Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 20 Prepping the Canvas
- 2 years ago
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"Have you decided what you're going to be yet?" Cassie asked. She still picked at her salad with the plastic fork, but mostly she was finished with it and just pushing the dregs around the tortilla bowl, which she'd chipped a couple bites from. It was a Saturday morning in early October and they'd stopped for a bite at a little café after hitting the gym. Ellen had only been joining her at the gym for a couple months, but she was proud her friend was sticking with it, even if she thought Ellen was protesting too much. Most women Cassie knew would kill to have a curvy body like Ellen's, especially the way her breasts swelled to d-cups after the baby! Cassie, just a large b-cup herself, was certainly jealous. Still, ever since her baby was born last spring Ellen complained that her body wasn't bouncing back the way she hoped.
"Yeah, I figured it out a couple months ago. I'm going to be June Cleaver. I've got the heels, of course, and pearls. I just need to find a good fifties style dress. Feel like hitting some vintage stores?" Ellen said.
"Sure. We'll find something appropriate. You should carry around a tray of cookies."
"I thought of the cookie sheet, but I think I'm going to carry Jell-O shots on it instead."
"You're sure to be the hit of the party then!"
"What are you going to be?"
"I've been thinking about this for months and I just kept drawing a blank."
"That's not like you. You've always got the best costume."
"But it's hard to think of something I like that's remotely original. I don't really feel like going the slutty route like everyone else this year, either."
"That will disappoint your fans." Ellen had been teasing her about the attention some of her costumes drew for years, not that Cassie thought any of her costumes were over the top. She was comfortable with her body, but she wasn't the type to run around half naked either.
Their group of friends had been having these Halloween parties since they were teenagers and they were all in their late twenties now. Cassie had always been a flirt and had no problem admitting she loved the attention, even more so now that she was engaged. It is important to know you're still desirable. Luckily her fiancé was not the jealous type, not that he had any room to complain. Don had just as many female friends as she did guy friends.
"Maybe not. I think everyone will have fun with my idea."
"I thought you said you were drawing a blank."
"I was," Cassie replied. "And then I realized that was my costume."
"I don't get it."
"I'm going to be a blank canvas and I'll let people do their art on me. I'm going to have little brushes and a little box of paints."
"You're just going to let people paint you? Uh, Cassie, are you saying..."
She could see where Ellen was going. "I'm not going to be naked! Jeez!"
"Well, you said you were going to let people paint you."
"I've got two costume options. I can go safe and wear one of those white painters' coveralls that zip up the front, but if it's too baggy it's going to be hard for people to really decorate it. The other option is to wear a unitard. I found some white ones on the Internet. I'm not sure I want to be walking around all night in a unitard, though."
"At least you could get away with it if you wanted to. I understand how you feel though, you might as well be walking around naked in one of those things! How does Don feel about it?"
"Oh, he doesn't care. He loved it when I was Catwoman." That was a memorable costume, but somehow a skintight white unitard seemed more daring than the black vinyl cat suit she'd worn.
"I bet. He probably likes it that all the guys are drooling over you and he's the one who gets to take you home."
Cassie suspected her friend was right, although saying all the guys were drooling over her was an exaggeration. Cassie was pretty she knew, but not in a flashy, look at me kind of way. She rarely wore make-up and didn't tan because the sun just gave her freckles. She'd always been complimented on her cool blue eyes. Her shoulder length blonde hair was in a ponytail as often as not and she was really a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl when she wasn't dressed for work. She worked hard to keep her five-foot-six figure slim because it seemed like every errant order of fries showed, but she didn't dress to flaunt it like some of their girlfriends. Today she'd changed into a faded, comfortable pair of jeans, boots and a dark blue Phillies t-shirt after showering at the gym. She really was the quintessential girl-next-door and Cassie was proud that one of the reasons the guys liked her was because they thought she was cool, because she was approachable.
"You're crazy," Cassie demurred. "There are always a lot of girls there way hotter than I am." She thought of their friend Sonja, a smoky brunette. Sonja was hot. The first time Don met Sonja he couldn't stop staring and Cassie couldn't blame him. She couldn't wait to see what Sonja was going to dress up as this year.
"Just remember there's going to be strangers this time, so maybe the coverall is a better idea."
"That's right; Frank said he was going to invite people from work."
Way back when, their Halloween parties had just been their small group of friends and it floated from house, or apartment, to house. Over the years new friends and spouses joined in the fun; nowadays there were close to thirty people. Frank bought a big new house this year and insisted on hosting the party since he wanted to show off his new digs. Since he had so much room he warned his group of friends he was inviting people from work. His thinking was that some of their group was still single and what better way to make things fun than to throw some new people into the mix. Besides, everyone in their group who could possibly date each other already had. Cassie shuddered to think how many of her friends she'd hooked up with over the years. The fact that Don knew all about their incestuous little circle and didn't mind was just one of the reasons she loved him so much. Cassie thought the more the merrier, but she knew some of their friends resented the intrusion.
"You could be right," Cassie agreed. Parading around in a unitard, essentially naked, with a bunch of strangers around might not be a good idea. She was sold on going with the coverall.
When she got home that evening Cassie ran her idea past Don and he liked it, even though he pointed out that letting her perverted friends attack her with paintbrushes might not be a good idea. "It's a good thing I'll have you there to protect me then," she said.
The party was actually the night after Halloween, which fell on a Friday. That allowed their friends with children to do the trick or treat thing with their kids and then have their own grown-up night. Cassie had gone to a hobby shop and bought small jars of paint that fit into a box she wore on a belt. She was sure she would get sick of lugging the box of paints around and it would be set aside before the night was even halfway through. Maybe by then she would be covered and wouldn't have to worry about it.
