Behind Enemy Lines
- 3 years ago
- 21
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A big thank you to the wonderful RamonaE for allowing me to borrow her idea. And grateful thanks to the fabulous Ella for adding so much value way beyond her editing skills.
CHAPTER ONE: Alice is given a mission behind enemy lines
The office was well appointed, almost regal with its styling, and certainly better than many of the other merely functional rooms used by the usual senior senior ranks at the War Office. The smartly attired Head of MI6 sat on the leather Chesterfield sofa, opposite the beautiful young agent, providing her with details of the mission they were about to entrust her with.
The twenty-three year old Alice was fresh from University where she had been head hunted by the Agency’s recruiters. They had spotted her potential some time before she graduated with a first in German. With her nubile body and long flowing blonde hair, she already could have been mistaken as Aryan herself. Nothing was further from the truth. Yes, her Aryan looks would certainly be an advantage behind enemy lines, but it was her hard work and intelligence that had gained her the respect of the men that recruited her.
‘As you know, Alice,’ the MI6 head was saying in that gruff tone of his, ‘A few weeks ago we lost contact with James Carruthers, one of our very best field agents. He was investigating a secret research centre somewhere in Baden-Württemberg. That’s a state in the southwestern part of Germany, to the east of the Upper Rhine. The last information we had connected him and the research centre to the town of Freiburg.’
He tapped the manila file on his knee, indicating that more detailed information would be available to her in the file.
‘It would be the perfect location for the German’s research work,’ he continued, pulling on both curled edges of his moustache. ‘Freiburg is bordered by the Black Forest Mountains, Rosskopf and Bromberg to the east, Schönberg and Tuniberg to the south, with the Kaiserstuhl hill region to the west. Penetrating that sort of terrain is notoriously difficult.’
‘What exactly was it he was investigating?’ Alice asked, staring intently into his tired eyes.
‘That we don’t know…’
Carruthers was aware of the facilities existence, but unsure as to its purpose.
‘But preliminary reports from Carruthers indicated he believed the German’s are developing something there that could change the course of the war.’
Alice nodded solemnly. No wonder she’d been pulled into the War Office headquarters at such short notice. The implications of her mission were becoming clearer by the second.
‘Do you think he’s still alive?’
It was an awkward question, but one that had to be asked. She needed to know if she was being told everything. Upper intelligence had a habit of hanging back on certain parts of their Intel unless a direct question was asked by an operative.
‘We just don’t know,’ he replied after a short pause, then gave an almost imperceptible sigh. ‘But if the Gestapo have him then the chances are he would be better off that way.’
Alice shivered at the mention of the German secret service. She understood exactly what a mission involving the Gestapo might involve. She was well aware exactly what they were capable of—some of her closest friends had perished or completely disappeared at their hands during past assignments and she wouldn’t be going into this mission without a full understanding of the possible consequences.
‘Security in the area itself is strict … German nationals only, in short, no easy way in. The woman in control of the area is one Obersturmfuhrer Helga Bachmeier. What we know about her is that she is one hell of a hard bitch that was personally placed there by Hitler himself.’
Alice let out a low hiss under her breath. She’d heard of Bachmeier. The Obersturmfuhrer was an out and out dyke who was rumoured to have a huge sexual appetite, especially as far as attractive young girls were concerned. She shivered in her seat at the thought of possibly coming face to face with Herr Bachmeier.
‘Do you want me to try and find Carruthers?’ she asked. ‘And get him out of there if I do?’
The Colonel hesitated before answering but his silence was enough. Carruthers was expendable.
What was of more importance was that Alice picked up where he had left off and found out exactly what this research facility was looking into and the possible consequences of their research.
‘I want you to take his place,’ The Head said, pulling on his moustache again as he confirmed exactly what Alice had suspected. ‘The mission remains the same. Find out what the bastards are up to. The outcome of the war could depend on it. If you happen to find Carruthers and can rescue him, then all the better. But nothing must compromise this mission. Am I clear?’
‘Yes, sir,’ she answered. Crystal clear.
