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Mandi smiled to herself as we drove to her house and finally she began to talk about her days in college, before David, with her friends Wendy and Sue, "Easy Sue", as she was known. "I had just arrived for my freshman year and I eager to experience college life to its fullest. A sorority accepted me so I moved into a dorm where I was assigned a room with Wendy and Sue. We became instant friends. Wendy was quiet and reserve while Sue was outrageous. She was always over the top in everything she did."

"At first we were into studying to make good grades which left little opportunity for a social life. It seemed that every waking moment we were going to or coming from a class or study hall. Of course we had heard about the wild adventures of our sorority sisters when they returned from their Friday night adventures while out clubbing. It seemed everyone on campus went clubbing Friday nights. Everyone except the three of us. We resisted for a month but finally Sue nagged us until we gave in. It was the first time that all of us ventured out together and we got totally hammered. Sue, as per my description, was outrageous all night long. But about 11pm we lost her for about an hour. We were getting a little worried when she wandered back to our table. She had this far away look on her face and was far too quiet. It was only a matter of time before we finally pried the story out of her. It seems the guy she had been dancing with asked if she wanted to go outside to get some fresh air. Sue isn't stupid and knew the guy wanted to get her alone but she thought it would be fun to make out with this guy so she said yes. On the way out he asked if she smoked pot. Being the sophisticated college student she said she did so he stopped at a table that his buddies were seated at to score some pot. Instead his buddies took one look at Sue and said that they wanted to join them for some "fresh air." As the went through the rear of the club Sue found herself being guided into an empty part of the club used for big parties. She admitted that she was a little nervous about the situation but threw caution to the wind. 'After all he was a hunk and I was horny, ' was her excuse. They all smoked some dope and she said it went right to her head. The electronic dance music from the club pounded loudly in the vacant hall and the boys egged her on to dance for them. Now you have to remember that Sue never does anything half ass. So she jumped up on a table and swayed and danced to the music. The pot and drink made it easy for her to begin to dance suggestively as the boys cheered her on. Suggestive dancing gave way to dirty dancing, which gave way to stripping. She told us that when she was totally nude that she was bumping and grinding while her hands roamed all over her body. She pulled her nipples and opened her pussy for all the boys to see. Well, the inevitable happened because boys will be boys. They pulled her down and gang-banged her in every hole. I asked her if she had been raped. She laughed and said 'fuck no' as she put it 'I fucked shit out of all three of them'! We were floored. Of course we had discussed our sex lives with one another but none of us had admitted to being gang-banged or even wanting it to happen. Sure casual sex with a boy was one thing but pulling train. That was a new one even for Sue."

"We asked her if she was all right and she waved her hand as if to dismiss the mere idea that she wasn't okay in every way. 'Girls, ' she said, 'I have fantasized about being ravished by several men since I was thirteen years old. I can't begin tell how good it was to have three hard cock fucking you one after the other.' She did say she needed to get back to the dorm because the rat bastards had taken her panties as a souvenir and all their cum was leaking out and she didn't want a big wet spot on her the back of her new dress. Wendy begged off since her steady boy friend had just arrived and since I had enough clubbing for one night I said that I would walk with her. On the way Sue gave a running dialog of the evenings events. She described in vivid detail how the boys had ravished her. She had my panties soaking wet. As we crossed the campus heading toward our dorm, she paused by a grove of trees and complained that cum was leaking from her cunt and was running down her thighs. She hiked up her dress and asked, no told me to check it out. I told her she was so outrageous and laughed but she simply leaned against a tree and opened her legs. In the light of the full moon I could see rivulets of juice tracing a path down her thighs. In a husky bedroom voice she asked if I want a closer look. I had never explored the idea of woman to woman sex before but I found myself drawn to her body. I moved like a person in a trance to kneel before her. She spread her legs wider and with the moon over my right shoulder her glistening sex was only inches from my face. I had never really looked at another woman's genitals before. Not close up like this. I inhaled the mixed scent of her sex and the cum from her lovers. I had never experienced such a strong turn on like that before. My very soul became enflamed. Sue watched me and when I looked up into her eyes, she smiled at me. It was a knowing smile."