Cassie pulled her hair up and tucked it into a white ball cap so she wouldn't get paint in it and was zipping up when Don found her in the bedroom. He'd been down the hall applying make-up and she thought he wanted help with his wig. Don was going as Captain Jack Sparrow and had gone all out with the costume. He even had a fake beard with the beads dangling from it.
"Hon, I've got a problem. Work just called and the whole orange line is down. They're calling everyone in to work on it." Don was an engineer with the local transit company.
"That sucks. Do you have any idea how long it will be? We can go late."
"It's going to take hours to get the whole system back online. There's no point in waiting for me. You're not going to be mad if you have to go on without me, are you?"
"We'll, I don't know who's going to keep the perverts from drawing crazy things on me," she joked. She pulled Don into her arms and gave him a long kiss. She knew he was looking forward to this party just as much as she was. "Of course I'm not mad. Just come on out as soon as you can."
"I promise I will. Have a good time for both of us, okay?"
"If you insist!"
It turned out Don didn't even have time to get out of his make-up, so he threw his costume into the back of his car and took off for the depot. Cassie could only imagine the comments he was going to get from all the macho men he worked with. She left a few minutes later, after setting her GPS to Frank's address.
Frank's house turned out to be one of those McMansions that developers throw up on a postage stamp sized piece of land. The house was beautiful, three stories high, with a big open entryway and a great room in the back, but it seemed that you could almost lean out of the window and touch your next door neighbor. If Cassie ever moved out of the city, it would be out to some old farmhouse on a big piece of land where she could plant and maybe even have some animals. She just wasn't the cookie cutter conformity type.
After parking way up the street, she let herself in, knowing no one would hear the doorbell over the blaring music. The house was already crowded and with greeting everyone it took her ten minutes to make her way back to the kitchen, where one of her friends, Neil, pressed a big, red plastic cup of beer into her hand. The keg was on the deck out back and people kept shuttling in and out for refills. It wasn't quite warm enough so late in October to leave the sliding doors open. When Frank finally reached her she barely recognized him under all his green make-up and his wild wig. He was covered, except for the tattered purple pants he wore. She kissed his cheek, but didn't give him a hug because she didn't want his Hulk costume rubbing off on her.
"Okay, I can't figure it out. What are you supposed to be?" Frank asked.
She held out the box of paints she'd set down on the counter and explained her costume.
"That is going to get very messy before the night is through. You have to promise to save me a spot. Where's Don?"
"He got called in to work at the last minute, but I expect him later."
"Sucks for him. I'll find you later. I've got to mingle."
Cassie had the potential artists lining up for her when she explained her costume and she took up court in a corner of the rec room, which took up a quarter of the cavernous basement. The ones who came first got the best canvas space, but things started out relatively tame. A few of her girlfriends painted flowers or little designs on her arms, while the guys painted as close to her naughty areas as they could without crossing the line. Todd, one the more talented ones, painted a little blue Smurf who looked like he was climbing upward and about to scale her left breast. Another of her friends, who was dressed as a pimp, told her, "I always thought you would look good with a tattoo."
"How do you know I don't already have one?" Cassie teased. She actually did have one, a tiny little heart just below the bikini line, but he would have never seen it. Few people had.
"I guess I don't. Wanna show me?"
"Not tonight, John," she laughed. He'd always been an incorrigible flirt and ever since that summer at the shore when they were sixteen, when they had a drunken hook up, he'd been after her for a replay. That fact that she was engaged to be married didn't slow him down one bit. "So what are you going to give me, then?"
"I don't know, maybe a dragon. It's always hot when you see something like a dragon or lizard peeking out from some chick's tank top. Just sit back and let the artist work."
Cassie leaned back on the battered old leather couch and John straddled her leg, without a second thought, but everyone knew she was a physical person and not one to be concerned about such things. After all, she went to the party knowing people would be touching her all night! John pulled down on her coverall and then placed a hand just below her breast to keep the fabric taut. Before he started painting, he handed over her beer and said, "Here, this will help with pain."
"Thanks," she said and drank. She already had a nice buzz going, helped along by a couple Jell-O shots from Ellen's tray.
John leaned forward and really took his time painting. The color was too bright a green for a proper dragon, but it didn't matter much as he wasn't much of an artist. He wasn't creating a masterpiece, but since it gave him an excuse to get his hands on Cassie he was going to go as long as she allowed. The dragon's tail curved down around the outside of her right breast and the rest of the ugly beast perched just above it. He gave the dragon big yellow daggers of teeth and then added fiery red breath. By the time he'd finished it looked like a six-year-old had been working on her, but she couldn't deny enjoying the stray touch he stole as he painted all around her breast, or they way he started massaging lightly with the hand holding her coverall in place. By the time he was finished her stiff nipple was just about visible through the taut coverall and she was feeling that sweet, familiar tingle that came from being touched or caressed. There was nothing overtly erotic about the way John touched her, but she'd always been susceptible to those light touches and the drinks she'd had just amplified it.
Once John crossed that line, others were more than willing to follow him across it and their friends grew increasingly more intimate in their drawings. One of the guys knelt down in front of her and pressed his hand against her left breast. Even Cassie was shocked at his brazenness, but she did not stop him. The touch did feel nice and she sort of invited it with her costume she reasoned. Besides, he was just one of the guys. He didn't mean anything by it, although he did grab a quick squeeze while he was tracing his hand. When he finished drawing the outline in black, he took his time filling it in, leaving a big handprint over her breast. He was heavy handed with the brush, giving her chills as he teased her breast over and over again.
