Enemy Ch. 07 free porn video

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There was chaos on the front lawn, everyone was fighting and Diago was in the very center of the brawl. Diago had just sent a punch to Braxton’s face when he looked up to see Maddy squealing the tires of her caddy back up the front yard, pulling to an abrupt halt next to Bianca.

As the struggled continued around him, Diago watched with a sudden rush of anxiety as Veda jumped out of the car, helping Bianca to carefully, but quickly get into the back seat. His heart raced so fast it felt like it would implode as he watched the caddy race at top speed in reverse back through the yard than out to the street.

He still could not believe what had just happened, she was like a tornado, she had ripped through their security gate, raced up his front yard, had created a ‘woman’ hunt, a serious brawl, slapped her father, revealed her pregnancy than was gone almost as quickly as she had appeared.

A million different feelings, a thousand and one scenarios, an irrational desperation and every emotion he had ever felt rushed through his head like a wrecking ball in the 3 seconds it took for him to react.

‘NOOO!’ he roared, towards the disappearing car, pulling himself from the police officers, security guards, his family and her family. No way in hell would he allow her to just disappear from his life again after she had just crashed back into it.

Maybe logic had no place in love, maybe rationality was against the rules and thinking was against the very code of the heart. He was sick of thinking, he was sick of worrying, sick of forcing himself to hate and to not care, he wanted her, no matter what.


What, was she crazy? Did she just hitchhike across the country to just punk out and leave? Did she slap her father across the face just to give up?


‘Turn the car around.’ she said lifting her head from Veda’s shoulder.

‘What?’ Maddy asked pushing the car to 100 miles per hour.

‘Turn around.’

‘I don’t think it’s a good idea, B, the cops are all over us, look’ she pointed behind them.

Veda and Bianca turned to see the police car catching up behind them.

‘Oh shit!’ Veda exclaimed, ‘Go faster!’

‘I’m going as fast as I can!’ Maddy said, the pedal was pushed down to the floor

‘We’re going to jail.’ Veda said with a grin.

‘They’ll NEVER catch us!’ Maddy smiled ear to ear, the thrill of the chase making her adrenaline pump at an accelerated rate through her body

‘Neither one of you are going to jail, I’m taking full blame.’ Bianca said firmly

‘No your not!’ Maddy immediately objected.

‘We did this together!’ Veda firmly stated.

‘NO! I’m not letting you get in ANY trouble over this! Pull over and let me out, I’m giving myself up!’

‘Hell no!’ Maddy said from the font, looking in her rear view mirror to see the police car gaining speed behind them. ‘Out of the question, Veda squashed it.

‘This is not how I expected this to go.’ Bianca said watching the police car gain on them. In all honesty, she had no idea what she expected had she been stupid enough to believe Diago would just forgive her so easily? ‘Just pull over, prison can’t be much worse than my life.’ She said as the police car pulled up beside them.


It probably wasn’t a good idea for Diago to jump in to the police car, but there was no other transportation available. If he took the time to get his own car, he would loose Bianca, and there was no way in hell he would allow that to happen.

‘PULL OVER!’ he yelled towards the speeding car. All three girls turned in surprise to see Diago driving the police car, Maddy laughed and Veda exhaled the breath she had been holding for the past 3 minutes. Bianca just looked at him ‘PULL OVER NOW!’ he roared and Maddy looked back to Bianca for permission, Bianca, still staring at him nodded her head.

‘Hold on girlies.’ Maddy said as she hit the breaks, the old caddy squealing to a smoky stop. Diago did the same, than threw open the door, rushed out of the police car and jumped into the back of the caddy landing right next to a shocked Bianca. Veda climbed over the front to the passenger seat.

She opened her mouth to speak, but he grabbed her cheeks, pulling her mouth to his for a kiss. This time when there lips touched a tempestuous current sparked through their mouths, pulling them closer together, he kissed her as deeply as he possibly could, holding her even tighter. They kissed for what seemed like hours, so lost in each other, the world around them ceased to exist. Finally he pulled back, still holding her face, still amazed she was here. She breathed deeply, bringing the air back in to her lungs. He looked at her, here eyes filled with tears and he vowed to himself to never allow her to be sad again.

‘You better never leave me again.’ he said his voice deep and demanding, his eyes dead serious despite the pain shining through.

‘never.’ she shook her head, tears rolling from her red rimmed eyes.

