Taming Billy 15
- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
I wake up about 5:45 a.m. and I extract myself from this beautiful pile up. I get dressed and go for my morning run like I did yesterday. Getting back at 7:30 a.m. I go through to the bedroom to find most of them asleep. But Helen and Ellie are just getting into a hot bath so I join them and Helen teaches Ellie how to massage my shoulder. It’s still a bit sore, but now it’s not so stiff - thanks to all of the massages. We sit and chat for a while after we’re washed. About 8:00 a.m. the rest start to wander in so Ellie rotates them through the bath, ending up with Jacqui and Jeri being the last two in the bath with me while Ellie takes the rest off to help with breakfast. She sent Denny off earlier with Teri, so some nice smells are wafting through the house. About 8:50 a.m. we’re hand fed hot pancakes with buttered toast, a lovely breakfast and way to eat. I’m going to really enjoy having slaves to wait on me.
We get out of the bath at 9:15 a.m. to get dressed. We’re downstairs watching the morning TV programs when my friend arrives with the rest of the drugs. I thank them for the quick help while I also provide the more material thanks they want; all in used notes as agreed, a lot of used notes. I inform Ellie I’ll be downstairs for a while when I take Jacks and Sugar to check on our prisoners. We take some food and drinks with us because Robert and the strike team leader will be awake soon.
Arriving in the games room I see the team is still hanging out against the wall (I did tell you I just love puns, didn’t I) as Jacks locks the door behind us. To Jacks I say, “Pick out any one of the guys against the wall you’d like to keep as an extra slave, you can have two if you really want.” He and Sugar discuss them then select two they’d appreciate having as slaves. I go over to the computer and reprogram one of the mp3 players with the same program I used on Sugar. Returning to the prisoners I get the first one down off the wall then I have him give Jacks a blow job with Sugar recording it. He’s not happy, but he’s relieved it’s only the one. A few minutes after Jacks comes in his mouth we’ve the fellow secured to a table, injected, a vibrator in his arse stimulating his prostate gland, and the mp3 player programming him. He can’t make much noise due to the gag we place in his mouth, but we watch his eyes pop open very wide when he realises what the programming will do to him. He’s not happy, but he will be by the time he wakes up. A few more minutes to have their second choice down off the wall, give Sugar a blow job, and strap him down listening to the program for a similar reaction.
We move along the line having the guy we’re pulling down give the next fellow a blow job before we strap them to tables then set them up for programming. About 10:30 a.m. we’re taking the last fellow down to have him give me a blow job before we strap him down. These last two are strapped in and awaiting the drugs and mp3 players. We’ll have to wait for Robert and the team leader to wake up before I can program them. Just on 11:00 a.m. Robert starts to wake up so Sugar hand feeds him while I remove the mp3 player. While Sugar tends Robert I finish setting up the seventh thug with the drugs and mp3 player. A few minutes later the team leader is being tended to by Jacks while I take the mp3 player to the last thug to drug him and start his programming. They are not happy after they listen to the program and understand what it’ll do to them.
By 11:30 a.m. Robert and Peter, the team leader, are mobile and the programming has been verified. A smiling Sugar sets up the cameras and we have the boys put on a good show. Robert gives Peter a blow job followed by a face fuck, a very thorough arse fuck, and sucks him to an erection and another blow job to finish with. Then Peter does the same for Robert. We get it all down on film from several angles. When they finish their show just after 1:00 p.m. we take them upstairs for us to have lunch. After lunch we’ve Robert ring around to organise the liquidation of many of his assets to pay the Fight Tournament fines and lost bets. There’s not much left of his business empire after this so we have him finish liquidating the rest of his empire, most of it is by faxing off authorisations for others to do the selling etc. and to have the money put into an account where I take a one percent fee. The rest is placed with a public trustee as a trust fund for Jacqui. It includes a small annual allowance for her and Helen. Robert isn’t happy, but he must do as we say because he’s now an obedient slave.
With that out of the way Sugar, Jacks, and I take Robert and Peter downstairs to make more home movies with them servicing Sugar, Jacks, and each other. I leave them to it and I go back to the ladies.
Feeling in need of an uplifting experience I decide to take all of the ladies shopping. I let Jacks know we’re going out so he’s not to answer the door. I also let the outside security know so they’ll have some people sit in one of their marked company cars to accept any deliveries or messages while we’re gone. We get into the mini-bus and I drive while the girls sit in the back to talk. I haven’t told them where we’re going or why, and they’re not asking.
