UnconqueredChapter 5 free porn video

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Thump thump crash!

Thump thump crash!

“Is that an ordinary sound?” Ember asked, holding the mask he had picked from the locker room in his hands. Beside him, Snide was counting out a wild profusion of money into a collection of sacks. The two of them stood in a small stone corridor that led to a set of stairs that, if Ember was right, would head right to the arena. Ember found himself getting a little distracted from the rhythmic thumping and the crashing by the sheer diversity of money that Snide was counting. There were jade coins with their middles punches out, cowrie shells, silver thalers, chunks of glowing crystal that looked like they changed shape mid flight, circular white disks with numbers printed on them, small skulls of rodents with fire in the eyes, and in one case, a glass eye that kept swiveling all the way down until it vanished into the smallest of the several dozen sacks that Snide was using.

“Yeah,” Snide said, once he had cinched each sack shut.

“I mean, it sounds like, you know, a bunch of people stamping their feet,” Ember said. “Like they were mad.”

“No, they’re stamping because they’re mad. Mad to see Xora the Maneater finally fight someone on par with her!” Snide slung an arm around Ember’s red shoulders, drawing him in close. “Mad to see that big sharky bitch getting her ass kicked for once. And then, the aftershow. Heh.” He winked at Ember.

Ember imagined smashing his face into Snide’s huge, smiling gob with enough force to put him through the wall. Instead of doing the satisfying thing, he just smiled back. Snide smiled back more. Ember nodded. His neck ached with the amount of nodding he was doing. Snide slapped his back and stepped away. “Okay, kid! Knock her on her ass! I’ve got all these bets for ya! And, uh, if you think you might not be managing it, just look to the left of the match. I got a blowdarter with some yellow eyed frog venom.”

“You what?” Ember asked – but then Snide was shoving him towards the stairs.

Ember stumbled a bit as he hit the stairs – and stumbled more as he tried to walk up the stairs while putting the mask he had chosen onto his face. It was sleek and form fitting and made of leather, and it covered his eyes and his nose, which he was fairly sure would be enough to disguise him. After all, Jerin Kah had been more focused on Ember’s glowing anima than his face. Or at least, Ember hoped that was the case.

Then he was out onto the stage and before the glowing lights and the hundreds of eager faces. Ember stood stalk still. He had never seen so many different kinds of rich asshole in his life. In fact, Ember was pretty sure he had been wrong what ‘rich asshole’ looked like. For his youth and his childhood, that had been the wealthier farmers who owned houses with two stories, or the people who could afford to send their children to Nex-Ho, to get educated at the colleges here. But now he could see that they were, at the end of the day, only a teeny tiny step above him. In the audience around him, he could see a staggering range of wealthy asshole.

There were women and men in sleek dresses and costumes made of what looked like shimmering fire and crackling lightning, harnessed and clung to their bodies and maintained by servants who hurried around them, working the cranks and pulleys of enigmatic machines. There was a man, obscenely fat, jamming food into his mouth from a platter held by an emaciated child. There were a pair of women, their necks made to look extremely long by golden necklaces, who were casually pointing down at him and whispering to one another while being fanned by slaves who looked abjectly terrified. And at the front of the row, there was Jerin Kah himself.

And Mom.

And Mom’s huge titties.

Ember blinked at the completely unexpected, entirely mortifying view of his mom sitting on Jerin Kah’s lap, the front of her dress tugged down, and both of her breasts being cupped and fondled by the green skinned Knight. He was nuzzling her neck and, to Ember’s increased embarrassment, Mom didn’t even look upset. Not that he wanted her to look upset or anything. He was pro his Mom not being raped, or sexually assaulted. But it was also just a teeny bit shocking to see her squirming and mewling happily on the lap of the guy who had burned their village down, kidnapped her and her family, and spirited her away on devils.


Wow, his mom was stacked.

Like, by the Sun and his Lunar wives, those were big titties.

Then Ember had to focus on something other than his Mom being felt up publicly by his sworn blood enemy.

The crowd had noticed him. This was helped by a trio of flame spouts that exploded from the sides of the stage, shooting out golden confetti as a starkly dressed man emerged from the center of the stage on an ascending platform. He had a large poof of hair that was coiffed back into a curved pancake shape, while his face had been daubed with bright red circles to make his smiles and his frowns very visible from a distance – though, up close, it gave him a kind of icky, creepy, unnerving aspect that made Ember want to shudder from head to toes. The man’s shirt was a tight buttoned tunic with silver buttons and gold lines interspersed among white cloth, and he wore similarly striped pants, with neat red shoes. He held in his hand a crystal goblet that was empty of all liquid – which made Ember wonder why he was holding it up to his mouth, like he was about to drink from it.

Then the man spoke – and his voice boomed throughout the entire arena.

“Ladies, Gentlemen, and various transgressing individuals!” The man said, his voice rich and deep like a mountain stream. He flung his arm wide. “Innnnnnn the left corner, we have an enigmatic unknown, a mysterious newcomer, a stranger from the east, with the might of golden flames and the mask of a marauder. Who is this wandering warrior? Why has he come to Nex-Ho? What vengeance does he seek to wreak? Give it up ... for...” He breathed in. “Ken ... Shiiiirooooo!”

Ember had come up with that name and hearing it belted out at the top of the strange man’s lungs was kind of great. He lifted his arms over his head, flexing and blowing kisses to the crowd. The rich assholes cheered. Ember grinned – then, on impulse, he leaped upwards. A tiny spurt of power set him to landing on the platform and he snatched the strange amplifying goblet from the announcer. He put it to his mouth and shouted into it.

“Xora Maneater is going down!” He pointed his finger down.

The crowd went absolutely wild – though, disguised by his makeup, the announcer glared at him and snarled in his ear: “Don’t fucking push it, newbie, get back to your place!”

Ember did three backflips on the way down and landed, feet first, on the very edge of the battle stage. The stage itself was about ten yards high, surrounded by a ten yard gap, and in that gap, there was nothing but hard stone and unforgiving surfaces. The nearest seats were at the edge of that gap, looking across it at him and the announcer. That was where Jerin Kah was. Normally, he’d be very safe from any attack from the stage. But Ember could go way further than ten yards on a horizontal leap. He continued to showboat as the announcer brushed his fingers through his coif.