‘I don’t care how scared you are, know that I will always protect you, nothing can ever hurt you again.’ he pulled her back into his embrace, holding her tightly. That was all it took, once her head hit his chest she was letting out all of her frustration, loneliness, fear and emotion, crying like a child.

Maddy and Veda sat face forward, their own tears had started falling the minute Bianca’s had. The stifled their sniffles, a travel sized container of tissues between them as they silently listened to the lovers’ reunion.


The brawl ended directly after Diago took off in the police car. Security escorted Blake and Braxton Rose off the premises, with a threat of jail time if they returned. The police officers were ready to go and chase down Diago, but there boss, the main man in charge at the precinct, Charlie Owens ordered them to wait for his command.

Dorian watched as Charlie Owens walked up the front yard to stand before him.

‘Mrs. Stone.’ he smiled, lifted his hat and nodded to Darleen who nodded in return. ‘Dorian, I have a damaged car, a stolen car and injured officers.’ he shook his head, ‘I expect this from Jake, but Diago?’

‘The car will be returned, all damages will be paid for by me and now you have 3 brand new cars, as well as a HEFTY donation.’ he said and Charlie nodded. Dorian turned to leave, wrapping his arm around Darleen before he turned back towards Charlie, ‘this incident disappears.’

‘What incident.’ he said with a smile and turned around. Charlie was happy, every time one of the Stone boys got in n trouble, his pockets got fat and the police department really benefited.


When they arrived at ‘The Rouge’, they were not entirely surprised that Pierre had been expecting them. He took them back to the room they had been in last time they were at ‘The Rouge’.

She stood before him their eyes locked intimately, he pulled the tank top slowly over her protruding belly, his large hands under the material as he slid it up. She lifted her arms, his hands exploring her bare skin sending a tingle up her spine than she felt a wave of cold as the shirt slid over her head and broke their eye contact for a minute. Than she stood before him, his eyes bringing the warmth back into her soul.

He felt a sense of pride he had never experienced in his life, looking at this girl, the very girl he was ready to fight the world for, the girl he had told his family to fuck off for, now she was back and she was his and she had his baby nestled deep inside her.

He looked down at her in awe, her body had changed and he knew he was part of the reason it was changing, her breasts were very full, her belly firm and round. She was a lot thinner than she had been, which he knew couldn’t be healthy for her, he worried what conditions she had been living in.

He went to his knees before her, his shaky hands going to the smooth skin of
her belly. He trailed kissed down it, his hands rubbing the tight round bulge, he slipped her sweat pants down her full hips, taking them to the floor, than helping her step out of them. He stood back up his eyes relocked onto hers.

‘I didn’t think it was possible that I could love you anymore than I did. Than I hated you when I thought you had betrayed me -‘

‘Did betray you.’ the tears fell from her eyes

‘No you didn’t, you were scared,’

‘I’m not scared anymore.’

‘I realized that when you slapped your father.’ he grinned still surprised by her actions.

‘Ill slap anyone who gets between me and you.’ she said sincerely and he pulled her even closer, kissing her

‘No one can ever get between me and you,’ he whispered against her lips ‘never again.’

He trailed kisses down her neck, than down over her breasts, loving how much larger they had gotten. He kissed around the tightening nipple, feeling her squirm, he grinned than took the peak deep into his mouth. She moaned and he wrapped his arm around her to hold her up as he increased the pressure. He lifted her up than carried her to the bed, lying her down carefully. He layer down beside her, up on one elbow just looking at her.

‘I really missed you.’ he said dipping his head to kiss her lips, trailing his hand down her body to slide between her legs. She moaned into their kiss as his fingers skillfully brought her to a quick climax.

Diago watched her body as she came, than sliding between her shaky legs, he kissed her again as he slid himself slowly into her. It was his turn to groan, she felt home, exactly where he always wanted to be, deep inside of her.

He pushed his hips forward gently, watching her face to make sure he didn’t hurt her. He was relieved when she moaned, than rolled her hips under him. He kept her pace, sliding inside of her slowly, inching more and more in with each new stroke.

She arched as she felt it begin to stir inside, her breasts thrust forward, Diago took her nipple into his mouth than slid his hand between them finding her clit already firm and ready for his fingers. She cried out as the orgasm rocked through her body, Diago held her tight, seeing her had set him off and he was cuming deep inside of her.


