DONNA_(1) free porn video

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Donna was maturing into a carbon copy of her mother, tall, lithe and beautiful. She hadn’t finished puberty yet and almost daily I could see the changes. About six months after Donna turned sixteen, Corbin confided in me he was worried about his daughter. She was getting a lot of attention from boys, she spent a lot of time texting, or on social media sites connecting not only with her friends, but a growing number of boys from the school. He feared for her chastity, what should he do he asked. I had no clue, every experience I ever had with females was with one goal, to get laid. I had no idea how to caution my niece against guys like me.

I drove over one Sunday morning to pick up my brother and niece, we were going kayaking up around Deception Pass to do some whale watching. I was early so I wasn’t surprised to find nobody up when I came into the house. I went to my brother’s bedroom and peeked in to wake him, but stopped short of saying anything when I saw two heads on two pillows. Corbin had a woman sleeping beside him. I couldn’t see her face; it was hidden under a tangle of long brown hair but her shoulders and back were bare. If she didn’t have panties on, she was nude. My brother had a girlfriend and the asshole never told me? I stepped out quietly then went to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. I could wait, I didn’t want to embarrass the woman buy charging in and waking them.

A few minutes later Corbin emerged from the room wearing a morning robe. When he came into the kitchen he started, “Fuck, what are you doing here?”

“Kayaking? Remember, we are going kayaking?”

He shot a nervous glance back towards the bedrooms then turned to me again, “You’re early.”

“I made coffee.”

Corbin eyeballed me a few moments then said “Why don’t you go out and load up the boats, they’re in the garage.” He sounded almost desperate to get me out of the house.

I poured a cup for myself, then as I just turned to leave, I glanced behind him to see Donna step from his room to her own bedroom. She was naked. Time froze as the image imprinted on my mind. My niece, with the long brown hair, just left her father’s room, nude, not two minutes after he came from the room. Corbin saw my reaction and spun just in time to see Donna’s door click shut. He turned back to me, “Ken ----“.

I shut him off with, “That was Donna. I saw her, she was in bed with you? You’re sleeping your daughter!?”

“Ken ----"

I had no idea what to do so I told him, “No, don’t fucking talk to me right now, I’ve got to get out of here.” I threw the full coffee cup into the sink then escaped from my perverted brother’s house.

Two minutes after I piled into my truck and fled, my cell started chiming. It was Corbin but I was not in the mood to talk to him. I didn’t answer so he left a message: ‘Call, it’s important, we need to talk, you have to understand’. I ignored him for the rest of the week; he left me several messages, but I wasn’t ready to confront him. My thoughts wouldn’t leave me alone though, I kept visualizing my niece walking across the hall naked. What the hell was going on in that house? How long? How did it start? Was he raping her? Was she willing? Gradually curiosity overcame shock and I called my brother, “I’m ready to talk.”

“Meet me at the Rotten Log, we’ll grab a beer and I’ll try to explain.”

“Ken, you can’t say anything to anybody. I could go to jail, be branded a child molester, a pervert. Donna could end up in a foster home, a ward of the state. I’ll do anything to keep that from happening, you have to swear, never say anything.”

“What the hell is going on? You’re sleeping with your daughter, how, why? Tell me the story Corbin, I’ll try to understand.”

He took a deep breath, dropped his eyes to the table and sighed, “A few days after Carrie died, Donna had to put me to bed, I was drunk and tired but refused to go to an empty bed. She made me lie down, then because I wouldn’t be alone, she stayed with me, sleeping beside me. I was barely aware that she was crying, grieving for her mother too. The next morning when I woke, I was less stressed, in a better place. After that she started coming to my room often and I didn’t object. Having her near was as comforting to me as it was for her. From July through September she slept with me occasionally, on top of the blankets, but near October it started getting cooler so one night she woke up and came under the blankets. She was chilled so I pulled her to me to warm her up as we went back to sleep. We didn’t think anything was wrong or irregular about her sleeping under the blankets so it quickly became regular. It was maybe a month later that it happened. I came up out of my sleep with Donna lying face to face with me, we were touching from breast to knees, she was rubbing herself on me, I was holding her tight. In just a few seconds I pulled her panties off then rolled over her and did it.” Corbin paused, lowered his head in shame and confessed quietly, “I fucked her Ken; I fucked my daughter.”

“Jesus Corbin, what the hell were you thinking, how did she react?”

“After I came, she scrambled from the bed and fled to her room. I was scared, she ran away from me and I knew in my heart I had just screwed up my relationship with my girl, literally screwed it up. I lay awake the rest of the night; afraid she would call the cops or something.”

“But she didn’t.”

My brother shook his head, “No, she didn’t. I didn’t see her all day, she stayed hidden in her room. Around four that afternoon she came out then put her arms around me and hugged me for a long time without saying a word. We stood together for a while then she lifted her head and said “I love you daddy. Don’t be mad for what I did.”

