubble butt, that cute sissy to be tigt ass , was going to feel so nice, so tight as he makes it into a dick craving boy pussyhis gift in his bag he went to the party, drank and had fun all night ,until it was over, Mike in the...

1 year ago
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Paying Off Money Owed to the Mob part 1

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One Intriguing Evening

In the discordant maelstrom of noise that was this particular club on a Friday night the first thing John noticed about the woman was the pervasive aura of stillness that surrounded her. Slouched against his section of wall, buried in the shadows, far across the dance floor from her personal realm he watched her. He enjoyed watching people, both women and men – mostly boys actually, try to engage her in conversation or encourage her into the anarchy that passed for dancing under the flashing...

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Mother tricked into sex with son friend and dad part 2

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Accidental Love II

Lori's husband had taken Ben to have his cast removed today. Lori was as excited as a high school girl on her first prom date. She had put a roast with all the trimmings in the slow cooker for when they returned home as a sort of celebration. Ben, a lifelong friend of her husband, had fallen from a faulty ladder at their construction business and broken some bones near his neck. This made it necessary to put his upper body in a cast, which made both arms immobile. Lori, a nurse, had volunteered...

Straight Sex
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War Torn Ch 05

The walk to the farm was not as difficult as I had feared. The road was dusty and pitted with wagon tracks, but the fields and orchards that lay on either side of it were at the height of the growing season and breathtakingly beautiful. Erich strode confidently beside me, all the while describing his memories of the little house that would soon be our home. I could not help but notice that he stopped once or twice during the trek to drink out of a small flask. Whiskey, I assumed, to help with...

3 years ago
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Meri Vidhwa Mami Ke Saath Honeymoon Unakehi Ghar Me

Dosto ab mai meri story batane ja raha hu. Muze job puna me mila tha to mai meri mami ke paas rahne ke liye chala gaya tha jo ki vidhwa thi. Hum dono pahelesehi ekdusare ke karib the. Mere mama jab jinda the aur wo puna me hi job karte the unaki jagah pe aaj mami naukari karati hai. Muze join hone ke liye 8 din baki the aur me mami ko milane ke liye bahot baitab tha jo ki puna me rahati thi unake 1bhk flat me aur mai unako chodane ka bahot din se man me tha. Maine unako bataya ki mai kal aane...

3 years ago
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If you read my stories you know I worked for more than forty years security mostly at night starting in the U S Air Force as an air/security police man for eight years mostly overseas in Asia and Europe having a four month break in that now lovely tourist area Vietnam which was damned fucking hot both temperature wise and dodging bullets wise! I have the Air Force to thank for meeting my wife who back in 1967 was working as a receptionist at the Douglas House Hotel, a regular West London Hotel...

2 years ago
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Dukan Wali Bhabhi

Hi this is sandy I am from Mumbai(dadar)age 20yrs ye story aaj se 3 mahine purani hai, mere ghar ke pass ek bhabhi rahti unka ek chota sa dukan hai, unka naam manju hai unki age 32hogi aur mast figer hai bade mammy hai aur gaad to kamal ki hai jab bhi o chalti hai to sabka lund khada ho jata hai. unke ghar me unke pati jo company me worker hai to raat me late ate hai aur chota ladka hi 4th std me padta hai budhwar ka din tha me me subah unki dukan me saman lene gay to bhabhi kapde dho rahi thi...

1 year ago
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Weekend Encounter Part 3

Saturday AfternoonWe headed to the mountains for some sightseeing. We’d been driving for about 15 minutes when she said“There are a few more things that I want to do this weekend that I’ve never done”“Oh yeah?” I said with a smile “What else do you have in mind?”“Well for one I’ve always wanted to give a blow job in the car”“Road head huh? I’m up for that but we’ll have to wait till we get out of town, too much traffic here”“How long will that be?”“Not too long, about 15 minutes or so”“Mmmm,...

2 years ago
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My first

I’m a fifty six year old white male and I’ve been bi since eighteen. My wife Lynn is in the other room so I had to sneak in here to write this. I love my wife but she has no interest in sex whatsoever. There’s been little or no sex in our marriage for many years now. I hadn’t sucked cock since we’d been married, but the lack of sex with the wife Lynn drove me to start sucking cocks again.I've been sucking again for eight years now and I want cock even more so suck them more each year. I’ve...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 388

Thank Alphqwe for this short enlightening comment. Remind you of anyone you know????? For you to consider, He was born ignorant and has been losing ground ever since. ✧ ✧ ✧ Another one similar: He was born stupid and has spent all his life perfecting it! ✧ ✧ ✧ This one is from Cbarge Cute little blonde girl, five years old goes into the pet shop. “I want a bunny wabbit,” she says in her enchanting little voice. “I have a lot,” says the shop keeper. “Do you want a little bunny...