Another guy had her bend over and he traced her ass through the coverall, which meant that she couldn't sit until the paint dried, so she grabbed a fresh beer and then went upstairs to the living room, which had been turned into a small dance floor. On the way a couple more people grabbed her and added their own art. She would soon be a complete masterpiece.
She had a great time dancing and was glad to move around after sitting so long to be the human canvas. As she danced people admired her artwork and a couple of her friends made wisecracks about the more risqué art adorning her body. After a couple songs the crowd thinned and she found herself dancing with a Joker she didn't recognize. He wore his face paint smeared, like Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, but even with his identity disguised she knew it was not one of her friends. When he spoke, he even did a fair approximation of Ledger's voice from the movie.
"Why aren't you just a living work of art?" he said with a low cackle.
"You're not too bad with a brush yourself."
"I didn't mean the paint," he added with a wiggle of his brow.
Cassie laughed and instantly warmed to the stranger. He was quite charming and she even with the make-up she could tell he was handsome. "Thanks. That's a really good costume."
"Oh, this old thing?" He glanced down at himself, smoothing out his tattered, multi-hued hobo's suit. It may have been a nice three-piece suit about thirty years ago, but time had not been kind. It appeared that he had done his own coloring and she wondered what color it had been when he found it.
"It's just something I threw together. It's not nearly as interesting as your costume."
He took Cassie's hand and spun her to get a good look at the work that had been done on her. Yellow angel wings sprouted from her shoulders and a complex design in blue stretched down the length of her spine, ending in a poorly drawn Stop sign right where a tramp stamp would traditionally go. When she turned back to face him, the Joker reeled her in and held her tightly against him for a moment before dipping her. With her buzz, the sudden move gave her a head rush and when he pulled her back up she happily leaned into him, because otherwise she might have stumbled. He felt solid under that shabby costume and she wondered just who he was.
"You're getting filled up there. I hope you save some room for me," he rasped.
"It depends on what you have in mind."
"It won't be any fun if you I tell you ahead of time."
She wondered if he missed her engagement ring, or just didn't care. Either way, it was fun to flirt, especially considering her horny, naughty mood. There was no danger in a house full of people and Don would be the ultimate beneficiary. When he finally got there she might just have to drag her fiancé into an out-of-the-way room if she kept feeling so good!
"I'm Cassie, by-the-way."
"My pleasure, Cassie," he replied, taking her hand and kissing it, leaving a red smear.
"And you are?"
"I'm the boy you don't take home to mother. I'm the mistake that you can't help smiling over."
"Really?" Cassie laughed.
He pulled her close again and whispered in her ear, "Maybe if I get to paint you I'll sign my work."
"We'll see. I am going to get some air, but I'll save a spot for you if I can." She wasn't sure if she really meant it. Somehow letting a stranger work on her body like that seemed wrong, but just the thought of the sexy, enigmatic stranger taking a brush to her made Cassie tingle from head to toe. She really hoped Don wouldn't be much longer.
One thing she hadn't anticipated was that the coverall would be hot in a crowded house. She wanted to peel it off, but she hadn't worn enough underneath to leave herself the option. Instead she was just going to hang out on the porch for a while. She pushed her way through the kitchen and stepped onto the back deck, where several of the guys were having cigars. Ellen was out there too, sneaking a joint with John.
"You bad, bad girl," Cassie teased.
Ellen sucked in a deep hit and offered the fat joint to Cassie. Although she rarely partook anymore, Cassie took a hit for old time's sake.
"You should talk. Look at you!" Ellen replied, once she'd released a lungful of smoke. It looks like all the guys have had their way with you."
"And some of the girls too." Cassie giggled and unzipped the coverall to the middle of her chest, revealing a tight, white lace trimmed camisole underneath. The cool air felt good and added to the heady feeling she received from the pot.
"That one's mine," John said pointing out his work on Cassie's chest.
"Oh, very classy. I think you missed your calling," Ellen teased.
"Thanks. I'm heading in, it's cold out here. I'll catch you girls later."
Once they were alone, Ellen said, "It's a good thing Don's not the jealous type."
"Eh, he knows it's just the guys. None of those fools are going to get lucky. Speaking of guys, did you see the Joker in there?"
"Sort of ratty looking? Yeah, I think I saw him talking to Sonja earlier. They were off in a corner and it looked like they were getting along very well, if you know what I mean."
Cassie could have guessed. There was no way Sonja would miss a guy as interesting as the Joker, and in her little sailor's outfit he couldn't have missed her. Cassie sighed with jealousy when she first saw her sexy friend that evening. The little navy blue dress was skintight and low cut, exposing a deep valley of cleavage, and ended in a very short pleated skirt with white accents. The outfit was finished with white fishnets, high heels and a little white sailor's cap perched atop her chestnut hair, which she wore pulled back, with big, bouncy curls. Every time Sonja passed through a room all eyes were on her, even the other women's. Her sex appeal certainly wasn't lost on Cassie.
"So do you know who the Joker is?" Cassie asked.
"I have no idea. He must be one of Frank's work friends. Why are you so interested? You're not going to get yourself into trouble, are you? Maybe you should cut back on the drinks."
"No, don't be silly. Those days are behind me. I was dancing with him before and I was just curious, that's all," Cassie replied. She couldn't blame Ellen for being suspicious of her motives. In her younger days, not so long ago really, Cassie earned herself a reputation for acting crazy when she'd had too much to drink. She just couldn't help herself sometimes. She loved feeling high and light when she had her buzz and for some reason being horny had always gone along with it. And she was never so drunk she was completely out of control or couldn't remember what had happened, which was key. For one thing, she never wanted to blame her actions on being drunk, that was lame, and for another some of her best sexual escapades had occurred while she was drinking or high and she was glad for the memories.