‘Are you happy?!’ Darleen yelled, pointing at her husband, ‘you did this! Now my son and my unborn grandchild are gone!’ Dorian was a brute, but he knew when he was wrong. ‘You’ve let this war go on to long!’ she raged he nodded his head, she was right, he was miserable about this whole thing. ‘You fix this now!’ she warned seriously.

He loved his wife with everything inside of him and despite his ever changing foul moods, she had loved him just as much. He had seen her angry before and had felt the brunt of it on occasion, but he had never seen her like this.

‘I’m sorry.’ he said the words he had never said before, words that he swore would dissolve his tongue if ever spoken, and he said them whole heartedly.

‘Sorry is not good enough.’ she said even though she was momentarily stunned to actually hear him say the words. ‘My son loves this girl enough to leave us AGAIN! I am not going to let that happen and YOU are going to do EVERYTHING in your power to prevent it, Dorian Stone!’ she snapped than stormed out.


They sat facing each other on the enormous bed, Diago held up the pink bow.

‘This is the dare of all dares Bianca, the dare that wins the game.’ he said looking into her eyes

‘Dare me.’ she grinned, opening her hand to take the bow.

‘Marry me.’ he said, instead of dropping the bow in her hand, he untied it for the first time, turning her hand over, and he tied the bow around her finger, over top of his mothers ring.

‘Are you doing this because you want to or because you think it’s the honorable thing to do?’ she asked her hand going to her belly, ‘if you marry me for the wrong reason, you’ll hate me in the end, when it’s just me, you and a baby. No family.

‘I don’t think you understand, I meant what I said before you left,’ he took her hand back n his, ‘I don’t need anyone else but you.’ he said with all of his love written all over his face. ‘so lets get married, lets start our own family, no feuds, no hate, just us and lots more babies.’ he smiled, pulling her to him.

‘yes.’ she nodded her head, tears rolling from her eyes, ‘that’s what I want.’

He smiled than leaned in to kiss her. And kiss her he did, he kissed her like it was the first time he had ever kissed her, he kissed her for all the months he was starved for her. He kissed her until he thought they would both swoon from lack of oxygen and than he kissed her some more.


Blake couldn’t sleep, he was over come with guilt. What the hell had he become? He wasn’t always like this, he had a heart once, he had loved once and he had been loved.

He was confused, half of him was angry at her for having their enemy’s baby, the other half wanted to hold her and tell her how sorry he was, how wrong he had been. He had gone to far this time, he had absolutely crossed the line, he had slapped her. No matter what, he had no right to put his hands on her.


After a week of seclusion in the safe haven of ‘The Rouge’, they knew they had to go back to the real world and deal with the issues at hand.

‘We can do this.’ Diago said taking Bianca’s hand.

‘What’s the worse that can happen?’ she asked

‘I think it already happened.’ he smirked.

‘It can’t get any worse,’ she looked up at him ‘can it?’

‘No, but if it does, we’re ready for it.’ he said reassuringly, ‘I’d fight them all to be with you.’ he kissed her hand.

‘You already have,’ she winked with a smile ‘now it’s my turn.’


‘We’re going to get my car keys out of my room, get my car from the garage, than were out of here.’ Diago said, helping her out of the taxi, holding her hand. Bianca looked up at the huge Stone mansion, remembering the last time she was here

‘I don’t want to go in.’ she said taking a step back, he held her hand tight,

‘They have nothing to do with out life anymore, it’s just me and you.’ he kissed her quick, ‘come on.’ he led her into the house.

Bianca froze three steps in when she looked up to see his parents coming down the stairs. She took a step back but Diago held her tight, stepping before her.

‘I’m getting my keys than I’m leaving.’ he said.

‘No, you don’t have to leave.’ his mother said coming to stand before them, ‘this is your home,’ she said to Diago than turned to Bianca, ‘and yours too.’ she took Bianca’s hand. ‘I don’t care who your parents are, I don’t care what your last name is, my son loves you with all of his heart and I can see clearly just how much you love him in return.’ she took Bianca into her embrace, ‘our home is your home.’ she said so passionately Bianca believed her.

‘This is for you.’ Dorian said and Diago looked at him warily, as Dorian handed him an envelope. ‘It’s an early wedding present, a deed to your new house.’ he said. Diago was speechless, ‘but I want the two of you to stay here until it’s completely finished.’

Diago stood speechless, afraid his father’s body had been snatched by aliens who had mistakenly replaced it with a heart installed.