3 years ago
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A Touch of DeathChapter 13

Any hopes and plans I'd had for the next morning didn't survive once someone started pounding on the front door. I shot straight up out of a deep sleep and fell off the bed. I lay on the floor, blinking at the ceiling in confusion until Ty slipped out of bed much more smoothly than I had and helped me up. "Have I mentioned how graceful you are?" he asked with a sly grin. "I'm not human before coffee," I protested weakly. "Who the hell even knows where we are?" "I left word at the...

2 years ago
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A Pirates Life for Me

A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR ME CHAPTER 1 The salty spray of the sea tore up the chasm between the stern of a mightyship and the port that it nearly crashed into. Broadside cannons let loosea fury of fiery lead that sank the town into a brilliant display of fire. Villagersran screaming for cover as the loathsome pirates careened into town takingwhat they would. Plundering taverns and houses. There was nothing spared asthey looted and pillaged. Even the town militia couldn't take the assault.In only an...

3 years ago
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Slutty night out with the Mrs

It had been a few months since the Mrs and I had been out having fun. So we decided that we would go out Friday night to let off some steam. All week we had been sexting each other. So by the time Friday came round we were both hyper horny. While getting ready C asks what should she wear. And pulls out this really short skirt. And a thin black see through top.Instant hard in from me gives her the green light. Ones she is ready she comes down stairs, 6 inch heels holding her high. And the skirt...

4 years ago
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A Woman of Edo Ch 01

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story is set in the Edo period in Japan, in the year 1680 in the western calendar. The story makes many references to the game of Go. A brief description of this ancient and fascinating game appears at the end of the tale, along with a short historical background and glossary of the Japanese terms used. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS NO EROTIC SCENES. ———————————————– The woman bowed low over the Go Ban. She had lost the game, by a single stone. The man ran a hand over his hair...

3 years ago
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The Wait

She leaned in close to the computer screen, as if the words would absorb into her. She wiggled her ass in the chair, unable to sit still. The sensations going through her body, making certain parts tingle and shiver, goose bumps rose on her arms, she felt her nipples tighten in the light silky bra, the softness moving with the tightening. Her fingers ran from her neck down the slope of her breast, slowly, softly. Gliding down under the silk, her long fingernail barely grazing the base of the...

3 years ago
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Secret Journey

Title: Secret Journey Author:DrGonzo124Tags: Transgenders, femdom, non-con, futa on male, creampieDedication:To the wonderful and talented writers whose work I'm rippin-...I mean paying homage to, most especially ZappaGo who's hentai obviously inspired this. Author's note: Long time reader, first time publisher so please be honest, ...being nice would be nice but definitely be honest 898Five hundred years ago, SO the sages tell us, was a mighty warrior who lead armies to conquest on behalf of...

2 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 31

We were going to be in the air for just short of 12 hours -- all night, overnight, on only the Tokyo leg of the trip. From there, after a long layover, the flight to Seoul would take another four hours. All this, and another golf tournament on Thursday. Somewhere over the Pacific, three hours into the flight, Tess returned from an upper-level trip to (I assumed) a restroom and smiled sweetly at me in my window seat in first class. Kim was directly across the aisle from Tess. "That's...

2 years ago
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Im a Nudist and an Uncle Too

Gosh, I don’t know where to begin. So much has changed since my niece came to live with me. My brother and sister-in-law died in an automobile accident. I was their daughter’s only living relative. On my flight to Utah, I thought of Amy. The last time I saw her was three years ago. She was 10, blond with blue eyes, and tall for her age. I was visiting my brother for his 10th wedding anniversary, and I had enjoyed myself during that visit. My niece and I were inseparable. I was 12 years older...

2 years ago
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A Guest of Celeste

Wow. You guys won’t believe what happened to me last month. I posted this completely made-up piece about how I’d imagined that Celeste kept a mountain hideaway somewhere, a time-share condo, let’s say, where she went to get away from it all and to get time to write her reviews. From time to time (I speculated) she would call on some likely youth to come visit and help her do her research; after all, one aspect of rating fiction is by its plausibility, and sometimes...

2 years ago
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The Fortune of the ODellsChapter 19

“Damn, Paul!” Mick spoke, looking around. I slapped the mules with the reins, and we drove to the area between the hogan and the stable hogan. Thumper was paying attention and had his ears straight up in the air. When I stopped, I got down and undid the team, leading them to the stable for their water, food and brushing. Rory followed with his horse. “Paul, this is amazing! Was all this here when you found it?” “Yeah, but it was all overgrown with heavy brush and trees. We cleared all of...