Shopping SurpriseParking in the car park of a mall in the nearest major town I get out while I tell everyone I want to check a few things out before we go to have dinner at a nearby restaurant. We enter the mall and they do some window shopping while they follow me into a couple of shops for tools and electronics gear. After exiting the electronic parts store I herd the group down a side corridor to go in the entrance of the store right beside the corridor at the other end of the corridor.
They’re busy talking and just going where I say so they’re all several paces into the shop before they realise it’s a Victoria’s Secret shop. Then it’s sudden squeals and hugs when I tell them to go find some sexy underwear and night clothes to wear, plus a dress to go out in. The other customers and staff look on with indulgent expressions when the girls go crazy examining the gear, only Jeri and Teri have ever shopped in such an up market store before. I’ve a word with one of the staff then she organises for two of the other staff to redirect the girls to the very skimpy satin and silk ranges I mentioned. Once they all have a few selections to try on we go into one of the private show rooms so I can see what they look like.
The girls are all mad keen to try on the clothes, but they’re suddenly reticent about having me there. I speak up, “What’s the problem, girls? You’ve all spent the last few days with me nude and I’ve watched you get dressed when we go out. So why the big issue now?”
Jacqui says, “But you weren’t watching us put on sexy underwear before?” I’ve a good laugh at the comment while we walk to the private show room, and so do the staff. The staff soon have a folding partition set up for them to get changed behind before they walk out to display the outfits they wish to try out. Crazy women! I’ve seen them all nude, I’m about to see them wearing this sexy underwear, but I’m not allowed to watch them put it on in the show room. By the time all is said and done they’ve enough underwear for three outfits and two dresses each, as well as two lots of night wear.
With them all dressed in new clothes I lead them to a nearby beauty parlour to have their nails and make-up done. No time for a hairdresser today. With us all ready we leave the extra purchases in the car before we see about causing some car accidents when we cross a major road at the nearby traffic lights to go to the restaurant. It’s heavy traffic now so the traffic is slow. Thus no accidents, just a lot of screaming brakes and near misses. With the girls all smiling. For a special lark I’ve the main group stop on the footpath beside a large truck (we’re now on the city bound side of the road, which is off-peak), and I send Jacqui out to walk ahead by herself because she’s a real stunner in the outfit she has on, it makes her look to be sixteen or seventeen. We’re walking against the flow of traffic so the drivers can see her first. She reaches the next side street and she waits for us to join her before crossing. A young man who looks to be in his early twenties drives up the main road then he starts to turn the corner. We can all tell when he spots Jacqui as he’s halfway around the turn when his eyes pop, his jaw drops, and he drives straight across the road at an angle to end up on the footpath, stopping just before he hits the side wall of a shop. When we arrive he’s still sitting in his car staring at Jacqui. Laughing, I escort the girls across the street before coming back to stop traffic so he can back out and get going. I don’t know what sort of self image Jacqui had before, but it just went up a lot because of that. All of the conversation in the restaurant ends when we enter.
I don’t have a booking, but Clive, the owner, is an old friend so he soon has us seated at the table he keeps open for friends and special guests. He’s drooling over the girls and he’s surprised when I introduce the bulk as my slave harem. We really enjoy ourselves while we take a lot of time over our delicious meal.
About two hours later we get up to leave. Just before we reach the door two men wearing stockings over their heads step in with pistols in their hands. I leap forward and grab the hands with the pistols, one in each hand. Then I slip a finger behind the trigger to stop them from pulling the trigger while I push their arms up toward the ceiling, that way any rounds fired will go into the roof. They both start to reach for me with their other hands when I slam my right knee up into the groin of the one nearest my right side and Teri steps forward to give the other fellow a solid kick in the same place. Both give very short and sharp screams before collapsing toward the floor. Clive walks over while putting on some latex gloves, his staff uses them when handling food. He takes the guns out of the hands of the now comatose would be robbers to place them in plastic bags to hand to the police when they arrive. The whole matter is over so quick most of the clients didn’t even realise anything was wrong. Getting paper and pens from Clive we write and sign brief statements on what happened, then he photocopies them for us. When the police arrive we hand them the statements and leave. More police are getting out of another car when there’s suddenly a lot of cars braking and near misses. One officer is looking at the traffic to try and work out what the problem is when his partner says, “Here’s the problem, Bob.” The first cop turns to look at the footpath, and he soon spots us.
With an ear to ear grin he says, “Wendy, I think we better stop the traffic and get this group into their car before we’ve a major accident to deal with.”
While laughing hard she responds, “No, leave it. The local tow truck drivers need some more business.”