Cassie drifted back into the house with a fresh beer and went downstairs again after finding the queue for the main floor powder room too long. She knew there was another bathroom in the basement and headed for it, but found a line of people three deep waiting to use that one as well. She decided to stay and wait and chatted up a friend while they awaited their turn. She was in line by herself when Sonja came around the corner and joined her.
"Looks like you've been having a good time," Sonja commented, eyeing up the gallery of their friends' work adorning Cassie's body.
"You look like you're out to have a good time," Cassie teased, eyes flitting from Sonja's breasts to her legs. The little sailor girl dress seemed to have been constructed around Sonja's hourglass figure while she waited.
"I think I could have a couple takers if I wanted." Sonja put her hand on her cocked hip and ordered Cassie to turn so she could see it all. After Cassie completed a 360, Sonja added, "I'm glad you saved some room for me."
Cassie looked down at the coverall and wondered where her friend might find enough space to do more than add some squiggly lines. "If you can find a spot you're more than welcome to add something." Actually, she quite liked the idea of Sonja taking a paintbrush to her.
"I know exactly what I want to do." She knelt down beside Cassie with a quick flash of white satin panty. In that position Sonja's skirt did not quite meet her stocking tops.
Sonja took her hand and pulled her down the hallway and into a child's playroom. Dolls and blocks were scattered around the floor and Cassie almost twisted her ankle stepping on a Brio block. There was a short, plastic play table with a big bright orange beanbag chair beside it, which Sonja deposited her in when she stumbled. Sonja took the box of paints from Cassie's waist and set it on the play table.
"Ooookkayyy..." Cassie said, giggling. Just what was Sonja up to?
"I'm glad you saved the best for last," Sonja said, uncapping all the paints and taking up the black paintbrush. She dipped it into the black, which was nearly depleted, and pushed Cassie back so she was flatter on the beanbag chair. "Now spread your legs," she ordered.
"What are you doing?" Cassie asked, leaning forward so she could look down her own body.
Sonja did not need to answer, as her intentions were instantly clear. She pushed Cassie's legs apart and began outlining a large leaf right over her pelvis. The way Cassie had fallen pulled the coverall tight around her crotch, which made Sonja's work easier. It also made Cassie feel every brush stroke through the thin, papery material. She was also all too aware of Sonja's hand on her inner thigh and its sweet pressure on her tender flesh. If she just extended her thumb she would be touching Cassie's most intimate area. She would never have let any of the guys touch her like this, even in her high, horny state, but letting Sonja do it was another matter. Cassie's heart started thumping in her chest and all those dirty little throwaway thoughts she'd had about Sonja over the years sprang back with urgency. She hoped Sonja didn't notice how flushed she was becoming.
Once she finished outlining the leaf, Sonja went for the green and filled it in using long, slow strokes. It seemed to Cassie that she was spending a lot of time right in the center, which also happened to be right above Cassie's mound. Cassie couldn't tear her eyes away from the brush, taking stroke after stroke over her pussy. She didn't know if it was her imagination or that fact that she was so over stimulated, but she was sure she could feel every pass of that brush, even through the layers of clothing. Her need was palpable and she barely contained to urge to grab Sonja.
"Now I just need to add the veins," Sonja said. She smiled at Cassie as she took up the black brush once again.
Sonja added long, spidery lines her leaf and adjusted her hand as she worked so it was even closer to Cassie's throbbing pussy. Cassie wanted to be touched down there so badly, yet she remained still. She wondered when the hell her fiancé was going to get to the party. She knew they would not be waiting until they got home now.
"So what do you think?" Sonja asked.
"It's good," Cassie rasped. "Interesting choice."
"Well, I couldn't leave you exposed, could I?"
"No, that would be bad," Cassie replied, as she unzipped the coverall to her belly button. "It's really hot down here, isn't it?"
"I hadn't noticed, but feel free to open up. That thing must be hot and I was wondering what you were wearing under there anyway." Sonja pulled open the unzipped coverall and regarded Cassie's body, which was only covered by the tight, white camisole that barely reached her belly button. She unzipped the coverall further, revealing a skimpy pair of lace trimmed panties. She trailed her fingertips across Cassie's flat belly.
"So do you approve?"
"Honestly, I was hoping you weren't wearing anything underneath."
"Oh," Cassie replied softly, belatedly realizing they were having a moment.
Sonja only briefly paused at the edge of the camisole before sliding higher and grazing Cassie's breast. Cassie gasped when Sonja traced her pebbled nipple. The women locked eyes. Their desire for each other was unspoken, but evident. Sonja flicked the nipple with a navy blue painted nail and Cassie bit her bottom lip and reached out for Sonja. Sonja palmed Cassie's breast and kissed her hard. Cassie thrust her tongue up into Sonja's mouth.
Cassie pushed her chest against Sonja's hand while twining her fingers in her friend's thick, raven hair. Sonja kneaded her breast roughly before releasing it to concentrate on pinching and pulling her nipple. Cassie moaned into their kiss. It was fantastic that Sonja understood just how to touch her, how rough she could be without causing pain. It had been many years since Cassie had been with another woman, she'd only done it a handful of times, but she felt right back into it, savoring the differences. She loved how Sonja's silky hair felt between her fingers, and brushing her cheek, how different Sonja's lips felt, even the way she sensuously used her tongue to tease Cassie's. Cassie threw herself into kissing Sonja with abandon.