"She spoke softly to me encouraging me to make love to her pussy. I leaned closer to her, close enough to use my tongue and make light contact with her sex. It was so very erotic and we both moaned. I knew that I had to have her at that very instant. I attacked her pussy like a woman starved. I licked every drop of cum from her thighs, her pubic hair and from the lips of her pussy. I saved her clitoris for last and when I began to suck on it her knee's weakened and she slid down along the truck of the tree to lay on the moist grass. I turn around and lifted my dress and she helped me remove my panties. There we share the most wonderful sex of my young life. We didn't seem to be able to get enough of one another. I have no idea how long we made love but finally she pushed away and suggested that we get back to the dorm. We held hands all the back giggling like new lovers."

"Sue and I were lovers for the rest of the semester. It was very hard keeping it from Wendy but we managed. It wasn't until I decided that Veterinary medicine would be my major and transferred to Colorado that our little secret came to light. I had discussed my decision with Sue in private and we held each other and cried at our pending separation. We both knew it would not last and that eventually our affair would end but still it was hard. We both agreed to put on a brave face for Wendy so that our secret would be safe. Well, as it turned out it wasn't much of a secret because a very distraught Wendy blurted out something like 'How can the two of you who love each other so much just up and leave one another so easily?' Sue and I just looked at one another. We asked Wendy what she meant and she scolded us like young children. She had known all along that we were lovers and it hadn't made a bit of difference to her. She loved us both and that was that. We all hugged and cried but still I had to say goodbye. It was about six months later when Sue wrote me that her and Wendy had tried the 'nasty' and that Wendy was a wonderful lover. Turns out that Wendy has a very talented clitoris. Not only does it grow to over two inches long when excited but it squirts when she cum's. Sue was overjoyed at her new "life's love" and hoped that I wasn't upset with her. I called them and we had a great time catching up. Sue suggested that we all have phone sex especially since it was on my dime. It was the last time that I would play with them. Over the years I was saddened by the lost friendship but I had David in my life. And of course school and then marriage and finally the career."

As Mandi paused in her story, I became very aware that my cunt was dripping wet. I reached inside of Mandi's purse and found the remote and pressed the little button. The buzzing from inside of my cunt drew her attention and she laughed saying, "Well, I see our little gift is a hit." I settled back into the comfort of the rich leather of her Jaguar, opened my legs and began fingering my clit as the vibrator jumped and wiggled in my cunt. I needed to get off very badly. It didn't take long for the combination of the vibrator and my fingers to make me cum. Mandi, licking her lips, watched as I enjoyed an earth shattering orgasm. I suppose several passing motorists enjoyed my orgasm as well. Mandi grabbed my wrist when I was done and licked the juice from my fingers.

"Wow, I needed that," I said while I caught my breath and Mandi cleaned my fingers.

"I hope that you are ready to cum a lot more my little tramp," replied Mandi.

"Always love, always!"

She pulled into a driveway, the entrance of which was guarded by a tall gate and high walls. The path eventually led to a beautiful home perched high above the San Fernando Valley. The nearest neighbor must have been hundreds of yards away to either side. Mandi pulled to a stop in front of a house that was straight out of Homes and Gardens. Once inside I was taken by the sheer wealth that my bosses must have. Their home was richly decorated and the view was spectacular. Our arrival did not go unnoticed. Three Great Danes bounded down the wide staircase barking and howling as the made their presence known. His Highness was in the lead followed by two younger males. After greeting their Mistress with wet slobbering kisses they turned their attention on me. The young males took positions up guarding Mandi while His Highness eyed me carefully. Sniffing the air he walked up to me and stuck his nose under the hem of my dress and began to lick my naked sex.