Everyone is in a jolly mood while we head back toward the crossing. When we reach the other side and start toward the mall car park I look over to see both officers still watching us with big smiles. Our travels were easy to follow by the sounds of heavily braking cars. Reaching the mini-bus we climb in and Helen takes the wheel to drive us home. Jacqui is on cloud nine.
Fun GamesNone of the girls want to take their new clothes off so I leave them to watch television when I take Ellie to the bedroom. While we go up the stairs I play with her arse. She turns around to smile at me. Hearing giggling behind us I turn to see Jacqui closely watching us go up the stairs. I wink at her and she giggles louder.
Once in the bedroom I shut the door then I undress Ellie while I say, “Ellie, love, you’ve always been the first girl in my life and you’ll always be the first woman in my life, unless you do something really stupid to give me cause to hate you. Please don’t do anything stupid.” With us both undressed I lead her to the bed and I pull the covers back before having her lay down on the bed. I lie beside her, “I love you, and have done so for many years. I know you’re smart, but you can still manage to do some stupid things.” She looks at me with concern while I caress her, “I know you’ve some plans to do things, and I’ve no objections provided you keep within certain limits. Don’t do anything to physically hurt anyone unless I’ve approved it before hand. Don’t try to make me yours only as the others need my love and affection too. Love is like a yeast, the more you put into it the more it grows; people can love more than one person, and most people do. Don’t try to keep the others out of your life, welcome them with arms as open wide as you welcome me. OK?” She gives a weak smile while she nods her agreement.
While I fondle her breast she says, “Darling, are you a mind reader?”
I grin, “No, but I know you well. I’ve spent most of your life knowing you, watching you grow, and teaching you what you need to know. I spent a lot of time helping to shape your life and thoughts while I direct you toward the path to make you the perfect partner for me.” Her eyes go wide then she smiles, “But these last few weeks have forced changes on both of us. I’d always imagined it would be just you and me. But now it can’t be, so we must both adapt. I know you’re having trouble with that, but I think you can adapt. Look, do you have any trouble with my loving Jacqui as a daughter or niece?”
She shakes her head, “I also love her as if she were my daughter.”
I smile, “Then think of the others as our other adopted daughters with special needs; sexual needs, and a need to serve a man and also serve you as a way of serving me.”
She smiles, “That may work. I’d been thinking of the other girls as competition for you, if I think of them as our daughters they stop being competitors and become partners in loving and serving you. Hey, if I think of them as sister wives that’s even better. Thank you for setting me straight. I heard you say Robert lost over thirty million dollars in that fight, how much of that’s yours? I ask because I wish to know how much we’ve available to set up our home properly.”
“I like this place and I’ll arrange to have it transferred to us, so concentrate on converting this to our needs. That fight the other night is my last official fight. No one wants to face me after seeing what I did to those two that fast; especially after learning I took out the whole of Mountain’s boys in one fight. So you can stop worrying about me being hurt in official fights, just worry about ones like where we met Helen and Jacqui. The fight increased my bank account by twenty million dollars to bring my total fight income up to twenty-four million dollars. Added to everything else I have roughly twenty-seven million in the bank, and I don’t know how much of the family business is mine. So don’t feel you have to be stingy, but don’t go hog wild, either. We also need a special bed in here, one big enough to sleep the lot of us in comfort, about twice as wide as this one is, and a little higher. We need a nice huge spa and a large shower in the en-suite, plus a giant spa area in the games room. I intend to remove a lot of that stuff then put walls up to make it into a few rooms.” She’s surprised when I talk money, and she smiles when I get to the bed and en-suite. She nods while she promises to work on those issues tomorrow by getting some interior designers out to look at them.
I decide it’s time to move on to more interesting activities now her pussy is wet and she’s ready for personal discussions of another type as I make love to her. When she recovers from one fucking and we start the next I say, “Another task you have for tomorrow is to organise the paperwork and facilities for our wedding, and it better be soon.” She wasn’t close to coming again until I spoke. I think she must find the subject matter highly arousing because she takes off like a Saturn Five rocket to have a huge orgasm. I wait until she settles down, “I want you to be my wife before the fourth month of pregnancy, right.” She takes off in another huge orgasm so strong I can’t hold back now, so I start to fill her with my seed. A little later I move her up the bed and I lie down beside her. We lie there just cuddling for several minutes before falling off to sleep. About two hours later we’re disturbed by the rest of the crowd coming into the room and waking us up.
