The Ark Part 1Chapter 10 Making New Friends and Enemies
- 3 years ago
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A few years ago, Clara and I had tasked our Advisory Council with brain storming our goals and what we would need in terms of people and materials after we came out of the Silos. We had joined them several times during their brain storming sessions and in one of them, they had discussed the patrols that our External Security Group would be conducting. They had decided that it would be advisable to have a negotiator with each patrol, who could speak and negotiate for the Ark Society when the patrol encountered survivors. The remark about a negotiator caused me to think of Lyle, but at the time, I was not ready to enlist his aid.
About two years ago, I had been toying with the idea of setting up a department within the Habitation Department that would locate people who were capable and experienced negotiators and social integrators. When I thought of all the different personality types that we would have in the Ark, I could see a problem in the future with getting them to work together in a cohesive fashion. The only person that I had had contact with who seemed even remotely qualified to head up such a group was Undersecretary George Lyle. I decided it was time to enlist Lyle’s services.
I didn’t really like the man from my past dealings, but Senator Blucher had told me he was a reasonably honest government official and formidable in the field of Diplomacy. It was time for me to set aside my personal dislike of the man and talk with him about what he could do to assist us in saving human civilization. It was getting on toward late afternoon in Washington D.C., so I place a call to his office and told his secretary who I was and that I would like to speak with Undersecretary Lyle about an important matter if he had a few minutes available. She placed me on hold, and a few moments later, Lyle came on the line.
“My secretary tells me that you would like to speak with me about an important matter Mr. Reppa, and my calendar is open for an hour.”
“Mr. Undersecretary, I want to be up front with you. As you know, we are not what I would call friends, but during my last call, I mentioned that our nation would need you in the coming years. Well I have had something come up recently that needs to be handled by someone of your caliber. I was wondering if you and your wife, if you are married, would be able to join me in Auburn this weekend as my guests. I imagine you are aware of the meteoroids and virus situation that I announced at Senator Blume’s hearing. We can discuss that in more depth, give the two of you a tour of our facilities, and discuss what you can do to aid us if you are interested.”
“I agree with you Mr. Reppa that we aren’t friends, but considering the situation, my wife and I would be happy to sit down with you and discuss how we could assist your organization. My wife and I have no plans for this weekend, so it will be fine with me and I will let you know if my wife has a conflict that can’t be changed.”
“Let me transfer you to my secretary so you can give her your preferences for travel arrangements. If there is nothing more, I will meet you at the airport on Friday evening.” I transferred Lyle to Joan and asked her to make travel arrangements for Mr. and Mrs. Lyle and have the tickets delivered to him by courier. After saying a final goodbye to Lyle, I hung up the phone and called Asal to let her know we would be having two houseguests this weekend. With that out of the way, I told Joan to include limousine service to the airport and back home for Lyle and his wife. Clara, Julie, Samantha, and I would meet them at the Sacramento airport and escort them to our home. One of the important things Lyle said to me didn’t register until later.
At dinner that evening, I suggested to my Bond Mates that we meet after dinner for a short family meeting. After dinner, we gathered in the family room, which was probably the most popular room in our house.
Normally, the person initiating the family meeting became the meeting chairman. I announced that I had two items of new business then asked if anyone else had additional new business to discuss; no one but me had new business. I then asked if there was any old business that needed to be addressed before we started the new business; there was none that anyone wanted to discuss, so I introduced my new business.
To start with, our Advisory Council mentioned that we might need negotiating teams to talk with survivor groups after we returned to the surface. I informed everyone that I had invited Undersecretary Lyle and his wife to be our houseguests this weekend. Everyone knew of the problems we had with Lyle over the past years, and I had to explain the current status of affairs with him and the task I planned to ask him to assume. I will be briefing him regarding the Ark and giving him and his wife a tour of our facilities. Other than that and meeting him at the airport Friday evening, I have no specific plans. Everyone needs to be flexible and observant this weekend for we need to make a good impression on him, and learn everything we can about him and his wife.