"Well I think he remembers me from the party," I stated as I took a wider stance allowing him better access top my cunt.

"Yes it does, but you are here to train these two brutes," Mandi stated. Then she introduced me to my two students, "This is Goliath," she said as she petted the massive hear of the brindle animal, "and this handsome devil is Brutus." Brutus was fawn in color and was a noble looking creature. But my attention was fixed on His Highness whose talented tongue was now lapping up inside of my cunt lips and swiping at my clit with uncanny accuracy. I noticed that his hind end was beginning to hump so I sneaked a peak between his legs and noticed his enflamed red pointy dog cock was extending from his furry protective sheath. My new embraced slut persona grabbed hold of my brain and my cunt began to twitch and juice up. I told myself that 'this was going to be a great day.'

"Mandi, I think that His Highness wants to renew our friendship before I can start training those handsome fellas."

"Okay but lets adjourn to the playroom," she said as she headed down the long hallway. I turned to follow but I first had to dislodge the animal's head from between my thighs. I am not sure either he or I really wanted to go anywhere at that moment. His tongue felt so damn good. Eventually I managed and followed Mandi. I had a very difficult time walking with His Highness' head again stuffed under the hem of my dress. The stroll down the hallway took a very long time since now the beast's tongue was frantically licking from front to back. Not only was my puss being teased but now my asshole and butt cheeks were getting washed. My breathing was becoming quite ragged and I was very sexually charged. I stumbled into the "playroom" to find Mandi ushering the young dog outside through the French doors. After securing the doors and closing the curtains she turned and pointed to an odd-looking cushion/ottoman. I lifted my dress up over my head and dropped it on the chair next to my right. Naked I stood with my legs spread wide as my animal lover orally pleasured my sex. I bent forward and placed my hands on my knees giving his tongue full access to my ass and cunt.

. "Get on your hands and knees slut and give His Highness the pleasure he deserves! You are his bitch for now so service him."

I dropped immediately to my hands and knees opening myself wide. My canine lover continued to lick my juicy cunt until I shuddered with a tremendous orgasm. Mandi watched until I regained some composure and then barked the command "Heal!" Immediately His Highness backed off my dripping cunt and stood at her side. "Remove my toy from your twat and lick it clean!" Slowly I withdrew the vibrator from my cunt and sucked it clean of my juices. Odd now that the toy was removed that my cunt felt empty. Empty and needing to be refilled. "Since His Highness was good enough to lick your twat, I think he would enjoy your oral talents."

My head snapped around to look up at Mandi. She could not be serious. She could not want me to put a dog's cock in my mouth. I would not do it! I was repulsed to even think that she would ask me to suck her dog off. "Stay!" Mandi commanded her pet to remain where he was as she walked over to me. She bent and placed a hand under my chin and tilted my head up to look at her face. "You are hear to service my animals and you will willingly do everything to pleasure them. Is that clear?"