‘Thank you.’ Bianca whispered, seeing Diago’s minor stupor.

‘No, it’s you who deserves the thanks, your giving me my first grandbaby, there is no better gift in this entire world,’ Dorian said than smiled ear to ear, shocking the hell out of Diago who still stood there dumbfounded.

‘Except maybe a new daughter.’ Darleen said with a smile than hugged Bianca again. Diago looked at his father, his father winked and Diago’s eyes almost bulged out of his head in surprise.

‘Get settled in, than come down for dinner’ Dorian said, wrapping his arm around his wife.

‘I really am sorry for all the trouble.
‘ Bianca said. Dorian stopped, hearing the words, than went to stand before Bianca ‘I know exactly why my son went to war for you, your brilliant, beautiful,, a little dangerous,’ he took her hands in his with a side grin on his face that reminded her of Diago, ‘and now your my family.’ he smiled than kissed Bianca on the fore head, ‘there’s nothing to ever be sorry for.’


The wedding

Brittany tinsel stood out side of the door waiting for Davis and Dante to leave Diago alone. She needed to talk to him, this was her last chance, he was getting married in less than an hour. She had been trying unsuccessfully to see him since he got back, everyday bringing a new level of fury to her. She had to work her magic, she had to stop this wedding! She refused to let that gutter snipe win, diago had been hers since the day she had layed claim on him in the 9th grade and she had openly fought all girls who tried to steal him.

She hid in a doorway down the hall as she watched them walk out of Diago’s room. She waited until they were out of sight than slipped inside. Diago stood in front a mirror, straightening his tuxedo he looked up at her in the full length mirror.

‘What are you doing here?’ he asked.

‘I have to talk to you.’ she said coming to stand before him, ‘you have to stop this wedding!’ she cried,


‘You can’t marry her, I love you Diago, pleas,’ she tried to hug him, he held her at arms length.

‘Brittany, I am in love with Bianca-‘

‘No your not!’

‘Yes I am.’ he said very seriously.

‘She doesn’t love you like I love you,’

‘That’s enough-‘

‘NO! That baby isn’t even yours!’

‘Shut up! He roared

‘You have to listen to me, she is sleeping with Wes, her brother told me, it’s not your baby’

‘Get out!’

‘You have to believe me-‘

‘What the fuck?’ Davis and Dante stormed in hearing their brother yelling,

‘Get her the fuck out of here!’ he raged, shoving her towards them.

‘Please, Diago, I love you! She’s a lying slut and she’s fucking all of your friends’ she yelled as they removed her from the room, Diago slammed the door with a curse.


‘Oh look, their dragging that bitch Brittany tinsel out.’ Maddy said looking out of the window.

‘What?’ Bianca gasped, both her and Veda rushing to look out of the window. Bianca gasped watching Diago’s brothers carrying her out while she screamed and kicked at them. ‘What is she doing here?’

‘Starting trouble, no doubt.’ Maddy said shaking her head

‘Why else would she come.’ Veda added wanting to strangle Brittany for her obvious attempt to sabotage this wedding.


Brittany was furious and could not control her rising temper. She stormed back in and went straight to Bianca’s room.

‘You slut!’ she yelled throwing open the door, all three girls looked at her. ‘You dirty fucking-‘ she charged at Bianca but Veda grabbed her just in time.

‘Are you out of your mind bitch?!’ Veda yelled taking her straight down to the floor.

‘Why are you always starting trouble?’ Maddy looked down at her in repulsion.

‘Because Diago is mine!’ she yelled at Bianca, her face scarlet.

‘If he’s yours than why is he marrying your enemy?’ Maddy smirked smugly.

‘Because she tricked him in to marrying her,’ she sneered than turned back to Bianca, ‘you had to use a baby to steal him from me, he doesn’t want you, and he’s only marrying you because you’re pregnant!’

‘Brittany you’re making a fool of yourself.’ Bianca said in disgust, almost feeling sorry for the girl.

‘You know that’s not his baby, you’ve been fucking all of his friends and I have proof!’ she screamed as she tried to get up ‘you scummy fucking slut!’

‘Oh fuck this.’ Veda said sending her fist into Brittany’s jaw. Brittany slumped to the floor.

‘Finally, I thought you’d never shut that bitch up.’ maddy grinned.

‘Grab her arm, we’ll drag her out.’ Veda said grabbing Brittany’s other arm, ‘We’ll be right back.’