‘Good. You leave this evening.’
The Westland Lysander was a British army co-operation and liaison aircraft with an exceptional short-field performance that aided clandestine missions such as this. Its ability to place or recover agents behind enemy lines was unparalleled.
It dropped Alice in the open countryside near La Bresse, a commune in the Vosges department in Lorraine in north-eastern France. Members of the resistance picked her up by truck and took her to the border, leaving her to negotiate the last few miles on foot.
Her papers showed her to be Eva Drescher, a refugee from Düsseldorf and her cover was that she was trying to find her boyfriend, who had told her he was relocating to the area just prior to her house being destroyed by Allied bombing raids. That was enough to justify her temporary lodging in a worker’s hostel and the plan had worked a treat, with a bed being allocated to her with only a cursory check.
The intelligence community had served her well with excellent forged papers that had proven impossible to tell apart from legitimate documents.
She joined the queue for breakfast at six-thirty the next morning, taking her meagre fare—a small chunk of bread with a scrape of jam and a cup of ersatz coffee—to the end of a crowded trestle table, eager to pick up on any items of chatter that might prove useful.
Her excellent German language skills and blonde locks made it very difficult to distinguish her from the locals. She had even worked with a dialect coach on joining MI6 to ensure nothing was left to chance.
Nothing of any real interest to her mission had been said by anyone around the table. A few men had tried to flirt with her a little. People spoke about the hardship of life and all the latest reports from the fronts. About fallen sons and missing family members.
She had almost finished the meal, such as it was, when three members of the Gestapo appeared, two men and a woman. It was a worrying development. There really was nothing of any concern to them here other than various refugees and people looking for work to help the war effort. Their eyes systematically took in each of the people seated the tables until eventually they approached the warden.
Alice breathed a soft sigh of relief. She blended in perfectly here.
Yet the Warden immediately shattered her sense of cautious comfort by responding to a question by nodding in her direction. The female Gestapo member turned to look at her and then walked briskly to her table. The woman was tall, even without her heeled boots that clicked on the stone floors of the hostel, not unattractive, and the small scar under her right eye even added a little character to her face. Her golden-blonde hair peeked out from under her peaked cap and she also had that arrogant look on her face for which the official secret police of Germany were notorious. She knew she had power.
‘Your name?’ she barked, looking down on Alice.
‘Eva Drescher.’
‘What are you doing here?’
The question was short and to t
he point. This woman wasn’t messing about.
Alice calmly gave her cover story, making sure she maintained eye contact to add sincerity to what she said.
‘When did you arrive?’
‘Late yesterday.’
‘The name of this boyfriend you are looking for?’
The questions weren’t stopping.
‘Gunter Eichmann.’
‘You last saw him when?’
‘A week ago. In Düsseldorf.’
‘Get your things and follow me.’
Alice felt her heart sink. There wasn’t any obvious reason for the Gestapo to take her away—her papers were perfect and her cover story was almost flawless. Why would they even inspect the hostel? The first question had led them straight to her. That made no sense, no one knew of her mission outside of MI6 and the resistance group that had spirited her to the German border.
Not unless … there was a mole somewhere?
The woman towered over her and her two Gestapo companions stood nearby. Despite her unease, she didn’t have much choice other than to comply with the order. Not without giving the game away entirely.
She calmly stood up, making sure she offered the right amount of deference to the three of them, and followed her out of the door. The woman led the way and the two male members followed behind her. They headed across town towards a police station that stood next to the multiple railway tracks and adjacent engine sheds.
The two men stood outside the back of the building while the blonde took her through a back door and into a small room with a bed in the corner, a table in the centre and very little else.
Alice had just glanced around the room, quickly memorising everything she felt could prove useful if she needed to escape, when she felt a sting in her neck. Her legs felt weak, her head grew fuzzy and her body slumping back into the blonde officer’s waiting arms.
Blackness instantly followed.
The guard flicked on his monitor, watching as it burst into life and revealed the unconscious female, centre screen. The naked woman was as good looking as any of those previously brought to the facility, possibly even more so. And she had a fabulous body. Toned yet curvy. He was going to enjoy watching this one.