“And in the right corner, the reigning champion. The undefeated. The unstoppable. The unbelivable ... Xora the Maneater!” He said – and Ember felt a flare of pure irritation. He called that a build up? He’d gotten a whole spiel, but his Lunar wife got zilch? He scowled fiercely at the announcer – and hoped that most people would assume that he was scowling at Xora as she stepped up onto the side of the stage, plumes of water exploding from concealed tubes – showering her in mist as she cast off her robes with a single flare of her hand.

Xora looked bad-ass.

Like, Ember had seen her buck naked before. But there was a difference between Xora, his wife, being naked, while he and her made love and Xora the Maneater, his fist fighting enemy, standing before him in a loincloth, forehead wrap, breast wrap, and knuckle wraps. The bright white of the cloth around her was stark against her blue-gray skin, while her hair was a wild mane around her sleek, sharkish face. Her blunt tail whipped from side to side and she spat to the side. No showboating, no showing off. Just casual, brutal confidence.

“Wow, you’re hot,” Ember whispered.

Xora looked aside, her cheeks flushing with a pleased blush – and Ember hoped that it was subtle enough that most people didn’t notice.

“This is a fight to the finish!” The announcer said. “First person to be down for a ten count loses – and the winner takes all. We’re talking all, baby. Yes! You heard it here first, ladies, gentles, and transgressors, tonight we’re going to be seeing all of Xora Maneater – or whatever she takes out of Ken Shiro’s hide!” He spread his arms wide as the crowd began to cheer and clap and every single avaricious, rich prick in the stadium looked on with eager, gleaming eyes. They wanted to see Xora get her butt kicked and...



Like, that was what they were so excited about.

Ember clenched his fists. A spark of gold flickered around his knuckles. He tried to breathe carefully – tried to marshal his fury. If he flared off his anima before it was too early, then this wouldn’t go off the way they had planned. And so, he instead lifted his head and looked into the audience and spotted the single gleam of red eyes in the shadows. There was Chirp, perched in the shadows, ready for his signal. And so, Ember flicked his eyes off to left. He saw the blowdarter. She was a skinny girl in all black and had a very long, green blowgun that she was loading with a long, black tipped needle. Chirp saw what he was looking at and gave him a big wink – visible even at the huge distance.

Then the announcer called out. “Lets get ready to rummmmmmmble!”

The central platform dropped out of sight with lightning speed and the center of the arena shut solidly. Xora charged – her feet pounding along the pavement. She moved with grace and with speed, belied by her immense size. Ember lifted his hands and twisted aside as Xora punched. Her fist cracked out and smashed into the ground to his left – and the entire stage rumbled, crunched, then exploded in a spray of dust and fragments. A concussive wave picked Ember up and smashed him face first onto the stage. He skidded, tumbled, flipped, and dropped off the side, catching himself by his fingernails at the very lip.

“God, I love my wife,” Ember whispered, his lips skinned back in a goofy grin. Then he flung himself upwards, flipping – and as he sailed back to the stage, he saw that Jerin Kah was watching curiously while Mom had her hand over her mouth. That hadn’t actually stopped Jerin Kah from fondling her – but, hey, at least he was paying attention. Ember could see, though, the subtle ways that Jerin Kah was prepared for attack. He had a sword near his hip – not the same long blade he had used before their last battle, but definitely deadly. He sat tensed, ready to fling Mom into the way of any attack...

He’d need to be more ... engaged.

Xora’s pounding feet drew Ember’s attention. His wife was charging at him again – but this time, rather than punching, she snapped out a fierce kick. Ember ducked, came up, and punched at her stomach. She turned almost completely concave, skidding back away from him before spinning. What would have been a nearly useless pirouette instead smacked his thighs with her tail and sent him flipping. He landed on his palm, bent his arm, then launched himself up into the air, just in time to avoid a claw strike to his chest.

He landed behind her, and Xora drove an elbow towards him. He twisted aside, slipped past her, and hooked his finger under her breast wraps. He came away with one loop, leaving a rather significant amount of underboob. Which, Ember realized, was a radically underrepresented, highly valid form of ... god, his wife was hot. Xora looked at him – and for a second, looked nervous. Ember gave her a thumbs up and a big grin.

Xora shot him a tiny, nervous smile.

Then he darted backwards, his heels skidding along the stone as she snapped out quick jabbing punches, keeping her stance low, rooted, shuffling forward to keep pace with him. Her blows cracked the air and Ember felt them getting closer and closer to landing a solid strike. Ember snapped an arm up at the last second, knocking Xora’s arm to the side and twisting into her guard. His finger hooked on her loincloth and he flipped away, coming away with the rippling banner of white fabric that trailed in the air behind him. He landed on his left foot, his right poised up, while Xora stood, her arms raised in shock.

Under the loincloth, she was wearing a very thin, very sheer, very tight thong that clung to her ass, vanishing between her cheeks, and leaving less to the imagination than being completely naked. If she had been naked, then you’d have just seen her sex. As it was, you didn’t really have a choice to but to have it in your head. Ember blew her a kiss.

Xora stood perfectly still – and Ember saw that she was caught. Caught in a pitfall that he hadn’t realized would be there. After all, Xora was so big and tough and she had done performances since she had been bought by Mr. Snide. But he had forgotten that she didn’t actually like her body. She didn’t see her height as majestic. She didn’t see her muscles as something to drool over. Ember felt his entire body clench up and his heart stop as he realized that he had just put Xora, the love of his life, into literally her worst nightmare.

The justification that he had only met her four hours ago and that their love was due to deific fiat via millennia old cyclical reincarnations felt like such a weak excuse. He should have asked. He was her Unconquered – he should have asked!

Then Xora put her hands behind her neck. She flexed her back and grinned out at the crowd – and only Ember, this close to her, could see the tiny quiver in her knees, the nervous twitch in her tail. “Looks like our Ken Shiro here has his mind on something other than fighting.”

The crowd ‘ooohed.’

And Jerin Kah’s entire attention was on Xora.

No, wait.

