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Real story that happened in Russia.

Olga is a Russian woman who just found a new job in the hospital. She immediately notices that a colleague of her is more than interested in her, but what can she do? She is married but a good chance to spice up her sexual life and feel something new is just too hard to resist… Will she?

She got married when she was 18. It’s not that it was a passionate love, perhaps just a feeling of appeal, or may be it was because half of the males in the country were either hitting the bottle or started taking the d**gs which were gaining popularity at that time. She thought she had made the right choice. Her husband was 9 years older than she, quite a mature man with prospects for the future. Olga graduated from a medical academy, obtained a diploma and her husband’s last name and as it happened in Russia during high unemployment Olga became a house wife. Her husband earned a nice salary that was enough to support the family. They lived apart from their parents (her husband had his own apartment).

So, not the worst one but quite an ordinary prehistory, the story could be ended by the phrase ‘And they lived happily ever after…’. But as we know life is not always a bed of roses, the Soviet Union collapsed resulting in salary delays, closing down of companies, downsizing, price rise. The husband was in a total mess not knowing how to support the family and bring home the bacon so once at a family council it was decided that Olga should start working.

By that time Olga’s maternity leave was over and since she had a diploma in medicine she found a job in a local hospital, which wasn’t very big but close to her house. She was working shifts, the salary was paid to her, though not regularly and with delays as it was common in Russia at that time.

The first two months Olga was working as a nurse in a resurrection department, it was kind of a probation period. The shifts were as follows: day and night and then two days at home. The work wasn’t very hard, there were only tow beds in the cell which were not always engaged.

SO the first working day Olga pressed her coat which she had received the day before, oh, the body, women always find faults with their body, so did Olga, so while her husband was surfing though the papers looking for a new job Olga was doing aerobics. She was very particular about her body, but she tried to comfort herself by repeating that she wasn’t going to become a model after all. Finally she got dressed and went to work her first day telling her husband that they would surely celebrate her “career” when she gets home. It was the end of February, strong winds the ones that are not rare for Siberia. It’s good that the hospital was a stone’s throw from the house.

The first working day was surprisingly quiet. Olga was doing the job of a nurse getting to know other people working there better. The girls working there turned out to be rather talkative and open hearted, they asked Olga about her life, talked, laughed. As it turned out the shifts were always different so Olga would have to meet new nurses working with her every shift until she gets to know everyone. Finally the working day was over, it was time to go back home.

The next shift was at night. There were not patients at hospital so it was decided to have a small party, the nurses Natasha and Galina quickly made a list of what should be bought and Olga rushed to the nearest shop. Soon the table was ready, the doctor, Genady joined them. He was a medium height, wide shouldered man, rather cute and fun. Such people are often called ‘party groovers’. After several shots of vodka the jokes were more and more indecent, Gendady was making compliments to all of the ladies present, paying special attention to Olga, she was a new person after all. Soon the vodka was over, there was nothing more to talk about and it was decided to go to bed. Galina went to the nurse room to make a bed, Genady and Natasha went out for a smoke and Olga was cleaning off the table. After some time, the doctor, Genady returned to the room and passing by Olga whispered to her ‘You are nice and I like your body’. His hand slid down Olga’s butt and his lips touched her neck. Olga was both scared and confused, ‘What to do?’, but there was nothing to do as Gendady went to the doctor’s lounge and closed the door behind him. The thoughts were running through Olga’s head ‘hey, you’ve been noticed, it means you are a lady the men like, and he liked my body’. She came to the mirror, ‘and a butt, I thought it wasn’t very good’.

That moment Natasha entered the cell.

- Are you sleeping? Stop cleaning it, go to bed, we’ll get to it first thing in the morning
- let’s go, Galina has made beds already.
- Ok, I’ll be right there

Olga entered the nurse room, Galina was sleeping on the couch opposite the couch was a sofa for her and Natasha. Only now Olga felt that she was pretty drunk and it was time to take a rest. She fell asleep quickly as, alcohol relaxed her though she wasn’t sleeping long. She was waken up by a noise and she couldn’t understand where it was coming from.

What’s this? What time is it? Almost 5 a.m. what’s all this noise about?

There was no one in the cell, she could only hear and understand that it was the noise of the bed squeaking in the doctor’s lounge. Natasha is nowhere near, and the noise continues ‘Good, more, more’.

‘What a bitch, he said I was nice!’ Olga was afraid of her own thoughts.

‘Natasha is single, lives with her parents, she needs it’. ‘And I am married with a good husband’. Ohhh, Ahhhh, the moans were coming from behind the wall. ‘It’s good that I am not in her place, I could have made a mistake’. The thoughts in Olga’s head were confused, Ahh, Ahh, she heard again. ‘When would they stop?’ The bed behind the wall was squeaking hard and Olga felt a sweet desire running over her body, her nipples got hard, panties were wet. Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, more, more was coming from behind the wall. Olga’s hand slid down her body and her fingers found the magic spot and in a few seconds orgasm covered Olga. The morning was as usual. Cleaning, changing shifts and stuff like that. On her way home Olga was thinking ‘He did notice me, he paid me a compliment, what’s so good about me? May be we won’t see each other again, may be our shifts won’t match’.

Several weeks passed, Olga kept working in the resurrection department. During this time she got to know all the people working there, she got used to them and they considered her as an insider. Since youth, Olga has always been diligent and hard working and that trait helped her gain good relations with the hospital management. Everything was going on as usual, she made friends with Galina. From her Olga learned much about the hidden life of the hospital. Galina was not a gossiper she just told Olga what she knew. Olga saw Genady several time during the shift change, he was serious but always paid a compliment to her. It should be noted that Olga did like it and it always brought her the memories of her first night shift.

It was march, the snow was slowly melting, the roads were wet. Olga was on the job looking through the window thinking about the warm spring weather that was about to come.