She lay on her back, her long blonde hair fanned out around her face. The nipples on her pear-shaped tits were already erect and, curiously, she was shaved between her legs. He had never seen a woman like that before. He could actually see her labia, already glistening and slightly parted from where she’d been subconsciously rubbing it.
Her breathing was heavy from the drugs, causing her chest to rise and fall rhythmically. It was almost a hypnotic sight on its own.
Each cell at the complex was laid out in exactly the same way. All were brightly lit, but there were no windows, and the door had no handle on the inside. It was important to ensure that the prisoners knew they had no hope of escape. To further add to the caged feel, the walls were painted an industrial two-tone gray.
There were two small beds, one at each side of the cell, and the hidden camera in the ceiling operated whenever there was movement.
The woman’s toned legs slid against each other, but her eyes remained closed as she lay there. She had remained deep in the same dream like unconscious state since her arrival at the facility.
The sedative was still working in her system. So was the combination of other drugs that, together, were known as GG1. No one except the most Senior Officers understood exactly what the initials stood for, or the full effects, other than it had intense aphrodisiacal qualities. The trials were nearly over and the guard had been proudly told that the new drug would win them the war. After watching the effects on the guinea pig captives at the facility, he didn’t doubt it.
As he watched, the barely noticeable man curled up on the other bed suddenly pushed himself to his feet and started to edge, slowly and almost uneasily, across the room towards the female. He was in his late forties, tall and slender, and his receding hair had been shaved when he was captured. The guard hoped they didn’t shave the female. He loved women with long, blonde hair.
He smiled as the man stood next to the woman. How ironic. One British secret agent prisoner lusting after the other…
As he stood over her, the woman moaned and her hips squirmed in her sleep. The guard grinned. She would be dreaming—hard, intense and deeply realistic sexual dreams. The drug never gave them any relief, even when they were asleep. If anything, it was even more powerful then when they were awake, infiltrating the sub-conscious mind without any fear of resistance.
Not that it mattered. Resistance was futile.
In the bright light of the cell, the man’s erect penis stood out straight and hard. He couldn’t stop himself from wrapping his hand around it as he stood watching the woman squirm on the bed, even if she was completely unaware of his presence watching her.
The fingers of his other hand reached out to touch her blonde hair, picking up a couple of long strands and then letting them flutter back down around her sleeping face. She looked so beautiful.
The man moved his hand closer now, using his fingers to trace soft almost tender lines across the woman’s face—her cheek, her lips—and even that simple action seemed to excite him. The hand on his cock began to move a little faster as he slid his index finger into her mouth. She made no resistance—how could she?—her lips parting as if they had been waiting for that finger to come.
She had pink, pouting lips, the guard observed—glossy lips that seemed to part like they had been stung by a bee. Suckable lips, he called them. Unknown to his superiors, he’d had his way with every single female under his watch. It was just a simple case of turning off the cameras whilst he visited them in the dream laden sleep.
It would be no different with this woman, despite the fact that his superiors clearly considered her to be of great importance.
When the prisoner began to fuck her mouth with his finger, the guard fished his cock out of his black pants and started to masturbate. The man began to masturbate too, jerking his cock with his other hand while he blatantly pushed his finger back and forward between the woman’s lips. What was she dreaming? That it was a cock? Her pouting lips willing closed around his finger and she was sucking eagerly.
In the male prisoner’s mind, the guard knew it wasn’t his finger the woman was sucking. His eyes were closed as he jerked on his cock, and for a moment the guard thought he was going to try and force his thick shaft into her mouth. She wouldn’t have known.
Instead, he began to pant harder, grit his teeth, close his eyes … and then he was spurting across the woman’s tits.
The guard reached his climax, too, except that he was firing his seed into one of the thick tissues he kept by his desk.
The box was half empty.