“‘What you did? What did you do?’ I asked her, I was afraid she had called the cops.”

“What I did in bed with you. I did it, I made you hard, I wanted you to do that. I know I shouldn’t have, but I needed to be close to you that way.”

“I let go of her and told her to sit at the table. We started talking about what happened and she confessed to me. She confessed. Donna said that she wanted to have sex with me for a few weeks but knew it was wrong. She told me how she played with me until I had an erection then seduced me while I slept.” Corbin tried to deflect some of his guilt by ending, “She started the whole fucking mess that night, not me.”

“So, she came on to you, when did it get to be a regular thing?”

Corbin dropped his gaze to the table top then sighed out quietly, “That same day. I was scared and nervous so she took me to her room and seduced me again, after that ------“, he didn’t need to finish, I knew what happened ‘after that’.

I watched my brother take a sip of beer then look at the table again, he couldn’t look me in the eyes. “And now, you’re fucking Donna regularly? She is your girlfriend, wife, and daughter, all wrapped up in one pretty sixteen-year-old package?”

“You don’t have to remind me how young she is, or who she is Ken, I’m still very damn uneasy about that.”

“You are being careful right? Using condoms or other measures?”

For the first time since he sat down, he showed a hint of a smile, “She’s on the pill. I never threw out Carrie’s pill pack so I gave it to Donna. That’s good for a couple months more, when those run out, she can call in and tell the clinic she is Carrie. Refills for the pill can be done without a visit to the clinic and I know the code words to make them think she is her mother. After that, if she needs more, she’ll be eighteen and can get them legally.”

As I faced my brother he became less and less perverted in my eyes. After two beers and a long conversation I was over my shock and aversion. I was becoming less repulsed by the idea that my brother was fucking my niece but I had to ask, “Does Donna know that I know, what you two are doing?”

“Not yet.”

“Not yet? You’re going to tell her?”

“Thinking about it; it might be better for you and her if there are no secrets between you two. She thinks the world of you and if she tried to keep the secret, she might not be able to relate to you openly or without shame. You’re her favorite uncle; we shouldn’t fuck that up.”

“I’m her only uncle.”

“No, remember, Carrie has a brother, but we never talk to, or about him. He’s an asshole.”

Three days later my niece called me while I was on my lunch break, “Uncle Ken, do you have time to talk?”

“Yeah, I’ve got a few minutes.”

I heard her take a calming breath then she said “Dad says you know about us.”

“I saw you in his bed.”

Her voice dropped lower, I could barely hear her, “Can I come over? I need to talk about this.”

“Donna, you never have to ask if you can come over, of course you can, anytime.”

“Okay, after school tonight.” She hung up.

I ordered a pizza when Donna came into the condo then she and I had dinner while she gave me her side of the incestuous story; how she came to be her dad’s lover. “He got drunk one night, even more drunk than usual and was talking to my mom as if she were sitting beside him. He needed to go to bed so I took him to his room and made him get undressed then into bed. I started to go to my room but he grabbed my arm and told me to come to bed with him. I laid beside him then dad started touching me and talking to my mom again. He reached under my nightgown and tried to pull off my panties but I stopped him and got off the bed. He looked at me and asked ‘Carrie, where are you going?’ I saw what he felt, he looked rejected, like he needed my mom but she turned him down. I stood by him and I thought that if I went, he might think he lost her twice and be even more depressed. That’s when I pulled my underpants off and went back to bed with him. Dad turned me away from him then had sex with me, only it wasn’t me, his daughter; I was mom, his wife, he was with her again. When he finished, he went right to sleep and I went back to my own bed and thought about what I did. I let my dad have sex with me so he wouldn’t miss mom so much.”

“That’s not what your dad told me; his version of the first time is different.”

“He doesn’t remember what he did. He acted completely normal the next day and I didn’t say anything.”

“How did that become to what is going on now?” I wanted to know.

“I wasn’t scared or afraid of what he did, or ashamed I let him, so I didn’t stop going to him at night sometimes. I was sleeping next to him and the more I did, the idea of having sex again wouldn’t leave my head. At first, I was afraid of my own thoughts, but as long as I kept them to myself it was okay. One night when daddy was sleeping, I was watching him with momma’s eyes, I could imagine how she saw him, how she wanted him, and I got turned on. I wanted to be with him, just like mom used to. I knew what I was feeling was wrong, but if I pretended to be mom again, it would be okay. I played with him until he woke up and had sex with me.” She looked me directly in the eyes, paused for a moment then finished, “Uncle Ken, I wanted my dad to fuck me, and I’m glad he did.”

Wow, the girl wasn’t holding back so I allowed a little curious perversion creep into the next question, “Were you virgin, before the first time?”