While Sonja slipped a strap from Cassie's shoulder inside the coverall and Cassie reached under her dress to squeeze a round, ripe cheek. She always thought Sonja had a terrific ass. She got a good feel of it too, as Sonja was only wearing a thong under her short costume. Sonja's hand felt cool on her overheated flesh. She massaged Cassie slowly and only touched her pale pink nipple as an afterthought, giving it just enough of a pinch to make Cassie moan and dig her short nails into Sonja's ass.
Cassie opened her eyes to see Sonja looking at her while they kissed. There was something predatory in her eyes and it made Cassie shutter. Sonja gave her tongue a playful flick in her mouth and then moved downward, kissing and sucking on Cassie's tender neck. Cassie couldn't contain her soft cry when Sonja nibbled on her earlobe. It had always been a particularly sensitive trigger. Most guys she'd been with quickly figured out that if they spent some time biting and sucking her earlobes that Cassie would be putty in their hands. No fool, Sonja seemed to figure it out too. She bit and pulled Cassie's earlobe and Cassie's soft cries turned to whimpers and she clutched Sonja to her. Cassie found the gusset of Sonja's thong soaked through and rubbed her there.
"Mmm, that's good," Sonja breathed into Cassie's ear.
Cassie was rubbing the side of her hand against Sonja's sodden cleft and pressed harder when the jet-haired beauty rimmed and teased her nipple with the pointed tip of her tongue. Sonja flicked that painfully hard nipple and Cassie cried out and pushed herself at her ruby lips. Sonja pulled back and kept teasing with her tongue. Cassie breathed hard, yearning for Sonja to kiss her there. She pushed the flimsy thong to the side and found Sonja's clit with her thumb. She stroked the slippery little button and Sonja stiffened and locked her mouth over Cassie's breast. Sonja sucked hard while chasing Cassie's nipple with her tongue and Cassie arched her back. Cassie turned her hand just enough to slip a couple fingers inside Sonja and she could hear wet sucking sounds as she slowly worked her fingers in and out.
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----------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 I was sore. Something was on my chest. I was thirsty, always so thirsty. All of a sudden, someone lowered their face to mine. It was Candy. I’d know her smell anywhere. I was instantly angry. I opened my eyes, and there she was. “Come on, Gail,” Candy said, touching my face with just a little pat to make sure I was awake. “That’s it. That’s it.” “Wha…” I could barely speak. My face was...
----------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 The only J's I knew of was down on shit street by the shipbuilding yards. The only reason I knew that was because at one point I used to make "deliveries" down there because a chick I let move in with me took off with my savings I had stuck in the mattress. Yes, I actually did that. Shut up. My logic was that no one would be stupid enough to do such a thing, so who would actually look there? In my brilliance, I...
Don't be afraid to send me a note - if you want the whole story. Yes, yours free for staying with me this far. At 55 chapters, this is a full novel. Find me elsewhere on the web. Search my name, then email me. Mention you come from here and I'll hook you up. ----------------------------------- Chapter 7 I don’t know just how long I stood staring at that damn thing, but my legs started aching, so I figured it must have been a considerable length. I couldn’t process my...
She was being fucked to the hilt. There were no two ways about it. She did seem to like it, which was unusual for this line of work. Watching, I felt more uncomfortable than usual. A lot of guys think this is the dream job. They would be wrong. There are lights. It's hot. People sweat—even I was sweating—and not all people smell good when they sweat. Then there are body fluids. And gasses. People let those out right along with their semen and vaginal releases. It didn't matter. They...
She was being fucked to the hilt. There were no two ways about it. She did seem to like it, which was unusual for this line of work. Watching, I felt more uncomfortable than usual. A lot of guys think this is the dream job. They would be wrong. There are lights. It's hot. People sweat—even I was sweating—and not all people smell good when they sweat. Then there are body fluids. And gasses. People let those out right along with their semen and vaginal releases. It didn't matter. They...
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 So, I spilled my guts. She wanted to know who I knew in the industry. The important people. The small people. Some in between. There were a few people I didn’t mention. My brain wasn’t so soaked in rum that I couldn’t keep a few secrets. Sexy fucking Candy just sat on the bed occasionally touching her stomach, occasionally letting her fingers slide lower to distract me… What was I...
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Okay, I get it. I was coming off a buzz. I was tired, I was dehydrated, and I was distracted by a memory about a similar sharp and pointy thing which was now pressing against the soft flesh between a couple of my ribs. And I still had my dick in my hand. God, I felt stupid. I was also still scared enough to not let my hand release my dick for even one second. “You’ve got your cock,” Candy said,...
----------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 My mouth was dry and full of the taste of Candy’s pussy. I wanted two things at that moment, and the other one was a coke and rum. All the air that came into me had Candy on it. My lips, face, the inside of my nose and mouth were covered in Candy. I shook my head and opened my eyes. I couldn’t help but chuckle at what I had just gone through. Yes, I would have to get myself checked for the normal blood and dick...
Faye Millerton reveals a little... Catherine Meadows was Vanessa Staunton’s new bitch. I doubt if she’d have called herself that but she was, it was obvious. I was a bit jealous, to be honest. Van, as we members of ‘Dole Queue’ knew her, was a gorgeous mature woman, a fabulous if didactic and control freakish director and voraciously lesbian. I’d fancied her ever since we started ‘The Queue’ but it was not, so it seemed, to be. I also fancied Catherine or, as Van called her for some reason best...
LesbianBlossom reveled in the stares from the men and women alike as she sought a likely target. Even in a big city, someone like her would be sure to turn heads. Not that there truly was anyone like her, not yet. But this mall should serve her purposes nicely. Yes, she'd cased the area earlier, and found a bathroom where she knew there would be no security camera surveillance. Let them stare! Let them stare at the way her tight, white cocktail dress hugged her impossible curves and accentuated each...