BathsStanding up I move toward the en-suite while I call Jacqui to come massage my back, she giggles because she’s also seen the look on Mary’s face. I just hope Mary can wait until I get the en-suite door shut before she starts on Ellie’s cream pie, that girl just loves cream pies, even a few hours old. We do get into the en-suite and have the door shut with the water running before we hear Ellie scream out, “Oh yes, I’m coming again.” Jacqui looks at me and winks as she giggles.
I return her look while I say, “Jacqui, I don’t expect you to be totally ignorant of what’s going on, I’m not that stupid, OK.” She laughs and nods while we step into the half filled bath. “What I don’t want is for you to start to get sexually active with adults or over sexualised by doing unlawful activities like having sex with adults or watching adults have sex. OK?” Again she nods while giving me a big smile. “If you decide to do the normal adolescent schoolgirl things like learning about sex or playing minor sex games with your girlfriends during sleepovers it won’t worry me as long as you’re not blatant about it. Understand?” We’d already sat down so I’m now busy washing her front when I say this, she surges forward to give me a big kiss on the mouth. I decide to allow it and enjoy a long kiss with her. We stop when I hear a ’Hurrump’ beside the bath. Looking up I see Helen trying to look stern.
She smiles and says, “Sensei, please be a little stronger in defending yourself against my daughter’s seduction techniques.”
I laugh, “Why? We all know she’s not getting any dicking by me until she’s of legal age, and then I intend to fuck her brains out. However, if she gets well dicked by someone else before then I’ll assume she doesn’t need my services any more, so that won’t occur.” Jacqui looks stunned, so it seems I’ve anticipated her ideas about others. She gives a weak smile when she slowly nods while I continue, “Since we know where her seduction is headed and we know the ultimate goal is already set, then there’s no issues with activities that stop short of that, is there?” Helen smiles as she nods and climbs into the bath behind me to massage my shoulder again. About thirty minutes later I’ve finished washing Helen and Jacqui when Mary and Denny carry a barely conscious Ellie in for her bath. On being asked they tell me Ellie is like that as they all took turns eating her to five comes each, so she’s now worn out. I laugh as I have them sit Ellie on my lap before I direct Denny into the bath as well.
While I wash Ellie I update Denny about the things to be done and I ask her to help Ellie see they get done. Denny is very happy to hear about the wedding. I say, “Denny, love, Ellie is the one I’ve loved for many years so she’ll be my wife. However, she now accepts you and the others are her sister wives and my slaves. She also accepts the slaves who follow her orders are also making me happy and serving me by doing so. I want that made clear to the others so the only time they should disobey Ellie is when her orders contradict mine, then they’re to seek guidance from me as it may be I haven’t anticipated something. Understand?” She nods. “Good, next is the pecking order, I want you to be the senior slave so I’ll organise a better collar for you for that, will you do this?” She nods again. “Good, that pleases me a lot.” She grins. “I want you to be the senior slave as you instinctively know what a slave’s place is and you have your free will so you can adjust orders in my absence, especially when I’ve not allowed for an odd situation. Do you understand what I’m aiming at?”
She nods, “You want me to take control to see to the safety of your family when in your absence an unanticipated situation occurs and we need to step outside the set of standing orders that’ll be in place.”
I nod, “Denny, love, come, come, come.” She shudders through three orgasms, and grins when she realises my control over her has reached that stage without the chemicals or the programming. I call for help to get Ellie out to dry and move her back to the bed. Teri and Jeri do this task while Mary climbs into the bath. I ask them to ask Jacks to have a word with me. I move around in the bath to have Denny sitting in the short corner while Mary sits on my legs when I wash her front while Denny washes her back. When we’ve washed her I lift Mary up to place her on my dick, she smiles. I lift her up and down while I tell her about the new arrangements. She smiles and nods. She’s coming when I’m finished. I say, “Mary, come, come, come.” She has three orgasms before collapsing onto my chest. I smile when Jacks arrives. He sees her condition and calls for help to get her out. Again Jeri and Teri cart away the exhausted, both giving me an odd look as Fiona gets into the bath.
To Jacks I say, “Mate, it’s about time you went down and got ready to release your two new slaves. Take some food and drinks with you. Have you thought of new names for them yet?” He shakes his head. “May I suggest Spice and Candy or, better yet, Candy and Cane. With the last two your set would be Sugar, Candy, and Cane, and the first set would make them Candy, Sugar, and Spice - thus all things nice.”
Both he and Sugar laugh as he’d followed his master here. Jacks says, “I never knew, before, how terrible a punster you are, but that’s precious. I’ll think about it.” He leaves to check on his slaves. I’ve got another hour or so before I have to worry about the others.