- Hi, Olga, Galina entered the nurse room. How are you doing?
- I am fine, is anyone else working today?
- I am alone here today, Natasha is sick at home. Is there anyone in the cell?
- One old man in the surgical unit but he causes no problems.
- Any doctors?
- Yes, Gendady is coming soon.
- Olga could feel her pulse beating faster. She was afraid of the shift with Genady, how is he going to behave?
- Oh, may be he won’t come, Galina added. Although it’s spring, the time of love, Genady comes to work and enjoys his time without his wife. His wife also works in the hospital but the shifts are usually different.
- How do you know all that?
- We often have night shifts and he likes to talk so I know everything about him.
- So, he is going to come and Natasha is not here, who is he going to have fun with? And the girls laughed.
- Did you have anything with him? Olga asked out of curiosity.
- Galina smiled cunningly instead of answering. Well, we once got drunk and he laid me off, but it’s been a year ago or so.
- Didn’t you like it?
- He is a nice guy, but at that time I was having a relation with a man and I didn’t want to screw them up, so we broke it off with Genady. Galina went on and told that she was having an affair with a surgeon and even wanted to get married but for some reason or other this never happened.
- What are you up to, Olga? Why are you so interested? Galina asked smiling.
- No, I am just being curious
- Look, you have to be careful, we live in a small town, everyone knows each other and it’s dangerous to have an affair here, you can come back home in the evening and your husband is going to throw you out.

A joke that meant no offence brought Olga back to reality. She lived in a small city, she had many friends and a good family, she saw eye to eye with her husband, his friends always respected her, so, it’s not worth risking it all.

- After these thoughts ran though Olga’s head she said: Why, Galina, no, I am not going to have anything with Genady, he is too old for me and my husband fucks me wonderfully!
- Ok, let’s drop the subject, Genady is here.

The front door was opened and Genady entered.

- Good morning, ladies, how are you doing today?
- As usual, one patient only, Natasha is on a medical leave. –Galina briefly described the situation in the hospital. So, there’s not much work to do unless we get someone from the ambulance, Galina finished.
- I wish there would be no ambulances today, it’s harmful to overwork you know. Genady said.
- But if we don’t work it’s boring and the shift is long.
- This is easily fixed, the doctor assured the ladies. Who is going to the store today? (across from the hospital there was a small store which sold many things including alcohol)
- Genady, could you go to the store, we are wearing doctor’s coats and you haven’t changed your clothes yet.
- You should have thought about the party earlier, it’s not a good thing to exploit the men who are in deficit, with these words, the doctor took a packet and off he went.
- Look, the party again, Olga looked at Galina suspiciously, my hubby is sure going to tell me off, it’s the fourth time this month I come back home drunk.
- Don’t worry, there will be not a slightest sign of alcohol by the morning, moreover your husband is going to work in the morning, so when he comes back in the evening, you will be fresh and well rested, what else can we do? Read the old newspapers to kill the time?
- Ok, Olga gave in, let’s lay the table before our seducer gets back
- The table was ready in a minute, may be it wasn’t a royal feast but there were some snacks for vodka. Genady returned, he carried a big packet in two hands.
- Come on girls, take it, Olga grabbed the packet.
- Genady, Are you out of our mind, Olga said, feeling the weight of the packet, it’s for ten people.
- Well, there is never enough to drink, is there? The doctor hung the coat and started putting the contents of the packet on the table. The packet contained: two bottles of vodka, a bottle of champagne, a big bottle of beer, some cans and other snacks. ‘That is going to be a real feast!’ He said. (for those who are not aware, the mixture of vodka, beer and champagne has an overwhelming power)
- Ok girls, get ready for the party and I will go to a surgical room
- Don’t leave us, Galina said playfully and looked at the doctor.
- I’ll be back in a minute, Genady said and went out of the cell
- He wants to make his bed now, so that he won’t waste his time later, Galina said.
- It’s so easy for men, Olga said thoughtfully
- Genady is the God here, no one ever refuses him.
- Well, he’ll get drunk soon and go to bed and we will continue the party together

In about half an hour the doctor came back.

- So, everything is ready, huh?
- So, what is the occasion today? Galina gave Genady a questioning look, drinking for no occasion as doctors say is the first step to alcoholism.
- We are going to celebrate the day I first met you, He answered
- But we celebrated it last time, Olga said and felt she was blushing.
- The last time was different, I don’t remember what it was, and what’s the difference? It’s spring, beautiful girls outside.
- All women are beautiful, Galina interrupted him.

The party was going on as usual as they drank there were getting more and more relaxed the talks were getting more and more informal. Gendady was telling anecdotes from his experience, some of them were very funny. He had been working for a long time and had much to tell about.

The ladies were laughing and having fun alcohol was doing a really good job. The feeling of tension that Olga was feeling disappeared, they were talking and laughing as if they had known each other for many years. The evening slowly carried over into the night. Galina was already drunk, soon she wasn’t reacting to the jokes and fell asleep right at the table.

- Genady, we should put Galina to bed, she is sleeping.

The doctor seemed to be happy when he heard that.

- Ok, get the pillow and the blanket out

Olga got the pillow and the blanket and Genady took off Galina’s shoes and placed her on the sofa. Olga put the pillow under Galina’s head and covered her with the blanket, suddenly she felt dizzy and leaned on the doctor’s shoulder.

- So, [2:34 Pwe are drunk, huh? The doctor said. I will have to work all by myself.
- And I see you are as sober as a judge
- I never get drunk, Genady said, let’s have some champagne, we’ve been hitting vodka and left this noble drink unnoticed, Genady tried to look as if he was a character of some novel.
- If I drank as much as Galina did I would sure be u*********s now, ‘let him drink the champagne and go back to the surgical room, Olga thought, it’s easy to sin when you are drunk.
Genady poured the champagne into the glasses.
- Let’s have a seat, we don’t have to stand all the way

Olga sat on the couch.

- Have a seat too, why are you standing?
- Just a minute. Genady took a lighter and cigarettes out of his pocket and sat near. He sat close to her so that his hand was slightly touching her knee.
- What to do? Olga noticed his touch but there was no space to move away.
- What are we drinking to?
- Just to nothing, we’ve had many toasts. Olga’s heart started beating faster she thought ‘one more drink and I will go to sleep’.
‘No reaction, the doctor thought, is still a kind of reaction. ‘You will not get away from me girl.

Olga was sipping the champagne.

- How do you get along with your husband?
- My husband? Olga paused, he is a terrific man, I can say I am happy in a marriage
- I didn’t mean that
- What did you mean?
- I meant your, mm, intimacy

Olga was shocked with the question.

- Why are you asking that?
- Just out of curiosity, how long have you been married?
- For six years

‘It’s time to add more colors to sexual life’, the experienced lover perfectly knew that after the fifth or sixth year of married life sexual life turns into somewhat boring, routine and many women try to find a way out for their volcano of passion.
‘I am not going to lose my chance today, I can feel her heart beating and her breasts shaking’ the doctor thought and placed his hand on her shoulder.