Alice moaned in her enforced sleep and rolled onto her back. Her head was drowsy and her heavy and clumsy hands rose up to her breasts. She wasn’t fully awake, not even half-awake. Her mind was still swathed in the excesses of her sexual dreams.
She gave a soft purr as she used the fingers of one hand to caress the creamy deposit into her skin, not that she knew what she was doing. The other worked from her stomach, tracing slowly down until it began to tease between her thighs. She was lost in her recurring dream, one that she had never had previously and yet suddenly seemed to repeating over and over inside her head.
She was being fucked by a male member of the Gestapo, still in uniform, while a golden-blonde haired woman with a small scar under her right eye was sitting astride her face, rubbing her pussy across her lips. What was worse, Alice was aroused by the dream, despite the degrading
way in which she was being treated. She was a strong-minded, independent young woman, and yet she felt completely submissive and obedient to both her lovers.
She began to stroke herself faster, harder, arching her hips with every caress until, with a final cry of pleasure, her fingers tightened in her clutching sex as a powerful orgasm washed through her. Realisation gradually began to return. That was how each of those dreams seemed to end. Despite the humiliation of being used in such a way, each climax seemed to grow in intensity.
The bright light made her blink as she slowly opened her eyes. She squinted as she glanced around the room, and then pushed up on the bed as her reflexes took over. Her left hand dug into the mattress, maintaining her balance until the wooziness in her head settled. Instinct told her she’d moved too quickly.
Her practiced gaze quickly took in everything she needed to know. The room was basic, very basic. No windows, no handle on the door, two-tone gray walls and a brighter-than-bright light. It was more like a cell but not like one she had ever been kept in before. The lack of windows suggested she could be underground. Wherever she was, the Nazi’s didn’t want this place being found any time soon.
She was lying on a small bed to the left of the door. On the opposite side of the small room was another bed. She wasn’t alone.
An older guy sat in the corner of his bed, his naked body slumped back against the wall. His head was shaved and he looked tired, weary—defeated? His knees were drawn up, and one arm rested casually across them, concealing his face except for his eyes. They looked sad, withdrawn, almost … ashamed?
But it wasn’t just the look in his eyes that caught her attention. She could see his dick. It was fully erect.
For the first time she realised that she was naked too, and she adjusted her pose to cover as much of herself as she could.
‘Who are you,’ she instantly asked, keeping her gaze on his. ‘Where are we?’
‘Generally, somewhere in the Kaiserstuhl hills near Freiburg,’ he answered. His voice sounded soft and tired. ‘Aside from that, I can’t really be sure but specifically, we’re in a hidden Gestapo complex.’
He moved around on his bed to face her full on, making no attempt to hide his penis. It bobbed infront of him. Despite herself, she felt an instant surge of heat between her thighs at the sight. What the fuck? As an agent, there wasn’t much she hadn’t seen or done. Why should the sight of a middle aged guy’s dick instantly arouse her?
She momentarily looked away, embarrassed, and then glanced down at her own body. Her tits were caked with some sort of substance. It didn’t need too much imagination to work out exactly what it was and she felt her mouth drop open in both surprise and shock before she stared at him again.
‘It’s mine,’ he apologised, holding his hands up.
Her lips curled in horror as she stared disbelievingly at him. And yet, what was even more horrific was the undeniable thrill that suddenly ran through her veins. Her hips shuffled a little as she sat. Something wasn’t right here. She should have been outraged.
‘I jerked off on you while you were sleeping.’
His tone was weary and remarkably matter of fact.
‘You did what,’ she snapped, biting down on her lower lip to hide her arousal.
This was so wrong. She should be appalled.
As he stood, his erection speared forward, rising from between his thighs like a mini tower. He made no effort to cover himself as he walked towards her. How could he? The cell was so sparse all he could have done was wrap a bed sheet around himself. She tried to pull her gaze away from his erection but it wasn’t easy.
‘It was the best I could do,’ he said, with a shrug of his shoulders. ‘I didn’t want to be fucking you when you woke up.’
She sat back as he approached, aware that her breasts swayed with the movement. His eyes were drawn to them and she could feel her hard nipples begin to ache the way they did when she was aroused. Her breasts felt bigger too, almost as if they had swollen and grown.