I give Fiona the same information and treatment as Mary then I watch her get carried out by Teri and Helen while Jeri climbs in for her bath with a mildly concerned expression. Several minutes later Denny gets out to get dried before helping Helen carry Jeri away while Teri gets in for her turn. When Helen and Jacqui walk off with Jeri I ask Denny to get me a towel from the rack when I stand to exit the bath. Moving behind her I flick the door shut then I slide my dick into her from behind. She’s quick to catch on and she bends forward while she spreads her legs. I’m just in her when Helen walks in to find me fucking Denny to another orgasm. Helen tells me Jacqui was giggling when she went downstairs and she suggested her mother needs a bath. I say, “Denny, come, come, come.” I enjoy her three orgasms before lowering her to the floor mat and turning to Helen. She backs against the door and spreads her legs while she smiles at me. I move her to the bench top to pound her delicious pussy. She has several orgasms before I release the dick clamp I put on when I got in the bath. Helen moans her way through another orgasm as I come in her. A few minutes later I have her and Denny in bed with the rest of my girls. I check everyone is snuggled up to someone, then I go back to wash my dick before putting on a robe to go downstairs.
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I'd been looking forward to a good night's sex with my boyfriend Sam, but when I got to his flat he'd smoked so much dope he was out of things. After a few minutes trying to wake up any part of him, I decided to cut my losses and go watch TV in the lounge. I wrapped myself in his robe and went through.In the lounge, Sam's flatmate Lee was sitting watching a video. I went and slumped down next to him and he instantly went to change channels, when I looked at the screen I saw why, he was watching...
A DAY AT WORK, "DRESSED" BY CATHY_T_ Copyright 12/14/2000 11:51:04 PM FOREWORD BY AUTHOR. I hesitated writing this story since it was preceded by another one about store detectives within the last month or so. While that one was fictional and a very fine tale, my story is true. It happened to me, just the way I have presented it here. I have taken a FEW small liberties with the story but, 99% of what is written here is the actual account...
امير السن حاليا 22 بدات القصة لما كان عندي 11سنة كانت دايما خالتي واسمها هدى وسنها دلوقتي 35بتعاملني كاني ابنها ويمكن اكتر كمان هي كانت متجوزة في بلد بعيدة بس كانت دايما بتيجي تزور جدي وجدتي وانا بحكم اني قريب منهم فكان معظم الوقت اقضيه عندهم فكنت لما اشوف خالتي اجري عليها واحضنها وهي تبوسني وكانت المعاملة بيني وبينها مش اكتر من كدا لغاية في يوم كنت راجع من المدرسة وكنت عاوز ادخل الحمام باي طريقة وكان اقرب بيت ليا هو بيت جدي في طريقي خبطت الباب وفتحت ليا جدتي فقولتلها عاوز ادخل الحمام قالتلي...
Today marked the first day in which the guys and I started to get serious about the recruiting process. Our first step was to go to the Stanford – Northwestern game. We were interested in both Stanford and Northwestern for similar reasons. Academics were high on my list, and both schools had a lot to offer in that regard. I also felt that I wanted to play in one of the power conferences, because it would put me in position to play for a National Championship. Last year the ACC, Big 10, Pac-12...
She was the most perfect petite beauty with silicon enhanced breasts. She stood 5’4″ and weighed maybe 110 lbs. Long brown hair, green eyes and a finely-toned body like that of an olympian. I was pretty drunk and horny as hell! When I first laid eyes on her, I knew I must have her. She took me into the private room for a lap dance, and let me grope her firm ass and luscious tits. She grabbed my piece through my pants and I was crazed with lust. I slid my hand under her thong and...
When I was out on my own I started to buy a few things' mostly panties and thigh high stockings then a skirt and a blouse things that where ease to get to fit me. From there I learned to find my size in dresses and shoes this started to put my wardrobe to gather, but I still needed a wig and makeup so it was back online for more shopping, With lots of practice I became pretty good at putting on my makeup, plus doing my wig hair and a waste cincher I looked pretty darn good if I say so my...
Rick was in love. Or it sure felt that way at this moment. Haley, the slim blonde university coordinator, guided Rick, by stroking his enormous erection, into a dimly lit room. In the background Rick could hear his mother's screams of terror turn into the guttural moans of pleasure. The sound only served to make Rick more aroused. Rick watched the woman as she guided him over to a bed. Although she dressed conservatively, her look came across in a quietly sexy manner. Her blazer both...