"Yes Mistress," I responded. Where the fuck did this Mistress shit come from. It seemed natural to say but it sounded so... submissive. Was I really becoming a sex slave to this woman? Still I nodded and crawled over to where the beast stood and put my head under his belly. I turned my head to look at his rock hard cock. He had exposed about six-inches of dripping cock-meat. The shaft was scarlet in color with dark blotches along the thick shaft. His cock looked to be several inches around. I wondered how he had stuffed this sizable cock into me before. I became a little scared that he might hurt me this time. The end of his cock flared but came to a pointy tip. The hole in the end was dripping massive volumes of precum and the entire exposed shaft was wet with his excretions. I could smell the pungent odor coming from his cock. I hesitated to take this animal's cock into my mouth but His Highness took the lead. He stepped forward and pushed his cock against my lips and my mouth opened willingly to access his hard cock. Instantly I noticed how hot his cock was. It was so much warmer than a man's penis. Also the taste was delightfully mild. I was expecting the familiar salty acidic flavor of a man's cock but was surprised by the tangy metallic flavor with a hint of saltiness that the canine's cock had. I extended my tongue along the shaft while gently sucking his cock. It must have been enjoyable because my animal lover whined and more cock slid into my mouth. The dog' cock now rested at the entrance of my throat. This is always a challenge for me to open my throat and swallow a cock without gagging. His Highness' hind end was quivering but he remained still enough for me to swallow his shaft. Now committed, I began to rock my head back and forth along his cock. By breathing through my nose I managed to take as much of his cock flesh as he wished to offer. I opened my eyes and saw his knot forming and nostalgia wash over me. I remembered that hard lump of flesh when it was inside my twat rubbing and twisting inside of me giving my "G-spot" the fucking of a lifetime. My thoughts had my cunt running over and I moaned. This proved to be too much for my lover. His ass went into high gear and he used my mouth as a pussy. It took only a minute or two and I felt him slam his knot into my lips and hold still. The tension in the animal's muscles was incredible to feel. His cock swelled in my mouth and I knew he was about to cum. His cock was buried deep in my throat when the first jet of semen shot into my belly. The powerful flexing of his cock almost made me gag but I held on and managed to swallow all of that first blast. I slid my mouth back and held just the head of his hot cock in my mouth to receive the second and third shot of his hot cum. It was more than I could swallow so a lot of it dribbled from my chin. I used one of my hands to catch his cum as it dripped from my chin and I rubbed it onto my titties. I felt so naughty pulling my nipples while drink dog cum that I experienced a minor orgasm. I continued to swallow as much cum as I could but His Highness continued to pump jiz in my mouth. My stomach was full and still more poured out. I removed his cock and held it to my face and hot cum oozed from the tip coating my entire face. Finally he finished with me and walked over to a corner and lay down to rest. I searched the room only to find Mandi with four fingers stuffed in her cunt frigging herself as hard and as fast as she could. I smiled to myself as her beautiful body contorted in orgasm. I crawled over between her legs and used my tongue to add to her pleasure. She screamed as her orgasm intensified. After she regained normal breathing she stood and straightened her dress. She pointed to the ottoman and commanded, "Get your ass over there and get ready to train my puppies."

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Nathan waited at the end of the driveway for his driving instructor to pick him up for his first lesson. He was kicking the tree as he waited. Not only was the instructor late but he'd just had another argument with his mother. He didn't think driving lessons were necessary, he could drive well but his mother said he needed intensive lessons and she didn't have the time. This sucked, he thought, all his mates already had their licenses. His father had tried to talk her around but she insisted...

2 years ago
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Emilys meeting

Emily’s heart was nearly beating out of her chest as the taxi pulled up outside Seymours’ Wine Bar. She got out and the freezing autumn night air hit her so hard that her nipples stood to attention immediately through her tightly fitting short black woollen dress. It showed off her slender curves and flat tummy perfectly. The dance teaching had always paid off in that way. It gave absolutely no protection from the biting wind but so worth it when she saw the reactions it created. She opened the...

2 years ago
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Sex with Wild Lady

This is one of my friends story, he asked me to post for the Iss fans.This happened recently I had an food manufacturing unit. I had nearly 35 girls working in us on weekly basis. I had a nice time as a supervisor.My boss gave me the job of selecting the required staff for production for every week.I had a lady contractor who would fetch me girls every week. Her name is shanti. She is very strict towards workers and I was afraid to misbehave with her. One day a sexy girl named Vanitha came for...

2 years ago
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Football Mascot ndash Gabi

Football Mascot – GabiGabi was sucking on his favorite dick stick, the one owned by the black tackle of his dad’s football team. Talon was massive all over, but especially his cock. One of Gabi’s hands was sliding up and down on it. Gabi’s other hand was stroking the massive cock of the Center on the same team. Larry was white and even heavier than Talon but his cock was slightly, but only slightly, smaller. Pedro was between Gabi’s legs using his own massive cock to gently slap back and...