His attention was also on his free hand, which was currently on the back of Mom’s head, her mouth closed around his thick, green cock. She looked absolutely happy as a clam. Like Chirp when they went down on Ember. The juxtaposition of his arch-enemy, his wife’s amazingly hot ass, and his own Mom eagerly sucking said arch-enemy’s mouth nearly broke Ember’s tiny little brain. But then a small, whisper-soft voice squeaked in his ear: Hey! This is the exact moment you were waiting for.

“Xora! Hup!”

Ember shot forward, his feet pounding.

Xora dropped, cupping her palms – as if she instinctively knew what he wanted. But Ember felt as if he had compacted an entire battle plan into that quick, two word bark. He hopped up, bending his knees as he landed in Xora’s hands. Then Xora stood and heaved, her arms flexing as she punted him like a shupa ball. Ember arrowed at Jerin Kah, whose eyes widened – and he barely managed to fling himself to the side before Ember smashed, shoulder first, into the ornate wooden chair he was seated on. Splinters exploded into the air and smoke roiled as the entire crowd began to scream in shock.

Jerin sprang to his feet, sword in his hand, and then gaped at Ember as he stood on the cracked back of the throne. He grinned down at him. “You thought I was Ken Shiro,” Ember said, his voice loud enough to carry to the whole room as he reached up, then whisked off the mask. “But it was I! Sleepy Ember of Rataka! The Unconquered!” His body flickered and roiled with flames as he stood there, his anima at full bonfire.

Jerin gaped at him.

Mom gaped too, hastily wiping some precum from her lip. “Ember!?” She yelped, then tugged her shift up, her entire body turning beat red.

Jerin Kah opened his mouth to respond.


A dart appeared in his neck – the same dart that had been loaded and prepped for Xora, in case Ember hadn’t been able to defeat her. Jerin Kah wobbled slightly. But then his teeth bared as he snarled. “I am Jerin Kah, I-”

Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft Ffft

About fifty darts pincushioned out of his chest, each one quivering.

“Okay,” Jerin Kah said, his voice remarkably clear. “Down I go.”

He fell flat on his back.

Xora and Ember turned and saw Chirp, standing on the very corner of the stadium, the blowdart in their hands, a huge grin on their face.

“They can really blow can’t they?” Xora whispered.

“Phrasing,” Ember said, winking and making a finger at Xora.

Xora’s entire face flushed.

Mom scrambled to her feet – and as she did so, Ember noticed that the crowd was frantically fleeing. Ember frowned, scratching his chin. “Wait, why are they running? Why would a bunch of rich, slave owning, decadent assholes be running from the Uncon- OH!” His eyes widened as he remembered his sobriquets: The Chosen, the Breaker of Chains, the One Who Casts Down Thrones, the End and the Beginning.

The Breaker of Chains.

The One Who Casts Down Thrones.

“Right. Mom, wait here, also, Mom, this is my wife, Xora, she’s awesome, Xora, this is my mom, she’s great! Bye!” He back flipped away, sailing into the air and catching onto one of the hanging light fixtures that spilled their shafts of illumination down on the crowd. He swung, then leaped, and then landed on the ground before the exits. The rich and their slaves all drew to a stop as he stood before them. None of them tried to call him a blasphemer or a false Unconquered. Instead, they gaped at him as he cracked his knuckles. “Okay, everyone...” He said, frowning. “I am the Unconquered. I may not be doing this for long, but I have a basic idea.”

He picked up a statuette that decorated the wall behind him – a tiny naked, winged baby angel thing that he was sure had a name and symbolic meaning. He pushed his palms together and the statuette exploded into a haze of hissing, zipping fragments. He dusted his palms off, then beamed. “That? I can do that any time I want. Now, I don’t want to do it to your houses. But I can. Meanwhile, you all don’t have to own people and use them as personal property. You don’t have to buy and sell babies.” He glared at them, starting to walk forward. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. So, right now, I’m going to ask you...”

He grinned, cocking his head to the side, his mien changing from furious to cheerful. “So, who wants to leave first?”

The two girls with the big gold necklaces walked forward, then knelt before him. “Oh glorious Unconquered! Our slaves are orphans who would not know what to do with themselves if we gave them their freedom. We brought them a better life-”

Ember looked over their heads at the slaves, who were burdened under the luggage and baggage of the two women. The female slave who had been holding the fan shook her head hurriedly, then mimed slitting her own throat.

Ember looked back down at the woman who was speaking. She saw his expression. Her smile grew wider and more frantic. “W-Which is why we’re glad to free them, of course!”

“There we go!” Ember gave her a thumbs up.

If there was one thing that Ember had not expected, it was how much paperwork freeing the slaves would take. Yes, getting them free was easy enough. But once they were no longer held by the owners, he had needed to then talk to the governor of Nex-Ho. She had been a shockingly reasonable woman: Upon arriving at the Casino and seeing the mass of terrified rich people, the still glowing Ember, and his two Lunars dragging Jerin Kah and several of his servants – Chirp and Xora had fished them out of the upper levels – out of the Casino, the Governor had nodded and said: “So, I work for you now!”

Ember, pleased at that, had thought that the hard part was done.

But then the paperwork showed up. There were gods throughout Nex-Ho, and they needed written confirmation that their contracts would be upheld. Then there were the guilds, who needed to be assured that the Unconquered would protect and lead them. Then there were the merchant families, the local aristocrats, and the slaves themselves. The slaves needed a dispensation from the Unconquered, and then the question had come: Where would they live? Where would they go? What would they do?

And Ember found that answering that was not as easy as lifting a building and dropping it on the heads of some devils.

At least, it wasn’t until June, in a flare of irritation seeing him looking down at the massive pile of paperwork the governor had dropped onto his desk, said: “Okay, Ember. Remember how the power of the Sun himself flows through your veins, allowing you to accomplish what no human could normally do?”

“Yeah?” Ember asked, wringing out his wrist.

“You need to do that more so,” she said.

“What?” Ember asked. “I’m not using my powers. See? No glowy!” He wriggled his wrist. “And if I had my powers, I’d be able to be all ... cool and rad and neat, right?”

“You’re reading,” June said, her voice soft.