- It’s alright, my husband is fine as a man. ‘what should I do next?’ Olga was thinking, ‘just getting up and leaving is not a good idea, he won’t let me go, making noise is not a good idea either, let’s hope he will get bored and leave me.
- I had no doubts about your sexual life, you are such a beautiful woman and you must be fine, Genady’s voice was getting softer and more tender. His hand was now fondling her hair and neck.
She was sitting still, not moving, not able to resist, her body was now living a life of its own, not listening to the mind and accepting no arguments. The doctor tenderly embraced Olga.
- Don’t be afraid, just relax
- I can’t, I am married, what if someone enters and sees us, please don’t.
- Come on, we work together, he placed his right hand on Olga’s thigh.
- I am just too embarrassed, you are…Olga stammered, you are kind of too old for me…
- Don’t worry, let it be as you want it, the doctor’s hand was slightly nursing Olga’s thighs and his touches were becoming more and more pleasant. Olga’s heart was about to jump out of her chest, the fire was burning inside her, the fire impossible to quench. SHE WANTED this man now.
- Don’t Genady, please, Olga said slightly resisting and breathing heavily. I can’t.

With his fingers Genady unbuttoned Olga’s robe and his hand slid to her thighs.
- Oh, God, what am I doing, Gennady, please! Olga arched back and was now half lying on the doctor’s hand.
- Relax, it’s fine, now, hush, hush, good girl
House, family, husband, such thoughts were running through Olga’s head, but Olga’s body wasn’t obeying her, mother nature was dictating its rules and no morale, no obligations nothing could prevent Olga’s body from a lusty desire. This was the instinct.
The doctor easily made Olga lay on the couch, she was lying near the wall. The unbuttoned robe exposed wet panties and alluring thighs.
- Gennady, stop it, Olga tried to use the last of her mind
- Not here, Galina is sleeping
- Do you think I can stop, the doctor was breathing heavily, you are a wonderful woman
- Well, but the we could be seen through the windows, let’s go the doctor’s lounge.
This made Gennady happy, he was thinking ‘She is ready, I wonder if she gives head? I will find out soon’.
- Let’s go, Olga, let’s move. He helped her get us and they went to the next room which served as the doctor’s lounge.

As they were entering the room, Olga stopped suddenly. A thought was gnawing her, ‘May be I shouldn’t’ But strong doctor’s hands pushed her in. ‘Ok, come what may, Olga thought’.

The doctor’s lounge was not a big room, a writing table with a lamp, a chair, a bookcase and the familiar squeaking bed.
As a matter of fact it didn’t at all matter for Olga, strong doctor’s hands were caressing her, he embraced her from behind, unbuttoned her robe, took the bra off and started fondling her breasts. His fingers were quickly and gently nursing her nipples, his lips were kissing her, he was standing behind her and she felt something hard pressed against her butt. ‘Oh, that is something’, Olga thought. Even through the robe and through doctor’s pants she could clearly feel the mighty b**st she was about to meet soon. This was a DICK with capital letters.

Olga inadvertently pressed herself to the embodiment of the male might, she moved her body to rub herself against it.

- Ohhhh
- Good girl, now this way, and the doctor pressed Olga’s soft butt to his penis, here we go.
- Oh, Ahh,

The robed was taken off, the bra was on the floor near it. She felt that Gennady took off his clothes too. Her excitement was growing, she felt herself leaking. Slowly and gently the doctor pulled off Olga’s panties down to her knees and his dick slid between her legs and touched her wet pussy.

- Mmmm, Gennady, ahhh. At some moment Gennady let Olga go she immediately turned to him and they were lost in a ling and passionate kiss.
- Come here, the doctor pulled Olga to the bed, I want you
- I want you too, The entire body was desiring it, every spot, every cell of Olga’s body was responding to her lover’s caresses, she could feel the sweet pleasure spreading all over her body. She stepped towards the bed, her legs were not listening to her, ‘Something is wrong, oh, I should take my panties off’.
- Let me do it, the doctor seemed to be reading her mind, Let me do it my girl.

Olga sat in bed, Gennady took the last clothing item off her, he was in front of Olga on the floor and he immediately started kissing Olga’s thighs, higher and higher ‘What nice legs, they are so soft and warm’
Olga, obeying her desire, spread her legs.

- Oh, Ahhhh, She was enjoying it. All thoughts of the family seemed to fly away. Her body was demanding more and more.

The doctor touched the magic spot with his tongue.

- That feels so good, Olga moaned, Oh, mmm, Ahhh,
- He was licking her really skillfully, Olga’s husband also licked Olga but he didn’t do it as good as Gennady, Gennady was doing it so passionately, listening to her body. She could feel a sweet wave going down from her breasts to her pussy.
- Ahhh, Ahh, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Olga started trembling, the orgasm was intense and lasting. When the wave was over, her body got soft and the thoughts of reality got back to her. ‘Why am I shouting so loud, Galina is just behind the wall, she could hear us and her sister’s husband knows my husband, he can tell him, oh God, what am I doing?’. The lover didn’t let Olga fully recover, he skillfully placed Olga on the bed and got on top of her pressing his body to hers, He was covering her face, neck and breasts with hot and vehement kisses. His mighty phallus was touching Olga’s pussy, following the instinct, she took the doctor’s penis in her hands, Olga’s husband was a good lover but his dick was surely not as big and strong as Gennady’s. She suddenly got scared, he was the second man in her life and such a big dick. But her hand kept caressing his phallus with pleasure, Gennady moaned
- Good girl, come on, come on, your hand is so tender, mmm, that’s good. Let it in, let it in, don’t be afread.
- I am afraid, it’s so big
- Don’t worry, it will be fine, come on, do it.

Olga directed his dickhead to her hole.
Gennady was not quick to penetrate, he tickled her pussy with his dick as if delaying the pleasure, then he slowly started pushing it in deeper and deeper.

- Oh, Oh, .. oh, Olga was responding to this, Mmmmmm.

The doctor penetrated entirely and moaned with pleasure. He’d had many women in his life but Olga was something special, her vagina was wet and warm, her muscles inside were contracting giving him even more pleasure. He stopped, enjoying the moment.

- Good, Olga, good girl, for about thirty seconds the doctor was inside her not moving than he started swaying his body up and down, Olga felt sweet waves in her pussy it was like high tide and low tide, ‘Oh, that is so good’.
- Good, more, more, Oh Gennady, oh, ahh, aaa aaa, aaa,

Olga’s moans made Gennady more and more excited. His thrusts got faster and faster, he was penetrating her as deep as possible.