The second item is that Mike and his wife, Bill, Sheryl and their ladies, and Charlie and Tim and their ladies will be here for dinner tomorrow. Dinner is to be a combination of business and pleasure with business focusing on our need to investigate the personal security needs of our people.
This second announcement led to a lively discussion regarding why we would need personal security. We all were aware of the general types of problems the Ark Foundation would face but we hadn’t considered the impact the problems might have on our personal lives. Bob and Sharna had equipped a number of our key personnel, my Bond Mates, and me with personal force fields that would protect us from most forms of harm, but we could still be harmed or killed in several ways. I suggested that we defer an in-depth conversation until dinner the following evening so everyone could take part in the conversation.
The following day was Thursday and in addition to my regular duties, I also had to prepare for Undersecretary Lyle’s visit. Airline meals are not the most appetizing and the portion served is not always filling, so before going to work I talked with Asal about her and her daughters preparing a late evening meal/snack for when Lyle and his wife arrived Friday evening, something light that we could all snack on while we talked Friday evening. I also asked Asal to fix us an early dinner tomorrow, so we could get to the airport on time.
Dinner Thursday evening was wonderful. Asal had several new recipes, so she fixed several Mexican dishes for us. Dinner was great and we talked about our need for personal security as we ate. I did find it odd to have Mexican dishes for the main course and Persian dishes for dessert, although our dessert did remind me of sopapillas.
We had moved the discussion to the family room and everyone had their preferred after dinner drink, when Charlie said, “Jon, I have several items to address regarding security. To start with, the fringe elements will be out in force now that you have made the news public.”
“Yeah, I agree with you Charlie.
“We need to increase security at the Auburn and Drytown Silos. When we start getting demonstrators at our gates, we need to increase the number of security guards we have inside of the Silos as a response team. I think we should stay at two security guards in the Freight Yards; increasing their number might seem inflammatory to the demonstrators. However, if the demonstrator’s numbers increase to more than a couple of dozen or the mood becomes angry then we need to look at increasing our personnel at that location.
“A second thing I think you need to do Jon is to ensure the personal safety of our personnel and their families. A large number of our non-management people still live outside of the Ark. The only way to be sure that they are safe is to have them move into the Auburn Silo. You need to have an all-hands meeting to explain the current and future risks that they will incur by not living in the Silo.
“There is also the problem of personal belongings that we briefly addressed sometime ago. Our employees will be able to bring all of their personal belongings with them to their new homes. It is my understanding that when the short-term residents move into the Silo, all they will be allowed to bring is a couple of suitcases of belongings for each person. The disparity between our employees’ belongings and the limits on what the future inhabitants can bring will cause problems. We need to find a way to deal with this problem. We will also have problems if our employees wait to move into the Ark until after the short-term residents start moving into the Ark. I suggest we set a deadline for moving into the Ark for our employees. If they fail to meet that deadline, then they can only bring two suitcases of belongs with them when they do move in.
“My fourth recommendation is that if the Ark Foundation’s personnel have to travel out of our local area on business, we need to provide them with a security detail.
We concluded our evening meeting with my asking Joan to schedule a meeting of all key Ark Foundation employees for next week so we could address the issue of all of our employees moving into the Ark.
Lyle and his wife’s flight would be arriving at about 8:00 PM, so Clara, Julie, Samantha, and I left work early the next day. After we got home, Clara checked out the room Asal and her daughters had prepared for Lyle and his wife. We had dinner and then we changed into our casual clothes and relaxed until it was time to leave for the airport.
We had purchased a luxury passenger van that would carry all of us when we went out as a family and had decided to take the van so all six of us could ride together. Once we started having kids, we quickly outgrew the van and had to buy a second van.