Ember looked down at the papers. The words swam before his eyes – and he didn’t have a single idea what they meant anymore. He groaned and sat down, his hands going to either side of his face. He worked his fingers in and groaned. “Auuugh, no! I can’t read! I never learned how!”

June sighed, shaking her head. She crossed her arms over her chest and stepped across the small office that the governor had given them for the dispensation of his first edicts as the Unconquered. “The Unconquered takes what humans can do and just makes them more so. Humans can fuck. So, Unconquered fuck so good that mountains orgasm.” Ember opened his mouth to ask the first of many, many questions. But June just kept going. “A human can lift a weight, so an Unconquered can lift a building. A human can fight a man, so an Unconquered can fight an army. Got it?”

Ember frowned. “A human can learn to read. But an Unconquered can learn to read really fast. A human can lead, but an Unconquered can lead ... in ... a more gooder way,” he said, slowly.

“Yes. It’s all in the use and channeling of mana, as well as your own inherent skills,” June said, nodding down at him. “That’s what Goat was watching you for – to see what your inherent fighting is like. And-”

“Chirp!” Ember said, clapping his hands.

The drawer to his left opened and Chirp sprang out, then shifted from their bat form to their humanoid form, their rump settled on the side of the desk. They beamed at him, fangs glittering in the lamplight. Ember giggled, then stood, so he could press his nose against theirs. June mimed vomiting, then blinked and stood up straight. “Wait, they live in your drawer?”

“It’s comfy!” Chirp opened the drawer with their foot. Ember had made them a little bed out of a small carton of napkins and cloths. He had also used a pen – back when he had been able to read and write thanks to the power of the Unconquered, before he had psyched himself out of it – to write what he was pretty sure were the words: Chirp’s love bed. He could still see plenty of hearts that he had drawn, to indicate the amount of love implied.

June groaned. “You are going to give me sugar starvation,” she whispered.

“What do you need, Emby?” Chirp asked. Then they frowned. “Embro? Bye! Sleep? Sleepy?”

Ember frowned. “I kinda like Emby.”

June put her hands over her face. “You’re doing this on purpose.”

“Maybe!” Ember said, then giggled as Chirp leaned forward to kiss his head, their giggles squeaking out around his hair as they nuzzled him more and more. Ember, finally, got to the point: “Chirp, can you teach me to read?”

“I can ... I’m a scribe!” June said, her eyes wide.

“Yeah, but Chirp is my saris,” Ember said.

June scowled, her tail stilling. Chirp looked between her and Ember – but before they could say anything, June made a ‘tssh’ noise and tossed her head. “Fine,” she said. “Fine, you two have fun.” She started to walk away – and Ember felt a flare of nervousness in his gut. He and June teased one another. Well. Mostly, June teased him. But had he gone too far?

“I’ll go and fuck your mom, okay?” June said, calling over her shoulder.

Ember nodded. “ ... wait, what?”

“I think she’s joking,” Chirp whispered.

“I’m not!” June’s voice was muffled through the door. Then, even more faintly. “Hey there, Charscaros, you’re looking good...” The voice grew softer, and he heard a pair of footsteps moving away. Ember slowly laid his head down on his desk.

“Why do people want to fuck my mom so much?” he asked.

“She’s-” Chirp stopped themselves. “So! Reading! Writing! Lets get to it!”

Chirp shifted to their tiny bat form and began to buzz around the room. Their wings beat so fast that Ember couldn’t even see the movement – and they zipped from the desk to the wall repeatedly. Within a few seconds, the whole room was covered in hanging scrolls, each one containing several symbols, inked on them by Chirp’s tiny paws. When they had finished, they shifted back to their humanoid form, their feet dripping with ink as they sat on the desk, panting and smiling. “So, these are the six hundred characters of the Old Speech, the foundational language used across the Land. Thanks to being penned by one of the Unconquered, uh, I think the Third One, all language variations use it.”

“How?” Ember asked.

“Cause she was the Unconquered,” Chirp said, grinning. “It’s the same way you can, uh, uh, uh...” They lifted their hand, waving it in the air.

“Fuck your ass without lube and have it feel good!” Ember snapped his finger and pointed it at Chirp. Their face flushed deeply.

“I was going to say lift buildings!” They squeaked.

Ember nodded and stood. “Right! So, what does that symbol mean?” He pointed at it.

Chirp smiled. “That’s the basis for the word ryu, which is the foundational word for dragon, god, wind, tempest, earthquake, bad decision, good decision, and...” They paused. “And other things.”

“What other things?” Ember asked. “also, wait, wait, how can one word mean so many things?”

“It’s not a word. It’s a symbol. Symbols make up words – if you combine ryu with, say, thur there, then it becomes inflected with the aspect of earth and violence. Depending on how you combine the symbols, it’ll mean either earthquake or bad decision. If you invert the two, then ryu becomes the modifier to thur, and depending on its orientation to the axis of the pattern – which can be either vertical or horizontal or both – it changes the word’s meaning!” They clapped their hands together. “Easy, right?”

Ember frowned.

Slowly, his head began to glow. Golden flames wreathed his shoulders, his arms, then flickered down to his ankles.

Then he nodded. “I get it,” he said.

Chirp’s smile faded ever so slightly. “Good!” They said. “Now, we just have six hundred symbols – also known as characters – and each can be combined-”

“-sixty three trillion, one hundred ninety five billion, two hundred two million, six hundred thirty six thousand, nine hundred times,” Ember said, his voice growing slower and more doleful until he turned to face her.

Chirp smiled. “It’s a lucky number. Also, by the time you hit the five hundredth, the magic takes over and it gets a lot easier.”

“Dear gods, I hope so,” Ember whimpered.

When Ember finished signing papers, giving edicts, asking June which edicts to give, and finishing all the busy work it took to set Nex-Ho to rights, he felt like he had to sleep for a week to get his brain to feel even slightly normal. Chirp and Xora took him to his bed and, rather than fucking them silly, he settled merely for the delight of tonguing Xora’s hot, tangy pussy, then tonguing Chirp’s perky, cute ass, and then falling asleep to the comforting, pleasing sounds of his Lunars mewling and squirming and writhing in orgasmic pleasure.

When he woke, it was to June rapping on the door to the room the governor had given them. She had a huge, shit eating grin on her face.