LesbianHello ISS friends, yeh meri pehli kahani hai jo main aap sab ke samne rakh raha hun. Yeh mere jivan ki sachi ghatna hai jisne mere sare sapne pure kar diye aur aaj main ek khushal jindgi ji raha hoon jo ki sex aur enjoyment se barpur hai. Dosto mera naam deepak chabra hai aur main punjab ludhiana ka rehne wala hoon meri height 6’2” hai rang sanwala aur body muscular hai. Yeh kahani meri aur meri kunwari maa ki hai aap sab hairan hunge ki main kunwari kuin likh raha hun is baat ka jawab aap ko...
Hello everyone, this is Nisha, I am now 25yrs old, 5ft 7″ tall with a thick and curvy body ( 42-30-46 ), black long hairs, and milk-white skin!! I somewhat looked like Ashley Graham and was tall among my classmates!!! I used to wear glasses which drove many guys crazy. Even though I was thick, I was a hottie of my college. I used to participate in my college fashion shows and other ramp walks. But the thought of sex and my fantasies were weird and unimaginable!!! When I began my engineering, I...
He sighed. His alarm clock to the right indicated 04:30, way too early to be getting up. “Wait...what” It was four thirty in the morning, why was the sun up? He quickly climbed from his bed and crossed to the window. The sun was literally up, right in the sky, which shouldn't make any sense at all because he’d literally just felt it cross across his body. But even weirder than the sun, was the fact that his garden was not outside his window. In fact, there was no garden whatsoever. No...
I like being a slut, no,I love being a slut This was my last thought running through my head before I passed into much needed sleep. I also awoke early to this thought, my loud alarm going off. 6:30 am. These early morning practices are going to be the death of me, if all the cocks aren’t. I stretched my arms and legs lazily and headed towards the shower. I was beginning to feel pretty natural in my naked state. My roommate, Samantha, was still collapsed in bed. I turned the shower on hot...
Group SexNote : This story is completely fictional! My name is Jack and I am about 24. It all started just after I had turned 20. I was home from college and my two cousins were staying at my families home for a few nights. I live in the basement and tend to stay up late when I'm home on breaks. Since i was home my two cousins, Mat and Sara asked my mom if they could hang out with me in the basement. She said yes and that was that. Mat had just turned 18 and his sister Sara was 20, however both of them...
Incest"Alright..." alex said. "Follow me" Lily said and grabbed alex's hand and dragged him onto the dance floor. "I'm not much of a dancer" lily said. Alex was felt his heart race as he looked at lily. "just follow my lead. i'm trusting you" Lily said. lily grabbed alex by his hips and pulled him in close cuasing alex to take a quick breath in out of nervousness. Lily grabbed alex's hands and put them on her hips and began to move her hands all over alex's body. "You're a great...
Sali ko choda lucknow mein Hi friends I m avinash , this is my first story in iss, as I m very big fan of iss , so hello to all gals n boys, my id is I m 26 m lucknow, newly married with strong cock, and average build body , the story begins as this way , meri shaddi one year pehle hyui hai, meri ek choti Sali hai jo ki bahut sexy hai uska rang weathish hai , par uska figure bahut hi sexy hai , use boobs bahut bade hai, jab bhi mein usse dekta tha mera lund hard ho jata tha , mein hamesha se...
I can remember the day about six months ago when the new neighbors moved in. They were a couple I would say in their mid thirties and their eighteen year old daughter. I saw them move most of their stuff in as I always spend allot of time working in the yard on the lawn or trimming the shrubbery. I always managed to find some project to work on to keep me busy. I couldn't help noticing the daughter. From a distance she appeared to be a rather cute looking girl. In the past six months I haven't...
Hello my name is Rahul aging 21 years from hyderabad and this is my first story on iss aur koi galti hogyi toh maaf kardena bhaio aur beheno Rahul (me) – 21 Sneha – sister 23 (sex bomb hai 34c 30 36 Radhika – bhabhi 24 ( open minded bitch ) Rajni – mom Rakesh – dad Raju – chacha Sobha – chachi We are typical jain family and as u all know jains ke ghar par auratein sarre navel ke niche pehenti hai aur humari joint family hone ke karan mujhe kahi baar bahut kuch dekhne ko miljaata hai , to be...
I stared blankly at the television. It was a chip shot. A gimme. My favorite football team had just missed a 22 yard field goal that would of won the game. Hell my 14 year old neighbor could of made that kick. What rubbed salt into the mental wound was my girlfriend, who was dancing around the living room with glee. We had made a little wager on the game and she had won. Why did she pick the winning team? Not because of any in-depth analysis. She picked the winning team because she liked the...
Hi, I’m Johnny. I’m your average White boy 18 year old that’s good at math and play Tennis for my high school team. My future seems to be very bright with the options to either be a doctor or a dentist. What I didn’t realize was in my future would be cocks. Not mine, but other men’s. Like most boys in high school, I was mesmerized with anything that had tits and a vagina. I had plenty of girlfriends and never thought I would ever “bat for the other team.” Porn is easily available so I spent...
Holly was in the front with me, and Laura was in the back. The conversation was just some light banter with a lot of flirting and more than a few innuendos. It was mostly the two girls talking, as I was preoccupied looking at the beautiful upper thigh that I could see where Holly's dress ended. Between making sure I didn't wreck and kill all of us, and stealing those looks. I was trying to mentally will that dress to go up just half an inch higher. I knew exactly what that half of an inch...