My niece blushed a little and nodded enough her long hair shimmered in the light, “Yeah, but it didn’t hurt much and I only bled a little.”

“How did you feel after that second night?”

“Afraid for him. I knew he could get into all kinds of trouble if anybody knew and I was afraid.”

I sat back in my chair and looked at the pretty young brunette; she was worried, her eyes betrayed her, she wasn’t sure how I would react to her story. “And now you’re afraid I will say something to get my brother in trouble, or that I will call you all kinds of whore and bitch and throw you out?”

“Please don’t Uncle Ken, I don’t want you to hate us because I seduced dad.”

In spite of who she was, or maybe because of who she was, I wanted to hear more about their sordid sex life so I said “Don’t worry Donna, your secrets are safe with me. You can tell me anything, everything, and I won’t judge or reject you; either of you. I’m the last person on this earth who would want to break up the family. No sweetheart, I won’t say a word to anyone, Pinky Promise forever.”

For the first time since she arrived, she allowed a small smile, accentuated by a warm glint of her soft brown eyes; she hooked her pinky finger in mine, sealing the pact by saying, “Anything and everything, no more secrets.”

“You want a soda?”

Her reply was a lot more relaxed, “Yeah.”

“Let’s go to the front room.”

I grabbed two Cokes from the fridge and followed my niece to the living room. She was wearing a mid-thigh skirt so when she sat on the end of the sofa and folded her legs under her butt, her legs were bare almost to her crotch. She jostled and adjusted the hem until it covered her upper thighs then leaned back on a sofa pillow. I sat at the other end, facing Donna, her eyes caught mine and for the first time in my life, her gaze made my balls shiver. At that moment she wasn’t my sixteen-year-old niece, she was a sexy young woman with magnetic, suggestive eyes. A flare of awareness bloomed brilliant in the shadows of my mind: Donna was no longer a little girl, the beautiful creature sitting on my sofa was a full-grown woman, hiding behind a high school girl façade. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as I picked up the thread of conversation, “After you got over the initial shock of screwing your dad, what did you do?”

She stated boldly, “Screwed him again.”

I chuckled lightly, “I figured that, tell me.”

She flashed a memory driven grin then began again with less unease, “He was avoiding me, he was more worried about me than I was of him and I knew he felt guilty so I went to him and tried to calm him down. I told him what I did, and why. He was still upset so I decided to seal the deal. I took his hand and tugged him along to my room. I pushed him to the bed then sat on his legs and propositioned him, I said ‘Do it with me again dad, if you do, this will all be okay and we don’t have to be scared of each other.”

“That sounds more like a demand, not a proposition” I quipped.

“Whatever, it worked. He and me got undressed then we had sex for a couple of hours in my room, that time I wasn’t trying to be my mother, I was being myself, letting my dad have sex with me. By the time he wore out it was okay, what we were doing, and we knew we would keep doing it.”

“You wore him out? Literally?”

The big grin betrayed her, “Yeah, he slept until I called him to dinner.”

My cock was slowly coming out of hibernation. My current girlfriend was on a long Mediterranean cruise so I hadn’t been laid for a couple of weeks and what my niece and I were talking about was causing a hormonal seep into my nuts, “And now you’re his steady girlfriend.”

Donna looked into her lap then took a sip of soda, she raised her eyes, “I guess. We sleep together and have sex a lot now.” She paused, took a deep cleansing breath then added, “I like what we do, Uncle Ken, but he is the only man I let. I never did it with anybody else.”

“Do you want to; is there some guy you’re thinking about?”

She got off the sofa without answering the question, “I have to go.” She put on her light sweater, stepped close to me and said “Don’t avoid us Uncle Ken, don’t avoid me.” She put a hand on my cheek, turned my face then kissed my cheek and murmured softly in my ear, “Especially me.” By the time she closed the door behind her my prick was a rock-solid monolith in my pants. Did my niece just make a pass at me? Her parting words echoed in my ears the rest of the day and served as a fantasy while I watched uncle/niece porn on my computer that night.

Three weeks after her visit to my condo, Donna turned seventeen. Corbin threw a big bash with all her friends and relatives in attendance. Of all the people in the house that day, only three of us knew what she and her father were doing, no one there suspected any incestuous hanky-panky. I had to leave early, but before I left Corbin caught me, “Hey, when you’re done, come back, I have another surprise for Donna and I want you here when I give it to her.”


“It’s a fucking surprise, wait.”

“Okay, but I can’t get here before 10.”

My brother ended the short conversation with the intriguing statement, “Ten. Perfect, the house should be empty by then.”

I came into the house about 6 minutes after 10 that night. Corbin was in the front room watching TV, waiting for me. I looked around but didn’t see my niece, “Where’s Donna?”

“She went to bed.”