“Your mom’s pussy tastes real good,” she said, with more emotional satisfaction in those six words than anything Ember had ever heard from her in his life. He pinched the bridge of his nose – and June continued, her voice still gloating. “Also, Jerin Kah’s finally awake.”

After the battle, Chirp had been somewhat alarmed to learn that she had put several hundred thousand times the lethal dose of yellow eyed frog venom into the Infused Knight. They had been even more alarmed when the chirgeons and doctors and healing gods of Nex-Ho had given their prognosis: Three days of bedrest and he’d be right as rain. Chirp had hidden behind Ember for the next few hours before calming down – but Ember had seen to setting Jerin Kah’s imprisonment up properly. Fortunately, Nex-Ho had a cell made for contain rampaging gods. Also, the captain of the guard, Varish, was willing to let bygones be bygones once she was ordered to do so by the governor.

Same as Unconquered
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Daisy (Lila Lovely) and Nick, a married couple, are stuck in their everyday routine. They don’t really make the time to get as intimate anymore but want to change that. That’s when they decide on a little… game… where any time they hear a certain trigger word, they have to drop everything and have sex. It’s meant to make them more daring and spice things up, so they choose the word ‘chance’ and decide to roll with it. Things seem to be going well, a...

1 year ago
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Private Gabi Gold Lina Luxa Share A Lucky Stud

Gabi Gold and Lina Luxa have come to Private Gold, Family and Friends and these two waste no time taking advantage of a free house as they strip down to their lingerie and get it on with each other. However this hot lesbian action will soon turn into an unforgettable threesome as Gabi’s lucky boyfriend Marc Rose returns home and joins in the fun. Watch these beauties in action as they share a nice blowjob before taking turns getting fucked in this breath taking scene full of pussy eating, cock...

4 years ago
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A Night at the Cottage

You breathe heavily as you slide your fingers in and out of your pussy. The country cottage was pretty old, and the locks on the doors stopped working a long time ago. No one cared enough to fix them, as you and your family only visited for the odd weekend. You think you hear someone coming, you quickly pull your hands out from between your legs and look at the door. No one enters. Relieved, you put your fingers in your mouth to lick the juices off, then go back to pleasuring yourself. The...

1 year ago
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Entering the lifestyle

                After being awake for over thirty hours, sex was definitely the last thing on my mind. I was working two jobs at the time in hopes of knocking back these damn student loans.   As I was standing against the wall smoking a cigarette trying to fight off the sandman I felt someone behind me. “What’s up man?”, I say having no clue as to who was behind me, just knowing that someone was there. “How ya doin Jarhead?” came the reply from behind me. Upon hearing this I knew it was my...

Group Sex
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Mistaken IdentityChapter 11

"We probably should go back to the reception," said Alice. "I agree," replied Sarah. "Before we go out I have a couple of questions. That way I can digest the answers while we are at the reception and talk about later." "Oh, no. She is setting us up for a quiz," said Judy with a smile. "How about inquisition?" "We're saving that for the woman later," replied Alice laughing. "Although by the time I get down there she may be ready to talk her head off and do anything to get...

2 years ago
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Sweet Seduction

His eyes couldn't look away. The sight of Rosa's small, delicate tongue,  was just mesmerizing. Her captivating jewel eyes were half-closed, rolling back at times when the satisfying taste of the ice cream dripping down the edges of the cone was sucked into her mouth and over her swirling tongue.Jacob's hips bucked slightly, but luckily for the sweating man, Rosa didn't seem to notice. He pressed his hands gently over the bulge in his pants, tearing his gaze from Rosa's hard-at-work figure.The...

3 years ago
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Brains and BrawnChapter 18

After several months of procrastinating, Katie finally decided that it was time to clean out her mother's home. The house was neat and clean, well organized and appeared to be just as she remembered it. The furniture was old, but still in good shape. She decided not to waste time having an estate sale. She called in a company that specialized in buying the contents of houses that were in an estate situation. They gave her a price for the furniture and appliances and other personal items....

1 year ago
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family visit reaveals cousin as a slut

I have always seen my cousin Nicole more of a friend and not really a cousin, and I never thought that she would become sexual toward people because she looks so innocent at 13 exept for her boobs, she always wears tight shirts when I am around but I never thought that she would ask me something, that I had so much trouble answering. I came to my grandma’s house to visit my cousins angie and Nicole a few weeks ago, I was on a break from school, 16 years of age, around 140 lbs and 6/1 so I...

1 year ago
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Nandini ki chudai

Hello ISS readers, sabko mera lund uthake salam. Meri pehli story ‘rupali ki chudai’ ko bada response mila. Muje dher sare mail mile. Muje bada achhchha laga. Kuch ldkiyan aur bhabhi ne to bada hi romentic aur sexy mail bheja tha bada achhchha laga. Ek bhabhi ne to mujse sex ki dimand bhi ki aur humne badi thukai bhi ki uski kahani baad mein likhunga leking pehle mein mere bare mein bata dun. Mein Gujarat ke Jamnagar mein rehta hu. Mein ek jawan aur sundar ladka hu. Mera tool kisibhi chut ko...

2 years ago
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How Much Glamour Can You Take

How Much Glamour Can You Take By: Darlene LeQueene Dedicated To Denise UK I guess if fate had never changed my direction I might never have met her. Fate sometimes plays funny tricks on you. It seemed such a simple thing that changed the whole direction of my life. So simple, but the course it changed was far from simply or easy. My current girlfriend only a casual girlfriend, because I liked her hairstyle asked me to drop her off at the beauty salon on Saturday afternoon since her...

3 years ago
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Cassie Far From Home Part Two

Introduction: Running from a naked homless man Cassie interupts a kids birthday part and must deal with the angry mothers Cassie Far From Home Chapter 2 Crashing Bobbys Birthday Party Written By: Mr. Mongo Cassie left the homeless man in her dust as he still held onto his pecker. She laughed to herself at the thought of that. Now is the time to try to figure out where she is. Cassie knows the mall is at least ten miles from her house, she had run that distance before, but that was with...