Act 1. The Seduction.Its a hot summers day in the south of France, a cool breeze is coming off the ocean and it a clear sky not a cloud in sight.You are so excited as you know I will be arriving latter to pic you up to take you out to dinner to celebrate the good news you received this week.Your goal tonight is to make my eyes pop out when I see you, so have decided to wear that outfit that really drives me wild when I see you in it and won't be able to control myself. You begin by showering...
Hi folks this is Kumar my last name from Bangalore. This is my first post on this site. Here I would like to narrate my first and only full-fledged gay encounter till date about my physique, I’m fair, about 5.5” average built. I’m 24 years old average male working for a well known MNC. The encounter occurred as a one-hour stand with a 26 year old person of almost the same profile as mine, when I was 22. Gay sex to me was not something new since I had xx encounters during my school days since I...
Gay MaleWe’re in the living room of a well appointed and quite attractive home. The woman sitting in front of us is middle aged, slim and tanned – a little too tanned to be honest, with her skin just beginning to leather up. Blonde hair from a bottle, a twinkle in her eyes. She’s not a bad looking woman, in her prime she was most likely hot stuff. She speaks with a midland’s accent that hints at a life-time of cigarettes and alcohol.“My name is Karen Sellars, I’m a 49 year old, and I’m from...
Clusters of faceless men sat at tables scattered around a room. Well dressed and arrogant, they drank with a purpose, tossing back their whiskeys and gesturing for more. Most of them were older, with neat manicures and well-groomed steel-gray hair. A few, though, were young. Their eyes hot with lust and jealousy. Stephanie and her mother, wearing identical skimpy outfits, rushed about the room serving drinks. As she passed amongst the men, hands snatched at her legs or pinched her butt. One...
"Brian," Colleen said, coming into my office at the ballpark, mid-morning of the next day. "I just got a call from Mr. J's, lawyers. They want to buy you out. Everything. Your three-eighths share of the big club, the minor league team, and this entire complex. "It seems that winning the World Series drastically improved their fortunes, and buying back the portion they sold you is their top priority. "What do you think?" She was baiting me. I could tell. I could also tell that she...
Kay and I have been work colleagues for just over 10 months now. It wasn't until recently that she started to open up and tell me more about herself. She is about my age (I'm 54 yrs old) and she is quite petite with a stunning little body. Long blonde-streaked brown hair falls to the middle of her back. As my eyes descend lower I note a very shapely butt, one that I would love to molest. From the front, the view is just as good. She has a pleasant face, which often hosts a smile. Her tits...
James picked Kay up at the airport after getting off work at around 5:30 pm. They drove back together to spend Memorial Weekend with us before taking her to stay with her parents.After they arrived at the apartment, Kay unpacked, and James suggested we should go out and eat or order some pizzas and eat in.Deciding to eat out, we enjoyed a great meal with lots of delicious wine.After our meal, we returned to the apartment, and after chatting for a while, we decided to get ready for bed.Kay and I...
ThreesomesThe Trap By Innocent Guilt Life seems to take us many strange places where we would not usually go. What one might think as a prison is a treasured and comforting place to those who need to hide. You might have sympathy for those who need to escape into this endless serenity of darkness. But what reality are we trying to truly escape from other then that which we have planned in the end. My mind kept pondering these very words as I stared into the wall. The bars of my cage...
Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu. Jiske bare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati, Ghosh Babu, meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...
Chapter 1 We entered the new house, and there was a chill in the air. My parents had just bought the house. They said they got a great deal on it because no one wanted it. No one wanted it because everyone said it was haunted. But "We don't believe in ghosts," my dad said during the whole process of buying the house. The house itself was huge, and everything in it was old. All the old furniture was still there, as if the former occupants had just run off, not caring about what they left...
The last letter I had in the collection of correspondence from the law office had been a personal letter from Darius Booker to me. In it, he gave me his direct number, so I called it. It was obvious that he didn't give the number to a great number of people when he answered. "Booker!" "Mr. Booker, this is Cooper James." "Mr. James! I've been hoping I'd hear from you soon, where are you?" "I'm in Santa Rosa, more or less. I'm at the Hillside Inn, which I think might be...
Thump thump crash! Thump thump crash! “Is that an ordinary sound?” Ember asked, holding the mask he had picked from the locker room in his hands. Beside him, Snide was counting out a wild profusion of money into a collection of sacks. The two of them stood in a small stone corridor that led to a set of stairs that, if Ember was right, would head right to the arena. Ember found himself getting a little distracted from the rhythmic thumping and the crashing by the sheer diversity of money...
Monday we took Bobbie to the doctor, and although she had not gained any more weight she was in good shape. The doctor told her that she needed to slow down a little for the last two months. After that we went to lunch and waited for Doug and Michelle to get into town. After lunch the all three women went looking for dresses for Michelle and Doug's wedding while Doug and I returned to the ranch. Doug and I spent the rest of the day visiting the new property. I was shown what had been done...
Chapter 7. Dirty Little Girl. Aunty June made me sit in the back seat of her old Ford Statesman with the overflowing plastic bags full of girls' clothes and stuff sitting on the bench seat beside me. She buckled me in like I was incapable of doing it myself, patted my bulging plastic panty crotch in a condescending manner, and then she climbed into the front seat behind the wheel. We drove in silence for a few minutes, until I suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to fart. I knew my...
The Man Who Would Be Queen Chapter Six "Secrets" Sarah arrived at the Ferguson house. She was trying to control her thoughts but her mind was racing too fast. Too much information too quickly. She slipped her purse over her shoulder and walked to the door. She was sharply dressed today wearing her black slacks and matching blazer with a ruffled white blouse. Her shoes were orange, 3" high heels with gold buckles on the...