- Good, Olga, good!
- Ahhh, Ahhh…. She was responding to his movements. His dick was penetrating deep into her pussy reaching the most distant and pleasurable spots. Olga felt reality was again escaping her. She felt she wasn’t in a small doctor’s lounge which was lousy and needed renovating, now she was flying high and the starts and thousands of bright flashes were surrounding her.
- Oh, God, that feels so good! More, I want more!
Doctor started moving even faster, suddenly he pushed his dick all the way in
- Oh, Gennady!…

He screamed like a b**st, who caught its prey, that moment she felt a strong stream of sperm hitting the insides of her pussy. Gennady was coming for a long time, there was much sperm. The sperm was leaking into Olga’s pussy filling her up and running down her buttocks, leaving the spots on the bed, a poof of what had happened.

Gennady’s body was relaxed and soft now. It seemed that he was going to fall asleep right on Olga’s body. His breath was calm and steady. Olga tried to release herself from him but she couldn’t. The doctor’s dick was inside, it was half erect and Gennady started swaying again, now he was slowly and gently penetrating her.

‘It seems he is going to fuck me to death today’ Olga thought. That moment Gennady placed Olga’s legs on his shoulders and penetrated her as deep as he could.

- Mmmmmm, oh, Olga’s body felt that wave again.
- Oh, ahh, oh, mmm, Olga was moaning with pleasure
- More, more, more

Her body felt the sweet shivering running over it. The doctor felt that she was on the verge of orgasm, he wanted it so much, he was penetrating her deep, quickly and slowly, changing pace and rhythm.

- Come on girl, come on… Good, Olga, good girl.
- Aaaa, Aaaa, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Olga screamed loudly, her pussy was covered with the waves of orgasm.
- Oh, darling, Oh, honey, Aaa…Aaaa…
- Good girl, that is good, Olga, come on, come on
- Ohhhh, Gennady!

The wave was retreating, Olga body became soft, Gennady let Olga’s legs down and lay near her.

- And you were afraid, Come on, sit on top, Olga could hardly get up but she sat on top and directed his penis inside.
It penetrated her easily with no resistance Olga’s vagina was readily receiving it, Gennady was fondling Olga’s breasts, holding them tight, Olga’s vagina was contracting, the doctor liked it, he was enjoying it. His dick was shaking inside brining Olga the next wave of excitement. Quickly Olga started moving her butt up and down, the doctor took her by her butt and started swaying her as if directing her movements.

- Come on girl, move your ass, good girl, good, faster, faster, deeper, don’t be afraid, good…
- Mmmm, mmmm, Aaaa, Aaaa… Good Gennady, good, that feels so good
- Olga was jumping on the doctor’s dick impaling herself on it, faster, deeper, oh, Ohhhh, Aaaaa, aaa, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

The second orgasm was shorter but not less intense. Olga, totally exhausted fell on the doctor’s breast and lost a sense of reality. They were lying like this for five or ten minutes, his dick was still inside her pussy, it was shaking, desiring to come.

But Olga was too tired, feeling this, the experienced lover lay near her, lit a cigarette and started smoking.

- Lye on my chest.
- Why? I am comfortable as it is…
- I just want it

Olga lay on the doctor’s chest and started fondling his dick with her finger.

- Kiss it
- ??????
- Please give me the pleasure
- I don’t know, I am tired
- That is not so hard, come on, Olga

Gennady took Olga by her head and pulled her to his dick.
Olga was good at blowjobs she just was too tired for today

- But don’t come in my mouth

Olga’s lips touched Gennady’s dickhead and his penis penetrated her mouth. She started fondling his dick head with her tongue, the doctor started moaning with pleasure, usually women just sucked his dick moving their heads up and down, Olga was working with her lips and tongue, taking it fully in, then letting it out and playing with the head, her warm breath was brining him even more pleasure. The doctor’s legs were shaking, he couldn’t control himself, he was moaning and groaning.

Feeling that the end was near, Olga stopped

- So?
- Olga, that feels so good, I’ve never felt such a pleasure before
- You bet!
- But I just need to come

Olga didn’t want to suck anymore but leaving her lover like this was not a good idea, he wouldn’t get off her. She lay on her flank side and let the doctor’s dick in her hole, in a few seconds the doctor’s dick was again working inside her.

She was moving her ass towards his dick, the bed was squeaking, it was sunrise already, Galina must have woken up, she was thinking this as Gennady screamed and filled her up with his sperm.

- Ok, let’s go, Olga got us and started getting dressed, her clothes was all over the floor. What time is it? Oh, it’s half past 6, I wish Galina was sleeping now’.

Olga entered the nurse room. Galina wasn’t there.

- Galina, where are you?
- In the cell, Olga heard Galina’s voice, Galina entered the nurse room
- Wow, you were really having fun huh?
- Galina, I am such a fool!
- Where is Gennady, having a rest?
- Did you hear all that noise?
- You were screaming like crazy! The old man in the resurrection room still can’t get rid of the hard on.

Olga took Galina by the hand.

- Galina please, keep it secret. You know, I have a family and if my husband finds out he will leave me and I love him….

Olga started crying, Galina tried to comfort her and in 15 minutes Olga seemed calm again.

- Ok, go wash yourself, it’s time to change shifts.

Having arranged her hair Olga went home.

The morning was bright and sunny, the snow was melting, she was walking home and thinking:
‘Something must have changed, I have changed, the sperm was leaking out of Olga’s vagina. And if Roman learns about this, what is he going to tell me ‘that I am a slut, bitch a whore and he will be right and I will have to put up with it to keep the family’ I do Hope he is not going to find out, here I am, now to the bathroom and to bed, I am too tired’. Putting the door in the key hole Olga discovered with fear that the door was locked from behind.

- Who is here?
- I am home today, Olga, I needed to take my mother to hospital so I stayed home
- Ok, I am too tired, I want to sleep.
- Too much work?
- We had two ambulances at night, they kept us busy

Olga took off her coat, put the bag down and went to the bathroom. Taking a shower after work was ordinary and it shouldn’t surprise her husband.

She was in the shower feeling the water running down her body recalling the night ‘Oh, God, why did I agree and now I will have to worry, but I hope it will be ok with me’

She applied shampoo on her head, the smell was nice and it took her thoughts away fro some time. When Olga washed off the foam and opened her eyes she saw Roman standing near with her panties in his hands, they had spots of fresh sperm on them.