3 years ago
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LOVE HIM Hung Like A Bull Chapter 2

L h O i V m E-Chapter 2 Hung Like A Bull-On my way to the ranch the next morning Cody’s email played over in my mind like the flashing white lines reflected in the hubcaps. Every mile marker I passed became a metaphor for the all the steps it’s taken me to get this amazing guy into my life. I beat myself up wondered why in the hell it’s taken me so long to get serious with him? In my eyes he was perfect, his shy smile melted my heart, his perfect bubble butt I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off...

2 years ago
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Strong sex drive

Multifarious of sex that is nature has not only given women a two prong and exponentially stronger sex drive than men, it has also given women the ability to experience a far greater quantity, intensity, and variety of sexual pleasure and orgasm than men. This is nature’s way of motivating a woman to seek out sexual activity considering the risk she bears in doing so. (Even though today’s contraceptives greatly reduce these risks, they do nothing to diminish the internal triggers that drive a...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Runa Hagawa Calls her lover for some phone sex

Runa Hagawa is feeling a little lonely today. She calls up a lover and tells him she is feeling a bit horny as well and she is by herself. Well this conversation leads to something more than just a friendly check in. Runa also happens to be naked. This is a good starting point for a wonderful afternoon of masturbation. She is horny and naked and on the phone with a lover. The scene is set and now her lover chimes in that he is also horny for her now that she is calling him. He starts to direct...

2 years ago
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It was a pleasantly warm May afternoon. So nice, in fact, that I decided to cut my afternoon classes and spend time down at the pool like any intelligent 14 year old boy would do. Okay, so it was not my pool. My family didn’t own a pool. I was swimming in the pool at an apartment complex about 3 blocks from our house. I didn’t let the little fact that my family didn’t actually live at this apartment complex keep me from sneaking in and enjoying the cool water. I’d long discovered that the key...

4 years ago
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My new anal plays and experiments

When I had first sex experience with girl, I got addicted to sex and pussy. Always wanted more, loved to lick pussy, to feel juices on my face, to smell it, to play with it. Once I had this girl, she was a real nympho, she just liked to feel dick all the time. We lived together for like 8 months and we had sex from 3 to 10 times a day... Every day, for 8 months... Only when she was on her period first 2 days it is only blowjob and other days one sex per day. I learned a lot with her. I remember...

4 years ago
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College Friendship

Hi Everyone, First of all thank you all for you’re an amazing feedback for my last narration. Your comments made me to write this story. This story is just an imagination not like my previous one. The people who have missed my previous narration just go to lesbian category and check for “I love this new Genre” titled story… thank you For the people who don’t know about me… I am Kavi aging 34 from South India, Tamil Nadu happily married for 11 years and blessed with 2 kids. Last time I got few...

4 years ago
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SullyChapter 14

"Oh, my God!" Velvet cried, throwing her hands up to her face. "Jesus," was all Sammy could manage, rolling away from Velvet to lay prone on the bed. "Yeah." I said, my voice dry and cracked. I stifled a sob, for the memory of Megan's passing was still powerful. "She... left me an eight page letter telling me how much she loved me and how much she was going to miss me and that I should not let this hurt me too much." "But... I never knew she was ill until after she was...

2 years ago
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The Passion Of Art Version CharlieChapter 7C

It was a long trip home for Phil Hudson, and not because he was traveling ten thousand miles. Phil had a problem, and she was seated right beside him. Her name was Svetlana and she was his translator. Of course he wouldn't really need a translator when he got back home. But his translator would need him. He glanced over at her. Even now, after a year of working with her every day, he couldn't believe how much she looked like his daughter, Megan. That's what had attracted him to her in...