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When I gave my report and updated my Masters, I took care to note that my suspicions of Ray Ford seemed correct, he had run off. It was his wife, Laura who had supplied him with some poison. He was CIA and his request to her was not unusual since 'The Snake River Complex' had recently been closed and the use of the lethal 'Satan Bug' had been limited now. It had been a shock to her what her husband had been doing. Our friendship running since we were kids took hold again, and she had...
Sleeping with the Enemy QUICK NOTE: This story is essentially the second chapter of my attempt to turn ‘Sexual Healing’ into a novel, re-titled and posted as a love story…there is no real sex in this story, so keep that in mind…thanks to all who have been asking about it, and thanks for reading… Chapter 2. Failure. There are some events in a man’s life that just seem to eat away at his soul. Events that etch themselves indelibly upon us with the passage of time, like the lines that form upon...
He should have killed her. His first reaction was to do just that. His squad, Red Troop One, had been making their way nervously through the almost impenetrable woods, just outside Armagh. Suddenly, they’d come under fire. No one was injured and their assailants had quickly vanished into the woods. ‘Charley?’ ‘Sarge.’ ‘This looks as if it’s been used as an arms cache. Take the rest of the men, spread out and move northwards. Carefully now. But I think those bastards are long gone now.’...
In the mansion on the tip top of the hill, the Stone family dwelled in chaotic turmoil, every member in their own personal hell, overwhelmed with worry for Diago. Dorian was over come with guilt, he knew all about loss, his very own brother had committed suicide after killing his wife and trying to kill his son. He had been consumed with guilt over his suicide, he regretted not doing something when he had finally realized just how depraved his brother had become. He was filled with 3 million...
Monica lay motionless on her belly, breathing the scent of the heather. Clumps of long grass obscured her vision and she shifted slightly, straining to see through the trees. She clutched her weapon tight and shivered. ‘I can see it,’ she said, her low voice carried away by the bitter wind, which pinched at her exposed skin. Fran wriggled forward so her elbows met Monica’s. ‘Can you see any of the enemy? I haven’t got my glasses on.’ Monica gritted her teeth and scanned the area. There was a...
There was chaos on the front lawn, everyone was fighting and Diago was in the very center of the brawl. Diago had just sent a punch to Braxton’s face when he looked up to see Maddy squealing the tires of her caddy back up the front yard, pulling to an abrupt halt next to Bianca. As the struggled continued around him, Diago watched with a sudden rush of anxiety as Veda jumped out of the car, helping Bianca to carefully, but quickly get into the back seat. His heart raced so fast it felt like it...
I, Portia Diamond, am a redhead with tanned skin. I have an average body with below average B-cup breasts. I was the valedictorian at my high school and softball was my sport. I was shy in high school and didn't date much. I attend Hartfeld University now and I know that I would not have gotten through the challenges in my college life without my friends. Let me tell you about them. There is the athlete Chris who eventually became the student body president. There is James Ashton who helped me...
LesbianI was 20 at the time, at university some 2 hours from my home where my parents lived. When visiting, I would come by motor coach. Well this time too I was meant to do so, and my parents knew the approximate time I'd be arriving, except this time, another student was driving my way, and I jumped in the car with him. This meant that I would be arriving an hour earlier. I didn't get the chance to inform my parent of the change in plans. When I arrived, was I shocked. My arrival was unnoticed, and...
sleeping With The EnemyThe present day…The wedding party was in full swing now and I anxiously scanned the guests to see if everybody was enjoying themselves. The noise levels had risen in line with the amount of drink being consumed, so I guess that was a good enough proxy for enjoyment. I was holding a glass of champagne in my perfectly manicured fingers and as I took a sip I caught the eye of my new husband who had been buttonholed by two of my aged relatives. His eyes pleaded at me to...