“I thought you had another gift for her, you’re not going to give it to her now?”

Corbin stood then stepped away, toward the hallway, “Follow me.”

I trailed my brother to the back of the house, to Donna’s bedroom door. Corbin tapped lightly and we heard, “Come on in.” She was sitting on her bed cross legged with her laptop on her knees. She was covered by a long flannel night gown adorned with cats and kittens. She looked up at us and lit up the room with her smile, “Hi Uncle Ken, I thought you went home?”

“I left for a while but your dad asked me to come back.”

Donna looked at her father and asked “Why?” Corbin didn’t say a word but backed out of the room and closed the door. Donna’s eyes grew large and she began to blush. I was stunned; by closing the door my brother locked me into a very suggestive situation with his daughter. She took a deep breath then said softly, “Daddy told me he had one more surprise for me tonight, are you it?”

The insinuation in her question caused my prick to take an immediate interest in the situation, “Why would you think that?”

Donna set the computer aside then got off the bed, went to the light switch and shut off the overhead light, her room was lit only by the monitor of the laptop. She stood in front of me, put her hands on my chest, then while fingering my top shirt button, she said “A few nights ago daddy and I were talking and I might have wondered out loud if you would want to have sex with me. I didn’t think he paid any attention, but I guess he did, you must be my last birthday present.” My cock finished expanding to full erection status in seconds. I looked into Donna’s eyes then reached for her night gown to pull it up. In seconds she was nude, smiling, and put her fingers to work on my buttons and zipper. I helped her pull my clothes off then I picked her up and tossed her to the bed. She was laughing, smiling, and flirting heavily.

I stood next to the bed and looked down on the girl as she put her arms over her head then arched off the bed, stretching her taught body from fingers to toes. She was beautiful. Her breasts stood firm from her chest, but when she moved, they bobbed and shook. From shoulders she tapered to a narrow waist then her hips flared wide, her lower stomach was flat and smooth. She wasn’t hairless but her pubes were trimmed to a light matt of curls at the junction of her thighs, my eyes rested on the crack between her legs. My erection was beginning to ache, my body was jumping with shocks of anticipation as I sat next to Donna. She reached up and stroked my left cheek with two fingers. Her fingers trailed down my face, neck and body until her hand found my erection, she gripped it, then pumped it gently with fingertips while seducing me with her eyes.

I moved up and over my niece then dipped my hips while she guided the knob of my cock to her entrance. She spread her legs wider, moved her hand, then I plunged into Donna until I crushed my nuts against her. She put her hands around my neck, “I only did this with daddy before, will this be different?” I fucking near came as she puffed the words into my ear.

I pushed up on straight arms over her and assured her, “This will be different, for you and for me. No sex partner is like another. Just concentrate on me Donna, feel me in you, let me love you. I will fuck you in ways your dad can’t or doesn’t. I flexed my hips and drove as deep into the girl as I could. She rolled her hips to meet my thrust, then she and I tried to destroy her bed. We fucked, necked, whispered endearments and enjoyed the closeness of the other for a few minutes then I slid down her undulating body to my desire. I kissed her pussy lips, licked her crack, then began an erotic exploration with my tongue.

Donna was young, tender and sweet; the sensation of her rolling her body as I ate her caused my prick to turn to stone. She had her first orgasm when I lifted her clit from its home and suckled it lightly. She heaved up and gasped for air as I brought her to peak. I didn’t give her a chance to recover. I rolled her to her stomach and plunged two fingers into my niece fast and hard. She raised her ass off the bed and let me have my way. The room was filled with the sounds of my hand slapping her ass as I finger fucked the moaning girl. Gasps of pleasure, and “OhhhOhh, god yes!” echoed in the room as my niece orgasmed again.

Donna couldn’t control the contractions that wracked her as she lay on her stomach looking at me. Gradually her chaotic climax faded then she rested a few moments before offering, “Make love to me Uncle Ken, you can’t make me pregnant,” she smiled intimately, “but I want you to try.” Donna bucked her hips when the head of my erection penetrated her easily.

For the next twenty minutes I bent and folded her into several positions, causing her to tremble with orgasms as she voiced passion. As I fucked Donna the need to cum in my niece became the overpowering motivation of my very existence; I told her, “I’m going to cum!”

“Yesssss, oh Yessss.” When I came, her cunt sucked my cock dry, pulling everything she could get from me. The heat between her legs increased as my discharge filled her, then spilled from her body, past my plunging ram. The hot pearly fluid puddled on the bed as she shook with even more muscle wrenching contractions. We fell apart, rasping for air, both awash in sweat after the fiery, passionate sex. When she could breathe without panting, she rolled to face me then kissed me tenderly, “That was way different than what dad does. Oh my god Uncle Ken, I can hardly move.”