We arrived at the airport about 25 minutes before the flight was due to arrive and it was running about 15 minutes late; so with a 40 minute wait ahead of us, we stopped for coffee at one of the airport kiosks. While waiting for the plane’s arrival, we reviewed what we hoped to accomplish by recruiting Lyle and how we could structure the proposed department. Finally, the flight’s arrival was announced, and after giving the plane enough time to get to the gate, we wandered over to the security checkpoint to wait for Lyle and his wife.
They looked tired as they came down the concourse, so after meeting them and introducing ourselves, we collected their bags from the baggage carousel and headed for the van. While I drove them back to the house, Clara explained our plans for the next two days. Once Clara finished, I asked Kyle if he had any questions or requests relative to our plans for the weekend.
Lyle responded with, “Intellectually I know it is true, but I still have difficulty accepting the story that you told me about your two aliens, Bob and Sharna. I also believe that you took part in going to Iran and bringing back the prisoners. I want to know the truth about those matters.
I consulted with Bob and then took the next freeway exit. After driving to an area where we could not be easily observed, I turned off the engine, and said, “Lyle, Bob will take us the rest of the way home.”
Lyle and Sheila gave me a funny look, which changed to disbelief and concern when the van was suddenly airborne. Bob’s quirky sense of humor struck again. Instead of boosting us high enough to move cross-country toward the Freight Yard, he put us in orbit. He held us there for a few minutes so everyone could have a good look, and the next thing we knew, we were head toward the surface at a very high speed. Bob gently set the van down in the Freight Yard parking lot, and I turned to Lyle and said, “That was how Bob and I traveled to Iran, but at a much higher speed and altitude.”
I don’t recall Lyle ever again doubting the existence of Bob and Sharna and he was satisfied with my admission of having gone on the Iranian expedition. My ladies and I joined Lyle and Shelia for a light evening snack before they headed to bed; they were still running on east coast time and it was after midnight in Washington D.C. Most of the conversation that evening centered on Bob putting us into orbit, and about Bob and Sharna in general.
I was up early the next morning and headed to the kitchen for my morning coffee. Asal and Shelia were there ahead of me so I joined them at the kitchen table; Dorri and Tara were toasting bread and frying bacon for breakfast. Asal gave me a pointed look and told me that while Clara and I had been talking with Lyle last night, she and Shelia had been talking about Shelia’s job back on the East coast; it seems that she was a medical researcher that specialized in viruses. That got my attention and I asked Bob to check on her background for if she was what I thought she was then she would be a good addition to our virus research program. We could hear a group heading our way, so Asal got her omelet fillings out of the refrigerator and began fixing cook to order omelets.
After breakfast, Clara, Julie, Samantha, and I took Lyle and Shelia to my office on Level 16. When we were settled in my office, I began a detailed briefing that covered the meteoroid storm, the virus, the purposes of the Ark, and the Ark Foundation. During the briefing, I had answered Shelia and Lyle’s questions.
Lyle and Shelia had one main problem with what I told them. They felt we had failed to inform the rest of the world of the problem in time for them to adequately prepare for the oncoming threat to humanity. Even though they understood my explanation for why we had held off telling the world about the meteoroids and virus, they still felt that we should have at least told the world leaders about the problem long before we did.
I decided to consider adding Lyle to the team that was formulating the approach to use for the pickups of short-term residents if he was interested in joining our group. Not only would his experience in diplomacy be a big help, but I had always found that it was easy to be judgmental about a decision if you were not part of the process that led to the decision. I would let him deal with the decision of just how much should be told to the general public.
“Lyle, there are several tasks in the Ark Foundation that would benefit from your abilities. I’m thinking of having you work on several tasks. Your long-term task would be to recruit and train a group of negotiators who would work with our External Security Group. When the group is out on patrol and encounters a group of survivors, the negotiator would talk them into joining our group. We also have a problem that will need a good Public Relations position developed that addresses how we are to handle recruitment applications that we turn down between now and the arrival of the meteoroids. Are you interested?