‘Let’s drape her over the dumpster.’ maddy joked as they pulled her out, shutting the door behind them.

Bianca turned back to look at herself in the large oval mirror when the door flew back open. she turned to see an obviously worried Diago.

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Then a few year back that relationship ended messy, with my then schoolyard sweetheart. I drifted into self-pity, questioning myself for the first time. You see I had been with my then love of my life Julie, since late high school. By 22 were had drifted so far apart, that we hated each other. It was later that year at a “New Year’s” party, when option B opened up. I was out drinking with some friends, to see in the New Year. Mickey a friend for a short time, started asking weird...

2 years ago
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My Clan Family Time To Grow Up

Copyright© 2000-2003 There's an unbroken babe from Toronto, Exceedingly hard to get onto, But when you get there, And have parted the hair, You can fuck her as much as you want to. Our night was fantastic - I had given mother a hemp bracelet for her ankle, one for each. What was not so obvious, at least to anyone but the two of us, was that these bracelets locked together with two others that I had given her, for her wrists, last winter. In any combination I could bind her...

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BangBrosClips Mia Martinez Fucks a Fan

Mia Martinez did an online fuck a fan contest and now one lucky S.O.B. is getting a chance to fuck her. And us at BangBros get to film it for all the other fans out there. We first had to go scoop up this fan at a bus station. Once we got him, Mia couldn’t contain herself and started blowing him in the car on the ride back to the crib. The moment we walked inside, she quickly had him eating her pussy. She twerked on his face until she had enough. Then she demanded to get her pussy properly...

1 year ago
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Kaise Esha Ki Seal Tori

Today i will like 2 hare my one more experience with you, hope you will enjoy it.All girls & bhabhis reading it will have there boobs erect & wet horny pussies….. Jaise ki aap saab jante ho mein sex ke picche pagal huin aur sex ke liye naya maal dhundta rehta huin.Aise hi meri tution mein 12th class ki, ek lardki thi jiska naam esha tha, esha ek normal girl thi jiski height 5”2 or 5”1 hogi, gori, chitti thi .Par ek normal lardki thi uski aur jayada dhyan nahi jatta tha. Hummari dosti thi like...

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The Kinky Adventures of Bounty and Sara Part 21

As Bounty turned onto the main road from the neighbor hood, she hit a pot hole. Sara’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as the vibe and plug collided inside her from the violent jolt when they hit the pothole. Sara could only think to herself she was not going to survive the night like this. Before they had left every time she moved the combo collided and if she tried to move slow trying to prevent the collision Bounty would flip in the remote. Pussy juices flowed from Sara down her...

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Theres something about a man in uniform

I walked out of the train station, the bag at my shoulder beginning to weigh me down. I was over 2 hours away from home and had been travelling far too long for my liking. I shifted my heavy overnight bag higher up on my shoulder and steadily made my way down the concrete steps, careful not to topple over due to my sore feet. As I cautiously stepped onto the pavement, my phone began to ring in my pocket. Grumbling, I once again shifted the weight of my bag in order to dig around in the pocket...

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Wet Nasty

It started like any other day- wake up, shower, clean up whatever mess there was and head out to finish any last minute errands that I needed to get done..I'm reversing out of my driveway, when I realized someone was standing right behind my car. I honked, waiting for the stranger to move along so I'd be able to move along with my day. The fella didn't budge, he just took a step closer to my car, as if daring me to get out and confront him. I put the car in park, and got out- only to be shoved...

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Secret of the Wood Part One of Two

Dan’s eyes popped open when he heard the hiss of something running through the dry leaves and grass, the sound drawing closer by the second.“Hey,” he protested when the two young squirrels used him as a convenient ramp to reach the tree behind him. They ran straight up his leg, jumped to his shoulder, and then scampered upward into the branches.Dan looked up while rubbing his nose to stave off a sneeze brought on by bushy tails tickling it, and saw the mother of the two rambunctious youngsters....

1 year ago
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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 4 Where Is She

"I wonder why Lisa isn't back yet?" asked Samantha of nobody in particular at about this time. (Lisa's twelfth week away) She had been looking forward to having her friend back weeks ago. "They've added some extra weeks to her punishment, Sam!" It was Sandra, that veteran of solitary, who answered her." It's so easy to slip up in your first days! And remember Lisa was new to prison life. By the time she'd learnt the ropes and come to appreciate just how strict things are here, she...