Swati Luthra, a graceful woman in her early 40s. Height 5 feet 6 inches dusky complexion, oval face. She was slightly overweight with little extra pads of fat on the sides of her waist, arms and thighs. In other words she had a luscious body and whenever she walked the sway of her ass and her extra padded waist and the view of her jugging 40D breasts tempted men to waste at least one load of their sperm imagining the treasures hidden under her clothes. But in a tragedy, Swati lost her husband...
Sleeping With The Enemy I live for feedback [email protected] The present day... The wedding party was in full swing now and I anxiously scanned the guests to see if everybody was enjoying themselves. The noise levels had risen in line with the amount of drink being consumed, so I guess that was a good enough proxy for enjoyment. I was holding a glass of champagne in my perfectly manicured fingers and as I took a sip I caught the eye of my new husband who had been buttonholed...
I stood in silence on the balcony overlooking the harbor. The sun was showing signs of waking up on the horizon still below the black rolling waves. The two girls were sound asleep in the master bedroom suite. The sight of them both intertwined without benefit of any clothing at all should have driven me to wake them up and prime them for another round of high-spirited love-making. All I could think about was that something did not seem quite right and I couldn't quite put my finger on it...
January 31, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Jamie, how hard is it to get someone disbarred for barratry?” “Littleton, I presume? On what grounds?” “He’s Milton’s brother-in-law,” I said. “It’s completely groundless and meant for harassment.” “Are you SURE about that?” “Positive. I went over everything in detail. I talked to Sam, K, Eve, and Charlie. It’s a frivolous suit if there ever was one.” “Our first step is to try to get the dismissal based on failure to state a claim. I’m reasonably...
It had been a long five weeks, most of which Kyle had viewed through an oversexed fog, but they were finally close to their new home. The AI announced that they were coming out of hyperspace and would be arriving planet-side in eight hours. As much fun as the trip had been, scanning into the replicators all the items they had brought, having sex, planning and getting modified, having sex, learning new things and teaching classes, having sex, training to adjust to their new bodies, more sex,...
Everything started moving fast after the surrender. The ordinary people in the street seemed confused by the change in the attitude of the government. They thought they were supposed to die for the Emperor and now suddenly they had lost the war to the hated Yankee invaders. It was difficult for the older citizens to accept the fact they had actually lost the struggle that had taken so many lives of young military men and innocent civilians as well. Nurse Heidi was content to let things...
Chang was subjected to further 'interrogation' before the effects of the truth drug wore off, but it was clear that the inscrutable Chinese had no more idea of what the iLOX's aims were than the rest of them. The full extent of the Chinese treachery was revealed however. China had been secretly training troops for some time now and had grand plans of invading and subjugating what Scott knew from his time as Russia. He was aware that enmity existed between Russia and China in his timeline,...
“Now, let’s just sit down, talk like civilized people, and figure out our next steps. Karen, I still have questions. I hope you will have some answers.” So saying, Logan took a seat on a rock he had rolled over to the fire as an impromptu chair upon first moving in. Beauty did the same, settling into her accustomed place on their moss bed by the fire. Both of them pretended that there was not an awkward silence still hanging between them. Reluctantly, Karen shuffled over and lowered her...
I guess when you are having fun, everything can and does change. I remembered reading a line in a story that stuck, 'no good deed goes unpunished', that is how I felt when 'we' got back to Washington. I had asked how Natasha and Katya would come with me. It had only been the day before that I had gotten instructions to 'return home'. I received several responses, all seemed to come down to the following, 'Details, mere details, don't sweat it!' A big black Gulfstream IV...
You know how you just know something is wrong. When I fell asleep then less than an hour later I knew I had been poisoned. I woke up in a cold sweat, chills and a pain in my throat and stomach you could not believe. My vision was blurred, my body refused to move and I barely was able to wake one of my girls. There was not much anyone could do for me, I almost lost consciousness. Natasha awoke, called to her sister and yelled out 'Help!' to no one in particular. The FA came over. She knew...