We stayed tight, her head rested on my shoulder, my arm was around her back, my fingers made abstract drawings on her back. Donna recovered quicker than I from the tumultuous romp and began to encourage me to another sensual wrestling match. She gripped my cock then began stroking it while nuzzling, licking, and kissing my neck and shoulder. It didn’t take a lot of encouragement to come up to full charge for her, I was ready in minutes to fuck her again. When I reached full manhood, she pushed up then laid on my stomach, her thighs clamped together, holding my cock prisoner, pressed against the crack of her body. She flexed her back, bit my chin, then smacked me in the head with words, “I want you have sex with me while dad watches.”

I pulled my head back into the pillow and looked into her deep brown eyes, “What? You want your dad to watch what we are doing?”

She raised up and cupped her pussy then pulled her hand back and looked at the gooey mess on her fingers. She wiped her hand on the corner of the bed then laid down on my chest so she was talking to my prick. I caressed the top of her head, “Dad and I talk a lot when we do this. I got him to tell me about his sex life from the first girl he screwed in the 9th grade. He would tell me about some girl he dated, who she was, what they did and stuff like that.”

“Do you talk about your mom?”

Donna lifted her head and turned to looked up at me, she evaluated my eyes then said “Yeah. At first dad didn’t want to talk about him and mom, but I didn’t give up. Once he got started though, he didn’t quit. He was telling me stuff about how hot mom was and how wild and inventive she could be. I must have inherited that from my mother, because what he was saying made want sex all night. Since he gave me mom’s Pills, we do it four or five nights a week. Maybe more.”

I was curious, I wanted to hear what she thought about her father, “How does your dad feel about all this? How do you feel about being in an incestuous affair with him?”

“He’s changing. At first, he was afraid of having sex with me. He was scared somebody would find out and report us. But now, he says the more we do it, the more I become like my mother, he’s not worried who I am anymore.” She paused for a moment then added thoughtfully, “If I’m not careful, he might start getting possessive or domineering. I don’t want to be his wife, I’m his daughter.”

Her statement surprised me, Donna was experiencing doubts and unease about the relationship with her dad that were more mature than her seventeen years, “What are you going to do? Stop, cold turkey?”

She rolled to her back, her breasts rose as twin mounds of delight, the dusky colored nipples pointed at the overhead fan. I put a hand over the left mound and caressed the nipple. She looked up at me, “Not cold turkey. I don’t know if I want to stop sleeping with him. I mean, I’ll have to someday, I know, but not too soon. But he can’t think I’m his exclusive piece of ass so I told him I want to date and he should find a girlfriend. At first, he objected, but I convinced him to let me have sex with someone else. That’s when I hinted I could do this with you. He didn’t say anything, I thought he didn’t hear me or was denying I said it. The last time I was at your condo, you could have taken me straight to bed but you didn’t so I almost made a pass at you. But I didn’t.”

My erection was standing tall, angled from my groin toward Donna. She moved around slightly and kissed the head of it then rolled to her front to look at me, I stroked her face, “Why do you want him to watch, does he know that, what about me, don’t I get a say?”

“Dad told me about the times you and him would seduce two girls together and trade them; or sometimes it was one girl and both of you, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t care if he watched us having sex. Stay here, I have to go pee.” Donna got off the bed then left for the bathroom.

I was lying nude on my niece’s bed, my leg smearing a big blot of cum into her sheets. As I waited, I thought; ever since Carrie died my brother and his daughter managed to surprise or shock me one way or another. I could have never imagined, or foretold, the events leading up to what was happening on her birthday night. My niece turned seventeen and her father gave me to her as a gift.

My prick was inflamed with renewed vigor, swollen with anticipation of another dip into the beautiful high school girl when she came back to the room --- followed by my older brother. He was wearing just a short terrycloth night robe and carrying a digital camera. He looked at me and said “Good, you’re already hard.” He spoke to Donna, “This is your night girl, you do whatever you want to enjoy it.” Donna flashed a thank you smile then came up on the bed from the end. She was on her hands and knees moving up until she was over me, her pussy close enough to the head of my erection I could feel her heat. She looked over her shoulder at her father who was focused on her ass with the camera then bent her hips to kiss my cock with her pussy. I thrust up until our groins mashed then my niece and I started another hot fuck.

The girl was ravenous, the longer we rocked and rolled on her bed, the more she wanted. Donna began to have another string of orgasms while I had her face down on the mattress and held her hips. She was seeping sex juices around my cock; it coated my balls and thighs. I flipped her to her back, pulled her legs up so her knees were caught in my elbows the spent the next few minutes building up ball pressure until I couldn’t hold off any longer. I alerted Corbin who stepped in to get a closeup of my erection while I came in my niece. After the last surge into her and I let go of her legs and sat back, Donna rolled to her stomach, threw her arms wide on the bed and started to giggle. I had just gotten a highly erotic reminder of how fucking enthusiastic teen girls can be for sex. I glanced up at Corbin just as he set the camera down, his robe was open, his prick was fully packed and he had the same look that he used to have when we were team fucking some cheerleader. As soon as I got off the bed my brother mounted up and over his daughter, she raised her hips to meet his down thrust. Just moments after I filled Donna from my balls, she was getting screwed by a second set of balls. I picked up the camera and focused on her as Corbin enjoyed sloppy seconds.