3 years ago
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My First Time The older Woman Part 2

I have shared this story privately with friends over the years (sounds like a Penthouse Forum). I can even imagine the sides of my computer screen getting wavy as the pictures in my head recollect that evening... As a k**, I was never afraid of work (I'm proud to say that even today). I made most of my money working at the local mall as a stock boy in a small store. Eventually, I became a sales clerk and, although I hated retail, I loved the cash. I also cut several lawns on the side and that...

2 years ago
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Old pervert gets with shy wife

I always had this weird fantasy of seeing her with an older man, something different, something she never had or would even consider. Without her knowing, I decided to chat with guys online. My plan was to have someone stop over as an old friend and flirt with her. I found this one guy. We chatted for about two months and I felt like I knew him the best of all potential guys. I agreed to meet him in a bar. He was more than excited to help with my plan! He couldn't wait! When he arrived he...

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Blackmailing Sam1

As she heard the last of them walk out, she let out a small sigh before getting to her feet and unlocking the stall door, hoping she could change out of her wet swimsuit in time to catch the bus home. She went to step out, but before she could open the door fully, a hand suddenly smacked it the rest of the way open with a loud bang. Samantha let out a high-pitched yelp and stumbled back to her previous sitting position on the toilet. "Hey Sammy girl," said the unexpected company. She...

4 years ago
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Swapping Moms Part 8211 2

Hi friends, this is Ted. Please forgive me for any mistakes. Also do send Feedbacks on All types of feedbacks are welcomed. Disclaimer: This is a story which really happened and is told to me by my friend Yadav. If you would like to swap your mothers, please feel free to contact him at How Santosh fucked Mythily For those who didn’t read the first part, this is what happened: This incident happened two years back. While surfing the internet, Yadav met a woman online. They started talking...

3 years ago
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Mom8217s Reward 8211 Part 2

It was 9 am when I woke up the next morning. Mom had already left for work. I was still unsure if last night really happened. I tried to dismiss it as a dream, but it just seemed so real. Either way, I had decided to take studies seriously from then on. I woke up, got dressed and left for college. I had already missed two classes, and wasn’t about to miss anymore. More than what mom had promised, what really motivated me was what she had said. I changed my schedule completely- I used to wake up...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 300

I was determined not to make a move on the D.C. thing until I heard from Jennifer. So after Eddie cleared out, I just went into power saver mode and collected free electrons. I was in hibernation just like when I, as a person, had slept. The sun was up when I finally decided that it was time to become active again. I wondered what the entities that couldn't make that decision for themselves, did for a wake up call. I did my morning things, just like I had when I was the old me. I showered...

2 years ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 29

2010—2011 I sat holding my wife in my lap for a long time. I just could not believe, still not believe that she was gone. I was remembering me staring at her body in the street that night. Remembering how my daughter, my biological daughter, had treated her just hours before, all I could do was sob. It seemed like it’s all I did apart from work and eat and sleep anymore. And then, still clutching my wife to my breast, I thought of other things. I thought of that day so long in the past when...

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My First Love Maggie

I first saw Maggie on the train going downtown. She sat across from me as I read the paper. I glanced at her when I thought she was not looking. She was stunning with short red hair, t-shirt and jeans, which molded perfectly to her body. What really attracted me to her were her green eyes.During the ride, I kept glancing at her by looking at her reflection in the window. With five stops left before the final station, I introduced myself as Rich while we chatted. We discovered that only a mile...

2 years ago
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Fun In New OrleansChapter 3 Back At Home

Ann and I had two more days to spend in New Orleans before we had to return to Birmingham. We slept late each morning and had a big Brunch both days. We spent our afternoons doing things we had never had time to do on any of our other visits to the city. We saw the Aquarium, rode the Street Car, and saw the museum. We engaged in gentle, slow, loving sex when we went to bed, then slept as if we were dead. The morning came when we had to leave. We had a last swim in the pool and packed up...

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I submitted this story several years ago on another website and is a true story. This took place back in 1970. I was still on active duty in the USN, married and fucking a lot of women, actually cheating on my wife. My wife at the time was pretty straight laced and to my knowledge, did not fuck around when I was away on cruises at sea. Not that I didn’t encourage her to do that. She loved to fuck, but insisted she could always wait for me to fuck her when I got home.Well, the inevitable...

1 year ago
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an email from a work collegue

THIS IS A GENIUNE E MAIL FROM A WOMAN I WORK WITH, WE HAVE BEEN DOING THESE FLIRTY E MAILS FOR A WHILE NOW, SO I AM GOING TO SHARE A FEW. SHE HIDES THE "NAUGHTY" WORDS IN CASE IT GETS PICKED UP FROM OUR I.T TEAM.We have slopped off for a nights stay at a forest lodge, its dark when we arrive, I say I'm just going to slip into something more comfortable and disapear into the the bedroom. You light the log fire and get the wine and glasses. You sit on the sofa watching the flames of the fire,...

1 year ago
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Once You Go Black You Never Go Back

I was a 40 year old woman with a very successful husband, Bob, and two girls, 18 and 16, when my saga started, and it has been going on for three years. I love my husband very much but at that time our sex life had been reduced to about once every two weeks or so. I love the closeness of our sex but I sure wished we did it more often. Then a very fortunate thing happened to change all that. I was driving in our town about ten miles from where I live and suddenly the car heated up and red lights...

2 years ago
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Carol Part Two

Carol and I sat in her kitchen apartment. Our first sexual experience had not ended well. I did not control myself and came all over her back, hair, and ass way too soon. What followed was a well deserved verbal spanking, as she was upset both at my lack of control and having cum all over her back. It was now early morning, about 1:00 a.m., and sufficient time had passed since my embarrassing misadventure, that I was fully ready to continue with what she and I had started a few hours before. I...

Straight Sex
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Fran in Service Ch 0304

Part 3 Fran woke the next morning after a fretful night. She must have masturbated half a dozen times during the night and yet could not seem to satisfy herself. All her dreams were constructed around the story. She was forced to entertain and have sex with a variety of people including her new friends in the neighborhood. The more she thought about the story, the more she wanted to have sex but even masturbation with her favorite vibrator was just not satisfying her completely. By 10:00, she...