It has only been a couple of weeks since I did the CFNM pool party for Tatiyana and friends I was still thinking about it. I had Miranda's number, so I called her to see if there was anything going on that I could do for her. She appreciated the invite, but said not at the present but she'd check with her sister, maybe she might like me to do something for her.I waited two days and figured no one was going to call. It looked like I'd have to make my own adventure on my next days off. Later...
Dear Dirty Diary In the second week of October, a furnace inspector informed Louise we needed a new fuel oil tank and pointed out that the current furnace could never heat our attic apartment. A heating contractor quoted $15,800 for a new high efficiency unit with central air conditioning. The bed and breakfast income had been nominal at best for our first season so we had a situation on our hands. Neither Doug nor I wanted to forsake our spacious attic for the cramped but warm guest rooms...
I promised to describe my first experience using a strap-on dildo on my husband Anthony (actually, he was my boyfriend at the time). In my first two stories I related how I discovered my husband's penchant for being dominated sexually and how I, a natural submissive, learned to love switching roles from time to time. I was falling in love with Anthony, but I felt that there might be a conflict because he really was primarily submissive and so was I. On the other hand, after teasing and...
I've been dating my girlfriend for a couple of years now. We are in our third year of college. I knew she had slept around a lot before we started dating. It made me jealous but also turned me on. Sometimes when we fuck I make her tell me about fucking another guy. I make her tell me about their cocks and about a specific fuck she had with them. As soon as she starts telling me about them I can't help but cum. She had invited me over this afternoon because she 'wanted to talk'. I thought I was...
Cheating WifesThe week passed with no greater incidents, except for some minor accidents involving broken china, food plastered onto the wall and papers flying around the factory. Cade had decided to leave only the non-dangerous tasks to his clumsy secretary and had therefore banished her to the filing room. Erin could not have agreed more as this gave her the perfect opportunity to search the financial records and locate the frauds. It was just what she had hoped to accomplish all week long. She’d wrung...
After a long and restless night, Elder rode out of the village in hopes of intercepting Eaglesclaw before he could arrive. When he finally came upon Eaglesclaw just after midmorning on the main road, he was relieved to find out that Eaglesclaw had already been informed on the situation by his flying spies and messengers. "Elder, I am aware of what happened to Axemen when he was a child. I was one of the surviving guards that had to stop Tamalain from wiping out the entire senior council....
John could smell her fragrance as soon as he opened the front door. It was Jimmy Choo Eau de Parfum and it was his wife’s favourite. It was pleasant and welcoming. Kate appeared from the kitchen and came up to him to help him take his jacket off. She kissed him before taking it from his hands and hanging it up. Not only did she smell good but she also looked good. She was wearing a red figure hugging dress that zipped up from the front. Attached to the zipper was a large silver ring that just...
CuckoldAt last! We had finally been spotted by the Bustols. Their security was so lousy that I almost thought we would have to send them an engraved invitation to the fight. I could only assume that their contempt for the local Inglets was such that they expected never to be attacked. We had stopped in a campsite about 20 klicks from the enemy camp. That morning we formed up into our loose groups of 34 men and women, each. We were not in the conventional military order, but standing in almost...
Hi I’m 41 years old and married to my wife for 15 years and have two children. My sister is married to her husband for 18 years and has three kids.me and my wife separated so my sister came to stay with me for a few days on her own.the first night we had a few drinks and my sister went to sleep in the spare bedroom. The second day my friend give me a sex drug to boost my sexual feelings I mixed the drugs in my wine and while I was in the shower my sister drank my drink and started feeling...
Fantasy———————————- I look into Tom’s cold brown eyes and wonder what kind of people I’ve gotten myself mixed up with. On one hand they are both gorgeous and I don’t know if my pussy or my ass will ever be the same. On the other it seems like my decision to leave is not entirely my own despite what Tom says. I guess my only choice at this time is to go with it for a little longer but be on the lookout for a way out of this room. ——————————— If I’m being completely honest the look of fear in...
It all started when I was sitting watching the telly when my pretty young girlfriend came down from her bath. "Want me to cut your hair?" she had asked, it needed cutting badly but with the mortgage payments and all those bill there was never enough money left over for things like hair cuts. "Yeah, that I'll be great," I said looking up and to my surprise she hadn't gotten dressed but had just pulled on some clean knickers and had a towel across her shoulders. "Dressed like that you...
“I guess you didn’t see what was in yesterday’s Sydney newspapers, did you?” Mary Beth asked when I came to breakfast. I shook my head. “There was another fatal accident on the Parkway, close to where Janelle was killed; this one was just a single vehicle accident. Driver and passenger both killed. Yet another white panel van, but the driver was a middle aged man, the passenger a young girl. Happened late on Thursday night; no details of the victims yet. Police don’t know what caused it,...