- Just wanted to wash your back, by the way, do you want to tell me something?
- Roman, it’s not what you think! Olga’s hands started shaking and her body was petrified
- Look at yourself in the mirror!

Olga turned to the mirror and saw the spots left by fingers and love bites on down her belly and on her neck.

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It all started with a call from my old service buddy Brian. ‘Hey, Manny, we’re having a beach party in three weeks at John’s house. We want to have one last get together before Allison gets too big to go out.’ Finals were coming up, but when people are celebrating the impending birth of your best friend’s first son, you show up even if it’s inconvenient. I don’t know why those guys thought that February was a great month for a beach party. Storms blow in all the time, and while it may be fun...

2 years ago
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My Boss SlutChapter 6

I showered in the morning and made us breakfast. "I wonder what I'll do today?" Becky said. I smiled. I knew what she was going to do because I knew she was going to be tied to the bed all day. She kept asking me what I was doing as I fastened the leather restraints to her wrists. I snugged them tightly so she could not get away. Then, I chained her to the headboard corners with the chain, just like Mr. Williams told me to do. "Bobby, what are you doing?" she asked, concern evident in...

3 years ago
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Training my Sister Kayleigh Part 5

DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. In some chapters, Kayleigh is forced to role act that she is underage, however she is 18 years old. DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, sex slavery, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this...

2 years ago
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My Little Girl is Impregnated

My Little Girl is ResponsibleMy Little Girl is a PervertMy Little Girl is Impregnated? = Week 3 Synopsis: My 18 yr. old daughter, Mistress Lisa caught me having sex. In exchange for her silence, I was to serve as her slave on seven Thursdays while her mom was at work. This is the story of week 2. ============================ On Friday morning, Lisa came into the kitchen as I was eating my breakfast and her Mom was fixing a salad for lunch. Lisa lay across my shoulders and I could feel her...

1 year ago
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Breakfast Club 2

Every few Sunday mornings, Carl and I got together with another officer couple, Frank and Lydia. The boys improved their breakfast cooking skills to include such delicacies as jelly omelets, cheeze omelets and over easy eggs. We also studied sex manuals with them and tried new and different things after breakfast, too. We were amazed at the different positions in the manual and would both try the same thing. But it was all pretty conventional, other than we were having sex in the same room as...

Group Sex
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Silks Final Punishment

Introduction: This is the last part of Silks punishment. There is more to come of what happens before this but here is the last Part for now. Enjoy, comment and rate As I said, there is more to come on this. This is the last part that begins with Anger. I will be adding all this in as the weeks go by so read, comment and rate. And about all enjoy. Please inform me of mistakes too… Faith Michaels… ******************** Since Silk went out with Becker of her own free will, slept with Jason and...

4 years ago
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Flashing the neighbour0

I was in the centre of a city, living on the ground floor in a converted garage sticking out from the rear of a row of apartments and houses. None of the flats above me could see my place, and there were only a couple of small high windows in the apartments behind me - an unusual situation, but the centres were full of a mix of old and new, and I was lucky enough to have that privacy - I lived in more public places where things happened, but those are for future stories. There was only one...

1 year ago
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The Roommate Agreement Chapter 2

Two weeks passed and, like I hoped, the incident between Eric and I had either been completely forgotten or ignored. I prayed that it was the former, but as Eric didn’t seem to be treating me any differently from before, I didn’t particularly care.I did my best to act business as usual around him, and for the most part I succeeded. That is, unless Gavin was around. And as Vincent had moved out of the dorms and in with his new fiancée the week prior, Gavin was now around a lot.I couldn’t face...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Rest Area

I woke up feeling very horny this particular morning and decided to go to the rest area in search of some hot babes to catch me jacking off and shooting my cum. What a rush to be caught jacking off! As I drove into the rest area parking lot, I noticed that I was the only vehicle there so I decided to get a hustler mag out of my hiding place in my car and walk over to a picnic table to look at it while waiting for some babes to show up. It was very hot this morning at 85 and the humidity was...

1 year ago
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Genies Just Wanna Have Fun

Genies Just Wanna Have Fun By: Sue Kidder As in all the stories, Jim was startled when the lamp erupted after he rubbed it. The dense smoke coalesced into a scantily clad woman who looked decidedly Arabic. "Greetings, Master," she said. "I am the genie of the lamp. You have three wishes. How may I serve you?" "Wow! Why only three wishes?" Jim asked. "Do you wish to know the answer to that question, Master?" the genie asked. Jim quickly realized that he could waste...

1 year ago
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My New Life of Slavery The Bookstore Part II

After a few hours in T.J's trunk i found myself standing naked I thought T.J then was unbinding me telling me I was outside of the city and had seen my C.L ads and was part of an internation sex slave ring and as he was pulling me around slapping me and yanking me he started to dress me. He made me aware he was going to take pictures of me and then try to sell me. I found myself wearing strange feeling womens clothes when I was sleeping on the floor of the bathroom. I fell sleep for around 6...

1 year ago
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Cuck Chastity FemdomFeminisation Part 1

Cuck, Chastity, Femdom/Feminisation.(If I get enough good feedback I will supply parts 3-4)(Also very interested in writing bespoke stories to whatever specification the reader desires. Leave a message detailing your kinks/character names & desired situations and I’ll get back to you. No Under 18 stuff, it’s ridiculous but in Britain you can apparently be punished for fictional thought crimes. Orwell was right!)Part 2A few more hours pass, it is difficult to tell how long; the endorphins...

2 years ago
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Slave For You

“I want you to strip for me, slowly.” “Of course Master.”  Carmelle stepped backwards fractionally, her hands going to unbutton it slowly. The blouse strained over her breasts, covering her hard nipples that stood out like bullets on her full breasts. Shrugging off the blouse, she dropped it to the floor before tugging down her jeans. She stood in front of her Master in a small black lace thong and sheer bra. Her Master smiled. “Retrieve your leather collar with the loops and studs.”  Carmelle...

1 year ago
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Holidays at the Farm Part 1

It is Christmas and semester break from college. My first semester of freshman year is over. I survived and made the Dean’s List with a 4.0 average in all my classes. It was a lot of hard work. I was looking forward to five weeks off. No books, no tests, no classes and no cafeteria food. I was informed that I would be spending my holiday with Elaine and her family working on the chicken farm. I was disappointed at first because Sarah would not be around. I missed Sarah but it was probably for...