Corbin and Donna melded into one sexual creature as I watched them. It was obvious they had learned a lot about pleasing the other. She was voicing her pleasure as he kissed and nipped her neck, breasts and stomach. Watching the father/daughter action on the bed gave me another hard-on, my lust was quickly building to another tryst with the girl; I never imagined that incest sex would turn me on so hard. Every time my brother plunged his big cock into Donna mine would twitch with growing anticipation. Her fingers were in his hair and she pulled away from his erection then pressured his head down her body. He mouthed and caressed her skin in a series of kisses until he paused at the top of her split. He looked up at her, “I won’t stop until you beg me to baby,” then put his mouth on her cunt. My brother French kissed his daughter’s pussy, she slapped her hands to the bed, arched her back and began to moan.

Donna was convulsing endlessly while being consumed by Corbin. She was groaning with exertion and cramps when my brother lifted his head from between her legs then looked at me, “Are you ready?”

That question was a throwback to when he and I would fuck some girl together. When the time was right, he would impale her, then blast her full with semen. When he was done, he got out quick so I could plunge into her before she even began to leak. As I thought about the games my brother and I used to play with girls, my nuts tightened even further. I was about to get my sloppy fuck with Donna, and I was ready, “Do it.” Corbin rolled his girl to her stomach, lifted her by her hips to her knees, her ass was the prominent feature in view, then slammed into her as she yelped again with pleasure.

He managed to fuck her for another two minutes before he lost ball control. He arched his back, stretched his neck then huffed repeatedly as he spewed love and lust into Donna. As soon as he relaxed enough, he fell over to his back by her right side. I didn’t wait for an invitation, I mounted over my niece then shoved my rock-hard cock through Corbin’s cum and into her. Donna gasped another long breath, then exhaled it as an even longer wail of rapture.

The way the game was played, I didn’t have to worry about the girl or what she felt. I didn’t have to stall the inevitable. I fucked Donna just long enough to cause another orgasmic tremor to shake her from head to toes; she was calling out, “Oh my god, I can’t. Stop, I can’t anymore.” My body convulsed then my balls unlocked the fury of hot sex.

And so finished Donna’s first experience with two men in one sexual encounter.

I was lying on Donna’s back with my prick still lodged in her. Corbin tapped me on the shoulder, “Come on, let’s get a beer.” My niece looked like she wasn’t going to move for a while so I lifted off her then followed my brother to the kitchen. He handed me a beer can then said “Well, that sure as hell brings back a few fond memories.”

I smiled over the lip of my can, “No shit, that girl is hot.”

“Yeah, she has some of Carrie’s best qualities, and hell of a lot of her mother’s talent.” Corbin started telling me some very intimate comparisons between Carrie and her daughter. As he talked, I sensed he still had some residue guilt about fucking his daughter, and was trying to come to grips, using me as a sounding board.

The beer was empty but the sexual topics being discussed had filled our lust again. I suggested to my brother we go back to Donna; she needed more experiences. He heartily agreed so we went back to her room. She wasn’t there. Corbin stepped out of her room, “She’s in the bathroom or in my bed.” I went to my brother’s bedroom and saw Donna lying in the middle of the king-sized bed, resting with her arms folded up so her hands under the back of her head were her pillow, her eyes were closed. I went to her right side, my brother to her left. Donna opened her eyes and smiled with all her teeth. She rolled to me then threw her leg over mine and nudged closer. My erection kissed a spot just over her clit then she adjusted until I could push into her. Just seconds after lying beside her, we were face to face fucking. Corbin lay behind her and fondled her as he waited his turn.

Donna clutched to me as ours bodies blended, her breath was hot on my neck, she mewled softly in my ear while I slipped in and out. She pulled her head back, locked her large passionate eyes on mine, “You first this time Uncle Ken, then my dad.” Having encouraged me to cum again, my niece kissed me passionately until I gave up what she wanted. I crushed my groin against hers then came as deep as I could in the tight young pussy. When I was done squirting, I pulled out, Donna bent her back to her father then he jammed as far in as he could and she continued to get fucked. The sound of his body slapping hers covered her panting and his groaning for a few minutes until she urged my brother, “Don’t wait daddy, do it fast.” He put his hands over her tits just as she put her lips on mine again. Donna moaned through my lips while her father screwed her. Just fourteen minutes after we got on the bed with her, Corbin gave Donna her last birthday present that night.