My wife is very submissive and basically what I say goes, so I thought I would teach her a valuable lesson. I know this girl from work who I am very close to, we talk all the time about everything. Many times sex has come up and she will tell me about her dog, a boxer who is constantly humping everything and she sure would like to get him laid so he would get over it. That gave me an idea and I told her how my wife and I are and would she like to have a good time? She of course agreed and I...
Naughty Bar Manager, Alyssa Reece, turns her new employee into a sex slave in minutes, as a business manager needs to test the quality of her employees deep, down, and dirty. The bossy girl with tiny tits but a big ass manages to get her barman to lick her pussy real good. As Alyssa gets naked she takes the big dick of her boy toy into her mouth, enjoys horsing around the bar. She sucks deeply passionate, enjoys every part of his cock. After a long exchange of blowjob and pussy-licking, the...
xmoviesforyou“Just a little one,” I ask wondering what else I should have done. “Yes, it was basic fucking and it was good enough. Do you want me to clean my asshole for you in case you want to fuck me again if we have time,” Wilma asks quietly. “Yeah, clean is good,” I answer not really knowing which would be better. I watch her stagger up and slowly walk back to the bathroom where I can assume she cleans herself. I sit on the bed and think it wasn’t that bad, some spanking and choking sure but...
Chapter One ‘I should have brought a newspaper or a book or something.’ Nearly unpacked, having already survived her first class at the Savannah College of Art and Design in the old Barnard School building across the square, and feeling the itch to get back to her dolls, Ginny had eschewed the thought of fixing her own breakfast of burned toast and weak coffee this morning and ventured out onto the square to William’s Café at the corner at West Taylor. The serious and mournful-looking young...
It was the end of a full day, and the beer and excitement had taken their toll. Before hanging things up for the night Dad asked if I would be up for a little trip out tomorrow. He mentioned that Mom wanted to take Erika to an outlet mall near San Antonio for the day. So instead of just messing around the farm, he reckoned it would be more fun if we got out ourselves. He didn’t exactly say where we were going ... just that we would be meeting a few friends of his. When I crawled into bed...
It took a week to arrange a mutually agreeable time for Brad and Mike to return for another get together with my wife Beth. When last the boys were here Beth had a fantastic time and was really looking forward to a repeat performance. She had even told me she was going to take them straight to the bedroom where the y could really go at it. I was a little taken aback when I went to answer the door. There was Brad, Mike and two other good looking guys. Brad induced me to Chad and Dan who...
Us as One We lay there together in bed completely nude. I have you in a sweet embrace. I look at your body. That sweet chocolate coated skin, your every curve. You turn smiling at me looking at me, I hold you tighter in my arms. Kissing your glowing cheek. The moments we spend in each other arms are so rear. But that’s a thing I wish would change soon. I slowly start to run my hand all over your body. I kiss your cheek, leaving my lips lingering on it. You put your hand on my face. Your touch,...
Melanie stared in growing excitement and some trepidation at her brother's enormous phallus, which lifted the elastic of his jock strap off his belly and impatiently throbbed in the air. With a little whimper of delight, she hooked her fingers in the elastic of the jock and slowly pulled it down, snapping it snugly beneath her brother's huge, orange-sized balls. Her hot blue eyes darted from his enormous ten inch prong to the large, bloated testicles beneath, and she shivered with wonder...
For someone wondering what it is all about, I would take one para in explaining. I have recently sat down at home and out of boredom. I found out ISS to be a perfect way to deal with it. I have been reading other people’s stories and seriously they are fascinating. There were a few people who caught my attention as I live a dual life like them too, One where I seem to be a simple, dedicated and loving individual and the other which holds the dark side, filled with incest fantasies, taboo,...
"Have you decided what you're going to be yet?" Cassie asked. She still picked at her salad with the plastic fork, but mostly she was finished with it and just pushing the dregs around the tortilla bowl, which she'd chipped a couple bites from. It was a Saturday morning in early October and they'd stopped for a bite at a little café after hitting the gym. Ellen had only been joining her at the gym for a couple months, but she was proud her friend was sticking with it, even if she thought...
She met him in her inbox. Katherine shivered in anticipation as she walked down the aisle of the plane, her panties wet with excitement. She was here to meet Rick. The excitement came from the fact she’d never done anything like this before, but she could not stop herself, the desire was overpowering. Katherine was meeting a man she’d only exchanged emails, chats and hot lengthy phone calls with over the internet. She felt drawn to him though, and the pull was irresistible. They had met in...