Over the summer Matt kept in touch with the four ladies he had met during his winter trip. Contact was either by email or phone. None of the ladies came to visit him in Joliet nor happened to visit Chicago that summer. He was a little disappointed by this lack of visits but they all had their own lives to live. In two months winter would arrive and he would start on another trip down to warmer climes. He planned on taking the same route he had the previous year. He wanted to visit with these...
As his hands glided over her skin he marveled at the colors. A deep brown color with so many variations. The baby oil brought out darker shadows and golden hues so that she almost seemed to scintillate under his touch.His hands slid down and cupped one of her breasts...squeezing it gently and allowing it to slowly slide out of his hands. Her breasts were naturally big so they pillowed out so sexy as he allowed it to fall back to rest. He grasped the other and smoothed oil over it and especially...
Dear readers thank you very much for your response to the series of ‘My Hot Mother Malini And Me’. Many of the readers asked me to write actually how it all started between me and Maa. Who seduced whom? Particularly a lady reader had asked to write about this as she is also having an affair with her 19-year son. So readers read and give your opinions as usual to my mail. Thank you, your Abhi. I, Abhi was very gloomy during those days. I turned moody, irritating, after the marriage of my younger...
IncestPart 1: Morning Michael Davis is just opening the front door from his house and stepping outside as his limousine pulls around to meet him. It's not stopped for a second before his driver his out to open his door. He smiles and says a quick hello and good morning. A warm smile on her red lips and a "Good morning, Sir," is his gift in return. Denise, his driver, is dressed with a purpose. Her skirt is dangerously short and must have Lycra in it to grip her perfect ass that tight. Her smooth...
CHAPTER 3 Jenna, wearing a burnt orange halter dress glimpsed Eliot at a table but without making eye contact. Determined to rope in her man she posed at the reception desk, standing at an angle with her back to Eliot giving his roving eyes the chance to see her legs. Approaching the table with a friendly wave Jenna hoped he’d noticed she was wearing seamed stockings. His eyes did look a little bigger than normal, or was she imagining that? He stood and they kissed, on the lips. She was...
Chapter 1 I majored in Marketing in college and got a job with a medium-sized toy company, of all things. It has, I suppose, in some ways, allowed me to remain imbedded in my childhood but, if you know anything at all about the toy industry, it's strictly a grown-up business, dead serious and high stakes. So, I'd been with them a while, gotten two promotions, and had also found a girlfriend in the process. We worked in different departments which was a help realizing the somewhat oppressive...
I just got off the phone with one of my black boyfriends when I heard my husbands car pull into the driveway. I was talking to James for the past hour and my pussy was still wet in anticipation of our date later this evening. James always makes my pussy wet when we talk on the phone.My husband sat down for dinner while I hurried in to take a shower. I stood under the hot water allowing the hot water stimulate my already aroused nipples. I'm fairly well endowed and the water was hitting my...
(This is a chyoa version of a story I am writing on Hentai Foundry. You can find it by searching there for Unnoticeable by Galloway.) Alex just wanted to be invisible. He had just seen his long time crush, Sasha, flirting with some guy he didn't even recognize. As he walked through the halls of his high school, dodging people to get to class, he tried to be angry at her, but really he knew it was his own fault. This was the first semester where he had actually gotten to sit next to her in...
Mind ControlThis story is completely fictional! I was about 19 years old at the time. My aunt lived in missouri at the time and she came up to iowa to visit. She has a sexy big ass, nice round plump tits and a lot of curves. She planned on staying for 2 weeks while she was here she slept on the couch. So during the first few days she was their I noticed how sexy she was bending over showing that perfect ass. I decided to hatch a plan to check her body out while she was sleeping. I noticed she wore a super...
IncestI spent a quiet Saturday at my place. I slept from the time I got home, until four that afternoon, making up for the very late night that Evelyn and I had spent together. Sunday, Rick came over and he and I watched the Raiders lose miserably to Carolina. He kept asking me questions about Evelyn, but I told him again that nothing had happened. On Monday, Evelyn came by my work cubicle and spoke with me for five minutes. It was mostly just small talk, nothing at all about what we'd done on...
They were very thankful that they managed to survive, but felt sick thinking about the many lives that were lost. They felt extremely self conscious because of the lack of appropriate clothing, having had to ditch the heavy convent gear as they hit the water or face a certain death. For the next few days they watched the shore lines to see if some of their belongings would wash out, but it was all in vain. The older lady immediately took charge and three of the younger girls were send inland...
By : Rajatverma006 Hi friend’s I’m Rajat Verma from Delhi. Maine aap logo ke dwara post ki gai stories padi or mujhe bahut achchha laga ki aap logo ne apni kuch personal baate humse sayer ki. Hum log sayad kabhi mile bhi nahi lekin phir bhi humare beech ek atoot rishta ban gaya hai jise friendship kahte hai. Thanks friend’s apni personal baate sayer karne ke liye. Main bhi aap logo se apni jindagi ki kuch personal bate sayer karne jaa raha hoo ummid hai aap logo ko achchhi lage. Ye stori meri...
Nearly a week passed after Roxie buried Flora. People were very nice. So many claimed they knew Flora at one time or another, in some capacity or other. Roxie wondered why she hadn’t seen them at calling hours. It wasn’t as if the funeral parlor was so packed with callers that she might have missed them. She started to ask a few if they had known about Flora’s calling hours, but then she stopped bringing it up. It only forced them to make some kind of excuse. Roxie realized that the...