Same as DONNA_(1) Videos

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My name is Donna and I reside in a wonderful, albeit, small town. I am considered a proper Lady in my circle of friends and certainly in my church. I am marries to a wonderful man and have two very nice teenage son's. Up until a week ago no one and I mean no one was aware that, to satisfy certain urges I surfed the internet for stories, pictures, videos and even film clips of an erotic and frequently pornographic nature. If my friends had known or even suspected this they would have been...

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I first posted a series of tales about Donna on a blog called the Girls’ Coffee Shop. I have made them a little more suited to a site of this type. I hope you will see the jokes although I know most are peculiarly British in style. If you need any explanations, do please ask. I first met Donna one evening in my local pub. A colleague of mine, Nellie, serves behind the bar and you will learn a lot more about her as time passes and you can be bothered. It was a Friday evening and the pub was...

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Wifes Night Out Part 2

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Fingered By Aunt Francesca

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 4 The Order of the Strap

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In the Hands of the EnemyChapter 11

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Apne Ghar Ki Naukrani Ke Saath Pehli Baar Sex

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Training Her For Double Anal

We were training her ass for double anal sex, or at least that was the plan. We had already had success taking her virginity; opening up her pussy to a dildo, then to my dick, then to double vaginal, and even some anal. We had talked about fisting, along with other things that were pure fantasy. Like, what monster would you fuck? (her answer: a werewolf)... But after our success with letting two men in her pussy, she became intrigued at the idea of doing the same with her ass. She agreed to let...

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My Stepsister Hailey P7

"Come on see!" cried my stepmother eagerly."See what?" I asked as I walked towards her stood by the backdoor."See what your father has brought me for my birthday!" she replied back grinning excitedly.So I stepped out of the backdoor with her, and there on our back deck was a large grey plastic bathtub."It's a jacuzzi!" exclaimed my stepmother excitedly "I've always wanted one! And now I have!""Great!" I replied less enthusiastic."Oh don't be like, you'll enjoy it when you get in!" my stepmother...

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Seducing Julie into Skipping Church and Fuck for h

Julie was slim, small German girl about 5ft 3'' and very shy. She had gorgeous dark brown hair and light brown eyes. She was someone who always listened to her parents, very respectful. My friend from college who lived next door and a devout christian invited me to a Wednesday bible study session at his church. Knowing I would refuse, he playfully enticed me with a promise to introduce me to one of the new students in town for the freshman class who was also visiting the church. We picked her...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 104 Let There Be Light

Sunday, April 24, 2005 We'd gone to sleep about 11:30, and I woke at 4 o'clock, so about four and half hours sleep. My first problem was figuring out what to do for three or so hours. Get a snack obviously, but what to do after that? Schoolwork, I decided. My basic study plan had been to do my college work in the wee small hours and school stuff in the afternoons. Unfortunately (with tongue firmly in cheek, and elsewhere) Julia had recently been 'making' me have sex every afternoon....

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Carrie my lesbian fling

I was lonely…I just had to break down and admit it. I hadn’t been with a man in 3 months. I missed the sex. I missed the touching. I had masturbated and made myself cum almost every day, but it wasn’t the same. Finally I had slacked off of that even. It had been 2 weeks since I had even had an orgasm. What kind of funk was I in? Finally I made up my mind. This has to stop. I gotta quit moping around the house and get out and have some fun. I called up my best friend Carrie and asked her if she...

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Part 5 It Finally Happens

Part 5 It Finally Happens“Hi Master what would you like me to do for you?” My Mistress said standing in the door way wearing the maids’ outfit, so that’s the one she picked. Wait a second did she say ‘Master’?“What do you mean ‘Master’ I Thought I’m your slave and you my Mistress?” I said slightly confused.“Not tonight your not, you are the master and I am your maid come to pleasure and serve you” she replied.She walked towards me and then rubbed her hands down my bare chest to my growing cock,...

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My Knee Injury Part 2

Sam left and I put my shorts on and laid down on the sofa reflecting on my day, my knee really was sore as I had been kneeling on the cut which didn’t help. I was comfortable with my knee bent up and resting on the back of the sofa and the other leg flat, I was resting my eyes when I heard Lisa come in with a friend from the sound of it, I pretended to be asleep as her friend walked in the lounge and I heard a ‘gasp’ and she immediately ran to the kitchen with Lisa, “OMG!” she said softly...

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Its Awkward Sometimes Asking for Help

Author's Note: While I have a fairly definite idea of where I'd like this story to go, it's possible you might have some better ideas of how certain choices may go. I encourage you, if you'd like to see a certain path explored to add a chapter at the appropriate decision point, and write whatever choice you'd like explored in the Answer text field, and write, "This is a stub for future content." in the content area and I'll consider writing something in that vein. Don't go writing your own...