2 years ago
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Biker Bitch Chapter Twelve

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Twelve: The Last Ride Cassie lay on top of Natalie, rubbing her erect penis on Natalie's mons through two layers of satin panty. "If you come before you put that in me I'm going to make you pay bitch." Natalie reached down and squeezed Cassie's penis and smiled up at her lover. "I know it drives you wild; I can feel you getting wet through your panties." Cassie grinned down at Natalie and then she kissed her. Natalie was on the verge of...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 94 Marriage Interruptus

Alistair and I were just about to exchange rings, beautiful golden bands bought in Redcliffe village, of all places, when the main door to the Chantry slammed open with a bang. Startled, I looked over my shoulder to see a very red-faced, angry Arl Eamon storming down the aisle towards us. In the moment of shock, Alistair took action, using my hand to pull me behind him and straightening up, drawing up his full height. His expression remained neutral, calm, but I could feel the tension...

2 years ago
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Jessicas Fun

Jessica starts her day by taking a long hot shower. She shaves her legs and her pink pussy lips. She then washes her long dark brown hair and pins it up before she moves to washing the rest of her body. She slowly lathers up her body from her head to painted red toes making sure to wash every inch of her body along the way. Slowly she brushes against her soft pink nipples with the sponge and rubs them softly.Once Jessica finishes in the shower she leans over and grabs a towel off the rack to...

2 years ago
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STREET FIGHTER Tropical Dreams

The island of Dathtinas is not what you'd call conspicuous by any measure. It's a relatively small island resort in the Pacific. Self-governed. No major political importance. No warlord running the place that's quietly ruling the island with an iron fist... just a small air strip, and a resort of decent size. Hell, there isn't even a native population - the "locals" are all employees of the resort. You keep looking at the data, imagining another Bison or Seth or Gil behind the scenes... but the...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriend is a Succubus

Note from author: Thank you for the views, likes, and favorites. This is my first story here, so any feedback (positive or negative) you can give would be appreciated. You are free to add your own chapters as well. Special thanks to Regudeku or Regdic for her original manga chapters that this story is based on. Special Thanks to marshall626 for pointing out my mistakes in a few chapters. It was a nice summer morning. Kazuma was walking to high school. This was the start of his third and...

3 years ago
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Jennifer and Me

This is a fantasy from long ago about a black, female engineer friend. I am an Electrical Engineer, military computer design was what I did. Now I’m seventy-one and own a small store in a small town about seventy-five miles north of San Francisco. I sell mineral specimens, jewelry and Grateful Dead memorabilia. There was a black, female engineer friend that I’d known many years ago and sometimes, as I’m staring up into darkness waiting to fall asleep, she walks gently back into my...

4 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 181

It was 1600 when the congressional people decided they had heard enough. I was tired of the double talk as it was. It’s funny how many different ways someone can ask the same question and expect a different answer. I was surprised when a JBG helicopter landed outside the White House. I wasn’t expecting anyone so I walked out to it with several agents. It was a big helicopter - as big as or bigger than the luxury one we had at the Islands. All my mates were in it plus JJ, RJ, Takeo and Sara....

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 10 Jessies Heart Skips a Beat

Paul Terrence had no sooner switched off the vehicle’s engine and stepped out onto the driveway when he was set upon by a wild cat. That wild cat was his kid sister and as soon as she saw him stepping out of that Ford pick-up she raced up the driveway and flung her herself onto his back. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Kate Terrence didn’t even care that her short skirt had ridden up her legs as she did this and that she was now flashing her white...

2 years ago
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Gym Shower TimemdashPart 2

Caleb and Anthony locked up and left the gym headed to grab a bite to eat. As they grabbed a bite at the local deli, they looked at each other like they never had before. Caleb couldn't believe what had happened at the gym. He had just let a dude blow him for the first time--and he loved it! Caleb had never been with a guy before. He had strictly fucked chicks and truly never even imagined a guy before. That was until now. Now, he couldn't get the idea of Anthony deep throating his hard cut...