3 years ago
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Bebe In LaLa Land 6

A MORE PERFECT GIRLFRIEND -or- I WONDER IF THE SNOW LOVES THE TREES AND THE FIELDS THAT IT KISSES THEM SO GENTLY? "Ok, let's hold up for a few minutes, guys," one of the panel of publicity people from the production company, ABC headquarters and The Disney Company stopped the mock interview. "Ed, you have to make your stories more concise. If you make them long, you'll be interrupted by the host. You've heard how Don tells a story, right? Quick, funny, short? That's what you need to...

2 years ago
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Housewife Hookups Part 1

I had been married to my wife Jane for 8 years who is now 43, one year older than me. She is a lovely BBW with big soft pillowy DD tits with massive proud nipples and areoles, and I mean massive. She has beautiful blue eyes and hair that is highly variable in colour and style. We both live in one of the outer suburbs of the Gold Coast on nice acreage, but still not too far away from things to feel too isolated. Our sex life for the first part of our marriage was tremendous. Over time and...

4 years ago
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The Sword

I decided to take this shortcut I had found toward the end of last year. It was through this alley half a block from my apartment, and it cut down the time to get to school easily by ten minutes, making my tardiness not seem so bad. As I sprinted through the alley with my backpack bouncing awkwardly against my back, I tripped over a hard, metal object that cut through my shoe and went into my foot, leaving a small gash where it entered. A little blood dripped out, but it wasn't too bad. I...

3 years ago
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I Tried for Cousin Sis but Got Her Aunt

I Tried for Cousin Sis but Got Her Aunt Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without...

1 year ago
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Brents Visit

Mike’s long time friend Brent stopped in to see us a little over a month ago when he came through town for work. Knowing that Sir likes it when I tease other men, in particular having a fantasy involving friends of His, I decide to dress rather slutty. I threw on a tight tank top and some booty shorts, making sure the bottom of my ass stuck out slightly and my nipples clearly are visible through the thin material of the tank top. While Sir and Brent chatted I made sure to show off, strutting...

2 years ago
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Actions and Consequences Part Two Every Action has a Reaction

It had been six months since I cheated on my husband. During that time I had tried to tell him. How do I tell my husband that I had slept with another man, not only another man but a black man? A black man while we were on vacation with our kids, while my husband was in the next room tending to our children.Every time I got the nerve to tell him, I backed down. I knew it would mean the end of our marriage. Timothy was raised in the deep south, while I was what some people called “city south.” I...

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The Cuckold Tale

Before I start I have to say it's good to know there are so many other couples out there living the Cuckold lifestyle. The stories on this board are a constant inspiration to us all and I am delighted to be able to finally add my own. My wife Sandra and I are from West Sussex in Britain. We are twenty nine and thirty one respectively and own a converted, English farmhouse in a pleasant country setting. Our marriage has lasted a total of six, happy years thus far and we have a two year old...

2 years ago
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My Secret To Success

My Secret To Success By Warm Hearted This a short story that came from my noir side. It is the tell of a meek, insecure, introvert's conversion into a forceful, respected, and envied success. As always all comments and constructive criticism are welcomed. Please remember my whole purpose for writing is your enjoyment. I once was Tommy Wilkes Jr., I was always called Tommy no matter how many times I would ask to be called Tom. My father was Tom Wilkes, but I was nothing like...

1 year ago
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The Manors Harem

*This story is not true at all* My family has always been a bit on the odd side. First of all, only the men can leave the house, and we live on a big plantation, where no one ever visits. My whole father's family lives here together. Up until I was 16, I didn't know what exactly took place in the "special wing". The "special wing" was where our mothers told us we could go, unless instructed to do so. I was locked at all times, but every where else we could go. I took classes with all the other...

3 years ago
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Glade and IvoryChapter 21

The warmth coming from the hastily assembled camp fire provided the only comfort for Ivory and her mostly silent companions as they anxiously awaited the outcome of the Chief's conference to which Glade was the only woman other than the Chief's wife who was privileged to attend. They had been gone for such a very long time and Ivory, like everyone else, hoped that whatever came of their discussions would at last bring direction and purpose to the villagers' wandering. Ivory's only...

2 years ago
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Path of the Blue SpiritChapter 6

The deep growl woke both of them with a start. "What the hell was that?" asked Kara sleepily. She blinked, and suddenly remembered where she was. Mark felt her stiffened with the shock. "Sounded like a bear, a big one... Not too close..." Mark put the flashlight back on to low power and moved to his backpack. He pulled out something Kara did not recognize. Kara gave a quick smile of admiration to his naked body and said, "Mark, I saw you get that out of the gun case yesterday. What is...

3 years ago
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Dreaming of Doing This

She was tired of no one ever touching her. She was lonely and felt a desperation taking hold of her life. Night after night, she slept alongside the person she had thought at one time to be the utmost in lovers. But a couple of years down the line and the once sizzling love affair was as dead as yesterdays ashes. She longed to feel the hot fired edges of lust burn deep into her. She craved the gentle sensitive fingers from someone who might want to probe the depths of her longing. An emptiness...