“Yes, but I will have to discuss this with Shelia. She has her career and I don’t know how she would feel about moving out here.”
Thinking back I realized that I had totally missed Lyle including his wife when he said we could discuss how they (i.e., he and his wife) could help the Ark Foundation. It didn’t register then and I was scrambling mentally to fit Sheila into our plans so I could discuss and an important role for her in our effort.
“What type of work do you do Shelia?”
“I am a researcher with the Phillip and Carr Viral Research Foundation and we are working on a cure for the hepatitis C virus (HCV). My group’s project is a joint effort with the research group at UC Davis, and it is my hope that I can spend sometime talking with them during this trip.”
I was a bit nervous as I stood at the podium looking into the cameras for I hadn’t made a live presentation for a year. Usually, I sat in a comfortable overstuffed chair as I made my daily dumps for Jon’s Corner. Today’s presentation was to make an important announcement. Clara and my advisors said that I needed a more formal atmosphere. I would have been more relaxed sitting in my chair. Linda interrupted my thoughts saying, “Get ready Jon. You are ON in THREE, TWO, ONE“; then she pointed...
Clara and I scheduled a meeting of our Advisory Council, all of the Ark Foundation VPs, and other key members of the Ark Society for the first week of January 2042. The topic was the final review of our pickup plan, and the establishment of the dates and locations for our major pickups. Julie and Samantha made the first part of the presentation. The plan they presented was almost identical to what we had discussed some months ago. There was more detail and a few enhancements to expedite the...
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On Thursday, Senator Howard Blucher contacted my secretary Joan Ivers to see if I would be available for him and several of his acquaintances to meet with me at my home at 9:00 AM Saturday. Around 8:30 Saturday morning, several black limousines arrived at the Auburn Freight Yard. Senator Blucher and his party boarded the passenger car that I had arranged to bring him and his party to my home on Level 13 of the Auburn Silo. Due to the anticipated size of my future Bond Group, we had been...
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The construction effort was moving along nicely with the Auburn Silo approaching completion. My decision to start moving into the Ark when the Auburn Silo was finished had opened a can of worms. Clara and I had discussed the effects the Ark environment might have on its residents with the psychologist that the Ark Foundation had hired as a consultant during the early days of construction. She defined to us that in a survival situation a reduced level of living standards would be acceptable...
When I hung up the phone, Joan let me know that Bill and Sheryl were waiting for me in the lobby. I made a quick call to our HR group to let them know that I was bringing our two newest employees to their office for in processing. When I got down to our lobby, I had the receptionist sign them in and took them to HR. The HR representative had their employment contracts and benefit packages ready for them, so I left them in HR’s clutches, until they had signed all the necessary papers,...
We had completed our major pickups of short-term residents and we were in the final stages of getting the residents settled in their new homes. We now had to make a final decision regarding further pickups. Things had gone bad on our last major pickup. The pickup started out the same as the other pickups we made. By eight thirty in the morning, there were over a hundred demonstrators outside the stadium, and more were on the way. By ten, the number was close to five hundred and growing, they...
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Ring ... Ring Ring ... Ring “Damn phone. No one should be calling us at 4:00 AM in the morning unless it is an emergency. Have you seen the phone Tara?” “It’s where it always is Jon, on the nightstand on my side of the bed. “Hello Tara speaking.” “I need to talk with Jon Reppa immediately!” “Here Jon, he wants to talk with you.” “Who is it?” “I don’t know, he didn’t say.” “This is Jon.” “Jon, this is George Lyle. Sorry about the time, but I didn’t think this should wait. “This...
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Clara and I had discussed security for our emergency Advisory Council meeting. We decided to post two guards outside of the meeting room. I instructed them to set up stands with ropes to keep everyone, including them, at least ten feet away from the doors until the meeting was finished. The closed doors would stop the majority of the sound from escaping from the room, but stopping most of the sound wasn’t enough. The sound that made it through the doors would be muffled, but if we got loud,...