3 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 95

~~Jack~~ It’d been two weeks since the incident. Two weeks since the news broadcasted Jack’s fuck up with the crows. Two weeks since Julias’s death, his mother’s embrace, and the capture of Sándor. Two weeks of futile attempts to understand what had happened to him. He’d stuck with journaling, organizing his thoughts and putting them to words, but it wasn’t working out very well. All he could manage to write were succinct paragraphs that were obviously bitter, cynical, and angry. Sometimes...

4 years ago
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The Fallen King

It is the year 2020, when the invasion of nearly 20,000 men led by King Christopher Esteban of Linced crossed over the southern borders of neighboring kingdom, Nicaea. The King of Nicaea, Leylin Farlier sent his right hand man, Landyn Kenneth, to be in charge of the Kingdom's poorly trained militia, numbering 70,000 men to meet Linced's army in combat, only leaving 15,000 men to defend the capital itself, which later proved to be a fatal mistake. King Christopher Esteban used genius military...

1 year ago
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What is a psionic

It has come to my attention that not everyone reading my stories is familiar with the term “Psionic”. I will therefore make an effort to explain the concept, all though the best insight available is still the story “Camp” by Michael Sharpe. Whether this is his actual name I don’t know but I would like to thank him anyway, for an excellent story. Since reading that story the concept of psionics has intrigued me and it has long since been my hope that someone would write another story about...

3 years ago
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Chip on My ShoulderChapter 2

I woke up at about seven. I took a shower, washing the caked cum off my curly blond bush and winced as it hurt when I plucked it off. I dressed in white panties and mid thigh long basketball team tee shirt I had inherited from Tim. My breasts ached from grandpa Barry's mauling and I wanted to leave them free of the constraints of a bra. I decided to swing by Tim's suite to see if I could help mum and Tim and mum to help list or pack things my twin brothers would like to discard. I found...

3 years ago
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It had been a long week for us lots of headaches and problems to deal with but we got through it and now it was Saturday night and Patricia and I needed to unwind I thought dinner and dancing at our favorite club would be just what the doctor ordered! Patricia wanted to shower first but she always uses all the hot water so I crept in while she was shampooing her hair slipped behind her and took over doing her hair for her I loved doing her hair massaging the shampoo into her lovely sexy long...

2 years ago
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Office duty

In my office I have my boos Mr. Arun (basically from Punjab) who is 48 years now. He married in his early thirties to a girl 12 years younger to him. (when they married, he was 32 and his wife was 20 yr.). His wife Rajni is now 36 years old. They have two children, one girl of 15 years and a boy of 11 years. I have not seen his family but I came to know all these details during our conversation in the office. One day he told me to go to his house and give the train reservation guide to his wife...

4 years ago
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More kink from my moms friend part 2

I got onto the bed and did what I was told. The tv was playing a porn movie and Debbie told me to start wanking myself off. I was trying to get hard again when she walked in and said this was not good enough and instructed me to stand in front of the bed and touch my toes. I did this quickly and just as quickly, she strapped my writs to my ankles leaving me bent over helplessly. She took her cane she used on me last time and announced that a good caning after the paddle should wake my lazy...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon at Disneyland

Me and John had been fucking around behind my other-half’s back for three years. I’d carve a pumpkin for him for Halloween and we’d fuck. I’d bring him a basket on Easter morning and we’d fuck. I’d string a tree with lights, decorate it and on Christmas Eve before opening our presents to each other, we’d fuck. For three years, I’d bake him a birthday cake. After he blew out all the candles, we’d fuck.For me, at least, the time passed really fast. We were like two little boys, but in grown men’s...

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My fav ways to masturbate

I have two ways I like to take care of my cock to give myself a short time to relax and some pleasure.I need an atmosphere as a starter, so the perfect time is when alone at home in the evening. I am using some movies of course to turn on - I am a man after all - lol. For instance the following movie works for me very well. Mostly the second girl. She is sweet and I like when she smiles during this time.http://xhamster.com/movies/135475/genuine_orgasm_contractions.htmlAlso this one is...

2 years ago
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My friendrsquos future wife PART 2

Seeing that the first story was quite interesting for some of the readers, I decided to continue with the second part of it. For those who are reading this story, it would be very important to read also the “My friend’s future wife” to understand better the situation.It is summer, end of July and it is extremely hot. Me, my fiancée, my friend and Anna decided not to lose any chance to go to a public pool, get a nice tan, drink some beers and of course, take advantage of that beautiful pool and...

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The Making of Cindy

He said it was a family own cabin in the wood near a lake and convinced me to come with him to go fishing and hikingI was waiting for him after school at homeMommy helping me prepare my backpack when Mike rang my phoneshe kissed me good bye and i got out to Mike carHis ford SUV was nice he opened the door and help me get my backpack in the trunk''ready to go ?''''yes ''and we left, Mike driving toward the highway smilling only him knowing exactly the real weekend planningHe light up a spliff...

3 years ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 19

We left the room and went back downstairs, walking slowly through the casino, taking in the sights. It was my first time inside of a casino, I had never gambled a dollar in my life. I was amazed at the sheer number of people, there was hardly a single slot machine open from what I could tell. We finally found the Deli near the entrance to the casino, walked in and was seated immediately. We both decided on a hot beef sandwich, a large order of onion rings and two Cokes. We talked as we waited...

3 years ago
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Barbara at the beach

The red headed girl had never expected that she could be such a slut but then again, nobody had pushed her as much as her master had. It was odd that she was in love with someone she had never met before and she was dying to see what he looked like.  She was required to put in her butt plug and head to the beach, wearing a bikini. The text even pointed the spot out where she had to lay down. Nervous, the woman headed down to the spot that was pointed out for her. She felt the butt plug with...

1 year ago
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Mutual Fun

Yesterday Lisa was going out with the girls so I decided to pay a visit to a local beauty spot a couple of miles away. During the day youll find families and dog walkers, the usual thing for a picnic area. In the evening its got a bit of a reputation as being a dogging and cruising site so I thought let's find out. There is a large mobile snack bar on the site so you'll always have a legitimate reason for being there. I parked up and got a cup of coffee. I sat on one of the benches and lit up a...