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Vegas Mayhem

When I stepped off the plane in Las Vegas I was met with a cold wind. I never dreamed Vegas would be cold in the winter. It is in the desert it is suppose to be hot. I was dressed for warm weather and so was my girlfriend I will refer to as "Tattoo Girl". She has eight tattoos on various areas of her body and three of them have my name in them. The biggest, on her right shoulder simply says "Marks Girl". (not my real name but close enough) We rushed to a taxi and quickly headed to our hotel. It...

4 years ago
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Torture is what it was. The hillbilly equivalent of hard labor, I thought, with a pitchfork in my hands. We'd only been settled into our new country house for a couple of weeks, when my dad suggested I take a job over at old Mr. Whitney's farm. I'd told him he was fucking crazy, but there I was, cleaning up horseshit on my third day of hell week."Ryan, c'mon boy, put your back into it," Hank told me. Hank was Mr. Whitney's grandson, who at twenty-one was two years older than me and seemed to be...

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Cynthia MartinChapter 40

Fortunately, the men's and women's locker rooms both opened onto a single corridor which ended at the field house lounge. Going through the swinging doors together, Ken was surprised to see Mike McCaskey and Coach Ditka talking with Dan, Cindy, and the Stewarts. When they entered the room, Ditka went up to Susan, shook her hand, and then congratulated the other girls individually on their play. When he looked at the men, though, Ditka appeared just to glower. They were standing behind...

3 years ago
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Present for daddy

Her body throbbed. She stopped the car in the driveway and shut everything off. A tiny whimper popped from her smeared lips and she sank into the seat for a moment. Her pussy pulsed inside her soggy panties. She squeezed her thighs together, thinking about the hard cock that rammed into her hungry hole only a few minutes before, pumping a gusher of hot come into her cunt. Finally swinging her high heels to the concrete, she locked the car and crossed to the stoop and paused. Her fingers...

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MyBlack brothers

I met Dontay and Andy when I was 19 My father sent me to live with my mother after I he had caught me making out with our the family dog,I was so horny he walked in as I lay on my back on the bed jerking off with my legs in the air and Milly the Schnauzer licking my asshole. How embarrassing, he still looks at me as some kind of freak. My mom lived with a black man named Tony and his two sons who were both older. It was the first time that I had ever had any real encounters with black people...

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Becoming a cuckold part4

Part 4Our afternoon carried on we walked down to the all wandered around until we stumbled across le Vie En Rose a cute lingerie store when we walked in it was almost empty we wandered around one of the sales girls came by and said hello “Did you guys need any help?”Maybe in a bit Tish said“Well if you need anything”Tish stopped me cold in the store “I want you to pick out 3 outfits 3 really sexy outfits for me I mean mind numbing balls exploding out fits 3 out fits you would be proud to send...

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Teaching My Daughter To Drive

Teaching My Daughter To Drive When my daughter was six months from becoming sixteen and getting her learner’s permit I started her automobile education. I not only quizzed her on the rules of the road printed in the learner’s manual but I taught her things that I felt she should know. I took her to an old back road and taught her how to drive a standard shift car, I taught her how to change a tire, and I taught her how to check all of the engine fluids. It actually took a few weeks...

4 years ago
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Fouling the ref

I was excited that we were flying to Orlando over Christmas break to play in a national holiday tournament. Our high school basketball team was ranked second in the state of California and eighth in the country. With twin six foot girls already committed to UCLA, I was the five-foot-six, point guard ready to take my services to USC if I played well. As the plane landed, we unpacked in our hotel rooms before eating dinner as a team in the huge conference room downstairs. All the teams, coaches,...

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my sisters jammed zipper

I should probably just give you a bit of back round before I start I'm 19 year old male medium build 5'6 blue eyes and bleached blonde hair. My sister Melissa on the other hand is 18 5'2 32c slim Blue eyes and light brown hair. Melissa and I have always been very close we could talk to each other about anything, Well almost anything I hadn't been brave enough to tell her how attracted to her I was coming as she was turning in to women. She was getting curves in all the right places she always...

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The New Waitress

It was a Sunday and Dan and his wife Sandra had closed the restaurant for the day so they could clean it up and let the new waitress that Sandra had hired get used to the place. "Gill the new waitress will be here in an hour, I'm gonna go home and put my feet up, will you be able to handle everything here and show Gill around?" Sandra asked Dan. "I think I can handle it" Dan replied. It was 2:00 when Sandra left and Dan finished all he needed to do in half an hour so he just had to wait for...