Clara and I had asked Harry and Larry to meet with us in my office. When Joan ushered them in, Clara said, “Get some coffee, guys. You’re likely to be here a while.” I started the meeting with, “A while back, there was mention of transitioning from our current form of government to the new Government. “Currently, we are in the process of finalizing the software and preparing to elect members to the committees that will define the Government. I suspect it will take more than five years to...
The note taped to the bathroom mirror read: Johnny, I've got nothing more to say to you, I can't see things your way and you refuse to see things my way, so I've gone to stay with my sister in California. Please don't try to contact me; I don't want to see you again. Alyssa Now I was worried. I'd tried to call my wife Ally, short for Alyssa, at lunch time. We'd had a spat that morning about nothing important and I wanted to apologize for losing my temper. I found the note when I...
Your constructive comments, emails, and critiques are welcome and appreciated. ********************** The note taped to the bathroom mirror read: Johnny, I’ve got nothing more to say to you, I can’t see things your way and you refuse to see things my way, so I’ve gone to stay with my sister in California. Please don’t try to contact me, I don’t want to see you again. Alyssa Now I was worried. I’d tried to call my wife Ally, short for Alyssa, at lunch time. We’d had a spat that morning...
Ally spotted her father at one of the tables in the food court. They were supposed to meet there an hour after going their separate ways, but she was almost a half hour late and hoping he wouldn’t be mad, especially after giving her one of his credit cards to shop with. After saying she could spend however much she wanted, he’d probably set the time limit to keep her from doing too much damage. She wasn’t sure how much she’d spent, but it was a lot. Yet everything she bought she’d picked out...
My best friend is a beautiful lady named Allison or Ally for short and we have been tight ever since we met in the 7th grade, we went on our first real date together and when we got married we moved into the same development together. We purchased homes on two different streets but our back yards face each other so we are basically still together. We both have two kids, a boy and girl each and our kids are all in school now, my little girl the youngest at seven and her son the eldest at eleven....
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James laid back on the hammock, sipping his icy rum and cokeand breathing in a deep sigh of summer air. It was lovely to get away from the business of his work and the city, and he closed his eyes and soaked in the serenity of the little beach shack they’d rented for the weekend. He and Ally hadn’t been together for long at all – they hadn’t even slept together yet- but this weekend away with her and a few friends was the perfect opportunity to test how far she’d let him go. Just as he began to...
James laid back on the hammock, sipping his icy rum and cokeand breathing in a deep sigh of summer air. It was lovely to get away from the business of his work and the city, and he closed his eyes and soaked in the serenity of the little beach shack they’d rented for the weekend. He and Ally hadn’t been together for long at all – they hadn’t even slept together yet- but this weekend away with her and a few friends was the perfect opportunity to test how far she’d let him go. Just as he began to...
Straight SexSam Thomas was our key person for the Ark’s construction effort in addition to being one of our two lawyers. Sam knew that he would not be able to manage the construction effort without help, so he hired a construction management firm. The firm pulled our activities together in an organized and logical fashion with Sam’s help. They recommended an architectural firm, which we employed to design the electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and other systems required for living in the Silos. They also...
Author's Note: A meteoroid is a piece of debris that drifts through space. It can be as small as a grain of sand or bigger than a house. When the meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere, friction causes the meteoroid to overheat and give off a bright light. The light created by a meteoroid burning in the atmosphere is called a meteor. The portion of the meteoroid that survives to land on the surface of Earth is called a meteorite. People frequently use the term meteor to refer to a...
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Corporal Winters found that the Jap girl he was stripping was a scrappy little thing. She was young, maybe 12 he thought, but she had a way of looking at him that suggested she was not afraid of him, maybe even seeing this as a game. Indeed Akiko had found that she could usually get men to treat her right by anticipating their needs and giving them what they wanted from her. She enjoyed sex and made no secret of it. She decided to surrender her clothes to the man. Winters was surprised when...