1 year ago
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Pig Recipes

?Many of you have asked me for a really good recipe for a meal for a slave or pig. While most anything will do for the fucking hole, it can be advantageous to keep him/her healthy and alert, so they will stay sensitive and aware enough to feel the full effect of any pain or torment you may wish to visit upon them. I have seen dull obedient slaves, and their lack of energy and sickly appearance sometimes turn me off. While I want a pig to be fucked up mentally and think of nothing but serving my...

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I Fucked My Aunty

Hi my name is sai and I am 18 years old. I want u to tell about my first sex with my aunty. Her name is amrutaand she is 28 yers old . I live in hyderabad in andhra pradesh my anti came to my house for 1 month and this sex had in this time. we ware so close we use to have fun by talking about her . she help me in my work also in nights she arrange dinner to me in night she sleep with my mom and systers in one room i and my father and my brother use to sleep in another room like this 1 week...

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Me Bird Luvs Watchin Cock Action Wiv Me amp

© Robbie Webb 2012Me, my bird Karina, and my gay mate Gavin, we have a fantastic time when we get together. We get together and once we’ve had a few beers we chill out. I’ve known Gavin for years. Knew him long before I met my bird.When my mate found out I met Karina he was really upset inside. I could tell. He didn’t show it though. Said he was made up for me. Thing is, Gavin had always had this thing about me. He’d fancied me for years. He’d never actually said it, never actually said the...

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Novum vitaea new life

Introduction: A short story I wrote for someone who asked for my deepest, darkest fantasy. Ended up far less dark than originally intentioned. ~A girl meets her Master for the first time, to start a new life, and is shown just what being his means~ The first time I met him in real life he was holding a sign that said SLAVE. He was grinning lazily leaning against the metal rail that separated those who had just landed from their visitors. My stomach did a flip as I saw him. He was taller in...

4 years ago
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Mom Peeps On The BoysChapter 6

Alice paced the floor of her bedroom, listening to the muffled sound of the piano music coming from downstairs. Her nervous excitement was so great that she had trouble thinking. She knew she ought to take a shower, then dress and make up the bed. She'd have to change the sheets. A puddle of Ricky's cum had formed under her crotch as she'd lain under him while he'd slept. Burn the old sheet and pad, then put on new ones, she decided. No, maybe she ought to keep them--for sentimental...

2 years ago
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Shejarya Chya Baiko La Kacha Kacha Zavle

Direct story chalu karto. Mazya shejari ek family rahate navra age 39, baiko age 35 va tyancha mulga age 12. Tichya navrya cha touring job aslyani tyala sarkha tour la jawe lagt hote tyamule tichi zavazavi wande vhayche. Tichi figure asli hoti ki kahi bolache nahi. Konacha pan tila baghun uthel. Me tar tharavlech hote ki tila ek diwas kacha kacha zavayche pan chance yet navta jo ek diwas finally ala. Christmas chi sutti chalu zalyani ticha mulga 15 diwasa karta tyachya mama kade gela ani tichya...

3 years ago
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Jizzy Brain

"Oh, yes," Mike groaned. "Shhh!" Mandy said for what felt like the millionth time. They didn't want someone to hear. Why couldn't he be quiet? Mike partially sat up in the corner of the wall where it met the head of Mandy's bed. He had two bed pillows stuffed behind his back for support. He was in a comfortable position to watch. "That's so good, Mandy," he complimented as she licked up his hard shaft. She was glad her boyfriend liked it but she couldn't understand why he...

2 years ago
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Ashley Blows the Pizza Guy

Ashley could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she hurriedly rushed toward the door. She took a deep breath, hoping that it would slow her heart rate just a little. Her palms were sweating, but not because of the heat of the warm spring evening.In the five days she had been living in her friend's apartment, she had ordered pizza from the same restaurant on a number of occasions. Each time, Hector would appear at her door wearing his baseball cap and a blue shirt emblazoned with the...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Housewarming Gift

Susan noticed the cab pulling up next door. “I think our neighbors are back.” I walked over to the window to join her. Sure enough, a handsome black man was helping the driver pull suitcases out of the trunk, while his beautiful wife, a light-skinned black woman, was digging in her purse. When she looked up to pay the driver, she noticed us watching through our living room window. Susan waved and the other woman waved back. I gave a little wave myself, feeling very much like a...

3 years ago
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BATHING BEAUTY Big hello for all the ISS readers . I am regular reader of the ISS and for long I was thinking of posting a story of mine but I was little bit hesitant. The story I am going to narrate happened about 12 years back when I was doing my pre university but that is still very green in my mind. Many of times myself and my sister used to be alone in home when parents have gone out of place. Such times used to give me lot of opportunities to have look at the sexy body of my sister. Many...


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