1 year ago
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On Duty

On Call by EmileCopyright 2008.  This is a work of fantasy and the writer does not suggest or condone any particular activities.  You should obey the laws of your juristiction, ie consensual sex between adults.---He felt her hand wrap around his pulsing dick, making it strain against her fingers. "Not now baby" he whispered, but his cock responded 'Yes'.  "Please Pedro you've been gone so long, and in a few days I'll be unclean..."  His cock was spitting precum now, soaking a growing wet patch...

2 years ago
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Ho Before Bros

Hans-Olof was not a handsome man. He had always been overweight, had always had glasses. The overweight boy with glasses had matured into a fat man with thick glasses. He had always known that his weight was the first thing that people noticed about him and in most cases judged him by. Everyone felt free to give him advice on diet and exercise, but very seldom did anyone have something to say that he didn’t already know. Except the nutters, of which there were quite a few. They could say just...

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Captain America The Virgin Soldier

Natasha peeled herself out of her clothes. She turns the shower on. While the water is coming to temperature, she pulls a tampon out of her pussy. Pulling it out sends waves of pleasure rippling through her body, her toes curl and her knees shake. She lets out a moan. There came a knock on the door. “You okay Nat? Need any stitches?” Captain Steven Rogers asked, always thoughtful and considerate. “Just a bruise. Get an ice pack ready.” she replied. ‘What I need from you is your super...

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tne massage

we strip down naked you lie face down i gently massage your neck with my thumbs on each side of your spine i work down to your shoulders using generous amounts of lotion on my hands making them feel wet and slippery while i rub your back all the way down to the crack of your ass i apply two large gobs of lotion one on each ass cheek then i rub the lotion into your ass making it feel warm and slippery then i take my right hand and cote it in lotion leaving my wand straight in a salute position i...

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An American War HeroChapter 21

The sea was calm in the sound. The conning tower broke the surface with hardly a ripple. David guessed they were about 200 yards off shore though in the darkness he could not be certain. Around him sailors went about preparing to abandon the vessel. Everyone had on a life jacket. Several times the previous day, vessels had sailed slowly overhead. And the ping of the sonar had kept all conversation on the submarine to whispers and had hampered their schedule. It was now early morning. He...

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Suck Suck Suck

“What a crazy dream” I said aloud as I blinked my eyes awake. My mind was filled was images of sheer debachery. It all seemed so real, and yet here I was safe in my bed. A wave of relief washed over me despite my head throbbing from the copious amounts of alcohol I had ingested the night before. I rolled over with a groan, and looked at the clock. It appeared that I had slept into the early afternoon. The house was silent. My roommates must’ve already headed out for the day. I stretched...

2 years ago
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DONNA Meeting with the chief

It was March and I received an email from Stacy, ‘the chief’s’ secretary, saying he wanted to see me. Now apparently this was unusual for John to want to see any of us lower staff he only speaks to managers or supervisors, so I was a little bemused. I walked round to Stacy’s desk and asked her if there was a problem and she said “He wants to see you”.She knocked on his door and he bellowed “Come in” as we walked in his face lit up when he saw me, as he stood up from behind his desk he said...

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Es war einmal in einem weitentfernten Königreiche, da lebten ein armer Bauer mit seinem Weib und seiner Tochter. Es gab in diesem Königreiche eine merkwürdige Sitte, nur die Reichen und Wohlhabenden durften Rapunzel anpflanzen und besitzen, allen anderen war es streng untersagt. Des Bauern Weib war aber sehr töricht und ihr ganzes Verlangen ging nur nach dem Kraut, so dass sie sogar ihr Töchterlein danach benannt hatte. Rapunzel war ein zierliches Mägdlein von vierzehn Lenzen und sie hatte...

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The Pink Diva Chronicles Day 6698

Hey there, Pink I am so going to be using you for the foreseeable future. Everytime I find out something new about myself it just leads to so many more questions about who I am. Having your answers about who you are just leading to more questions is one reason I think many people are not introspective. It is for it leads to people having to do more soul searching and finding out things about themselves which they do not like or want to know, then they will have to make a huge...

1 year ago
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I am the man of the house

I am the man of the houseI never thought I would treat my mother Indira as a woman until the day she made me realise I am the man of the house. Few months ago my dad died leaving me and my mother everything he could leave. As a result we have a house and some good cash in the bank. I am a state government employee earning a high salary. All my life I have been reckless when it came to handling house chores. I never bothered about them. I had my dad to take care of outside activities and my...

4 years ago
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My Wife8217s Sister

When I saw my wife’s sister first time, she was in her school uniform. Ritha was taller for her age but the most prominent thing was her hips. Her buttocks were bulging like two foot balls glued together. She was at tenth grade at that time. I was horny about my sis in law from the first sight. Ritha worn loose dresses at home which revealed lot of her body. Many times I couldn’t help staring to her hour glass shaped body. It was only after five years of marriage I could put my hand on...

3 years ago
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Taking Public Transportation part 2

Its been a few weeks since I got my new vehicle and since I have seen Ray. Been wanting to text but have been afraid. It felt nice getting stroked and sucked in public. It took me to another sexual. level. One day I decided to drive by where I knew Ray catches the bus. I saw him standing there and offered him a ride into work. He sure didnt hesitate on climbing in my roomie suv. Ray said it was nice to see me again. He mentioned how he enjoyed that day on the bus and didnt think he was going to...

2 years ago
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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 12

Sex Log: Day Ten Sorry, I forgot to update for Day Nine; it was lame, the guy was supposed to wine and dine me. That turned out to be a burger from In-N-Out Burger, then a movie which I didn't even get to see all of. He sucked in bed too. Couldn't keep from shooting his load too quickly the first time, so I figured the second time around he'd be able to control himself better. Wrong! Two spurts and then he was done for the night. I can't remember how long I blew him for, but he could...

1 year ago
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Ever tried dogging

Nick steered his sleek silver turbo-charged coupe across the deserted Cambridgeshire by-roads towards Ely. The town was justly known as ‘the ship of the Fens’, as the tower of its majestic 16th century cathedral was like a navigational lode star. Ely’s train station was only a few hundred yards from the cathedral and Cathy stood waiting in the shade of the station building’s canopy. She wore the shortest of floral print dresses, with pink fishnet stockings and open-toed high heels, revealing...