'Pax' in our time is the goal, unless it is good for 'business'. My poisoning was of paramount importance to me. I had my suspicions and now that we were back in the US, decided to pursue one or two of them. I called my number one suspect, Ray Ford, and told him I was alive and well and needed a place to stay for a day or two while I had some 'personal' things to attend to. I would take the silence on the phone to mean only one thing. He knew that I knew that he had been...
Neither of us had any children. When we saw Carrie and Lu Ann together both of us just looked at them, then at each other, thinking the same thoughts, at least I think they were the same. For me, I could not help to think back to when we were at their age. Carrie was 16 going on 17 and Lu Ann was 2 years younger. They had a younger sister who was 13; she was home with Grandpa. Their parents had just up and left. First their mother, then their father. They were not even sure if they had...
Hank had just closed communications with the Florida girls when his Palm Slave beeped again. "There goes the lakeside picnic," a horse named Tornado groaned. "Go, Monty." Hank said into the mike. "Two unidentified humans are walking down our road." The speaker had a distinct upper class British accent. "Descriptions: one point three meters tall, estimated 25 kilograms, female, wearing shorts, tee-shirts and tennis shoes and carrying a shoulder bag and a canvas shopping bag. They are...
Amanda watched the drone plane on her right as the drone flew not more than ten meters from the stubby air car's starboard thruster fans. An identical drone plane was on the left. Farther behind the sky car and almost invisible were two human-crewed aircraft and several more drones. "Amanda, release your safety harness and get in the back seat," Hank directed. "I need you to put on a slave collar, a dress and a pair of sandals because Eglin is a federal reservation. You know the...
CHAPTER TWO: Alice temporarily gains the upper hand THAT NIGHT ‘Tell me again,’ Alice gasped as she slowly came back down to Earth, her voice ragged and panting. They were both on Carruthers’ bed, pretty much the same place ever since Alice had woken up. She hated herself, but the sight of his stiff cock in her hazy half awake eyes had proven too much. Even now, a few hours later, she was sitting on top of him, his cock still throbbing inside her, digging her fingernails into the...
Budzinski and Miller had requested and were granted shore leave on Earth. It had been a long time since Budzinski had last set foot on the planet of his birth and Miller had him thinking of past wars and the lessons that could be learned from them. The orders that assigned him to extraction duty left him feeling old and useless. Maybe he could get some advice from a couple of guys that were even older than he was. Budzinski had arranged for Sgt. Carson to escort the pregnant Elizabeth to...
The Ethehini: a group of people with the ability to use earth's elements and matter to our will and for our purposes. Mortals might call us warlocks or sorcerers, and they fear and hate us as such. Wars have been fought to wipe out our existence, how ironic it is that we are the ones who help and watch other them, seeing that they do not destroy themselves in their mortal impulsiveness. Never the less we are forced to hide and use glamour and magic to hide ourselves from the human...
The first jump was tedious for everyone from the Commodore down to the concubine of Private Smith, the newest crewman aboard the Sir Galahad. Not even Colonel Murphy had ever been in hyperspace for three straight months. Each ship was in a universe of its own, completely out of touch with everything beyond the FTL bubble that surrounded each ship. Routine became ritual as the individuals, partners, and crews fought boredom. Aboard the Sir Galahad Lieutenant Geraldine Timmons was getting...
I squeezed Daddy’s dick between my breasts. Daddy’s dick was hard and warm and my breasts embraced him lovingly. It felt so wonderful to have the World’s Best Cock nestled between the caress of my tits. My cunt began to drool at the sensation. I moaned and... “Goofy.” Daddy’s bass voice shook me out of my dream. I blinked up at him and saw that he was hugging a steaming cup of coffee to his chest. Still a little disoriented, I looked at his semi-erect dick, which was at eye level and not...
BDSMI've known him since I was born. Jordan was 6 years old and our parents were best friends. As long as I can remember we have never gotten along very well. We always argue, fight or pick on eachother. We were worst enemies throughout our lives. Now he is 31 and I am 25. There were times where I wouldnt see him for a long time, we would run into once in awhile or end up seeing eachother at a family get together. Over the years he went from being a skinny kid everyone picked on, to the chubby...