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Flossies RevengeChapter 15

There was no interaction between any of the young people in Flossie’s ‘sexual education’ class that night. Jesse’s parents were going to a neighbor’s for supper and to visit that night, so he couldn’t dally on the way home. Because the blood brothers always did everything together, it was inconceivable to Johnnie Sue and Luthor to do anything without him being there. Neither of them even thought about it. At the Wilson house, there were television programs on that night that both parents...

4 years ago
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A Double Spanking

I have the kind permission of Peter242 to add this chapter to his fine story The Aftermath. I recommend reading his whole series, starting with Spanked for Free. Aunt Steph was sitting thoughtfully while Becky was upstairs putting her stuff together. She had really enjoyed herself spanking Becky last night and this morning but something was nagging at her and she was having trouble getting to the bottom of it, so to speak. Gradually it dawned on her that the missing ingredient was the...

4 years ago
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When I was Pregnant

Since the night of my affair when my husband got me pregnant I have been horny as hell. It started with my husband joking that I needed two guys to wear me out now. Eventually those jokes became serious and my husband made some arrangements. He had a friend who was hot into pregnant chicks. Chuck was about 10 years younger than me. My husband, who was just starting to warm up to the idea of a threesome invited Chuck over for dinner, and implied to Chuck that he had a good chance of fucking...

3 years ago
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Megan’s parents had moved house yet again and that meant another new school to fit in to. This will be her sixth school in seven years and each time she has struggled to fit in. This time was going to be different though. Over the summer she had developed a gorgeous curvy body, perky C-cup breasts and tight round bum that is often so tempting to squeeze and now she is actually looking forward to joining her new school. She arrives in her new school and immediately causes a stir with her...

3 years ago
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My First Black Cock

For the longest time one of my biggest fantasies was to hook up with a black guy. I had chatted with a few online but nothing ever materialized. I did not expect anything to happen when I logged onto to my computer this particular Saturday night and started browsing. I had not been online long when I received a message from this guy and we started chatting. I told him that I hadn't been with a black guy before but really wanted to. He then sent me a photo of his nice penis. I instantly started...

3 years ago
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Fucking From A Married Woman

I love all the women I make love with. That’s pretty self-evident because I couldn’t make love with someone I didn’t love. I could have sex with her, but that wouldn’t be the same as making love. I don’t mean that I love them in a romantic way; I mean that I love them in a caring and sharing way. If one of the women were to ask me who is my favorite, I would say that she is. That would be completely true, because she would be my favorite, at least at that moment. Outside of that, I try not to...

3 years ago
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Behan Ko Patni Banaya

Hello dosto, ye kahani mere ek pathak ne bheji hai jisska agla bhag jald hi padhne ko milega. Pathak ka kehna hai ki kahani sachi hai aur vo aaj bhi apni behan ko patni ke roop mein le kar zindagi vayteet kar raha hai. Kissi ko koi comments likhne hon to please likhna meri email id hai Main Gopi, umar 23 saal kad 5 feet 9 inch, rang sanwla, ek photographer hoon. Mere pitaji Gauri Shankar ka dehant aaj se 3 saal pehle ho gaya tha. Ghar mein maa Kamini aur behan Neerja. Maa ki umar 40 saal ki...

3 years ago
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Ahmedaad me gigolse rap karvya

Hua yun ke,,,,,, mere pati sheher ke chuninda businessman mein gine jaatey hain jiska sidha sadha matlab ye hai ki mere paas paisey ki koi kami nahin hain. Lekin mujey kya pata tha ki ye paisa hi mera dushman ban jayega. Yeh paisa hi meri jindagi mein woh rang layega jo shayad hi koi ladki apni jindagi mein dekhna chahti ho. Ma us waqat meri office me thi. Mera office mere ghar se takribn 15 km hai. Office se ghar ka jo rasta hai woh kahin to heavily populated hai aur kahin jagah jagah se khali...

1 year ago
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 31

The story jumps around in time a lot, and with most of is between just the two of them it is hard to follow the time changes. For instance, towards the end he is thinking about a phone sex call, then talks about fucking her in the present, then thinks back to his favorite memory of the 3 some, then goes to the present where he ties her up to fuck her, but that present is only the day after the 3 some. Just needs some better clarification or transitions, or even putting it in a more linear...

2 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 32 Sorting the Catch

Captain Cooper left most of the quartering assignments to Lieutenant Edward Murphy who had been promoted when he accepted a transfer to Othello. He had remained with Major Amanda Cooper when she left the Asimov and now had two officers and eight ratings to help him manage the logistical needs of the Kilo-class colony transport ship. "Captain, the preliminary report from the AI scan of the arena crowd shows a disproportionate number of volunteers with naval experience among the rodeo...

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