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Lovely Time Of My Life With Mami

I am quite happy today, because I am penning down the best experience that I had in my life. Myself Arhaan, I am 23 yr old young lad from Bangalore, Working here in a reputed MNC. I had a crush on my aunt she’s 40 yr old. Her name is sair. She is typical south Indian lady. It all started when I was in 12th but I didn’t dare to move forward into it. Believe me it’s not as easy as they will tell out here in this site. Let’s come back to the incident. In my home they planned for a trip to...

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Massage To My Innocent Chachi

This story describes sex with my chachi. It happened when I was 20 years old. I, with my parents, went to my grandmother’s house which is in a village. My uncle also lives there. He is not much educated and run a shop. My chachi is illiterate and does house work. She has a son. She has got attractive figure. She has curvy waist with average size boobs and fleshy thighs. Her skin colour is whitish. She always wears saree. I was dying to have sex with her. When we reached there, we were made sit....

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My TRUE childhood experiences with my cousin

As we got older we understood more what we were doing. I distinctly remember we were both at some summer school in a sports hall when we were about 8 or 9, the sort of thing your mother sends you to because she doesn’t want you being stuck at home all day during the summer break. We would both say we needed to use the toilet, and we’d go into the same changing room and ‘play’ with each other some more. Around this time was the first time I watched a porn video and saw a blowjob (my parents...

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A Match for the el Maiens Ch 23

Thank you for the feedback and votes. ***** Hanyan clung to Clair’s shoulders and sobbed. The bustle of the last few days, the news that his father would be going to war, the dim knowledge that his other father had died in war, had brought back all the anxieties he had suffered from when his mother had left. Clair knelt patiently on the sitting-room floor in full mail with the red silk surcoat, his helmet on the floor beside him, and let Hanyan cling to his shoulders. Arianna stood away from...

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A Nightmare Reborn FVJ 02

A NIGHTMARE REBORN FREDDY vs. JASON 2 BASED UPON CHARACTERS CREATED BY: WES CRAVEN: A Nightmare on Elm Street VICTOR MILLER: Friday the 13th JOHN CARPENTER: Halloween STEPHEN KING: It VICTOR SALVA: Jeepers Creepers KEVIN WILLIAMSON: Scream CLIVE BARKER: Candyman ALFRED HITCHCOCK: Psycho EDITED BY: Miriam Belle CREATIVE CONSULTANTS: Sean Renaud Tessa Alexander Miriam Belle Tina Bartolome AUTHOR’S NOTE: ‘What you’re about to read is a monster of a story. I don’t think anyone...

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Getting ByChapter 32

The voice of the translator faded as the speaker rose behind the podium, the hologram showing the last page of the diary still hovering above the stage. "Those were significant excerpts from the journals we found, ladies and gentlemen," the young lady told the packed auditorium. "I realize that the archaic language may be difficult to follow in places, but there are enough remnants of English in today's Spanglish that you should be able to get the gist of what was written. You will find...

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My Fantasy

My Fantasy; I am met at your door by your wife and she immediately ushers me into a side room before you can meet me. She takes her time in making me up and dressing me to please her eye all the while instructing me on what she wants me to do. I simply reply "Yes, Mistress" to her instructions and enjoy the feeling of the silk and nylon against my skin. As she tightens my corset and places my wig, she tells me to treat her slave husband well because she'll be watching. I enter the...

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HairyUndies Aria Lee Alex De La Flor Pretty Dirty Girls

Alex De La Flor is helping her friend Aria Lee to put on makeup. Alex asks what kind of occasion the makeup is for, and Aria says she’s going out on a date with a guy. Alex asks Aria if she’s kissed the guy yet, and Aria admits that she’s never kissed ANYONE yet, because she’s afraid of messing up. Alex offers to give her some kissing practice, and Aria happily accepts…As they start kissing, Alex is impressed, saying that Aria isn’t bad at all. Alex then...

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Romantic Fuck With My Darling Anushka

Hello friends. I am Vinith, 20 years old. This incident happened with my classmate Anushka. Let me tell about Anushka. She is a thin girl with moderate color and medium-sized assets. She is moderate in weight. A perfect Mallu girl for love and sex. We met in the first year of college and since the first day, I had a crush on her. She also showed interest in me as I was a class topper. But we both never openly proposed. This incident happened in the 2nd year of college. Anushka always used to...