Hi, my name is Riya. I am still unmarried.My eyes color is blue and hairs have curls.My color is brownish and having medium sized boobs with long puffy nipples. I have a butterfly tattoo on my pubic less cunt and black hole with angle wings tattoo.Currently I work in a big insurance company as a Senior Manager.I deal with HNI clients only.I completed my targets on time, so, I get good incentives also.When I was in graduation, lot of boys tried to impress me for friendship. I knew that time why...
Ch6 Dinner was a flurry of tastes for Sarah. They had ordered “A-La Cart”. Some she’s had before. Some she had been made to try. Ultimately, several empty boxes went into the trash. Several half consumed went into the fridge. She had enjoyed her dinner. Especially the steamed dumplings, wishing there were more. She was a little sad now. Thinking about it. The way her mother split. When she woke up. On the floor, naked, all sticky from obvious sex that she didn’t remember. She...
Danny would kill me if he ever knew, ever found out ... I had watched his mom pleasure herself. Bad enough that, but that I had in turn, jerked off watching her do that, though of course no one would ever know. Certainly never my best friend Danny, though we had years ago sworn to one another as kids growing up together, we'd never lie to one another, or keep any secrets. Up until now. And it's not like I was looking for it, or expected it to happen. It just did. But once it did, once it...
Almond Grove - 3750 C.E. It was not without a little trepidation that Ellis followed the woman who'd greeted him when his private space ship docked at Almond Grove. Partly, this was because he'd always wanted to see for himself the private residence of the second wealthiest man in the Solar System and this was the reason he used to justify to himself the expense and trouble of travelling for very nearly a month from Venus to Earth orbit. The main reason, of course, was that a summons from...
Brian's divorce was finalized a couple of years earlier, and while his ex got half of the company, she had no interest in getting involved with it. He just bought her out a few months ago and was finally starting to see light. This day started out like every other workday. He was sitting in his office going over the monthly numbers and liked what he was seeing. Salespeople drop in to see him all the time and this afternoon was no exception. Around 4:00 his assistant Julie came into his office...
ReluctanceI was in class with the hottest teacher i have ever seen, he knew i liked him by the way i would look and smiled at him, anyway one day i stayed behind after class for catchup, but it was only me. He came and sat next to me whilst i worked through my worksheets i could see him through the corner of my eye watching my every move.... what he didnt expect was what was yet to come! I slowly moved my hand on to his leg and our eyes met we both moved towards each other and locked our lips (boy i had...
GayAnnabel Redd is a sexy, perky, pretty, young red-head with green eyes, a trimmed bush, braces and 30E naturals. She becomes a sex-doll under JMac’s control. They get it on in enough amazing feats of fucking and sucking to fill a sex manual, including the seashell position. To do that flexible fuck, Annabel has to lay on her back and put her ankles behind her head. While Annabel is getting the ramrod in that position, she even sucks on her nipples. Laying back on top of JMac after getting...
xmoviesforyouAs we’re faced with a new year, I can’t help but reflect on the past twelve months. If I sit back and think of who I was and what I was doing at the beginning of this year and compare it to now, I notice a change… a major change. Human beings are blessed with a complex brain. To some, this may be a curse and not a blessing. The confusion of our society makes way for apathy. It’s much easier to look the other way instead of trying to figure it all out. I’d like to think that we are much...
A car was heard from behind her she did not worry about turning around to look all she did was keep focused on the road ahead of her. The car eventually got really close to her and she could hear it slowing down next to her as she ran. Jade glanced over at the car only to see a couple of men in there. And that's when she realized that the driver held a gun in his hand. She sensed danger and her brain snapped into action. Jade began running now not jogging but running away from that car. As...
I am a thirty-seven year old divorced woman. Being from a conservative background, I was married at a young age; an arranged marriage. A decent guy - divorced, with a kid from his previous marriage who was four years old at the time of our marriage. Our marriage worked out fine for ten years. Then, as it happens with couples occasionally, if they are unlucky, we too separated. We remained on friendly terms, occasionally helping each other too with family stuff and whatnot but it all faded away...
MILFThanks to Hard-Rock59 for the beginning to and the inspiration for this fantasy...written from your perspective. I was thinking today it would be fun riding my motorcycle with out clothes and you behind me naked, pressed up against me, your breasts against my back, nipples hard as the brush against my skin. your pussy against my lower back. I have a gold wing--so you would sit a little higher than me. We would ride out in the west where there isn't traffic for miles about sundown. Your...