2 years ago
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Sibling reunion leads to new relationship Chapter 6

Introduction: This is the last chapter. Sorry if it is too short for ya. This is the last chapter. Sorry if it is too short for ya. Chapter 6: Time together The filming lasted about eight weeks finally a day dawned when Bobby awoke spooned against Jessie. He smiled realising that today was their own, the filming was finished and they could relax. He lay behind Jessie his morning erection pressed between the cheeks of her arse his left arm was wrapped around her, his hand resting on her left...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Layla London Delete that Video

Layla was taking a shower and having some alone time with her favorite vibrator. when her step brother bambino decided it would be a great idea to crack the door open and take some video on his phone of his step sister fucking herself with her vib. a while had passed by until Layla noticed what bambino was doing. Layla immediately freaked out and requested for Bambino to delete the videos. Of course bambino refused and told Layla if she wanted the videos deleted she would have to do something...

1 year ago
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Reddit Horny, aka r/Horny! What would you give in order to be in a community filled with the dirtiest perverts ever? Well, I wouldn’t give much, but what if they also added that it’s mostly chicks showing off their goods? Now we’re talkin’! I would snag that offer up in an instant! Well, it seems that I have something like that for you today. The price? Fucking free. Keep reading to find out more about the subreddit we’re taking a look at today. It’s called /r/horny and it’s all about making a...

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2 years ago
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Mommys Turn

so i spent the first few days with sibblings; i think now it's time i spent some time with mother dearest. fortunately her husband had to spend time with his family in orange county; which I antispated...leaving her with her husband before he takes off, did not only give me time to taste my sister and her girlfriends and along with my brothers girlfriends panties; but it also gave her husband a chance to fuck my mom like a dirty whore and hopefully leaving me a cum filled pussy for me to...

2 years ago
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Aurat Ki Pyaas

Hello friends main Karan ek baar fhir apni kahan leke haazir hun maeri pichli kahani ka bhi accha response mila uske liye thankyou. ab kahani…ye baat ab se 2 mahine pehele ki hai meri buldin mein upar wale floor pe ek lady rehti hai unka naam sonam hai wo shadishuda hai par unke husband IT company mein kaam karte hai aur pichle 1 saal se wo london mein hai , main sonam ji ko jab bhi dekhta to mera lund tan jata wo karin 28-29 saal ki hongi akeli rehti thi aur kya bhara hua aur gora jism hai...

3 years ago
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My changing fortunes 01

I had been sneaking looks at this brunette for about an hour, before I drank enough to build my courage up to talk to her. I bought her a drink and I began to chat to her, as she didn’t tell me to fuck off; I sat down next to her. We had nothing in common, but I so wanted to fuck her. Her name was Daniela, as I found out after we exchanged names. She kissed me on the neck then on my lips, after I bought her another drink. “Do you want to come over to my place for a drink?” She asked, as...

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Sallys Second Conquest

Randy became my part time help and yard boy. I knew enough to keep him at arms length. I felt prudent I keep it a once a week thing. I may enjoy his attention and enjoy our time together, but I laid down the law before we had some fun again. He was not permitted to call me, If I wanted him, I would call. Secondly I paid him to work, not to fuck. He was there to work, the screwing was just a pleasant past time between friends. The routine usually worked out on Tuesday and Thursday as he did not...

2 years ago
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Me and my MotherinLaw

Linda and I use to live in a mobile home near her parents mobile home. We live almost next door to each other. Linda works on the weekends and I have the weekends off, so on my days off I usually sit watch tv naked. One day my mother-in-law came over, I had to get my robe on to answer the door. She came in and we talked for a bit, I went and sat down on the couch and I sometime sit indian style. My mother-in-law Tammy was standing, and she kept starring at me, I didn’t realized she could see my...

1 year ago
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Are you an Android Adult or just a human pervert looking for some new ways to jerk off using your phone? Either way, I’ve got something for you today I think you’re going to enjoy. Hell, maybe you’ve even heard of it already because the site gets millions of visitors every month. That kind of traffic tells you they’ve got something worth busting out the lube and the crusty old gym sock for, and you know how much I love to check out anything with naked chicks humping, anime footjobs, and video...

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