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Chance Encounter Ch 03

Copyright 2006, 2007 CHAPTER 3 — A Price Must be Paid Paul buzzed Marge. ‘Marge, come in for a minute, please,’ Paul spoke into the speaker. Marge Bates had been Paul’s secretary for over a dozen years. When Paul ascended to top management, he brought Marge with him. They were a likely pair. She was a prim and proper type, about the same age as Paul. Marge was quiet and correct at all times. She was tall, neither slender nor stocky. Her usual manner of dress at work was a pleated plaid...

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Had A Crush Fucked Her For Almost 200 Days In Hyderabad

The whole story happened when I was in my B.tech 2nd year I was 20 yrs and the beauty of the story Anuhya 19 yrs with 32-26-30 slim, fit and very fair..Like her nipples and pussy are pink. Her family she is the only daughter and her dad lives in village and her mom is an private employee. I am a reader of Indian sex stories since 5 yrs but this is my first story , a bit lengthy. We both live in a same locality in different apartments in Hyderabad. I had a deep crush on her and she is very...

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Our Stories Hawaiian Vacation Part 4

Our vacation was coming to an end and Sheri was feeling a little guilty. She had got to fuck Matt and Rya next door, she had the amazing massage experience, and even an afternoon fling with Rya that we didn’t write about. While I can’t remember a time when Sheri and I had more sex over a two-week period, she was definitely afraid that I was feeling a little left out. Sheri told me repeatedly that she had something special planned, but wouldn’t tell me any details. On our last night there, she...

Group Sex
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An old man from the office

I was feeling really horny in the morning when I woke up. But also I was feeling tired and some stressed.The night before I had been fucking during hours with my loving husband and then we had quarreled about my wishes of fucking a guy at my office…We continued our discussion during breakfast and finally Victor slammed the door after telling me I could do anything I wanted…When he left I had a shower and sat down for my makeup. I put on a red silk dress with thigh high boots. I put my hair in...

1 year ago
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A Little HelpChapter 15

It was a sunny morning, late in June, when Ilse woke me up. Glancing at the alarm clock on the bedside table, I saw that it was 6:48 a.m. The sun was already up and Ilse was moaning from discomfort. I was spooned up against my beautiful fiancée, but in my sleepy state, I didn’t realize what was going on. “Ahhh!” Ilse groaned again, with a loud voice. Well, that most certainly woke me up! “Are you okay?” I asked concerned, realizing, after the words had already left my lips, what a dumb...

4 years ago
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Singing Jasens Song Part 6

Introduction: Here is the final part. The wait even annoyed me, so Im very sorry for how much it affected any and all of you. Please feel free to comment with any thoughts. Thank you all for reading, and thank you infinitely for your patience. -SS The second they both crossed into the apartment, she closed the door behind them. Jasen thought for a moment that he heard the lock click, but wasnt sure. Her eyes were cast downward, moving again over the words on the paper. Nerves ran through Jasen,...

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Carlys Story

CARLY"S STORY Chpt. 1 It Was Supposed To Be A Fun Night I met her online, one of those edgy dating sites, some kink, get some sex, no strings attached. We hooked up at Starbucks, and when the woman I would come to know as Angel walked in, I couldn't believe my luck. She was long, tall and smokey, with about 4 feet of finely toned leg in a little black number that plunged deep between her impressive breasts, and ended dangerously close to showing a delicious ass, from the shape of...

2 years ago
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Mandy Jenni and Iain

Iain looked across to the passenger seat again, the traffic had slowed and he was finding it difficult to concentrate with the distraction of the gorgeous woman sitting next to him. Mandy crossed her legs again and the little black dress she was wearing rode up another inch or so. He savoured the sight of her long legs encased in sheer nylon, with just a glimpse of naked flesh showing at the top: he felt his cock twitch and looked up just in time to notice the car in front and had to brake...

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The Addicted NaturalChapter 15 The White Witch of Walden Prelude I

(This is the last part in a series of three novelettes that I've come to think of as "The Addicted Natural Trilogy," making up the rather protracted tale of how I caved in to the evils of temptation on several occasions and found myself in a somewhat enviable - albeit undeniably sinful - condition. If the various sections of this tome somehow find themselves scattered in the electronic spectrum, I'm afraid I must insist that you somehow locate the first two parts and peruse them as a...

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