4 years ago
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the wife as ghetto meat

This one started out as a fun experience. She had arranged for a cheap motel hook up with two black bulls. Finally I was allowed to watch, however I was to remain hidden in the closet. She made it sound real, if they were surprised by my presence she didn't know what they would do to me. Usually she goes out with these two and I am left to imagine what she's doing to them, with them.She dressed nicely, a skirt, pantyhose, silken panties, a nice bra and blouse and a pair of nice boots....

3 years ago
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DECEMBER 5th 2015

“Hi Gary, I saw your profile on here, and thought I would message you”This was the line that started it. This is a message I received an a swinging site I am a member of.Of course, I replied and, and this is how it all went.OK, I wont bore you with the introduction messages etc., but basically, I adore giving women oral sex, I love it in fact, and this is what my profile on the site is based around.The message came from L (name withheld). She was a 39 year young, single mother of one. After...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 22

Julie's tongue was sticking out between her soft pink lips, lightly clamped between her teeth, as she concentrated on the needle. She was nearing completion of her work on the dress she planned to wear to Raul and Barbara's wedding. She had found the dress at a used clothing store. It required repair and tailoring work to fit her properly, and the multiple colors in it had her frequently re-threading the only suitable needle she had. She sighed, wondering what it would be like to buy new...

2 years ago
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Sex with older men in a car

Having anal sex with Alan for the first time was an amazing experience, especially since I'd not even masturbated properly until a few weeks earlier! I was quite proud of myself for going so far and having the confidence to try new things and not be embarrassed about it. Alan said that he hadn't done that for a long time and I was really good at being fucked, bearing in mind it was my first time. He told me the fact that I had ejaculated while he was fucking me was a sign that I really enjoyed...

3 years ago
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White Wife Bred by Older bbc3

Wife has slept with a different man about every six months for years now, really likes the excitement of it. She'll spend either a day or usually a weekend with him. We attend many nude functions to facilitate this, she likes seeing new men. Wife always has her choice in men, she's gorgeous, 42DD-35-41, all natural, curvy, blonde, blue eyed, full bush, large pussy lips. This pierced penis (picture not available here) reminds her of an experience back when she was 48. We attended this function,...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 54

Hailey sat and took notes as Rob Costello, a man whose name she didn’t catch and, inexplicably, Nikki Bradshaw, gave their presentation about the future of Waterford & Waterford. Hailey understood that Beth and her PA, the indispensable Bonita Nejara, took notes of their own but she was proud that Beth often asked about her impression of meetings and people. The text Phil had sent her while Tiffany showered had let her relax and turn her focus toward her job. It helped distract her from...

3 years ago
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All Right Ch 06

All Right ch. 06 The final chapter. Thanks to GrandTeton for editorial assistance. ########## Life isn’t happy ever afters, or at least my life isn’t. If your life is, I’m happy for you, but I don’t think I believe you. In the morning Amber was up and gone, presumably to take care of milady Deirdre. Julie and I made slow, languorous love, taking the pleasure of the moment and stretching it out. We dressed. We held hands going down to breakfast. That Sunday was enjoyed by all. Frances and...

3 years ago
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RevolutionChapter 3

Things were looking up for me. Jimmy was a great friend, and Mary was a great cook and housekeeper. Not only that, Mary was very good looking and a very willing sex partner. She had been living with her parents, but she was happy to move in with us as soon as I asked her. She took care of Jimmy whenever he needed her, but she slept with me every night. She was 21 and I was 28, but she knew a whole lot more about sex than I ever did. The second day after Jimmy and I had moved in, we got a...

2 years ago
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First Time Cheating On My Wife

"I want you to meet my friend." The idea had been a quick drink after a long week. Friday afternoons I liked to sneak away and slip into my favourite watering hole. Olisa knew where I would be and frequently met me when he could. We wouldn't stay long. Asa would get angry if I drank too much or had too much fun. Olisa was late but his wife Nkoli was there already sitting with a tall fair woman. The woman was not unnaturally large but she seemed to be. Next to Nkoli's tiny frame she looked like...

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A Fresh StartChapter 108 Settling In

I was sworn in as a Congressman on January 3rd, 1991, as the 102 nd Congress convened. “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me...

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The Lake

It wasn't until I went on a vacation that it finely came true. I had gone up north to stay at a cabin on Lake Tahoe. Everything was beautiful and clean. I had just finished unpacking, and need a shower. The lake looked so cool and inviting. Realizing that no one was around, I stripped all my clothes off and ran down to the crystal blue waters of the lake diving into the blissfully cool water without a moments hesitation. Pure bliss! Somewhat shocked by the sudden cold of the water, for a...

3 years ago
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Carrying OnChapter 9

Bryan awoke with a start. It was still dark, but he could feel a small body wedged under his arm. Silver was still lying with her head on his chest, but the sound of snoring came from behind her somewhere. He reached up and managed to get his fingers around Silver's phone. He flipped it over and slid it down the headboard toward him. With it firmly in his hand he touched the screen, lighting it. The clock said 4:35 AM. The light showed him that the child on his side was David. The snoring...

1 year ago
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Mammi ne bete ko choda

Hello… Friends. I m daily reader of “ISS“ muje Kai kahaniya acchi lagi. Aur kai to bahut hi acchi lagi. Muje pehle to yeh laga ki log juthi kahaniya likh ke de dete he.. Par jab se hadsa mere sath hua he tab se me maan gaya ke koi aise hi likh ke mammi e kya milta hoga . Par nahi. Muje aaj ye sari stories sacchi lagti. He .. Mera naam raju he. Me 30 saal ka hu. Maine kabhi sex nahi kiya tha lekin mere ek friends ne jabse muje blue film dekhayi he tabse meri ye koshish rehti thi ke koi aisa...

3 years ago
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Girls Weekend

The first day and night were uneventful, lots of shopping a nice meal and some drinks and games that night. The next morning they were headed to the mall, she wasn’t to keen on spending money but was glad for the company and to live vicariously through someone else’s credit card. They drove around the parking lot and finally found a space at the end of a long row. As she exited the vehicle her foot fell down along the curb and she rolled her ankle. It wasn’t broken for sure but walking was...

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