It was a bright sunny Friday afternoon in mid June when Bobby, and his best friend Joseph turned their bikes into the driveway of the Hill house. Both the boys as Joseph said " guess ill see you later dude " and rode back to the Gribbles house as he pulled his bike into the drive way he saw John Redcorn exiting through his parents bed room for year know he had known that his very seductively beautiful mother Nancy had been cheating on his so called Father Dale. He parked his bike in the...
College lass Ally’s older boyfriend fixes her virgin back alley very nicely in a tight dark back lane, d****d over his motorbikeMaybe I should have listened to my mum. But senior college girls never do. Oh apart from the always wear clean panties advice: but I like fresh knickers against my shaved silky soft girly bits anyway. But the advice of don’t take short cuts home after dark through the park or the back alleys. Well I was girl in a hurry and I knew my basic self defence and hell it was...
Zandie was scared out of her mind in my back seat. It wasn't her fault she was taking a ride with me, it was because her dad lost a bet and reneged on the guys I worked for. So an example had to be made and his cute daughter was his most valuable asset. Her hands bound behind her, her sports bra ripped open to let me see her modest but firm and perfect tits. Tears were pouring down her cheeks and she was making little sad noises thru the duct tape on her mouth. She looked beautiful. She was...
Lieutenant Sadaki was troubled. His small unit was to have received two Junior Geishas some time ago but the girls never showed up. He learned by radio that two other outposts to the south had received girls, but two other units to the north had not. He concluded that some misfortune must have befallen the Junior Geisha's boat on the way to his island. Sadaki expected that there would have been some search made, but he learned that the military commanders were too occupied with war plans to...
“What the fuck were you thinking, Raj? It’s one thing to use my name to get the penthouse suite but to have a full-blown orgy in it? That is just horrid. Everything there is high-class carpet to ceiling and is now either broken or filthy thanks to you and your party guests.” This loud yelling outside my villa awoke me. I checked my phone to see I had slept for 2 days. It was 10 am, but I was still tired from using the kama zone. My villa was secluded, and I paid extra to be left alone. I peered...
Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Eight - Stevie Shares His Early Days as Mark's Beta Boy In part eight, Daisy shares how she began as Mark's beta boi and she and Rebecca share their memories of how things changed once Rebecca became Mark's submissive and was given control and power over Daisy when she was still only Stevie. "I know you two met at orientation, during the summer before you began classes and Mark had contacted you to ask if you would like to be roommate and...
The carrier Eagle circled the planet New Singapore. Around the system, the ships of the Royal Alderian navy watched and waited for the enemy to appear. Her escort of five destroyers and the cruiser Ajax guarded her like a sheepdog guarding her flock. Ten million miles away the dreadnought Bellerophon and the battle cruisers Inflexible and Black Prince traveled together under a small screening force of ten destroyers. Down on the surface of the planet, shuttles and transports continued to lift...
Game: Will of Change In its core the game is fairly simple each player takes a turn rolling the die and moving clocwise along the board for the amount they rolled and then draw a colored card corresponding to the color of the square they landed, then the player gets to decide if they will accept the card effect or drop out of the game. The game can end if a player lands on a white or black squre (the final square of each loop) or if only a single player still remains in the game. However there...
FetishTHE REAL ENEMY by Jenny North In hindsight I should have listened to my instincts before I entered the bar. I'd had a feeling there was something hinky about the place but the second I walked in I knew I'd made a serious mistake. At first it seemed like any other bar with a bunch of regulars there to drink, watch the game, and maybe shoot some pool. But right now the only sound was coming from the game on the vidscreen, because everybody had stopped to stare at me. That in itself...
One afternoon, my neighbor told me he had bought the cable TV service, without imagining that I would be with my worst enemy, let me how how the retaliate.I remembered one evening in January 2000, when he was invited to the home of Eduardo, who was right next to me on the occasion that he had subscribed to cable TV to not depend on the family, declined to its separate subscription. I liked the idea because there was living my worst enemy, the man who dared to mess with my nephew, and all for a...