2 years ago
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it happens in Vegas

My wife and I have been married for 15 years as we are both in our late thirties. We are both professional as Amy is an office manager and I'm an engineer. You could say that we are a power couple and very routine in our every day life with one exception. I was not able to get an erection. This has put quite a strain on our marriage. We never fought about finances or anything about the house but we had fights all the time regarding this. I did n't know what she wanted from me as I saw ...

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Bi Fucking

I was hanging out with my buddy Jesse. We were bored so we decided to get high (like always). I have had dreams about him sucking me off before but i never thought of myself as gay or even being bi. I usually get really horny when i get high regardless of who im with. I was trying to adjust my raging hard on so it wasnt so obvious but it was so hard that it was starting to hurt. He noticed me "adjusting" myself and asked "dude what the hell are you doing." So i casually said "i have a boner and...

2 years ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 3

Donnie had no sooner said the words: "I will serve you with all that I have in me." than he felt a sharp pain on his left shoulder. He had no time to dwell on that however, because he suddenly experienced a rush of vertigo and when he blinked and opened his eyes he found himself hanging precariously from a sheer cliff-face. Glancing down, Donnie gulped as he saw that he was some hundreds if not thousands of feet up the side of a mountain. This was like something out of his worst...

1 year ago
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My Sons Coach

I mean, I was already hot, there’s no question about that. I had a nice ass, decent sized tits and always worked out to keep myself in shape. That said, there’s nothing wrong with a little augmentation. So what if I wanted fatter lips, a tighter ass, and bigger tits? Yes, I might have turned myself into a bimbo but it’s not like all the men don’t appreciate it. Sure, the wives at my son’s games bitch and snicker but fuck those cunts. Not my fault they couldn’t afford to get the work...

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Ninas Office Related Spanking

This continues the Nina series. The 38 year old has a new intern and she turns out to be a friend of Ella’s who now threatens to spank her stepmother for wrongdoing at the office as well as for misconduct at home. Nina’s bottom was really sore as she walked in to her office. Ella had given her six strokes of the cane before work. 38 year old Nina had to go to the kitchen, fully naked, knowing she was going to be given six strokes of the cane. Six strokes while naked, whilst her sweet but no...

4 years ago
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Going to an Xrated theater

ever go to an x-rated theater? nobunch of men jerking off. I bet you'd like it yes I would , all over meI know. I should take you to one yes and your wife too she could lick me cleanI have taken her before she can be a real slut but only for me did she play with any oneno. but she did play with me and I played with her did anyone watch you hard to tell but I think so. it's always so dark in those theaters did you have her nakedtits out. cunt on display. my cock out mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes sucking...

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How to Serve Man

Walter Madison's eyes were riveted to the television. Being single and eating alone, his having a TV in the kitchen was a godsend. He had just stabbed a chunk of medium-rare steak with his fork when a special bulletin interrupted the episode of "Friends." The tasty morsel remained suspended before his open mouth. "It landed at five-twelve p.m.," the announcer said as he rummaged through papers on his desk. Sweat beaded on his forehead and upper lip. His tie was pulled loose with the top...

1 year ago
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UpHerAsshole La Sirena Busty Latina La Sirena Gaping Anal Nympho

Sexy La Sirena is one deliciously gorgeous thick Latina whose big ass is sure to drive you wild. The hot Venezuelan slips out of her leopard-print cocktail dress. Her fluffy booty bends over like an invitation, and PervCity’s Ramon Nomar isn’t about to refuse it. He rams on in like his name suggests, and pummels her tight asshole almost instantly, before facefucking her. But this chica isn’t ready for dick up her butthole quite yet. When Ramon slows the pace, La Sirena grabs his prick with her...

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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 04

As Chloe recovered from the orgasm of the oral sex she noticed that Randy was very hard. Pointing to his cock, in her sexy deep sultry voice, she uttered: ‘It would be a shame to waste such a magnificent erection. Why don’t you do something? Anything.’ Randy needed no second invitation. He mounted her and plunged his stiff rod all the way into her vagina bumping against her womb. She was still very tight but was able to easily accept his cock. As a farm girl, Chloe had periodically seen her...

3 years ago
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PupsRUsChapter 9

"Jarvis, now that I have seen the size of this dog, I think that it would be prudent for you to remain in here while I try him out. I am afraid that his weight would be too much for me, and I may need you to rescue me." "Very well, Ma'am. I will do as you request." "Sue, my dear, please don't be shocked at that request. Jarvis often has to help me when I use the bathroom, so he is used to seeing my naked body and me doing what would embarrass most people." Sue nodded, but she was...

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Biye barite kake chudlam Janeena

Amar naam Partho Sengupto, boyesh 26 bachor aar amar ekhono biye hoye nee. December 2005 amake amader aager protibeshir barite ekta biye te jete hoyechilo. Jar barite amake jete chilo onara amader paser barite anek din bharate chilen. Onara abar amader dourer antiyoo chilen. Ami ei biyete jabar janno rajee chilam na. Kintu onara amader antiyoo chilen bole amake jete holo. Ami sei janno sakaler buse kore prayee 8 ghonta journey korar pore ami onader sahore pouche gelam. Ami jakhon pouchulam...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love For His Married Elder Sister

Hi, this is a story about me and my elder sister which happened in May, 2014. This fascination for me regarding her started when I was very young. My elder sister is 7 years elder to me, and I am currently 24. She is my chacha’s daughter and one of the hottest girls I have seen. She is 5.4, white in complexion, dark long hairs, perky breasts and around 55 kgs in weight.. For an Indian society anything like this is considered to be something that is very incest, so getting her to allow me to do...

1 year ago
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When you visit Wildz for the first time, you may be inclined to think that it’s a place where you can watch a hot granny get her fuck on while riding a motorcycle. Or jumping out of an airplane. I love to jerk off to about any kind of porn out there, but this isn’t that kind of fucking site.That granny, who may be an actor, is just the mascot for Wildz. It’s one of those online casinos that have been popping up ever since COVID made brick-and-mortar casinos nonexistent. But let’s get back to...

Betting Sites
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Kaeri and Me

I couldn't tell you when these 'games' started or when i started to want my sister so much i could taste her. All I know is that it could only have been around summer when i was around 15. My sister is a year older and we've always had a strange rivalry that i guess could be more common among brothers than two siblings of opposite gender. Don't get me wrong, though, my sister is in no way, shape or form reminiscent of a guy. Oh no indeed. Her name is Kaeri, weird spelling i know but bear with...

3 years ago
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Oh Okay

"WAKE UP John WAKE UP John" Your eyes shoot open. You wake up to the noise of your buzzer going off and you get up kind of grouchy regretting setting up your alarm like that. You go to the bathroom and get ready to take a shower, as you look in the mirror you see yourself, Standing at 6 foot 8, A slightly above average 6-pack and its very well noticed you lift weights often. Your biggest asset though is the foot long tool your packing. Too bad you've never went to work with it, as you know you...

2 years ago
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Awakening Erica Pt 1

Moaning loudly as the jetting water frigged her clit, Erica brought up her left leg to rest it on the edge of the bathtub rim, and spread her fleshy pink cunt lips apart so she could jam two fingers into her moist kitty. As Erica fucked her horny pussy with her fingers, she kept reciting over and over in her head that tonight was all for David, and the love they shared. But way back in the darkest recesses of her mind she knew that there was a part of her that wanted what would be...

2 years ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 4 Another World

Sharon was not impressed when they arrived at their destination. Not only was it the smallest house in the neighborhood, the two older compact cars in the driveway drove her opinion down even more. She looked down at her outfit and back at the house. She looked at Greg and asked, “Are you sure that we are at the right place?” “Yes.” “I was expecting something a little more ... like a mansion,” she said feeling totally underwhelmed. She wondered why someone living in this little house would...

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Driving in Snow Ch 34

This work is an exploration of some possibilities of the spiritual and psychic side of sex. There is a good deal of sex in this work but it always occurs in a spiritual, synchronistic and loving manner. The spirituality expressed in this work reflects my present view of how the universe actually works. ********************************* For those who wish to read this chapter without having read the earlier ones, here is a very brief introduction. I still recommend that you read the earlier...

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Yard SaleChapter 4

Kate told me she would like that too. I laughed and pulled her to her feet and kissed her. I told her she was an Imp not a slave and I would have to punish her for being an Imp. Kate said "Yes Master." In the bed room she showed me the closet that once was Abby's. She had hung up all her new clothes. Her shoes were neatly arranged on racks. The drawers in the wall had her under clothes neatly folded and stacked inside. Kate had put her cosmetics in the drawers or on top of the dressing...

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Uncle Randy and the Angry NieceChapter 17

"SHIT!" Despite the amused smile that suddenly jumped across his face, Maynard's face managed to remain sympathetic as he looked down at Cheryl, who'd collapsed to sit on the grass and mope. "I'd have told you, honey, but I didn't know." Cheryl put her elbows on her knees and rested her chin atop her fists. "Pardon my French. I can't believe I missed Tyrone Hayes! Of all the times for me to get sick! That makes this my worst Fourth of July ever." "I forgot he was from here," I...

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EllenChapter 15 Lord Lambert

The countryside looked its best in early May. The fresh green of trees and shrubs was a feast for the eyes, especially eyes that had become accustomed to the soot of the large City. Although Ellen felt a little guilty about it, she could not help feeling true happiness. She sat snuggled against Richard in the open carriage, the spring sun warming them nicely, and the fresh air feeling like champagne to her lungs. Now they passed through the village of Matcham, the people on the streets...

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Daddys Darling Daughter II

My name is Kelly. I decided that my parents were not going to get a divorce like they thought they were. I wanted my Dad to be my first lover and he was. The sex the last few weeks was wonderful. One night a week or so ago, I decided to see if there was something I could do to get my parents back together, because I really don't think they want this divorce. But for the fact that my mother doesn't give my dad any sex, they get along fine.I mail ordered a vibrator which arrived yesterday....

2 years ago
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Prasanth Funking Virgin Sister In Law

Hi all, This is prasanth age 30, height 5.11″. An average physique with 6 inches tool. This is my first story in indian sex stories dot net and the only incident happened in my life. This incident happened 3 years before. It’s a real story. Kindly send your feedback on At that time I am married for 2 years . My wife is beautiful and caring. She is fat. That’s the only thing my mind diverted from her. Because I couldn’t do many poses in sex. I always dreamed to fuck in many poses which I have...

1 year ago
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Futa Naked In School 04 Teachers Taboo Futa Pet Chapter 3 Johanas Taboo Punishment

Chapter Three: Johana's Taboo Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Johana Jordan's Week, Friday Since Tuesday—when I had witnessed my mother masturbate as Samantha Herbert took my cherry and fucked me with her futa-cock—my life had been in turmoil. My mother taught at my college where I was selected to attend the week naked. This was my last day of being in the Program, then I could go back to being clothed and put this disorienting week behind me. I could forget about my...

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Part 5 my friends fucked my mom

Since my mom fucked my friends she was becoming like a slut. She would wear skinny jeans or a mini skirt, show cleavage or wouldn't wear a bra. When my friends came over she would bend over on purpose or sit on my friends lap ( only when my dad was out of town). Today my friend Josh came over to play some games. Of course i knew why he came but that made me happy. We were playing some games and watching a movie when my mom came in the room with a loose white shirt and no bra. She said hello to...

2 years ago
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Little Red Riding Slut

Introduction: This was posted in the forums a while ago. Little bit of humour which I hope you all enjoy. Its a bright sunny day in the forest as I idle slowly along the path through the sparse trees. Just so you know, my name is Rebecca, but everyone calls me Little Red on account of the red hooded cloak I always wear, at least I think thats why. They all warned me not to take the shortcut through the forest, but Ill be fucked if Im walking the long way round to Grannys house, not with this...

1 year ago
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The Car Wreck

Ida Mae Ludwig slid into the back of a car and started to cry. They exchanged insurance information."My radiator is smashed how will I get home" she sobbed."Don't get so upset Lady I'll take you"Ida Mae calmed down and found out the boy's name was Brian Martin. He had gone to the same school as her son."Did you know Rick? she ask."Hell yes, he stole my girlfriend" "Was her name Linda?" she ask."That's her""My son dumped her before he joined the Navy" "Damn, she had pregnant she was so happy she...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 858

Only ‘old people’ should read these! Looks of Disappointment A man was just waking up from anesthesia after surgery, and his wife was sitting by his side. His eyes fluttered open and he said, ‘You’re beautiful.’ Then he fell asleep again. His wife had never heard him say that before, so she stayed by his side. A few minutes later his eyes fluttered open and he said, ‘You’re cute... ‘ The wife was disappointed because instead of ‘beautiful, ‘ it was now ‘cute.’ She asked, ‘What happened to...

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