Once back aboard their shuttle, Gary fired up the engine and headed back to their ship, as Al sought to reassure everyone. ‘Completed the negotiations. Everything’s a go. As soon as we get back onboard, we can get out of here and hopefully lower Yitzl’s blood pressure a few points.’ He’d no sooner than finished the message, when Yitzl reconnected. ‘Al, you need to organize your people. The problem is deeper than we suspected. The failure of the one sensor evidently produced feedback,...
Veda and Maddy cried hard, hugging Bianca as close as they could with out hurting the baby. ‘We were so worried!’ Maddy squeaked her thick mascara and jet black eye liner running down her face. ‘We didn’t know what happened!’ Veda cried. ‘You just disappeared!’ Maddy wailed ‘Blake said you ran away-‘ Veda choked up. ‘But we knew you wouldn’t run away with out telling us first!’ Maddy finished wiping the tears that were pouring from her eyes ‘I would have never just left you, you’re all...
STRAIGHT MARKY ...PART2Hey guys, WOW, I cant believe all the supportive emails ive received insuch a short amount of time. Thanks to all. So, here's the continuationof "Straight Marky".Ok, after dropping Marky off at his house, i went back home and got somemuch needed sleep. A couple of hours into my "c***", i heard the doorbellringing and knocking on the door at the same time non stop....PISSING MEOFF! I opened the door cussing like you wouldnt believe and there standingbefore me was ....yep,...
Hey guys, my name is Jeff, this is my first time posting a story. Hope youenjoy it. Im a 27 year old white guy, black short hair, blue eyes, 6'1"tall, weigh 180 lbs. Attractive average looking guy, straight acting andappearing, oh, and totally gay...hehe.Marky is 18 yrs old, hispanic skater boy type. He's about 5'10" tall, 150lbs., black hair, brown eyes, stright as hell and one HOT k**.I have my own house and grew tired of the bar scene so i usually hadfriends over on the weekends to hang out...
Hello everyone my name is thesexiestboyevr. This is my first real life story that I am writing here. I’m 21 years old and I belong from Punjab (Sorry can’t tell you real name and places). I’m a normal guy with a dick size of 6-1/2 inches (sorry I don’t boost myself by saying I have 8 or 9 or 10 inches) this story is about fucking of my enemy’s sister. This all happened about a month ago. Actually the enemy who I am talking about was my friend at school but later he deceived me. This all...
A big thank you to the wonderful RamonaE for allowing me to borrow her idea. And grateful thanks to the fabulous Ella for adding so much value way beyond her editing skills. CHAPTER ONE: Alice is given a mission behind enemy lines The office was well appointed, almost regal with its styling, and certainly better than many of the other merely functional rooms used by the usual senior senior ranks at the War Office. The smartly attired Head of MI6 sat on the leather Chesterfield sofa, opposite...
Harry appeared whistling right in front of a posh looking door. The door belonged to a huge luxurious looking building surrounded by grounds all round. This place was Malfoy Manor and Harry was here on an errand. A very pleasurable errand. Rapping his knuckles against the door sharply, he waited. In a few moments, the door opened to reveal a blonde beauty in a night gown. She was Astoria Malfoy nee Greengrass. “Hello Harry,” Astoria purred, leaning against the door frame. Harry grinned, “I...
Harry appeared whistling right in front of a posh looking door. The door belonged to a huge luxurious looking building surrounded by grounds all round. This place was Malfoy Manor and Harry was here on an errand. A very pleasurable errand.Rapping his knuckles against the door sharply, he waited. In a few moments, the door opened to reveal a blonde beauty in a night gown. She was Astoria Malfoy nee Greengrass.“Hello Harry,” Astoria purred, leaning against the door frame.Harry grinned, “I see you...